path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-tikz-coordinates.tex
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+% Copyright 2003 by Till Tantau <>.
+% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+\section{Specifying Coordinates}
+\subsection{Coordinates and Coordinate Options}
+A \emph{coordinate} is a position in a picture. \tikzname\ uses a
+special syntax for specifying coordinates. Coordinates are always put
+in round brackets. The general syntax is
+\declare{|(|\opt{|[|\meta{options}|]|}\meta{coordinate specification}|)|}.
+It is possible to give options that apply only to a single
+coordinate, although this makes sense for transformation options
+only. To give transformation options for a single coordinate, give
+these options at the beginning in brackets:
+ \draw[style=help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- ([xshift=3pt] 1,1);
+ \draw (1,0) -- +(30:2cm);
+ \draw[red] (1,0) -- +([shift=(135:5pt)] 30:2cm);
+\subsection{Simple Coordinates}
+The simplest way to specify coordinates is as a comma-separated pair
+of \TeX\ dimensions as in |(1cm,2pt)| or |(2cm,\textheight)|. As can
+be seen, different units can be mixed. The coordinate specified in
+this way means ``1cm to the right and 2pt up from the origin of the
+picture.'' You can also write things like |(1cm+2pt,2pt)| since the
+|calc| package is used.
+\subsection{Polar Coordinates}
+You can also specify coordinates in polar coordinates. In this case,
+you specify an angle and a distance, separated by a colon as in
+|(30:1cm)|. The angle must always be given in degrees and should be
+between $-360$ and $720$.
+\tikz \draw (0cm,0cm) -- (30:1cm) -- (60:1cm) -- (90:1cm)
+ -- (120:1cm) -- (150:1cm) -- (180:1cm);
+Instead of an angle given as a number you can also use certain
+words. For example, |up| is the same as |90|, so that you can write
+|\tikz \draw (0,0) -- (2ex,0pt) -- +(up:1ex);|
+and get \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (2ex,0pt) -- +(up:1ex);. Apart from |up|
+you can use |down|, |left|, |right|, |north|, |south|, |west|, |east|,
+|north east|, |north west|, |south east|, |south west|, all of which
+have their natural meaning.
+\subsection{Xy- and Xyz-Coordinates}
+You can specify coordinates in \pgfname's $xy$-coordinate system. In
+this case, you provide two unit-free numbers, separated by a comma as
+in |(2,-3)|. This means ``add twice the current \pgfname\ $x$-vector and
+subtract three times the $y$-vector.'' By default, the $x$-vector
+points 1cm to the right, the $y$-vector points 1cm upwards, but this
+can be changed arbitrarily using the |x| and~|y| graphic options.
+Similarly, you can specify coordinates in the $xyz$-coordinate
+system. The only difference to the $xy$-coordinates is that you
+specify three numbers separated by commas as in |(1,2,3)|. This is
+interpreted as ``once the $x$-vector plus twice the $y$-vector plus
+three times the $z$-vector.'' The default $z$-vector points to
+\textrm{cm},-\frac{1}{\sqrt2}\textrm{cm}\bigr)$. Consider the
+following example:
+ \draw (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \draw (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0);
+ \draw (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1);
+\subsection{Node Coordinates}
+In \pgfname\ and in \tikzname\ it is quite easy to define a node that you
+wish to reference at a later point. Once you have defined a node,
+there are different ways of referencing points of the node.
+\subsubsection{Named Anchor Coordinates}
+An \emph{anchor coordinate} is a point in a node that you have
+previously defined using the node operation. The syntax is
+|(|\meta{node name}|.|\meta{anchor}|)|, where \meta{node name} is
+the name that was previously used to name the node using the
+|name=|\meta{node name} option or the special node name syntax. Here is
+an example:
+ \node (shape) at (0,2) [draw] {|class Shape|};
+ \node (rect) at (-2,0) [draw] {|class Rectangle|};
+ \node (circle) at (2,0) [draw] {|class Circle|};
+ \node (ellipse) at (6,0) [draw] {|class Ellipse|};
+ \draw (circle.north) |- (0,1);
+ \draw (ellipse.north) |- (0,1);
+ \draw[-open triangle 90] (rect.north) |- (0,1) -| (shape.south);
+Section~\ref{section-the-shapes} explain which anchors are available
+for the basic shapes.
+\subsubsection{Angle Anchor Coordinates}
+In addition to the named anchors, it is possible to use the syntax
+\meta{node name}|.|\meta{angle} to name a point of the node's
+border. This point is the coordinate where a ray shot from the center
+in the given angle hits the border. Here is an example:
+ \node (start) [draw,shape=ellipse] {start};
+ \foreach \angle in {-90, -80, ..., 90}
+ \draw (start.\angle) .. controls +(\angle:1cm) and +(-1,0) .. (2.5,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\subsubsection{Anchor-Free Node Coordinates}
+It is also possible to just ``leave out'' the anchor and have \tikzname\
+calculate an appropriate border position for you. Here is an example:
+ \draw[style=help lines] (-1,-2) grid (6,3);
+ \path (0,0) node(a) [ellipse,rotate=10,draw,fill] {An ellipse}
+ (3,-1) node(b) [circle,draw,fill] {A circle}
+ (2,2) node(c) [rectangle,rotate=20,draw,fill] {A rectangle}
+ (5,2) node(d) [rectangle,rotate=-30,draw,fill] {Another rectangle};
+ \draw[thick] (a) -- (b) -- (c) -- (d);
+ \draw[thick,red,->] (a) |- +(1,3) -| (c) |- (b);
+ \draw[thick,blue,<->] (b) .. controls +(right:2cm) and +(down:1cm) .. (d);
+\tikzname\ will be reasonably clever at determining the border points that
+you ``mean,'' but, naturally, this may fail in some situations. If
+\tikzname\ fails to determine an appropriate border point, the center will
+be used instead.
+Automatic computation of anchors works only with the line-to operations
+|--|, the vertical/horizontal versions \verb!|-! and \verb!-|!, and
+with the curve-to operation |..|. For other path commands, such as
+|parabola| or |plot|, the center will be used. If this is not desired,
+you should give a named anchor or an angle anchor.
+Note that if you use an automatic coordinate for both the start and
+the end of a line-to, as in |--(b)--|, then \emph{two} border
+coordinates are computed with a move-to between them. This is usually
+exactly what you want.
+If you use relative coordinates together with automatic anchor
+coordinates, the relative coordinates are always computed relative to
+the node's center, not relative to the border point. Here is an
+\tikz \draw (0,0) node(x) [draw] {Text}
+ rectangle (1,1)
+ (x) -- +(1,1);
+Similarly, in the following examples both control points are $(1,1)$:
+\tikz \draw (0,0) node(x) [draw] {X}
+ (2,0) node(y) {Y}
+ (x) .. controls +(1,1) and +(-1,1) .. (y);
+\subsection{Intersection Coordinates}
+\subsubsection{Intersection of Two Lines}
+Often you wish to specify a point that is on the
+intersection of two lines. The first way to specify such an
+intersection is the following: You can use the special syntax
+\declare{|(intersection of |\meta{$p_1$}|--|\meta{$p_2$}%
+ | and |\meta{$q_1$}|--|\meta{$q_2$}|)|}. This will yield the
+intersection point of the line going through $p_1$ and $p_2$ and the
+line through $q_1$ and $q_2$. If the lines do not meet or if they are
+identical and arithmetical overflow error will result.
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) coordinate (A) -- (3,2) coordinate (B)
+ (1,2) -- (3,0);
+ \fill[red] (intersection of A--B and 1,2--3,0) circle (2pt);
+\subsubsection{Intersection of Horizontal and Vertical Lines}
+A frequent special case of intersections is the intersection of a
+vertical line going through a point $p$ and a horizontal line going
+through some other point $q$. For this situation there is a special,
+shorter, syntax: You can say either
+\declare{|(|\meta{p}\verb! |- !\meta{q}|)|} or
+\declare{|(|\meta{q}\verb! -| !\meta{p}|)|}.
+For example, \verb!(2,1 |- 3,4)! and \verb!(3,4 -| 2,1)! both yield
+the same as \verb!(2,4)! (provided the $xy$-coordinate system has not
+been modified).
+The most useful application of the syntax is to draw a line up to some
+point on a vertical or horizontal line. Here is an example:
+ \path (30:1cm) node(p1) {$p_1$} (75:1cm) node(p2) {$p_2$};
+ \draw (-0.2,0) -- (1.2,0) node(xline)[right] {$q_1$};
+ \draw (2,-0.2) -- (2,1.2) node(yline)[above] {$q_2$};
+ \draw[->] (p1) -- (p1 |- xline);
+ \draw[->] (p2) -- (p2 |- xline);
+ \draw[->] (p1) -- (p1 -| yline);
+ \draw[->] (p2) -- (p2 -| yline);
+\subsection{Relative and Incremental Coordinates}
+You can prefix coordinates by |++| to make them ``relative.'' A
+coordinate such as |++(1cm,0pt)| means ``1cm to the right of the
+previous position.'' Relative coordinates are often useful in
+``local'' contexts:
+ \draw (0,0) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1,0) -- cycle;
+ \draw (2,0) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1,0) -- cycle;
+ \draw (1.5,1.5) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1,0) -- cycle;
+Instead of |++| you can also use a single |+|. This also specifies a
+relative coordinate, but it does not ``update'' the current point for
+subsequent usages of relative coordinates. Thus, you can use this
+notation to specify numerous points, all relative to the same
+``initial'' point:
+ \draw (0,0) -- +(1,0) -- +(1,1) -- +(0,1) -- cycle;
+ \draw (2,0) -- +(1,0) -- +(1,1) -- +(0,1) -- cycle;
+ \draw (1.5,1.5) -- +(1,0) -- +(1,1) -- +(0,1) -- cycle;
+There is one special situation, where relative coordinates are
+interpreted differently. If you use a relative coordinate as a control
+point of a Bézier curve, the following rule applies: First, a relative
+first control point is taken relative to the beginning of the
+curve. Second, a relative second control point is taken relative to
+the end of the curve. Third, a relative end point of a curve is taken
+relative to the start of the curve.
+This special behavior makes it easy to specify that a curve should
+``leave or arrives from a certain direction'' at the start or end. In
+the following example, the curve ``leaves'' at $30^\circ$ and
+``arrives'' at $60^\circ$:
+ \draw (1,0) .. controls +(30:1cm) and +(60:1cm) .. (3,-1);
+ \draw[gray,->] (1,0) -- +(30:1cm);
+ \draw[gray,<-] (3,-1) -- +(60:1cm);