path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/pst-solides3d-doc.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/pst-solides3d-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/pst-solides3d-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/pst-solides3d-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92586c581d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/pst-solides3d-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+\listfiles % Writes out the package versions in the log file
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+ % of contents (deprecated, use: toc=bibliography or
+ % bibliography=totoc)
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+ % at least 1 em horizontal space at the end of paragraphs
+ % instead of indenting first line of paragraphs
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+ % \normalsize) with less vertical above and below headings
+ % (deprecated, use: headings=small)
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+%%%%%%% Loading the necessary graphic packages
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+ % with predefined color schemes from 'xcolor'
+\usepackage[final]{showexpl} % Typesetting LaTeX source code
+\usepackage{pst-plot} % Macros for plotting functions and data records
+\usepackage{pst-eucl} % The 'pst-eucl' package allow the drawing of Euclidean geometric
+ % figures using LaTeX macros for specifying mathematical constraints.
+ % It is thus possible to build point using common transformations or intersections.
+ % The use of coordinates is limited to points which controlled the figure.
+\usepackage{pst-solides3d} % The package is designed to draw solids in 3D perspective.
+\usepackage{pstricks-add} % A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks.
+ % Allows 'algebraic notation' instead of the PostScript
+ % native RPN (Revers Polish Notation).
+% Note: 'pstricks-add' always needs to be loaded last. %
+%% adapt\'{e} de \psRandom du package pstricks-add
+%% pour rendre al\'{e}atoire la taille des \'{e}toiles
+%% Manuel Luque
+ \def\pst@tempA{#3}%
+ \ifx\pst@tempA\pst@empty\psclip{\psframe(#2)}\else\psclip{#3}\fi
+ \pst@getcoor{#1}\pst@tempA
+ \pst@getcoor{#2}\pst@tempB
+ \begin@SpecialObj
+ \addto@pscode{
+ \pst@tempA\space /yMin exch def
+ /xMin exch def
+ \pst@tempB\space /yMax exch def
+ /xMax exch def
+ /dy yMax yMin sub def
+ /dx xMax xMin sub def
+ rrand srand % initializes the random generator
+ /getRandReal { rand 2147483647 div } def
+ \psk@randomPoints {
+ /DS \pst@number\pssizeStar\space getRandReal mul def
+ \@nameuse{psds@\psk@dotstyle}
+ \ifPst@color getRandReal 1 1 sethsbcolor \fi
+ getRandReal dx mul xMin add
+ getRandReal dy mul yMin add
+ Dot
+ \ifx\psk@fillstyle\psfs@solid fill \fi stroke
+ } repeat
+ }%
+ \end@SpecialObj
+ \endpsclip
+ \ignorespaces
+\renewcommand*\l@section{\bprot@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.5em}} % hv
+\renewcommand*\l@subsection{\bprot@dottedtocline{2}{3.8em}{3.5em}}% hv
+%% macro H.Voss sur :
+\def\GetCenter#1{ tx@NodeDict begin /N@#1 load GetCenter end
+ \pst@number\psyunit div /#1.y ED
+ \pst@number\psxunit div /#1.x ED }
+%% Jean-Michel Sarlat et Guillaume Connan
+ \def\FrameCommand{{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}\colorbox{yellow!30}}%
+ \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
+%%%%%%% Setting the Chapter layout
+\titleformat{\chapter}[display] % {command}[shape]
+ {\usekomafont{chapter}\Large \color{OrangeReddy}} % format
+ { % label
+ \LARGE\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \Huge \thechapter \filright%
+ }%}
+ {1pt} % sep (from chapternumber)
+ {\titlerule \vspace{0.9pc} \filright \color{OrangeReddy}} % {before}[after] (before chaptertitle and after)
+ [\color{OrangeReddy} \vspace{0.9pc} \filright {\titlerule}]
+%%%%%%% Highlight some expressions
+%%%%%%% Box and highlight some notes
+ \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
+ {\textbf{\textcolor{OrangeReddy}{Note:}}\qquad #1}
+ \end{minipage}}
+%%%%%%% Highlight the table of the predefined solids
+ \textbf{Solid} & \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \textbf{Default}\\
+ \textbf{Parameters}
+ \end{tabular} &
+ \begin{minipage}{4cm}
+ \centerline{\textbf{View}}
+ \end{minipage}&
+ \begin{minipage}{4cm}
+ \centerline{\textbf{Code}}
+ \end{minipage}}
+%%%%%%% Color array
+ \checkcolors(\i)
+%%%%%%% Highlight some commands with backslashes (the three macros)
+ \psframebox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray!20,
+ linecolor=gray!20]{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}}}
+%%%%%%% Positioning the viewpoint
+\def\PointEcran(#1,#2,#3)#4{% position of the viewpoint on the screen
+\pstVerb{/xM #1 def /yM #2 def /zM #3 def
+ /kC dE dup mul xM xE mul yM yE mul zM zE mul add add sub
+ xV xE mul xM xE mul sub
+ yV yE mul yM yE mul sub add
+ zV zE mul zM zE mul sub add
+ div def
+ /x_E kC xV xM sub mul xM add def
+ /y_E kC yV yM sub mul yM add def
+ /z_E kC zV zM sub mul zM add def}%
+%%%%%%% Defining the path for the input files
+\def \datapath{}% ../doc/}
+%%%%%%% Layout of the verbatim listing of showexamples
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,
+ commentstyle=\color{PineGreen}\slshape\footnotesize,
+ showspaces=false,
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+ breaklines=true,
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+ emph={[2]pspicture},
+ emphstyle={[2]\color{OrangeReddy}},
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+%%%%%%% Title Page
+ The Documentation -- The Basics
+ \\[0.5cm]
+{\normalsize v. \PSTfileversion\ (\PSTfiledate)}\\[20pt]
+\author{Jean-Paul \textsc{Vignault}, Manuel \textsc{Luque}, Arnaud
+ \url{<>}, \url{<>},
+ \url{<>}}
+\thanks{With the additional help of:\newline
+ J\"{u}rgen \textsc{Gilg} \url{<>},\newline
+ Jean-Michel \textsc{Sarlat} \url{<>},\newline
+ Herbert \textsc{Voss} \url{<>}.
+% colors for the links
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+ urlcolor=OrangeReddy, % color of URL links
+ filecolor=black, % color of file links
+ linkcolor=OrangeReddy, % color of links
+% Links
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+ %backref=page, % do bibliographical back refenrernces
+ pagebackref=true, % back reference by page numbers
+ verbose, % be chatty
+ hyperindex=true, % set up hyperlink indices
+ linktocpage=true, % make page number, not text, be linked on TOC, LOF, LOT
+ hyperfootnotes=false, % do not set up hyperlink footnotes
+% Bookmarks
+ bookmarks=true, % Generating Bookmarks for the PDF-Viewer
+ bookmarksopenlevel=1, % Level to which Bookmarks are opened
+ bookmarksopen=true, % Open up Bookmarks tree
+ bookmarksnumbered=true, % Put section numbers in Bookmarks
+ %bookmarkstype=toc, % Specify which TOC file to mimic
+% Anchors
+ plainpages=false, % do not page number anchors as plain arabic
+ pageanchor=true % put an anchor on every page
+ ]{hyperref}
+%%%%%%% PDF Informations
+ pdftitle={pst-solides3d - The Documentation}, % Text for the PDF title field
+ pdfauthor={Jean-Paul Vignault, Manuel Luque, Arnaud Schmittbuhl}, % Text for the PDF author field
+ pdfcreator={LaTeX, hyperref, KOMA-Script}, % Text for the PDF creator field
+ %pdfproducer={pdfeTeX 1.10b-2.1} % Text for the PDF producer field
+ pdfstartview=FitH, % Fits the width of the page to the window.
+ pdfpagemode=UseOutlines, % Show Bookmarks in the Viewer
+ pdfpagelabels=true % set PDF page labels
+ }
+\usepackage{breakurl} % Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Herbert %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \index{#1@\texttt{\textbackslash#1}}%
+ \index{Macro!#1@\texttt{\textbackslash#1}}}
+ \index{#1@\texttt{#1}}\index{Keyword!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
+ \index{#1@\texttt{#1}}\index{Value!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
+\chapter{Basics for the package}
+\chapter{Setting the layout of the scenery}
+\chapter{Predefined solids and their positioning}
+\chapter{More options of \textbackslash{}psSolid}
+\chapter{Usage of external files}
+\chapter{Some special objects}
+\chapter{Generating some new solids}
+\chapter{Surfaces defined by a function of the form $z=f(x,y)$}
+\chapter{Advanced usage}
+\chapter{Interaction with PSTricks}
+\chapter{Possible extensions}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file