path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/cdpbundl/cdp-ver-0-36.tex
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+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1998/06/01] % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2015/02/08 v0.01 (development)]
+\ProvidesFile{mylogo.def}[2015/02/08 v0.01 (development)]
+ \color{my@lh@color}
+ \fontsize{17}{21}\usefont{T1}{my@calli}{m}{n}
+ \leftline{%
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}%
+ \begin{picture}(0,0)
+ \put(-2,0){\framebox(1.8,1.2){%
+ \normalsize\ttfamily My Logo%
+ }}
+ \end{picture}%
+ My Company'\,s Letterhead\enspace
+ \hrulefill\hspace{-2cm}%
+ }
+ \fontsize{17}{21}\usefont{T1}{my@calli}{m}{n}%
+ My Company'\,s Letterhead\enspace
+ \color{my@lh@color}
+ \fontsize{5}{6}\usefont{T1}{pplx}{m}{n}
+ \raggedleft
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot[-2cm]
+ My (almost unreadable) \textsc{small print},\\
+ aligned along the \textit{right} edge\\
+ of the main text.
+ \color{my@lh@color}\CDPFactoryFoldingTagRule
+ [twoside,boldsubject,italicsignature,shortindent,signaturerule]
+ {myarticletter}[2015/02/08]
+\name{Gustavo Mezzetti}
+\signature{Gustavo Mezzetti}
+ Gustavo \textsc{Mezzetti}\\
+ \protect\href
+ {}
+ {\protect\nolinkurl{}}
+\date{February~8, 2015}
+ pdftitle = {The C.D.P. Bundle version 0.36},
+ pdfauthor = {G. Mezzetti},
+ pdfsubject = {Instructions on how use the C.D.P. Bundle},
+ pdfcreationdate = {D:20150208120000},
+ pdfmoddate = {D:20150208120000}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=12 |gdef|pdfbslash{\\}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand*{\packlass}[1]{{\normalfont\sffamily #1}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand*{\opz}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+ {\texorpdfstring{\normalfont\ttfamily}{}#1}%
+\DeclareRobustCommand*{\sty}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand*{\filedir}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand*{\cntr}[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily #1}}
+ {\texorpdfstring{\normalfont\ttfamily \char\escapechar}{\pdfbslash}#1}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\topsep}{\parskip}%
+ \setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip}%
+\newcommand*{\Bundle}{C.D.P. Bundle}
+ {\@float{listing}}
+ {\end@float}
+ {\@dblfloat{listing}}
+ {\end@dblfloat}
+ \section*{\listlistingname \sectionmark\listlistingname}%
+ \if@loX@in@toc@
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\listlistingname}%
+ \fi
+ \@starttoc{lol}%
+\newcommand*\listlistingname{List of listings}
+% Note that we use "\def" here, not "\let".
+ \dimen@ \baselineskip
+ \advance \dimen@ -\topskip
+ \prevdepth \dimen@
+ \dimen@ \baselineskip
+ \advance \dimen@ -\topskip
+ \advance \dimen@ -\prevdepth
+ \vskip \dimen@
+ \prevdepth \z@
+ \vskip -\prevdepth
+ \prevdepth \z@
+\hfuzz = 0pt
+\vfuzz = 0pt
+% %
+% Letter no. 1 %
+% %
+\begin{letterhead}[Whom it may concern]{
+ To whom may be concerned\\
+ with writing letters with \LaTeX\\
+ (and want them to bear a letterhead
+ of \emph{their own} choice!)
+ The \Bundle\ version 0.36.
+\opening{Dear friends:}
+This letter describes the new ``bells and whistles'' that have been made
+available in version~0.36 of the \Bundle. This version is just a provisional
+patch applied on what essentially remains ``fossil'' code, in need of a thorough
+redesign; nontheless, it does provide some long-awaited features, most
+prominently the ability to modify, with reasonable ease, the letterhead produced
+by the \env{letterhead} environment.
+The author wishes to thank Lorenzo Pantieri for having promoted, in his
+excellent work ``\emph{Complementi all'Arte di scrivere con \LaTeX}''
+(``Additions to The art of writing with \LaTeX''), the use of the \lcdp\
+document class, which is the main component of the \Bundle. This letter
+(indirectly) uses the \acdp\ document class.
+The \Bundle\ was essentially written between 1999 and 2000 (for an Italian
+audience), and even at that time it contained code that was already deprecated;
+even worse, its design was flawed since the beginning, because it had been
+conceived for a specific and limited application (the letters of the C.D.P.,
+exactly), and was adapted for more general use only as an afterthought.
+A thorough redesign would therefore be needed; on the other hand, some users
+have suggested, or asked for, improvements and additions, in particular for what
+concerns the use of the bundle with other languages besides Italian (see
+Section~\ref{S:Languages}), that can be implemented rather easily by means of
+provisional patches. I~have already been deferring the introduction of these
+comparatively harmless enhancements for five years, waiting for the right moment
+to undertake the task of redesigning the bundle from scratch, but now I~have
+resolved to simply patch up the existing version.
+The version herein presented, therefore, is far from being optimal: no serious
+attempt has been made to remove ``fossil'' code, nor to bring it up to date with
+modern \LaTeX\ usage. I~have removed, however, the \adip\ package and the
+\adic\ document class, of which, probably, nobody besides me even remembers the
+% Yes, I know, I should use \textasteriskcentered...
+\strongemph{good news} are coming for all those users who asked for a means to
+\strongemph{customize the letterhead} produced by the \Bundle: a reasonably
+viable method for doing so has been provided at
+last!~\facesmile\facesmile\facesmile\space The method requires the use of the
+\cdpa\ package, passing in the new option \oclh. You can specify the contents
+of your custom head and foot by means of two new environments, called \eclh\ and
+\eclf, which are similar, to a certain extent, to the \env{minipage}
+environment. This should give you the maximum freedom in designing the
+letterhead (having recourse to \env{picture}s and images, if you want to),
+whilst adopting an interface you are surely well familiar with. See
+Section~\ref{S:Letterhead} for more information.
+Another nifty feature is the ability to draw a thin rule to guide your hand in
+signing your letters: you ask for this behavior by passing the new
+\opz{signaturerule} option to the \lcdp\ document class. See
+Section~\ref{S:Options} for more information.
+Finally, some minor corrections of an aesthetic nature have also been brought
+in, which are concisely discussed in Section~\ref{S:Adjustments}.
+\section{My own letterhead, at last!}
+One of the questions that users ask most frequenty about the \Bundle\ is perhaps
+``How the hell can I~put \emph{my own} letterhead in the place of that silly
+greenish thing?''; so, let's start with this one!
+ \cleantop
+ [twoside,boldsubject,italicsignature,shortindent,signaturerule]
+ {letteracdp}[2015/01/20]
+ Gustavo \textsc{Mezzetti}\\
+ \protect\url{}
+\signature{Gustavo Mezzetti}
+\date{February~8, 2015}
+% Definition of your letterhead occurs here:
+ \centering \Huge
+ My Huge Centered Letterhead
+ \raggedleft \tiny
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot
+ My (almost unreadable) small print\\
+ flushed against the right margin.
+\begin{foldedletterhead}[Whom it may concern]
+ {To whom it may concern}
+ [My own letterhead, at last!]
+ \caption{How to customize the letterhead}
+ \label{lis:customletter}
+ \cleanbotp
+\paragraph{For the impatient}
+Listing~\ref{lis:customletter} explains what you have to do, in order to define
+a simple customized letterhead, by means of a practical example. It shows the
+complete contents of the \LaTeX\ source file: by mimicking this code, you should
+easily obtain what suits your needs. Let us skim briefly through it.
+First of all, note that we load the \cdpa\ package, with the \oclh\ option (as
+well as a few other useful packages that, of course, have nothing to do with
+letterheads). Then come the usual declarations concerning the sender, the date,
+Still in the preamble---as we will soon see, we could do this in other places
+too, but also the preamble is absolutley OK\@---we start a \eclh\ environment.
+This environment has the following synopsis:
+ \verb|\begin{customletterhead}{|\meta{wdth}\verb|}|\quad
+ \meta{text}\quad
+ \verb|\end{customletterhead}|
+As you can see, it resembles a \env{minipage} environment, except that you
+cannot specify the vertical alignment of the material contained therein (because
+you don't need to: the mini page you are producing has not to be aligned with
+any nearby constructs); and indeed, it creates a ``mini page'' of width
+\meta{wdth} containing the \meta{text} you specify. This \meta{text} should be
+your letterhead: for example, the code shown here will produce a letterhead,
+centered between the margins of the body of the main text, which reads ``My Huge
+Centered Letterhead''---and actually looks like that!~\facesmile
+Next, we do the same for the footer, using the \eclf\ environment, which is
+syntactically identical to \eclh:
+ \verb|\begin{customletterfoot}{|\meta{wdth}\verb|}|\quad
+ \meta{text}\quad
+ \verb|\end{customletterfoot}|
+By examining the code, you can easily tell that, this time, the footer will be
+aligned against the right margin (\verb|\raggedleft|) and set in \verb|\tiny|
+type---which is what the text itself says, after all. But what does the
+\verb|\ruleacrossheadorfoot| command do? Well, it simply draws a horizontal
+rule, which\ldots\ yes, extends across the whole footer. You could use one of
+the standard commands for producing rules, here (\LaTeX's \verb|\rule|, plain
+\TeX's \verb|\hrule|), but this one has been specifically crafted for use inside
+the two abovementioned environments; it consumes no vertical space, and does not
+alter the distance (\verb|\baselinekip|) between the baselines of adjacent lines
+of text. Moreover, it can take optional arguments to modify its appearance, as
+we shall see \hyperref[P:FinePoints]{in a minute}.
+You can try out this example by yourself (I~advise you to do so), but for your
+convenience the output it typesets is reproduced in a separate letter that you
+find enclosed with this one, just after it in this same file. If you have a
+look at the result, you will be glad to note that the thin sign that the
+\env{foldedletterhead} environment is supposed to draw along the right edge of
+the sheet, to mark the exact point where it should be folded, is drawn also when
+the original letterhead is replaced by yours. This is just fine (but see also
+\paragraph{A deeper look}
+As you, certainly, have already guessed, the two environments introduced
+\hyperref[P:LetterHeadImpatient]{above} simply save their contents into a box;
+the \oclh\ option causes these two boxes to be used in place of the header and
+the footer, respectively, that had been originally defined by the \lcdp\
+document class. More precisely, when the \oclh\ option is in force, a copy of
+those boxes is centered, with first-order infinite glue, in the header (resp.,
+in the footer) line, pretending that they have zero height and depth, with the
+bottom (resp., top) margin of the box defined by \eclh\ (resp., \eclf) aligned
+along the baseline of the header (resp., of the footer) line of the page. Note
+that the \cdpa\ package defines the \eclh\ and \eclf\ environments, and their
+associated storage boxes, even if you do \emph{not} specify the \oclh\ option:
+this option simply dictates whether or not those two boxes should be \emph{used}
+for the letterhead. This is good, since it means that the presence or absence
+of the \oclh\ option will not affect the \emph{syntax} of your document, but
+only the appearance of the typeset output, which is how options should behave.
+\paragraph{The letterhead is defined locally}
+As we indicated in Paragraph~\ref{P:LetterHeadImpatient}, the output produced by
+Listing~\ref{lis:customletter} is shown in a separate letter enclosed after this
+one; you may be wondering how did I~manage to produce two (actually, several)
+letters with different letterheads in a single \LaTeX\ run (yes, it \emph{was} a
+single run). Well, I~am the author of the package, and I~could have played some
+nasty trick; but actually I~didn't need to, because the \eclh\ and \eclf\
+environments save their contents in their associated storage boxes
+\emph{locally}. This means that if they are postioned \emph{within} the
+environment that produces a certain letter (say, \emph{e.g.},
+\env{foldedletterhead}), the header and the footer will be changed \emph{only}
+for that letter; for subsequent ones, the former header and footer will be
+reinstated. Of course, the redefinitions must occur before the \verb|\opening|
+command (or anything else that typesets text).
+ \cleantop
+\begin{foldedletterhead}[Someone Else]{
+ To Someone Else\\
+ Some other place\\
+ Some other city
+ Another letterhead.
+ \raggedright \Huge
+ A different head
+ \centering
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot
+ A different foot
+\opening{Dear Someone,}
+\closing{Best regards.}
+ \caption{How to customize the letterhead for a single letter}
+ \label{lis:customletterlocal}
+ \cleanbot
+This point is further illustrated in listing~\ref{lis:customletterlocal}, which
+shows how to customize the letterhead for just a single letter. This code has
+been copied and then pasted toward the end of this file, to show, in a third,
+independent letter, the output it produces. Actually, for this I~\emph{did}
+have to play some tricks not included in the code of the listing, in order to
+``decolor'' the thin sign that marks the point where the sheet is to be folded,
+and to reset the value of the \verb|\longindentation| parameter; but both these
+changes can be made ``locally'' too. There is a slight complication deriving
+from the fact that, in order for a change to \verb|\longindentation| to turn
+effective in a given ``letter-making'' environment, the change must occur
+\emph{outside} the ``letter-making'' environment itself: this forced me to
+supply an additional level of grouping.
+\paragraph{Your own classes for your own letterhead}
+If you know \LaTeX\ well, there will probably be one last point that still
+bothers you. We said, in Paragraph~\ref{P:LetterHeadImpatient}, that the \eclh\
+and \eclf\ environments can very well be embedded in the preamble, without
+causing any trouble: how come the typesetting that occurs inside these
+environments does not trigger the ``Missing \verb|\begin{document}|'' error?
+The answer is simply that these two environments have been specifically made
+exempt from this error, precisely in order to permit you to include them in the
+preamble too; and this, in turn, has been done because the concept of
+``preamble'' also covers the code included in custom classes that you write
+This means that you can write your own custom classes that produce your own
+custom letterhead, which is nice.~\facesmile\space We use the plural, because
+you will surely want to define customized versions of \emph{both} the \lcdp\
+class \emph{and} the \acdp\ class; the best way to do so is to write three
+distinct files, as we are now going to explain.
+ \cleantop
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2015/02/08 v0.01 (development)]
+ \caption{Contents of the\/ \filedir{myletter.cls} file}
+ \label{lis:myletter}
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % LaTeX2e is required!
+ [2015/02/08 v0.01 (development)]
+ \caption{Contents of the\/ \filedir{myarticletter.cls} file}
+ \label{lis:myarticletter}
+ \cleantop
+\ProvidesFile{mylogo.def}[2015/02/08 v0.01 (development)]
+ \centering \Huge
+ My Huge Centered Letterhead
+ \raggedleft \tiny
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot
+ My (almost unreadable) small print\\
+ flushed against the right margin.
+ \caption{Contents of the\/ \filedir{mylogo.def} file}
+ \label{lis:mylogo}
+ \cleanbotp
+So, let us suppose that you want to define two custom classes, named
+\packlass{myletter} and \packlass{myarticletter}, respectively, that both
+produce the same letterhead as the one we saw in listing~\ref{lis:customletter}.
+For this, you write three files called \filedir{myletter.cls},
+\filedir{myarticletter.cls}, and \filedir{mylogo.def}, whose contents are
+reproduced in listings \ref{lis:myletter}, \ref{lis:myarticletter},
+and~\ref{lis:mylogo}, respectively. As you can see, the purpose of
+\filedir{myletter.cls}\slash\filedir{myarticletter.cls} is just to supply ``glue
+code'' toward (the \lcdp\slash\acdp\ classes and) the \filedir{mylogo.def} file,
+which is the single place where the redefinition of the letterhead occurs.
+ \cleantop
+\ProvidesFile{mylogo.def}[2015/02/08 v0.01 (development)]
+ \color{my@lh@color}
+ \fontsize{17}{21}\usefont{T1}{my@calli}{m}{n}
+ \leftline{%
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}%
+ \begin{picture}(0,0) % you can use \includegraphics instead
+ \put(-2,0){\framebox(1.8,1.2){%
+ \normalsize\ttfamily My Logo%
+ }}
+ \end{picture}%
+ My Company'\,s Letterhead\enspace
+ \hrulefill\hspace{-2cm}%
+ }
+ \fontsize{17}{21}\usefont{T1}{my@calli}{m}{n}%
+ My Company'\,s Letterhead\enspace
+ \color{my@lh@color}
+ \fontsize{5}{6}\usefont{T1}{pplx}{m}{n}
+ \raggedleft
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot[-2cm]
+ My (almost unreadable) \textsc{small print},\\
+ aligned along the \textit{right} edge\\
+ of the main text.
+ \color{my@lh@color}\CDPFactoryFoldingTagRule
+ \caption{Contents of a more elaborated\/ \filedir{mylogo.def} file}
+ \label{lis:mylogo-more}
+ \cleanbotp
+Listing~\ref{lis:mylogo-more} shows a more elaborate example of a
+\filedir{mylogo.def} file to go together with the same two class files shown in
+listings~\ref{lis:myletter} and~\ref{lis:myarticletter}. Here we have added a
+touch of superior style not only by employing color and some fancy fonts, but
+also by having recourse to the fine adjustments described in
+\hyperref[P:FinePoints]{the next paragraph} (because of the fonts, this example
+might not work on all \TeX\ installations). The letterhead defined by this
+example is exactly the same as the one this letter itself bears on its first
+\paragraph{Fine points of style}
+The first fine point of style that should be noted in
+listing~\ref{lis:mylogo-more} is that the \verb|\longindentation| rigid length
+is set equal to the width of the writing of the letterhead (``My Company's
+Letterhead''). Since the ``letter-making'' environments indent the address of
+the addressee precisely by the amount of \verb|\longindentation|, this will
+cause such addresses to be neatly aligned with a visually relevant element of
+the design of the letterhead (the rule on the right); you should do the same
+with your own letterhead, if it contains a similarly relevant component. If you
+do not yourself assign it a value, \verb|\longindentation| is set to half the
+value of \verb|\textwidth|.
+The second fine point to note is that the sign that marks the fold is drawn in
+the same color as the rest of the letterhead. The \Bundle\ computes the
+vertical position of this sign, but to actually draw it, it calls the
+\verb|\foldingtagrule| command, which the end user can redefine. This command
+works similarly to \verb|\footnoterule|, and, like the latter, should take up no
+vertical space. Its ``factory'' definition is backed up in the
+\verb|\CDPFactoryFoldingTagRule| command (which should \emph{never} be
+redefined, of course); as you can see, in listing~\ref{lis:mylogo-more} we
+redefine \verb|\foldingtagrule| to simply invoke the factory default after
+setting the appropriate color.
+The third, and last, point to note is that the \verb|\ruleacrossheadorfoot|
+command can get an optional argument in which an inset from the text margins can
+be specified; a \emph{negative} inset, like here, causes the rule to protrude
+into the margins. A second optional argument let you indicate different insets
+for the left and the right margin, in this order. Note that these arguments
+\emph{must} contain \emph{rigid} lengths.
+\section{Other languages besides Italian}
+Like many other document classes and packages, the classes of the \Bundle\ mark
+up some portions of the output they produce by adding certain descriptive
+strings, that, by default, are written in Italian. For example, when you have
+requested the \sty{headings} page style, the name of the addressee, which is
+printed atop pages, is preceded by the string ``\emph{A:}'' (=~``To:'');
+similarly, when you issue the command \verb|\tableofcontents| in a documents
+that adopts the \acdp\ document class, the table it produces is titled
+``\emph{Sommario}'' (=~``Contents''); and so on.
+When the \Bundle\ was used only by the members of the \emph{Coordinamento}, the
+Italian defaults it provided for those captions were, of course, quite adequate;
+as long as its use remained confined to the Italian \LaTeX\ community, they were
+still acceptable; but now, questions about how to adapt the \Bundle\ to foreign
+languages have begun to be asked in some Internet forums by users around the
+world, pushing me to reconsider the matter.
+Of course, the Italian captions are not (nor they have ever been) ``hard-wired''
+in the code: they are defined by macros that follow the usual naming conventions
+(\verb|\headtoname|, \verb|\contentsname|, and so on). Thus, it's only a matter
+of redefining these ``hooks'' to suit the target language. However, it would be
+desirable to have some standard definitions set for each language; but
+unfortunately, this cannot be attained just by loading the \babel\ package, for
+two reasons. In the first place, there are some captions that are specific to
+the \Bundle\ and are therefore not cared for by the \babel\ package: for
+example, the (optional) subject of a letter is preceded by the expansion of
+\verb|\subjectname| (which is ``\emph{Oggetto:}'' in Italian and should be
+``Subject:'' in English), a hook the \babel\ package knows nothing about.
+Secondarily, even for those hooks that are standard, sometimes the definition
+provided by the \babel\ package seems (at least to me) not adequate for a
+letter; in particular, alas, if you load \babel\ with the \opz{italian} option
+(as you ordinarily do when you are writing in Italian), it actually
+\emph{cancels} the definitions preset by the \Bundle, substituting for them
+strings that I~deem more suitable for articles or books, for which they are
+indeed intended, than for letters (for example, \( \verb|\contentsname| \to
+\mbox{``\emph{Indice}''} \) in \babel, instead of \( \verb|\contentsname| \to
+\mbox{``\emph{Sommario}''} \), as defined by the \Bundle; \( \verb|\refname| \to
+\mbox{``\emph{Riferimenti bibliografici}''} \) in \babel, instead of \(
+\verb|\refname| \to \mbox{``\emph{Testi citati}''} \), as I~prefer).
+To supply a \emph{provisional} solution to this problem, a new component has
+been added to the \Bundle: the \cdpbabel\ package. The idea is that, when using
+one of the document classes of the \Bundle, you load the \cdpbabel\ package
+\emph{instead of} \babel, and let the former load the latter on your behalf; in
+this way, you offer it a chance to augment, or amend, the definitions made by
+\babel\ itself. This solution might seem inelegant (and admittedly it is), but
+the problem is more subtle than it may look at first sight, involving also
+compatibility issues with existing documents, and I~need to further investigate
+it. It is hoped that a more satisfactory scheme will be found for future
+In practice, all the \cdpbabel\ package has to do is (to load \babel\ and) to
+issue an \verb|\addto{\captions|\meta{language}\verb|}{|\ldots\verb|}| command
+(or better, one such command for each required \meta{language}), with ``\ldots''
+replaced by the appropriate redefinitions; the list, and the details, of such
+redefintions are of course dictated by \meta{language}, so \cdpbabel\ takes them
+from what we will call a ``C.D.P. language definition file''. This is a text
+file that, by convention, must be named
+\filedir{cdpnames}\meta{language}\filedir{.ldf}, where \meta{language} is the
+name of the corresponding language option (for example,
+ \usepackage[english,italian]{cdpbabel}
+invokes both \filedir{cdpnamesenglish.ldf} and \filedir{cdpnamesitalian.ldf}, in
+this order), and which must adhere to the format shown in
+ \cleantop
+ \zerolistvertspaces
+ \begin{flushleft}
+ \verb|\ProvidesFile{cdpnames|\meta{language}\verb|.ldf}[|%
+ \meta{date \& version}\verb|]|
+ \end{flushleft}
+ \begin{flushleft}
+ \verb| \def\subjectname {|\meta{Subject:}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\registeredname {|\meta{Registered}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\registeredRRname {|\meta{Registered R.R.}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\andccname {|\meta{cc (in addresses)}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\ccname {|\meta{cc (at end of letters)}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\enclname {|\meta{Encl:}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\PSname {|\meta{P.S.:}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\headtoname {|\meta{To:}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\lettername {|\meta{Letter}\verb|}%|
+ \end{flushleft}
+ % More captions could be added in the future.
+ \begin{flushleft}
+ \verb| \def\contentsname {|\meta{Contents}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\listfigurename {|\meta{List of figures}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\listtablename {|\meta{List of tables}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\refname {|\meta{References}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\indexname {|\meta{Index}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\figurename {|\meta{Figure}\verb|}%|\\
+ \verb| \def\tablename {|\meta{Table}\verb|}%|\\
+ \end{flushleft}
+ % More captions could be added in the future.
+ \caption{Contents of a
+ \filedir{cdpnames}\protect\meta{language}\filedir{.ldf} file}
+ \label{lis:cdpnames}
+ \cleanbot
+As you can see, a ``C.D.P. language definition file'' must define two macros,
+named \verb|\@cdpbabel@letter@names| and \verb|\@cdpbabel@artlet@names|,
+respectively: in the first you put the redefinitions that should be added to
+\verb|\captions|\meta{language} when only the \lcdp\ class has been loaded; in
+the second you list the additional redefinitions that apply if the \acdp\ class
+is loaded too; and that's all. Listing~\ref{lis:cdpnames} details exactly what
+hooks need to be redefined when switching to another language; in principle, you
+must supply a suitable redefinition for each of them, but of course, when a hook
+is already defined by the \babel\ package in a way that you think suits, you may
+omit it from your list (or, perhaps better, comment it out).
+At present, the \Bundle\ ships with \emph{just two} such definition files
+included: they are \filedir{cdpnamesitalian.ldf}, for Italian, and
+\filedir{cdpnamesenglish.ldf}, for English. For all other languages, you'll
+have to write and install appropriate files yourself. Needless to say, you are
+most welcome if, after doing so, you want to contribute your work for inclusion
+in future releases of the \Bundle. Look at these two provided files, and in
+particular at \filedir{cdpnamesenglish.ldf}, for inspiration about the intended
+meaning of the captions (which sould be quite obvious, however).
+\section{The new \opz{signaturerule} option}
+Some users have asked for a means to add a thin rule in signatures, just above
+the signer's name, to mark the place when the handwritten signature should be
+put. Although, in my opinion, such usage is highly questionable (only pupils in
+primary school need rules to guide their writing!\@), nevertheless it has now
+been supported. You request this behavior by passing the new
+\opz{signaturerule} option to the \lcdp\ document class. Indeed, the decision
+whether to draw the rule or not is a matter of style and, as such, should be
+made, once for all, for the whole document.
+Even if you do specify the \opz{signaturerule} option, the rule will \emph{not}
+be drawn inside a \env{signatureenv*} environment, because this environment is
+meant exactly to be used when you are not going to sign the letter by hand.
+This applies also to the \mbox{$*$-form} of the \verb|\closing| and of the
+\verb|\makesignature| commands, which are used for the same purpose and which
+invoke, directly or indirectly, precisely the \env{signatureenv*} environment.
+To produce the rule, the \lcdp\ class calls the \verb|\signaturerule| command,
+which you can customize, if you want to, to suit your needs. This command is
+called in \LaTeX's ``LR~mode'' (or, to be more precise, in \TeX's ``restricted
+horizontal mode''), and it should construct a horizontal box containing the
+rule, aligned along the baseline of the box itself; for example,
+ \renewcommand*{\signaturerule}{%
+ \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill}
+ }
+could be a typical (re)definition. The default definition of
+\verb|\signaturerule| is actually like this one, except that it draws a thinner
+rule, and that it allows you to specify the horizontal length of the rule
+(\emph{i.e.}, its width). Specifically, the \verb|\signaturerulewidth|
+parameter, which is a rigid length, indicates the width of the rule produced by
+the default definition of \verb|\signaturerule|. Should you ever redefine the
+latter, you should honor this parameter in your redefinition, \emph{e.g.},
+ \renewcommand*{\signaturerule}{%
+ \makebox[\signaturerulewidth]{\hrulefill}
+ }
+But I~think you will hardly need this: most users will content themselves with
+changing the width of the rule.
+For completeness' sake, the \opz{nosignaturerule} option is defined too: it is
+the default, and it does not draw the rule.
+\section{Aesthetic adjustments}
+The \verb|\cc| and \verb|\encl| command have been reimplemented in such a way to
+include the ``correct'' interline glue above and below their output. Remember
+that the output produced by these command is kept on the same page as the
+signature; this means, in particular, that the \verb|\encl| command should be
+used only for very short lists of enclosures (one item or two). For longer
+lists, utilize the \env{enclosures} environment, which mildly encourages a page
+break above itself.
+\section{A sample letter}
+Listing~\ref{lis:sample} shows a sample input file that illustrates the features
+covered in this letter: it uses the \packlass{myletter} sample class defined in
+Paragraph~\ref{P:Classes}, with the letterhead drawn by the ``more elaborate''
+version of the \filedir{mylogo.def} file that is reproduced in
+listing~\ref{lis:mylogo-more}, the \opz{signaturerule} option described in
+Section~\ref{S:Options}, and the \verb|\encl| command touched upon in
+Section~\ref{S:Adjustments}. As before, the output produced by this example is
+shown in a separate letter at the end of this file.
+ \cleantop
+ [twoside,boldsubject,italicsignature,shortindent,signaturerule]
+ {myletter}
+\name{Michael Youngster Name}
+ Mike Y. \textsc{Name}\\
+ Sails Manager\\
+ \protect\url{}
+\signature{Mike Y. Name\\Sails Manager}
+\date{February~8, 2015}
+\place{Mamina del Rey}
+\hfuzz = 0pt
+\vfuzz = 0pt
+ Revinu~J. \textsc{Drofnats}\\
+ Department of Farm Ecology\\
+ University of St.\,Anford\\
+ Haga Alto, CA~94321
+ Our new sails.
+\opening{Dear affectionate customer:}
+we are delighted to have the opportunity of presenting our new
+collection of sails for the incoming yachting season\ldots
+\encl{2015 Catalogue\\Invitation card}
+ \caption{A sample input file that uses the new features}
+ \label{lis:sample}
+ \cleanbotp
+That, more or less, is all we had to say about version~0.36 of the \Bundle. For
+further information, write to the author: his e-mail address is on the first
+\closing*{Best regards.}
+% %
+% Letter no. 2 %
+% %
+ \centering \Huge
+ My Huge Centered Letterhead
+ \raggedleft \tiny
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot
+ My (almost unreadable) small print\\
+ flushed against the right margin.
+\let \foldingtagrule = \CDPFactoryFoldingTagRule
+\begin{foldedletterhead}[Whom it may concern]
+ {To whom it may concern}
+ [My own letterhead, at last!]
+% %
+% Letter no. 3 %
+% %
+\begin{foldedletterhead}[Someone Else]{
+ To Someone Else\\
+ Some other place\\
+ Some other city
+ Another letterhead.
+ \raggedright \Huge
+ A different head
+ \centering
+ \ruleacrossheadorfoot
+ A different foot
+\opening{Dear Someone,}
+\closing{Best regards.}
+% %
+% Letter no. 3 %
+% %
+ Revinu~J. \textsc{Drofnats}\\
+ Department of Farm Ecology\\
+ University of St.\,Anford\\
+ Haga Alto, CA~94321
+ Our new sails.
+\name{Michael Youngster Name}
+ Mike Y. \textsc{Name}\\
+ Sails Manager\\
+ \protect\url{}
+\signature{Mike Y. Name\\Sails Manager}
+\date{February~8, 2015}
+\place{Mamina del Rey}
+\opening{Dear affectionate customer:}
+we are delighted to have the opportunity of presenting our new collection of
+sails for the incoming yachting season\ldots
+\encl{2015 Catalogue\\Invitation card}