path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-unified/biblatex-unified.tex
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+% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
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+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage{textcomp} % provide euro and other symbols
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+ \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase}
+ \defaultfontfeatures[\rmfamily]{Ligatures=TeX,Scale=1}
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+ \setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
+}{% if KOMA class
+ \KOMAoptions{parskip=half}}
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+ pdftitle={biblatex-unified},
+ pdfauthor={Kai von Fintel (},
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor=Maroon,
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+ citecolor=Blue,
+ urlcolor=Blue,
+ pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
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+% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
+\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}
+\author{Kai von Fintel (}
+\section{Introduction and Usage}\label{introduction-and-usage}}
+\texttt{biblatex-unified} is an opinionated biblatex implementation of
+Stylesheet for Linguistics Journal}. The stylesheet was developed by
+the Committee of Editors of Linguistics Journals}.
+The first implementation of the stylesheet for LaTeX was
+developed for the house-style of the journal
+\href{}{\emph{Semantics and Pragmatics}}
+(\emph{S\&P}). Bridget Samuels produced a revised version
+\texttt{unified.bst}, which has largely disappeared from the internet.
+The current project is a ground-up re-implementation of the unified
+stylesheet in modern biblatex. It has been used by \emph{S\&P} in
+production for several years.
+\href{}{file an
+issue at github} to let us know of any problems you encounter and any
+recommendations for improvement.
+The \texttt{biblatex-unified} style consists of two files:
+ \href{unified.bbx}{\VERB|\NormalTok{unified.bbx}|} -- for formatting
+ the bibliography.
+ \href{unified.cbx}{\VERB|\NormalTok{unified.cbx}|} -- for formatting
+ in-text citations in the style of \emph{S\&P}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \tightlist
+ \item
+ Since the Unified Stylesheet does not give any guidelines for
+ in-text citations, this file is optional and users can choose other
+ citation styles, such as the \texttt{authoryear-comp} citation style
+ that comes with biblatex.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Requirements and backward
+Compiling LaTeX documents with this style depends on a fairly recent TeX
+installation that includes biblatex 2.0+. It is tested only with the
+\texttt{biber} backend. TexLive 2019 or later would be ideal.
+Manual installation involves putting the two files \texttt{unified.bbx}
+and \texttt{unified.cbx} somewhere where your TeX system can find them.
+This could be local in the same directory as your tex source file, or in
+your \texttt{TEXMF} ``home'' directory, or in the system \texttt{TEXMF}
+\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Configuring your \texttt{.tex} document to
+use the
+style}{Configuring your .tex document to use the style}}\label{configuring-your-.tex-document-to-use-the-style}}
+To use the style in conjunction with \emph{S\&P}'s
+simply add the \texttt{biblatex} class option when importing
+ \BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}documentclass}\NormalTok{[biblatex]\{}\ExtensionTok{sp}\NormalTok{\}}
+If you are not using the \emph{S\&P} document class, you can still use
+this style by adding the following to your preamble (after
+but before
+ \BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}usepackage}\NormalTok{[backend=biber,}
+\NormalTok{ style=unified,}
+\NormalTok{ maxcitenames=3,}
+\NormalTok{ maxbibnames=99]\{}\ExtensionTok{biblatex}\NormalTok{\}}
+If you were previously using \VERB|\NormalTok{natbib}|, remove
+and any accompanying
+and \VERB|\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}bibpunct}\NormalTok{\{...\}}|
+settings. You might also find it helpful to add
+\VERB|\NormalTok{natbib}| to the list of options
+(\VERB|\BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}usepackage}\NormalTok{[..., natbib]\{}\ExtensionTok{biblatex}\NormalTok{\}}|),
+to load biblatex's \VERB|\NormalTok{natbib}| compatibility module, which
+implements common \VERB|\NormalTok{natbib}| commands like
+\VERB|\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}citealp}|, etc.
+Whether you're using \texttt{sp.cls} or a different document class,
+you'll need to change the usual BibTeX commands to biblatex, in two
+ Replace the
+ \VERB|\BuiltInTok{\textbackslash{}bibliography}\NormalTok{\{}\ExtensionTok{your{-}bibfile}\NormalTok{\}}|
+ line in the backmatter with
+ \VERB|\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}printbibliography}|.
+ Add the following command to your preamble:\\
+ \VERB|\FunctionTok{\textbackslash{}addbibresource}\NormalTok{\{your{-}bibfile.bib\}}|
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \tightlist
+ \item
+ NB: the \VERB|\NormalTok{.bib}| extension must be included (unlike
+ BibTeX)
+ \end{itemize}
+Testing consists of rendering \VERB|\NormalTok{unified{-}test.tex}| (and
+\VERB|\NormalTok{unified{-}test.bib}|) into a PDF, comparing the result
+to the sample bibliography in the Unified Stylesheet guidelines.
+\subsection{Producing the
+The documentation consists of the \VERB|\NormalTok{}| file and
+this PDF. The PDF can be regenerated by typesetting the
+\VERB|\NormalTok{tex}| source file with \VERB|\NormalTok{xelatex}|. The
+\VERB|\NormalTok{tex}| is actually itself generated from the underlying
+\VERB|\NormalTok{md}| markdown file via \VERB|\NormalTok{pandoc}| with
+the following incantation:
+\NormalTok{pandoc {-}f markdown {-}t latex biblatex{-} {-}s}\DataTypeTok{\textbackslash{} }
+\NormalTok{{-}o biblatex{-}unified.tex {-}{-}highlight{-}style=kate}
+\section{Implementation notes}\label{implementation-notes}}
+\texttt{biblatex-unified} is meant to implement as fully as possible the
+\href{}{Unified Style
+Sheet for Linguistics Journals}, which consists of a number of
+guidelines and thoughts on the formatting of bibliographies, a sample
+bibliography and some comments on that sample.
+The \texttt{biblatex-unified} distribution includes a copy of the
+Unified Style Sheet and a bib-file that corresponds to the references
+typeset in the Style Sheet specifications. So, this bib-file can be used
+to test the implementation of the Style Sheet. We include the source
+code of the test LaTeX file and the resulting pdf to demonstrate that we
+have faithfully implemented the Style Sheet, with some minor
+When it comes to implementing the guidelines in a LaTeX typesetting
+environment, most of the guidelines can be implemented in the
+bibliography style (a bst file for BibTex or a bbx file for biblatex),
+but there are some points that need to be taken into account earlier in
+the preparation of the bib file containing the bibliographic details for
+the references to be listed.
+Here is a point by point copy of the Unified Style Sheet guidelines,
+followed by commentary on our implementation.
+1. \textbf{Superfluous font-styles should be omitted.} Do not use small
+caps for author/editor names, since they do not help to distinguish
+these from any other bits of information in the citation. In contrast,
+italics are worthwhile for distinguishing volume (book, journal,
+dissertation) titles {[}+ital{]} from article and chapter titles
+2. \textbf{Superfluous punctuation should be left out.} Once italic is
+adopted to distinguish volumes from articles/chapters (as above), then
+single or double quotations around article titles are superfluous and
+only add visual clutter.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: Article and chapter titles are set in roman
+font, while titles of books, dissertations, and journals are set in
+italics. There are no quotation marks around titles.
+3. \textbf{Differing capitalization styles should be used to make
+category distinctions.} Use capitalization of all lexical words for
+journal titles and capitalize only the first word (plus proper names and
+the first word after a colon) for book/dissertation titles and
+article/chapter titles. This is a useful diagnostic for discriminating
+between titles that are recurring and those that are not. The journal
+style for capitalization should also be applied to the title of book
+series. Thus, the citation of a SNLLT volume would be punctuated:
+\emph{Objects and other subjects: Grammatical functions, functional
+categories, and configurationality} (Studies in Natural Language and
+Linguistic Theory 52).
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: Recurring titles (i.e.~titles of journals and
+book series) are set in title case (capitalization of all lexical
+words), while non-recurring titles (articles, chapters, books,
+dissertations) are set in sentence case (capitalize only the first word,
+plus proper names and the first word after a colon).
+NB: It is fairly easy to convert a title given in title case into
+sentence case. But the other way round is quite difficult.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified.bbx} depends on the bib file containing title
+case for those elements that should be set in title case. For those
+elements that will be set in sentence case, the bbx file will do the
+conversion to sentence case. Proper names (and the first word after a
+colon) need to be protected against that lower casing, so the bib-file
+should have \texttt{\{...\}} braces around those words. Please note that
+just putting \texttt{\{\}} around the first letter in words that should
+be capitalized is bad practice since it prevents proper kerning of the
+space between the first and second letter. Even worse practice is to
+``double wrap'' a whole title in braces, which prevents any style file
+from setting the title in the style specified by its formatting
+NB: It is to be encouraged that titles and subtitles be entered into
+separate fields in the bib entry. In that case, the bbx file will
+properly capitalize the first letter of the subtitle. So, the first of
+the following formats is preferred for use with the unified bbx style
+(but it has the disadvantage of not necessarily being compatible with
+other bibliography styles):
+Option 1
+title = {Government and Binding Theory and the Minimalist Program},
+subtitle = {Principles and Parameters in Syntactic Theory},
+Option 2
+title = {Government and Binding Theory and the Minimalist Program:
+ {Principles} and Parameters in Syntactic Theory},
+4. \textbf{All author/editor first names should be spelled out.} Not
+doing so only serves to make the citation less informative. Without full
+first names, the 20th century index for Language alone would conflate
+five different people as `J. Smith', four as `J. Harris', three each
+under `A. Cohen' and `P. Lee', two each under `R. Kent', `J. Anderson',
+`H. Klein' and `J. Klein'.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style does not abbreviate first names.
+Compliance with the Unified Style depends on the bib-file containing
+full names for everyone.
+5. \textbf{The ampersand is useful.} Use ampersand to distinguish higher
+and lower order conjuncts, i.e.~{[}W \& X{]} and {[}Y \& Z{]}, as in
+Culicover \& Wilkins and Koster \& May. It is relatively easy to see
+that reference is made here to two pairs of authors here (cf.~Culicover
+and Wilkins and Koster and May).
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style uses the ampersand rather than a
+final ``and'' in author and editor lists. This is taken care of by
+6. \textbf{Name repetitions are good.} While using a line \_\_\_\_ may
+save a little space, or a few characters, it also makes each such
+citation referentially dependent on an antecedent, and the effort of
+calculating such antecedents is more than what it saved typographically.
+Each citation should be internally complete.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style does not use a dashed line for
+repeated authors in the reference list.
+7. \textbf{Four digit year plus period only.} Extra parentheses are
+visual clutter and superfluous.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+8. \textbf{Commas and periods and other punctuation.} Separate citation
+components with periods (e.g., Author. Year. Title.) and subcomponents
+with commas (e.g., Author1, Author2 \& Author3). Please note the
+ampersand (\&), rather than the word ``and'' before the name of the last
+author, and no comma before the ``\&''. The use of the colon between
+title and subtitle and between place and publisher is traditional, but
+we do not use it between journal volumenumber and pagenumbers.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+9. \textbf{Parentheses around ed.~makes sense.} Commas and periods
+should be used exclusively to separate citation components (e.g.,
+``Author. Year.''), or subcomponents (e.g.~``author1, author2 \&
+author3). Since''ed." is neither a component nor a subcomponent, but a
+modifier of a component, it should not be separated from the name by a
+surname, firstname = author surname, firstname (ed.). = editor (NOT
+surname, firstname, ed.) surname, firstname \& firstname surname (eds.)
+= editors
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+10. \textbf{For conference proceedings, working papers, etc.} For
+conference proceedings published with an ISSN, treat the proceedings as
+a journal: Include both the full conference name and any commonly used
+acronym for the conference (BLS, WCCFL, etc.) in the journal title
+position. For proceedings not published with an ISSN, treat the
+proceedings as any other book, using the full title as listed on the
+front cover or title page. If the title (and subtitle if there is one)
+only includes an acronym for the conference name, expand the acronym in
+square brackets or parentheses following the acronym. If the title does
+not include an acronym which is commonly used for the conference name,
+include the acronym in square brackets or parentheses following the
+conference name. The advantage of including the acronym after the
+society title is that it makes the entry much more identifiable in a
+list of references.
+{[}From the comments by Joseph Salmons:{]}
+Do not include ``proceedings of the'' or ``papers from the''.
+NB: The examples included with the Unified Style Sheet do not include
+the editors of the CLS proceedings volume. We agree with this practice,
+since the names of editors of such proceedings are often hard to get
+hold of.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: These guidelines need to be satisfied in the
+construction of the bib-file. There are two approaches, one more of a
+hack than the other:
+\emph{Option 1}: Use the \texttt{@inproceedings} entry type and include
+the ISSN of the proceedings when available. Example:
+ Author = {Casali, Roderic F.},
+ Booktitle = {Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS)},
+ ISSN = {0577-7240},
+ Number = {1},
+ Pages = {55-68},
+ Title = {Predicting {ATR} Activity},
+ Volume = {34},
+ Year = {1998}}
+Comment: Following the Unified Style Sheet, we can let the presence of
+an ISSN control whether an article in conference proceedings is set like
+a journal article or like a book chapter. To do this, the bib-file needs
+to contain the ISSN of proceedings where possible. When the ISSN is in
+the bib-file, \texttt{biblatex-unified} will not print it with the entry
+but it will trigger setting as an article. If there's no ISSN in the
+entry, \texttt{biblatex-unified} will set it as a book chapter. The ISSN
+can be found through \href{}{WorldCat} fairly
+easily. Here's a list of common conference proceedings with their ISSN:
+ BLS: 0363-2946
+ CLS: 0577-7240
+ NELS: 0883-5500
+ SALT: 2163-5951
+ WCCFL: 1042-1068
+\emph{Option 2}: Another option, less portable and definitely a hack, is
+to use the \texttt{@article} entry type, putting the conference name
+(and the acronym in parentheses; no need to case protect the acronym,
+since journal titles are set as is) in the \texttt{journal} field, and
+do not list the editors. Example:
+ Author = {Casali, Roderic F.},
+ Journal = {Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS)},
+ Number = {1},
+ Pages = {55-68},
+ Title = {Predicting {ATR} Activity},
+ Volume = {34},
+ Year = {1998}}
+11. \textbf{Use ``edn.'' as an abbreviation for ``edition'', thus ``2nd
+edn.''.} This avoids ambiguity and confusion with ``ed.'' (editor).
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+12. \textbf{Names with ``von'', ``van'', ``de'', etc.} If the ``van''
+(or the ``de'' or other patronymic) is lower case and separated from the
+rest by a space (e.g.~Elly van Gelderen), then alphabetize by the first
+upper-case element:
+\texttt{Gelderen,\ Elly\ van}
+The addition of ``see \ldots{}'' in comprehensive indices and lists
+might be helpful for clarification:
+\texttt{van\ Gelderen,\ Elly\ (see\ Gelderen)}
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: This is a point where we depart from the
+Unified Style Sheet. If the ``van'' (or the ``de'' or other patronymic)
+is lower case and separated from the rest by a space (e.g.~Elly van
+Gelderen), then alphabetize by the first upper-case element \textbf{but
+display the particle as part of the last name in its usual position}:
+`van Gelderen, Elly [alphabetized under "G"]`
+NB: biblatex-unified is the only biblatex style that we know of that
+implements this practice (it took some hacking to make this possible).
+There is no need to do anything in the bib-file to ensure proper
+treatment of ``von'' etc.
+13. \textbf{Names with ``Jr.'', ``IV.'', etc.} Following library
+practice, list elements such as ``Jr.'' as a subelement after names,
+separated by a comma.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+14. \textbf{Use ``In'' to designate chapters in collections.} This makes
+the book's format maximally similar to the standard citation format.
+This, in turn, would be time-saving when the author or the editor notice
+that more than one article is cited from a given collection and hence
+that that book's details should be set out as a separate entry in the
+references (and the full details deleted from the articles' entries).
+author. year. chaptertitle. In editorname (ed.), collectiontitle,
+pagenumbers. publisher.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+15. \textbf{Journal volume numbers.} We favor:
+volumenumber(volumeissue). startingpage--endingpage. Thus: 22(1).
+135-169. Note the space between volume number/issue and page numbers.
+Special formatting (e.g., bold for volume number) is superfluous. Issue
+numbers are a parenthetical modifier (cf.~``ed.'' above) of the volume
+number. While it is not NECESSARY information for identifying the
+article, it is extremely USEFUL information.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+Sheet. Providing issue numbers is a guideline for the preparation of the
+16. \textbf{Dissertations/theses.} These conform to the
+already-widespread Place: Publisher format and fit readily into the rest
+of the standard: Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation. Instead of archaic
+state abbreviations, use the official two-letter postal abbreviations.
+Note that national and other traditions vary in exactly what is labeled
+`thesis' versus `dissertation' and in distinguishing `PhD' from
+`doctoral' dissertations. Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation. Chapel Hill:
+UNC MA thesis.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: The style complies with the Unified Style
+Sheet. Using the two-letter postal abbreviations is something that needs
+to be taken care of during the preparation of the bib-file.
+17. \textbf{On-line materials.} The basic information here -- author,
+date, title -- remains the same, and the URL where the resource was
+found takes the place of publisher or journal. We urge authors to
+include the date the material was accessed, in parentheses after the
+URL, since new versions often replace old ones. For a .pdf file, this
+would be the date of downloading, but for a resource like an on-line
+dictionary consulted repeatedly, a range of dates may be needed. For
+additional discussion of handling online citations, authors may want to
+consult this guide:
+Walker, Janice R. \& Todd Taylor. 1998. The Columbia Guide to Online
+Style. New York: Columbia University Press.
+\texttt{biblatex-unified}: We take it that this does not refer to
+material that has officially been published online, in which case
+permanent document identifiers such as DOIs and the like will take care
+of the linking requirements. Rather, we are assuming this refers to
+``unpublished'' material available online (on author's homepages or
+repositories such as the Semantics Archive or LingBuzz). In this case,
+just use the \texttt{@unpublished} entry-type, give the URL in the
+\texttt{url\ =\ \{\}} field, and if deemed necessary include the date
+the material was accessed by adding an \texttt{urldate\ =\ \{\}} field.
+The date should be given in YYYY-MM-DD format,
+e.g.~\texttt{urldate\ =\ \{2013-08-11\}}. The style will then add the
+date in parentheses, formatted to the style sheet's rather odd format.
+\section{Departures from the Unified Style
+We already mentioned our one major disagreement with the Unified Style
+Sheet: the incorrect treatment of the ``von'' part of names.
+We depart from the style sheet only in a few other places. These are
+actually only departures from the example formatting given and do not
+pertain to any explicit guidelines.
+ The acronym ``CLS'' given in parentheses after ``Chicago Linguistic
+ Society'' in the Casali 1986 entry is not given in italics in the
+ example. Since it is part of the ``journal title'' field,
+ \texttt{biblatex-unified} will typeset it in italics.
+ The example URLs have a period inside the parentheses around the URL
+ access date. We have relocated this period to outside the parentheses.
+ In the one case of an online journal article, the Pedersen 2005 entry,
+ the example has a comma between the journal + volume and the URL. We
+ think that this is analogous to the break between journal +
+ volume(issue) and page numbers, and so it should be a period instead
+ of a comma. That is what \texttt{biblatex-unified} does.
+ There is a period between the URL and the URL access date (which is in
+ parentheses). We do not think that this period should be there.
+ \texttt{biblatex-unified} has a space.
+\section{Guidelines for the preparation of bib
+For convenience, we repeat the best practices for preparing your bib
+file for use with \texttt{biblatex-unified}.
+ Any words in the titles of articles, books, dissertations that should
+ not be lowercased (other than the first word) have to be protected by
+ \{\} brackets around that word (not just around the first letter of
+ the word and never double wrap the entire title!). This includes the
+ first word after a subtitle colon (unless the subtitle field is used
+ instead).
+ Give full first names for all authors and editors (all persons listed
+ in the bib file).
+ For conference proceedings, working papers, etc. For conference
+ proceedings published with an ISSN, treat the proceedings as a
+ journal: Include both the full conference name and any commonly used
+ acronym for the conference (BLS, WCCFL, etc.) in the journal title
+ position. Do not include the editors in the bib-file. For proceedings
+ not published with an ISSN, treat the proceedings as any other book,
+ using the full title as listed on the front cover or title page. If
+ the title (and subtitle if there is one) only includes an acronym for
+ the conference name, expand the acronym in square brackets or
+ parentheses following the acronym. If the title does not include an
+ acronym which is commonly used for the conference name, include the
+ acronym in square brackets or parentheses following the conference
+ name. The advantage of including the acronym after the society title
+ is that it makes the entry much more identifiable in a list of
+ references. Do not include ``proceedings of the'' or ``papers from
+ the''.
+ For on-line materials, you can give the date the resource was
+ accessed. Use the \texttt{urldate} field for this purpose and give the
+ date in the YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g.~\texttt{2013-08-11}.
+ Use two-letter postal abbreviations for all US cities.
+\section{License and copyright}\label{license-and-copyright}}
+Copyright ©2020 Kai von Fintel.
+This package is author-maintained. Permission is granted to copy,
+distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX
+Project Public License, version 1.3c.
+This software is provided ``as is,'' without warranty of any kind,
+either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
+warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
+\section{Changelog and release
+\textbf{v1.00 (2020-05-25)} Initial CTAN release.