path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c02c9a48172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Views.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Views.m4
+`# Perspective transformations
+# mult4( matrix, vector, vector )
+ define mult4 { for i=1 to 4 do {
+ $3[i] = 0
+ for j=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $3[i] + $1[(j-1)*4+i]*$2[j] }}}
+# eye4 make unit matrix
+ define eye4 { for i=1 to 4 do { for j=1 to 4 do { $1[(j-1)*4+i] = 0 }}}
+# rotx4( theta, vector, vector )
+ define rotx4 { $3[1] = $2[1]
+ $3[2] = cos($1)*$2[2]-sin($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[3] = sin($1)*$2[2]+cos($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[4] = $2[4] }
+# roty4( theta, vector, vector )
+ define roty4 { $3[1] = cos($1)*$2[1]-sin($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[2] = $2[2]
+ $3[3] = sin($1)*$2[1]+cos($1)*$2[3]
+ $3[4] = $2[4] }
+# rotz4( theta, vector, vector )
+ define rotz4 { $3[1] = cos($1)*$2[1]-sin($1)*$2[2]
+ $3[2] = sin($1)*$2[1]+cos($1)*$2[2]
+ $3[3] = $2[3]
+ $3[4] = $2[4] }
+# add4( vector, vector, vector )
+ define add4 {
+ if (($1[4]==0) && ($2[4]==0)) then {
+ for i=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $1[i]+$2[i] } } \
+ else { if $1[4]==0 then { for i=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $1[i] } } \
+ else { if $2[4]==0 then { for i=1 to 4 do { $3[i] = $2[i] } } \
+ else { for i=1 to 3 do { $3[i] = $1[i]/$1[4]+$2[i]/$2[4] }; $3[4] = 1 }
+ } } }
+# vec4( x,y,z, vector )
+ define vec4 { $4[1] = $1; $4[2] = $2; $4[3] = $3; $4[4] = 1 }
+# copy4( vector, vector )
+ define copy4 { $2[1] = $1[1]; $2[2] = $1[2]; $2[3] = $1[3]; $2[4] = $1[4] }
+# pr4( vector, label )
+ define pr4 { if $1[4]==0 then { print "Divide by zero" } \
+ else { $2: pr($1[1]/$1[4],$1[2]/$1[4],$1[3]/$1[4]) }}
+ define print4 { print sprintf("%g,%g,%g,%g",$1[1],$1[2],$1[3],$1[4]) }
+# Basic dimensions
+ u = 1*27/28.7*0.7 ifdef(`xsnotes',`*1.14')
+ a = 2*u
+ b = 1*u
+ c = 1.2*u
+ d = c*1/2
+ e = c/3
+ f = u*1/4
+ r = c/3
+ visibleth = 1.2
+ dimensionth = 0.4
+ hiddenth = dimensionth
+ linethick_(visibleth)
+# Iso diagram viewing angle
+dazim = 45
+delev = -30
+ define(`X0', `0,0,0')
+ define(`X1', `0,b,0')
+ define(`X2', `a,b,0')
+ define(`X3', `a,0,0')
+ define(`X4', `0,0,c')
+ define(`X5', `0,b,c')
+ define(`X6', `a,b,c')
+ define(`X7', `a,0,c')
+ define(`X8', `-e,0,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X9', `-e,d,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X10',`0,d,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X11',`0,0,c/2-f/2')
+ define(`X12',`-e,0,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X13',`-e,d,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X14',`0,d,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X15',`0,0,c/2+f/2')
+ define(`X16',`0,b*1.25,c')
+ define(`X17',`a/4,b*1.25,c')
+ define(`X18',`a/4,b,c')
+ define(`X19',`0,b,c/2')
+ define(`X20',`a/4,b,c/2')
+ define(`xn',20)
+ define(`ncirc',18)
+ dt = 360/ncirc
+ tx = a*2/3; ty = b; tz = c/2
+ define(`TR',`tx,ty,tz')
+ `define(`X'eval(`$1'+xn+1),`tx+r*cosd(`$1'*dt),ty,tz+r*sind(`$1'*dt)')
+ loopX(eval($1-1))')')
+ loopX(ncirc)
+ `TT[`$1']: ifelse(`$3',0,`pr(X$2)',`Y$2')
+ loopTT(eval(`$1'-1),eval(`$2'-1),`$3')')')
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'2))
+ line to pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'0))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'11)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'12)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13))
+ line to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'13)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'14)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'10))
+ line to pr(xpnd(`$1'9))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'10)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'11))
+ ifelse(`$2',0,
+ `shade(0.92,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'6)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)))
+ perspective(X1,Z)
+ ellipse fill_(0.7) ht 2*r*tmx[2]/tmx[4]/b wid 2*r at pr(TR)
+ shade(1,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'17)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'20)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'19)))
+ shade(0.7,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'0)))
+ shade(0.6,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'0)))
+ shade(0.9,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'13)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'14)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'10)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13)))
+ shade(0.7,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'8)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'10)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'11)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8)))
+ shade(0.6,line width 0 from pr(xpnd(`$1'8)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'9)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'13)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'12)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'8)))
+ A: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'0))
+ B: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'12)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13))
+ line from Intersect_(A,B) to pr(xpnd(`$1'4))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))',
+ `A: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))
+ B: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'14)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'13))
+ line from Intersect_(A,B) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) to -0.5 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'2)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) to -0.5 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'3)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) to -1.0 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'1)) chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) to -1.0 between \
+ pr(xpnd(`$1'4)) and pr(xpnd(`$1'0)) chop .1 chop 0.05
+ loopTT(ncirc,eval(xn+ncirc+1),`$2')
+ fitcurve(TT,ncirc)
+ ')
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'16)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) \
+ to pr(xpnd(`$1'20)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'17)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'16))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'19)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'1))
+ A: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'5)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'6))
+ B: line invis from pr(xpnd(`$1'17)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'20))
+ line from Intersect_(A,B) to pr(xpnd(`$1'6))
+ line from pr(xpnd(`$1'6)) to pr(xpnd(`$1'2))
+ ')
+ dp = 1.0*a
+ s4f = 1.6
+ fth = 180*dtor_
+# perspective(x,y,z,position)
+`define perspective {
+ vec4($3,$1,$2,tmp)
+ roty4(180*dtor_,tmp,tmx)
+ rotz4(90*dtor_,tmx,tmp)
+ rotx4(-90*dtor_,tmp,tmx)
+ roty4(-45*dtor_,tmx,tmp)
+ tmp[4] = tmp[3]/dp+tmp[4]
+ rotx4(55*dtor_,tmp,tmx)
+ $4: (tmx[1]/tmx[4],tmx[2]/tmx[4])
+ }
+lu = 0.1/6 * 0.8
+# Handle forward referencing of lettering guide line lengths
+ nguides = 0
+ sh "touch Views.dms"
+ for i=1 to 10 do { w[i] = 1 }
+ copy "Views.dms"
+ sh "rm -f Views.dms"
+define(`guideletter',`[ nguides += 1
+ line thick grthick from (0,0) right w[nguides]*lu outlined "lightgridgray"
+ line thick grthick from (0,-6*lu) right w[nguides]*lu outlined "lightgridgray"
+ T: $1 with .nw at (0,0)
+ print sprintf("w[%g]=%g",nguides,T.wid/lu) >> "Views.dms"
+ sep = 0.6*u
+define(`centreline',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(rp_len/2-.08,0)
+ move to rvec_(.03,0)
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(.1,0)
+ move to rvec_(.03,0)
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(rp_len/2-.08,0)')
+Orthographics: [
+Top: [
+ line from ptop(X1) to ptop(X5) to ptop(X6) to ptop(X2) to ptop(X1)
+ line from ptop(X17) to ptop(X20) to ptop(X19)
+ line from ptop(X10) to ptop(X9) to ptop(X13) to ptop(X14)
+ circle rad r at ptop(TR)
+ centreline(from ptop(TR)+(0,r) down 2*r chop -.1)
+ centreline(from ptop(TR)+(-r,0) right 2*r chop -.1)
+ W: ptop(X9)
+ E: ptop(X2)
+ ]
+Front: [
+ line from pfront(X0) to pfront(X1) to pfront(X2) to pfront(X3) to pfront(X0)
+ line from pfront(X0) to pfront(X8) to pfront(X9) to pfront(X10)
+ line from pfront(X19) to pfront(X16) to pfront(X17) to pfront(X20)
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pfront(TR)+(-r,0) down b
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pfront(TR)+( r,0) down b
+ centreline(from pfront(TR) down b chop -.1)
+ W: pfront(X9)
+ E: pfront(X2)
+ N: pfront(X16)
+ S: pfront(X8)
+ ] with .nw at Top.sw+(0,-sep)
+Side: [
+ line from pside(X0) to pside(X4) to pside(X16) to pside(X19) to pside(X1) \
+ to pside(X0) to pside(X4)
+ line from pside(X12) to pside(X13) to pside(X9) to pside(X8)
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pside(X5) to pside(X19)
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pside(TR)+(-r,0) down b
+ line thick hiddenth dashed from pside(TR)+( r,0) down b
+ centreline(from pside(TR) down b chop -.1)
+ N: pside(X16)
+ S: pside(X0)
+ ] with .ne at Front.nw+(-sep,0)
+if 1 then {
+ linethick_(0.8)
+ guideletter([Letters(`F R O N T8V I5E1W')]) with .n at Front.s+(0,-.05)
+ guideletter([Letters(`S4I5D4E8V I5E1W')]) with .n at Side.s+(0,-.05)
+ guideletter([Letters(`T O4P8V I5E1W')]) with .n at Top.s+(0,-.10)
+ linethick_(visibleth)
+ line thick dimensionth from Side.N to Front.N chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from Side.S to Front.S chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from Top.W to Front.W chop 0.05
+ line thick dimensionth from Top.E to Front.E chop 0.05
+ ] # End Orthographics
+ Y`$1': (cos(fth)*Z`$1'.x-sin(fth)*Z`$1'.y,\
+ sin(fth)*Z`$1'.x+cos(fth)*Z`$1'.y)*s4f
+ looppersp(eval($1-1))')')
+if 1 then {
+Perspective: [
+ pushdef(`pr',`$1')
+ right_
+ looppersp(eval(xn+ncirc+1))
+ drawobj(Y,1)
+ popdef(`pr')
+# ] with .sw at*sep,0)
+ ] with .se at Orthographics.sw+(-1.5*sep,0)
+ linethick_(0.8)
+ guideletter([[Letters(T2W O)]; move right lu; line right 4*lu; move right lu
+ [Letters(P O4I5N T8P E R S P E C T I V E)]])\
+ with .w at Perspective.s+(.2*u,0)
+ linethick_(visibleth)
+if 1 then {
+# Pictorials:
+Isometric: [
+ drawobj(X,0)
+# command "{\small"
+# define(`loopprt',`ifelse(eval(`$1'>=0),1,`"`$1'" at pr(X$1)
+# loopprt(eval($1-1))')')
+# loopprt(xn)
+# for i=0 to ncirc do { sprintf("%g",i) at TT[i] }
+# command "}%"
+#] with .sw at (Orthographics.e+(-textwidth,0),Orthographics.Side.sw+(0,0.1))
+#] at Orthographics.nw
+ ] with .s at Perspective.n+(0,0.2)
+ linethick_(0.8)
+ guideletter([Letters(`S4H2A2D E D8I S O M5E2T2R5I C8V I5E1W')])\
+ with .w at Isometric.s+(.2*u,0) #(0,-.2)
+ linethick_(visibleth)