path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/texdimens/
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+## Copyright and License
+Copyright (c) 2021 Jean-François Burnol
+This file is part of the texdimens package distributed under the
+LPPL 1.3c. See file
+## Aim of this package
+Utilities and documentation related to TeX dimensional units, usable
+both with Plain (\input texdimens) and with LaTeX (\usepackage{texdimens}).
+The aim of this package is to address the issue of expressing dimensions
+(or dimension expressions evaluated by `\dimexpr`) in the various TeX
+units, to the extent possible.
+The descriptions that follow do not explain the details of the exact
+internal TeX procedures of parsing dimensional input, they only describe
+in a faithful manner the exact outcome of those internal procedures.
+The reader is supposed to be familiar with TeX basics.
+This project requires the e-TeX extensions `\dimexpr` and `\numexpr`.
+Notice that this is WIP and inaccuracies may exist even relative to
+descriptions of TeX handlings due to limited time available for the project.
+## TeX points and scaled points
+TeX dimensions are represented internally by a signed integer which is
+in absolute value at most `0x3FFFFFFF`, i.e. `1073741823`. The
+corresponding unit is called the "scaled point", i.e. `1sp` is `1/65536`
+of one TeX point `1pt`, or rather `1pt` is represented internally as `65536`.
+If `\foo` is a dimen register:
+- `\number\foo` produces the integer `N` such as `\foo` is the same as `N sp`,
+- inside `\numexpr`, `\foo` is replaced by `N`,
+- `\the\foo` produces a decimal `D` (with at most five places) followed
+with `pt` (catcode 12 tokens) and this output `D pt` can serve as input
+in a dimen assignment to produce the same dimension as `\foo`. One can
+also use the catcode 11 characters `pt` for this. Digits and decimal
+mark must have their standard catcode 12.
+When TeX encounters a dimen denotation of the type `D pt` it will
+compute `N` in a way equivalent to `N = round(65536 D)` where ties are
+rounded away from zero. Only 17 decimal places of `D` are
+kept as it can be shown that going beyond can not change the result.
+When `\foo` has been assigned as `D pt`, `\the\foo` will produce some
+`E pt` where `E` is not necessarily the same as `D`. But it is guaranteed
+that `E pt` defines the same dimension as `D pt̀`.
+## Further units known to TeX on input
+TeX understands on input further units: `bp`, `cm`, `mm`, `in`, `pc`,
+`cc`, `dd` and `nd`. It also understands font-dependent units `ex` and
+`em`, and PDFTeX adds the `px` dimension unit. Japanese engines also
+add specific units.
+`ex`, `em`, `px` and other engine-dependent units, are all currently
+excluded from consideration in this project and the rest of this
+documentation is only for the `bp`, `cm`, `mm`, `in`, `pc`, `cc`, `dd`
+and `nd` units. When we say "unit" we mean one of those or the `pt` (the
+`sp` is a special case and will be included or not tacitly in the "unit"
+denomination depending on the case).
+TeX associates to each such unit `uu` a fraction `phi` which is a conversion
+factor. It is always `>1`:
+ uu phi reduced real approximation 1uu in sp= x=[65536phi]/65536 \the<1uu>
+ [65536phi] (real approximation)
+ -- ---------- ------- ------------------ --------- -------------------- ----------
+ bp 7227/7200 803/800 1.00375 65781 1.0037384033203125 1.00374pt
+ nd 685/642 same 1.0669781931464175 69925 1.0669708251953125 1.06697pt
+ dd 1238/1157 same 1.070008643042351 70124 1.07000732421875 1.07pt
+ mm 7227/2540 same 2.8452755905511813 186467 2.8452606201171875 2.84526pt
+ pc 12/1 12 12.0 786432 12.0 12.0pt
+ nc 1370/107 same 12.80373831775701 839105 12.803726196289062 12.80373pt
+ cc 14856/1157 same 12.84010371650821 841489 12.840103149414062 12.8401pt
+ cm 7227/254 same 28.45275590551181 1864679 28.452743530273438 28.45274pt
+ in 7227/100 same 72.27 4736286 72.26998901367188 72.26999pt
+When TeX parses an assignment `U uu` with a decimal `U` and a unit `uu`,
+among those listed above, it first handles `U` as with the `pt` unit.
+This means that it computes `N = round(65536*U)`. It then multiplies
+this `N` by the conversion factor `phi` and truncates towards zero the
+mathematically exact result to obtain an integer `T`:
+`T=trunc(N*phi)`. The assignment `U uu` is concluded by defining the
+value of the dimension to be `T sp`.
+Attention that although the mnemotic is `phi=1uu/1pt`, this formula
+definitely does not apply with numerator and denominator interpreted as
+TeX dimensions. See the above table. Also, the last column looks like
+`round(.,5)` is applied to the previous one, but `\the\dimexpr1dd\relax`
+is an exception (in the table `[x]` is the integer part, aka for
+non-negative values, the `\trunc()` function). Notice also that
+`1.00375` is the exact value of the `phi` factor for the `bp` unit but
+`1.00375pt>1bp` (`65782>65781`).
+As `phi>1` (and is not exceedingly close to `1`), the increasing
+sequence `0<=trunc(phi)<=trunc(2phi)<=...` is *strictly increasing* and
+**it has jumps**: not all TeX dimensions can be obtained from an
+assignment not using the `pt` unit.
+The "worst" unit is the largest i.e. the `in` whose conversion factor is
+`72.27`. The simplest unit to understand is the `pc` as it corresponds
+to an integer ratio `12`: only dimensions which in scaled points are
+multiple of `12` are exactly representable in the `pc` unit.
+This also means that some dimensions expressible in one unit may not be
+available with another unit. For example, it turns out that `0.6in` can
+not be expressed as `D cm`, whatever the `D`. More surprisingly perhaps
+is that `1in==2.54cm` is **false** in TeX! But it is true that
+`100in==254cm`! It is also false that `10in==25.4cm` but it is true that
+`10in==254mm`! It is false though that `1in==25.4mm`!
+ >>> (\dimexpr1in, \dimexpr2.54cm);
+ @_1 4736286, 4736274
+ >>> (\dimexpr10in, \dimexpr25.4cm);
+ @_2 47362867, 47362855
+ >>> (\dimexpr100in, \dimexpr254cm);
+ @_3 473628672, 473628672
+ >>> (\dimexpr1in, \dimexpr25.4mm);
+ @_4 4736286, 4736285
+ >>> (\dimexpr10in, \dimexpr254mm);
+ @_5 47362867, 47362867
+`\maxdimen` can be expressed only with `pt`, `bp`, and `nd`. For the
+other units the maximal attainable dimensions are given in this table:
+ 16322.78954 bp (\maxdimen = 1073741823 sp)
+ 15355.51532 nd (\maxdimen = 1073741823 sp)
+ 15312.02583 dd (1073741822 sp)
+ 5758.31741 mm (1073741822 sp)
+ 1365.33333 pc (1073741820 sp)
+ 1279.62627 nc (1073741814 sp)
+ 1276.00215 cc (1073741821 sp)
+ 575.83174 cm (1073741822 sp)
+ 226.7054 in (1073741768 sp)
+Perhaps for these various peculiarities with dimensional units, TeX does
+not provide an output facility for them similar to what `\the` achieves for
+the `pt`.
+## Macros of this package
+All macros are expandable. At time of writing they may not be
+f-expandable, but (perhaps) in future final versions will expand fully
+in two steps. This refinement is anyhow not really important as TeX
+engines now support the `\expanded` primitive.
+All macros handle negative dimensions via their absolute value then
+taking the opposite.
+1. At time of writing only the `\texdimin<uu>` macros are implemented,
+The envisioned "down" and "up" variants are not done yet.
+2. For `dd`, `nc` and `in`, input equal to (or sufficiently close to)
+`\maxdimen` will produce also with `\texdimin<uu>` an output `D`
+representing the next "attainable" dimension above `\maxdimen` hence
+using `Duu` will trigger "Dimension too large error".
+3. (not yet) For input equal to (or sufficiently close to) `\maxdimen` and those
+units `uu` for which `\maxdimen` is not exactly representable, i.e. all
+units except `pt`, `bp` and `nd`, the output `D` of the "up" variants
+`\texdimin<uu>u` if used as `Duu` in a dimension assignment or
+expression will (naturally) trigger "Dimension too large" error.
+4. (not yet) For some units the "down" and "up" macros may trigger "Dimension too
+large" during their execution if used with an input too close to
+`\maxdimen`. "Safe" variants which are guaranteed never to trigger this
+error but have some extra overhead to filter out inputs too close to
+`\maxdimen` will *perhaps* be provided. But see 2. and 3. regarding the
+usability of the output anyhow.
+`\texdiminpt{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Does `\the\dimexpr <dim. expr.> \relax` then removes the `pt`.
+`\texdiminbp{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> bp` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will differ by `1sp` from the original dimension, but it is not
+> known in advance if it will be above or below.
+> `\maxdimen` on input produces `16322.78954` and indeed is realized as `16322.78954bp`.
+`\texdiminbpd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> bp` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smaller by `1sp` from the original dimension.
+`\texdiminbpu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> bp` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be larger by `1sp` from the original dimension.
+`\texdiminnd{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> nd` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will differ by `1sp` from the original dimension, but it is not
+> known in advance if it will be above or below.
+> `\maxdimen` on input produces `15355.51532` and indeed is realized as `15355.51532nd`.
+`\texdiminndd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> nd` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smaller by `1sp` from the original dimension.
+`\texdiminndu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> nd` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be larger by `1sp` from the original dimension.
+`\texdimindd{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> dd` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will differ by `1sp` from the original dimension, but it is not
+> known in advance if it will be above or below.
+> Warning: the output for `\maxdimen` is `15312.02585` but `15312.02585dd`
+> will trigger "Dimension too large" error.
+> `\maxdimen-1sp` is atteignable via `15312.02583dd`.
+`\texdiminddd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> dd` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smaller by `1sp` from the original dimension.
+`\texdiminddu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> dd` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be larger by `1sp` from the original dimension.
+`\texdiminmm{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> mm` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will either be the closest from below or from above, but it is not
+> known in advance which one (and it is not known if the other choice
+> would have been closer).
+> `\maxdimen` as input produces on output `5758.31741` and indeed the
+> maximal attainable dimension is `5758.31741mm` (`1073741822sp`).
+`\texdiminmmd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> mm` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be largest representable dimension smaller than the original one.
+`\texdiminmmu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> mm` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smallest representable dimension larger than the original one.
+`\texdiminpc{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> pc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be the closest representable one (in case of tie, the approximant
+> from above is chosen).
+> `\maxdimen` as input produces on output `1365.33333` and indeed the
+> maximal attainable dimension is `1365.33333pc` (`1073741820sp`).
+`\texdiminpcd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> pc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be largest representable dimension smaller than the original one.
+`\texdiminpcu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> pc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smallest representable dimension larger than the original one.
+`\texdiminnc{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> nc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will either be the closest from below or from above, but it is not
+> known in advance which one (and it is not known if the other choice
+> would have been closer).
+> Warning: the output for `\maxdimen` is `1279.62628` but `1279.62628nc`
+> will trigger "Dimension too large" error.
+> `\maxdimen-9sp` is attainable via `1279.62627nc`.
+`\texdiminncd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> nc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be largest representable dimension smaller than the original one.
+`\texdiminncu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> nc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smallest representable dimension larger than the original one.
+`\texdimincc{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> cc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will either be the closest from below or from above, but it is not
+> known in advacce which one (and it is not known if the other choice
+> would have been closer).
+> `\maxdimen` as input produces on output `1276.00215` and indeed the
+> maximal attainable dimension is `1276.00215cc` (`1073741821sp`).
+`\texdiminccd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> cc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be largest representable dimension smaller than the original one.
+`\texdiminccu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> cc` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smallest representable dimension larger than the original one.
+`\texdimincm{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> cm` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will either be the closest from below or from above, but it is not
+> known in advance which one (and it is not known if the other choice
+> would have been closer).
+> `\maxdimen` as input produces on output `575.83174` and indeed the
+> maximal attainable dimension is `575.83174cm` (`1073741822sp`).
+`\texdimincmd{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> cm` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be largest representable dimension smaller than the original one.
+`\texdimincmu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> cm` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smallest representable dimension larger than the original one.
+`\texdiminin{<dim. expr.>}`
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> in` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will either be the closest from below or from above, but it is not
+> known in advance which one (and it is not known if the other choice
+> would have been closer).
+> Warning: the output for `\maxdimen` is `226.70541` but `226.70541in`
+> will trigger "Dimension too large" error.
+> `\maxdimen-55sp` is maximal attainable dimension (via `226.7054in`).
+`\texdiminind{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> in` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be largest representable dimension smaller than the original one.
+`\texdimininu{<dim. expr.>}` NOT YET
+> Produces a decimal (with up to five decimal places) `D` such that `D
+> in` represents the dimension exactly if possible. If not possible it
+> will be smallest representable dimension larger than the original one.
+## TODO
+Implement the "up" and "down" variants.
+Provide a macro `\texdimnearest{in,cm}{<dim.expr.>}` which provides the
+nearest dimension simultaneously representable both in `in` and in `cm`?
+According to a reference on the web by an anonymous contributor the
+available positive dimensions in scaled points have the shape
+`floor(3613.5*k) sp` for some integer `k`. So we basically may have a
+delta up to about `1800sp` which is about `0.0275pt` and is still small
+(less than one hundredth of a millimeter), so perhaps such a utility for
+"safe dimensions" may be useful. Simpler however and more efficient
+would be for people to finally adopt the French revolution Système
+Métrique (rather than setting up giant financial paradises).