path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-node/pst-node-doc.tex
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-node/pst-node-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-node/pst-node-doc.tex
index 736aee597e1..77d2bd7d141 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-node/pst-node-doc.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-node/pst-node-doc.tex
@@ -362,6 +362,74 @@ There are two differences between \Lcs{fnode} and \Lcs{psframe}:
\LKeyword{framesize=dim1 `dim2'} parameter. If you omit <dim2>, you get a square frame.
+\section{\nxLcs{psRelNode} and \nxLcs{psDefPSPNodes}}
+With these macros it is possible to put a node relative to a given line or given
+\Lenv{pspicture}-environment. In the frist case the parameters are
+the angle and the length factor:
+\Lcs{psRelNode}\Largs{P0}\Largs{P1}\Largb{length factor}\Largb{end node name}\\
+The length factor relates to the distance $\overline{P_0P_1}$ and
+the end node name must be a valid nodename and shouldn't contain
+any of the special PostScript characters. There are two valid
+\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l|l| X @{} }
+name & default & meaning\\\hline
+\Lkeyword{angle} & $0$ & angle between the given line $\overline{P_0P_1}$ and the new one
+ $\overline{P_0P_{endNode}}$\tabularnewline
+\Lkeyword{trueAngle} & \false & defines whether the angle refers to the seen line or to
+the mathematical one, which respect the scaling factors
+\Lkeyword{xunit} and \Lkeyword{yunit}.
+ \pnode(3,3){A}\pnode(4,2){B}
+ \psline[nodesep=-3,linewidth=0.5pt](A)(B)
+ \multido{\iA=0+30}{12}{%
+ \psRelNode[angle=\iA](A)(B){2}{C}%
+ \qdisk(C){2pt}
+ \uput[0](C){\iA}}
+In the second case the new macro \Lcs{psDefPSPNodes} defines nine nodes that corresponds to
+nine particular points (namely bottom left, bottom center,
+bottom right, center left, center center, center right, top left,
+top center, top right) of the \Lenv{pspicture} box.
+ \psDefPSPNodes
+ \psdots(PSPbl)(PSPbc)(PSPbr)
+ (PSPcl)(PSPcc)(PSPcr)(PSPtl)(PSPtc)(PSPtr)
+ \uput[90](PSPbl){PSPbl} \uput[90](PSPbc){PSPbc}
+ \uput[90](PSPbr){PSPbr} \uput[90](PSPcl){PSPcl}
+ \uput[90](PSPcc){PSPcc} \uput[90](PSPcr){PSPcr}
+ \uput[90](PSPtl){PSPtl} \uput[90](PSPtc){PSPtc}
+ \uput[90](PSPtr){PSPtr}
+The name of the nodes are predefined as:
+ clName=PSPcl,ccName=PSPcc,crName=PSPcr,tlName=PSPtl,tcName=PSPtc,trName=PSPtr}
+and can be modified in the same way.
+%I guess you modified the family to have the pstricks-add one so the
+%\xkvview would have to be adapted.
\section{Node connections}\label{S-nc}
All the node connection commands begin with \nxLcs{nc}, and they all have the same