path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-rubans
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+pst-rubans.tex --------
+1.20 2011-02-10 - initial CTAN version
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-rubans/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-rubans/README
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+%% Package `pst-rubans.tex'
+%% Manuel Luque <>
+%% Herbert Voss <> (Germany)
+%% 2011-02-10
+PSTricks offers excellent macros to insert more or less complex
+graphics into a document. pstricks.tex itself is the base for several
+other additional packages, which are mostly named pst-xxxx,
+like pst-rubans.
+Save the files
+in any place, where latex or any other TeX program will find it.
+pst-rubans uses the extended version of the keyval package. So
+be sure that you
+- have installed xkeyval with the special pst-xkey
+ (CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xkeyval/)
+- do not load another package after pst-rubans, which loads
+ the old keyval.sty or pst-key.tex
+If you like to get the documentation file in another format run
+latex pst-rubans-doc.tex
+bibtex pst-rubans-doc
+latex pst-rubans-doc.tex
+dvips pst-rubans-doc.dvi
+to get a PostScript file. But pay attention, that the pst-rubans
+files are saved in the above mentioned way, before you run
+latex on the documentation file.
+The intermediate DVI file works only with viewers which can
+interprete the embedded PostScript code.
+For another PDF output read the introduction from
+the documentation.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-rubans/pst-rubans-doc.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-rubans/pst-rubans-doc.bib
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+%% -*-bibtex-*-
+@STRING{tugboat = {TUGboat} }
+@STRING{dtk = {{D}ie {\TeX}nische {K}om{\"o}die} }
+ author = {Bill Casselman},
+ title = {Mathematical {I}llustrations -- a manual of geometry and {P}ost{S}cript},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {2005},
+ address = {Cambridge},
+ author = {Herbert Vo\ss},
+ title = {{PSTricks} {G}rafics for \TeX{} and \LaTeX},
+ edition = {},
+ publisher = {UIT},
+ year = {2011},
+ address = {Cambridge}
+ author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goosens et al},
+ title = {The {\LaTeX} {C}ompanion},
+ edition = {2nd},
+ publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company},
+ year = {2004},
+ address = {Boston}
+ author = {Alan Hoenig},
+ title = {\TeX{} {U}nbound: \LaTeX{} \& \TeX{} {S}trategies, {F}onts, {G}raphics, and {M}ore},
+ publisher = {Oxford University Press},
+ year = {1998},
+ address = {London}
+ author = {Michel Goosens and Frank Mittelbach and Sebastian Rahtz and Denis Roegel and Herbert Vo{\ss}},
+ title = {The {\LaTeX} {G}raphics {C}ompanion},
+ publisher = {{Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}},
+ edition = {2nd},
+ year = {2007},
+ address = {Reading, Mass.}
+ author = {Denis Girou},
+ title = {Pr\'esentation de {PST}ricks},
+ journal = {Cahier {GUT}enberg},
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = {16},
+ month = apr,
+ pages = {21-70}
+ author = {{Timothy Van} Zandt and Denis Girou},
+ title = {Inside {PST}ricks},
+ journal = TUGboat,
+ year = 1994,
+ volume = {15},
+ month = sep,
+ pages = {239-246}
+ author = {Hendri Adriaens},
+ title = {xkeyval package},
+ howpublished = {\url{CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/xkeyval}},
+ year = 2004
+ author = {Sebastian Rahtz},
+ title = {An introduction to {PST}ricks, part {I}},
+ journal = {Baskerville},
+ address = {\url{CTAN: /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/}},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 6,
+ number = 1,
+ month = feb,
+ pages = {22-34}
+ author = {Sebastian Rahtz},
+ title = {An introduction to {PST}ricks, part {II}},
+ journal = {Baskerville},
+ address = {\url{CTAN: /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/}},
+ year = 1996,
+ volume = 6,
+ number = 2,
+ month = apr,
+ pages = {23-33}
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+%% $Id: pst-rubans-doc.tex 511 2011-06-06 15:39:40Z herbert $
+ smallheadings, headexclude,footexclude,oneside]{pst-doc}
+%\pshelices[lightsrc=30 5 17,incolor=yellow!50,R=0.3,h=12,spires=10,dZ=0.2,RotX=90,viewpoint=100 45 0,resolution=180,Decran=100]%
+\psset{viewpoint=20 20 70 rtp2xyz,Decran=20,lightsrc=viewpoint,resolution=360}
+ r1=4,r0=1,hue=0 1]%
+ morekeywords={psSpiralRing},basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily}
+\subtitle{Plotting 3D bands -- an extension of \nxLPack{pst-solides3d}; v.\pstRubansFV}
+\author{Manuel Luque\\Herbert Vo\ss}
+\LPack{pst-rubans} est une extension de \LPack{pst-solides3d} qui permet de tracer des rubans sur
+certains solides de révolution : cylindre, tore, sphère, paraboloïde et cône. La largeur du ruban,
+le nombre de spires, la couleur de la face externe ainsi que celle de la face interne peuvent
+être paramétrées. Dans le cas des hélices circulaire et conique, on peut aussi choisir le nombre de rubans.
+\section{Ruban enroulé autour d'un cylindre}
+On peut paramétrer le rayon \LKeyword{R=2}, la hauteur \LKeyword{h=6}, l'épaisseur(ou largeur) du
+ruban \LKeyword{dZ=0.5}, le nombre de spires \LKeyword{spires=10} de chaque hélice, le nombre de
+rubans \LKeyword{rubans=1}, le nombre d'éléments par ruban \LKeyword{resolution=36}, la couleur
+de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur du ruban.
+La base et le couvercle ne font pas partie de la commande.
+\subsection{Nombre de rubans \nxLkeyword{rubans=1}}
+{\psset{lightsrc=viewpoint,viewpoint=50 45 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50,dZ=0.2,resolution=72,spires=2,unit=0.5}
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,-0.2)
+\pshelices[incolor=yellow!50,R=1.5,h=6,hue=0 1,grid](0,0,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,6)
+\subsection{Nombre de rubans \nxLkeyword{rubans=2}, nombre de spires \nxLkeyword{spires=2}}
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,-0.2)
+\pshelices[incolor=yellow!50,R=1.5,h=6,hue=0 1,rubans=2,grid](0,0,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,6)
+\subsection{Nombre de rubans \nxLkeyword{rubans=3}, nombre de spires \nxLkeyword{spires=2}}
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,-0.2)
+\pshelices[incolor=yellow!50,R=1.5,h=6,hue=0 1,rubans=3,grid](0,0,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,6)
+\subsection{Nombre de rubans \nxLkeyword{rubans=4}, nombre de spires \nxLkeyword{spires=2}}
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,-0.2)%
+\pshelices[incolor=yellow!50,R=1.5,h=6,hue=0 1,rubans=4,grid](0,0,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](0,0,6)%
+\subsection{Nombre de rubans \nxLkeyword{rubans=4}, on fait varier la hauteur \texttt{[h=2,3,4,5]}}
+\psset{lightsrc=30 5 17,viewpoint=50 45 10,Decran=50,resolution=90,spires=2}
+ \begin{pspicture}(-1.5,-1)(1.5,4)
+ \psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36,grid](0,0,-0.2)%
+ \pshelices[incolor=yellow!50,R=1.5,h=\nH,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,dZ=0.15,hue=0 1,rubans=4,grid](0,0,0)
+ \psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1.5,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36,grid](0,0,\nH\space dz add)%
+ \end{pspicture}}
+\subsection{Rubans disposés sur un plan}
+\psset{lightsrc=30 5 17,Decran=50,resolution=90,spires=2}
+\psset{R=1,h=2,dZ=0.2,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,viewpoint=50 60 10}
+\psSolid[object=grille,base=-5 5 -5 5]%
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](-3,-3,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](-3,3,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](3,3,0)
+\psSolid[object=cylindre,r=1,h=0.2,ngrid=1 36](3,-3,0)
+\section{Ruban enroulé autour d'un tore}
+%\psSpiralRing[incolor=yellow!50,r1=4,r0=1,hue,lightsrc=30 5 17](x,y,z)
+On peut paramétrer le rayon moyen \LKeyword{r1=2}, le rayon intérieur \LKeyword{r0=1},
+l'épaisseur du ruban \LKeyword{dPHI=2}, en degrés suivant la latitude, le nombre de
+spires \LKeyword{spires=10}
+du ruban, le nombre de brins du ruban \LKeyword{resolution=36}, la couleur de
+l'intérieur et de l'extérieur du ruban.
+\psset{viewpoint=20 20 70 rtp2xyz,Decran=20,lightsrc=viewpoint,resolution=360}
+ r1=4,r0=1,hue=0 1]%
+ fillcolor=orange,grid,
+ dPHI=10,spires=5]%
+ incolor=gray!50,grid,
+ dPHI=2,spires=20,
+ resolution=720]%
+\psSolid[object=tore,r0=1,r1=4,action=draw*,ngrid=18 36]%
+ resolution=720,range=0 2 pi mul,
+ function=solenoidetorique]%
+\section{Ruban enroulé autour d'un paraboloïde}
+On peut paramétrer la hauteur du paraboloïde \LKeyword{h=6}, l'épaisseur du ruban
+\LKeyword{dz=.25}, le nombre de spires \LKeyword{spires=10}
+du ruban, le nombre de brins du ruban \LKeyword{resolution=36}, le paramètre de la
+parabole \LKeyword{p=2}, la couleur de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur du ruban.
+\psset{lightsrc=40 25 17}
+\psset{unit=0.75,viewpoint=50 30 20,Decran=50}
+\psSpiralParaboloid[incolor=yellow!50,h=6,hue=0 1,resolution=360,spires=5,grid,dZ=0.5]
+{\psset{lightsrc=40 25 17,viewpoint=50 30 20,Decran=50}
+ {2*(sqrt(t))*cos(10*t)}{2*(sqrt(t))*sin(10*t)}{t}
+ resolution=720,range=0 6,
+ function=spiraleparabolique]%
+ h=6,hue=0 1,
+ resolution=360,
+ dZ=0.25]
+\section{Ruban enroulé autour d'une sphère}
+%\psSphericalSpiral[incolor=yellow!50,R=4,hue=0 1,dPHI=2,spires=10](x,y,z)
+On peut paramétrer le rayon \LKeyword{R=2}, l'épaisseur du ruban
+\LKeyword{dPHI=2}, en degrés suivant la latitude, le nombre de spires \LKeyword{spires=10}
+de chaque hélice, le nombre de brins du ruban \LKeyword{resolution=36},
+la couleur de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur du ruban.
+\psset{viewpoint=50 20 10,Decran=50,resolution=180}
+ resolution=720,range=pi 2 div neg pi 2 div,
+ function=helicespherique]%
+\psSolid[object=sphere,r=4,action=draw,ngrid=18 18]%
+\psset{viewpoint=50 20 10,Decran=50,resolution=180}
+\psSphericalSpiral[incolor=yellow!50,R=4,hue=0 1,lightsrc=30 5 17]%
+\psset{viewpoint=50 20 30,Decran=50,resolution=360}
+\psSphericalSpiral[incolor=yellow!20,R=4,fillcolor=orange,lightsrc=40 15 25,grid,dPHI=10](0,0,0)
+\psset{viewpoint=50 20 10,Decran=50,resolution=360}
+\psSphericalSpiral[incolor=yellow!50,R=4,fillcolor=green!50,lightsrc=32 38 -10,grid]
+\section{Rubans enroulés autour d'un cône}
+On peut paramétrer le rayon \LKeyword{R=2}, la hauteur \LKeyword{h=6}:
+il s'agit d'un double cône vertical, l'épaisseur(ou largeur) du ruban
+\LKeyword{dZ=0.5}, le nombre de spires \LKeyword{spires=10} de chaque hélice,
+le nombre de rubans \LKeyword{rubans=1}, le nombre d'éléments par ruban
+\LKeyword{resolution=36}, la couleur de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur du ruban.
+\psset{viewpoint=50 20 10 rtp2xyz,Decran=50,lightsrc=viewpoint,spires=10}
+ h=5,r=4,mode=4,
+ action=draw](0,0,-5)
+ h=5,r=4,mode=4,
+ action=draw](0,0,5)
+\psSpiralCone[incolor=yellow!50,h=10,hue=0 1,resolution=360,dZ=0.25,grid]%
+\psset{viewpoint=50 20 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50,lightsrc=viewpoint,spires=10,rubans=4}
+\section{List of all optional arguments for \texttt{pst-ruban}}