path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemsym/pertab.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemsym/pertab.tex')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemsym/pertab.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemsym/pertab.tex
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index 00000000000..5cb37554cf1
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+%% This is file `pertab.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% chemsym.dtx (with options: `periodsyst')
+%% Copyright (c) 1995-97 by Mats Dahlgren <>.
+%% All rights reserved. See the file `chemsym.ins' for information
+%% on how you may (re-)distribute the `chemsym' package files.
+\renewcommand{\nsrrms}[2][0]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{#2}\kern #1em}}
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{ } \\[3mm]
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{\LARGE Periodic Table of the Elements} \\
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{with relative atomic masses 1993 according to IUPAC} \\
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{ } \\[-2mm] \hline
+\textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3} & \textbf{4} & \textbf{5} &
+\textbf{6} & \textbf{7} & \textbf{8} & \textbf{9} & \textbf{10} &
+\textbf{11} & \textbf{12} & \textbf{13} & \textbf{14} & \textbf{15} &
+\textbf{16} & \textbf{17} & \textbf{18} \\
+\textbf{(I)} & \textbf{(II)} & & & & & & & & & & & \textbf{(III)} &
+\textbf{(IV)} & \textbf{(V)} & \textbf{(VI)} & \textbf{(VII)} &
+\textbf{(VIII)} \\ \hline
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{ } \\[-2mm] \cline{1-1} \cline{18-18}
+_1 & \multicolumn{16}{c|}{ } & _2\\
+\H & \multicolumn{16}{c|}{ } & \He\\
+^{1.00794} & \multicolumn{16}{c|}{ } & ^{4.002602} \\ \cline{1-2}
+\cline{7-8} \cline{13-18}
+_3 & _4 & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{ } &
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{_{\mathrm{Atomic\ number}}} &
+\multicolumn{4}{c|}{ }
+& _5 & _6 & _7 &
+_8 & _9 & _{10}\\
+\Li & \Be & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{ } &
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{Symbol} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{ }
+& \B & \C & \N & \O & \F & \Ne\\
+^{6.941} & ^{9.012182} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{ } &
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{^{\mathrm{Relative\ atomic\ mass}^\ast}} &
+\multicolumn{4}{c|}{ } & ^{10.811} &
+^{12.011} & ^{14.00674} & ^{15.9994} & ^{18.9984032} & ^{20.1797} \\
+\cline{1-2} \cline{7-8} \cline{13-18}
+_{11} & _{12} & \multicolumn{10}{c|}{ } & _{13} &
+_{14} & _{15} & _{16} & _{17} & _{18} \\
+\Na & \Mg & \multicolumn{10}{c|}{ } & \Al &
+\Si & \P & \S & \Cl & \Ar\\
+^{22.989768} & ^{24.3050} & \multicolumn{10}{c|}{ } &
+^{26.981539} & ^{28.0855} & ^{30.973762} & ^{32.066} &
+^{35.4527} & ^{39.948} \\ \hline
+_{19} & _{20} & _{21} & _{22} & _{23} & _{24} &
+_{25} & _{26} & _{27} & _{28} & _{29} & _{30} &
+_{31} & _{32} & _{33} & _{34} & _{35} & _{36}\\
+\K & \Ca & \Sc & \Ti & \V & \Cr & \Mn & \Fe & \Co & \Ni & \Cu & \Zn &
+\Ga & \Ge & \As & \Se & \Br & \Kr\\
+^{39.0983} & ^{40.078} & ^{44.955910} & ^{47.867} &
+^{50.9415} & ^{51.9961} & ^{54.93805} & ^{55.845} &
+^{58.93320} & ^{58.6934} & ^{63.546} & ^{65.39} & ^{69.723} &
+^{72.61} & ^{74.92159} & ^{78.96} & ^{79.904} & ^{83.80} \\ \hline
+_{37} & _{38} & _{39} & _{40} & _{41} & _{42} &
+_{43} & _{44} & _{45} & _{46} & _{47} & _{48} &
+_{49} & _{50} & _{51} & _{52} & _{53} & _{54} \\
+\Rb & \Sr & \Y & \Zr & \Nb & \Mo &
+\Tc & \Ru & \Rh & \Pd & \Ag & \Cd &
+\In & \Sn & \Sb & \Te & \I & \Xe\\
+^{85.4678} & ^{87.62} & ^{88.90585} & ^{91.224} & ^{92.90638} &
+^{95.94} & ^{(98)} & ^{101.07} & ^{102.90550} & ^{106.42} &
+^{107.8682} & ^{112.411} & ^{114.818} & ^{118.710} &
+^{121.760} & ^{127.60} & ^{126.90447} & ^{131.29} \\ \hline
+_{55} & _{56} & & _{72} & _{73} & _{74} &
+_{75} & _{76} & _{77} & _{78} & _{79} & _{80} &
+_{81} & _{82} & _{83} & _{84} & _{85} & _{86} \\
+\Cs & \Ba & \raisebox{1.5mm}[0pt][0pt]{\La --} & \Hf & \Ta &
+\W & \Re & \Os & \Ir & \Pt & \Au & \Hg &
+\Tl & \Pb & \Bi & \Po & \At & \Rn\\
+^{132.90543} & ^{137.327} & \raisebox{1.5mm}[0pt][0pt]{\Lu} &
+^{178.49} & ^{180.9479} &
+^{183.84} & ^{186.207} & ^{190.23} & ^{192.217} & ^{195.08} &
+^{196.96654} & ^{200.59} & ^{204.3833} & ^{207.2} &
+^{208.98037} & ^{(209)} & ^{(210)} & ^{(222)} \\
+_{87} & _{88} & & _{104} & _{105} & _{106} &
+_{107} & _{108} & _{109} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$_{\ast\ast}$} \\
+\Fr & \Ra & \raisebox{1.5mm}[0pt][0pt]{\Ac --} & \Db & \Jl &
+\Rf & \Bh & \Hn & \Mt\\
+ ^{(223)} & ^{(226)} & \raisebox{1.5mm}[0pt][0pt]{\Lr} & ^{(261)} &
+^{(262)} & ^{(263)} & ^{(262)} & ^{(265)} & ^{(266)} \\
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{ } \\ \cline{3-17}
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{ } & _{57} & _{58} & _{59} & _{60} & _{61}
+& _{62} & _{63} & _{64} & _{65} & _{66} & _{67} & _{68} & _{69}
+& _{70} & _{71} \\
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{ } & \La &
+\Ce & \Pr & \Nd & \Pm & \Sm & \Eu & \Gd & \Tb & \Dy & \Ho & \Er & \Tm &
+\Yb & \Lu \\
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{ } & ^{138.9055} & ^{140.115} &
+^{140.90765} & ^{144.24} & ^{(145)} & ^{150.36} & ^{151.965} &
+^{157.25} & ^{158.92534} & ^{162.50} & ^{164.93032} &
+^{167.26} & ^{168.93421} & ^{173.04} & ^{174.967} \\ \cline{3-17}
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{ } & _{89} &
+_{90} & _{91} & _{92} & _{93} & _{94} & _{95} &
+_{96} & _{97} & _{98} & _{99} & _{100} &
+_{101} & _{102} & _{103} \\
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{ } & \Ac &
+\Th & \Pa & \U & \Np & \Pu & \Am & \Cm & \Bk & \Cf & \Es & \Fm &
+\Md & \No & \Lr \\
+\multicolumn{2}{c|}{ } & ^{(227)} & ^{(232.0381)}& ^{(231.03588)} &
+^{(238.0289)}& ^{(237)} & ^{(239)} & ^{(243)} & ^{(247)} &
+^{(247)} & ^{(251)} & ^{(252)} & ^{(257)} & ^{(258)} &
+^{(259)} & ^{(262)} \\ \cline{3-17}
+\multicolumn{18}{c}{ } \\[5mm]
+\multicolumn{1}{r}{$^\ast$} &
+\multicolumn{17}{l}{Relative atomic mass based on
+$A_{\mathrm{r}}(^{12}\C )\equiv 12$ (after IUPAC ``Atomic Weights
+of the Elements 1993'', \textit{Pure and Applied Chemistry,}
+\textbf{1994,} \textsl{66}(12), 2423-} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{{ }} &
+\multicolumn{17}{l}{2444). For elements which lack stable isotope(s) is
+the mass number for the most stable isotope given in parentheses,
+or for \Th, \Pa{} and \U{} the relative }\\
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{{ }} &
+\multicolumn{17}{l}{atomic mass given by IUPAC for the isotopic mixture
+present on Earth. } \\
+\multicolumn{1}{r}{$^{\ast\ast}$} &
+\multicolumn{17}{l}{Chemical symbols for elements 104 -- 109
+according to IUPAC ``Names and Symbols of Transfermium Elements
+(IUPAC Recommendations 1994)'', \textit{Pure} } \\
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{{ }} &
+\multicolumn{17}{l}{\textit{and Applied Chemistry,}
+\textbf{1994,} \textsl{66}(12), 2419-2421.} \\
+\multicolumn{18}{r}{\scriptsize Copyright \copyright{} 1995 - 1997
+ by Mats Dahlgren.} \\
+%% End of file `pertab.tex'.