path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4 b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df83a8ce0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/circuit-macros/examples/extras/Chuck.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Chuck.m4
+gen_init s_init(Views) sinclude(tst.dim)
+ `r_box(angle,pos,string)
+ Rotated text on a white background
+ (requires pstricks)'
+ `ifpstricks(`M4tmp: ifelse(`$2',,Here,`$2')
+ command sprintf("\rput{%g}(%g,%g){",`$1',crl(M4tmp.x),crl(M4tmp.y))
+ f_box(`$3') at Orig
+ command "}%"')')
+ `r_dimen(linespec,offset,label,tic offset,<->,pos)
+ dimension_ with rotated text on white background'
+ `M4tmp: dimension_(`$1',`$2',,,`$4',`$5')
+ r_box(rp_ang*rtod_,ifelse(`$6',,M4tmp+vec_(0,`$2'),`$6'),`$3')')
+ `ctrline(linespec,len)
+ Centerline'
+define(`ctrline',`rpoint_(ifelse(`$1',,`to rvec_(linewid,0)',`$1'))
+ define(`m4h',ifelse(`$2',,1*scale,`$2'))dnl
+ m4n = int(rp_len/2/(m4h))*2+1
+ for i=1 to m4n do {
+ line to rvec_(rp_len/m4n/2-cdashl/2-cgapl,0)
+ move to rvec_(cgapl,0); line to rvec_(cdashl,0); move to rvec_(cgapl,0)
+ line thick dimensionth to rvec_(rp_len/m4n/2-cdashl/2-cgapl,0) } ')
+ `ctrarcr(pos,radius,startang,endang,len)
+ Arc cr centerline'
+ define(`m5h',ifelse(`$5',,1*scale,`$5'))dnl
+ rp_len = abs((`$2')*(`$4'-(`$3')))
+ m5n = int(rp_len/2/(m5h))*2+1
+ m5a = (rp_len/m5n/2-cdashl/2-cgapl)/(`$2')
+ m5s = cdashl/(`$2')
+ m5sa = `$3'
+ for m4irr=1 to m5n do {
+ arc from `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa)) to `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa+m5a)) \
+ with .c at `$1'
+ m5sa = m5sa+m5a+cgapl/(`$2')
+ arc from `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa)) to `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa+m5s)) \
+ with .c at `$1'
+ m5sa = m5sa+m5s+cgapl/(`$2')
+ arc from `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa)) to `$1'+(rect_(`$2',m5sa+m5a)) \
+ with .c at `$1'
+ m5sa = m5sa+m5a
+ } ')
+scale = 25.4*2
+tic = 3.6bp__
+command "{\sf"
+ arrowwid = 1.5*arrowwid; arrowht = 1.5*arrowht; ')
+d1 = 230
+d2 = 204
+d3 = 140
+ visibleth = 1.2
+ dimensionth = 0.4
+ hiddenth = dimensionth
+Orig: Here
+ D3: circle diam d3 at Orig
+ D2: circle diam d2 at Orig
+ rr = d1/2
+ r = 40
+ h = 110/2
+ thet = asin((h+r)/(rr+r))
+ X1: rect_(rr,thet)
+ P1: rect_(rr+r,thet)
+ cross(at (P1.x,-P1.y))
+ cross(at (-P1.x,P1.y))
+# Top outer visible line
+# top arcs
+ arc ccw from (-P1.x,h) to (-X1.x,X1.y) with .c at (-P1.x,P1.y)
+ arc cw to X1 with .c at Orig
+ arc ccw from X1 to (P1.x,h) with .c at P1
+# right end
+ line from (P1.x,h) to (305/2,h) then to (305/2,32/2) then left 40-3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line down 32-2*3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+dimension_thick {
+ r_dimen(up 32 with .c at (305/2-5,0),0,32)
+ arrow <- up 8 right 8 then right 4 from last arc.sw
+ "3$\,$R" ljust
+ r_dimen(up h*2 at (305/2,0),-10,110)
+}; visible_thick
+ line right 40-3 then to (305/2,-h) then to (P1.x,-h)
+# bottom arcs
+ arc ccw to (X1.x,-X1.y) with .c at P1.x,-P1.y
+ arc cw to (-X1.x,-X1.y) with .c at Orig
+ arc ccw to (-P1.x,-h) with .c at (-P1.x,-P1.y)
+# left end
+ line from (-P1.x,-h) to (-305/2,-h) then to (-305/2,-25/2) then right 25
+ down; arc ccw rad 3
+ line right 40-25-2*3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line up 25
+ {R: line invis down 10 at (2nd last line,last line) }
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line left 40-25-2*3
+ arc ccw rad 3
+ line to (-305/2,25/2) then to (-305/2,h) then to (-P1.x,h)
+# centre
+ ctrline(right 305-30 with .c at Orig,60)
+ ctrline(up d1+10 with .c at Orig,)
+ {BX: box invis ht 25+2*3 wid 40-25 rad 3 with .w at (-305/2+25,0)}
+ Q: line invis from BX.n to BX.s; R: line invis from up 10 left 10
+ X: Intersect_(Q,R)
+ line <-> from to X then to (X.x,-X.y) then to BX.nw
+ r_box(90,BX,```3$\,$R''')
+# Drill centres
+ D[1]: 35,sqrt(85^2-35^2)
+ D[2]: -D[1].x,D[1].y
+ D[3]: -D[1].x,-D[1].y
+ D[4]: D[1].x,-D[1].y
+ ctrline(from D[3] to D[1] chop 15)
+ ctrline(to rvec_(2*15,0))
+ ctrline(from D[3]+vec_(-15,0) to D[3]+vec_(15,0))
+ ctrline(from D[2] to D[4] chop 15)
+ ctrline(to rvec_(2*15,0))
+ ctrline(from D[2]+vec_(-15,0) to D[2]+vec_(15,0))
+ for i=1 to 4 do {
+ circle diam 16 at D[i]
+ for j = 0 to 7 do { arcr(D[i],23/2,j/8*twopi_,(j+3/4)/8*twopi_) ccw }
+ }
+ for s=-1 to 1 by 2 do {
+ line dashed from (-305/2,s*h) to (305/2,s*h)
+ line dashed from (-305/2,s*30.6) to (305/2,s*30.6)
+ line dashed from (-305/2,s*21.1) to (305/2,s*21.1)
+ line dashed from (-305/2+25+2,s*21.1) to (305/2,s*21.1)
+ line dashed dashwid/2 from (-305/2+25,s*25/2) down -s*(40/2-25/2-2);
+ if s<0 then { arc dashed dashwid/4 ccw rad 2 } \
+ else { up; arc dashed dashwid/4 cw rad 2 }
+ line dashed to ((305/2,0),Here)
+ for k = -1 to 1 by 2 do {
+ move to (k*305/2,s*(30.6+10))
+ { dashline(from Here+(0,s*9.5/2) right -k*16,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(right -k*9.5/2/2 up -s*9.5/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*9.5/2/2 up -s*9.5/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*16,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(from Here+(-k*16,0) up s*9.5,,dashwid/2.5) }
+ { dashline(from Here+(0,s*11/2) right -k*36.5,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(right -k*11/2/2 up -s*11/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*11/2/2 up -s*11/2,,dashwid/3)
+ dashline(left -k*36.5,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(from Here+(-k*36.5,0) up s*11,,dashwid/2.5) }
+ { dashline(from Here+(0,s*13/2) right -k*32,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(down s*13,,dashwid/2)
+ dashline(left -k*32,,dashwid/2) }
+ ctrline(right -k*20 chop -3 chop 0); ctrline(right -k*20 chop 0 chop -3)
+ }
+ }
+# bottom
+ dimension_(from (-305/2,-h) to (305/2,-h),-(rr*1.1-h),"305",20pt__)
+# outer radii
+ r_dimen(from (-P1.x,P1.y) down 40*cosd(30) right 40*sind(30),0,40,,->)
+ r_dimen(from (P1.x,-P1.y)+(Rect_(40,120)) \
+ down 40*cosd(30) right 40*sind(30),0,40,,<-)
+# main diameter
+ r_dimen(from (Rect_(rr,180+50)) to (Rect_(rr,50)),,230,,,(Rect_(50,50)))
+# inner circles
+ r_dimen(from (Rect_(d2/2,180+25)) to (Rect_(d2/2,25)),,204,,,(Rect_(25,25)))
+ r_dimen(from (Rect_(d3/2,180-12)) to (Rect_(d3/2,-12)),,140,,,(Rect_(25,-12)))
+# bolt hole placement diameter
+ r_dimen(from Orig to (Rect_(85,-43)),,``85$\,$R'',,->,(Rect_(20,-43)))
+# left slot
+ r_dimen(from (-305/2+6,-25/2) up 25,0,25)
+ r_dimen(from (-305/2,-26) right 40,0,40)
+ line from last line.end to (last line.end.x,BX.s.y) chop -tic chop 0
+ r_dimen(from (-305/2,26) right 25,0,25)
+ line from last line.end to (last line.end.x,BX.n.y) chop -tic chop 0
+# right slot
+ r_dimen(from (305/2-40,-32/2-10) right 40,0,40)
+ line from (305/2-40,-32/2) down 10+tic
+# drill-holes
+ for i=1 to 4 do {
+ ctrarcr(Orig,85,atan2(D[i].y,D[i].x)-10*dtor_,atan2(D[i].y,D[i].x)+10*dtor_)
+ }
+ ctrarcr(Orig,85,atan2(D[4].y,D[4].x)+10*dtor_,atan2(D[4].y,D[4].x)+25*dtor_)
+ ctrline(up 30 at D[3])
+ ctrline(up 30 at D[4])
+ r_dimen(from D[3]+(0,-14) right 35,0,35)
+ r_dimen(from (0,D[3].y-14) right 35,0,35)
+# arrow <- down 30 left 30 from D[3] chop 16/2 chop 0 then left 5
+# "16 DRILL 23 CBORE" rjust "4 HOLES" rjust
+# arrow <- from (-305/2,30.6+10+2) up 5 left 5 then up 13
+# s_box(SEE (A)) with .sw at Here+(-5pt__,2pt__)
+command "}%"