path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-vehicle/pst-vehicle-doc.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-vehicle/pst-vehicle-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-vehicle/pst-vehicle-doc.tex
index f8acf1e1f59..6a04bb3dfad 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-vehicle/pst-vehicle-doc.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-vehicle/pst-vehicle-doc.tex
@@ -34,6 +34,72 @@
+\usepackage{etex} % um die Anzahl der Register zu erh\"{o}hen (sonst nur 256)
+\newcommand{\qrq}{\ensuremath{\quad \Rightarrow \quad}}
+\newcommand{\BM}[1]{\ensuremath{\text{\boldmath $#1$\unboldmath}}}
+ /Pi 3.1415926 def
+ /rpn {tx@AlgToPs begin AlgToPs end cvx} def
+ /x0 #1 def
+ /rW #3 def
+ /func (#2) rpn def
+ /Diff (Derive(1,#2)) rpn def
+ /DiffI (Derive(2,#2)) rpn def
+ /dAB (sqrt(1+Diff^2)) rpn def
+ /dABdiff (Derive(1,sqrt(1+(Derive(1,#2))^2))) rpn def
+ /x x0 def func /funcx0 exch def % ----- f(x0)
+ /x x0 def Diff /Diffx0 exch def % ----- f'(x0)
+ /x x0 def DiffI /DiffIx0 exch def % --- f''(x0)
+ /KWRho {DiffI 1 Diff dup mul add 3 exp sqrt div} def
+ /x x0 def KWRho /KWRhox0 exch def % --- f''(x0)
+ /tA 1 1 Diffx0 dup mul add sqrt div def %
+ /deltax0 tA Diffx0 mul neg KWRhox0 div def
+ /deltay0 tA KWRhox0 div def
+ /deltaxW tA Diffx0 mul neg rW mul def
+ /deltayW tA rW mul def
+ /Rho {1 KWRho div} def
+ /x x0 def Rho abs /Rhox0 exch def
+ /alpha deltax0 deltay0 atan def
+ /beta Diffx0 1 atan def
+ /tex beta cos def
+ /tey beta sin def
+ /gamma 90 beta add def
+ /nex gamma cos def
+ /ney gamma sin def
+\pnode(!x0 funcx0){PC}%
+\pnode(!x0 deltaxW 2 mul add funcx0 deltayW 2 mul add){QC}%
+\pnode(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add){MC}%
+\pnode(!x0 deltaxW add funcx0 deltayW add){MW}%
+%3 \cdot f' \cdot (f'')^2 - (f')^2 \cdot f''' - f''' = 0 Stellen maximaler Kr\"{u}mmung!
@@ -56,7 +122,7 @@
-\title{pst-vehicle v 1.0}
+\title{pst-vehicle v 1.1}
\subtitle{A PSTricks package for slipping/rolling vehicles on curves of any kind of mathematical functions}
\author{Thomas \textsc{S\"{o}ll}\\
avec la collaboration de\\
@@ -418,27 +484,133 @@ The total angle $\gamma$ is:
-\subsection{Rolling without slipping}
+\subsection{Determination of the curvature radius}
+A curved curve can be imagined from many small circular arcs. The radius of the respective associated circles is referred to as the radius of curvature. The stronger the curvature of a curve changes, the smaller the intervals have to be chosen in order to be able to speak approximately of a circular arc.
+To find the radius of such an arc and thus the radius of the curvature of the curve at a point $x_{0}$, the normal in $ x_{0} $ should be intersected with the normal in $x_{0}+\epsilon$. This yields the $x$ value of the center of the curvature circle M of the curve. The following drawing is intended to illustrate this.
+\pcline[linewidth=1.5pt,nodesepB=-2.6,linecolor=BrickRed](!x0 funcx0)(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add)
+\pcline[linewidth=1.5pt,nodesepB=-2.6,linecolor=Green](*{x0 0.5 add} {\funkg})(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add)
+\psdot[dotsize=5pt](!x0 funcx0)
+\psdot[dotsize=5pt](*{x0 0.5 add} {\funkg})
+\psdot[dotsize=5pt](!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add)
+\uput{0.25}[150]{0}(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add){M}
+\psarc[linewidth=1.5pt,linestyle=dashed,linecolor=cyan](!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add){!1 KWRhox0 div}{230}{380}
+\pcline[offset=-30pt,tbarsize=20pt,linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=BrickRed]{|<->|}(!x0 funcx0)(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add)
+%\pcline[offset=20pt,tbarsize=20pt,linewidth=1.5pt]{|<->|}(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0)(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add)
+%\ncput*{$\Delta y_{m}$}
+\pcline[linecolor=orange,linewidth=1.2pt]{<->}(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0)(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0 deltay0 add)
+\naput[nrot=:U]{\color{orange}$\Delta y_{m}$}
+\pcline[linecolor=orange,linewidth=1.2pt]{<->}(!x0 deltax0 add funcx0)(!x0 funcx0)
+\nbput[nrot=:U]{\color{orange}$\Delta x_{m}$}
-\textbf{Important note:} There is a limitation for the radii. The radii $r$ of the wheels of the vehicle need to be smaller than the minimal curvature radius $\varrho$ of the given curve.
+\makebox[7cm][l]{\textbf{Normal in \BM{x_{0}}:}} $ n(x)=-\frac{1}{f'(x_{0})}\cdot (x-x_{0})+f(x_{0})$
-At points of inflection, the curvature radius is $\infty$. The curvature radius $\varrho$ is calculated with the following formula:
+\makebox[7cm][l]{\textbf{Normal in \BM{x_{0}+\epsilon}:}} $ n_{\epsilon}(x)=-\frac{1}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)}\cdot (x-x_{0}-\epsilon)+f(x_{0}+\epsilon)$
+\makebox[7cm][l]{\textbf{Intersection point of the normals:}} $n_{\epsilon}(x) - n(x) = 0$
+- \frac{x}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)} + \frac{x_{0}}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)} + \frac{\epsilon}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)} + f(x_{0}+\epsilon) + \frac{x}{f'(x_{0})} - \frac{x_{0}}{f'(x_{0})} - f(x_{0}) & = 0&\qquad& \\[4pt]
+\frac{x\cdot \left[f'(x_{0}+\epsilon) - f'(x_{0})\right]}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)\cdot f'(x_{0})} - \frac{x_{0}\cdot \left[f'(x_{0}+\epsilon) - f'(x_{0})\right]}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)\cdot f'(x_{0})} + \frac{\epsilon}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)} + f(x_{0}+\epsilon) - f(x_{0}) & = 0&\qquad& |:\epsilon\\[4pt]
+\frac{x\cdot \frac{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon) - f'(x_{0})}{\epsilon}}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)\cdot f'(x_{0})} - \frac{x_{0}\cdot \frac{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon) - f'(x_{0})}{\epsilon}}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)\cdot f'(x_{0})} + \frac{1}{f'(x_{0}+\epsilon)} + \frac{f(x_{0}+\epsilon) - f(x_{0})}{\epsilon} & = 0&\qquad&| \lim_{\epsilon\to 0}\\[4pt]
+\frac{x\cdot f''(x_{0})}{f'(x_{0})\cdot f'(x_{0})} - \frac{x_{0}\cdot f''(x_{0})}{f'(x_{0})\cdot f'(x_{0})} + \frac{1}{f'(x_{0})} + f'(x_{0}) & = 0&&
+Solving for $x$:
+ x = x_{0} - \frac{f'(x_{0})}{f''(x_{0})} - \frac{\left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{3}}{f''(x_{0})} = x_{0} + \underbrace{\left[-\frac{f'(x_{0})}{f''(x_{0})}\cdot \left\{ 1 + \left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{2} \right\}\right]}_{\Delta x_{m}}
+For the corresponding change $\Delta y_{m}$ of the ordinate $y$, we multiply the slope of the normal with $\Delta x_{m}$:
+ \Delta y_{m} = -\frac{1}{f'(x_{0})} \cdot \Delta x_{m} =\frac{1}{f''(x_{0})}\cdot \left\{ 1 + \left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{2} \right\}
+With the Pythagorean theorem we get for the curvature radius:
+ \rho = \sqrt{(\Delta x_{m})^{2} + (\Delta y_{m})^{2}} = \sqrt{(\Delta x_{m})^{2} + \left[-\frac{1}{f'(x_{0})} \cdot \Delta x_{m}\right]^{2}} = \abs{\frac{\Delta x_{m}}{f'(x_{0})}} \cdot \sqrt{\left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{2} + 1}
-The condition for \emph{rolling without slipping} is
+Using $\Delta x_{m} = -\frac{f'(x_{0})}{f''(x_{0})}\cdot \left\{ 1 + \left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{2} \right\}$--- this leads to:
-\omega=\left(\frac{1}{r}-\frac{1}{\varrho}\right)\cdot \dot{s},
+ \rho = \abs{\frac{\frac{f'(x_{0})}{f''(x_{0})}\cdot \left\{ 1 + \left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{2} \right\}}{f'(x_{0})}} \cdot \sqrt{\left[f'(x_{0}\right]^{2} + 1} =
+ \frac{\sqrt{\left\{1 + \left[f'(x_{0})\right]^{2}\right\}^{3}}}{\abs{f''(x_{0})}}
-where $s$ is the length along the curve of the function $f$.
+\subsection{Rolling without slipping}
+\ncput*{\color{BrickRed}$R=\rho - r$}
+\psarcn[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=BrickRed]{->}(MW){!rW 0.5 add}{180}{150}
+%\definecolor[ps]{rainbow}{hsb}{0.9 \iC\space 15 div sub 0.95 0.7 }%
+%\rput{!-90 \iC\space 0.5 mul 180 mul Pi div rW div sub alpha sub}(MW){\psline[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=rainbow](!rW 0)(!rW 0.2 sub 0)}
+%\rput{!-90 \iC\space 0.5 mul 180 mul Pi div Rhox0 div sub alpha sub}(MC){\psline[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=rainbow](!Rhox0 0)(!Rhox0 0.2 add 0)}
+%%\rput(MW){\psline[linewidth=1.5pt]{->}(0,0)(!tex 4 mul tey 4 mul)}
+\rput{-40}(MC){\pnode(!Rho rW sub 0){MWI}}
+\rput{-40}(MC){\pnode(!Rho 0){PCI}}
+\psarc[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=gray,linestyle=dashed](MC){!Rhox0 rW sub}{290}{330}
+\definecolor[ps]{rainbow}{hsb}{0.9 \iC\space 15 div sub 1 \iC\space 11 div sub 0.7 }%
+\rput{!-90 \iC\space 0.5 mul 180 mul Pi div rW div sub -50 sub}(MWI){\psline[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=rainbow](!rW 0)(!rW 0.2 sub 0)}
+\rput{!-90 \iC\space 0.5 mul 180 mul Pi div Rhox0 div sub -50 sub}(MC){\psline[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=rainbow](!Rhox0 0)(!Rhox0 0.2 add 0)}
+%\rput{!-90 \iC\space 0.5 mul 180 mul Pi div rW div sub alpha sub 50 gamma sub Rhox0 mul rW div sub}(MWI){\psline[linewidth=1.5pt,linecolor=gray!50](!rW 0)(!rW 0.2 sub 0)}
+\rput{!beta}(PC){\pcline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=Green]{->}(0,0)(1.5,0)\nbput[npos=0.7,nrot={!beta neg}]{\color{Green}$\vv{e_{\text{t}}}$}}
+\rput{!gamma}(PC){\pcline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=Green]{->}(0,0)(1.5,0)\nbput[npos=0.7,nrot={!gamma neg}]{\color{Green}$\vv{e_{\text{n}}}$}}
+The condition of a rolling wheel without slipping forces, that the center of the wheel needs to make a rotation around the point P. Therefore, the center moves with the velocity:
+ \vv{v_{\text{c}}} = r\cdot \dot{\varphi}\cdot \vv{e_{\text{t}}} \qquad \text{with normed tangent vector } \vv{e_{\text{t}}}
+Cause the center of the wheel also moves along the circle around M$_{\text{c}}$ with radius $\rho - r$ and therefore the point P moves through the distance $\Delta s$ to the point $\text{P}'$---the velocities in M$_\text{w}$ and in P behave like their corresponding radii:
-\omega=\frac{\text{d}\varphi}{\text{d}t}\quad\text{ and }\quad \dot{s}=\sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}\cdot\frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t}
+ \vv{v_{\text{c}}} = \frac{\rho - r}{\rho}\cdot \frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t} \cdot \vv{e_{\text{t}}} \qquad \text{with very small intervals, thus }\quad \frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t} = \dot{s}
-this finally leads to
+Equating the right sides of both equations for the velocity of the center of the wheel finally leads to:
-\text{d} \varphi=\left(\frac{1}{r}-\frac{1}{\varrho}\right)\cdot\sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}\,\text{d}x
+ r\cdot \dot{\varphi} = \frac{\rho - r}{\rho}\cdot \dot{s} \qrq \frac{\text{d}\varphi}{\text{d}t} = \frac{\rho - r}{\rho \cdot r}\cdot \frac{\text{d}s}{\text{d}t} \qrq \text{d}\varphi = \frac{\rho - r}{\rho \cdot r}\cdot \text{d}s = \frac{\rho - r}{\rho \cdot r}\cdot \sqrt{1+[f'(x)]^{2}} \cdot \text{d}x
@@ -547,7 +719,7 @@ Here follows a list of the vehicles that come along with the package:
\section{Predefined wheels}
-In this section we present the predefined wheels that can be used for the front or back wheel.
+In this section we present $12$ predefined wheels that can be used for the front and/or the back wheel.
@@ -641,6 +813,16 @@ In this section we present the predefined wheels that can be used for the front
+\subsection{\textbackslash SpokesWheelB}
+\rput(!/rB 1 def 0 0){\SpokesWheelB}
\subsection{\textbackslash TractorFrontWheel}
@@ -671,7 +853,7 @@ This package offers the following command:
\textbf{Important note:} The function has to be given in algebraic notation and not in RPN.
-The package \LPack{pst-vehicle} contains the options \nxLkeyword{epsilon=}, \nxLkeyword{rB=}, \nxLkeyword{rF=}, \nxLkeyword{d=}, \nxLkeyword{gang=}, \nxLkeyword{vehicle=}, \nxLkeyword{ownvehicle=}, \nxLkeyword{backwheel=}, \nxLkeyword{frontwheel=}, \nxLkeyword{MonoAxis=} and \nxLkeyword{showSlope=}
+The package \LPack{pst-vehicle} contains the options \nxLkeyword{epsilon=}, \nxLkeyword{rB=}, \nxLkeyword{rF=}, \nxLkeyword{d=}, \nxLkeyword{gang=}, \nxLkeyword{vehicle=}, \nxLkeyword{ownvehicle=}, \nxLkeyword{backwheel=}, \nxLkeyword{frontwheel=}, \nxLkeyword{MonoAxis=}, \nxLkeyword{showSlope=} and \nxLkeyword{startPos=}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{} l >{\ttfamily}l X @{} }\toprule
\emph{Name} & \emph{Default} & \emph{Meaning} \\\midrule
@@ -686,6 +868,7 @@ The package \LPack{pst-vehicle} contains the options \nxLkeyword{epsilon=}, \nxL
\Lkeyword{frontwheel} & \texttt{\textbackslash wheelA} & wheelA is chosen by default\\
\Lkeyword{MonoAxis} & false & if the vehicle has one axis\\
\Lkeyword{showSlope} & true & showing the slope of the vehicle\\
+\Lkeyword{startPos} & 0 & synchronizing the initial rotation of the wheels at the start point\\
@@ -759,9 +942,18 @@ The same body of the vehicle is chosen as within the example above, but the fron
+In case of animation there is a thing to be said: If tex memory is exceeded, please increase your memory. For \TeX{}Live users this can be done within the \texttt{texmf.cnf}. We chose the following:
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