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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_english.def b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_english.def new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1b63cd3ca98 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_english.def @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - the CHEMMACROS bundle - % +% - ghsystem_english.def - % +% - macros and commands for chemists - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - Clemens Niederberger - % +% - 2012/01/30 - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - http://www.mychemistry.eu/ - % +% - contact@mychemistry.eu - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please - % +% - feel free to contact me. - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - Copyright 2011-2012 Clemens Niederberger - % +% - - % +% - This work may be distributed and/or modified under the - % +% - conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 - % +% - of this license or (at your option) any later version. - % +% - The latest version of this license is in - % +% - http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt - % +% - and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX - % +% - version 2005/12/01 or later. - % +% - - % +% - This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. - % +% - - % +% - The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. - % +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\ExplSyntaxOn +% ENGLISH DEFINITIONS +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_h_prop +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_euh_prop +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_p_prop + +% table head and foot: +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_identifier_tl { Identifier } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_text_tl { Statement } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_next_page_tl { continues~on~next~page } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_caption_tl { All~H,~EUH,~and~P~Statements. } + +% fill-in functions: +% <state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard>. +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_exposure: + { + \bool_if:NT \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless state~route~of~ex\-po\-sure~if~it~is~ con\-clu\-sive\-ly~pro\-ven~that~no~other~routes~of~ex\-po\-sure~cause~the~ha\-zard \textgreater} + } + } + +% <state specific effect if known> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_effect: + { + \bool_if:NT \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless state~spe\-ci\-fic~effect~if~known \textgreater} + } + } + +% <or state all organs affected, if known> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_organs: + { + \bool_if:nT { \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool && !\l_ghsystem_organs_bool } + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless or~state~all~or\-gans~affec\-ted,~if~known \textgreater} + } + } + +% <name of sensitising substance> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_substance: + { + \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_substance_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless name~of~sen\-si\-ti\-sing~sub\-stance \textgreater} + } + } + +% HAZARD STATEMENTS (Annex 3) +% 1. Hazard Statements +% 1.1 Physical Hazards +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 200 } { Un\-stable~ex\-plo\-sives. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 201 } { Ex\-plo\-sive;~mass~ex\-plo\-sion~ha\-zard. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 202 } { Ex\-plo\-sive,~se\-vere~pro\-jec\-tion~ha\-zard. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 203 } { Ex\-plo\-sive;~fire,~blast~or~pro\-jec\-tion~ha\-zard. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 204 } { Fire~or~pro\-jec\-tion~ha\-zard. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 205 } { May~mass~ex\-plode~in~fire. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 220 } { Ex\-treme\-ly~flammable~gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 221 } { Flammable~gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 222 } { Ex\-treme\-ly~flammable~aero\-sol. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 223 } { Flammable~aero\-sol. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 224 } { Ex\-treme\-ly~flammable~li\-quid~and~va\-pour. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 225 } { High\-ly~flammable~liquid~and~va\-pour. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 226 } { Flammable~li\-quid~and~va\-pour. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 228 } { Flammable~so\-lid. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 240 } { Heating~may~cause~an~ex\-plo\-sion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 241 } { Heating~may~cause~a~fire~or~ex\-plo\-sion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 242 } { Heating~may~cause~a~fire. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 250 } { Catches~fire~spon\-ta\-ne\-ous\-ly~if~ex\-po\-sed~to~air. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 251 } { Self-heating : ~may~catch~fire. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 252 } { Self-heating~in~large~quan\-ti\-ties;~may~catch~fire. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 260 } { In~con\-tact~with~wa\-ter~re\-leases~flammable~ga\-ses~which~may~ig\-nite~spon\-ta\-ne\-ous\-ly. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 261 } { In~con\-tact~with~wa\-ter~re\-leases~flammable~ga\-ses. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 270 } { May~cause~or~in\-ten\-si\-fy~fire;~oxi\-di\-ser. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 271 } { May~cause~fire~or~ex\-plo\-sion;~strong~oxi\-di\-ser. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 272 } { May~in\-ten\-si\-fy~fire;~oxi\-di\-ser. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 280 } { Con\-tains~gas~un\-der~pressure;~may~ex\-plode~if~heated. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 281 } { Con\-tains~re\-fri\-ge\-ra\-ted~gas;~may~cause~cryo\-ge\-nic~burns~or~in\-ju\-ry. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 290 } { May~be~corro\-sive~to~me\-tals. } + +% 1.2 Health Hazards +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 300 } { Fa\-tal~if~swallowed. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 301 } { To\-xic~if~swallowed. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 302 } { Harm\-ful~if~swallowed. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 304 } { May~be~fa\-tal~if~swallowed~and~en\-ters~air\-ways. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 310 } { Fa\-tal~in~con\-tact~with~skin. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 311 } { To\-xic~in~con\-tact~with~skin. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 312 } { Harm\-ful~in~con\-tact~with~skin. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 314 } { Cau\-ses~se\-vere~skin~burns~and~eye~da\-mage. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 315 } { Cau\-ses~skin~ir\-ri\-ta\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 317 } { May~cause~an~aller\-gic~skin~reac\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 318 } { Causes~se\-rious~eye~da\-mage. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 319 } { Causes~se\-rious~eye~irri\-ta\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 330 } { Fa\-tal~if~in\-haled. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 331 } { To\-xic~if~in\-haled. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 332 } { Harm\-ful~if~in\-haled. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 334 } { May~cause~aller\-gy~or~asth\-ma~symp\-toms~or\-breathing~diffi\-cul\-ties~if~in\-haled. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 335 } { May~cause~res\-pi\-ra\-to\-ry~irri\-ta\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 336 } { May~cause~drowsi\-ness~or~dizzi\-ness. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 340 } { May~cause~ge\-ne\-tic~de\-fects. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 341 } { Sus\-pec\-ted~of~causing~ge\-ne\-tic~de\-fects. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 350 } { May~cause~can\-cer. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 351 } { Sus\-pec\-ted~of~causing~cancer. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360 } { May~da\-mage~fer\-ti\-li\-ty~or~the~un\-born~child. \ghsystem_effect: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361 } { Sus\-pec\-ted~of~da\-ma\-ging~fer\-ti\-li\-ty~or~the~un\-born~child. \ghsystem_effect: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 362 } { May~cause~harm~to~breast-fed~child\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 370 } { Causes~da\-mage \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~to~or\-gans } \ghsystem_organs: . \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 371 } { May~cause~da\-mage \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~to~or\-gans } \ghsystem_organs: . \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 372 } { Causes~da\-mage \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~to~or\-gans } \ghsystem_organs:\ through~pro\-longed~or~re\-pea\-ted~ex\-po\-sure. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 373 } { May~cause~da\-mage \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~to~or\-gans } \ghsystem_organs:\ through~pro\-longed~or~re\-pea\-ted~ex\-po\-sure. \ghsystem_exposure: } + +% 1.3 Environmental hazards +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 400 } { Ve\-ry~to\-xic~to~aqua\-tic~life. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 410 } { Ve\-ry~to\-xic~to~aqua\-tic~life~with~long~las\-ting~effects. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 411 } { To\-xic~to~aqua\-tic~life~with~long~las\-ting~effects. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 412 } { Harm\-ful~to~aqua\-tic~life~ with~long~las\-ting~effects. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 413 } { May~cause~long~las\-ting~harm\-ful~effects~to~aqua\-tic~life. } + +% 2 Supplemental Hazard Informations +% 2.1 Physical Properties +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 001 } { Ex\-plo\-sive~when~dry. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 006 } { Ex\-plo\-sive~with~or~with\-out~con\-tact~with~air. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 014 } { Reacts~vio\-lent\-ly~with~wa\-ter. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 018 } { In~use~may~form~flammable/ex\-plo\-sive~va\-pour-air~mix\-ture. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 019 } { May~form~ex\-plo\-sive~per\-oxides. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 044 } { Risk~of~ex\-plo\-sion~if~heated~un\-der~con\-fine\-ment. } + +% 2.2 Health Properties +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 029 } { Con\-tact~with~wa\-ter~li\-be\-rates~to\-xic~gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 031 } { Con\-tact~with~acids~li\-be\-rates~to\-xic~gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 032 } { Con\-tact~with~acids~li\-be\-rates~ve\-ry~to\-xic~gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 066 } { Re\-pea\-ted~ex\-po\-sure~may~cause~skin~dry\-ness~or~cracking. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 070 } { Toxic~by~eye~con\-tact. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 071 } { Corro\-sive~to~the~respi\-ra\-to\-ry~tract. } + +% 2.3 Environmental Properties +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 059 } { Ha\-zar\-dous~to~the~ozone~layer. } + +% 2.4 Supplemental Label Elements/Information On Certain Substances And Mixtures +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 201 } { Con\-tains~lead.~Should~not~be~used~on~sur\-faces~liable~to~be~chewed~or~sucked~by~child\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 201A } { Warning!~con\-tains~lead. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 202 } { \iupac { Cyano\|acrylate } . ~ Dan\-ger.~Bonds~skin~and~eyes~in~se\-conds.~Keep~out~of~the~reach~of~child\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 203 } { Con\-tains ~ \ox[pos=side]{ 6 , chromium } . ~ May~pro\-duce~an~aller\-gic~reac\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 204 } { Con\-tains ~ \iupac { iso\|cyanates } . ~ May~pro\-duce~an~aller\-gic~reac\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 205 } { Con\-tains~epoxy~consti\-tuents.~May~pro\-duce~an~aller\-gic~reac\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 206 } { War\-ning!~Do~not~use~to\-gether~with~other~pro\-ducts.~May~re\-lease~dan\-ge\-rous~gases~(chlorine). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 207 } { War\-ning!~Con\-tains ~ \iupac { cad\|mium } . ~ Dan\-ge\-rous~fumes~are~formed~du\-ring~use.~See~in\-for\-ma\-tion~supplied~by~the~ma\-nu\-fac\-turer.~Comply~with~the~safety~in\-struc\-tions. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 208 } { Con\-tains \ghsystem_substance: . ~ May~pro\-duce~an~aller\-gic~reac\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 209 } { Can~be\-come~high\-ly~flammable~in~use. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 209A } { Can~be\-come~flammable~in~use. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 210 } { Safe\-ty~da\-ta~sheet~available~on~re\-quest. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 401 } { To~avoid~risks~to~hu\-man~health~and~the~en\-vi\-ron\-ment,~comply~with~the~in\-struc\-tions~for~use. } + +% PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS (Annex 4 page 19ff) +% 3 Precautionary Statements +% 3.1 General +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 101 } { If~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice~is~needed,~have~pro\-duct~con\-tainer~or~la\-bel~at~hand. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 102 } { Keep~out~of~reach~of~child\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 103 } { Read~label~be\-fore~use. } + +% 3.2 Precautionary Statements — Prevention +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 201 } { Ob\-tain~spe\-cial~in\-struc\-tions~be\-fore~use. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 202 } { Do~not~handle~un\-til~all~safe\-ty~pre\-cau\-tions~have~been~read~and~un\-der\-stood. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 210 } { Keep~away~from~heat/sparks/open~flames/hot~sur\-faces.~\textemdash\ No~smo\-king. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 211 } { Do~not~spray~on~an~open~flame~or~other~ig\-ni\-tion~source. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 220 } { Keep/Store~away~from~clothing/ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl /com\-bus\-tible~ma\-te\-rials. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 221 } { Take~any~pre\-cau\-tion~to~avoid~mi\-xing~with~com\-bus\-tibles ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 222 } { Do~not~allow~con\-tact~with~air. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 223 } { Keep~away~from~any~possible~con\-tact~with~wa\-ter,~be\-cause~of~vio\-lent~reac\-tion~and~possible~flash~fire. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 230 } { Keep~wetted~with ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 231 } { Handle~un\-der~inert~gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 232 } { Pro\-tect~from~mois\-ture. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 233 } { Keep~con\-tainer~tight\-ly~closed. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 234 } { Keep~only~in~ori\-gi\-nal~con\-tai\-ner. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 235 } { Keep~cool. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 240 } { Ground/bond~con\-tai\-ner~and~re\-cei\-ving~equip\-ment. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 241 } { Use~ex\-plo\-sion-proof~elec\-tri\-cal/ven\-ti\-la\-ting/ligh\-ting / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ e\-quip\-ment. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 242 } { Use~on\-ly~non-spar\-king~tools. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 243 } { Take~pre\-cau\-tionary~mea\-sures~against~sta\-tic~dis\-charge. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 244 } { Keep~re\-duc\-tion~valves~free~from~grease~and~oil. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 250 } { Do~not~sub\-ject~to~grin\-ding/shock / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl / fric\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 251 } { Pressu\-rized~con\-tai\-ner : ~ Do~not~pierce~or~burn,~even~after~use. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 260 } { Do~not~breathe~dust/fume/gas/mist/va\-pours/spray. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 261 } { Avoid~brea\-thing~dust/fume/gas/mist/va\-pours/spray. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 262 } { Do~not~get~in~eyes,~on~skin,~or~on~clothing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 263 } { Avoid~con\-tact~du\-ring~preg\-nan\-cy/while~nur\-sing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 264 } { Wash ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ tho\-rough\-ly~after~hand\-ling. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 270 } { Do~not~eat,~drink~or~smoke~when~using~this~pro\-duct. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 271 } { Use~on\-ly~out\-doors~or~in~a~well-ven\-ti\-la\-ted~area. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 272 } { Con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~work~clo\-thing~should~not~be~allowed~out~of~the~work\-place. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 273 } { Avoid~re\-lease~to~the~en\-vi\-ron\-ment. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 280 } { Wear~pro\-tec\-tive~gloves/pro\-tec\-tive~clo\-thing/eye~pro\-tec\-tion/face~pro\-tec\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 281 } { Use~per\-so\-nal~pro\-tec\-tive~equip\-ment~as~re\-quired. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 282 } { Wear~cold~in\-su\-la\-ting~gloves/face~shield/eye~pro\-tec\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 283 } { Wear~fire/flame~re\-sis\-tant/re\-tar\-dant~clo\-thing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 284 } { Wear~res\-pi\-ra\-to\-ry~pro\-tec\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 285 } { In~case~of~in\-ade\-quate~ven\-ti\-la\-tion~wear~res\-pi\-ra\-to\-ry~pro\-tec\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 231 + 231 } { Handle~un\-der~inert~gas.~Pro\-tect~from~mois\-ture. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 235 + 410 } { Keep~cool.~Pro\-tect~from~sun\-light. } + +% 3.3 Precautionary Statements — Response +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 } { IF~SWALLOWED : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 } { IF~ON~SKIN : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 303 } { IF~ON~SKIN~(or~hair) : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 } { IF~IN\-HALED : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 305 } { IF~IN~EYES : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 306 } { IF~ON~CLO\-THING : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 307 } { IF~ex\-po\-sed : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 308 } { IF~ex\-po\-sed~or~con\-cerned : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 309 } { IF~ex\-po\-sed~or~if~you~feel~un\-well : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 310 } { Imme\-diate\-ly~call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 311 } { Call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 312 } { Call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian~if~you~feel~un\-well. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 313 } { Get~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 314 } { Get~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion~if~you~feel~un\-well. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 315 } { Get~imme\-diate~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 320 } { Spe~ci\-fic~treat\-ment~is~ur\-gent~(see ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ on~this~la\-bel). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 321 } { Spe~ci\-fic~treat\-ment~(see ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ on~this~la\-bel). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 322 } { Spe~ci\-fic~mea\-sures~(see ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ on~this~la\-bel). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 330 } { Rinse~mouth. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 331 } { Do~NOT~in\-duse~vo\-mitting. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 332 } { If~skin~irri\-tation~occurs : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 333 } { If~skin~irri\-tation~or~rash~occurs : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 334 } { Immerse~in~cool~wa\-ter/wrap~in~wet~ban\-da\-ges. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 335 } { Brush~off~loose~par\-ticles~from~skin. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 336 } { Thaw~frosted~parts~with~luke\-warm~wa\-ter.~Do~not~rub~affec\-ted~area. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 337 } { If~eye~irri\-ta\-tion~per\-sists : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 338 } { Re\-move~con\-tact~lenses,~if~present~and~easy~to~do.~Con\-tinue~rin\-sing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 340 } { Re\-move~vic\-tim~to~fresh~air~and~keep~at~rest~in~a~po\-si\-tion~com\-for\-table~for~breathing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 341 } { If~brea\-thing~is~diffi\-cult,~re\-move~vic\-tim~to~fresh~air~and~keep~at~rest~in~a~po\-si\-tion~com\-for\-table~for~brea\-thing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 342 } { If~ex\-pe\-rien\-cing~res\-pi\-ra\-to\-ry~symp\-toms : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 350 } { Gently~wash~with~plen\-ty~of~soap~and~wa\-ter. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 351 } { Rinse~cau\-tious\-ly~with~water~for~se\-ve\-ral~mi\-nutes. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 352 } { Wash~with~plen\-ty~of~soap~and~wa\-ter. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 353 } { Rinse~skin~with~wa\-ter/shower. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 360 } { Rinse~imme\-diate\-ly~con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~clo\-thing~and~skin~with~plen\-ty~of~wa\-ter~be\-fore~re\-moving~clothes. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 361 } { Re\-move/Take~off~imme\-diate\-ly~all~con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~clo\-thing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 362 } { Take~off~con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~clo\-thing~and~wash~be\-fore~r\-euse. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 363 } { Wash~con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~clo\-thing~be\-fore~re\-use. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 } { In~case~of~fire : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 371 } { In~case~of~ma\-jor~fire~and~large~quan\-ti\-ties : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 372 } { Ex\-plo\-sion~risk~in~case~of~fire. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 373 } { DO~NOT~fight~fire~when~fire~reaches~ex\-plo\-sives. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 374 } { Fight~fire~with~nor\-mal~pre\-cau\-tions~from~a~reasonable~dis\-tance. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 375 } { Fight~fire~re\-mote\-ly~due~to~the~risk~of~ex\-plo\-sion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 376 } { Stop~leak~if~safe~to~do~so. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 377 } { Lea\-king~gas~fire : \ghsystem_text:\ Do~not~ex\-tin\-guish,~un\-less~leak~can~be~stopped~safe\-ly. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 378 } { Use ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ for~ex\-tinc\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 380 } { Eva\-cu\-ate~area. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 381 } { Eli\-mi\-nate~all~igni\-tion~sources~if~safe~to~do~so. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 390 } { Ab\-sorb~spillage~to~pre\-vent~ma\-te\-rial~da\-mage. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 391 } { Collect~spillage. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 310 } { IF~SWALLOWED : ~ Imme\-diate\-ly~call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 312 } { IF~SWALLOWED : ~ Call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian~if~you~feel~un\-well. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 330 + 331 } { IF~SWALLOWED : ~ rinse~mouth.~Do~NOT~in\-duce~vo\-mitting. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 334 } { IF~ON~SKIN : ~ Immerse~in~cool~wa\-ter/wrap~in~wet~ban\-dages. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 350 } { IF~ON~SKIN : ~ Gent\-ly~wash~with~plen\-ty~of~soap~and~wa\-ter. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 352 } { IF~ON~SKIN : ~ Wash~with~plen\-ty~of~soap~and~wa\-ter. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 303 + 361 + 353 } { IF~ON~SKIN~(or~hair) : ~ Re\-move/Take~off~imme\-diate\-ly~all~con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~clo\-thing.~Rinse~skin~with~wa\-ter/shower. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 + 340 } { IF~IN\-HALED : ~ Re\-move~vic\-tim~to~fresh~air~and~keep~at~rest~in~a~po\-si\-tion~com\-for\-table~for~brea\-thing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 + 341 } { IF~IN\-HALED : ~ If~brea\-thing~is~diffi\-cult,~re\-move~vic\-tim~to~fresh~air~and~keep~at~rest~in~a~po\-si\-tion~com\-for\-table~for~brea\-thing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 305 + 351 + 338 } { IF~IN~EYES : ~ Rinse~cau\-tious\-ly~with~water~for~se\-ve\-ral~mi\-nutes.~Re\-move~con\-tact~lenses,~if~pre\-sent~and~easy~to~do.~Con\-tinue~rin\-sing. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 306 + 360 } { IF~ON~CLO\-THING : ~ Rinse~imme\-diate\-ly~con\-ta\-mi\-na\-ted~clo\-thing~and~skin~with~plen\-ty~of~wa\-ter~be\-fore~re\-moving~clothes. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 307 + 311 } { IF~ex\-po\-sed : ~ Call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 308 + 313 } { IF~ex\-po\-sed~or~con\-cerned : ~ Get~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 309 + 311 } { IF~ex\-po\-sed~or~if~you~feel~un\-well : ~ Call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 332 + 313 } { If~skin~irri\-ta\-tion~occurs : ~ Get~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 333 + 313 } { If~skin~irri\-ta\-tion~or~rash~occurs : ~ Get~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 335 + 334 } { Brush~off~loose~par\-ticles~from~skin.~Immerse~in~cool~wa\-ter/wrap~in~wet~ban\-dages. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 337 + 313 } { If~eye~irri\-ta\-tion~per\-sists : ~ Get~me\-di\-cal~ad\-vice/atten\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 342 + 311 } { If~ex\-pe\-rien\-cing~res\-pi\-ra\-to\-ry~symp\-toms : ~ Call~a~POI\-SON~CEN\-TER~or~doc\-tor/phy\-si\-cian. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 376 } { In~case~of~fire : ~ Stop~leak~if~safe~to~do~so. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 378 } { In~case~of~fire : ~ Use ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ for~ex\-tinc\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 380 } { In~case~of~fire : ~ Eva\-cuate~area. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 380 + 375 } { In~case~of~fire : ~ Eva\-cuate~area.~Fight~fire~re\-mote\-ly~due~to~the~risk~of~ex\-plo\-sion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 371 + 380 + 375 } { In~case~of~ma\-jor~fire~and~large~quan\-ti\-ties : ~ Eva\-cuate~area.~Fight~fire~re\-mote\-ly~due~to~the~risk~of~ex\-plo\-sion. } + +% 3.4 Precautionary Statements — Storage +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 401 } { Store ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 402 } { Store~in~a~dry~place. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 } { Store~in~a~well-ven\-ti\-lated~place. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 404 } { Store~in~a~closed~con\-tainer. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 405 } { Store~locked~up. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 406 } { Store~in~cor\-ro\-sive~re\-sis\-tant / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ con\-tai\-ner~with~a~re\-sis\-tant~in\-ner~liner. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 407 } { Main\-tain~air~gap~bet\-ween~stacks/pallets. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 } { Pro\-tect~from~sun\-light. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 411 } { Store~at~tem\-pera\-tures~not~ex\-cee\-ding ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl }{ \GHScelsius } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_fahrenheit_temperature_tl } { \GHSfahrenheit } . } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 412 } { Store~at~tem\-pera\-tures~not~ex\-cee\-ding ~ \SI { 50 } { \GHScelsius } / \SI { 122 } { \GHSfahrenheit } . } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 413 } { Store~bulk~masses~greater~than ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_kg_mass_tl } { \GHSkilogram } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_lbs_mass_tl } { \GHSpounds } ~ at~tem\-pera\-tures~not~ex\-cee\-ding ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl } { \GHScelsius } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_fahrenheit_temperature_tl } { \GHSfahrenheit } . } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 420 } { Store~away~from~other~ma\-te\-rials. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 422 } { Store~con\-tents~un\-der ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 402 + 404 } { Store~in~a~dry~place.~Store~in~a~closed~con\-tai\-ner. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 + 233 } { Store~in~a~well-ven\-ti\-la\-ted~place.~Keep~con\-tainer~tight\-ly~closed. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 + 235 } { Store~in~a~well-ven\-ti\-la\-ted~place.~Keep~cool. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 + 403 } { Pro\-tect~from~sun\-light.~Store~in~a~well-ven\-ti\-la\-ted~place. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 + 412 } { Pro\-tect~from~sun\-light.~Do~not~ex\-pose~to~tem\-pera\-tures~ex\-cee\-ding ~ \SI { 50 } { \GHScelsius } / \SI { 122 } { \GHSfahrenheit } . } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 411 + 235 } { Store~at~tem\-pera\-tures~not~ex\-cee\-ding ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl }{ \GHScelsius } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_fahrenheit_temperature_tl } { \GHSfahrenheit } ~ . ~ Keep~cool. } + +% 3.5 Precautionary Statements — Disposal +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 501 } { Dis\-pose~of~con\-tents/con\-tainer~to ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } + +% 4 Hazard Statement Codes (Annex 6 page 4f) +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 350i } { May~cause~can\-cer~by~in\-ha\-la\-tion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360F } { May~da\-mage~fer\-ti\-li\-ty. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360D } { May~da\-mage~the~un\-born~child. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361f } { Sus\-pec\-ted~of~da\-ma\-ging~fer\-ti\-li\-ty. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361d } { Sus\-pec\-ted~of~da\-ma\-ging~the~un\-born~child. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360FD } { May~da\-mage~fer\-ti\-li\-ty.~May~da\-mage~the~un\-born~child. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361fd } { Suspected~of~damaging~fer\-ti\-li\-ty.~Sus\-pec\-ted~of~da\-ma\-ging~the~un\-born~child. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360Fd } { May~da\-mage~fer\-ti\-li\-ty.~Sus\-pec\-ted~of~da\-ma\-ging~the~un\-born~child. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360Df } { May~da\-mage~the~un\-born~child.~Sus\-pec\-ted~of~da\-ma\-ging~fer\-ti\-li\-ty. } + +\ExplSyntaxOff
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_german.def b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_german.def new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7d6062e0204 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_german.def @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - the CHEMMACROS bundle - % +% - ghsystem_german.def - % +% - macros and commands for chemists - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - Clemens Niederberger - % +% - 2012/01/30 - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - http://www.mychemistry.eu/ - % +% - contact@mychemistry.eu - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please - % +% - feel free to contact me. - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - Copyright 2011-2012 Clemens Niederberger - % +% - - % +% - This work may be distributed and/or modified under the - % +% - conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 - % +% - of this license or (at your option) any later version. - % +% - The latest version of this license is in - % +% - http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt - % +% - and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX - % +% - version 2005/12/01 or later. - % +% - - % +% - This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. - % +% - - % +% - The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. - % +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\ExplSyntaxOn +% GERMAN DEFINITIONS +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_h_prop +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_euh_prop +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_p_prop + +% table head and foot: +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_identifier_tl { Nummer } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_text_tl { Satz } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_next_page_tl { weiter~auf~der~n\"achsten~Seite } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_caption_tl { Alle~H,~EUH~und~P~S\"atze. } + +% fill-in functions: +% <state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard>. +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_exposure: + { + \bool_if:NT \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit + { + \textless + Ex\-po\-si\-tions\-weg~an\-ge\-ben,~sofern~schl\"us\-sig~be\-legt~ist,~dass~die\-se~Ge\-fahr~bei~kei\-nem~an\-de\-ren~Ex\-po\-si\-tions\-weg~be\-steht + \textgreater + } + } + } + +% <state specific effect if known> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_effect: + { + \bool_if:NT \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit + { + \textless + kon\-kre\-te~Wir\-kung~an\-ge\-ben,~so\-fern~be\-kannt + \textgreater + } + } + } + +% <or state all organs affected, if known> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_organs: + { + \bool_if:nT { \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool && !\l_ghsystem_organs_bool } + { + \c_space_tl \textit + { + \textless + oder~alle~be\-troffe\-nen~Or\-gane~nen\-nen,~so\-fern~be\-kannt + \textgreater + } + } + } + +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_substance: + { + \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_substance_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit + { + \textless + Na\-me~des~sen\-si\-bi\-li\-sie\-ren\-den~Stoffes + \textgreater + } + } + } + +% GEFAHRENHINWEISE (Anhang 3) +% 1. Gefahrenhinweise +% 1.1 physikalische Gefahren +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 200 } { In\-sta\-bil,~ex\-plo\-siv } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 201 } { Ex\-plo\-siv,~Ge\-fahr~der~Massen\-ex\-plo\-sion. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 202 } { Ex\-plo\-siv;~gro\ss e~Ge\-fahr~durch~Splitter,~Spreng-~und~Wurf\-st\"ucke. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 203 } { Ex\-plo\-siv;~Ge\-fahr~durch~Feu\-er,~Luft\-druck~oder~Splitter,~Spreng-~und~Wurf\-st\"ucke. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 204 } { Ge\-fahr~durch~Feu\-er~oder~Splitter,~Spreng-~und~Wurf\-st\"ucke. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 205 } { Ge\-fahr~der~Massen\-ex\-plo\-sion~bei~Feu\-er. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 220 } { Ex\-trem~ent\-z\"und\-bares~Gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 221 } { Ent\-z\"und\-bares~Gas. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 222 } { Ex\-trem~ent\-z\"und\-bares~Aero\-sol. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 223 } { Ent\-z\"und\-bares~Aero\-sol. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 224 } { Fl\"ussig\-keit~und~Dampf~ex\-trem~ent\-z\"und\-bar. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 225 } { Fl\"ussig\-keit~und~Dampf~leicht~ent\-z\"und\-bar. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 226 } { Fl\"ussig\-keit~und~Dampf~ent\-z\"und\-bar. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 228 } { Ent\-z\"und\-barer~Fest\-stoff. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 240 } { Er\-w\"ar\-mung~kann~Ex\-plo\-sion~ver\-ur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 241 } { Er\-w\"ar\-mung~kann~Brand~oder~Ex\-plo\-sion~ver\-ur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 242 } { Er\-w\"ar\-mung~kann~Brand~ver\-ur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 250 } { Ent\-z\"un\-det~sich~in~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~Luft~von~selbst. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 251 } { Selbst\-er\-hitzungs\-f\"ahig;~kann~in~Brand~ge\-raten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 252 } { In~gro\ss en~Men\-gen~selbst\-er\-hitzungs\-f\"ahig;~kann~in~Brand~ge\-raten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 260 } { In~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~Wasser~ent\-ste\-hen~ent\-z\"und\-bare~Gase,~die~sich~spon\-tan~entz\"un\-den~k\"on\-nen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 261 } { In~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~Wasser~ent\-ste\-hen~ent\-z\"und\-bare~Gase. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 270 } { Kann~Brand~ver\-ur\-sachen~oder~ver\-st\"ar\-ken;~Oxidations\-mittel. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 271 } { Kann~Brand~oder~Ex\-plo\-sion~ver\-ur\-sachen;~star\-kes~Oxidations\-mittel. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 272 } { Kann~Brand~ver\-st\"ar\-ken;~Oxidations\-mittel. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 280 } { Ent\-h\"alt~Gas~unter~Druck;~kann~bei~Er\-w\"ar\-mung~ex\-plo\-die\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 281 } { Ent\-h\"alt~tief\-kal\-tes~Gas;~kann~K\"alte\-ver\-bren\-nungen~oder~-Ver\-letzun\-gen~ver\-ur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 290 } { Kann~ge\-gen\-\"uber~Me\-tallen~korro\-siv~sein. } + +% 1.2 Gesundheitsgefahren +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 300 } { Le\-bens\-ge\-fahr~bei~Ver\-schlucken. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 301 } { Giftig~bei~Ver\-schlucken. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 302 } { Ge\-sund\-heits\-sch\"ad\-lich~bei~Ver\-schlucken. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 304 } { Kann~bei~Ver\-schlucken~und~Ein\-dringen~in~die~Atem\-wege~t\"od\-lich~sein. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 310 } { Le\-bens\-ge\-fahr~bei~Haut\-kon\-takt. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 311 } { Giftig~bei~Haut\-kontakt. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 312 } { Ge\-sund\-heits\-sch\"adlich~bei~Haut\-kontakt. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 314 } { Ver\-ur\-sacht~schwere~Ver\"atzun\-gen~der~Haut~und~schwe\-re~Au\-gen\-sch\"a\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 315 } { Ver\-ur\-sacht~Haut\-rei\-zun\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 317 } { Kann~aller\-gi\-sche~Haut\-reak\-tio\-nen~ver\-ur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 318 } { Ver\-ur\-sacht~schwe\-re~Au\-gen\-sch\"a\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 319 } { Ver\-ur\-sacht~schwe\-re~Au\-gen\-rei\-zung. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 330 } { Le\-bens\-ge\-fahr~bei~Ein\-at\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 331 } { Giftig~bei~Ein\-at\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 332 } { Ge\-sund\-heits\-sch\"ad\-lich~bei~Ein\-at\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 334 } { Kann~bei~Ein\-at\-men~Aller\-gie,~asthma\-arti\-ge~Sym\-ptome~oder~Atem\-be\-schwer\-den~ver\-ur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 335 } { Kann~die~Atem\-wege~rei\-zen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 336 } { Kann~Schl\"af\-rig\-keit~und~Be\-nommen\-heit~ve\-rur\-sachen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 340 } { Kann~ge\-ne\-tische~De\-fek\-te~ve\-rur\-sachen. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 341 } { Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~ge\-netische~De\-fek\-te~ver\-ur\-sachen. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 350 } { Kann~Krebs~er\-zeu\-gen. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 351 } { Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~Krebs~er\-zeu\-gen. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360 } { Kann~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-tigen~oder~das~Kind~im~Mutter\-leib~sch\"a\-digen. \ghsystem_effect: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361 } { Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-tigen~oder~das~Kind~im~Mutter\-leib~sch\"a\-digen. \ghsystem_effect: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 362 } { Kann~S\"aug\-linge~\"uber~die~Mutter\-milch~sch\"a\-di\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 370 } { Sch\"a\-digt \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~ die~Or\-gane } \ghsystem_organs: . \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 371 } { Kann \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~die~Or\-gane } \ghsystem_organs: ~ sch\"a\-di\-gen. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 372 } { Sch\"a\-digt \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~die~Or\-gane } \ghsystem_organs:\ bei~l\"angerer~oder~wie\-der\-hol\-ter~Ex\-po\-si\-tion. \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 373 } { Kann \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ~die~Or\-gane } \ghsystem_organs:\ sch\"a\-di\-gen~bei~l\"angerer~oder~wie\-der\-hol\-ter~Ex\-po\-si\-tion. \ghsystem_exposure: } + +% 1.3 Umweltgefahren +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 400 } { Sehr~giftig~f\"ur~Was\-ser\-or\-ga\-nis\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 410 } { Sehr~giftig~f\"ur~Was\-ser\-or\-ga\-nis\-men,~mit~lang\-fris\-ti\-ger~Wir\-kung. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 411 } { Giftig~f\"ur~Was\-ser\-or\-ga\-nis\-men,~mit~lang\-fris\-ti\-ger~Wir\-kung. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 412 } { Sch\"ad\-lich~f\"ur~Was\-ser\-or\-ga\-nis\-men,~mit~lang\-fris\-ti\-ger~Wir\-kung. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 413 } { Kann~f\"ur~Was\-ser\-or\-ga\-nis\-men~sch\"ad\-lich~sein, mit~lang\-fris\-ti\-ger~Wir\-kung. } + +% 2 Ergänzende Gefahrenmerkmale +% 2.1 physikalische Gefahren +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 001 } { In~trocke\-nem~Zu\-stand~ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-f\"ahr\-lich. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 006 } { Mit~und~ohne~Luft~ex\-plo\-sions\-f\"a\-hig. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 014 } { Rea\-giert~heftig~mit~Was\-ser. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 018 } { Kann~bei~Ver\-wen\-dung~ex\-plo\-sions\-f\"a\-hige/ent\-z\"und\-bare~Dampf/Luft-Ge\-mi\-sche~bil\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 019 } { Kann~ex\-plo\-sions\-f\"a\-hige~Per\-oxide~bil\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 044 } { Ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-fahr~bei~Er\-hitzen~un\-ter~Ein\-schluss. } + +% 2.2 Gesundheitsgefähliche Eigenschaften +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 029 } { Ent\-wickelt~bei~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~Was\-ser~gifti\-ge~Ga\-se. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 031 } { Ent\-wickelt~bei~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~S\"au\-re~gifti\-ge~Ga\-se. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 032 } { Ent\-wickelt~bei~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~S\"au\-re~sehr~gifti\-ge~Ga\-se. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 066 } { Wie\-der\-holter~Kon\-takt~kann~zu~spr\"o\-der~oder~rissi\-ger~Haut~f\"uh\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 070 } { Giftig~bei~Be\-r\"uh\-rung~mit~den~Au\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 071 } { Wirkt~\"atzend~auf~die~Atem\-we\-ge. } + +% 2.3 Umweltgefährliche Eigenschaften +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 059 } { Die~Ozon\-schicht~sch\"a\-di\-gend. } + +% 2.4 Ergänzende Kennzeichnungselemente / Informationen über bestimmte Stoffe und Gemische +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 201 } { Ent\-h\"alt~Blei.~Nicht~f\"ur~den~An\-strich~von~Ge\-gen\-st\"an\-den~ver\-wen\-den,~die~von~Kin\-dern~ge\-kaut~oder~ge\-lutscht~wer\-den~k\"onn\-ten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 201A } { Ach\-tung!~Ent\-h\"alt~Blei. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 202 } { \iupac{Cyan\|acryl\|at}.~Ge\-fahr.~Klebt~inner\-halb~von~Se\-kun\-den~Haut~und~Au\-gen\-li\-der~zu\-sam\-men.~Darf~nicht~in~die~H\"an\-de~von~Kin\-dern~ge\-lan\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 203 } { Ent\-h\"alt~\ox[pos=side]{6,Chrom}.~Kann~aller\-gi\-sche~Re\-ak\-tio\-nen~her\-vor\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 204 } { Ent\-h\"alt~\iupac{Iso\|cyan\|ate}.~Kann~aller\-gi\-sche~Re\-ak\-tio\-nen~her\-vor\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 205 } { Ent\-h\"alt~epoxid\-halti\-ge~Ver\-bin\-dun\-gen.~Kann~aller\-gi\-sche~Re\-ak\-tio\-nen~her\-vor\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 206 } { Ach\-tung!~Nicht~zu\-sam\-men~mit~an\-de\-ren~Pro\-duk\-ten~ver\-wen\-den,~da~ge\-f\"ahr\-liche~Ga\-se~(Chlor)~frei\-ge\-setzt~wer\-den~k\"on\-nen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 207 } { Ach\-tung!~Ent\-h\"alt~Cad\-mium.~Bei~der~Ver\-wen\-dung~ent\-ste\-hen~ge\-f\"ahr\-liche~D\"ampfe.~Hin\-wei\-se~des~Her\-stellers~be\-ach\-ten.~Sicher\-heits\-an\-wei\-sungen~ein\-halten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 208 } { Ent\-h\"alt \ghsystem_substance: .~Kann~aller\-gi\-sche~Re\-ak\-tio\-nen~her\-vor\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 209 } { Kann~bei~Ver\-wen\-dung~leicht~ent\-z\"und\-bar~wer\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 209A } { Kann~bei~Ver\-wen\-dung~ent\-z\"und\-bar~wer\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 210 } { Sicher\-heits\-da\-ten\-blatt~auf~An\-fra\-ge~er\-h\"alt\-lich. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 401 } { Zur~Ver\-mei\-dung~von~Ri\-si\-ken~f\"ur~Mensch~und~Um\-welt~die~Ge\-brauchs\-an\-lei\-tung~ein\-halten. } + +% SICHERHEITSHINWEISE (Anhang 4 ab Seite 19) +% 3 Sicherheitshinweise +% 3.1 Allgemeines +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 101 } { Ist~\"arzt\-licher~Rat~er\-for\-der\-lich,~Ver\-packung~oder~Kenn\-zeich\-nungs\-eti\-kett~be\-reit\-hal\-ten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 102 } { Darf~nicht~in~die~H\"an\-de~von~Kin\-dern~ge\-lan\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 103 } { Vor~Ge\-brauch~Kenn\-zeich\-nungs\-eti\-kett~lesen. } + +% 3.2 Sicherheitshinweise — Prävention +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 201 } { Vor~Ge\-brauch~be\-son\-de\-re~An\-wei\-sungen~ein\-ho\-len. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 202 } { Vor~Ge\-brauch~alle~Sicher\-heits\-hin\-wei\-se~le\-sen~und~ver\-ste\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 210 } { Von~Hitze/Fun\-ken/offe\-ner~Flam\-me/hei\ss en~Ober\-fl\"achen~fern\-hal\-ten.~Nicht~rau\-chen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 211 } { Nicht~ge\-gen~offe\-ne~Flam\-me~oder~an\-de\-re~Z\"und\-quelle~spr\"u\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 220 } { Von~Klei\-dung/\l_ghsystem_dots_tl /brenn\-ba\-ren~Ma\-te\-ria\-lien~fern\-hal\-ten/ent\-fernt~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 221 } { Mischen~mit~brenn\-ba\-ren~Stoffen/\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ un\-be\-dingt~ver\-hin\-dern. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 222 } { Kon\-takt~mit~Luft~nicht~zu\-lassen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 223 } { Kon\-takt~mit~Was\-ser~we\-gen~hefti\-ger~Re\-ak\-tion~und~m\"og\-lichem~Auf\-flam\-men~un\-be\-dingt~ver\-hin\-dern. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 230 } { Feucht~hal\-ten~mit~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 231 } { Un\-ter~inertem~Gas~hand\-ha\-ben. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 232 } { Vor~Feuch\-tig\-keit~sch\"utzen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 233 } { Be\-h\"alter~dicht~ver\-schlos\-sen~hal\-en. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 234 } { Nur~im~Ori\-gi\-nal\-be\-h\"alter~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 235 } { K\"uhl~hal\-ten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 240 } { Be\-h\"alter~und~zu~be\-f\"ullen\-de~An\-la\-ge~er\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 241 } { Ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-sch\"utzte~e\-lek\-tri\-sche~Be\-triebs\-mittel/L\"uftungs\-an\-la\-gen/Be\-leuch\-tung/\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ver\-wen\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 242 } { Nur~fun\-ken\-frei\-es~Werk\-zeug~ver\-wen\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 243 } { Ma\ss\-nah\-men~ge\-gen~e\-lek\-tro\-sta\-ti\-sche~Auf\-la\-dungen~treffen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 244 } { Druck\-min\-de\-rer~frei~von~Fett~und~\"Ol~hal\-ten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 250 } { Nicht~schlei\-fen/sto\ss\-en/\l_ghsystem_dots_tl /rei\-ben. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 251 } { Be\-h\"alter~steht~un\-ter~Druck:~Nicht~durch\-ste\-chen~oder~ver\-bren\-nen,~auch~nicht~nach~der~Ver\-wen\-dung. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 260 } { Staub/Rauch/Gas/Ne\-bel/Dampf/Aero\-sol~nicht~ein\-at\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 261 } { Ein\-at\-men~von~Staub/Rauch/Gas/Ne\-bel/Dampf/Aero\-sol~ver\-mei\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 262 } { Nicht~in~die~Au\-gen,~auf~die~Haut~oder~auf~die~Klei\-dung~ge\-langen~las\-sen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 263 } { Kon\-takt~w\"ah\-rend~der~Schwan\-ger\-schaft~und~der~Still\-zeit~ver\-mei\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 264 } { Nach~Ge\-brauch~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ gr\"und\-lich~waschen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 270 } { Bei~Ge\-brauch~nicht essen, trinken oder rauchen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 271 } { Nur~im~Frei\-en~oder~in~gut~be\-l\"ufte\-ten~R\"au\-men~ver\-wen\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 272 } { Kon\-ta\-mi\-nier\-te~Ar\-beits\-klei\-dung~nicht~au\ss er\-halb~des~Ar\-beits\-platzes~tra\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 273 } { Frei\-setzung~in~die~Um\-welt~ver\-mei\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 280 } { Schutz\-hand\-schu\-he/Schutz\-klei\-dung/Au\-gen\-schutz/Ge\-sichts\-schutz~tra\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 281 } { Vor\-ge\-schrie\-be\-ne~per\-s\"on\-li\-che~Schutz\-aus\-r\"us\-tung~ver\-wen\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 282 } { Schutz\-hand\-schu\-he/Ge\-sichts\-schild/Au\-gen\-schutz~mit~K\"alte\-iso\-lie\-rung~tra\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 283 } { Schwer~ent\-flamm\-ba\-re/flamm\-hem\-men\-de~Klei\-dung~tra\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 284 } { Atem\-schutz~tragen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 285 } { Bei~un\-zu\-rei\-chen\-der~Be\-l\"uftung~Atem\-schutz~tra\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 231 + 232 } { Un\-ter~in\-er\-tem~Gas~hand\-ha\-ben.~Vor~Feuch\-tig\-keit~sch\"utzen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 235 + 410 } { K\"uhl~halten.~Vor~Son\-nen\-be\-strah\-lung~sch\"utzen. } + +% 3.3 Sicherheitshinweise — Reaktion +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 } { BEI~VER\-SCHLUCKEN : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 } { BEI~BE\-R\"UH\-RUNG~MIT~DER~HAUT : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 303 } { BEI~BE\-R\"UH\-RUNG~MIT~DER~HAUT~(oder~dem~Haar) : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 } { BEI~EIN\-AT\-MEN : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 305 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DEN~AU\-GEN : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 306 } { BEI~KON\-TA\-MI\-NIER\-TER~KLEI\-DUNG : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 307 } { BEI~Ex\-po\-si\-tion : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 308 } { BEI~Ex\-po\-si\-tion~oder~falls~be\-troffen : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 309 } { BEI~Ex\-po\-si\-tion~oder~Un\-wohl\-sein : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 310 } { So\-fort~GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 311 } { GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 312 } { Bei~Un\-wohl\-sein~GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 313 } { \"Arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-li\-che~Hilfe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 314 } { Bei~Un\-wohl\-sein~\"arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-li\-che~Hilfe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 315 } { So\-fort~\"arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-li\-che~Hilfe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 320 } { Be\-son\-de\-re~Be\-hand\-lung~drin\-gend~er\-for\-der\-lich ~(sie\-he~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ auf~die\-sem~Kenn\-zeich\-nungs\-eti\-kett). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 321 } { Be\-son\-de\-re~Be\-hand\-lung~(sie\-he~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ auf~die\-sem~Kenn\-zeich\-nungs\-eti\-kett). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 322 } { Ge\-ziel\-te~Ma\ss\-nah\-men~(sie\-he~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ auf~die\-sem~Kenn\-zeich\-nungs\-eti\-kett). } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 330 } { Mund~aus\-sp\"u\-len. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 331 } { KEIN~Er\-bre\-chen~her\-bei\-f\"uh\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 332 } { Bei~Haut\-rei\-zung : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 333 } { Bei~Haut\-rei\-zung~oder~-aus\-schlag : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 334 } { In~kal\-tes~Was\-ser~tau\-chen/nas\-sen~Ver\-band~an\-le\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 335 } { Lo\-se~Par\-ti\-kel~von~der~Haut~ab\-b\"ur\-sten. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 336 } { Ver\-eis\-te~Be\-rei\-che~mit~lau\-war\-mem~Was\-ser~auf\-tau\-en.~Be\-troffe\-nen~Be\-reich~nicht~rei\-ben. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 337 } { Bei~an\-halten\-der~Au\-gen\-rei\-zung : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 338 } { Even\-tu\-ell~vor\-han\-de\-ne~Kon\-takt\-lin\-sen~nach~M\"og\-lich\-keit~ent\-fer\-nen.~Wei\-ter~aus\-sp\"u\-len. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 340 } { Die~be\-troffe\-ne~Per\-son~an~die~fri\-sche~Luft~brin\-gen~und~in~ei\-ner~Po\-si\-tion~ru\-hig\-stellen,~die~das~At\-men~er\-leich\-tert. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 341 } { Bei~Atem\-be\-schwer\-den~an~die~fri\-sche~Luft~brin\-gen~und~in~ei\-ner~Po\-si\-tion~ru\-hig\-stellen,~die~das~At\-men~er\-leich\-tert. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 342 } { Bei~Symp\-to\-men~der~Atem\-wege : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 350 } { Be\-hut\-sam~mit~viel~Was\-ser~und~Sei\-fe~wa\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 351 } { Ei\-ni\-ge~Mi\-nu\-ten~lang~be\-hut\-sam~mit~Was\-ser~aus\-sp\"ulen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 352 } { Mit~viel~Was\-ser~und~Sei\-fe~wa\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 353 } { Haut~mit~Was\-ser~ab\-wa\-schen/du\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 360 } { Kon\-ta\-mi\-nier\-te~Klei\-dung~und~Haut~so\-fort~mit~viel~Was\-ser~ab\-wa\-schen~und~da\-nach~Klei\-dung~aus\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 361 } { Al\-le~kon\-ta\-mi\-nier\-ten~Klei\-dungs\-st\"ucke~so\-fort~aus\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 362 } { Kon\-ta\-mi\-nier\-te~Klei\-dung~aus\-zie\-hen~und~vor~er\-neu\-tem~Tra\-gen~wa\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 363 } { Kon\-ta\-mi\-nier\-te~Klei\-dung~vor~er\-neu\-tem~Tra\-gen~wa\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 } { Bei~Brand : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 371 } { Bei~Gro\ss\-brand~und~gro\-\ss en~Men\-gen : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 372 } { Ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-fahr~bei~Brand. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 373 } { KEI\-NE~Brand\-be\-k\"ampfung,~wenn~das~Feu\-er~ex\-plo\-si\-ve~Stoffe/Ge\-mi\-sche/Er\-zeug\-nis\-se~er\-reicht. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 374 } { Brand\-be\-k\"ampfung~mit~\"ubli\-chen~Vor\-sichts\-ma\ss\-nah\-men~aus~an\-ge\-messe\-ner~Ent\-fer\-nung. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 375 } { We\-gen~Ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-fahr~Brand~aus~der~Ent\-fer\-nung~be\-k\"amp\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 376 } { Un\-dich\-tig\-keit~be\-sei\-ti\-gen,~wenn~ge\-fahr\-los~m\"og\-lich. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 377 } { Brand~von~aus\-str\"o\-men\-dem~Gas: \ghsystem_text: ~ Nicht~l\"o\-schen,~bis~Un\-dich\-tig\-keit~ge\-fahr\-los~be\-sei\-tigt~wer\-den~kann. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 378 } { \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ zum~L\"o\-schen~ver\-wen\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 380 } { Um\-ge\-bung~r\"au\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 381 } { Alle~Z\"und\-quellen~ent\-fer\-nen,~wenn~ge\-fahr\-los~m\"og\-lich. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 390 } { Ver\-sch\"utte\-te~Men\-gen~auf\-neh\-men,~um~Ma\-te\-rial\-sch\"a\-den~zu~ver\-mei\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 391 } { Ver\-sch\"utte\-te~Men\-gen~auf\-neh\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 310 } { BEI~VER\-SCHLUCKEN : ~ So\-fort~GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 312 } { BEI~VER\-SCHLUCKEN : ~ Bei~Un\-wohl\-sein~GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 330 + 331 } { BEI~VER\-SCHLUCKEN : ~ Mund~aus\-sp\"u\-len.~KEIN~Er\-brechen~her\-bei\-f\"uh\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 334 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DER~HAUT : ~ In~kal\-tes~Was\-ser~tau\-chen/nas\-sen~Ver\-band~an\-le\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 350 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DER~HAUT : ~ Be\-hut\-sam~mit~viel~Was\-ser~und~Sei\-fe~wa\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 352 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DER~HAUT : ~ Mit~viel~Was\-ser~und~Sei\-fe~wa\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 303 + 361 + 353 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DER~HAUT~(oder~dem~Haar): ~ Alle~be\-schmutz\-ten,~ge\-tr\"ank\-ten~Klei\-dungs\-st\"ucke~so\-fort~aus\-zie\-hen.~Haut~mit~Was\-ser~ab\-wa\-schen/du\-schen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 + 340 } { BEI~EIN\-AT\-MEN : ~ An~die~fri\-sche~Luft~brin\-gen~und~in~ei\-ner~Po\-si\-tion~ru\-hig\-stellen,~die~das~At\-men~er\-leich\-tert. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 + 341 } { BEI~EIN\-AT\-MEN : ~ Bei~Atem\-be\-schwer\-den~an~die~fri\-sche~Luft~brin\-gen~und~in~ei\-ner~Po\-si\-tion~ru\-hig\-stellen,~die~das~At\-men~er\-leich\-tert. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 305 + 351 + 338 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DEN~AU\-GEN : ~ Ei\-ni\-ge~Mi\-nu\-ten~lang~be\-hut\-sam~mit~Was\-ser~sp\"u\-len.~Vor\-han\-de\-ne~Kon\-takt\-lin\-sen~nach~M\"og\-lich\-keit~ent\-fer\-nen.~Wei\-ter~sp\"u\-len. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 306 + 360 } { BEI~KON\-TAKT~MIT~DER~KLEI\-DUNG : ~ Kon\-ta\-mi\-nier\-te~Klei\-dung~und~Haut~so\-fort~mit~viel~Was\-ser~ab\-wa\-schen~und~da\-nach~Klei\-dung~aus\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 307 + 311 } { BEI~Ex\-po\-si\-tion : ~ GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 308 + 313 } { BEI~Ex\-po\-si\-tion~oder~falls~be \-troffen : ~ \"Arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-li\-che~Hilfe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 309 + 311 } { BEI~Ex\-po\-si\-tion~oder~Un\-wohl\-sein : ~ GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 332 + 313 } { Bei~Haut\-rei\-zung : ~ \"Arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-li\-che~Hilfe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 333 + 313 } { Bei~Haut\-rei\-zung~oder~-aus\-schlag : ~ \"Arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-li\-che~Hilfe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 335 + 334 } { Lo\-se~Par\-ti\-kel~von~der~Haut~ab\-b\"ur\-sten.~In~kaltes~Was\-ser~tau\-chen/nas\-sen~Ver\-band~an\-le\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 337 + 313 } { Bei~an\-halten\-der~Au\-gen\-rei\-zung : ~ \"Arzt\-li\-chen~Rat~ein\-ho\-len/\"arzt\-l\-iche~Hil\-fe~hin\-zu\-zie\-hen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 342 + 311 } { Bei~Symp\-to\-men~der~Atem\-we\-ge : ~ GIFT\-IN\-FOR\-MA\-TIONS\-ZEN\-TRUM~oder~Arzt~an\-ru\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 376 } { Bei~Brand : ~ Un\-dich\-tig\-keit~be\-sei\-ti\-gen,~wenn~ge\-fahr\-los~m\"og\-lich. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 378 } { Bei~Brand : ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ zum~L\"o\-schen~ver\-wen\-den. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 380 } { Bei~Brand : ~ Um\-ge\-bung~r\"au\-men. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 380 + 375 } { Bei~Brand : ~ Um\-ge\-bung~r\"au\-men.~We\-gen~Ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-fahr~Brand~aus~der~Ent\-fer\-nung~be\-k\"amp\-fen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 371 + 380 + 375 } { Bei~Gro\ss\-brand~und~gro\ss\-en~Men\-gen : ~ Um\-ge\-bung~r\"au\-men.~We\-gen~Ex\-plo\-sions\-ge\-fahr~Brand~aus~der~Ent\-fer\-nung~be\-k\"amp\-fen. } + +% 3.4 Sicherheitshinweise — Aufbewahrung +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 401 } { \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 402 } { An~ei\-nem~trocke\-nen~Ort~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 } { An~ei\-nem~gut~be\-l\"ufte\-ten~Ort~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 404 } { In~ei\-nem~ge\-schlos\-se\-nen~Be\-h\"alter~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 405 } { Un\-ter~Ver\-schluss~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 406 } { In~ kor\-ro\-sions\-be\-st\"an\-di\-gem/\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ Be\-h\"alter~mit~kor\-ro\-sions\-be\-st\"an\-di\-ger Aus\-klei\-dung~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 407 } { Luft\-spalt~zwi\-schen~Sta\-peln/Pa\-letten~las\-sen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 } { Vor~Son\-nen\-be\-strah\-lung~sch\"utzen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 411 } { Bei~Tem\-pe\-ra\-tu\-ren~von~nicht~mehr~als ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl }{ \GHScelsius } ~ auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 412 } { Nicht~Tem \-pe\-ra\-tu\-ren~von~mehr~als ~ \SI { 50 } { \GHScelsius } ~ aus\-setzen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 413 } { Sch\"utt\-gut~in~Men\-gen~von~mehr~als ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_kg_mass_tl }{ \GHSkilogram } ~ bei~Tem\-pe\-ra\-tu\-ren~von~nicht~mehr~als ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl } { \GHScelsius } ~ auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 420 } { Von~an\-de\-ren~Ma\-te\-ria\-li\-en~ent\-fernt~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 422 } { In\-halt~in/un\-ter~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 402 + 404 } { In~ei\-nem~ge\-schlos\-se\-nen~Be\-h\"alter~an~ei\-nem~trocke\-nen~Ort~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 + 233 } { Be\-h\"alter~dicht~ver\-schlos\-sen~an~ei\-nem~gut~be\-l\"ufte\-ten~Ort~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 + 235 } { K\"uhl~an~ei\-nem~gut~be\-l\"ufte\-ten~Ort~auf\-ge\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 + 403 } { Vor~Son\-nen\-be\-strah\-lung~ge\-sch\"utzt~an~ei\-nem~gut~be\-l\"ufte\-ten~Ort~auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 + 412 } { Vor~Son\-nen\-be\-strah\-lung~sch\"utzen~und~nicht~Tem\-pe\-ra\-tu\-ren~von~mehr~als ~ \SI { 50 } { \GHScelsius } ~ aus\-setzen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 411 + 235 } { K\"uhl~und~bei~Tem\-pe\-ra\-tu\-ren~von~nicht~mehr~als ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl } { \GHScelsius } ~ auf\-be\-wah\-ren. } + +% 3.5 Sicherheitshinweise — Entsorgung +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 501 } { In\-halt/Be\-h\"alter~\l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ zu\-f\"uh\-ren. } + +% 4 Gefahren-Hinweis Codes (Anhang 6 ab Seite 4) +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 350i } { Kann~bei~Ein\-at\-men~Krebs~er\-zeu\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360F } { Kann~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-ti\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360D } { Kann~das~Kind~im~Mut\-ter\-leib~sch\"a\-di\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361f } { Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-ti\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361d } { Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~das~Kind~im~Mut\-ter\-leib~sch\"a\-di\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360FD } { Kann~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-ti\-gen.~Kann~das~Kind~im~Mut\-ter\-leib~sch\"a\-di\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361fd } { Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-ti\-gen.~Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~das~Kind~im~Mut\-ter\-leib~sch\"a\-di\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360Fd } { Kann~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-ti\-gen.~Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~das~Kind~im~Mut\-ter\-leib~sch\"a\-di\-gen. } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360Df } { Kann~das~Kind~im~Mut\-ter\-leib~sch\"a\-di\-gen.~Kann~ver\-mut\-lich~die~Frucht\-bar\-keit~be\-ein\-tr\"ach\-ti\-gen. } + +\ExplSyntaxOff
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_langtemplate.def b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_langtemplate.def new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..357eccc33f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/language/ghsystem_langtemplate.def @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - the CHEMMACROS bundle - % +% - ghsystem_dlangtemplate.def - % +% - macros and commands for chemists - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - Clemens Niederberger - % +% - 2012/01/30 - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - http://www.mychemistry.eu/ - % +% - contact@mychemistry.eu - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please - % +% - feel free to contact me. - % +% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % +% - Copyright 2011-2012 Clemens Niederberger - % +% - - % +% - This work may be distributed and/or modified under the - % +% - conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 - % +% - of this license or (at your option) any later version. - % +% - The latest version of this license is in - % +% - http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt - % +% - and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX - % +% - version 2005/12/01 or later. - % +% - - % +% - This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. - % +% - - % +% - The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. - % +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\ExplSyntaxOn +% <LANGUAGE> DEFINITIONS +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_h_prop +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_euh_prop +\prop_clear:N \l_ghsystem_p_prop + +% table head: +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_identifier_tl { ... } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_text_tl { ... } +\tl_set:Nn \l_ghsystem_table_caption_tl { ... } + +% fill-in functions: +% <state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard>. +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_exposure: + { + \bool_if:NT \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless ... \textgreater} + } + } + +% <state specific effect if known> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_effect: + { + \bool_if:NT \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless ... \textgreater} + } + } + +% <or state all organs affected, if known> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_organs: + { + \bool_if:nT { \l_ghsystem_fill_in_bool && !\l_ghsystem_organs_bool } + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless ... \textgreater} + } + } + +% <name of sensitising substance> +\cs_set:Npn \ghsystem_substance: + { + \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_substance_bool + { + \c_space_tl \textit{\textless ... \textgreater} + } + } + +% HAZARD STATEMENTS (Annex 3) +% 1. Hazard Statements +% 1.1 Physical Hazards +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 200 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 201 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 202 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 203 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 204 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 205 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 220 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 221 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 222 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 223 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 224 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 225 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 226 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 228 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 240 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 241 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 242 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 250 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 251 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 252 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 260 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 261 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 270 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 271 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 272 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 280 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 281 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 290 } { ... } + +% 1.2 Health Hazards +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 300 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 301 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 302 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 304 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 310 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 311 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 312 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 314 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 315 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 317 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 318 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 319 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 330 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 331 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 332 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 334 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 335 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 336 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 340 } { ... \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 341 } { ... \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 350 } { ... \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 351 } { ... \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360 } { ... \ghsystem_effect: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361 } { ... \ghsystem_effect: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 362 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 370 } { ... \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ... } \ghsystem_organs: . \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 371 } { ... \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ... } \ghsystem_organs: \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 372 } { ... \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ... } \ghsystem_organs:\ ... \ghsystem_exposure: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 373 } { ... \bool_if:NF \l_ghsystem_organs_bool { ... } \ghsystem_organs:\ ... \ghsystem_exposure: } + +% 1.3 Environmental hazards +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 400 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 410 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 411 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 412 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 413 } { ... } + +% 2 Supplemental Hazard Informations +% 2.1 Physical Properties +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 001 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 006 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 014 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 018 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 019 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 044 } { ... } + +% 2.2 Health Properties +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 029 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 031 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 032 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 066 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 070 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 071 } { ... } + +% 2.3 Environmental Properties +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 059 } { ... } + +% 2.4 Supplemental Label Elements/Information On Certain Substances And Mixtures +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 201 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 201A } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 202 } { \iupac { ... } . ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 203 } { ... ~ \ox[pos=side]{ 6 , ... } . ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 204 } { ... ~ \iupac { ... } . ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 205 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 206 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 207 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 208 } { ... \ghsystem_substance: . ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 209 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 209A } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 210 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_euh_prop { 401 } { ... } + +% PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS (Annex 4 page 19ff) +% 3 Precautionary Statements +% 3.1 General +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 101 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 102 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 103 } { ... } + +% 3.2 Precautionary Statements — Prevention +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 201 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 202 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 210 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 211 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 220 } { ... / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl / ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 221 } { ... \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 222 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 223 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 230 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 231 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 232 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 233 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 234 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 235 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 240 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 241 } { ... / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 242 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 243 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 244 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 250 } { ... / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl / ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 251 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 260 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 261 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 262 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 263 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 264 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 270 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 271 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 272 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 273 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 280 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 281 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 282 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 283 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 284 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 285 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 231 + 231 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 235 + 410 } { ... } + +% 3.3 Precautionary Statements — Response +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 303 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 305 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 306 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 307 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 308 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 309 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 310 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 311 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 312 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 313 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 314 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 315 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 320 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 321 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 322 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ...} +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 330 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 331 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 332 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 333 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 334 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 335 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 336 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 337 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 338 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 340 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 341 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 342 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 350 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 351 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 352 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 353 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 360 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 361 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 362 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 363 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 371 } { ... : \ghsystem_text: } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 372 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 373 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 374 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 375 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 376 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 377 } { ... : \ghsystem_text:\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 378 } { \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 380 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 381 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 390 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 391 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 310 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 312 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 301 + 330 + 331 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 334 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 350 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 302 + 352 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 303 + 361 + 353 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 + 340 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 304 + 341 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 305 + 351 + 338 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 306 + 360 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 307 + 311 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 308 + 313 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 309 + 311 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 332 + 313 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 333 + 313 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 335 + 334 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 337 + 313 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 342 + 311 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 376 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 378 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 380 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 370 + 380 + 375 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 371 + 380 + 375 } { ... } + +% 3.4 Precautionary Statements — Storage +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 401 } { \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 402 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 404 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 405 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 406 } { ... / \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 407 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 411 } { ... ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl }{ \GHScelsius } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_fahrenheit_temperature_tl } { \GHSfahrenheit } ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 412 } { ... ~ \SI { 50 } { \GHScelsius } / \SI { 122 } { \GHSfahrenheit } ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 413 } { ... ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_kg_mass_tl } { \GHSkilogram } ~ ... ~ \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl } { \GHScelsius } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_fahrenheit_temperature_tl } { \GHSfahrenheit } ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 420 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 422 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 402 + 404 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 + 233 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 403 + 235 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 + 403 } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 410 + 412 } { ... ~ \SI { 50 } { \GHScelsius } / \SI { 122 } { \GHSfahrenheit } ~ ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 411 + 235 } { ... ~ \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_celsius_temperature_tl }{ \GHScelsius } / \exp_args:No \SI { \l_ghsystem_fahrenheit_temperature_tl } { \GHSfahrenheit } ~ ... } + +% 3.5 Precautionary Statements — Disposal +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_p_prop { 501 } { ... ~ \l_ghsystem_dots_tl\ ... } + +% 4 Hazard Statement Codes (Annex 6 page 4f) +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 350i } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360F } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360D } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361f } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361d } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360FD } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 361fd } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360Fd } { ... } +\prop_put:Nnn \l_ghsystem_h_prop { 360Df } { ... } + +\ExplSyntaxOff
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