path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/ltnews37.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/ltnews37.tex')
1 files changed, 848 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/ltnews37.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/ltnews37.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5527975c540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/ltnews37.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2021-2023
+% The LaTeX Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+% in this file.
+% This file is part of the LaTeX base system.
+% -——————————————
+% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2008 or later.
+% This file has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
+% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
+% information.
+% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution
+% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
+% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
+% \fi
+% Filename: ltnews37.tex
+% This is issue 37 of LaTeX News.
+%% Maybe needed only for Chris' inadequate system:
+\providecommand\Dash {\unskip \textemdash}
+%% NOTE: Chris' preferred hyphens!
+%% \hyphenation{because parameters parameter}
+ \quad\penalty500\strut\nobreak\hfill
+ \mbox{\small\slshape(%
+ \href{\getfirstgithubissue#2 \relax}%
+ {github issue#1 #2}%
+ )}%
+ \par\smallskip}
+%% But Chris has to mostly disable \href for his TEXPAD app:
+%% \def\href #1{} % Only For Chris' deficient TeX engine
+% simple solution right now (just link to the first issue if there are more)
+\def\getfirstgithubissue#1 #2\relax{#1}
+ \else
+ % githubissue preceding
+ \vskip-\smallskipamount
+ \vskip-\parskip
+ \fi
+ \quad\penalty500\strut\nobreak\hfill
+ \mbox{\small\slshape(\url{})}\par}
+ \quad\penalty500\strut\nobreak\hfill
+ \mbox{\small\slshape(%
+ \href{\%2F\getfirstgithubissue#2 \relax}%
+ {gnats issue #1/#2}%
+ )}%
+ \par}
+\vbadness=1400 % accept slightly empty columns
+% maybe not the greatest design but normally we wouldn't have subsubsections
+ \@startsection {subsubsection}{2}{0pt}{1.5ex \@plus 1ex \@minus .2ex}%
+ {-1em}{\@subheadingfont\colonize}%
+\let\finalvspace\vspace % for document layout fixes
+% Undo ltnews's \verbatim@font with active < and >
+% (we have meta variables in verbatim, so keep it.)
+% \normalsize\ttfamily}
+% \publicationday{01} % change this if it's not released on 1st of a month
+%\publicationyear{2023 --- DRAFT version for upcoming release}
+\tubcommand{\addtolength\textheight{4.1pc}} % only for TUB
+{\hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=10000 \spaceskip=3.33pt \hbadness=10000
+\setlength\rightskip{0pt plus 3em}
+% for ltnews37, squeeze to five pages.
+\section{New functionality offered as part of the
+ \enquote{\LaTeX{} Tagged PDF} project}
+We have now enabled new automatic tagging functionality for additional
+\LaTeX{} elements, among them most display environments, standard
+sectioning commands, content, figure and table listings, floats and graphics and
+bibliographies. This can
+be activated through
+At this point in time tagging support is only available for a
+restricted set of documents, i.e., those that use one of the basic
+document classes (\texttt{article}, \texttt{report}, and
+\texttt{book}) and only use commands and environments described in
+Lamport's \LaTeX{} manual.
+Using other document classes or adding additional packages in the
+preamble may work (or may partially work) but at this stage it is not
+very likely, at least not for packages or classes that excessively
+alter internals of \LaTeX{}.
+Also note that there are still several environments and commands
+described in the \LaTeX{} manual that do not have tagging support yet,
+notably tabulars, \texttt{tabbing}, the various math environment and a
+few others. They will get this support as part of \texttt{phase-III},
+but some of them will be delayed until after the June release.
+A prototype for math tagging (including support for the \pkg{amsmath}
+environments) is already available, but it is mainly intended for
+experimentation and feedback and the resulting tagging is by no means
+the way we envision it to be eventually. If you would like to try it out use
+the following line:
+Note that the math tagging code at this point in time will clash with
+packages that redefine the \texttt{\$} character (which then may lead to strange
+errors) and that packages that use math mode for non-mathematical
+constructs may result in surprising output as far as tagging is
+concerned. Feedback on which packages fail with the code in one or
+another way would be appreciated.
+The \texttt{latex-lab} bundle contains various
+(still untagged) documentation files about the new code that can
+be accessed with \verb|texdoc -l latex-lab|.
+Feedback is welcome!
+Please use \url{}.
+\section{New or improved commands}
+\subsection{Extending hooks to take arguments}
+Hooks have always been containers for code whose outcome was entirely
+dependent on the contents of the hook alone. If any type of contextual
+information had to be passed to the hook, it had to be done by setting
+some variable before the hook so that the code in the hook could use
+that. But this is somewhat hard to keep track of, clumsy to implement,
+and it required the programmer to have some kind of \enquote{hook before
+the hook} to do that setup.
+To make things a bit easier, \pkg{lthooks} was enhanced to support hooks
+with arguments. Hooks can now be declared and used with arguments, then
+the code added to these hooks can reference the hook's arguments using
+\verb|#1|, \verb|#2|, etc., so now hooks can behave more like macros
+than like \emph{token lists} (using \pkg{expl3} terminology). Regular
+argument-less hooks continue to work exactly like they did before: this
+extension is completely compatible with older documents and packages.
+To declare a hook with arguments, use
+\NewHookWithArguments {<hook>} {<num-args>}
+then, similarly, to use the code in the hook, supposing a hook declared
+with 2 arguments, write
+\UseHookWithArguments {<hook>} {2} {<arg1>} {<arg2>}
+Or, if you want to add some code to a hook that takes arguments, write
+\AddToHookWithArguments {<hook>} [<label>] {<code>}
+exactly like you would for regular hooks, except that the \meta{code}
+can use the arguments by referencing \verb|#1|, \verb|#2|, etc. In this
+case, if you want to add an actual parameter token (\verb|#|) to the
+\meta{code}, you have to double it, as usual.
+Additionally, if you want to add \enquote{regular} code to a hook with
+arguments, you can still use \cs{AddToHook} --- in that case \verb|#|
+tokens are \emph{not} doubled. This means that a package author can
+decide to add arguments to an existing hook without worrying about
+compatibility: \cs{AddToHook} will do the right thing and will not
+mistakenly reference the newly added arguments.
+The commands \cs{NewReversedHookWithArguments}, \cs
+{NewMirroredHookPairWithArguments}, \cs
+{AddToHookNextWithArguments}, \cs{UseOneTimeHookWithArguments}, and
+the \pkg{expl3} counterparts of the commands discussed in this section
+were also added. The complete documentation can be found in the
+\pkg{lthooks} documentation \cite{37:lthooks-doc}.
+\subsubsection{Generic \texttt{cmd} hooks with arguments}
+Along with the possibility of passing arguments to a regular hook as
+discussed above, generic \hook{cmd} hooks can now access the arguments
+of the command they are patched into, using the interface described in
+the previous section.
+For example, if you were to add some code to the \cs{title} command
+using hooks, you could access the actual title given in the argument.
+Thus, to write the title of the document in the terminal you
+could use:
+ \AddToHookWithArguments{cmd/title/before}
+ {\typeout{Document title: #1}}
+As with regular hooks, code added to a \hook{cmd} hook using
+\cs{AddToHook} will not be able to access the command's arguments. This
+means that, as with regular hooks, this change is completely backwards
+compatible, so previous usages of \hook{cmd} hooks will work exactly as
+they did before.
+\subsection{Providing copy and show functions for environments}
+To copy a command definition we introduced \cs{NewCommandCopy} in
+2022. This even allows you to copy commands that consist of several internal
+components, such as robust commands or those with a complex signature.
+To do the same with environments, e.g., to define the environment
+\env{myitemize} to be equivalent to \env{itemize}, you can now write
+ \NewEnvironmentCopy{myitemize}{itemize}
+There are also \cs{Renew...}\ and \cs{Declare...}, which may be useful
+depending on the circumstances.
+In addition, we offer a \cs{ShowEnvironment} command, which displays the
+\cs{begin} and \cs{end} code of the environment passed as an
+argument. E.g., \verb=\ShowEnvironment{center}= results in the
+following output:
+ >> \begin{center}=environment:
+ >> ->>\trivlist \centering \item \relax .
+ <<recently read>> }
+ l. ...\ShowEnvironment{center}
+ >> \end{center}:
+ >> ->>\endtrivlist .
+ <<recently read>> }
+ l. ...\ShowEnvironment{center}
+The 2020-10-01 \LaTeX{} release introduced the CamelCase tests
+\cs{IfClassAtLeastTF} and \cs{IfPackageAtLeastTF} for checking class
+and package dates. We have now added \cs{IfFileAtLeastTF} to allow the
+same to happen for generic files which contain a \cs{ProvidesFile}
+\subsection{\cs{DeclareLowercaseMapping}, \cs{DeclareTitlecaseMapping}
+ and \cs{DeclareUppercaseMapping}\texorpdfstring{\raggedright}{}}
+The move from a case-changing approach using \cs{lccode} and \cs{uccode} data
+to one where information is stored by a kernel-managed structure left a gap in
+the ability of the user to \emph{tune} the case changing outcomes. This has now
+been addressed by the addition of three commands
+ \item \cs{DeclareLowercaseMapping}
+ \item \cs{DeclareTitlecaseMapping}
+ \item \cs{DeclareUppercaseMapping}
+which can be used to customise the outcome for codepoints. This can be applied
+generally or to a specific locale (see also the next section). A small number
+of pre-defined customisations have been set up in the kernel where the outcomes
+for \pdfTeX{} should be different for those from Unicode engines. For
+ \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"01F0}{\v{J}}
+allows \v{J} to be produced in 8-bit engines: without this customisation,
+an error would occur as there is no pre-composed \v{J} in Unicode. More detail
+is given in \texttt{usrguide}.
+Improvements in the Unicode handling for case changing have highlighted that
+the kernel has not to-date been locale-aware. The packages \pkg{babel} and
+\pkg{polyglossia} provide comprehensive locale support, but did not have
+an agreed unified interface to pass that information back to other code.
+Following discussion with the maintainers of those two bundles, the kernel
+now defines \cs{BCPdata} as a stub (so it is always defined), and \pkg{babel}
+and \pkg{polyglossia} will redefine it to provide the locale data. An agreed
+set of keywords mean that \cs{BCPdata} can be queried in a structured way
+by both the kernel and any other \enquote{consumer} packages.
+\subsection{Improve \cs{samepage}}
+The \cs{samepage} declaration sets various parameters to
+\texttt{10000} to prevent undesired page breaks. The
+\cs{predisplaypenalty} parameter has already by default a value of
+\texttt{10000}, and to save space in the past it was therefore not
+explicitly set. However, there are a few classes that change the
+parameter and as result the user might experience a page break in
+front of a display formula within the scope of \cs{samepage} when
+using such classes. This has now been corrected and
+\cs{predisplaypenalty} is also explicitly set to \texttt{10000}.
+\subsection{Groups in \cs{MakeUppercase}}
+Prior to 2022, \cs{MakeUppercase} and \cs{MakeLowercase} used a brace
+group around their argument so providing a scope for any declarations
+within the argument. This grouping has been restored (also
+for \cs{MakeTitlecase}), although the underlying L3 text case commands do
+not use grouping.
+\subsection{Extension of the \cs{label} command}
+Previously, in standard \LaTeX{}, the \cs{label} command wrote a \cs{newlabel} declaration into
+the \texttt{.aux} file and stored two values in
+the second argument of this \cs{newlabel} command:
+\cs{@currentlabel}, which normally contains the state of the current
+counter and \cs{thepage} for the current page number.
+The packages \pkg{hyperref} and
+\pkg{nameref} then patched the \cs{label} command to store five values instead.
+In addition to the above they saved \cs{@currentlabelname}, which normally contains the
+current title text and can be retrieved with \cs{nameref}, and
+\cs{@currentHref}, which is the name of the destination needed to create an
+active link. The fifth argument was only used if external
+references were loaded with the \pkg{xr-hyper} package.
+Starting with this release, the number of values stored in \cs{newlabel} has been unified.
+\cs{label} now writes a
+\cs{newlabel} command that always contains five values in the second argument (each in a brace group):
+\cs{@currentlabel}, \cs{thepage}, \cs{@currentlabelname},
+\cs{@currentHref}, and \cs{@kernel@reserved@label@data} (which is reserved for the kernel).
+Additionally, a hook with the name \texttt{label} has been
+added. It takes one argument: the label string.
+Code added to the hook can refer to this argument with~\verb+#1+.
+The hook is executed directly before the \cs{label} command writes to the \texttt{.aux} file
+but \emph{after} the \cs{@bsphack} command has done its spacing magic, and it is located \emph{inside} a group; thus, its code only affects the write operation.
+\section{Code improvements}
+\subsection{Performance in checking file existence}
+The addition of hooks, etc., to file operations had a side effect of making
+multiple checks that the file existed. In larger documents using
+many files, these file system operations caused non-trivial performance
+impact. We now cache the existence of files, such that these repeated filesystem
+calls are avoided.
+\subsection{\pkg{doc}: Handle \texttt{\textbackslash\textvisiblespace} correctly in the index}
+Due to some problems in the code it wasn't possible to prevent
+\verb*=\ = from showing up in the index\Dash \verb=\DoNotIndex{\ }=, etc.\ had no effect. This has now been corrected.
+\subsection{\pkg{doc}: Support the \pkg{upquote} package}
+The default quote and backquote characters in typewriter fonts are
+typographical quotes, e.g., the input
+ \verb/`prog 'my input'`/
+ is rendered as \verb/`prog 'my input'`/ and not as
+\begingroup % code to mimic upquote.sty
+ {\let'\textquotesingle
+ \let`\textasciigrave
+ \ifx\encodingdefault\upquote@OTone
+ \ifx\ttdefault\upquote@cmtt
+ \def'{\char13 }%
+ \def`{\char18 }%
+ \fi\fi}
+\verb/`prog 'my input'`/ as preferred by many programmers.
+This can be adjusted, for example, with the \pkg{upquote} package,
+which results in the second output. However, for historical reasons
+\pkg{doc} had its own definition of \cs{verb} and \env{verbatim} and
+as a consequence the two packages did not cooperate. This has now
+been fixed and loading \pkg{upquote} together with \pkg{doc} has the
+desired effect.
+\subsection{Default definition for \cs{do}}
+The command \cs{do} with its nice public name is in reality an
+internal command inherited from plain \TeX{} for list
+processing. However, it only got a definition when
+\verb=\begin{document}= was executed, with a result that a user
+definition in the preamble was unconditionally overwritten at this
+point. To properly alert the user that this command is not freely
+available we now make a definition in the format, so that
+\cs{newcommand} and friends produce a proper error message instead of
+allowing a definition that doesn't last.
+\subsection{New key for \env{filecontents}}
+The \env{filecontents} environment warns on the terminal if a file
+gets overwritten even if that is intentional,
+e.g., when you write a temporary file over and over again. To make
+the warning less noisy in this case we added a new \texttt{nowarn} key
+that redirects the overwriting warning to the transcript file. We
+think that some record of the action is still required to help with
+debugging, thus it is not completely silenced. The warning that
+nothing gets written, because the file already exists (and the
+\texttt{force} key was not used), is not altered and still shows up on
+the terminal.
+\subsection{A further hook for shipping out pages}
+Since October 2020 the shipout process offers a number of hooks to
+adjust what is happening before, during, and after the
+\cs{shipout}. For example, with the \hook{shipout/before} hook, packages
+can reset code they have altered (e.g., \cs{catcode}s during
+verbatim-like processing) and with \hook{shipout/background} and
+\hook{shipout/foreground} material can be added to the pages.
+Details are given in \cite{37:ltshipout-doc}.
+However, still
+missing was a hook that allows a package writer to manipulate the
+completed page (with foreground and background attached) just before
+the actual shipout happens.
+For this we now provide the additional hook \hook{shipout}. One
+use case (sometimes needed in print production) is to mirror the
+whole page via \cs{reflectbox} including all the extra data that may
+have been added into the fore- or background.
+\subsection{Displaying release information in the \texttt{.log}}
+\LaTeX{} displays its release information at the very beginning of the
+\LaTeX{} run on the terminal, and also writes it to the transcript file
+if that is already opened at this point. While this is normally true,
+it is not the case if the \LaTeX{} run was started passing additional
+\TeX{} code on the command line, e.g.,
+pdflatex '\PassOptionsToClass{11pt}{article}
+ \input{myarticle}'
+In this case the release information is displayed when
+\cs{PassOptionsToClass} is processed but the transcript file is only
+opened when the output file name is known, i.e., after \cs{input} has
+been seen, and as a result the release information is only shown on
+the terminal.
+To account for this scenario, we now repeat the release information
+also at the very end of the transcript file where we can be sure that
+it is open and ready to receive material.
+\section{Bug fixes}
+\subsection{Incompatibility between \pkg{doc} and \pkg{unicode-math}}
+The \pkg{unicode-math} package alters the catcode of \verb=|= but does
+not adjust its value for use in \pkg{doc}, with the result that
+\enquote{or} modules, i.e., $\langle A | B \rangle$ are displayed in a
+strange way. This is now fixed with some firstaid code that will
+eventually be moved into \pkg{unicode-math}.
+\subsection{A fix for \cs{hspace}}
+The change to \cs{hspace}, done in 2020 to make it \pkg{calc}-aware,
+had the unfortunate side effect that starting a paragraph with
+\cs{hspace} would result in the execution of \cs{everypar} inside a
+group (i.e., any local changes would immediately be revoked, breaking,
+for example, \pkg{wrapfig} in that special situation).
+This got fixed with the 2022-11 PL1 hotfix, so was already corrected in
+the previous release, but is only now documented in the newsletter.
+\subsection{Ensure that \cs{cs} is defined in \cls{ltxdoc}}
+The class \cls{ltxdoc} defined the command \cs{cs} to typeset a
+command name with a backslash in front. This definition was moved to
+the \pkg{doc} package itself. This meant that it was suddenly missing
+when reverting to the old \pkg{doc} package implementation via the
+class option \texttt{doc2}. This has now been corrected.
+\subsection{Improve spacing at top of \env{minipages}}
+A list and several other document elements add some vertical space in
+front of them. However this should not happen at the beginning of a
+box (such as a \env{minipage}) and normally it doesn't, because
+\TeX{} automatically drops such space at the start of a vertical
+list. However, if there is some invisible material, such as a
+\cs{color} command, a \pkg{hyperref} anchor, a \cs{write} or
+other such items, then the list is no longer empty and \TeX{} no longer
+drops the vertical space.
+With the new paragraph handling introduced in 2021 it is now finally
+possible to detect and avoid this problem and apply appropriate
+counter measures so that from now on the spacing will always be
+\subsection{A fix for \cs{NewCommandCopy} and \cs{ShowCommand}}
+When copying and showing definitions of (non-expandable) document commands
+(a.k.a.\ commands defined by \cs{NewDocumentCommand} and friends) containing empty
+or only \texttt{m}-type arguments, these commands were wrongly recognized as
+expandable ones.
+This is fixed in the present \LaTeX{} release.
+\subsection{Corrections for switching math version}
+Some internal code improvements improve support for switching math version
+when nested within an outer math expression.
+This will improve \cs{boldsymbol} and \cs{bm} and similar commands.
+\subsection{Allow par as a filename}
+\verb|\input{par}| or \verb|\includegraphics{par}| could give spurious
+errors. This has been fixed by making an internal command \cs{long}.
+\subsection{Correct setting of \cs{endlinechar} in \texttt{+v} arguments}
+In the particular case of a document command with a \texttt{+v}-type
+argument used inside \cs{ExplSyntaxOn}\texttt{/Off}, newlines would be
+misinterpreted as spaces because the value of \cs{endlinechar} was
+set too late. This has been fixed, and now newlines are correctly
+translated to ``\verb|the character ^^M|''.
+\subsection{Correct handling of hooks with only `next' code}
+When \cs{AddToHookNext} was used on a not-yet-declared hook, that hook
+would be incorrectly identified as empty by \cs{ShowHook}. Also, if
+that hook was later declared, that `next' code would not be executed.
+This has been fixed by correctly initializing the hook structure when
+\cs{AddToHookNext} is used.
+\subsection{Ignoring space after \texttt{\$\$}}
+Space is normally ignored after a closing \texttt{\$\$},
+but internal \LaTeX{} font handling code could interfere if
+\cs{eqno} was used. \cs{eqno} and \cs{leqno} have been redefined
+to add \cs{ignorespaces} after the math group.
+\section{Documentation improvements}
+\subsection{Updates to the guides}
+When \LaTeXe{} was released, the team provided documentation for both document
+authors and package/class developers in the two files \texttt{usrguide} and
+\texttt{clsguide}. Over time, the team have augmented these documents as new
+methods have been added to the kernel. However, they retained their structure
+as assuming familiarity with \LaTeX{}~2.09. This meant that for new users,
+there was material which is no longer relevant, and less clarity than desirable
+regarding the approaches that are recommended today.
+The two files have now been (partially) re-written, with the versions available
+previously now frozen as \texttt{usrguide-historic} and \texttt{clsguide-historic}.
+More material has been carried forward in the class/package guide than in the
+user guide, but both are worth a re-read by experienced \LaTeX{} users.
+\subsection{Displaying the exact release dates for \LaTeX{}}
+In some situations it is necessary to find out the exact release dates
+for older versions of the \LaTeX{} format, for example, when you need
+to use different code in a package depending on the availability of a
+certain feature and you therefore want to use
+\cs{IfFormatAtLeastTF}\texttt\{\meta{date}\texttt\} or the
+rather horrible construction \verb/\@ifl@t@r\fmtversion{/\meta{date}\texttt\},
+if you
+want to cater for formats that are older than 2020.
+Or you know that your package is definitely not going to work with a
+format before a certain \meta{date}, in which case you could use
+\verb/\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[/\meta{date}\texttt] to ensure that
+users are alerted if their format is too old.
+The big problem is knowing the exact \meta{date} to put into such
+commands; in the past, that was not that easy to find. You could have
+looked in the file \file{changes.txt}, but that is hidden somewhere
+in your installation and if you try
+\verb/texdoc -l changes.txt/ you get more than thirty results and the %*
+right file is by no means the first.
+Yukai Chou (\textsf{@muzimuzhi}) kindly provided a patch for this, so that we now have
+the exact dates for each \LaTeX{} format listed in an easy to remember
+place: in \file{ltnews.pdf} and that file conveniently also contains all major
+features and changes to \LaTeX{} over the years\Dash one of which is
+most likely the reason you need the \meta{date} in the first
+The date is now given in parentheses in the newsletter title, thus this
+newsletter tells you that on
+ -\@julianmonthtonum\@month-\two@digits\@day}
+the command
+\cs{NewEnvironmentCopy}, a new \texttt{shipout} hook, etc.\ was made
+available. And looking into \file{ltnews.pdf} you can now easily find
+out that the \LaTeX3 programming layer was added on 2020-02-02
+(because the date was so nice) and not on the first of the month.
+\subsection{Fresh from the press:\ \enquote{The \LaTeX{} Companion, third~edition} is now in print}
+The third edition of \emph{The \LaTeX{} Companion} is now
+available. This is the result of five years of careful work and we hope
+that it will provide our readers with all the information they need to
+successfully navigate the \LaTeX{} ecosystem and efficiently produce
+beautiful documents.
+Since the publication of the last edition (2004), a lot has happened in
+the \LaTeX{} world and thus a complete rewrite was necessary. All
+chapters have been thoroughly revised, and in many cases significantly
+extended, to describe new important functionality and features. More
+than 5,000 add-on packages have been analyzed in detail, out of which
+roughly 10\% have been chosen for inclusion in \emph{The \LaTeX{}
+Companion}. All important aspects of these packages are described to
+provide the user once again with a satisfying one-stop–shop experience
+for the decade to come.
+To cover what we thought worth describing today, the book nearly
+doubled in size. The print edition is therefore produced as a
+two-volume set and sold as a bundle. Both volumes come as hardcover
+with ribbons to easily mark pages in the book.
+To give you an idea of what is covered in the third edition you can
+find some excerpts at
+The edition is also available as an eBook (Parts~I and~II combined)
+consisting of PDF and ePub format, without DRM\@. Finally, the publisher
+offers the combination of the printed books and the digital versions at
+a very attractive price not available anywhere else.
+%% bb -- add reference to TUGboat review here
+%\section{Changes to packages in the \pkg{amsmath} category}
+%\section{Changes to packages in the \pkg{graphics} category}
+\section{Changes to packages in the \pkg{tools} category}
+\subsection{\pkg{multicol}: Better support for CJK languages}
+The default minimum depth of each column in a \env{multicols}
+corresponds to the depth of a \enquote{p} in the current font. This
+helps to get some uniformity if rules are used between the columns and
+makes sense for Latin-based languages. Until now it was hard-wired,
+but for CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) languages it is better to use a zero depth, because there
+all characters have the same height and depth. And even with
+Latin-based languages one might want to use the depth of a \cs{strut}
+or that of a parenthesis. So we now offer a way to adjust this while
+maintaining backward compatibility: redefine
+\cs{multicolmindepthstring} to hold whatever you want to get measured
+for its depth (the width is not relevant).
+\subsection{\pkg{multicol}: Fix handling of nested environments}
+If \env{multicols} environments have been nested into each other (the
+inner one boxed) it could fail if the boxed environment appeared near a
+page break. The problem was that the output routine was called while
+the \cs{hsize} was still altered to fit the column width of the inner
+\env{multicols} --- thereby messing up the placement of columns of the
+page. This has now been fixed.
+\bibitem{37:ltshipout-doc} Frank Mittelbach, \LaTeX{}~Project~Team:
+ \emph{The~\texttt{\upshape ltshipout} documentation}.\\
+ Run \texttt{texdoc} \texttt{ltshipout-doc} to view.
+\bibitem{37:lthooks-doc} Frank Mittelbach, Phelype Oleinik, \LaTeX{}~Project~Team:
+ \emph{\LaTeX's hook management}.\\
+ Run \texttt{texdoc} \texttt{lthooks-doc} to view.
+%\bibitem{37:blueprint} Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley:
+% \emph{\LaTeX{} Tagged PDF \Dash A blueprint for a large project}.\\
+% \url{}
+% \emph{\LaTeX{} documentation on the \LaTeX{} Project Website}.\\
+% \url{}
+%Leslie Lamport.
+%\newblock {\LaTeX}: {A} Document Preparation System: User's Guide and Reference
+% Manual.
+%\newblock \mbox{Addison}-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 2nd edition, 1994.
+%\newblock ISBN 0-201-52983-1.
+%\newblock Reprinted with corrections in 1996.
+%\bibitem{37:ltnews32} \LaTeX{} Project Team:
+% \emph{\LaTeXe{} news 32}.\\
+% \url{}
+%\bibitem{37:ltnews34} \LaTeX{} Project Team:
+% \emph{\LaTeXe{} news 34}.\\
+% \url{}
+%\bibitem{37:ltnews35} \LaTeX{} Project Team:
+% \emph{\LaTeXe{} news 35}.\\
+% \url{}
+%\bibitem{37:fntguide} \LaTeX{} Project Team:
+% \emph{\LaTeXe{} font selection}.\\
+% \url{}
+%\bibitem{37:ltfilehook-doc} Frank Mittelbach, Phelype Oleinik, \LaTeX{}~Project~Team:
+% \emph{The \texttt{\upshape ltfilehook} documentation}.\\
+% Run \texttt{texdoc} \texttt{ltfilehook-doc} to view.