path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras')
63 files changed, 4202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ASMEbox.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ASMEbox.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6dc9d02d8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ASMEbox.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# ASME_Y14-5.m4
+`textht = 11bp__*2/3
+ iflatex(`command "{\sf"')')
+ boxht = 7.5/0.5*textht
+ boxwid = 15/7.5 * boxht
+ circlerad = 2.3/0.5*textht*0.5
+ thicklines_(1)
+# ASME Y14.5 specs:
+ arrowht = textht*0.8
+ arrowwid = textht*0.6
+ Box: box
+ Circle: circle at Box.c; {CM: move from down textht right textht}
+CLU: ctrline( up_ with .c at Box.c, )
+CLH: ctrline( right with .c at Box.c, )
+ dimension_(from Box.nw to Box.n,
+ thicklines_(1)
+ {Y14_frame("10") with .s at AS_C+(0,textht/2)}
+ thinlines_
+ line from 3rd last line.start to CLU.end
+ dimension_(from Box.w to Box.nw,
+ thicklines_(1)
+ {Y14_frame("5") with .e at AS_C+(-textht/2,0)}
+ thinlines_
+ line from 4th last line.start to CLH.start
+ DA: Y14_frame("A") at*1.5,textht*5)
+ datumarrow(from DA.s to (DA,Box.n))
+ DB: Y14_frame("B") at Box.sw+(-textht*5,textht*2)
+ datumarrow(from DB.e to (Box.w,DB))
+ F: Y14_frame(Y14_pos_,
+ Y14_dia_;"0.03";"(M)",
+ "A","B","C") with .w at*4,-textht*2)
+ G: Y14_frame(Y14_fla_,Y14_cyl_,Y14_lin_,
+ Y14_sur_,Y14_per_,Y14_ang_,
+ Y14_par_) with .nw at F.sw+(0,-0.1)
+ H: Y14_frame(Y14_pos_,Y14_cir_,Y14_tot_,Y14_dia_) \
+ with .nw at G.sw+(0,-0.1)
+ { CB: move left textht from F.w }
+ arrow <- from to Intersect_(CM,CB) then to F.w
+command iflatex(`"}"',ifsvg(`"</g>"'))
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Ant.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Ant.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4a22226a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Ant.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Ant.m4 (Langton's ant)
+ picwid = 5
+ D: (0,0); DD: (1,0); t[D] = 0
+ minx = 0; miny = 0; maxx = 0; maxy = 0
+ for i = 0 to 10500 do {
+ if (t[D]%2) == 0 then { DD: (-DD.y,DD.x) } else { DD: (DD.y,-DD.x) }
+ t[D] += 1
+ D: D+DD
+ if D.x > maxx then { maxx = D.x; for y = miny to maxy do { t[maxx,y] = 0 }} \
+ else { if D.x < minx then {
+ minx = D.x; for y = miny to maxy do { t[minx,y] = 0 }}}
+ if D.y > maxy then { maxy = D.y; for x = minx to maxx do { t[x,maxy] = 0 }} \
+ else { if D.y < miny then {
+ miny = D.y; for x = minx to maxx do { t[x,miny] = 0 }}}
+ }
+ boxwid = picwid/(maxx-minx)
+ boxht = picwid/(maxy-miny)
+ if boxht > boxwid then { boxht = boxwid } else { boxwid = boxht }
+ circlerad = boxht/2
+ hue = 240; val = 1
+ for i = minx to maxx do { for j = miny to maxy do {
+ if t[i,j]!=0 then { sat = (t[i,j]%20)/20
+ hsvtorgb(hue,sat,val,r,g,b)
+ circle colored rgbstring(r,g,b) at (-i,j)*boxwid } }}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ArrowFn.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ArrowFn.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8ca1527224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ArrowFn.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# ArrowFn.m4
+textoffset = 3bp__
+ brad = 0.04
+ bht = 0.4
+ bwid = 0.25
+define(`rbox',`box rad brad outlined "orange"')
+B1: [
+ linethick = 1.2
+ arrowwid = 0.08
+ rbox wid 5*boxwid ht 3/2*boxwid
+ line from last box.w-(bht/4,0) "\Large $X$" above ljust
+T: Here
+ arrow up bwid right bwid then right bwid
+F: rbox ht bht "\Large $f$"
+ {"\Large $Y$" above ljust }
+ arrow down bwid right bwid from T then right boxwid + bwid*3/2
+G: rbox ht bht "\Large $g$"
+ {"\Large $Z$" above ljust }
+S: circle diam bht "\Large $+$" at (G.e.x+boxwid,(F.y+G.y)/2)
+ d = F.y-S.nw.y
+ arrow from F.e to S.nw+(-d,d) then to S.nw
+ arrow from G.e to S.sw+(-d,-d) then to S.sw
+ arrow right from S.e
+ ]
+ bht = bht/2
+ sbwid = boxwid*3/4
+ bbwid = sbwid*5/4
+ dh = bht/2
+B1: rbox wid bbwid ht bbwid
+B2: rbox wid sbwid*3/2 ht bbwid at B1+(3/2*bbwid,0)
+B3: rbox wid bbwid ht bbwid at B2+(3/2*bbwid,0)
+B4: rbox wid sbwid*3/2 ht bbwid at B3+(3/2*bbwid,0)
+B5: rbox wid bbwid ht bbwid at B4+(3/2*bbwid,0)
+ F: rbox ht bht wid sbwid at B2.n-(0,bht*3/4) "$f$"
+BR: B2.s+(0,B2.n.y-F.y)
+ G: rbox ht bht wid sbwid at (B4,F) "$g$"
+ S: circle diam bht*3/2 at B5+(bht/2,0) "$+$"
+ arrow right from S.e
+ T: B1.w+(dh,0)
+B: rbox ht bbwid*5/4 wid boxwid*7.25 with .w at T-(sbwid*3/4,0)
+ { line from T left sbwid "$x$" above ljust }
+ arrow from T to (B1.e-(dh,0),F) then to F.w
+ arrow from F.e to (B3.w+(dh,0),F) then to (B3.e-(dh,0),BR)
+ continue to (B5.w+(dh,0),Here) then to S.sw
+ line thick 5 outlined "white" from B3.sw to chop brad
+ arrow from T to (B1.e-(dh,0),BR) then to (B3.w+(dh,0),BR) \
+ then to (B3.e-(dh,0),G) then to G.w
+ arrow from G.e to (B5.w+(dh,0),G) then to S.nw
+ ] with .nw at B1.sw+(0,-0.2)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Attention.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Attention.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f0b7127c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Attention.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Attention.m4
+scale = 2.54
+linethick = 0.2
+define dot2 { (($1).x*($2).x + ($1).y*($2).y) }
+ nlines = 128
+ nr = 50
+ innerrad = 1
+ outerrad = 8
+ diff = outerrad - innerrad
+B: box wid outerrad*2 ht outerrad*2 outline "red" shaded "red"
+C: circle rad outerrad at B
+ circle rad innerrad at C shaded "black"
+ P[0]: C+(innerrad,0)
+ t = 0
+ for i=1 to nr do {
+ r = innerrad+i/nr*diff
+ t = t + i/nr*(-pi_/2)/nr
+ P[i]: C+(rect_(r,t))
+ }
+ dth = twopi_/nlines
+ R: (cos(dth),-sin(dth))
+ S: (sin(dth),cos(dth))
+ for j = 0 to nlines-1 do {
+ for i=0 to nr do {
+ X: P[i]-C
+ Q[nr-i]: (dot2(R,X),dot2(S,X)) + C
+ }
+ shade(j%2,
+ fitcurve(P,nr)
+ line from P[nr] to Q[0]
+ fitcurve(Q,nr)
+ line from Q[nr] to P[0]
+ )
+ for i=0 to nr do { P[i]: Q[nr-i] }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Autoencoder.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Autoencoder.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92a81ac9509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Autoencoder.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Masked_Autoencoder.m4
+ circlerad = 0.2
+ circlesep = 0.5
+ rowsep = 0.9
+ arrowht = arrowht*0.8
+ arrowwid = arrowwid*1.4
+ linethick = 1
+define plan {
+ m = 0
+ for i=1 to 4 do {
+ for j=1 to ncircles[i] do {
+ exec sprintf("C[i,j]: circle thick 1.6 at Here \"\large\sf $%g\"",m+j)
+ if i>1 then {
+ if "$1"=="" then {
+ for k=1 to ncircles[i-1] do { arrow from C[i,j] to C[i-1,k] chop } }
+ }
+ if j!=ncircles[i] then { move right_ circlesep from C[i,j] }
+ }
+ m += ncircles[i]
+ case(i,
+ move to C[1,1]+(-circlesep/2,-rowsep),
+ move to C[2,1]+(0,-rowsep),
+ move to C[3,1]+(circlesep/2,-rowsep), )
+ }
+ }
+ gridsiz = 0.78/4
+define grid { [ SW: 0,0
+ for i=1 to $1 do {
+ move to (0,(0.5-i)*gridsiz)
+ exec sprintf("fv = $%g",2+i)
+ for j=1 to $2 do { fl = 1-(int(fv / 2^(j-1)) % 2)
+ box wid gridsiz ht gridsiz outlined "gray" shaded rgbstring(fl,fl,fl) }
+ } ]}
+define cxt {
+ m = 1
+ for i=2 to 4 do {
+ for j=1 to ncircles[i] do {
+ exec sprintf("narrows = $%g",m)
+ for k=1 to narrows do {
+ exec sprintf("cnum = $%g",m+k)
+ arrow from C[i,j] to C[i-1,cnum] chop
+ }
+ m += narrows+1
+ } } }
+ array(ncircles,3,4,4,3)
+ plan()
+ for j=1 to 3 do {
+ sprintf("$\hat{x}_%g$",j) at C[1,j].n above
+ sprintf("$x_%g$",j) at C[4,j].s+(0,-2bp__) below
+ }
+ "V" at 0.5 between C[2,1].w and C[1,1].w
+ "W$^2$" at 0.5 between C[3,1].w and C[2,1].w
+ "W$^1$" at 0.5 between C[3,1].w and C[4,1].w
+GV: grid(3,4,0,15,6) with .w at C[2,4]+(circlerad*2,rowsep/2)
+ "$=\hbox{M}^{\hbox{V}}$" at GV.e ljust
+G2: grid(4,4,13,0,0,13) with .w at (GV.w,C[3,4]+(circlerad*2,rowsep/2))
+ "$=\hbox{M}^{\hbox{V}^2}$" at G2.e ljust
+G1: grid(4,3,1,5,1,1) with .w at (GV.w,C[4,3]+(circlerad*2,rowsep/2))
+ "$=\hbox{M}^{\hbox{V}^1}$" at G1.e ljust
+ move to (GV.x+3*circlesep,C[1,1].y)
+ plan(3,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2)
+ for i=2 to 4 do {
+ rgbdraw(0.5,0.5,0.5,
+ cxt(2,1,3,0,0,2,1,3, 0,4,1,2,3,4,0,0, 0,4,1,2,3,4,0) )
+ cxt(0,1,1,1,1,0, 2,2,3,0,2,2,3,2,2,3, 0,0,3,1,3,4)
+ }
+ for j=1 to 3 do { sprintf("$x_%g$",j) at C[4,j].s+(0,-2bp__) below }
+ arrow dotted from C[1,2].n up circlesep/2; "$p(x_2)$" above
+ "$p(x_3|x_2)$" at (C[1,3]+(circlesep/2,0),last "") above
+ arrow dotted from C[1,3] to last "".s chop circlerad chop textoffset
+ "$p(x_1|x_2,x_3)$" at (C[1,1]+(-circlesep/2,0),last "") above
+ arrow dotted from C[1,1] to last "".s chop circlerad chop textoffset
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Bridge.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Bridge.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..74717922391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Bridge.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Bridge.m4
+linewid = 1.5
+ down_
+ AC: source(up_ elen_,S)
+ line right_ elen_
+ dlen = linewid*2/3
+Bridge: [
+ N: Here; S: Here+(0,-2*dlen); E: N+(dlen,-dlen); W: N+(-dlen,-dlen)
+ diode(from N to E)
+ diode(from S to E)
+ diode(from W to N)
+ diode(from W to S)
+ ] at (Here,AC)
+ line from Bridge.N to last line.end
+ line from Bridge.S to (Bridge.S,AC.start)
+ Gr: line to AC.start
+ line from Bridge.E right_ dlen
+ G: gap(down_,1); llabel(+,,-)
+ line from Bridge.W left_ dlen/4
+ crossover(to (Here,G.end),,Gr)
+ line to G.end chop 0 chop dotrad_
+ [ L: line right_ linewid/3
+ sinusoid( linewid/6,twopi_/linewid*4,-pi_/2,0,linewid/8) with .End at L
+ sinusoid( linewid/6,twopi_/linewid*4,-pi_/2,0,linewid/8) with .Start at L
+ ] at G
+ R: resistor(down_ G.len from G.start+(dimen_/2,0)); llabel(,R)
+ arrow wid arrowwid*2 from R.start to 0.5<R.start,G.start>
+ arrow wid arrowwid*2 from R.end to 0.5<R.end,G.end>
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/CSlight.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/CSlight.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..720e74f9e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/CSlight.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Csource.m4
+ ifmpost(command "verbatimtex")
+ command "\newcommand\scriptstack[2][c]{\hbox{\scriptsize\shortstack[#1]{#2}}}%"
+ command "{\scriptsize"
+ ifmpost(command "etex")
+setrgb(density, density, density)
+ linewid = 0.4
+ J: mosfet(down_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,R,L),uHSDF,E)
+ "\scriptstack[l]{$Q_{`$2'}$\\ 2N5464}" at J.n+(0,8pt__)
+ G: J.G
+ line ifelse(`$1',,right,left) dimen_/4 from J.D
+ Q: bi_tr(up_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,L,R),,E) with .B at Here
+ ifelse(`$1',,r,l)label(,`\scriptstack[m4lr]{$Q_{`$3'}$\\ 2N4239}')
+ E: Q.E
+ S: dot(at (Q.C,J.S))
+ line from J.S to S then to Q.C ]')
+ J: mosfet(down_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,R,L),dHSDF,E)
+ "\scriptstack[l]{$Q_{`$2'}$\\ 2N3819}" at J.s-(0,8pt__)
+ G: J.G
+ line ifelse(`$1',,right,left) dimen_/4 from J.S
+ Q: bi_tr(down_ dimen_,ifelse(`$1',,R,L),P,E) with .B at Here
+ ifelse(`$1',,l,r)label(,`\scriptstack[m4lr]{$Q_{`$3'}$\\ 2N4236}')
+ E: Q.E
+ S: dot(at (Q.C,J.D))
+ line from J.D to S then to Q.C ]')
+ R2: resistor(down_ dimen_)
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_2$\\ 150}')
+ dot
+ Q13: bi_tr(down_ dimen_,,P,E) with .E at Here
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$Q_{13}$\\ 2N4236}')
+ line down 3.1*elen_ from Q13.C
+ Q14: bi_tr(up_ dimen_,R,,E) with .C at Here
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$Q_{14}$\\ 2N4239}')
+ dot(at Q14.E)
+ { line left_ dimen_*1.3 then up_ dimen_
+ R1: potentiometer(up_ dimen_) with .Start at Here
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_1$\\ $20\,$K}')
+ { ground(at R1.T1) }
+ line from R1.End to (R1.End,Q13.E) then to Q13.E }
+ { dot(at Q13.C+(0,-elen_))
+ line to (R1.R,Here)+(-dimen_/2,0)
+ { arrowline(right_ dimen_/2); llabel(,i_1) }
+ V1: gap(down_ dimen_,1); rlabel(+,V_1,-)
+ line down_ dimen_/4 chop dotrad_ chop 0; ground(,T) }
+ R3: resistor(down_ dimen_)
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_3$\\ 150}')
+ dot(at Q13.C+(0,-2*elen_))
+ line right_ dimen_/2
+ A1: opamp with .In2 at Here; "$A_1$" at A1.C
+ "`\scriptstack[l]{Nexus\\ SQ-10A}'" at A1.s below
+ line left_ dimen_/4 from A1.In1 then up_ dimen_/2 then right dimen_
+ dot
+ { resistor(up_ elen_)
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$R_{14}$\\ $19\,$K}')
+ line to (Here,Q13.E) then to Q13.E }
+ line to (A1.Out,Here)
+ dot
+ { line to A1.Out
+ dot
+ resistor(down_ to (Here,Q14.E))
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_{13}$\\ $91\,$K}')
+ line to Q14.E }
+ R6: resistor(right_ dimen_)
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_6$\\ $15\,$K}')
+ dot
+ line to (Here,A1.In1) then right_ dimen_/4
+ A2: opamp with .In1 at Here; "$A_2$" at A2.C
+ "`\scriptstack[l]{Nexus\\ SQ-10A}'" at A2.s below
+ line left_ dimen_/4 from A2.In2
+ ground
+ dot(at A2.Out)
+ DP1: npair(,3,4) with .E at (A2.Out,Q14.B)+(elen_*1.25,0)
+ line from A2.Out to (A2.Out,DP1.G) then to DP1.G
+ line from DP1.E to (DP1.E,R3.bottom); dot
+ D4: reversed(`diode',up_ dimen_/2 from DP1.S)
+ D3: reversed(`diode',up_ dimen_/2 from Here+(0,-dimen_/6))
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$D_4$\\ OMC-V\\ $D_3$}')
+ DP2: ppair(,1,2) with .E at (DP1.E,Q13.B)
+ D1: diode(down_ dimen_/2 from DP2.S)
+ D2: diode(down_ dimen_/2 from Here+(0,dimen_/6))
+ rlabel(,`\raisebox{5pt}{\scriptstack[r]{$D_1$\\ $D_2$\\ OMC-V}}')
+ dot(at (Here,A2))
+ line to D2.bottom
+ line from DP2.G to (A2.Out,DP2.G) then to A2.Out
+ line from DP2.E to (DP2.E,; dot
+ T: dot(at (DP1.E,A2)+(dimen_,0))
+ DP3: npair(,7,8) with .G at (Here,DP1.G)+(dimen_/4,0)
+ dot(at DP3.E)
+ line to Q14.B
+ DP4: ppair(,5,6) with .G at (DP3.G,DP2.G)
+ dot(at DP4.E)
+ line to Q13.B
+ line from DP3.G to (T,DP3.G) then to (T,DP4.G) then to DP4.G
+ R11: resistor(down_ dimen_ from DP4.S)
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$R_{11}$\\ $20$}')
+ D5: diode(up_ from DP3.S to (DP3.S,A2),Z)
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$D_5$\\ 1N4729$_{\vphantom{1}}$}')
+ line to R11.end
+ C4: capacitor(right_ dimen_*1.3 from DP3.S,C)
+ llabel(`C_4'); rlabel(,`0.68\,\mu\hbox{F}')
+ C3: capacitor(right_ dimen_*1.3 from DP4.S,C)
+ llabel(`C_3'); rlabel(,`0.68\,\mu\hbox{F}')
+ dot
+ dot(at (Here,R6))
+ C2: reversed(`capacitor',left_ dimen_*1.3,C)
+ rlabel(,,`C_2'); llabel(,`0.1\,\mu\hbox{F}')
+ line to R6.end
+ R5: resistor(up_ from R6.end to (R6.end,Q13.B))
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_5$\\ $100\,$K}')
+ dot(at,dimen_/2))
+ line left_ dimen_/2
+ capacitor(down_ dimen_,C)
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$C_1$\\ $1\,\mu$F}')
+ ground(,T)
+ line from DP4.E to (DP4.E,R2.bottom)
+ resistor(up_ to (Here,
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_9$\\ $910$}')
+ dot
+ resistor(down_ from DP3.E to (DP3.E,R3.bottom))
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_{10}$\\ $910$}')
+ dot
+ line from to (R5,Q13.E)
+ resistor(right_ elen_)
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_4$\\ $100\,$K}')
+ line to (C4.end,Here) then to C4.end
+ DP5: npair(L,11,10) with .E at (C4.end,DP1.E)+(elen_*0.8,0)
+ line from DP5.E to (DP5.E,R3.bottom); dot
+ line from R3.bottom to Here+(dimen_/2,0)
+ dot(,,1)
+ `"${}-E_{CC}$"' ljust
+ D6: diode(up_ from DP5.S to (DP5.S,A2),Z)
+ llabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$D_6$\\ 1N4728}')
+ DP6: ppair(L,12,9) with .E at (DP5.E,DP2.E)
+ line from DP6.E to (DP6.E,; dot
+ line from to Here+(dimen_/2,0)
+ dot(,,1)
+ `"${}+E_{CC}$"' ljust
+ resistor(down_ from DP6.S to (DP6.S,C2))
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[r]{$R_{12}$\\ $20$}')
+ dot
+ { line to C2.e }
+ line to D6.end
+ Vr: dot(at (DP6.G,,0))
+ line from DP6.G to (Vr,DP6.G) then to (Vr,DP5.G) then to DP5.G
+ reversed(`arrowline',right_ dimen_/2 from Vr); llabel(,i_2)
+ V2: gap(down_ dimen_,1); llabel(+,V_2,-)
+ line down_ dimen_/4 chop dotrad_ chop 0; ground(,T)
+ dot(at (Vr,T))
+ resistor(left_ to (DP6.E,Here))
+ rlabel(,`\scriptstack[l]{$R_{15}$\\ $200$}')
+ line to (DP1.E,Here)
+ dot
+ command "ifmpost(verbatimtex) }% ifmpost(etex)"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Ccurve.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Ccurve.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f3b537aac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Ccurve.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Ccurve.m4
+scale = 1.5
+# Gosper C curve
+`define' c_curve {if $3==0 then { continue by ($1,$2) } else {
+ c_curve( ($1-$2)/2, ($1+$2)/2, $3-1)
+ c_curve( ($1+$2)/2, ($2-$1)/2, $3-1)}}
+line from 0,4 to 0,4
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df83a8ce0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Chuck.m4
+gen_init s_init(Views) sinclude(tst.dim)
+ `r_box(angle,pos,string)
+ Rotated text on a white background
+ (requires pstricks)'
+ `ifpstricks(`M4tmp: ifelse(`$2',,Here,`$2')
+ command sprintf("\rput{%g}(%g,%g){",`$1',crl(M4tmp.x),crl(M4tmp.y))
+ f_box(`$3') at Orig
+ command "}%"')')
+ `r_dimen(linespec,offset,label,tic offset,<->,pos)
+ dimension_ with rotated text on white background'
+ `M4tmp: dimension_(`$1',`$2',,,`$4',`$5')
+ r_box(rp_ang*rtod_,ifelse(`$6',,M4tmp+vec_(0,`$2'),`$6'),`$3')')
+ `ctrline(linespec,len)
+ Centerline'
+define(`ctrline',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ define(`m4h',ifelse(`$2',,1*scale,`$2'))dnl
+ m4n = int(rp_len/2/(m4h))*2+1
+ for i=1 to m4n do {
+ line to rvec_(rp_len/m4n/2-cdashl/2-cgapl,0)
+ move to rvec_(cgapl,0); line to rvec_(cdashl,0); move to rvec_(cgapl,0)
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(rp_len/m4n/2-cdashl/2-cgapl,0) } ')
+ `ctrarcr(pos,radius,startang,endang,len)
+ Arc cr centerline'
+ define(`m5h',ifelse(`$5',,1*scale,`$5'))dnl
+ rp_len = abs((`$2')*(`$4'-(`$3')))
+ m5n = int(rp_len/2/(m5h))*2+1
+ m5a = (rp_len/m5n/2-cdashl/2-cgapl)/(`$2')
+ m5s = cdashl/(`$2')
+ m5sa = `$3'
+ for m4irr=1 to m5n do {
+ arc from `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa)) to `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa+m5a)) \
+ with .c at `$1'
+ m5sa = m5sa+m5a+cgapl/(`$2')
+ arc from `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa)) to `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa+m5s)) \
+ with .c at `$1'
+ m5sa = m5sa+m5s+cgapl/(`$2')
+ arc from `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa)) to `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa+m5a)) \
+ with .c at `$1'
+ m5sa = m5sa+m5a
+ } ')
+scale = 25.4*2
+tic = 3.6bp__
+command "{\sf"
+ arrowwid = 1.5*arrowwid; arrowht = 1.5*arrowht; ')
+d1 = 230
+d2 = 204
+d3 = 140
+ visibleth = 1.2
+ dimensionth = 0.4
+ hiddenth = dimensionth
+Orig: Here
+ D3: circle diam d3 at Orig
+ D2: circle diam d2 at Orig
+ rr = d1/2
+ r = 40
+ h = 110/2
+ thet = asin((h+r)/(rr+r))
+ X1: rect_(rr,thet)
+ P1: rect_(rr+r,thet)
+ cross(at (P1.x,-P1.y))
+ cross(at (-P1.x,P1.y))
+# Top outer visible line
+# top arcs
+ arc ccw from (-P1.x,h) to (-X1.x,X1.y) with .c at (-P1.x,P1.y)
+ arc cw to X1 with .c at Orig
+ arc ccw from X1 to (P1.x,h) with .c at P1
+# right end
+ line from (P1.x,h) to (305/2,h) then to (305/2,32/2) then left 40-3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line down 32-2*3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+dimension_thick {
+ r_dimen(up 32 with .c at (305/2-5,0),0,32)
+ arrow <- up 8 right 8 then right 4 from last arc.sw
+ "3$\,$R" ljust
+ r_dimen(up h*2 at (305/2,0),-10,110)
+}; visible_thick
+ line right 40-3 then to (305/2,-h) then to (P1.x,-h)
+# bottom arcs
+ arc ccw to (X1.x,-X1.y) with .c at P1.x,-P1.y
+ arc cw to (-X1.x,-X1.y) with .c at Orig
+ arc ccw to (-P1.x,-h) with .c at (-P1.x,-P1.y)
+# left end
+ line from (-P1.x,-h) to (-305/2,-h) then to (-305/2,-25/2) then right 25
+ down; arc ccw rad 3
+ line right 40-25-2*3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line up 25
+ {R: line invis down 10 at (2nd last line,last line) }
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line left 40-25-2*3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line to (-305/2,25/2) then to (-305/2,h) then to (-P1.x,h)
+# centre
+ ctrline(right 305-30 with .c at Orig,60)
+ ctrline(up d1+10 with .c at Orig,)
+ {BX: box invis ht 25+2*3 wid 40-25 rad 3 with .w at (-305/2+25,0)}
+ Q: line invis from BX.n to BX.s; R: line invis from up 10 left 10
+ X: Intersect_(Q,R)
+ line <-> from to X then to (X.x,-X.y) then to BX.nw
+ r_box(90,BX,```3$\,$R''')
+# Drill centres
+ D[1]: 35,sqrt(85^2-35^2)
+ D[2]: -D[1].x,D[1].y
+ D[3]: -D[1].x,-D[1].y
+ D[4]: D[1].x,-D[1].y
+ ctrline(from D[3] to D[1] chop 15)
+ ctrline(to rvec_(2*15,0))
+ ctrline(from D[3]+vec_(-15,0) to D[3]+vec_(15,0))
+ ctrline(from D[2] to D[4] chop 15)
+ ctrline(to rvec_(2*15,0))
+ ctrline(from D[2]+vec_(-15,0) to D[2]+vec_(15,0))
+ for i=1 to 4 do {
+ circle diam 16 at D[i]
+ for j = 0 to 7 do { arcr(D[i],23/2,j/8*twopi_,(j+3/4)/8*twopi_) ccw }
+ }
+ for s=-1 to 1 by 2 do {
+ line dashed from (-305/2,s*h) to (305/2,s*h)
+ line dashed from (-305/2,s*30.6) to (305/2,s*30.6)
+ line dashed from (-305/2,s*21.1) to (305/2,s*21.1)
+ line dashed from (-305/2+25+2,s*21.1) to (305/2,s*21.1)
+ line dashed dashwid/2 from (-305/2+25,s*25/2) down -s*(40/2-25/2-2);
+ if s<0 then { arc dashed dashwid/4 ccw rad 2 } \
+ else { up; arc dashed dashwid/4 cw rad 2 }
+ line dashed to ((305/2,0),Here)
+ for k = -1 to 1 by 2 do {
+ move to (k*305/2,s*(30.6+10))
+ { dashline(from Here+(0,s*9.5/2) right -k*16,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(right -k*9.5/2/2 up -s*9.5/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*9.5/2/2 up -s*9.5/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*16,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(from Here+(-k*16,0) up s*9.5,,dashwid/2.5) }
+ { dashline(from Here+(0,s*11/2) right -k*36.5,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(right -k*11/2/2 up -s*11/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*11/2/2 up -s*11/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*36.5,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(from Here+(-k*36.5,0) up s*11,,dashwid/2.5) }
+ { dashline(from Here+(0,s*13/2) right -k*32,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(down s*13,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(left -k*32,,dashwid/2) }
+ ctrline(right -k*20 chop -3 chop 0); ctrline(right -k*20 chop 0 chop -3)
+ }
+ }
+# bottom
+ dimension_(from (-305/2,-h) to (305/2,-h),-(rr*1.1-h),"305",20pt__)
+# outer radii
+ r_dimen(from (-P1.x,P1.y) down 40*cosd(30) right 40*sind(30),0,40,,->)
+ r_dimen(from (P1.x,-P1.y)+(Rect_(40,120)) \
+ down 40*cosd(30) right 40*sind(30),0,40,,<-)
+# main diameter
+ r_dimen(from (Rect_(rr,180+50)) to (Rect_(rr,50)),,230,,,(Rect_(50,50)))
+# inner circles
+ r_dimen(from (Rect_(d2/2,180+25)) to (Rect_(d2/2,25)),,204,,,(Rect_(25,25)))
+ r_dimen(from (Rect_(d3/2,180-12)) to (Rect_(d3/2,-12)),,140,,,(Rect_(25,-12)))
+# bolt hole placement diameter
+ r_dimen(from Orig to (Rect_(85,-43)),,``85$\,$R'',,->,(Rect_(20,-43)))
+# left slot
+ r_dimen(from (-305/2+6,-25/2) up 25,0,25)
+ r_dimen(from (-305/2,-26) right 40,0,40)
+ line from last line.end to (last line.end.x,BX.s.y) chop -tic chop 0
+ r_dimen(from (-305/2,26) right 25,0,25)
+ line from last line.end to (last line.end.x,BX.n.y) chop -tic chop 0
+# right slot
+ r_dimen(from (305/2-40,-32/2-10) right 40,0,40)
+ line from (305/2-40,-32/2) down 10+tic
+# drill-holes
+ for i=1 to 4 do {
+ ctrarcr(Orig,85,atan2(D[i].y,D[i].x)-10*dtor_,atan2(D[i].y,D[i].x)+10*dtor_)
+ }
+ ctrarcr(Orig,85,atan2(D[4].y,D[4].x)+10*dtor_,atan2(D[4].y,D[4].x)+25*dtor_)
+ ctrline(up 30 at D[3])
+ ctrline(up 30 at D[4])
+ r_dimen(from D[3]+(0,-14) right 35,0,35)
+ r_dimen(from (0,D[3].y-14) right 35,0,35)
+# arrow <- down 30 left 30 from D[3] chop 16/2 chop 0 then left 5
+# "16 DRILL 23 CBORE" rjust "4 HOLES" rjust
+# arrow <- from (-305/2,30.6+10+2) up 5 left 5 then up 13
+# s_box(SEE (A)) with .sw at Here+(-5pt__,2pt__)
+command "}%"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Clocks.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Clocks.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c8cd097daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Clocks.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# AntiqueClock.m4
+# `hms2deg(hr,min,sec) hr:min:sec to degrees
+# blank arg1: degrees for minute hand
+# blank arg1 and arg2: degrees for second hand'
+ `ifelse(`$2',,
+ `(90-pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/60*360)',
+ `(90-(pmod(`$2',60)/60 + pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/60/60)*360)')',
+ `(90-(pmod(`$1',12) + pmod(ifelse(`$2',,0,`$2'),60)/60 + dnl
+ pmod(ifelse(`$3',,0,`$3'),60)/3600)/12*360)')')
+# `SecondHand(length,hr,min,sec)'
+define(`SecondHand',`[ shsf = (`$1')/3.2
+ C: Here
+ { L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(,,`$4')))) }
+ line thick 8*shsf to rvec_(`$1',0)
+ ]')
+# `AntiqueMinuteHand(length,hr,min,sec)'
+define(`AntiqueMinuteHand',`[ mhsf = (`$1')/2.84
+ L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(,`$3',`$4'))))
+ C: circle fill_(0) diam 0.47*mhsf at L.start
+ move to C
+ spline from rvec_(0,0.047*mhsf) \
+ to rvec_(1.65*mhsf,0.11*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(`$1',0.018*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(`$1',-0.018*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(1.65*mhsf,-0.11*mhsf) \
+ then to rvec_(0,-0.047*mhsf) \
+ shaded rgbstring(0,0,0)
+ ]')
+# `AntiqueHourHand(length,hr,min,sec)'
+define(`AntiqueHourHand',`[ hhsf = (`$1')/2.2
+ L: rpoint_(to (Rect_(`$1',hms2deg(`$2',`$3',`$4'))))
+ C: circle fill_(0) diam 0.6*hhsf at L.start
+ move to C
+ v = 0.25*hhsf
+ { line to rvec_(1.1*hhsf,0) thick 0.15/(1bp__)*hhsf }
+ { C1: circle rad v at rvec_(1.25*hhsf,0) fill_(0) }
+ d = `$1'-1.25*hhsf
+ q = 1bp__*hhsf
+ r1 = (d^2 + q^2 - v^2)/(v-q)/2
+ h = r1+v
+ shade(0,
+ arc ccw from C1+vec_(d/h*v,(r1+q)/h*v) to \
+ C1+vec_(d,q) rad r1 with .c at C1+vec_(d,r1+q)
+ arc ccw from C1+vec_(d,-q) to C1+vec_(d/h*v,-(r1+q)/h*v) rad r1 \
+ with .c at C1+vec_(d,-r1-q))
+ ]')
+define(`AntiqueClock',`[ # h,m,s,diam
+# Clock size parameters
+ # outer radius
+ hour = ifelse(`$1',,3,`$1')
+ minute = ifelse(`$2',,41,`$2')
+ second = ifelse(`$3',,51,`$3')
+ ifelse(`$4',,`skale=0.5; r1=2',`r1=(`$4')/2; skale=r1/4')
+ r2 = r1-0.5*skale
+ r3 = r2-0.14*skale
+ r4 = r3 - 0.35*skale
+ r5 = r4 - 0.17*skale
+ r6 = r5 - 0.63*skale
+ r7 = r6 - 0.17*skale
+ shadethick = 1.0
+C: circle thick 0.2 rad r1
+define shadeline {
+ s = 1-($`'1)*2
+ v = r*s
+ h = sqrt(r^2-v^2)
+ t = 1-abs(s)
+ line from (vrot_(-h,v,cost,sint)) to (vrot_(h,v,cost,sint)) \
+ thick shadethick outlined rgbstring(t,t,t)
+ }
+ r = r1 # Bezel outer
+ nlines = int(2*r/(shadethick pt__)*1.1)
+ cost = cosd(10); sint = sind(10);
+ ShadeObject(shadeline,nlines, 0, 0,0,0,
+ 0.5, 1,1,1,
+ 1, 0,0,0 ) at C
+ r = r2 # Bezel inner
+ nlines = int(2*r/(shadethick pt__)*1.1)
+ cost = cosd(-10); sint = sind(-10);
+ ShadeObject(shadeline,nlines, 0, 0,0,0,
+ 0.25, 0.8,0.8,0.8,
+ 0.5, 1,1,1,
+ 0.75, 0.8,0.8,0.8,
+ 1, 0,0,0 ) at C
+# Clock face
+Face: circle thick 0 fill_(1) rad r3 at C
+ circle rad r4 at C
+ circle rad r5 at C
+ circle rad r6 at C
+ circle rad r7 at C
+define rotext {
+sprintf("`$'1 ifpstricks(\rput[C]{%g}(0,0){%g},
+ifpgf(\rotatebox{%g}{%g}))",`$'2,`$'3) }
+# Outer numbers
+ command sprintf("\font\outerfont=cmss12 at %4.2fin",r3-r4)
+ for mn = -15 to 15 by 5 do { rotext(\outerfont,-mn/60*360,pmod(mn,60)) \
+ at C+(Rect_((r3+r4)/2,90-mn/60*360)) }
+ for mn = 20 to 40 by 5 do { rotext(\outerfont,180-mn/60*360,mn) \
+ at C+(Rect_((r3+r4)/2,90-mn/60*360)) }
+# Outer tics
+ for mn = 1 to 60 do { t = 90-mn/60*360
+ line from C+(Rect_(r5,t)) to C+(Rect_(r4,t)) }
+# Inner numbers
+ command sprintf("\font\innerfont=cmss12 at %4.2fin",r5-r6)
+ Loopover_(`mx',`t = (m4Lx-4)/12*360;
+ sprintf("\innerfont`'ifpstricks(`\rput[C]{%g}(0,0)',
+ `\rotatebox{%g}'){\scalebox{0.7}[1.0]{mx}}",-t) \
+ at C+(Rect_((r5+r6)/2,90-t))', IX,X,XI,XII,I,II,III)
+ Loopover_(`mx',`t = (m4Lx+3)/12*360;
+ sprintf("\innerfont`'ifpstricks(`\rput[C]{%g}(0,0)',
+ `\rotatebox{%g}'){\scalebox{.7}[1.0]{mx}}",-t+180) \
+ at C+(Rect_((r5+r6)/2,90-t))', IV,V,VI,VII,VIII)
+# Inner tics
+ for mn = 5 to 60 by 5 do { t = 90-mn/60*360
+ line from C+(Rect_(r7,t)) to C+(Rect_(r6,t)) }
+# Hands
+ AntiqueHourHand(r6,hour,minute,second) with .C at C
+ AntiqueMinuteHand(r5,hour,minute,second) with .C at C
+ SecondHand((r3+r4)/2,hour,minute,second) with .C at C
+# Center
+ dot(at C,0.1/4*r1,1)
+ ]')
+ Clock1: AntiqueClock
+# Clock2: AntiqueClock(4,50,07,2) at Clock1.e+(1.5,0)
+ Clock2: AntiqueClock(4,50,07,2) with .nw at,0)
+ Clock3: [
+ linethick = 1.5
+ arrowwid = 5 pt__
+ rgbfill(255/255,250/255,205/255,
+ Clock: circle rad 0.75 at (0,0) )
+ command "\newcounter{hour}"
+ for time=1 to 12 do {
+ sprintf("\setcounter{hour}{%g}\Roman{hour}",time) \
+ at Rect_(Clock.rad*0.85,90-time*30)
+ }
+ line <-> from Rect_(Clock.rad*0.95,90-8.5*30) to Clock \
+ then to Rect_(Clock.rad*0.7,90-3.5*30)
+ line thick 1 outline "red" from Clock to Rect_(Clock.rad*0.95,90-0.75*30)
+ ] with .s at (Clock2,Clock1.s)
+# clock1(h:m[:s],diam,color)
+ clockdiam = ifelse(`$2',,`40 mm__',`$2')
+ clockrad = clockdiam/2
+ stacksplit_(`HMS',ifelse(`$1',,10:10,`$1'),:)
+ s = HMS; popdef(`HMS')
+ m = HMS; popdef(`HMS')
+ ifdef(`HMS',`h = HMS',`h = m; m = s')
+ C: circle rad clockrad thick 2 shaded ifelse(`$3',,"cyan",`$3') at (0,0)
+ for t = 1 to 12 do {
+ if pmod(t,3)==0 then { ticlen = clockrad/5; ticthk = 2 } \
+ else { ticlen = clockrad/10; ticthk = 1 }
+ line thick ticthk from Rect_(clockrad,htod(t)) \
+ to Rect_(clockrad-ticlen,htod(t))
+ sprintf("\large\sf %g",t) at Rect_(clockrad*3.5/5,htod(t))
+ }
+ line thick 3 from C to Rect_(clockrad*2/5,htod(h+m/60))
+ line thick 3 from C to Rect_(clockrad*3/5,htod(m/60*12))
+ round(at C, 3)
+ ifdef(`HMS',`line thick 0.7 outlined "red" from C \
+ to Rect_(clockrad*3.5/5,htod(s/60*12)) chop -5bp__ chop 0')
+ popdef(`HMS') ]')
+CA: ClockA(11:10:35,,"blue!20")
+ ClockA(10:10,,"blue!20!black!30")
+ ClockA(10:10:23,,"blue!20!black!30!green!40")
+ ClockA(10:10,,rgbstring(0.2,0.2,0.7))
+# calls DrawRoutineName(frac,r,g,b)
+# clock2(h:m[:s],diam,color,rim thickness)
+ clockdiam = ifelse(`$2',,`60 mm__',`$2')
+ clockrad = clockdiam/2
+ stacksplit_(`HMS',ifelse(`$1',,10:10,`$1'),:)
+ s = HMS; popdef(`HMS')
+ m = HMS; popdef(`HMS')
+ ifdef(`HMS',`h = HMS',`h = m; m = s')
+ rimwd = ifelse(`$4',,9 pt__,`$4')
+ rimwid = rimwd/(1 pt__)
+ n = 4
+C: (0,0)
+ ClockA(`$1',clockdiam-rimwd*2,"green!20") at C
+Q:circle diam clockdiam-rimwd thick rimwid \
+ outlined rgbstring(0.7,0.7,0.7) at C
+ Nx: Q.n+(0,Q.thick pt__/2)
+define rimcirc {
+#print sprintf("%g: %g,%g,%g",$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4)
+ circle diam clockdiam-rimwd thick rimwid/(n+1) \
+ outlined rgbstring($`'2,$`'3,$`'4) with .n at Nx-(0,rimwd/(n+1)/2)
+ Nx : last circle.n+(0,last circle.thick pt__/2) }
+ v = 0.1
+ ShadeObject(rimcirc, n,
+ 0,v,v,v,
+ 1/(n-1),v,v,v,
+ 1,1,1,1) at C
+ popdef(`HMS') ]')
+# ClockA(10:10:35,,"green!20")
+ w = last [].wid
+ ClockB(10:10:35,w,) with .nw at CA.sw+(10bp__,-0.2)
+ ] with .nw at 1st [].sw+(0,-0.2)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ControlLoop.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ControlLoop.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6fd915401b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ControlLoop.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# ControlLoop.m4
+scale = 25.4
+ boxwid = 18
+ boxrad = 3
+ define summer { $1: circle diam 10 fill_(0.8)
+ { line from $ to $1.sw; line from $1.nw to $ }
+ { "$+$" at $1.nw rjust } }
+ TPG: box ht 22 shaded "Peach" "Transient" "Profile" "Generator"
+ arrow <- left_ 8 from TPG.w "r" above
+ arrow right_ 10 from TPG.e+(0, "$r_1$" above
+ summer(S1)
+ line right_ 10 from TPG.e+(0, "$r_2$" above
+ arrow right_ S1.diam
+ summer(S2)
+ arrow right_ 10 from S2.e "$e_2$" above
+ arrow from S1.e to (Here,S1) "$e_1$" above
+ NLSF: box ht 22 "Nonlinear" "State Error" "Feedback" shaded "lime" \
+ with .w at (Here,TPG)
+ arrow right_ 10 "$u_o$" below
+ summer(S3)
+ {ESO: box ht 30 shaded "Goldenrod" "Extended" "State" "Observer" \
+ with .w at (Here.x+5,NLSF.s.y-15) }
+ arrow right_ 40
+ P: box ht 15 shaded "blue!50!white!50" "Plant"
+ arrow right_ 10 "$y$" above
+ arrow <- right_ 10 from ESO.e+(0, "$y$" above
+ line to (2nd last arrow,Here) then to 2nd last arrow
+ arrow <- right_ 10 from ESO.e+(0, "$u$" above; corner
+ line to (Here,P)
+ for_(1,3,1,
+ `arrow from ESO.w+(0,*(m4x-2)/3) left_ ESO.w.x-S`'m4x.x then to S`'m4x.s
+ "$z_`'m4x$" at last arrow.start-(5,0) above
+ "$-$" at last arrow.end rjust below ')
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Counting.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Counting.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18002ba99ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Counting.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Counting.m4
+ g = 0.4 # grid size
+ define grid { (($2)*g,-($1)*g) }
+ circlerad = 0.1
+for i=1 to 4 do {
+ sprintf(`"$S_%g$:"',i) ljust at grid(i,-0.5)
+ for j=1 to 4 do { if i+j < 8 then {
+ sprintf(`"$s_{%g%g}$"',i,j) at grid(i,j) } } }
+"$\vdots$" at grid(4.75,0)
+for i=1 to 3 do { `"$\cdots$"' at grid(i,5) }
+"$\cdots$" at grid(4,4)
+P: grid(1,1)
+for k=3 to 5 do {
+ for i=1 to k-1 do { if (k%2==1) then { m=i; n=k-i } else { m=k-i; n=i }
+ Q: grid(m,n)
+ arrow from P to Q chop
+ P: Q }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Cruller.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Cruller.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2c215ae133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Cruller.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Cruller.m4
+scale = 2.54
+ viewazimuth = 20 # Set view angles in degrees
+ viewelevation = 30
+ setview(viewazimuth,viewelevation,0)
+ dt = 3 # major angle degrees per facet
+ ds = 10 # minor angle degrees per facet
+ tradius = 6
+ sum3D(0,tradius,0,0,Rect_(lobe(`$2'+2*(`$1')),`$2')))')
+ cross3D(diff3D(cruller(`$1'+dt/2,`$2'),cruller(`$1',`$2')),
+ diff3D(cruller(`$1',`$2'+ds/2),cruller(`$1',`$2'))))')
+ # create the arrays and sort
+ n = 0
+ for t = dt to 360+dt/2 by dt do {
+ for s=ds/2 to 360.1 by ds do {
+ if tvisible(t,s) > -0.01 then {
+ n +=1
+ t[n] = t
+ s[n] = s
+ d[n] = dot3D(cruller(t,s),view3D1,view3D2,view3D3) # view distance
+ ix[n] = n
+ }
+ } }
+# prval(n)
+ dpquicksort(d,1,n,ix)
+ # Background
+Bne: (9,6)
+Bsw: (-9,-6)
+B: 0.5 between Bne and Bsw
+iflatex(`line fill_(0.75) \
+ from (Bsw,Bne) to Bsw then to (Bne,Bsw) then to Bne then to (Bsw,Bne)',
+ `ShadedPolygon((Bsw,Bne):Bsw:(Bne,Bsw):Bne,,-30,
+ 0,1,1,1,
+ .5,.1,.4,0,
+ 1,0,0,0) at B')
+ # draw the facets
+ rgbtohsv(0.6,0.4,0,h,s,v)
+ for i = 1 to n do {
+ tc = t[ix[i]]; sc = s[ix[i]]
+ SE: (Project(cruller(tc+dt/2,sc-ds/2)))
+ SW: (Project(cruller(tc-dt/2,sc-ds/2)))
+ NW: (Project(cruller(tc-dt/2,sc+ds/2)))
+ NE: (Project(cruller(tc+dt/2,sc+ds/2)))
+ f = ((dcosine3D(3,cruller(tc,sc))/2.25+1)/2)^2
+ hsvtorgb(h,(1-f)*s,1,r,g,b)
+ line outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b) ifpdf( invis ) \
+ from SE to SW then to NW then to NE then to SE }
+ ] at B
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Cylinder.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Cylinder.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..abe9a9bac7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Cylinder.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Cylinder.m4
+gen_init(SIdefaults) # lengths are in mm
+define(`cylinder',`[ angle = ifelse(`$3',,20,`$3')
+ w = ifelse(`$1',,boxwid,`$1')
+ h = ifelse(`$2',,boxht,`$2')
+ B: ellipse wid w ht sind(angle)*w
+ S: box invis wid w ht h fill_(1) with .s at B
+ line from S.nw to S.sw
+ line from to
+ T: ellipse wid w ht sind(angle)*w at B+(0,h)
+ ]')
+define Cylinder { [ dtor = atan2(1,0)/90
+ if "$1"=="" then { w = boxwid } else { w = $1 }
+ if "$2"=="" then { h = boxht } else { h = $2 }
+ if "$3"=="" then { angle = 20 } else { angle = $3 }
+ B: ellipse wid w ht sin(angle*dtor)*w
+ S: box invis wid w ht h fill 1 with .s at B
+ line from S.nw to S.sw
+ line from to
+ T: ellipse wid w ht sin(angle*dtor)*w at B+(0,h)
+ ] }
+M4: [
+ cylinder
+ move
+ cylinder(,,15)
+ move
+ cylinder(3,50)
+ ]
+"M4 macro" at last [].s below
+Pic: [
+ Cylinder
+ move
+ Cylinder(,,15)
+ move
+ Cylinder(3,50)
+ ] with .w at M4.e+(5,0)
+"pic macro" at last [].s below
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Egg.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Egg.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3cab249877e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Egg.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Egg.m4
+define Eggshape { (0.78*cos(($2)/4)*sin($2),-cos($2))*($1) } # -pi < arg2 < pi
+ size = 2
+ npts = 41
+ HL: Eggshape(size*0.4,-pi_*3/4) # Highlight
+ P: Eggshape(size,pi_/4)
+ d = zabs(P)
+ nlines = int(d/lthick*1.5)
+ # This way of blending colors is not the
+ # simplest for a single postprocessor but it
+ # works for multiple postprocessors, e.g. SVG
+define(`Orange',`1, 0.5, 0')
+define(`Gray', `0.5, 0.5, 0.5')
+define(`White', `1, 1, 1')
+ `sum3D(sprod3D($1,Orange),
+ sum3D(sprod3D($2,White),
+ sprod3D($3,Gray)))')
+define(`normalize',`($1)/($1+$2+$3), ($2)/($1+$2+$3), ($3)/($1+$2+$3)')
+define EggLine {
+ for i=0 to npts do {
+ P[i]: HL*(1-($1))+Eggshape(size*($1),i/npts*twopi_-pi_) }
+ fitcurve(P,npts,outlined rgbstring($2,$3,$4))
+ }
+ ShadeObject(EggLine, nlines,
+ 0, eggblend(normalize(0.3, 1, 0)),
+ 0.2, eggblend(normalize(0.5, 0.5, 0)),
+ 0.5, eggblend(normalize(0.5, 0.4, 0.2)),
+ 1, eggblend(normalize(0.5, 0, 0.7))
+ )
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Euro.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Euro.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26230facbe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Euro.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ `euro_simple([height])
+ Basic euro symbol with round outer boundary
+ default height=10pt'
+`[ linethick = 0
+ orad = ifelse(`$1',,`5bp__',(`$1')/2)
+ u = orad/6
+ irad = orad - u
+ C: (0,0)
+ D: C+(Rect_(irad,40))
+ CD: move from C+(0,-orad) to D
+ DK: move from D down u
+ Ubot: move from C+(0,u/2) right u
+ Utop: move from Ubot.start+(0,u) right u
+ Ltop: move from C+(0,-u/2) right u
+ Lbot: move from Ltop.start+(0,-u) right u
+ L_edge: C-(7.5*u,0)
+ Start: (C,Utop)
+ slope = (CD.end.y-CD.start.y)/(CD.end.x-CD.start.x)
+ line from Start to Intersect_(Utop,CD) \
+ then to Intersect_(Ubot,CD) \
+ then to LCintersect(Ubot,C,irad)
+ arc to LCintersect(Ltop,C,irad) with .c at C
+ line to Intersect_(Ltop,CD) \
+ then to Intersect_(Lbot,CD) \
+ then to LCintersect(Lbot,C,irad)
+ arc to (D,C)-(0,D.y-C.y) with .c at C
+ line to LCintersect(DK,C,orad,R)
+ arc cw to LCintersect(Lbot,C,orad) with .c at C
+ line to (L_edge,Here) \
+ then right u/slope up u \
+ then to LCintersect(Ltop,C,orad)
+ arc cw to LCintersect(Ubot,C,orad) with .c at C
+ line to (L_edge,Here) \
+ then right u/slope up u \
+ then to LCintersect(Utop,C,orad)
+ arc cw to LCintersect(CD,C,orad,R) with .c at C
+ line to D
+ arc to LCintersect(Utop,C,irad) with .c at C
+ line to Start
+ ) ]')
+ `euro_symbol([ht=val; aspect=val; slant=degrees])
+ Euro symbol with variable aspect ratio and slant
+ defaults: ht=10pt, aspect=1, slant=0
+ e.g., euro_symbol(ht=14pt__; aspect=1.2)'
+ setkey_(`$1',ht,10pt__) setkey_(`$1',aspect,1) setkey_(`$1',slant,0)
+ linethick = 0
+ orad = m4ht/2
+ u = orad/6
+ irad = orad - u
+ if m4aspect==0 then { squeeze = 1 } else { squeeze = 1/m4aspect }
+ slant = sind(m4slant)
+ C: (0,0)
+ D: C+(Rect_(irad,40))
+ CD: move from C+(0,-orad) to D
+ DK: move from D down u
+ Ubot: move from C+(0,u/2) right u
+ Utop: move from Ubot.start+(0,u) right u
+ Ltop: move from C+(0,-u/2) right u
+ Lbot: move from Ltop.start+(0,-u) right u
+ L_edge: C-(7.5*u,0)
+ Start: (C,Utop)
+ slope = (CD.end.y-CD.start.y)/(CD.end.x-CD.start.x)
+ S: LCintersect(Ubot,C,irad)
+ line from euro_tr(Start) to euro_tr(Intersect_(Utop,CD)) \
+ then to euro_tr(Intersect_(Ubot,CD)) \
+ then to euro_tr(S)
+ euro_arc(S,LCintersect(Ltop,C,irad),irad)
+ S: LCintersect(Lbot,C,irad)
+ line to euro_tr(Intersect_(Ltop,CD)) \
+ then to euro_tr(Intersect_(Lbot,CD)) \
+ then to euro_tr(S)
+ euro_arc(S,((D,C)-(0,D.y-C.y)),irad)
+ S: LCintersect(DK,C,orad,R)
+ line to euro_tr(S)
+ euro_arc(S,LCintersect(Lbot,C,orad),orad,cw)
+ S: LCintersect(Ltop,C,orad)
+ E: LCintersect(Lbot,C,orad)
+ line to euro_tr((L_edge,E)) \
+ then to euro_tr((L_edge,E)+(u/slope,u)) \
+ then to euro_tr(S)
+ E: LCintersect(Ubot,C,orad)
+ euro_arc(S,E,orad,cw)
+ S: LCintersect(Utop,C,orad)
+ line to euro_tr((L_edge,E)) \
+ then to euro_tr((L_edge,E)+(u/slope,u)) \
+ then to euro_tr(S)
+ euro_arc(S,LCintersect(CD,C,orad,R),orad,cw)
+ line to euro_tr(D)
+ euro_arc(D,LCintersect(Utop,C,irad),irad)
+ line to euro_tr(Start)
+) ]')
+ `aspect ratio and slant transformation'
+ `transformed arc, centre C'
+`M4X: `$1'; as = atan2(M4X.y-C.y,M4X.x-C.x)
+ M4X: `$2'; ae = atan2(M4X.y-C.y,M4X.x-C.x)
+ ifelse(`$4',cw,`if ae > as then { ae -= twopi_ }',
+ `if ae < as then { ae += twopi_ }')
+ ax = ae-as
+ n = max(5,ceiling_(abs(ax)/(10*dtor_)))
+ for i=0 to n do { P[i]: euro_tr((rect_(`$3',as+i/n*ax))) }
+ fitcurve(P,n)
+ move to P[n] ')
+euro_symbol(ht=72bp__*2; aspect=1.0; slant=15)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Eye.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Eye.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1251afca095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Eye.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Eye.m4
+define(`eye',`[ u = `$1'; v = 0.47*u; w = 0.25*u
+# for pdf, linethick in shade must be environment
+ lth = linethick; linethick = 0
+ shade(1,
+ arc outlined "red" from (u/2,0) to (-u/2,0) with .c at (0,-u/3)
+ arc to (u/2,0) with .c at (0,u/3) )
+ linethick = lth
+ circle diam v fill_(0.25) at (0,0)
+ circle diam w fill_(0) at (0,0)
+ circle thick 0 diam last circle.diam/2 fill_(1) at last circle.nw
+ circle diam last circle.diam-lthick at last circle outlined graystring(0.9)
+ ] ')
+ skale = 2/3
+ Bx: box wid 11*skale ht 8.5*skale fill_(0) at (0,0)
+ ane = atan2(,Bx.wid)*rtod_
+ d[5] = 0.92*
+ d[4] = 0.78*
+ d[3] = 0.62*
+ d[2] = 0.40*
+ d[1] = 0.25*
+ da = 1
+ dax = 360/64
+ C[0]:; C[1]: Bx.nw
+ for a=-int(ane/dax)*dax to 180-ane by dax do {
+ T1: (Rect_(1,a+da)); T1: intersect_(,C[(a>ane)],Bx,T1)
+ T2: (Rect_(1,a)); T2: intersect_(,C[(a>ane)],Bx,T2)
+ line outlined "white" shaded "white" from Bx to T1 then to T2 then to Bx
+ line outlined "white" shaded "white" from Bx to T1*(-1) \
+ then to T2*(-1) then to Bx
+ }
+ for i=5 to 2 by -1 do {
+ C[i]: circle diam d[i] fill_(0) at Bx
+ for a=0 to 359 by dax do {
+ T1: (Rect_(d[i]/2,a))
+ T2: (Rect_(d[i]/2,a-da*2))
+ lth = linethick; linethick = 0
+ shade(1,
+ arc cw from T1 to T2 with .c at Bx
+ spline 0.55 thick 0 to 0.8 between Bx and T2 \
+ then to (Rect_(d[i]/4,a+30))
+ arc cw to (Rect_(d[i]/4,a+32)) with .c at Bx
+ spline 0.55 thick 0 to 0.8 between Bx and T1 then to T1 )
+ linethick = lth
+ }
+ }
+ C[1]: circle thick 2 diam d[1] at Bx fill_(0.1)
+ eye(d[1]-4bp__) at (0,0)
+ for a=0 to 359 by dax do {
+ T1: (Rect_(d[1]/2-1bp__,a))
+ T2: (Rect_(d[1]/2-1bp__,a+dax/2))
+ line thick 0 from T1 to T2 then to 0.5 between Bx and T2 \
+ then to 0.5 between Bx and T1 then to T1 shaded "white" #outlined "white"
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Fefets.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Fefets.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04d624de356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Fefets.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# `Fefets.m4'
+textht = 0.1
+Row1: [
+ J: Fe_fet(right_ dimen_)
+ {`"{\tt $\;$ Fe\_fet}"' at J.s+(0,-0.05) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(up_ dimen_)
+ {`"{\tt (up\_ dimen\_)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.15) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(left_ dimen_)
+ {`"{\tt (left\_ dimen\_)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.05) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S ljust
+ "$D$" at J.D rjust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(down_ dimen_)
+ {`"{\tt (down\_ dimen\_)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.15) below
+ "$G$" at J.G ljust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ ]
+Row2: [
+ J: Fe_fet(right_ dimen_,R)
+ {`"{\tt $\;$ Fe\_fet}"' at J.s+(0,-0.05) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(up_ dimen_,R)
+ {`"{\tt (up\_ dimen\_,R)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.15) below
+ "$G$" at J.G ljust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(left_ dimen_,R)
+ {`"{\tt (left\_ dimen\_,R)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.05) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S ljust
+ "$D$" at J.D rjust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(down_ dimen_,R)
+ {`"{\tt (down\_ dimen\_,R)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.15) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.5)
+Row3: [
+ J: Fe_fet(right_ dimen_)
+ {`"{\tt $\;$ Fe\_fet}"' at J.s+(0,-0.05) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ move right_
+ J: Fe_fet(right_ dimen_,,TEDQSuB)
+ {`"{\tt $\;$ Fe\_fet(,,TEDSQuB)}"' at J.s+(0,-0.15) below
+ "$G$" at J.G rjust
+ "$S$" at J.S rjust
+ "$D$" at J.D ljust }
+ ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.5)
+#Row4: [
+# ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.5)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/FieldLines.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/FieldLines.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0832e20d92a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/FieldLines.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ setdir_(R)
+ W1: winding(,20,5,8,10)
+ line dn_ 10 from W1.T1; dot(,,1)
+ line dn_ 10 from W1.T2; dot(,,1)
+ W2: winding(,20,5,8,10) with .w_ at W1.e_+vec_(10,0)
+ line dn_ 10 from W2.T1; dot(,,1)
+ line dn_ 10 from W2.T2; dot(,,1)
+ for i=2 to -2 by -1 do {
+ spline 0.55 \
+ from W2.e_+vec_(30,10/4*i*3) \
+ to W2.e_+vec_(25,10/4*i*2) \
+ then to W2.e_+vec_(0,10/4*i) \
+ then to W1.w_+vec_(0,10/4*i) \
+ then to W1.w_+vec_(-25,10/4*i*2) \
+ then to W1.w_+vec_(-30,10/4*i*3)
+ arrow wid 2 ht 2 dn_ i*0.66 rt_ 2 at W1.w_+vec_(-25,10/4*i*2.35)
+ arrow wid 2 ht 2 up__ i*0.66 rt_ 2 at W2.e_+vec_(25,10/4*i*2.35)
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Floor.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Floor.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f3076174a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Floor.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Floor.m4
+ s = 0.25
+ s60 = s*sqrt(3)/2
+ c60 = s/2
+ ni = 9
+ nj = 6
+ cellw = 3*s
+ cellh = 2*s60
+ B:box wid nj*cellw ht ni*cellh shaded rgbstring(0,1,0)
+ for i=1 to ni do {
+ for j=1 to nj do {
+ line shaded rgbstring(0,0,1) \
+ from B.sw+((j-1)*cellw,(i-1)*cellh) \
+ right c60 up s60 then right 2*s then up s60 right c60 then left s \
+ then down cellh left 2*c60 then left s
+ line shaded rgbstring(1,0,0) \
+ from B.sw+((j-1)*cellw,i*cellh) \
+ right s then down cellh right 2*c60 then right s then up s60 left c60 \
+ then left 2*s then left c60 up s60
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Flow2.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Flow2.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f8e2affbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Flow2.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ smallsep = boxht/3
+ testw = fboxwid*7/4
+ testh = fboxht*9/4
+ Start: Fbox("Start",,rad boxht/8 shaded "red!30")
+ arrow down_ smallsep "False" ljust
+ Input: Fdata(`"Input: $f(), a, b, \epsilon$"',wid boxwid*5/4,,
+ shaded "blue!30")
+ arrow down_ smallsep
+ Formula1: Fbox(`"$c=(a+b)/2$"',,shaded "orange!30")
+ arrow down_ smallsep
+ Test1: Ftest("if:" `"$f(a)*f(b) > 0$" "\vphantom{\vrule height6pt}"',
+ wid testw ht testh, shaded "green!30")
+ A2: arrow down_ smallsep "False" ljust
+ Test2: Ftest("while:" `"$f(c)\neq 0 \;\&$" "$|f(b)-f(a)| > \delta$" \
+ "\vphantom{\vrule height6pt}"',wid testw ht testh, shaded "green!30")
+ arrow down_ smallsep "True" ljust
+ Formula2: Fbox(`"$c=(a+b)/2$"',,shaded "orange!30")
+ arrow down_ smallsep
+ Test3: Ftest("if:" `"$f(a)*f(c) < 0$" "\vphantom{\vrule height6pt}"',
+ wid testw ht testh, shaded "green!30")
+ { arrow from Test3.W left_ boxht*2/3 "True" below
+ Formula3: Fbox(`"$b=c$"',,shaded "orange!30")
+ arrow from Formula3.N to (Formula3.N,A2) }
+ arrow down_ smallsep "False" ljust then left Test3.x-Formula3.E.x
+ Formula4: Fbox(`"$a=c$"',,shaded "orange!30") with .E at Here
+ { arrow from Formula4.W left_ Formula4.W.x-Formula3.W.x + smallsep \
+ then up_ A2.y-Formula4.y then to A2 }
+ down_
+ Output: Fdata(`"Output: $H, v, t$"',wid boxwid*5/4,,shaded "blue!30") \
+ with .N at (Test1.E+(3*smallsep,0),Formula4.N)
+ { arrow from Test1.E right_ Output.N.x-Test1.E.x "True" above \
+ then to Output.N
+ arrow from Test2.E right_ Output.N.x-Test1.E.x "False" above }
+ arrow down_ smallsep
+ Plot: Fbox(,wid boxwid*5/4,shaded "orange!30")
+ { ["Plot:" ljust "H on T and V on T" ljust] with .w at Plot.W+(3bp__,0) }
+ arrow down_ smallsep
+ Stop: Fbox("Stop",,rad boxht/8 shaded "red!30")
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Hexagon.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Hexagon.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c70e865be36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Hexagon.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Hexagon.m4
+ scale = 4
+ circlerad = 1/4
+ s3 = sqrt(3)
+define cline { line $1
+ { if "$2"=="" then { circle thick 0.8 at last line fill_(1) } \
+ else { circle thick 0.8 at last line $2 } } }
+define topline {
+ cline(from $1 up s3 right 1)
+ cline(right 2)
+ cline(down s3 right 1)
+ }
+define botline {
+ cline(from $1 down s3 right 1)
+ cline(right 2)
+ cline(up s3 right 1)
+ cline(right 2)
+ }
+define hexagon { line $2 from $1 \
+ for_(1,6,1,`to $1+(2,0)+(Rect_(2,180-m4x*60)) \')
+ move to $1 + (2,0)
+ for i=1 to 6 do {{circle $3 at Here+(Rect_(s3,210-i*60))}}
+ if "$4"!="" then {$4 at $1+(2,0)}
+ }
+ nrows = 4
+ ncols = 3
+for i=1 to nrows do {
+ for j=1 to ncols do { topline((3+(j-1)*6,-s3*(2*i-1)))
+ topline((0+(j-1)*6,-s3*2*i)) }
+ cline(from (6*ncols,-2*i*s3) up s3 right 1)
+ if i != nrows then { cline(from (0,-2*i*s3) down s3 right 1) } \
+ else { for j=1 to ncols do { botline(((j-1)*6,-2*nrows*s3)) } }
+ }
+ linethick = 2
+ cline(from (3,-s3) outlined "red" down_ s3 right_ 1,fill_(0))
+ { "$\sigma^x$" at last circle.w rjust }
+ { "\large $I$" above ljust }
+ { cline(right_ 2 outlined "red",fill_(0))
+ { "$\sigma^x$" at last circle.n above ljust } }
+ cline(left_ 1 down_ s3 outlined "red",fill_(0))
+ { "$\sigma^x$" at last circle.e ljust }
+ hexagon((12,-4*s3),thick 2 outlined "blue",shaded "white",)
+ for a=90 to 360 by 180 do {{
+ "\large $\sigma^x\!{=}{-}1$" at (14,-4*s3)+(Rect_(2.25,a)) }}
+ for a=30 to 360 by 180 do {{
+ "\large $\sigma^x\!{=}{-}1$" at (14,-4*s3)+(Rect_(2.75,a)) }}
+ for a=150 to 360 by 180 do {{
+ "\large $\sigma^x\!{=}{-}1$" at (14,-4*s3)+(Rect_(2.75,a)) }}
+ hexagon(( 3,-7*s3),thick 2 outlined "red" shaded "gray",shaded "black",
+ "\large $p$")
+ for a=30 to 360 by 60 do {{
+ "\large $\sigma^z$" at (5,-7*s3)+(Rect_(2.5,a)) }}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Highgain.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Highgain.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06bc62985ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Highgain.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Highgain+.m4
+fillval = 0.8
+circlerad = 0.35/2
+linewid = linewid*3/4
+command "
+\newcommand {\mat}[1]{\left[\matrix{#1}\right]}
+\newcommand {\adj}{\mathop{\hbox{adj}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\coldim}{\mathop{\hbox{col dim}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\colrank}{\mathop{\hbox{column rank}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\column}{\mathop{\hbox{column}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\diag}{\mathop{\hbox{diag}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\trace}{\mathop{\hbox{trace}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\image}{\mathop{\hbox{image}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\kernel}{\mathop{\hbox{kernel}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\opsim}[1]{\mathinner{\raise-.5ex\hbox{\scriptsize #1}\atop%
+ \raise1.5ex\hbox{$\sim$}}}
+\newcommand {\order}{\mathop{\hbox{order}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\rank}{\mathop{\hbox{rank}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\rowdim}{\mathop{\hbox{row dim}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\rowimage}{\mathop{\hbox{row image}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\row}{\mathop{\hbox{row}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\rowrank}{\mathop{\hbox{row rank}}\nolimits}
+\newcommand {\zeros}{\mathop{\hbox{zeros}}\nolimits}
+ `{"$\phantom{\displaystyle `$1'}%
+ \atop{{\displaystyle /}\atop{\displaystyle `$1'}}$"\
+ `$2' }')
+R: darrow(right linewid,,,,,,|-)
+ { s_box($R$) dabove(at R.start+(5pt__,0)) }
+Sum: circle invis "$\sum$"
+ darrow(right_ linewid*5/4)
+ { s_box($E$) dabove(at last line) }
+ vectorsize(p,at 1/4 along_(last line))
+Gain: shadebox(box "$G = \diag\mat{g_i}$" wid boxwid*1.5 ht boxht*0.75 )
+ darrow(,,,,,,!-)
+ { s_box($U^{\prime}$) dabove(at last line) }
+Compensator: shadebox(box wid boxwid*1.5 "\sl Compensator" "$K(s)$")
+ darrow(right_ linewid*5/4,,,,,,!-)
+ vectorsize(m,at 1/4 along_(last line))
+ { s_box($U$) dabove(at last line) }
+Plant: shadebox(box "\sl Plant" "$H(s)$" )
+ dline(right_ linewid*3/4 from Plant.e,,,,!-)
+ vectorsize(p,at last line)
+Y: dtee(R)
+ {s_box($Y$) dabove}
+ darrow(right_ linewid*2/3,t)
+ dline(down boxht from Y,t)
+ dright
+ dline(to (Sum,Here),,t)
+ dright
+ darrow(to Sum.s)
+ "$-$" at Here+(0.10,-0.05)
+ circle at Sum
+# blockbox(N)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/IC10107.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/IC10107.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5203f67376f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/IC10107.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# IC10107.m4
+ log_init
+ pinlen = 2*NOT_rad
+ hunit = AND_wd*L_unit*1.6
+B: box invis wid hunit*4 ht hunit*2
+ psep = hunit/2
+ nrad =*0.06
+ line from B.w+(0,nrad) to B.nw then to then to then to B.sw \
+ then to B.w-(0,nrad)
+ arc ccw to Here+(0,2*nrad) with .c at B.w
+ for i = 1 to 8 do {
+ line down pinlen from B.sw+(psep/2,0)+((i-1)*psep,0)
+ sprintf("\small\sf%g",i) below
+ exec sprintf("P%g: last line.start",i)
+ line up pinlen from,0)-((i-1)*psep,0)
+ sprintf("\small\sf%g",8+i) above
+ exec sprintf("P%g: last line.start",8+i)
+ }
+G1: OR_gen(2,PIBANEONSEC) with .Out at P12.x-pinlen,
+G2: OR_gen(2,PIBANNEOSEC) with .Out at B.e.x-4*pinlen,B.y
+ left_
+G3: OR_gen(2,PIBANEONSEC) with .NE at P3.x,*L_unit
+ line from G3.N_NSE.w to (P2,G3.N_NSE) then to P2
+ line from P3 to G3.NE
+ line right pinlen from G3.In1 then down 2*pinlen
+ contline to (P4,Here) then to P4
+ line from G3.In2 to (P5,G3.In2) then to P5
+ line from G2.In2 left pinlen then down 2*pinlen
+ contline to (P9,Here) then to P9
+ line from G2.In1 left pinlen*2 then down G2.In1.y-G2.In2.y+3*pinlen
+ contline to (P7,Here) then to P7
+ line from G2.SE right NOT_rad+2*pinlen then up B.n.y-pinlen-G2.SE.y
+ contline to (P10,Here) then to P10
+ line from G2.N_NNE.e right pinlen then up B.n.y-2*pinlen-G2.N_NNE.y
+ contline to (P11,Here) then to P11
+ line from P12 to (P12,G1.N_NSE) then to G1.N_NSE.e
+ line from P13 down pinlen
+ contline to (G1.NE,Here) then to G1.NE
+ line from G1.In1 to (P14,G1.In1) then to P14
+ line from G1.In2 to (P15,G1.In2) then to P15
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Koch.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Koch.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..faa46dfff8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Koch.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Koch snowflake
+ leng = 4
+ X: 3,5
+ nsides = 3; rot[1] = 0; rot[2] = -120; rot[3] = -120
+ depth=4
+ for i=1 to depth do {
+ for j=1 to nsides do { tmp[j] = rot[j] }
+ leng = leng/3
+ k = 0
+ for j=1 to nsides do {
+ rot[k+1] = tmp[j]
+ rot[k+2] = 60
+ rot[k+3] = -120
+ rot[k+4] = 60
+ k += 4
+ }
+ nsides = k
+ }
+ a = 0
+ line from X to X
+ for i=1 to nsides do {
+ a += rot[i]
+ X: X+(Rect_(leng,a))
+ continue to X
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Lyap.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Lyap.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e01d365fc02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Lyap.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Lyap.m4
+scale = 1/1.2
+viewaz = 30
+viewel = 18
+Origin: Project(0,0,0)
+# Components of view vector W
+w1 = view3D1
+w2 = view3D2
+w3 = view3D3
+# Shape factor of the ellipse on the xy plane
+q = Cos(40)
+# cost function
+h = 0.5
+c = 1
+# The projected ellipse is (x/q)^2 + y^2 = c.
+# The cost is v = c+h
+# The gradient of v is (2x/q, 2y, -1) and the line
+# separating front and back is W^T * grad(v) = 0
+# This line intersects the projected ellipse at
+# x1,y1 and x2,y2
+ ap = w2^2*q^2/w1^2+1
+ bp = -w2*w3*q^2/w1^2
+ cp = w3^2*q^2/4/w1^2-c
+ m = sqrt(bp^2-4*ap*cp)
+ y1 = (-bp+m)/ap/2 ; x1 = (w3-2*y1*w2)*q/2/w1
+ y2 = (-bp-m)/ap/2 ; x2 = (w3-2*y2*w2)*q/2/w1
+ t1 = atan2(y1,x1)
+ t2 = atan2(y2,x2)
+ theta1 = min(t1,t2)
+ theta2 = max(t1,t2)
+# tangent curve
+ nT = 11
+ for i = 0 to nT do {
+ y = y1 + (y2-y1)/nT*i
+ theta = atan2(y,(w3-2*y*w2)*q/2/w1)
+ r = y/sin(theta)
+ T[i]: Project(vx(theta,r))
+ }
+# front and back parts of the top curve
+ n = 12
+ for i = 0 to n do {
+ theta = theta1 + (theta2-theta1)/n*i
+ F[i]: Project(vx(theta,c))
+ Fp[i]: Project(vp(theta,c))
+ }
+ for i = 0 to n do {
+ theta = theta2 + (theta1+twopi_-theta2)/n*i
+ B[i]: Project(vx(theta,c))
+ Bp[i]: Project(vp(theta,c))
+ }
+# trajectory
+rotations = 1.55
+nx = 7
+thetas = 75*dtor_
+thetaf = thetas - rotations*twopi_
+rx = c*0.9
+beta = exp(log(.5)/20)
+define(`defX',` rx = `$5' ; np = np-1
+ ts = `$1' ; tf = `$2'
+ for i = 0 to `$3' do {
+ tha = ts + (tf-ts)*i/(`$3')
+ for thx = tha to -twopi_ by twopi_ do {}
+ `$4'[i]: Project(vx(thx,rx))
+ Xp[np]: Project(vp(thx,rx))
+ np = np+1
+ rx = beta*rx
+ }')
+np = 1
+# First draw the inside back
+# B is the back curve
+# T is the outline
+ fitcurve(B,n)
+ for i = 0 to nT do {TT[i]: T[nT-i] }
+ fitcurve(TT,nT)
+\relax} ',
+` fitcurve(B,n)
+ for i = 0 to nT do {TT[i]: T[nT-i] }
+ fitcurve(TT,nT) ')
+# Centre axis
+line from Origin to Project(0,0,h)
+# F[0] is the leftmost point of the front curve
+line from F[0] to Fp[0]
+# F[n] is the rightmost point of the front curve
+line from F[n] to Fp[n]
+# Now draw the outside front
+ fitcurve(F,n)
+ fitcurve(T,nT)
+\relax} ',
+` shade(1,fitcurve(F,n)
+ fitcurve(T,nT)) ')
+# T is the limit curve of visibility
+ fitcurve(T,nT)
+# F is the top front
+ fitcurve(F,n)
+# Front and back projections of the top on xy
+ fitcurve(Fp,n)
+ fitcurve(Bp,n)
+# The trajectory in pieces, to allow dashed parts
+ fitcurve(X1,nx)
+ fitcurve(X2,nx,dotted 0.025)
+ fitcurve(X3,nx)
+ fitcurve(X4,3,dotted 0.015)
+ arca(from X4[4] to X4[3],ccw,0.3,<-)
+# Projected trajectory
+ np = np-2
+ fitcurve(Xp,np-1)
+ arca(from Xp[np] to Xp[np-2],ccw,0.18,<-)
+ "$X(t)$" at Xp[np]-(2bp__,0) ljust
+# Axes and vertical lines
+ line from X1[0] to Xp[0]
+ line from X4[4] to Xp[np]
+arrow from Origin to Project(1.5,0,0)
+"$x_1$" rjust below
+arrow from Origin to Project(0,1.5,0)
+"$x_2$" ljust
+line dashed from Project(0,0,h) to F[n/2] chop 0 chop arrowht/4
+arrow from F[n/2] to Project(0,0,2)
+"$v(X)$" ljust
+"`${0}$'" at Origin+(0,1 pt__) below
+"$\Omega$" at Project(0,0.9*c,0)+(0,3bp__) above
+"`$v(X) = c$'" at (Project(vp(100*dtor_,c)))+(2bp__,0) above ljust
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5fba20547c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Extras Makefile
+# Type "make" to generate extras.pdf containing examples.
+# The examples are in no particular order (well, they are in ls order).
+# Type "make clean; make" to invoke latex intead of pdflatex.
+# Type "make <diag>.ps" to make a postscript file from <diag>.m4
+# It may be necessary to type "make clean" before this or any of the following:
+# Type "make <diag>.eps" to make an .eps file from <diag>.m4
+# Type "make <diag>.svg" to make an .svg file from <diag>.m4 using pdf2svg
+# The following require ImageMagick convert:
+# Type "make <diag>.png" to make a .png file from <diag>.m4
+# Type "make <diag>.tif" to make a .tif file from <diag>.m4
+# To test the file test.m4, type "make tst" if boxdims is used, otherwise
+# type "make tst1". In either case the file is created.
+# To debug a single diagram in a directory other than this examples
+# directory, copy this makefile and tst.tex to where you want to work,
+# redefine LIBDIR (below) appropriately, and type "make <diag>.xxx"
+# where xxx is one of ps, eps, png, or pdf
+# Circuit_macro directory, change this if necessary:
+# LIBDIR = $$HOME/lib
+LIBDIR = ..
+# The dpic processor:
+PIC = dpic
+#MODE = -p
+MODE = -g
+#CONF = pstricks.m4
+CONF = pgf.m4
+# Convert options
+PNGOPTS = -quiet -density 400 -scale 25% -alpha Remove
+# M4 = m4 -I $(LIBDIR)
+# If environment variable M4PATH has been set to the installation directory:
+M4 = m4
+DOC = extras
+# Files that have to be processed twice:
+DVIPSOPTS = -G0 -t letter
+DIMFILE = $(DOC).dim
+BS = tr '|' '\134'
+# Might be needed (change latex commands to $(LTX) )
+# LTX = latex --shell-escape
+LTX = pdflatex --shell-escape
+XTRASRC=printf "|documentclass[11pt]{article}\n\
+|setlength{|textwidth}{8in} |setlength{|textheight}{10.5in}\n\
+|setlength{|hoffset}{-2cm} |setlength{|voffset}{-3cm}\n\
+|begin{document}\n" | $(BS)
+PDFLTXSRC=printf "|documentclass[11pt]{standalone}\n\
+|begin{document}|noindent|input{"$*".tex}|end{document}\n" | $(BS)
+LTXFILE=printf "|documentclass[11pt]{article}\n\
+|end{document}\n" | $(BS)
+.SUFFIXES: .ps .dvi .tex .m4 .pic .eps .png .pdf .svg .tif .gif
+ @touch $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim
+ $(M4) $(CONF) $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 > $*.pic
+ @touch $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim
+ $(M4) $(CONF) $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) $(MODE) > $*.tex
+ @touch $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim
+ $(M4) pstricks.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -p > $*.tex
+ @$(LTXFILE) > F_$*.tex
+ latex --quiet F_$*
+ touch F_$*.dim $(DIMFILE)
+ $(M4) pstricks.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -p > $*.tex
+ latex --quiet F_$*
+ mv F_$*.dvi $*.dvi
+ rm -f F_*
+ dvips $(DVIPSOPTS) $* -o $*.ps
+ chmod 644 $*.ps
+ @touch $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim
+ $(M4) pstricks.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -p > $*.tex
+ @$(LTXFILE) > F_$*.tex
+ latex --quiet F_$*
+ dvips $(DVIPSOPTS) F_$* -o $*.ps
+ chmod 644 $*.ps
+ rm -f F_*
+ @touch $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim
+ $(M4) pstricks.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -p > $*.tex
+ @$(LTXFILE) > F_$*.tex
+ latex --quiet F_$*
+ $(M4) pstricks.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -p > $*.tex
+ latex --quiet F_$*
+ dvips F_$* -T128cm,28cm -o $*.ps
+# Recent changes to PSTricks(?) have clashed with the use of TeXtoEPS
+# so use ps2epsi
+ ps2epsi $*.ps $*.epsi
+ sed -e '/%%Pages:/d' -e '/BeginPreview/,$$d' $*.epsi \
+ | tr '\015' '\012' > $*.eps
+ sed -e '1,/EndPreview/d' $*.epsi >> $*.eps
+ rm -f F_*
+ @touch $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim
+ $(M4) pgf.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -g > $*.tex
+ @$(PDFLTXSRC) > F_$*.tex
+ pdflatex --quiet F_$*
+ $(M4) pgf.m4 $(DIMFILE) F_$*.dim $*.m4 | $(PIC) -g > $*.tex
+ pdflatex --quiet F_$*
+ mv F_$*.pdf $*.pdf
+ rm -f F_*
+ make $*.pdf
+ convert $(PNGOPTS) $*.pdf $*.png
+ @if test -f $*.png.0 ; then mv $*.png.0 $*.png ; fi
+# rm $*.pdf
+ make $*.pdf
+ convert $(GIFOPTS) $*.pdf $*.gif
+# rm $*.pdf
+ make $*.pdf
+ convert $(EPSOPTS) $*.pdf $*.tif
+ @if test -f $*.tif.0 ; then mv $*.tif.0 $*.tif ; fi
+# rm $*.pdf
+ make $*.pdf
+ dvisvgm --pdf $*.pdf $*.svg
+ chmod 644 $*.svg
+# rm $*.pdf
+ @$(XTRASRC) > extras.tex
+ touch extras.dim
+ -for fl in `ls *.m4` ; do \
+ file=`basename $$fl .m4` ; \
+ echo $$file.m4 ; \
+ $(M4) pgf.m4 extras.dim $$file.m4 | $(PIC) -g > $$file.tex ; \
+ printf "\n\n|parbox{|textwidth}{\n" | $(BS) >> extras.tex ; \
+ printf "|input{$$file.tex}\n" | $(BS) >> extras.tex ; \
+ printf "\n $$file.m4\n}\n|vspace{|baselineskip}" \
+ | sed -e 's/_/|_/g' | $(BS) >> extras.tex ; \
+ done
+ printf "\n|end{document}\n" | $(BS) >> extras.tex
+ pdflatex extras
+ -for file in $(XBOXDIMS) ; do \
+ rm -f $$file.tex ; \
+ $(M4) pgf.m4 extras.dim $$file.m4 | $(PIC) -g > $$file.tex ; \
+ done
+ pdflatex extras
+$(DOC).ps: psmode $(DOC).dvi
+ printf "|usepackage{pstricks,pst-grad}\n" | $(BS) > mode.tex
+ printf "|usepackage{tikz}\n" | $(BS) > mode.tex
+$(DOC).dvi: $(DOC).tex files.tex header.tex psmode
+ touch $(DOC).dim
+ make CONF=pstricks.m4 MODE=-p DIMFILE=$(DOC).dim pics
+ cp $(LIBDIR)/doc/Version.tex .
+ latex $(DOC)
+ rm -f $(BOXDIMS) ${BOXDIMS:%.tex=%.pic} $(DOC).dvi
+ make CONF=pstricks.m4 MODE=-p DIMFILE=$(DOC).dim $(BOXDIMS)
+ latex $(DOC)
+ @$(LTXFILE) | sed -e 's/{\.tex}/{test.tex}/' > tst.tex
+ make CONF=pstricks.m4 PIC=dpic MODE=-p test.tex; latex --quiet tst
+ rm -f test.tex test.pic
+ make CONF=pstricks.m4 PIC=dpic MODE=-p test.tex; latex --quiet tst
+ dvips $(DVIPSOPTS) tst -o
+ @$(LTXFILE) | sed -e 's/{\.tex}/{test.tex}/' > tst.tex
+ make CONF=pstricks.m4 PIC=dpic MODE=-p test.tex; latex --quiet tst
+ dvips $(DVIPSOPTS) tst -o
+ rm -f *.ps *.pdf *.tex *.dim *.pic *.log *.dms *.aux
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Metamodel.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Metamodel.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5d1ba0b1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Metamodel.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Metamodel:
+ lineht = 0.4
+ arrowht = arrowht*3/2; arrowwid = arrowwid*2
+ fillv = 0.9
+ define bx {box fill_(fillv) rad 5bp__ $1}
+ up_
+ Event: bx(ht boxht "Event")
+ sarrow(,type=D); {"{\tt<}contains{\tt>}" at last arrow rjust}
+ Trace: bx(ht boxht "Trace")
+ sarrow(,type=D); {"{\tt<}contains{\tt>}" at last arrow rjust}
+ Log: bx(ht boxwid "Log")
+ Att: bx(ht boxwid wid boxwid*5/4 "Attribute" dashed) \
+ with .nw at + (boxwid*2,0)
+ fillv = 0.8
+ ww =
+ move to (Att.w,Att.n) - (0,ww/9)
+ { sarrow(to (Log.e,Here),type=D)
+ {"{\tt<}trace-global{\tt>}" at last arrow above} }
+ move down_ ww/3
+ { sarrow(to (Log.e,Here),type=D)
+ {"{\tt<}event-global{\tt>}" at last arrow above} }
+ move down_ ww/3
+ { sarrow(to (Log.e,Here),type=D) }
+ T: 0.8 between last arrow.start and last arrow.end
+ move down_ ww/9
+ line dashed left ww/3 then down ww/2 then right ww/2
+ sarrow(up ww*7/18, type=D;shaft=dashed)
+ "{\tt<}contains{\tt>}" at (last arrow.end,Att.s)-(ww/4,ww*7/18) below
+ line from T to (T,Event); sarrow(to Event.e,type=D)
+ sarrow(from (T,Trace) to Trace.e,type=D)
+ ellipsewid = boxwid*0.9
+ ellipseht = ellipsewid/2
+ move to (Att.e,Att.s)+(ww/6,-ww/8)
+ y = Here.x-Att.c.x-boxwid/2
+ down_
+ Loopover_(`Z',`Z: bx(ht boxht*3/4 "Z")
+ {sarrow(from Z.e+(y,0) to Z.e,type=D)}
+ {ifelse(Z,Boolean,
+ `move to last arrow.start; line to (Here,String)
+ line from Z.w to (Att,Z.w); sarrow(to Att.s,type=O)',
+ `line from Z.w to (Att,Z.w)')}
+ move down_ ww/16',
+ String,Date,Int,Float,Boolean)
+ line from Int.e+(y,0) right_ ww/4; Value: ellipse fill_(fillv) "Value"
+ Key: ellipse fill_(fillv) "Key" with .w at Att.e+(y*2,0)
+ sarrow(from last ellipse.w to Att.e,type=D)
+ Class: bx(ht boxht*3/4 "Classifier") \
+ with .s at (0.5 between Log and Att,Att.n)+(0,boxht/2)
+ line from Class.w to (Log,Class); sarrow(to Log.n,type=D)
+ "{\tt<}defines{\tt>}" at (0.5 between Log and Class.w,Class) above
+ line from Att.n to (Att,Class); sarrow(to Class.e,type=D)
+ "{\tt<}defines{\tt>}" at (0.5 between Att and Class.e,Class) above
+ Ext: bx(ht boxht*3/4 "Extension") with .e at (Att.e,Class+(0,boxht*3/2))
+ move to (Att.e,Att.n)-(Att.wid/8,0)
+ sarrow(to (Here,Ext.s),type=D;shaft=dashed)
+ "{\tt<}defines{\tt>}" at (last arrow,Ext.s)-(0,y) rjust
+ line dashed from Ext.w to (Log,Ext) then to (Log,Class)
+ "{\tt<}declares{\tt>}" at (0.5 between Log and Class,Ext) below
+ ellipse fill_(fillv) "name" at (Key,Ext)
+ sarrow(from last ellipse.w to Ext.e,type=D)
+ ellipse fill_(fillv) "prefix" with .n at last ellipse.s+(0,-ww/16)
+ line from last ellipse.w left y
+ URI: ellipse fill_(fillv) "URI" with .n at last ellipse.s+(0,-ww/16)
+ line from last ellipse.w left y then up Ext.y - URI.y
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Obliq.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Obliq.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c71c6569e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Obliq.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+scale = 2.54
+ `ProjectObliq(x,y,z,x scale,degrees)
+ oblique projection
+ arg4= x scale (default 1/2)'
+ d = 2
+define(`cube',`[ # w, h, d, scale, degrees
+ define(`cubewd',ifelse(`$1',,linewid,`$1'))dnl
+ define(`cubeht',ifelse(`$2',,cubewd,`$2'))dnl
+ define(`cubedp',ifelse(`$3',,cubewd,`$3'))dnl
+ for_(0,7,1,`P`'binary_(m4x,3): \
+ Pr(ifelse(eval(m4x/4),1,cubedp,0),
+ ifelse(eval((m4x%4)/2),1,cubewd,0),
+ ifelse(eval(m4x%2),1,cubeht,0))')
+# {command "{\small"
+# for_(0,7,1,`"binary_(m4x,3)" at P`'binary_(m4x,3)')
+# command "}"
+# }
+ {"000" at P000}
+ if obliqueangle_ > 0 then {
+ line dashed from P100 to P000 chop linethick bp__ * 2 chop 0
+ line dashed from P010 to P000 chop linethick bp__ * 2 chop 0
+ line dashed from P001 to P000 chop linethick bp__ * 2 chop 0
+ line from P101 to P001
+ line to P011
+ line to P111
+ line to P101
+ line to P100
+ line to P110
+ line to P010
+ line to P011
+ line from P110 to P111
+ } else {
+ line dashed from P101 to P001 chop linethick bp__ * 2 chop 0
+ line dashed from P011 to P001 chop linethick bp__ * 2 chop 0
+ line dashed from P000 to P001 chop linethick bp__ * 2 chop 0
+ line from P100 to P101
+ line to P111
+ line to P110
+ line to P100
+ line to P000
+ line to P010
+ line to P011
+ line to P111
+ line from P010 to P110
+ }
+ ]')
+ Cube: cube(1,2,3)
+##{arrow from Cube.P001 to 3/2 between Cube.P000 and Cube.P001; "$z$" ljust }
+##{arrow from Cube.P010 to 3/2 between Cube.P000 and Cube.P010; "$y$" below }
+##{arrow from Cube.P100 to 3/2 between Cube.P000 and Cube.P100; "$x$" ljust }
+ move define(`obliqueangle_',30); cube(1,2,3)
+ move define(`obliqueangle_',15); cube(1,2,3)
+ move define(`obliqueangle_',-15); cube(1,2,3)
+ move define(`obliqueangle_',-30); cube(1,2,3)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/OneLine.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/OneLine.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7b451b366aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/OneLine.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# OneLine.m4
+First: [
+ xgap = 0.6
+ dim1 = 1; dim2 = 0.75 ; dim3=0.5
+ X: box fill_(0.9) wid 1 "Xingu" "\SI{500}{\kV}"
+ { "$R_0=\SI{1,682}{\ohm}$" at X.sw below ljust }
+ sl_transformer(right_ dim2,type=S); rlabel(,\SI{18}{\percent},)
+ {[Ysymbol;Ysymbol(at last []+(last [].wid,0))] with .s at last [].n+(0,2bp__)}
+ { B1: line thick 3*linethick up 0.4 with .c at Here
+ "$s$" wid 0.1 ht 0.1 above }
+ { arrow right 0.2 from last line.c+(0.1,-0.1) }
+ { "$I^s$" at last line.start below }
+ line right 3.0 "$l=\SI{2600}{\km}$" wid 0.1 ht 0.1 above
+ { B2: line thick 3*linethick up 0.4 with .c at Here; "$r$" above }
+ sl_transformer(right_ dim2,type=S); rlabel(,\SI{18}{\percent},)
+ {[Ysymbol;Ysymbol(at last []+(last [].wid,0))] with .s at last [].n+(0,2bp__)}
+ NI: box fill_(0.9) wid 1 "Nova Igua\c{c}u" "\SI{500}{\kV}"
+ "$Z_0=a+b$" at NI.sw below ljust
+ RELE: box wid dimen_/2 ht dimen_/2 with .w at B1+(0.6,0.3)
+ line left 0.15 from 1/4 between RELE.nw and RELE.sw; "$V^s$" rjust
+ line left 0.15 from 3/4 between RELE.nw and RELE.sw; "$I^s$" rjust
+ ]
+Second: [
+ lstem = dimen_*3/4
+ asep = dimen_/3
+ sl_grid(U,lgth=dimen_;wdth=dimen_)
+ sl_transformer(down_ dimen_*7/4,type=S;name=Tr)
+ llabel(,"$\SI{400}{kVA}$" ljust "$\SI{4}{\percent}$" ljust,,,Tr)
+ Bus: sl_busbar(right_ dimen_*12, 5) with .P3 at Here
+define(`loadstring',`[ L: line invis down_ dimen_*5
+ line from L.start down_ L.len/4; dot
+ { arrow <-> down_ last line.len at last line+(asep,0) "\sf $5 m" ljust }
+ { sl_load(left_ lstem); "\sf $1" at Head.w rjust }
+ { r_text(90,`\sf\scriptsize NAYY 4x150 mm$^2$', at Here+(-7bp__,0)) }
+ line down_ L.len/4; dot
+ { arrow <-> down_ last line.len at last line+(asep,0) "\sf $6 m" ljust }
+ { sl_load(left_ lstem); "\sf $2" at Head.w rjust }
+ { box wid dimen_/3 ht dimen_/3 at Here }
+ line down_ L.len/8-3bp__
+ { ACsymbol(at Here+(0,-3bp__),,,2:RA) }
+ line down_ L.len/8+3bp__ from last line.end chop 6bp__ chop 0; dot
+ ifelse(`$7',,,
+ `{ arrow <-> up_ L.len/4 from Here+(asep,0) "\sf $7 m" ljust }')
+ { sl_load(left_ lstem); "\sf $3" at Head.w rjust }
+ line down_ L.len/4; dot
+ { arrow <-> down_ last line.len at last line+(asep,0) "\sf $8 m" ljust }
+ { sl_load(left_ lstem); Q:"\sf $4" at Head.w rjust }
+ { box wid dimen_/3 ht dimen_/3 at Here } ]')
+ loadstring(1,2,27,28, 21,21,,21) with .L.start at Bus.P1
+ move left_ 13bp__ from last [].Q
+ loadstring(1,2,15,16, 29,29,,29) with .L.start at Bus.P2
+ loadstring(1,2, 8, 9, 40,40,,40) with .L.start at Bus.P3
+ loadstring(1,2, 3, 4, 64,64,64,64) with .L.start at Bus.P4
+ line down_ last [].L.len/2 from Bus.P5; dot
+ { r_text(90,`\sf\scriptsize NAYY 4x150 mm$^2$', at last line.c+(-7bp__,0)) }
+ { arrow <-> down_ last line.len at last line+(asep,0)
+ "\sf 102 m" wid 30.4 bp__ ljust at last arrow }
+ { sl_load(left_ lstem)}
+ ] with .nw at First.sw+(0,-dimen_/2)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/OpAmpFilter.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/OpAmpFilter.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e8f82c9801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/OpAmpFilter.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# OpAmpFilter.m4
+command "{\small\sf"
+ define(`SpecOpAmp',`$1: [ right_
+ lwtmp = linewid; linewid = 1*scale
+ H: opamp
+ "$2" at H.In1 below rjust
+ "$3" at H.In2 below rjust
+ "$4" at H.E below ljust
+ "V${-}$" at H.E1 below
+ line up_ dimen_/3 from H.E1 "4" rjust; dot(,,1)
+ "$\hbox{V}_{\hbox{CC}}$" rjust at last [].w
+ "V${+}$" at H.E2 above
+ line down_ dimen_/3 from H.E2 "11" ljust; dot(,,1)
+ "${-}\hbox{V}_{\hbox{CC}}$" ljust at last [].e
+ linewid = lwtmp
+ ifelse($1,U1,,`line left_ jog from H.In2 then down_ jog/2; zground ')
+ "$1" at H.S below ljust
+ In1: H.In1; In2: H.In2; Out: H.Out
+ D: dot(at Out)
+ V: circle diam 12bp__ "V" at Out+(dimen_/4,dimen_/3)
+ "V$_{\hbox{\scriptsize $5}}$" at V.n above
+ open_arrow(from V to D chop last circle.rad chop dotrad_) ] ')
+ define(`zground',`ground(`$1',,S); "0" at Here+(dimen_/6,-dimen_/2)')
+ cscale = 5/4
+ linewid = linewid*cscale
+ jog = dimen_*0.3
+ vstep = dimen_*5/4
+ SpecOpAmp(U1,2,3,1,hp)
+ R1: resistor(right_ elen_*3/4 from U1.Out); llabel(,"R1"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k")
+ dot; line right_ jog
+ SpecOpAmp(U2,5,6,7,bp) with .In1 at Here
+ R2: resistor(right_ elen_*3/4 from U2.Out); llabel(,"R2"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k")
+ dot; line right_ jog
+ SpecOpAmp(U3,9,10,8,lp) with .In1 at Here
+ SpecOpAmp(U4,13,12,14,n) with .Out at U3.Out+(0,-dimen_*3.05)
+ line up vstep from U4.Out
+ Rf: resistor(left_); rlabel(,"R$_{\hbox{f}}$"); llabel(,"1`\,'k")
+ line to (U4.In1,Here)-(jog,0) then to U4.In1-(jog,0); dot
+ line from U3.Out down_ vstep+5bp__ then left_ jog
+ RL: resistor; rlabel(,"RL"); llabel(,"100")
+ line to (U4.In1-(2*jog,0),Here) then to U4.In1-(2*jog,0); dot
+ line from U1.Out to (U1.Out,Here); right_
+ R42: resistor(to U4.In1); llabel(,"R42"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k")
+ line from U2.Out down_ vstep
+ R41: resistor(left_ to (U1.In2-(jog,0),Here))
+ llabel(,"2.2`\,'k"); rlabel(,"R41")
+ line to (Here,U1.In2); dot; { line to U1.In2 }
+ line left_ jog; dot
+ { resistor(down_ elen_); rlabel(,"R0" rjust "10`\,'k"); zground }
+ R3: resistor(left_ dimen_); rlabel(,"R3","in"); llabel(,"1`\,'k")
+ source(down_ elen_,AC); llabel("V$_{\hbox{\scriptsize in}\;}$"); zground
+ line up_ vstep from U1.Out
+ R5: resistor(left_ to (U1.In1-(jog,0),Here)); rlabel(,"R6\enskip 10`\,'k")
+ dot
+ line from U1.In1 left_ jog then to Here+(0,dimen_/2)
+ resistor(right_ to (U3.Out,Here)); llabel(,"R5"); rlabel(,"1`\,'k")
+ line to U3.Out; dot(at Here+(0,vstep))
+ capacitor(left_ to (U3.In1-(jog,0),Here)); rlabel(,"C2\enskip 100`\,'n")
+ line to (Here,U3.In1)
+ line from U2.Out up_ vstep
+ capacitor(left_ to (U2.In1-(jog,0),Here)); rlabel(,"C1\enskip 100`\,'n")
+ line to (Here,U2.In1)
+command "}%"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Optics.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Optics.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4fadd44652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Optics.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Optics.m4
+scale = 2.54
+ textoffset = 4pt__
+ O: dot(at (0,0)) ; "\Large $O$" below rjust
+ L: line thick 1 right_ 14 with .c at O
+ S: dot(at (1.8,0)) ; "\Large $S$" below rjust
+ r = 7
+ C: dot(at (S.x-r,0)) ; "\Large $C$" below
+ F: dot(at (-1.8,0)) ; "\Large $F$" below
+ I: dot(at (4,0)) ; "\Large $I$" below
+ arrow dashed from I up_ 3.2 ; It: Here
+ AS: C.x+sqrt(r^2-3.7^2),3.7
+ Arc: arc thick 1 cw from AS to (AS.x,-AS.y) rad r with .c at C
+ for y=-AS.y to AS.y+0.001 by 0.1 do { line thick 0.4 right 0.5 up 0.1 \
+ from (C.x+sqrt(r^2-y^2),y) }
+ M: move from C to It
+ A1: arrow outlined "red" from C to LCintersect(M,C,r,R) chop -2 chop 0
+ arrow outlined "red" dashed to It chop 0 chop -3
+ N: move from It to F
+ arrow <- outlined "red" dashed from It to LCintersect(N,C,r) chop -2 chop 0
+ P: move down_ 1 from A1.start
+ arrow outlined "red" from last arrow.end to Intersect_(P,N)
+ Q: move up 1 from O
+ arrow from O to Intersect_(Q,M)
+ arrow outlined "red" to (C.x+sqrt(r^2-Here.y^2),Here.y)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Orbits.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Orbits.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef85d279353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Orbits.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Orbits.m4
+ crad = 1.0
+ g = 0.65
+# `orbitpos(long,lat,rad,ang)'
+ `rot3Dx((`$2')*dtor_,rot3Dz((`$1')*dtor_,rot3Dy(-(`$4')*dtor_,`$3',0,0)))')
+define vis { X: PO($1)
+ if (distance(X,B.C)>crad) || \
+ (dot3D(View3D,orbitpos(orbitlong,orbitlat,orbitrad,$1))>0) \
+ then {$2 = 1} else {$2 = -1} }
+# `orbit(long,lat,rad)'
+ `[da = 3
+ orbitlong = `$1'
+ orbitlat = `$2'
+ orbitrad = `$3'
+ define(`decorated',`ifelse(`$4',,,`outlined `$4'')')
+ arrow from PO(0) to PO(da*3) decorated
+ n=0
+ P[n]: PO(0)
+ vis(0,v)
+ for d=da to 360 by da do {
+ vis(d,x)
+ if x*v < 0 then {
+ findroot(vis,d-da,d,1e-6,x)
+ n+=1; P[n]: PO(x)
+ if v < 0 then { fitcurve(P,n,dashed decorated) } \
+ else { fitcurve(P,n,decorated) }
+ P[0]: P[n]
+ n = 0; v = -v }
+ n +=1; P[n]: PO(d)
+ }
+ if v < 0 then { fitcurve(P,n,dashed decorated) } \
+ else { fitcurve(P,n,decorated) }
+ ] with .c at B.C')
+# ball(rad,highlight rad,highlight degrees)
+ lt = linethick bp__
+ C: circle invis rad `$1' at (0,0)
+ D: C+(Rect_(`$2',`$3'))
+ rm = `$1'+distance(C,D)
+ a = 1 # fade rate parameter
+ for r=lt to rm by lt do {
+ u = 1-(r/rm*(a*r/rm+(1-a)))
+ if r < (1-g)*`$1' then { circle outlined rgbstring(u,u,u) rad r at D } \
+ else { arc cw outlined rgbstring(u,u,u) from Cintersect(D,r,C,`$1') \
+ to Cintersect(D,r,C,`$1',R) with .c at D
+ }
+ }
+ circle rad C.rad at C
+ ]')
+ linethick = 0.8
+ B: ball(crad,crad*g,110)
+ azimuth = 0
+ elevation = 0
+ setview(azimuth,elevation)
+ orbit(10, 30,crad*1.3,"red")
+ orbit(10,-30,crad*1.3,"blue")
+ orbit(10,-90,crad*1.3,"cyan")
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/PPA.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/PPA.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d25901310d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/PPA.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# `PPA.m4 Push-pull amplifier'
+Vs: source(up_ elen_,"$V_S$")
+ line right elen_/2
+T1: transformer(down_ elen_,,,W,10) with .P1 at Here
+ { dot(at T1.TP+(-dimen_/8,dimen_/3)) }
+ { dot(at T1.TS+(dimen_/8,dimen_*2/3))}
+ { dot(at T1.TS+(dimen_/8,-dimen_/8)) }
+ line from T1.P2 to Vs.start
+ line up_ dimen_*3/4 from T1.S1 then right_ dimen_*3/4
+ up_
+Q1: bi_tr(,L,,E) with .B at Here
+ line down_ dimen_*3/4 from T1.S2 then right_ dimen_*3/4
+ down_
+Q2: bi_tr(,R,,E) with .B at Here
+ line from Q1.E to Q2.E
+R2: resistor(left_ dimen_ from last line); llabel(,R_2)
+ dot; {dot(at R2.start) }
+ line to T1.TS
+ line down_ dimen_/2 right_ dimen_/2 from R2.start
+ ground
+ line right_ dimen_/6 from R2.start
+Vcc: battery(right_ elen_,2); rlabel(,V_{cc})
+ dot
+ line up dimen_*2/3 then to (R2.start.x,Here.y+dimen_*2/3)
+ resistor(to (R2.end,Here)); rlabel(,R_1); line to R2.end
+ line right_ dimen_/2 from Vcc.end
+T2: transformer(up_ elen_,,,W,10) with .TS at Here
+ line from T2.S2 to (T2.S2,Q1.C) then to Q1.C
+ line from T2.S1 to (T2.S1,Q2.C) then to Q2.C
+ line right elen_/2 from T2.P2
+ resistor(down_ to (Here,T2.P1)); llabel(,R_L)
+ line to T2.P1
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/PerpTo.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/PerpTo.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..410ce9605f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/PerpTo.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# PerpTo.m4
+ O: (0,0)
+ A: (5,0)
+ B: (0,3)
+define drawperp { #( depth, O, A, B )
+[ d = $1; O[d]: $2; A[d]: $3; B[d]: $4
+ P[d]: PerpTo(O[d],A[d],B[d])
+ if d > 0 then {
+ exec sprintf("drawperp(%g,P[%g],O[%g],A[%g]) with .O[%g] at P[%g]",\
+ d-1,d,d,d,d-1,d)
+ exec sprintf("drawperp(%g,P[%g],B[%g],O[%g]) with .O[%g] at P[%g]",\
+ d-1,d,d,d,d-1,d)
+ }
+ line outlined graystring((depth-d)/depth) from O[d] to P[d]
+ ] }
+ depth = 6
+ drawperp(depth,O,A,B) with .O[depth] at O
+ line from O to A then to B then to O
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Pipe.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Pipe.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d6512478c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Pipe.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# How about ladder diagrams?
+ { for x=0 to 5 do { line up 5 from (x,0) } }
+ { for y=0 to 5 do { line right 5 from (0,y) } }
+ posarray(A,
+ (1,0.5),
+ (4,0.5),
+ (4.5,1),
+ (4.5,3),
+ (4,3.5),
+ (3.5,3),
+ (3,2.5),
+ (1,2.5),
+ (0.5,3),
+ (0.5,4),
+ (1,4.5),
+ (4,4.5))
+ P[0]: 1,0.5
+ P[1]: 4.5,0.5
+ P[2]: 4.5,3.5
+ P[3]: 3.5,3.5
+ P[4]: 3.5,2.5
+ P[5]: 0.5,2.5
+ P[6]: 0.5,4.5
+ P[7]: 4,4.5
+ r = 0.4
+ define(`curve',
+ ` move to P[0]
+ for i_c=1 to 6 do { arcto(P[i_c],P[i_c+1],r,`$1') }
+ line to P[7] `$1'')
+ lw = 0.3/(1bp__)
+ lt = 1.8
+ for i=0 to 6 do {
+ curve(thick lw-lt*i outlined rgbstring(0.1+i/10,0.1+i/10,0.1+i/10))}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Planes.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Planes.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9344bd2ddad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Planes.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Planes.m4
+# These 3D diagrams are like many others: define the surface facets,
+# use normal vectors to determine visibility, sort and plot the visible
+# facets from back to front.
+# Store a point as x_[i], y_[i], z_[i]
+ x_[$1] = $2
+ y_[$1] = $3
+ z_[$1] = $4')
+# Recover point coordinates
+define(`triple',`x_[$1], y_[$1], z_[$1]')
+ diff3D(triple($1*3+1),triple($1*3)),
+ diff3D(triple($1*3+2),triple($1*3+1)))')
+# Create npositive, arrays dcosine[1..npositive]
+# and index ix[1..npositive] of sorted facets
+# Uses macros facetnormal(i) and facetcenter(i)
+ npositive = 0
+ for i=1 to `$1' do {
+ mktriple(0,facetnormal(i))
+ dx = dot3D(triple(0),View3D)
+ if dx > 0 then {
+ dcosine[i] = dx/length3D(triple(0)) # direction cosine normal wrt View3D
+ npositive +=1
+ dist[npositive] = dot3D(facetcenter(i),View3D) # distance
+ ix[npositive] = i
+ }
+ }
+ dpquicksort(dist,1,npositive,ix) ')
+Threeplanes: [
+# Size parameters
+ a = 3/2
+ b = 0.4
+ d = 1
+# Define intersecting lines in the plane
+ A0: -a,-b
+ A1: a,-b
+ B0: Rot_(A0,120)
+ B1: Rot_(A1,120)
+ C0: Rot_(A0,240)
+ C1: Rot_(A1,240)
+# Intersections
+ AB: lintersect(A,B)
+ BC: lintersect(B,C)
+ CA: lintersect(C,A)
+# Facets are rectangles here; store 3 corners
+ mktriple((`$1')*3, 0,`$2'.x,`$2'.y)
+ mktriple((`$1')*3+1, 0,`$3'.x,`$3'.y)
+ mktriple((`$1')*3+2,-d,`$3'.x,`$3'.y)
+ ')
+# Define the facets
+ mkfacet(m4inx,A0,CA) mkfacet(m4inx,CA,A0)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,CA,AB) mkfacet(m4inx,AB,CA)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,AB,A1) mkfacet(m4inx,A1,AB)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,B0,AB) mkfacet(m4inx,AB,B0)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,AB,BC) mkfacet(m4inx,BC,AB)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,BC,B1) mkfacet(m4inx,B1,BC)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,C0,BC) mkfacet(m4inx,BC,C0)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,BC,CA) mkfacet(m4inx,CA,BC)
+ mkfacet(m4inx,CA,C1) mkfacet(m4inx,C1,CA)
+ nfacets = m4x
+# Wierd color
+ `rgbstring(`$1',ifelse(`$2',,`$1',`$2'),ifelse(`$3',,`$1',`$3'))')')
+# Recover the 4th corner and draw
+ NW_facet: project(triple(($1)*3))
+ NE_facet: project(triple(($1)*3+1))
+ SE_facet: project(triple(($1)*3+2))
+ SW_facet: project(x_[($1)*3+2],y_[($1)*3],z_[($1)*3])
+ N_facet: 0.5 between NW_facet and NE_facet
+ line from N_facet to NE_facet then to SE_facet then to SW_facet \
+ then to NW_facet then to N_facet shaded colr(`$2',`$3',`$4')
+# fill_(ifelse(`$2',,1,`(1-`$2')'))
+ ')
+# View angles azimuth, elevation, rotation (degrees)
+ setview( 10, 40 )
+# Draw facets, shading with view cosines
+ processfacets(nfacets)
+ for i=1 to npositive do { drawfacet(ix[i],max(0,1-2*dcosine[ix[i]]),
+ dcosine[ix[i]],
+ dcosine[ix[i]])
+# for i=1 to npositive do { drawfacet(ix[i],dcosine[ix[i]])
+ }
+] # Threeplanes
+# Bowl
+# vertx_(facet_no,vertex_no)
+ define vertx_ { ($1-1)*nvertices + $2 }
+# Normal vector to a facet
+ diff3D(triple(vertx_($1,2)),triple(vertx_($1,1))),
+ diff3D(triple(vertx_($1,4)),triple(vertx_($1,1))))')
+# Facet center
+ sum3D(triple(vertx_(`$1',1)),triple(vertx_(`$1',2))),
+ sum3D(triple(vertx_(`$1',3)),triple(vertx_(`$1',4)))))')
+ NW_plane: project(triple(vertx_($1,1)))
+ SW_plane: project(triple(vertx_($1,2)))
+ SE_plane: project(triple(vertx_($1,3)))
+ NE_plane: project(triple(vertx_($1,4)))
+ N_plane: 0.5 between NW_plane and NE_plane
+ shd = (`$2')^(1/4)
+ line from N_plane to NE_plane then to SE_plane then to SW_plane \
+ then to NW_plane then to N_plane \
+ fill_(ifelse(`$2',,1,shd)) outlined rgbstring(shd,shd,shd)
+# line from NW_plane to NE_plane
+ line from SW_plane to SE_plane
+ ')
+ nvertices = 4 # vertices per facet
+Bowl: [
+ elevation = 30
+ setview( 0, 30 )
+ nplanes = 40
+ bigradius = 2
+ smallradius = 1
+ cupht = 1.5
+ thin = smallradius/10
+# Define the facet corners
+ for i=1 to nplanes do {
+ mktriple(vertx_(i,1),rot3Dz((i-1)/nplanes*twopi_,bigradius,0,0))
+ mktriple(vertx_(i,2),rot3Dz((i-1)/nplanes*twopi_,smallradius,0,-cupht))
+ mktriple(vertx_(i,3),rot3Dz((i )/nplanes*twopi_,smallradius,0,-cupht))
+ mktriple(vertx_(i,4),rot3Dz((i )/nplanes*twopi_,bigradius,0,0))
+ mktriple(vertx_(nplanes+i,1),triple(vertx_(i,4)))
+ mktriple(vertx_(nplanes+i,2),triple(vertx_(i,3)))
+ mktriple(vertx_(nplanes+i,3),triple(vertx_(i,2)))
+ mktriple(vertx_(nplanes+i,4),triple(vertx_(i,1)))
+ }
+# for i=1 to nplanes do {
+# mktriple(vertx_(i,1),rot3Dz((i-1)/nplanes*twopi_,bigradius,0,0))
+# mktriple(vertx_(i,2),rot3Dz((i-1)/nplanes*twopi_,smallradius,0,-cupht))
+# mktriple(vertx_(i,3),rot3Dz((i-1)/nplanes*twopi_,smallradius-thin,0,-cupht))
+# mktriple(vertx_(i,4),rot3Dz((i-1)/nplanes*twopi_,bigradius-thin,0,0))
+# }
+# Find the visible facets and sort
+ processfacets(nplanes*2)
+ for i=1 to npositive do { drawplane(ix[i],dcosine[ix[i]]) }
+ ellipse wid 2*bigradius ht 2*bigradius*sin(elevation*dtor_) at project(0,0,0)
+] #with .sw at
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/README_extras b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/README_extras
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..140802fb682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/README_extras
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+THIS DIRECTORY contains a Makefile and .m4 sources for diagrams
+not included in the examples files. Type "make" and, to clean up,
+"make clean". This directory is assumed to be a subdirectory of
+the examples directory in order to include the necessary definition
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/RandomNodes.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/RandomNodes.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f14973204f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/RandomNodes.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# RandomNodes.m4
+ scale = 2.54
+ n = 300
+ msiz = 4.90*2
+ maxdist = 1.0
+ box wid msiz ht msiz with .sw at (0,0)
+ for i=1 to n do { X[i] : (rand(), rand())*msiz }
+ for i=1 to n-1 do { for j=i+1 to n do {
+ if distance(X[i],X[j]) <= maxdist then {
+ line outlined "green" from X[i] to X[j]
+ } } }
+ for i=1 to n do { circle rad dotrad_ at X[i] shaded "green" }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Region.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Region.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4cde354917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Region.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Region.m4
+ grsize = 3.3
+ maxaxis = 4.5
+ define Grid { (($1+maxaxis)/(2*maxaxis)*grsize-grsize/2,\
+ ($2+maxaxis)/(2*maxaxis)*grsize-grsize/2) }
+ box wid grsize ht grsize with .c at (0,0)
+ tic = 0.05
+ for x=-maxaxis to maxaxis by 0.5 do {
+ line up tic from Grid(x,-maxaxis)
+ y = abs(x)
+ { if y/2 == int(y/2+0.5) then { sprintf("%g",x) at last line.start below } }
+ line down tic from Grid(x,maxaxis)
+ line right tic from Grid(-maxaxis,x)
+ { if y/2 == int(y/2+0.5) then { sprintf("%g",x) at last line.start rjust } }
+ line left tic from Grid(maxaxis,x)
+ }
+ n = 10
+ ylim = 3
+ for i=0 to n do { y = i/n*ylim
+ P[i]: Grid(sqrt(1+y^2),y)
+ P[-i]:( P[i].x,-P[i].y)
+ Q[i]: (-P[i].x, P[i].y)
+ Q[-i]:(-P[i].x,-P[i].y) }
+ rgbfill(0.6,0.6,0.8,
+ fitcurve(P,n,,-n)
+ line to (P[n].x,P[n].x) then to (Q[-n].x,Q[-n].x) then to Q[-n]
+ fitcurve(Q,n,,-n)
+ line to (Q[n].x,-Q[n].x) then to (P[-n].x,-P[-n].x) then to P[-n] )
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Resolver.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Resolver.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6ca93047a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Resolver.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# `Resolver.m4'
+linewid = linewid*1.25
+ T1: transformer(down_ dimen_/2)
+ line left from T1.P1; dot; move left 15bp__ "RH"
+ line left from T1.P2; dot; "RL" rjust
+ "Rotor ($r$)" at T1.TP rjust
+ line right_ dimen_*3/4 from T1.S2
+ C: Here
+ phi = 35
+ move right_ 0.1 from T1.S1; move from C to C+(Rect_(0.1,90+phi))
+ Q: Intersect_(last move,2nd last move)
+ Lr: inductor(from Q to C)
+ S1: line from T1.S1 to Q
+ A: C+(Rect_(dimen_*0.9,90+phi))
+ thinlines_
+ line dashed from Q to A chop 2bp__ chop 0
+ "Rotor shaft" at last line.end rjust "angle" rjust "" rjust
+ line dashed from C up_ dimen_*0.9 chop 2bp__ chop 0
+ arcd(C,dimen_*0.85,90,90+phi) ->
+ thicklines_
+ f_box($\phi$) at C+(Rect_(dimen_*0.85,90+phi/2))
+ d = distance(T1.P1,T1.P2)
+ Ls: inductor(up_ d from C+(d/2,0))
+ line right_ from Ls.end
+ D2: dot; "S2" ljust
+ line from Ls.start to (D2,Ls.start); dot; "S4" ljust
+ "$Kr\cos(\phi)$" at 0.5 between last "" and 2nd last ""
+ Lq: inductor(right_ d at (Lr,(C+(0,-d/3))))
+ line from Lq.end down_ d/4
+ K: Here; corner; line to (D2,K); dot; "S3" ljust
+ line from Lq.start down_ d*5/4
+ L: Here; corner; line to (D2,L); dot; "S1" ljust
+ "$Kr\sin(\phi)$" at 0.5 between last "" and 2nd last ""
+"Resolver essentials" at last [].s below
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/SPM.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/SPM.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b3fdb642c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/SPM.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# `SPM.m4 Salient-pole machine'
+ outerrad = 1
+ medrad = 11/16
+ windings = 6
+ polewid = 3/8
+ twid = (outerrad-medrad)/3
+ srad = twid/4
+ halfline = ifgpic(0,linethick/2 pt__)
+ C: circle rad outerrad at 0,0
+ line from Rect_(outerrad,180+60) to (C.w,C.s) then down polewid/2 \
+ then right 2*outerrad then up polewid/2 then to Rect_(outerrad,-60)
+ line from C+(medrad,-twid/2) right twid then up twid then left twid \
+ chop -halfline
+ E: Here+(halfline,0)
+ for i = 1 to windings*2 do {
+ Point_(i*360/(windings*2))
+ arc ccw from E to C+vec_(medrad,-twid/2) with .c at C
+ E: rvec_(0,twid)
+ line to rvec_(twid,0) then to rvec_(twid,twid) then to E chop -halfline
+ }
+ move to C
+ for i = 0 to 3 do {{
+ Point_(i*90)
+ for_(-1,1,2,
+ `{ line from rvec_(polewid/2,m4x*polewid/2) \
+ to rvec_(medrad*2/3,m4x*polewid/2) \
+ then to rvec_(medrad*2/3,m4x*(polewid/2+polewid/5)) \
+ chop -halfline chop 0
+ { move to rvec_(0,-(m4x*polewid/5))
+ line from rvec_(-twid/2,m4x*twid/4) to rvec_(-twid/4,m4x*twid/4) \
+ then to rvec_(-twid/4,m4x*twid*3/4) \
+ then to rvec_(-twid*7/4,m4x*twid*3/4) \
+ then to rvec_(-twid*7/4,m4x*twid/4) \
+ then to rvec_(-twid/2,m4x*twid/4) }
+ T: rvec_(srad,0)
+ arc ifelse(m4x,-1,c)cw to (1+srad/distance(T,C))<C,T> with .c at T
+ }')
+ arc cw from last arc.end to 2nd last arc.end with .c at C
+ }}
+ t = distance(C,last arc.s)
+ "\sf N" at C+(0, t) below
+ "\sf N" at C+(0,-t) above
+ "\sf S" at C+(-t,0) ljust
+ "\sf S" at C+( t,0) rjust
+ for i = 0 to windings/2-1 do {
+ for j = 1 to 2 do { sprintf("$\char%g_%g$",97+i,j) \
+ at Rect_(outerrad-twid,180*(2-j)-i*360/windings) }
+ for j = 1 to 2 do { sprintf("$\char%g_%g'$",97+i,j) \
+ at Rect_(outerrad-twid,180*(2-j)-90-i*360/windings) }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/SampleFlow.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/SampleFlow.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..077a0ba6e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/SampleFlow.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# SampleFlow.m4
+boxwid = 1.9
+boxht = 1.0
+linethick = 1.2
+ define(`dlthick',0.25)
+ define(`dfillcolor',`0.7,0.7,0.7')
+ define rbox {box rad boxht/10}
+ define offset { with .nw at last,-0.125)}
+ define indent { at last box.w+(0.1,0)}
+ define connect {
+ { Dline(from 2nd last box.s to (2nd last box,last box),E;ends=!-)
+ dleft
+ darrow(to last box.w) } }
+ command "{\sf\huge"
+ B1: rbox
+ { "Sample" ljust indent "Acquisition" ljust }
+ B2: rbox offset
+ {"Sample" ljust indent "Checking" ljust }
+ connect
+ B3: rbox offset
+ {"Dimensionality" ljust at last box.w "Sample Check" ljust }
+ connect
+ B4: rbox offset
+ {"Sample" ljust indent "Synthesis" ljust "Techniques" ljust }
+ connect
+ command "}%"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ShadeSector.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ShadeSector.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0632fdb14f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/ShadeSector.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# ShadedSector.m4
+ rx = 4
+ n = int(rx/lthick)
+ for i=1 to n do { left_
+ hsvtorgb((1-i/n)*180,1,1,r,g,b)
+ arc rad i/n*rx with .c at (0,0) outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Shadow.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Shadow.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ad65d8eb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Shadow.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Shadow.m4
+ `shadowellipse(options,text)
+ Draws a shadowed ellipse
+ with gradient from white at the top to
+ hsv-specified color at the bottom
+ Default is uniform lightgray shade
+ Arg 2 is a text label written at the center'
+define(`shadowellipse',`[ Orig: Here
+ m4shadow_keys(`$1')
+ [
+ ellipse wid m4wid ht m4ht invis shaded m4shadow ] wid 0 ht 0 \
+ at (m4shadowthick+m4thick bp__/2,-(m4shadowthick+m4thick bp__/2))
+# at ((m4shadowthick)/2,-(m4shadowthick)/2)
+ define pElBshade { v = m4ht*($`'1)
+ if v < m4rad then { h = (m4wid/2-m4rad)+sqrt(m4rad^2-(m4rad-v)^2) } \
+ else { if v < m4ht-m4rad then { h = m4wid/2 } \
+ else { h = (m4wid/2-m4rad)+sqrt(m4rad^2-(m4rad-(m4ht-v))^2) } }
+ line from (-h,v) to (h,v) thick m4thick outlined rgbstring($`'2,$`'3,$`'4)
+ }
+ nsteps = rnd(m4ht/(m4thick bp__)*1.1)
+ hsvtorgb(m4hue,m4sat,m4val,r,g,b)
+ ShadeObject(pElBshade,nsteps,
+ 0, r, g, b,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1) with .c at Orig ')
+ Ellipse: ellipse ht m4ht wid m4wid thick m4thick outline m4outlined \
+ at Orig ifelse(m4hue,,shaded m4shaded)
+ ifelse(`$2',,,`m4lstring(`$2',"`$2'") at Ellipse')
+ `$3']')
+ `shadowbox(options,text) Draws a shadowed box
+ with gradient from white at the top to
+ hsv-specified color at the bottom
+ Default is uniform lightgray shade
+ Arg 2 is a text label written at the center'
+define(`shadowbox',`[ Orig: Here
+ m4shadow_keys(`$1')
+ [
+ box invis rad m4rad ht m4ht wid m4wid shaded m4shadow ] wid 0 ht 0 \
+ at (m4shadowthick+m4thick bp__/2,-(m4shadowthick+m4thick bp__/2))
+# box rad m4rad+m4thick bp__/2+m4shadowthick/2 ht m4ht wid m4wid \
+# thick m4shadowthick/(1bp__) outlined m4shadow ] wid 0 ht 0 \
+# at ((m4shadowthick+m4thick bp__)/2,-(m4shadowthick+m4thick bp__)/2)
+ define pBxBshade { v = m4ht*($`'1)
+ if v < m4rad then { h = (m4wid/2-m4rad)+sqrt(m4rad^2-(m4rad-v)^2) } \
+ else { if v < m4ht-m4rad then { h = m4wid/2 } \
+ else { h = (m4wid/2-m4rad)+sqrt(m4rad^2-(m4rad-(m4ht-v))^2) } }
+ line from (-h,v) to (h,v) thick m4thick outlined rgbstring($`'2,$`'3,$`'4)
+ }
+ nsteps = rnd(m4ht/(m4thick bp__)*1.1)
+ hsvtorgb(m4hue,m4sat,m4val,r,g,b)
+ ShadeObject(pBxBshade,nsteps,
+ 0, r, g, b,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1) with .c at Orig ')
+ Box: box rad m4rad ht m4ht wid m4wid thick m4thick outline m4outlined \
+ at Orig ifelse(m4hue,,shaded m4shaded)
+ ifelse(`$2',,,`m4lstring(`$2',"`$2'") at Box')
+ `$3']')
+# Box size parameters
+ setkey_(`$1',wid,boxwid)dnl
+ setkey_(`$1',rad,boxht/8)dnl
+ setkey_(`$1',thick,linethick)dnl
+# Shadow thickness
+ setkey_(`$1',shadowthick,2*lthick)dnl
+# HSV color for gradient shading
+ setkey_(`$1',hue)dnl Default is blank for a shade fill;
+ setkey_(`$1',sat,1)dnl
+ setkey_(`$1',val,1)dnl
+# Named colors
+ setkey_(`$1',shaded,"lightgray",N)dnl
+ setkey_(`$1',outlined,"gray",N)dnl
+ setkey_(`$1',shadow,"lightgray",N)dnl
+w = 0.3
+boxwid = w
+dh = 30
+# Hue from 0 to 360
+T:[ for i=0 to 361 by dh do { shadowbox(hue=i) } ]
+ { s_box(hue=0) at T.w rjust; s_box(hue=360) at T.e ljust }
+ { for i=0 to 361 by dh do { s_box("%g",i) at T.nw+(w/2+i/dh*w,0) above } }
+ { s_box(hue) at T.n+(0,12bp__) above }
+# Hue from 0 to 360; sat=0.5; val=0.5
+Ta:[ for i=0 to 361 by dh do { shadowbox(hue=i;sat=0.5;val=0.5) } ] \
+ with .nw at last [].sw
+ { s_box(`\shortstack[r]{sat=0.5\\val=0.5}') at Ta.w rjust }
+# Hue = 0; sat=0 to 1
+U:[ for i=0 to 361 by dh do { shadowbox(hue=0;sat=i/360) } ] \
+ with .nw at last [].sw
+ { s_box(`\shortstack[r]{hue=0\\sat=0}') at U.w rjust
+ s_box(sat=1) at U.e ljust }
+# Hue = 0; val=0 to 1
+V:[ for i=0 to 361 by dh do { shadowbox(hue=0;val=i/360) } ] \
+ with .nw at last [].sw
+ { s_box(`\shortstack[r]{hue=0\\val=0}') at V.w rjust
+ s_box(val=1) at V.e ljust }
+# Miscellaneous
+ shadowbox
+ DefineRGBColor(verylight,0.95,0.95,0.95); shadowbox(shaded=verylight)
+ shadowbox(hue=0;val=0)
+ DefineHSVColor(cx,110,0.5,0.5); shadowbox(shaded=cx)
+ shadowbox(shaded="yellow")
+ DefineHSVColor(lx,120,0.4,0.5); shadowbox(hue=120;sat=0.3;val=0.2;shadow=lx)
+ ] with .nw at last [].sw
+ellipsewid = w
+#linethick = 5
+ shadowellipse(shadowthick=lthick)
+ ellipse thick 5
+ ellipse thick 5 shaded "gray"
+ ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.1)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Shaky.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Shaky.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81364cf515e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Shaky.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Shaky.m4
+ `An attempt to draw shaky hand-drawn lines'
+ `shakyline(linespec,type,shake=val,[shakevals])
+ Draw a line with a tremor
+ arg3: shake parameter (default 1)
+ arg4=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given'
+`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ L_start_: last line.start
+ L_end_: last line.end
+ [ Start: L_start_
+ End: L_end_
+ llen = distance(Start,End)
+ npts = round_(llen/linewid*4)
+ pushkey_(`$3',shake,1)dnl
+ sval = m4shake*llen/npts/8
+ if "$4"=="" then { randn(d,npts-1,0,sval) }\
+ else { for i=1 to npts-1 do { d[i] = $4[i]*sval) }}
+ P[0]: Start
+ for i=1 to npts-1 do { P[i]: i/npts between Start and End + vec_(0,d[i]) }
+ P[npts]: End
+ spline ifdpic(ifelse(`$2',,ctension_)) $2 from P[0] to P[1]
+ for i=2 to npts do { continue to P[i] } popdef(`m4shake')
+ ] with .Start at L_start_; move to L_end_')
+ `shakyarc(arcspec,type,shake=val,[shakevals])
+ Draw an arc with a tremor
+ arg3: s=shake parameter (default 1)
+ arg4=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given'
+`arc invis $1
+ A_start_: last arc.start
+ A_end_: last arc.end
+ A_C_: last arc.c
+ [ Start: A_start_
+ End: A_end_
+ C: A_C_
+ as = atan2(Start.y-C.y,Start.x-C.x)
+ ae = atan2(End.y-C.y,End.x-C.x)
+ ar = distance(Start,C)
+ llen = abs(ar*(ae-as))
+ npts = round_(llen/linewid*4)
+ pushkey_($3,shake,1)dnl
+ sval = m4shake*llen/npts/8
+ if "$4"=="" then { randn(d,npts-1,0,sval) }\
+ else { for i=1 to npts-1 do { d[i] = $4[i]*sval }}
+ P[0]: Start
+ for i=1 to npts-1 do { P[i]: C + (rect_(ar+d[i],as+i/npts*(ae-as))) }
+ P[npts]: End
+ spline ifdpic(ifelse(`$2',,ctension_)) $2 from P[0] to P[1]
+ for i=2 to npts do { continue to P[i] } popdef(`m4shake')
+ ] with .Start at last arc.start; move to last arc.end')
+ `shakyfitcurve(V,n,linetype,
+ m (default 0),shake=val,[shakevals])
+ Like fitcurve but the control points
+ are perturbed
+ arg5: s=shake parameter (default 1)
+ arg6=normal(0,1) perturbations used if given'
+ [ m4fn = ifelse(`$2',,2,`$2'); m4fm = ifelse(`$4',,0,`$4')
+ pushkey_($5,shake,1)dnl
+ if "$6"=="" then { randn(d,2*(m4fn-m4fm-1),0,m4shake) }\
+ else { for i=1 to 2*(m4fn-m4fm-1) do { d[i] = $6[i]*m4shake }}
+ M4PP_[0]: `$1'[m4fm]
+ for i=m4fm+1 to m4fn-1 do { M4PP_[i-m4fm]: `$1'[i] dnl
+ +(d[2*(i-m4fm-1)+1],d[2*(i-m4fm-1)+2])\
+ *distance(M4PP_[i-m4fm-1],`$1'[i])/16 }
+ M4PP_[m4fn-m4fm]: `$1'[m4fn]; End: M4PP_[m4fn-m4fm]
+ fitcurve(M4PP_,m4fn-m4fm) popdef(`m4shake')
+ ] with .M4PP_[0] at `$1'[ifelse(`$4',,0,`$4')]; move to last [].End ')
+P1: [
+ linethick = 2.5
+ round(,,colored "gray")
+ nl = 10
+ for i=0 to nl do {
+ shakyline(right 6/nl up 2*(2*pmod(i,2)-1),,shake=2)
+ {sprintf("%g",2-i/nl*2) at 1/2 between L_start_ and L_end_ }
+ round(,,colored "gray") }
+ ]
+P2: [
+ linethick = 2.5
+ na = 3
+ arcrad = 1
+ for i=1 to na do {
+ shakyarc(,colored "gray",shake=2)
+ }
+ ] with .nw at last [].sw +(0,-1)
+P3: [
+ linethick = 2.5
+ na = 3
+ arcrad = 2
+ for i=1 to na do {
+ shakyarc(,colored "gray",shake=2)
+ }
+ ] with .w at last [].e +(1,0)
+P4: [
+ n = 0
+ for a=0 to 359 by 30 do { V[n]: (Rect_(1,a)); n+=1 }
+ V[n]: V[0]
+ shakyfitcurve(V,n,,,shake=1)
+ ] with .nw at P2.sw + (0,-0.5)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Star.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Star.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0817236d19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Star.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Star.m4
+# star(keys)
+# keys: size=expr;
+# points=expr;
+# angle=expr; last convex vertex ang
+# depth=expr; inner vertex fraction
+# line=attributes;
+define(`star',`[ pushkeys_(`$1',
+ `size:linewid; points:5; angle:90; depth:1/(m4points-1); line::N')
+ dang = 360/m4points
+ T: (Rect_(m4size/2*m4depth,m4angle+dang/2)) # concave inner vertex
+ S: 1/2 between T and (Rect_(m4size/2,m4angle))
+ U: (Rect_(m4size/2,m4angle+dang)) # convex outer vertex
+ line m4line from S to T then to U
+ for i=1 to m4points-1 do {
+ T: (Rect_(m4size/2*m4depth,m4angle+i*dang+dang/2))
+ U: (Rect_(m4size/2,m4angle+(i+1)*dang))
+ continue to T then to U }
+ continue to S; popdef(`size',`points',`angle',`depth',`m4line')]')
+linewid = linewid*2
+star(line=outlined "red")
+star(points=9;line=outlined "red" shaded "magenta")
+#star(points=m4x;line=outlined "red" shaded "magenta")')
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Stator.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Stator.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc74a111e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Stator.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Stator.m4
+scale = 0.5
+ outerwid = 5/2
+ innerwid = 3.7/2
+ nteeth = 32
+ toothdepth = (innerwid/2)*(twopi_/nteeth)
+ statordepth = toothdepth*4
+ viewangle = 30
+ outershade = 0.9
+ topshade = 0.8
+ innershade = 0.6
+ toothshade = 0.5
+ cv = cosd(viewangle)
+ sv = sind(viewangle)
+ define ang { ($1)/nteeth*twopi_ }
+ T: (0,statordepth*cv)
+ Tc: (0,toothdepth*cv)
+ for i = 0 to nteeth/2 do { for j=1 to -1 by -2 do { # Shaded tooth walls
+ P: (cos(ang(i)+pi_/2)*j,sin(ang(i)+pi_/2)*sv)*outerwid/2
+ Q: P*innerwid/outerwid
+ line from P to P+Tc then to Q+Tc then to Q then to P \
+ shaded rgbstring(toothshade,toothshade,toothshade) } }
+ shade(innershade, # inner arc and teeth
+ E: ellipsearc(innerwid,innerwid*sv,pi_,0,0,cw) with .C at T
+ move to (innerwid/2,0)
+ toothht = toothdepth*cv
+ for i = 0 to nteeth/2 do {
+ line up toothht
+ ellipsearc(innerwid,innerwid*sv,ang(i),ang(i+1),0,ccw) with .Start at Here
+ move to last [].End
+ toothht = -toothht } )
+ shade(outershade, # outer arc and teeth
+ E: ellipsearc(outerwid,outerwid*sv,0,pi_,0,cw) with .C at T
+ line down statordepth*cv from E.End
+ toothht = toothdepth*cv
+ for i = nteeth/2 to nteeth-1 do {
+ line up toothht
+ ellipsearc(outerwid,outerwid*sv,ang(i),ang(i+1),0,ccw) with .Start at Here
+ move to last [].End
+ toothht = -toothht }
+ line up statordepth*cv from E.Start-T )
+ for r=innerwid to outerwid by lthick*2 do { # shade the top
+ ellipse wid r ht r*sv with .c at T \
+ outlined rgbstring(topshade,topshade,topshade) }
+ ellipse wid outerwid ht outerwid*sv with .c at T
+ ellipse wid innerwid ht innerwid*sv with .c at T
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/TR_fill.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/TR_fill.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf3fae888c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/TR_fill.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# TR_fill.m4
+ B: (0,0); "B" at B below
+ C: (5,0); "C" at C below
+ A: Cintersect(B,4,C,3); "A" at A above
+ line from B to C then to A then to B
+ RightAngle(B,A,C,0.25)
+ rgbfill(0.5,0.5,0.5,
+ arc from A to B rad 2
+ arc cw to C rad 2.5
+ arc to A rad 1.5 )
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c02c9a48172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Views.m4
+`# Perspective transformations
+# mult4( matrix, vector, vector )
+ define mult4 { for i=1 to 4 do {
+ $3[i] = 0
+ for j=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $3[i] + $1[(j-1)*4+i]*$2[j] }}}
+# eye4 make unit matrix
+ define eye4 { for i=1 to 4 do { for j=1 to 4 do { $1[(j-1)*4+i] = 0 }}}
+# rotx4( theta, vector, vector )
+ define rotx4 { $3[1] = $2[1]
+ $3[2] = cos($1)*$2[2]-sin($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[3] = sin($1)*$2[2]+cos($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[4] = $2[4] }
+# roty4( theta, vector, vector )
+ define roty4 { $3[1] = cos($1)*$2[1]-sin($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[2] = $2[2]
+ $3[3] = sin($1)*$2[1]+cos($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[4] = $2[4] }
+# rotz4( theta, vector, vector )
+ define rotz4 { $3[1] = cos($1)*$2[1]-sin($1)*$2[2]
+ $3[2] = sin($1)*$2[1]+cos($1)*$2[2]
+ $3[3] = $2[3]
+ $3[4] = $2[4] }
+# add4( vector, vector, vector )
+ define add4 {
+ if (($1[4]==0) && ($2[4]==0)) then {
+ for i=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $1[i]+$2[i] } } \
+ else { if $1[4]==0 then { for i=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $1[i] } } \
+ else { if $2[4]==0 then { for i=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $2[i] } } \
+ else { for i=1 to 3 do { $3[i] = $1[i]/$1[4]+$2[i]/$2[4] }; $3[4] = 1 }
+ } } }
+# vec4( x,y,z, vector )
+ define vec4 { $4[1] = $1; $4[2] = $2; $4[3] = $3; $4[4] = 1 }
+# copy4( vector, vector )
+ define copy4 { $2[1] = $1[1]; $2[2] = $1[2]; $2[3] = $1[3]; $2[4] = $1[4] }
+# pr4( vector, label )
+ define pr4 { if $1[4]==0 then { print "Divide by zero" } \
+ else { $2: pr($1[1]/$1[4],$1[2]/$1[4],$1[3]/$1[4]) }}
+ define print4 { print sprintf("%g,%g,%g,%g",$1[1],$1[2],$1[3],$1[4]) }
+# Basic dimensions
+ u = 1*27/28.7*0.7 ifdef(`xsnotes',`*1.14')
+ a = 2*u
+ b = 1*u
+ c = 1.2*u
+ d = c*1/2
+ e = c/3
+ f = u*1/4
+ r = c/3
+ visibleth = 1.2
+ dimensionth = 0.4
+ hiddenth = dimensionth
+ linethick_(visibleth)
+# Iso diagram viewing angle
+dazim = 45
+delev = -30
+ define(`X0', `0,0,0')
+ define(`X1', `0,b,0')
+ define(`X2', `a,b,0')
+ define(`X3', `a,0,0')
+ define(`X4', `0,0,c')
+ define(`X5', `0,b,c')
+ define(`X6', `a,b,c')
+ define(`X7', `a,0,c')
+ define(`X8', `-e,0,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X9', `-e,d,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X10',`0,d,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X11',`0,0,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X12',`-e,0,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X13',`-e,d,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X14',`0,d,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X15',`0,0,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X16',`0,b*1.25,c')
+ define(`X17',`a/4,b*1.25,c')
+ define(`X18',`a/4,b,c')
+ define(`X19',`0,b,c/2')
+ define(`X20',`a/4,b,c/2')
+ define(`xn',20)
+ define(`ncirc',18)
+ dt = 360/ncirc
+ tx = a*2/3; ty = b; tz = c/2
+ define(`TR',`tx,ty,tz')
+ `define(`X'eval(`$1'+xn+1),`tx+r*cosd(`$1'*dt),ty,tz+r*sind(`$1'*dt)')
+ loopX(eval($1-1))')')
+ loopX(ncirc)
+ `TT[`$1']: ifelse(`$3',0,`pr(X$2)',`Y$2')
+ loopTT(eval(`$1'-1),eval(`$2'-1),`$3')')')
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'2))
+ line to pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'0))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'11)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'12)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13))
+ line to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'13)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'14)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'10))
+ line to pr(xpnd(`$1'9))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'10)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'11))
+ ifelse(`$2',0,
+ `shade(0.92,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'6)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)))
+ perspective(X1,Z)
+ ellipse fill_(0.7) ht 2*r*tmx[2]/tmx[4]/b wid 2*r at pr(TR)
+ shade(1,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'17)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'20)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'19)))
+ shade(0.7,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'0)))
+ shade(0.6,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'0)))
+ shade(0.9,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'13)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'14)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'10)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13)))
+ shade(0.7,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'8)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'10)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'11)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8)))
+ shade(0.6,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'8)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'13)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'12)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8)))
+ A: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'0))
+ B: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'12)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13))
+ line from Intersect_(A,B) to pr(xpnd(`$1'4))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))',
+ `A: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))
+ B: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'14)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13))
+ line from Intersect_(A,B) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) to -0.5 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) to -0.5 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) to -1.0 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to -1.0 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) chop .1 chop 0.05
+ loopTT(ncirc,eval(xn+ncirc+1),`$2')
+ fitcurve(TT,ncirc)
+ ')
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'16)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'20)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'17)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1))
+ A: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'6))
+ B: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'17)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'20))
+ line from Intersect_(A,B) to pr(xpnd(`$1'6))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'6)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'2))
+ ')
+ dp = 1.0*a
+ s4f = 1.6
+ fth = 180*dtor_
+# perspective(x,y,z,position)
+`define perspective {
+ vec4($3,$1,$2,tmp)
+ roty4(180*dtor_,tmp,tmx)
+ rotz4(90*dtor_,tmx,tmp)
+ rotx4(-90*dtor_,tmp,tmx)
+ roty4(-45*dtor_,tmx,tmp)
+ tmp[4] = tmp[3]/dp+tmp[4]
+ rotx4(55*dtor_,tmp,tmx)
+ $4: (tmx[1]/tmx[4],tmx[2]/tmx[4])
+ }
+lu = 0.1/6 * 0.8
+# Handle forward referencing of lettering guide line lengths
+ nguides = 0
+ sh "touch Views.dms"
+ for i=1 to 10 do { w[i] = 1 }
+ copy "Views.dms"
+ sh "rm -f Views.dms"
+define(`guideletter',`[ nguides += 1
+ line thick grthick from (0,0) right w[nguides]*lu outlined "lightgridgray"
+ line thick grthick from (0,-6*lu) right w[nguides]*lu outlined "lightgridgray"
+ T: $1 with .nw at (0,0)
+ print sprintf("w[%g]=%g",nguides,T.wid/lu) >> "Views.dms"
+ sep = 0.6*u
+define(`centreline',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(rp_len/2-.08,0)
+ move to rvec_(.03,0)
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(.1,0)
+ move to rvec_(.03,0)
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(rp_len/2-.08,0)')
+Orthographics: [
+Top: [
+ line from ptop(X1) to ptop(X5) to ptop(X6) to ptop(X2) to ptop(X1)
+ line from ptop(X17) to ptop(X20) to ptop(X19)
+ line from ptop(X10) to ptop(X9) to ptop(X13) to ptop(X14)
+ circle rad r at ptop(TR)
+ centreline(from ptop(TR)+(0,r) down 2*r chop -.1)
+ centreline(from ptop(TR)+(-r,0) right 2*r chop -.1)
+ W: ptop(X9)
+ E: ptop(X2)
+ ]
+Front: [
+ line from pfront(X0) to pfront(X1) to pfront(X2) to pfront(X3) to pfront(X0)
+ line from pfront(X0) to pfront(X8) to pfront(X9) to pfront(X10)
+ line from pfront(X19) to pfront(X16) to pfront(X17) to pfront(X20)
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pfront(TR)+(-r,0) down b
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pfront(TR)+( r,0) down b
+ centreline(from pfront(TR) down b chop -.1)
+ W: pfront(X9)
+ E: pfront(X2)
+ N: pfront(X16)
+ S: pfront(X8)
+ ] with .nw at Top.sw+(0,-sep)
+Side: [
+ line from pside(X0) to pside(X4) to pside(X16) to pside(X19) to pside(X1) \
+ to pside(X0) to pside(X4)
+ line from pside(X12) to pside(X13) to pside(X9) to pside(X8)
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pside(X5) to pside(X19)
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pside(TR)+(-r,0) down b
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pside(TR)+( r,0) down b
+ centreline(from pside(TR) down b chop -.1)
+ N: pside(X16)
+ S: pside(X0)
+ ] with .ne at Front.nw+(-sep,0)
+if 1 then {
+ linethick_(0.8)
+ guideletter([Letters(`F R O N T8V I5E1W')]) with .n at Front.s+(0,-.05)
+ guideletter([Letters(`S4I5D4E8V I5E1W')]) with .n at Side.s+(0,-.05)
+ guideletter([Letters(`T O4P8V I5E1W')]) with .n at Top.s+(0,-.10)
+ linethick_(visibleth)
+ line thick dimensionth from Side.N to Front.N chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from Side.S to Front.S chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from Top.W to Front.W chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from Top.E to Front.E chop 0.05
+ ] # End Orthographics
+ Y`$1': (cos(fth)*Z`$1'.x-sin(fth)*Z`$1'.y,\
+ sin(fth)*Z`$1'.x+cos(fth)*Z`$1'.y)*s4f
+ looppersp(eval($1-1))')')
+if 1 then {
+Perspective: [
+ pushdef(`pr',`$1')
+ right_
+ looppersp(eval(xn+ncirc+1))
+ drawobj(Y,1)
+ popdef(`pr')
+# ] with .sw at*sep,0)
+ ] with .se at Orthographics.sw+(-1.5*sep,0)
+ linethick_(0.8)
+ guideletter([[Letters(T2W O)]; move right lu; line right 4*lu; move right lu
+ [Letters(P O4I5N T8P E R S P E C T I V E)]])\
+ with .w at Perspective.s+(.2*u,0)
+ linethick_(visibleth)
+if 1 then {
+# Pictorials:
+Isometric: [
+ drawobj(X,0)
+# command "{\small"
+# define(`loopprt',`ifelse(eval(`$1'>=0),1,`"`$1'" at pr(X$1)
+# loopprt(eval($1-1))')')
+# loopprt(xn)
+# for i=0 to ncirc do { sprintf("%g",i) at TT[i] }
+# command "}%"
+#] with .sw at (Orthographics.e+(-textwidth,0),Orthographics.Side.sw+(0,0.1))
+#] at Orthographics.nw
+ ] with .s at Perspective.n+(0,0.2)
+ linethick_(0.8)
+ guideletter([Letters(`S4H2A2D E D8I S O M5E2T2R5I C8V I5E1W')])\
+ with .w at Isometric.s+(.2*u,0) #(0,-.2)
+ linethick_(visibleth)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Wheat.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Wheat.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c70fa8fc74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Wheat.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# `Wheat.m4'
+boxwid = boxht
+[ for j = 0 to 7 do {
+ for i = 0 to 7 do {
+ x = 2^(j+8*i)
+ box fill_((i+j)%2) at (j*boxwid,-i*boxwid)
+ k = ((i+j)%2==0); setrgb(k,k,k)
+ if x < 10000 then { sprintf("\Large$%g$",x) at last box } \
+ else { y = int(log(x))
+ sprintf("{\Large$%g$}$\cdot 10^{%g}$",round_(x/(10^y)),y) at last box }
+ resetrgb
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+box wid 8*boxwid ht 8*boxwid at last []
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Wheel.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Wheel.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..934c4c46dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Wheel.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Wheel.m4
+ linethick = 1.6
+ nnodes = 9
+ brad = 2
+ srad = circlerad/2
+ P: circle rad srad at (1,0.5) fill_(0.75)
+ A: Rect_(brad,90+360/nnodes)
+ for i=1 to nnodes do {
+ B: circle invis shaded "lightgray" at Rect_(brad,90-(i-1)/nnodes*360) \
+ sprintf("\Huge %g",i)
+ line from B to P chop circlerad chop srad
+ line from B to A chop
+ A: B
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Y14-5_example.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Y14-5_example.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb4397516c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Y14-5_example.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Y14-5_example.m4
+textht = 11bp__*2/3
+command "{\sf"
+ boxht = 7.5/0.5*textht
+ boxwid = 15/7.5 * boxht
+ circlerad = 2.3/0.5*textht*0.5
+ thicklines_(1)
+ arrowht = textht*0.8
+ arrowwid = textht*0.6
+ Box: box
+ Circle: circle at Box.c; {CM: move from down textht right textht}
+CLV: ctrline( up_ with .c at Box.c, )
+CLH: ctrline( right with .c at Box.c, )
+ dimension_(from Box.nw to Box.n,
+ thicklines_(1)
+ {Y14_frame("10") with .s at AS_C+(0,textht/2)}
+ thinlines_
+ line from 3rd last line.start to CLV.end
+ dimension_(from Box.w to Box.nw,
+ thicklines_(1)
+ {Y14_frame("5") with .e at AS_C+(-textht/2,0)}
+ thinlines_
+ line from 4th last line.start to CLH.start
+ DA: Y14_frame("A") at*1.5,textht*5)
+ datumarrow(from DA.s to (DA,Box.n))
+ DB: Y14_frame("B") at Box.sw+(-textht*5,textht*2)
+ datumarrow(from DB.e to (Box.w,DB))
+ F: Y14_frame(Y14_pos_,
+ Y14_dia_;"0.03";"(M)",
+ "A","B","C") with .w at*4,-textht*2)
+ G: Y14_frame(Y14_fla_,Y14_cyl_,Y14_lin_,
+ Y14_sur_,Y14_per_,Y14_ang_,
+ Y14_par_) with .nw at F.sw+(0,-0.1)
+ H: Y14_frame(Y14_pos_,Y14_cir_,Y14_tot_,Y14_dia_) \
+ with .nw at G.sw+(0,-0.1)
+ { CB: move left textht from F.w }
+ arrow <- from to Intersect_(CM,CB) then to F.w
+ command "}"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Zcos.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Zcos.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cbf63fd8f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Zcos.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Zcos.m4
+# define f1 { ee = expe(8*x*`$1'*(x^2 - (`$1')^2));
+# $2 = ee + 1/ee + 2*cos(2*x^4 + 2*(`$1')^4 - 12*x^2*(`$1')^2) - 4;
+# }
+# alternative: |cos(z^4)| = 1
+ define f1 { Z: (x,$1)
+ Z4: Zprod(Zprod(Z,Z),Zprod(Z,Z))
+ $2 = zabs(Zcos(Z4)) - 1
+ }
+ ni = 200
+ for i=10 to ni do { x = i/ni*3
+ findroot( f1, 0, 0.2, 1e-8, y )
+ P[i-10]: x,y }
+ np = ni-10
+ for deg=0 to 359 by 45 do {
+ for i=0 to np do { Z[i]: rot_(P[i].x,P[i].y,deg*dtor_) }
+ fitcurve(Z,np,thick 2 outlined "blue")
+ for i=0 to np do { Z[i]: rot_(P[i].x,-P[i].y,deg*dtor_) }
+ fitcurve(Z,np,thick 2 outlined "blue")
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/birds.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/birds.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b42ea35af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/birds.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Birds.m4
+scale = 50
+linethick = 2*linethick
+define bird {[
+ line shaded "$1" from (0,0) to \
+ (10,-5) to (19,8) to (35,7) to (38,-12)+(0,2) to (60,0) to\
+ (75,23) to (80,40) to (52,37)+(2,2) to (74,50) to (52,50) to \
+ (60,60) to (38,48)+(0,2) to (35,67) to (19,68) to (10,55) to \
+ (0,60) to (-8,50) to (14,50) to (-8,37)+(2,2) to (20,40) to \
+ (15,23) to (0,0)
+E: (80,40)
+W: (20,40)
+N: (19,68)
+S: (19,8)
+ line outlined "gray" from (35,15) down 10 right 25
+ line outlined "gray" from (40,20) right 25 down 8
+ line outlined "gray" from (42,25) right 28 down 6
+ line outlined "gray" from (40,30) right 32 down 4
+ circle outlined "gray" rad 1 at (1,55)
+ circle outlined "gray" rad 4 at (24,55)
+ ncols = 4
+ nrows = 4
+ right
+ for i=0 to nrows-1 do {
+ for j=0 to ncols-1 do { move to (j*60,-i*60)
+ if (i+j)%2==0 then { bird(black) } else { bird(white) }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/bistable.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/bistable.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac49023863b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/bistable.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# `bistable.m4'
+cct_init # Default initialization
+ up_
+Q1: bi_tr(,R) # Q1 upward with base to the right
+ llabel(,Q_1) ) # Label to left of last []
+Q2: bi_tr with .C at Q1.C+(elen_*7/4,0) # Q2 with base to left
+ rlabel(,Q_2) )
+ ground(at Q1.E)
+ ground(at Q2.E)
+ line right_ dimen_/3 from Q1.B # Extend the base conductors
+B1: Here
+ line left_ dimen_/3 from Q2.B
+B2: Here
+ resistor(up_ elen_*0.75 from Q1.C); llabel(,"$R_L$" wid 0.16) # Load resistors
+ line to (Q2.C,Here) "$V_{\hbox{cc}}$" below
+ resistor(down_ to Q2.C); llabel(,R_L)
+ move to Q1.C+(0,dimen_/5)
+ { resistor(right_ to (B1,Here)); llabel(,R_1)
+X: line to B2 } # Label the line to be jumped
+ resistor(from (Q2.C,Here) left_ to (B2,Here)); rlabel(,R_1)
+ crossover(to B1,R,X)
+ resistor(down_ elen_*0.75); rlabel(,R_2) # Bias resistors
+ {"$-V_{\hbox{cc}}$" rjust}
+ line to (B2,Here)
+ resistor(up_ to B2); rlabel(,R_2)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/brace.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/brace.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0089fe96d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/brace.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# brace.m4
+ `bracket(linespec, end depth,
+ thickness, end thickness, attributes)
+ Square bracket along linespec
+ default depth is linewid/5
+ attributes = eg
+ thick 0.4 outlined "string" shaded "string"
+ (default black)'
+define(`bracket',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ M4brS: last line.start; M4brE: last line.end
+ [ brdepth = ifelse(`$2',,linewid/5,`($2)')
+ brthick = ifelse(`$3',,brdepth/6,`($3)')
+ endthick = ifelse(`$4',,brthick/3,`($4)')
+ define(`m4brackattribs',
+ `ifelse(`$5',,`thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(0,0,0)',`$5')')dnl
+ {line m4brackattribs \
+ from M4brS+vec_(0,brdepth) to M4brS+vec_(0,brdepth+brthick) \
+ then to M4brE+vec_(0,brdepth+brthick) \
+ then to M4brE \
+ then to M4brE+vec_(-endthick,0) \
+ then to M4brE+vec_(-endthick,brdepth) \
+ then to M4brS+vec_( endthick,brdepth) \
+ then to M4brS+vec_( endthick,0) \
+ then to M4brS \
+ then to M4brS+vec_(0,brdepth) }
+ S: M4brS
+ ] with .S at Here')
+ `brace(linespec,depth,arm thickness,attributes)
+ Curly brace along linespec
+ default depth is linewid/5
+ attributes = eg
+ thick 0.4 outlined "string" shaded "string"
+ (default black)'
+define(`brace',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ M4brS: last line.start; M4brE: last line.end
+ [ brdepth = ifelse(`$2',,linewid/5,`$2')
+ brthick = ifelse(`$3',,brdepth/6,`$3')
+ define(`m4braceattribs',
+ `ifelse(`$4',,`thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(0,0,0)',`$4')')dnl
+ tension = 0.55
+ halfwid = distance(M4brS,M4brE)
+ smallrad = brdepth-brthick
+ bigrad = brdepth+brthick
+ for sgn=1 to -1 by -2 do {
+ S: rvec_(sgn*halfwid/2,0)
+ A: S+vec_(0,smallrad/2)
+ B: vec_(0,smallrad/2)
+ T: vec_(0,brdepth)
+ C: vec_(0,bigrad/2)
+ D: vec_(sgn*halfwid/2,bigrad/2)
+ {spline tension m4braceattribs \
+ from S to tension between S and A \
+ then to tension between A-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and A \
+ then to A-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to B+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to tension between B+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and B \
+ then to tension between T and B \
+ then to T \
+ then to tension between T and C \
+ then to tension between C+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and C \
+ then to C+vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to D-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) \
+ then to tension between D-vec_(sgn*bigrad/2,0) and D \
+ then to tension between S and D \
+ then to S }
+ }
+ E: (0,0)
+] with .E at 0.5 between M4brS and M4brE')
+ del = 0.2
+ maxht = 2
+ minht = 0.3
+ n = 16
+ hmax = 360
+R1: [
+ for i=0 to n-1 do {
+ x = i/n
+ y = minht*(1-x)+maxht*x
+ hsvtorgb(x*hmax,1,1,r,g,b)
+ brace(from ( -i*del,-y/2) up y,,,thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ brace(from ((i+1)*del, y/2) down y,,,thick 0.4 \
+ outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ }
+ ]
+R2: [
+ for i=0 to n-1 do {
+ x = i/n
+ y = minht*(1-x)+maxht*x
+ hsvtorgb(x*hmax,1,1,r,g,b)
+ brace(from ( -i*del,-y/2) up y,5bp__+x*20bp__,2bp__+x*13bp__,thick 0.4 \
+ shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ brace(from ((i+1)*del, y/2) down y,5bp__+x*20bp__,2bp__+x*13bp__,thick 0.4 \
+ outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ }
+ ] with .n at R1.s+(0,-0.2)
+R3: [
+ for i=0 to n-1 do {
+ x = i/n
+ y = minht*(1-x)+maxht*x
+ hsvtorgb(x*hmax,1,1,r,g,b)
+ bracket(from ( -i*del,-y/2) up y, 5bp__+x*20bp__, 2bp__+x*13bp__,,
+ thick 0.4 shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ bracket(from ((i+1)*del, y/2) down y, 5bp__+x*20bp__, 2bp__+x*13bp__,,
+ thick 0.4 outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) shaded rgbstring(r,g,b))
+ }
+ ] with .n at R2.s+(0,-0.2)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/chaos.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/chaos.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17ae070e58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/chaos.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# chaos.m4
+# Example simulation of chaos equations.
+scale = 10
+ `$4' = `$1'+dt*10*(-`$1'+`$2')
+ `$5' = `$2'+dt*(28*`$1'-`$2'-`$1'*`$3')
+ `$6' = `$3'+dt*(-8*`$3'/3+`$1'*`$2') ')
+x0 = 1
+y0 = 0
+z0 = 0
+dt = 0.005
+nN = 100
+for i = 1 to nN do {
+ for j = 1 to 8 do {
+ FF(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1)
+ FF(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
+ FF(x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3)
+ FF(x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4)
+ spline from x0,y0 to x1,y1 then to x2,y2 then to x3,y3 then to x4,y4
+ x0 = x4; y0 = y4; z0 = z4
+ }
+ }
+arrow from (-15,0) to (15,0); "$x$" ljust
+line up 1 from (10,0); "$ 10$" at last line.start below
+line up 1 from (-10,0); "$-10$" at last line.start below
+arrow from (0,-15) to (0,15); "$y$" above
+line right 1 from (0,10); "$ 10$" at last line.start rjust
+line right 1 from (0,-10); "$-10$" at last line.start rjust
+"$ 0$" at (0,0) below rjust
+ \dot{x}_1 & = & 10(-x_1+x_2)\\
+ \dot{x}_2 & = & 28x_1-x_2-x_1x_3\\
+ \dot{x}_3 & = & -8x_3/3+x_1x_2
+ .\end{eqnarray*}}"' at last [].s below
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/hsv.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/hsv.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..662184dd7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/hsv.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# hsv.m4
+define grid { (($2)*boxwid,($1)*boxht) }
+r = 0
+g = 0
+b = 1
+nstep = 4
+{ for j=0 to nstep do {
+ sprintf("%g",j/nstep) at ((0.5+j)*boxwid,-boxht/2) below } }
+ { "S" at ((0.5+nstep/2)*boxwid, -boxht) }
+{ for i=0 to nstep do { sprintf("%g",i/nstep) at (-boxht/3,(i)*boxht) } }
+ { "V" at (-boxht,(nstep/2)*boxht) \
+ "or" \
+ "L" }
+for v = 0 to nstep do {
+ { for s = 0 to nstep do { hsvtorgb(h,s/nstep,v/nstep,r,g,b)
+ box shaded rgbstring(r,g,b) } }
+ move up_ boxht; right_ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/person.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/person.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4fdf09d3878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/person.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# person.m4
+ `person(
+ hght=expr;wdth=expr;fill="colorname")
+ e.g. person(hght=1;fill="gray")'
+ `[ pushkeys_(`$1',hght:linewid;wdth:m4hght*2/5;fill:"black":N)dnl
+ bodywid = m4wdth/2
+ bodyrad = bodywid/8
+ bodyht = (m4hght - bodywid - bodywid/16 + bodyrad*2)/2
+ tmplth = linethick; linethick = 0
+ Head: circle diam bodywid colored m4fill
+ Body: box rad bodyrad ht bodyht wid bodywid colored m4fill \
+ with .n at Head.s+(0,-Head.diam/16)
+ armwid = bodywid/3
+ Armleft: box wid armwid rad armwid/2 ht colored m4fill \
+ with .w at Body.e + (armwid/2,0)
+ Armright: box same with .e at Body.w + (-armwid/2,0)
+ Legleft: box wid bodywid/2.5 rad armwid/2 ht colored m4fill \
+ with .n at (Body.w,Body.s)+(bodywid/5,bodyrad*2)
+ Legright: box same with .n at (Body.e,Body.s)+(-bodywid/5,bodyrad*2)
+ linethick_(tmplth) popdef(`m4hght',`m4wdth',`m4fill') ]')
+ linewid = 3*linewid
+ movewid = 0.2
+ setrgb(0.54,0.81,0.94,babyblue)
+ person(fill="babyblue")
+ move
+ person(wdth=linewid*3/4;fill="babyblue")
+ move
+ person(wdth=linewid;fill="babyblue")
+ move
+ person
+ move
+ resetrgb
+ person(hght=1;fill="gray")
+ line up linewid with .c at last [].e+(linewid/10,0)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/rotellipse.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/rotellipse.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a49ce308b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/rotellipse.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# `rotellipse.m4'
+ E: ellipse shaded "red" outlined "blue"
+ A: rotellipse(1,1,outlined "red" shaded "blue") with .w at E.e
+ Point_(45)
+ B: rotellipse(,,dotted fill_(0.9))
+ C: rotellipse(,,colored "red") with .s at last [].n
+ thinlines_
+ showbox_(A)
+ showbox_(B)
+ showbox_(C)
+ thicklines_
+] with .sw at 1,1
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/squiggle.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/squiggle.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..671ae2addd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/squiggle.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# squiggle.m4
+dnl Should this macro be in libgen.m4 or would that be just adding clutter?
+ `squiggle(linespec,
+ amplitude,wavelength,attributes)'
+ `squiggly line (sinusoid), e.g.
+ squiggle(up_ 1 right_ 2,,,outlined "red")'
+ m4dist = lin_leng(last line)
+ m4cycles = int(m4dist/(ifelse(`$3',,0.25*scale,`$3'))+0.5)
+ define(`squiggleampl',`ifelse(`$2',,0.04*scale,`$2')')dnl
+ define(`squigglefreq',`(twopi_*m4cycles/m4dist)')dnl
+ sinusoid(squiggleampl,squigglefreq,-twopi_/4,0,m4dist,`$4') \
+ with .Origin at last line.start
+ move to last line.end')
+squiggle(up_ 1 right_ 2,,,outlined "red")
+squiggle(up 2 right_ 2,0.1,0.15,outlined "red" <-> wid 0.06 ht 0.05)
+squiggle(right_ 1,,,thick 2 dotted outlined "blue" )
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/venus.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/venus.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..676cd98143d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/venus.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# venus.m4
+maxpsht = 20
+ outerlength:4;
+ innerlength:2.8933;
+ outerrate:8;
+ innerrate:13;
+ maxtimes:2880;
+ increment:2;
+ changephase:0 )
+ sizefactor = 165/200
+ nmaxtimes = 360*m4outerrate
+ for x=0 to nmaxtimes by m4increment do {
+ if "$2" != "" then { hue = \
+ abs(sind(360*x/nmaxtimes*abs(m4innerrate-m4outerrate)+m4changephase-60))
+ hsvtorgb(hue*360,1,1,r,g,b)
+ line from (Rect_(m4outerlength,x))*sizefactor \
+ to (Rect_(m4innerlength,x/m4outerrate*m4innerrate))*sizefactor \
+ outlined rgbstring(r,g,b) } \
+ else {
+ line from (Rect_(m4outerlength,x))*sizefactor \
+ to (Rect_(m4innerlength,x/m4outerrate*m4innerrate))*sizefactor
+ }
+ } ')
+ sizefactor = 1/2.54
+ define(`venusA',`[
+ setkeys_(`$1',
+ iterations:270;
+ outerdistance:5.41;
+ innerdistance:7.48;
+ outerperiod:123;
+ innerperiod:200;
+ step:5)
+ for x=0 to m4iterations by m4step do {
+ line from (Rect_(m4outerdistance,x))*sizefactor \
+ to (Rect_(m4innerdistance,x/m4outerperiod*m4innerperiod))*sizefactor \
+ outlined "gray"
+ }
+ ]')
+# 3 columns, 5 rows
+ sizefactor /= 3
+ Orig:(0,0)
+ for i=1 to 5 do {
+ iteri = 180 + (i-1)*540
+ for j=1 to 3 do {
+ if (i==1) && (j==1) then { iter = 270 } \
+ else { iter = iteri + (j-1)*180 }
+ V[i,j]: venusA(iterations=iter) with .sw at Orig
+ sprintf("%g",iter) at last [] #colored rgbstring(1,0,0)
+ Orig: V[i,j].se
+ }
+ Orig: V[i,1].sw-(0,V[i,1].ht)
+ }
+ ]
+ venus(outerrate=8;innerrate=17;increment=2;innerlength=3.5;changephase=60,T)
+ ] at AA
+# ] with .nw at AA.sw+(0,-0.5)