path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks/pst-news10.tex
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+%% $Id: pst-news09.tex 62 2008-11-25 19:52:07Z herbert $
+ headexclude,footexclude,oneside]{pst-doc}
+ escapechar=?}
+\title{\texttt{News -- 2010}\\ \Large new macros and bugfixes for the
+basic packages \nxLFile{pstricks}, \nxLFile{pst-plot}, and \nxLFile{pst-node}}
+\author{Herbert Voß}
+\part{\texttt{pstricks} -- package}
+There exists a new document class \LClass{pst-doc} for writing PSTricks documentations,
+like this news document. It depends on the KOMA-Script document class \LClass{scrartcl}.
+\LClass{pst-doc} defines a lot of special macros to create a good index. Take one of
+the already existing package documentation and look into the source file. Then it will be
+easy to understand, how all these macros have to be used.
+When running \Lprog{pdflatex} the title page is created with boxes and inserted
+with the macro \Lcs{AddToShipoutPicture} from the package \LPack{eso-pic}. It
+inserts the background title page image \Lfile{pst-doc-pdf} to use directly
+When running \Lprog{latex} the title page
+ is created with \PST\ macros.This allows to use the Perl script \Lprog{pst2pdf} or
+the package \LPack{pst-pdf} or \LPack{auto-pst-pdf} or any other program/package which
+supports \PS\ code in the document.
+%\subsection{New optional argument}
+No changes
+\section{\texttt{pstricks.tex} (\pstricksFV -- \pstricksFD)}
+\subsection{Option \nxLkeyword{algebraic}}
+The option \Lkeyword{algebraic} moved from the other packages into
+the main package \LPack{pstricks} to get rid of the dependencies.
+By default the function in \Lcs{psplot} has to be described in
+Reversed Polish Notation. The option \Lkeyword{algebraic} allows you
+to do this in the common algebraic notation. E.g.:
+RPN & algebraic\\\hline
+\verb+x ln+ & \verb+ln(x)+\\
+\verb+x cos 2.71 x neg 10 div exp mul+ & \verb+cos(x)*2.71^(-x/10)+\\
+\verb+1 x div cos 4 mul+ & \verb+4*cos(1/x)+\\
+\verb+t cos t sin+ & \verb+cos(t)|sin(t)+
+Setting the option \Lkeyword{algebraic}, allow the user
+to describe all expression to be written in the classical
+algebraic notation (infix notation). The four arithmetic
+operations are obviously defined \verb$+-*/$, and also the
+exponential operator \verb$^$. The natural priorities are used :
+$3+4\times 5^5=3+(4\times (5^5))$, and by default the computation
+is done from left to right. The following functions are defined :
+\verb$sin$, \verb$cos$, \verb$tan$, \verb$acos$, \verb$asin$ & in radians\\
+\verb$log$, \verb$ln$\\
+\verb$ceiling$, \verb$floor$, \verb$truncate$, \verb$round$\\
+\verb$sqrt$ & square root\\
+\verb$abs$ & absolute value\\
+\verb$fact$ & for the factorial\\
+\verb$Sum$ & for building sums\\
+\verb$IfTE$ & for an easy case structure
+These options can be used with \textbf{all} plot macros.
+{\bfseries Using the option \Lkeyword{algebraic} implies that all
+angles have to be in radians! }
+For the \Lcs{parametricplot} the two parts must be divided by the \Lnotation{|} character:
+ \psset{algebraic,plotpoints=1000}
+ \psplot[linecolor=yellow,linewidth=2pt]{-10}{10}{0.75*sin(x)*cos(x/2)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,showpoints=true,plotpoints=101]{-10}{10}{0.75*sin(x)*cos(x/2)}
+ \psset{algebraic,plotpoints=1000}
+ \psplot[linecolor=yellow,linewidth=2pt]{-10}{10}{0.75*sin(x)*cos(x/2)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red,showpoints=true,plotpoints=101]{-10}{10}{0.75*sin(x)*cos(x/2)}
+ \psset{algebraic,plotpoints=501}
+ \psplot[linecolor=yellow, linewidth=4\pslinewidth]{0.01}{18}{ln(x)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{0.01}{18}{ln(x)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=green,linewidth=4\pslinewidth]{0}{18}{3*cos(x)*2.71^(-x/10)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue,showpoints=true,plotpoints=51]{0}{18}{3*cos(x)*2.71^(-x/10)}
+ \psset{algebraic,plotpoints=501}
+ \psplot[linecolor=yellow, linewidth=4\pslinewidth]{0.01}{18}{ln(x)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{0.01}{18}{ln(x)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=yellow,linewidth=4\pslinewidth]{0}{18}{3*cos(x)*2.71^(-x/10)}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue,showpoints=true,plotpoints=51]{0}{18}{3*cos(x)*2.71^(-x/10)}
+\section{Numeric functions}
+All macros have a \textat{} in their name, because they are
+only for internal use, but it is no problem to use them like other
+macros. One can define another name without a \textat{}:
+or put the macro inside the \Lcs{makeatletter} -- \Lcs{makeatother} sequence.
+\section{Numeric functions}
+By default \PST\ loads the file \Lfile{pst-fp} which is derived from the
+\LPack{fp} package. It supports the following macros:
+\subsection{\nxLcs{pstFPadd}, \nxLcs{pstFPsub}, \nxLcs{pstFPmul}, and \nxLcs{pstFPdiv}}
+Multiplication and division:
+\pstFPmul\Result{-3.405}{0.02345} \Result\quad
+\pstFPdiv\Result{-3.405}{0.02345} \Result\\
+\pstFPmul\Result{0.02345}{-3.405} \Result\quad
+\pstFPdiv\Result{0.02345}{-3.405} \Result\\
+\pstFPmul\Result{234.123}{33} \Result\quad
+\pstFPdiv\Result{234.123}{33} \Result\\
+\pstFPadd\Result{234.123}{33} \Result\quad
+\pstFPadd\Result{234.123}{-33} \Result\\
+\pstFPsub\Result{234.123}{33} \Result\quad
+\pstFPsub\Result{-234.123}{33} \Result
+The zeros can be stripped with the macro \Lcs{pstFPstripZeros}. Expect
+always rounding errors, \TeX\ was not made for calculations \ldots
+The value is converted into a length and then reconverted to a
+number by stripping the unit. Which also strips the zeros.
+\subsection{\nxLcs{pstFPMul} and \nxLcs{pstFPDiv}}
+Integer multiplication and division:
+\Lcs{pstFPMul}\Largb{result as a truncated integer}\Largb{number}\Largb{number}\\
+\Lcs{pstFPDiv}\Largb{result as a truncated integer}\Largb{number}\Largb{number}
+\pstFPMul\Result{-34.05}{0.02345} \Result\quad
+\pstFPDiv\Result{-3.405}{0.02345} \Result\\
+\pstFPMul\Result{23.45}{-3.405} \Result\quad
+\pstFPDiv\Result{0.2345}{-0.03405} \Result\\
+\pstFPMul\Result{234.123}{33} \Result\quad
+\pstFPDiv\Result{234.123}{33} \Result
+\section{The PostScript header files}
+It contains now most of the stuff from \LPack{pstricks-add} and the new routines
+for plotting lines/curves with symbols.
+\subsubsection{Using the \nxLkeyword{Sum} function}
+\Lcs{Sum}\Largr{<index name>,<start>,<step>,<end>,<function>}
+Let's plot the first development of cosine with polynomials:
+\psset{algebraic=true, plotpoints=501, yunit=3}
+\def\getColor#1{\ifcase#1 black\or red\or magenta\or yellow\or green\or Orange\or blue\or
+ DarkOrchid\or BrickRed\or Rhodamine\or OliveGreen\fi}
+ \psclip{\psframe(-7,-1.5)(7,1.5)}
+ \psplot{-7}{7}{cos(x)}
+ \multido{\n=1+1}{10}{%
+ \psplot[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=\getColor{\n}]{-7}{7}{%
+ Sum(ijk,0,1,\n,(-1)^ijk*x^(2*ijk)/fact(2*ijk))}}
+ \endpsclip
+ \psaxes(0,0)(-7,-1.5)(7,1.5)
+\psset{algebraic=true, plotpoints=501, yunit=3}
+\def\getColor#1{\ifcase#1 black\or red\or magenta\or yellow\or green\or Orange\or blue\or
+ DarkOrchid\or BrickRed\or Rhodamine\or OliveGreen\fi}
+ \psclip{\psframe(-7,-1.5)(7,1.5)}
+ \psplot{-7}{7}{cos(x)}
+ \multido{\n=1+1}{10}{%
+ \psplot[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=\getColor{\n}]{-7}{7}{%
+ Sum(ijk,0,1,\n,(-1)^ijk*x^(2*ijk)/fact(2*ijk))}}
+ \endpsclip
+ \psaxes(0,0)(-7,-1.5)(7,1.5)
+\subsection[\nxLps{IfTE}]{The variable step algorithm together with the PostScript function \nxLps{IfTE}}
+\Lps{IfTE}\Largr{<condition>,<true part>,<false part>}
+Nesting of several \Lps{IfTE} is possible and seen in the
+following examples. A classic example is a piece-wise linear
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-7,-2)(7.5,6)[x,-90][y,0]
+ \psset{algebraic=true, plotpoints=21,linewidth=2pt}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue]{-7.5}{7.5}{IfTE(x<-6,8+x,IfTE(x<0,-x/3,IfTE(x<3,2*x,9-x)))}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red, plotpoints=101]{-7.5}{7.5}{%
+ IfTE(2*x<-2^2*sqrt(9),7+x,IfTE(x<0,x^2/18-1,IfTE(x<3,2*x^2/3-1,8-x)))}%
+\psset{unit=1.5, algebraic, ?\ON?VarStep?\OFF?, showpoints, ?\ON?VarStepEpsilon?\OFF?=.001}
+ \psplot{-7}{2}{?\ON?IfTE?\OFF?(x<-5,-(x+5)^3/2,?\ON?IfTE?\OFF?(x<0,0,x^2))}
+ \psplot{-7}{2}{5*x/9+26/9}
+ \psplot[linecolor=blue]{-7}{2}{(x+7)^30/9^30*4.5-1/2}
+ \psplot[linecolor=red]{-6.9}{2}
+ {?\ON?IfTE?\OFF?(x<-6,ln(x+7),?\ON?IfTE?\OFF?(x<-3,x+6,?\ON?IfTE?\OFF?(x<0.1415926,sin(x+3)+3,3.1415926-x)))}
+When you program a piece-wise defined function you must take care
+that a plotting point must be put at each point where the
+description changes. Use \Lkeyword{showpoints}=true to see what's
+going on when there is a problem. You are on the safe side when
+you choose a big number for \Lkeyword{plotpoints}.
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-8,-8)(8,8)[x,-90][y,0]
+ \psset{plotpoints=1000,linewidth=1pt}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true]{-8}{8}{ceiling(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=yellow]{-8}{8}{rand/(2^31-1)+x}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=red]{-8}{8}{floor(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=blue]{-8}{8}{round(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=green]{-8}{8}{truncate(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=cyan]{-8}{8}{div(mul(4,x),7)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=gray]{-8}{8}{abs(x)+abs(x-3)-abs(5-5*x/7)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=gray]{-8}{8}{abs(3*cos(x)+1)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=magenta]{-8}{8}{floor(8*cos(x))}
+ \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-8,-8)(8,8)[x,-90][y,0]
+ \psset{plotpoints=1000,linewidth=1pt}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=yellow]{-8}{8}{rand/(2^31-1)+x}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true]{-8}{8}{ceiling(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=red]{-8}{8}{floor(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=blue]{-8}{8}{round(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=green]{-8}{8}{truncate(x)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=cyan]{-8}{8}{div(mul(4,x),7)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=gray]{-8}{8}{abs(x)+abs(x-3)-abs(5-5*x/7)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=gray]{-8}{8}{abs(3*cos(x)+1)}
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=magenta]{-8}{8}{floor(8*cos(x))}
+\subsection[\nxLps{Derive} function]{Successive derivatives of a polynomial with the PostScript function \nxLps{Derive}}
+\psset{unit=2, algebraic=true, VarStep=true, showpoints=true, VarStepEpsilon=.001}
+\def\getColor#1{\ifcase#1 Tan\or RedOrange\or magenta\or yellow\or green\or Orange\or blue\or
+ DarkOrchid\or BrickRed\or Rhodamine\or OliveGreen\or Goldenrod\or Mahogany\or
+ OrangeRed\or CarnationPink\or RoyalPurple\or Lavender\fi}
+ \psclip{\psframe[linestyle=none](0,-1.1)(7,1.1)}
+ \multido{\in=0+1}{16}{%
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=\getColor{\in}]{0.1}{7}
+ {Derive(\in,Sum(i,0,1,7,(-1)^i*x^(2*i)/Fact(2*i)))}}
+ \endpsclip
+\psset{unit=2, algebraic=true, VarStep=true, showpoints=true, VarStepEpsilon=.001}
+\def\getColor#1{\ifcase#1 Tan\or RedOrange\or magenta\or yellow\or green\or Orange\or blue\or
+ DarkOrchid\or BrickRed\or Rhodamine\or OliveGreen\or Goldenrod\or Mahogany\or
+ OrangeRed\or CarnationPink\or RoyalPurple\or Lavender\fi}
+ \psclip{\psframe[linestyle=none](0,-1.1)(7,1.1)}
+ \multido{\in=0+1}{16}{%
+ \psplot[algebraic=true, linecolor=\getColor{\in}]{0.1}{7}
+ {Derive(\in,Sum(i,0,1,7,(-1)^i*x^(2*i)/Fact(2*i)))}}
+ \endpsclip
+\subsection{Special arrow option \texttt{arrowLW}}
+Only for the arrowtype \Lnotation{o}, \Lnotation{oo}, \Lnotation{*}, and \Lnotation{**} it is possible to
+set the arrowlinewidth with the optional keyword \Lkeyword{arrowLW}.
+When scaling an arrow by the keyword \Lkeyword{arrowscale} the width
+of the borderline is also scaled. With the optional argument
+\Lkeyword{arrowLW} the line width can be set separately and is not
+taken into account by the scaling value.
+ arrowLW=0.5pt](0,3)(4,3)
+ arrowLW=0.3333\pslinewidth](0,1)(4,1)
+ arrowLW=0.5pt](0,3)(4,3)
+ arrowLW=0.3333\pslinewidth](0,1)(4,1)
+\section{\nxLcs{psforeach} and \nxLcs{psForeach}}
+The macro \Lcs{psforeach} allows a loop with an individual increment.
+\Lcs{psforeach}\Largb{variable}\Largb{value list}\Largb{action}\\
+\Lcs{psForeach}\Largb{variable}\Largb{value list}\Largb{action}
+With \Lcs{psforeach} the \Larg{action} is done inside a group and for \Lcs{psForeach} not.
+This maybe useful when using the macro to create tabular cells, which are
+alread grouped itself.
+ \psforeach{\nA}{0, 1, 1.5, 3, 5}{%
+ \psdot[dotscale=3](\nA,\nA)}
+\newcommand\AddToks[1]{\toks@=\expandafter{\the\toks@ #1}}
+ \begingroup
+ \InitToks%
+ \AddToks{\begin{tabular}{|*{#2}{>{\RaggedLeft}p{#1}|}@{}l@{}}\cline{1-#2}}
+ \psForeach{\iA}{#3}{\expandafter\AddToks\expandafter{\iA & }}
+ \AddToks{\\\cline{1-#2}}%
+ \psForeach{\iA}{#3}{\expandafter\AddToks\expandafter{\expandafter%
+ \psPrintValue\expandafter{\iA\space /x ED #4} & }}
+ \AddToks{\\\cline{1-#2}\end{tabular}}%
+ \PrintToks
+ \endgroup
+\makeTable[1cm]{6}{2,4,6,8,10,12}{2 x exp}
+The value List can also be given by the first two and the last value, e.\,g. \verb=1,4,..,31=,
+then \PST calculates all values with the distance given by the first two values.
+ \psforeach{\nA}{0, 3.14,..,25}{\psline(\nA,0)(\nA,1)}
+The internal counter for the steps is named \LCtr{psLoopIndex} and can be used for own purposes.
+\psforeach{\nA}{0, 1, 1.5, 2.25, 5}{%
+ \psdot[dotscale=3](\the\psLoopIndex,\nA)}
+\part{\nxLPack{pst-node} -- package}
+The package \LPack{pst-node} now uses the advanced key handling from \LPack{xkeyval}. The reason
+why it moved from the base into the contrib sections, where all packages uses \LPack{xkeyval}.
+\part{\nxLPack{pst-plot} -- package}
+The package \LPack{pst-plot} now uses the advanced key handling from \LPack{xkeyval}. The reason
+why it moved from the base into the contrib sections, where all packages uses \LPack{xkeyval}.