path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-ms/examples/98-multiscript-ms.tex
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1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-ms/examples/98-multiscript-ms.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-ms/examples/98-multiscript-ms.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-ms/examples/98-multiscript-ms.tex
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+% This file demonstrates the multiscript features
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+\setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}
+ AUTHOR = {Bill Smith and Пушкин, Александр},
+ AUTHOR+an:mslang = {2="ru"},
+ AUTHOR_transliteration_el = {Bill Smith and Πούσκιν, Ἀλεξάντρ},
+ AUTHOR_transliteration_el+an:mslang = {1="en"},
+ LOCATION = {locationa and Standort"s},
+ LOCATION+an:mslang = {2="de"},
+ LOCATION_translation_fr = {emplacementa and Standortb},
+ LOCATION_translation_fr+an:mslang = {2="de"},
+ TITLE = {Title},
+ TITLE_translation_fr = {Titre},
+ DATE = {1995}
+ dynamiclabel=true,%
+ language=auto,%
+ autolang=other,%
+ autofieldlang=other]{biblatex-ms}
+% Here we are citing and printing the bibliography using data contained in
+% the entryfields of alternate msform="default" and mslang="en" (due to the
+% main babel language of "english" which maps to "en")
+% Due to "autofieldlang=other" and the langtags annotation for the default author
+% name field, the second, russian name in the author field is automatically printed inside
+% a babel \otherlanguage{russian} context where additionally, all biblatex russian bibstrings
+% are activated
+% Inside the name format which \printnames uses, macros are automatically defined for every
+% alternate of the current name list item. This means when printing the first name in the author
+% list, in addition to the usual \namepartfamily, \namepartgiven etc. macros, also available are:
+% \namepartfamilydefaulten={Smith}
+% \namepartfamilydefaulteni={S\bibinitperiod}
+% \namepartgivendefaulten={Bill}
+% \namepartgivendefaulteni={B\bibinitperiod}
+% \namepartfamilytransliterationen={Smith}
+% \namepartfamilytransliterationeni={S\bibinitperiod}
+% \namepartgiventransliterationen={Bill}
+% \namepartgiventransliterationeni={B\bibinitperiod}
+% and for the second name, also available are:
+% \namepartfamilydefaultru={Пушкин},
+% \namepartfamilydefaultrui={П\bibinitperiod},
+% \namepartgivendefaultru={Александр},
+% \namepartgivendefaultrui={А\bibinitperiod},
+% \namepartfamilytransliterationel={Πούσκιν},
+% \namepartfamilytransliterationeli={Π\bibinitperiod},
+% \namepartgiventransliterationel={Ἀλεξάντρ},
+% \namepartgiventransliterationeli={Ἀ\bibinitperiod}
+% The location list is in the context of a babel "english" otherlanguage environment
+% (the global default) but the second item in the list is switched to the \otherlanguage{german}
+% due to the langtags annotation and you can see this by the use of the german "s babel shorthand
+% being correctly interpreted
+% Inside the list format which \printlist uses, macros are automatically defined for every
+% alternate of the current plain list item. This means when printing the first item in the location
+% list, also available are:
+% \listitemdefaulten={locationa}
+% \listitemtranslationfr={emplacementa}
+% and for the second list item, also available are:
+% \listitemdefaultde={Standort"s}
+% \listitemtranslationde={Standortb}
+% The translated french alternate of the location list could be printed in a driver
+% using \printlist[][][translated][fr]{location} and this would automatically (due to
+% autofieldlang=other) be inside a \otherlanguage{french} environment with all french biblatex
+% bibstrings being activated.
+% Here we are citing and printing the bibliography using data contain in
+% the entryfields of alternate msform="transliteration" and mslang="el"
+ % Notice that due to the "dynamiclabel=true" option, the labelname printed in the citation
+ % is not the static labelname as determined by \DeclareLabelname but the alternate
+ % of the labelname determined by the current (refcontext) msform/mslang options
+ \cite{mstest}
+ % Note that the default msform/mslang used to determine which alternates to print in the
+ % bibliography for multiscript entryfields are determined by the current (refcontext)
+ % msform/mslang options
+ % Note that the "and" in the name list is in Greek. This is because the "autofieldlang"
+ % is set to "other", which automatically loads the greek language strings for the whole
+ % msform=transliteration/mslang=el author field. This alternate is being printed due to
+ % the refcontext settings for msform and mslang.
+ % Note also that due to "autofieldlang=other" and the langtags annotation for the first, english
+ % name in the transliterated greek author name list, this english name is automatically printed
+ % inside a babel \otherlanguage{english} context where additionally, all biblatex english
+ % bibstrings are activated
+ % No location field is printed in the bibliography because there is no transliterated greek
+ % alternate for this field, only a translated french alternate. The same applied to the title
+ % field
+ \printbibliography