path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-main.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-main.tex')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-main.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-main.tex
index 4850378c8e8..0384b1a2d32 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-main.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-main.tex
@@ -12,13 +12,49 @@
% generic/pgf/utilities/pgfrcs.code.tex
+% We need lots of libraries...
+ arrows,%
+ calc,%
+ fit,%
+ patterns,%
+ plotmarks,%
+ shapes.geometric,%
+ shapes.misc,%
+ shapes.symbols,%
+ shapes.arrows,%
+ shapes.callouts,%
+ shapes.multipart,%
+ shapes.gates.logic.US,%
+ shapes.gates.logic.IEC,%
+ er,%
+ automata,%
+ backgrounds,%
+ chains,%
+ topaths,%
+ trees,%
+ petri,%
+ mindmap,%
+ matrix,%
+ calendar,%
+ folding,%
+ fadings,%
+ through,%
+ positioning,%
+ scopes,%
+ decorations.fractals,%
+ decorations.shapes,%
+ decorations.text,%
+ decorations.pathmorphing,%
+ decorations.pathreplacing,%
+ decorations.footprints,%
+ decorations.markings,%
+ shadows}
@@ -40,49 +76,191 @@
% Global styles:
-\tikzstyle{every plot}=[prefix=plots/pgf-]
-\tikzstyle{shape example}=[color=black!30,draw,fill=yellow!30,line width=.5cm,inner xsep=2.5cm,inner ysep=0.5cm]
+ every plot/.style={prefix=plots/pgf-},
+ shape example/.style={
+ color=black!30,
+ draw,
+ fill=yellow!30,
+ line width=.5cm,
+ inner xsep=2.5cm,
+ inner ysep=0.5cm}
-\index{Options for graphics|see{Graphic options}}
+\index{Options for graphics|see{Graphic options and styles}}
+\index{Styles for graphics|see{Graphic options and styles}}
\index{Options for packages|see{Package options}}
+\index{Handlers for keys|see{Key handlers}}
\index{File|see{Packages and files}}
\index{Layout|see{Page layout}}
\index{Node|see{Predefined node}}
- \parindent0pt
-\vskip 3.5cm
-\tikzname\ and \pgfname
-Manual for version \pgfversion
-\vskip 3cm
+% The titlepage
-\tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling angle=120]
-\tikzstyle{level 2}=[sibling angle=60]
-\tikzstyle{level 3}=[sibling angle=30]
-\tikzstyle{every node}=[fill]
-\tikzstyle{edge from parent}=[snake=expanding waves,segment length=1mm,segment angle=10,draw]
-\tikz [grow cyclic,shape=circle,very thick,level distance=13mm,cap=round]
- \node {} child [color=\A] foreach \A in {red,green,blue}
- { node {} child [color=\A!50!\B] foreach \B in {red,green,blue}
- { node {} child [color=\A!50!\B!50!\C] foreach \C in {black,gray,white}
- { node {} }
- }
- };
-\vskip 0cm plus 1.5fill
+ \parindent0pt
+ \null
+ \colorlet{mintgreen}{green!50!black!50}
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \vskip3cm
+ \vfill
+ \hfil
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay]
+ \coordinate (front) at (0,0);
+ \coordinate (horizon) at (0,.31\paperheight);
+ \coordinate (bottom) at (0,-.6\paperheight);
+ \coordinate (sky) at (0,.57\paperheight);
+ \coordinate (left) at (-.51\paperwidth,0);
+ \coordinate (right) at (.51\paperwidth,0);
+ \shade [bottom color=blue!30!black!10,top color=blue!30!black!50]
+ ([yshift=-5mm]horizon -| left) rectangle (sky -| right);
+ \shade [bottom color=black!70!green!25,top color=black!70!green!10]
+ (front -| left) -- (horizon -| left)
+ decorate [decoration=random steps] { -- (horizon -| right) }
+ -- (front -| right) -- cycle;
+ \shade [top color=black!70!green!25,bottom color=black!25]
+ ([yshift=-5mm-1pt]front -| left) rectangle ([yshift=1pt]front -| right);
+ \fill [black!25] (bottom -| left) rectangle ([yshift=-5mm]front -| right);
+ \def\nodeshadowed[#1]#2;{\node[scale=2,above,#1]{#2};\node[scale=2,above,#1,yscale=-1,scope fading=south,opacity=0.4]{#2};}
+ \nodeshadowed [at={(-5,5 )},yslant=0.05] {\Huge Ti\textcolor{orange}{\emph{k}}Z};
+ \nodeshadowed [at={( 0,5.3)}] {\huge \textcolor{mintgreen}{\&}};
+ \nodeshadowed [at={( 5,5 )},yslant=-0.05] {\Huge \textsc{PGF}};
+ \nodeshadowed [at={( 0,2 )}] {Manual for Version \pgftypesetversion};
+ \foreach \i in {0.5,0.6,...,2}
+ \fill [white,decoration=Koch snowflake,opacity=.9]
+ [shift=(horizon),shift={(rand*11,rnd*7)},scale=\i]
+ [double copy shadow={opacity=0.2,shadow xshift=0pt,shadow
+ yshift=3*\i pt,fill=white,draw=none}]
+ decorate {
+ decorate {
+ decorate {
+ (0,0) -- ++(60:1) -- ++(-60:1) -- cycle
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ \node (left text) [text width=.5\paperwidth-2cm,below right,at={(-.5\paperwidth+1cm,-1.5cm)}]
+ {
+ \fontfamily{pcr}
+ \def\textbraceleft{\char`\{}
+ \def\textbraceright{\char`\}}
+ \def\textbackslash{\char`\\}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\scriptsize\color{black},
+ keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{white},
+ identifierstyle=\bfseries\color{black},
+ keywords={tikzpicture,shade,fill,draw,path,node},
+ literate={-}{{-}}1]
+ \coordinate (front) at (0,0);
+ \coordinate (horizon) at (0,.31\paperheight);
+ \coordinate (bottom) at (0,-.6\paperheight);
+ \coordinate (sky) at (0,.57\paperheight);
+ \coordinate (left) at (-.51\paperwidth,0);
+ \coordinate (right) at (.51\paperwidth,0);
+ \shade [bottom color=white,
+ top color=blue!30!black!50]
+ ([yshift=-5mm]horizon -| left)
+ rectangle (sky -| right);
+ \shade [bottom color=black!70!green!25,
+ top color=black!70!green!10]
+ (front -| left) -- (horizon -| left)
+ decorate [decoration=random steps] {
+ -- (horizon -| right) }
+ -- (front -| right) -- cycle;
+ \shade [top color=black!70!green!25,
+ bottom color=black!25]
+ ([yshift=-5mm-1pt]front -| left)
+ rectangle ([yshift=1pt]front -| right);
+ \fill [black!25]
+ (bottom -| left)
+ rectangle ([yshift=-5mm]front -| right);
+ \def\nodeshadowed[#1]#2;{
+ \node[scale=2,above,#1]{#2};
+ \node[scale=2,above,#1,yscale=-1,
+ scope fading=south,opacity=0.4]{#2};
+ }
+ \node (right text) [text width=.5\paperwidth-2cm,below right,at={(1cm,-1.5cm)}]
+ {
+ \fontfamily{pcr}
+ \def\textbraceleft{\char`\{}
+ \def\textbraceright{\char`\}}
+ \def\textbackslash{\char`\\}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\scriptsize\color{black},
+ keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{white},
+ identifierstyle=\bfseries\color{black},
+ keywords={tikzpicture,shade,fill,draw,path,node},
+ literate={-}{{-}}1]
+ \nodeshadowed [at={(-5,8 )},yslant=0.05]
+ {\Huge Ti\textcolor{orange}{\emph{k}}Z};
+ \nodeshadowed [at={( 0,8.3)}]
+ {\huge \textcolor{green!50!black!50}{\&}};
+ \nodeshadowed [at={( 5,8 )},yslant=-0.05]
+ {\Huge \textsc{PGF}};
+ \nodeshadowed [at={( 0,5 )}]
+ {Manual for Version \pgftypesetversion};
+ \foreach \i in {0.5,0.6,...,2}
+ \fill
+ [white,opacity=\i/2,
+ decoration=Koch snowflake,
+ shift=(horizon),shift={(rand*11,rnd*7)},
+ scale=\i,double copy shadow={
+ opacity=0.2,shadow xshift=0pt,
+ shadow yshift=3*\i pt,
+ fill=white,draw=none}]
+ decorate {
+ decorate {
+ decorate {
+ (0,0)- ++(60:1) -- ++(-60:1) -- cycle
+ } } };
+ \node (left text) ...
+ \node (right text) ...
+ \fill [decorate,
+ decoration={footprints,foot of=gnome},
+ opacity=.5,brown] (left text.south)
+ to [out=-45,in=135] (right text.north);
+ \fill [decorate,
+ decoration={footprints,foot of=felis silvestris,
+ foot length=5pt,stride length=15pt,foot angle=0},
+ opacity=.5,green!50!black] (left text.south)
+ to [out=20,in=180] (right text.north west);
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ };
+ \fill [decorate,decoration=footprints,
+ decoration={footprints,foot of=gnome},
+ opacity=.5,brown] (left text.south)
+ to [out=-45,in=135] (right text.north);
+ \fill [decorate,decoration={footprints,foot length=5pt,foot of=felis
+ silvestris,stride length=15pt,foot angle=0},
+ opacity=.5,green!50!black] (left text.south)
+ to [out=20,in=180] (right text.north west);
@@ -166,6 +344,8 @@ some guidelines on how you should proceed when creating graphics using
@@ -183,17 +363,17 @@ this is not the case and you are the poor fellow who has to do the
installation, read the present part.
-\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2.8cm,semithick]
- \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=red,draw=none,text=white]
+\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2.8cm,on grid,semithick,
+ every state/.style={fill=red,draw=none,circular drop shadow,text=white}]
\node[initial,state] (A) {$q_a$};
- \node[state] (B) [above right of=A] {$q_b$};
- \node[state] (D) [below right of=A] {$q_d$};
- \node[state] (C) [below right of=B] {$q_c$};
- \node[state] (E) [below of=D] {$q_e$};
+ \node[state] (B) [above right=of A] {$q_b$};
+ \node[state] (D) [below right=of A] {$q_d$};
+ \node[state] (C) [below right=of B] {$q_c$};
+ \node[state] (E) [below=of D] {$q_e$};
\path (A) edge node {0,1,L} (B)
edge node {1,1,R} (C)
@@ -205,7 +385,7 @@ installation, read the present part.
edge node {0,1,R} (A)
(E) edge [bend left] node {1,0,R} (A);
- \node [right=1cm,text width=8cm,font=\footnotesize] at (C)
+ \node [right=1cm,text width=8cm] at (C)
The current candidate for the busy beaver for five states. It is
presumed that this Turing machine writes a maximum number of
@@ -273,6 +453,8 @@ installation, read the present part.
@@ -287,25 +469,22 @@ installation, read the present part.
In this part the library packages are documented. They
provide additional predefined graphic objects like new arrow heads or
-new plot marks. These are not loaded by default since many users will
-not need them.
+new plot marks, but also sometimes extensions of the basic \pgfname\
+or \tikzname\ system. The libraries are not loaded by default since
+many users will not need them.
-\tikzstyle{level 1}=
- [level distance=4.5mm, trunk, line width=1ex ,sibling angle=60]
-\tikzstyle{level 2}=
- [level distance=3.5mm, trunk!80!leaf a,line width=.8ex,sibling angle=56]
-\tikzstyle{level 3}=
- [level distance=2.75mm,trunk!60!leaf a,line width=.6ex,sibling angle=52]
-\tikzstyle{level 4}=
- [level distance=2mm, trunk!40!leaf a,line width=.4ex,sibling angle=48]
-\tikzstyle{level 5}=
- [level distance=1mm, trunk!20!leaf a,line width=.3ex,sibling angle=44]
-\tikzstyle{level 6}=
- [level distance=1.75mm,leaf a, line width=.2ex,sibling angle=40]
+ ld/.style={level distance=#1},lw/.style={line width=#1},
+ level 1/.style={ld=4.5mm, trunk, lw=1ex ,sibling angle=60},
+ level 2/.style={ld=3.5mm, trunk!80!leaf a,lw=.8ex,sibling angle=56},
+ level 3/.style={ld=2.75mm,trunk!60!leaf a,lw=.6ex,sibling angle=52},
+ level 4/.style={ld=2mm, trunk!40!leaf a,lw=.4ex,sibling angle=48},
+ level 5/.style={ld=1mm, trunk!20!leaf a,lw=.3ex,sibling angle=44},
+ level 6/.style={ld=1.75mm,leaf a, lw=.2ex,sibling angle=40},
{\pgfarrowsleftextend{-2pt} \pgfarrowsrightextend{1pt}}
@@ -315,7 +494,7 @@ not need them.
@@ -330,14 +509,14 @@ not need them.
\coordinate (root) [grow cyclic,rotate=90]
child {
- child [cap=round] foreach \a in {0,1} {
+ child [line cap=round] foreach \a in {0,1} {
child foreach \b in {0,1} {
child foreach \c in {0,1} {
child foreach \d in {0,1} {
child foreach \leafcolor in {leaf a,leaf b}
{ edge from parent [color=\leafcolor,-#5] }
} } }
- } edge from parent [shorten >=-1pt,serif cm-,cap=butt]
+ } edge from parent [shorten >=-1pt,serif cm-,line cap=butt]
\node [text centered,text width=2cm,below] at (0pt,-.5ex)
@@ -346,10 +525,10 @@ not need them.
- \tcslogo{green!80!black}{green!25!black}{green}{green!80}{leaf}\\
- \tcslogo{green!50!black}{black}{green!80!black}{red!80!green}{leaf}\\
- \tcslogo{red!75!black}{red!25!black}{red!75!black}{orange}{leaf}\\
- \tcslogo{black!50}{black}{black!50}{black!25}{}
+ \logo{green!80!black}{green!25!black}{green}{green!80}{leaf}\\
+ \logo{green!50!black}{black}{green!80!black}{red!80!green}{leaf}\\
+ \logo{red!75!black}{red!25!black}{red!75!black}{orange}{leaf}\\
+ \logo{black!50}{black}{black!50}{black!25}{}
@@ -357,18 +536,23 @@ not need them.
@@ -395,7 +579,7 @@ depend on \pgfname\ or they are designed to work well together with
\shade[top color=blue,bottom color=gray!50] (0,0) parabola (1.5,2.25) |- (0,0);
\draw (1.05cm,2pt) node[above] {$\displaystyle\int_0^{3/2} \!\!x^2\mathrm{d}x$};
- \draw[style=help lines] (0,0) grid (3.9,3.9)
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3.9,3.9)
[step=0.25cm] (1,2) grid +(1,1);
\draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (4,0) node[right] {$x$};
@@ -411,6 +595,7 @@ depend on \pgfname\ or they are designed to work well together with
@@ -440,7 +625,7 @@ but the mathematical engine can also be used independently of
\foreach \col in {black,red,green,blue}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[x=10pt,y=10pt,ultra thick,baseline,cap=round]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=10pt,y=10pt,ultra thick,baseline,line cap=round]
\coordinate (current point) at (0,0);
\coordinate (old velocity) at (0,0);
\coordinate (new velocity) at (rand,rand);
@@ -504,18 +689,19 @@ but the mathematical engine can also be used independently of
@@ -542,8 +728,9 @@ workings of the |graphics| package and that you know what
-\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->]
- \tikzstyle{vertex}=[circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]
+ [shorten >=1pt,->,
+ vertex/.style={circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt}]
\foreach \name/\x in {s/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 15/11, 16/12, 17/13, 18/14, 19/15, t/16}
\node[vertex] (G-\name) at (\x,0) {$\name$};
@@ -577,7 +764,7 @@ workings of the |graphics| package and that you know what
- \draw[line width=0.3cm,color=red!30,cap=round,join=round] (0,0)--(2,0)--(2,5);
+ \draw[line width=0.3cm,color=red!30,line cap=round,line join=round] (0,0)--(2,0)--(2,5);
\draw[help lines] (-2.5,-2.5) grid (5.5,7.5);
\draw[very thick] (1,-1)--(-1,-1)--(-1,1)--(0,1)--(0,0)--