path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-software/swentries.tex
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+There are four entry types, corresponding to different granularities
+in the identification of the (part of) software artifacts that one
+whishes to cite. They are listed below in order of granularity.
+Computer software.
+\emph{Required fields:} \texttt{author} / \texttt{editor}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{url}, \texttt{year}
+\emph{Optional fields:} \texttt{abstract}, \texttt{date}, \texttt{doi}, \texttt{file}, \texttt{hal\_id}, \texttt{hal\_version},
+\texttt{institution}, \texttt{license}, \texttt{month}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{organization}, \texttt{publisher},
+\texttt{related}, \texttt{relatedtype}, \texttt{relatedstring}, \texttt{repository}, \texttt{swhid}, \texttt{urldate}, \texttt{version}
+A specific version of a software. Inherits values of missing
+fields from the entry mentioned in the \texttt{crossref} field.
+\emph{Required fields:} \texttt{author} / \texttt{editor}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{url}, \texttt{version}, \texttt{year}
+\emph{Optional fields:} \texttt{abstract}, \texttt{crossref}, \texttt{date}, \texttt{doi}, \texttt{file}, \texttt{hal\_id}, \texttt{hal\_version},
+\texttt{institution}, \texttt{introducedin}, \texttt{license}, \texttt{month}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{organization}, \texttt{publisher},
+\texttt{related}, \texttt{relatedtype}, \texttt{relatedstring}, \texttt{repository}, \texttt{swhid}, \texttt{subtitle}, \texttt{urldate}
+A specific module of a larger software project. Inherits values of missing
+fields from the entry mentioned in the \texttt{crossref} field.
+\emph{Required fields:} \texttt{author}, \texttt{subtitle}, \texttt{url}, \texttt{year}
+\emph{Optional fields:} \texttt{abstract}, \texttt{crossref}, \texttt{date}, \texttt{doi}, \texttt{editor}, \texttt{file}, \texttt{hal\_id}, \texttt{hal\_version},
+\texttt{institution}, \texttt{introducedin}, \texttt{license}, \texttt{month}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{organization}, \texttt{publisher},
+\texttt{related}, \texttt{relatedtype}, \texttt{relatedstring}, \texttt{repository}, \texttt{swhid}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{urldate}, \texttt{version}
+A code fragment (e.g. a specific algorithm in a program or library).
+Inherits values of missing fields from the entry mentioned in the \texttt{crossref} field.
+\emph{Required fields:} \texttt{url}
+\emph{Optional fields:} \texttt{author}, \texttt{abstract}, \texttt{crossref}, \texttt{date}, \texttt{doi}, \texttt{file}, \texttt{hal\_id}, \texttt{hal\_version},
+\texttt{institution}, \texttt{introducedin}, \texttt{license}, \texttt{month}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{organization}, \texttt{publisher},
+\texttt{related}, \texttt{relatedtype}, \texttt{relatedstring}, \texttt{repository}, \texttt{swhid}, \texttt{subtitle}, \texttt{title}, \texttt{urldate}, \texttt{version}, \texttt{year}
+The \textbf{softwareversion}, \textbf{softwaremodule} and \textbf{codefragment} entries can inherit
+the missing fields from another entry designated by the \emph{crossref} field, which
+is expected to be higher in the granularity hierarchy: \textbf{softwareversion} may
+inherit from a \textbf{software} entry, \textbf{softwaremodule} may inherit from a
+\textbf{softwareversion} or a \textbf{software} entry, and \textbf{codefragment} may inherit from all
+other entries.
+\section{Field description}
+The field description is based on the \href{}{biblatex documentation}
+\subsection{Data fields}
+\item[{abstract}] field (literal). This field is intended for recording
+abstracts in a bib file, to be printed by a special bibliography
+style. It is not used by all standard bibliography styles.
+\item[{author}] list (name). The authors of the title.
+\item[{date [biblatex only]}] field (date). The date of creation or release in ISO format.
+\item[{editor}] list (name). The coordinator(s) of large modular software projects.
+\item[{file}] field (verbatim). A link to download a copy of the work.
+\item[{doi}] field (verbatim). The Digital Object Identifier of the work.
+\item[{\texttt{hal\_id} [not in biblatex standard styles]}] field (verbatim). A digital identifier for the
+software record including its description and metadata on HAL.
+\item[{\texttt{hal\_version} [not in biblatex standard styles]}] field (verbatim). The version of the HAL software record designated by \texttt{hal\_id}.
+\item[{license [not in biblatex standard styles]}] list (literal). The license/s of the title
+in SPDX format.
+\item[{month}] field (literal). The month of creation or release.
+In BibLaTeX, this must be an integer, not an ordinal or a string.
+For compatibility with BibTeX, one can also use the three letter
+abbreviations \emph{jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec},
+which must be given without any braces or quotes.
+\item[{note}] field (literal). Release note of the cited version.
+\item[{institution}] field (literal). The institution(s) that took part in the
+software project.
+\item[{introducedin [not in biblatex standard styles]}] field (literal). If this is a software module or fragment,
+the version of the containing project where it has been first introduced.
+\item[{organization}] field (literal). The organization(s) that took part in the
+software project.
+\item[{publisher}] list (literal). The name(s) of the publisher(s) of the software
+record (we need to define the notion of a research software publisher, see issue \href{}{\#2}).
+\item[{related [biblatex only]}] field (separated values). Citation keys of other entries which have a relationship to this entry.
+\item[{relatedtype [biblatex only]}] field (identifier).
+\item[{relatedstring [biblatex only]}] field (literal).
+\item[{repository [not in biblatex standard styles]}] field (uri). The url of the code repository (e.g on GitHub, GitLab).
+\item[{swhid [not in biblatex standard styles]}] field (verbatim). The identifier of the digital
+object (a.k.a the software artifact itself). The intrinsic identifier
+of the item is an swh-id (swh:cnt for a content, swh:dir for a directory, swh:rev for
+a revision, swh:rel for a release, etc.). See \href{}{the SWH-ID specification}.
+\item[{subtitle}] field (literal). The title of a component of the software artifact.
+\item[{title}] field (literal). The title of the software artifact.
+\item[{url}] field (uri). The url of a reference resource (e.g the project's official webpage).
+\item[{urldate}] field (date). The access date of the address specified in the url field.
+\item[{version}] field (literal). The revision number of a piece of software, a manual, etc.
+\item[{year}] field (literal). The year of creation or release.
+\subsection{Special fields}
+\item[{crossref}] field (entry key). This field holds an entry key for the
+cross-referencing feature. Child entries with a crossref field inherit data
+from the parent entry specified in the crossref field.
+Here are a few example of use of the proposed entries.
+\subsection{software and softwareversion}
+This is an example description of a software release using a single \texttt{@softwareversion} entry.
+@softwareversion {delebecque:hal-02090402-condensed,
+ title = {Scilab},
+ author = {Delebecque, Fran{\c c}ois and Gomez, Claude and Goursat, Maurice
+ and Nikoukhah, Ramine and Steer, Serge and Chancelier, Jean-Philippe},
+ url = {},
+ year = {1994},
+ month = jan,
+ file = {},
+ institution = {Inria},
+ license = {Scilab license},
+ hal_id = {hal-02090402},
+ hal_version = {v1},
+ swhid = {swh:1:dir:1ba0b67b5d0c8f10961d878d91ae9d6e499d746a;
+ origin=},
+ version = {1.1},
+ note = {First Scilab version. It was distributed by anonymous ftp.},
+ repository= {},
+ abstract = {Software for Numerical Computation freely distributed.}
+The same information can also be represented using a \texttt{@software} / \texttt{@softwareversion}
+pair that factors out the general information in the \texttt{@software} entry, so for
+other versions only the changes need to be added in a new \texttt{@softwareversion} entry:
+@software {delebecque:hal-02090402,
+ title = {Scilab},
+ author = {Delebecque, Fran{\c c}ois and Gomez, Claude and Goursat, Maurice
+ and Nikoukhah, Ramine and Steer, Serge and Chancelier, Jean-Philippe},
+ year = {1994},
+ institution = {Inria},
+ license = {Scilab license},
+ hal_id = {hal-02090402},
+ hal_version = {v1},
+ url = {},
+ abstract = {Software for Numerical Computation freely distributed.},
+ repository= {},
+@softwareversion {delebecque:hal-02090402v1,
+ version = {1.1},
+ year = {1994},
+ month = jan,
+ file = {},
+ swhid = {swh:1:dir:1ba0b67b5d0c8f10961d878d91ae9d6e499d746a;
+ origin=},
+ note = {First Scilab version. It was distributed by anonymous ftp.},
+ crossref = {delebecque:hal-02090402}
+For highly modular software projects, like CGAL, one may need to
+reference specifically a particular module, that has distinguished
+authors, and may heve been introduced in the project at a later time.
+The following example uses \href{\_to\_cite\_cgal.bib}{the informations in the existing BibTeX entries for CGAL}
+that currently refer to the user manual, to create the corresponding software entries.
+@software {cgal,
+ title = {The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library},
+ author = {{The CGAL Project}},
+ editor = {{CGAL Editorial Board}},
+ year = 1996,
+ url = {}
+ crossref = {cgal},
+ version = {{5.0.2}},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2020,
+ swhid = {swh:1:rel:636541bbf6c77863908eae744610a3d91fa58855;
+ origin=}
+ crossref = {cgal:5-0-2},
+ author = {Menelaos Karavelas},
+ subtitle = {{2D} Voronoi Diagram Adaptor},
+ license = {GPL},
+ introducedin = {cgal:3-1},
+ url = {},
+Of course, it is always be possible to use only one entry to get an equivalent
+result; here one would use just \texttt{@softwaremodule} with all the needed data
+fields as follows:
+ title = {The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library},
+ subtitle = {{2D} Voronoi Diagram Adaptor},
+ author = {Menelaos Karavelas},
+ editor = {{CGAL Editorial Board}},
+ license = {GPL},
+ version = {{5.0.2}},
+ introducedin = {cgal:3-1},
+ year = 2020,
+ swhid = {swh:1:rel:636541bbf6c77863908eae744610a3d91fa58855;
+ origin=},
+ url = {},
+Finally, if one wants to have a particular code fragment appear in the bibliography,
+we can do this as follows:
+@software {parmap,
+ title = {The Parmap library},
+ author = {Di Cosmo, Roberto and Marco Danelutto},
+ year = {2020},
+ version = {1.1.1},
+ institution = {Inria},
+ license = {LGPL-2.0},
+ url = {},
+ repository= {},
+@codefragment {simplemapper,
+ subtitle = {Core mapping routine},
+ swhid = {swh:1:cnt:43a6b232768017b03da934ba22d9cc3f2726a6c5;lines=192-228;
+ origin=},
+ crossref = {parmap}