path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex-dev/base/lamport-manual.err
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex-dev/base/lamport-manual.err')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex-dev/base/lamport-manual.err b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex-dev/base/lamport-manual.err
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+\newcommand{\reportedby}[2]{{\small [First reported by #1 on \mbox{#2}.]}}
+% %
+% Defines \moddate to expand to modification date such as %
+% %
+% 5 Aug 1991 %
+% %
+% and \prdate to print it in a large box. Assumes editor %
+% updates modification date in standard SRC Gnu Emacs style. %
+% (should work for any user name). %
+\def\ypmd{% %
+% %
+% %
+ Last modified on Thu 5 August 2021 at 12:56:59 PST by lamport %
+ endypmd} %
+% %
+\newcommand{\moddate}{\expandafter\xpmd\ypmd} %
+\def\xpmd Last modified %
+on #1 #2 #3 #4 at #5:#6:#7 #8 by #9 endypmd{#2 #3 #4} %
+\newcommand{\prdate}{\noindent\fbox{\Large\moddate}} %
+\newcommand\bs{\char '134 } % A backslash character for \tt font
+\title{Errata to the Second Edition of the \LaTeX\ Manual}
+\author{Leslie Lamport}
+\noindent These are all the errors and omissions to the manual,
+\LaTeX: {\em A Document Preparation System}, second edition, published
+by Addison-Wesley, reported as of \moddate. Positions in the book are
+indicated by page and line number, where the top line of a page is
+number 1 and the bottom line is number $-1$. A running head and a
+page number are not considered to be lines, but all other lines are.
+Please report any additional errors to The \LaTeX\ Project at
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the First Printing}
+\erratum{page 25, example of \texttt{verse} environment}
+Replace \verb|{\em all\/}| by \verb|\emph{all}|.
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 28, first paragraph}
+Not an error, but it would be
+helpful to add the following sentence to the end of that paragraph:
+ ``(If a declaration has arguments, they become additional
+arguments of the corresponding environment's \verb|\begin| command.)''
+\erratum{page 33, line 10}
+Add \verb|\]| to the list of fragile commands.
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 43, table 3.5}
+Add an entry for \verb|\notin| ($\notin$).
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 72, two examples}
+Change \verb|{\em ...}| to \verb|\emph{...}|
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 101}
+This is not an error, but some readers will find it helpful if, in the
+descriptions of \verb|\setlength| and \verb|\addtolength|,
+\verb|\gnat| were replaced by \verb|\parskip|.
+ \reportedby{Ellen Gilkerson}{9 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 108, lines 7 and 10}
+This is not an error, but it might be easier to understand
+the example if \verb|\len| were replaced by something like \verb|\saved|.
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 139, lines $-8$ and $-9$}
+The funny break between these two lines should be eliminated.
+\reportedby{Malcolm Clark}{9 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 177, line $-12$}
+The \verb|twocolumn| option cannot be used with the \verb|letters|
+\erratum{page 197, lines 7 and 9}
+The \verb|figure*| environment is ended by \verb|\end{figure*}|, and
+the \verb|table*| environment is ended by \verb|\end{table*}|.
+\reportedby{Malcolm Clark}{9 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 228}
+Add a note that, before running a LaTeX2.09 file in compatibility mode
+in LaTeX2e, you should delete the old versions of the auxiliary files.
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the Second Printing}
+\erratum{page xv, line 10}
+``Chris Rowley'' should come after ``Sebastian Rahtz''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{24 April 1995}
+\erratum{page 29, line $-10$}
+Change ``error indicator line'' to ``error locator line''.
+\reportedby{Xavier Perramon}{2 Jan 1995}
+\erratum{page 37, lines 26--28}
+Change the two sentences ``None of these \ldots formula.'' to:
+These text-producing commands can be used in math mode to put ordinary
+text in a formula. (When the command is used in math mode, its
+argument is processed in LR mode.) The declarations cannot be used in
+math mode. Section 3.3.8 explains how to change the type style of a
+formula's math-mode symbols.
+\reportedby{Mike Piff}{7 Mar 1995}
+\erratum{page 39, line 6}
+Replace ``any mode'' with ``paragraph and LR mode''. Also,
+after line 8, add:
+The commands \verb|\dag|, \verb|\ddag|, \verb|\S|, and \verb|\P|
+can also be used in math mode.
+\erratum{page 53, line 24}
+Change ``are needed in the'' to ``are used in the''
+\reportedby{Mike Piff}{21 Oct 1994}
+\erratum{page 80, line 1}
+The section heading should not be outdented.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{23 Jan 1995}
+\erratum{page 83, line $-8$}
+Change ``\verb|\resettime|'' to ``\verb|\settime|''.
+\erratum{page 84, after line $11$} Add the following sentence: ``The
+\hbox{\verb|\onlyslides|} and \hbox{\verb|\onlynotes|} commands may
+not work right if a \texttt{slide}, \texttt{overlay}, or \texttt{note}
+environment appears in the argument of any command.''
+\reportedby{Eike Ritter}{May 1996}
+\erratum{page 153, line 1}
+Add ``or subentry'' after ``entry''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{22 Feb 1995}
+\erratum{page 171}
+Add the following before line $-4$:
+\item[\mytt \bs columnwidth]
+Normal width
+ \cindex{columnwidth}%
+of a column;
+% \index{column!width}%
+ \index{width!of column}%
+equals \verb|\textwidth| except for multiple-column styles.
+Its value should not be changed with the length-setting commands.
+Also, in line $-4$, change \verb|\textwidth| to \verb|\columnwidth|.
+%\reportedby{Volker Kuhlmav}{20 Jan 1995}
+\reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{9 Sep 1994}
+\erratum{page 180, lines 15--19}
+Replace these five lines (which begin ``These commands are overridden'')
+\begin{itemize} \item[]
+To override a heading on a right-hand page (any page for one-sided
+printing), put a \verb|\markright| after the sectioning command and in
+its mandatory argument, and add an optional argument without the
+\verb|markright|, as in
+ \verb|\chapter[Gnu Scents]{Gnu Scents\markright{|\textit{right\_head}\verb|}}|\\
+ \verb|\markright{|\textit{right\_head}\verb|}|
+To change the heading on a left-hand page, put a \verb|\markboth|
+command immediately after the sectioning command.
+\reportedby{Jerome Breitenbach}{14 Dec 1995}
+\erratum{page 182}
+The dimensions
+\verb|\pageheight| and \verb|\pagewidth|
+should be \verb|\paperheight| and \verb|\paperwidth|,
+respectively. (The index entries on page 260 should also be changed.)
+\reportedby{Alan Jeffrey, on behalf of a user}{12 Sep 1995}
+\erratum{page 192, line 19}
+Change ``\emph{cmd}'' to ``\emph{def}''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{9 Mar 1995}
+\erratum{page 195, line 14}
+Change ``numbered `within' it'' to ``numbered directly `within' it''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{5 Dec 1994}
+\erratum{page 197, line 14}
+After ``\verb|\textwidth|'' add ``or \verb|\columnwidth|''
+\reportedby{Volker Kuhlmann}{22 Jan 1995}
+\erratum{page 226}
+After line 7, add
+These declarations may not be used in math mode.
+Replace lines 16-19 (beginning ``None of these commands'') with
+When these commands are used in math mode, the \emph{text}
+argument is processed in LR mode.
+These commands and declarations are robust. Words typeset in
+typewriter style are not hyphenated except where permitted by \verb|\-|
+\reportedby{Marc Lavine}{22 Aug 1995}
+\erratum{page 228}
+To the section ``Type Styles and Sizes'', add the following sentence:
+A few mathematical symbols now require the \texttt{latexsym} package---see
+Tables 3.4--3.7.
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the Sixteenth Printing}
+\erratum{page 42, line 14}
+Change ``through a symbol'' by ``through a relation symbol''.
+\reportedby{Frank Mittelbach}{15 Nov 1996}
+\erratum{page 42, Table 3.4}
+\verb|\land| should be listed as a synonym for \verb|\wedge|, and
+\verb|\lor| should be listed as a synonym for \verb|\vee|.
+\reportedby{Chris Rowley}{28 Oct 1998}
+\erratum{page 43, Table 3.7}
+\verb|\lnot| should be listed as a synonym for \verb|\neg|.
+\reportedby{Chris Rowley}{15 Oct 1998}
+\erratum{page 137} This is not an error, but it would be better to
+change lines 23 and 24 to:
+ \index{file!not found error}%
+ \index{file!nonexistent}%
+is trying to read a file that apparently doesn't exist. If the missing
+file has the extension \texttt{tex}, then \LaTeX\ is trying to
+ \index{input)@\verb+\input+!of nonexistent file}%
+ \index{include)@\verb+\include+!of nonexistent file}%
+\verb|\input| or \verb|\include| it; if it
+\erratum{page 171, line 19}
+Change the description of \verb|\indent| to:
+\item[\mytt \bs indent]
+Produces a
+% \cindex{indent}%
+% \index{paragraph!indentation}%
+horizontal space whose width equals the width of the
+paragraph indentation. It can be used to add a paragraph indentation
+where one would otherwise be suppressed. (If it doesn't work,
+try typing \verb|\indent\indent|.) Robust.
+\reportedby{Chris Rowley}{15 Oct 1998}
+\erratum{page 179, line 19}
+Change to:
+page style for the \texttt{article} and \texttt{report} document classes.
+\reportedby{Stephen J. Alter}{17 Sep 1997}
+\erratum{page 195, line 28}
+Replace ``\textit{num}$_1$ and \textit{num}$_1$ are numbers''
+with ``\textit{num}$_1$ and \textit{num}$_2$ are numbers''.
+\reportedby{Magnus Lewis-Smith}{14 Jan 1999}
+\erratum{page 196, line $-5$}
+Change \verb|\newboolean{|\emph{name}\verb|}| to
+\reportedby{Christopher von B\"{u}low}{28 Aug 2000}
+\erratum{page 198, line 14}
+Change ``it will not be printed'' to ``it will usually not be printed''.
+\erratum{page 218, line $-14$}
+Change ``\texttt{tabular}'' to ``\texttt{tabbing}''.
+\reportedby{Carlos Pita}{27 Aug 2001}
+\erratum{foldout, column 3, line 3}
+Replace \emph{style} with \emph{class}. \reportedby{Christopher von B\"{u}low}{28 Aug 2000}
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the Seventeenth Printing}
+\erratum{page 51, line 8}
+Change ``The \verb|\,| command'' to ``The \verb|\,| and \verb*|\ | commands''.
+\reportedby{Phillip J Shelton}{2 Jul 1999}
+\erratum{page 61, second example (middle of page)}
+Remove the \verb|\mbox{}| following the \texttt{tabbing} environment.
+\reportedby{Marcin Wolinski}{17 Sep 2003}
+\erratum{page 210, line 20}
+Add a space after ``bibliography''.
+\reportedby{Marcin Wolinski}{17 Sep 2003}
+\subsection*{Error Corrected in the Twenty-First Printing}
+\erratum{page 198, line $-11$}
+The sentence beginning ``The last three rules'' is hard to read. Better
+would be:
+\noindent The last three rules are suspended when a
+ \verb|\clearpage|,\linebreak
+ \verb|\cleardoublepage|, or
+ \verb|\end{document}| command occurs,
+at which point all unprocessed figures and tables are allowed a
+\hbox{\mytt p} option and printed.
+\reportedby{Paul Stanford}{9 Oct 2004}
+\subsection*{Error Corrected in the Twenty-Second Printing}
+\erratum{page 253, column 2, lines $-5$ and $-6$}
+The two index entries for \verb|\ldots| should be combined.
+\reportedby{Christopher Dutchyn}{22 July 2005}
+\subsection*{Uncorrected Errors}
+\erratum{page 206, line 17 (\texttt{\string\multicolumn} explanation)}
+Insert the following text right after ``\texttt{l}, and \texttt{r}.''
+If the part of the environment's \emph{cols} argument being replaced
+immediately follows an \texttt{@} expression, then the \emph{item}
+will be preceded by a normal intercolumn space unless the
+\verb|\multicolumn| command's \emph{col} argument begins with an
+\texttt{@} expression. In particular, beginning the \emph{col}
+argument with \verb|@{}| will suppress that space.
+\reportedby{Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach}{23 Sep 2018}
+\erratum{page 201, line $-1$ and page 202, line 1 (\emph{next\_tab\_stop}
+ explanation)}
+Change ``it is reset to the value of \emph{left\_margin\_tab}'' to ``it is
+reset to the value of $\mathit{left\_margin\_tab} + 1$''.
+\reportedby{Austin Kim}{25 June 2021}
+\erratum{page 202, lines 23--24 (\texttt{\string\\} command)
+ and lines 25--27 (\texttt{\string\kill} command)}
+Change ``to the value of
+\emph{left\_margin\_tab}'' to ``to the value of $\mathit{left\_margin\_tab} + 1$''.
+\reportedby{Austin Kim}{25 June 2021}
+% \erratum{page 202, line 25--27 (\texttt{\string\kill} command)}
+% Change ``sets the value of \emph{next\_tab\_stop} to the value of
+% \emph{left\_margin\_tab}'' to ``sets the value of \emph{next\_tab\_stop} equal
+% to the value of $\mathit{left\_margin\_tab} + 1$''.
+%try \ No newline at end of file