path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pmx/install_run_pmx270.tex
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-% install_run_pmx270.tex 28 Mar 2013
-% Use \bfx for program names only. Use \bf for single embedded letters
-\font\bfx=cmb10 scaled\magstephalf
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-\textheight= 9.5in \voffset-.8in%
-\textwidth= 6.5in \hoffset-1.0in
- \bbfx
- Installing and Running the WIMA PMX Distribution
- \null\vskip10pt
- \Large\sl
- Version 2.7~--~March 2013
- \null\vskip-5pt
- \author{\Large\rm Don \sc Simons\\
- \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{file600.eps}}}
- This document explains in detail how to install and run \PMX in
-a Windows operating system, using the distribution
-{\underline{\tt}}, which resides in the
-{\underline{Werner Icking Music Archive}} (WIMA).
-That is the basic distribution assembled
-by the code's author. The executable
-files in it will only run under Windows. For other operating systems,
-other options include
-either compiling the FORTRAN source files in {\tt} and then following or
-adapting the
-remainder of the guidance provided here, or (for Windows as well) using other
-distributions which will be derived in due course from {\tt}, archived in
-various \TeX\ repositories, and supplied with their own installation guides.
-Links to those other repositories can be found in the
-{\underline{software section}} of the Werner Icking Music Archive (WIMA).
-It is assumed
-here that \TeX\ and \MusiXTeX\ version 1.15 or later are already present. If not, WIMA also
-provides instructions and links for acquiring and installing those programs from the same
-\section{Setup from scratch}
- Assuming \TeX\ and \MusiXTeX\ have already been installed,
-decompress {\tt} to any temporary folder.
-It will contain the
-FORTRAN source files {\tt pmxab.for} and {\tt scor2prt.for},
-Windows executables {\tt pmxab.exe} and {\tt scor2prt.exe}, several sample
-{\tt .pmx} files,
-%{\tt pmx.tex}, {\tt ref270.tex} (\TeX\ source for a command summary),
-%{\tt pmx270.tex }(\TeX\ source for this file),
-the full manual {\tt pmx270.pdf}, a very condensed summary of all \PMX commands
-{\tt ref270.pdf}, {\tt pmx25-27.html} showing
-changes from version 2.50 to 2.70, and this installation manual
-{\tt install\_run\_PMX270.pdf}. If necessary, compile the FORTRAN programs.
-I have tried to keep the source code as generic as possible, but minor
-modifications may be needed for FORTRAN-to-C translation and/or other
- Once you have assembled a full set of files, put the executables
-somewhere in your search path or in your working directory, {\tt pmx.tex} somewhere
-where \TeX\ can find it (which may or may not be part of a
-TDS-compliant file structure), and the sample {\tt *.pmx} files in your working
-directory (the one from which you will run \PMXX). The rest of the files can reside
-wherever is convenient. Refresh the \TeX\ file name database.
-\section{Updating an existing \PMX installation}
-If you already have an older version of \PMX installed, then after unzipping the distribution
-to a temporary folder, simply replace the old copies of
-{\tt pmxab.exe}, {\tt scor2prt.exe}, and {pmx.tex}. Nothing more needs to be done.
-\section{Running \PMX}
-Running \PMX will be demonstrated by example, with the file {\tt barsant.pmx}.
-The first thing you need to do is specify where the generated \TeX\ file is to be
-placed. The path to that location is part of the setup data in the
-\PMX source file, in this case the 15th line of {\tt barsant.pmx}. It is set
-to {\tt ./} which represents the current folder, the one from which you will
-run \PMX and the one where {\tt barsant.pmx} resides. If for some reason you
-want the \TeX\ file
-to go somewhere else, then replace {\tt ./} with a path---either relative
-or absolute---to the desired folder.
-If you haven't done so, open a command window and navigate to the
-folder containing {\tt barsant.pmx}. Execute \PMX by typing
-{\tt pmxab barsant} . Alternatively, you may
-just type {\tt pmxab <return>} and you will be prompted
-for a jobname, which in this case is just {\tt barsant} .
-{\bfx pmxab} will generate two files in the working
-directory: {\tt barsant.pml}
-is a log file, and {\tt pmxaerr.dat} contains a single integer, 0 if
-the run was successful, otherwise the line number in the {\tt .pmx} file of the
-fatal error (useful for batch processing). Also, on successful completion,
-{\tt barsant.tex} will be placed in the path specified in the setup.
-Now you are right where you would be after
-entering, debugging, and rough-editing the {\tt .tex} file manually. To see
-the results, process {\tt barsant.tex} just as you would for any \MusiXTeX{}
-file. You must first run {\tt etex}, then {\tt musixflx}, and then {\tt etex}
-again. You may view the {\tt .dvi} file so produced with a program like {\bfx yap},
-or go on and run
-{\tt dvips} to create a postscript file and view that with a postscript viewer
-such as {\bf GSview}. If you have used postscript slurs, dvi viewers have the disadvantage
-that they will not
-display them.
-To make
-separate parts, run {\bfx scor2prt} by typing {\tt scor2prt barsant}.
-The program will create a new {\tt .pmx} file for each instrument, in this
-case {\tt barsant1.pmx} and {\tt barsant2.pmx}.
-You may then process these
-files like you did the original one to create separate parts.
-\section{Using scripts to ease processing}
-Rather than having to manually run five programs every time you want to
-process and view a {\tt .pmx} file, you may use a batch script. Such
-scripts are generally platform-dependent.
-For Windows, the following is a possible batch script which produces a
-postscript file:
-pmxab %1
-echo off
-echo errorlevel
-echo %errorlevel%
-if not errorlevel 1 goto continue
-echo stopping
-goto :end
-del *.mx?
-etex %1
-musixflx %1
-etex %1
-dvips -O0.25in,-0.22in %1
-To use it, copy the script into a text file, save it with a name like
-{\tt gopmx.bat}, and execute it by typing {\tt gopmx barsant}.
-At the {\tt dvips} stage, this script uses offsets appropriate to the
-default output of \PMX with letter-size paper, assuming that the \PMX option
-{\tt Acl} has {\it not} been invoked.
-If you wish to go on and produce a PDF file, most \TeX\ systems come with
-a program {\tt ps2pdf}. You could run this manually or include it in the main batch
-script. It may require that the file name provided to it include the extension {\tt .ps}.
-If you have installed \PMX from one of the distribution sites, either under Windows or some
-other OS, there will probably be an included script {\tt pmx2pdf}. You should be able
-to produce a PDF file directly from {\tt barsant.pmx} by simply typing {\tt pmx2pdf barsant}.