path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/text-en/pgfmanual-en-library-circuits.tex
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+% Copyright 2008 by Till Tantau and Mark Wibrow
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License.
+% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+\section{Circuit Libraries}
+\emph{Written and documented by Till Tantau, and Mark Wibrow. Inspired
+by the work of Massimo Redaelli.}
+The circuit libraries can be used to draw different kinds of
+electrical or logical circuits. There is not a single library for
+this, but a whole hierarchy of libraries that work in concert. The
+main design goal was to create a balance between ease-of-use and
+ease-of-extending, while creating high-quality graphical
+representations of circuits.
+\subsubsection{A First Example}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,x=3cm,y=2cm,semithick,
+ every info/.style={font=\footnotesize},
+ small circuit symbols,
+ set resistor graphic=var resistor IEC graphic,
+ set diode graphic=var diode IEC graphic,
+ set make contact graphic= var make contact IEC graphic]
+ % Let us start with some contacts:
+ \foreach \contact/\y in {1/1,2/2,3/3.5,4/4.5,5/5.5}
+ {
+ \node [contact] (left contact \contact) at (0,\y) {};
+ \node [contact] (right contact \contact) at (1,\y) {};
+ }
+ \draw (right contact 1) -- (right contact 2) -- (right contact 3)
+ -- (right contact 4) -- (right contact 5);
+ \draw (left contact 1) to [diode] ++(down:1)
+ to [voltage source={near start,
+ direction info={volt=3}},
+ resistor={near end,ohm=3}] ++(right:1)
+ to (right contact 1);
+ \draw (left contact 1) to [resistor={ohm=4}] (right contact 1);
+ \draw (left contact 1) to [resistor={ohm=3}] (left contact 2);
+ \draw (left contact 2) to [voltage source={near start,
+ direction info={<-,volt=8}},
+ resistor={ohm=2,near end}] (right contact 2);
+ \draw (left contact 2) to [resistor={near start,ohm=1},
+ make contact={near end,info'={[red]$S_1$}}]
+ (left contact 3);
+ \draw (left contact 3) to [current direction'={near start,info=$\iota$},
+ resistor={near end,info={$R=4\Omega$}}]
+ (right contact 3);
+ \draw (left contact 4) to [voltage source={near start,
+ direction info={<-,volt=8}},
+ resistor={ohm=2,near end}] (right contact 4);
+ \draw (left contact 3) to [resistor={ohm=1}] (left contact 4);
+ \draw (left contact 4) to [resistor={ohm=3}] (left contact 5);
+ \draw (left contact 5) to [resistor={ohm=4}] (right contact 5);
+ \draw (left contact 5) to [diode] ++(up:1)
+ to [voltage source={near start,
+ direction info={volt=3}},
+ resistor={near end,ohm=3}] ++(right:1)
+ to (right contact 5);
+An important feature of the circuit library is that the appearance of
+a circuit can be configured in general ways and that the labels are
+placed automatically by default. Here is the graphic once more,
+generated from \emph{exactly the same source code}, with only
+the options of the |{tikzpicture}| environment replaced by
+|[rotate=-90,circuit ee IEC,x=3.25cm,y=2.25cm]|:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=-90,circuit ee IEC,x=3cm,y=2.25cm]
+ % Let us start with some contacts:
+ \foreach \contact/\y in {1/1,2/2,3/3.5,4/4.5,5/5.5}
+ {
+ \node [contact] (left contact \contact) at (0,\y) {};
+ \node [contact] (right contact \contact) at (1,\y) {};
+ }
+ \draw (right contact 1) -- (right contact 2) -- (right contact 3)
+ -- (right contact 4) -- (right contact 5);
+ \draw (left contact 1) to [diode] ++(down:1)
+ to [voltage source={near start,direction info={volt=3}},
+ resistor={near end,ohm=3}] ++(right:1)
+ to (right contact 1);
+ \draw (left contact 1) to [resistor={ohm=4}] (right contact 1);
+ \draw (left contact 1) to [resistor={ohm=3}] (left contact 2);
+ \draw (left contact 2) to [voltage source={near start,
+ direction info={<-,volt=8}},
+ resistor={ohm=2,near end}] (right contact 2);
+ \draw (left contact 2) to [resistor={near start,ohm=1},
+ make contact={near end,info'={[red]$S_1$}}] (left contact 3);
+ \draw (left contact 3) to [current direction'={near start,info=$\iota$},
+ resistor={near end,info={$R=4\Omega$}}]
+ (right contact 3);
+ \draw (left contact 4) to [voltage source={near start,
+ direction info={<-,volt=8}},
+ resistor={ohm=2,near end}] (right contact 4);
+ \draw (left contact 3) to [resistor={ohm=1}] (left contact 4);
+ \draw (left contact 4) to [resistor={ohm=3}] (left contact 5);
+ \draw (left contact 5) to [resistor={ohm=4}] (right contact 5);
+ \draw (left contact 5) to [diode] ++(up:1)
+ to [voltage source={near start,direction info={volt=3}},
+ resistor={near end,ohm=3}] ++(right:1)
+ to (right contact 5);
+A circuit typically consists of numerous electronic elements like
+logical gates or resistors or diodes that are connected by wires. In
+\pgfname/\tikzname, we use nodes for the
+electronic elements and normal lines for the wires. \tikzname\ offers
+a large number of different ways of positioning and connecting nodes
+in general, all of which can be used here. Additionally, the
+|circuits| library defines an additional useful |to|-path that is
+particularly useful for elements like a resistor on a line.
+There are many different names that are used to refer to electrical
+``elements,'' so a bit of terminology standardization is useful: We
+will call such elements \emph{symbols}. A \emph{symbol shape} is a
+\pgfname\ shape declared using the |\pgfdeclareshape| command. A
+\emph{symbol node} is a node whose shape is a symbol shape.
+\subsubsection{Symbol Graphics}
+Symbols can be created by
+|\node[shape=some symbol shape]|. However, in order to represent some
+symbols correctly, just using standard \pgfname\ shapes is not
+sufficient. For instance, most symbols have a visually appealing
+``default size,'' but the size of a symbol shape depends only on the
+current values of parameters like |minimum height| or |inner xsep|.
+For these reasons, the circuit libraries introduce the concept of a
+\emph{symbol graphic}. This is a style that causes a |\node| to
+not only have the correct shape, but also the correct size and the
+correct path usage. More generally, this style may setup things in any
+way so that the ``symbol looks correct''. When you write, for
+instance, |\node[diode]|, then the style called |diode graphic| is
+used, which in turn is set to something like
+|shape=diode IEC,draw,minimum height=...|.
+Here is an overview of the different kinds of circuit libraries:
+\item The \tikzname-library |circuits| defines general keys for
+ creating circuits. Mostly, these keys are useful for defining more
+ specialized libraries.
+ You normally do not use this library directly since it does not
+ define any symbol graphics.
+\item The \tikzname-library |circuits.logic| defines keys for creating
+ logical gates like and-gates or xor-gates. However, this library
+ also does not actually define any symbol graphics; this is done by
+ two sublibraries:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The library |circuits.logic.US| defines symbol graphics that
+ cause the logical gates to be rendered in the ``US-style.'' It
+ includes all of the above libraries and you can use this library
+ directly.
+ \item The library |circuits.logic.IEC| also defines symbol graphics
+ for logical gates, but it uses rectangular gates rather that the
+ round US-gates. This library can coexist peacefully with the above
+ library, you can change which symbol graphics are used ``on the
+ fly.''
+ \end{itemize}
+\item The \tikzname-library || defines keys for symbols
+ from electrical engineering like resistors or capacitors. Again,
+ sublibraries define the actual symbol graphics.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The library || defines symbol shapes that
+ follow the IEC norm.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item The \pgfname-libraries |shapes.gates.*| define (circuit) symbol
+ shapes. However, you normally do not use these shapes directly,
+ rather you use a style that uses an appropriate symbol graphic,
+ which in turn uses one of these shapes.
+Let us have a look at a simple example. Suppose we wish to create a
+logical circuit. Then we first have to decide which symbol graphics we
+would like to use. Suppose we wish to use the US-style, then we would
+include the library |circuits.logic.US|. If you wish to use IEC-style
+symbols, use |circuits.logic.IEC|. If you cannot decide, include both:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+To create a picture that contains a US-style circuit you can now use
+the option |circuit logic US|. This will setup keys like |and gate| to
+create use an appropriate symbol graphic for rendering an and
+gate. Using the |circuit logic IEC| instead will setup |and gate| to
+use another symbol graphic.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic US]
+ \matrix[column sep=7mm]
+ {
+ \node (i0) {0}; & & \\
+ & \node [and gate] (a1) {}; & \\
+ \node (i1) {0}; & & \node [or gate] (o) {};\\
+ & \node [nand gate] (a2) {}; & \\
+ \node (i2) {1}; & & \\
+ };
+ \draw (i0.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 1);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 2);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 1);
+ \draw (i2.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 2);
+ \draw (a1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 1);
+ \draw (a2.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 2);
+ \draw (o.output) -- ++(right:3mm);
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic IEC]
+ \matrix[column sep=7mm]
+ {
+ \node (i0) {0}; & & \\
+ & \node [and gate] (a1) {}; & \\
+ \node (i1) {0}; & & \node [or gate] (o) {};\\
+ & \node [nand gate] (a2) {}; & \\
+ \node (i2) {1}; & & \\
+ };
+ \draw (i0.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 1);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 2);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 1);
+ \draw (i2.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 2);
+ \draw (a1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 1);
+ \draw (a2.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 2);
+ \draw (o.output) -- ++(right:3mm);
+An \emph{annotation} is a little extra drawing that can be added to a
+symbol. For instance, when you add two little parallel arrows pointing
+away from some electrical element, this usually means that the element
+is light emitting.
+Instead of having one symbol for ``diode'' and another for ``light
+emitting diode,'' there is just one |diode| symbol, but you can add
+the |light emitting| annotation to it. This is done by passing the
+annotation as a parameter to the symbol as in the following example:
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [diode={light emitting}] (3,0)
+ to [resistor={adjustable}] (3,2);
+\subsection{The Base Circuit Library}
+ This library is a base library that is included by other circuit
+ libraries. You do not include it directly, but you will typically
+ use some of the general keys, described below.
+ This key should be passed as an option to a picture or a scope that
+ contains a circuit. It will do some internal setups. This key is
+ normally called by more specialized keys like |circuit ee IEC|.
+\subsubsection{Symbol Size}
+\begin{key}{/tikz/circuit symbol unit=\meta{dimension} (initially 7pt)}
+ This dimension is a ``unit'' for the size of symbols. The libraries
+ generally define the sizes of symbols relative to this
+ dimension. For instance, the longer side of an inductor is, by
+ default, in the IEC library equal to five times this
+ \meta{dimension}. When you change this \meta{dimension}, the size of
+ all symbols will automatically change accordingly.
+ Note, that it is still possible to overwrite the size of any
+ particular symbol. These settings apply only to the default sizes.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,1) to [resistor] (3.5,1);
+ \draw[circuit symbol unit=14pt]
+ (0,0) to [resistor] (3.5,0);
+\begin{stylekey}{/tikz/huge circuit symbols}
+ This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to |10pt|.
+\begin{stylekey}{/tikz/large circuit symbols}
+ This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to |8pt|.
+\begin{stylekey}{/tikz/medium circuit symbols}
+ This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to |7pt|.
+\begin{stylekey}{/tikz/small circuit symbols}
+ This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to |6pt|.
+\begin{stylekey}{/tikz/tiny circuit symbols}
+ This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to |5pt|.
+\begin{key}{/tikz/circuit symbol size=|width| \meta{width} |height|
+ \meta{height}}
+ This key sets |minimum height| to \meta{height} times the current
+ value of the circuit symbol unit and the |minimum width| to
+ \meta{width} times this value. Thus, this option can be used with a
+ node command to set the size of the node as a multiple of the
+ circuit symbol unit.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,1) to [resistor] (2,1) to[inductor] (4,1);
+ \begin{scope}
+ [every resistor/.style={circuit symbol size=width 3 height 1}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor] (2,0) to[inductor] (4,0);
+ \end{scope}
+\subsubsection{Declaring New Symbols}
+\begin{key}{/tikz/circuit declare symbol=\meta{name}}
+ This key is used to declare a symbol. It does not cause this symbol
+ to be shown nor does it set a graphic to be used for the symbol, it
+ simply ``prepares'' several keys that can later be used to draw a
+ symbol and to configure it.
+ In detail, the first key that is defined is just called
+ \meta{name}. This key should be given as an option to a |node| or on
+ a |to| path, as explained below. The key will take options, which
+ can be used to influence the way the symbol graphic is rendered.
+ Let us have a look at an example. Suppose we want to define a symbol
+ called |foo|, which just looks like a simple rectangle. We could
+ then say
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+\tikzset{circuit declare symbol=foo}
+ The symbol could now be used like this:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+ \node [foo] at (1,1) {};
+ \node [foo={red}] at (2,1) {};
+ However, in the above example we would not actually see anything
+ since we have not yet setup the graphic to be used by |foo|. For
+ this, we must use a key called |set foo graphic| or, generally,
+ |set| \meta{name} |graphic|. This key gets graphic options as parameter
+ that will be set when a symbol |foo| should be shown:
+ [circuit declare symbol=foo,
+ set foo graphic={draw,shape=rectangle,minimum size=5mm}]
+ \node [foo] at (1,1) {};
+ \node [foo={red}] at (2,1) {};
+ In detail, when you use the key \meta{name}=\meta{options} with a
+ node, the following happens:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The |inner sep| is set to |0.5pt|.
+ \item The following style is executed:
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/every circuit symbol}
+ Use this style to setup things in general.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \item The graphic options that have been set using
+ |set| \meta{name} |graphic| are set.
+ \item The style |every |\meta{name} is executed. You can use it to
+ configure the symbol further.
+ \item The \meta{options} are executed.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The key \meta{name} will have a different effect when it is used on
+ a |to| path command inside a |circuit| environment (the |circuit|
+ environment sets up |to| paths in such a way that the use of a key
+ declared using |circuit declare symbol| is automatically detected).
+ When \meta{name} is used on a |to| path, the above actions also
+ happen (setting the inner separation, using the symbol graphic, and
+ so on), but they are passed to the key |circuit handle symbol|,
+ which is explained next.
+\begin{key}{/tikz/circuit handle symbol=\meta{options}}
+ This key is mostly used internally. Its purpose is to render a
+ symbol. The effect of this key differs, depending on whether it is
+ used as the optional argument of a |to| path command or elsewhere.
+ If the key is not used as an argument of a |to| path command, the
+ \meta{options} are simply executed.
+ The more interesting case happens when the key is given on a |to|
+ path command. In this case, several things happen:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The |to| path is locally changed and set to an internal
+ path (which you should not try to change) that consists mostly of
+ a single straight line.
+ \item The \meta{options} are tentatively executed with filtering
+ switched on. Everything is filtered out, except for the key |pos|
+ and also the styles |at start|, |very near start|, |near start|,
+ |midway|, |near end|, |very near end|, and |at end|. If none of
+ them is found, |midway| is used.
+ \item The filtered option is used to determine a position for the
+ symbol on the path. At the given position (with |pos=0|
+ representing the start and |pos=1| representing the end), a node
+ will be added to the path (in a manner to be described presently).
+ \item This node gets \meta{options} as its option list.
+ \item The node is added by virtue of a special |markings|
+ decoration. This means that a |mark| command is executed that
+ causes the node to placed as a mark on the path.
+ \item The marking decoration will automatically subdivide the path
+ and cause a line to be drawn to from the start of the path to the
+ node's border (at the position that lies on a line from the node's
+ center to the start of the path) and then from the node's border
+ (at a position on the other side of the node) to the end of the
+ path.
+ \item The marking decoration will also take care of the case that
+ multiple marks are present on a path, in this case the lines from
+ and to the borders of the nodes are only between consecutive
+ nodes.
+ \item The marking decoration will also rotate the coordinate system
+ in such a way that the $x$-axis points along the path. Thus, if
+ you use the |transform shape| option, the node will ``point
+ along'' the path.
+ \item In case a node is at |pos=0| or at |pos=1| some special code
+ will suppress the superfluous lines to the start or end of the
+ path.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The net effect of all of the above is that a node will be placed
+ ``on the path'' and the path will have a ``gap'' just large enough
+ to encompass the node. Another effect is that you can use this key
+ multiple times on a path to add several node to a path, provided
+ they do not overlap.
+ \draw (0,0) to [circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=rectangle,near start},
+ circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=circle,near end}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape,circuit]
+ \draw (0,0) to [circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=rectangle,at start},
+ circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=circle,near end}] (3,2);
+\subsubsection{Pointing Symbols in the Right Direction}
+Unlike normal nodes, which generally should not be rotated since this
+will make their text hard to read, symbols often need to be
+rotated. There are two ways of achieving such rotations:
+\item When you place a symbol on a |to| path, the graphic symbol is
+ automatically rotated such that it ``points along the path.'' Here
+ is an examples that show how the inductor shape (which looks,
+ unrotated, like this: \tikz[circuit ee IEC]\node[inductor]{};) is
+ automatically rotated around:
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (3,0) to[inductor] (1,0) to[inductor] (0,2);
+\item Many shapes cannot be placed ``on'' a path in this way, namely
+ whenever there are more than two possible inputs. Also, you may wish
+ to place the nodes first, possibly using a matrix, and connect them
+ afterwards. In this case, you can simply add rotations like
+ |rotate=90| to the shapes to rotate them. The following four keys
+ make this slightly more convenient:
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/point up}
+ This is the same as |rotate=90|.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point up] {};
+ \end{key}
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/point down}
+ This is the same as |rotate=-90|.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point down] {};
+ \end{key}
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/point left}
+ This is the same as |rotate=-180|.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point left] {};
+ \end{key}
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/point right}
+ This key has no effect.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point right] {};
+ \end{key}
+\subsubsection{Info Labels}
+Info labels are used to add text to a circuit symbol. Unlike normal
+nodes like a rectangle, circuit symbols typically do not have text
+``on'' them, but the text is placed next to them (like the text
+``$3\Omega$'' next to a resistor).
+\tikzname\ already provides the |label| option for this purpose. The
+|info| option is build on top of this option, but it comes in some
+predefined variants that are especially useful in conjunction with
+ This key has nearly the same effect as the |label| key, only the
+ following style is used additionally automatically:
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/every info}
+ Set this style to configure the styling of info labels. Since this
+ key is \emph{not} used with normal labels, it provides an easy way
+ of changing the way info labels look without changing other
+ labels.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ The \meta{options} and \meta{angle} are passed directly to the
+ |label| command.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \node [resistor,info=$3\Omega$] {};
+ You will find a detailed discussion of the |label| option on
+ page~\pageref{label-option}.
+ Hint: To place some text \emph{on} the main node, use |center| as
+ the \meta{angle}:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \node [resistor,info=center:$3\Omega$] {};
+ \node [resistor,point up,info=center:$R_1$] at (2,0) {};
+ This key works exactly like the |info| key, only in case the
+ \meta{angle} is missing, it defaults to |below| instead of the
+ current value of |label position|, which is usually |above|. This
+ means that when you use |info|, you get a label above the node,
+ while when you use the |info'| key you get a label below the
+ node. In case the node has been rotated, the positions of the info
+ nodes are rotated accordingly.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={info={$3\Omega$},info'={$R_1$}}] (3,0)
+ to[resistor={info={$4\Omega$},info'={$R_2$}}] (3,2);
+\begin{key}{/tikz/info sloped=\opt{|[|\meta{options}|]|\meta{angle}|:|}\meta{text}}
+ This key works like |info|, only the |transform shape| option is set
+ when the label is drawn, causing it to follow the sloping of the
+ main node.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={info sloped={$3\Omega$}}] (3,0)
+ to[resistor={info sloped={$4\Omega$}}] (3,2);
+\begin{key}{/tikz/info' sloped=}
+ This is a combination of |info'| and |info sloped|.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={info' sloped={$3\Omega$}}] (3,0)
+ to[resistor={info' sloped={$4\Omega$}}] (3,2);
+\begin{key}{/tikz/circuit declare unit=\marg{name}\marg{unit}}
+ This key is used to declare keys that make it easy to attach
+ physical units to nodes. The idea is that instead of
+ |info=$3\Omega$| you can write |ohm=3| or instead of
+ |info'=$5\mathrm{S}$| you can write |siemens'=5|.
+ In detail, four keys are defined, namely |/tikz/|\meta{name},
+ |/tikz/|\meta{name}|'|, |/tikz/|\meta{name} |sloped|, and
+ |/tikz/|\meta{name}|'| |sloped|. The arguments of all of these keys
+ are of the form
+ \opt{|[|\meta{options}|]|\meta{angle}|:|}\meta{value} and it is
+ passed (slightly modified) to the corresponding key |info|, |info'|,
+ |info| |sloped|, or |info'| |sloped|. The ``slight modification'' is the
+ following: The text that is passed to the, say, |info| key is not
+ \meta{value}, but rather |$\mathrm{|\meta{value}\meta{unit}|}$|
+ This means that after you said |circuit declare unit={ohm}{\Omega}|,
+ then |ohm=5k| will have the same effect as
+ |info={[every ohm]$\mathrm{5k\Omega}$}|. Here, |every ohm| is a
+ style that allows you to configure the appearance of this unit.
+ Since the |info| key is used internally, by changing the
+ |every info| style, you can change the appearance of all units
+ infos.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,circuit declare unit={my ohm}{O}]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={my ohm' sloped=3}] (3,2);
+\subsubsection{Declaring and Using Annotations}
+Annotations are quite similar to info labels. The main difference is
+that they generally cause something to be drawn by default rather than
+some text to be added (although an annotation might also add some
+Annotations can be declared using the following key:
+\begin{key}{/tikz/circuit declare annotation=\marg{name}\marg{distance}\marg{path}}
+ This key is used to declare an annotation named \meta{name}. Once
+ declared, it can be used as an argument of a symbol and will add the
+ drawing in \meta{path} to the symbol. In detail, the following
+ happens:
+ \textbf{The Main Keys.}
+ Two keys called \meta{name} and \meta{name}|'| are
+ defined. The second causes the annotation to be ``mirrored and
+ placed on the other side'' of the symbol. Both of these keys may
+ also take further keys as parameter like |info| keys.
+ Whenever the \meta{name} key is used, a local scope is opened and in
+ this scope the following things are done:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The style |every| \meta{name} is executed.
+ \item The following style is executed and then |arrows=->|:
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/annotation arrow}
+ This style should set the |>| key to some desirable arrow tip.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \item The coordinate system is shifted such that the origin is at
+ the north anchor of the symbol. (For the \meta{name}|'| key the
+ coordinate system is flipped and shifted such that the origin is
+ at the south anchor of the symbol.)
+ \item The |label distance| is locally set to \meta{distance}.
+ \item The parameter options given to the \meta{name} key are
+ executed.
+ \item The \meta{path} is executed.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \textbf{Usage.}
+ What all of the above amounts to is best explained by an
+ example. Suppose we wish to create an annotation that looks like a
+ little circular arrow (like \tikz \draw [->] (0,0) arc
+ (-270:80:1ex);). We could then say:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+\tikzset{circuit declare annotation=
+ {circular annotation}
+ {9pt}
+ {(0pt,8pt) arc (-270:80:3.5pt)}
+ We can then use it like this:
+\tikzset{circuit declare annotation=
+ {circular annotation}
+ {8pt}
+ {(0pt,8pt) arc (-270:80:3.5pt)}
+\tikz[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={circular annotation}] (3,0);
+ Well, not very impressive since we do not see anything. This is due to
+ the fact that the \meta{path} becomes part of a path that contains
+ the symbol node an nothing else. This path is not drawn or filled,
+ so we do not see anything. What we must do is to use an |edge| path
+ operation:
+\tikzset{circuit declare annotation={circular annotation}{9pt}
+ {(0pt,8pt) edge[to path={arc(-270:80:3.5pt)}] ()}
+\tikz[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={circular annotation}] (3,0)
+ to [capacitor={circular annotation'}] (3,2);
+ The \meta{distance} is important for the correct placement of
+ additional |info| labels. When an annotation is present, the info
+ labels may need to be moved further away from the symbol, but not
+ always. For this reason, an annotation defines an additional
+ \meta{distance} that is applied to all info labels given
+ as parameters to the annotation. Here is an example, that shows the
+ difference:
+\tikzset{circuit declare annotation={circular annotation}{9pt}
+ {(0pt,8pt) edge[to path={arc (-270:80:3.5pt)}] ()}
+\tikz[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={circular annotation,ohm=5}] (2,0)
+ to [resistor={circular annotation={ohm=5}}] (4,0);
+\subsubsection{Theming Symbols}
+For each symbol, a certain graphical representation is chosen to
+actually show the symbol. You can modify this graphical representation
+in several ways:
+\item You can select a different library and use a different
+ |circuit ...| key. This will change all graphics used for the
+ symbols.
+\item You can generally change the size of graphic symbols by setting
+ |circuit size unit| to a different value or using a key like
+ |small circuit symbols|.
+ You can add options to the graphics used by symbols either globally
+ by setting the |every circuit| |symbol| style or locally by setting the
+ |every| \meta{name} style, where \meta{name} is the name of a
+ symbol. For instance, in the following picture the symbols are
+ ridiculously thick and resistors are red.
+ [circuit ee IEC,
+ every circuit symbol/.style={ultra thick},
+ every resistor/.style={red}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [inductor] ++(right:3) to [resistor] ++(up:2);
+\item You can selectively change the graphic used for a symbol
+ by saying |set resistor graphic=|.
+\item You can change one or more of the following styles:
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/circuit symbol open (initially draw)}
+ This style is used with symbols that consist of lines that
+ surround some area. For instance, the IEC version of a resistor is
+ an open symbol.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC,
+ circuit symbol open/.style={thick,draw,fill=yellow}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [inductor] ++(right:3) to [resistor] ++(up:2);
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/circuit symbol filled (initially {draw,fill=black})}
+ This style is used with symbols that are completely filled. For
+ instance, the variant IEC version of an inductor is a filled,
+ black rectangle.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/circuit symbol lines (initially draw)}
+ This style is used with symbols that consist only of lines the do
+ not surround anything. Examples are a capacitor.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC,
+ circuit symbol lines/.style={thick,draw=red}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [capacitor] ++(right:3) to [resistor] ++(up:2);
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/circuit symbol wires (initially draw)}
+ This style is used for symbols that consist only of ``wires.'' The
+ difference to the previous style is that a symbol consisting of
+ wires will look strange when the lines are thicker than the lines
+ of normal wires, while for symbols consisting of lines (but not
+ wires) it may look nice to make them thicker. An example is the
+ |make contact| symbol.
+ Compare
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC,circuit symbol lines/.style={draw,very thick}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [capacitor={near start},
+ make contact={near end}] (3,0);
+ to
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC,circuit symbol wires/.style={draw,very thick}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [capacitor={near start},
+ make contact={near end}] (3,0);
+ \end{stylekey}
+All circuit environments like |circuit logic IEC| mainly use options
+like |set and gate graphic=...| to setup the graphics used for a certain
+symbol. It turns out that graphic hidden in the ``|...|'' part is also
+always available as a separate style, whose name contains the
+library's initials. For instance, the |circuit logic IEC| option
+actually contains the following command:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+ set and gate graphic = and gate IEC graphic,
+The |and gate IEC graphic| style, in turn, is defined as follows:
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+\tikzset{and gate IEC graphic/.style=
+ {
+ circuit symbol open,
+ circuit symbol size=width 2.5 height 4,
+ shape=and gate IEC,
+ inner sep=.5ex
+ }
+Normally, you do not need to worry about this, since you will not need
+to access a style like |and gate IEC graphic| directly; you will only
+use the |and gate| key. However, sometimes libraries define
+\emph{variants} of a graphic; for instance, there are two variants for
+the resistor graphic in the IEC library. In this case you can set the
+graphic for the resistor to this variant (or back to the original) by
+saying |set resistor graphic| yourself:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
+ % Standard resistor
+ \draw (0,2) to [resistor] (3,2);
+ % Var resistor
+ \begin{scope}[set resistor graphic=var resistor IEC graphic]
+ \draw (0,1) to [resistor] (3,1);
+ % Back to original
+ \draw [set resistor graphic=resistor IEC graphic]
+ (0,0) to [resistor] (3,0);
+ \end{scope}
+\subsection{Logical Circuits}
+A \emph{logical circuit} is a circuit that contains what we call
+\emph{logical gates} like an and-gate or an xor-gate. The logical
+libraries are intended to make it easy to draw such circuits.
+In the following, we first have a look at the different libraries that
+can be used in principle and how the symbols look like. Then we have a
+more detailed look at how the symbols are used. Finally, we discuss
+the implementation details.
+There are different ways of depicting logical gates, which is why there
+are different (sub-)libraries for drawing them. They provide the
+necessary graphical representations of the symbols declared in the
+following library:
+ This library declares the logical gate symbols, but does not
+ provide the symbol graphics.
+ The library also defines the following key which, however, is also
+ only used indirectly, namely by other libraries:
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/circuit logic}
+ This style calls the keys |circuit| (which internally calls
+ |every circuit|, then it defines the |inputs| key and it calls the
+ |every circuit logic| key.
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/inputs=\meta{inputs}}
+ This key is defined only inside the scope of a
+ |circuit logic|. There, it has the same effect as
+ |logic gate inputs|, described on
+ page~\pageref{logic-gate-inputs}.
+ \end{key}
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/every circuit logic}
+ Use this key to configure the appearance of logical circuits.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \end{key}
+Since the |circuit.logic| library does not define any actual graphics,
+you need to use one of the following libraries, instead:
+ This library provides graphics based on gates
+ recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission. When
+ you include this library, you can use the following key to
+ setup a scope that contains a logical circuit where the gates are
+ shown in this style.
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/circuit logic IEC}
+ This key calls |circuit logic| and installs the IEC-like
+ graphics for the logical symbols like |and gate|.
+ As explained in Section~\ref{section-theming-symbols}, for each
+ graphic symbol of the library there is also a style that stores this
+ particular appearance. These keys are called |and gate IEC graphic|,
+ |or gate IEC graphic|, and so on.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic IEC,
+ every circuit symbol/.style={
+ logic gate IEC symbol color=black,
+ fill=blue!20,draw=blue,very thick}]
+ \matrix[column sep=7mm]
+ {
+ \node (i0) {0}; & & \\
+ & \node [and gate] (a1) {}; & \\
+ \node (i1) {0}; & & \node [or gate] (o) {};\\
+ & \node [nand gate] (a2) {}; & \\
+ \node (i2) {1}; & & \\
+ };
+ \draw (i0.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 1);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 2);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 1);
+ \draw (i2.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 2);
+ \draw (a1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 1);
+ \draw (a2.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 2);
+ \draw (o.output) -- ++(right:3mm);
+ \end{key}
+ This library provides graphics showing ``American'' logic
+ gates. It defines the following key:
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/circuit logic US}
+ This style calls |circuit logic| and installs US-like graphics
+ for the logical symbols like |and gate|. For instance, it says
+ \begin{codeexample}[code only]
+set and gate graphic = and gate US graphic
+ \end{codeexample}
+ Here is an example:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic CDH,
+ tiny circuit symbols,
+ every circuit symbol/.style={
+ fill=white,draw}]
+ \matrix[column sep=7mm]
+ {
+ \node (i0) {0}; & & \\
+ & \node [and gate] (a1) {}; & \\
+ \node (i1) {0}; & & \node [or gate] (o) {};\\
+ & \node [nand gate] (a2) {}; & \\
+ \node (i2) {1}; & & \\
+ };
+ \draw (i0.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 1);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 2);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 1);
+ \draw (i2.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 2);
+ \draw (a1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 1);
+ \draw (a2.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 2);
+ \draw (o.output) -- ++(right:3mm);
+ \end{key}
+ This library provides graphics based on the logic symbols used in
+ A. Croft, R. Davidson, and M. Hargreaves (1992), \emph{Engineering
+ Mathematics}, Addison-Wesley, 82--95. They are identical to the
+ US-style symbols, except for the and- and nand-gates.
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/circuit logic CDH}
+ This key calls |circuit logic US| and installs the two special
+ and- and nand-gates, that is, it uses |set and gate graphic| with
+ |and gate CDH graphic| and likewise for nand-gates.
+ \end{key}
+Inside |circuit logic XYZ| scopes, you can now use the keys shown in
+Section~\ref{section-logic-symbols}. We have a more detailed look at
+one of them, all the other work the same way:
+\begin{key}{/tikz/and gate}
+ This key should be passed to a |node| command. It will cause the
+ node to ``look like'' an and-gate, where the exact appearance of the
+ gate is dictated by the which circuit environment is used. To
+ further configure the appearance of the |and gate|, see
+ Section~\ref{section-theming-symbols}.
+\tikz [circuit logic IEC] \node [and gate] {$A$};
+\tikz [circuit logic US]
+ \node [and gate,point down] {$A$};
+ \node [and gate,point down,info=center:$A$] at (1,0) {};
+ \medskip\textbf{Inputs.}
+ Multiple inputs can be specified for a logic gate (provided they
+ support multiple inputs: a not gate---also known as an
+ inverter---does not). However, there is an upper limit for the
+ number of inputs which has been set at 1024, which should be \emph{way}
+ more than would ever be needed.
+ The following key is used to configure the inputs. It is available
+ only inside a |circuit logic| environment.
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/inputs=\meta{input list} (initially \char`\{normal,normal\char`\})}
+ If a gate has $n$ inputs, the \meta{input list} should consists of
+ $n$ letters, each being |i| for ``inverted'' or |n| for
+ ``normal.'' Inverted gates will be indicated by a little
+ circle. In any case the anchors for the inputs will be set
+ up appropriately, numbered from top to bottom |input 1|, |input 2|,
+ \ldots and so on. If the gate only supports one input the anchor
+ is simply called |input| with no numerical index.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic IEC]
+ \node[and gate,inputs={inini}] (A) {};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,5}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| -1,0) -- (A.input \a);
+ \draw (A.output) -- ++(right:5mm);
+ \end{key}
+ (This key is just a shorthand for |logic gate inputs|, described
+ in detail on page~\pageref{logic-gate-inputs}. There you will also
+ find descriptions of how to configure the size of the inverted
+ circles and the way the symbol size increases when there are too
+ many inputs.)
+ \textbf{Output.}
+ Every logic gate has one anchor called |output|.
+\subsubsection{Symbols: The Gates}
+The following table shows which symbols are declared by the main
+|circuits.logic| library and their appearance in the different
+ \texttt{#1}
+ \indexkey{#1} &
+ \tikz[baseline,circuit logic IEC] \node[#1,label=] {}; &
+ \tikz[baseline,circuit logic US] \node[#1] {}; &
+ \tikz[baseline,circuit logic CDH] \node[#1] {};
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance inside} & \emph{Appearance inside} & \emph{Appearance inside} \\
+ & |circuit logic IEC| & |circuit logic US| & |circuit logic CDH| \\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/and gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/nand gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/or gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/nor gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/xor gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/xnor gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/not gate}\\
+ \gateexamples{/tikz/buffer gate}
+\subsubsection{Implementation: The Logic Gates Shape Library}
+The previous sections described the \tikzname\ interface for creating
+logical circuits. In this section we take a closer look at the
+underlying \pgfname\ libraries.
+Just as there are several \tikzname\ circuit libraries, there are two
+underlying \pgfname\ shape libraries, one for creating US-style gates
+and one for IEC-style gates. These libraries define \emph{shapes}
+only. It is the job of the circuit libraries to ``theme'' them so that
+they ``look nice.'' However, in principle, you can also use these
+shapes directly.
+Let us begin with the base library that defines the handling of
+ This library defines common keys used by all logical gate shapes.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/logic gate inputs=\meta{input list} (initially \char`\{normal,normal\char`\})}
+ \label{logic-gate-inputs}%
+ Specify the inputs for the logic gate. The keyword |inverted|
+ indicates an inverted input which will mean \pgfname{} will draw a
+ circle attached to the main shape of the logic gate. Any keyword
+ that is not |inverted| will be treated as a ``normal'' or
+ ``non-inverted'' input (however, for readability, you may wish to
+ use |normal| or |non-inverted|), and \pgfname{} will not draw the
+ circle.
+ In both cases the anchors for the inputs will be set
+ up appropriately, numbered from top to bottom |input 1|, |input 2|,
+ \ldots and so on. If the gate only supports one input the anchor
+ is simply called |input| with no numerical index.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=0.75cm]
+ \node[and gate IEC, draw, logic gate inputs={inverted, normal, inverted}]
+ (A) {};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,3}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| -1,0) -- (A.input \a);
+ \draw (A.output) -- ([xshift=0.5cm]A.output);
+ For multiple inputs it may be somewhat unwieldy to specify a long
+ list, thus, the following ``shorthand'' is permitted (this is an
+ extension of ideas due to Juergen Werber and Christoph Bartoschek):
+ Using |i| for inverted and |n| for normal inputs, \meta{input list}
+ can be specified \emph{without the commas}. So, for example,
+ |ini| is equivalent to |inverted, normal, inverted|.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=0.75cm]
+ \node[or gate US, draw,logic gate inputs=inini] (A) {};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,5}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| -1,0) -- (A.input \a);
+ \draw (A.output) -- ([xshift=0.5cm]A.output);
+The height of the gate may be increased to accommodate the number
+of inputs. In fact, it depends on three variables:
+$n$, the number of inputs, $r$, the radius of the circle used
+to indicate an inverted input and $s$, the distance between
+the centers of the inputs.
+The default height is then calculated according to the expression
+$(n+1)\times\max(2r,s)$. This then may
+be increased to accommodate the node contents or any
+minimum size specifications.
+The radius of the inverted input circle and the distance between the
+centers of the inputs can be customized using the following keys:
+\begin{key}{/pgf/logic gate inverted radius=\meta{length} (initially 2pt)}
+ Set the radius of the circle that is used to indicate inverted
+ inputs. This is also the radius of the circle used for the inverted
+ output of the |nand|, |nor|, |xnor| and |not| gates.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=0.75cm]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={shape=nand gate CDH, draw, logic gate inputs=ii}}
+ \node[logic gate inverted radius=2pt] {A};
+ \node[logic gate inverted radius=4pt] at (0,-1) {B};
+\begin{key}{/pgf/logic gate input sep=\meta{length} (initially .125cm)}
+ Set the distance between the \emph{centers} of the inputs to the
+ logic gate.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[minimum size=0.75cm]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={shape=and gate IEC, draw, logic gate inputs=ini}}
+ \node[logic gate input sep=0.33333cm] at (1,1)(A) {A};
+ \node[logic gate input sep=0.5cm] at (3,1) (B) {B};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,3}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| 0,0) -- (A.input \a)
+ (B.input \a -| 2,0) -- (B.input \a);
+ \pgfname{} will increase the size of the
+ logic gate to accommodate the number of inputs, and the size
+ of the inverted radius and the separation between the inputs.
+ However with all shapes in this library, any increase in size
+ (including any minimum size requirements) will be applied so that
+ the default aspect ratio is unaltered. This means that changing
+ the height will change the width and vice versa.
+\subsubsection{Implementation: The US-Style Logic Gates Shape Library}
+ This library provides ``American'' logic gate shapes whose names are
+ suffixed with the identifier |US|. Additionally,
+ alternative |and| and |nand| gates are provided which are based on the
+ logic symbols used in A. Croft, R. Davidson, and M. Hargreaves (1992),
+ \emph{Engineering Mathematics}, Addison-Wesley, 82--95. These two
+ shapes are suffixed with |CDH|.
+ The ``compass point'' anchors apply to the main part of the shape
+ and do not include any inverted inputs or outputs. This library
+ provides an additional feature to facilitate the relative positioning
+ of logic gates:
+\begin{key}{/pgf/logic gate anchors use bounding box=\meta{boolean} (initially false)}
+ When set to |true| this key will ensure that the
+ compass point anchors use the bounding rectangle of the
+ main shape, which, ignore any inverted inputs or outputs, but
+ includes any |outer sep|.
+ This \emph{only} affects the compass point anchors
+ and is not set on a shape by shape basis: whether the bounding
+ box is used is determined by value of this key when the anchor
+ is accessed.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=1.5cm]
+ \node[xnor gate US, draw, gray!50,line width=2pt] (A) {};
+ \foreach \x/\y/\z in {false/blue/1pt, true/red/2pt}
+ \foreach \a in {north, south, east, west, north east,
+ south east, north west, south west}
+ \draw[logic gate anchors use bounding box=\x, color=\y]
+ (A.\a) circle(\z);
+ The library defines a number of shapes. For each shape the allowed
+ number of inputs is also shown:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |and gate US|, two or more inputs
+ \item |and gate CDH|, two or more inputs
+ \item |nand gate US|, two or more inputs
+ \item |nand gate CDH|, two or more inputs
+ \item |or gate US|, two or more inputs
+ \item |nor gate US|, two or more Inputs
+ \item |xor gate US|, two inputs
+ \item |xnor gate US|, two inputs
+ \item |not gate US|, one input
+ \item |buffer gate US|, one input
+ \end{itemize}
+ In the following, we only have a detailed look at the anchors
+ defined by one of them. We choose the |nand gate US| because it
+ shows all the ``interesting'' anchors.
+ \begin{shape}{nand gate US}
+ This shape is a nand gate, which supports two or more inputs. If
+ less than two inputs are specified an error will result.
+ The anchors for this gate with two
+ non-inverted inputs (using the normal compass point anchors) are
+ shown below. Anchor |30| is an example of a border anchor.
+ \node[name=s,shape=nand gate US,shape example, inner sep=0cm,
+ logic gate inputs={in},
+ logic gate inverted radius=.5cm] {Nand Gate\vrule width1pt height2cm};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, text/above, 30/above right,
+ mid/right, mid east/left, mid west/above,
+ base/below, base east/below, base west/left,
+ north/above, south/below, east/above, west/above,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ output/right, input 1/above, input 2/below}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+ \end{shape}
+\subsubsection{Implementation: The IEC-Style Logic Gates Shape Library}
+ This library provides rectangular logic gate shapes. These shapes
+ are suffixed with |IEC| as they are based on gates recommended by
+ the International Electrotechnical Commission.
+ By default each gate is drawn with a symbol, $\char`\&$ for |and| and
+ |nand| gates, $\geq1$ for |or| and |nor| gates, $1$ for |not| and
+ |buffer| gates, and $=1$ for |xor| and |xnor| gates. These symbols
+ are drawn automatically (internally they are drawn using the
+ ``foreground'' path), and are not strictly speaking part of the node
+ contents. However, the gate is enlarged to make sure the symbols are
+ within the border of the node.
+ It is possible to change
+ the symbols and their position within the node using the following
+ keys:
+\begin{key}{/pgf/and gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially \char`\\char\char`\`\char`\\\char`\&)}
+ Set the symbol for the |and gate|. Note that if the node is filled,
+ this color will be used for the symbol, making it invisible, so
+ it will be necessary set \meta{text} to something like
+ |\color{black}\char`\&|. Alternatively, the
+ |logic gate IEC symbol color| key can be used to set the color
+ of all symbols simultaneously.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |and gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/nand gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially \char`\\char\char`\`\char`\\\char`\&)}
+ Set the symbol for the |nand gate|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |nand gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/or gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially \char`\$\char`\\geq1\char`\$)}
+ Set the symbol for the |or gate|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |or gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/nor gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially \char`\$\char`\\geq1\char`\$)}
+ Set the symbol for the |nor gate|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |nor gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/xor gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially \char`\{\char`\$=1\char`\$\char`\})}
+ Set the symbol for the |xor gate|. Note the necessity for braces,
+ as the symbol contains |=|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |or gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/xnor gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially \char`\{\char`\$=1\char`\$\char`\})}
+ Set the symbol for the |xnor gate|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |xnor gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/not gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially 1)}
+ Set the symbol for the |not gate|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |not gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/buffer gate IEC symbol=\meta{text} (initially 1)}
+ Set the symbol for the |buffer gate|.
+ In \tikzname, when the |use IEC style logic gates| key has been
+ used, this key can be replaced by |buffer gate symbol|.
+\begin{key}{/pgf/logic gate IEC symbol align=\meta{align} (initially top)}
+ Set the alignment of the logic gate symbol (in \tikzname, when the
+ |use IEC style logic gates| key has been used, |IEC| can be omitted.
+ The specification in \meta{align} is a comma separated list from
+ |top|, |bottom|, |left| or |right|. The distance between the border
+ of the node and the outer edge of the symbol is determined by the values
+ of the |inner xsep| and |inner ysep|.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[minimum size=1cm, use IEC style logic gates]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={nor gate, draw}}
+ \node (A) at (0,1.5) {};
+ \node [logic gate symbol align={bottom, right}] (B) at (0,0) {};
+ \foreach \g in {A, B}{
+ \foreach \i in {1,2}
+ \draw ([xshift=-0.5cm]\g.input \i) -- (\g.input \i);
+ \draw (\g.output) -- ([xshift=0.5cm]\g.output);
+ }
+\begin{key}{/pgf/logic gate IEC symbol color=\meta{color}}
+ This key sets the color for all symbols simultaneously. This color
+ can be overridden on a case by case basis by specifying a color
+ when setting the symbol text.
+ The library defines the following shapes:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |and gate IEC|, two or more inputs
+ \item |nand gate IEC|, two or more inputs
+ \item |or gate IEC|, two or more inputs
+ \item |nor gate IEC|, two or more inputs
+ \item |xor gate IEC|, two inputs
+ \item |xnor gate IEC|, two inputs
+ \item |not gate IEC|, one input
+ \item |buffer gate IEC|, one input
+ \end{itemize}
+ Again, we only have a look at the nand-gate in more detail:
+\begin{shape}{nand gate IEC}
+ This shape is a nand gate. It supports two or more inputs.
+ If less than two inputs are specified an error will result.
+ The anchors for this gate with two
+ non-inverted inputs are
+ shown below. Anchor |30| is an example of a border anchor.
+ \node[name=s,shape=nand gate IEC ,shape example, inner xsep=1cm, inner ysep=1cm,
+ minimum height=6cm, nand gate IEC symbol=\color{black!30}\char`\&,
+ logic gate inputs={in},
+ logic gate inverted radius=0.65cm]
+ {Nand Gate\vrule width1pt height2cm};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, text/above, 30/above right,
+ mid/right, mid east/left, mid west/above,
+ base/below, base east/below, base west/left,
+ north/above, south/below, east/above, west/above,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ output/right, input 1/above, input 2/below}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\subsection{Electrical Engineering Circuits}
+An \emph{electrical engineering circuit} contains symbols like
+resistors or capacitors or voltage sources and annotations like the
+two arrows pointing toward an element whose behaviour is light
+dependent. The electrical engineering libraries, abbreviated
+ee-libraries, provide such symbols and annotations.
+Just as for logical gates, there are different ways of drawing
+ee-symbols. Currently, there is one main library for drawing circuits,
+which uses the graphics from the International Electrotechnical
+Commission, but you can add your own libs. This is why, just as for
+logical gates, there are a base library and more specific libraries.
+ This library declares the ee symbols, but (mostly) does not
+ provide the symbol graphics, which is left to the sublibraries.
+ Just like the logical gates library, a key is defined that is
+ normally only used internally:
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/circuit ee}
+ This style calls the keys |circuit| (which internally calls
+ |every circuit| and the following style:
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/every circuit ee}
+ Use this key to configure the appearance of logical circuits.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \end{key}
+ The library also declares some standard annotations and units.
+As for logical circuits, to draw a circuit the first step is to
+include a library containing the symbols graphics. Currently, you have to
+include ||.
+ When this library is loaded, you can use the following style:
+ \begin{key}{/tikz/circuit ee IEC}
+ This style calls |circuit ee| and installs the IEC-like
+ graphics for the logical symbols like |resistor|.
+ \end{key}
+Inside the |circuit ee IEC| scope, you can now use the keys for
+symbols, units, and annotations listed in the later sections. We have
+a more detailed look at one of each of them, all the other work the
+same way.
+Let us start with an example of a symbol: the resistor symbol. The
+other predefined symbols are listed in
+Section~\ref{section-circuits-ee-symbols} and later sections.
+ This key should be used with a |node| path command or with the |to|
+ path command.
+ \medskip\textbf{Using the Key with Normal Nodes.}
+ When used with a node, it will cause this node to
+ ``look like'' a resistor (by default, in the IEC library, this is
+ just a simple rectangle).
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \node [resistor] {};
+ Unlike normal nodes, a resistor node generally should not take any
+ text (as in |node [resistor] {foo}|). Instead, the labeling of
+ resistors should be done using the |label|, |info| and |ohm|
+ options.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \node [resistor,ohm=5] {};
+ The \meta{options} make no real sense when the |resistor| option is
+ used with a normal node, you can just as well given them to the
+ |node| itself. Thus, the following has the same effect as the above
+ example:
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \node [resistor={ohm=5}] {};
+ In a circuit, you will often wish to rotate elements. For this, the
+ options |point up|, |point down|, |point left| or |point right| may
+ be especially useful. They are just shorthands for appropriate
+ rotations like |rotate=90|.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] {
+ \node (R1) [resistor,point up,ohm=5] at (3,1) {};
+ \node (R2) [resistor,ohm=10k] at (0,0) {};
+ \draw (R2) -| (R1);
+ \medskip\textbf{Using the Key on a To Path.}
+ When the |resistor| key is used on a |to| path inside a
+ |circuit ee IEC|, the |circuit handle symbol| key is called
+ internally. This has a whole bunch of effects:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The path currently being constructed is cut up to make place
+ for a node.
+ \item This node will be a |resistor node| that is rotated so that it
+ points ``along'' the path (unless an option like |shift only| or
+ an extra rotation is used to change this).
+ \item The \meta{options} passed to the |resistor| key are passed on
+ to the node.
+ \item The \meta{options} are pre-parsed to identify a |pos| key or
+ a key like |at start| or |midway|. These keys are used to
+ determine where on the |to| path the node will lie.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ Since the \meta{options} of the |resistor| key are passed on to the
+ resistor node on the path, you can use it to add labels to the
+ node. Here is a simple example:
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor=red] (3,0)
+ to [resistor={ohm=2\mu}] (3,2);
+ You can add multiple labels to a resistor and you can have multiple
+ resistors (or other elements) on a single path.
+ \medskip\textbf{Inputs, Outputs, and Anchors.}
+ Like the logical gates, all ee-symbols have an |input|
+ and an |output| anchor. Special purpose nodes may have even more
+ anchors of this type. Furthermore, the ee-symbols nodes also for
+ standard compass direction anchors.
+ \medskip\textbf{Changing the Appearance.}
+ To configure the appearance of all |resistor|s, see
+ Section~\ref{section-theming-symbols}. You can use the
+ \meta{options} to locally change the appearance of a single
+ resistor.
+Let us now have a look at an example of a unit: the Ohm unit. The
+other predefined units are listed in Section~\ref{section-circuits-units}.
+ This key is used to add an |info| label to a node with a special
+ text: |$\mathrm{|\meta{value}|\Omega}$|. In other words, the |ohm|
+ key can only be used with the options of a node and, when used, it
+ will cause the \meta{value} to be placed next to the node, followed
+ by $\Omega$. Since the \meta{value} is typeset inside a |\mathrm|
+ command, when you write |ohm=5k| you get $\mathrm{5k\Omega}$,
+ |ohm=5p| yields $\mathrm{5p\Omega}$, and |ohm=5.6\cdot 10^{2}\mu|
+ yields $\mathrm{5.6\cdot 10^{2}\mu\Omega}$.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \draw (0,0) to [resistor={ohm=5M}] (0,2);
+ Instead of |ohm| you can also use |ohm'|, which places the label on
+ the other side.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \draw (0,0) to [resistor={ohm'=5M}] (0,2);
+ Finally, there are also keys |ohm sloped| and |ohm' sloped| for
+ having the info label rotate together with the main node.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={ohm sloped=5M}] (0,2)
+ (2,0) to [resistor={ohm' sloped=6f}] (2,2);
+ You can configure the appearance of an Ohm info label using the key
+ |every ohm|.
+Finally, let us have a look at an annotation: the |light emitting|
+annotation. The other predefined units are listed in
+\begin{key}{/tikz/light emitting=\opt{\meta{options}}}
+ Like a unit, an annotation should be given as an additional option
+ to a node. It causes some drawings (in this case, two parallel
+ lines) to be placed next to the node.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC] \draw (0,0) to [diode=light emitting] (2,0);
+ The \meta{options} can be used for three different things:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item You can use keys like |red| to change the appearance of this
+ annotation, locally.
+ \item You can use keys like |<-| or |-latex| to change the
+ direction and kinds of arrows used in the annotation.
+ \item You can use info labels like |ohm=5| or |info=foo| inside the
+ \meta{options}. These info labels will be added to the main node
+ (not to the annotation itself), but the label distance will have
+ been changed to accommodate for the space taken up by the
+ annotation.
+\tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,2) to [diode={light emitting,info=not good}] (2,2);
+ \draw (0,0) to [diode={light emitting={info=better},
+ info'=also good}] (2,0);
+ \end{enumerate}
+ In addition to |light emitting| there is also a key called
+ |light emitting'|, which simply places the annotation on the other
+ side of the node.
+ You can configure the appearance of annotations in three ways:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item You can set the |every circuit annotation| style.
+ \item You can set the |every light emitting| style.
+ \item You can set the following key:
+ \begin{stylekey}{/tikz/annotation arrow}
+ This style should set the default |>| arrow to some nice value.
+ \end{stylekey}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \texttt{#1}\indexkey{#1}
+ &
+ \tikz[baseline=-.5ex,circuit ee IEC] \draw (0,0) to [#1] (3,0);
+ &
+ \relax\def\temp{#2}
+ \ifx\temp\empty\else
+ {\tikz[baseline=-.5ex,circuit ee IEC,set #2 graphic=var #2 IEC graphic]
+ \draw (0,0) to [#2] (3,0);}
+ \fi \\[.2em]
+ \texttt{#1}\indexkey{#1}
+ &
+ \tikz[baseline=-.5ex,circuit ee IEC] \draw (0,0) to [#1={at end}] (1.5,0)(3,0);
+ &
+ \relax\def\temp{#2}
+ \ifx\temp\empty\else
+ {\tikz[baseline=-.5ex,circuit ee IEC,set #2 graphic=var #2 IEC graphic]
+ \draw (0,0) to [#2={at end}] (1.5,0)(3,0);}
+ \fi \\[.2em]
+ \texttt{#1}\indexkey{#1}
+ &
+ \tikz [baseline,inner sep=0pt] \node[#1=1] {};\\
+ \texttt{#1}\indexkey{#1}
+ &
+ \tikz[baseline=-.5ex,circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={#1}] (2,0)
+ to [diode ={#1'}] (4,0);\\
+\subsubsection{Symbols: Indicating Current Directions}
+There are two symbols for indicating current directions. These symbols
+are defined directly inside |circuit ee|.
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance}\\[.25em]
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/current direction}{}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/current direction'}{}
+The examples have been produced by (in essence)
+|\draw (0,0) to[|\meta{symbol name}|] (3,0);|.
+\subsubsection{Symbols: Basic Elements}
+The following table show basic symbols as they are depicted inside the
+|circuit ee IEC| environment. To install one of alternate graphics,
+you have to say |set| \meta{symbol name} |graphic=var| \meta{symbol name}
+|IEC graphic|.
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance} & \emph{Alternate appearance} \\[.25em]
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/resistor}{resistor}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/inductor}{inductor}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/capacitor}{}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/battery}{}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/bulb}{}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/current source}{}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/voltage source}{}
+ \eeendexample{/tikz/ground}{}
+\subsubsection{Symbols: Diodes}
+The following table shows diodes as they are depicted inside the
+|circuit ee IEC| environment.
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance} & \emph{Alternate appearance} \\[.25em]
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/diode}{diode}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/Zener diode}{Zener diode}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/Schottky diode}{Schottky diode}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/tunnel diode}{tunnel diode}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/backward diode}{backward diode}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/breakdown diode}{breakdown diode}
+\subsubsection{Symbols: Contacts}
+The following table shows contacts as they are depicted inside the
+|circuit ee IEC| environment.
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance} & \emph{Alternate appearance} \\[.25em]
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/contact}{}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/make contact}{make contact}
+ \eelineexample{/tikz/break contact}{}
+The || library predefines the following unit keys:
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance of $1$ unit} \\[.25em]
+ \unitexample{/tikz/ampere}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/volt}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/ohm}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/siemens}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/henry}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/farad}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/coulomb}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/voltampere}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/watt}
+ \unitexample{/tikz/hertz}
+The || library defines the following annotations:
+ \emph{Key} & \emph{Appearance} \\[.25em]
+ \annotationexample{/tikz/light emitting}
+ \annotationexample{/tikz/light dependent}
+ \annotationexample{/tikz/direction info}
+ \annotationexample{/tikz/adjustable}
+The lines have been produced using, in essence,
+\begin{codeexample}[code only]
+\draw (0,0) to [resistor=light emitting] (2,0) to [diode=light emitting'] (4,0);
+and similarly for the other annotations.
+\subsubsection{Implementation: The EE-Symbols Shape Library}
+The \tikzname\ libraries depend on two shape libraries, which are
+included automatically. Usually, you will not need to use these shapes
+ This library defines basic shapes that can be used by all ee-circuit
+ libraries. Currently, it defines the following shapes:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |rectangle ee|
+ \item |circle ee|
+ \item |direction ee|
+ \end{itemize}
+ Additionally, the library defines the following arrow tip:
+ The |direction ee| arrow tip is basically the same as a |triangle 45|
+ arrow tip with rounded joins.
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \symarrow{direction ee}
+ \end{tabular}
+ However, unlike normal arrow tips, its size does \emph{not} depend on
+ the current line width. Rather, it depends on the value of its
+ arrow options, which should be set to the desired size. Thus, you
+ should say something like |\pgfsetarrowoptions{direction ee}{5pt}| to
+ set the size of the arrow.
+\begin{shape}{rectangle ee}
+ This shape is completely identical to a normal |rectangle|, only
+ there are two additional anchors: The |input| anchor is an alias for
+ the |west| anchor, while the |output| anchor is an alias for the
+ |east| anchor.
+\begin{shape}{circle ee}
+ Like the |rectangle ee| shape, only for circles.
+\begin{shape}{direction ee}
+ This shape is rather special. It is intended to be used to ``turn an
+ arrow tip into a shape.'' First, you should set the following key to
+ the name of an arrow tip:
+ \begin{key}{/pgf/direction ee arrow=\meta{right arrow tip name}}
+ The value of this key will be used for the arrow tip depicted in
+ an |direction ee| shape.
+ \end{key}
+ When a node of shape |direction ee| is created, several things
+ happen:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The size of the shape is computed according to the following
+ rules: The width of the shape is setup so that the left border of
+ the shape is at the left end of the arrow tip and the right border
+ is at the right end of the arrow tip. These left and right
+ ``ends'' of the arrow are the left and right extends specified by
+ the arrow itself (see the documentation of the |\pgfarrowsdeclare|
+ for details). You usually need not worry about this width
+ setting.
+ By comparison, the height of the arrow is given my the current
+ setting of |minimum height|. Thus, this key must have been setup
+ correctly to reflect the ``real'' height of the arrow tip. The
+ reason is that the height of an arrow is not specified when arrows
+ are declared and is, thus, not available, here.
+ Possibly, the height computation will change in the future to
+ reflect the real height of the arrow, so you should generally
+ setup the |minimum height| to be the same as the real height.
+ \item A straight line from left to right inside the shape's
+ boundaries is added to the background path.
+ \item The arrow tip, pointing right, is drawn before the background
+ path.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The anchors of this shape are just the compass anchors, which lie on
+ a rectangle whose width and height are the above-computed height and
+ width.
+ \pgfsetarrowoptions{direction ee}{6cm}
+ \node[name=s,shape=direction ee,shape example,minimum height=0.7654*6cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\begin{tikzpicture}[direction ee arrow=angle 45]
+ \node[name=s,shape=direction ee,shape example,minimum height=1.75cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in {north/above, south/below,
+ output/right, input/left}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\subsubsection{Implementation: The IEC-Style EE-Symbols Shape Library}
+ This library defines shapes for depicting ee symbols according to
+ the IEC recommendations. These shapes will typically be
+ used in conjunction with the graphic mechanism detailed earlier, but
+ you can also used them directly.
+\begin{shape}{generic circle IEC}
+ This shape inherits from |circle ee|, which in turn is just a normal
+ |circle| with additional |input| and |output| anchors at the left
+ and right ends. However, additionally, this shapes allows you to
+ specify a path that should be added before the background path using
+ the following key:
+ \begin{key}{/pgf/generic circle IEC/before background=\meta{code}}
+ When a node of shape |generic circle IEC| is created, the current
+ setting of this key is used as the ``before background path.''
+ This means that after the circle's background has been
+ drawn/filled/whatever, the \meta{code} is executed.
+ When the \meta{code} is executed, the coordinate system will have
+ been transformed in such a way that the point
+ $(1\mathrm{pt},0\mathrm{pt})$ lies at the right end of the circle
+ and $(0\mathrm{pt},1\mathrm{pt})$ lies at the top of the
+ circle. (More precisely, these points will lie exactly on the
+ middle of the radial line.)
+ \end{key}
+ Here is an examples of how to use this shape:
+\tikz \node [generic circle IEC,
+ /pgf/generic circle IEC/before background={
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1pt}{0pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{-0.5pt}{-0.5pt}}
+ \pgfusepathqstroke
+ },
+ draw] {Hello world};
+\begin{shape}{generic diode IEC}
+ This shape is used to depict diodes. The main shape is taken up by a
+ ``right pointing'' triangle. The anchors are positioned on border of
+ a rectangle around the diode, see the below example. The
+ diode's size is based on the current settings of |minimum width| and
+ |minimum height|.
+ \node[name=s,shape=generic diode IEC,shape example,minimum size=6cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+ This shape, like the |generic circle IEC| shape, is generic in the
+ sense that there is a special key that is used for the before
+ background drawings:
+ \begin{key}{/pgf/generic diode IEC/before background=\meta{code}}
+ Similarly to the |generic circle IEC| shape, when a node of shape
+ |generic diode IEC| is created, the current setting of this key is
+ used as the ``before background path.''
+ When the \meta{code} is executed, the coordinate system will have
+ been transformed in such a way that the origin is at the ``tip''
+ of the diode's triangle, the point $(0\mathrm{pt},1\mathrm{pt})$
+ is exactly half the diode's height above this origin, and
+ the point $(1\mathrm{pt},0\mathrm{pt})$ is half the diode's height
+ to the right of the origin.
+ The idea is that you use this key to draw different kinds of diode
+ endings.
+\tikz \node [minimum size=1cm,generic diode IEC,
+ /pgf/generic diode IEC/before background={
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-.5pt}{-1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{.5pt}{-1pt}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{-1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-.5pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{.5pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfusepathqstroke
+ },
+ draw] {};
+ \end{key}
+\begin{shape}{breakdown diode IEC}
+ This shape is used to depict a bidirectional breakdown diode. The
+ diode's size is based on the current settings of |minimum width| and
+ |minimum height|.
+ \node[name=s,shape=breakdown diode IEC,shape example,minimum width=6cm,minimum height=4cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\begin{shape}{var resistor IEC}
+ This shape is used to depict a variant version of a resistor. Its
+ size is computed as for a rectangle (thus, its size depends things
+ like the |minimum height|). Then, inside this rectangle, a
+ background path is setup according to the following rule: Starting
+ from the left end, zigzag segments are added to the path. Each
+ segment consists of a line at a 45 degree angle going up to the top
+ of the rectangle, then going down to the bottom, then going up to
+ mid height of the node. As many segments as possible are put inside
+ as possible. The last segment is then connected to the output anchor
+ via a straight line.
+ All of this means that, in general, the shape should be much wider
+ than high.
+ \node[name=s,shape=var resistor IEC,shape example,minimum width=7cm,minimum height=1cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\begin{shape}{inductor IEC}
+ This shape is used to depict an inductor, using a bumpy line. Its
+ size is computed as follows: Any text and |inner sep| are ignored
+ (and should normally not be given). The |minimum height| plus
+ (twice) the |outer ysep| specify the distance between the |north|
+ and |south| anchors, similarly for the |minimum width| plus the
+ |outer xsep| for the |east| and |west|.
+ The bumpy line is drawn starting from the lower left corner to the
+ lower right corner with bumps being half-circles whose height is
+ exactly the |minimum height|. The |center| of the shape is just
+ above the |south| anchor, at a distance of the |outer ysep|.
+ \node[name=s,shape=inductor IEC,shape example,minimum width=7cm,minimum height=1cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+ Just as for a |var resistor IEC|, as many bumps as possible are
+ added and the last bump is connected to the output anchor via a
+ straight line.
+\begin{shape}{capacitor IEC}
+ This shape is based on a |rectangle ee|. However, instead of a
+ rectangle as the background path, only the ``left and right lines''
+ that make up the rectangle are drawn.
+ \node[name=s,shape=capacitor IEC,shape example,
+ minimum width=2cm,minimum height=3cm,inner sep=0pt] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\begin{shape}{battery IEC}
+ This shape is similar to a |capacitor IEC|, only the right line is
+ only half the height of the left line.
+\tikz \node[shape=battery IEC,shape example,minimum size=2cm,
+ inner sep=0pt] {};
+\begin{shape}{ground IEC}
+ This shape is similar to a |batter IEC|, only three lines of
+ different heights are drawn.
+\tikz \node[shape=ground IEC,shape example,minimum size=2cm,
+ inner sep=0pt] {};
+\begin{shape}{make contact IEC}
+ This shape consists of a line going from the lower left corner to
+ the upper right corner. The size and anchors of this shape are
+ computed in the same way as for an |inductor IEC|.
+ \node[name=s,shape=make contact IEC,shape example,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1cm] {};
+ \foreach \anchor/\placement in
+ {center/above, 30/above right,
+ north/above, south/below, east/left, west/right,
+ north east/above, south east/below, south west/below, north west/above,
+ input/left,output/right}
+ \draw[shift=(s.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0,0)}
+ node[\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(s.\anchor)}};
+\begin{shape}{var make contact IEC}
+ This shape works like |make contact IEC|, only a little circle is
+ added to the path at the lower left corner. The radius of this
+ circle is one twelfth of the width of the node.
+\tikz \node[shape=var make contact IEC,shape example,
+ minimum height=1cm,minimum width=3cm,inner sep=0pt] {};
+\begin{shape}{break contact IEC}
+ This shape depicts a contact that can be broken. It works like
+ |make contact IEC|.
+\tikz \node[shape=break contact IEC,shape example,
+ minimum height=1cm,minimum width=3cm,inner sep=0pt] {};