path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/braids/braids_doc.tex
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+\immediate\write18{tex braids.dtx}
+ {\VerbatimEnvironment
+ \begin{VerbatimOut}{example.out}}
+ {\end{VerbatimOut}
+ \begin{center}
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{.9\linewidth}
+ \lstset{breakatwhitespace=true,breaklines=true,language=TeX,basicstyle=\small}
+ \lstinputlisting[]{example.out}
+ \end{minipage}}
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{.9\linewidth}
+ \input{example.out}
+ \end{minipage}}
+\title{The \textsf{braids} Package: Documentation}
+\author{Andrew Stacey \\ \url{}}
+\date{\fileversion~from \filedate}
+\braid[width=.75cm,height=.5cm,line width=1.5pt,red,line cap=round,style strands={3,6,7,10,14,15,16,18}{gray,line width=1pt}] s_1-s_4-s_8-s_{12}-s_{16} s_2-s_5-s_7-s_9-s_{13}-s_{15} s_2-s_5-s_7-s_9-s_{15} s_1-s_4-s_8-s_{16} s_1-s_4-s_7-s_9-s_{17} s_2-s_5-s_{17} s_2-s_{13}-s_{16} s_1-s_{12}-s_{15};
+This is a package for drawing braid diagrams using PGF/TikZ.
+An example follows.
+\braid[rotate=90,style strands={1}{red},style strands={2}{blue},style strands={3}{green}] s_1 s_2^{-1} s_1 s_2^{-1} s_1 s_2^{-1};
+A braid is specified by the command \Verb+\braid+.
+The syntax for this command is as follows:
+\Verb+\braid[style options] (name) at (coordinate) braid-word;+
+The \Verb+braid-word+ is an expression in the braid group, such as \Verb+s_1 s_2^{-1}+.
+The generator labels are not significant.
+The exponent can be \Verb+1+, \Verb+{-1}+, or missing (in which case it defaults to \Verb+1+, note also that the exponent is read as a \TeX-token so \Verb+{1}+ is also legal).
+Certain other symbols are allowed in the \Verb+braid-word+ which control the rendering of the braid.
+To get crossings to render at the same height, separate them with a hyphen (note: no check is made to ensure that the crossings can legally be put at the same height; \emph{caveat emptor}).
+To draw a \emph{floor}, precede the braid element by a vertical line.
+What happens then is that when the braid is rendered, the coordinates of the rectangle behind that crossing (wide enough to encompass all the strands) is passed to a command.
+The intention is that this command draw something behind the braid.
+The command is configurable by a key (see \ref{sec:styleopts}).
+The (optional) \Verb+name+ acts a little like the \Verb+name+ of a TikZ node.
+When it is specified, the routine that renders the braid also saves certain coordinates as if they were node anchors.
+Specifically, \Verb+coordinate+ nodes are placed at the centre of the braid diagram and at the ends of each strand.
+The centre has the label \Verb+name+, the strands are labelled \Verb+name-number-end+ and \Verb+name-rev-number-end+, where \Verb+name+ is the name given to the braid, \Verb+number+ is the number of the strand counting from the left, and \Verb+end+ is either \Verb+s+ for the start or \Verb+e+ for the end.
+If the version with \Verb+rev+ is used then the numbers correspond to the \emph{final} positions of the braids.
+The name can also be specified with the \Verb+name+ key.
+The (optional) \Verb+at (coordinate)+ syntax positions the braid at the \Verb+coordinate+ in the current picture.
+Due to the implementation, the coordinate has to be known at the start, but the width and height of the braid are only known at the end.
+Therefore, the braid is positioned so that the start of the first strand is at \Verb+(coordinate)+.
+This can also be specified using the \Verb+at+ key.
+\DescribeMacro{style options}
+The \Verb+style options+ set the style for the braid strands.
+They can be grouped into three types: options that set up the main parameters for the braid, options that set the default style for the strands, and options that set up styles for individual strands.
+The options are as follows.
+\subsection{Style Options}
+\DescribeMacro{number of strands} The key \Verb+number of strands+ sets the minimum number of strands for the braid.
+The number of strands will grow according to the terms in the braid word so this merely sets a lower bound.
+If not set, the number of strands will be determined by the terms in the braid word.
+The key \Verb+height+ sets the height of the piece of the braid corresponding to an element in the group.
+The key \Verb+width+ sets the separation of the strands in the braid.
+\DescribeMacro{border height}
+The key \Verb+border height+ adds a little extra length to the strands at the start and end of the braid.
+\DescribeMacro{style strands}
+The style of the strands are controlled by two types of option.
+Style options that are set on the \Verb+\braid+ command are passed to every strand.
+It is also possible to add style options to individual strands using the key \Verb+style strands+.
+This takes two options, a comma-delimited list of strand numbers (which could be just a single number) and a list of options to be applied to that strand.
+Thus, the syntax is \Verb+style strands={n,m,...}{options}+.
+The strands are numbered by their starting position.
+Not all of the standard TikZ style options are possible due to the way that the strands are constructed.
+Basically, the options that are allowed are those that do not require changing the path or drawing it more than once.
+\DescribeMacro{floor command}
+When a floor is requested behind a crossing, the actual way to render it is determined by a command.
+This key allows the user to define that command.
+The argument to this key should be the code that should be executed for each floor.
+To avoid the hassle of getting the number of hashes right, the command should take no arguments.
+Rather, the coordinates of the rectangle are saved in to macros \Verb+\floorsx+, \Verb+\floorsy+, \Verb+\floorex+, \Verb+\floorey+ (these macros will expand to something like \Verb+10pt+) and the command should use these to position the drawing.
+The default is to draw a line at the top and at the bottom of the rectangle.
+\DescribeMacro{style floors}
+\DescribeMacro{style all floors}
+In the spirit of separating \emph{style} and \emph{content}, the style options for the floors can be specified separately to the command (of course, they could be built in to the command).
+One advantage of this over building them in to the command is to allow them to be overridden for individual floors.
+The \Verb+style all floors+ sets up options to be used for \emph{all} floors, whilst the \Verb+style floors={n,m,...}{options}+ sets up options to be used only for the listed floor.
+Anything specified in the \Verb+floor command+ will take precedence over both of these.
+Any other style options are passed to the underlying TikZ/PGF system and so may influence how the braid is drawn (but note that not all keys make sense due to the implementation).
+Here is a more detailed example.
+ style all floors={fill=yellow},
+ style floors={1}{dashed,fill=yellow!50!green},
+ floor command={%
+ \fill (\floorsx,\floorsy) rectangle (\floorex,\floorey);
+ \draw (\floorsx,\floorsy) -- (\floorex,\floorsy);
+ },
+ line width=2pt,
+ style strands={1}{red},
+ style strands={2}{blue},
+ style strands={3}{green}
+] (braid) at (2,0) | s_1-s_3-s_5 | s_2^{-1}-s_4| s_1-s_4 s_2^{-1} s_1-s_3 s_2^{-1}-s_4^{-1};
+\fill[yellow] (2,0) circle (4pt);
+\fill[purple] (braid) circle (4pt);
+\node[at=(braid-3-s),pin=north west:strand 3] {};
+\node[at=(braid-3-e),pin=south west:strand 3] {};
+\node[at=(braid-rev-3-s),pin=north east:strand 3 (from bottom)] {};
+\node[at=(braid-rev-3-e),pin=south east:strand 3 (from bottom)] {};
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