path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/chemmacros-codehelper.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/chemmacros-codehelper.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 731 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/chemmacros-codehelper.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/chemmacros-codehelper.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 140eaf9de27..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/chemmacros/chemmacros-codehelper.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% - the CHEMMACROS bundle - %
-% - chemmacros-codehelper.tex - %
-% - macros and commands for chemists - %
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% - Clemens Niederberger - %
-% - 2012/03/19 - %
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% - - %
-% - - %
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% - If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please - %
-% - feel free to contact me. - %
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% - Copyright 2011-2012 Clemens Niederberger - %
-% - - %
-% - This work may be distributed and/or modified under the - %
-% - conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 - %
-% - of this license or (at your option) any later version. - %
-% - The latest version of this license is in - %
-% - - %
-% - and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX - %
-% - version 2005/12/01 or later. - %
-% - - %
-% - This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. - %
-% - - %
-% - The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. - %
-% Just to shorten the preamble of the documentation
-% The beispiel environment is just a copy from the LaTeXdemo environment in
-% the siunitx documentation which has been (minimally) adapted and provides
-% environment beispiel with options
-% * [code and example] (default)
-% * [below] (like default but forces example below code)
-% * [ox] (like below but with larger skip)
-% * [code only]
-% * [code and float]
-% For creating examples with nice highlighting of code, and so on; based on the
-% system used in the listings source (lstsample).
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- a,
- abinitio,
- AddRxnDesc,
- aq,
- aqi,
- b,
- ba,
- bottomrule,
- cancel,
- cd,
- cdot,
- ce,
- cee,
- celsius,
- centering,
- chemabove,
- Chemalpha,
- Chembeta,
- Chemgamma,
- Chemdelta,
- ChemDelta,
- chemfig,
- chemname,
- Chemomega,
- chemsetup,
- cip,
- cis,
- ch,
- cnsetup,
- color,
- cstsetup,
- d,
- D,
- DeclareChemArrow,
- DeclareChemIUPAC,
- DeclareChemLatin,
- DeclareChemParticle,
- DeclareChemPhase,
- DeclareChemReaction,
- DeclareChemState,
- DeclareInstance,
- DeclareSIUnit,
- definecolor,
- delm,
- delp,
- Delta,
- Dfi,
- draw,
- E,
- el,
- ElPot,
- Enthalpy,
- enthalpy,
- Entropy,
- footnotesize,
- fmch,
- fpch,
- fscrm,
- fscrp,
- g,
- gas,
- ghs,
- ghslistall,
- ghspic,
- Gibbs,
- glqq,
- grqq,
- H,
- hapto,
- Helmholtz,
- hertz,
- hspace,
- includegraphics,
- insitu,
- intertext,
- invacuo,
- iupac,
- joule,
- Ka,
- Kb,
- kilo,
- Kw,
- L,
- latin,
- lewis,
- Lewis,
- Lfi,
- listofreactions,
- lqd,
- mch,
- mega,
- meta,
- mhName,
- midrule,
- mmHg,
- mole,
- N,
- nicefrac,
- newman,
- NMR,
- Nu,
- Nuc,
- num,
- O,
- ominus,
- orbital,
- ortho,
- oplus,
- ox,
- OX,
- p,
- P,
- para,
- pch,
- per,
- pgfarrowsdeclarealias,
- pgfarrowsrenewalias,
- pH,
- phase,
- photon,
- pKa,
- pKb,
- pOH,
- positron,
- Pot,
- prt,
- R,
- Rad,
- redox,
- RenewChemArrow,
- RenewChemIUPAC,
- RenewChemLatin,
- RenewChemParticle,
- RenewChemPhase,
- RenewChemState,
- renewtagform,
- rightarrow,
- S,
- Sf,
- sample,
- scriptscriptstyle,
- scrm,
- scrp,
- setatomsep,
- setbondoffset,
- sfrac,
- shorthandoff,
- ShowChemArrow,
- si,
- SI,
- sisetup,
- sld,
- Sod,
- State,
- subsection,
- textcolor,
- textendash,
- textsuperscript,
- tiny,
- toprule,
- trans,
- upbeta,
- upeta,
- upgamma,
- volt,
- vphantom,
- vspave,
- w,
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- Z
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- a,
- abinitio,
- AddRxnDesc,
- aq,
- aqi,
- b,
- ba,
- bottomrule,
- cancel,
- cd,
- cdot,
- ce,
- cee,
- celsius,
- centering,
- chemabove,
- Chemalpha,
- Chembeta,
- Chemgamma,
- Chemdelta,
- ChemDelta,
- chemfig,
- chemname,
- Chemomega,
- chemsetup,
- cip,
- cis,
- ch,
- cnsetup,
- color,
- cstsetup,
- d,
- D,
- DeclareChemArrow,
- DeclareChemIUPAC,
- DeclareChemLatin,
- DeclareChemParticle,
- DeclareChemPhase,
- DeclareChemReaction,
- DeclareChemState,
- DeclareInstance,
- DeclareSIUnit,
- definecolor,
- delm,
- delp,
- Delta,
- Dfi,
- draw,
- E,
- el,
- ElPot,
- Enthalpy,
- enthalpy,
- Entropy,
- footnotesize,
- fmch,
- fpch,
- fscrm,
- fscrp,
- g,
- gas,
- ghs,
- ghslistall,
- ghspic,
- Gibbs,
- glqq,
- grqq,
- H,
- hapto,
- Helmholtz,
- hertz,
- hspace,
- includegraphics,
- insitu,
- intertext,
- invacuo,
- iupac,
- joule,
- Ka,
- Kb,
- kilo,
- Kw,
- L,
- latin,
- lewis,
- Lewis,
- Lfi,
- listofreactions,
- lqd,
- mch,
- mega,
- meta,
- mhName,
- midrule,
- mmHg,
- mole,
- N,
- nicefrac,
- newman,
- NMR,
- Nu,
- Nuc,
- num,
- O,
- ominus,
- orbital,
- ortho,
- oplus,
- ox,
- OX,
- p,
- P,
- para,
- pch,
- per,
- pgfarrowsdeclarealias,
- pgfarrowsrenewalias,
- pH,
- phase,
- photon,
- pKa,
- pKb,
- pOH,
- positron,
- Pot,
- prt,
- R,
- Rad,
- redox,
- RenewChemArrow,
- RenewChemIUPAC,
- RenewChemLatin,
- RenewChemParticle,
- RenewChemPhase,
- RenewChemState,
- renewtagform,
- rightarrow,
- S,
- Sf,
- sample,
- scriptscriptstyle,
- scrm,
- scrp,
- setatomsep,
- setbondoffset,
- sfrac,
- shorthandoff,
- ShowChemArrow,
- si,
- SI,
- sisetup,
- sld,
- Sod,
- State,
- subsection,
- textcolor,
- textendash,
- textsuperscript,
- tiny,
- toprule,
- trans,
- upbeta,
- upeta,
- upgamma,
- volt,
- vphantom,
- vspave,
- w,
- xspace,
- Z
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