path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex
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35 files changed, 4152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/GPL.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/GPL.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b6e7c66c27
--- /dev/null
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+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/INSTALL b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..756591a67d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+This file is part of VnTeX. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+Author: Reinhard Kotucha <>
+See Appendix A where to get help.
+When do I need
+VnTeX complies with version 1.1 of the TDS (TeX Directory Structure).
+To find out whether your system supports version 1.1, look whether
+there is a directory fonts/map in at least one texmf tree. If this is
+*not* the case, you need
+UNIX, Linux, MacOS/X, TeXLive (UNIX or Windows)
+To install VnTeX on a web2c system you have to unpack
+or inside of a texmf tree. It is recommended
+to create an own directory tree for vntex so that you can remove it easily
+when you update your TeX system.
+This directory tree should be the first item of TeX's search path,
+otherwise you have to remove old versions of VnTeX or vncmr completely.
+On UNIX systems this is something like /usr/local/share/texmf-vntex
+for a system-wide installation or $HOME/texmf-vntex if you do not have
+access to this directory. On Windows c:\texmf-vntex is a good place.
+* Unpack the .zip file in this directory.
+* Create a local copy of the system texmf.cnf file.
+* Edit this copy:
+ -- Add texmf-vntex with its complete path to the variable TEXMF. It
+ should appear before TEXMFDIST and TEXMFMAIN.
+ -- Set font_mem_size to a value of at least 1100000 if you want to
+ compile the font samples in texmf-vntex/doc/generic/vntex/tests.
+ (This is not required, see README in the tests directory).
+ Add C:/WINDOWS/FONTS to TTFONTS if you're under Windows.
+* Set the environment variable TEXMFCNF to the directory in which
+ your local copy of texmf.cnf resides. See Appendix B for details.
+* Run texhash.
+* Now you have to update the map files.
+ System-wide installation
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ If there is a program updmap-sys on your system, run
+ updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --disable
+ updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --enable MixedMap
+ updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --enable MixedMap
+ updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap-sys --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap-sys
+ Otherwise, run
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --disable
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable MixedMap
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable MixedMap
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap
+ from your command line. But don't use updmap if updmap-sys is
+ available.
+ Personal installation
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ If you don't have access to the system directories, you have unpacked
+ your files in $HOME/texmf-vntex or c:\texmf-vntex.
+ If there is a program updmap-sys on your system, run
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --disable
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable MixedMap
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable MixedMap
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map
+ updmap
+ from the command line. If not, ask your system administrator to
+ install VnTeX.
+* Remove (if any) previous version of VnTeX by running
+ [Programs]-->[MikTeX]-->[MikTeX Options], then select
+ [Packages]-->[Language]-->[Vietnamese]-->[vntex].
+* Unpack vntex .zip file to some location, e.g., c:\texmf-vntex if you
+ have installed MikTeX to c:\texmf. If you have installed MikTeX to
+ e.g c:\miktex\texmf, then it is recommended to unpack it in
+ c:\miktex\texmf-vntex.
+* Run [Programs]-->[MikTeX]-->[MikTeX Options], then select
+ [Roots]-->[Add] and add c:\texmf-vntex (or c:\miktex\texmf-vntex).
+* Refresh the file name database.
+* If you want to use the T1 fonts that come with VnTeX, you also
+ need to make dvips and pdftex aware of those fonts:
+ Add the following lines to updmap.cfg:
+ MixedMap
+ MixedMap
+ Map
+ Map
+ Map
+ If there is an entry `MixedMap', remove it.
+* Run "initexmf -mkmaps".
+* Edit the file MIKTEX.INI
+ -- Add c:\windows\fonts to TTFPath.
+ -- Set font_mem_size to a value of at least 1100000 if you want to
+ compile the font samples in texmf-vntex/doc/generic/vntex/tests.
+Tex4ht (all systems)
+The Vietnamese fonts for tex4ht are now part of the tex4ht distribution.
+In order to use tex4ht you have to install the files needed by VnTeX.
+Make sure your tex4ht distribution is not too old.
+plnfss (all systems)
+The plain TeX font selection macros are now a separate package.
+You don't neeed it if you are using LaTeX.
+* Download from:
+* Unpack the archive in the same texmf tree as VnTeX.
+* Refresh the file database.
+Appendix A: Getting Help
+If you have any problems, don't hesitate to ask. There is a mailing
+list (very low traffic) for questions about VnTeX and typesetting
+Vietnamese. To subscribe to the list, visit
+The primary site of VnTeX is:
+The current maintainers are:
+ Han The Thanh <>
+ Werner Lemberg <>
+ Reinhard Kotucha <>
+Appendix B: Setting Environment Variables
+(This is not needed for MikTeX)
+ Personal installation
+ ---------------------
+ Put
+ TEXMFCNF=<path_to_texmf.cnf>
+ into the file ~/.profile .
+ TEXMFCNF must be an absolute path (beginning with /) to the
+ directory in which the file texmf.cnf resides.
+ Run "source ~/.profile" to execute this file in the current shell.
+ Next time you log in this file will be evaluated automatically.
+ System wide installation
+ ------------------------
+ Put the variable into /etc/profile. If there is a directory
+ /etc/profile.d, add a file "" to this directory which
+ contains the variable.
+ The variable is evaluated when a user logs in.
+Windows (TeXLive) ^1
+ -- Windows 95/98
+ Edit your autoexec.bat. Add the line:
+ set TEXINPUTS=c:\texmf-vntex//:
+ and reboot your system.
+ -- Windows ME
+ You need to run the special program c:\windows\system\msconfig.exe
+ to be able to change any environment variable. From this program,
+ select the `Environment' tab, and then add or modify the variable
+ you want. You will be asked to reboot the machine upon any
+ change.
+ -- Windows NT/2K/XP
+ Click left on "Start-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Environment variables".
+ Now the window with the control panel icons opens. Double click
+ on System. The System Properties window opens. Click on the tab
+ Environment or look for a button named Environment Variables among
+ the dialog boxes. Now you can change the environment variables
+ for your user account.
+ Note:
+ There are also displayed the environment settings for the
+ system. Normally, you can't change the system variables unless
+ you have administrator rights on your machine. If you want to
+ change the PATH for all users, you will have to contact your system
+ administrator or be the system administrator yourself -- in the
+ latter case you should know what you are doing.
+ Don't forget to remove TEXMFCNF (and your copy of the file texmf.cnf)
+ if you install a new TeX system which already provides VnTeX-3.0!
+^1 See:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/LPPL.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/LPPL.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bfe13a27b8b
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/LPPL.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+The LaTeX Project Public License
+LPPL Version 1.3a 2004-10-01
+Copyright 1999 2002-04 LaTeX3 Project
+ Everyone is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of this
+ license document, but modification of it is not allowed.
+The LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) is the primary license under
+which the the LaTeX kernel and the base LaTeX packages are distributed.
+You may use this license for any work of which you hold the copyright
+and which you wish to distribute. This license may be particularly
+suitable if your work is TeX-related (such as a LaTeX package), but
+you may use it with small modifications even if your work is unrelated
+to TeX.
+below, gives instructions, examples, and recommendations for authors
+who are considering distributing their works under this license.
+This license gives conditions under which a work may be distributed
+and modified, as well as conditions under which modified versions of
+that work may be distributed.
+We, the LaTeX3 Project, believe that the conditions below give you
+the freedom to make and distribute modified versions of your work
+that conform with whatever technical specifications you wish while
+maintaining the availability, integrity, and reliability of
+that work. If you do not see how to achieve your goal while
+meeting these conditions, then read the document `cfgguide.tex'
+and `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution for suggestions.
+In this license document the following terms are used:
+ `Work'
+ Any work being distributed under this License.
+ `Derived Work'
+ Any work that under any applicable law is derived from the Work.
+ `Modification'
+ Any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any applicable
+ law -- for example, the production of a file containing an
+ original file associated with the Work or a significant portion of
+ such a file, either verbatim or with modifications and/or
+ translated into another language.
+ `Modify'
+ To apply any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any
+ applicable law.
+ `Distribution'
+ Making copies of the Work available from one person to another, in
+ whole or in part. Distribution includes (but is not limited to)
+ making any electronic components of the Work accessible by
+ file transfer protocols such as FTP or HTTP or by shared file
+ systems such as Sun's Network File System (NFS).
+ `Compiled Work'
+ A version of the Work that has been processed into a form where it
+ is directly usable on a computer system. This processing may
+ include using installation facilities provided by the Work,
+ transformations of the Work, copying of components of the Work, or
+ other activities. Note that modification of any installation
+ facilities provided by the Work constitutes modification of the Work.
+ `Current Maintainer'
+ A person or persons nominated as such within the Work. If there is
+ no such explicit nomination then it is the `Copyright Holder' under
+ any applicable law.
+ `Base Interpreter'
+ A program or process that is normally needed for running or
+ interpreting a part or the whole of the Work.
+ A Base Interpreter may depend on external components but these
+ are not considered part of the Base Interpreter provided that each
+ external component clearly identifies itself whenever it is used
+ interactively. Unless explicitly specified when applying the
+ license to the Work, the only applicable Base Interpreter is a
+ "LaTeX-Format".
+1. Activities other than distribution and/or modification of the Work
+are not covered by this license; they are outside its scope. In
+particular, the act of running the Work is not restricted and no
+requirements are made concerning any offers of support for the Work.
+2. You may distribute a complete, unmodified copy of the Work as you
+received it. Distribution of only part of the Work is considered
+modification of the Work, and no right to distribute such a Derived
+Work may be assumed under the terms of this clause.
+3. You may distribute a Compiled Work that has been generated from a
+complete, unmodified copy of the Work as distributed under Clause 2
+above, as long as that Compiled Work is distributed in such a way that
+the recipients may install the Compiled Work on their system exactly
+as it would have been installed if they generated a Compiled Work
+directly from the Work.
+4. If you are the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may, without
+restriction, modify the Work, thus creating a Derived Work. You may
+also distribute the Derived Work without restriction, including
+Compiled Works generated from the Derived Work. Derived Works
+distributed in this manner by the Current Maintainer are considered to
+be updated versions of the Work.
+5. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may modify
+your copy of the Work, thus creating a Derived Work based on the Work,
+and compile this Derived Work, thus creating a Compiled Work based on
+the Derived Work.
+6. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may
+distribute a Derived Work provided the following conditions are met
+for every component of the Work unless that component clearly states
+in the copyright notice that it is exempt from that condition. Only
+the Current Maintainer is allowed to add such statements of exemption
+to a component of the Work.
+ a. If a component of this Derived Work can be a direct replacement
+ for a component of the Work when that component is used with the
+ Base Interpreter, then, wherever this component of the Work
+ identifies itself to the user when used interactively with that
+ Base Interpreter, the replacement component of this Derived Work
+ clearly and unambiguously identifies itself as a modified version
+ of this component to the user when used interactively with that
+ Base Interpreter.
+ b. Every component of the Derived Work contains prominent notices
+ detailing the nature of the changes to that component, or a
+ prominent reference to another file that is distributed as part
+ of the Derived Work and that contains a complete and accurate log
+ of the changes.
+ c. No information in the Derived Work implies that any persons,
+ including (but not limited to) the authors of the original version
+ of the Work, provide any support, including (but not limited to)
+ the reporting and handling of errors, to recipients of the
+ Derived Work unless those persons have stated explicitly that
+ they do provide such support for the Derived Work.
+ d. You distribute at least one of the following with the Derived Work:
+ 1. A complete, unmodified copy of the Work;
+ if your distribution of a modified component is made by
+ offering access to copy the modified component from a
+ designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy
+ the Work from the same or some similar place meets this
+ condition, even though third parties are not compelled to
+ copy the Work along with the modified component;
+ 2. Information that is sufficient to obtain a complete, unmodified
+ copy of the Work.
+7. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may
+distribute a Compiled Work generated from a Derived Work, as long as
+the Derived Work is distributed to all recipients of the Compiled
+Work, and as long as the conditions of Clause 6, above, are met with
+regard to the Derived Work.
+8. The conditions above are not intended to prohibit, and hence do
+not apply to, the modification, by any method, of any component so that it
+becomes identical to an updated version of that component of the Work as
+it is distributed by the Current Maintainer under Clause 4, above.
+9. Distribution of the Work or any Derived Work in an alternative
+format, where the Work or that Derived Work (in whole or in part) is
+then produced by applying some process to that format, does not relax or
+nullify any sections of this license as they pertain to the results of
+applying that process.
+10. a. A Derived Work may be distributed under a different license
+ provided that license itself honors the conditions listed in
+ Clause 6 above, in regard to the Work, though it does not have
+ to honor the rest of the conditions in this license.
+ b. If a Derived Work is distributed under this license, that
+ Derived Work must provide sufficient documentation as part of
+ itself to allow each recipient of that Derived Work to honor the
+ restrictions in Clause 6 above, concerning changes from the Work.
+11. This license places no restrictions on works that are unrelated to
+the Work, nor does this license place any restrictions on aggregating
+such works with the Work by any means.
+12. Nothing in this license is intended to, or may be used to, prevent
+complete compliance by all parties with all applicable laws.
+There is no warranty for the Work. Except when otherwise stated in
+writing, the Copyright Holder provides the Work `as is', without
+warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
+limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
+a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance
+of the Work is with you. Should the Work prove defective, you
+assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction.
+In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
+will The Copyright Holder, or any author named in the components of
+the Work, or any other party who may distribute and/or modify the Work
+as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any
+general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of
+any use of the Work or out of inability to use the Work (including,
+but not limited to, loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, or
+losses sustained by anyone as a result of any failure of the Work to
+operate with any other programs), even if the Copyright Holder or said
+author or said other party has been advised of the possibility of such
+The Work has the status `author-maintained' if the Copyright Holder
+explicitly and prominently states near the primary copyright notice in
+the Work that the Work can only be maintained by the Copyright Holder
+or simply that is `author-maintained'.
+The Work has the status `maintained' if there is a Current Maintainer
+who has indicated in the Work that they are willing to receive error
+reports for the Work (for example, by supplying a valid e-mail
+address). It is not required for the Current Maintainer to acknowledge
+or act upon these error reports.
+The Work changes from status `maintained' to `unmaintained' if there
+is no Current Maintainer, or the person stated to be Current
+Maintainer of the work cannot be reached through the indicated means
+of communication for a period of six months, and there are no other
+significant signs of active maintenance.
+You can become the Current Maintainer of the Work by agreement with
+any existing Current Maintainer to take over this role.
+If the Work is unmaintained, you can become the Current Maintainer of
+the Work through the following steps:
+ 1. Make a reasonable attempt to trace the Current Maintainer (and
+ the Copyright Holder, if the two differ) through the means of
+ an Internet or similar search.
+ 2. If this search is successful, then enquire whether the Work
+ is still maintained.
+ a. If it is being maintained, then ask the Current Maintainer
+ to update their communication data within one month.
+ b. If the search is unsuccessful or no action to resume active
+ maintenance is taken by the Current Maintainer, then announce
+ within the pertinent community your intention to take over
+ maintenance. (If the Work is a LaTeX work, this could be
+ done, for example, by posting to comp.text.tex.)
+ 3a. If the Current Maintainer is reachable and agrees to pass
+ maintenance of the Work to you, then this takes effect
+ immediately upon announcement.
+ b. If the Current Maintainer is not reachable and the Copyright
+ Holder agrees that maintenance of the Work be passed to you,
+ then this takes effect immediately upon announcement.
+ 4. If you make an `intention announcement' as described in 2b. above
+ and after three months your intention is challenged neither by
+ the Current Maintainer nor by the Copyright Holder nor by other
+ people, then you may arrange for the Work to be changed so as
+ to name you as the (new) Current Maintainer.
+ 5. If the previously unreachable Current Maintainer becomes
+ reachable once more within three months of a change completed
+ under the terms of 3b) or 4), then that Current Maintainer must
+ become or remain the Current Maintainer upon request provided
+ they then update their communication data within one month.
+A change in the Current Maintainer does not, of itself, alter the fact
+that the Work is distributed under the LPPL license.
+If you become the Current Maintainer of the Work, you should
+immediately provide, within the Work, a prominent and unambiguous
+statement of your status as Current Maintainer. You should also
+announce your new status to the same pertinent community as
+in 2b) above.
+This section contains important instructions, examples, and
+recommendations for authors who are considering distributing their
+works under this license. These authors are addressed as `you' in
+this section.
+Choosing This License or Another License
+If for any part of your work you want or need to use *distribution*
+conditions that differ significantly from those in this license, then
+do not refer to this license anywhere in your work but, instead,
+distribute your work under a different license. You may use the text
+of this license as a model for your own license, but your license
+should not refer to the LPPL or otherwise give the impression that
+your work is distributed under the LPPL.
+The document `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution explains
+the motivation behind the conditions of this license. It explains,
+for example, why distributing LaTeX under the GNU General Public
+License (GPL) was considered inappropriate. Even if your work is
+unrelated to LaTeX, the discussion in `modguide.tex' may still be
+relevant, and authors intending to distribute their works under any
+license are encouraged to read it.
+A Recommendation on Modification Without Distribution
+It is wise never to modify a component of the Work, even for your own
+personal use, without also meeting the above conditions for
+distributing the modified component. While you might intend that such
+modifications will never be distributed, often this will happen by
+accident -- you may forget that you have modified that component; or
+it may not occur to you when allowing others to access the modified
+version that you are thus distributing it and violating the conditions
+of this license in ways that could have legal implications and, worse,
+cause problems for the community. It is therefore usually in your
+best interest to keep your copy of the Work identical with the public
+one. Many works provide ways to control the behavior of that work
+without altering any of its licensed components.
+How to Use This License
+To use this license, place in each of the components of your work both
+an explicit copyright notice including your name and the year the work
+was authored and/or last substantially modified. Include also a
+statement that the distribution and/or modification of that
+component is constrained by the conditions in this license.
+Here is an example of such a notice and statement:
+ %% pig.dtx
+ %% Copyright 2003 M. Y. Name
+ %
+ % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+ % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+ % The latest version of this license is in
+ %
+ % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+ % version 2003/12/01 or later.
+ %
+ % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+ %
+ % This Current Maintainer of this work is M. Y. Name.
+ %
+ % This work consists of the files pig.dtx and pig.ins
+ % and the derived file pig.sty.
+Given such a notice and statement in a file, the conditions
+given in this license document would apply, with the `Work' referring
+to the three files `pig.dtx', `pig.ins', and `pig.sty' (the last being
+generated from `pig.dtx' using `pig.ins'), the `Base Interpreter'
+referring to any "LaTeX-Format", and both `Copyright Holder' and
+`Current Maintainer' referring to the person `M. Y. Name'.
+If you do not want the Maintenance section of LPPL to apply to your
+Work, change "maintained" above into "author-maintained".
+However, we recommend that you use "maintained" as the Maintenance
+section was added in order to ensure that your Work remains useful to
+the community even when you can no longer maintain and support it
+Important Recommendations
+ Defining What Constitutes the Work
+ The LPPL requires that distributions of the Work contain all the
+ files of the Work. It is therefore important that you provide a
+ way for the licensee to determine which files constitute the Work.
+ This could, for example, be achieved by explicitly listing all the
+ files of the Work near the copyright notice of each file or by
+ using a line such as:
+ % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
+ in that place. In the absence of an unequivocal list it might be
+ impossible for the licensee to determine what is considered by you
+ to comprise the Work and, in such a case, the licensee would be
+ entitled to make reasonable conjectures as to which files comprise
+ the Work.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/NEWS b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d108d76edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+according to
+Changes from version 2.0 (released 2003/03/03 at
+ * New test files with (hopefully) more meaningful names and also some
+ explanation in doc/generic/vntex/tests/README.
+ * Changed locations of enc/map files to conform to TDS 1.1: they now
+ belong to fonts/{enc,map}/{dvips,pdftex}/vntex. This
+ may break a few things, but it must be done now, as TDS 1.1 is used
+ by all recent TeX distributions
+ * Added some font samples to doc/generic/vntex/tests (see README
+ for more details).
+ * added support for tex4ht. (Now part of the tex4ht distribution)
+ * a few files had been removed:
+ - dvips/vntex/config.vnr: inconsistency with urwvn, where no
+ config.urwvn was available.
+ - the line for vnr fonts has been added to the
+ official version of distributed by tetex and
+ texlive.
+ - tcx files: they are part of the standard TeX distributions now.
+ * dblaccnt.sty and dblaccnt.tex are no longer used; they are
+ retained for backwards compatibility only -- dblaccnt.sty now
+ works with LaTeX 2003/12/01.
+ * vntex now supports utf8 (native LaTeX) as well as utf8x (ucs.sty).
+ Support for ucs.sty is a separate package now.
+ * Added support for mscore fonts (tfm/vf/fd/map/enc); this requires
+ a very recent version of pdftex (1.21a).
+ * All human readable files contain copyright notes now.
+ * Vietnamese fonts for tex4ht are now part of the tex4ht distribution
+ * plainenc.tex removed from VnTeX
+ * plnfss removed from VnTeX
+ * ucs removed from VnTeX
+ * The primary site of vntex is now . The former URL
+ or is still usable.
+ * The urwvn fonts had been significantly improved. The faked small caps
+ in URW Palatino had been replaced by real small caps designed by Ralf
+ Stubner. Vietnamese accents had been provided by Han The Thanh.
+ Oldstyle numbers are not supported yet.
+ * Vietnamese characters had been added to Bitsream Charter fonts.
+ * VnURWChanceryL-MediItal added.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8080c592418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/README
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Copyright 2005 Reinhard Kotucha <>.
+This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+according to
+VnTeX is a package which supports typesetting Vietnamese. It provides
+macro packages for LaTeX and plain TeX as well as fonts. Support is
+also provided for tex4ht.
+The primary site of VnTeX is
+The author of VnTeX is Han The Thanh <>.
+LaTeX support (input encoding files, font encoding file, babel support
+and vietnam.sty) is provided by Werner Lemberg.
+tex4ht support is provided by Han The Thanh and Eitan Gurari. The fonts
+are now part of the tex4ht distribution and maintained by Eitan Gurari.
+plnfss has been removed from VnTeX because it supports many other
+languages as well. You can download it from
+The URW and Bitstream Type1 fonts are copyrighted under the GNU GPL, files are public domain, all other files are under LPPL,
+version 1.3 or newer.
+The current maintainers are:
+ Han The Thanh <>
+ Werner Lemberg <>
+ Reinhard Kotucha <>
+The Vietnamese fonts for tex4ht are now part of tex4ht and maintained by
+Eitan Gurari <>.
+There is also a mailing list (very low traffic) for questions about
+VnTeX and typesetting Vietnamese. To subscribe to the list, visit
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bff74420fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# vntex-3.02
+# Author: Han The Thanh <>.
+# This file is part of vntex. Public domain.
+# The primary site of vntex is:
+# This file has been tested with GNU make and Linux only.
+# Usage:
+# First edit the variables below according to what you have installed.
+# Run `make' to produce all files.
+# Instead, you can
+# run `make testpdf' to produce all PDF files,
+# run `make testps' to produce all PS files,
+# run `make samples' to produce all samples (as PDF),
+# run `make testht' to produce the HTML files.
+# To view the the output files,
+# run `make viewpdf' to view all PDF files,
+# run `make viewps' to view all PS files,
+# run `make viewhtml' to view all HTML files.
+# run `make viewsamples' to view all *-sample.pdf files.
+# run `make viewfonts' to view all *-test.pdf files.
+# Finally, to remove generated files,
+# run `make clean' to remove all temporary files,
+# run `make distclean' to remove everything except the source files.
+# Select a viewer of your choice. You can add commandline arguments.
+VIEWER_PDF = xpdf
+VIEWER_PS = gv -antialias
+VIEWER_HTML = mozilla
+# Set this variable to `false' if you don't have tex4ht installed
+# on your system (look whether the program `htlatex' exists).
+TEX4HT = true
+# Comment out the next two lines if you don't have a recent version
+# of the Antykwa Torunska font family (antt) with T5 support (look
+# whether you have `t5-antt.enc' in your TEXMF tree).
+ANTT_TEST = t5antt-test
+ANTT_SAMPLE = t5antt-sample
+# Comment out the next two lines if you don't have a recent version
+# of Latin Modern (look whether you have `t5-lmr10.tfm' in your TEXMF
+# tree.
+T5LM_TEST = t5lm-test
+T5LM_SAMPLE = t5lm-sample
+# Comment out the next two lines if you don't have a recent version
+# of the Iwona font family (look whether you have `'
+# in your TEXMF tree).
+IWONA_TEST = t5iwona-test
+IWONA_SAMPLE = t5iwona-sample
+# Comment out the next two lines if you don't have a recent version
+# of the Kurier font family (look whether you have `'
+# in your TEXMF tree).
+KURIER_TEST = t5kurier-test
+KURIER_SAMPLE = t5kurier-sample
+# Comment out the next two lines if you don't have the MS core font
+# files like `arial.ttf' or `tahomabd.ttf' installed in your TEXMF
+# tree.
+MSCORE_TEST = mscore-test
+MSCORE_SAMPLE = mscore-sample
+# Comment out the next line if you don't have plnfss installed on your
+# system (look whether `plnfss.tex' and `t5cmr.pfd' exists.
+TEST_PLAIN = test-plain test-plain-tcx
+# There is no need to edit anything below this line. #
+TEXOPTS = -parse-first-line -recorder
+TEX4HTOPTS = "html,uni-html4,charset=utf8" " -cunihtf -utf8"
+FONTMEM = env font_mem_size=1200000
+PDFLATEX = pdflatex $(TEXOPTS)
+LATEX = latex $(TEXOPTS)
+PDFTEX = pdftex $(TEXOPTS)
+TEX = tex $(TEXOPTS)
+DVIPS = dvips
+TEST_LATEX = test-vietnam test-babel
+TEST_LATEX_ALL = $(TEST_LATEX) test-vietnam-tcx
+REFERENCES = vnr-test urwvn-test chartervn-test \
+SAMPLES = vnr-sample urwvn-sample chartervn-sample \
+default: testpdf testps samples testht
+vntovn: test-tcvn.tex test-utf8.tex
+test-tcvn.tex: test-viscii.tex
+ vntovn viscii tcvn $< > $@
+test-utf8.tex: test-viscii.tex
+ vntovn viscii utf8 $< > $@
+ for f in $(TEST_LATEX_ALL); do \
+ test -f $$f.aux || $(PDFLATEX) $$f.tex; \
+ $(PDFLATEX) $$f.tex; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_PLAIN); do \
+ $(PDFTEX) $$f.tex; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_LATEX_ALL); do \
+ test -f $$f.aux || $(LATEX) $$f.tex; \
+ $(LATEX) $$f.tex ; $(DVIPS) $$f.dvi -o; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_PLAIN); do \
+ $(TEX) $$f.tex ; $(DVIPS) $$f.dvi -o; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_LATEX) $(REFERENCES); do \
+ htlatex $$f.tex $(TEX4HTOPTS); \
+ done
+ for f in $(SAMPLES) ; do \
+ test -f $$f.aux || \
+ $(FONTMEM) $(PDFLATEX) $$f.tex; \
+ done
+ for f in $(REFERENCES) $(SAMPLES) ; do \
+ $(FONTMEM) $(PDFLATEX) $$f.tex; \
+ done
+ for f in $(REFERENCES) ; do \
+ $(FONTMEM) $(PDFLATEX) $$f.tex; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_LATEX_ALL) $(TEST_PLAIN); do \
+ (test ! -f $$f.pdf && \
+ echo "WARNING: File \"$$f.pdf\" not found.") \
+ || $(VIEWER_PDF) $$f.pdf; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_LATEX_ALL) $(TEST_PLAIN); do \
+ (test ! -f $$ && \
+ echo "WARNING: File \"$$\" not found.") \
+ || $(VIEWER_PS) $$; \
+ done
+ for f in $(TEST_LATEX) $(REFERENCES); do \
+ (test ! -f $$f.html && \
+ echo "WARNING: File \"$$f.html\" not found.") \
+ || $(VIEWER_HTML) file://`pwd`/$$f.html; \
+ done
+ for f in $(SAMPLES); do \
+ (test ! -f $$f.pdf && \
+ echo "WARNING: File \"$$f.pdf\" not found.") \
+ || $(VIEWER_PDF) $$f.pdf; \
+ done
+ for f in $(REFERENCES); do \
+ (test ! -f $$f.pdf && \
+ echo "WARNING: File \"$$f.pdf\" not found.") \
+ || $(VIEWER_PDF) $$f.pdf; \
+ done
+ rm -f *.dvi *.out *.toc *.aux *.log *.4ct *.4tc *.idv *.lg \
+ *.tmp *.xref *.fls *.lof
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f *.pdf *.ps *.css *.html nocompress
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e65fb09a733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/README
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>
+ and Reinhard Kotucha <>.
+This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+according to
+For installation instructions see
+This directory contains some TeX files to test the functionality
+of vntex, as well as to create vietnamese font samples.
+There is a Makefile which can be used to compile the test files and
+font samples. Usage information is provided in the Makefile
+itself. You have to edit the top of the file for customization.
+If it doesn't work for you, instructions are given below how you can
+compile the test files manually.
+Test Files
+test-vietnam.tex: test of Vietnamese support in LaTeX using
+ vietnam.sty and inputenc
+test-vietnam-tcx.tex: test of Vietnamese support in LaTeX using
+ vietnam.sty and TCX
+test-babel.tex: test of Vietnamese support in LaTeX using
+ babel and inputenc
+test-plain.tex: test of Vietnamese in plain using plainenc
+test-plain-tcx.tex: test of Vietnamese in plain using TCX
+What is tcx?
+ TCX is an extension that allows translation of input encoding. The
+ advantage over using inputenc is that it allows vietnamese text in
+ logging messages instead of TeX's hexadecimal representation (^^ab).
+ The disadvantage is that it is not portable (TCX is web2c-specific),
+ it allows only one input encoding in a single document and utf8 is
+ not supported. If you don't mind those carets in logging messages,
+ simply use inputenc.
+ It is impossible to use utf8 with plain; to do so an extension
+ called enctex by Petr Olsak is required. However so far nobody
+ ever asked for plain TeX support.
+If tcx is not supported by your system, just ignore the files
+ test-vietnam-tcx.tex
+ test-plain-tcx.tex
+There are also some other files that are included by the
+above test files:
+test-accents.tex: test of accent commands
+test-captions.tex: test of Vietnamese captions
+test-tcvn.tex: test of TCVN input encoding
+test-viscii.tex: test of VISCII input encoding
+test-utf8.tex: test of UTF8 input encoding
+To compile the test files, run:
+pdflatex test-vietnam
+pdflatex -parse-first-line test-vietnam-tcx
+pdflatex test-babel
+pdftex test-plain
+pdftex -parse-first-line test-plain-tcx
+(or use tex/latex instead of pdftex/pdflatex)
+Run latex/pdflatex twice to get a table of cotents.
+Font samples
+All font sample files require vnsample.sty.
+vnr-test.tex: quick test of vnr fonts
+vnr-sample.tex: sample of vnr fonts
+t5lm-test.tex: quick test of lmodern fonts
+t5lm-sample.tex: sample of lmodern fonts
+urwvn-test.tex: quick test of urwvn fonts
+urwvn-sample.tex: sample of urwvn fonts
+chartervn-test.tex quick test of charter fonts
+chartervn-sample.tex sample of charter fonts
+t5antt-test.tex: quick test of antt fonts
+t5antt-sample.tex: sample of antt fonts
+t5iwona-test.tex quick test of iwona fonts
+t5iwona-sample.tex sample of iwona fonts
+t5kurier-test.tex quick test of kurier fonts
+t5kurier-sample.tex sample of kurier fonts
+mscore-test.tex: quick test of mscore fonts
+mscore-sample.tex: sample of mscore fonts
+These sample files use LaTeX, and require certain packages
+to compile. To compile these font samples, of course, the
+corresponding font package must be installed as well.
+If you do not have all the required files installed, you can
+download the samples as PDF files from
+Run pdflatex twice to get bookmarks. Some of the sample files
+are very large and bookmarks will be helpful.
+Some of the sample files require a vast amount of memory.
+If you have a web2c based system (look whether you have
+a file `texmf.cnf' somewhere), you have to set the environment
+ font_mem_size=1200000
+Linux, UNIX, Mac OS X:
+ Either set it in the current shell:
+ font_mem_size=1200000; export font_mem_size
+ pdflatex vnrsample.tex
+ or for a single process:
+ env font_mem_size=1200000 pdflatex vnrsample.tex
+ set font_mem_size=1200000
+ pdflatex vnrsample.tex
+ Edit the file MIKTEX.INI. Look for a line beginning with
+ "font_mem_size=" and set the value to at least 1200000.
+Systems not based on web2c:
+ Read the manual of your TeX system to find out how to
+ increase font_mem_size. If it is not explained in the
+ manual, maybe memory is allocated dynamically and you
+ don't have to do anything. In this case, just try
+ pdflatex vnrsample.tex
+Please note that you do not have to increase font_mem_size
+to use vntex, the huge amount of memory is needed for the
+font samples only.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/chartervn-sample.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/chartervn-sample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f8c3da8f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/chartervn-sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+ a4paper,
+ nofoot,
+ left=1cm,
+ right=1cm,
+ top=2cm,
+ bottom=1cm]{geometry}
+\lineskiplimit -100pt
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{m}{n} {bchr8v} {VnBitstreamCharter}
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{m}{it} {bchri8v} {VnCharterBT-Italic}
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{m}{sl} {bchro8v} {VnBitstreamCharter}
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{b}{n} {bchb8v} {VnCharterBT-Bold}
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{b}{it} {bchbi8v} {VnCharterBT-BoldItalic}
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{b}{sl} {bchbo8v} {VnCharterBT-Bold}
+\showletters{T5}{bch}{m}{sc} {bchrc8v} {N/A}
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
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+\def\X#1{\hbox to 2em{\hss#1\hss}}
+\X{\ABREVE} \verb|\ABREVE| \\
+\X{\Abreve} \verb|\Abreve| \\
+\X{\Acircumflex} \verb|\Acircumflex| \\
+\X{\Ecircumflex} \verb|\Ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\Ocircumflex} \verb|\Ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\OHORN} \verb|\OHORN| \\
+\X{\Ohorn} \verb|\Ohorn| \\
+\X{\UHORN} \verb|\UHORN| \\
+\X{\Uhorn} \verb|\Uhorn| \\
+\X{\abreve} \verb|\abreve| \\
+\X{\acircumflex} \verb|\acircumflex| \\
+\X{\dj} \verb|\dj| \\
+\X{\ecircumflex} \verb|\ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\i} \verb|\i| \\
+\X{\ocircumflex} \verb|\ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\ohorn} \verb|\ohorn| \\
+\X{\uhorn} \verb|\uhorn| \\
+\X{\'A} \verb|\'A| \\
+\X{\'E} \verb|\'E| \\
+\X{\'I} \verb|\'I| \\
+\X{\'O} \verb|\'O| \\
+\X{\'U} \verb|\'U| \\
+\X{\'Y} \verb|\'Y| \\
+\X{\'\ABREVE} \verb|\'\ABREVE| \\
+\X{\'\Abreve} \verb|\'\Abreve| \\
+\X{\'\Acircumflex} \verb|\'\Acircumflex| \\
+\X{\'\Ecircumflex} \verb|\'\Ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\'\Ocircumflex} \verb|\'\Ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\'\OHORN} \verb|\'\OHORN| \\
+\X{\'\Ohorn} \verb|\'\Ohorn| \\
+\X{\'\UHORN} \verb|\'\UHORN| \\
+\X{\'\Uhorn} \verb|\'\Uhorn| \\
+\X{\'\abreve} \verb|\'\abreve| \\
+\X{\'\acircumflex} \verb|\'\acircumflex| \\
+\X{\'\ecircumflex} \verb|\'\ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\'\ocircumflex} \verb|\'\ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\'\ohorn} \verb|\'\ohorn| \\
+\X{\'\uhorn} \verb|\'\uhorn| \\
+\X{\'a} \verb|\'a| \\
+\X{\'e} \verb|\'e| \\
+\X{\'i} \verb|\'i| \\
+\X{\'o} \verb|\'o| \\
+\X{\'u} \verb|\'u| \\
+\X{\'y} \verb|\'y| \\
+\X{\^A} \verb|\^A| \\
+\X{\^E} \verb|\^E| \\
+\X{\^O} \verb|\^O| \\
+\X{\^a} \verb|\^a| \\
+\X{\^e} \verb|\^e| \\
+\X{\^o} \verb|\^o| \\
+\X{\`A} \verb|\`A| \\
+\X{\`E} \verb|\`E| \\
+\X{\`I} \verb|\`I| \\
+\X{\`O} \verb|\`O| \\
+\X{\`U} \verb|\`U| \\
+\X{\`Y} \verb|\`Y| \\
+\X{\`\ABREVE} \verb|\`\ABREVE| \\
+\X{\`\Abreve} \verb|\`\Abreve| \\
+\X{\`\Acircumflex} \verb|\`\Acircumflex| \\
+\X{\`\Ecircumflex} \verb|\`\Ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\`\Ocircumflex} \verb|\`\Ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\`\OHORN} \verb|\`\OHORN| \\
+\X{\`\Ohorn} \verb|\`\Ohorn| \\
+\X{\`\UHORN} \verb|\`\UHORN| \\
+\X{\`\Uhorn} \verb|\`\Uhorn| \\
+\X{\`\abreve} \verb|\`\abreve| \\
+\X{\`\acircumflex} \verb|\`\acircumflex| \\
+\X{\`\ecircumflex} \verb|\`\ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\`\ocircumflex} \verb|\`\ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\`\ohorn} \verb|\`\ohorn| \\
+\X{\`\uhorn} \verb|\`\uhorn| \\
+\X{\`a} \verb|\`a| \\
+\X{\`e} \verb|\`e| \\
+\X{\`i} \verb|\`i| \\
+\X{\`o} \verb|\`o| \\
+\X{\`u} \verb|\`u| \\
+\X{\`y} \verb|\`y| \\
+\X{\d A} \verb|\d A| \\
+\X{\d E} \verb|\d E| \\
+\X{\d I} \verb|\d I| \\
+\X{\d O} \verb|\d O| \\
+\X{\d U} \verb|\d U| \\
+\X{\d Y} \verb|\d Y| \\
+\X{\d \ABREVE} \verb|\d \ABREVE| \\
+\X{\d \Abreve} \verb|\d \Abreve| \\
+\X{\d \ACIRCUMFLEX} \verb|\d \ACIRCUMFLEX| \\
+\X{\d \Acircumflex} \verb|\d \Acircumflex| \\
+\X{\d \ECIRCUMFLEX} \verb|\d \ECIRCUMFLEX| \\
+\X{\d \Ecircumflex} \verb|\d \Ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\d \OCIRCUMFLEX} \verb|\d \OCIRCUMFLEX| \\
+\X{\d \Ocircumflex} \verb|\d \Ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\d \OHORN} \verb|\d \OHORN| \\
+\X{\d \Ohorn} \verb|\d \Ohorn| \\
+\X{\d \UHORN} \verb|\d \UHORN| \\
+\X{\d \Uhorn} \verb|\d \Uhorn| \\
+\X{\d \abreve} \verb|\d \abreve| \\
+\X{\d \acircumflex} \verb|\d \acircumflex| \\
+\X{\d \ecircumflex} \verb|\d \ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\d \ocircumflex} \verb|\d \ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\d \ohorn} \verb|\d \ohorn| \\
+\X{\d \uhorn} \verb|\d \uhorn| \\
+\X{\d a} \verb|\d a| \\
+\X{\d e} \verb|\d e| \\
+\X{\d i} \verb|\d i| \\
+\X{\d o} \verb|\d o| \\
+\X{\d u} \verb|\d u| \\
+\X{\d y} \verb|\d y| \\
+\X{\h A} \verb|\h A| \\
+\X{\h E} \verb|\h E| \\
+\X{\h I} \verb|\h I| \\
+\X{\h O} \verb|\h O| \\
+\X{\h U} \verb|\h U| \\
+\X{\h Y} \verb|\h Y| \\
+\X{\h \ABREVE} \verb|\h \ABREVE| \\
+\X{\h \Abreve} \verb|\h \Abreve| \\
+\X{\h \ACIRCUMFLEX} \verb|\h \ACIRCUMFLEX| \\
+\X{\h \Acircumflex} \verb|\h \Acircumflex| \\
+\X{\h \ECIRCUMFLEX} \verb|\h \ECIRCUMFLEX| \\
+\X{\h \Ecircumflex} \verb|\h \Ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\h \OCIRCUMFLEX} \verb|\h \OCIRCUMFLEX| \\
+\X{\h \Ocircumflex} \verb|\h \Ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\h \OHORN} \verb|\h \OHORN| \\
+\X{\h \Ohorn} \verb|\h \Ohorn| \\
+\X{\h \UHORN} \verb|\h \UHORN| \\
+\X{\h \Uhorn} \verb|\h \Uhorn| \\
+\X{\h \abreve} \verb|\h \abreve| \\
+\X{\h \acircumflex} \verb|\h \acircumflex| \\
+\X{\h \ecircumflex} \verb|\h \ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\h \ocircumflex} \verb|\h \ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\h \ohorn} \verb|\h \ohorn| \\
+\X{\h \uhorn} \verb|\h \uhorn| \\
+\X{\h a} \verb|\h a| \\
+\X{\h e} \verb|\h e| \\
+\X{\h i} \verb|\h i| \\
+\X{\h o} \verb|\h o| \\
+\X{\h u} \verb|\h u| \\
+\X{\h y} \verb|\h y| \\
+\X{\~A} \verb|\~A| \\
+\X{\~E} \verb|\~E| \\
+\X{\~I} \verb|\~I| \\
+\X{\~O} \verb|\~O| \\
+\X{\~U} \verb|\~U| \\
+\X{\~Y} \verb|\~Y| \\
+\X{\~\ABREVE} \verb|\~\ABREVE| \\
+\X{\~\Abreve} \verb|\~\Abreve| \\
+\X{\~\Acircumflex} \verb|\~\Acircumflex| \\
+\X{\~\Ecircumflex} \verb|\~\Ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\~\Ocircumflex} \verb|\~\Ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\~\OHORN} \verb|\~\OHORN| \\
+\X{\~\Ohorn} \verb|\~\Ohorn| \\
+\X{\~\UHORN} \verb|\~\UHORN| \\
+\X{\~\Uhorn} \verb|\~\Uhorn| \\
+\X{\~\abreve} \verb|\~\abreve| \\
+\X{\~\acircumflex} \verb|\~\acircumflex| \\
+\X{\~\ecircumflex} \verb|\~\ecircumflex| \\
+\X{\~\ocircumflex} \verb|\~\ocircumflex| \\
+\X{\~\ohorn} \verb|\~\ohorn| \\
+\X{\~\uhorn} \verb|\~\uhorn| \\
+\X{\~a} \verb|\~a| \\
+\X{\~e} \verb|\~e| \\
+\X{\~i} \verb|\~i| \\
+\X{\~o} \verb|\~o| \\
+\X{\~u} \verb|\~u| \\
+\X{\~y} \verb|\~y| \\
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-babel.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-babel.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fdf0d66e5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-babel.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+{\usepackage{ucs} % only needed when utf8x input encoding is being used
+ \usepackage[utf8x,utf8]{inputenc}}
+ % inputenc must be loaded explicitly
+ % with options `utf8x' and `utf8' since
+ % we test both inputencodings
+ % simultaneously
+\usepackage{multicol} % needed for testing accent commands
+\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % let's try vietnamese with hyperref
+\input{pd1supp.def} % supplement for characters missing in PD1 encoding
+ % (used for PDF bookmarks)
+\title{\bfseries Test of Vietnamese support for \LaTeX{} using \texttt{babel}}
+\author{H\`an Th\'\ecircumflex{} Th\`anh}
+\chapter{Test input encodings}
+\section{Test of VISCII encoding support}
+\section{Test of TCVN encoding support}
+\section{Test of UTF8 encoding support}
+\section[Test of UTF8x encoding support]
+ {Test of UTF8x encoding support (of the Unicode package)}
+}{\typeout{^^JWARNING: File ucs.sty not found, skipping test.^^J}}
+\chapter{Test of Vietnamese captions}
+\chapter{Test of accent commands for T5 encoding}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-captions.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-captions.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c9b80abf5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-captions.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\verb|\prefacename| & \prefacename \\
+\verb|\refname| & \refname \\
+\verb|\abstractname| & \abstractname \\
+\verb|\bibname| & \bibname \\
+\verb|\chaptername| & \chaptername \\
+\verb|\appendixname| & \appendixname \\
+\verb|\contentsname| & \contentsname \\
+\verb|\listfigurename| & \listfigurename \\
+\verb|\listtablename| & \listtablename \\
+\verb|\indexname| & \indexname \\
+\verb|\figurename| & \figurename \\
+\verb|\tablename| & \tablename \\
+\verb|\partname| & \partname \\
+\verb|\enclname| & \enclname \\
+\verb|\ccname| & \ccname \\
+\verb|\headtoname| & \headtoname \\
+\verb|\pagename| & \pagename \\
+\verb|\headpagename| & \headpagename \\
+\verb|\prefacename| & \prefacename \\
+\verb|\seename| & \seename \\
+\verb|\alsoname| & \alsoname \\
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-plain-tcx.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-plain-tcx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35274887a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-plain-tcx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%& -translate-file=viscii-t5
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\input plnfss % load PLNFSS
+\setfontencoding{T5} % default is OT1 by plnfss
+\selectfont % active the font switch
+\input t5code.tex % to get \uppercase and \lowercase work properly
+% some definitions used in included test files
+ \bigskip
+ \leftline{\bfseries #1}
+ \smallskip
+ \noindent\ignorespaces}
+\input test-viscii
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-plain.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-plain.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5afff7d444e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-plain.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\input plnfss % load PLNFSS; must be loaded before plainenc
+\setfontencoding{T5} % default is OT1 by plnfss
+\selectfont % active the font switch
+\input plainenc % load support for inputenc mechanism
+\fontencoding{T5} % load the T5 encoding definition file (t5enc.def)
+% some definitions used in included test files
+ \bigskip
+ \leftline{\bfseries #1}
+ \smallskip
+ \noindent\ignorespaces}
+\input test-viscii
+\input test-tcvn
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-tcvn.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-tcvn.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba5b6b341d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-tcvn.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\subsection{Test of lowercase letters}
+ \\
+ \\
+ \\
+\subsection{Test of uppercase letters}
+ \\
+ \\
+ \\
+\subsection{Test whether \texttt{MakeLowercase} works correctly}
+ \\
+ \\
+ \\
+            }
+\subsection{Test whether \texttt{MakeUppercase} works correctly}
+ \\
+ \\
+ \\
+ }
+\subsection{Some text sample}
+ \centering
+ \rule{4cm}{3cm}
+ \caption{m H Ni}
+ \def\fn{\footnote*{Th coi ch thch c chy khng h.}}
+ \def\fn{\footnote{Th coi ch thch c chy khng h.}}
+Hn va i va chi\fn. Bao gi cng th, c ru xong l hn chi. Bt u
+chi tri. C h g? Tri c ca ring nh no? Ri hn chi i. Th
+cng chng sao: i l tt c nhng chng l ai. Tc mnh hn chi ngay tt
+c lng V i. Nhng c lng V i ai cng nh, \textit{``Chc n tr
+mnh ra!''} Khng ai ln ting c. Tc tht! ! Th ny th tc tht! Tc
+cht i c mt! th, hn phi chi cha a no khng chi nhau vi
+hn. Nhng cng khng ai ra iu. M kip! Th th c ph ru khng? Th
+th c kh hn khng? Khng bit a cht m no ra thn hn cho hn kh
+n nng ni ny? A ha! Phi y, hn c th m chi, hn chi a cht m
+no ra thn hn, ra ci thng \textbf{Ch Pho}! Hn nghin rng vo
+m chi ci a ra Ch Pho. Nhng m bit a no ra
+Ch Pho? C tri m bit! Hn khng bit, c lng V i cng khng ai
+\subsection{Test of Vietnamese in sectioning commands}
+\subsubsection{m qua tt nc u nh}
+\subsubsection{B qun chic o trn cnh hoa sen}
+\subsubsection{Em c th cho anh xin}
+\subsubsection{Hay l em lm tin trong nh}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-utf8.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-utf8.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f8ec36b4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-utf8.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\subsection{Test of lowercase letters}
+á ạ à ả ã ă ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ â ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ đ \\
+é ẹ è ẻ ẽ ê ế ệ ề ể ễ í ị ì ỉ ĩ\\
+ó ọ ò ỏ õ ô ố ộ ồ ổ ỗ ơ ớ ợ ờ ở ỡ \\
+ú ụ ù ủ ũ ư ứ ự ừ ử ữ ý ỵ ỳ ỷ ỹ
+\subsection{Test of uppercase letters}
+Á Ạ À Ả Ã Ă Ắ Ặ Ằ Ẳ Ẵ Â Ấ Ậ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Đ \\
+É Ẹ È Ẻ Ẽ Ê Ế Ệ Ề Ể Ễ Í Ị Ì Ỉ Ĩ\\
+Ó Ọ Ò Ỏ Õ Ô Ố Ộ Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ơ Ớ Ợ Ờ Ở Ỡ \\
+Ú Ụ Ù Ủ Ũ Ư Ứ Ự Ừ Ử Ữ Ý Ỵ Ỳ Ỷ Ỹ
+\subsection{Test whether \texttt{MakeLowercase} works correctly}
+Á Ạ À Ả Ã Ă Ắ Ặ Ằ Ẳ Ẵ Â Ấ Ậ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Đ \\
+É Ẹ È Ẻ Ẽ Ê Ế Ệ Ề Ể Ễ Í Ị Ì Ỉ Ĩ \\
+Ó Ọ Ò Ỏ Õ Ô Ố Ộ Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ơ Ớ Ợ Ờ Ở Ỡ \\
+Ú Ụ Ù Ủ Ũ Ư Ứ Ự Ừ Ử Ữ Ý Ỵ Ỳ Ỷ Ỹ }
+\subsection{Test whether \texttt{MakeUppercase} works correctly}
+á ạ à ả ã ă ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ â ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ đ \\
+é ẹ è ẻ ẽ ê ế ệ ề ể ễ í ị ì ỉ ĩ \\
+ó ọ ò ỏ õ ô ố ộ ồ ổ ỗ ơ ớ ợ ờ ở ỡ \\
+ú ụ ù ủ ũ ư ứ ự ừ ử ữ ý ỵ ỳ ỷ ỹ }
+\subsection{Some text sample}
+ \centering
+ \rule{4cm}{3cm}
+ \caption{Đêm Hà Nội}
+ \def\fn{\footnote*{Thử coi chú thích có chạy không hè.}}
+ \def\fn{\footnote{Thử coi chú thích có chạy không hè.}}
+Hắn vừa đi vừa chửi\fn. Bao giờ cũng thế, cứ rượu xong là hắn chửi. Bắt đầu
+chửi trời. Có hề gì? Trời có của riêng nhà nào? Rồi hắn chửi đời. Thế
+cũng chẳng sao: đời là tất cả nhưng chẳng là ai. Tức mình hắn chửi ngay tất
+cả làng Vũ Đại. Nhưng cả làng Vũ Đại ai cũng nhủ, \textit{``Chắc nó trừ
+mình ra!''} Không ai lên tiếng cả. Tức thật! Ồ! Thế này thì tức thật! Tức
+chết đi được mất! Đã thế, hắn phải chửi cha đứa nào không chửi nhau với
+hắn. Nhưng cũng không ai ra điều. Mẹ kiếp! Thế thì có phí rượu không? Thế
+thì có khổ hắn không? Không biết đứa chết mẹ nào đẻ ra thân hắn cho hắn khổ
+đến nông nỗi này? A ha! Phải đấy, hắn cứ thế mà chửi, hắn chửi đứa chết mẹ
+nào đẻ ra thân hắn, đẻ ra cái thằng \textbf{Chí Phèo}! Hắn nghiến răng vào
+mà chửi cái đứa đã đẻ ra Chí Phèo. Nhưng mà biết đứa nào đã đẻ ra
+Chí Phèo? Có trời mà biết! Hắn không biết, cả làng Vũ Đại cũng không ai
+\subsection{Test of Vietnamese in sectioning commands}
+\subsubsection{Đêm qua tát nước đầu đình}
+\subsubsection{Bỏ quên chiếc áo trên cành hoa sen}
+\subsubsection{Em được thì cho anh xin}
+\subsubsection{Hay là em để làm tin trong nhà}
+% Local Variables:
+% coding: utf-8
+% End: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-vietnam-tcx.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-vietnam-tcx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05a615ac1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-vietnam-tcx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%& -translate-file=viscii-t5
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\usepackage[noinputenc]{vietnam} % option `noinputenc' is required to use TCX
+ % pros: vietnamese text in logging messages
+ % cons: - utf8 is not supported;
+ % - web2c-specific
+ % - cannot support multiple input
+ % encodings in a single document
+ % - babel cannot be used
+\usepackage{multicol} % needed for testing accent commands
+\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % let's try vietnamese with hyperref
+\input{pd1supp.def} % supplement for characters missing in PD1 encoding
+ % (used for PDF bookmarks)
+\title{\bfseries Test of Vietnamese support for \LaTeX{} using
+ \texttt{vietnam.sty} and TCX}
+\author{H\`an Th\'\ecircumflex{} Th\`anh}
+\chapter{Test input encodings}
+\section{Test of VISCII encoding support}
+\chapter{Test of Vietnamese captions}
+\chapter{Test of accent commands for T5 encoding}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-vietnam.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-vietnam.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0239df9f747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/vntex/tests/test-vietnam.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+% You need LaTeX 2003/12/01 (or newer) and ucs newer than August 2004!
+ % We must load both utf8x and utf8 (in
+ % this order) to make vietnam.sty load
+ % ucs.sty, and to tell ucs.sty that it
+ % should disable compatibility mode,
+ % allowing to test utf8 and utf8x input
+ % simultaneously.
+ %
+ % Supported input encoding: viscii,
+ % mviscii, tcvn, vps, utf8, utf8x
+ %
+ % Other options:
+ % noinputenc: don't use inputenc (for
+ % use with TCX)
+ % nocaptions: don't redefine captions
+ % to Vietnamese
+\usepackage{multicol} % needed for testing accent commands
+\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % let's try vietnamese with hyperref
+\input{pd1supp.def} % supplement for characters missing in PD1 encoding
+ % (used for PDF bookmarks)
+\title{\bfseries Test of Vietnamese support for \LaTeX{} using \texttt{vietnam.sty}}
+\author{H\`an Th\'\ecircumflex{} Th\`anh}
+\chapter{Test input encodings}
+\section{Test of VISCII encoding support}
+\section{Test of TCVN encoding support}
+\section{Test of UTF8 encoding support}
+\section[Test of UTF8x encoding support]
+ {Test of UTF8x encoding support (from Unicode package)}
+}{\typeout{^^JWARNING: File ucs.sty not found, skipping test.^^J}}
+\chapter{Test of Vietnamese captions}
+\chapter{Test of accent commands for T5 encoding}
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+\subsection{Test of lowercase letters}
+ \\
+ \\
+ \\
+\subsection{Test of uppercase letters}
+    \\
+ \\
+ \\
+\subsection{Test whether \texttt{MakeLowercase} works correctly}
+    \\
+ \\
+ \\
+    }
+\subsection{Test whether \texttt{MakeUppercase} works correctly}
+ \\
+ \\
+ \\
+ }
+\subsection{Some text sample}
+ \centering
+ \rule{4cm}{3cm}
+ \caption{m H Ni}
+ \def\fn{\footnote*{Th coi ch thch c chy khng h.}}
+ \def\fn{\footnote{Th coi ch thch c chy khng h.}}
+Hn va i va chi\fn. Bao gi cng th, c ru xong l hn chi. Bt u
+chi tri. C h g? Tri c ca ring nh no? Ri hn chi i. Th
+cng chng sao: i l tt c nhng chng l ai. Tc mnh hn chi ngay tt
+c lng V i. Nhng c lng V i ai cng nh, \textit{``Chc n tr
+mnh ra!''} Khng ai ln ting c. Tc tht! ! Th ny th tc tht! Tc
+cht i c mt! th, hn phi chi cha a no khng chi nhau vi
+hn. Nhng cng khng ai ra iu. M kip! Th th c ph ru khng? Th
+th c kh hn khng? Khng bit a cht m no ra thn hn cho hn kh
+n nng ni ny? A ha! Phi y, hn c th m chi, hn chi a cht m
+no ra thn hn, ra ci thng \textbf{Ch Pho}! Hn nghin rng vo
+m chi ci a ra Ch Pho. Nhng m bit a no ra
+Ch Pho? C tri m bit! Hn khng bit, c lng V i cng khng ai
+\subsection{Test of Vietnamese in sectioning commands}
+\subsubsection{m qua tt n߾c u nh}
+\subsubsection{B qun chic o trn cnh hoa sen}
+\subsubsection{Em c th cho anh xin}
+\subsubsection{Hay l em lm tin trong nh}
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+ a4paper,
+ nofoot,
+ left=1cm,
+ right=1cm,
+ top=2cm,
+ bottom=1cm]{geometry}
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
+ a4paper,
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+ bottom=1cm,
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+ nofoot,
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+%% \clearpage
+%% \begin{shortsample}
+%% \end{shortsample}
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
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+% according to
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+% Copyright 2003-2005 Han The Thanh <>.
+% This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+% according to
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+\centerline{\textbf{Ch Pho}}
+\vskip -.5\baselineskip
+\rightline{\textsc{--- Nam Cao}}
+Hn va i va chi. Bao gi cng th, c ru xong l hn chi. Bt u
+chi tri. C h g? Tri c ca ring nh no? Ri hn chi i. Th
+cng chng sao: i l tt c nhng chng l ai. Tc mnh hn chi ngay tt
+c lng V i. Nhng c lng V i ai cng nh, \textit{``Chc n tr
+mnh ra!''} Khng ai ln ting c. Tc tht! ! Th ny th tc tht! Tc
+cht i c mt! th, hn phi chi cha a no khng chi nhau vi
+hn. Nhng cng khng ai ra iu. M kip! Th th c ph ru khng? Th
+th c kh hn khng? Khng bit a cht m no ra thn hn cho hn kh
+n nng ni ny? A ha! Phi y, hn c th m chi, hn chi a cht m
+no ra thn hn, ra ci thng \EMPH{Ch Pho}! Hn nghin rng vo
+m chi ci a ra Ch Pho. Nhng m bit a no ra
+Ch Pho? C tri m bit! Hn khng bit, c lng V i cng khng ai
+Mt anh i th ng l߽n, mt bui sng tinh s߽ng thy hn
+trn trung v xm ngt trong mt vy p bn mt l gch b
+khng, anh ta r߾c ly v em v cho mt ng߶i n b ga m.
+Ng߶i n b ga m ny bn hn cho mt bc ph ci khng con, v
+khi bc ph ci ny cht th hn b v, ht i cho nh ny li i
+ cho nh n. Nm hai m߽i tui, hn lm canh in cho ng l Kin,
+by gi c b Kin, n tin ch lng. Hnh nh c my ln b ba nh
+ng l, cn tr lm m li hay m lng, bt hn bp chn, hay xoa
+bng, m lng g y. Ng߶i ta bo ng l ra nh th hch dch,
+c lng phi s, m v nh th li s ci b ba cn tr ny. Ng߶i
+b y php php, m b y hy hy, m ng l th hay au lng lm;
+nhng ng߶i c bnh au lng hay s v m cha i l kho ghen.
+C ng߶i bo ng l ghen vi anh canh in kho mnh m s b ba
+khng dm ni. C ng߶i th bo anh canh in y c b ba quyn
+thu quyn b trong nh tin cn nn ly trm tin trm thc nhiu.
+Mi ng߶i ni mt cch. Chng bit u m ln. Ch bit mt hm
+Ch b ng߶i ta gii huyn ri bit tm n by, tm nm ri mt
+hm, hn li l l u ln v. Hn v lp ny trng khc
+hn, mi u chng ai bit hn l ai. Trng c nh thng sng
+c! Ci u th trc lc, ci rng co trng hn, ci mt th en
+m rt cng cng, hai mt g߶m g߶m trng gm cht! Hn mc qun
+o ni en vi o Ty vng. Ci ngc phanh, y nhng nt chm tr
+rng, phng vi mt ng thy t߾ng cm chu, c hai cnh tay cng
+th. Trng gm cht!
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+ Hn nghin rng vo m chi ci a ra Ch Pho lng V i}
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+This file is part of VnTeX. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer,
+Authors: Han The Thanh <> and
+ Reinhard Kotucha <>
+The primary site of VnTeX is
+There is a mailing list (very low traffic) for questions about
+VnTeX and typesetting Vietnamese. To subscribe to the list, visit
+I. Typesetting Vietnamese
+In order to typeset Vietnamese you need an editor in which you can
+write Vietnamese. This is highly system-dependent. The good news
+is that VnTeX supports most popular encodings used for Vietnamese
+like VISCII, TCVN or UTF8. VNI is however not supported (and will
+not be). In most cases, you can use your favourite editor or TeX shell
+(like WinEDT, Texniccenter, Emacs, VIM, ...) with a Vietnamese font.
+Typesetting with LaTeX
+Some examples and hints for a quick start:
+* The simplest case:
+ ________________________________________________________
+ \documentclass{report}
+ \usepackage[viscii]{vietnam} % use VISCII input encoding
+ \begin{document}
+ <...text in VISCII encoding...>
+ \end{document}
+ ________________________________________________________
+ vietnam.sty has the following options:
+ viscii use VISCII input encoding
+ mviscii use MVISCII input encoding
+ tcvn use TCVN input encoding
+ vps use VPS input encoding
+ utf8 use UTF8 input encoding (LaTeX)
+ utf8x use UTF8 input encoding (ucs package)
+ noinputenc do not load the inputenc package (use of TCX is assumed)
+ nocaptions do not define Vietnamese captions
+* Use babel instead of vietnam package:
+ ________________________________________________________
+ \documentclass{report}
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % other encoding as `viscii'
+ % or `tcvn' can be used
+ % instead of utf8
+ \usepackage[vietnam]{babel}
+ \begin{document}
+ <...text in utf8 encoding...>
+ \end{document}
+ ________________________________________________________
+* TCX is useful if you want to able to read Vietnamese characters in
+ messages about overfull/underfull boxes and the like. VnTeX comes
+ with two TCX tables: viscii-t5 and tcvn-t5. This implies that you
+ can use TCX only with VISCII or TCVN input encoding. Using TCX
+ excludes using inputenc:
+ ________________________________________________________
+ %& -translate-file=viscii-t5
+ \documentclass{report}
+ \usepackage[noinputenc]{vietnam}
+ \begin{document}
+ <...text in VISCII encoding...>
+ \end{document}
+ ________________________________________________________
+ The very first line says that the option `-translate-file=viscii-t5'
+ is passed to TeX when compiling the document. It has the same effect
+ as you run:
+ latex -translate-file=viscii-t5 foo.tex
+ Using TCVN is similar.
+Typesetting with plain TeX
+UTF8 input encoding is not supported by plain TeX. Otherwise it is
+quite similar to LaTeX:
+* Use with plainenc and plnfss packages:
+ ________________________________________________________
+ \input t5code
+ \input plnfss
+ \input plainenc
+ \fontencoding{T5}
+ \inputencoding{viscii} % or any other encoding except utf8
+ \setfontencoding{T5}
+ \selectfont
+ <...text in VISCII encoding...>
+ \bye
+ ________________________________________________________
+* Use with TCX:
+ ________________________________________________________
+ %& -translate-file=viscii-t5
+ \input t5code
+ \input plnfss
+ \setfontencoding{T5}
+ \selectfont
+ <...text in VISCII encoding...>
+ \bye
+ ________________________________________________________
+Use with texinfo
+TCX is required:
+ ________________________________________________________
+ %& -translate-file=viscii-t5
+ \def\fontprefix{vn}
+ \input t5code.tex
+ \input texinfo
+ <...text in VISCII encoding...>
+ ________________________________________________________
+plainenc and plnfss are not part of the VnTeX distribution any more but
+it is very likely that they are part of the TeX system you are using.
+If you have a plnfss which does not support Vietnamese, please install
+Use with tex4ht
+In order to create HTML documents from LaTeX sources, run
+ tex4ht "html,uni-html4,charset=utf8" yourfile.tex
+You cannot use TCX with tex4ht.
+There are some test files for VnTeX in the tests subdirectory.
+Please read the file README in this directory.
+II. Vietnamese Fonts
+VnTeX provides a lot of Vietnamese fonts. If you do not specify any
+font (as in the examples above) you get Vietnamese Computer Modern.
+This is an extension to Donald Knuth's Computern Modern Fonts designed
+by Han The Thanh.
+VnTeX provides Vietnamese characters for some free fonts donated by
+URW and Bitstream as well as the Microsoft core fonts.
+To get an overview, look at:
+There are many fonts, but most of them do not provide support for
+mathematics. If you have to typeset math formulas, you are restricted
+to Computer Modern, Latin Modern, Times and Palatino.
+Latin Modern (Boguslaw Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki) is an
+extension to Computer Modern which supports (almost) all latin
+languages. It provides even different accents for Vietnamese
+uppercase and lowercase letters.
+We describe how to use fonts with LaTeX first. A description of
+plnfss (plain TeX) is given below.
+To use Latin Modern instead of VNR, simply
+ \usepackage{lmodern}
+ \usepackage[viscii]{vietnam}
+For Antikwa Torunska, do
+ \usepackage{anttor}
+ \usepackage[viscii]{vietnam}
+... or use inputenc and babel instead of vietnam.
+It is recommended to specify a roman font, a sans serif font and a
+typewriter font separately. You do not have to specify all of them.
+It makes sense, for instance, not to specify a typewriter font -- you
+get Computer Modern Typewriter then, which is by far the best
+typewriter font you can get today.
+\renewcommand\sfdefault{uag} VnURWGothicL (AvantGarde)
+\renewcommand\rmdefault{ubk} VnURWBookmanL (Bookman)
+\renewcommand\ttdefault{ucr} VnNimbusMonL (Courier)
+\renewcommand\sfdefault{uhv} VnNimbusSanL (Helvetica)
+\renewcommand\rmdefault{unc} VnCenturySchL (New Century Schoolbok)
+\usepackage{mathpazo} VnURWPalladioL (Palatino)
+\usepackage{mathptm} VnNimbusRomNo9L (Times)
+There is also a real small caps font for VnURWPalladioL, made by Ralf Stubner
+and extended by Han The Thanh. There are still some support files missing.
+By default, you get the faked small caps but you can use real small caps with
+some restrictions. To make use of it, put the following macro definition
+into the preamble of your document:
+You can use it like this:
+ some text \textfplsc{some text in small caps} some text
+The macro argument should not contain any numbers because they will appear
+as oldstyle numbers, but you cannot use oldstyle numbers with other font
+shapes in T5 encoding (Vietnamese) yet. This problem will be fixed in a
+future release.
+If you have to typeset mathematics, there are very few fonts available:
+ * Computer Modern: do nothing
+ * Latin Modern: \usepackage{lmodern}
+ * Palatino: \usepackage{mathpazo}
+ * Times: \usepackage{mathptm}
+The other fonts do not support mathematics.
+If you are using Windows, you also can use the fonts provided by
+\renewcommand\sfdefault{ma1} ArialMT (Arial)
+\renewcommand\ttdefault{mcr} CourierNewPSMT (Courier)
+\renewcommand\rmdefault{lpr} PalatinoLinotype (Palatino)
+\renewcommand\rmdefault{mns} TimesNewRomanPSMT (Times New Roman)
+\renewcommand\sfdefault{jth} Tahoma (Tahoma)
+\renewcommand\sfdefault{jvn} Verdana (Verdana)
+None of the Microsoft fonts supports mathematics. Though the quality of
+the fonts is quite high, not much care had been taken in the design of
+Vietnamese accents. See:
+Unless someone insists that you use these fonts, you can use
+ * VnNimbusMonL instead of CourierNewPSMT (Courier)
+ * VnNimbusSanL instead of ArialMT (Helvetica/Arial)
+ * VnNimbusRomNo9L instead of TimesNewRomanPSMT (Times/Times New Roman)
+ * VnURWPalladioL instead of PalatinoLinotype (Palatino)
+If you are using plain TeX, you can use plnfss.tex to select fonts.
+Instead of
+ \renewcommand\rmdefault{...}
+ \renewcommand\sfdefault{...}
+ \renewcommand\ttdefault{...}
+you have to select fonts like this:
+ \setrmdefault{...}
+ \setsfdefault{...}
+ \setttdefault{...}
+See the plnfss documentation for more details.
+III. Known Problems
+* To use amsart.cls (and other AMS LaTeX document classes) with Unicode you
+ must add the following lines right before `\begin{document}':
+ \def\firstofone#1{#1}
+ \let\uppercase\firstofone
+ \let\MakeUppercase\firstofone
+ This completely disables LaTeX's uppercasing commands which might cause
+ bad secondary effects. Note that this problem is not specific to
+ Vietnamese but affects any multibyte encoding.
+* In order to use VnTeX with Prosper, you have to install
+* In order to use VnTeX with Foiltex, you have to install
+* If have an old version of LaTeX which does not support utf8, you have to
+ use ucs.sty. If ucs.sty is not present on your system you can install
+ We keep this file as long as ucs is unmaintained. If a maintainer is
+ found you better download a fresh ucs distribution from the original site.
+ This is a small subset of the ucs package which supports Vietnamese only.
+ You can invoke it with \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}.
+ Instead of installing ucs we recommend to update LaTeX. The latest version
+ can be downloaded from
+ (Germany)
+ (United Kingdom)
+ (USA)