path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/aguplus
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+%% File: aguplus.tex
+%% =============================================
+%% See the copyright and distribution conditions below.
+%% =============================================
+%% This is the user's manual for
+%% AGU++
+%% an extension to the AGU
+%% LaTeX package AGUTeX
+%% ---------------------------------
+%% Copyright 1993-1999 Patrick W Daly
+%% Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
+%% Max-Planck-Str. 2
+%% D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
+%% Germany
+%% E-mail:
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+%% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+%% This is a contributed file to the LaTeX2e system.
+\def\FileID#1 [#2 #3 #4]
+ {\def\pckname{#1}\def\pckdate{#2}\def\pckversion{#3}}
+ [1999/08/19 1.6b (PWD)]
+ \def\LaTeXe{\protect\pLaTeXe}
+ \def\pLaTeXe{\mbox{\LaTeX\kern.15em$2_{\textstyle\varepsilon}$}}
+\def\p@LaTeX{\@tempcnta=\the\fam \leavevmode L\raise.42ex
+ \hbox{$\fam\@tempcnta\scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$}\kern-.15em%
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}
+ \let\bfseries=\bf \let\mdseries=\rm
+ \let\upshape=\rm \let\itshape=\it
+ \let\slshape=\sl \let\scshape=\sc
+ \let\sffamily=\sf \let\rmfamily=\rm
+ \let\ttfamily=\tt \let\normalfont=\rm
+ \newcommand{\emph}[1]{{\em #1\/}}
+ \newcommand{\textbf}[1]{{\bf #1}}
+ \newcommand{\textit}[1]{{\it #1}\/}
+ \newcommand{\texttt}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+ \newcommand{\textsf}[1]{{\sf #1}}
+ \newcommand{\textrm}[1]{{\rm #1}}
+ \newcommand{\textsc}[1]{{\sc #1}}
+ \newcommand{\textsl}[1]{{\sl #1\/}}
+ \documentclass[twoside,agupp]{aguplus}
+\lefthead{P. W. Daly}
+\righthead{\protect\optionlogo: an Extension to AGU\TeX}
+\slugcomment{Version \pckversion\ from \pckdate}
+\title{The \LaTeX{}
+ Extension Package \optionlogo\\
+ for Use with AGU\TeX}
+\author{Patrick W. Daly}
+\affil{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie, Lindau, Germany}
+\authoraddr{P. W. Daly, Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie, D--37189
+ Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany}
+This paper describes how to use the AGU package (AGU\TeX) for producing
+manuscripts, preprints, and camera-ready copy, together with an unofficial
+extension package called \app{}. This extension adds extra features such as
+author-year citations with \btx{} and true figures in the preprint version.
+Other extra features include corrected coding to avoid having to give certain
+numbers explicitly, sublabelling of equations, figures, etc., and balancing
+two columns of text on the last page. These features were all part of my older
+unofficial AGU package and are thus well-known among its users.
+At the beginning of 1994, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) finally
+came out with its own official \LaTeX\ package for producing manuscripts
+and camera-ready copy for its journals. At the same time the format of
+the journals was dramatically altered. Thus my unofficial \LaTeX\ package
+for AGU (\texttt{art-jgr} and \texttt{art-grl}) became not only
+superfluous but obsolete.
+However, in looking over the instructions and coding of the official package,
+I realize that not only are some imperfections present, but many useful
+features of my styles are missing. The most noticeable of these is the means
+of using author-year citations with \btx{} in an automated manner.
+The coding imperfections are related to the way in which figure captions and
+tables are treated: they must be placed at the end of the document, and if an
+appendix is present, then the automatic numbering system will consider them as
+appendix figures and tables (numbered A1, A2, \dots). To avoid this, explicit
+numbers must be given, something that violates the essential principles of a
+formatting program like \LaTeX. A second implication of this treatment is that
+preprints will be missing the figures and tables in the text. In my older
+system, neither of these problems occurred.
+{\em By popular demand}, I have undertaken to write an extension to the
+official AGU package, called \app (for AGU doubly-ionized or super-charged, as
+you please). It includes my extra features without changing any of the formats
+of the original package. The user should prepare his documents in the manner
+described by the AGU, except that figures, tables, and plates are to be
+included {\em in the text\/} as described below. A number of extra commands
+are available to control and/or enable the extra features.
+Version~4.0 of AGU\TeX\ was released in August 1996, adding the doubled
+captions and the supplemental abstract, things which already existed in \app.
+Some recoding was necessary in this package to accommodate those changes.
+(Actually, the changes had to be nullified!)
+This manual explains the official package with my extensions. This is to
+enable the user to obtain all the necessary information in one article rather
+than to have to search among several. It is not meant to serve as instructions
+for the standard AGU package alone, although differences will be indicated;
+neither is it intended to be a manual for \LaTeX, since it assumes that the
+user already understands the workings of that text formatting scheme. The
+basic manual for \LaTeX{} is \citet{ltx:lamport2}; a more recent
+and more extensive work is by \citet{ltx:guide3}.
+\section{The Official Package}
+The official AGU package is called AGU\TeX. It consists of an instruction
+manual (\texttt{aguguide.tex}), a sample article (\texttt{sample.tex}),
+and, of course, a number of \emph{style options} that
+are to be used with the standard main style \texttt{article}. These are
+\item[\ttfamily agums] to produce a manuscript for submission;
+\item[\ttfamily agupp] to produce a preprint in two-column format (like
+ this paper) for distribution to colleagues;
+\item[\ttfamily jgrga] to produce camera-ready copy (or \emph{galley proofs})
+ for the \emph{Journal of Geophysical Research} (JGR), the \emph{Global
+ Biogeochemical Cycles}, and \emph{Pale\-ocean\-o\-graphy};
+\item[\ttfamily grlga] to produce camera-ready copy for \emph{Geophysical
+ Research Letters} (GRL);
+\item[\ttfamily tecga] to produce camera-ready copy for \emph{Tectonics};
+\item[\ttfamily paleo] to produce camera-ready copy for
+\item[\ttfamily radga] to produce camera-ready copy for \emph{Radio
+ Science};
+\item[\ttfamily rtjga] to produce camera-ready copy for \emph{Russian
+ Translation Journal}.
+For example, the first line of the document should be something like
+\verb!\documentstyle[jgrga]{article}! \\
+for JGR camera-ready copy or a manuscript, respectively.
+Note that the term \emph{galley proofs} is more accurate than
+\emph{camera-ready copy}, since the latter implies finished pages in 1-to-1
+relation with the final journal article. In fact, the papers are still cut and
+pasted together, with figures and tables inserted by hand. However, I will
+continue to refer to the galley proofs as camera-ready copy since this is the
+terminology that most of us are used to.
+\subsection{The New \LaTeX{} Standard}
+On 1994 June~1, a new improved, modernized \LaTeX{} was released and
+declared to be the only supported standard. This new version is called
+\LaTeXe. The older one, version~2.09, is still available but will no
+longer be updated. It is also expected that \LaTeX{} programmers who
+write extension packages (like AGU\TeX{} and \app) will do so in future
+only for \LaTeXe.
+\LaTeXe{} can operate in one of two modes. The \emph{native mode}, which
+is more efficient, is invoked by calling \verb!\documentclass! in place
+of \verb!\documentstyle!. In the new jargon, what used to be \emph{main
+style} (e.g., \texttt{article}) is now a \emph{class}, and \emph{style
+options} (like \texttt{agupp}) are called \emph{packages}, to be loaded
+with the command \verb!\usepackage!.
+There is also a \emph{compatibility mode} that emulates the 2.09 version,
+allowing older documents and many (but not all) extension packages to run
+just as before. It is the \verb!\documentstyle! command that activates
+this mode. As it now stands, AGU\TeX{} (version 4.0) will not run in
+native mode, but will procede in compatibility mode, with some minor
+discrepancies. (In \texttt{agums}, for manuscripts, 12~pt should be
+selected, otherwise the file \texttt{art12.sty} is read in; this file no
+longer exists in \LaTeXe.)
+I now provide \app{} for both versions of \LaTeX: as a style option
+\texttt{\filename.sty} for 2.09 or compatibility, and as a class file
+\texttt{\filename.cls} for \LaTeXe{} native mode. The latter also fixes
+up the problems in AGU\TeX{} so that it can run in native mode, but only
+with \app. By providing a class file for \LaTeXe{} instead of a package,
+I can distinguish between the two with the file extension. The
+alternative would be to issue two versions with identical names, which
+could cause headaches.
+\subsection{The Extension Package}
+The \app{} extension package requires that AGU\TeX{} be present and
+available on the system. It does not replace the official AGU package,
+but rather uses it with modifications.
+For \LaTeXe, \app{} is called as a class with one of the AGU\TeX{}
+packages as an option, as e.g.
+This loads the \texttt{article} class and then the selected package
+before making the \app{} modifications.
+(Do not load the AGU\TeX{} package with \verb!\usepackage!, since that
+would undo those modifications.)
+Of the regular options to \texttt{article}, only \texttt{twoside}
+is meaningful, and then only with the preprint
+\texttt{agupp} choice; there is no point in selecting \texttt{titlepage}.
+The manuscript produced with \texttt{agums} is double spaced. In order to
+generate a single space manuscript, add the option \texttt{tighten}, or
+include the command \verb!\tighten! in the preample. (Reminder: the
+\emph{preamble} is everything that comes before
+\verb!\begin{document}!.) To alternate between single and double
+spaced text, use the commands \verb!\singlespace! and \verb!\doublespace!
+anywhere in the text.
+For \LaTeX~2.09, \app{} is included by adding the option \texttt{\filename}
+\emph{after} the AGU\TeX{} option name, as e.g.
+\section{Organization of the Paper}
+\subsection{Front Material}
+Before the main body of the text, some information about the manuscript and
+paper must be given. This information may actually be printed at the end of
+the article, depending on which option has been selected, but it is always
+entered at the start, before \verb!\begin{document}!.
+These commands enter the relevant dates, which are only meaningful for the
+camera-ready copy. They will be communicated to the author by the editor.
+Again, this information will be communicated to the author by the editor. (It
+seems that at the moment the first two do not really do anything at all, but
+may be provided for the future when AGU dispenses with cutting and pasting and
+goes to true camera-ready production.)
+These enter copyright information, for which \emph{code} will be communicated
+to the author. The \emph{type} is one of
+\item[\ttfamily AGU] for AGU copyright
+\item[\ttfamily Crown] for (Commonwealth) government copyright
+\item[\ttfamily PD] for public domain (no copyright)
+These commands permit text for the running heads to be included. For the
+camera-ready copy, they are (currently) printed out so many times at the end
+(later cutting and pasting!) but with \texttt{\filename}, they will be added
+at the top of each page of the preprint.
+With this command, the author may include his own text to be printed at the
+top of the preprint title page, such as ``This article is to appear in
+\dots.'' It should be given before the \verb!\title! command.
+The information that is printed at the end of the camera-ready copy comes
+after the list of references, and the output is part of that command. If
+there are no references, then the information must be forced out with the
+following the main text.
+\subsection[]{Declarations for \app}
+A number of additional \app{} declarations are available to enable or modify
+some of the features. These may all be given in the preamble too, although
+some may actually be permitted anywhere in the document. They are all
+described later, but are listed here for completeness.
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl sectionnumbers]
+ turns on section numbering; default is no
+ numbering, as preferred by AGU; must be given before the first
+ \verb!\section! command.
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl extraabstract]
+ prints a supplemental abstract at the end of the
+ camera-ready version, as required by JGR; this may be invoked anywhere in
+ the paper, for it only enables the output which always comes at the end.
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl printfigures]
+ causes the figures and plates to be output at the
+ end of the manuscript and camera-ready copy; this is in addition to the
+ figure captions that are always output and is only meaningful if the
+ \texttt{figure} and \texttt{plate} environments really contain
+ something to print.
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl figmarkoff]
+ suppresses the printing of marginal notes next to the location where
+ \texttt{figure}, \texttt{plate}, and \texttt{table} environments occur;
+ by default such mar\-gin\-al notes are enabled.
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl figmarkon]
+ re-enables the marginal notes; these two declarations
+ may be given as often and wherever one feels they are needed.
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl doublecaption\char`\{35pc\char`\}]
+ enables the printing of all
+ figure and plate captions in two widths: once in the single column width
+ and again in the width specified, here 35~pc; JGR requires that all
+ captions be provided in two sizes. (AGU\TeX-4.0 provides this feature
+ automatically.)
+\item[\ttfamily \bsl afour]
+ changes the page layout to be more appropriate to
+ European A4 paper; for camera-ready this means only that the page is
+ slightly longer but the column width remains the same.
+\subsection{Title and Authors}
+The preamble is ended with \verb!\begin{document}!, and the title and author
+information are given.
+Contrary to standard \LaTeX, the title and authors are printed by the commands
+that enter the information. This means these commands {\bfseries may not
+be given in the preamble!} For many authors, this means changing
+long-standing habits.
+The coding in \app{} corrects this, so that the traditional \LaTeX{}
+behavior is re-established.
+The order of these commands is important. First comes the \verb!\title!, the
+argument of which may be broken up into lines with \verb!\\! commands (not
+absolutely necessary). Next come sets of \verb!\author! and \verb!\affil!
+commands, one set per author organization.
+ {\slshape(This again is different from standard \LaTeX{} where
+ \verb!\author! is given only once.)}
+Finally, the \verb!\authoraddr! command is given (anywhere) once for each
+author, with the name and full postal address as argument.
+An alternative method of presenting the authors is with footnotes for the
+affiliations. This is done with the commands
+The first command is included in the text of the \verb!\author! command; the
+second is given once per footnote afterwards. For example,
+\author{J. P. Smith\altaffilmark{1,2}
+ and C. J. Jones\altaffilmark{2}}
+\altaffiltext{1}{On leave}
+\altaffiltext{2}{Research Institute X}
+The two methods (\verb!\affil! or footnotes) may be combined.
+The \verb!\authoraddr! commands should rightly come in the preamble after the
+copyright information. Their arguments are printed out only for the
+camera-ready copy, at the end.
+\subsection{The Abstract}
+Following the title comes the abstract. This is given as in standard \LaTeX{}
+within an \texttt{abstract} environment, as
+ This is the text of the abstract. . .
+\subsection{The Text Body}
+The rest of the body of the article is organized into \emph{sections},
+\emph{subsections}, and \emph{sub-subsections}, with commands
+\verb!\subsection{!\emph{heading}\verb!}!, and
+\verb!\subsubsection{!\emph{heading}\verb!}!, whereby the third-level
+\emph{heading} should capitalize only the first word and end with a period.
+For AGU\TeX\ version 4.0 and later, all the text from the first section to the
+end of the references is to be included within the \verb!\begin{article}!
+\dots \verb!\end{article}! environment.
+With \app{}, this environment is optional.
+\subsubsection{This is a third-level heading.}
+It has been entered with: \verb!\subsubsection{!\texttt{This is a
+third-level heading.}\verb!}! with the final period included. (In the
+camera-ready copy, the third-level heading is run into the following text on
+the same line.)
+Sections are normally not numbered, unless the \app{} declaration
+\verb!\sectionnumbers! has been issued. The AGU manual states that section
+numbering should be carried out \emph{by explicitly including the numbers in
+the heading text.} This would violate a fundamental principle of a
+formatting language like \LaTeX, and will lead to much annoyance when sections
+are referred to or are changed. The AGU's argument is that \LaTeX{} will not
+format the numbered sections in the way that it wants them. \app{} has
+corrected so that the automatic numbering may be used.
+As in normal \LaTeX, the declaration \verb!\appendix! is issued at that point
+where the appendices are to start. This command redefines a number of things
+so that the sectioning commands now function as appendix headers. The
+numbering of equations and tables is also changed.
+With \app, the numbering of figures and plates is also changed. I think it was
+an oversight on the part of AGU not to do this too, for it seems strange to
+have such inconsistent behavior. Besides, there are enough examples in
+previous AGU publications where figures too are numbered within appendices.
+If there is only one appendix, it should be introduced with the command
+\verb!\section*! rather than \verb!\section!. Recall that the starred versions
+suppress section numbering, or in the case of appendices, lettering.
+The standard AGU package requires that the appendix letter be included in the
+heading text. This is the same repugnant notion as putting section numbers in
+explicitly. In \app, this is not necessary. Thus where AGU says to give
+\verb!\section{Appendix A: Title}!, it is sufficient to type only
+\verb!\section{Title}! (or \verb!\section*{Title}! if there is only one
+\subsection{The Acknowledgments}
+Acknowledgments come after the main text, including appendices, but before the
+list of references. They are introduced with one of the commands
+\makebox[0pt][r]{or }\verb!\acknowledgement!
+Both the American and British versions of the command names print the same
+result: the American spelling!
+The major difference between the official AGU package and \app{} is the
+treatment of figures, plates, and tables, objects that are referred to as
+`floats' in \LaTeX{} terminology because they do not appear where they are
+typed in in the text, but move around to an appropriate location. The AGU
+standard package wants \emph{all} floats to appear at the end of the
+manuscript and camera-ready copy (fair enough), and the figures and plates to
+be printed \emph{only as captions}. This means that the preprints will also
+only exhibit the captions, and that all floats come at the end and will not be
+integrated in the text.
+Another major, ridiculous problem, is that if there is an appendix in the
+work, then all floats entered at the end must be given explicit numbers, for
+otherwise \LaTeX{} automatic numbering will treat them as appendix items with
+corresponding numbering. I have already expressed my sentiment about explicit
+With \app, these problems are solved. Floats are entered in the text
+\emph{where they are first referred to}. For preprints, they are then
+printed in the text as in a normal \LaTeX{} article; for manuscripts and
+camera-ready copy, only a marginal note is printed with the number,
+something AGU insists on anyway.
+(This may be suppressed with \verb!\figmarkfalse! and reinstated with
+\verb!\figmarktrue!.) The figure and plate captions are then automatically
+listed at the end, followed by the tables, followed optionally by the figures
+and plates themselves.
+\subsection{Figures and Plates}
+\figbox{\hsize}{6cm}{Paste Figure Here}
+\caption[]{A demonstration paste-in figure. The width was given as
+ {\tt\protect\bsl hsize} (the column width), the height as
+ 6~cm.\label{fig:demo}}
+Figures are entered in the \texttt{figure} or \texttt{figure*}
+environments, the latter being intended for double-column figures in
+two-column (preprint) format. Both environments produce identical results
+for manuscripts and camera-ready. The AGU provides a command
+\verb!\figurewidth! to specify the \emph{width of the camera-ready
+caption}; if it is omitted, the caption width is the normal column width.
+There is a limited number of allowed values as arguments: 20~pc (the
+default single-column width), 35~pc, and 41~pc. (For \emph{Radio Science}
+with \texttt{radga}, the values are 19, 33, and 38~pc.)
+JGR is still demanding that all figure captions be printed twice, once in
+width 20 and again in 35~pc. To enable this, give \verb!\doublecaption{35pc}!
+somewhere in the document, preferrably in the preamble so you notice it.
+The standard AGU package says that a \texttt{figure} environment should contain
+only an optional \verb!\figurewidth! command and a compulsory \verb!\caption!
+command, and nothing else. \app{} allows real figure contents to be included,
+but packed in a special \verb!\figbox!.
+This command takes three arguments:
+the width and height of the box, and the figure contents. The contents may be
+merely a note about what figure is to be pasted here, or a diagram made with
+\texttt{picture} or \textsc{Pic}\TeX, or an imported figure from other software,
+such as an encapsulated PostScript\footnote{PostScript is registered trademark
+of Adobe-Systems Incorporated.} file.
+There is also a starred version \verb!\figbox*! that behaves exactly the same
+as \verb!\figbox! except that no frame is drawn around the figure. This is
+most useful for real figures, whereas the unstarred command is more
+appropriate for reserved space for glued-in figures.
+Examples of input text for figures are:
+\figbox{\hsize}{6cm}{Paste Figure Here}
+\caption[]{A demonstration paste-in figure.
+ The width was given as {\tt hsize}
+ (the column width), the height as
+ 6~cm.\label{fig:demo}}
+ \figurewidth{35pc}
+ \figbox*{}{}{%
+ \includegraphics[width=35pc]{myfig.eps}}
+ \caption{A plot of Y versus X for various
+ times\label{fig:my}}
+For this to work, you must have loaded the \texttt{graphicx} package with
+\verb!\usepackage! at the beginning, and you must have a PostScript driver for
+the output. (There are other packages with different syntaxes for importing
+graphics; use the one that you are most familiar with.)
+The result of the first example is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:demo}.
+The \verb!\figbox! command reserves a framed box of the specified size and
+centers the contents both horizontally and vertically. It makes use of the
+standard \LaTeX{} \verb!\framebox! command, which can be customized with the
+parameters \verb!\fboxrule! and \verb!\fboxsep!. To suppress the rule
+altogether, use \verb!\figbox*! rather than setting \verb!\fboxrule! to zero,
+since this will turn off the box around the marginal notes.
+It is possible to have \verb!\figbox! and \verb!\figbox*! scale automatically
+to the size of its contents, something that is useful when the contents are a
+real figure. If the first argument (the width) is left empty, both dimensions
+are automatically set; otherwise one can specify the width and leave the
+second (height) empty for automatic sizing. Thus the possibilities are:
+\verb!\figbox{}{}{...} ! scales both automatically\\
+\verb!\figbox{\hsize}{}{...} ! sets width to column width, height automatically
+Plates are made up in exactly the same way as figures but with the
+\texttt{plate} and \texttt{plate*} environments. These are not part of standard
+\LaTeX, but have been added for AGU publications. In place of
+\verb!\figurewidth!, one must use
+\verb!\platewidth!; however, \verb!\figbox! and \verb!\figbox*! work for
+plates as well.
+Tables function somewhat differently from figures and plates because their
+contents will always be printed. Thus there is no equivalent of \verb!\figbox!
+for tables.
+Tables are constructed with the \LaTeX{} \texttt{tabular} or
+\texttt{tabbing} environments, as described in the manuals. To make them
+into floats, they must be included in a \texttt{table} or \texttt{table*}
+environment. For \app, they are to be placed in the text where
+appropriate, and not at the end as in standard AGU\TeX.
+There is an AGU command \verb!\tablewidth! to set the width of the
+table caption. Allowed values are 20, 30, 41, 48--57~pc, except for
+\emph{Radio Science} which has 19, 20, 37, 43--51~pc.
+The AGU package contains some additions to standard \LaTeX{} to put footnotes
+and comments in a table. These are
+The footnotes are numbered with lowercase letters which the author must enter
+explicitly. The \emph{cmnt\_text} is explanatory material that is printed
+below the table. These will all work with \app{} as well.
+AGU\TeX{} also provides an additional table-making environment, called
+\texttt{planotable}, for tables that may be continued over several pages.
+This too works with \app.
+\tablecaption{Coordinates of stations
+ \label{tab:coords}}
+\tablehead{\colhead{Station} &
+ \colhead{$\theta$\tablenotemark{\it a}} &
+ \colhead{$\phi$\tablenotemark{\it b}}}
+\tablenotetext{\it a}{Latitute, north $>0$}
+\tablenotetext{\it b}{Longitude, east $>0$}
+\tablecomments{Taken from Broodey [1976]}
+Brixstone & $45^\circ$ & $90^\circ$ \nl
+Wilstone &$-45^\circ$ &$-50^\circ$ \nl
+Tipstone & $56^\circ$ &$124^\circ$
+The \texttt{planotable} environment is encouraged by AGU, because it
+automatically formats the tables with the three horizontal rules that they
+want: after the title, after the column headings, and after the table data.
+A typical example would look like
+\tablecaption{Coordinates of stations
+ \label{tab:coords}}
+\tablehead{\colhead{Station} &
+ \colhead{$\theta$\tablenotemark{\it a}} &
+ \colhead{$\phi$\tablenotemark{\it b}}}
+\tablenotetext{\it a}{Latitute, north $>0$}
+\tablenotetext{\it b}{Longitude, east $>0$}
+\tablecomments{Taken from Broodey [1976]}
+Brixstone & $45^\circ$ & $90^\circ$ \nl
+Wilstone &$-45^\circ$ &$-50^\circ$ \nl
+Tipstone & $56^\circ$ &$124^\circ$
+The result is shown in Table~\ref{tab:coords}.
+Additional commands possible are
+\item[\ttfamily\bsl tablebreak] to force a page break in the middle of table;
+\item[\ttfamily\bsl nodata] for table elements that are empty;
+\item[\ttfamily\bsl cutinhead] to add new heading centered across whole table.
+\textbf{Note}: users who are familiar with the \texttt{longtable} environment
+from the package of the same name may use it too in place of
+\texttt{planotable}. However, be aware that that environment does not work in
+two-column mode. This means you can use it for manuscripts and camera-ready
+copy, but not for two-column preprints.
+\section{Citations and List of References}
+The great disappointment in AGU\TeX{} is the lack of a decent author-year
+citation scheme and \btx{} style file. This is corrected with \app, which also
+provides the bibliography style file \texttt{agu.bst} along with the interfacing
+to use it correctly.
+Even if one does not make use of \btx{} to generate the list of references,
+one may type it in oneself as a \texttt{thebibliography} environment. The form of
+the entries must be observed, however.
+\begin{thebibliography}{} %<-- Note {}
+ \bibitem[Smith {\it et al.}(1992)]{smi92}
+ Smith, J. G., P. G. Jones, and F. H. Weston,
+ Some results, {\it J. Strange Results},
+ {\it 32}, 345--350, 1992
+ \bibitem . . .
+Each \verb!\bibitem! entry contains in square brackets the text that should
+appear in the citation, \emph{but with the year in round parentheses}.
+Following that is the \emph{key} to refer to the citation, here \texttt{smi92}.
+This is also the key that is used to identify a reference in a \btx{}
+database. Of course, it is much easier to make up such a database and let
+\btx{} generate the \texttt{thebibliography} environment. This is done with
+where \emph{database} is the name of the bibliographic database file(s) that
+are to be searched by \btx. (The \btx{} program must also be run after at
+least one \LaTeX{} processing, and then \LaTeX{} must be run at least two
+times more.)
+In the main text, the commands \verb!\citet! and \verb!\citep! are
+used almost as in
+standard \LaTeX{} to print the citation, but with the following variations:
+\verb!\citet{smi92}! & Smith {\it et al.} [1992] \\
+\verb!\citep{smi92}! & [Smith {\it et al.}, 1992] \\
+\verb!\citep[p.~3]{smi92}! & [Smith {\it et al.}, 1992, p.~3]\\
+\verb!\citep[see][]{smi92}! & [see Smith {\it et al.}, 1992]
+Note that the use of optional arguments is somewhat different from that
+of normal \LaTeX{} where only a single argument in square brackets is
+allowed to place a note \emph{after} the citation. Here one optional
+argument behaves that way, but if there are two, then the first goes
+before, the second after the citation. This is because in author-year
+citations one often wants to say [see Smith {\it et al.}, 1992, and
+references therein].
+Multiple citations may be made with one \verb!\citep! command:\\[1ex]
+\verb!\citep{smi92,jam89}! & [Smith {\it et al.}, 1992; \\
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \quad James, 1989]\\
+\verb!\citep{smi89,smi92}! & [Smith {\it et al.}, 1989, 1992]
+It is also possible to cite the authors and years of a reference
+separately, as\\[1ex]
+\verb!\citeauthor{smi92}! & Smith {\it et al.}\\
+\verb!\citeyear{smi92}! & 1992
+\section{Other Features}
+These are the major features of \app, but there are a few more
+nice frills that are provided at no extra charge.
+\subsection{Improved Preprint Title}
+The AGU\TeX{} style \texttt{agupp} puts the title, authors, and abstract on
+a titlepage and starts the two-column mode with the first \verb!\section!
+command on the next page. Frankly, this looks cheap. By selecting the
+option \texttt{twocolumn} explicitly, the title and authors are put on the
+same page as the opening text, but the abstract goes into a narrow
+column. (This is actually standard \LaTeX, so one should not complain.)
+\app, on the other hand, puts the
+title, author, and abstract all across the two columns of the starting
+This is illustrated on the first page of this paper.
+Furthermore, the information in \verb!\lefthead! and \verb!\righthead!
+are added in the running heads; the option \texttt{twoside} may be used
+to effect here. This looks far more professional, more like a reprint
+than a preprint.
+\subsection{Notation List}
+If there is to be a list of notations used, AGU wishes it to appear after any
+appendices but before the acknowledgements and reference list. They recommend
+using the \texttt{tabular} environment, which has some inconveniences, such as
+it cannot continue on to another page and one has to adjust a width manually.
+\app\ provides the \texttt{notation} environment for this, which takes as its
+argument the longest symbol to be listed. For example
+\begin{notation}{$V_{\mbox{\small max}}$}
+ \item[$V$] velocity in general
+ \item[$V_{\mbox{\small p}}$]
+ proton velocity
+ \item[$V_{\mbox{\small max}}$]
+ maximum velocity
+This produces an unnumbered section heading \textbf{Notation} with the listing:
+\begin{notation}{$V_{\mbox{\small max}}$}
+ \item[$V$] velocity in general
+ \item[$V_{\mbox{\small p}}$]
+ proton velocity
+ \item[$V_{\mbox{\small max}}$]
+ maximum velocity
+\subsection{Supplemental Abstract}
+JGR requires an additional abstract with the paper number for printing in the
+JGR-Space Physics Subsets. By including the declaration
+anywhere in the paper (preferrably in the preamble), this will be printed
+automatically as the very last page of the camera-ready copy. For other
+versions, it does nothing, so that it may be left in all the time.
+\textbf{Note:} AGU\TeX-4.0 provides this feature too, with the command
+\verb|\printabstract| just before \verb|\end{document}|. This only works for
+Sometimes it is required to label some equations, figures, or tables as 4a,
+4b, 4c, \dots, that is, to sublabel them. This can be done with the pair of
+where \emph{counter} is one of \texttt{equation}, \texttt{figure},
+\texttt{plate}, or \texttt{table}. For example,
+ \caption{Caption of fig. 4a}
+ \caption{Caption of fig. 4b}
+ \caption{Caption of fig. 5}
+The \verb!\sublabon! contains an implicit \verb!\sublaboff! so it is not
+necessary to turn the sublabelling first off then on again in order to step
+the main counter: a single \verb!\sublabon! will do the job.
+AGU\TeX{} provides a \texttt{mathletters} environment that is equivalent to
+\verb!\sublabon{equation}!. There is no reason not to use this with \app{}
+\subsection{Balancing Two Columns}
+An annoying thing about the \LaTeX{} two-column mode is that the two columns
+on the last page are of different lengths. The \app{} package contains the
+command \verb!\balance! that activates the equalizing of columns of text on
+one page. Since this sometimes causes problems with floats and footnotes, it
+is better to issue it only on the last page. More precisely, it should appear
+somewhere in the text of the (unbalanced) left-hand column of the last page.
+Obviously, it only makes sense for preprints; in other modes, it has no
+effect, and may safely be left in the text.
+The counter command \verb!\nobalance! undoes the equalizing if this should be
+\subsection{Alternative Text for One and Two Columns}
+Often one needs to format text differently for the narrow columns of the
+preprint and camera-ready copy than for the wider columns of the manuscript.
+This is especially so for mathematical formulas. Since it is frustrating to
+have to alter the text every time one changes between manuscript and other
+output, \app{} provides the command
+to be able to keep the alternative versions always present. The {\em
+two\_col\_text\/} will be printed for preprints or camera-ready copy (which
+ultimately appears as double columns) and \emph{one\_col\_text} for
+The extension package \app{} adds features to AGU\TeX{} that have been gained
+over many years of practical experience of providing camera-ready copy to JGR
+and GRL. It has not been thought up out of the blue, but derives from feedback
+between the author, his colleagues, other users, and their interactions with
+the AGU copy editors, who often have been quite frustrating in their demands.
+The extension package is a distillation from the full-fledged \LaTeX{} styles
+\texttt{art-jgr} and \texttt{art-grl}. However, since \app{} is an extension to
+AGU\TeX, it simply assumes the layout specifications given to it, and so
+should be able to survive any future format alterations.
+It is the offspring of a battle-tested warrior and as such should be able to
+provide much more sturdy service. Its major advantages over standard AGU\TeX{}
+\item explicit numbering of many items can be avoided,
+\item figures, plates, and tables may be put into the text so that decent
+ preprints are made with a minimum of changes (simply by changing an option
+ in \verb!\documentstyle! or \verb!\documentclass!),
+\item and yet figure captions and tables appear at the end as required for
+ manuscripts and camera-ready copy,
+\item author-year citations may be done comfortably with \btx,
+\item appendices do not require explicit lettering, nor do they imply that
+ tables must be explicitly numbered afterwards,
+\item sublabelling of counters other than \texttt{equation} is possible,
+\item alternative text may be inserted for narrow and wide columns so that,
+ for example, math formulas always fit properly,
+\item the appearance of the first preprint page is improved, with title,
+ authors, and abstract across the two columns of text,
+\item the two columns on the last page of a preprint may be nicely balanced.
+The main emphasis of \app{} is that explicit numbering should be avoided at
+all costs, and that the text should be able to output manuscripts,
+camera-ready copy, and preprints, with only a simple change to the
+\verb!\documentstyle/class! command.
+\section{Encapsulated PostScript}
+As mentioned here, it is possible to include encapsulated PostScript files in
+a figure or plate, but within a \verb!\figbox*! frame. What makes a PostScript
+file `encapsulated' is the addition of certain standardized comments, the most
+important of which, for our purposes, is the \emph{bounding box
+specifications}. This tells \LaTeX{} (more properly the \texttt{dvips} driver)
+how to scale and shift the diagram to make it fit into the reserved space.
+However, many application programs cheat on the bounding box. It is not
+trivial to calculate (I know, for I have written a program to do it), so many
+programs just give the size of the full page. In this case, the figure will
+not fit so well into \verb!\figbox*!, which places the center of the specified
+bounding box in the center of the \verb!\figbox*!. If your figures come out
+displaced, or too small, then this may be the problem. A bounding box
+adjustment is necessary.
+For encapsulated PostScript diagrams, or for any other real figures, it is
+better to use \verb!\figbox*! rather than \verb!\figbox! in order to suppress
+the frame drawn around the figure.
+\section{A Template for an \app{} Article}
+I present here the outline of a source file with the essential
+AGU\TeX{} and \app{} shown.
+ %\documentclass[agums]{aguplus}
+ %\documentclass[jgrga]{aguplus}
+ %\documentstyle[twoside,agupp,aguplus]{article}
+ %\documentstyle[agums,aguplus]{article}
+ %\documentstyle[jgrga,aguplus]{article}
+ %\printfigures % ADDS FIGURES AT END
+ %\doublecaption{35pc} % CAPTIONS PRINTED TWICE
+ %\sectionnumbers % TURNS ON SECTION NUMBERS
+\righthead{short title}
+\journalid{JGRA}{Journal date}
+ % \cpright{PD}{1994}
+ % \cpright{Crown}{1994}
+ % (No \ccc{} for Crown copyrights.)
+\authoraddr{author1, full address}
+\authoraddr{author2, full address}
+\slugcomment{To appear ...}
+\title{Full Title}
+ %
+ %
+\author{author set 1}
+\affil{Institute 1}
+\author{author set 2\altaffilmark{1}}
+\affil{Institute 2}
+\altaffiltext{1}{Other institute}
+ %\author{author1\altaffilmark{1} and
+ % author2\altaffilmark{2,3}}
+ %\altaffiltext{1}{Institute 1}
+ %\altaffiltext{2}{Institute 2}
+ %\altaffiltext{3}{Other institute}
+ %
+ %
+ Text of abstract.
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ \figbox{\hsize}{10cm}{Paste Fig Here}
+ \caption{Caption text.\label{fig:lab}}
+ \figbox*{}{}{\includegraphics[height=10cm]{fig.eps}}
+ \caption{Caption text.\label{fig:eps}}
+ \platewidth{35pc}
+ \figbox{35pc}{12cm}{Paste Plate Here}
+ \caption{Caption text.\label{pla:lab}}
+ \caption{Caption of table.\label{tab:lab}}
+ \begin{tabular}{...}
+ .....
+ \end{tabular}
+ %
+ %
+As shown by \citet{smi92}, one may ...
+It has been shown \citep{smi92} that one may ...
+ %
+ %
+\section{Some More Stuff}
+ %
+ %
+We wish to thank...
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ %\begin{thebibliography}{}
+ % \bibitem[author {\it et al.}(year)]{key}
+ % reference text
+ %
+ % \bibitem[author1 and author2(year)]{key}
+ % reference text
+ %
+ %\end{thebibliography}
+\bibitem[{{\it Kopka and Daly\/}(1999)}]{ltx:guide3}
+Kopka, H., and P.~W. Daly, {\it A Guide to \LaTeX---Document Preparation for
+ Beginners and Advanced Users\/}, 3rd ed., Addison Wesley Longman, Reading,
+ MA, 1999.
+\bibitem[{{\it Lamport\/}(1994)}]{ltx:lamport2}
+Lamport, L., {\it \LaTeX---A Document Preparation System\/}, 2nd ed.,
+ Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994.
+%% End of file `aguplus.tex'.