path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/apa
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+apa.cls is a LaTeX2e class file that makes your document conform to
+the APA Publication Manual (Fifth Edition, 2001) specifications for
+manuscripts or to the APA journal look found in journals like the
+Journal of Experimental Psychology etc. In addition, it provides a
+regular LaTeX-like output with a few enhancements and APA-motivated
+This is a document *class* which uses (and modifies) some packages to
+achieve strictly defined formatting results and also uses the apacite
+package (sty & bst) for citations and references. If you only want
+APA-like citation for other kinds of documents (e.g., a thesis) use
+apacite.sty with an appropriate class.
+In order to use this document class you need some packages that may
+not be present in your LaTeX distribution. Please read apacls.txt
+carefully to understand what you need to install and what is possible
+with apa.cls, then read examples.txt carefully to understand how to
+use apa.cls (macros and instructions).
+Athanassios Protopapas
+August 2002
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+This is file apacls.txt, which contains instructions for using the
+APA LaTeX2e class file apa.cls
+ Athanassios Protopapas ******* Version 1.3.0 August 2002
+ apa.cls is a LaTeX2e class file that makes your document conform to
+ the APA Publication Manual (Fifth Edition, 2002) specifications for
+ manuscripts or to the APA journal look found in journals like the
+ Journal of Experimental Psychology etc. In addition, it provides a
+ regular LaTeX-like output with a few enhancements and APA-motivated
+ changes. The headings and enumeration/seriation code is taken from
+ theapa.sty by Young U. Ryu.
+ a) Manuscript mode (man)
+ apa.cls typesets a title page, abstract page, text body, then
+ references, author notes, footnotes, tables, figure captions, and
+ figures. All text is double spaced. The title page contains
+ (centered) the title, author name, affiliation, short title, and the
+ running head (automatically capitalized). A note is inserted in
+ place of each table and figure in the text.
+ The title is printed as a heading at the beginning of the text (don't
+ include an extra \section, because the introduction is not supposed
+ to be titled in printed articles). \leftheader is ignored in
+ manuscript mode. The contents of \note are printed under the author
+ names and affiliations, typically the date of submission. The "Author
+ Notes" page contains the contents of \acknowledgements. A footnote
+ page is only produced if there is at least one footnote in the text.
+ b) Journal mode (jou)
+ apa.cls typesets the text in double-sided, double column format, with
+ an appropriately centered title, author names, affiliations, note,
+ and abstract. The contents of acknowledgements are printed as
+ footnotes in a box at the lower left corner of the first page.
+ Journal-like headers can also be produced on the first page.
+ Dimensions and overall "look" are modeled after JEP:HPP. The purpose
+ of this mode is to produce readable and reasonably condensed output
+ for double-sided xeroxing and distribution.
+ c) Document mode (doc)
+ apa.cls typesets the text in single-sided, single-column format, with
+ an appropriately centered title, author names, affiliations, note,
+ and abstract on the first page. The contents of acknowledgements are
+ printed at the bottom of the first page. Section headings and
+ enumeration follow the APA guidelines and floats (figures and tables)
+ are inserted in the text where they are defined, as in regular LaTeX
+ articles.
+ The purpose of this format is to provide hardcopies during the
+ development of articles that are later going to be submitted (using
+ the manuscript format) and distrubuted (using the journal
+ format). The advantage over using a regular article class is that all
+ the extra definitions are supported and no changes need thus be made
+ to the text other than the format parameter.
+Known bugs and restrictions:
+ - Up to four affiliations (for article author(s)) are supported.
+ - There seems to be an incompatibility between apacite and babel.
+ Since apacite is necessary, you may not be able to use babel.
+ - No provision for A4 paper. See examples for a workaround.
+Other necessary files:
+ For all modes you need apacite.sty and apacite.bst.
+ For manuscript mode, you need endnotes.sty and endfloat.sty
+ For journal mode, you need, optionally, pslatex.sty (or times.sty and
+ mathptm.sty), ftnright.sty, fancyhdr.sty (for first page headers),
+ and flushend.sty
+To use this class, include one of the following
+ \documentclass[jou]{apa} for the two-column output (Times-Roman default)
+ \documentclass[man}{apa} for the manuscript (double-spaced) output
+ \documentclass[doc]{apa} for regular document (in computer modern)
+ at the beginning of your file (instead of {article}), then define the
+ title, author, etc. (see below), and start with
+ \maketitle
+ right after \begin{document}, immediately followed by the first
+ paragraph of you text (no blank line). Do not use a
+ \bibliographystyle command, because apacite is selected automatically
+ (for backwards compatibility, any existing \bibliographystyle command
+ is ignored and a warning is issued).
+ The journal format uses Times Roman by default (it does look like
+ published after all); if you don't have pslatex.sty or times.sty, or
+ if you just prefer computer modern, add notimes after the jou option
+ in the class line: \documentclass[jou,notimes]{apa} (notimes has no
+ effect in modes other than jou and may be left in when switching)
+ Manuscript format uses Computer Modern by default but can use
+ Helvetica or typewriter look by using the options helv or tt,
+ respectively. I find the result with either of these much more
+ "manuscript"-like but that's a matter of taste. These options have
+ no effect in modes other than man and may be left in when switching.
+The following commands are defined and should/may be used:
+ 1. Required for document compilation
+ \title{Title}
+ \author{Author Name(s)}
+ or \twoauthors{First Author(s)}{Second Author(s)}
+ or \threeauthors{John and Jim}{Mary and Sue}{Nick}
+ or \fourauthors{Helen}{Dick}{Tracy and Larry}{James Bond}
+ \affiliation{Department\\ University}
+ or \twoaffiliations{Affiliation of 1st Author(s)}{Affil. of 2nd Author(s)}
+ or \threeaffiliations{U of A}{U of B}{U of C}
+ or \fouraffiliations{My Company}{Your Department}{Heaven}{Earth}
+ \maketitle % right after \begin{document}
+ 2. Strongly recommended (required by APA)
+ \abstract{Abstract}
+ \acknowledgements{Author notes etc.}
+ \rightheader{Running head} % defaults to title
+ \shorttitle{Short title} % defaults to title
+ \leftheader{Authors} % defaults to author
+ 3. Optional, possibly helpful
+ \note{Draft/submission date, etc.} % To add notes on first page
+ \thickline % Use in tables for the top line
+ \centeredcaption{width}{caption-text} % Used with double-column figures
+ % to create centered captions
+ % narrower than \textwidth
+ \fitfigure[optional-height]{eps-filename} % Automatically fit a postscript
+ % figure; load graphicx and use
+ % instead of \includegraphics
+ \fitbitmap[optional-height]{eps-filename} % Same as \fitfigure but won't scale
+ % figure in man mode for best
+ % reproduction of bitmap figures
+ \ifapamode{man-code}{jou-code}{doc-code} % Do different things depending on
+ \ifapamodeman{man-mode-code}{doc-or-jou-code} % mode---you shouldn't have to use
+ \ifapamodejou{jou-mode-code}{doc-or-man-code} % any of these but they're here if
+ \ifapamodedoc{doc-mode-code}{man-or-jou-code} % you want them. Parameters can
+ % be left empty to do nothing
+ \journal{Journal name or other note} % Top left header on page one in
+ % jou/doc mode, ignored in man mode
+ \volume{Volume, number, pages} % Top left, under content of \journal
+ \ccoppy{Copyright notice etc.} % Top right header in jou/doc p. 1
+ \copnum{Your hovercraft is full of eels} % Top right, under content of \ccoppy
+ \tabfnm{a} % Put a note mark inside a table cell
+ \tabfnt{a}{Note text} % Put the mark and text for a table note
+ \apavector{A} % Format a symbol as vector by APA rules
+ \appendix % Standard LaTeX usage, starts off
+ % appendix section(s)
+The following options are available:
+ These options must be combined with one of jou, man, doc.
+ notimes : Effective in jou mode, cancels loading pslatex (or times) and
+ uses computer modern fonts.
+ nosf : Effective in man mode, neutralizes the \helvetica command.
+ fignum : Effective in man mode, adds figure numbering to the figure pages.
+ Makes it easier to refer to figures and I recommend it for the
+ reviewers' copies, but for the original figures you need to have
+ them printed without this and write the number with pencil on the back.
+ notab : Effective in jou mode, cancels the automatic stretching of tabular
+ environments to the width of their enclosing float.
+ nobf : Effective in man mode, turns off boldface in section headers
+ helv : Effective in man mode, uses Helvetica as the base typeface
+ tt : Effective in man mode, uses a typewriter base typeface
+ longtable: Only usable in man mode, loads longtable.sty if you *really* must
+ use long tables in your manuscript. See special note below
+ floatmark: Effective in man mode, inserts placeholders for floats in text
+ ("Insert Figure X about here" -- no longer required by APA)
+Notes on usage:
+ If there is more than one author but all in the same department, use
+ the \author command with all names and the \affiliation command. If
+ there are people from two different departments, use the \twoauthors
+ and \twoaffiliations commands to group them appropriately. For three
+ affiliations use \threeauthors and \threeaffiliations, and guess what
+ for four.
+ Default sectioning maps \section, \subsection, and \subsubsection to
+ the three-level heading definitions of the APA manual. If you need
+ more/fewer heading levels, you can use the command
+ \headinglevels{four} (or any number between one and five---spelled
+ out---instead of four) and then use \paragraph and \subparagraph for
+ the lower-level sectioning. Don't bother to \label your sections
+ because they can't be \ref'd since they are not numbered in APA style.
+ When a figure is too wide for a single column, use a double-column
+ figure (\begin and \end {figure*} instead of {figure}). When using
+ double column figures, it looks better if you use \centeredcaption
+ instead of caption, with the first parameter about equal to the width
+ of the float (table or figure). This makes no difference in
+ manuscript mode.
+ It is still *your* responsibility to format the tables in accordance
+ with the APA guidelines (e.g., no vertical lines, and so on) and
+ precede the actual table body with its caption (i.e., use \caption
+ *before* \begin{tabular} in tables, or the results won't be
+ conforming to the APA requirements for tables). Because a paragraph
+ break is inserted in manuscript mode (along with the "insert
+ table/figure" note), don't define tables in the middle of a
+ paragraph.
+ Remember to use \label for floats *after* the caption (and not inside it!)
+ For instructions on using the various citation forms get apacite.tex,
+ testAPA.tex, and readme.apa from the CTAN mirror near you. For
+ instruction on using APA enumeration and seriation read apaenum.txt
+ in this distribution.
+ If you need to use additional options for article.cls, use them with
+ the apa.cls options and they will be automatically passed along to
+ article.cls
+ Notes in tables: There is a semi-automatic way to include notes in
+ tables such as, for example, to indicate levels of significance. The
+ command \tabfnm{X} inside a table cell (tabular environment) produces
+ the note mark. Use \tabfnt{X}{Note text} immediately before or after
+ \end{tabular} inside the table environment to produce the note text.
+ See example file.
+ Appendices: Use the command \appendix only once, at the point where
+ your (first) appendix starts. Then use \section{Appendix Title} to
+ start each appendix section (even if there is only one). You may use
+ cross-references to appendixes, because they are numbered, if there
+ are more than one. The command \label{app:xxx} after the appendix
+ \section sets the label. Refer to it with "Appendix~\ref{app:xxx}"
+ anywhere in the article.
+ If you use vectors, the command \apavector{X} will make your life easier.
+ Long tables: By popular demand, longtable now (sort of) works with
+ apa.cls. You must *not* load the longtable package yourself;
+ instead, pass the longtable option to apa.cls (due to precedence
+ requirements for proper endfloat function and cross-definitions).
+ Since longtable only works in single-column documents it can only be
+ used with man mode. Unfortunately the ifapamode commands won't work
+ to keep a single table body and apply a mode-specific (table or
+ longtable) environment because of illegal cross-nesting with
+ environment begin/end. In fact the table environment won't even work
+ inside in ifapamode argument, which makes it impossible to have a
+ single file that can be processed for both man and jou. This defeats
+ the purpose of apa.cls, so only resort to longtable if you absolutely
+ have to. You will need the supplied endfloat.cfg to use it.
+ Send me comments or bug reports (preferably with fixes) at:
+Example of usage:
+ See file examples.txt...
+ PLEASE, read file examples.txt, it will probably solve your problems.
+Thanassi Protopapas
+August 30, 2002
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/apa/apaenum.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/apa/apaenum.txt
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+This file contains instructions on using APA seriation and enumeration.
+%$$$ theapa.sty $$$ --- Version 2.5 .1(May 1992)
+% by Young U. Ryu (
+% [6] APA Seriations
+% A. seriate environment:
+% For example, the following:
+% Blah blah blah
+% \begin{seriate}
+% \item first item,
+% \item second item.
+% \end{seriate}
+% Blah blah blah
+% results in:
+% Blah blah blah (a) first item, (b) second item. Blah blah blah
+% B. APAenumerate environment
+% For example, the following:
+% Blah blah blah
+% \begin{APAenumerate}
+% \item first item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \item second item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \end{APAenumerate}
+% Blah blah blah
+% results in:
+% Blah blah blah
+% 1. first item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% 2. second item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% Blah blah blah
+% C. APAitemize environment
+% For example, the following:
+% Blah blah blah
+% \begin{APAitemize}
+% \item first item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \item second item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \end{APAitemize}
+% Blah blah blah
+% results in:
+% Blah blah blah
+% o first item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% o second item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% Blah blah blah
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/apa/examples.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/apa/examples.txt
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+% Athanassios Protopapas, August 2002
+% Examples for using apa.cls v1.3.0
+% This file contains examples of using the commands defined in apa.cls
+% It is not recommended that you use this as a sample document because
+% of its very short length, which makes for very awkward formatting.
+% In fact this file will not compile because of the commands that
+% are embedded in the text (unescaped backslashes all over the place)
+% Just use the examples of the commands you need.
+% The class command goes at the top
+% Change jou to man/doc for the other modes:
+% Here's what I use:
+% If you have postscript graphics to include, load the graphicx package
+% Define the various headings, names, and other required stuff
+\title{Sample Title}
+\twoauthors{Myself Author}{Second Author and Some Friend}
+\twoaffiliations{My Department\\ Address ZIP}{The other place\\ Elsewhere}
+\abstract{Text of the abstract}
+\acknowledgements{Thanks to people and grants, and your new address maybe.}
+\shorttitle{Short Title as per APA manual}
+\rightheader{Odd-Numbered Page Header}
+\leftheader{Even-Numbered Page Header}
+% Optionally, for keeping track of stuff:
+%\note{Draft of \today}
+% John Vokey uses something like this
+ Dr.\ Your Whole Name\\
+ Department of Psychology\\
+ At Some University\\
+ Some City, Some Province or State\\
+ Country Postal Code\\
+ e-mail:\\
+ fax: (area)exchange-number
+ \end{flushleft}}}
+{% else, i.e., in jou and doc mode
+\note{Draft of \today}}
+% If you use A4 paper and care to make a point of it in man mode,
+% use this, courtesy of John Vokey:
+% \setlength{\textheight}{9.19291in}}{}
+% Optional journal-like looking headers
+\journal{Journal of nothing}\volume{First and Last Volume}
+\ccoppy{Copyright 2002 by Myself}\copnum{Some serial number}
+% End of definitions, begin document with title and then main text
+\maketitle %% First thing after \begin{document}
+Here goes the text of the article. %% Start immediately after \maketitle
+ %% no blank line between title & text
+You can have some text appear differently in each mode, or only appear
+in some mode(s). You can also modify the appearance of tables,
+figures, or equations between modes of compilation. Here's an
+unexciting example:
+\ifapamodeman{This is printed in man mode only}{This is not man mode}.
+You can also use the three-way switch: the current mode is
+Sectioning commands are used as in regular \LaTeX. It is very
+important that you use these sectioning commands. Here's a typical
+example for an experimental psychology paper, following the (untitled)
+introductory section:
+\section{Experiment 1}
+Introduction to this experiment. When referring to it, type
+Experiment~1 (with capital E and a tie to the number so they won't
+separate). However, when mentioning the first experiment the ``e'' is
+You may need some general remarks on method here. Then use the standard parts.
+Description of subjects.
+Sometimes it is necessary to give the apparatus a special section.
+What the subjects saw, heard, or felt.
+What happened to the poor subjects.
+Now the numbers: What your measurements showed and all the statistics of it.
+If your results mean anything, this is the place to talk about it. In case
+there is little to discuss before the final section (e.g., \section{General
+Discussion} at the end) you may combine results and discussion in a single
+\subsection{Results and Discussion} before you go on to the next
+\section{Experiment 2}
+and so on.
+In case you have more than these three levels of headings
+(sectioning), you can use the command \headinglevels (e.g.,
+\headinglevels{four} for four levels). See the APA manual for how to
+handle more or fewer heading levels (the appearance is, naturally,
+taken care of by apa.cls and you only need concern yourself with the
+conceptual divisions). In case of more than three levels you'll need
+the \paragraph (for the fourth level) and \subparagraph (for the fifth
+level) sectioning commands of \LaTeX.
+\section{Floating things}
+A figure can be included in any way you like, but this class provides
+a way to deal automatically with fitting encapsulated postscript (EPS)
+files without worrying about dimensions or mode. Start your figure or
+figure* environment as usual (see the LaTeX book) and then instead of
+\epsfig or \includegraphics use the new command \fitfigure:
+An example of a figure that loads a postscript file. You can use the
+t and b options for selectively putting a figure at the top or bottom
+of a page. Always include p after t or b so that you won't risk
+running out of space if a figure is too big. The h option for
+inserted figures is not recommended because it's not used in APA
+journals. Don't forget \usepackage{graphicx} in your preamble!
+--- not epsfig, not graphics.
+\fitfigure{fig1} %% You could use {fig1.eps} here but see note below
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure.}
+There is absolutely no reason to complicate your figures any further
+than this simple example. Just insert your nice and descriptive
+caption text and the filename. If you omit the .eps extension for the
+filename (as in the example), then if you happen to use pdflatex it
+will automatically load the corresponding .pdf graphic file (assuming
+you have made one with eps2pdf), while "regular" dvips will load the
+.eps file.
+At any point in the text, before or after the figure, you can
+automatically refer to it with the \ref command, for example we can
+refer to the above figure as Figure~\ref{fig:fig1}, where the tilde
+keeps the word ``Figure'' (which is capitalized according to APA
+instructions) together with the reference number. Use names that are
+easy to remember instead of ``fig1'' !
+Always put the \label command after (and outside) \caption, otherwise
+you'll run into trouble with the man mode not finding any labels to
+refer to.
+In case of a bitmap eps (as opposed to a graph or line drawing), you
+probably don't want it scaled in man mode, for best reproduction, so
+use \fitbitmap instead:
+\fitbitmap{bm1.eps} %% .eps not necessary -- see note above
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure.}
+What about a table? Well, mostly no change from what you are used
+to, except that you can use \thickline for the top separator
+to match the APA-journal look. Here's an example:
+\caption{Some numbers that could be experimental data.}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Factor 2} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Factor 1 & Condition~A & Condition~B \\ \hline
+First & 586 (231) & 649 (255) \\
+ & 2.2 & 7.5\tabfnm{a}\\
+Second & 590 (195) & 623 (231) \\
+ & 2.8 & 2.5\tabfnm{b}\\ \hline
+\tabfnt{a}{Notes to table material are easy.}
+\tabfnt{b}{Use as many as you like, just remember to number them.}
+In case your data won't fit in a single column (in jou mode) use a
+wide table (environment table* instead of table). Here's an example:
+\caption{Some more numbers that could be experimental data and are
+the same as the previous ones, only more of them.}
+ & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Factor 2} \\ \cline{2-6}
+Factor 1 & Condition~A & Condition~B & Condition~C & Condition~D & Condition~E \\ \hline
+First & 586 (231) & 649 (255) & 586 (231) & 649 (255) & 586 (231) \\
+ & 2.2 & 7.5 & 2.2 & 7.5 & 2.2 \\
+Second & 590 (195) & 623 (231) & 590 (195) & 623 (231) & 590 (195) \\
+ & 2.8 & 2.5 & 2.8 & 2.5 & 2.8 \\ \hline
+You can get as fancy as you want with tables, just remember not to use
+any vertical lines, and to group columns with \cline when they are
+described by a common header (using \multicolumn). There's rarely a
+need to get more complicated than these examples. Avoid nesting
+tabular environments, it's a mess and you'll have to use the notab
+option to make it work (so that internal tabulars don't stretch to the
+line width). Be creative with \multicolumn instead.
+Use figure* instead of figure for figures that are too wide to
+fit comfortably in a single column.
+\section{Section Header}
+More text can go here.\footnote{And this is a footnote, used in just
+the regular LaTeX way}
+Suppose this is the end of our document, and there are appendices.
+Remember, appendices come *after* the bibliography. But there's no
+text between the bibliography and the appendix part. Don't use
+a \bibliographystyle because apa.cls automatically loads apacite.
+% Now the appendices. First we have to signal the pass into the
+% appendix part. Then you'll have to give each appendix a title
+% thinking of it as a section.
+\appendix %% Just like that, in LaTeX spirit. No parameters or titles.
+\section{Title of first Appendix}
+This is the text of the first appendix. You can present your
+mathematical derivations, raw materials, or whatever. You are free to
+use figures and tables in the usual way. apa.cls will number them
+correctly and include them in the table and figure lists where they
+belong. Isn't apa.cls wonderful?
+\section{List of stimuli}
+Just to show that another appendix is really just another section.
+Also, it's a good opportunity to show how longtable should be used.
+Remember, you must include the longtable option with the apa class if
+you need to use longtable. Also, remember, it only works in man mode.
+\caption{One sample caption for the sample long table.}
+\\ \thickline
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Type} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Condition & Cond-A & Cond-B \\ \hline
+\\ \thickline
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Type} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Condition & Cond-A & Cond-B \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline