path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/asaetr
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+% asaetr.tex v1.0 01 Jan 92
+\title{\LaTeX\ and
+ B\kern-.05em{\large I}\kern-.025em{\large B}\kern-.08em\TeX\
+ for ASAE Papers\thanks{Written for presentation as the 1992
+ International WinterMeeting of ASAE.}
+ }
+\author{J.~D.~McCauley\thanks{USDA Fellow, Department of Agricultural
+ Engineering, Purdue University. Formerly,
+ Graduate Assistant--Research, Department of Agricultural
+ Engineering, Texas A\&M University. ({\tt}).}
+ \student
+ %\and
+ %A.~D.~Whittaker \member
+ }
+ % the format is: name \membership_grade, where membership_grade
+ % is one of ( \member, \associate, \student, \affiliate, \fellow)
+A \LaTeX\ style for the American Society for Agricultural Engineers
+(ASAE) is discussed. This is not official and not (yet) an accepted
+way to submit articles to ASAE. {\em This is NOT an ASAE Transcations
+article.} \keywords{\LaTeX,\ \BibTeX,\ typesetting, ASAE Transactions.}
+\drop{T}his document, when compared to source code,
+instructs someone on the use of {\tt asaetr.sty}, a \LaTeX\ style file
+for writing documents that look like {\it ASAE Transactions} articles.
+Examples of section headers, itemized lists, tables, and figures are
+given. Hopefully, a document written using the default {\tt article}
+style in \LaTeX\ could be transformed to look like a {\em
+Transactions} article by only a few changes.
+The American Society of Agricultural Engineers editorial staff
+encourages authors to submit electronic manuscripts in the following
+formats: MacWrite, MS--Word, MS--Works (preferably Version 2.0),
+WordPerfect (Version 5.0 or later), and WriteNow \cite{asaeins} (ASAE,
+1991). Though \LaTeX\ is not an accepted format to submit articles to
+ASAE, it does have utility when predicting page length and appearance
+of an article that you submit. Predicting page length is especially
+important when submitting ``Technical Notes'' (which cannot exceed two
+pages) and when trying to avoid unnecessary page charges.
+It should be emphasized that this document was written as an example
+of use of the style files; it's value is greatly enhanced if you
+compare it with source code (see a later section for instructions) and
+a copy of {\em ASAE Transactions}.
+The objective of this work was to develop \LaTeX\ and \BibTeX\
+style files for ASAE members.
+\subsubsection{Finer Objectives}
+Well, that sounds pretty noble, but I also wanted to
+\item Make it easier on myself (because I'm a programmer, and programmers
+are lazy),
+\item Encourage a friend to switch to \TeX\, and
+\item Show you the use of a \verb#\subsubsection# heading and the
+{\tt enumerate} environment.
+\paragraph{Test Heading}
+This is a test of level four headings.
+\section{Getting Started}
+If you're unfamilar with \LaTeX, I would suggest picking up a copy of
+the manual (Lamport, 1986) \cite[note]{ll:86} and putting this paper
+aside for a while. If you're already familiar, read on.
+\subsection{The Preamble}
+The preamble is where tell \LaTeX\ that you are going to use {\tt
+asaetr.sty}. It's also where you list the authors and ASAE membership
+grades. Here's an example:
+\small \begin{verbatim}
+\title{Boring Title}
+\author{U.\ B.\ Boring \fellow \and
+ I.\ M.\ Young \student \and
+ R.\ U.\ Happy \nonmember }
+\end{verbatim} \normalsize
+I have used up to four authors and still got it fit on one line. Five
+authors may fit, depending on the lengths of the names. If they don't
+all fit, two rows of authors will be formed. Membership grades can be
+any of
+\small \begin{verbatim}
+ \member, \associate, \student,
+ \affiliate, or \fellow.
+\end{verbatim} \normalsize
+You can also use \verb#\nonmember#, but it has the same effect
+as leaving the membership grade off. The \verb#\maketitle# command
+simply tells \LaTeX\ to use this author and title information to
+compose the title of the paper.
+\subsection{The Abstract}
+After the preamble comes the abstract. Here's an example:
+This is going to be short. See, I told you.
+\keywords{brevity, terseness, words.}
+This should be straightforward enough.
+\subsection{The Body}
+The commands that you should be most familiar with to typeset the
+body of your paper are the sectioning commands. They are
+\item[section:] Same level as the Introduction.
+\item[subsection:] Secondary headings, such as
+\item[subsubsection:] Third level headings.
+\item[paragraph:] Avoid fourth level headings.
+The usage of these commands can be best described by an example:
+\subsection{The Body}
+This is the sectioning command for the section you are now reading.
+You may want to avoid fourth level headings because it requires an
+additional font for your \TeX\ installation: {\tt cmcscsl10}. This is
+a slanted, small caps font. If you have \MF\ working on your system,
+this is not a problem. Source code for this font is available with
+the style files. Ask you local \TeX\ guru for help, should you need
+\subsection{Figures and Tables}
+If you have a \PS\ printer available, it's highly recommended that you
+use the \verb# \psfig# macros written by Trevor Darrell to include
+high quality figures. Another useful utility for including figures is
+{\tt fig} (or {\tt xfig} if you use X Windows). Figure 1 was created
+in about 30 seconds using {\tt xfig}. You can get {\tt fig} from {\tt} by anonymous ftp. Remember that in {\em
+Transactions of the ASAE}, captions for figures go {\em below} the
+\renewcommand{\footnoterule}{} % no line
+\caption{Comparison of Publishing Tools}
+\renewcommand{\footnoterule}{} % no line
+\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrr} \thickhline
+Tool & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Learning Curve\footnote{1.0 being easiest.}
+ }& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Support\footnote{10.0 being the best.}}\\
+& \multicolumn{3}{c}{($units$)} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{($units$)}\\ \thinhline
+FrameMaker && 5.0 && 6.0 \\
+Troff && 10.0 && 1.0 \\
+\TeX \footnote{\TeX\ is the winner!} && 7.0 && 10.0 \\ \thickhline
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{0.1mm} %{0.00625in}%{0.0125in}%
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{picture}(181,181)(0,0)
+ \thinlines \multiput(80,80)(-20,-20){4}{\framebox(80,80){}}
+ \thicklines \put(0,0){\framebox(180,180){}}
+ \put(60,60){\line( 1, 1){ 60}}
+ \end{picture}
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Primitive figure.}
+If you plan to include tables, and if you want to have footnotes
+within these tables, use the {\tt minipage} environment. Contact
+your local \LaTeX\ guru or see your {\em local guide} for more
+information about how to code tables. The source code for this paper
+also provides good information. You'll notice in {\em Transactions of
+the ASAE} or in {\em Applied Engineering in Agriculture} they use
+thicker lines for the top and bottom rules in tables. Instead of
+having to change line thickness yourself (as you do in using document
+style ``article'' and others), you can use two macros that come with
+this style: \verb#\thickhline# and \verb#\thinhline#. See the example
+table in this document (Table 1). Don't forget to put the caption
+{\em above} the table instead of below it.
+\subsection{The References}
+\BibTeX\ automatically generates the ``References'' section of your
+paper from an external database. Style files govern to appearance of
+your ``References'' section. In principle, you could change a paper,
+which met the requirements of one professional society, to that of
+another by simply changing the style file that you use. The style
+file {\tt asaetr.bst} (for ASAE) is currently being developed. Other
+style files exist for IEEE, ACM, APA, etc.
+To use \BibTeX, you normally process your file with \LaTeX, then with
+\BibTeX, then twice more with \LaTeX. The \BibTeX\ style file, which
+is unfinished, comes close to the citation style used by ASAE. You may
+have to edit some entries by hand. To do this, edit the {\tt *.bbl}
+file after you have processed the file with \BibTeX. See Appendix B
+in \cite{ll:86} (Lamport, 1986) for more information about \BibTeX.
+When you submit to ASAE, they want a double--spaced, single--column
+document with figures and tables on separate pages. If you've written
+you document using
+\noindent simply change that first line to read\par
+\noindent This makes all the changes necessary.
+\section{Where to Find}
+This collection of files discussed in this paper include:
+\item[asaetr.sty:] \LaTeX\ style
+\item[asaesubmit.sty:] for paper submissions to ASAE
+\item[asaetr.bst:] \BibTeX\ style
+\item[asaetr.tex:] example usage of and documentation for above (source for
+ this document)
+\item[asaetr.bib:] part of the above example
+\item[] \MF\ source for level four heading font
+A copy of this collection of style files can be obtained via
+anonymous ftp:
+\small \begin{verbatim}
+% ftp
+Connected to
+Name ( anonymous
+331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
+230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
+ftp> cd pub/tex/latex-style
+250 CWD command successful.
+ftp> mget asae*
+ftp> quit
+To retrieve this collection via electronic mail, send a MAIL message to
+\centerline{\tt FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET}
+\noindent with the command:
+\centerline{\tt SENDME ASAETR}
+This file should serve as an excellent example of the use of the style
+files. If you still can't figure things out, hunt up your local guru
+and ask him/her to explain \LaTeX\ and \BibTeX\ style files.