path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/chapter_2_en_corr.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/chapter_2_en_corr.tex')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/chapter_2_en_corr.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/chapter_2_en_corr.tex
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-solides3d/doc-en/chapter_2_en_corr.tex
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+\section{Choice of the view point}
+\psset{lightsrc=10 20 30,viewpoint=50 30 20 rtp2xyz}
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=0 8 0 10,action=draw]%%
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=0 7 0 10,action=draw,RotY=90](0,0,7)%
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=0 8 0 7,action=draw,RotX=-90](0,0,7)%
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=-1 1 -1 1,action=draw,linecolor=blue](0,0,1)%
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=-1 1 -1 1,action=draw,RotY=90,linecolor=blue](1,0,0)%
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=-1 1 -1 1,action=draw,RotX=-90,linecolor=blue](0,1,0)%
+ /dV 12 def % distance V
+ /dE 6 def % distance \'{e}cran
+ /Theta 60 def
+ /Phi 30 def
+ dV Theta Phi rtp2xyz
+ /zV exch def
+ /yV exch def
+ /xV exch def
+ dE Theta Phi rtp2xyz
+ /zE exch def
+ /yE exch def
+ /xE exch def
+ }%
+% 5 distance \'{e}cran
+%\psPoint(dE Theta cos mul Phi cos div dE Theta sin mul Phi cos div 0){Vq}
+%\psSolid[object=grille,base=-5 5 -3 3,action=draw,RotX=-60,linecolor=red](xE,yE,zE)%
+\psTransformPoint[RotX=-60](-5 -3 0)(xE,yE,zE){A}
+\psTransformPoint[RotX=-60](-5 3 0)(xE,yE,zE){B}
+\psTransformPoint[RotX=-60](5 3 0)(xE,yE,zE){C}
+\psTransformPoint[RotX=-60](5 -3 0)(xE,yE,zE){D}
+ definition=equation,
+ args={[0 0 1 0]},
+ base=-5 5 -3 3,
+ RotX=-60,
+% showBase,
+ action=none,
+ name=planbase,
+%% here, we define the plantype object "Ecran"
+ planbase
+ dup xE yE zE planputorigine
+ dup -180 rotateplan
+ /Ecran exch def
+%% uncomment follow line to draw "Ecran"
+ plan=Ecran,
+ fontsize=20,
+ text=Projection Screen](-2,2)
+The coordinates of the object, in this case the bluish cube, are setup in the axes of coordinates $Oxyz$. The coordinates of the view point ($V$), are setup in the same axes of coordinates, either in spherical coordinates---with the adding option \verb+[rtp2xyz]+, or in Cartesian coordinates---which is the default option.
+Example: \verb+[viewpoint=50 30 20 rtp2xyz]+
+The projection screen is placed perpendicular to the direction $OV$---central perspective, at a distance of $V$: \verb+[Decran=50]+ (default value), this value can be positive or negative.
+\section{The axes in 3d}
+The command \verb+\axesIIID[options](x1,y1,z1)(x2,y2,z2)+ draws the axes $Ox$,
+$Oy$ and $Oz$ dashed from the origin $O$ to the coordinates
+$(x_1,0,0)$ for the $x$-axis, $(0,y_1,0)$ for the $y$-axis and
+$(0,0,z_1)$ for the $z$-axis and from there continues drawing the axes as lines to the points $(x_2,0,0)$, $(0,y_2,0)$ and $(0,0,z_2)$.
+The options are the following:
+ \item all color options, line width as well as all possibilities of arrows.
+ \item \verb+labelsep=value+ which allows to position the label in a self defined distance away from the extremity of the arrow of the axis, the default value is \verb+labelsep=5pt+---this is a real distance in three dimensions and not on screen.
+ \item the choice of the labels on each of the axes with the option: \verb+axisnames={a,b,c}+, the default values are \verb+axisnames={x,y,z}+.
+ \item the possibility to specify the style of the labels with the option: \verb+axisemph={\boldmath\Large\color{red}}+, by default there is no style predefined, which means, if no style is chosen one will get \verb+$x,y,z$+.
+ \item \verb+showOrigin+ is a Boolean, \texttt{true} by default, if it is set to \verb+showOrigin=false+ the dashed lines aren't drawn to the origin anymore.
+ \item \verb+mathLabel+ is a Boolean, \texttt{true} by default, in this case the math mode is activated, set to \verb+mathLabel=false+ the labels are set to the usual mode.
+\encadre{The labels are placed at the extemities of the axes in their prolongation.}
+\psset{viewpoint=100 30 20,Decran=100}
+ action=draw*,
+ fillcolor=magenta!20]
+\psset{viewpoint=100 45 20,Decran=100}
+ action=draw*,mode=4,
+ fillcolor=green!20]
+ arrowinset=0,axisnames={a,b,c},
+ axisemph={\boldmath\Large\color{red}},
+ labelsep=10pt]
+ (1,1,2)(2,2,3)