path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/schemata/schematest.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/schemata/schematest.tex')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/schemata/schematest.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/schemata/schematest.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a853799b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/schemata/schematest.tex
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+%--------:| ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%schemata:| Generic package to aid construction of topical categories
+% Author:| Charles P. Schaum
+% E-mail:| charles dot
+% License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c or later
+% See:|
+% This is an example file used with the schemata package.
+% See README and schemata.pdf for copyright info.
+% To use Plain TeX, do something like the following, substituting
+% tex, xetex, luatex, etc.:
+% pdftex schematest
+% To use Eplain, do something like the following:
+% touch test.tex
+% pdftex test <<< "\\input eplain \\input schematest"
+% To use lollipop, do something like the following:
+% lollipop schematest
+% To use LaTeX, do something like the following, substituting
+% latex, xelatex, lualatex, etc.:
+% pdflatex schematest
+ \documentclass[10pt]{article}
+ %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Not needed for newer versions
+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \usepackage[polutonikogreek,american]{babel}
+ \newcommand{\gk}[1]{\foreignlanguage{polutonikogreek}{#1}}
+ \usepackage{schemata}
+ \begin{document}
+ \ifx\fmtname\nameoflollipop
+ \input schemata.sty
+ \font\scshape=cmcsc10
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+ \Start
+ \else
+ \input schemata.sty
+ \font\scshape=cmcsc10
+ \def\textsc#1{\bgroup\scshape #1\egroup}
+ \def\gk#1{\bgroup\it #1\egroup}
+ \fi
+ \schemabox{Subjectum theo-\\
+ logi\ae{} est Notitia\\
+ Dei. Considerat\\
+ ergo, Dei, vel}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Essentiam},}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Unitate natur\ae{}.\\
+ Trinitate personarum.\\
+ Operibus ad intra.}
+ }\smallskip
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Voluntatem},\\
+ manifestatam in\\
+ operibus ad extra;\\
+ ut in}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Creatione.\\
+ Sustentatione natur\ae{} %
+ laps\ae{}.\\
+ Reparatione.\\
+ Conversione.\\
+ Justificatione.\\
+ Sanctificatione \&\\
+ Glorificatione ejusdem.}
+ }
+ \schemabox{Subjectum \&\\
+ summa univer-\\
+ s\ae{} Scriptur\ae{},\\
+ est \textsc{Cognitio}\\
+ vel}
+ \Schema{-6.4ex}{8.5ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Dei}, qua-\\lis sit, aut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox{\textsc{Per se}:\\ scilicet.}}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Unus in essentia.}\smallskip
+ \schemabox{Trinus in personis.}
+ }\smallskip
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox{Ad hominem\\ quem vel}}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Accusat \& terret, \textsc{Per Legem},\\
+ Consolatur \& erigit, \textsc{Per Evangelium}.\\
+ Salvat, \textsc{Per Christum}.\\
+ Renovat, \textsc{Per Spiritum Sanctum}.\\
+ Sanctificat, \textsc{Per Verbum} \& \textsc{Sacramenta}.\\
+ Castigat, tentat \& exercet, \textsc{Per Crucem}.\\
+ Glorificat \textsc{Per Resurrectionem Carnis}\\
+ \textsc{\quad Ad Vitam \AE{}ternam}.}
+ }\medskip
+ }
+ \Schema{-13.4ex}{17.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Hominis},\\ qualis sit}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema{-4.4ex}{5ex}
+ {\schemabox{\textsc{Per se}:}}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Ante lapsum.}\smallskip
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox{Post lapsum:}}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Ante Regenerationem \&\\
+ Renovationem S. Sancti.}\medskip
+ \schemabox{Post Regenerationem \&\\
+ Renovationem S. Sancti.}\smallskip
+ }\smallskip
+ }
+ \Schema{4.2ex}{14.4ex}
+ {\schemabox{Ad}}
+ {
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox{\textsc{Deum},}}
+ {
+ \schemabox{P\oe{}nitentia agens, agnitis peccatis \&\\
+ ira Dei cognita \textsc{Ex Lege}.\\
+ Erigens se \textsc{Voce Evangelii}.\\
+ Credens \textsc{In Christum Salvatorem}.\\
+ Non repugnans \textsc{Spiritui Sancto} impellenti.\\
+ Audiens \textsc{Verbum}: \& utens \textsc{Sacramentis}.\\
+ Patienter \& constanter sufferens \textsc{Crucem}.\\
+ Sperans \& expectans glorificationem\\
+ \textsc{\quad In Resurrectione Carnis}\\
+ \textsc{\quad Ad Vitam \AE{}ternam}.}
+ }\smallskip
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox{seipsum ratione}}
+ {\schemabox{Anim\ae{}\\ vel\\ Corporis}}\smallskip
+ \Schema{2ex}{5.1ex}
+ {\schemabox{Proximum,}}
+ {
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox{Amicum ra-\\ tione vel}}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Religionis.\\
+ Politic\ae{} \& \OE{}conomic\ae{}.\\
+ Cognationis.\\
+ Agnationis.}
+ }\smallskip
+ \schemabox{Inimicum.}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\verbatim \DoParens |endverbatim
+ \schemabox{Sacr\ae{}\\ litter\ae{}\\ loquuntur,\\ de}
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Deo}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Uno, in Trinitate.}\smallskip\schemabox{Trino, in unitate.}
+ }
+ \Schema{-16.5ex}{23.4ex}
+ {
+ \vskip30ex
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Dei}\\ \textsc{Operibus}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Intra},\\ qu\ae{} sunt\\ divisa, ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Patris}, ab \ae{}terno gignere.\\ \textsc{Filii}, ab \ae{}terno genitum esse.\\ \textsc{Spiritus Sancti}, ab utroque\\ ab \ae{}terno procedete.}
+ }
+ \medskip
+ \Schema{-2ex}{21ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Extra},\\ qu\ae{} sunt\\ indivisa;\\ tervata\\ tamen\\ cujusque\\ person\ae{}\\ divinitatis\\ sua pro-\\prietate}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema{-0.8ex}{6.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Creatione\\ natur\ae{}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Brute ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{C\oe{}li} \smallskip \schemabox{Elementorum} \smallskip \schemabox{Mundi}
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\ifx\fmtname\nameoflatex\gk{logik~hs}\else\gk{logik\=es}\fi, ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Angelorum.} \smallskip \schemabox{Hominum: Ad\ae{},\\ Ev\ae{} \& procreatorum\\ exipsis.}
+ }
+ }
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Sustenatione\\ natur\ae{} laps\ae{},}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Angelorum malorum,} \smallskip \schemabox{Hominum: Ad\ae{}, Ev\ae{}\\ \& procreatorum exipsis.}
+ }
+ \Schema{2.6ex}{8.8ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Beneficiis\\ erga Ecc-\\ lesiam: ea\\ versantur\\ aut circa}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema{2.2ex}{7ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Res, ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Verbum}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Legis} \smallskip \schemabox{Evangelii} \smallskip \schemabox{Sacramentorum}
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Signa vel Veteris\\ vel Novi Testa-\\ mentum ut sunt:}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Ceremoni\ae{}} \smallskip \schemabox{Miracula}
+ }
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \Schema{1ex}{5ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Personas}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Ecclesi\ae{}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Universalis} \smallskip \schemabox{Particularis}
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \schemabox{Politi\ae{} ut Magistratuum}
+ \smallskip
+ \schemabox{\OE{}conomi\ae{} ut privatorum}
+ }
+ }\vskip2ex
+ }
+ }
+\verbatim \DoGroups |endverbatim
+ \schemabox{Sacr\ae{}\\ litter\ae{}\\ loquuntur,\\ de}
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Deo}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Uno, in Trinitate.}\smallskip\schemabox{Trino, in unitate.}
+ }
+ \Schema{-17ex}{23.4ex}
+ {
+ \vskip30ex
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Dei}\\ \textsc{Operibus}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Intra},\\ qu\ae{} sunt\\ divisa, ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Patris}, ab \ae{}terno gignere.\\ \textsc{Filii}, ab \ae{}terno genitum esse.\\ \textsc{Spiritus Sancti}, ab utroque\\ ab \ae{}terno procedete.\strut}
+ }
+ \medskip
+ \Schema{-2ex}{21ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Extra},\\ qu\ae{} sunt\\ indivisa;\\ tervata\\ tamen\\ cujusque\\ person\ae{}\\ divinitatis\\ sua pro-\\prietate}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema{-0.8ex}{6.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Creatione\\ natur\ae{}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Brute ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{C\oe{}li} \smallskip \schemabox{Elementorum} \smallskip \schemabox{Mundi}
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{\ifx\fmtname\nameoflatex\gk{logik~hs}\else\gk{logik\=es}\fi, ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Angelorum.} \smallskip \schemabox{Hominum: Ad\ae{},\\ Ev\ae{} \& procreatorum\\ exipsis.\strut}
+ }
+ }
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Sustenatione\\ natur\ae{} laps\ae{},}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Angelorum malorum,} \smallskip \schemabox{Hominum: Ad\ae{}, Ev\ae{}\\ \& procreatorum exipsis.}
+ }
+ \Schema{2.6ex}{8.8ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Beneficiis\\ erga Ecc-\\ lesiam: ea\\ versantur\\ aut circa}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema{2.2ex}{7ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Res, ut}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Verbum}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Legis} \smallskip \schemabox{Evangelii} \smallskip \schemabox{Sacramentorum}
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Signa vel Veteris\\ vel Novi Testa-\\ mentum ut sunt:}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Ceremoni\ae{}} \smallskip \schemabox{Miracula}
+ }
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \Schema{0.6ex}{5.5ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Personas}
+ }
+ {
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Ecclesi\ae{}}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Universalis} \smallskip \schemabox{Particularis}
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \schemabox{Politi\ae{} ut Magistratuum}
+ \smallskip
+ \schemabox{\OE{}conomi\ae{} ut privatorum}
+ }
+ }\vskip2ex
+ }
+ }
+ \schemabox{Qu\ae{} sit\\ \textsc{Dei}, vel}
+ \Schema{-1ex}{5ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Essentia}, in}
+ }
+ {
+ \vskip1ex\schemabox{Unitate divina,}
+ \medskip
+ \Schema{0ex}{3.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Tribus perso-\\ nis divinitatis}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema[close]{0ex}{3.4ex}
+ {
+ \NudgeSB\schemabox{Patre,\\ Filio,\\ Spiritui Sancto}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{\ifx\fmtname\nameoflatex\gk{<omoous'iois}\else\gk{homoousiois}\fi\\ \& co\ae{}ternis}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \medskip
+ \Schema{-0.2ex}{6.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{\textsc{Voluntas},\\ revelatur in\\ actione, sive}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema{0ex}{3.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Universali}
+ }
+ {
+ \Schema[close]{0ex}{3.4ex}
+ {
+ \schemabox{Creationis,\\Sustenationis,\\ Propagationis,}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{rerum creatarum.}
+ }
+ }
+ \medskip
+ \schema
+ {
+ \schemabox{Speciali, in beneficiis\\ erga Ecclesiam, eam}
+ }
+ {
+ \schemabox{Colligendo.\\ Justificando.\\ Conservando.\\
+ Glorificando.}
+ }
+ }
+% Use here in Plain TeX.
+{\schemabox{\bf Curricula\\\bf Texts}}
+ \DoBrackets%
+ % Doable in LaTeX, not in Plain TeX, because \outer.
+ % \newbox\mybox%
+ \setbox\mybox=\hbox{\bf III. Philosophical }%
+ \dimen0=\wd\mybox%
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox[\dimen0]{\bf I. General\\Studies}}
+ {\schemabox{1. Collected Works\\2. Encyclopedias}}
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox[\dimen0]{\bf II. Literary\\Disciplines}}
+ {\schemabox{1. Philology\\
+ 2. Historical Introduction\\
+ 3. Literary Theory\\
+ 4. Application}}
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox[\dimen0]{\bf III. Philosophical\\Disciplines}}
+ {\schemabox{1. Source Texts\\
+ 2. History of Philosophy\\
+ 3. General Surveys\\
+ 4. Specific Studies}}
+ \smallskip
+ \schema
+ {\schemabox[\dimen0]{\bf IV. Historical\\Disciplines}}
+ {\schemabox{1. General Surveys\\
+ 2. Specialized Works}}
+ \end{document}
+ \ifx\fmtname\nameoflollipop
+ \Stop
+ \else
+ \bye
+ \fi