path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/RELEASE
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/RELEASE b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/RELEASE
index ad41887ef80..b7ecb9f5278 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/RELEASE
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/RELEASE
@@ -1,4 +1,270 @@
-$Id: RELEASE,v 1.0 2010/11/19 16:16:35 lehman stable $
+$Id: RELEASE,v 1.1 2011/01/05 21:45:11 lehman stable $
+Starting with this release, we'll leverage the possibilities of Biber
+to support features not possible with BibTeX. That's why most major
+new features in this release are 'Biber only'.
+* Biber update
+ Update Biber to version 0.7 when installing Biblatex 1.1. The
+ latest Biber is available from this location:
+ biblatex-biber/current/
+ Ready-to-run binaries are here:
+ biblatex-biber/current/binaries/
+* Configurable sorting schemes [Biber only]
+ This release introduces configurable sorting schemes. With Biber,
+ you may now set up arbitrary sorting specs. The new custom sorting
+ specs are very powerful and come with a flexible user interface.
+ See \DeclareSortingScheme, \DeclareSortExclusion, and
+ \DeclarePresort in the manual for details. Like the predefined
+ sorting specs, new ones are activated with the 'sorting' option.
+ If you are using Biber, all known sorting schemes are still
+ available by default, but they are now defined in biblatex.def
+ instead of being hard-coded in the backend.
+ If you are using BibTeX, note that the old hard-coded schemes in
+ biblatex.bst have not been altered. They continue to work as they
+ did before, but you can't modify them or define new ones.
+* Configurable 'labelname'/'labelyear' [Biber only]
+ The special fields 'labelname'/'labelyear' may now be customized
+ by style authors. In conjunction with the configurable sorting
+ schemes, this dramatically increases biblatex's flexibility,
+ especially with author-year, author-title, and verbose styles. See
+ \DeclareLabelname and \DeclareLabelyear in the manual for details.
+* Introducing per-type package options
+ Starting with this release, certain package options may be set on
+ a per-type basis. Use the new optional argument of
+ \ExecuteBibliographyOptions to specify the type. Note that most
+ per-type options are 'Biber only'. For details, see the rather
+ lengthy list of per-type options in the changelog.
+* Improved static entry sets [Biber only]
+ Static entry sets (i.e., @set entries in the bib file) are now
+ natively supported by Biber. This means that instead of the rather
+ convoluted old setup:
+ @Set{set1,
+ entryset = {key1,key2,key3},
+ crossref = {key1},
+ }
+ @Article{key1,
+ entryset = {set1},
+ author = {...},
+ title = {...},
+ ...
+ }
+ @InCollection{key2,
+ entryset = {set1},
+ author = {...},
+ title = {...},
+ ...
+ }
+ @Article{key3,
+ entryset = {set1},
+ author = {...},
+ title = {...},
+ ...
+ }
+ defining a static set is now as simple as this:
+ @Set{set1,
+ entryset = {key1,key2,key3},
+ }
+ The 'crossref' in the @set head entry and the 'entryset' pointers
+ in the member entries are no longer required. Defining a static
+ set is now as simple as adding a @set entry with an 'entryset'
+ field specifying the set. That's all.
+ Since there are no 'entryset' pointers in the member entries, the
+ members may be part of a set in one document/refsection and
+ stand-alone references in another one, depending on the presence
+ of the @set entry. If the @set entry is cited, the set members are
+ grouped automatically. If not, they behave like regular entries.
+* Introducing dynamic entry sets [Biber only]
+ Dynamic entry sets are a new way of grouping entries. They differ
+ from static ones in that they are not defined in the bib file but
+ declared in the document, i.e., they work on a per-document/
+ per-refsection basis. Instead of defining a set in the bib file:
+ @Set{set1,
+ entryset = {key1,key2,key3},
+ }
+ you declare it like that in the document:
+ \defbibentryset{set1}{key1,key2,key3}
+ This works anywhere in the document, including the document body.
+ Apart from that, dynamic entry sets work exactly like static ones.
+ See the manual for more information.
+* mcite/mciteplus-like citation commands [Biber only]
+ Users of the mcite/mciteplus packages are already familiar with
+ the concept of a dynamic entry set. With mcite/mciteplus, sets are
+ defined as they are cited. To facilitate migration to biblatex,
+ this release comes with a special citation module which provides
+ mcite/mciteplus-like citation commands on top of the commands
+ provided by the main citation style. For example, the following
+ command:
+ \mcite{setA,*keyA1,*keyA2,*keyA3}
+ is equivalent to this:
+ \defbibentryset{setA}{keyA1,keyA2,keyA3}\cite{setA}
+ Note that there is a syntactical difference between biblatex's
+ dynamic entry sets and the citation grouping of mcite/mciteplus.
+ With mcite/mciteplus, the first set member plays double-duty as
+ group identifier. With biblatex, an entry set is an entity in its
+ own right which requires a unique entry key.
+ For example, an mcite citation group is declared like this:
+ \cite{keyA1,*keyA2,*keyA3}
+ In contrast to that, a dynamic entry set defined with one of the
+ commands provided by biblatex's 'mcite' package option is set up
+ like that:
+ \mcite{setA,*keyA1,*keyA2,*keyA3}
+ Note the extra identifier 'setA': this is the entry key assigned
+ to the set. See the manual for further details.
+* Low-level bibliography filters
+ The \defbibfilter command and the 'filter' option of
+ \printbibliography are now supplemented by \defbibcheck and the
+ corresponding 'check' option.
+ Conceptually, a 'check' is like a filter controlling which entries
+ are included in a certain (sub-)bibliography. In contrast to
+ filters, however, the checks don't use a high-level syntax. Checks
+ are macros which directly employ the low-level conditionals of
+ biblatex's data interface. Here's an example 'check' which tests
+ if an entry has an abstract:
+ \defbibcheck{hasabstract}{%
+ \iffieldundef{abstract}{\skipentry}{}%
+ }
+ ...
+ \printbibliography[check=hasabstract]
+ This will only print entries with an 'abstract' field. More complex
+ checks are possible as well. For example, this check will exclude
+ all entries published prior to the year 2000:
+ \defbibcheck{recent}{%
+ \iffieldint{year}
+ {\ifnumless{\thefield{year}}{2000}
+ {\skipentry}
+ {}}
+ {\skipentry}}
+ See the manual for further details.
+* More flexible 'maxnames'/'minnames' controls
+ I've added some additional package options related to 'maxnames'/
+ 'minnames'. See 'maxbibnames'/'minbibnames' and 'maxcitenames'/
+ 'mincitenames' in the manual.
+ The new options don't introduce entirely new functionality. They
+ are rather convenience options which allow setting 'maxnames'/
+ 'minnames' in a more flexible way. For example, setting the
+ 'maxbibnames' option like this:
+ \usepackage[maxnames=3,maxbibnames=99]{biblatex}
+ is equivalent to:
+ \usepackage[maxnames=3]{biblatex}
+ \begin{document}
+ ...
+ \printbibliography[maxnames=99]
+ 'maxcitenames' does the same for all citations.
+* Defining and resetting per-type formats
+ \DeclareFieldFormat and related commands support per-type
+ formatting directives. By default, biblatex uses this feature to
+ format the 'title' field depending on the entry type. For example,
+ book titles are printed in italics, article titles use quotes
+ instead. In previous releases, lines like the following ones were
+ found in biblatex.def:
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}}
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{\mkbibquote{#1}}
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[inbook]{title}{\mkbibquote{#1}}
+ ...
+ This release brings two new features related to that.
+ 1) \DeclareFieldFormat and related commands now support a
+ comma-separated list of entry types. This facilitates the
+ definition of per-type formats:
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}}
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[article,inbook,...]{title}{\mkbibquote{#1}}
+ 2) \DeclareFieldFormat and friends now come with a starred variant
+ which resets all type-specific formats. With previous releases,
+ removing or modifying the formatting could be tedious if you
+ didn't make that book/article distrinction. You had to change the
+ default plus all type-specific formats:
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{title}{#1}
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{#1}
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[inbook]{title}{#1}
+ ...
+ The new starred commands do that in one shot:
+ \DeclareFieldFormat*{title}{#1}
+ Note that the default formatting has not been altered. It's just a
+ bit easier to modify it now.
+* New option 'mergedate' (authoryear style)
+ By popular request, I've added a 'mergedate' option to the
+ 'authoryear' bibliography style. The option controls whether or
+ not the date label is merged with the date specification in the
+ bibliography.
+ For example, while mergedate=false outputs:
+ Doe, John (2008a). Article. In: Journal 23.5 (May 2008),
+ pp. 5-24.
+ mergedate=true will print:
+ Doe, John (May 2008a). Article. In: Journal 23.5, pp. 15-34.
+ Note that 'mergedate=true' is in fact the old behavior (and the
+ default setting). 'mergedate=false' is the new feature!
@@ -16,7 +282,7 @@ details.
* Development Roadmap
Over the course of the 1.x development cycle, you'll increasingly
- see new features being added which are tagged as "Biber only" in
+ see new features being added which are tagged as 'Biber only' in
the manual. The BibTeX backend of Biblatex will be maintained for
some more time but it won't receive any feature updates. There is
a simple reason for that: the kind of features we'll introduce