path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/amslatex/instr-l.tex
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+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% @LaTeX-file{
+%%% filename = "instr-l.tex",
+%%% version = "2.20",
+%%% date = "2004/08/06",
+%%% time = "16:17:21 EDT",
+%%% checksum = "60855 1233 6587 50183",
+%%% author = "American Mathematical Society",
+%%% copyright = "Copyright 1994, 2004 American Mathematical Society,
+%%% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is
+%%% authorized only if either:
+%%% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy,
+%%% including name; OR
+%%% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it
+%%% to some other name.",
+%%% address = "American Mathematical Society,
+%%% Technical Support,
+%%% Publications Technical Group,
+%%% 201 Charles Street,
+%%% Providence, RI 02904,
+%%% USA",
+%%% telephone = "401-455-4080 or (in the USA and Canada)
+%%% 800-321-4AMS (321-4267)",
+%%% FAX = "401-331-3842",
+%%% email = " (Internet)",
+%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%% keywords = "latex, AMS, amslatex, ams-latex, author instructions",
+%%% supported = "yes",
+%%% abstract = "These are instructions for preparing documents for
+%%% submission to the AMS, using amsmath and AMS LaTeX
+%%% document classes.",
+%%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum
+%%% as the first value, followed by the equivalent of
+%%% the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of
+%%% lines, words, and characters. This is produced by
+%%% Robert Solovay's checksum utility.",
+%%% }
+%%% ====================================================================
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}% LaTeX 2.09 can't be used (nor non-LaTeX)
+[1995/06/01]% LaTeX date must be June 1995 or later
+\hyphenation{man-u-script man-u-scripts over-view pre-par-ing which-ever}
+%% Define macros for text substitution and for presentation of examples
+\newcommand{\AMS}{American Mathematical Society}
+%% For this manual, add a section number to the references header, and
+%% include that section header in the contents list.
+ \normalfont\small\labelsep .5em\relax
+ \list{\@arabic\c@enumiv.}{\settowidth\labelwidth{#1.}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumiv}}%
+ \sloppy \clubpenalty4000\relax \widowpenalty\clubpenalty
+ \sfcode`\.\@m}
+%% Turn off series logo and copyright note
+%% Table of contents customizations
+ \skip@\lastskip \vskip-\lastskip
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\tocpatch}%
+ \vskip\skip@ \relax}
+ \indentlabel{\@ifnotempty{#2}{\tocnbox{\hss#1 #2.\quad}}}#3}
+ \@xp\let\csname r@tocindent2\@xp\endcsname\csname r@tocindent1\endcsname
+ \def\tocnbox{\hbox to\@tempdima}}
+%% In this document, subsections are unnumbered, but we want an indent
+%% to be used.
+\def\tocsubsection#1#2#3{\hbox to\leftskip{}#3}
+%% Add a high penalty to discourage line breaks within an example
+%% without absolutely prohibiting them.
+ \gdef^^M{\par\penalty9999 }%
+ \gdef\beginexample#1{\medskip\bgroup %
+ \def\(##1){\makebox[0pt]{\normalfont\mdseries##1}}%
+ \def~{\char`\~}\def\\{\char`\\}%
+ \normalfont\ttfamily\frenchspacing %
+ \parindent=0pt#1\leftskip=\exindent\obeylines}
+}% end \obeylines
+\def\exbox#1#2{\noindent \hangindent=\exboxwidth
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{\null\normalfont\mdseries#1\unskip\enspace}%
+ \makebox[\exboxwidth][l]{\normalfont\ttfamily\ignorespaces#2}%
+ \normalfont\mdseries\ignorespaces}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily\\\ignorespaces#1\unskip}}
+ \mbox{\def\\{\char`\\}%
+ \normalfont\ttfamily
+ \\begin\{\ignorespaces#1\unskip\}\ignorespaces#2\unskip}}
+ \normalfont\ttfamily\\end\{\ignorespaces#1\unskip\}}}
+%% Provide a meta-command facility; provide an alternate escape
+%% character so it can be used within the verbatim environment.
+\begingroup \catcode`\>=13 % in LaTeX2e verbatim env makes > active
+%% Provide a dummy titlepage, saving maketitle for the article title.
+%% Table of contents goes onto the inside front cover.
+\def\instrdate{August 2004}
+ {\huge\bfseries Instructions\\[2pt] for Preparation\\[2pt]
+ of Papers\\[2pt] and Monographs
+ \par\vspace{\baselineskip}
+ \amslatex/
+ \par}
+ \vspace{3\baselineskip}
+ \Large
+ Version \instrversion\\[4pt] \instrdate
+\title [ELECTRONIC MANUSCRIPTS: \amslatex/]
+ {Instructions for Preparation\\
+ of Papers and Monographs: \amslatex/}
+ \mbox{\normalfont\mdseries\small Version \instrversion: \instrdate}}
+This manual is directed mainly to authors preparing material for
+publication by the AMS, using \amslatex/ document classes. As such,
+it deals with the AMS publishing style. Since these document classes
+are also used by authors who are not submitting items to the AMS,
+the manual also covers topics of more general relevance. However, it
+assumes familiarity with standard \latex/ techniques and conventions,
+and contains only material specific to AMS packages.
+Links to information useful in preparing manuscripts and graphics
+can be found on the AMS Author Resource Center web page \cite{ARC}\@.
+That information supplements this manual, and we recommend that you
+review it.
+The AMS produces three major types of publications: journals (both
+print and electronic), proceedings volumes, and monographs. There
+is a core AMS document class for each: \cls{amsart}, \cls{amsproc}
+and \cls{amsbook}, respectively. For most journals or book series,
+there is a specific author package, based on one of the core classes.
+If the specific publication is known, the appropriate author package
+should be obtained from the AMS web server \cite{AP} and used for
+preparation of manuscripts. In addition, there is a separate package
+for editors of proceedings volumes \cite{EP}, with facilities for
+preparing material that does not fit into the normal ``article''
+If the specific publication is not known, an appropriate generic AMS
+document class can be used:
+\item \pkg{gen-j-l} for journal articles (based on \pkg{amsart})
+\item \pkg{gen-p-l} for articles in book proceedings (based on \pkg{amsproc})
+\item \pkg{gen-m-l} for monographs (based on \pkg{amsbook})
+The tagging of elements in a manuscript---title, author(s), section
+headings, theorems, etc.--- is consistent through all author packages.
+Thus a manuscript prepared using the appropriate generic document
+class can be modified trivially to use the specific package, simply by
+updating the \cn{documentclass} statement. For example, to specify
+the \textit{Contemporary Mathematics} proceedings series:
+Each author package contains an electronic version of this manual,
+class files, sample documents, and a \texttt{README} file that
+contains information about each of the files in the package.
+When an AMS author package is used, both \latex/ and a recent version
+of \amslatex/ must be installed on the computer being used for
+manuscript preparation. The AMS Author Resource Center web page
+\cite{ARC} has a link to download the most recent version of
+\amslatex/. The version number appears at the top of the file
+\pkg{amsmath.sty} (and other files in the collection), and is also
+reported in the log file of a \latex/ run; make sure you have
+version 2.0 or later.
+\section{Article preparation}
+We first address articles intended for journals and proceedings.
+Monographs are addressed in a separate section (see
+\subsection*{Starting a new article}\label{ss:newamsart}
+Individual articles generally have the following structure:
+\item \verb+\documentclass{...}+
+\item preamble (for document-specific customizations)
+\item \verb+\begin{document}+
+\item top matter information
+\item \verb+\maketitle+ (to set the top matter)
+\item article body
+\item reference list
+\item \verb+\end{document}+
+A detailed template file (included in each package) provides
+a complete set of commands for the article top matter, and the
+instructions for using them. The most efficient way to start a
+new article is to make a copy of the template and fill it in.
+\section{The preamble}
+The area between the \verb+\documentclass+ statement and the line
+\verb+\begin{document}+ is referred to as the ``preamble''. This is
+the place to load external packages and define document-specific
+Available \cn{documentclass} options are described in the file
+\filnam{amsclass.dtx}. Process this file with \latex/ to obtain a
+version with human-readable documentation. One option does need to
+be mentioned here: \opt{psamsfonts}; include this option as
+to ensure correct sizing of fonts in environments other than normal text.
+The AMS document classes incorporate the code for the AMS theorem
+(\pkg{amsthm}) package and automatically load the \pkg{amsmath}
+package. It is not necessary to request either one explicitly.
+The user guides for these packages \cite{ATP,AMP} contain the details,
+which will not be repeated here. The \pkg{amsfonts} package is loaded
+as well, unless the \opt{noamsfonts} option is specified; see the
+AMSFonts User's Guide \cite{AFG} for the features provided.
+Not all publicly available packages are compatible with the AMS
+document classes. For this reason, we mention some that are:
+\item \pkg{amssymb} provides names for additional symbols from the
+ AMS symbol fonts; see \cite{AFG} for details.
+\item \pkg{amsmidx} supports multiple indexes for a book; see
+ page~\pageref{ss:indexing}.
+\item \pkg{graphicx} is part of the \latex/ suite, preferred for
+ inclusion of graphics.
+\item \pkg{longtable} facilitates tables longer than one page.
+\item \pkg{upref} forces cross-references with \cn{ref} to roman;
+ see ``Roman type'', page~\pageref{ss:roman}.
+\item \pkg{xypic} is recommended for creating commutative diagrams.
+There are several packages that cause particular problems for AMS
+production. Their use should be avoided if possible:
+\item \pkg{psfrag}, for applying labels externally to included graphics,
+ may result in a PostScript that can't be converted properly to PDF.
+\item \pkg{epsfig} has been superseded by \pkg{graphicx}.
+Don't load any packages that aren't actually needed.
+\subsection*{New commands}
+Place all definitions for new commands in the preamble. This includes
+instructions to access fonts that are not already defined in the AMS
+document classes or \pkg{amsmath}, such as a new math alphabet (see
+Always use \cn{newcommand}; this will let you know if the name you
+have chosen has already been used. Do not redefine any command from
+\latex/, \pkg{amsmath}, or any AMS document class, as this could cause
+problems in AMS production. New definitions may be used to provide
+shorthand forms for mathematical expressions that are used frequently,
+but do not use new definitions for text; for articles posted on-line,
+this will prevent indexing software from identifying relevant
+Use commands and environments provided by the AMS document classes
+and standard packages whenever applicable---for example, you should
+use the AMS \env{proof} environment rather than define your own
+When the file is complete, remove any commands that haven't been used.
+\section{Top matter}\label{s:topmatter}
+The top matter associated with an article includes information that
+would appear in a bibliographic reference to the paper, plus additional
+information about the author(s), subject classifications, key words,
+acknowledgments of support, and the abstract.
+\subsection*{Summary of tags and elements}
+Table 1 lists the top matter commands provided by \amslatex/
+version 2.0 and later. Not every tag is necessary for each paper.
+The table shows which tags are necessary and which are optional.
+Requirements for monographs are somewhat different and are described
+later. The template file included in every author package contains
+all the necessary tags and instructions for using them.
+\caption{Top matter tags}
+|?preamble commands, such as |ttcs|bgroup|0newcommand|egroup, etc.>
+\ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Required by}\\
+\ & Journals & Books \\
+\verb+\title[...]{...}+ & yes\rlap{${}^1$} & yes\rlap{${}^1$} \\
+\verb+\author[...]{...}+ & yes\rlap{${}^1$} & yes\rlap{${}^1$} \\
+\verb+\contrib[...]{...}+ & no\rlap{${}^2$} & --- \\
+\verb+\address{...}+ & yes & yes \\
+\verb+\curraddr{...}+ & no & no \\
+\verb+\email{...}+ & no & no \\
+\verb+\urladdr{...}+ & no & no \\
+\verb+\dedicatory{...}+ & no & no \\
+\verb+\date{...}+ & ---\rlap{${}^3$} & --- \\
+\verb+\thanks{...}+ & no & no \\
+\verb+\translator{...}+ & ---\rlap{${}^3$} & ---\rlap{${}^3$} \\
+\verb+\keywords{...}+ & no & no \\
+\verb+\subjclass[2000]{...}+ & yes & yes \\
+\verb+\begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}+ & yes\rlap{${}^4$} & no \\
+\verb+\maketitle+ & yes & yes \\
+${}^1$ If no short form is needed, omit the brackets.
+${}^2$ For contributors, see details on page~\pageref{ss:contrib}.
+${}^3$ If this is necessary, it will be filled in by the AMS staff.
+${}^4$ For the \textit{Journal of the American Mathematical Society},
+abstracts are optional.
+\hrule width \textwidth
+For AMS journal articles, capitalize only the first word and proper
+nouns in the title. For articles in an AMS proceedings volume,
+capitalize the first and last words of the title and all nouns,
+pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. Articles, conjunctions, and
+prepositions should be lowercased unless they are the first or last
+word of the title. These rules should be followed even if the
+publication in which the article appears has another style. The style
+for the particular publication will be generated automatically when
+the article is processed at the AMS.
+A multiline title may be left for \latex/ to break, or a desired break
+may be indicated by \cn{\\}.
+Unless the title is very short, provide a form of the title suitable
+for use in running heads. This should be entered in brackets between the
+tag \cn{title} and the full title:
+\verb+\title[+short title\verb+]{+full title\verb+}+.
+Do not use author-defined macros in the title.
+\subsection*{Author information}\label{ss:authorinfo}
+Enter the name(s) of the author(s) with the tag \cn{author}, using
+standard capitalization for proper names. Use a separate \cn{author}
+command for each author. Names will be combined by \latex/ according
+to the dictates of the document class. See also ``contributors'',
+If the author name(s) cannot fit in the space available for the running
+head, enter a shortened form for each name in [brackets]
+between the tag \cn{author} and the full name. Acceptable shortened
+forms use initials for all but the surname(s). For example,
+\author[J. Smith]{Joseph Smith}
+If the list of shortened author names is still too long for the running
+head (including a reasonable space for the page number), it can be
+shortened as in the following example, as a last resort:
+\verb+\markleft{J. SMITH ET AL.}+
+Note that \cn{markleft} is available only for \amslatex/ versions 2.20
+and later; it is not a basic \latex/ command.
+Data provided with \cn{markleft\{\}} \emph{must} be in all capital letters
+(except for included math). Place \cn{markleft\{\}} before the first
+\cn{author} in your file.
+For each author you should provide one or more addresses. Tag them
+as follows, grouping them in this order by author:
+\address{...} |rm address where the research was carried out |tt
+\curraddr{...} |rm current address, if different from the research address |tt
+\email{...} |rm address for electronic mail |tt
+\urladdr{...} |rm URL address (optional)
+Do \emph{not} include any addresses within the scope of an
+\cn{author\{\}} command (this is different from basic \latex/).
+Do not use abbreviations in addresses.
+The main address should be divided by \cn{\\} into segments that
+correspond to address lines for use on an envelope. When typeset, the
+lines will be strung together separated by commas, but the division by
+\cn{\\} will be useful to a person preparing an envelope to return
+Addresses are considered part of the top matter, but in AMS articles
+they are ordinarily printed at the end of the article following the
+bibliography (this is different from basic \latex/). Suitable labels
+will indicate the current, e-mail, and URL addresses, typically
+\textit{Current address}:, \textit{E-mail address}:, \textit{URL}:,
+If \texttt{\textasciitilde} is needed in a URL address, enter it
+directly as \texttt{\textasciitilde} if you are using \amslatex/
+version 2.20 or later; otherwise, see the Author FAQ \cite{AF}
+for instructions.
+ {\mdseries (new with version 2.20)}}\label{ss:contrib}
+Contributors are much like authors, but are responsible for only
+a portion of an article, e.g., an appendix or auxiliary tables.
+The bracketed portion is not optional; it gives the exact text that
+will be printed to indicate the nature of the contribution:
+\contrib[with an appendix by]{William Rogers}
+Multiple contributors and contributions are input like this:
+\contrib[with Appendix A by]{William Rogers}
+\contrib[]{Henry Taylor}
+\contrib[and Appendix B by]{John Henderson}
+Note the empty brackets on the second line. Multiple contributors
+indicated in this way will be combined and ``andified'' appropriately.
+Contributors will not be included in running heads. Addresses provided
+for contributors will be treated the same as for regular authors.
+Use the tag \cn{dedicatory} for such things as ``Dedicated to
+Professor X on the occasion of his eightieth birthday.'' If the
+dedication is longer than one line, you may indicate a break with
+\subsection*{Acknowledgments of support and other first-page footnotes}
+Use the command \cn{thanks} to acknowledge grants and other kinds of
+support or for other general information not covered by one of the
+more specific commands such as \cn{keywords} or \cn{subjclass}. Enter
+\cn{thanks} immediately following the address(es) for the relevant
+author, \emph{not} within the scope of the \cn{author\{\}} command
+(this is different from basic \latex/). Like \cn{address}, \cn{thanks}
+can appear more than once in the top matter. Each occurrence will be
+printed as an unnumbered footnote at the bottom of the first page of
+the article.
+\subsection*{Subject information}
+Subject classifications and key words, like acknowledg-\linebreak ments, are
+part of the top matter and appear as unnumbered footnotes at the bottom of
+the first page.
+Subject classifications may be primary (the major topic(s) of the
+paper) or secondary (subject areas covered by ancillary results,
+motivation or origin of problems discussed, intended or potential
+field of application, or other significant aspects worthy of notice).
+At least one primary subject classification is \textbf{required}.
+Additional primaries and secondaries are optional.
+These classifications are entered as
+\subjclass[2000]{Primary |?primary class>; Secondary |?secondary classes>}
+(Omitting \texttt{[2000]} will cause the 1991 Subject Classification
+to be cited.)
+To determine the classifications, use the 2000 Mathematics Subject
+Classification scheme that appears in annual indexes of \textit{Mathematical
+Reviews} beginning in 1999. It can also be accessed on the Web at URL:
+\texttt{} or obtained in printed form from
+Customer Services.
+Please use the full number; the two-digit code from the Contents of
+\textit{Mathematical Reviews} is \textbf{not} sufficient.
+Key words are not required but may be provided by an author if desired.
+They should be tagged as \cn{keywords\{...\}}.
+With an AMS document class, place the abstract before \cn{maketitle},
+contrary to the practice with the basic \latex/ document classes.
+This is necessary to ensure that the abstract can always be printed in
+the proper location and style. If the abstract is given after
+\cn{maketitle}, it will be printed in place and generate a warning
+Input the abstract text between \verb+\begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}+.
+It may comprise multiple paragraphs and include displayed material if
+appropriate. The length of the abstract depends primarily on the
+length of the paper itself and on the difficulty of summarizing the
+material. An upper limit of about 150 words for short papers and 300
+words for long papers is suggested. Do not use author-defined macros
+or \cn{ref} in the abstract.
+\section{Document body (all document classes)}
+\subsection*{Linking for the Web}
+All AMS primary journals are posted on-line. Electronic
+manuscripts prepared in \latex/ for any AMS journal should be tagged
+for maximum linking on the Web. For use of \cn{label}, \cn{ref},
+and \cn{cite}, see \cite{LC}; for \cn{eqref}, see \cite{AMP}.
+Four levels of headings are provided to permit logical sectioning of
+a manuscript. These headings are applicable to individual articles
+and to chapters of a monograph. (Headings specific to monographs are
+listed under \textit{Monograph formatting}.)
+\cn{specialsection} is for long articles that need extra divisions
+(e.g., parts) at a level above the \cn{section} level.
+Explicit line breaks are obtained by \verb+\\+ in first-level section
+Any heading may be given a label to allow references to be made to it,
+by including a \cn{label\{...\}} command with a unique identifier
+directly \emph{after} the heading. References are made using the
+command \cn{ref\{...\}} and the same identifier. For example,
+\section{Monograph formatting}
+will establish a label for this section that can be referred to with
+\cn{ref\{s:mono\}}. Cross references of
+this sort will require \latex/ to be run at least twice for proper
+resolution. A warning at the end of the \latex/ run, ``Cross
+references may have changed\dots\unskip'', should be heeded in this regard.
+\subsection*{Mathematical text}
+For instructions on preparing mathematical text, refer to
+\cite{AMP} and \cite{ML}. See also ``Roman type'', below.
+Follow usual \latex/ conventions for producing list environments.
+\subsection*{Theorems, lemmas, and other proclamations}
+See the manual \textit{Using the \pkg{amsthm} package} \cite{ATP}
+for details. Theorem environments following AMS style with respect to
+punctuation, spacing and paragraphing are defined in the AMS document
+classes. This is incompatible with the \latex/ \pkg{theorem} package,
+which cannot be used with the AMS document classes.
+Three different theorem styles are provided by AMS document classes:
+\cls{plain}, \cls{definition}, and \cls{remark}. By referring to these
+styles and using the \cn{newtheorem} command, you can build a
+complement of theorem environments appropriate for any paper or
+monograph. All \cn{newtheorem} specifications should be included in
+the preamble; a starter set is included in the template for every
+AMS author package.
+Theorem support is also available separately in the \pkg{amsthm} package
+for users of document classes other than those from the AMS.
+Check displayed equations carefully, making sure they are broken and
+aligned following the guidelines in \cite[pp. 44--48]{MIT}.
+\subsection*{Roman type}\label{ss:roman}
+Numbers, punctuation, (parentheses), [brackets],
+$\lbrace$braces$\rbrace$, and symbols used as labels should always be
+set in roman type. This is true even within the statement of a theorem,
+which is ordinarily set in italic type.
+Be careful to distinguish between roman elements that are mathematical
+in nature (e.g., ``a group of class 2''), and those that are part of
+the text (e.g., a label or a year). Mathematical expressions, no matter
+how short or insignificant, should be coded as math, by enclosing them
+within dollar signs \verb+$...$+ or \verb+\(...\)+. Roman text elements
+should be coded as \cn{textup\{...\}} in potentially nonroman
+environments such as theorems.
+Abbreviated forms of mathematical terms are also usually set in roman
+type to distinguish them from mathematical variables or constants.
+Use the control sequences for common mathematical functions and
+operators like \verb+log+ and \verb+lim+; use \cn{DeclareMathOperator}
+to add additional operator names (see \cite[\S5]{AMP}).
+The style of reference citations, though publication-dependent, is
+usually roman. To ensure consistency and support linking for the Web,
+\textbf{always} use the standard \latex/ \cn{cite} command when citing
+a reference. Internal references with the \cn{ref} command are not
+automatically roman in non-roman environments, but can be forced by
+using the \pkg{upref} package (part of the \amslatex/ collection).
+Exercises are produced using the \env{xca} and \env{xcb} environments.
+\env{xca} may be used in any publication, but must be defined in
+the document preamble with \cn{theoremstyle\{definition\}} and the
+\cn{newtheorem} command; it is used for exercises that occur within a
+section. \env{xcb} is defined only for monographs and is used for
+exercises that occur at the end of a chapter.
+\subsection*{Indexing facilities}
+The tags needed for \makeindx/ are already included in AMS document
+classes. Do not include the \pkg{makeidx} package, but do put the
+command \cn{makeindex} in the preamble to launch a single index.
+See \cite[chapter 11]{LC} and \cite[chapter 11]{GL} for use of
+A package for multiple indexes, \pkg{amsmidx}, is included in the
+\amslatex/ collection beginning with version 2.20. Unlike other
+multiple-index packages, \pkg{amsmidx} is compatible with the AMS
+document classes. To use this package, put these commands into the
+\makeindex{|?name of first index file>}
+\makeindex{|?name of second index file>}
+To identify index entries in the text:
+\index{|?name of index file>}{|?index term>}
+In the backmatter, where the indexes are to appear:
+\Printindex{|?name of first index file>}{|?title of first index>}
+\Printindex{|?name of second index file>}{|?title of second index>}
+Note the capitalization of the \cn{Printindex} command.
+\section{Floating objects: Figures and tables}
+Figures and tables are usually handled as floating inserts. Such
+items are often so large that fitting them into the document at the
+point of reference may cause problems with pagination. Placing such
+items into a floating insert allows them to be repositioned
+automatically by \latex/ as required for good pagination.
+A floating insert generally contains one of these possibilities:
+\item \latex/ code that produces an object such as a table or
+ commutative diagram;
+\item a command to incorporate an item produced by another application
+ (most often an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file produced by a
+ graphics utility; see \textit{Electronic graphics},
+ page~\pageref{ss:electronicgraphics}).
+If a figure is described by \latex/ code (e.g., using \pkg{xypic} or
+the \env{picture} environment), it should be included directly in the
+Floats should
+\item be numbered consistently throughout the paper (figures and tables
+ are numbered separately),
+\item be placed at the top or bottom of the page,
+\item have an in-text reference, and
+\item definitely appear within the same section as their first text
+ reference.
+A figure or table should not precede its first text reference unless
+they both appear on the same page spread. When a figure or table is
+an integral part of text, it may appear unnumbered in place in the
+middle of text.
+Figures and tables should be allowed to float according to the \latex/
+defaults preset by the document class. If you are submitting a file
+that will be processed at the AMS (this applies to all journal
+articles), you could introduce major problems with pagination if you
+hard-set your figures and tables by using the \verb+[h!]+ option.
+Production problems will be avoided when you use the appropriate
+author package class file and avoid using figure or table options.
+For electronic manuscripts, the final placement of inserts will be
+determined by the AMS editorial staff, on the basis of the most
+appropriate page layout.
+Captions for floating inserts are usually positioned above a table and
+below a figure. The following is the general structure used to specify
+a figure insert, with a caption at the bottom:
+\includegraphics{|?file name of |tt.eps|rm| file>}|quad|rm or|tt|quad|?code for the insertion>
+\caption{|?caption text>}
+\label{|?reference label>}|quad|rm (optional)|tt
+This is the general structure for a table insert, with a caption at
+the top:
+\caption{|?caption text>}
+\label{|?reference label>}|quad|rm (optional)|tt
+|?code for the insertion body>
+Caption headings (e.g., ``\textsc{Table 3.1.}''\ or
+``\textsc{Figure 7.}'')\ will be supplied automatically. The
+\<caption text> is any appropriate descriptive text, and may be
+omitted if no descriptive text is desired. (The style of the caption
+differs from the basic \latex/ caption style.) A reference label
+should usually be associated with the caption, and must be given
+\emph{after} the caption. A reference in text to the figure or table
+has the form \cn{ref\{\<reference label>\}}.
+\latex/ packages for captions may appear to work with the AMS document
+classes, but the caption style doesn't usually match the AMS style.
+\subsection*{Electronic graphics}\label{ss:electronicgraphics}
+Graphics created by applications other than \latex/ may be submitted
+to the AMS in an electronic format. This includes output from
+graphics applications as well as scanned photographs or other
+computer-generated images. The AMS requires such graphics in
+Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format.
+Use the \pkg{graphicx} package (part of the \pkg{graphics} bundle
+of \latex/) to embed references to EPS graphics directly in a \latex/
+file; see the manual, \filnam{grfguide.tex} \cite{GB}. Another
+valuable reference is the manual ``Using EPS Graphics in \latexe/
+Documents'' \cite{EG}.
+Other packages are not recommended, as there are numerous areas of
+incompatibility which may result in the need for manual intervention,
+delaying processing and increasing the cost.
+The EPS files will not be physically included in the \latex/ file.
+You must submit a separate file for each graphic along with the \latex/
+document. No matter what method is used to produce a graphic, it is
+necessary to provide a paper copy to the AMS for verification. Double
+check to make sure the electronic and paper versions are the same.
+\subsection*{Compatibility requirements for graphics}
+There are two important requirements that must be observed when
+embedding graphics.
+\emph{Omit path names} for the included files. Instead of
+use just the name of the file:
+The easiest way to do this is to place the graphics files in the
+same directory as the file(s) being {\TeX}ed.
+Do not use the \cn{graphicspath\{\<directory list>\}} command to
+establish a path. This will result in the path being included in
+the DVI file, which will be impossible to process at the AMS\@.
+It may be possible to specify a path using one of the environments
+recognized by the {\TeX} engine (\fn{TEXINPUTS}, for example);
+instructions for setting these environments should be in the
+documentation for your system.
+Graphics commands must be compatible with the \textit{dvips} output
+driver. This is particularly important if you are submitting a DVI
+file for a camera-ready publication. The method is specific to the
+graphics package you are using; a typical method is to use a file
+\filnam{graphics.cfg} containing the line \cn{ExecuteOptions\{dvips\}}
+when you run \latex/ to create the DVI or PostScript file to send to
+the AMS.
+\subsection*{Technical requirements for graphics}
+If you scale a figure before submitting it, remember that line weights
+also scale. The lightest line weight that will reproduce clearly at
+high resolution is 0.5pt after scaling. Do \emph{not} specify
+``hairline'' weight, as this will be nearly invisible at high
+resolution and will disappear in the printing process. If a rule line
+is screened, its weight should be no less than 1 point \emph{after}
+Graded line weights should increase in increments of at least 0.5pt.
+Increments less than this are insufficiently distinguishable at high
+Screened fills should be screened not less than 15\% (less will print
+as white) and not greater than 85\% (greater will print as black).
+Ideally, text included in graphics files should be font outlines
+rather than bitmaps, because the AMS typesets its publications on a
+high-resolution imagesetter, not a laser printer. Text or lines in
+graphics which are 300dpi bitmaps (which look fine in the
+laser-printed output of your article) may appear poor in quality next
+to the high-resolution text of AMS publications. If bitmaps of
+characters are part of bitmapped line art files, output will be
+satisfactory if the bitmapped characters are at 1200dpi.
+\subsection*{Color graphics}
+AMS publications are ordinarily printed in black and white.
+Use of color requires explicit permission from the AMS.
+Color figures should have the resolution of at least 266 pixels per
+inch when printed at 100\%, and must also be suitable for printing
+as grayscale. The files must be in EPS format
+\section{Bibliographic references}
+\subsection*{Using \protect\bibtex/ to prepare a bibliography}%
+An author may find it convenient to maintain a file of references in
+\bibtex/ form, as described in \textit{The \latex/ Companion}
+\cite[Section 13.2]{LC}. Two \bibtex/ styles are provided:
+\exbox{}{amsplain.bst} will produce numeric labels; preferred for articles;
+\exbox{}{amsalpha.bst} will produce labels constructed from the %
+ author name(s)\newline and year of publication.
+Both will translate references in a \bibtex/ input (\filnam{.bib})
+file to \latex/ input in a \filnam{.bbl} file in the form appropriate
+for AMS publications, including all necessary formatting instructions.
+This method of preparing bibliographies is therefore recommended.
+To access a \bibtex/ bibliography in a paper or monograph, include these
+instructions in the appropriate place in the input file:
+\bibliographystyle{|?style>}|qquad|rm(|tt|0amsplain |rm or|tt amsalpha|rm)|tt
+\bibliography{|?name of bibliography |bgroup|tt.bib|egroup| file>}
+Running \bibtex/ on the \filnam{.bib} file will produce a \filnam{.bbl}
+file. The \filnam{.bib} file may have any name the author finds convenient;
+however, the \filnam{.bbl} file must have the same name as the source file
+for a monograph from which it is input, so it may be necessary for the
+author to rename it. For an article, after the bibliography has been
+completed (including processing by \bibtex/), the contents of the
+\filnam{.bbl} file should be inserted into the main article input file,
+replacing the \cn{bibliographystyle} and \cn{bibliography} statements.
+Items in the bibliography are usually ordered alphabetically by author.
+\bibtex/ processing may alter this order, especially if the
+\filnam{amsalpha} style is used.
+All categories of bibliographic entries listed in
+\cite[Table 13.1]{LC} are supported in the two AMS \bibtex/ styles.
+In addition to the fields listed in Table 13.1, a \verb+language+
+field is provided for use in identifying the original language of an
+item whose title has been translated.
+The \pkg{harvard} package (available from CTAN) provides an
+author-year style that is compatible with the AMS document classes.
+This should ordinarily be used only for monographs on historical
+Standard abbreviations for periodicals should be obtained from
+\subsection*{Preparing a bibliography without \protect\bibtex/}
+The references section of a paper is contained between the commands
+\begin{thebibliography}{|?model label>}
+This environment is resolved as an unnumbered section in an article
+or an unnumbered chapter in a monograph, following AMS publication
+specifications. The indentation for the labels is set to an
+appropriate width using the model given with the \cn{begin} command.
+Thus the widest label in the bibliography should be used as the model;
+for example, \verb+99+ will provide space for a 2-digit numeric label.
+For the proper order of reference elements and use of fonts and
+punctuation, look at an issue or volume in the journal or book series
+for which your document is intended and follow the examples you see
+there. More examples are given in \cite{MIT}.
+\subsubsection*{Reference input}
+Begin each item with the command \cn{bibitem\{\<bibitem label>\}}.
+The \latex/ default is to number references automatically; however,
+other labels may be used by inserting an optional key argument in
+square brackets between the command and the internal label:
+The item label and the key need not be identical. Whatever appears
+within the \verb+[ ]+ is what prints; whatever is within the curly
+braces is used for linking and must not include any math or special
+Give at least one full name; initials and last name is an acceptable
+form. If a subsequent reference is by the same author(s), use
+\cn{bysame} instead of the name(s).
+For examples, refer to \cite{MIT}.
+\section{Monograph formatting}\label{s:mono}
+A monograph is a long work by a single author or co-authors on a
+single subject. Each chapter should be prepared as a separate file,
+as should the bibliography. In addition, a ``driver'' file should be
+used to input all the others. These files should be given meaningful
+names, so that when they are transmitted to the AMS, there will be no
+question about which file represents which chapter. For example, a
+monograph by author Grey might be composed of files named
+\filnam{grey.tex} (the driver file), \filnam{grey-ch1.tex},
+\filnam{grey-ch2.tex}, \dots, \filnam{grey-ch12.tex},
+\filnam{grey-appa.tex}, etc., and \filnam{grey-bib.tex}.
+If the author name is a common one, please include something to make
+it unique, such as first initials.
+Information that identifies the author(s), the subject matter of the
+monograph, acknowledgments of support, and so forth, will appear in the
+front matter of the book. Place this information in the driver file,
+and use the tags shown below. Most of these are the same as the tags
+associated with the top matter of an article; see the \textit{Top
+matter} section (page~\pageref{s:topmatter}) for explanations and an
+indication of which tags are required.
+\subsection*{Starting a new monograph}\label{s:newamsbook}
+The driver file for a monograph is generally made up of the following:
+\item \verb+\documentclass{...}+
+\item preamble (where extra definitions might go)
+\item \verb+\begin{document}+
+\item \verb+\frontmatter+
+\item title page and copyright page information
+\item \verb+\maketitle+ (to set the title page and copyright page; see note)
+\item \verb+\include+ files (e.g., preface, introduction)
+\item \verb+\mainmatter+
+\item \verb+\include+ files (e.g., main chapters, appendices)
+\item \verb+\backmatter+
+\item commands for bibliography, index
+\item \verb+\end{document}+
+Note: The title and copyright pages are for information only, so that
+a printed copy can be associated with the correct author(s). The final
+copy will be prepared at the AMS.
+For a typical driver file, see the template for \cls{amsbook}, included
+in the \amslatex/ collection.
+Instructions for preparing a dedication page are given in the AMS
+Author FAQ \cite{AF}.
+The table of contents will be produced automatically from a
+\filnam{.toc} file produced anew in each run of \latex/. Since there is
+no \filnam{.toc} before the first run, the body of the table of contents
+will be empty on the first run. It is AMS style to include only
+first-level heads, chapter titles, and part titles in the table of
+Chapters in AMS book series start on right-hand (odd-numbered) pages.
+Blank pages will be provided as necessary at the end of earlier material
+to accomplish this.
+\subsection*{Chapter titles}
+Chapter titles should be capitalized as follows: the first and last
+words of the title and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and
+verbs should be capitalized. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions
+should be lowercased unless they are the first or last word of the title.
+There are three common variations of the chapter title. The form with
+a chapter number is most common:
+\chapter{Matrix Algebras}
+The second variation is an appendix, where the word ``Appendix''
+replaces the word ``Chapter''. Use the command \cn{appendix} before
+the first \cn{chapter} command in a sequence of appendix chapters.
+\chapter{Poisson Integral}
+In addition to ``Appendix'', the counter will produce letters ``A'',
+``B'', ``C'', etc.,\ instead of numbers.
+The third variation is used for an element such as a preface or
+introduction, which has no pretitle text at all. For this, use the
+\cn{chapter*} command:
+Unlike the \latex/ \cls{book} class, the AMS document classes will
+place entries for unnumbered chapters in the table of contents, as
+required by AMS style.
+\subsection*{Monograph running heads}
+The chapter title is used for the left running head and section
+headings for the right running head. The chapter title repeats if
+there are no sections. If the text of a section heading is too long
+to fit as a running head, use the square-bracket option to specify a
+shortened form for use in the running heads:
+\section[Fourier coefficients of periodic functions]
+ {Fourier coefficients of continuous periodic functions
+ of bounded entropy norm}
+If the chapter title is too long to fit as a running head, a shortened
+form can be supplied in a similar way. Full chapter titles and section
+headings will be used in the table of contents (this is different from
+basic \latex/).
+\subsection*{Numbering of figures and tables}
+The preferred AMS style for numbering figures and tables is to start
+numbering from 1 within each chapter, and to include both the chapter
+and element number in the printed caption heading. For example, the
+first figure in Chapter 5 would be numbered ``\textsc{Figure} 5.1''.
+The \cls{amsbook} document class resets figure and table numbers
+automatically, but does not include the chapter number in the printed
+caption. To add the chapter number, place these lines in the preamble
+of the driver file:
+\section{Getting help}
+Many questions raised by authors are answered in the AMS Author FAQ
+\cite{AF}. Please check that before asking for assistance.
+If you encounter difficulties in preparing or submitting your
+manuscript in electronic form after it has been accepted for
+publication by the appropriate editorial board, you can ask for help
+from the \AMS\ at:
+Technical Support
+Publications Technical Group
+201 Charles Street
+Providence, RI 02904-2294
+Phone: 800-321-4267, ext.\ 4080 \quad or \quad 401-455-4080
+E-mail: {\texttt{}}
+Please supply the name of the journal or book series, the editor's
+name if the manuscript is for a proceedings volume, and a concise
+explanation of the problem.
+\bibitem[AF]{AF} AMS Author FAQ,
+\bibitem[AFG]{AFG} \textit{AMSFonts{} version~\textup{2.2d} user's guide},
+Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002.
+PDF file linked from \texttt{}
+\bibitem[AMP]{AMP} \textit{User's guide for the \pkg{amsmath} package
+\textup{(}version~\textup{2.0)}}, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004.
+PDF file linked from \texttt{}
+\bibitem[AP]{AP} Author packages for publishing with the AMS,\\
+\bibitem[ARC]{ARC} AMS Author Resource Center,
+\bibitem[ASMR]{ASMR} \textit{Abbreviations of names of serials reviewed in
+Mathematical Reviews}, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,
+revised annually; searchable on-line at\\
+\bibitem[ATP]{ATP} \textit{Using the \pkg{amsthm} package,
+version~\textup{2.0}}, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004.\\
+PDF file linked from \texttt{}
+\bibitem[EG]{EG} Keith Reckdahl, ``Using EPS graphics in \latexe/
+documents'', available in electronic form as \texttt{info/}
+or \filnam{.pdf} from\newline
+\bibitem[EP]{EP} Guide to AMS editor's package,
+\bibitem[GB]{GB} David Carlisle, ``Packages in the `graphics' bundle'',
+available in electronic form as
+\filnam{macros/latex/required/graphics/grfguide.tex} or \filnam{.ps}
+from\\ \texttt{}
+\bibitem[GL]{GL} Helmut Kopka and Patrick Daly, \textit{A Guide to
+ \latex/}, 4th ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2004.
+\bibitem[HBW]{HBW} Nicholas J. Higham, \textit{Handbook of Writing for
+the Mathematical Sciences}, 2nd ed., SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
+Norman E. Steenrod, Paul R. Halmos, Menahem M. Schiffer, and Jean A.
+Dieudonn\'e, \textit{How to Write Mathematics}, 5th printing 1995,
+Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1973.
+\bibitem[Joy]{Joy} M. D. Spivak, \textit{The Joy of \tex/},
+2nd revised ed., Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1990.
+\bibitem[LC]{LC} Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens, with
+Johannes Braams, David Carlisle and Chris Rowley,
+\textit{The \latex/ Companion}, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley Co.,
+Reading, MA, 2004.
+\bibitem[LGC]{LGC} Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank Mittelbach,
+\textit{The \latex/ graphics Companion}, Addison-Wesley Co., Reading,
+MA, 1997.
+\bibitem[MIT]{MIT} Ellen E. Swanson, updated by Arlene O'Sean and
+Antoinette Schleyer, \textit{Mathematics into Type},
+Updated ed., Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999.
+\bibitem[ML]{ML} George Gr\"{a}tzer, \textit{Math into \latex/},
+3rd ed., Birkh\"{a}user, Boston, MA/Springer Verlag, NY, 2000.
+\bibitem[MSC]{MSC} \textit{\textup{2000} Mathematics subject classification},
+Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999; searchable on-line at