path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bredzenie/bredzenie.tex
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+\setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{STIX Two Text}
+\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}
+\edef\MaxBredzenie{\csname bredzenie@max\endcsname}
+\title{Package \texttt{bredzenie} – \MaxBredzenie\
+ paragraphs of pseudo-Polish at your disposal}
+\author{Marcin Woliński}
+% Get the version and date of bredzenie:
+\def\getVersion#1 #2 #3\relax{%
+ \date{#2, #1}%
+\getVersion\csname ver@bredzenie.sty\endcsname\relax
+Graphic designers often need some semantically neutral material to
+showcase a document layout. This problem is usually solved by using
+the classic pseudo-Latin text \textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…}.
+This text has been made available by Patrick Happel in the form of the
+\LaTeX\ package \texttt{lipsum.sty}.
+However, languages differ in word lengths, characteristic frequency of
+letters and their $n$-grams, and so on. This means that a page of
+text in Latin will look different than a page of Polish. For the
+development of Polish document classes I have developed the package
+\texttt{bredzenie}\footnote{In Polish \emph{bredzenie} means ‘talking
+ nonsense’.}, which provides access to several paragraphs of
+The text has been generated with Hidden Markov Models and,
+alternatively, Recurrent Neural Networks trained on a corpus of
+Polish. Although the text makes absolutely no sense, it exhibits
+correct statistical characteristics, it “looks” Polish (in particular
+Polish hyphenation patterns are applicable).
+The implementation uses e\TeX\ features (\cs{numexpr} and
+\cs{protected}), but that should be OK with all contemporary \TeX\
+\section{User Interface}
+The package can be loaded with the usual
+The text provided by the package is encoded in UTF-8, so if one is
+using old-fashioned 8-bit \TeX, an earlier
+\verb|\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}| invocation is mandatory.
+The main command provided by the package is \cs{bredzenie} with one mandatory
+argument.\footnote{This is different than in package \texttt{lipsum},
+where the argument is optional.} This command fetches one or more of \csname
+bredzenie@max\endcsname\ stored paragraphs. The
+argument has to be a number of a paragraph (starting with 1) or a
+range specified by two numbers:
+For example, the range 105–108 generates:
+ \selecthyphenation{polish}
+ \bredzenie{105-108}
+ When a range of text snippets is fetched, they are separated with
+ calls to \cs{BredzenieSep}. This command is defined in the package
+ as \cs{par}, so the snippets are treated as separate paragraphs.
+ However, no separator is added at the end, so bredzenie can also be
+ used within a paragraph (in this context short fragments number
+ 201–210 are very useful):
+\bredzenie{201} \textsc{\bredzenie{202}} \bredzenie{203}
+\textit{\bredzenie{205}} \bredzenie{206}
+\(\sum_{i=1}^{210}\alpha_iv_i\) \bredzenie{207}.
+ \selecthyphenation{polish}
+\bredzenie{201} \textsc{\bredzenie{202}} \bredzenie{203}
+\textit{\bredzenie{205}} \bredzenie{206}
+\(\sum_{i=1}^{210}\alpha_iv_i\) \bredzenie{207}.
+For special effects \cs{BredzenieSep} can be redefined.
+The command \cs{bredzenie} is fully expandable, so you can use it also
+in the contexts like
+or in an \cs{edef}. For example, the command \cs{ul} from the package
+\texttt{soul} needs to be given explicit text, not a command providing
+text. This can be achieved in the following way:
+\bredzenie{202} \bredzenie{204}
+ \selecthyphenation{polish}
+\bredzenie{202} \bredzenie{204}
+The following three commands can be redefined by the user to fine-tune
+the appearance of the typeset text.
+According to a Polish typographical rule, explicit hyphens used in
+compound words should be doubled when they fall at a line break. Such
+explicit hyphens in \texttt{bredzenie} are represented with the
+command \cs{BredzenieHyphen}.
+Dashes used as punctuation are represented with \cs{BredzenieDash}.
+The package provides a definition for this command as an en-dash with
+spaces around. If other variation on dashes is preferred, this
+command can be redefined.
+ A Polish typographical rule forbids breaking lines after any
+ one-letter word. This is achieved in \LaTeX\ using the \verb|~|
+ command inserted at appropriate spots. However, in the texts
+ provided by \texttt{bredzenie} such spaces are represented as
+ \cs{BredzenieNbsp} to allow for redefinition.
+\section{The text}
+For your reading pleasure (provided you know Polish) here is the full
+bredzenie. The paragraphs are numbered to ease selection of most
+catchy fragments. See also Table~\ref{tab:index} for information on
+type of text represented by particular paragraphs.
+ \caption{A guide to the paragraphs of bredzenie}
+ \label{tab:index}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cp{9cm}}
+ \toprule
+ range & \multicolumn{1}{c}{how generated}\\\midrule
+ 1–50 & Hidden Markov Model trained on a balanced corpus of
+ Polish texts from 1960s (numbers written with words, no abbrevs)\\
+ 51–100 & LSTM Recurrent Neural Network trained on 1-milion
+ subcorpus of the National Corpus of Polish \url{}
+ (numbers, abbrevs, some blog text)\\
+ 101–\MaxBredzenie & LSTM trained on several novels by Henryk
+ Sienkiewicz (many dialogues)\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \leavevmode\llap{\textsuperscript{\bfseries\thenumbred\quad\indent}}%
+ \bredzenie@orig
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% mode: flyspell
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% TeX-engine: xetex
+%%% TeX-PDF-mode: t
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "british"
+%%% End: