path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks/pstnews1-11.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks/pstnews1-11.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks/pstnews1-11.tex
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- language=PSTricks,%
- float=hbp,%
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- keywordstyle=\color{colKeys}, %
- stringstyle=\color{colString}, %
- commentstyle=\color{colComments}, %
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-\title{\texttt{PSTricks -- version 1.11}\\new macros and bugfixes for \texttt{pstricks}}
-\author{Herbert Voß\thanks{%
-This new version of \texttt{pstricks.tex} depends on the also new prologue file
-\texttt{} (v 1.00), which should go into the local \TeX-directoory \url{$TEXMFLOCAL/dvips/}.
-\section{New macro names}
-In general \texttt{PSTricks} uses macronames with a preceeding \verb+ps+ to prevent
-clashes with other packages. However, some macros have names without the \verb+ps+ and
-these ones have now new names:
- \scalebox -> \psscalebox
- \scaleboxto -> \psscaleboxto
- \rotateleft -> \psrotateleft
- \rotateright -> \psrotateright
- \rotatedown -> \psrotatedown
-The first change is important, because there were a lot of problems in the past;
-\verb+graphicx+ also defines a \verb+scalebox+ but with diffent syntax.
-\section{New fill options}
-For the fillstyles \verb+hlines+, \verb+vlines+ and \verb+crosshatch+ there are two new
-options to get increasing line widths and/or increasing whitespace. Both options are
-lengths and can be set as usual for PSTricks, with or without a unit.
-\emph{name} & \emph{meaning} & \emph{default}\\\hline
-\verb|hatchsepinc| & additional increasing space between two hatch lines & 0\tabularnewline
-\verb|hatchwidthinc| & value for the increasing line width of two hatch lines & 0
- \psframe[fillstyle=vlines,hatchangle=0,hatchsep=.5pt,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchwidthinc=0.25pt](\linewidth,3)
- \psframe[fillstyle=hlines,hatchangle=0,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchsep=0.5pt,hatchsepinc=0.1pt](\linewidth,3)
- \psframe[fillstyle=vlines,hatchangle=0,hatchsep=0.6pt,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchwidthinc=0.3pt,hatchangle=60,
- hatchcolor=red](\linewidth,3)
- \psframe[fillstyle=hlines,hatchangle=0,hatchangle=-60,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchsep=0.5pt,hatchsepinc=0.1pt,
- hatchcolor=blue](\linewidth,3)
- \pscircle[fillstyle=vlines,hatchangle=0,hatchsep=0.6pt,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchwidthinc=0.3pt,hatchangle=90,
- hatchcolor=red](2,2){2}
- \pscircle[fillstyle=vlines,hatchangle=0,hatchsep=0.6pt,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchwidthinc=0.3pt,hatchangle=-45,
- hatchcolor=green](7,2){2}
- \pscircle[fillstyle=hlines,hatchangle=0,hatchsep=0.6pt,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchwidthinc=0.3pt,hatchangle=45,
- hatchcolor=blue](12,2){2}
- \psframe[fillstyle=crosshatch,hatchangle=0,hatchangle=-90,%
- hatchwidth=1pt,hatchsep=0.5pt,hatchsepinc=0.1pt,
- hatchcolor=blue](\linewidth,3)
-\section{Other changes}
-\texttt{pstricks.tex} defined the PostScript subroutines for arcs of an ellipse.
-This code now moved into the appropriate \texttt{}, which holds the
-pure PostScript code of \texttt{PSTricks}. This in not important for user until
-the newest \texttt{} \textbf{and} \texttt{pstricks.tex} are installed.