path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/musixtex/musixdoc.tex
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-% This file is part of MusiXTeX
-% MusiXTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-% any later version.
-% MusiXTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-% GNU General Public License for more details.
-% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-% along with MusiXTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-% musixdoc.tex : the document
-\usepackage[dvips,bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=false,colorlinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},pdfstartview={FitH},pdfmenubar=false]{hyperref}
-\def\notesintext#1{% no staff lines, no clefs
- {\let\extractline\relax
- \setlines10\smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers \nostartrule
- \staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\empty \global\clef@skip0pt
- \startextract\addspace{-\afterruleskip}#1\zendextract}}
-\def\musicintext#1#2{% normal
- {\let\extractline\relax
- \smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers
- \staffbotmarg0pt \setclef1{#1}
- \startextract\addspace{-\afterruleskip}#2\endextract}}
-% macro adapted to insert music without clef:
-\def\musicintextnoclef#1{% no clef small
- {\let\extractline\relax
- \smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers
- \staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\empty
- \startextract\addspace{-\afterruleskip}#1\endextract}}
-\def\musicintextnoclefn#1{% no clef normal
- {\let\extractline\relax
- \nobarnumbers
- \staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\empty
- \startextract\addspace{-\afterruleskip}#1\endextract}}
-\def\nochange{(\ital{NOT to be changed})}
-%\changebarsep 10 pt
-\LARGE\bf Using \TeX{} to write polyphonic\\or
-instrumental music\\\Large\sl Version 1.15~-- April, 2011}
-\author{\Large\rm Daniel \sc Taupin\\\large\sl
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides\\\normalsize\sl
- (associ\'e au CNRS)\\\normalsize\sl
- b\^atiment 510, Centre Universitaire, F-91405 ORSAY Cedex\\\medskip
- \\\Large\rm Ross \sc Mitchell\\\large\sl
- CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research,\\\normalsize\sl
- Private Bag No.1, Mordialloc, Victoria 3195,\\ Australia \\\medskip
- \\\Large\rm Andreas \sc Egler\\\large\sl
- (Ruhr--Uni--Bochum)\\ Ursulastr. 32\\ D-44793 Bochum}
- \maketitle
- %\check
- If you are not familiar with \TeX{} at all\\
-I would recommend to find another software\\
-package to do musical typesetting.\\
-Setting up \TeX{} and \musixtex\\
-on your machine and mastering it\\
-is an awesome job which gobbles up\\
-a lot of your time and disk space.\\[\medskipamount]
-But, once you master it...\\[\smallskipamount]
-Hans {\sc Kuykens}
-\musixtex{} may be freely copied, duplicated and used in conformance to
-the GNU General Public License (Version 2, 1991, see included file {\tt
-copying})\footnote{Thanks to Free Software Foundation for advising us. See
-You may take it or parts of it to include in other packages, but no packages
-called \musixtex{} without specific suffix may be distributed under the name
-\musixtex{} if different from the original distribution (except obvious bug
- Adaptations for specific implementations (e.g. fonts) should be provided as
-separate additional \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ files which override original definitions.
- \end{center}
-\chapter*{Preface to Version T.113}
-The main author of \musixtex{}, Daniel Taupin, died all too early in a 2003
-climbing accident. The \musixtex\ community was shocked by this tragic and unexpected
-event. You may read some tributes to Daniel Taupin which are archived at the
-\href{}{\underline{Werner Icking Music Archive}}.
-Now, almost two years after his death, we would like to help keep his excellent
-work alive and current by assembling a new release. This new version corrects various
-minor bugs without adding any new functionality. At the same time it incorporates directly
-into the distribution some additional packages:
-\item Type 1 (postscript) versions of all the \musixtex{} fonts, created by
-Takanori Uchiyama;
-\item Postscript Slur Package K (Ver 0.92, 12~May~02) by Stanislav Kneifl;
-\item musixlyr (Ver 2.1c, 12 June 03) a \musixtex{} extension package for lyrics
-handling, by Rainer Dunker.
-We would like to thank the authors of these packages for generously agreeing to allow their
-contributions to be included in the main \musixtex{} package.
-We have left the remainder of this manual largely as Daniel Taupin left it,
-except we have updated various references and provided dynamic links to
-archived versions where possible.
-This documentation is rather technical and is probably not the best way to
-begin typesetting music. If you are a beginner, you should visit the
-software section of the
-{\underline{Werner Icking Music Archive}}.
-In particular, we recommend
-{\underline{Cornelius Noack's tutorial}}. It contains helpful information for
-getting started with \musixtex, as well as a tutorial for \textbf{PMX}, a
-preprocessor for \musixtex\ with a much simpler input language, and a brief
-introduction to \textbf{M-Tx}, a preprocessor for \textbf{PMX}~which eases
-the inclusion of lyrics.
-In the name of the community, Olivier Vogel,
-July 30, 2005
-\chapter*{Preface to Version T.114}
-In order to expedite the release of version T.113 of \musixtex, only the most
-essential modifications were made to the manual. With version T.114 the manual
-has been extensively edited from cover to cover. Some material has been
-rearranged, and references to \musictex, the immediate predecessor to
-\musixtex, have been removed. The software itself remains
-very stable. Only the slightest changes have been made since version T.113.
-It remains true that this is the definitive reference to all features of
-\musixtex, but also that it is not the best place for a novice user to start.
-The \href{}
-{\underline{Werner Icking Music Archive}}\ contains excellent and detailed
-instructions for installing \musixtex{} and the strongly recommended
-preprocessors \textbf{PMX}
-(for instrumental music) and \textbf{M-Tx} (for vocal) under
-{\underline{Linux/\unix}} or
-{\underline{Windows 2000}}. Once the software is installed, most common
-music typesetting tasks can be accomplished entirely by using one of these
-preprocessors to generate the \musixtex\ input file, relieving the user of
-learning any of the commands or syntax of \musixtex\ itself. It is only
-for out-of-the-ordinary constructions that one must learn these details, so he
-may insert the necessary \musixtex\ commands into the preprocessor's input file
-as so called inline \TeX.
-{\underline{Cornelius Noack's tutorial}} is an important resource which,
-in addition to gently introducing the
-novice to \textbf{PMX} and \textbf{M-Tx}, gives further details on installing
-Postscript slur facilities.
-Don Simons, Andre van Ryckeghem, Cornelius Noack, August 30, 2005
-\chapter*{Preface to Version 1.15}
-From the time of \musixtex's predecessor \musictex\ until the
-previous version of \musixtex~(T.114),
-the maximum numbers of simultaneous appearances of certain basic musical
-elements were limited:
-12 instruments, 12 or 6 beams depending on the type,
-12 font-based slurs%
-\footnote{\texttt{musixps.tex} by Stanislav Kneifl provides different limits.}%
-, and 6 trills or octave lines,
-even with \texttt{musixmad.tex}.
-For some purposes these limits are too tight, and because of them,
-developers of open-source GUI music editors may deem \musixtex{}
-unworthy of support in their software. Without such support or enhanced capacity,
-\musixtex{} risks consignment to the junk heap of obsolete software.
-It has been the \musixtex{} community's long-cherished desire to have a
-new official version with greater capacity. However, for quite some time
-the limits were due not only to the design of
-\musixtex{} itself but also to limitations in older versions of \TeX\ on the maximum
-numbers of available registers---256 each
-for counts (\texttt{\string\count}), dimensions (\texttt{\string\dimen}),
-skips (\texttt{\string\skip}), and tokens (\texttt{\string\toks}).
-But now, an extended variation of
-\TeX{}---$\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX---is available.\footnote{
-$\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX{} (e-\TeX) is a trademark
-of the NTS group.}
-One of $\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX's features is that it can handle
-32768 registers. Furthermore,
- \LaTeXe\ and other well-known extension packages require the
-$\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX{} engine,
-so it has spread widely among many \TeX\ users.
-In fact, the current executable file called \texttt{latex}
-relies on the $\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX{} engine.
-Many other advanced branches based on $\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX{}
-are also available.
-Here we provide the new \musixtex{} 1.15 as the solution for typesetting larger
-musical scores,
-taking advantage of $\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX's 32768-register capacity.
-We have made the new version 1.15 as compatible as possible with
-earlier versions of \musixtex, existing scores, extension packages,
-and Prof.~Knuth's original (non~$\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak) \TeX.
-With it, you can use many more instruments and other musical elements within the capacity of
-$\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX{} or even with original \TeX.
-Also, as of version 2.6, the preprocessor \textbf{PMX} has been enhanced to
-allow up to 24 lines of music, and requires both \musixtex{} 1.15 and
-$\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX.\footnote{This should pose no problems for
-users, owing
-to the free availability of all the software, and to capacities of all modern
-computer hardware.}
-Unfortunately, we have found a few rarely used old extensions
-not compatible with 1.15;
-we will provide information for adapting them to the new version.
-We hope the new version 1.15 will keep \musixtex{} relevant well into the twenty-first century.
-Hiroaki Morimoto, Andre van Ryckeghem, Don Simons, April 2011
-\tableofcontents \setcounter{secnumdepth}3
-%avrb page 4 was on top
-\chapter{Introduction to \musixtex}
-This chapter is not a tutorial on the use of \musixtex, but instead serves as
-an overview of some of its capabilities, quirks, and history.
-\musixtex\ is a set of macros and fonts which enables music typesetting
-within the \TeX\ system. It requires as a prerequisite a working
-installation of \TeX\footnote{See section \ref{installation}~for guidance on
-installing \TeX.}.
-\musixtex\ might be regarded as the digital equivalent of a box of type. It
-contains symbols for staves, notes, chords, beams, slurs and ornaments,
-ready to be arranged to form a sheet of music. But it must be told how to position
-those symbols on the page. This could be done by the typesetter
-himself, if he elects to proceed by entering \musixtex\ commands manually
-into an input file. However most users will find it far less taxing to let
-such decisions be made largely by the preprocessor
-{\underline{\textbf{PMX}}}, which in addition uses a much simpler input
-language than \musixtex.
-Lyrics can also be handled by \musixtex. There is a set of primitive
-commands for this which are described later. But there is also a far
-more adaptable set of macros contained in the extension file
-\verb|musixlyr.tex|, and there is the preprocessor
-{\underline{\textbf{M-Tx}}}\ which provides easy, transparent access to
-these macros.
-Most users of \TeX\ are familiar with \LaTeX, a set of \TeX\ macros
-which eases document layout. In fact many may only use \LaTeX.
-Until recently, \LaTeX\ and \musixtex\ coexisted only grudgingly, owing
-primarily to the limited availabily of storage registers. But with modern
-versions of \TeX\ and with the use of e\LaTeX, only a modest increase in
-complexity is incurred with the addition of musical excerpts to a \LaTeX\
-document. Still, fortunately, for typesetting a musical score there is
-rarely if ever any advantage to using \LaTeX. Only if one wanted to create a
-text document with embedded musical examples would there be much use for it.
-Even in that case there is a perfectly fine way to avoid using \musixtex\
-directly in the document file, namely, by using \musixtex\ to create
-\verb|eps| files for
-each of the examples, then embedding references to those in the file for
-the book. But for anyone who still wants to use both together, there is
-no better example than this manual, as generated with the files
-\verb|musixdoc.tex| and \verb|musixdoc.sty|. A few further details about such
-nonstandard applications are given in section \ref{excerpts}.
-\section{Primary features of \musixtex}
- \subsection{Music typesetting is two-dimensional} Written music is not
-usually a linear sequence of symbols like a literary text. Rather,
-except for unaccompanied single-note instruments like clarinets,
-trumpets and human voices, it has the form of a two-dimensional matrix.
- Thus, a logical way of coding music consists
-in horizontally accumulating a set of \ital{vertical combs} with
-\ital{horizontal teeth} as depicted in Table~\ref{readtable}.
-\def\hboxit#1{\boxit{\rlap{#1}\hphantom{note sequence three}}}
- \begin{table}
- \begin{center}
- \small
- %avre
- \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|}\hboxit{note sequence one}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ four}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ seven}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ ten}\\\hboxit{note sequence two}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ five}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ eight}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ eleven}\\\hboxit{note sequence three}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ six}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ nine}
- &\hboxit{note seq.\ twelve}\\
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \caption{A logical way of coding music}\label{readtable}
- \end{table}
-Accordingly, in \musixtex\ the fundamental macro used to represent
-one of those vertical combs (or one of the columns in Table~\ref{readtable})
-is of the form
-\verb|\notes ... & ... & ... \enotes|\footnote{The abbreviation
-\keyindex{en} can be used in place of \keyindex{enotes}.}
-\noindent where the character \verb|&| is used to separate the notes to be
-typeset on respective staves of the various instruments, starting from the
-In the case of an instrument whose score has to be written with
-several staves, they are separated by the
-character \|\index{\tt\char'174@{\tt\char'174}}.
-Thus, a score written for a keyboard instrument and
-a single-line instrument (e.g., piano and violin)
-will be coded as follows:
-\verb=\notes ... | ... & ...\enotes=
-\noindent for each column of simultaneous \ital{groups of notes}.
-Each of those groups, represented by a single box in Table~\ref{readtable}\
-and by a sequence of three dots in the the two example macros above, may contain
-not only chord notes to be played simultaneously, but short sequences of
-notes or chords. As we'll soon see, this implies the need for two fundamentally different
-kinds of elemental macros in \musixtex, those that are automatically followed
-by some amount of space (called \ital{spacing macros}, and those that are not.
-The former type, for example,
-would be used to represent all the notes and rests in a single-line score.
-The latter would be used for example for chord notes and ornaments.
-\subsection{Horizontal spacing}
-Deciding upon the proper horizontal spacing of notes is a very complicated matter
-that we will not address in any detail here. Obviously short-duration notes
-should be closer together than longer ones. Almost as obviously, the spacing
-cannot be linearly proportional to the duration; otherwise for example a whole
-note would occupy 32 times as much horizontal space as a thirty-second note. And
-in polyphonic scores the spacing in one staff is often influenced by the notes
-in another. This is a decision that the typesetter or preprocessor
-must make. Once the decision is made, \musixtex\ can provide the desired spacing.
-The main mechanism is through a set of macros described in
-section~\ref{newspacings}. At this point we shall only mention that to control
-spacing, one of those
-macros will be selected to replace the symbol \verb|\notes| in the two examples
-above, and it will imply that whenever a spacing macro in encountered within
-a group of notes, a
-certain specific amount of horizontal space will be inserted.
- \subsection{Music tokens}
-The tokens provided by \musixtex\ include
- \item note symbols without stems;
- \item note symbols with stems, and flags for eighth notes and
- \item beam beginnings and endings;
- \item beginnings and endings of ties and slurs;
- \item accidentals;
- \item ornaments: arpeggios, trills, mordents, turns, staccatos,
-pizzicatos, fermatas, etc.;
- \item bar lines;
- \item meters, key signatures, clefs.
- Thus for example, \verb|\wh a| produces a whole note at nominal frequency 222.5~Hz,
-\verb|\wh h| produces one an octave higher, \verb|\qu c|
-produces an up-stemmed quarter note C (250~Hz), and \verb|\cl J| produces a down-stemmed C
-eighth note an octave lower.
- To generate chords with solid note heads, the macro \keyindex{zq}
-can be used. It produces a solid note head at the specified pitch,
-the vertical position of which
-is memorized and recalled whenever the next stemmed note (possibly with a flag) is
-coded. The stem length is automatically adjusted to link all simultaneous notes. Thus, the
-C-major chord
-\startextract\NOtes\zq{ceg}\qu j\en\zendextract
- \noindent is coded \verb|\zq c\zq e\zq g\qu j| or more concisely,
-\verb|\zq{ceg}\qu j|. Here the \verb|u| in the spacing note macro
-\verb|\qu| is what causes the upstem.
- \subsection{Beams}
-Each beam \index{beams} is generated by a pair of macros. The first defines
-the beginning horizontal position (implicitly the current position), altitude,
-direction (upper or lower), multiplicity (number of lateral bars), slope and
-reference number. This latter feature is needed so independent beams
-can overlap. The second macro of the pair specifies the termination
-location (again implicitly) and the reference number.
- \subsection{Setting anything on the score}
-A general macro (\keyindex{zcharnote}) provides a means of
-putting any sequence of symbols (possibly contained in an \verb|\hbox{...}|) at any
-pitch of any staff of any instrument. This allows any symbol defined in a font
-(letters, math symbols, etc.) to be placed in the score at a position keyed
-to the music both in time (horizontally) and pitch (vertically) on the staff,
-\section{A simple example}
- Before going into more detail, we give below an example of the two first
-bars of the sonata in C-major KV545 by {\sc Mozart}\index{Mozart, W.A.@{\sc
-Mozart, W.A.}}:
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\ql l\sk\ql n\en
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{dgf}|\qlp i\en
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
- The coding is as follows:
-\instrumentnumber{1} % a single instrument
-\setname1{Piano} % whose name is Piano
-\setstaffs1{2} % with two staffs
-\generalmeter{\meterfrac44}% 4/4 meter chosen
-\startextract % starting real score
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\ql l\sk\ql n\en
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{dgf}|\qlp i\en
-\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
-\zendextract % terminate excerpt
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
- \item \verb|\ibu0f0| begins an upper beam, aligned on the
-\ital{f}, reference number 0, slope 0
- \item \verb|\tbu0| terminates this beam before writing
-the second \ital{g} by means of \verb|\qb0g|
- \item \verb|\qb..| indicates a note belonging to a beam.
- \item \verb|\sk| sets a space between the two quarters in the right
-hand, so that the second one is aligned with the third eighth in the left hand.
- \item\verb|\qlp| is a dotted quarter note.
- \item\verb|\ibbl1j3| begins a double beam, aligned on the \ital{C}
-(\verb|j| at this pitch) with slope 15\%.
-\section{The three pass system}\label{threepass}
-\TeX's line-breaking procedure implicitly assumes
-that a normal line of text will contain many words, so that inter-word
-glue need not stretch or shrink too much to justify the line.
-One might at first consider extending this to music, treating each bar like a
-word with no stretchable internal space. But typically this would lead to unsightly
-gaps before each bar rule, simply because the number of bars per line
-is normally many fewer than the number of words in a line of text.
-\musixtex\ needs a more sophisticated horizontal spacing algorithm
-than is used in \TeX.
-To understand how \musixtex\ solves this problem, we have to
-recognize two different kinds of horizontal space, \ital{hard}\ and
-\ital{scalable}. Hard space is fixed and always represents the same
-physical distance.
-Examples of hard space are the widths of bar rules, clefs,
-and key signatures. Scalable space can be stretched as needed. It
-is what is normally used for the space after notes or rests. At the
-outset it is only defined in a relative sense. In other words,
-scalable spaces are defined as multiples of \verb|\elemskip|, an
-initially undefined elemental spacing unit. For example, in \textbf{PMX}\
-all sixteenth notes
-are typically assigned a scalable width of 1.41\verb|\elemskip|.
-One main job of \musixtex\ is to compute the physical value of
-\verb|\elemskip|, often expressed in points (72nds of an inch).
-The correct value is that which makes all the scalable space on
-a line just fill up what's not occupied by hard space. Obviously
-it may vary from line to line.
-To this end a three pass system was developed. To start the
-first pass on the file \verb|jobname.tex|, you would enter\footnote{
-In many cases it will suffice to run {\tt tex}, but with \musixtex~1.15,
-it is possible to create a file requiring the enhanced capacity of
-{\tt etex}. Since {\tt etex} can handle any file {\tt tex} can, it's best
-always to use {\tt etex}.}
-\verb|etex jobname|.
-Information about each bar is written to
-an external file named \verb|jobname.mx1|.
-This file begins with a header containing parameters
-such as line width and paragraph indentation. Then the hard and
-scalable space is listed for each bar.
-\index{scalable width}\index{hard width}
-The second pass, which is started with \verb|musixflx jobname|,
-determines optimal values of the elemental spacing unit \verb|\elemskip|
-for each line, so as to properly fill each line, and to spread
-the piece nicely over an integral number of full lines. This routine was written
-in FORTRAN and now converted to C rather than \TeX, the main reason
-being the lack of an array handling capability in \TeX.
-\verb|musixflx| reads in the file \verb|jobname.mx1|, and writes its
-output to \verb|jobname.mx2|. The latter file contains a single entry for
-each line of music in the reformatted output. The key piece of information
-is the revised value of \keyindex{elemskip} for each line.
-Next, the file is \TeX-ed again, by entering \verb|etex jobname|. On this third pass,
-the \verb|jobname.mx2| file is read in, and the information
-is used to physically define the final score and embed the
-page descriptions into a \verb|dvi|\ file.
-You may wonder how the same command can
-cause something different to happen the second time it is issued. The explanation
-is that \musixtex\ checks for the presence of \verb|jobname.mx2|. If it's
-not present, the first pass is executed; if it is, the third pass. Obviously if
-you've made some corrections that affect any horizontal spacing, you must remember
-to delete the old \verb|jobname.mx2| and then rerun all three passes, or
-build or use a batch script that does so.
-Here's an example. Here, no value for \verb|\elemskip| is explicitly specified,
-so \musixtex\ assign a single, default value. After the first pass you might get
-the following output:
-\parindent 0pt
-\Notes\ds\cu g\enotes
-\raggedstoppiece\contpiece% this is cheated, the problem was to get
-% pass 1 and pass 3 at the same time
-\Notes\ttie0\Qqbu ed{_d}c\enotes
-\Notes\Dqbu cf\enotes
-\NOtes\uptext{\it tr}\qu e\uptext{\it tr}\qu d\enotes
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\enotes
-\noindent Note that the space after every quarter note is the same, and
-that lines are not justified.
-After running \verb|musixflx| and \TeX-ing the second time you'll
-\parindent 0pt
-\Notes\ds\cu g\enotes
-\Notes\ttie0\Qqbu ed{_d}c\enotes
-\Notes\Dqbu cf\enotes
-\NOtes\uptext{\it tr}\qu e\uptext{\it tr}\qu d\enotes
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\enotes
-\noindent Now \musixtex\ has determined a number of lines
-(which is different from the original number), the lines are justified,
-and if you look carefully you
-can see that the space after quarters in the first line
-is smaller than in the second. This example was coded as:
-\parindent 0pt
-\Notes\ds\cu g\en\bar
-\Notes\ttie0\Qqbu ed{_d}c\en\bar
-\Notes\Dqbu cf\en\bar
-\NOtes\uptext{\it tr}\qu e\uptext{\it tr}\qu d\en\bar
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\en\Endpiece
-One benefit of the 3-pass system is the quick and easy
-alteration to the layout which can be achieved
-by changing only one parameter, namely \keyindex{mulooseness}. This value
-acts analogously to \TeX's \verb|\looseness| command. For non-\TeX-perts: if you
-state \verb|\looseness=-1| somewhere inside any paragraph, then
-\TeX\ will try to make the paragraph one line shorter than it normally would.
-With \verb|\mulooseness|, \musixtex\ does the same, but for \ital{systems}
-and \ital{sections} rather than lines and paragraphs. A system is just a group of
-staves treated as a unit, and in this discussion is analogous to a line of text.
-What is a \ital{section}? It's any chunk of coding not containing a
-forced system break, System breaks can be forced with
-\keyindex{stoppiece}, \keyindex{endpiece}, \keyindex{zstoppiece},
-\keyindex{Stoppiece}, \keyindex{Endpiece}, \keyindex{alaligne}
-\keyindex{zalaligne}, \keyindex{alapage} or \keyindex{zalapage}. If none
-of these is present, the section comprises the whole piece.
-Somewhere\footnote{Advisably, at the beginning or
-at the end of the section, for the sake of clarity.}
-before the end of the section, you can change the value of
-\keyindex{mulooseness} to something different from the default of 0, and
-\musixtex\ will typeset that section with a different number of systems.
-To give an easy example, changing the last line in the previous example to:
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\en\mulooseness=1\Endpiece
-\parindent 0pt
-\Notes\ds\cu g\enotes
-\Notes\ttie0\Qqbu ed{_d}c\enotes
-\Notes\Dqbu cf\enotes
-\NOtes\uptext{\it tr}\qu e\uptext{\it tr}\qu d\enotes
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\enotes
-\noindent On the other hand,
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\en\mulooseness=-1\Endpiece
-\parindent 0pt
-\Notes\ds\cu g\enotes
-\Notes\ttie0\Qqbu ed{_d}c\enotes
-\Notes\Dqbu cf\enotes
-\NOtes\uptext{\it tr}\qu e\uptext{\it tr}\qu d\enotes
-\NOtes\qu c\qp\enotes
-\noindent which is tighter than you would ever want, but serves to further
-demonstrate the use of \keyindex{mulooseness}.
-If you want to build up a \musixtex\ input file
-manually (which in fact very few users will ever need to do, considering the
-availability of \textbf{PMX}), here is a roadmap for one way to proceed:
- \item Enter the data one \verb|\notes| group at a time, taking care to select the
-relative horizontal spacing for each group (via the macros discussed in section~\ref{newspacings})
-so as to maintain a consistent relationship between scalable space and note durations.
-This will be discussed in a great deal more detail in Chapter 2.
- \item \TeX~$\Longrightarrow$ {\tt musixflx} $\Longrightarrow$ \TeX.
- \item Look at the output and decide if you want to have more or fewer
-systems, e.g.~to fill the page or to get an even number of
-pages.\index{musixflx@{\tt musixflx}}
- \item If you want to change the number of systems in a section, adjust
-\keyindex{mulooseness} accordingly. Keep in mind that each section cannot have fewer
-systems than bars.
-\item Delete \verb|jobname.mx2| and repeat the process\\
-\TeX~$\Longrightarrow$ \verb|musixflx| $\Longrightarrow$ \TeX.
-There is an alternate way to proceed if you know at the outset
-how many systems
-you want in a section. You can specify it directly by assigning a
-positive number to \keyindex{linegoal} somewhere within the
-section (\verb|\linegoal| requires
-version 0.83 or later of \verb|musixflx|).
-\keyindex{mulooseness} must be zero
-for \keyindex{linegoal} to work. Both are automatically reset to
-zero after processing the end of a section e.g. as defined by
-Finally, for large scores (more than 4 pages or so), having
-only one section and an overall value of \verb|\mulooseness| becomes
-impractical since one wants not only to have nicely spaced systems, but also
-completely filled pages without empty top and
-bottom margins on the last page. It is then wise to force the total number of
-pages and possibly the line breaks in each page, which can be done using
-\keyindex{alapage} and/or \keyindex{alaligne}\footnote{This is the technique
-always used by \textbf{PMX} in constructing a \musixtex\ input file.}.
-%, or more automatically by
-%means of the \keyindex{autolines} command borrowed from \musictex\ and
-%implemented in the additional {\ttxem{musixcpt.tex}} file
-There is another advantage to \musixtex's way of using scalable space and
-the three pass system. In
-\TeX nical terms it eliminates the need for \ital{glue}, and enables
-every horizontal position in a line to be computed. This in turn enables certain
-variable length symbols such as slurs to be specified by macros entered at
-their beginning and ending points, rather than having to estimate the
-length of the symbol and enter it at the starting point.
- \subsection{External executable \texttt{musixflx}}
-One issue that compromises portability between computers is the
-need for the executable {\tt musixflx}\index{musixflx@{\tt
-To address this, the C source and compiled versions for various OS's are included in
-\verb|| and are available from the
-\href{}{\underline{Werner Icking Music Archive}}.
-On most computers, the executable is invoked by typing the name of the program
-and the name of the file to be acted upon. \ital{i.e.}
-\verb|musixflx jobname.mx1|
-Optionally, you can add a letter to indicate one of the debug modes, which are:
-\verb|d | for debug information to screen\\
-\verb|f | for debug information to file \verb|jobname.mxl|\\
-\verb|s | to get the computed lines immediately on screen
-To allow for ease of use with a batch file, \verb|musixflx| can either be fed
-with \verb|jobname.mx1|, \verb|jobname.tex| or only
-\verb|jobname|, any one of which will open \verb|jobname.mx1|.
- \subsection{Unrecorded spaces: the novice's bugaboo}
-Because of the way \musixtex\ accounts for hard and scalable space and avoids
-using glue, it is absolutely essential that every horizontal space be
-properly entered into the input file. The most common error in this regard
-is including a blank space in the midst \ital{or at the end} of an input line.
-Such a blank space, or for that matter any stray character not entered with
-an appropriate \musixtex\ macro, will not be properly
-recognized and recorded by \musixtex, but it will still be treated like
-ordinary text by \TeX. The symptoms of such a transgression will be an
-{\bf Overfull hbox} warning during the third pass, and the appearance of
-either excessive blank horizontal space or thick black vertical lines in
-the page image.
-\centerline{\boxit{Considerable discipline is needed to avoid this problem!}}
-The best technique for avoiding such unpleasantness is to avoid entering
-any nonessential blanks within input lines, and to end every
-input line with either \verb|%|\index{%@{\tt\char37}} or
-\keyindex{relax}, unless it already ends with a control sequence
-ending in a letter.
-There are other ways to enter unrecorded space which should be
-avoided. Between \verb|\startpiece| and \verb|\stoppiece| or
-\verb|\endpiece|, never use \verb|\hskip| or \verb|\kern| except
-within \ital{zero}-boxes like \verb|\rlap|, \verb|\llap|,
-\verb|\zcharnote|, \verb|\uptext|, etc., and never assign hard
-values to scalable dimensions like \verb|\noteskip|,
-\verb|\elemskip|, \verb|\afterruleskip| and \verb|\beforeruleskip|
-\footnote{Note that {\Bslash hardspace} does not fall in this
-category; it is specifically designed to enter hard space in a way
-the \musixtex\ can properly record it}.
-Here is a checklist of tips related to spacing issues. Because the
-foregoing several paragraphs are so important, some of their content
-is repeated in the list.
- \item
-Between \verb|\startpiece| and \verb|\stoppiece| or \verb|\endpiece|,
-end every input line with a either \verb|%| or a command with no arguments
-(including \verb|\relax|).
- \item \verb|\off| must only be used with scalable values, e.g.
-\verb|\noteskip|, \verb|\elemskip|, \verb|\afterruleskip|, and
- \verb|\beforeruleskip|.
- \item Remember that \verb|\qsk| and \verb|\hqsk| are scalable, i.e. \verb|\qsk|
- doesn't necessarily mean exactly one note head width (it depends on \verb|\elemskip|).
- \item Lyrics and any other non-\musixtex\ text must be put in zero boxes
-such as
- \verb|\zcharnote|, \verb|\zchar|, \verb|\rlap|, \verb|\lrlap|, \verb|\llap|,
-\verb|\uptext|, or \verb|\zsong|. Additional specific capabilities for entering
-lyrics are provided by
- \verb|\hardlyrics|, \verb|\hsong|, and---most significantly---the
-text-emplacement macros defined in \verb|musixlyr.tex| (see \ref{lyrics},
- \item
-Between \verb|\startpiece| and \verb|\stoppiece| or \verb|\endpiece|,
-don't assign hard values to \verb|\noteskip|, \verb|\beforeruleskip|,
-or \verb|\afterruleskip|.
-\section{Further highlights}
- %\check
- \subsection{Key signatures}
-A single key signature can be assigned~to~all~instruments,~for~example~by
-which sets two flats on each staff. \keyindex{generalsignature}
-can be overridden for selected instruments, for example by
-\keyindex{setsign}\verb|2{1}| which puts one sharp on each staff
-of instrument number 2. Of course, the current signature as well
-as meters and clefs may change at any time.\end{sloppypar}
-With some extra attention, a score can be input in such a way that it is
-fairly easily transposed. There is an internal register
-called \keyindex{transpose}, the default value of which is zero, but which may be
-set to any reasonable positive or negative value. It defines a number of pitch
-steps (lines or spaces on a staff) by which all pitched symbols with be offset, provided
-they have been entered with letter values to represent their pitch.
-it will neither change the local accidentals nor the key signature.
-example, suppose a piece were originally input in F major, and it contained a
-B natural, and you wanted to transpose it to G. If you simply set
-\verb|\transpose| to 1 with no other special considerations, then
-the key signature would not change, and
-the B natural would appear as a C natural, whereas it should be a C sharp.
-So first you must explicitly change the key signature. Then, to
-solve the problem with accidentals, you should declare
-\verb|\relativeaccid|, which will cause the actual appearance of any
-accidental to depend on the pitch of
-the accidental as well as the current key signature. But the use of this
-facility requires the typesetter to have entered the original set of accidentals
-according to a nonstandard convention wherein an accidental does not
-specifically refer to the black or white keys on a piano, but to the
-amount by which the pitch is altered up or down from what it would naturally
-have been, taking the key signature into account.\index{relative accidentals} This
-is discussed in more detail in section~\ref{transposeaccids}. Now, finally, you
-can enter \verb|\transpose=1| with more or less the desired effect.
-More or less, because there is also an issue with stem
-and beam directions. Normally a typesetter would want full control over them,
-and would exercise that control by entering them with macros that explicitly
-assign the direction. Naturally the assigned directions would persist
-even after changing \verb|\transpose|. With respect to stems of unbeamed notes,
-this matter can also be addressed at
-the input level, by using special macros for notes that leave the
-decision about stem directions up to \musixtex. These macros do the right
-thing in the face of transposition. They are discussed in
-section~\ref{autostemdirections}. Unfortunately there is no corresponding
-such facility for beams, so the typesetter will have to edit the transposed
-score to adjust beam directions as required\footnote{\textbf{PMX}
-will automatically adjust both stem and beam directions when transposing, which
-is yet another reason to use it. However
-if a piece is to be transposed, the typesetter must still explicitly activate relative accidentals
-and enter accidentals according to the relative accidental convention.}.
- %\check
- \subsection{Extracting parts from a score} Another question is:
-\ital{``Can I write a full score and then extract separate scores for
-each individual instrument?''}
-The answer is yes, but only with a great deal of special attention---so much,
-in fact, that we shall strongly recommend that if you want
-to do this, you should use \textbf{PMX}, which makes the process
-very easy. If for some reason you choose to ignore this advice, you may
-refer to the details that were provided in Section 1.4.3 of
-an earlier version of this manual,
-%After assigning symbolic numbers to instruments,
-%there are macros (see \ref{instrum-inhibit}) that permit
-% \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
-% \item choosing which instrument the following source code is attached to,
-% \item choosing which staff of an instrument the following source code is
-%attached to,
-% \item hiding one or several instruments by zeroing out their staff sizes and staff
-% \end{itemize}
- %\check
- \subsection{Staff and note sizes}
- Although the standard staff size is 20pt, \musixtex\ allows scores with
-sizes of 16, 24, or 29pt. Furthermore, any instrument may be assigned its own special staff
-size (usually smaller than the overall staff size), and there are special macros
-(e.g. \verb|\smallnotesize|, \verb|\tinynotesize|) that cause notes, beams, and
-accidentals all to take a different size.
-\subsection{Add-in macro libraries}
-During the early stages of \musixtex's development, common versions of \TeX\ itself were
-very limited in capacity, especially in terms of the numbers of registers that could
-be defined for use in macros. For this historical reason, many important enhancements
-to \musixtex\ are available only via add-in libraries. The user can thus pick and choose
-which to include for any particular compilation. Most of these are included in
-\verb||, and their uses are discussed in this manual. The
-libraries have names like \verb|blabla.tex|, and are activated by including a line
-like \verb|\input blabla|\ within the the input file. The most common such files
-are \ttxem{musixadd.tex} and \ttxem{musixmad.tex} which respectively increase the
-number of instruments from the default 6 to 9 or 12 as well as increasing available numbers
-of other features; \verb|musixps.tex| which enables Type K postscript slurs; and
-\verb|musixlyr.tex| which greatly eases typesetting lyrics. In fact the latter two,
-while now included in \verb||, are not documented in this manual but
-in separate files inside \verb||, namely \verb|musixps.tex| itself and
-\verb|mxlyrdoc.pdf| respectively.
-\section{Where to get the software and help using it}
-The home base for all matters related to \musixtex\ is the
-Werner Icking Music Archive, at
-The most up-to-date versions of \musixtex\ and friends are located in the
-section of the archive. Assuming you already have \TeX\ and only want to install
-\musixtex, the file you need to download will be named
-{\underline{\texttt{}}} . Further details about
-the installation process are given in section \ref{installation}.
-There is a
-\href{}{\underline{mailing list}},
-hosted by TUG, the \TeX\ Users Group, where you will always find
-someone willing to answer questions and help solve problems.
- \section{A very brief history of \musixtex}
-The idea of using \TeX\ to typeset music appears to have originated
-around 1987 with the master's thesis of Andrea
-{\sc Steinbach} and Angelika {\sc Schofer}\footnote{Steinbach A. \& Schofer
-A., \ital{Automatisierter Notensatz mit \TeX}, master's thesis,
-Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universit\"at,
-Bonn, Germany, 1987}. They called their package
-\mutex\index{mutex@\protect\mutex}. It was limited to a single staff.
-It introduced two key concepts: (1) using
-a large number of font characters to construct beams and slurs, and (2) using
-\TeX\ glue to help control horizontal spacing and justification.
-The next major step came around 1991 when Daniel {\sc Taupin} created \musictex.
-Its major enhancement was to allow multiple staves. But this came at a
-price: some flexibility was lost in controlling horizontal spacing and
-a great deal of trial and error became necessary to avoid excessive or
-insufficient gaps before and after bar lines.
-\musictex\ was a single-pass system. To remedy its shortcomings it became clear
-that a multi-pass system would be required. Around 1997 Dr. Taupin along with Ross {\sc Mitchell}
-and Andreas {\sc Egler} created the first version of \musixtex. At last a fully
-automatic procedure was coded so as to provide pleasing horizontal spacing in
-multi-staff scores.
-Significant enhancements to \musixtex, which have already been mentioned, have been provided
-by Stanislav {\sc Kneifl} (Type K postscript slurs) and
-Rainer {\sc Dunker} (Lyrics handling via \verb|musixlyr.tex|).
-Since Dr. Taupin passed away in 2003, \musixtex\ has been maintained by a
-varying cast including Olivier {\sc Vogel}, Hiroaki {\sc Morimoto},
-Bob {\sc Tennent}, Andre {\sc Van Ryckeghem},
-Cornelius {\sc Noack}, and Don {\sc Simons}.
-No discussion of the history of \musixtex\ would be complete without mentioning
-the contributions of Werner {\sc Icking}. From the early days of \mutex\ until
-his untimely death in 2001, he served this line of software as its most prominent
-proponent, beta tester, web site and mailing list editor, consultant,
-problem solver, and inspiration for
-many third-party enhancements including \textbf{PMX}. In fact he founded the
-mailing list and the archive that now is named in his honor. The web site is
-currently edited by Christian {\sc Mondrup}, the software page by Don {\sc Simons},
-and the mailing list by Maurizio {\sc Codogno}.
- %\check
-\chapter{Elements of \musixtex}
-\section{Setting up the input file}
-\subsection{What makes a \TeX\ file a \musixtex\ file?}
-A \musixtex\ input file is a special kind of \TeX\ input file. What makes it
-special is that it must contain the command
-\verb|\input musixtex|
-before any reference to \musixtex\ macros. After that might follow
-\verb|\input musixadd| or \verb|\input musixmad| if you want to have
-respectively up to nine or twelve instruments or simultaneous beams,
-ties, or slurs.\ixtt{musixtex.tex}\ixtt{musixadd.tex}\ixtt{musixmad.tex}
-If you want to have greater numbers of these elements, you can assign them
-directly by including one or more of these commands:
-Since it is still a \TeX\ file, after that, if you wished to,
-you could write a whole non-musical book
-using normal \TeX\ commands provided that you did not
-use \verb|&| as a tab character like in plain \TeX\ (In \TeX\ lingo,
-its \keyindex{catcode} has been changed).
- \subsection{Cautions for the non \TeX pert}
-When \TeX\ reads anything, it inputs one \ital{token} at a time. A token
-may be either a \ital{command} or a character. A command (or \ital{macro},
-or \ital{control sequence}) is a
-\ital{backslash} (``{\Bslash}'') immediately followed by sequence of
-letters with no intervening spaces. For practical purposes, any single symbol (letter, digit,
-special character, or space) that is not part of a command counts as a character
-and therefore as a token.
-Each command expects a specific number of parameters.
-The tokens ``\verb|{|'' and ``\verb|}|'' are very special, in that (1) they
-must occur in matched pairs, and (2) any matched pair together with
-the stuff inside counts as a single parameter.
-If the first
-parameter expected is a single letter, it must either be
-separated from the command by a space or
-enclosed in braces (otherwise it would be interpreted as part of the command).
-For example the command \verb|\ibu| expects three parameters, so the
-following are all OK: \verb|\ibu123|, \verb|\ibu1A3|, \verb|\ibu1{`A}3|,
-\verb|\ibu{1}{2}{3}|, \verb|\ibu1{-2}3|, or \verb|\ibu1{23}4|, but
-\verb|\ibu1234| is not OK; the first three digits are taken as parameters,
-leaving the ``4'' with no purpose other than to cause some of the dreaded
-unrecorded space that we have already mentioned.
-In the rest of this manual, when describing commands we will write
-things like \verb|\qb{|$n$\verb|}{|$p$\verb|}|. It should be understood that
-when $n$ and $p$ are replaced by their literal values, the braces may
-or may not be necessary. In particular, if both are single digits, no
-braces are needed; but if $n$ has two digits, or if $p$ has more than
-one character, they must be surrounded by braces.
-Spaces (blank characters) in the input file must be handled very carefully.
-They are ignored at the beginning of a line, enabling logical
-indentation schemes to help make the file human-readable. There are also a few
-other places within lines where blank spaces are OK (such as mentioned in the prior paragraph),
-but in general is it safest to avoid
-any unnecessary blanks between the beginning and end of an input line.
-At the end of a line, the truth is that a command with no parameters, such as
-\verb|\bar| or \verb|\enotes| will cause no trouble. However if a command with
-one or more parameters is the last item in an input line, it will cause
-unrecorded space. The way around this is to end the line with either ``\verb|%|''
-or \verb|\relax|.
- \subsection{Usual setup commands}\label{whatspecify}
- The first decision is what size type to use. \musixtex\ offers four sizes:
-``small'' (16-pt-high staves), ``normal'' (20pt),\index{sizes} ``large''
-(24pt), and ``Large'' (29pt). The default is
-\keyindex{normalmusicsize}. If you want a different size, then you have to
-enter \keyindex{smallmusicsize}, \keyindex{largemusicsize}, or
-\keyindex{Largemusicsize}. Each of these commands defines not only the
-desired staff size but many other related sizes such as note heads, ornaments,
-stem lengths, etc.
- The command \keyindex{instrumentnumber}\onen~defines the
-number of instruments to be $n$. If not entered, the default is 1. This number is used in loops
-that build staves,
-set key signatures, set meters, etc., so if it differs from 1 it must be explicitly
-defined before any further commands.
-An instrument may have one or more staves (e.g.~a piano would normally have 2 staves).
-The differences between one
-instrument of several staves and several instruments with one staff each are as follows:
- \item Different instruments may have different \itxem{key signatures}, while different
-staves of an instrument will all have the same key signature.
- \item A \itxem{beam} may include notes in different
-staves of the same instrument.
- \item A \itxem{chord} may extend across several staves of the same
- \item If an instrument has more than one staff, they will be linked together
-with a big, curly brace at the beginning of each line.
-The default number of staves per instrument is 1. If it is different, then it
-must be specified by \keyindex{setstaffs}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}{|$p$\verb|}|
-where $p$ is the number of staves and $n$ is the
-number of the instrument. In \musixtex, instruments are numbered
-\ital{starting with the lowest}.
-So for example \verb|setstaffs32|
-assigns two staves to the third instrument from the bottom.
- The default clef for every staff is the \ital{treble} clef. To assign
-any other clef, the command is
-where $n$ is the number of the instrument, $s_1$ is a digit specifying the
-clef for the first (lowest) staff, $s_2$ for the second staff, and so forth.
-Note that like
-instruments, staves of a given instrument are numbered starting with
-the lowest. The parameters $s_2$, $s_3$ and $s_4$ can be omitted, in which case
-any unspecified staves will be assigned a treble clef.
-The digits $s$ can range from 0 to 9, with the following meanings:
-$s=0$ signifies treble or G clef.
-$s=1$ to $4$ mean C-clef, respectively on the first (lowest) through fourth staff line.
-$1$ is also called \ital{soprano}, $3$ \ital{alto} and $4$ \ital{tenor}.
-$s=5$ to $s=7$ mean F-clef, respectively on the third through fifth staff line. $5$ is
-also called \ital{baritone} and $6$ is the normal \ital{bass}.
- $s=8$ is not used.
-$s=9$ represents a G clef on the first line, also called \ital{French violin} clef.
-The three tokens \verb|\treble|, \verb|\alto|, and \verb|\bass| can be used instead
-of a digit for $s$, but only if there would have been but one digit in the string.
-So for example the clefs for a standard piano score
-could be specified by
-Treble and bass clefs with the digit 8 above or below are also possible; see
-To set a common key signature for all instruments, use
- \keyindex{generalsignature}\verb|{|$s$\verb|}|,
-where $s>0$ is the number of \itxem{sharps} in the
-signature and $s<0$ the number of \itxem{flats}\footnote{We once saw a
-score in G-minor where the signature consisted of two flats (B and E) plus
-one sharp (F). This is not directly supported by \musixtex.}. To override
-the common key signature for instrument $n$, use
-\keyindex{setsign}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}{|$s$\verb|}|. Note that differing
-key signatures cannot be assigned to different staves of the same instrument.
-A common \itxem{meter} for all staves can be specified by
- \keyindex{generalmeter}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}|,\label{generalmeter}
-where $m$ describes the appearance of the meter indication, and can take several
-different forms. If the meter is a \ital{fraction} (e.g.~3/4) the command is
- \verb|\generalmeter{|\keyindex{meterfrac}\verb|{3}{4}}|.
-Other possible tokens~$m$ are \keyindex{meterC},
-\keyindex{allabreve}, \keyindex{reverseC}, \keyindex{reverseallabreve} and
-\keyindex{meterplus}. These are illustrated in the following example:
- %\check
-\NOTEs\zbreve g\enotes
-\NOTEs\zwq g\enotes
-\Notes\Tqbu ceg\Dqbl jg\Tqbu gec\enotes\setemptybar
-\noindent which was coded as:
-\NOTEs\zbreve g\enotes
-\NOTEs\zwq g\enotes
-\Notes\Tqbu ceg\Dqbl jg\Tqbu gec\enotes\setemptybar
-To override the common meter for any staff, use
-This works just like \verb|\setclef|. For example,
-sets the meter to 12/8 for the first staff of the third instrument, and
-\ital{alla breve} for the second staff.
-To insert extra space before the meter is
-written, use \keyindex{meterskip}$d$ where $d$ is any hard \TeX\
-%dimension\footnote{{\Bslash\tt meterskip} is not a macro but a
-dimension\footnote{{\tt\Bslash meterskip} is not a macro but a
-dimension register. Whatever follows it
-must be a \TeX\ dimension and {\it it must not be enclosed in braces}.}.
-The assignment must occur outside \verb|\startpiece...\endpiece| and will be
-reset to zero after first meter is posted.
-To set an \itxem{instrument name}, use
-\keyindex{setname}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}{|\ital{name of the instrument}\verb|}|.
-This will place the name in the space to the left of the
-first staff or group of staves for instrument $n$. To specify the amount of space
-available, use \verb|\parindent|$d$ where $d$ is any hard \TeX\ dimension.
- \subsection{Groupings of instruments}\label{curlybrackets}
-By default, all staves in a system will be joined
-at the left by a thin, vertical rule. In addition, if an instrument has more than
-one staff, they will be joined by a big, curly brace. Now we introduce a way
-to delineate groups of instruments or choirs with a square brace containing two parallel
-vertical rules, the left one thick and the right one thin. This is commonly used
-to group together the voices in a choir.
-If there is only one choir, this can be done with
- \begin{quote}
-\noindent where $m$ and $n$ are the instrument numbers of the first
-and last voices. An example is shown in section~\ref{song}.
-If there is more than one choir to be set off with
-square braces, each one can be specified with
- \begin{quote}
-\noindent where $m$ and $n$ are the instrument numbers of the first
-and last voices of group number $g$. \musixtex{} allows up to three
-groups, numbered from 1 to 3. The command \verb|\songtop| is equivalent
-to \verb|\grouptop 1|; \verb|\songbottom| is equivalent to
-\verb|\groupbottom 1|.
-With \ttxem{musixadd.tex} or \ttxem{musixmad.tex}, the allowable number of
-groups is increased to four.
-Alternatively, you can specify the allowable number of groups to $m$ by
-\footnote{Using $m>4$ may require e-\TeX.}.
-If any of the instruments grouped this way has more than one staff, the
-heavy curly brace will be shifted to the left of the square brace.
-Previously defined square braces can be removed by declaring
-\verb|\songtop| less than \verb|\songbottom|. The same applies to
-\verb|\grouptop| and \verb|\groupbottom| for the same group number.
- An alternate command allows you to specify all choirs at once:
- \keyindex{akkoladen}\verb|{{|{\it lower\_1\/}\verb|}{|{\it upper\_1\/}%
- \verb|}{|{\it lower\_2\/}\verb|}{|{\it upper\_2\/}\verb|}{|%
- {\it lower\_3\/}\verb|}{|{\it upper\_3\/}\verb|}}|
-\noindent where {\it lower\_n\/} and {\it upper\_n\/} are instrument
-numbers that denote the span of bracket number $n$. For
-setting fewer than three brackets, just omit all unneeded
-\verb|{|{\it lower\_n\/}\verb|}{|{\it upper\_n\/}\verb|}|~pairs.
-For example,
- \verb|\instrumentnumber{5}\akkoladen{{1}{2}{3}{5}}|
-\noindent yields the first example below, with five single-staff instruments
-divided into two groups.
-The second example has 2 instruments, the first (lower) with two staves and the
-second with three. Each instrument is set off by default with a curly bracket.
-If for some reason you want more than one \ital{instrument}\ grouped
-within a curly
-bracket, then you can use the extension file
-by Mthimkhulu {\sc Molekwa} to the mutex list}, which defines the command
- \keyindex{curlybrackets}\verb|{{|{\it lower\_1\/}\verb|}{|{\it upper\_1\/}%
- \verb|}{|{\it lower\_2\/}\verb|}{|{\it upper\_2\/}\verb|}...|
-\noindent to be used as illustrated in the third example below.\\
- % just to avoid wasting space ...
- \sepbarrules
- \smallmusicsize
- \instrumentnumber{5} \akkoladen{{1}{2}{3}{5}}
- \startextract\notes\en\bar\notes\en\zendextract
-\begin{quote}is coded as:
- \sepbarrules
- \smallmusicsize
- \setsize1\smallvalue
- \setsize2\smallvalue
- \setsize3\smallvalue
- \setsize4\smallvalue
- \setsize5\smallvalue
- \instrumentnumber{5}
- \akkoladen{{1}{2}{3}{5}}
- \startextract
- \notes\en\bar\notes\en
- \zendextract
- \sepbarrules
- \smallmusicsize
- \instrumentnumber2 \setstaffs12\setstaffs23
- \startextract \notes\en\bar\notes\en\zendextract
-\begin{quote}is coded as:
- \sepbarrules
- \smallmusicsize
- \setsize1\smallvalue
- \setsize2\smallvalue
- \instrumentnumber2
- \setstaffs12
- \setstaffs23
- \startextract
- \notes\en\bar\notes\en
- \zendextract
- \input curly
- \sepbarrules
- \smallmusicsize
- \setsize1\smallvalue\setsize2\smallvalue
- \smallmusicsize
- \setsize3\smallvalue\setsize4\smallvalue\setsize5\smallvalue
- \instrumentnumber5 %\setstaffs12\setstaffs23
- \curlybrackets{1235}
- \startextract \notes\en\bar\notes\en\zendextract
-\begin{quote}is coded as:
- \input curly
- \sepbarrules
- \instrumentnumber5
- \smallmusicsize
- \setsize1\smallvalue
- \setsize2\smallvalue
- \setsize3\smallvalue
- \setsize4\smallvalue
- \setsize5\smallvalue
- \curlybrackets{1235}
- \startextract
- \notes\en\bar\notes\en
- \zendextract
-\section{Preparing to enter notes}
- \subsection{After the setup, what next?}
-The command \keyindex{startmuflex} initiates the serious business of
-\musixtex. On the first \TeX\ pass it
-opens \ital{jobname}{\tt .mx1} for writing bar-by-bar tabulations of all
-hard and scalable space to be fed to \verb|musixflx| on the second pass.
-\verb|musixflx| generates \ital{jobname}{\tt .mx2} which defines the
-number of bars in each system and the factors relating scalable space
-to hard space in each system. On the third pass both files will be opened
-and read to define the final spacing. These files should be closed before
-leaving \TeX, preferably before
-\keyindex{bye} or \keyindex{end}, with \keyindex{endmuflex}. Normally \TeX\
-closes all open files on its own when terminating the program, but it is still
-cleaner to do this explicitly.
-After \verb|\startmuflex|, the command \keyindex{startpiece} will initiate
-the first system, containing all instruments you have previously defined.
-The indentation will be \keyindex{parindent}, so if you want nonzero
-indentation, this register should be set to the desired hard dimension
-before issuing \verb|\startpiece|.
- \subsection{Horizontal spacing commands}\label{newspacings}
-\subsubsection{Basic note spacing}
-\musixtex\ provides a set of macros each of which defines a particular
-increment of scalable spacing. The default set is tabulated below:
-\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}% I hate LaTeX
-\multicolumn{2}{c}{suggested use for}\\\hline
-\keyindex{znotes}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&(non spacing)
- &&specials\\
-\keyindex{notes}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=2=\keyindex{elemskip}
- &\ccu1&16th\\
-\keyindex{notesp}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=2.5\elemskip=
- &\pt1\ccu1&dotted 16th, 8th triplet\\
-\keyindex{Notes}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=3\elemskip=
- &\cu1&8th\\
-\keyindex{Notesp}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=3.5\elemskip=
- &\cup1&dotted 8th, quarter triplet\\
-\keyindex{NOtes}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=4\elemskip=
- &\qu1&quarter\\
-\keyindex{NOtesp}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=4.5\elemskip=
- &\qup1&dotted quarter, half triplet\\
-\keyindex{NOTes}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=5\elemskip=
- &\hu1&half\\
-\keyindex{NOTesp}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=5.5\elemskip=
- &\hup1&dotted half\\
-\keyindex{NOTEs}\verb| ... & ... & ... \enotes|&\verb=6\elemskip=
- &\wh1&whole\\\hline
-\noindent What each of these macros actually does is to set an
-internal dimension register \keyindex{noteskip} to the given multiple
-of the fundamental spacing unit \keyindex{elemskip}
-(which has dimensions of length, usually given in points).
-Normally, every \itxem{spacing note} (e.g.,
-\keyindex{qb}, \keyindex{hl}) will then be followed by a spacing of
-width \keyindex{noteskip}. By selecting a particular note spacing macro
-from the above table, the typesetter can thus control the relative spacing
-between notes.
-The actual spacing will therefore be determined by the value of
-\verb|\elemskip|. On the first pass, \TeX\ will set a default value for
-\verb|\elemskip| based on the declared music size, or the user can
-set it to any hard dimension he chooses. However, the value on the
-first pass doesn't matter as much as you might think (more about that later).
-On the second pass,
-\verb|musixflx| determines where the system breaks will come,
-and then computes the final value of \verb|\elemskip| for each system.
-If the arthmetic progression of note spacings in the above table does not
-meet your wishes, you may activate an alternate set with
-the command \keyindex{geometricskipscale}. As implied by the name, this
-is a geometric progression, where {\Bslash Notes} is
-$\sqrt{2}$ times wider than {\Bslash notes}, {\Bslash NOtes} is $\sqrt{2}$
-times wider than {\Bslash Notes}, and so forth.
-Then the factors in the middle column
-of the above table will be replaced by the sequence
-2.00, 2.38, 2.83, 3.36, 4.00, 4.76, 5.66, 6.72, and 8.00. Two additional
-macros, \verb|\NOTEsp| and \verb|\NOTES|, will be defined corresponding to
-factors 9.52 and 11.32. The original arithmetic progression can be
-restored by \keyindex{arithmeticskipscale}.
-If neither of the predefined progressions satisfies you, you may define
-your own, using the more general macro \verb|\vnotes| in the same manner
-that \musixtex\ uses it for the predefined progressions. So for example
-\verb|\def\NOtes{\vnotes5.34\elemskip}| will redefine \verb|\NOtes| in
-the obvious way, and the extension to the other spacing macros should
-likewise be obvious.
-In addition, inside any pair \verb|\notes...\enotes| there are two
-equivalent ways to
-locally redefine \verb|\noteskip| to another scalable value, namely by
-issuing a command like
-\verb|\noteskip=2.4\noteskip| or \keyindex{multnoteskip}\verb|{2.4}|, which
-have the expected effect until the notes group is terminated or
-\verb|\noteskip| is further redefined.
-Finally, by issuing a command like
-\keyindex{scale}\verb|{2.4}| outside any notes group, you can scale all subsequent
-\verb|\noteskip|s by any desired factor.
-These facilities may be useful, for example,
-to control spacing when there are three equal duration notes in one staff against two
- in another.
-%\subsubsection{\Bslash{\tt elemskip}, \Bslash{\tt beforeruleskip} and
-%\Bslash{\tt afterruleskip}}
-% avr wants to call these "commands", but das doesn't.
-%\subsubsection{Commands {\Bslash\texttt{elemskip}},
-%and {\Bslash\texttt{afterruleskip}}}
-and {\Bslash\texttt{afterruleskip}}}
-We've just seen how \verb|\elemskip| is used to scale the spacings between notes.
-There are two other spacing units that share some behavior with \verb|\elemskip|.
-\verb|\beforeruleskip| is the horizontal space that is automatically inserted
-\ital{before} every bar line, while \verb|\afterruleskip| goes \ital{after}
-every bar line. (In
-practice \verb|\beforeruleskip| is almost aways set to \verb|0pt| because there
-will typically already be a space of \verb|1\noteskip| before every barline.)
-On the first pass, just as with \verb|\elemskip|, \musixtex\ assigns them default
-values according to the following table:
-% &\keyindex{beforeruleskip}\\\hline
- &\keyindex{beforeruleskip}\\\hline
-\noindent In the second pass, \verb|musixflx| assigns new values to each
-of these dimensions, a different set for each line or system. It does this
-in such a way that available scalable horizontal space in each system is
-exactly filled up.
-The values that are assigned to these dimensions on the first pass, whether by
-default or explicitly by the user or in some combination, only matter insofar
-as their relative sizes. That's why we earlier stated that the first-pass value
-of \verb|\elemskip| didn't matter as much as you might think. For both music sizes
-in the table above, it appears that by default \verb|\afterruleskip| is
-\verb|1.3333\elemskip|\footnote{Editor's note: It is a mystery why the authors
-%of \musixtex\ didn't simply define \Bslash{\tt beforeruleskip} and \Bslash{\tt afterruleskip} as
-%specific multiples of \Bslash{\tt elemskip}}.
-of \musixtex\ didn't simply define \Bslash\texttt{beforeruleskip} and \Bslash\texttt{afterruleskip} as
-specific multiples of \Bslash\texttt{elemskip}}.
-Note that if you do want to change any of these
-values, you have to do so \ital{after} setting the
-music size and before \verb|\startpiece|.
-Here is an example that illustrates the various dimensions under discussion:\\
- %\check
-% special problems afford special solutions
-\makeatletter\global\clef@skip\z@ \makeatother
-\zchar{16}{\hbox to\afterruleskip{\downbracefill}}%
-\zchar{19}{\hbox to\afterruleskip{\hss a\hss}}%
-\zchar{16}{\hbox to2\elemskip{\downbracefill}}%
-\zchar{19}{\hbox to2\elemskip{\hss b\hss}}%
-\zchar{3}{\hbox to\elemskip{\upbracefill}\hbox to\elemskip{\upbracefill}}%
-\zchar{-1}{\hbox to\elemskip{\hss e\hss}\hbox to\elemskip{\hss e\hss}}%
-\notes\qa l\en
-\zchar{16}{\hbox to4\elemskip{\downbracefill}}%
-\zchar{19}{\hbox to4\elemskip{\hss c\hss}}%
-\zchar{3}{\hbox to\elemskip{\upbracefill}\hbox to\elemskip{\upbracefill}%
- \hbox to\elemskip{\upbracefill}\hbox to\elemskip{\upbracefill}}%
-\zchar{-1}{\hbox to\elemskip{\hss e\hss}\hbox to\elemskip{\hss e\hss}%
- \hbox to\elemskip{\hss e\hss}\hbox to\elemskip{\hss e\hss}}%
-\NOtes\qa l\en
-\zchar{16}{\hbox to\beforeruleskip{\downbracefill}}%
-\zchar{19}{\hbox to\beforeruleskip{\hss d\hss}}%
-b&\keyindex{notes}\verb| = \vnotes 2\elemskip|\\
-c&\keyindex{NOtes}\verb| = \vnotes 4\elemskip|\\
-\subsection{Moving from one staff or instrument to another}
- \label{movingtostaffs}
-When entering notes inside \verb|\notes ... \enotes|, the usual way to suspend
-input for one instrument and start the next (higher) is with the character
-``\verb|&|''\index{"&@{\tt\char'046}}. If the instrument has more than one
-staff, to switch to the next (higher) one you can use the character
-There are some alternate navigation commands that may be useful in
- special situations. Due to ``catcode
-problems'' (see section~\ref{catcodeprobs}) it may sometimes be necessary
-to use the more explicit commands
-\keyindex{nextinstrument} and \keyindex{nextstaff}, which have the same
-meanings as ``\verb|&|'' and ``\verb+|+'' respectively. To switch to the previous
-(next lower) staff of the same instrument, use \keyindex{prevstaff}. This might
-be useful if a beam starts in a higher staff than where it ends. More
-generally, to switch to an arbitrary instrument $n$, use
-\keyindex{selectinstrument}\onen, and to switch to an arbitrary staff $n$
-of the current instrument, use \keyindex{selectstaff}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}|. In the
-latter case if $n$ exceeds the number of staves defined for the instrument, you
-will receive an error message. You can enter part of a successive voice on
-\ital{same} staff by using \verb|\selectstaff{|$n$\verb|}| with $n$ for
-the \ital{current} staff.
- %\check
-\section{Note pitch specification}\label{pitchspec}
-Note pitches can be specified either by letters or numbers. If no transposition
-or octaviation is in effect, letters ranging
-from \verb|a| to \verb|z| represent notes starting with the A below
-middle C. Upper case letters from \verb|A| to \verb|N| represent pitches
-two octaves lower than their lower case counterparts. Any letter can be used in
-any clef, but some users may
-prefer to use the lower case letters in treble clef, and the upper case ones
-in bass clef.
-Alternatively, a one- or two-digit, positive or negative integer can always be used.
-The number represents
-the vertical position on the staff, with \verb|0| for the lowest line and
-\verb|1| for the space right above, \ital{regardless of the clef}.
-Unlike with letters, the
-associated pitch will depend on the clef, and notes entered this way are
-immune to transposition and octaviation.
-Notes lower than \verb|A| and higher than \verb|z| can be entered, with
-either numbers as just described, or with octaviation as will be explained in
- \section{Writing notes}\label{autostemdirections}
-There are two major kinds of note macros, those that include a space (of
-length \keyindex{noteskip}) after
-the printed symbol, and those that don't cause any space. A single-line melody would be
-written using the first type. All notes of a chord except the last would
-use the second.
-Another distinction concerns stemmed notes. Some macros explicitly set the
-stem direction with either ``\verb|u|'' or ``\verb|l|'' contained in the name of
-the macro. On the other hand, an ``\verb|a|'' in the macro's name usually signifies
-\ital{automatic} stem direction selection. In this case notes below the middle
-staff line will get up stems, otherwise down.
- \subsection{Normal (unbeamed) spacing notes}\label{NormalNotes}
-In the following, \verb|{|$p$\verb|}| signifies a pitch specification as
-described in sections~\ref{pitchspec} and \ref{octaviation}. However it
-is understood that if the pitch is a single character, the brackets are
-not neecessary, provided that if it is a letter, a space separates the
-macro from the letter.
- \item[\keyindex{breve}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]breve (\hbox to 8pt{\zbreve1\hss}) .
- \item[\keyindex{longa}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]longa (\hbox to8pt{\zlonga1\hss}) .
- \item[\keyindex{longaa}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]longa with automatic stem
-direction\footnote{Editor's note: Evidently there is no explicit up-stemmed longa} .
- \item[\keyindex{zmaxima}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]maxima(\hbox to16pt{\zmaxima1\hss}) .
- \item[\keyindex{wq}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]arbitrary duration note (\hbox to8pt{\zwq1\hss})
-(also used as alternate representation of a \ital{breve}).
- \item[\keyindex{wqq}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]long arbitrary duration note
-(\hbox to8pt{\zwqq1\hss}) (also used as alternate
-representation of a \ital{longa}).
- \item[\keyindex{wh}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]whole note.
- \item[\keyindex{hu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]half note with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{hl}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]half note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{ha}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]half note with automatic stem direction
- \item[\keyindex{qu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]quarter note with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{ql}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]quarter note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{qa}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]quarter note with automatic stem direction.
- \item[\keyindex{cu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]eighth note\footnote{The ``{\tt c}''
-within this macro name stands for the equivalent British term ``crotchet''} with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{cl}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]eighth note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{ca}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]eighth note with automatic stem direction.
- \item[\keyindex{ccu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]sixteenth note with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{ccl}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]sixteenth note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{cca}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]sixteenth note with automatic stem direction.
- \item[\keyindex{cccu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]32nd note with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{cccl}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]32nd note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{ccca}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]32nd note with automatic stem direction.
- \item[\keyindex{ccccu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]64th note with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{ccccl}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]64th note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{cccca}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]64th note with automatic stem direction.
- \item[\keyindex{cccccu}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]128nd note with stem up.
- \item[\keyindex{cccccl}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]128nd note with stem down.
- \item[\keyindex{ccccca}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]128nd note with automatic stem direction.
- As an example, the sequence
- %\check
-\Notes\cu c\cl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\ccu c\ccl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\cccu c\cccl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\ccccu c\ccccl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\cccccu c\cccccl j\enotes
- \noindent was coded as
-\Notes\cu c\cl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\ccu c\ccl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\cccu c\cccl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\ccccu c\ccccl j\enotes\bar
-\Notes\cccccu c\cccccl j\enotes
- \subsection{Non-spacing note heads}
-These macros are used to create chords. Any number of them can be entered
-in sequence, followed by a spacing note. All of the note heads will be
-joined to the spacing note and the stem length will automatically be adjusted
-as needed.
- \item[\keyindex{zq}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]quarter (or shorter) note head.
- \item[\keyindex{zh}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]half note head.
-%das ???
-% \begin{remark} Notes of duration longer than whole notes are
-%always non-spacing. This saves one useless definition, since these notes are
-%always longer than other simultaneous ones. If needed they can be followed by
-%\keyindex{sk} to force spacing.
- \subsection{Shifted non-spacing note heads}
-These symbols are used mainly
-in chords containing an interval of a \ital{second}. They provide note
-heads shifted either to the left or right of the default position by
-the width of one note head.
-\item[\keyindex{rw}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]whole note head shifted right.
-\item[\keyindex{lw}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]whole note head shifted left.
-\item[\keyindex{rh}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]half note head shifted right\footnote{Some may not
-have realized that half and whole note heads have different shapes}.
-\item[\keyindex{lh}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]half note head shifted left.
-\item[\keyindex{rq}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]quarter note head shifted right.
-\item[\keyindex{lq}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]quarter note head shifted left.
- \subsection{Non-spacing notes}
-These macros provide normal notes, with stems if applicable, but without any
-following space.
- \item[\keyindex{zhu}\pitchp~:]half note with stem up but no spacing. It acts like
-\verb|\hu| for chord building, i.e., it will join together any immediately
-preceding non-spacing note heads.
- \item[\keyindex{zhl}\pitchp~:]half note with stem down but no spacing. It acts like
-\keyindex{hl} for chord building.
- \item[\keyindex{zqu}\pitchp~:]quarter note with stem up but no spacing. It acts like
-\verb|\qu| for chord building.
- \item[\keyindex{zql}\pitchp~:]quarter note with stem down but no spacing. It acts
-like \verb|\ql| for chord building.
- \item[\keyindex{zcu}\pitchp, \keyindex{zccu}, \keyindex{zcccu},
- \keyindex{zccccu}, \keyindex{zcccccu}
-:]eighth, ..., note with stem up but no spacing. They act like
-\verb|\cu| for chord building.
- \item[\keyindex{zcl}\pitchp, \keyindex{zccl}, \keyindex{zcccl},
- \keyindex{zccccl}, \keyindex{zcccccl}
-:]eighth, ..., note with stem down but no spacing. They act
-like \verb|\cl| for chord building.
- \item[\keyindex{zqb}\pitchp~:]note belonging to a beam but no spacing. (DAS: put this later!)
- \item[\keyindex{rhu}\pitchp, \keyindex{rhl}, \keyindex{rqu}, \keyindex{rql},
- \keyindex{rcu}, \keyindex{rcl} :] \verb|\rhu| acts like \verb|\zhu|,
- but the note is shifted one note width to the right; others analogous.
- \item[\keyindex{lhu}\pitchp, \keyindex{lhl}, \keyindex{lqu}, \keyindex{lql},
- \keyindex{lcu}, \keyindex{lcl} :]same
- as above, but the note is shifted one note width to the left.
- \item[\keyindex{zw}\pitchp~:]whole note with no following space.
- \item[\keyindex{zwq}\pitchp~:]arbitrary duration note
- (\hbox to8pt{\zwq1\hss}) with no following space.
- \item[\keyindex{zbreve}\pitchp~:]breve
- (\hbox to8pt{\zbreve1\hss}) with no following space.
- \item[\keyindex{zlonga}\pitchp~:]longa
- (\hbox to8pt{\zlonga1\hss}) with no following space.
- \item[\keyindex{zmaxima}\pitchp~:]maxima
- (\hbox to16pt{\zmaxima1\hss}) with no following space.
- %\check
-\subsection{Spacing note heads}
-Although not needed in normal music scores, these may be useful in
-very special cases.
-\item[\keyindex{nh}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]spacing half note head.
-\item[\keyindex{nq}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} :]spacing quarter note head.
-\noindent As an example, the sequence
- \startextract
-\notes\nq c\nq j\enotes\barre
-\Notes\nh c\nh j\enotes\barre
-\notes\nq {cdef}\enotes
-\noindent was coded as
-\notes\nq c\nq j\enotes\barre
-\Notes\nh c\nh j\enotes\barre
-\notes\nq {cdef}\enotes
-Non spacing variants are also provided, namely
-\keyindex{znh} and \keyindex{znq}.
-% DAS: why???
- \subsection{Dotted notes}\label{dots}
-By appending one or two \verb|p|'s (for ``pointed'') to the name, many of the
-macros just introduced provide one or two dots after the notehead:
-\keyindex{whp}\pitchp, \keyindex{whpp},
-\keyindex{zwp}, \keyindex{zwpp},
-\keyindex{hup}, \keyindex{hupp},
-\keyindex{hlp}, \keyindex{hlpp},
-\keyindex{zhp}, \keyindex{zhpp},
-\keyindex{qup}, \keyindex{qupp},
-\keyindex{qlp}, \keyindex{qlpp},
-\keyindex{zqp}, \keyindex{zqpp},
-\keyindex{cup}, \keyindex{cupp},
-\keyindex{clp}, \keyindex{clpp},
-\keyindex{qbp} and \keyindex{qbpp}.
-Naturally, the ones that start with ``\verb|z|'' are used in chords.
-The dot(s) will be raised if the note is on a line.
-A more explicit way uses one of the macros \keyindex{pt}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125},
-\keyindex{ppt}, or \keyindex{pppt} right
-before any note macro to place one to three dots after the normal note
-head at pitch $p$. Again they will be raised if on a line. In fact this is the only
-way to get a triple-dotted note.
-For example a
-quarter note with one dot could be coded \verb|\pt h\qu h|, with two dots
-as \keyindex{ppt}\verb| h\qu h| and with three as
-\keyindex{pppt}\verb| h\qu h|.
-Yet another method for posting a dot is to insert a \ital{period} before
-the letter representing the pitch. Thus \verb|\qu{.a}| is equivalent to
-either \verb|\pt a\qu a| or \verb|\qup a| . This may be useful when
-using \ital{collective coding}, which will be discussed in the next
-Non-spacing dotted notes can be produced using
-\keyindex{zhup}, \keyindex{zhlp}, \keyindex{zqup}, \keyindex{zqlp},
-\keyindex{zcup}, \keyindex{zclp}, \keyindex{zqbp},
-and similarly with two \verb|p|'s for
-double-dotted notes.
-As a matter of style, if two voices share one staff, the dots in
-the lower voice should be lowered if the note is on a line. For
-this you can use \keyindex{lpt}{\tt\char123}$p${\tt\char125} and
-\subsection{Sequences of equally spaced notes; collective coding}
-It isn't necessary to write a separate macro
-sequence \verb|\notes...\enotes| for every individual column of notes.
-Rather, a single such macro can contain all the notes in all staves
-over an extended horizontal range, as long as all spacings are equal or
-multiples of a unique value of \keyindex{noteskip}.
-The notes in each staff could be entered one after another as normal
-spacing notes as already described in section~\ref{NormalNotes}. Then
-each spacing note will cause the insertion point to advance horizontally by the
-operative value of \verb|\noteskip| defined by the choice of
-\verb|\notes|, \verb|\Notes|, \verb|\NOtes|, etc. Of course in such sequences
-non-spacing chord notes can be entered right before their associated
-spacing note. If you need to skip forward by one \verb|\noteskip|, for
-example after a quarter note when there are two eighth notes in
-another staff, you can use \keyindex{sk}.
-If there are only spacing notes in such a sequence, a further
-simplification is available, called \ital{collective coding}. For instance
-\verb|\qu{cdefghij}| writes the C major scale in quarters with
-up stems. Similarly \verb|\cl{abcdef^gh}| writes the
-\ital{A-minor} scale in non-beamed eighths. (Here ``\verb|^|'' represents
-a sharp). If necessary a void can be inserted in a collective coding sequence
-by using~\verb|*|\index{*}. Not all note generating macros can be
-used to perform collective coding, but most of them can.
-\subsection{Starting a beam}
-Each beam must be declared with a macro issued before the first spacing
-note under the beam is coded. Two distinct kinds of macros are provided
-for this. The first kind initiates a ``fixed-slope'' beam, with an arbitrary
-slope and starting height chosen by the user, while the second kind, a
-``semi-automatic'' beam,
-\ital{computes}~the slope and, in addition, adjusts the starting height in some
-The basic form of the macros for starting fixed-slope beams is exemplified
-by the one for a single upper beam, \keyindex{ibu}\nps. Here
-$n$ is the reference number of the beam, $p$ the starting ``pitch'', and
-$s$ the slope.
-The reference number is assigned by the user.
-It is needed because more than one beam may be open at
-a time, and it tells \musixtex\ to which beam subsequent beamed notes and
-other beam specification commands are assigned.
-By default, the reference number must be in the range [0-5],
-but the range for 8th to 128th beams will be expanded to [0-8] or [0-11]
-if \verb|musixadd| or \verb|musixmad| respectively has been \verb|\input|.
-Alternatively, you can specify the number of 8th to 64th beams
-directly\footnote{8th to 64th beams are so basic that the maximum
-number of these beams are related with the maximum number of instruments
-by this command.
-Using $m>12$ may require e-\TeX.}
-with \keyindex{setmaxinstruments}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}|
-within the range $7<m\leq 100$; the corresponding reference number may then be
-in the range from 0 to $(m-1)$.
-For 128th beams, use \keyindex{setmaxcxxviiibeams}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}|.
-For 256th notes, which can only appear in beams, see section \ref{musixbbm}.
-The ``pitch'' parameter $p$ is a pitch that is three
-staff spaces \ital{below} the bottom of the heavy connecting bar (\ital{above}
-the bar for a lower beam); in many (but not all)
-cases it should be input as the actual pitch of the first note. The slope $s$
-is an integer in the range [-9,9]. When multipled
-by 5\%~it gives the actual slope of the heavy bar. Typically a slope of 2 or 3
-is OK for ascending scales, and 6 to 9 for ascending arpeggios.
-The full set of fixed-slope beam initiation macros is as follows:
- \item[\keyindex{ibu}\nps~:]initiates an \ital{upper beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibl}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{lower beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibbu}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{double upper beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibbl}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{double lower beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibbbu}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{triple upper beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibbbl}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{triple lower beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibbbbu}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{quadruple upper beam}.
- \item[\keyindex{ibbbbl}\nps~:]initiates a \ital{quadruple lower beam}.
-A semi-automatic beam is initiated with a command that has \ital{four}
-parameters, the beam number, the first and last pitches, and the total
-horizontal extent in
-\verb|\noteskip|s, based on the value in effect at the start. For example,
-if you input \verb|\Ibu2gj3|, \musixtex\ will understand that you want to
-build an upper beam (beam number 2) horizontally extending \verb|3\noteskip|,
-the first note of which is a \verb|g| and the last note a \verb|j|.
-Knowing these parameters it will choose the highest slope number that
-corresponds to a slope not more than $(\hbox{\tt j}-\hbox{\tt
-g})/(3\keyindex{noteskip})$. The nominal height of the heavy bar is offset the same as
-for fixed-slope beams. However, if there is no sufficiently steep beam
-slope available, then \musixtex\ will raise (or lower) the starting point.
- Eight such macros are available: \keyindex{Ibu}, \keyindex{Ibbu},
-\keyindex{Ibbbu}, \keyindex{Ibbbbu}, \keyindex{Ibl}, \keyindex{Ibbl},
-\keyindex{Ibbbl} and \keyindex{Ibbbbl}.
-\subsection{Adding notes to a beam}
-Spacing notes belonging to beams are coded with the macro
-\keyindex{qb}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}|\pitchp~where $n$ is
-the beam number and $p$ the pitch of the note. \musixtex\ adjusts the
-length of the note stem to link to the beam.
-Chord notes within a beam are entered before the main note with the
-non-spacing macro \keyindex{zqb}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}|\pitchp. Again,
-the stem length will be automatically adjusted as required.
-There are also special macros for semi-automatic beams with
-two, three, or four notes:
-\keyindex{Dqbu}, \keyindex{Dqbl}, \keyindex{Dqbbu}, \keyindex{Dqbbl},
-\keyindex{Tqbu}, \keyindex{Tqbl}, \keyindex{Tqbbu}, \keyindex{Tqbbl},
-\keyindex{Qqbu}, \keyindex{Qqbl}, \keyindex{Qqbbu} and \keyindex{Qqbbl}.
- %\check
-For example \verb|\Dqbu gh| is equivalent to \verb|Iqbu1gh\qb1 g\tbu1\qb1 h|,
-except that the special macros don't require a beam number.
-Their use is illustrated in the following example:
-\Notes\Dqbu gh\Dqbl jh\en
-\notes\Dqbbu fg\Dqbbl hk\en\bar
-\Notes\Tqbu ghi\Tqbl mmj\en
-\notes\Tqbbu fgj\Tqbbl njh\en\bar
-\Notes\Qqbu ghjh\Qqbl jifh\en
-\notes\Qqbbu fgge\Qqbbl jhgi\en\setemptybar\endpiece
-\noindent This was coded as\footnote{Editor's note: Most music
-typesetting books recommend beam slopes that are \ital{less} than
-the slope between the starting and ending note; these macros cannot
-provide that.}:
-\Notes\Dqbu gh\Dqbl jh\en
-\notes\Dqbbu fg\Dqbbl hk\en\bar
-\Notes\Tqbu ghi\Tqbl mmj\en
-\notes\Tqbbu fgj\Tqbbl njh\en\bar
-\Notes\Qqbu ghjh\Qqbl jifh\en
-\notes\Qqbbu fgge\Qqbbl jhgi\en
- %\check
- \subsection{Ending a beam}
- The termination of a given
-beam must be declared \ital{before} coding the last spacing note
-connected to that beam. The macros for doing that are
-\keyindex{tbu}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}| for an upper beam and
-\keyindex{tbl}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}| for a lower one. These work for
-beams of any
-multiplicity. So for example an upper triple beam with
-32nd notes is initiated by
-\verb|\ibbbu|\nps\ but terminated by \verb|\tbu{|$n$\verb|}|.
- Since beams usually finish with a \verb|\qb| for the last note, the
-following shortcut macros have been provided:
- \item \keyindex{tqb}\enpee~is equivalent to \verb|\tbl{|$n$\verb|}\qb|\enpee~.
- \item \keyindex{tqh}\enpee~is equivalent to \verb|\tbu{|$n$\verb|}\qb|\enpee~.
- \item \keyindex{ztqb}\enpee~is equivalent to \verb|\tbl{|$n$\verb|}\zqb|\enpee~,
-i.e., no spacing afterwards.
- \item \keyindex{ztqh}\enpee~is equivalent to \verb|\tbu{|$n$\verb|}\zqb|\enpee~,
-i.e., no spacing afterwards.
-\subsection{Changing multiplicity after the beam starts}
-Multiplicity (the number of heavy bars) can be increased at any position after
-the beam starts. The commands are \keyindex{nbbu}\onen~which increases the multiplicity of
-upper beam
-number $n$ to two starting at the current position, \keyindex{nbbbu}\onen~to
-increase it to three, and \keyindex{nbbbbu}\onen~to increase to four. The
-commands \keyindex{nbbl}\onen\dots\keyindex{nbbbbl}\onen~do the same
-for lower beams.
-Thus, the
-\noindent has been coded as
-To decrease multiplicity to one, use \keyindex{tbbu}\onen~or
-\keyindex{tbbl}\onen. To decrease to two or three use
-\keyindex{tbbbu}\onen\dots\keyindex{tbbbbl}\onen. For example,
-\noindent has been coded as
-Although at first it may seem counterintuitive,
-the macros \keyindex{tbbu} and \keyindex{tbbl} and higher order counterparts
-may also be invoked when the multiplicity is one. In this case
-a second, third, or fourth heavy bar will be opened one note width \ital{before}
-the current stem, and immediately closed \ital{at} the stem.
-Thus the following sequences
-\hbox to \hsize{%
- \startextract
- \Notes\ibu0e0\qbp0e\tbbu0\tbu0\qb0e\en
- \zendextract
- \startextract
- \Notes\ibu0e0\qbpp0e\tbbbu0\tbbu0\tbu0\qb0e\en
- \zendextract
-\noindent are coded
- \tbbu0\tbu0\qb0e\en
- \tbbbu0\tbbu0\tbu0\qb0e\en
-The symmetrical pattern is also possible. For example:
-\noindent has been coded as:
-The constructions in this section illustrate some general
-properties of
-beam initiation and termination commands: To mate properly with the
-expected stems, the starting position of the heavy bar(s) (for initiation commands)
-and the ending position (for terminations) will be at
-different horizontal locations
-depending on whether they are for upper or lower beams: The position for
-upper beam commands is one note head width to the right of those for
-lower beams. In fact this is the \ital{only} difference between upper
-and lower termination commands. Both types will operate on whatever kind of
-beam is open and has the same beam number.
-Recognizing this principle, in the example just given it was necessary to
-shift the double termination to the right by one note head width, using the
-command \keyindex{roff}\verb|{|\dots\verb|}|, which does precisely that for
-any \musixtex\ macro.
-Here is another, slightly more complicated example which also uses
-\noindent has been coded as:
-\noindent Note that the first beam opening command used a pitch one step
-below the note. This makes the stem shorter by one pitch unit, since it is always
-the \ital{closest} heavy bar that is separated from the given pitch by
-three staff spaces.
-We close this section with an example showing how to
-open a beam of one sense, increase multiplicity, then terminate with
-opposite sense:
-\noindent which has been coded as
- \begin{remark} One may save some typing by defining personalized
-\TeX\ macros to
-perform any oft repeated sequence of commands. For example,
-one could define a set of four sixteenths by the macro:
-\noindent where the first argument is the slope and the other four
-arguments are the pitches of the four successive sixteenths.
- %\check
- \subsection{Shorthand beam notations for repeated notes}\index{repeated patterns}
-Sometimes you may want to indicate repeated short notes with open note heads joined
-by a beam. Here's an example of how to do that
-using the \keyindex{hb} macro:
-\noindent which has been coded as:
-It is also possible to dispense with the stems:
-\Notes\ibbl0j3\wh j\tbl0\wh l\enotes
-\Notes\ibbu0g3\wh g\tbu0\wh i\enotes
-\noindent which was coded as
-\Notes\ibbl0j3\wh j\tbl0\wh l\enotes
-\Notes\ibbu0g3\wh g\tbu0\wh i\enotes
-\noindent A different look could be obtained as follows:
-\Notes\loff{\zw j}\ibbl0j3\sk\tbl0\wh l\enotes
-\Notes\ibbu0g3\wh g\tbu0\roff{\wh i}\enotes\qspace
-\noindent which was coded as:
-\Notes\loff{\zw j}\ibbl0j3\sk\tbl0\wh l\enotes
-\Notes\ibbu0g3\wh g\tbu0\roff{\wh i}\enotes\qspace
-Yet another way to indicate repeated notes is given in the
-following example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \ibu0j0\qb0{jjj}\tbu0\qb0j\en
-\NOTes\loffset{0.5}{\ibl0j9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}\zhl h%
- \loffset{0.5}{\ibu0g9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}\hu j\en\bar
- \ibbu0i0\qb0{jjj}\tbu0\qb0j%
- \ibbl0i0\qb0{hhh}\tbl0\qb0h\bsk\bsk\bsk\bsk
- \ibbu0i0\qb0{jjj}\tbu0\qb0j\en
-\NOTes\loffset{0.5}{\ibbl0k9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}\zhl h%
- \loffset{0.5}{\ibbu0f9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}\hu j\en
- \end{music}
- \noindent whose coding (due to Werner {\sc Icking}) is
- \ibu0j0\qb0{jjj}\tbu0\qb0j\en
-\NOTes\loffset{0.5}{\ibl0j9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}\zhl h%
- \loffset{0.5}{\ibu0g9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}\hu j\en\bar
- \ibbu0i0\qb0{jjj}\tbu0\qb0j%
- \ibbl0i0\qb0{hhh}\tbl0\qb0h\bsk\bsk\bsk\bsk
- \ibbu0i0\qb0{jjj}\tbu0\qb0j\en
-\NOTes\loffset{0.5}{\ibbl0k9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}\zhl h%
- \loffset{0.5}{\ibbu0f9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}\hu j\en
- \subsection{Beams that cross line breaks}
-Although careful typesetting can usually avoid it, occasionally
-a beam may need to cross a line break. If so, it must be manually terminated at
-the end of one line and continued in the next. This
-can be done by shifting beam terminations and initiations
-using \keyindex{roff} and/or
-\keyindex{loff}, or by inserting a spacing command such as
-\keyindex{hsk}. We give an example from {\sc Grieg}'s ``Hochzeit auf
-Troldhaugen'':\index{Grieg, E.@{\sc Grieg, E.}}\medskip
-%%% bar 1
-\Notes\zchar{-7}\sPed\loffset{.3}{\fl E}\zq E\qu{_I}%
- |\zql g\ibu2l0\busf2\qb2{=m}\en
-\Notes\loffset{.3}{\fl L}\zq L\ibl0L0\qb0{_b}%
- |\ibl1h0\zqb1g\bupz2\qb2l\en
-\Notes\zq L\tqb0b|\tbl1\zqb1g\bupz2\tqh2l\en
-\NOtes\zq L\ql b|\zql g\qu l\en
-\notes\zchar{-7}\sPed\zchar{-7}{\eightit ~~~sempre}%
- \zchar{14}{\pp\eightit~sempre}\zq I\ibbu1J0\qb1L|\qs\en
-\notes\qs|\zq N\ibbu3d0\qb3{_d}\en
-\notes\qs|\fl e\zq N\rq e\qb3d\en
-%%% bar 2
-\notes\loffset{.3}{\fl I}\zq I\qb1{_L}|\rqs\en
-\notes\qs|\lfl d\zq d\zq {=f}\qb3N\en
-\notes\qs|\zq d\zq g\tqh3N\en
-\notes\zq I\ibbu0J0\qb0L|\rqs\en
-\notes\qs|\zq d\ibbu1d0\qb1N\en
-\notes\qs|\fl e\rq e\zq d\qb1N\en
-\notes\zq I\qb0L|\rqs\en
-\notes\qs|\zq f\zq d\qb1N\en
-\notes\qs|\zq g\zq d\tqh1N\en
-\notes\zq I\ibbu0J0\qb0L|\rqs\en
-\notes\qs|\zq d\ibbu1d0\qb1N\en
-\notes\rlap\qs\hsk\tbu0|\rq e\zq d\zqb1N\hsk\tbu1\en
-\noindent The prolongation of the two upper beam at the end is
-illustrated in the code fragment
-\notes\rlap{\qs}\hsk\tbu0|\rq e\zq d\zqb1N\hsk\tbu1\en
- %\check
- \subsection{Beams with notes on several different staves}
-Here's a simple example from {\sc Brahms}'s
-Intermezzo op.~118,1 provided by
-Miguel {\sc Filgueiras}:\index{Brahms, J.@{\sc Brahms, J.}}\medskip
- \nextstaff\roff{\zw{l}}\pt{p}\zh{_p}\pt{i}\hl{_i}\enotes
- \nextstaff\qb0{chj}\tbl0\qb0l\cl{q}\ds\enotes
- %\check
-\noindent The coding is
- \nextstaff\roff{\zw{l}}\pt{p}\zh{_p}\pt{i}\hl{_i}\enotes
- \nextstaff\qb0{chj}\tbl0\qb0l\cl{q}\ds\enotes
-\noindent (This example also shows that there is no problem in extending
-a beam across a bar line.)
-The general features that enable this type of coding as well as the
-more complex example to follow are
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
-% \item Commands like \Bslash{\tt ibu}, \Bslash{\tt ibl},
-%\Bslash{\tt Ibu}, and \Bslash{\tt Ibl} \rm
-%define beams whose initial vertical position and slope are fixed
-%to the staff where they begin, but notes in other staves can still be
-%connected to them using \Bslash{\tt qb}\onen.
-% \item The commands \keyindex{tbu}\onen\rm~or \keyindex{tbl}\onen\rm~terminate
-%beam $n$ at the specified position, but \musixtex\ remembers the beam
-%parameters until a new beam with the same number is defined.
-%Therefore, even after beam $n$ has been ``finished'' by a \verb|\tbu| or
-%\verb|\tbl| command, commands like \Bslash{\tt qb}\enpee\rm~will still
-%generate notes connected to the phantom extension of this beam,
-%\ital{provided they are issued in a different staff}. If the command
-%\verb|\qb|\enpee\rm~were issued on the same staff as the beam after
-% the beam had ended, an error would result.
- \item Commands like {\Bslash\texttt{ibu}}, {\Bslash\texttt{ibl}},
-{\Bslash\texttt{Ibu}}, and {\Bslash\texttt{Ibl}}
-define beams whose initial vertical position and slope are fixed
-to the staff where they begin, but notes in other staves can still be
-connected to them using {\Bslash\texttt{qb}\onen}.
- \item The commands {\keyindex{tbu}\onen} or {\keyindex{tbl}\onen}
-beam $n$ at the specified position, but \musixtex\ remembers the beam
-parameters until a new beam with the same number is defined.
-Therefore, even after beam $n$ has been ``finished'' by a \verb|\tbu| or
-\verb|\tbl| command, commands like {\Bslash{\tt qb}\enpee} will still
-generate notes connected to the phantom extension of this beam,
-\ital{provided they are issued in a different staff}. If the command
-\verb|\qb|\enpee\rm~were issued on the same staff as the beam after
- the beam had ended, an error would result.
- \item If the beam is initiated on one staff,
-notes in a lower staff can be connected to it, but only \ital{after} the beam
-has been defined. This may require using the command \keyindex{prevstaff}
-to go back one staff, as described in section
- \end{itemize}
- Here is an example:
- \begin{music}
- \setstaffs13
- \setclef1{6000}
- \startextract
- \notes
- \nextstaff\Ibbbu0Ae7\prevstaff
- \qb0{AEH^JLa}\relax\nextstaff
- \qb0{******^c}\tqh0e\relax
- |\zq{h^jl}\ql o\enotes
- \notes
- \nextstaff
- \Ibbbu0hH6\qb0{hec}\prevstaff
- \qb0{***aLJ}\tqh0H\relax\nextstaff
- |\zq{h^jl}\ql o\enotes \nspace
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \noindent which is coded as:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{verbatim}
- \setstaffs13
- \setclef1{6000}
- \startextract
- \notes
- \nextstaff\Ibbbu0Ae7\prevstaff
- \qb0{AEH^JLa}\relax\nextstaff
- \qb0{******^c}\tqh0e\relax
- |\zq{h^jl}\ql o\enotes
- \notes
- \nextstaff
- \Ibbbu0hH6\qb0{hec}\prevstaff
- \qb0{***aLJ}\tqh0H\relax\nextstaff
- |\zq{h^jl}\ql o\enotes \nspace
- \zendextract
- \end{verbatim}
- \end{quote}
-In this example we not only see multiple uses of \keyindex{nextstaff} and
-\keyindex{prevstaff}, but also the character \verb|*| to make virtual beam notes
-(see section \ref{CollectiveCoding}).
- \subsection{Ordinary rests}
- A separate macro is defined for each kind of ordinary rest. They cause
-a space after the symbol, just like spacing note commands, but they have
-no parameters. A whole rest is coded as
-\keyindex{pause}, dotted whole rest \keyindex{pausep},
-half rest \keyindex{hpause}, dotted half rest \keyindex{hpausep},
-quarter rest \keyindex{qp} or \keyindex{soupir},
-eighth rest \keyindex{ds}, sixteenth rest \keyindex{qs},
-32nd rest \keyindex{hs}, and 64th rest \keyindex{qqs}.
- Longer rests, normally interpreted as lasting
-two or four bars respectively, can be coded as \keyindex{PAuse}
-and \keyindex{PAUSe}, which yield:
- %\check
- \subsection{Raising rests}\index{raising rests}
-All the
-previous rests except \keyindex{pausep} and
-\keyindex{hpausep} are \ital{hboxes}, which means that
-they can be vertically offset if needed using the
-standard \TeX\ command \keyindex{raise}. For example:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{verbatim}
- \raise 2\Interligne\qp
- \raise 3mm\qq
- \end{verbatim}
- \end{quote}
-\noindent where \keyindex{Interligne} is the distance from one staff line to the
-In addition, two macros are available to put a whole or
-half rest above or below the staff. The ordinary \verb|\pause| or
-\verb|\hpause| cannot be used outside the staff because a short horizontal line
-must be added to distinguish between the whole and the half rest. The commands,
-which are non-spacing\footnote{Editor's note: The reason for having defined these
-as non-spacing is not obvious}, are
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item \keyindex{liftpause}~$n$ to get a
- \hbox to10pt{\liftpause{-2}\hss}
- raised from original position by $n$ staff line intervals,
- \item \keyindex{lifthpause}~$n$ to get
- \hbox to10pt{\lifthpause{-1}\hss} raised the same way.
- \item \keyindex{liftpausep}~$n$ to get a
- \hbox to10pt{\liftpausep{-2}\hss}
- raised from original position by $n$ staff line intervals,
- \item \keyindex{lifthpausep}~$n$ to get
- \hbox to10pt{\lifthpausep{-1}\hss} raised the same way.
- \end{itemize}
- %\check
- \subsection{Bar centered rests}\label{barcentered}
-Sometimes it is necessary to place a rest (or any other symbol) exactly in the middle
-of a bar. This can be done with combinations of the commands
-as demonstrated in the following example:
-\noindent with the coding
- %\check
-\section{Skipping spaces and shifting symbols}\label{spacing}
-We've already mentioned that when coding a sequence of notes inside a
-particular pair \verb|\notes...\enotes|, the command \keyindex{sk} can
-be used to skip horizontally by one \keyindex{noteskip}. This would be
-used for example to align the third note in one staff with the second note
-in another. Skipping in this manner is logically equivalent to inserting
-blank space; as such, the space must be recorded by \musixtex. This command
-and the others discussed here will
-do just that, so that \verb|musixflx| can properly account for
-the added space.
-To skip by one \verb|noteskip| while in a collective coding sequence,
-you may simply insert an asterisk (``\verb|*|''\index{*}). This would have
-the same effect as stopping the sequence, entering {\Bslash sk}, then
-restarting. For example,
-\noindent was coded as
-\verb|\Notes\hu{e*f*g}|{\tt |}\verb|\qu{gghhii}\en|
-To skip forward
-by one half of a \verb|\noteskip|, use \keyindex{hsk}.
-To insert spacing of approximately one note head width, you can use
-\keyindex{qsk}, or for half of that, \keyindex{hqsk}. To skip backward
-by one \verb|\noteskip|, use \keyindex{bsk}. More generally,
-to skip an arbitrary distance, use \keyindex{off}\verb|{|$D$\verb|}|
-where $D$ is any \itxem{scalable dimension}, e.g.~\verb|\noteskip| or
-\verb|\elemskip|. Indeed, if you look in the
-\musixtex\ source, you will see that \verb|\off| is the basic control
-sequence used to define all the other skip commands.
-The foregoing commands only work \ital{inside} a \verb|\notes...\enotes| group.
-A different set of commands must be used to insert space \ital{outside}
-such a group. \keyindex{nspace} produces an
-additional spacing of half a note head width;
-\keyindex{qspace}, one note head width. These are ``hard'' spacings. To
-insert an arbitrary amount of hard space outside a \verb|\notes...\enotes|
-group, use \keyindex{hardspace}\verb|{|$d$\verb|}{|\dots\verb|}| where
-$d$ is any fixed dimension\label{hardspace}. The foregoing three commands are the only
-space-generating commands that insert hard space; all the others insert
-scalable spacing: \keyindex{elemskip},
-\keyindex{beforeruleskip}, \keyindex{afterruleskip}, \keyindex{noteskip} and
-their multiples. Finally, to insert
-scalable spacing outside
-a \verb|\notes...\enotes| group, use
-\keyindex{addspace}\verb|{|$D$\verb|}|. The argument may be negative, in
-which case the normal spacing will be reduced. For example, after
-\keyindex{changecontext}, many users prefer to reduce the space with
-a command like
-There is yet another set of commands for simply shifting a note, symbol, or sequence
-inside \verb|\notes...\enotes|
-without adding or subtracting any space. To shift by one note head width,
-you may write \keyindex{roff}\verb|{|\ital{any macro}\verb|}|
-or \keyindex{loff}\verb|{|\dots\verb|}| for a right or left shift respectively.
- To shift by half of a note head width, use
-\keyindex{hroff}\verb|{|\dots\verb|}| or
-For example, to get
- %\check
-\Notes\roff{\zwh g}\qu g\qu h\qu i\enotes
-\noindent you would code:
- %\check
-\Notes\roff{\zwh g}\qu g\qu h\qu i\enotes
-\noindent To shift notes or symbols by an arbitrary amount, use
-\keyindex{roffset}\verb|{|$N$\verb|}{|\dots\verb|}| or
-\keyindex{loffset}\verb|{|$N$\verb|}{|\dots\verb|}|, where
-$N$ is the distance to be shifted in note head widths. For example
-\Notes\roffset{1.5}{\zwh g}\qu g\qu h\qu i\enotes
-\noindent was coded as
-\Notes\roffset{1.5}{\zwh g}\qu g\qu h\qu i\enotes
-An important feature of these shift commands is that the offset,
-whether implicit or explicit, is \ital{not} added to
-the total spacing amount, but any spacing due to the included commands is.
-Accidentals can be introduced in two ways.
- The first way, using explicit macros, consists for
-example in coding \keyindex{fl}\pitchp~to put a \ital{flat} at the
-pitch $p$, presumably right before a note at the same pitch. This is a
-non-spacing command and will automatically place the accidental an
-appropriate distance to the left of the anticipated note head.
-Naturals, sharps, double flats and double sharps are coded \keyindex{na}\pitchp,
-\keyindex{sh}\pitchp, \keyindex{dfl}\pitchp~and \keyindex{dsh}\pitchp~respectively.
-The alternate macros \keyindex{lfl}, \keyindex{lna}, \keyindex{lsh},
-\keyindex{ldfl} and \keyindex{ldsh}
-place the same accidentals, but shifted one note head width
-to the left. These can be used if a note head has been shifted to the left, or
-to avoid collision with other accidentals
-in a chord. If you want to shift an accidental by some other amount for
-more precise positioning, you could use \keyindex{loffset} with the normal
-accidental macro as the second parameter.
- The second way of coding accidentals is to modify the parameter of a
-note command. Just put the symbol
-\verb|^| for a sharp, \verb|_| for a flat, \verb|=|~for a natural,
-\verb|>| for a double sharp, or \verb|<| for a double
-flat, right before the letter or number representing the pitch.
-For example, \verb|\qb{^g}| yields a
-$G\sharp$. This may be used effectively in collective coding, e.g.
- There are two sizes of accidentals. By default they will be large unless there
-is not enough space between notes, in which case they will be made small. Either
-size can be forced locally by coding \keyindex{bigfl}, \keyindex{bigsh}, etc., or
-\keyindex{smallfl}, \keyindex{smallsh}, etc. If you want all accidentals to
-be large, then declare \keyindex{bigaccid} near the top of the input file. For
-exclusively small ones use \keyindex{smallaccid}. \keyindex{varaccid} will restore
-variable sizes.
- For editorial purposes, small accidentals can be placed \ital{above} note
-heads. This is done using \keyindex{uppersh}\pitchp, \keyindex{upperna}\pitchp, or
-\NOtes\uppersh l\qa l\enotes
-\NOtes\upperna m\qa m\enotes
-\NOtes\upperfl l\qa l\enotes
- It also possible to introduce \ital{\ixem{cautionary accidental}s},
-i.e.\ small accidentals enclosed in parentheses. This done by preceding
-the name of the accidental keyword with ``\verb|c|'',\label{cautionary}
- e.g.~\keyindex{cfl}\pitchp~for a cautionary flat.
- Available cautionary accidentals are \keyindex{csh}, \keyindex{cfl},
-\keyindex{cdfl} and \keyindex{cdsh}, which give
-\NOtes\csh g\qa g\enotes
-\NOtes\cfl h\qa h\enotes
-\NOtes\cna i\qa i\enotes
-\NOtes\cdfl j\qa j\enotes
-\NOtes\cdsh k\qa k\enotes
-The distance between all notes and accidentals is controlled by
-\keyindex{accshift}\verb|=|\ital{any \TeX\ dimension}, where
-positive values shift to the left and negative to right, with a
-default value of \verb|0pt|.
- \section{Transposition and octaviation}\label{octaviation}
-Two different subjects are discussed in this section. First, there
-are commands that cause notes to be printed at different pitches than
-entered. We shall refer to this as \ital{logical} transposition.
-Second, there are notations for octaviation that do
-not otherwise alter the appearance of the score, which we'll call
-\ital{octaviation lines}.
-\subsection{Logical transposition and octaviation}
-Logical transposition is controlled by an integer-valued \TeX\ register
-\keyindex{transpose}. Its default value is 0. If you enter
-\verb|\transpose=|$n$, then all subsequent pitches specified by
-letters will be transposed by $n$ positions. Normally this method would be
-used to transpose an entire piece. Pitches specified with
-numbers will not be affected, so if you think you will ever want to
-transpose a piece, you should enter all note pitches with letters.
-One way to transpose up or down by one octave would be to set
-\keyindex{transpose} to 7 or $-7$. For example, to make a quarter note
-octave as a chord, you could define a macro as
-\verb|\def\soqu#1{\zq{#1}{\transpose=7 \qu{#1}}}|.
-Note that because \verb|\transpose| is altered inside a pair of braces, the
-effect of the alteration is only local and does not reach outside the braces.
- Another more convenient way to transpose locally up or down by one octave
-makes use respectively of the characters
-\verb|'| (\itxem{acute accent}) and \verb|`| (\itxem{grave accent}),
-placed immediately before the letter specifying the pitch. So
-for example \verb|\qu{'ab}| is equivalent to \verb|\qu{hi}| and
-\verb|\qu{`kl}| is equivalent to \verb|\qu{de}|. These characters have
-cumulative effects but in a somewhat restricted sense. They will alter the value of
-\verb|\transpose|, but only until changing to a different staff or
-instrument or encountering \verb|\enotes|, at which time it will be reset to the
-value it had before the accents were used. (That value is stored in
-another register called \keyindex{normaltranspose}). Thus for example
-\verb|\qu{''A'A}| and \verb|\qu{''A}\qu{'A}|
-are both equivalent to \verb|\qu{ah}|.
-At any point it is possible to reset the \verb|\transpose| register
-explicitly to the value it had
-when entering \verb|\notes|, by prefacing a pitch indication with
-``\verb|!|''. Thus \verb|\qu{!a'a}| always
-gives the note \verb|a| and its upper octave \verb|h|, shifted by the
-value of {\Bslash transpose} at the beginning of the current
-\verb|\notes...\enotes| group, regardless of the number of grave and
-acute accents occurring previously within that group.
- \subsection{Behavior of accidentals under logical transposition}\label{transposeaccids}
- The above processes indeed change the vertical position of the note heads
-and associated symbols (e.g.~stems and beams), but they don't take
-care of the necessary changes of accidentals when transposing. For example,
-suppose an F$\sharp$ occurs in the key of C major. If the piece is
-transposed up three steps to the key of F, the F$\sharp$ should logically
-become a
-B$\natural$. But if all you do is set \verb|\transpose=3|, the note will
-be typeset as a B$\sharp$. In other words, \musixtex\ will interpret the~\verb|\sh|
-or~\verb|^| to mean ``print a $\sharp$''.
-Naturally there is a solution, but it requires the typesetter to plan
-ahead: To force accidentals to behave well under transposition, they
-must be entered according to the \ital{relative
-accidental convention}. To alert \musixtex\ that you are using this
-convention to enter notes, you must issue the command
-\keyindex{relativeaccid}. Once you have done this, the meaning of
-accidental macros and characters (accents) in the input file is changed.
-Under the convention, when for example a
-\verb|\sh| is entered, it indicates a note that is supposed to sound
-\ital{one half step higher than what it would normally be under the
-current key signature}. Flats and naturals on entry similarly indicate
-notes one half step lower or at the same pitch as what the key signature
-dictates. \musixtex\ will take account of the key signature, and print
-the correct symbol according to the modern notational convention,
-provided you have explicitly entered the transposed key signature using
-for example \verb|\generalsignature|.
-Many people have a difficult time understanding how this works, so
-here are two simple examples in great detail. Consider the case already mentioned
-of the F$\sharp$ in the key of C major. With
-\verb|\relativeaccid| in effect, it should still be entered as \verb|\sh f|, and
-with no transposition it will still appear as F$\sharp$. With
-\verb|\transpose=3| and \verb|\generalsignature{-1}| it will appear
-(correctly) as B$\natural$. Conversely, suppose you want to enter a
-B$\natural$ when originally in the key of F. With \verb|\relativeaccid| in effect, it
-should be entered as \verb|\sh i|. (That's the part that people
-have the most trouble with: ``If I want a natural, why do I have to enter a sharp?'' Answer:
-``Go back and re-read the previous paragraph very carefully.'') With no transposition, it will be
-printed as B$\natural$. Now to transpose this to C major, set
-\verb|\transpose=-3| and \verb|\generalsignature0|, and it will appear
-as F$\sharp$.
-If you have invoked \verb|\relativeaccid| and then
-later for some reason wish to revert to the ordinary convention,
-enter \keyindex{absoluteaccid}.
-\subsection{Octaviation lines}
-The first kind of notation for octave transposition covers a
-horizontal range that must be specified at the outset. The sequence
-\NOTEs\octfinup{10}{3.5}\ql{!'a}\ql b\ql c\ql d\en
-\noindent can be coded as
-\verb|\NOTEs\octfinup{10}{3.5}\qu a\qu b\qu c\qu d\en|.
-Here, the dashed line is at staff level 10 and extends 3.5\verb|\noteskip|.
-Conversely, lower octaviation can be coded. For example
-\NOTEs\octfindown{-5}{2.6}\ql j\ql i\ql h\en
-\noindent is coded as
-\verb|\NOTEs\octfindown{-5}{2.6}\ql j\ql i\ql h\en|.
- To change the text that is part of these notations, redefine one of
-the macros \keyindex{octnumberup} or \keyindex{octnumberdown}. The reason for
-the distinction between up and down is that, traditionally, upper octaviation
-only uses the figure
-``8'' to denote its beginning, while lower octaviation uses a more
-elaborate indication such as \hbox{\ppffsixteen8$^{va}$ \it bassa}. Thus
-\NOTEs\def\octnumberup{\ppffsixteen8$^{va}$}\octfinup{10}{2.5}\qu c\qu d\qu e\en
-\noindent is coded
-\noindent\verb|\NOTEs\def\octnumberup{\ppffsixteen8$^{va}$}\octfinup{10}{2.5}\qu c\qu d\qu e\en|
-\noindent while
-\NOTEs\def\octnumberdown{\ppffsixteen8$_{ba}$}\octfindown{-5}{2.5}\ql l\ql
-k\ql j\en
-\noindent is coded as
- \octfindown{-5}{2.5}\ql l\ql k\ql j\en
-The foregoing constructions have the drawbacks that (a) the span must be
-indicated ahead of time and (b) they cannot extend across a line break.
-Both restrictions are removed with the use of the alternate macros \keyindex{Ioctfinup},
-\keyindex{Ioctfindown} and
-{\Bslash Ioctfinup}~$np$ indicates an upward octave transposition line with reference number
-$n$ and with dashed line at pitch $p$.
-By default $n$ must be in the range [0-5], but
-you can specify a larger maximum number
-directly with \keyindex{setmaxoctlines}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}|
-where $7<m\leq 100$\footnote{This may require e-\TeX.}; the
-reference number will be in the range between 0 and $(m-1)$.
-Usually $p$ will be numeric and $>9$,
-but it can also be a letter.
-{\Bslash Ioctfindown}~$np$ starts a lower octave transposition line at pitch $p$
-(usually $p<-1$). Both extend until terminated with {\Bslash Toctfin}. The
-difference between {\Bslash Ioctfinup}~$n$ and {\Bslash Ioctfindown}~$n$ is
-the relative position of the figure ``8'' with respect to the dashed line, and
-the sense of the terminating hook As shorthand, \keyindex{ioctfinup} is equivalent to
-\verb|\Ioctfinup 0| and \keyindex{ioctfindown} is equivalent to
-\verb|\Ioctfindown 0|.
-For example,
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
-\notes\wh{CDEFGH}|\wh{cde}\Ioctfinup 1p\wh{fgh}\enotes
-\notes\Ioctfindown 2A\wh{IJKLMN}|\wh{ijklmn}\enotes
-\Notes\wh{HGFED}\Toctfin2\wh C|\wh{hgfedc}\enotes
-\noindent is coded as
-\notes\wh{CDEFGH}|\wh{cde}\Ioctfinup 1p\wh{fgh}\enotes
-\notes\Ioctfindown 2A\wh{IJKLMN}|\wh{ijklmn}\enotes
-\Notes\wh{HGFED}\Toctfin2\wh C|\wh{hgfedc}\enotes
- %\check
- The elevation of octaviation lines may be changed in midstream using
-\keyindex{Liftoctline}~$n$$p$, where $n$ is the reference number of the
- octave line, and $p$ a (possibly negative) number of
-\keyindex{internote}s (staff pitch positions) by which elevation of the dashed line should be changed.
-This may be useful when octaviation lines extend over several systems and the
-elevation needs to be changed in a systems after the one where it was initiated.
-\section{Slurs and ties}
-Two fundamentally different implementations of slurs, ties, and hairpins are
-available. (The hairpins ``go along for the ride'' with slurs and ties.) First, there are the
-original \ital{font-based} versions. These are constructed with traditional
-\TeX\ font characters that were created with \MF\ and stored in \TeX\ font files.
-Second, it is now possible
-to generate these shapes directly with postscript, dispensing altogether with
-the font characters\footnote{Please do not be confused by the availability of
-postscript versions of the font-based slur fonts (along with all other \musixtex\ fonts).
-Once installed in a \TeX\ system,
-their function and use are 100\% transparently identical with bitmapped versions
-of the slur fonts. On the other
-hand, postscript slurs are functionally distinct from font-based slurs, and only
- share some of the same syntax.}. We shall first describe the font-based versions,
-then Type K postscript slurs, which are one of two available postscript slur
-alternate approach to postscript slurs, called {\it Type M} after its developer
-Hiroaki {\sc Morimoto}, is available from the
-{\underline{Icking Music Archive}}.}. If you plan to use Type K postscript slurs,
-you may skip directly to section~\ref{PostscriptSlurs}.
- \subsection{Font-based slurs}
-Font-based slurs and ties provided by \musixtex\ can be divided into two categories:
- \item Those where the complete slur symbol is composed of a single
- character from one of the slur fonts, and
- \item those where the slur symbol is composed of three distinct
- characters, to form the beginning, middle and end of the slur.
-The former are called \ital{simple slurs} and the latter,
-\ital{compound slurs}. In many cases the distinction between the two is
-invisible to the user, in that many of the macros described below will
-automatically select between the two types. However, there are other macros
-that allow simple slurs to be forced.
-The next few subsections describe the usual method of slur coding, where the
-choice between simple or compound slurs is made automatically.
-In this case, slurs are initiated and terminated by separate macros,
-similar to beams.
- \subsubsection{Font-based slur initiation}
-A slur must be initiated \ital{before}
-the spacing note on which the slur begins, and terminated \ital{before} the
-note on which it ends.
-The basic slur initiation macro is
-\keyindex{isluru}\enpee, which initiates an upper slur, with reference
-number $n$, beginning on a note at pitch $p$. The starting point of the slur is
-centered above a virtual quarter note head at pitch
-$p$\footnote{The slur will start in the same place regardless of whether there is
-{\it actually} a note at pitch $p$.}.
-Similarly, \keyindex{islurd}\enpee\ initiates a lower slur.
-These slurs are terminated by coding
-\keyindex{tslur}\enpee\ where $n$ is the reference number and $p$ is the
-termination pitch.
-As with beams, the reference number $n$ by default can take values from 0 to 5, or
-up to 8 or 11 respectively if \ttxem{musixadd.tex} or \ttxem{musixmad.tex} is included.
-You can also specify the maximum number
-directly with \keyindex{setmaxslurs}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}| where
-$7<m\leq 100$%
-\footnote{This may require e-\TeX.};
-the reference number $n$ will be in the range between 0 and $(m-1)$.
-To illustrate with an elementary example, the following passage
-\NOtes\islurd0g\qu g\tslur0{'c}\qu c\en
-\NOtes\islurd0{'a}\qu a\tslur0{`f}\qu f\en
-\NOTes\hu g\en
-\noindent was coded as:
-\NOtes\islurd0g\qu g\tslur0{'c}\qu c\en
-\NOtes\islurd0{'a}\qu a\tslur0{`f}\qu f\en
-\NOTes\hu g\en
-Other macros are provided to change the starting and ending point of the slur
-in relation to the initial and final notes. Thus, \keyindex{issluru}\enpee\
-initiates a ``short'' upper slur suitable for linking notes involved in chords.
-starting point is shifted to the right, and is vertically aligned with the
-center of a virtual quarter note head at pitch $p$. If a lower short slur
-is wanted, one should use \keyindex{isslurd}\enpee.
-Sometimes, busy scores call for slurs which are vertically aligned with the
-ends of note stems rather than note heads. These ``beam'' slurs---so called
-because the slur is written at usual beam height---are provided by the
-macros \keyindex{ibsluru}\enpee\ and \keyindex{ibslurd}\enpee. These macros
-initiate slurs raised or lowered by the current stem height to accommodate
-stems or beams above or below.
- %\check
- \subsubsection{Font-based slur termination}
-Font-based slurs that are not forced to be simple must be terminated by an explicit
-command right before the last note under the slur. There are termination
-commands analogous to each of the initiation commands alread presented. They
-are summarized in the following table:
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- Initiation & Termination \\
- \hline
- \keyindex{isluru}, \keyindex{islurd} & \keyindex{tslur} \\
- \keyindex{issluru}, \keyindex{isslurd} & \keyindex{tsslur} \\
- \keyindex{ibsluru} & \keyindex{tbsluru}\\
- \keyindex{ibslurd} & \keyindex{tbslurd}\\
- \hline
- \end{tabular} \end{center}
-\noindent All of these command have two parameters, $n$ and $p$.
-These specific termination macros are not restricted to being used with their
-initiation counterpart. A slur
-started in one sense can be terminated in another. For example, a slur beginning
-as a ``beam'' slur may be terminated as a normal slur. This would be achieved
-using the macro pair \verb|\ibslur...\tslur|.
- \subsubsection{Font-based ties} Font-based ties will have the same shapes as
-ordinary font-based slurs of the same length between notes of equal pitch,
-but there are two important distinctions:
-(1) There cannot be any pitch difference between start and end, and (2) the
-positions of both the beginning and end of a tie relative to the note heads
-are slightly different from those of an ordinary slur\footnote{Editor's note: In
-fact, it appears that the default positioning of the ends of ties is exactly
-the same as that of short slurs.}.
-Upper ties are initiated by \keyindex{itieu}\enpee, which starts an upper tie of
-reference number $n$ at pitch $p$.
-Lower ties are initiated by \keyindex{itied}\enpee, which starts an lower tie of
-reference number $n$ at pitch $p$. The starting position of the tie is the same
-as \verb|\issluru| and
-\verb|\isslurd| respectively. The tie is terminated by coding
-\keyindex{ttie}\onen. Note that no pitch parameter is required.
-There are also \ital{short ties}, which bear the same relation to ordinary
-ties as short slurs to ordinary slurs. They are intended to be used between chords.
-They are initiated with
-\keyindex{itenu}\enpee~or \keyindex{itenl}\enpee\footnote{Editor's note: It is
-not clear why this command uses ``{\tt l}'' when all other similar ones use
-``{\tt d}''.}, and terminated with \keyindex{tten}\onen.
-The following example illustrates the differences in positioning of the various
-slur and tie options:
-\NOTes\islurd0g\qu g\tslur0g\qu g\isslurd0g\qu g\tsslur0g\qu g%
-\ibsluru0g\qu g\tbsluru0g\qu g\itied0g\qu g\ttie0\qu g%
-\itenl0g\qu g\tten0\qu g\en
-\noindent It was coded as
-\NOTes\islurd0g\qu g\tslur0g\qu g\isslurd0g\qu g\tsslur0g\qu g%
-\ibsluru0g\qu g\tbsluru0g\qu g\itied0g\qu g\ttie0\qu g%
-\itenl0g\qu g\tten0\qu g\en
-\noindent Here are some more general examples of font-based slurs and ties
-discussed so far:
-\NOTes\isluru0g\hl g\tslur0h\hl h\en
-\NOTes\islurd0c\issluru1g\zh{ce}\hu g\tslur0d\tsslur1h\zh{df}\hu h\en
-\NOTes\ibsluru0g\islurd1g\hu g\tubslur0h\hu h\en
-\NOTes\itieu0k\hl k\ttie0\tdbslur1f\hl k\en
-\noindent This was coded as:
-\NOTes\isluru0g\hl g\tslur0h\hl h\en
-\NOTes\islurd0c\issluru1g\zh{ce}\hu g\tslur0d\tsslur1h\zh{df}\hu h\en
-\NOTes\ibsluru0g\islurd1g\hu g\tubslur0h\hu h\en
-\NOTes\itieu0k\hl k\ttie0\tdbslur1f\hl k\en
-\subsubsection{Dotted slurs}
-Any font-based slur may be made dotted by specifying \keyindex{dotted}
-just before it is initiated:
-\NOtes\dotted\islurd0g\qu g\tslur0{'c}\qu c\en
-\NOTes\hu g\en
-\noindent This was coded as:
-\NOtes\dotted\islurd0g\qu g\tslur0{'c}\qu c\en
-\NOTes\hu g\en
- \subsubsection{Modifying font-based slur properties}
-Several macros are provided to modify the shape of slurs already initiated.
-These macros must be coded right before the slur \ital{termination}. Invoking
-any of the macros described in this section will force the slur to be compound.
-By default, the midpoint of a font-based slur is three \verb|\internote|s
-above or below a line between its ends. This can be changed using the macro
-\keyindex{midslur}~$h$ where $h$ is the revised vertical displacement. For
-example, \verb|\midslur6| coded right before \verb|\tslur| causes an upper slur to
-rise to a maximum height of \verb|6\internote| above the starting position.
-For example,
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\isluru0g\ql g\en
-\notes\tslur0g\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\isluru0g\ql g\en
-\notes\midslur7\tslur0g\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\isluru2g\ql g\en
-\notes\midslur{11}\tslur2g\ql g\en
-\noindent was coded as
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\isluru0g\ql g\en
-\notes\tslur0g\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\isluru0g\ql g\en
-\notes\midslur7\tslur0g\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\isluru2g\ql g\en
-\notes\midslur{11}\tslur2g\ql g\en
-The macro \keyindex{curve}$hij$ allows more precise control over the shape
-of a slur or tie. The first parameter $h$
-is the vertical deviation and it works exactly like the sole parameter of
-\verb|\midslur| described above. The second and
-third parameters $i$ and $j$ set the initial and final gradient respectively.
-They are defined as the horizontal distance required to attain maximum
-vertical deviation. Thus smaller numbers for $i$
-and $j$ lead to more extreme gradients.
-The default setting is \verb|\curve344|. Hence, coding \verb|\curve322|
-doubles the initial and final gradient relative to the default.
-As with \verb|\midslur|, \verb|\curve| must be coded {\em immediately} before
-the slur termination. The example below illustrates the use of \verb|\curve|.
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\itieu0g\ql g\en
-\notes\ttie0\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\itieu1g\ql g\en
-\notes\curve 322\ttie1\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\itieu2g\ql g\en
-\notes\curve 111\ttie2\ql g\en
-\noindent This was coded as
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\itieu0g\ql g\en
-\notes\ttie0\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\itieu1g\ql g\en
-\notes\curve 322\ttie1\ql g\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip8\itieu2g\ql g\en
-\notes\curve 111\ttie2\ql g\en
-Two macros are provided to control the behaviour of slurs which extend across
-line breaks. Normally, the part of the slur before the line break is
-treated as a tie. This can be changed using \keyindex{breakslur}\enpee,
-which sets the termination height of
-the broken slur at the line break to pitch $p$, for slur number $n$.
-After the line break, the slur is normally resumed at the initial pitch
-reference, i.e., the one coded in \verb|\islur|. To change this, the macro
-\keyindex{Liftslur}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}{|$h$\verb|}| may be used.
-Here $n$ is again the slur reference
-number and $h$ is the change in height relative to the initialization height.
-This macro is normally used following line breaks, in which case it is best
-coded using the \verb|\atnextline| macro. For example, coding
-\verb|\def\atnextline{\Liftslur06}| raises the continuation of slur zero
-by \verb|6\internote| relative to its initialization height.
-The following example illustrates the use of the macros for broken slurs:
-Default, without adjustments:\\
-\parindent 0pt\staffbotmarg0pt%
-\Notes\ibsluru1b\qu b\qu g\en\bar
-\Notes\qu{'c!}\tslur1f\qu f\en
-\Notes\ibsluru1b\qu b\qu g\en\bar
-\Notes\qu{'c!}\tslur1f\qu f\en
-\parindent 0pt\staffbotmarg0pt%
-\Notes\ibsluru1b\qu b\qu g\breakslur1g\en\bar
-\Notes\qu{'c!}\tslur1f\qu f\en
-\Notes\ibsluru1b\qu b\qu g%
-\Notes\qu{'c!}\tslur1f\qu f\en
-Occasionally in keyboard works one needs to begin a slur in one
-staff but end it in another. This can be done using the macro
-\keyindex{invertslur}\onen\ which is best described by
-reference to the example
-shown below.
-% Finding the final pitch is try and error, sorry, no way out.
-\NOtes\multnoteskip5\isluru0a\ql a\en
-\notes\invertslur0\curve311\tslur0j|\qu d\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{10}\isluru0a\ql a\en
-\notes\invertslur0\curve333\tslur0j|\qu d\en
-\noindent This was coded as
-\NOtes\multnoteskip5\isluru0a\ql a\en
-\notes\invertslur0\curve311\tslur0g|\qu d\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{10}\isluru0a\ql a\en
-\notes\invertslur0\curve333\tslur0g|\qu d\en
-\noindent Slur inversion as just described takes effect where the slope is zero; therefore it
-only works with ascending slurs that were started with \verb|\isluru|, and with
-descending slurs started with \verb|\islurd|. Otherwise no horizontal place
-can be found and the result is erratic.
-A different approach removes this restriction. The idea is to stop the slur at a
-the desired inversion point and restart it in the other sense at the
-same place. The commands to do this are as follows:
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item \keyindex{Tslurbreak}\enpee~stops slur number $n$ \ital{exactly} at pitch $p$,
-not above or below the virtual note head.
- \item \keyindex{Islurubreak}\enpee~restarts an upper slur at the same position,
-not above a virtual note head.
- \item \keyindex{Islurdbreak}\enpee~restarts a lower slur at the same position,
-not below a virtual note head.
- \end{itemize}
-\noindent The vertical position may have to be adjusted to minimize any discontinuity
-in the slope. For example, the following pattern
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\isluru0a\ql a\en
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\Tslurbreak0d\Islurdbreak0d\sk\en
-\Notes\tslur0h\qu h\en
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\islurd0a\ql a\en
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\Tslurbreak0d\Islurubreak0d\sk\en
-\Notes\tslur0h\qu h\en
-\noindent was coded as
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\isluru0a\ql a\en
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\Tslurbreak0d\Islurdbreak0d\sk\en
-\Notes\tslur0h\qu h\en
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\islurd0a\ql a\en
-\NOTes\multnoteskip 3\Tslurbreak0d\Islurubreak0d\sk\en
-\Notes\tslur0h\qu h\en
-\ital{Simple} slurs and ties have advantages in some cases: (1) They will
-always have the best possible shape, and (2) if \verb|\noteskip| doesn't
-change from start to finish, they are easier to code. But they have drawbacks
-as well: (1) They are limited in length to 68pt
-for slurs and 220pt for
-ties, (2) their maximum vertical extent is \verb|8\internote|, and (3) they
-may not extend across a line break.
-Despite all these limitations, simple slurs are extremely useful in many
-applications where the slurs are short and contained within a bar.
-Simple slurs must be coded {\em before} the note on which the slur begins.
-The primary macro is
-where $p_1$ and $p_2$ are respectively the initial and final pitches,
-$s$ is the sense (either ``{\tt u}'' or ``{\tt d}''), and $l$ is the length,
-in {\tt noteskip}s.
-Thus, thirds slured in pairs can be coded
- %\check
-\NOtes\slur ced1\qu{ce}\en
-\NOtes\slur dfd1\qu{df}\en
-\NOtes\slur egd1\qu{eg}\en
-which yields
-\NOtes\slur ced1\qu{ce}\en
-\NOtes\slur dfd1\qu{df}\en
-\NOtes\slur egd1\qu{eg}\en
-There are similar commands to force simple versions of the other
-variants of font-based slurs and ties. Simple ties may be set using
-\keyindex{tie}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}|$sl$ (only one pitch is needed).
-Simple short slurs and short ties can be forced with the macros
-\keyindex{sslur}\verb|{|$p_1$\verb|}{|$p_2$\verb|}|$sl$ and
-\keyindex{stie}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}|$sl$ respectively. Finally,
-simple beam slurs can be forced with
- \subsubsection{Limitations of font-based slurs}
- The change in altitude between slur initiation and slur termination is limited to
-16\verb|\Internote|. Thus unexpected vertical gaps can appear, as seen in
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
-\startextract\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0j\ql j\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0n\ql n\enotes\zendextract
-\startextract\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0s\ql s\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0z\ql z\enotes\zendextract
- \end{music}
- \noindent whose coding was
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
-\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0j\ql j\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0n\ql n\enotes
-\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0s\ql s\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0z\ql z\enotes
- \end{music}
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
-Furthermore, if the slope becomes too steep, even worse results can occur, such as
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
-\startextract\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0j\ql j\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0n\ql n\enotes
- \NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0s\ql s\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0z\ql z\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
-Another limitation of font-based slurs crops up when one attempts to
-generate bitmapped versions for high-resolution printers: the characters
-for long ties can exceed \MF's maximum capacity.
- \subsection{Type K postscript slurs}\label{PostscriptSlurs}
-All of the aforementioned limitations of font-based slurs can be circumvented
-by using Type~K postscript slurs\footnote{``K'' stands for Stanislav Kneifl,
-the developer of the Type K postscript slur package.}. As well as slurs, the package includes
-ties and crescendos (see section \ref{sec:crescnd}).
-Its use is very similar to font-based slurs, and in fact identical if only
-the elementary slur and tie initiation and termination macros are used.
-In order to use Type K postscript slurs, you must first place \texttt{musixps.tex}
-anywhere \TeX\ can find it. You must also place \texttt{}
-somewhere that \texttt{dvips} can find it.
-The \index{mxsk font}\texttt{mxsk} font is required for ``half ties,'' which
-are special symbols that are used by default for the second portion of a tie
-that crosses a line break. If you like
-this treatment you must install the font in your \TeX\ system. However, perfectly
-acceptable line-breaking ties will appear if you invoke \keyindex{nohalfties},
-and then you will not have to install this font.
-Once the software mentioned in the prior two paragraphs is emplaced and the
-\TeX\ filename database is refreshed, the Type K package can be
-invoked by including the command \verb|\input musixps|
-near the beginning of your source file.
-The resulting dvi file should then be converted into postscript using \textbf{dvips}.
-If desired, a PDF file can then be generated with \textbf{ps2pdf}, \textbf{ghostscript},
-or \textbf{Adobe Acrobat} (see chapter \ref{installation} for more information on this).
-Two minor inconveniences with Type K postscript slurs are that (1) they won't appear
-in any standard dvi previewer, and (2) they won't appear in PDF files generated with
-\textbf{pdftex}. The former limitation can be circumvented by using a postscript
-viewer such as \textbf{GSview}. The latter simply requires that you create an intermediate
-postscript file with \textbf{dvips}, then make the PDF with any of the software
-mentioned above.
-\subsubsection{Initiating and terminating type K postscript slurs}
-Basic usage of type K slurs is the same as for font-based slurs. To initiate one,
-use for example \verb|\isluru0g| to start an upper slur with ID 0 above a virtual note
-at pitch level {\tt g}. To terminate one, use a command like
-\verb|\tslur0i| which terminates the slur with ID 0 on a
-virtual note at pitch level {\tt i}.
-Both types of commands are non-spacing and must precede the first or last
-note under the slur.
-You can shift the starting or ending point slightly to the left
-or right by substituting one of the commands \keyindex{ilsluru},
-\keyindex{ilslurd}, \keyindex{irsluru},
-\keyindex{irslurd}, \keyindex{trslur} or \keyindex{tlslur}.
-You can control the shape of Type K slurs with variants of
-the termination command. To make the slur a bit flatter than default use
-\keyindex{tfslur}0f; a bit higher, \keyindex{thslur}0f; higher still,
-\keyindex{tHslur}0f; or
-even higher, \keyindex{tHHslur}0f. These commands have an effect like
-\keyindex{midslur} does for font-based slurs.
-All combinations of the shifting and curvature variants are allowed,
-e.g.\ \verb|\trHHslur|.
-The following examples demonstrate how much better the type K slurs perform
-in the extreme situations of the prior two typeset examples. The coding is
-exactly the same as above except that \verb|\input musixps| has been added:
-\input musixps
-\startextract\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0s\ql s\enotes
-\input musixps
-\startextract\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0j\ql j\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0n\ql n\enotes\zendextract
-\startextract\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0s\ql s\enotes
- \bar\NOTes\multnoteskip3\isluru0c\ql c\tslur0z\ql z\enotes\zendextract
-% \end{music}
-%\input smallmusixpsx
-\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0j\ql j\enotes\bar
-\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0n\ql n\enotes
-\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0s\ql s\enotes\bar
-\NOTes\isluru0c\ql c\enotes\notes\tslur0z\ql z\enotes
- \end{music}
-For maximal control over type K slurs, you can use one of the commands
-\keyindex{iSlur}~$npvh$ and
-\keyindex{tSlur}~$npvhca$, where the characters in
-$npvhca$ respectively stand for ID number, height, vertical offset, horizontal offset,
-curvature, and angularity.
-All offsets are in \verb|internote|, and the slur direction is determined
-by the sign of the vertical offset. See the comments in \verb|musixps.tex|
-for precise definitions of the other parameters. Examples of permissible forms for
-these commands are
-\verb|iSlur0c11| and \verb|tSlur0{!d}11{.2}0|.
-The next example shows how you can use \verb|iSlur| in difficult
-\input musixps
-\NOtes\zchar{-8}{\Bslash irslur...\Bslash tlslur}\irslurd0{'b}\zhl b\sk\zq{!e}\qu{'c}\en\bar
-\NOtes\zh{'d}\zhu{`f}\off{7.2pt}\tlslur0{'b}\ql b\ql b\en\bar
-\NOtes\zchar{-8}{\Bslash irslur...\Bslash tlfslur}\irslurd0{'b}\zhl b\sk\zq{!e}\qu{'c}\en\bar
-\NOtes\zh{'d}\zhu{`f}\off{7.2pt}\tlfslur0{'b}\ql b\ql b\en\bar
-\NOtes\zchar{-8}{\Bslash iSlur...\Bslash tSlur}\iSlur0{'b}{-.5}3\zhl b\sk\zq{!e}\qu{'c}\en\bar
-\NOtes\zh{'d}\zhu{`f}\off{7.2pt}\tSlur0{'b}{.5}{-1}{.3}0\ql b\ql b\en
- \end{music}
-\noindent with this coding:
-\NOtes\irslurd0{'b}\zhl b\sk\zq{!e}\qu{'c}\en\bar
-\NOtes\zh{'d}\zhu{`f}\off{7.2pt}\tlslur0{'b}\ql b\ql b\en\bar
-\NOtes\irslurd0{'b}\zhl b\sk\zq{!e}\qu{'c}\en\bar
-\NOtes\zh{'d}\zhu{`f}\off{7.2pt}\tlfslur0{'b}\ql b\ql b\en\bar
-\NOtes\iSlur0{'b}{-.5}3\zhl b\sk\zq{!e}\qu{'c}\en\bar
-\NOtes\zh{'d}\zhu{`f}\off{7.2pt}\tSlur0{'b}{.5}{-1}{.3}0\ql b\ql b\en
-The ID number for a slur, tie or crescendo should
-normally range from 0 to 9. If it is bigger
-than nine but less than 15,
-the object can cross a line break but not a page break. If bigger than
-14 but less than $2^{31}$, it can't be broken at all,
- nor can a slur termination be positioned at a beam with
- e.g.~\verb|\tbsluru{17684}{16}|; however \verb|\ibsluru{152867}{16}| is OK.
-It's also OK to have opened simultaneously a slur, tie and crescendo all
-with the same ID, or a slur, tie and decrescendo, but not a crescendo and
-\subsubsection{Type K postscript beam slurs}
-Type K beam slurs are defined differently than the font-based ones:
-They require as parameters both a slur ID number $n$ and a beam ID number $m$,
-but that's all. The commands are
-\keyindex{iBsluru}\emen, \keyindex{iBslurd}\emen, and
-They must be placed \ital{after} the beam initiation or termination command.
-Type K slurs may start on one beam and end on another.
-For example,
- \slurtext{6}\tBslur00\qb0e\en
-\noindent produces
-\begin{music}\nostartrule\input musixps\startextract
- \slurtext{6}\tBslur00\qb0e\en
-The above example also illustrates the use of the macro
-\keyindex{slurtext}. It has just one parameter---some text to be
-printed---and it centers it just above or below the midpoint of
-the next slur that is closed.
-This works only for non-breaking slurs; if the slur is broken,
-the text
-disappears\footnote{If you insist on viewing files with a dvi viewer despite the
-fact that Type K slurs will not be visible, you may also find that
-figures emplaced with \keyindex{slurtext} will appear at the end of the
-slur rather than the middle.}.
-%The placing of the slur text is done with a very dirty postscript
-%hack, so I am not really sure that everything you want to typeset
-%will be placed at the correct position (if you are interested, see
-%the end of for details). If you find something that won't
-%work, let me know.
-% DAS: why do we need this ???
-%\paragraph{General coding for postscript slurs and ties of type K.}
-%This can be done by:
-%\i[h.shift]slur[u|d]{slur ID}{note height}
-%\t[h.shift][slur height]slur{slur ID}{note height}
-%\iBslur[u|d]{slur ID}{beam ID}
-%\tB[slur.height]slur{slur ID}{beam ID}
-%\noindent where h.shift can be 'l', 'r' or nothing
-%and slur.height can be 'f', nothing, 'h', 'H' or 'HH'
-%Example: \keyindex{tlfslur} means 'terminate left flat slur'.
-%There are also simple slurs with same invocation and parameters as the
-%original ones.
-\subsubsection{Type K postscript ties}
-All of the foregoing Type K slur commands
-except the shape-changing ones
-have counterparts for ties. Simply
-replace ``\verb|slur|'' with ``\verb|tie|'', and for terminations omit
-the pitch parameter. Type K ties not only are positioned differently by
-default, but they also have different shapes than slurs. If you want to change
-the shape of a tie, redefine \verb|\pstiehgt| from its default of 0.7.
-\subsubsection{Dotted type K slurs and ties.}%please check the capital D(otted)
-A slur or tie can be made dotted simply by entering \keyindex{dotted} anywhere before
-the beginning of the slur or tie. Only the first slur or tie following this
-command will be affected. On the other hand, if you enter \keyindex{Dotted}, then ALL
-slurs and ties from this point forward will be dotted until you say
-\keyindex{Solid}. Furthermore, inside \verb|\Dotted...\Solid| you can make any individual
-slur or tie solid saying \verb|\solid| before its beginning.
-\subsubsection{Avoiding collisions of Type K slurs and ties with staff lines.}
-In postscript it is possible to do some computations which would be very hard
-to implement directly in TeX. Type K slurs can use this facility to check whether
-the curve of a slur or tie is anywhere nearly tangent to any staff line, and if
-so, to adjust
-the altitude of the curve to avoid the collision. By default this feature is turned
-You can disable it either
-globally (\keyindex{Nosluradjust}, \keyindex{Notieadjust}) or locally
-(\keyindex{nosluradjust}, \keyindex{notieadjust}), and you can also turn it
-back on globally (\keyindex{Sluradjust},
-\keyindex{Tieadjust}) or locally (\keyindex{sluradjust}, \keyindex{tieadjust}).
-Here ``locally''
-means that the command will only affect the next slur or tie to be opened.
-\subsubsection{Line breaking slurs and ties}
-Tyle K slurs and ties (and crescendos) going across line breaks are handled
-automatically. In fact they can go over more lines than two (this is
-true also for ties, though it would be somewhat strange).
-There is a switch \verb|\ifslopebrkslurs| that controls the default
-height of the end point
-of the first segment of all broken slurs. By default the height will be
-the same as the beginning. To have it raised by \verb|3\internote|, simply
-issue the command \keyindex{slopebrkslurstrue}. To revert to the default,
-use \keyindex{slopebrkslursfalse}.
-To locally override the default height of the end of the first segment,
-use the command \keyindex{breakslur}\enpee,
-which sets the height for slur number $n$ to pitch $p$, just like with
-font-based slurs.
-You can raise or lower the starting point of the second segment of a broken slur
-with the command \keyindex{liftslur}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}{|$h$\verb|}|, with
-parameters slur ID and relative offset in
-\verb|\internote|s measured from the slur beginning. Its effect is
-the same as \keyindex{Liftslur} for font-based slurs, except it is not
-necessary to code
-it within \verb|\atnextstaff{}|, just anywhere inside the slur.
-As already mentioned, anything with ID$<$10 is broken fully automatically, but
-you should be careful about slurs, ties and crescendos with 10$\le$ID$<$15.
-These cannot cross page breaks, although they can cross line breaks.
-If the second segment of a broken tie is less than 15pt long, then by
-default it will have a special shape which begins horizontally. These shapes are
-called \ital{half ties} and are contained in the font \index{mxsk font}\verb|mxsk|.
-Of course if they are to be used, the font files must be integrated into the
-\TeX\ installation. Their use can be turned off with \keyindex{nohalfties}
-and back on with \keyindex{halfties}.
-%\paragraph{Backwards compatibility.}
-%There are several ``aliases'' which allow to use the old, bitmapped slur
-%commands for PS slurs without any change. There are however a few differences:
-%the \keyindex{invertslur} is not implemented yet and
-%the \keyindex{curve} and \keyindex{midslur} macros have no effect.
-%\paragraph{Memory requirements.}
-\subsubsection{A few final technical details}
-Each \verb|\i...| and \verb|\t...|
-produces a \verb|\special| command, which must be stored in TeX's main memory.
-Therefore, if too many slurs occur in one page, some memory problems could
-occur. The only solutions are to use Big\TeX\ (if you aren't already), or to use
-font-based slurs.
-Type K slurs need the postscript header file
-\index{}\texttt{} to be included in the
-output postscript file. This is made to happen by the \TeX\ command
-\verb|\special{}|, which is automatically
-included when you \verb|\input musixps|. So normally this is not
-of concern. However if you wish to extract a subset of pages from
-the master \verb|dvi| file using \index{dvidvi}\texttt{dvidvi}, then
-you have three options: (1)~include the first page in the subset,
-(2)~manually issue the
-\verb|\special| command in the \TeX\ source for the first page of the subset, or
-(3)~use the option \texttt{-h} when you run \texttt{dvips}.
-\section{Bar Lines}
- \subsection{Single, double, and invisible bar lines}\label{doublebars}
-The usual macro to typeset a single bar line is \keyindex{bar}.
-There is a possibility of
-confusion with a command in \TeX's math mode that has exactly the same name.
-However, there will generally be no problem, because inside
-\verb|\bar| will take the musical meaning, while outside, it will have the
-mathematical one.
-If for some reason you need the math \verb|\bar| inside, you can use
-To typeset a double bar line with two thin rules, use \keyindex{doublebar}. You could
-also issue \keyindex{setdoublebar} to cause the next \verb|\bar| (or
-\keyindex{stoppiece}, \keyindex{alaligne}, or \keyindex{alapage}) to be replaced
-by a double bar.
-There is no specific command to print a thin-thick double bar line, but
-\keyindex{setdoubleBAR} will cause one in the same cases where
-\verb|\setdoublebar| would cause a thin-thin double bar line.
-To make the next bar line invisible, use \keyindex{setemptybar} before
-You can suppress the beginning vertical rule with saying \keyindex{nostartrule}
-and restore the default with \keyindex{startrule} after that.
-\subsection{Simple discoutinuous bar lines}
-Normally, bars (as well as double bars, final bars and repeat bars) are
-drawn continuously from the bottom of the lowest staff of the
-lowest instrument to the top of the highest staff of the uppermost
-instrument. However, if desired, they can be made discontinuous between
-instruments by saying \keyindex{sepbarrules}. An example of this is given in
-%{\tt ANGESCAO} (or {\tt ANGESCAM}) example; it has also been used in the
-\texttt{avemaria.tex} in section \ref{avemaria}\label{avemaria2}.
-Continuous bar lines can be restored with \keyindex{stdbarrules}. In
-the extension library are some more types of bar rules, mainly for very old
-music, see section \ref{otherbars}.
-% DAS. Andre, are there some other kinds of bars in an addon?
-\subsection{Elementary asynchronous bar lines}
- Situations may arise where the bar lines in different instruments are not
-aligned with one another. To set this up, first say \verb|\sepbarrules|.
-Then use a combination of the following five commands:
-\item\keyindex{hidebarrule}\onen~hides the bar rule for instrument $n$, until
-this is changed by \verb|\showbarrule|\onen.
-\item\keyindex{showbarrule}\onen~stops hiding the bar rule for instrument $n$,
-until this is changed by \verb|\hidebarrule|\onen.
-\item\keyindex{Hidebarrule}\onen~hides the bar rule for instrument $n$, only
-for the next bar.
-\item\keyindex{Showbarrule}\onen~shows the bar rule for instrument
-$n$ once only,
-and then resets it \verb|Hidebarrule|.
-% DAS ???
-% and then resets it to \verb|hidebarrule|.
-\item\keyindex{showallbarrules} resets all defined instruments to
-\verb|\showbarrule|\onen. This command is automatically inserted with double
-bars, final bars and repeats.
-Thus, this example
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\message{Showbarrule3 coming}%
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\noindent was obtained with the following coding:
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\message{Showbarrule3 coming}%
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\pt f\qa f&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\NOtes\multnoteskip{.333}\Tqbu fff&\qa f&\qa f\en
-\subsection{Dotted, dashed, and more general asynchronous and discontinuous bar lines}\label{musixdbr}
-The extension
-package \href{}
-{\underline{\ttxem{musixdbr.tex}}} by Rainer {\sc Dunker} provides commands for
-dashed, dotted, and arbitrarily discontinuous bar lines. It supports
-individual bar line settings for each instrument, multi-staff instruments,
-different sizes of staves, and even different numbers of lines per staff,
-To use the package, you must \verb|\input musixdbr| after \verb|musixtex|, and
-execute the macro \keyindex{indivbarrules} which activates individual bar line
-processing. Then the following commands are available:
-\item \keyindex{sepbarrule}\onen~separates bar lines of instrument $n$ from those of instrument $n-1$
-\item \keyindex{condashbarrule}\onen~connects bar lines of instrument $n$ to those of instrument $n-1$
- with a dashed line
-\item \keyindex{condotbarrule}\onen~connects bar lines of instrument $n$ to those of instrument $n-1$
- with a dotted line
-\item \keyindex{conbarrule}\onen~connects bar lines of instrument $n$ to those of instrument $n-1$
-\item \keyindex{hidebarrule}\onen~hides bar lines of instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{showdashbarrule}\onen~dashes bar lines of instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{showdotbarrule}\onen~dots bar lines of instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{showbarrule}\onen~shows bar lines of instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{sepmultibarrule}\onen~separates bar lines within multistaff instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{condashmultibarrule}\onen~dashes bar lines between staves of multistaff instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{condotmultibarrule}\onen~dots bar lines between staves of multistaff instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{conmultibarrule}\onen~ shows bar lines between staves of multistaff instrument $n$
-\item \keyindex{allbarrules}[\ital{any of the above commands, without numerical parameter}] sets bar
-line style for all instruments together.
-Dashing and dotting style may be changed by redefining the macros
-\verb|\barlinedash| or \verb|\barlinedots| respectively (see original definitions in \verb|musixdbr.tex|).
-Here is an example of the use of these macros:
-\input musixdbr
-\instrumentnumber4 \setstaffs23 \setstaffs32 \setlines14\setsize2\tinyvalue
- % normal barlines
- \bar
- % separate instrument 2 from 1
- \sepbarrule2
- \notes\en\bar
- % barlines on staves
- \allbarrules\sepbarrule
- \allbarrules\sepmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\showbarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % barlines between staves
- \allbarrules\conbarrule
- \allbarrules\conmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\hidebarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dashed barlines on staves
- \allbarrules\sepbarrule
- \allbarrules\sepmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\showdashbarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dashed barlines between staves
- \allbarrules\condashbarrule
- \allbarrules\condashmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\hidebarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dotted barlines on staves
- \allbarrules\sepbarrule
- \allbarrules\sepmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\showdotbarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dotted barlines between staves
- \allbarrules\condotbarrule
- \allbarrules\condotmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\hidebarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % a wild mixture of all
- \showdotbarrule1\hidebarrule2\showdashbarrule3\showbarrule4%
- \condashbarrule2\conbarrule3\condotbarrule4%
- \condashmultibarrule2\sepmultibarrule3%
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % conventional ending
- \allbarrules\showbarrule
- \allbarrules\conbarrule
- \allbarrules\conmultibarrule
- \NOTes\en\setdoubleBAR\endextract
-This is the code:
-\input musixdbr
- % normal barlines
- \bar
- % separate instrument 2 from 1
- \sepbarrule2
- \notes\en\bar
- % barlines on staves
- \allbarrules\sepbarrule
- \allbarrules\sepmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\showbarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % barlines between staves
- \allbarrules\conbarrule
- \allbarrules\conmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\hidebarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dashed barlines on staves
- \allbarrules\sepbarrule
- \allbarrules\sepmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\showdashbarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dashed barlines between staves
- \allbarrules\condashbarrule
- \allbarrules\condashmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\hidebarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dotted barlines on staves
- \allbarrules\sepbarrule
- \allbarrules\sepmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\showdotbarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % dotted barlines between staves
- \allbarrules\condotbarrule
- \allbarrules\condotmultibarrule
- \allbarrules\hidebarrule
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % a wild mixture of all
- \showdotbarrule1\hidebarrule2\showdashbarrule3\showbarrule4%
- \condashbarrule2\conbarrule3\condotbarrule4%
- \condashmultibarrule2\sepmultibarrule3%
- \NOTes\en\bar
- % conventional ending
- \allbarrules\showbarrule
- \allbarrules\conbarrule
- \allbarrules\conmultibarrule
- \NOTes\en\setdoubleBAR\zendextract
-\section{Bar numbering}
-The current bar number is stored in a count register call \keyindex{barno}.
-When \verb|\startpiece| is encountered, \verb|\barno| is set equal to
-another count register called \verb|\startbarno|, whose default value is one.
-Therefore, if you want the first bar to have a number $n$ different from 1, you
-may either say \verb|\startbarno=|$n$ before \verb|\startpiece|, or say
-\verb|\barno=|$n$ afterwards, but before the first bar line. You may also alter the bar
-number at any time, either by explicitly resetting \verb|\barno|, or by
-incrementing it with a command like \verb|\advance\barno-1|.
-\musixtex\ supports two distinct modes for printing bar numbers. In \ital{periodic}
-bar numbering, the bar number is
-placed above the top staff with a user-selectable frequency. In
-\ital{system} bar numbering, the
-number will appear at the beginning of each system.
-\subsection{Periodic bar numbering}
-In a normal piece, periodic bar number printing is turned on by default, with a frequency
-of one. In an extract, the default is to not print bar numbers.
-To turn off bar numbering say \keyindex{nobarnumbers}. To reinstate periodic
-bar numbering, or to initiate it in an extract, say \keyindex{barnumbers}.
-To change to a
-different frequency $n$, say \verb|\def|\keyindex{freqbarno}\verb|{|$n$\verb|}|.
-The appearance and positioning of the bar number is controlled by the
-token \keyindex{writethebarno}, which by default is defined as\\
-where the font is defined as \verb|\def\fontbarno{\it}|. You can change
-either of these as desired, for example
- \medskip
-\Notes\Dqbu gh\Dqbl jh\en
-\notes\Dqbbu fg\Dqbbl hk\en\bar
-\Notes\Tqbu ghi\Tqbl mmj\en
-\notes\Tqbbu fgj\Tqbbl njh\en\bar
-\Notes\Qqbu ghjh\Qqbl jifh\en\bar
-\notes\Qqbbu fgge\Qqbbl jhgi\en\endpiece
-\noindent which was coded as
-\Notes\Dqbu gh\Dqbl jh\en
-\notes\Dqbbu fg\Dqbbl hk\en\bar
-\Notes\Tqbu ghi\Tqbl mmj\en
-\notes\Tqbbu fgj\Tqbbl njh\en\bar
-\Notes\Qqbu ghjh\Qqbl jifh\en\bar
-\notes\Qqbbu fgge\Qqbbl jhgi\en
-\subsection{System bar numbering}
-To have a bar number printed just above the beginning of each system, use
-\keyindex{systemnumbers}. The distance above the staff is controlled
-by \verb|\raisebarno|, which by default is \verb|4\internote| (to fit
-above a treble clef). This can be redefined with the command\\
-\verb|\def|\keyindex{raisebarno}\verb|{|\ital{any \TeX~dimension}\verb|}|.
-The horizontal position similarly is defined by \keyindex{shiftbarno}
-which by default is \verb|0pt|.
-The number normally is enclosed in a
-box. If you don't like that, you may redefine the macro \verb|\writebarno|
-which by default is defined as\\
-This uses the utility \musixtex\ macro \keyindex{boxit} which will enclose
-any text string in a box.
-Here are some possible alternate formats for system bar numbers:
-\hbox to \hsize{%
- \raise20pt\hbox{(a) }%
- \systemnumbers\startextract
- \Notes\wh g\en
- \zendextract
- \def\writebarno{\tenrm\the\barno\barnoadd}%
- \def\raisebarno{2\internote}%
- \def\shiftbarno{2.5\Interligne}%
- \raise20pt\hbox{(b) }%
- \systemnumbers\startextract
- \Notes\wh g\en
- \zendextract
- \def\writebarno{\llap{\tenbf\the\barno\barnoadd}}%
- \def\raisebarno{2\internote}%
- \def\shiftbarno{1.3\Interligne}%
- \raise20pt\hbox{(c) }%
- \systemnumbers\startextract
- \Notes\wh g\en
- \zendextract
-\noindent This was coded as
- \item[(a)] (default)
- \item[(b)]
- \begin{verbatim}
- \end{verbatim}
- \item[(c)]
- \begin{verbatim}
- \end{verbatim}
-If the previous line does not stop with a bar rule, then the next
-printed system bar number will immediately be followed by the contents
-of the token \keyindex{writezbarno}, whose
-default setting is the lower case character `\verb|a|'. You might want to
-change this to `\verb|+|', in which case you should say
-%DAS: Who cares ???
-%\noindent Besides, you can suppress the messages of bar numbers on
-%\verb|stdout| (normally screen) with \keyindex{nobarmessage}. In the same way,
-%you can suppress the messages abour new lines (new systems) with
- %\check
-\section{Managing the layout of your score}
-\subsection{Line and page breaking}\label{linebreak}
-If every bar ends with \verb|\bar| and no other line- or page-breaking commands
-are used, then the external program \verb|musixflx| will decide where to insert
-line and page breaks. Line breaks will only come at bar lines. The total
-number of lines will depend on the initial value of \verb|\elemskip|, which by
-default is 6 pt in \verb|\normalmusicsize|.
-You can force a line or page break by replacing \keyindex{bar} with
-\keyindex{alaligne} or \keyindex{alapage} respectively. On the other hand,
-to forbid line-breaking at a particular bar, replace \verb|\bar|
-with \keyindex{xbar}. To force a line or page break where there is
-no bar line, use \keyindex{zalaligne} or \keyindex{zalapage}. To mark any
-mid-bar location as an optional line-breaking point, use \keyindex{zbar}.
-The heavy final double bar of a piece is one of the consequences of
-\keyindex{Endpiece} or \keyindex{Stoppiece}. If you just want to terminate
-the text with a simple bar, say \keyindex{stoppiece} or \keyindex{endpiece}.
-To terminate it with no bar line at all, code \keyindex{zstoppiece}.
-Once you have stopped the score by any of these means, you may want to restart
-it, and there are several ways to do so. If you don't need to change the key
-signature, meter, or clef,
-you can use \keyindex{contpiece} for no indentation, or \keyindex{Contpiece}
-to indent by \keyindex{parindent}. If you do want to change some score
-attribute that takes up space, for example
-with \keyindex{generalsignature} after \verb|\stoppiece|, then to restart you
-must use \keyindex{startpiece}. However, if you don't want \verb|\barno| reset
-to 1, you must save its new starting value to \verb|\startbarno|. You may also
-wish to modify instrument names or \verb|\parindent| before restarting.
-Recall that thin-thin or thin-thick double bars or blank bar lines can be
-inserted without stopping by using the commands described in section
-\ref{doublebars}. Those commands can also be used before \verb|\stoppiece|,
-\verb|\alaligne|, or \verb|\alapage|
-\subsection{Page layout}
-Blank space above and below each staff is controlled by the dimension
-registers \keyindex{stafftopmarg} and \keyindex{staffbotmarg}. For more
-info see section \ref{LayoutParameters}.
-The macro \keyindex{raggedbottom} will remove all vertical glue and
-compact everything toward the top of page.
-In contrast, the macro \keyindex{normalbottom} will restore default
-behavior, in which vertical space between the systems is distributed
-so that the first staff
-on the page is all the way at the top and the last staff all the way at
-the bottom.
-The macro \keyindex{musicparskip} will allow the existing space between
-systems to increase by up to \verb|5\Interligne|.
-The following values of page layout parameters will allow the maximum material
-to fit on each page, provided the printer allows the margins that are implied.
-\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{A4}&\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{letter}&\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{A4 or letter}\\\hline
-\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\tt\Bslash parindent= 0pt}\\\hline
-\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\tt\Bslash hoffset= -15.4mm}\\\hline
-\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\tt\Bslash voffset= -10mm}\\\hline
-\verb+\hsize= 190mm+&\verb+\hsize= 196mm+&\verb+\hsize= 190mm+\\\hline
-\verb+\vsize= 260mm+&\verb+\vsize= 247mm+&\verb+\vsize= 247mm+\\\hline
-\subsection{Page numbering, headers and footers}\index{page
-There are no special page numbering facilities in \musixtex; you must rely on
-macros from plain \TeX. There is a count register in \TeX\ called
-\verb|\pageno|. It is always initialized to \verb|1| and incremented by one
-at every page break. By saying \keyindex{pageno}$=n$, it can be reset to any
-value at any time, and will continue to be incremented from the new value.
-By default, \TeX\ will place a page number on
-every page, centered at the bottom. Unfortunately, this is not the preferred
-location according to any standard practice. To suppress this default
-behavior, say \keyindex{nopagenumbers}.
-One way to initiate page numbering in a more acceptable location is to take
-advantage of the facts that (a) \TeX\ prints the contents of the control sequences
-\keyindex{headline} and \keyindex{footline} at the top and bottom
-respectively of every page, and (b) the value of \verb|\pageno| can be printed by
-saying \keyindex{folio}. Therefore, for example, the following sequence of
-commands, issued anywhere before the end of the first page, will cause page
-numbers and any desired text to be printed at the top of every page,
-alternating between placement of the number at the left and right margins, and
-alternating between the two different text strings (the capitalized text in
-the example):
-\def\rightheadline{\tenrm\hfil RIGHT RUNNING HEAD\hfil\folio}%
-\def\leftheadline{\tenrm\folio\hfil LEFT RUNNING HEAD\hfil}%
-\subsection{Controlling the total number of systems and pages}\index{page and line
-layout (global)}
-Once all the notes are entered into a \musixtex\ score, it would be convenient
-if there were a simple sequence of commands to
-cause a specified number of systems to be uniformly distributed over a
-specified number of pages. Unfortunately that's not directly
-possible\footnote{It \textit{is} possible in \textbf{PMX}.}.
-Rather, some trial and error will usually be required to achieve the desired final
-layout. To this end, some combination of the following strategies may be used:
- \begin{enumerate}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item Assign a value to the count register \keyindex{linegoal} representing
-the total number of systems. The count register \keyindex{mulooseness} must be 0 if using
- \item Explicitly force line and page breaking as desired, using
-the macros \verb|\alaligne|, \verb|\alapage|, \verb|\zalaligne|
-or \verb|\zalapage|.
- \item Adjust both \keyindex{mulooseness} and the initial value of
-\keyindex{elemskip}: increasing \verb|\mulooseness| from its default of 0 will
-increase the total number of systems, while changing the initial value of
-\verb|\elemskip| (use \verb|\showthe\elemskip| to find its default value) may change the
-total number of systems accordingly.
- \end{enumerate}
- %\check
-\section{Changing clefs, key signatures, and meters}
-To define clefs, key signatures, or meters at the start of a piece,
-or to change one or more of these attributes\footnote{In this section,
-\ital{attribute} will refer to any clef, key signature, or meter.}~anywhere
-else in a score,
-\musixtex\ requires two steps. The first step is to \ital{set} the new values of
-the attributes.
-Most of the commands for this have the form \verb|\set|...~. They will be
-described in the following subsections.
-But this alone will
-not cause anything to be changed or printed. The second step is to activate the
-change. This is done by issuing one of the
-following commands (outside \verb|\notes|$\dots$\verb|\en|):
-\verb|\startpiece|, \verb|\startextract|, \verb|\contpiece|,
-\verb|\alaligne|, \verb|\alapage|, \verb|\zalaligne|, \verb|\zalapage|,
-\verb|\Changecontext|, \verb|\zchangecontext|, \verb|\changesignature|,
-\verb|\changeclefs|, or \verb|\zchangeclefs|. Most of these perform
-other functions as well, and some may be used even when no attributes
-change. Features unrelated to changing attributes are detailed elsewhere.
-The first 11 will activate all pending new attributes.
-If more than one type is activated by a single command in this manner,
-then regardless of the order
-they were set, they will always appear in the following order: clef, key signature,
-The last three commands in the above list obviously activate only
-the specific type of attribute referred to in the name of the command.
-The macros \verb|\changecontext|, \verb|\Changecontext|, \verb|\zchangecontext|
-will respectively insert a single, double, or invisible bar
-line before printing the attributes.
-\subsection{Key Signatures}
-We've already seen in section \ref{whatspecify} how to set key
-signatures for all instruments with \keyindex{generalsignature}, or for
-specific instruments with \keyindex{setsign}. As just noted, these commands only
-prepare for the insertion of the signatures into the score; it is
-really \verb|\startpiece| that puts them in place at the beginning of the
-The commands \verb|\generalsignature| and \verb|\setsign| also serve to set
-new key signature(s) anywhere in score. The change can then be activated with one of
-the 11 general commands listed above, or with \keyindex{changesignature} if
-in the middle of a bar.
-While neither \verb|\changesignature| nor \verb|\zchangecontext| prints a bar
-line, the differences are that the latter increments the bar number counter and
-inserts a horizontal space of \verb|\afterruleskip| after the new signature(s).
-All of these options will repost signatures that have not been changed.
-Normally, changing a signature from flats to sharps or vice-versa, or
-reducing the number of sharps or flats, will produce the appropriate set of
-naturals to indicate what has been suppressed. This standard feature can be
-temporarily inhibited by the command \keyindex{ignorenats} issued right before
-the change-activating command.
-Here is an example showing various possibilities for changing key signatures.
-Note the comments between the code lines.
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en
-% Signature change in a single instrument with two staves.
-% Naturals appear by default, indicating cancelled sharps.
-\Notes\qu J&\qu d|\qu e\en
-% When changing signature in the middle of a bar and no naturals
-% are posted, the new signature can be confused with a simple accidental.
-\Notes\qu M&\qu d|\qu e\en
-% New signatures after a double bar line
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
-% New signatures after an invisible bar line. Note the
-% difference in spacing compared with beat 3 of the prior measure
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en
-% Signature changing in a single instrument with 2 staves
-% Naturals are allowed to shown there are no more sharps
-\Notes\qu J&\qu d|\qu e\en
-% Signature changing in a single staff without naturals
-% if there is no bar line, the signatures are confusing:
-% it is not clear if they are for a single note or not
-\Notes\qu M&\qu d|\qu e\en
-% New signatures after a double bar line
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
-% New signatures after an invisible bar line
-% see the difference in space comparing beat 2
-\Notes\qu K&\qu d|\qu e\en%
-Macros that define clefs have already been discussed in section
-\ref{whatspecify}. By way of review, here are all of the possible clefs
-(applied to the lowest staff):
-%This one uses \setclefsymbol1\empty :
-%&\musicintextnoclef{\notes\qu h\en}&\musicintextsign9\\[3ex]\hline\hline
-\footnotetext{Details of the macro {\tt\Bslash setclefsymbol} will be discussed later}
-Just as with key signatures, these commands only \ital{prepare} for clef changes.
-To \ital{activate} them, any of the first 11 commands listed in section
-\ref{contextintro} could be used. However, one should keep in mind that
-according to modern conventions, a clef change at a bar line is posted
-before the bar line, while for example \verb|\changecontext| would post it
-after the bar line. In part for this reason, we have the special command
-\keyindex{changeclefs}. It can be used anywhere outside
-\verb+\notes...\enotes+ to activate a clef change and insert an amount of
-horizontal space to accommodate the new clef symbol(s), without printing a
-bar line. Sometimes no added
-space is required, in which case \keyindex{zchangeclefs} should be used.
-Here are some examples of clef changes:
-% Change in one staff only, with added space
-\Notes\qu k&\qu e|\cu{.d}\ccu{e}\en%
-% Combined with signature change, also no extra space needed
-% twice the same clef in staff 2 - with the help of a blank clef
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en%
-% clef change before barline
-\Notes\qu k&\cu{de}|\qu e\en%
-% clef change after barline
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en%
-% clef change after barline with changecontext
-\Notes\cu k&\cu d|\qu e\en%
-% twice the same clef
-\Notes\cu k&\cu e |\en%
-% Change in one staff only, with added space
-\Notes\qu k&\qu e|\cu{.d}\ccu{e}\en%
-% Combined with signature change, also no extra space needed
-% twice the same clef in staff 2 - with the help of a blank clef
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en%
-% clef change before barline
-\Notes\qu k&\cu{de}|\qu e\en%
-% clef change after barline
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en%
-% clef change after barline with changecontext
-\Notes\cu k&\cu d|\qu e\en%
-% twice the same clef
-\Notes\cu k&\cu e |\en%
-\noindent Of course the examples in the last two bars are contrary
-to accepted practice.
-Clef changes initiated with the \verb|\setclef| command have several features
-in common. When activated after the beginning of the piece, the printed symbol
-is smaller than the normal one used at the beginning of the piece. Also,
-\musixtex\ automatically adjusts vertical positions of noteheads consistent
-with the new clef.
-There is an additional group of macros for setting new clefs which does not share
-either of these features. In other words, they will always print full sized symbols, and they
-won't change the vertical positions of noteheads from what they would have been
-before the new symbol was printed. We could call this process ``clef symbol substitution'',
-because all it does is print a different symbol (or no symbol at all) in place of
-the underlying clef which was set in the normal way.
-You'll need to use clef symbol substitution if you want to have a so-called
-\index{octave clefs}\label{octclef}octave treble clef or octave bass
-clef, i.e., one containing a numeral 8 above or
-below the normal symbol. The syntax for setting upper
-is \keyindex{setbassclefsymbol}\onen\keyindex{bassoct}\\
-or \keyindex{settrebleclefsymbol}\onen\keyindex{trebleoct}; for lower octaviation
-it is\\ \keyindex{setbassclefsymbol}\onen\keyindex{basslowoct} or
-\keyindex{settrebleclefsymbol}\onen\keyindex{treblelowoct}. Because these sequences act to
-\ital{replace} normal bass or treble clefs with a different symbol, they
-require that the normal clefs be set first. For example
- \parindent 19mm
- \instrumentnumber{4}
- \generalmeter{\empty}
- \setclef1\bass \setclef2\bass \setclef3\treble \setclef4\treble
- \setbassclefsymbol1\basslowoct
- \setbassclefsymbol2\bassoct
- \settrebleclefsymbol3\treblelowoct
- \settrebleclefsymbol4\trebleoct
-\parindent 19mm
-\setclef1\bass \setclef2\bass
-\setclef3\treble \setclef4\treble
-\index{clefs (empty)}
-Another application of clef symbol substitution is to cause no clef to be
-printed, as for example might be desired in percussion music, This
-can be accomplished with \keyindex{setclefsymbol}\onen\verb|\empty|, which
-once activated would replace \ital{all} clef symbols in the first (lowest)
-staff of instrument $n$ with blanks.
-Normal symbols for those clefs that have been substituted can be restored by
-Four other small clef symbols are available: \verb|\smalltrebleoct|,
-\verb|\smalltreblelowoct|, \verb|\smallbassoct|, and \verb|\smallbasslowoct|.
-They look just like the corresponding normal-sized symbols, and are useful by
-clef symbol substitution for clef changes after the beginning of a piece, as
-demonstrated in the following example.
-The various clef symbol substitution commands can only be used to substitute for
-\texttt{treble}, \texttt{alto}, or \texttt{bass} clefs.
-In the following example, (1) is two normal clef changes. At (2) the clef is first changed
-back to treble and then the \verb|\treblelowoct| symbol is substituted by using
-When changing the clef away from treble and then back as at (3), the substitution
-symbol is still in force. At (4), \verb|\resetclefsymbols| cancels the symbol substitution.
-If using \verb|\setclefsymbol| all available clefs are changed to the same symbol, as you can see
-in the three clefs after (5) in comparison with (2). These also illustrate the use of the small
-octave clef symbol. Obviously the second clef after (5) is
-nonsense; \verb|\resetclefsymbols| puts matters in order at (6) and (7).
-\notes\zchar{-5}{1}\qu H\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{2}\qu J\en
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{3}\qu I\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{4}\qu J\en\resetclefsymbols\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\doublebar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{5}\qu J\en
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\qu I\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\zchar{-5}{6}\qu i\en\resetclefsymbols\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{7}\qu J\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en
-\noindent This is the code:
-\notes\zchar{-5}{1}\qu H\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{2}\qu J\en
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{3}\qu I\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{4}\qu J\en\resetclefsymbols\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\doublebar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{5}\qu J\en
-\notes\qu i\en\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\qu I\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\zchar{-5}{6}\qu i\en\resetclefsymbols\setclef1\bass\changeclefs\bar
-\notes\zchar{-5}{7}\qu J\en\setclef1\treble\changeclefs
-\notes\qu i\en
-\subsection{Meter changes}
-As mentioned in section \ref{generalmeter}, a common \itxem{meter} for all
-staves can be specified by \keyindex{generalmeter}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}|,
-where $m$ denotes the meter. On the other hand, meter changes in specific
-staves are implemented with
-where $n$ is the number of the instrument, $m1$ specifies the meter
-of the first (lowest) staff, $m2$ the second staff, and so forth. (Only enter
-as many $m$'s as necessary.)
-Since meter changes are meaningful only across bars, there is no special command to
-activate a new meter; rather, they are activated with the general commands
-\keyindex{changecontext}, etc., listed in section \ref{contextintro}.
-The next example shows a few methods to get a meter change, in all staves or
-in a single staff.
-\setmeter2{{\lower2pt\hbox{\meterfrac{\Bigtype 2}{}}}%
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en
-% bar 11
-% Meters, clefs, and key signatures.
-% All 3 clefs after bar (probably bad form) if no changeclefs
-% How to force showing the bass clef?
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en
-% bar 12
-% Meters, clefs, and key signatures, with clef before the bar.
-% Maybe not best form if signatures are involved
-\Notes\qu k&\cu{de}|\qu e\en
-% How big the '2' must be?
-\setmeter2{{\lower2pt\hbox{\meterfrac{\Bigtype 2}{}}}%
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en
-% bar 11
-% Meter Clefs and Key Signatures
-% all 3 clefs after bar if no changeclefs
-% How to force showing the bass clef?
-\Notes\qu K&\cu{de}|\qu e\en
-% bar 12
-% Meter Clefs Keys Signatures all 3 with clef before the bar
-% probably not if signatures are involved
-\Notes\qu k&\cu{de}|\qu e\en
-To replace a bar line with a left, right, or left-right repeat, use one of the
-commands \keyindex{leftrepeat}, \keyindex{rightrepeat} or
-\keyindex{leftrightrepeat} in place of \verb|\bar|. If a \verb|\leftrepeat|
-happens to come at the end of a system, it will automatically be moved to the
-start of the next system. If a \verb|\leftrightrepeat| happens to come at the
-end if a system, \musixtex\ will automatically post a right repeat at the end
-of the system and a left repeat at the beginning of the next.
-For example,
-\NOTes\ha g\enotes
-\NOTes\ha h\enotes
-\NOTes\ha i\enotes
-\NOTEs\wh j\enotes
- \noindent has been coded as:
-\NOTes\ha g\enotes
-\NOTes\ha h\enotes
-\NOTes\ha i\enotes
-\NOTEs\wh j\enotes
-To insert a right repeat at a forced line break or at the end of a piece, use
-\verb|\setrightrepeat| \textit{before}\ \verb|\alaligne| or \verb|\endpiece|.
-In contrast, to insert a left repeat at a forced line break or at the
-beginning of a piece, simply use \verb|\leftrepeat| immediately \textit{after}
-\verb|\startpiece| or \verb|\alaligne|. To insert a left-right repeat at a
-forced line break, use \verb|\setrightrepeat\alaligne\leftrepeat|.
-In fact it is possible to use \keyindex{setleftrepeat},
-\keyindex{setrightrepeat} or \keyindex{setleftrightrepeat} before any
-\keyindex{bar}, \keyindex{stoppiece} or \keyindex{changecontext}. But
-be aware that while \verb|\setleftrepeat| behaves properly if the
-bar is at the end of a system, \verb|\setleftrightrepeat| does not, placing
-the symbol only at the end of the system.
- \subsection{First and second endings (Voltas)}\index{volta}
-All volta commands must be entered right before the bar line command
-(or repeat, etc.) where they are to take effect. There are three
-commands that suffice to set all voltas. To start one, use
-\keyindex{Setvolta}\verb|{|\textit{text}\verb|}|; to terminate it
-with or without a vertical line, use \keyindex{endvolta} or
-\keyindex{endvoltabox} respectively. The text by default will be followed
-by a period. There are also various alternate
-commands (e.g., \verb|\setendvoltabox| is equivalent to \verb|endvoltabox|).
-Some such alternate forms are used in the following example, but the first three
-mentioned above are all that are required:
-\medskip \begin{music}
- \parindent0pt
- \startpiece
- \addspace\afterruleskip
- \NOTEs\wh a\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh b\en\setvoltabox{1.-3}\bar
- \NOTEs\wh c\en\setvolta4\setendvolta\rightrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh d\en\doublebar
- \NOTEs\wh e\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh f\en\leftrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh g\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh h\en\Setvolta1\bar
- \NOTEs\wh i\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh j\en\Setvolta2\setendvoltabox\rightrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh i\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh h\en\setendvoltabox
- \Endpiece
- \end{music}
- \noindent This was coded as
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
- \startpiece \addspace\afterruleskip
- \NOTEs\wh a\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh b\en\setvoltabox{1.-3}\bar
- \NOTEs\wh c\en\setvolta4\setendvolta\rightrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh d\en\doublebar
- \NOTEs\wh e\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh f\en\leftrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh g\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh h\en\Setvolta1\bar
- \NOTEs\wh i\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh j\en\Setvolta2\setendvoltabox\rightrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh i\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh h\en\setendvoltabox
- \Endpiece
- \zkeyindex{leftrepeat}\zkeyindex{rightrepeat}
-If the volta only spans one measure and ends without a vertical segment,
-it can be specified simply by saying
-\keyindex{setvolta}\verb|{|\textit{text}\verb|}| before the bar line command
-that starts it, and it will automatically terminate at the
-second bar line command:
-\medskip \begin{music}
- \parindent0pt \startpiece \addspace\afterruleskip
- \NOTEs\wh a\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh b\en\setvolta{1.-3}\bar \NOTEs\wh c\en\setvolta4\rightrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh d\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh e\en\Endpiece
-\noindent which was coded as:
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
- \parindent0pt \startpiece \addspace\afterruleskip
- \NOTEs\wh a\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh b\en\setvolta{1.-3}\bar \NOTEs\wh c\en\setvolta4\rightrepeat
- \NOTEs\wh d\en\bar
- \NOTEs\wh e\en\Endpiece
-The height above the top staff line of the horizontal line in a volta symbol
-is determined by the token \keyindex{raisevolta} which is 4\verb|\internote| by
-default. You can change this to any desired dimension.
-The period after the text can be
-removed by saying \verb|\def|\keyindex{voltadot}\verb|{}|
-and restored by \verb|\def|\keyindex{voltadot}\verb|{.}|\ .
- \subsection{Special symbols for repeating long sections}
-Four special symbols and corresponding macros are available, namely
-\keyindex{coda}~$p$, \keyindex{Coda}~$p$,
-and \keyindex{segno}~$p$, where $p$ specifies the pitch; and \keyindex{Segno}
-with no argument. Their behavior is illustrated in this example:
-\NOtes\segno n\enotes
-\NOtes\coda n\enotes
-\NOtes\Coda n\enotes
-\noindent which has been coded:
-\NOtes\segno m\enotes\bar
-\NOtes\coda m\enotes
-\NOtes\Coda m\enotes
-\subsection{Repeating a single bar}
- The special symbol for a single bar repeat is generated by \keyindex{duevolte}, as shown
-in the following example:
-\noindent whose coding is:
-\noindent This is often used with \verb|\centerbar| to more easily center the
-symbol between bar lines, as shown in the example in section \ref{barcentered}.
-\section{Font selection and text placement}
-\subsection{Predefined text fonts}
-While any \TeX\ font can be used by \musixtex, there are certain styles and
-sizes that can be selected using shortcut commands.
-For ordinary text the shortcuts cover fonts of eight different
-sizes and three styles. The sizes in points are 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, and 25;
-the styles are from the standard Computer Modern family: Roman, bold and italic. The
-four smallest sizes are each available in all three styles, while the larger
-sizes, which are intended for titles, are available only in bold style.
-The size selection macros from smallest to biggest are \keyindex{smalltype},
-\keyindex{normtype}, \keyindex{medtype}, \keyindex{bigtype},
-\keyindex{Bigtype} ,
-\keyindex{BIgtype} and \keyindex{BIGtype}. Following size selection, the
-style may be selected or changed using \keyindex{rm} (Roman), \keyindex{bf}
-(bold) or \keyindex{it} (italic). If no style is explicitly selected, Roman style
-will be used for the sizes \verb|\medtype| or smaller. For the larger sizes,
-only bold style is provided and no style selection is required. Thus, for example,
-eight point italic is selected with \verb|\smalltype\it|, while
-twelve point Roman is selected using \verb|\medtype\rm| or simply
-\verb|\medtype|. To change between styles while maintaining the same size,
-code \verb|\rm|, \verb|\it| or \verb|\bf| as in Plain \TeX.
-When \musixtex\ is started, the default font for ordinary text is
-ten point Roman, equivalent to \verb|\normtype\rm|.
-Another group of fonts, in bold extended italic style, is predefined in point sizes
-10, 12, 14, and 17 for dynamic markings. The appropriate font for the current
-staff size may be selected simply by using \keyindex{ppff} as a
-font specification. Macros \verb|\smalldyn|, \verb|\normdyn|, or \verb|\meddyn| may be
-used to redefine \verb|\ppff| to represent one of the smallest three.
-All predefined fonts are summarized in the following table. The second column gives an
-explicit control sequence that can alternatively be used locally as a font specification.
- \begin{tabular}{lll}
- \hline
- Size and style & Font specification & Example \\
- \hline
- \verb|\smalltype| & \verb|\eightrm| & {\smalltype small Roman} \\
- \verb|\smalltype\bf| & \verb|\eightbf| & {\smalltype\bf small bold} \\
- \verb|\smalltype\it| & \verb|\eightit| & {\smalltype\it small italic} \\
- \verb|\Smalltype| & \verb|\ninerm| & {\Smalltype Small Roman} \\
- \verb|\Smalltype\bf| & \verb|\ninebf| & {\Smalltype\bf Small bold} \\
- \verb|\Smalltype\it| & \verb|\nineit| & {\Smalltype\it Small italic} \\
- \verb|\normtype| & \verb|\tenrm| & {\normtype normal Roman} \\
- \verb|\normtype\bf| & \verb|\tenbf| & {\normtype\bf normal bold} \\
- \verb|\normtype\it| & \verb|\tenit| & {\normtype\it normal italic}\\
- \verb|\medtype| & \verb|\twelverm| & {\medtype medium Roman} \\
- \verb|\medtype\bf| & \verb|\twelvebf| & {\medtype\bf medium bold} \\
- \verb|\medtype\it| & \verb|\twelveit| & {\medtype\it medium italic}\\
- \verb|\bigtype| & \verb|\bigfont| & {\bigtype big bold} \\
- \verb|\Bigtype| & \verb|\Bigfont| & {\Bigtype Big bold} \\
- \verb|\BIgtype| & \verb|\BIgfont| & {\BIgtype BIg bold} \\
- \verb|\BIGtype| & \verb|\BIGfont| & {\BIGtype BIG bold} \\
- \verb|\smalldyn| & \verb|\ppffsixteen| & {\ppffsixteen pp ff diminuendo}\\
- \verb|\normdyn| & \verb|\ppfftwenty| & {\ppfftwenty pp ff crescendo}\\
- \verb|\meddyn| & \verb|\ppfftwentyfour| & {\ppfftwentyfour pp ff crescendo}\\[.4ex]
- ~ & \verb|\ppfftwentynine| & {\ppfftwentynine pp ff diminuendo}\\[.4ex]
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
-\subsection{User-defined text fonts}
-Since \musixtex\ is a superset of \TeX, you are free to use the standard \TeX\
-machinery for defining and using any special font you desire. You must first
-of course ensure that (a) all the necessary font files (e.g., \verb|bla10.tfm|,
-\verb|bla10.pfb|, or equivalents) are installed in the right places in your system, (b) all
-configuration files (e.g., \verb|| or equivalent) have been updated, and
-(c) the \TeX\ system has been ``rehashed''. Then you can use the font just as
-in any \TeX\ document, e.g. by coding \verb|\font blafont=bla10| and then
-\verb|\zchar{10}{\blafont Text in user-defined font}|.
-You might also wish to replace once and for all the typefaces invoked by the
-commands described in the previous section. Again, before doing this, you must
-follow steps (a-c) of the previous paragraph for all fonts in questions.
-You can use the standard bitmapped fonts which are converted to
-postscript by e.g.\ \verb|dvips|, but you also may replace them
-by native postscript fonts.
-As an example, you can replace the standard \verb|musixtex| fonts by
-the Times series of fonts as follows:
-% 8pt roman, bold, and italic
-\font\eightrm=ptmr7t at 8pt
-\font\eightbf=ptmb7t at 8pt
-\font\eightit=ptmri7t at 8pt
-% 9pt
-\font\ninerm=ptmr7t at 9pt
-\font\ninebf=ptmb7t at 9pt
-\font\nineit=ptmri7t at 9pt
-% 10pt
-% 12pt
-\font\twelverm=ptmr7t scaled \magstep 1
-\font\twelvebf=ptmb7t scaled \magstep 1
-\font\twelveit=ptmri7t scaled \magstep 1
-% Large fonts for titles : normal shaped Times-Roman fonts are applied
-\font\bigfont=ptmr7t scaled \magstep2 % 14pt
-\font\Bigfont=ptmr7t scaled \magstep3 % 17pt
-\font\BIgfont=ptmr7t scaled \magstep4 % 20pt
-\font\BIGfont=ptmr7t scaled \magstep5 % 25pt
-The above definitions are made available in a file
-\verb|musixtmr.tex|\footnote{by Hiroaki {\sc Morimoto}}, to be used as
-\input musixtex
-\input musixps
-\input musixtmr
-\font\tbigtype=ptmr7t scaled \magstep2
-\font\tBIgtype=ptmr7t scaled \magstep4
-\noindent Here's a comparison of some of the Computer Modern Roman and Times Roman fonts:
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- \hline
- {\normtype normal (10pt) cm Roman} & {\tnormtype normal Times Roman} \\
- {\normtype\bf normal cm bold} & {\tnormtypebf normal Times bold} \\
- {\normtype\it normal cm italic} & {\tnormtypeit normal Times italic}\\
- {\bigtype cm big} & {\tbigtype Times big} \\
- {\BIgtype cm BIg } & {\tBIgtype Times BIg bold} \\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
-\subsection{Text placement}\label{textplacement}
-Special macros are provided to allow precise placement of any \TeX\ text, vertically
-relative to the staff, and horizontally relative to any note in
-the staff.
-The macros in the first group will vertically position the text with the
-baseline at any specified pitch or staff line. They must be used
-inside \verb|\notes...\enotes|. They will not insert any additional
-horizontal space. They have the forms
-\keyindex{zcharnote}\pitchp\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|, \keyindex{lcharnote}\pitchp\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|,
-and \keyindex{ccharnote}\pitchp\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|,
-where \ital{p} is the pitch. With the first one, text will spill to the right
-from the current insertion point, with the second it will spill to the left, and with the
-third it will be centered horizontally.
-There are similar macros \keyindex{zchar}\pitchp\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|,
-\keyindex{lchar}\pitchp\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|, and \keyindex{cchar}\pitchp\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|,
-which differ from the previous three in that the pitch \ital{must} be given with
-a number (representing the number of staff positions up from the lowest line),
-and that the number need not be an integer.
-To vertically position any text midway between two consecutive staves, use
-\keyindex{zmidstaff}\verb|{|{\it text}\verb|}|, \keyindex{lmidstaff}\verb|{|{\it text}\verb|}|,
-or \keyindex{cmidstaff}\verb|{|{\it text}\verb|}| at the appropriate point in the lower staff.
-The macros \keyindex{uptext}\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}| and
-\keyindex{Uptext}\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}| are simply shorthands for
-\verb|\zchar{10}{|\ital{text}\verb|}| and \verb|\zchar{14}{|\ital{text}\verb|}| respectively.
-The text items handled by all of the above macros can include any appropriate
-string of \TeX\
-control sequences, including font definitions, \verb|\hbox|'es, etc.
-Material posted with any of the macros described in this section will not
-create any additional horizontal or vertical space within the current system,
-and will overwrite anything in the current system that gets in the way. It is
-the typesetter's responsibility to ensure there is adequate white space
-within the current system to accommodate any text emplaced with
-these macros. On the other hand, if text is emplaced far above or below a
-system, \musixtex\ will usually insert additional vertical space if needed.
-\subsection{Rehearsal marks}
-Rehearsal marks are usually
-boxed or circled uppercase letters or digits. They can be defined using the macros
-\keyindex{boxit}\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}| or
-\keyindex{circleit}\verb|{|\ital{text}\verb|}|. For boxed text,
-the margin between the text and box is controlled by the dimension
-register \keyindex{boxitsep}, which can be reset to any \TeX\ dimension if the
-default value of \verb|3pt| is unsatisfactory. To emplace the mark, use \verb|\Uptext| or
-any of the other macros defined in the previous section.
-\section{Miscellaneous other notations}
- \subsection{Metronomic indications}
-%Metronomic indication deserves a special macro. The mention:
-%is coded by \keyindex{metron}\verb|{\hup}{60}| (normally embedded in
-%\keyindex{Uptext} which is in turn embedded within \verb|\notes...\enotes|).
-% On the other hand, music writers sometimes want to specify that the duration
-%of a previous note is equal to a distinct furthernote. Thus
-% \smallskip
-%is coded by \keyindex{metronequiv}\verb|{\qup}{\qu}|.
-By way of example, the notations~~~{\def\nbinstruments{0}
-respectively coded as
-\keyindex{metron}\verb|{\hup}{60}| and \keyindex{metronequiv}\verb|{\qup}{\qu}|,
-which are normally emplaced using \keyindex{Uptext}.
-Also, you can set a smaller metronomic indication like~~~{\def\nbinstruments{0}
-\metron{\smallnotesize\lqu}{ca. 72}}~~~ or ~~~{\def\nbinstruments{0}
-\metron{\tinynotesize\lqu}{ca. 72}}~~~ by writing
-\verb|\metron{\smallnotesize\lqu}{ca. 72}| or \verb|\metron{\tinynotesize\lqu}{ca. 72}|.
- \subsection{Accents}
-You may use\footnote{Note from the editor: the reason the names of some of
-these macros don't seem to be constructed to suggest the terms used in the
-descriptions is that whoever originally defined the macros had in mind terms
-that did not agree with normal English usage.}
- \item \keyindex{upz}\pitchp~(upper \itxem{staccato}) to put a dot above a note
-head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{lpz}\pitchp~(lower \ital{staccato}) to put a dot below a note
-head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{usf}\pitchp~(upper \itxem{sforzando}) to put a $>$ accent above
-a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{lsf}\pitchp~(lower \itxem{sforzando}) to put a $>$ accent below
-a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{ust}\pitchp~(upper \itxem{tenuto}) to put a
-hyphen above a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{lst}\pitchp~(lower \ital{tenuto}) to put a
-hyphen below a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{uppz}\pitchp~(upper \itxem{staccatissimo}) to put a solid vertical
-wedge above a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{lppz}\pitchp~(lower \ital{staccatissimo}) to put an inverted
-solid vertical wedge below a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{usfz}\pitchp~(upper \itxem{forzato}) to put a
-``dunce cap'' above a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{lsfz}\pitchp~(lower \ital{forzato}) to put an inverted
-``dunce cap'' below a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{upzst}\pitchp~(upper \itxem{staccato/tenuto}) to put a
-dot and a hyphen above a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{lpzst}\pitchp~(lower \ital{staccato/tenuto}) to put a
-dot and a hyphen below a note head at pitch $p$,
- \item \keyindex{flageolett}\pitchp~to put a
-small circle above a note head at pitch $p$.
-These marks are horizontally centered relative to solid note heads. To
-compensate for the fact that whole notes are wider, you should use
-\keyindex{wholeshift}\verb|{|\ital{Any nonspacing macro}\verb|}| to center accents
-and other items (e.g.~\verb|\Fermataup|) above a whole note.
-There are also variants of the most common accents\footnote{Thanks to Klaus
-{\sc Bechert}'s corrections.} which will be automatically positioned
-above or below a beam. They are spelled like the corresponding normal
-accent, but preceded with the letter \verb|b|, and their argument, instead of
-the pitch, is the beam reference number . Thus
- \buppz0\qb0i\busf0\qb0j\butext0\tqh0k\en
- \blppz0\qb0i\blsf0\qb0h\bltext0\tqb0g\en
-\noindent was coded as
-\begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} \startextract
- \buppz0\qb0i\busf0\qb0j\butext0\tqh0k\en
- \blppz0\qb0i\blsf0\qb0h\bltext0\tqb0g\en
-The macros \verb|\bltext| and \verb|\butext| are detailed in the next section,
-where the mystery of why they produce the number 3 is resolved.
-\subsection{Numbers and brackets for xtuplets}\label{tuplet}
-The following table lists all the special macros that place a number indicating
-an xtuplet. Some also place a bracket above or below the notes, and are
-intended for use with unbeamed notes.
-In the table, $p$ is a pitch, $k$ is a number, $n$ is a beam number,
-$w$ is a bracket width in \verb|\internote|s, and $s$ is the bracket slope as
-a multiple of 1.125 degrees. The macro \verb|\txt| contains a default number
-and its font, which will be emplaced by the first and third through sixth macros,
-and is initially defined as \verb|\def\txt{\eightit 3}|. The macro
-\verb|\tuplettxt| serves the same role for the last two macros. The first four
-are to be used with beamed xtuplets. As indicated in the
-last column, the last four produce a sloping bracket and are to be used with
-unbeamed xtuplets. The last two require the extension file
-\verb|tuplet.tex| to be input right after \verb|\input musixtex|.
- \begin{tabular}{lclcc}
- \hline
- ~ & Number & ~ & Needs & ~ \\
- Macro and arguments & printed & Where invoked & \verb|tuplet.tex|? & Bracket \\
- \hline
- \verb|\triolet|\pitchp & \verb|\txt| & before beam & no & none \\
- \verb|\xtuplet|\itbrace{k}\pitchp & $k$ & before beam & no & none \\
- \verb|\butext|\itbrace{n} & \verb|\txt| & before note at number & no & none \\
- \verb|\bltext|\itbrace{n} & \verb|\txt| & before note at number & no & none \\
- \verb|\uptrio|\pitchp\itbrace{w}\itbrace{s} & \verb|\txt| & before first note & no & solid \\
- \verb|\downtrio|\pitchp\itbrace{w}\itbrace{s} & \verb|\txt| & before first note & no & solid \\
- \verb|\uptuplet|\pitchp\itbrace{w}\itbrace{s} & \verb|\tuplettxt| & before first note & yes & with gap \\
- \verb|\downtuplet|\pitchp\itbrace{w}\itbrace{s} & \verb|\tuplettxt| & before first note & yes & with gap \\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
-Here are some examples of the first six macros in the table:\\
-\notesp\triolet n\isluru0l\Ibl0ln2\qb0{lm}\tslur0n\tqb0n\en
-\Notesp\triolet o\isluru0l\ql{lm}\tslur0n\ql n\en\bar
-\Notesp\uptrio o16\ql l\en\notesp\cl n\en
-\Notesp\downtrio O16\qu e\en\notesp\cu g\en
-whose coding is
-\notesp\triolet n\isluru0l\Ibl0ln2\qb0{lm}\tslur0n\tqb0n\en
-\Notesp\triolet o\isluru0l\ql{lm}\tslur0n\ql n\en\bar
-\Notesp\uptrio o16\ql l\en\notesp\cl n\en
-\Notesp\downtrio O16\qu e\en\notesp\cu g\en
-Next are examples using the macros from \verb|\tuplet.tex|. Comparison of the
-coding with the printed result reveals that (a) a redefinition of
-\verb|\tuplettxt| inside a notes group only applies inside that group and
-leaves the default definition intact (bar 2),
-(b) the default definition is
-\verb|\def\tuplettxt{\ppffsixteen3}|, a 10-pt bold extended italic numeral 3
-which may be larger and heavier than desired (first set, bar 3) (c) to get the
-number properly centered in the gap, you must include some extra spaces after
-the number in the definition of \verb|\tuplettxt|, and (d) as you can see in
-the last bar, if the span becomes to small, the macros still won't provide
-enough room for the number in the gap; in this case it would be better to
-use to the macros without gaps.
-% Examples:
-% Draw a triplet bracket over the notes, starting at pitch "p",
-% 1.25\noteskip wide, with a slope up of 3-3/8 degrees:
-% \uptuplet p{1.25}3
-% Draw a sextuplet bracket under the notes, starting at pitch "a",
-% 2.5\noteskip wide, with a slope down of 4-1/2 degrees:
-% \def\tuplettxt{\smallppff 6\/\/}
-% \downtuplet{a}{2.5}{-4}
-\input tuplet
-\notesp\triolet o\Ibl0ln2\qb0{lm}\tqb0n\en
-\notesp\def\tuplettxt{\eightit 5\/\/}\uptuplet o{4.1}2\cl{jklmn}\en\bar
-\Notesp\uptuplet o16\ql l\en\notesp\cl n\en
-\def\tuplettxt{\eightit 3\/\/}
-\Notesp\downtuplet O16\qu e\en\notesp\cu g\en\bar
-\notesp\uptuplet o16\ccl l\en\notesp\cccl n\en
-\notesp\downtuplet O16\ccu e\en\notesp\cccu g\en
-\noindent with coding
-\input tuplet
-\notesp\triolet o\Ibl0ln2\qb0{lm}\tqb0n\en
-\notesp\def\tuplettxt{\eightit 5\/\/}\uptuplet o{4.1}2\cl{jklmn}\en\bar
-\Notesp\uptuplet o16\ql l\en\notesp\cl n\en
-\def\tuplettxt{\eightit 3\/\/}
-\Notesp\downtuplet O16\qu e\en\notesp\cu g\en\bar
-\notesp\uptuplet o16\ccl l\en\notesp\cccl n\en
-\notesp\downtuplet O16\ccu e\en\notesp\cccu g\en
- \subsection{Ornaments}
- \subsubsection{Arpeggios}
-\ital{Arpeggios} (i.e.~~~\arpeggio{-2}3) can be coded with the macro
-where $p$ is the pitch of
-the base of the arpeggio symbol and $m$ is its height in units of
-\verb|\interligne|, the distance from one staff line to the next. It should be
-issued before the affected chord. It is
-automatically positioned to the left of the chord, but inserts no spacing.
-Its variant \keyindex{larpeggio} sets the arpeggio symbol roughly
-one note head width to the left of the default position, and is intended to
-avoid collision with single accidentals on chord notes.
- \subsubsection{Arbitrary length trills}
- There are two styles of arbitrary length trills\index{trills}, each with two
-For a trill with preassigned length, use \keyindex{trille}\pitchp\itbrace{l}
-for \hbox to 1cm{\noteskip1cm\trille11\hss} or
-\keyindex{Trille}\pitchp\itbrace{l} for~~\hbox to
-2cm{\noteskip1cm\Trille12\hss}, where $p$ is the pitch and $l$ the length in
-current \verb|\noteskips|.
-To let \musixtex\ compute the length of the trill, or if it extends across a
-system break, you can use \keyindex{Itrille}$n$\pitchp\ to start a plain
-trill, where $n$ is a trill reference number between 0 and 5; then
-\keyindex{Ttrille}$n$ to terminate it. To get the {\it tr} at the
-beginning, use \keyindex{ITrille}$n$\pitchp\ to start the trill and
-\verb|\Ttrille|$n$ to close it.
-As with other elements, you can specify the maximum number
-directly with \keyindex{setmaxtrills}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}| where $7<m\leq 100$%
-\footnote{This may require e-\TeX.};
-the reference number $n$ will be in the range between 0 and $(m-1)$.
-For example:
- \begin{music}
-\notes\qu{CDEFGH}|\hu k\sk\ITrille 1p\itenu1l\wh l\enotes
-\notes\Itrille 2A\itenu2E\whp E|\tten1\hlp l\sk\Ttrille 1\qu {mno}\enotes
-\Notes\tten2\itenu2E\whp E|\ql{nmlkji}\enotes
-\Notes\tten2\whp E\sk\sk\sk\sk\Ttrille2|\qu{hgfedc}\enotes
-whose coding is
-\notes\qu{CDEFGH}|\hu k\sk\ITrille 1p\itenu1l\wh l\enotes
-\notes\Itrille 2A\itenu1e\whp E|\tten1\hlp l\sk\Ttrille 1\qu {mno}\enotes
-\Notes\tten1\itenu1E\whp E|\ql{nmlkji}\Toctfin1\enotes
-\Notes\tten1\whp E\sk\sk\sk\sk\Ttrille2|\qu{hgfedc}\enotes
- \subsubsection{Piano pedal commands}
-The macro \keyindex{PED} inserts a piano pedal command below the staff;
-\keyindex{DEP}, a pedal release. Alternate symbols, the first of which
-occupies less space, are invoked with \keyindex{sPED} and \keyindex{sDEP}.
-For example,
-\NOtes\PED\wh J|\qu h\enotes
-\NOtes|\qu g\enotes
-\NOtes|\hu k\enotes
-\NOtes\sPED\wh J|\qu h\enotes
-\NOtes|\qu g\enotes
-\NOtes|\hu k\enotes
- \noindent was coded as \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
- \NOtes\PED\wh J|\qu h\enotes
- \NOtes|\qu g\enotes
- \NOtes|\hu k\enotes
- \Notes\DEP\enotes \bar
- \NOtes\sPED\wh J|\qu h\enotes
- \NOtes|\qu g\enotes
- \NOtes|\hu k\enotes
- \Notes\sDEP\enotes
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
- The vertical position of
-\keyindex{PED}, \keyindex{sPED}, \keyindex{DEP} and \keyindex{sDEP} can be
-globally changed by redefining its elevation, which has the default
-definition \verb|\def|\keyindex{raiseped}\verb|{-5}|.
-To locally change the vertical position of a pedal symbol, use one of the more
-macros \keyindex{Ped}, \keyindex{sPed}, \keyindex{Dep} and \keyindex{sDep}
-in combination with \keyindex{zchar} or \keyindex{zcharnote}.
-Since the \hbox to .7cm{ \Ped\hss} symbol is rather wide, it might collide
-with adjacent bass notes. To shift it horizontally, you could use \verb|\loff{\PED}|.
- \subsubsection{Other ornaments}\index{ornaments}
-The argument $p$ in the following macros for ordinary ornaments is the
-pitch at which the ornament itself appears. They are all nonspacing macros.
-You may use
- \item \keyindex{mordent}\pitchp\ for \hbox to .75em{\mordent 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{Mordent}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\Mordent 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{shake}\pitchp\ for \hbox to .75em{\shake 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{Shake}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\Shake 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{Shakel}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\Shakel 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{Shakesw}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\Shakesw 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{Shakene}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\Shakene 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{Shakenw}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\Shakenw 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{turn}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\turn 0\hss},
- \item \keyindex{backturn}\pitchp\ for \hbox to 1.5em{\kern 0.6em\backturn 0\hss}.
- \end{itemize}
-In the following macros for fermatas, the argument $p$ is the pitch of the
-notehead on which the fermata rests, assuming no additional vertical
-adjustments are needed for stems or intervening staff lines. They are all
-nonspacing macros. You may use
- \item \keyindex{fermataup}\pitchp\ for
- \item \keyindex{fermatadown}\pitchp\ for
- \item \keyindex{Fermataup}\pitchp\ for
-\raisebox{-1ex}[-1ex][0ex]{\musicintextnoclef{\notes\Fermataup 7\zwh{'c}\en}}~,
-centered over a whole note,
- \item \keyindex{Fermatadown}\pitchp\ for
-centered under a whole note.
- \end{itemize}
-A \itxem{breath} mark
-can be put just above the staff with \keyindex{zbreath}. This is a nonspacing
-macro. On the other hand, \keyindex{cbreath} will cause a space of one
-\verb|\noteskip| and place the comma midway through the space.
-The \keyindex{caesura} command inserts a slash \verb|0.5\noteskip| before
-the place it is entered, while adding no space:
-\NOTes\zhu j\hl{^e}\caesura\en
-\Notes\zcu j\cl e\en
-\subsection{Alphabetic dynamic marks}
- Conventional dynamic symbols
-\pppp, \ppp, \pp,
-\fff\ and
-\ffff\ can be posted using the macros
-\keyindex{ffff} respectively as the second argument of \verb|\zcharnote| or
-\subsection{Hairpins (crescendos and decrescendos)}\label{sec:crescnd}
-The syntax and properties of hairpins will differ depending on whether or not you
-have input \verb|musixps.tex|, which activates not only type K postscript slurs and
-ties but hairpins as well. The font-based variety are always horizontal,
-are limited in length, and cannot span system breaks. Using the postscript variety
-removes all these restrictions, but they will not be visible in DVI previewers.
-\subsubsection{Font-based hairpins}
-There are two categories of font-based hairpins. The first type requires only
-one command, \keyindex{crescendo}\verb|{|$\ell$\verb|}| or
-\keyindex{decrescendo}\verb|{|$\ell$\verb|}|, where $\ell$ is any \TeX{}
-dimension, either a fixed one---for example in points---or a scalable one
-expressed either explicitly or implicitly as some number of
-\verb|\noteskip|s. These should be used as arguments to
-\verb|\zcharnote|, \verb|\zchar|, \verb|\uptext|, \verb|\zmidstaff|, etc., to
-post them at the desired altitude. The longest such symbol is $\simeq$ 68 mm.
-The second type of font-based hairpin requires two commands, one to start it
-and another to end it. The starting macro is \keyindex{icresc}. It has no
-arguments. Only one invocation suffices to start any number and combination of
-crescendos and diminuendos. The ending macros are \keyindex{tcresc} or
-\keyindex{tdecresc}. They should be used as arguments of \verb|\zcharnote| etc,
-which will set the altitude. For example,
-\Notes\cmidstaff\ppp|\ca c\en
-\noindent which was coded as
-\Notes\cmidstaff\ppp|\ca c\en
-\medskip\noindent while
-\Notes\cmidstaff\ppp|\ca c\en
-\Notes\zcharnote N{\tcresc}\cmidstaff\fff|\zcharnote q{\tcresc}\ca{'f}\en
-\noindent was coded as
-\Notes\cmidstaff\ppp|\ca c\en
-\Notes\zcharnote N{\tcresc}\cmidstaff\fff|\zcharnote q{\tcresc}\ca{'f}\en
-\subsubsection{Postscript hairpins}
-As already noted, these require that you have input \verb|musixps.tex|.
-Once having done that, you should not try to use font-based hairpins
-because the syntax is incompatible.
-there are two different types. The first type is normally initiated with either
-\keyindex{icresc}\onen~or \keyindex{idecresc}\onen, and terminated with
-\keyindex{tcresc}\onen, where $n$ is a hairpin index,
-which is virtually unlimited but certain restrictions apply if it exceeds 14.
-The altitude is set by the value of \keyindex{setcrescheight}, which by default
-is -5 and which must be expressed numerically. Note that
-\keyindex{tcresc}~is the same as \keyindex{tdecresc}.
-You can shift the starting or ending point horizontally by replacing the
-foregoing macros with
-\keyindex{ilcresc}, \keyindex{ildecresc},
-\keyindex{ircresc}, \keyindex{irdecresc},
-\keyindex{tlcresc}, \keyindex{tldecresc},
-\keyindex{trcresc}, \keyindex{trdecresc},
-for example to make space for an alphabetic dynamic mark.
-The second form of postscript hairpin macros allows individual and arbitrary
-specification of the altitude and horizontal offset. The syntax is
-\keyindex{Icresc}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{h}\itbrace{s}, where $h$ is the
-altitude---which must be numerical---and $s$ is the horizontal offset
-in \verb|\internote|. Similar syntax obtains for \keyindex{Idecresc}\
-and \keyindex{Tcresc}.
-These hairpins may span several lines. If one of them spans three systems
-then the height of the middle section can be adjusted with
-\keyindex{liftcresc}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{h}. The height of the first and last
-parts of a broken crescendo will be defined by the height parameter in
-\keyindex{Icresc}~or \keyindex{Tcresc}.
-There are numerous other nuances and shorthand macros that are described
-in the comments in \verb|musixps.tex|.
-As an example of a postscript hairpin,
-%\input smallmusixpsx
-\input musixps
-\noindent was coded as
-\input musixps
- \subsection{Length of note stems}
-The default length of note stems is the distance of one octave, i.e.
-\verb|7\internote| or 4.66 \keyindex{interbeam}. The default may be changed
-with the macro \keyindex{stemlength}\itbrace{b}\ where $b$ is the length in
-The command \keyindex{stemcut} causes stems that extend outside the staff
-to be shortened depending on the pitch of the notes. It is the default
-behavior. To suppress this adjustment, issue the command
-Normally, down stems never end above the middle line of the staff and up stems
-never below that line. The command \keyindex{stdstemfalse} will inhibit this
-adjustment, but only for the next stem generated. There is no command to globally
-suppress this behavior.
- \subsection{Brackets, parentheses, and oblique lines}\label{brapar}
-Several varieties of brackets, parentheses and oblique lines are provided for
-use within a score.
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item \keyindex{lpar}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}| and
-\keyindex{rpar}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}| yield left and right
-parentheses at pitch $p$. They could be used to enclose notes or to build
-\ital{cautionary} accidentals, although the latter are more easily
-obtained with predefined macros (see \ref{cautionary}).
-For example,
-\loffset{1.5}{\lpar{g}}\loffset{1.5}{\rpar{g}}\loffset{.4}{\sh g}\hu{g}\en}}
-is coded as&\verb+\loffset{1.5}{\lpar{g}}\loffset{1.5}{\rpar{g}}%+\\
-&\verb+\loffset{.4}{\sh g}\hu{g}\en}+
- \item \keyindex{bracket}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}{|$n$\verb|}| posts a
-square bracket to the left of a chord, vertically spanning $n$
- \item \keyindex{doublethumb}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}| indicates a bracket as
-above spanning 2\verb|\internote|s.
- \item \keyindex{ovbkt}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}{|$n$\verb|}{|$s$\verb|}| and
-draw a sloped bracket starting at the current position at pitch $p$,
-with horizontal extent $n$ \verb|noteskip|s and slope $s$ in multiples of
-1-1/8 degree.
- \item \keyindex{uptrio}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}{|$n$\verb|}{|$s$\verb|}| and
-\keyindex{downtrio}\verb|{|$p$\verb|}{|$n$\verb|}{|$s$\verb|}| are like
-\verb|\ovbkt| but with freely definable \keyindex{txt} centered inside.
- \item \keyindex{varline}\itbrace{h}\itbrace{\ell}\itbrace{s}\ builds an
-oblique line starting at the current horizontal position. It must be used
-inside a zero box, such as for example as the second argument of
-\verb|\zcharnote|. $h$ is the height of the starting point, $\ell$ is the
-length, and $s$ is the slope. It is used in the definitions of some of
-the foregoing macros, and could be used, for example, to construct various
-obscure baroque ornaments made up of diagonal lines.
-For example,
-\NOtes\bracket C8\zq C\qu J\en
-\NOtes|\doublethumb g\rq h\qu g\en
-\NOtes\lpar c\rpar c\qu c\en
-\NOtes\unbkt C15\qu {FH}|\ovbkt n14\ql{kl}\en
-\NOtes\downtrio C16\qu {FH}|\uptrio o14\ql{lm}\en
-\noindent is coded as
-\NOtes\bracket C8\zq C\qu J\en
-\NOtes|\doublethumb g\rq h\qu g\en
-\NOtes\lpar c\rpar c\qu c\en
-\NOtes\unbkt C15\qu {FH}|\ovbkt n14\ql{kl}\en
-\NOtes\downtrio C16\qu {FH}|\uptrio o14\ql{lm}\en
- \subsection{Forcing activity at the beginning of systems}
-A macro named \keyindex{everystaff} is executed each time a new system
-begins. It is normally void, but it can be defined (simply by \verb|\def|%
-\keyindex{everystaff}\verb|{...}|) to cause \musixtex\ to post anything
-reasonable at the beginning of each system. For it to affect the first system
-in a score, it must be defined \ital{before}
-If a macro named \keyindex{atnextline} is defined at any point in a score,
-it will be executed just once, viz., at the next computed or forced system
-break. More
-precisely, it is executed after the break and before the next system begins.
-Thus it is suitable for redefining layout parameters.
- \index{octave treble clef}In some scores, tenor parts are not coded using the
-\ital{bass} clef, but using rather the \ital{octave treble clef}, which is
-subscripted by a numeral {\tt8}.
-This clef is supported by the clef substitution command
-\keyindex{settrebleclefsymbol}\onen\keyindex{treblelowoct}, as already
-explained in section \ref{treblelowoct}. However, if for some reason you
-aren't happy with the height of the ``8'', it can be posted on selected
-staves at the beginning of every system using \keyindex{everystaff} and
-\keyindex{zcharnote} as follows:
- \znotes&\zchar{-6}{\eightrm\kern-2\Interligne8}%
- &\zchar{-6}{\eightrm\kern-2\Interligne8}\en}%
-\noindent The coding is
- \znotes&\zchar{-6}{\eightrm \kern -2\Interligne 8}%
- &\zchar{-6}{\eightrm \kern -2\Interligne 8}\en}%
-\section{Smaller notes in normal-sized staves}
-Here we describe how to reduce the size of note symbols without changing the
-size of the staff itself. Changing overall staff size will be treated in
-section \ref{staffspacing}.
-\subsection{Arbitrary sequences of notes}
-Written-out ornaments and \itxem{cadenzas} are usually typeset with
-smaller notes and spacing than normal. The smaller \ital{size} can be
-initiated anywhere inside a \verb|\notes| group by stating
-\keyindex{smallnotesize} or \keyindex{tinynotesize}. Normal note size is then
-restored by \keyindex{normalnotesize} or simply by terminating the
-\verb|notes| group and starting another. Smaller \ital{spacing} must also be
-explicitly indicated, usually by redefining \verb|\noteskip| in some way.
-As an example, this excerpt, from the beginning
-of the Aria of the ``Creation'' by Joseph {\sc Haydn})\index{Haydn, J.@{\sc
-Haydn, J.}},
-\NOtes\qp&\zmidstaff{\bf II}\qp|\qu g\en
-% mesure 1
-\Notes\itieu2J\wh J&\zw N\ibl0c0\qb0e|\qu j\en
- \Ibbu1ki2\qb1{kj}\tqh1i\hqsk\en
-\Notes&\qb0e\tbl0\qb0c|\qu j\en
-\Notes&\ibl0c0\qb0{ece}\tbl0\qb0c|\ql l\sk\ql j\en
-% mesure 2
-\Notes\ttie2\wh J&\ql J\sk\ql L|\zqupp g\qbl1e0%
- \zq c\qb1e\zq c\qb1e\zq c\tbl1\zqb1e\en
-\notes&|\sk\ccu h\en
-\Notes&\ql N\sk\ibl0L{-4}\qbp0L|\ibl1e0\zq c\zqb1e\cu g%
- \zq c\zqb1e\raise\Interligne\ds\zqu g\qb1g\en
-\notes&\sk\tbbl0\tbl0\qb0J|\tbl1\zq c\qb1e\en
-\noindent can be coded as
-\NOtes\qp&\zmidstaff{\bf II}\qp|\qu g\en
-% mesure 1
-\Notes\itieu2J\wh J&\zw N\ibl0c0\qb0e|\qu j\en
- \Ibbu1ki2\qb1{kj}\tqh1i\en
-\Notes&\qb0e\tbl0\qb0c|\qu j\en
-\Notes&\ibl0c0\qb0{ece}\tbl0\qb0c|\ql l\sk\ql j\en
-% mesure 2
-\bar\Notes\ttie2\wh J&\ql J\sk\ql L|\zqupp g\qbl1e0%
- \zq c\qb1e\zq c\qb1e\zq c\tbl1\zqb1e\en
-\notes&|\sk\ccu h\en
-\Notes&\ql N\sk\ibl0L{-4}\qbp0L|\ibl1e0\zq c\zqb1e\cu g%
- \zq c\zqb1e\raise\Interligne\ds\zqu g\qb1g\en
-\notes&\sk\tbbl0\tbl0\qb0J|\tbl1\zq c\qb1e\en
- \subsection{Grace notes}
-Grace notes are a special case of small and tiny notes, namely single-stemmed
-eighth notes with a diagonal slash through the flag. To enable this, there
-are the macros \keyindex{grcu}\pitchp\ and \keyindex{grcl}\pitchp, which by
-themselves would
-produce normal-sized eighth notes with a slash. They should be used along
-with the note size reduction macros and spacing reduction macros just
-discussed. In addition, chordal grace notes can be built as in the following
-\NOTes\hu h\enotes
-\notes\multnoteskip\smallvalue\smallnotesize\grcu j\enotes
-\NOTes\hu i\enotes
-\notes\multnoteskip\tinyvalue\tinynotesize\zq h\grcl j\enotes
-\NOTEs\wh i\enotes
-\noindent which was coded as
-\NOTes\hu h\enotes
-\notes\multnoteskip\smallvalue\smallnotesize\grcu j\enotes
-\NOTes\hu i\enotes
-\notes\multnoteskip\tinyvalue\tinynotesize\zq h\grcl j\enotes
-\NOTEs\wh i\enotes
- \subsection[Ossia]{Ossia\texorpdfstring{\protect\footnote{(Italian O sia) Or else}}{}}
-This clever example had been provided by Olivier Vogel:\label{ossia}
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss
-\def\xnum#1#2#3{\off{#1\elemskip}\zcharnote{#2}{\smalltype\it #3}%
-\setbox\ornamentbox=\hbox to 0pt{\kern-4pt\vbox{\hsize=2.6cm%
-\notes\ibl2{'c}1\usf e\qb2c\en%
-%\setbox\ornamentbox=\hbox to 0pt{Hello}
-%\parindent 0pt%
-\NOtes\ibl1{'G}{-1}\qb1G\sk\bigna F\tbl1\qb1F|%
-\NOtes\hl{'E}\bsk\raise6\internote\ds\ibu3{G}1\bigsh F%
-\cl d\en%
-The code is:
-\def\xnum#1#2#3{\off{#1\elemskip}\zcharnote{#2}{\smalltype\it #3}%
-\setbox\ornamentbox=\hbox to 0pt{\kern-4pt\vbox{\hsize=2.6cm%
-\notes\ibl2{'c}1\usf e\qb2c\en%
-\parindent 0pt%
-\notes\ibl1{'G}{-1}\qb1G\sk\bigna F\tbl1\qb1F|%
-\notes\hl{'E}\bsk\raise6\internote\ds\ibu3{G}1\bigsh F%
-\cl d\en%
-% Why is this here?? DAS 4/30/06
-% \subsection{Other note shapes}\label{othernotes}
-% The classical note heads
-%given above --- namely \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar7}~~, \raise.5ex
-%\hbox{\musixchar8}~~ and \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar9}~~~
-%--- can be replaced with less classical note heads, for example to code
-%special \itxem{violin harmonic notes} or \itxem{percussion music}. See an
-%example in \ref{abnormalscores}.
-% At present time, alternate available note heads can be found in the
-%extension library, see \ref{diam}, \ref{perc}, \ref{gregnotes} and \ref{litu}.
-\section{Staff size} \index{staff size}\label{staffspacing}
-In contrast with the prior section, here we describe how to change the sizes
-of everything...staff, notes, and all other symbols. In
-section~\ref{whatspecify} we saw how to set the size for all instruments at
-the start of a score. Any one of the same macros---\verb|\normalmusicsize|,
-\verb|\smallmusicsize|, \verb|\largemusicsize|, or
-\verb|\Largemusicsize|---can be used to change the size of all instruments
-midway through a score, but in this case it must come between
-\verb|\stoppiece| and \verb|\startpiece|.
-Once the overall staff size is set, you can alter the size of any desired
-instrument with the macro \keyindex{setsize}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{s}, where
-$n$ is the instrument number and $s$ is a factor by which the size is to be
-changed from the prevailing overall size. There are five predefined macros
-that should be used for the size factor $s$. Their names and respective values
-are \keyindex{normalvalue}~(1.0), \keyindex{smallvalue}~(0.80),
-\keyindex{tinyvalue}~(0.64), \keyindex{largevalue}~(1.2), and
-\keyindex{Largevalue}~(1.44). \musixtex\ should not crash if you use an
-explicit number different from any of these, but the result may be
-less than satisfactory.
-Once again, if used at the beginning of a piece, the \verb|\setsize| macro
-must precede \verb|\startpiece| (not \verb|\contpiece|), and if used after
-the beginning, must be preceded by \verb|\stoppiece|.
-As an example, we give two bars of the \ital{Ave Maria} by Charles {\sc
-Gounod}\index{Gounod, C.@{\sc Gounod, C.}}, based on the first prelude of
-J. S. Bach's \ital{Well Tempered Clavier}, as transcribed for
-organ, violin and voice by Markus {\sc Veittes}:\label{avemaria}
-\def\oct{\advance\transpose by 7}
-%Takt 9
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct
- \itieu5h\hl h&\tx ~~~gra---*\itied4h\hu h\enotes
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct
- \ttie5\ibl4c0\qb4h&\ttie4\ibu5g{-3}\qb5h\enotes
-\notes|\ibbl0j3\qb0h\tqb0l&\oct\qb4a&\tx ---*\tqh5a\enotes
-\notes|\ibbl1k0\qb1o\qb1h&\oct\qb4b&\tx ~~ti~-*\cu b\enotes
-\notes|\qb1l\tqb1o&\oct\tqb4c&\tx a*\cu c\enotes
-%Takt 10
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct
- \qlp d&\tx ~~~ple---*\ibsluru4e\qup d\enotes
-\notes|\qb2h\tqh2k&\oct\cl e&\tubslur4f\cu e\enotes
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct\ql d&\tx na,*\qu d\enotes
- This example was coded as:
-\def\oct{\advance\transpose by 7}
-%Takt 9
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct
- \itieu5h\hl h&\tx ~~~gra---*\itied4h\hu h\enotes
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp e|\ds&\oct
- \ttie5\ibl4c0\qb4h&\ttie4\ibu5g{-3}\qb5h\enotes
-\notes|\ibbl0j3\qb0h\tqb0l&\oct\qb4a&\tx ---*\tqh5a\enotes
-\notes|\ibbl1k0\qb1o\qb1h&\oct\qb4b&\tx ~~ti~-*\cu b\enotes
-\notes|\qb1l\tqb1o&\oct\tqb4c&\tx a*\cu c\enotes
-%Takt 10
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct
- \qlp d&\tx ~~~ple---*\ibsluru4e\qup d\enotes
-\notes|\qb2h\tqh2k&\oct\cl e&\curve222\tubslur4f\cu e\enotes
-\notes\zhl c\liftqs6\qupp d|\ds&\oct\ql d&\tx na,*\qu d\enotes
-\section{Layout parameters}\label{LayoutParameters}
- Most layout parameters are set by \musixtex\ to reasonable default values.
-However, some projects will require altering one or more of them. In this
-section we discuss the most important parameters and how to change them.
- \subsection{List of layout parameters}
- In the following, the indication ``\nochange'' does not mean that this
-parameter cannot be changed at all, but that it should not be modified
-directly, e.g.\ by saying something like \verb|\Interligne=14pt|. In other
-words, changes in these parameters must be accomplished only by more
-comprehensive macros which not only revise them but at the same time perform
-other necessary related changes. Even though you cannot \ital{change} these,
-you may \ital{refer} to them in your coding if that proves useful.
- \item[\keyindex{Interligne} :]vertical distance between the bottoms of
-consecutive staff lines of the current instrument, taking no account of a
-possible alteration by \keyindex{setsize} \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{internote} :]vertical spacing between notes one scale
-step apart in the current instrument, taking account of a possible alteration
-by \keyindex{setsize} \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{Internote} :]vertical spacing between notes one scale
-step apart in any instrument whose \keyindex{setsize} has the default
-value \keyindex{normalvalue} (1.0), equal to \verb|0.5\Interligne| \nochange
-\item[\keyindex{staffbotmarg} :]margin below the first (lowest) staff of the
-first (lowest) instrument. Changes are recognized at the next system.
-Default is \verb|3\Interligne|.
- \item[\keyindex{stafftopmarg} :]margin above the last (uppermost) staff of
-last (uppermost) instrument. Changes are recognized at the next system.
-Default is \verb|3\Interligne|.
- \item[\keyindex{interbeam} :]vertical distance between beams. \nochange.
-\item[\keyindex{interstaff} :]a very important macro with a single numerical
-argument representing the factor that multiplies \verb|2\internote| to give the
-distance between the bottom of one staff and the bottom of the next one. In
-fact the macro redefines the parameter \verb|\interfacteur|.
-\item[\keyindex{interportee} :]distance between the bottom of one staff and
-the bottom of the next one. It is always reset to
-\verb|2|\keyindex{interfacteur}\verb|\internote| at the next system.
-Therefore, trying to change \verb|\interportee| will have no effect. Change
-\verb|\interstaff| instead. Further, note that \verb|\interstaff| applies to all the
-instruments, but each distinct instrument may have a different
-\verb|\internote| (see \ref{staffspacing}).
-\item[\keyindex{interinstrument} :]additional vertical distance between
-two consecutive instruments. This means that the distance between the lowest
-line of the previous instrument and the lowest line of the top staff of the current
-instrument is \keyindex{interportee+\Bslash interinstrument}. The
-default value of \verb|\interinstrument| is zero, but sometimes you
-may want additional space between distinct instruments. This is a general
-dimension register. As usual in \TeX, it can be set using a command such as
-\verb|\interinstrument=10pt| or \verb|\interinstrument=6\internote|. Its
-value can be overridden for the space above any particular instrument
-with the macro \keyindex{setinterinstrument}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{s}, where
-$n$ is the instrument and $s$ is the replacement value of the space to
-be added. The \verb|\setinterinstrument| macro may be useful in some vocal
-scores to provide vertical space for lyrics. Note that
-after you have used \keyindex{setinterinstrument},
-you cannot reset the distances for that instrument with
-\keyindex{interinstrument}; you must subsequently use
-\keyindex{setinterinstrument} for that purpose.
- \item[\keyindex{systemheight} :]distance from the bottom of the
-lowest staff to the top of the highest one. This is the length of any
-vertical lines such as repeats that span the full height of a system.
- In addition, when handling notes of a given staff of a given instrument, the
-following dimensions are available (note these are not true registers, but
-\ital{equivalenced symbols} through a \verb|\def|):
- \item[\keyindex{altplancher} :]altitude of the lowest line of the lowest
-instrument \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{altitude} :]altitude of the lowest line of the lowest
-staff of the current instrument \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{altportee} :]altitude of the lowest line of the current
-staff \nochange.
- %??? Next perhaps will change to steps of \verb|\internote|.
- \item[\keyindex{stemfactor} :]parameter defining the length of stems on
-half, quarter, and beamed eighth notes, in units of \verb|\interbeam|.
-Normally a stem has the length of one octave,
-i.e. 3.5\keyindex{Interligne}. However, this is not correct for small or tiny
-note sizes. Therefore, stem length is defined as a multiple of the
-dimension \keyindex{interbeam}, which is chosen because it is automatically
-redefined as a
-different multiple of \keyindex{Interligne} whenever note size is changed. For
-example, with \verb|\normalmusicsize| when \verb|\setsize| is
-\verb|\normalvalue|, \verb|\interbeam| is 0.75 \keyindex{Interligne}. This
-legislates a default value for \keyindex{stemfactor} of 4.66 (=3.5/0.75).
-To change stem length, it is easiest to use e.g.
-\keyindex{stemlength}\verb|{3.5}|, which simply redefines \verb|\stemfactor|.
-Subsequently, \verb|\stemfactor| will not automatically be reset to the default,
-but keep in mind that if it is changed
-inside a notes group, the change will only be effective within that notes group.
- \subsection{A convenient macro for changing layout parameters in mid-score}
-Of the parameters just described that can be changed, many should only be
-changed between the end of one system and the beginning of the next. The
-command sequence \verb|\def\atnextline{|\ital{any control sequence}\verb|}|
-may be useful for this purpose. It will cause \ital{any control sequence} to
-be inserted right before the next new line is begun, provided the line break
-is not initiated by a \verb|\startpiece|. Thus this will work with
-automatically generated line breaks, with those forced by \verb|\alaligne|, and
-with those forced by explicit use of \verb|\endpiece| or \verb|\stoppiece|
-followed by \verb|\contpiece|. (Note, however, that in the latter case it
-would be just as convenient to enter the parameter changes explicitly as well.)
-The control sequence will only be executed once,
-after which \verb|\atnextline| is redefined as \verb|\empty|.
- \subsection{Changing the number of lines per staff}\label{stafflinenumber}
-Naturally, the default number of lines per staff is five. But you may want a
-different number in some or all staves, for example for gregorian music,
-percussion music, guitar tablature, or early baroque keyboard music. To do so,
-use the command \keyindex{setlines}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{m}~where $n$ is the
-instrument number and $m$ is the number of lines.
- \subsection{Resetting normal layout parameters}
-The general size can only be changed with one of the commands
-\keyindex{normalmusicsize}, \keyindex{largemusicsize}, or
-\keyindex{Largemusicsize}. Beyond that, the command
-\keyindex{resetlayout} will reset the following key layout parameters
-to their default values: \keyindex{staffbotmarg} (3\verb|\Interligne|),
-\keyindex{stafftopmarg} (3\verb|\Interligne|), \keyindex{interstaff} (9),
- number of lines per staff for all instruments (5); and will reset all clef
-symbols to standard clef symbols.
-% The whole subsection on excerpts should go with "MusiXTeX and LaTeX", currently 2.25
-% \subsection{Typesetting one-line excerpts rather than large scores}\label{excerpts}
-% All the old lyrics stuff should be deleted, with a reference to some older version of
-% musixdoc.
-\musixtex{} itself doesn't manage lyrics very well. You should use
-\verb+musixlyr+ instead, a \musixtex\ extension package for lyrics handling by Rainer Dunker.
-The \TeX~source and
-{\underline{documentation}}~are included in the \musixtex~distribution.
-But first we recall briefly the older methods, which may still be useful when
-only a small number of words are involved.
-\subsection{Native lyrics method: placing single words}
-\subsubsection{Native \musixtex\ commands for lyrics}
- \begin{enumerate}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item An obvious solution consists in using the commandc
-\keyindex{zcharnote} (expanded to the right),
-\keyindex{lcharnote} (expanded to the left),
-\keyindex{ccharnote} (centered), to post the text at any position (computed in
-\verb|\internote|s) with respect to the lower line of the current staff.
-The pitch should be usually negative to have the text below the staff.
-\raisebox{0ex}[4ex][3ex]{\musicintextnoclefn{\notes\sk\zcharnote{N}{Word}\wh g\sk\en}}
-\quad is coded by \quad
-\verb|\zcharnote{N}{Word}\wh g|~.
-\item The vertical position can also be given with a number in the commands
-\keyindex{zchar} (expanded to the right),
-\keyindex{lchar} (expanded to the left),
-\keyindex{cchar} (centered). The number is internally multiplied by \verb|\internote|~.
-\raisebox{0ex}[4ex][3ex]{\musicintextnoclefn{\notes\sk\cchar{-4}{Word}\wh g\sk\en}}
-\quad is coded by \quad
-\verb|\cchar{-5}{Word}\wh g|~.
-\item Of easier use are the commands \keyindex{zsong} (right of the note),
-\keyindex{lsong} (left) and \keyindex{csong} (centered) which post the lyrics
-at the lower staff line \ital{minus} the previous
-\keyindex{interinstrument}~$n$ or the \keyindex{staffbotmarg} quantity. These
-commands only have one argument, namely the lyrics text:
- Depending on the values of the inter-instrument spacings and margins, the
-resulting vertical position might be inappropriate. Then it can be changed for
-any specific $n$-th instrument until further change using
-\keyindex{setsongraise}~$n$\verb|{|\ital{any \TeX-dimension}\verb|}|
-As an example, the following French song\\
- \begin{music}
- \generalsignature{1}
- \startextract
- \geometricskipscale
- \NOtes\zsong{Au }\qu g\en
- \NOtes\zsong{clair }\qu g\en
- \NOtes\zsong{de }\qu g\en
- \NOtes\zsong{la }\qu h\en
- \bar
- \NOTes\zsong{lu- }\hu i\en
- \NOTes\zsong{ne, }\hu h\en
- \bar
- \NOtes\zsong{mon }\qu g\en
- \NOtes\zsong{a- }\qu i\en
- \NOtes\zsong{mi }\qu h\en
- \NOtes\zsong{Pier- }\qu h\en
- \bar
- \NOTes\zsong{rot, }\wh g\sk\en
- \endextract
- \end{music}
-\noindent was coded as:
- \generalsignature{1}
- \startextract
- \geometricskipscale
- \NOtes\zsong{Au }\qu g\zsong{clair }\qu g\en
- \NOtes\zsong{de }\qu g\zsong{la }\qu h\en\bar
- \NOTes\zsong{lu- }\hu i\zsong{ne, }\hu h\en\bar
- \NOtes\zsong{mon }\qu g\zsong{a- }\qu i\en
- \NOtes\zsong{mi }\qu h\zsong{Pier- }\qu h\en\bar
- \NOTes\zsong{rot, }\wh g\sk\en
- \zendextract
-\subsubsection{Adapting note spacing for lyrics}
-The command \keyindex{hardlyrics}\verb|{longword}| provides a spacing that is equal to the length
-of the text argument \verb|{longword}|. In the same time the argument \verb|{longword}|
-is saved in \keyindex{thelyrics}
-As an example \quad
-\hardlyrics{clair}\notes\hsong{\thelyrics}\wh g\en\notes\wh{gg}\en}}
-\quad is coded by:
-\verb|\notes\hsong{\thelyrics}\wh g\en|\\
-All notes with long lyrics need such a treatment. The commands only carry out on
-\verb|\notes| (not on \verb|\Notes|, \verb|\NOtes|...).
-If you want to go back to the normal placing on an easy way, you simply can replace
-'\verb|\hardlyrics|' by '\verb|\softlyrics|'.
- A complete score is given in example {\tt glorias.tex}\label{glorias} and in
-{\tt gloriab.tex}, the latter exhibiting not only the song tune but also the
-organ accompaniment.
-Alternate versions of \verb|\hsong| are \keyindex{dhsong} which has a fixed
-length of \verb|2\noteskip| and \keyindex{thsong} whose fixed length is
-\verb|3\noteskip|. These are useful when the text is set below (or above) a
-collective coding of two or three notes.
-Lyrics are best handled by the \texttt{musixlyr}\index{musixlyr} package by Rainer Dunker.
-The package can be used by inserting a file in your source code:
-\input musixtex
-\input musixlyr
-The manual, the input file and a few examples are in \verb||, or they
-may be downloaded
-{\underline{for Windows}} or \href{}
-{\underline{for \unix}}. Look at the manual for a detailed description. Here is an overview
-of the commands and an example of use.\pagebreak
-\verb|\NOtes|\keyexample{assignlyricshere}\verb|{alto}\qa c\en|\quad\= assigning without staff number\kill
-Example\> Explanation
-\verb|\NOtes|\keyexample{assignlyricshere}\verb|{alto}\qa c\en|\quad\= assigning without staff number\kill
-\keyexample{setlyrics}\verb|{sopr}{the ly_-ric words_}|\> defining the lyrics text\\
-\keyexample{copylyrics}\verb|{sopr}{alto}|\> alto has same lyrics as soprano\\
-\keyexample{appendlyrics}\verb|{alto}{more words}|\> alto lyrics is longer\\
-\keyexample{assignlyrics}\verb|2{sopr,alto}|\>soprano and alto lyrics at staff 2\\
-\keyexample{assignlyricsmulti}\verb|{1}{2}{alto}|\>assign alto lyrics to staff 2 of instrument 1\\
-\verb|\NOtes|\keyexample{assignlyricshere}\verb|{alto}\qa c\en|\>assigning without staff number\\
-\keyexample{auxlyr}\verb|\assignlyrics{2}{sopr}|\> assign soprano above staff 2\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{lyrrule}\verb|\qu c|...\keyexample{lyrruleend}\verb|\qu c|\>make a melisma by hand\\
-\keyexample{beginmel}\verb|\qu c|...\keyexample{endmel}\verb|\qu c|\>melisma, same as word extension underline\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{lyr}\verb|\qu c|\>force a syllable from lyrics text at this note or rest\\
-\keyexample{lyric}\verb|{word}\qu c|\>insert syllable 'word' at this note\\
-\verb|\loffset{2}{|\keyexample{lyric*}\verb|{1.}}\qu c|\>combine '1.' with regular syllable\\
-\keyexample{lyrich}\verb|{syl}\qu c|\>same as \verb|\lyric|, but with hyphenation\\
-\keyexample{lyrich*}\verb|{}\qu c|\>same as \verb|\lyric*|, but with hyphenation\\
-\keyexample{lyricsoff}...\keyexample{lyricson}\>stop lyrics, then start again\\
-\keyexample{nolyr}\verb|\qu c|\>no syllable at this note\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{llabel}\verb|{labelname}name|\>labelling a ``go to'' target in text\\
-\keyexample{golyr}\verb|{labelname}\qu c|\>perform a jump, in music code\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{lyrpt}\verb|,\qu c|\>add a comma to the syllable under this note\\
-\keyexample{lyrnop}\verb|\qu c|\>remove last character in syllable\\
-\keyexample{lclyr}\verb|\qu c|\>make first character lower case\\
-\keyexample{llyr}\verb|\qu c|\>left justified syllable\\
-\keyexample{leftlyrtrue}\verb|\qu c|...\keyexample{leftlyrfalse}\verb|\qu c|\>start and stop left justification as the default\\
-\keyexample{lyroffset}\verb|{-4}\qu c|\>shift syllable 1 notehead to the left\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{minlyrspace}\verb|{3pt}\qu c|\>define minimum space between the words\\
-\keyexample{forcelyrhyphenstrue}\verb|\qu c|\>always use a hyphen from now on\\
-\keyexample{forcelyrhyphensfalse}\verb|\qu c|\>remove hyphen and make one word if necessary \\
-\keyexample{showlyrshifttrue}\verb|\qu c|\>show the lyric shift\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{lyrraise}\verb|{1}{a 2\Interligne}|\>raise lyrics below staff 1 by \verb|2\Interligne|\\
-\keyexample{lyrraisemulti}\verb|{1}{2}{a 2\Interligne}|\>raise alto lyrics above staff 2 of instrument 1\\
-\keyexample{lyrraisehere}\verb|{b 2\Interligne}\qu c|\>raise lyrics below this staff by \verb|2\Interligne|\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{minlyrrulelength}\verb|{2mm}|\>melismas shorter than 2mm are not shown \\
-\keyexample{minmulthyphens}\verb|{15mm}|\>distance between hyphens in 'hyphen melisma'\\
-\verb|\def|\keyexample{lyrhyphenchar}\verb|{-}|\>chose a hyphen character\\
-\verb|\setlyrics{|\keyexample{lyrlayout}\verb|{\it}..}|\>apply italics to all lyrics lines\\
-\keyexample{verses}\verb|{,\beginmel}\qu c|\>initiate melisma at second verse\\[.8ex]
-\verb|\small|\keyexample{setlyrstrut}\>adapt the vertical distance between lyrics lines\\
-\keyexample{lyrstrutbox}\verb|{10pt}|\> (re)define the distance between the lyrics lines\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{lyrmodealter}\verb|2|\>attach lyrics of staff 2 to the upper voice\\
-\keyexample{lyrmodealtermulti}\verb|{1}{2}|\>attach lyrics of instr.\ 1 staff 2 to the upper voice\\
-\keyexample{lyrmodealterhere}\verb|\qu c|\>attach lyrics of this staff to the upper voice\\
-\keyexample{lyrmodenormal}\verb|2|\>restore the default behaviour\\
-\keyexample{lyrmodenormalmulti}\verb|{1}{2}|\>restore the default behaviour at staff 2 of instr.\ 1\\
-\keyexample{lyrmodenormalhere}\verb|\qu c|\>restore the default behaviour of this staff\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{lyrlink}\>linking 2 words with a '$_{_\smile}$'\\
-\keyexample{lowlyrlink}\>same as \verb|\lyrlink| but a little bit lower\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{resetlyrics}\>set word pointer to the first word in all lyrics lines\\[.8ex]
-\keyexample{enableauxlyrics}\>don't use this anymore\\
-\keyexample{setsongraise}\verb|{1}{2\Interligne}|\>same as \verb|{\lyrraise}{1}{b 2\Interligne}|\\
-\keyexample{auxsetsongraise}\verb|{1}{2\Interligne}|\>same as \verb|{\lyrraisemulti}{1}{b 2\Interligne}|\\
-\keyexample{oldlyrlinestart}\>don't let the lyrics extent to the left margin\\
-As a further illustration of the use of the commands, have a look at the following
-example\footnote{The example is taken from the musixlyr manual.}:
-\input musixlyr
- \resetlyrics \small
- \setlyrics{soprano}{bring her die Gans,} \auxlyr{\assignlyrics1{soprano}}
- \copylyrics{soprano}{alto} \assignlyrics1{alto}
- \generalsignature{-2}
- \advance\stafftopmarg1\Interligne
- \advance\staffbotmarg2\Interligne
- \startextract\addspace\afterruleskip
- \NOtes\zqu g\ql e\en
- \bar
- \Notes\zqu i\beginmel\ibslurd0f\ibl0f{-1}\qb0{fe}\en
- \Notes\auxlyr\beginmel\ibsluru1i\zqup i\qb0d\en
- \Notes\tqb0e\en
- \Notes\endmel\tbslurd0e\ql c\en
- \notes\ibbu0h{-1}\qb0h\tqh0g\en
- \NOtes\auxlyr\endmel\tbsluru1h\zqu h\ql c\en
- \bar
- \NOTEs\auxlyr\lyr\zwh i% The lyrics of the whole notes
- \lyr\wh b\en % must be given manually.
- \endextract
- \lyrmodenormal0
-which was coded as:
-% define lyrics above the staff
-\setlyrics{soprano}{bring her die Gans,}
-% lyric beneath the staff are the same
-% assign alto lyrics below staff 1 on the notes with stem down
-% assign soprano lyrics above staff 1 on the notes with stem up
-% attach both lyrics to the upper voice
-% make place for the lyrics
-\NOtes\zqu g\ql e\en\bar
-% start melisma in lower lyrics
-\Notes\zqu i\beginmel\ibslurd0f\ibl0f{-1}\qb0{fe}\en
-% start melisma in upper lyrics
-\Notes\auxlyr\beginmel\ibsluru1i\zqup i\qb0d\tqb0e\en
-% end melisma in lower lyrics
-\Notes\endmel\tbslurd0e\ql c\en
-% start melisma in upper lyrics
-\NOtes\auxlyr\endmel\tbsluru1h\zqu h\ql c\en\bar
-% The lyrics of the whole notes (without stem) must be given manually.
-\NOTEs\auxlyr\lyr\zwh i\lyr\wh b\en
- \subsection{Getting enough vertical space for lyrics}
- Since songs are
-usually equivalent to a one-staff instrument (possibly with several voices)
-the recommended solution consists in adjusting the distance between
-instruments using either \keyindex{interinstrument}\verb|=|\ital{any
-\TeX-dimension} to give more place below all instruments or using
-\keyindex{setinterinstrument} to make more space above. Note that {\Bslash
-setinterinstrument} defines spacing above and not below an instrument. Since
-lyrics are usually set below the staff, the first argument of a
-\verb|\setinterinstrument| should be the song instrument number \ital{minus
- In the case of a single staff tune, or if the song instrument is the lowest
-one, then additional place can be provided using \keyindex{staffbotmarg}.
-\subsection{Fine tuning the placement of the lyrics}
- When not using \verb|\hardlyrics|, on short notes, sometimes
- the lyrics are shifted away from the notes or they collide with other words.
- This are a few approaches to get around this:
-\item Making more music lines for the notes to go further apart. This could be done with
-\item Stretch a bar with short notes in it by i.e.\ replacing \verb|\notes| by \verb|\NOTes|.
-\item Insert space between the notes by using \verb|\sk|, \verb|\hsk|, \verb|\qsk|...
-\item Stretch a bar with short notes in it by using the command \keyindex{scale}:
-This method can be used in \textbf{PMX} but only with care, because it changes horizontal spacing
-in a way that \textbf{PMX} will not be aware of. It will not move bars to the next line, but
-will shorten the other bars on the line.
-As an example, the lyrics of this music line are better placed by using \verb|\scale| in
-the first bar and moving to the left the word 'mon'. Note that the hyphen is removed
-when there is no place for it:
- \begin{music}
- \input musixlyr
- \resetlyrics
- \setlyrics{v1}{Au clair de la lu-ne, mon a-mi Pier-rot,}%
- \assignlyrics1{}\assignlyrics1{v1}%
- \staffbotmarg2\Interligne\generalsignature{1}%
- \startextract
- \geometricskipscale
- \notes\qu{gggh}\en\bar
- \Notes\hu{ih}\en\bar
- \notes\qu{gihh}\en\bar
- \Notes\wh g\en
- \endextract
-% \end{music}
-%%%%% combined for saving registers %%%%%
-% \begin{music}\nostartrule
-% \input musixlyr
- \resetlyrics
- \setlyrics{v1}{Au clair de la lu-ne, \kernm1exmon a-mi Pier-rot,}%
- \assignlyrics1{}\assignlyrics1{v1}%
- \staffbotmarg2\Interligne\generalsignature{1}%
- \startextract \geometricskipscale
- \scale{1.4}\notes\qu{gggh}\en\bar\scale{1}%
- \Notes\hu{ih}\en\bar
- \notes\qu{gihh}\en\bar
- \Notes\wh g\en
- \endextract
- \end{music}
-The code of the second music line is (\verb|\assignlyrics1{}| is only needed because
-lyrics are assigned before this in this manual):
- \begin{music}
- \input musixlyr
- \resetlyrics
- \setlyrics{v1}{Au clair de la lu-ne, \kernm1exmon a-mi Pier-rot,}%
- \assignlyrics1{}\assignlyrics1{v1}%
- \staffbotmarg2\Interligne\generalsignature{1}%
- \startextract \geometricskipscale
- \scale{1.4}\notes\qu{gggh}\en\bar\scale{1}%
- \Notes\hu{ih}\en\bar
- \notes\qu{gihh}\en\bar
- \Notes\wh g\en
- \endextract
- \end{music}
-\item Moving a word in any direction
-\multicolumn{2}{l}{\Bslash setlyrics\{alto\}\{\Bslash kernm3ex1.$\sim\sim$firstsyllable...\}}\\
-& left moving for numbering verses\\
-\verb|\setlyrics{alto}{...\kern1exword...}| &right moving a single word\\
-\verb|\setlyrics{alto}{...\lower2pt\hbox{word}...}|& lowering a single word\\
-\verb|\setlyrics{alto}{...\raise2pt\hbox{word}...}|& raising a single word\\
-\multicolumn{2}{l}{\Bslash def\Bslash strut\{\Bslash vbox to 2\Bslash Interligne\{\}\}%
-\Bslash setlyrics\{alto\}\{\Bslash lyrlayout\{\Bslash strut\}...\}} \\
-& controlling distance between verses\\
-\verb|\lyrlayout{\vphantom{Mp(\lowlyrlink}|& minimum distance between verses\\
-\multicolumn{2}{l}{\Bslash setbox\Bslash lyrstrutbox=\Bslash hbox\{\Bslash vphantom\{yM\Bslash lyrlink\}\}}\\
-& redefining default lyrstrut
-\item Placing of accents can be made easier as shows this example:
-\input musixlyr
-\catcode`\ä\active \defä{\"a}
-\catcode`\ö\active \defö{\"o}
-\catcode`\å\active \letå\aa
-\setlyrics1{å ä ö}
- \setsongraise1{1ex}\NOtes\qa{ggg}\en
-\verb|\catcode`\|\"a\verb|\active \def|\"a\verb|{\"a}|\\
-\verb|\catcode`\|\"o\verb|\active \def|\"o\verb|{\"o}|\\
-\verb|\catcode`\|\aa\verb|\active \let|\aa\verb|\aa|\\
-\verb|\setlyrics1{|\aa\ \"a\ \"o\verb|} \assignlyrics1{}|\\
-\item Using an 8-bit encoded characterset\label{8bit}
-This can be achieved
-by putting
-\verb+\input plainenc\relax\inputencoding{cp850}+
-at the beginning of the file.
-Here you must adapt the character
-set to your region.
-To do this, if necessary, replace \verb+cp850+ by
-\verb+cp1250+ (Czech, Croation region),
-\verb+cp1251+ (Russian, Bulgarian region),
-\verb+cp1252+ (most other European regions),
-\verb+cp1253+ (Greek region)
-or check your \TeX distribution for the right file.
-This is the coding for the previous example by using an 8-bit characterset:
-% this manual is in latex, the 8bit is taken by
-% \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc}
-%\input plainenc\relax\inputencoding{cp850}
-\input musixtex
-\input musixlyr
-\setlyrics1{á ä ö}\assignlyrics1{}\assignlyrics11%
-\znotes\zcharnote{12}{Poème naïf}\en%
-\begin{minipage}{100mm}% program to run apart from musixdoc
-\verb+\input plainenc\relax\inputencoding{cp850}+\\
-\verb+\input musixtex+\\
-\verb+\input musixlyr+\\
-\verb+\znotes\zcharnote{16}{Poème naïf}\en%+\\
-\verb+\setlyrics1{á ä ö}\assignlyrics11%+\\
-\verb+\Endpiece\vfill\eject \bye+
-\section{Embedding musical excerpts in text documents}
-Here we discuss the options for including music in text documents. The first
-decision is whether or not to use \LaTeX\footnote{We'll assume a user wanting
-to embed a musical excerpt in a \LaTeX\ document is already familiar with the
-fundamentals of \LaTeX. For more information about it, see for example the manual
-\ital{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System} by Leslie {\sc Lamport}}.
-Because \LaTeX\ so effectively simplifies
-production of text-based \TeX\ documents, most users take that path, and most of the
-descriptions given here will assume that's the case\footnote{Please do not be confused;
-while \LaTeX\ is recommended for text-based documents containing musical
-exceprts, its use is definitely discouraged for ordinary self-contained musical scores
-of any sort.}.
-If for some reason you choose not to use \LaTeX\ to emplace musical excerpts,
-the basic approach is simply to set off the musical
-parts between \verb|\startpiece| or \verb|\contpiece| and \verb|\stoppiece| or
-\verb|\endpiece|, or between \verb|\startextract| and \verb|\zendextract|. But
-some details in what follows will also apply with no \LaTeX.
-There are two basic approaches to embedding musical excerpts in \LaTeX\
-documents. The first method is to directly include the \musixtex\ code in
-the \LaTeX\ source file. That will be the subject of the next subsection. The
-other is to create an EPS (encapsulated Postscript) file containing only the
-excerpt, and then ``paste'' it into the \LaTeX\ file. That will be covered in
-subsection \ref{embedeps}.
-The advantages of using the direct method are that all of the source code for
-all excerpts can be kept in the same file as the text, and that there is no
-limit on the length of the excerpt.
-The advantage of the EPS method is that you don't have to burden the \LaTeX\
-source with any of the \musixtex\ paraphernalia. That in turn permits use of
-primitive versions of the \TeX\ compiler that may not have the capacity
-to handle the direct method (due to the number of registers consumed by \LaTeX\
-and \musixtex). The disadvantages are that you must create and keep
-track of a separate \TeX\ and EPS file for every excerpt, and that the excerpt
-must not span any page breaks. On balance, the
-direct method is probably to be preferred.
-\subsection{Directly embedding excerpts in \LaTeX\ documents}\label{excerpts}
-To use the direct method, you should include ``\verb|musixtex|'' as one of the
-arguments of the \keyindex{documentstyle} command. This will cause the file
-\ttxem{musixtex.sty} to be loaded, so naturally you must make that file
-available in a place where \TeX\ can find it. That file simply inputs two
-other files, \verb|musixtex.tex| and \ttxem{musixltx.tex}, which again must
-obviously be available to \TeX.
-Now you are in position to directly embed an excerpt by inserting code at the
-appropriate place in the source file. The most common type of excerpt is
-one that occupies less than a full line and is to be horizontally centered. In
-that case, the extract should begin with the command \keyindex{begin\LBR music\RBR},
-followed by any preliminary commands. Then, instead of \verb|\startpiece|,
-use \keyindex{startextract}. Now comes the normal \musixtex\ coding. Finally,
-end the extract with \keyindex{endextract} instead of \verb|\endpiece|
-or \verb|\stoppiece|, followed by \keyindex{end\LBR music\RBR}.
-To terminate an extract without any bar line, use \keyindex{zendextract}
-instead of \verb|\endextract|.
-To create a left-justified excerpt, use the sequence
-\keyindex{let\Bslash extractline\Bslash leftline}.
-If several extracts are to be placed on the same line, you can
-redefine \keyindex{extractline} as demonstrated in the following
-example\footnote{The macro {\tt\Bslash extractline} is defined once and for all in
-{\tt musixtex.tex} as {\tt\Bslash centerline}. You might think that the suggested
-coding would permanently redefine {\tt\Bslash extractline}, thereby upsetting the
-normal function of {\tt\Bslash startextract ... \Bslash endextract} for subsequent use.
-But it doesn't, because any actions within
-\keyindex{begin\LBR music\RBR}...\keyindex{end\LBR music\RBR} are local, not
-% DAS temp (where is the reference???)
-%An example of this is given at \ref{extractline} on page \pageref{extractline}.
-% end DAS temp
-\hbox to \hsize{%
-\hss\startextract ... \zendextract\hss%
-\hss\startextract ... \zendextract\hss}
-An even shorter type of extract is one that is embedded \ital{within} a line of text.
-To insert \musixtex\ symbols within a line of text, you could begin by defining
-\keyindex{notesintext} as follows\footnote{provided by Rainer {\sc Dunker}}:
- {\let\extractline\relax
- \setlines10\smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers \nostartrule
- \staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\empty \global\clef@skip0pt
- \startextract\addspace{-\afterruleskip}#1\zendextract}}
-Then, for example, the code
-Use \raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\notesintext{\notes\rql1\qu2\en}}
-not \raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\notesintext{\notes\ql2\lqu1\en}}
-\noindent would produce: ``Use \raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\notesintext{\notes\rql1\qu2\en}} not
-\noindent The \verb|\raisebox| voids the vertical space that is introduced by the notes.
-Finally, you may want to insert an extract containing more than one line
-of music. Once having mastered \musixtex, this is the easiest of all: Between
-\verb|\begin{music}\nostartrule| and \verb|\end{music}|, use \ital{exactly} the same
-coding you would to make an ordinary score.
-The best way to learn how to apply these methods is to study
-\verb|musixdoc.tex|, the source file for this document\footnote{Do note,
-however, that {\tt musixdoc.tex} includes {\tt musixdoc} but not {\tt musixtex}
-as an argument of {\tt\Bslash documentstyle}. The former performs the functions
-of the latter as well as numerous tasks peculiar to this particular document.}.
-%DAS I don't think this section is worth including.
-% \subsection{Wide music in \LaTeX}\label{musixblx}
-% Another difficulty appears with \LaTeX: internal \LaTeX\ macros handle the
-%page size in a way which is not supposed to be changed within a given document.
-%This means that text horizontal and vertical sizes are somewhat frozen so that
-%one can hardly insert pieces of music of page size different from the size
-%specified by the \LaTeX{} \itxem{style}.
-%Although a \ttxem{musixblx.tex} has been provided, which makes the
-%\ital{environment} \verb|bigmusic| available.
-%\zkeyindex{begin\LBR bigmusic\RBR}
-%The main drawback is an unpredictable behaviour of top and bottom
-%printouts, especially page numberings.
-% If the whole of a document has wide pages, it can be handled with the
-%\ttxem{a4wide} style option, or any derivate of it.
-\subsection{Embedding musical excerpts as encapsulated postscript files}
-To use this method of including excerpts, you first must create a separate
-\musixtex\ input file for each excerpt. Process each such file with
-\TeX\ and \verb|musixflx| to generate a \verb|.dvi| file. Generate
-a postscript file from each \verb|.dvi| using \verb|dvips|. Then
-convert each postscript file to an \verb|.eps| file. One way to do that is
-with \textbf{ghostscript} and---if you are using Windows---\textbf{GSview}.
-In general this is possible only for single-page postScript files.
-To set up your \LaTeX\ document for including \verb|.eps| files, you must post
-the command \verb|\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}| in the preamble of the
-document. Now, you may include each \texttt{.eps} file at the appropriate place
-in the {\LaTeX} document with a command
-like \keyindex{includegraphics}\verb|{sample.eps}|.
-\subsection{Issues concerning \texorpdfstring{{\Bslash catcodes}}{catcodes}}
-\musixtex\ uses the following symbols differently from plain \TeX: \verb|>|,
- \verb|<|, \verb&|&, \verb|&|, \verb|!|, \verb|*|, \verb|.|, and \verb|:|\ .\\
-The symbols are given their special meanings by executing the macro
-\keyindex{catcodesmusic}, and are restored to their plain \TeX\ meanings with
-\keyindex{endcatcodesmusic}. When setting either a self-contained score or
-a musical extract, you normally need not worry
-about this at all, because \verb|\startpiece| or \verb|\startextract| executes
-\verb|\catcodesmusic| and \verb|\endpiece| or \verb|\endextract| executes
-\verb|\endcatcodesmusic|. But there are some special situations where you
-might need to use these catcode-modifying macros explicitly. One is if you
-were to define a personalized macro outside
-\verb|\startpiece ... \endpiece|, but which incorporated any of the
-symbols with their \musixtex\ meanings. Another would be if you wished to have
-access to facilities enabled by alternate style files such as
-{\tt\ixem{french.sty}} which change \keyindex{catcode}s themselves. In
-such cases, provided you have input \verb|musixtex.tex|, you can always
-invoke \keyindex{catcodesmusic} to set the \keyindex{catcode}s at their
-\musixtex\ values, and \keyindex{endcatcodesmusic} to restore them to their
-prior values.
-\section{Extension Library}
-All following files are invoked by saying \keyindex{input} \ital{filename}\ .
-Most of them are fully compatible with \musixtex\ in that they do not redefine
-any existing macros but rather provide additional functionality. In future
-versions of \musixtex\ we may very well incorporate many of them directly into
-\verb|musixtex.tex|, but for now we leave them separate.
- \subsection{curly}
-Allows you to group more than 1 instrument with curly
-brackets (see \ref{curlybrackets}).
- \subsection{musixadd}\ixtt{musixadd.tex}
-Increases the number of instruments, slurs and beams from six to nine.
- \subsection{musixbm}
-This file does nothing; it is retained only for compatibility with
-\musixtex{} T.110 or earlier.
-Since version T.111, \verb|musixtex.tex| itself contains all the functions
-of the older \texttt{musixbm}, namely
-commands for 128th notes, either with flags or with beams:
-\keyindex{zcccccu} and
- \subsection{musixbbm}\label{musixbbm}
- Provides 256th notes, but only for use within beams, via the commands
-\keyindex{Ibbbbbbu} and
-By default \texttt{musixbbm} provides six 256th beams with
-reference number 0 to 5.
-You can specify a larger maximum number
-directly with \keyindex{setmaxcclvibeams}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}| within the
-range\footnote{This may require e-\TeX.} $7\leq m\leq 100$.
- Enables certain macros intended for choral music\footnote{Remember
-that we now recommend using \texttt{musixlyr} for any except the
-simplest lyrics. The extension \texttt{musixcho} is only for those
-diehards who choose to ignore this advice}. Provides the following commands:
-\keyindex{biglbrace}, \keyindex{bigrbrace}, \keyindex{braceheight},
-\keyindex{Dtx} and \keyindex{Drtx} for two-line text, \keyindex{Ttx} and
-\keyindex{Trtx} for three-line text, \keyindex{Qtx} and \keyindex{Qrtx} for
-four-line text. To eliminate zigzagging lyrics lines, all multiple line texts
-are automatically vertically justified with the macro \keyindex{ChroirStrut},
-defined as \verb|\vphantom{\^Wgjpqy}|.
-The macros \keyindex{tx}\verb|{|$text$\verb|}|,
-\keyindex{rtx}\verb|{|$text$\verb|}| cause song text to be left-justified
-on the insertion point rather then centered.
- \keyindex{hf}\verb|{|$m$\verb|}| sets a text
-continuation rule of length $m$ \verb|\noteskip|.
-Consult the source file {\tt musixdoc.tex} to see the coding of the following
-%\rightline{Arr.: H.~W.~Eichholz}
-%% bar 1
-\znotes&\rlap{\kernm2em\Qrtx 1.|2.|3.|4.*}\en
-\NOTes\sslur ILd1\sslur bNu1\zhl I\hu b%
- &\Qtx\ixhf{Oh}|No|No|There'll*\issluru0f\sslur dad1\zhup f\hl d\en
-\Notes\zhl L\hu N&\Qtx ~|more|more|~be*\hl{^c}\en
-\NOtes&\tsslur0g\qu g\en
-%%% bar 2
-\NOtes\zql I\qu b&\Qrtx\thf freedom,|weepin',|moanin',|singin',*\zqu i\ql d\en
-\NOTesp\lpt I\zhl I\hup b&\zhup i\hlp d\en
-%%% bar 3
-\NOTes\sslur JMd1\sslur bau1\zhl J\hu b%
- &\Qtx\ixhf{oh}|no|no|there'll*\issluru0j\sslur edd1\zhup j\hl{^e}\en
-\Notes\zhl M\hu a&\Qtx~|more|more|~be*\hl{=e}\en
-\NOtes&\tsslur0k\qu k\en
-%%% bar 4
-\NOtes\zql I\qu b&\Qrtx\thf freedom,|weepin',|moanin',|singin',*\zqu j\ql d\en
-\NOTesp\lpt I\zhl I\hup b&\zhup i\hlp d\en
-%%% bar 5
-\NOTesp\sslur IJd1\sslur bau1\lpt I\zhl I\hup b%
- &\Qtx\ixhf{oh}|no|no|~there'll*\isslurd0f\issluru1j\zhup k\hlp f\en
-\NOtes\zql J\qu a&\Qtx~|more|more|~be*\tsslur1f\zqu f\roff{\tsslur0e\ql e}\en
-%%% bar 6
-\NOtes\zql K\qu b&\Qrtx\thf freedom,|weepin',|moanin',|singin',*\zqu i\ql f\en
-\NOtes\zql J\qu b&\zqu i\ql e\en
-\NOtes\zql I\qu b&\rlap{\kernm2\Internote\bigrbrace}\rtx~~~over*\zqu i\ql d\en
-\NOtes\zql G\qu b&\zqu k\ql f\en
-%%% bar 7
-\NOTes\zhl J\hu b\caesura&\tx ~me,*\zhu j\hl{^e}\caesura\en
-\Notes\zcl J\cu b&\rtx ~over*\zcu j\cl e\en
-\NOtesp\zqlp J\qup b&\zqup k\lpt e\ql e\en
-Empowers \musixtex\ to run files created under
-Musi\textbf{c}TeX, the predecessor of \musixtex, such as some of the examples
-provided by Dani\"el {\sc Taupin}. It is not needed for any files created
-under \musixtex, and is included mainly for historical completeness.
-Enables the command \keyindex{today}, which sets the current date in one of
-several possible languages. The language is selected by an optional
- preparatory command \verb|\date...|.
-The default is \keyindex{dateUSenglish}, but this can changed, either at the
-end of \ttxem{musixdat.tex} for a permanant change, or right before issuing
-\verb|\today|. Available choices and sample results are summarized below:
-Enables dashed and dotted bar lines (see \ref{musixdbr}).
-Enables notes with diamond-shaped heads as follows:
- \item Solid note heads (\raise.5ex\hbox to .6em{\musixchar37}) are obtained
-using the macros
- \keyindex{yqu}, \keyindex{yqup},
-\keyindex{yqupp}, \keyindex{yql}, \keyindex{yqlp}, \keyindex{yqlpp},
-\keyindex{yzq}, \keyindex{yzqp}, \keyindex{yzqpp}, \keyindex{yqb},
-\keyindex{ycu}, \keyindex{yccu}, \keyindex{ycccu}, \keyindex{yccccu},
-\keyindex{ycl}, \keyindex{yccl}, \keyindex{ycccl}, \keyindex{yccccl},
-\keyindex{ycup}, \keyindex{ycupp}, \keyindex{yclp}, \keyindex{yclpp}.
-(Think of d{\it y}\kern.5pt amond). A solid diamond with no stem is obtained
-with \keyindex{ynq} (spacing) or \keyindex{yznq} (non-spacing).
- \item Open note heads (\raise.5ex\hbox to .6em{\musixchar38}) are obtained
-using the macros
-\keyindex{dqu}, \keyindex{dqup},
-\keyindex{dqupp}, \keyindex{dql}, \keyindex{dqlp}, \keyindex{dqlpp},
-\keyindex{dzq}, \keyindex{dzqp}, \keyindex{dzqpp}, \keyindex{dqb},
-\keyindex{dcu}, \keyindex{dccu}, \keyindex{dcccu}, \keyindex{dccccu},
-\keyindex{dcl}, \keyindex{dccl}, \keyindex{dcccl}, \keyindex{dccccl},
-\keyindex{dcup}, \keyindex{dcupp}, \keyindex{dclp}, \keyindex{dclpp}.
-(Think of {\it d}\kern.5pt iamond).
-An open diamond with no stem is obtained
-with \keyindex{dnq} (spacing) or \keyindex{dznq} (non-spacing).
- \end{itemize}
-One use of these note heads is for a string part with \itxem{harmonic notes}.
-%(see \ref{othernotes})
-% DAS removed description which was misplaced in the samll=notes section 2.18 4/30/06
-For example,
-\NOTes\dzq o\zh d\hu h\enotes
-\Notes\ibu0k0\zq g\yqb0k\qb0j\zq e\yqb0i\tbu0\qb0j\enotes
-\NOTes\dzq g\hu k\enotes
-\NOTes\dzq o\zh d\hl h\enotes
-\Notes\ibl0e0\zq g\yqb0k\qb0j\zq e\yqb0i\tbl0\qb0j\enotes
-\NOTes\dzq g\hu k\enotes
-\noindent was coded as follows:
-\NOTes\dzq o\zh d\hu h\enotes
-\Notes\ibu0k0\zq g\yqb0k\qb0j\zq e\yqb0i\tbu0\qb0j\enotes
-\NOTes\dzq g\hu k\enotes
-\NOTes\dzq o\zh d\hl h\enotes
-\Notes\ibl0e0\zq g\yqb0k\qb0j\zq e\yqb0i\tbl0\qb0j\enotes
-\NOTes\dzq g\hu k\enotes
-Another use is for percussion parts. In fact the file \verb|musixdia.tex|
-is automatically loaded if you input {\tt musixper.tex} (see \ref{perc}).
- \subsection{musixeng}
- This package is provided for music typesetters who are allergic to the default
-rest names, which are
-taken from French, German or Italian. It does not provide new features, only
-new command names:
- \begin{quote}\begin{tabular}{ll}\hline
-Defines the following two specific macros:
-\keyindex{slide}\itbrace{p}\itbrace{x}\itbrace{s}~, which provides a glissando
-starting at pitch {\it p} and extending for {\it x} \verb|\internote|s with
-slope {\it s} (ranging from -8 to 8).
-\keyindex{raggedstoppiece}~, which inhibits right-justification of the last
-line of a score.
- \subsection{musixf{}l{}l}
- \input musixfll
- Enables modification of \ixem{ledger lines}. Ledger lines normally exceed the
-width of a note head by 25 percent in each direction. If the space between
-notes is insufficient, the ledger lines of
-consecutive notes may meet, creating visual ambiguities. Therefore,
-\musixtex{} shortens the
-ledger lines if notes are set so close together that the ledger lines may
-meet. But because \musixtex{} does not know whether consecutive notes need
-ledger lines, this automatic shortening may be superfluous. The extension
-file \ttxem{musixfll.tex} allows this feature to be switched off and on.
-Upon inputting \verb|musixfll.tex|, the automatic shortening of ledger lines
-is switched off. From then on, it may be switched on again using
-\keyindex{autoledgerlines} and switched off again using
-\keyindex{longledgerlines}. Both macros have global effect.
- The following example shows that narrowly set scales look better with
-\keyindex{autoledgerlines} (the default behavior), while single notes
-requiring ledger lines look better with \keyindex{longledgerlines}.
- \ibbbu0b0\qb0{cba`gfg'a}\tbu0\qb0b%
- \ibbbl0{''b}0\qb0{abcdedc}\tbl0\qb0b%
- \ibbbu0{``b}0\qb0{dad}\tbu0\qb0a%
- \ibbbl0{''b}0\qb0{`g'c`g}\tbl0\qb0{'c}\en
- \bar
- \ibbbu0b0\qb0{cba`gfg'a}\tbu0\qb0b%
- \ibbbl0{''b}0\qb0{abcdedc}\tbl0\qb0b%
- \ibbbu0{``b}0\qb0{dad}\tbu0\qb0a%
- \ibbbl0{''b}0\qb0{`g'c`g}\tbl0\qb0{'c}\en
- \subsection{musixgre}\label{gregnotes}\index{gregorian chant}
-% \subsection{Gregorian chant: staffs and clefs}
-Gregorian chant is often coded using four line staffs
-%sections \ref{gregorian} and
-section \ref{stafflinenumber}) and using special notes called
-\itxem{neumes} (which are described later in this section). It also requires
-special clefs. One way to substitute them for the modern ones is for example
-with commands like
-\noindent or
-\keyindex{setbassclefsymbol}\verb|3\gregorianFclef| ,
-\noindent which will cause instrument number 3 to display the selected gregorian
-clef. The standard clefs can be restored for every instrument with
-\keyindex{resetclefsymbols}. Note that when using this method you must
-specify whether to substitute for the bass or alto clef
-symbol (there is no treble clef in gregorian
-chant). The reason is that \musixtex\ selects and
-raises the F and C clefs differently, according to the arguments of the
-\keyindex{setclef} command. Therefore, if one had substituted any F clef
-symbol while saying \verb|\setclef1{1000}|, then an F clef would duly appear
-on the staff, but it would be set at the position of an alto clef, thus
-seriously misleading the musician.
-Another method of clef substitution employs \keyindex{setclefsymbol} (see
-section \ref{treblelowoct}), which substitutes the clef given by
-the second argument \ital{for all clef symbols} of the instrument given by the first,
-regardless of the actual musical meaning of the new clef symbol. This method is
-generally appropriate only if you want to change the clef symbol(s) of
-an instrument for the whole of the score.
- As an example, the same gregorian scale has been written with a gregorian C
-clef on all four lines of the staff:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \parindent 19mm
- \instrumentnumber{4}
- \setname1{1st line} \setname2{2nd line} \setname3{3rd line} \setname4{4th line}
- \setlines1{4}\setlines2{4}\setlines3{4}\setlines4{4}
- \sepbarrules
- \generalmeter{\empty}
- \setclef1{1000} \setclef2{2000} \setclef3{3000} \setclef4{4000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol1\gregorianCclef
- \setaltoclefsymbol2\gregorianCclef
- \setaltoclefsymbol3\gregorianCclef
- \setaltoclefsymbol4\gregorianCclef
- The coding was:
- \begin{verbatim}
- \instrumentnumber{4}
- \setname1{1st line} \setname2{2nd line} \setname3{3rd line} \setname4{4th line}
- \setlines1{4}\setlines2{4}\setlines3{4}\setlines4{4}
- \sepbarrules
- \generalmeter{\empty}
- \setclef1{1000} \setclef2{2000} \setclef3{3000} \setclef4{4000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol1\gregorianCclef
- \setaltoclefsymbol2\gregorianCclef
- \setaltoclefsymbol3\gregorianCclef
- \setaltoclefsymbol4\gregorianCclef
- \end{verbatim}
-All of the special gregorian symbols available in \musixtex\ are described
-in the following subsections.
- \item Gregorian C clef: \raise 2.5pt\hbox to 1cm{\gregorianCclef\hfil}~=
- \keyindex{gregorianCclef}, normally activated for instrument $n$ with the
- \keyindex{setaltoclefsymbol}\itbrace{n}\keyindex{gregorianCclef}
-\item Gregorian F clef: \raise 2.5pt\hbox to 1cm{\gregorianFclef\hfil}~=
-\keyindex{gregorianFclef}, normally activated with the command
- \end{itemize}
- \subsubsection{Elementary symbols}
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item Diamond shaped \itxem{punctum} (This has a different shape compared to the
-percussion diamond): \raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar1}~ =
-\keyindex{diapunc}\pitchp\ .
- \item Square \itxem{punctum}: \raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar5}~ =
-\keyindex{squ}\pitchp\ or \keyindex{punctum}\pitchp\ .
- \item Left stemmed \itxem{virga} (not in the 1905 gregorian standard): \raise
-2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar6}~ = \keyindex{lsqu}\pitchp\ .
- \item Right stemmed \itxem{virga}: \raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar7}~ =
-\keyindex{rsqu}\pitchp\ or \keyindex{virga}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Apostropha}\index{apostropha}: \raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar3}~ =
-\keyindex{apostropha}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Oriscus}\index{oriscus}: \raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar10}~ =
-\keyindex{oriscus}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Quilisma}\index{quilisma}: \raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar125}~ =
-\keyindex{quilisma}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Punctum auctum} (up)\index{punctum auctum}: \raise
-2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar9}~ =
-\keyindex{punctumauctup}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Punctum auctum} (down)\index{punctum auctum}: \raise
-2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar8}~ =
-\keyindex{punctumauctdown}\pitchp\ .
- \item Diamond shaped \ital{punctum auctum} (down)\index{punctum auctum}:
-\raise 2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar2}~ = \keyindex{diapunctumauctdown}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Punctum deminutum}\index{punctum deminutum}: \raise
-2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar4}~ = \keyindex{punctumdeminutum}\pitchp\ .
- \item \ital{Apostropha aucta}\index{apostropha aucta}: \raise
-2.5pt\hbox{\xgregchar11}~ = \keyindex{apostropha aucta}\pitchp\ .
- All non-\ital{liquescens} symbols have non-spacing variants, namely
-\keyindex{zdiapunc}, \keyindex{zsqu}, \keyindex{zlsqu}, \keyindex{zrsqu},
-\keyindex{zapostropha} and \keyindex{zoriscus}.
-\subsubsection{Plain complex neumes}
-Other \itxem{neumes} can be obtained by combining two or more of these
-symbols. Since \itxem{neumes} have a special note head width, an additional
-shifting macro is provided, namely \keyindex{groff}. It is similar to
-\verb|\roff|, but the offset is smaller. For use with comples neumes, another
-shifting macro is provided, namely \keyindex{dgroff}, which causes an
-offset twice the offset of \verb|\groff|.
- Since most of these symbols depend on relative pitches of their components,
-we cannot provide all possible compact combinations as single symbols. The ones
-that are available in \verb|musixgre| are described below. In the following,
-$p_1$, $p_2$, $p_3$, and $p_4$ represent pitches specified as usual. Please refer to
-the source file \verb|musixtex.tex| if you wish to see the coding of those
-examples for which it is not quoted here.
- \item[\keyindex{bivirga}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \bivirga ab\enotes
- \notes \bivirga cc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- This example was coded as:
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \bivirga ab\enotes
- \notes \bivirga cc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
- \item[\keyindex{trivirga}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \trivirga abc\enotes
- \Notes \trivirga cca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{bistropha}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \bistropha ab\enotes
- \notes \bistropha cc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{tristropha}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \tristropha abc\enotes
- \Notes \tristropha cca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{clivis}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \clivis ba\enotes
- \notes \clivis ca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{lclivis}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \lclivis ba\enotes
- \notes \lclivis ca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{podatus}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \podatus ab\enotes
- \notes \podatus ac\enotes
- \notes \podatus cf\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{podatusinitiodebilis}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \podatusinitiodebilis ab\enotes
- \notes \podatusinitiodebilis ac\enotes
- \notes \podatusinitiodebilis cf\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{lpodatus}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \lpodatus ab\enotes
- \notes \lpodatus ce\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{pesquassus}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \pesquassus ab\enotes
- \notes \pesquassus ae\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{quilismapes}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \quilismapes ab\enotes
- \notes \quilismapes ae\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{torculus}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \torculus aba\enotes
- \notes \torculus cfd\enotes
- \notes \torculus afc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{torculusinitiodebilis}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \torculusinitiodebilis aba\enotes
- \notes \torculusinitiodebilis cfd\enotes
- \notes \torculusinitiodebilis afc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{Porrectus}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \Porrectus bab\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bac\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bNd\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bMe\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bLe\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
-\noindent coded:
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
- \notes \Porrectus bab\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bac\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bNd\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bMe\enotes
- \notes \Porrectus bLe\enotes
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
- \verb|\Porrectus| exists in four different shapes, depending on the
-difference between first and second argument. The constraint is that
- $$ p_1-4 \leq p_2 \leq p_1-1 $$ otherwise a diagnostic occurs. Note also that
-\keyindex{bporrectus} provides the first curved part of the \verb|porrectus|
-command, if you should need it. It has two arguments, the starting pitch and the lower
- \item[\keyindex{Porrectusflexus}\fourp], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bacN\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bNdb\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bMeb\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bLea\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
-\noindent coded:
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bacN\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bNdb\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bMeb\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusflexus bLea\enotes
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
- \item[\keyindex{climacus}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \climacus cbN\enotes
- \Notes \climacus cba\enotes
- \Notes \climacus dbN\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{climacusresupinus}\fourp], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \climacusresupinus cbNa\enotes
- \Notes \climacusresupinus cbab\enotes
- \Notes \climacusresupinus dbNb\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{lclimacus}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
-\instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \lclimacus cbN\enotes
- \notes \lclimacus cfd\enotes
- \notes \lclimacus afc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{scandicus}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \scandicus abe\enotes
- \notes \scandicus ceg\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{salicus}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \salicus abe\enotes
- \Notes \salicus ceg\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{salicusflexus}\fourp], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \salicusflexus abec\enotes
- \Notes \salicusflexus cegd\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{trigonus}\threep],
-%DAS ????????????
-%for example\footnote{The second example is in principle irrelevant,
-%but it shows the possibilities, in case of.}:
-for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \trigonus aaN\enotes
- \Notes \trigonus cef\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
-\subsubsection{Liquescens complex neumes}\index{liquescens neumes}
- \item[\keyindex{clivisauctup}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \clivisauctup ba\enotes
- \notes \clivisauctup ca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{clivisauctdown}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \clivisauctdown ba\enotes
- \notes \clivisauctdown ca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{podatusauctup}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \podatusauctup ab\enotes
- \notes \podatusauctup ac\enotes
- \notes \podatusauctup cf\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{podatusauctdown}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \podatusauctdown ab\enotes
- \notes \podatusauctdown ac\enotes
- \notes \podatusauctdown cf\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{pesquassusauctdown}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \pesquassusauctdown ab\enotes
- \notes \pesquassusauctdown ae\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{quilismapesauctdown}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \quilismapesauctdown ab\enotes
- \notes \quilismapesauctdown ae\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{torculusauctdown}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \torculusauctdown aba\enotes
- \notes \torculusauctdown cfd\enotes
- \notes \torculusauctdown afc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{Porrectusauctdown}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \Porrectusauctdown bac\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusauctdown bNd\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusauctdown bMe\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusauctdown bLe\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{climacusauctdown}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \climacusauctdown cbN\enotes
- \Notes \climacusauctdown caM\enotes
- \Notes \climacusauctdown aNM\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{scandicusauctdown}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \scandicusauctdown abe\enotes
- \notes \scandicusauctdown ceg\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{salicusauctdown}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \salicusauctdown abe\enotes
- \Notes \salicusauctdown ceg\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{clivisdeminut}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \clivisdeminut ba\enotes
- \notes \clivisdeminut ca\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{podatusdeminut}\twop], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \podatusdeminut ab\enotes
- \notes \podatusdeminut ac\enotes
- \notes \podatusdeminut cf\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{torculusdeminut}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \torculusdeminut aba\enotes
- \notes \torculusdeminut cfd\enotes
- \notes \torculusdeminut afc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{torculusdebilis}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \torculusdebilis aba\enotes
- \notes \torculusdebilis cfd\enotes
- \notes \torculusdebilis afc\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{Porrectusdeminut}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \Porrectusdeminut bac\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusdeminut bNd\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusdeminut bMe\enotes
- \notes \Porrectusdeminut bLe\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{climacusdeminut}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \Notes \climacusdeminut cbN\enotes
- \Notes \climacusdeminut caM\enotes
- \Notes \climacusdeminut aML\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
- \item[\keyindex{scandicusdeminut}\threep], for example:
- \begin{music}\nostartrule
- \elemskip 10pt
- \instrumentnumber 1
- \setsize1{\Largevalue}
- \setstaffs 1 1
- \setlines 1 4
- \setclef 1{3000}
- \setaltoclefsymbol 1 \gregorianCclef
- \startextract
- \notes \scandicusdeminut abe\enotes
- \notes \scandicusdeminut ceg\enotes
- \zendextract
- \end{music}
-\subsection{musixgui}\ixtt{musixgui.tex} Provides macros for
-typesetting modern style \itxem{guitar tablatures}. For example:
-\NOtes\tx We*\qa d\en
-\NOtes\guitar G{}o-----\gbarre3\gdot25\gdot35\gdot44\tx wish*\qa g\en
-\Notes\tx you*\ca g\en
-\Notes\tx a*\ca h\en
-\Notes\zchar\txh{merry}\ca g\en
-\Notes\ca f\en
-\NOtes\guitar C5o-----\gbarre4\gdot26\gdot36\gdot45\rtx christmas,*\qa e\en
-\NOtes\qa e\en
-\NOtes\guitar {e/H}5o-----\gbarre3\gdot35\gdot45\gdot54\tx we*\qa e\en
-\NOtes\guitar {A$\!^7$}5o-----\gbarre1\gdot23\gdot42\tx wish*\qa h\en
-\Notes\tx you*\ca h\en
-\Notes\tx a*\ca i\en
-\Notes\zchar\txh{merry}\ca h\en
-\Notes\ca g\en
-\NOtes\guitar D{}xxo---\gdot42\gdot53\gdot62\rtx christmas,*\qa f\en
-\NOtes\qa d\en
-\NOtes\guitar{D/c}{}xo----\gdot23\gdot42\gdot53\gdot62\tx we*\qa d\en
-\NOtes\guitar{B$^7$}{}xo----\gdot22\gdot31\gdot42\gdot62\tx wish*\qa i\en
-\Notes\tx you*\ca i\en
-\Notes\tx a*\ca j\en
-\Notes\tx ~mer-*\ca i\en
-\Notes\tx ry*\ca h\en
-\NOtes\guitar e{}xxo---\gdot32\tx ~christ-*\qa g\en
-\NOtes\tx mas*\qa e\en
-\Notes\guitar {G/d}{}xxo---\gdot63\tx and*\ca d\en
-\Notes\tx a*\ca d\en
-\NOtes\guitar{C$^6$}{}xo----\gdot23\gdot32\gdot42\gdot51\tx ~~hap~-*\qa e\en
-\NOtes\tx py*\qa h\en
-\NOtes\guitar{D$^7$}{}xo---x\gdot25\gdot34\gdot45\gdot45\gdot53\tx new*\qa f\en
-\NOTes\guitar G{}o-----\gbarre3\gdot25\gdot35\gdot44\tx ~year.*\ha g\en
-The macro \keyindex{guitar} sets the grid, chord name, barre type,
-and on-off indicators for the strings. For example, the first
-chord in above example was coded as
-\verb|\guitar G{}o-----\gbarre3\gdot25\gdot35\gdot44|
-\noindent where the first argument is the text to be placed above the grid, the
-second is empty (relative barre), and the next six characters indicate if the string
-is played or not with either \verb|x|, \verb|o| or \verb|-|. The dots are set with
-\keyindex{gdot}~$sb$ where the $s$ is the string and $b$ is the barre. The
-rule is set with \keyindex{gbarre}~$b$ where $b$ indicates the position of the barre.
-The whole symbol may be vertically shifted with
-\keyindex{raiseguitar}\onen, where $n$ is a number
-in units of \keyindex{internote}. When using guitar tablatures, it might be
-useful to reserve additional
-space above the chord by advancing \keyindex{stafftopmarg} to
-something like \verb|stafftopmarg=10\Interligne|.
-For frequently used chords, it might be useful to define your own
-macros, e.g.
-\verb|\def\Dmajor{\guitar D{}x-----\gdot42\gdot53\gdot62}%|
- \subsection{musixlit}\label{litu}\label{otherbars}
- Provides a notation style intermediate between gregorian and baroque, for
-%\def\vnotes#1\elemskip{\noteskip#1\@l@mskip \multnoteskip\scal@noteskip
-% \not@s}
-% \check@nopen\notes@open\@ne
-% \kern\n@skip\advance\x@skip\n@skip \locx@skip\x@skip
-% \n@skip\noteskip \noinstrum@nt\z@ \begininstrument}
-% \ifx\@ne\V@sw \widthtyp@\z@\t@rmskip \let\V@sw\empty \fi}
- % Don't know if this example correct ??? But looks nice...
-\hardlyrics{Il nous a sign\'es de son
- }\notes\zw d\wh K|\zw f\wh h&\rtx\thelyrics*\Hpause h1\en
-\NOTes\zhl N\hu d|\zhl g\hu i&\tx sang*\double{\cnql i}\en
-\hardlyrics{Et nous avons \'e-
- }\notes\zw d\wh K|\zw f\wh h&\rtx\thelyrics~-*\Hpause h1\en
-\NOTes\zhl M\hu c|\zhl f\hu h&\rtx t\'e*\double{\cnql i}\en
-\NOtes\zql L\qu e|\zql b\qu g&\tx ~pro-*\cnqu g\en
-\NOtes\zql b\qu d|\zql d\qu f&\tx ~t\'e-*\cnqu f\en
-\NOTes\zhl a\hu c|\zhl e\hu h&\tx g\'es.*\double{\cnqu h}\en
-\NOtes\zql M\qu d|\zql d\qu h&\tx ~~Al~-*\cnqu h\en
-\NOtes\zql K\qu a|\zql f\qu k&\tx ~~le~-*\cnql k\en
-\NOTes\zhl H\hu a|\zhl e\hu j&\tx ~~lu~-*\double{\cnql j}\en
-\NOTEs\zhl K\hu a|\zhl f\hu k&\tx ~~ia !*\cnhl k\en
-\hardlyrics{Il nous a sign\'es de son
- }\notes\zw d\wh K|\zw f\wh h&\rtx \thelyrics*\Hlonga h1\en
-\NOTes\zhl N\hu d|\zhl g\hu i&\tx sang*\chl i\en
-\hardlyrics{Et nous avons \'e
- }\notes\zw d\wh K|\zw f\wh h&\rtx \thelyrics~-*\Hlonga h1\en
-\NOTes\zhl M\hu c|\zhl f\hu h&\rtx t\'e*\chl i\en
-\NOtes\zql L\qu e|\zql b\qu g&\tx ~pro-*\cqu g\en
-\NOtes\zql b\qu d|\zql d\qu f&\tx ~t\'e-*\cqu f\en
-\NOTes\zhl a\hu c|\zhl e\hu h&\tx g\'es.*\chu h\en
-\NOtes\zql M\qu d|\zql d\qu h&\tx ~~Al~-*\cqu h\en
-\NOtes\zql K\qu a|\zql f\qu k&\tx ~~le~-*\cql k\en
-\NOTes\zhl H\hu a|\zhl e\hu j&\tx ~~lu~-*\chl j\en
-\NOTEs\zbreve K\breve a|\zbreve f\breve k&\tx ~~ia !*\zbreve k\en
- This package provides:
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item\keyindex{oldGclef} which replaces the ordinary G clef with an old one,
-using (for instrument 2 as an example):
- \verb|\settrebleclefsymbol2\oldGclef|
- \item\keyindex{cqu} $p$ provides a square headed quarter note with stem up at
-pitch $p$.
- \item\keyindex{cql} $p$ provides a square headed quarter note with stem down at
-pitch $p$.
- \item\keyindex{chu} $p$ provides a square headed half note with stem up at
-pitch $p$.
- \item\keyindex{chl} $p$ provides a square headed half note with stem down at
-pitch $p$.
- \item\keyindex{cnqu} $p$ and \keyindex{cnql} $p$ provide a stemless square
-quarter note at pitch $p$.
- \item\keyindex{cnhu} $p$ and \keyindex{cnhl} $p$ provide a stemless square
-headed half note at pitch $p$.
- \item\keyindex{Hpause} $p$ $n$ provides an arbitrary length pause at pitch
-$p$ and of length $n$ \keyindex{noteskip}. However, in the first of the above
-example, this feature has been used to denote an arbitrary length note rather
-than a rest!
- \item\keyindex{Hlonga} $p$ $n$ provides an arbitrary length note at pitch
-$p$ and of length $n$ \keyindex{noteskip}.
-This feature has been used to denote an arbitrary length note in the second of
-the above examples.
- \item\keyindex{shortbarrules} has been used to provide bar rules shorter than
-the staff vertical width.
- \item\keyindex{interbarrules} has been used to provide bars between the
-staffs, rather that over them. This is an arbitrary question of taste...
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{musixlyr} \ixtt{musixlyr.tex}
- Enables the recommended method for adding lyrics to a score (see \ref{musixlyr}).
- \subsection{musixmad} \ixtt{musixmad.tex} Increases the number of
-instruments, slurs and beams up to twelve. When using this extension, it is
-not necessary to explicitly input \verb|musixadd.tex|.
-If you need greater numbers of these elements, see sections
-\ref{musixmad_setmaxslurs}, and
-Provides special symbols intended for percussion parts. Included are a
-\ital{drum clef}---comprising two vertical parallel lines---and notes with
-various specially shaped heads. The note symbols that are available are as
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar113}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded with a
-``\verb|dc|'' (think of {\it d}iagonal {\it c}ross).
-Available are
-\keyindex{dccl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar112}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded with a
-(think of {\it d}iagonal cross {\it h}alf open).
-Available are
-\keyindex{dhcl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar111}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded with a
-(think of {\it d}iagonal cross {\it o}pen).
-Available are
-\keyindex{docl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar114}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded by
-``\verb|x|'' (e.g.\ for spoken text of songs).
-Available are
-\keyindex{xcl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar115}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded by
-``\verb|ox|'' .
-Available are
-\keyindex{oxcl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar118}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded by
-``\verb|ro|'' (think of {\it r}h{\it o}mbus).
-Available are
-\keyindex{rocl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox{\musixchar116}~{}~symbol which is obtained using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc. macros preceeded by
-``\verb|tg|'' (think of {\it t}rian{\it g}le).
-Available are
-\keyindex{tgcl} and
- \item The \raise.5ex\hbox to 1em{\musixchar117\hfil}~{}~symbol which is obtained
-using the
-\verb|\qu|, \verb|\qb|, \verb|\cu|, etc.~macros preceeded by
-``\verb|k|'' .
-Available are
-\keyindex{kcl} and
- \end{itemize}
-The diamond shaped noteheads described in section \ref{diam} are also
-available, because \verb|musixper.tex| inputs \verb|musixdia.tex|.
-If any of the foregoing notes need to be dotted, you must use the explicit
-dotting macros \verb|\pt|, \verb|\ppt|, or \verb|\pppt| as described in
-section \ref{dots}.
-Since the usage of these note symbols is
-not standardized, it would be wise to include in the score a explanation
-of which symbol corresponds to which specific percussion instrument.
-A special \itxem{drum clef}---comprising two heavy vertical bars---can
-be made to replace the normal clef for the $n$-th intrument by saying
-\keyindex{setclefsymbol}\onen\keyindex{drumclef} .
-To cause this to appear at the right vertical position, the instrument should
-previously have been assigned a treble clef (or not explicitly assigned any
-clef, thereby giving it a treble clef by default).
-Percussion music might be written on a staff with either one or five lines.
-If there are several different percussions instruments it may be useful to
-use a five-line staff with a drum clef, and differentiate the instruments
-by the type of the note heads and the apparent
-pitch of the note on the staff. Here is an example of the
-latter\footnote{provided by Agusti {\sc Mart\'in Domingo}}:
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\xqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\kzq d\zql f\zq j\xqb0n\tbu0\xqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\xqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\kzq d\zql f\zq j\xqb0n\tbu0\xqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\kqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\xzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\kqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\kqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\xzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\kqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\oxqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\oxzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\oxqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\oxqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\oxzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\oxqb0n\enotes
-\noindent Its coding is
- \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\xqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\kzq d\zql f\zq j\xqb0n\tbu0\xqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\xqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\kzq d\zql f\zq j\xqb0n\tbu0\xqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\kqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\xzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\kqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\kqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\xzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\kqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\oxqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\oxzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\oxqb0n\enotes
-\Notes\zql f\rlap\qp\ibu0m0\oxqb0{nn}\enotes
-\Notes\oxzq d\zql f\zq j\kqb0n\tbu0\oxqb0n\enotes
- \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
-Here is an example of a single-line percussion staff using
-diamond-shaped note heads:
-\parindent 19mm
-\setname1{keyboard} \setname2{drum} \setname3{monks}
-\setinterinstrument1{-2\Interligne}% less vertical space above
-\setinterinstrument2{-2\Interligne}% and below the percussion
-\setsign1{-1} % one flat at keyboard
-\setstaffs12 % 2 staffs at keyboard
-\setclefsymbol3\gregorianCclef % gregorian C clef at instrument 3
-\setclefsymbol2\drumclef % cancel G clef at instrument 2
-\Notes\hu F|\zh c\hu h&\dnq4&\squ{acd}\enotes\bar
-\NOtes\qu I|\zq N\qu d&\qp&\diapunc f\enotes
-\NOtes\qu J|\zq a\qu e&\ynq4&\diapunc e\enotes\bar
-\notes\hu G|\zh b\hu d&\dnq4&\zsqu d\rsqu g\squ{hgh}\enotes
-\noindent which is coded as follows:
-\parindent 19mm
-\setname1{keyboard} \setname2{drum} \setname3{monks}
-\setinterinstrument1{-2\Interligne}% less vertical space above
-\setinterinstrument2{-2\Interligne}% and below the percussion
-\setsign1{-1} % one flat at keyboard
-\setstaffs1{2} % 2 staffs at keyboard
-\setclefsymbol3{\gregorianCclef} % gregorian C clef at instrument 3
-\setclefsymbol2{\drumclef} % cancel G clef at instrument 2
-% (DAS) Sorry, guys, I couldn't figure out how to get the |'s to work in this
-% verbatim.
-\noindent\verb|\Notes\hu F|\Vert\verb|\zh c\hu h&\dnq4&\squ{acd}\enotes\bar|\\
-\verb|\NOtes\qu I|\Vert\verb|\zq N\qu d&\qp&\diapunc f\enotes|\\
-\verb|\NOtes\qu J|\Vert\verb|\zq a\qu e&\ynq4&\diapunc f\enotes\bar|\\
-\verb|\notes\hu G|\Vert\verb|\zh b\hu d&\dnq4&\zsqu d\rsqu g\squ{hgh}\enotes|\\
- \subsection{musixpoi}
- Adds definitions of less common singly and doubly dotted notes.
-Available are
-\keyindex{cccclpp} and
- %\check
- \subsection{musixps}\label{musixps}\index{musixps@{\tt musixps.tex}}
- Activates type K postscript slurs, ties, and hairpins (see \ref{PostscriptSlurs}).
- \subsection{musixstr}\label{musixstr}\index{musixstr@{\tt musixstr.tex}}
- Provides bowing and other symbols for \itxem{string instruments}\footnote{provided
-by Werner {\sc Icking}}. The symbol can be posted at the desired position using
- \verb|\zcharnote|\pitchp\verb|{|$command$\verb|}|. The available symbols and
-their meanings are as follows:
-{\input musixstr
- \item[\hbox to 1em{\AB}~: \keyindex{AB} or \keyindex{downbow}] down-bow
- \item[\hbox to 1em{\AUF}~: \keyindex{AUF} or \keyindex{upbow}] up-bow
- \item[\hbox to 1em{\SP}~: \keyindex{SP}] at the top of bow
- \item[\hbox to 1em{\FR}~: \keyindex{FR}] at the nut of bow
- \item[\GB\ or \Gb~: \keyindex{GB} or \keyindex{Gb}] whole bow
- \item[\UH\ or \Uh~: \keyindex{UH} or \keyindex{Uh}] lower half of bow
- \item[\OH\ or \Oh~: \keyindex{OH} or \keyindex{Oh}] upper half of bow
- \item[\MI\ or \Mi~: \keyindex{MI} or \keyindex{Mi}] middle of bow
- \item[\UD\ or \Ud~: \keyindex{UD} or \keyindex{Ud}] lower third of bow
- \item[\OD\ or \Od~: \keyindex{OD} or \keyindex{Od}] upper third of bow
- \item[\Pizz~: \keyindex{Pizz}] left hand pizzicato or trill
- \end{description}\end{quote}
- }
- %\check
- \subsection{musixsty}\index{musixsty@{\tt musixsty.tex}}
- Provides certain text-handling facilities for titles, footnotes, and other
-items not related to lyrics. It should not be used with \LaTeX. It includes
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item definitions for commonly used fonts such as \verb|\tenrm|,
-\verb|\eightrm|, etc.;
- \item definitions of \keyindex{hsize}, \keyindex{vsize},
-\keyindex{hoffset}, \keyindex{voffset} suitable for A4 paper; those using
-other sizes may wish to modify it once and for all;
- \item a set of text size commands:
- \begin{description}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item[\keyindex{eightpoint}] which sets the usual \keyindex{rm},
-\keyindex{bf}, \keyindex{sl}, \keyindex{it} commands to 8 point font size;
- \item[\keyindex{tenpoint}] which sets the usual \keyindex{rm},
-\keyindex{bf}, \keyindex{sl}, \keyindex{it} commands to 10 point font size;
- \item[\keyindex{twlpoint}] to get 12 point font size;
- \item[\keyindex{frtpoint}] to get 14.4 point font size;
- \item[\keyindex{svtpoint}] to get 17.28 point font size;
- \item[\keyindex{twtypoint}] to get 20.74 point font size;
- \item[\keyindex{twfvpoint}] to get 24.88 point font size;
- \end{description}
- \item commands for creating titles:
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex} \item \keyindex{author} or
-\keyindex{fullauthor} to be put at the right of the first page, below the
-title of the piece; the calling sequence is, for example
- \verb| \author{Daniel TAUPIN\\organiste \`a Gif-sur-Yvette}|
- \noindent where the \verb|\\| causes the author's name to be displayed on
-two lines;
- \item \keyindex{shortauthor} to be put at the bottom of each page;
- \item \keyindex{fulltitle} which is the main title of the piece;
- \item \keyindex{subtitle} is displayed below the main title of the piece;
- \item \keyindex{shorttitle} or \keyindex{title}
- which is the title repeated at the bottom of each page;
- \item \keyindex{othermention} which is displayed on the left of the page,
-vertically aligned with author's name. It may contain \verb|\\| to display it on
-several lines;
- \item \keyindex{maketitle} which displays all the previous stuff;
- \end{itemize}
- \item commands for making \itxem{footnotes}:
- \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}
- \item The normal Plain-\TeX\ \keyindex{footnote} command, which has two
-arguments---not just one as in \LaTeX\protect\index{LATEX@\LaTeX}---namely
-the label of the footnote, which can be any sequence of characters, and
-the text of the footnote. This command does not work inside
-boxes, so it cannot be issued within music;
- \item The \keyindex{Footnote} command, which counts the footnotes and uses a
-number as the label of the footnote (equivalent to \LaTeX's \verb|\footnote|
-command). The same restriction as with \verb|\footnote| applies concerning
-its use within the music coding;
- \item The \keyindex{vfootnote} command, taken from the Plain-\TeX, which
-places a footnote at the bottom of the current page, but does not put
-the footnote label at the place the command is entered in the main text. This
-also may not be used within music, but if a footnote is needed whose reference
-lies inside the music, it can be entered in two steps:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item manually insert the reference inside the music, using e.g. \verb|zcharnote|;
- \item post the footnote itself with \verb|\vfootnote| outside the music,
-either before \keyindex{startpiece} or between \keyindex{stoppiece} and
-\keyindex{contpiece} or equivalent commands.
- \end{enumerate}
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{musixtmr}\index{musixtmr@{\tt musixtmr.tex}}
- Replaces the standard \texttt{musixtex} fonts by the Times series fonts,
- as default (see \ref{musixtmr}).
- \subsection{musixtri}\index{musixtri@{\tt musixtri.tex}}
-Provides triply dotted note symbols.
-Available are:
-\keyindex{qbppp} and
- \subsection{tuplet}\index{tuplet@{\tt tuplet.tex}}
- Causes the figure in xtuplets to be printed within a small gap in the bracket
-(see \ref{tuplet}).
-% DAS Discussed elsewhere
-%\section{The \TeX-music Mailing List}
-%If you decide to learn to use \musixtex, you are likely to wish that there were
-%someone to answer your questions. That is exactly what you'll find on the \TeX-music
-%mailing list: experts from all over the world with lots of experience with
-%\musixtex{} and related software, who are glad to answer questions and help solve
-%problems. You can find out more about the list and sign up at
-\chapter{Acquiring, Installing, and Using \musixtex}\label{installation}
-This chapter will assume that \TeX\
-is installed. Most \unix\ or Linux systems come with \TeX\ already installed.
-If using MS Windows, you'll need to have manually installed some version of
-\TeX. MiK\TeX\ is the most common variant by far and therefore will be assumed. If
-you need to install MiK\TeX, you can get the software from
-or from CTAN.
-% DAS Out of date!
-%The Werner Icking Archive contains excellent
-%{\underline{instructions for installing MiK\TeX}}%
-%\footnote{Thanks to Eva {\sc Jaksch}}.
-\section{Where to get \musixtex: the Werner Icking Archive}\label{getstuff}
-As already mentioned, the home base for all matters related to \musixtex\ is
-the Werner Icking Music Archive, at
-The most up-to-date versions of \musixtex\ and friends are located in the
-section of the archive. The stable distribution of \musixtex\ will be contained in
-{\underline{\verb||}}. This will serve any operating system, but
-has detailed Windows-specific installation instructions and batch scripts that simplify
-installing and running the software.
-There is a somewhat differently organized distribution on the CTAN servers at\\
-with FTP link\\
-This one is "TDS compliant," which means that it adheres to a recently announced
-standard directory structure for \TeX\ systems. It is accompanied by
-installation instructions for \unix\ and other OS's, but does not contain any
-installation scripts.
-\subsection{End of line characters in text files}
-The files in the Werner Icking Archive and in \verb||
-have been contributed by such a wide
-range of authors that there is no common standard for the line endings in text files.
-But the key text files serve as input to programs such as \TeX\ and \MF\
-which are insensitive to this. If you use a PC and run into problems using any of
-these text files, you might be able to solve them with the program
-\verb|flip.exe| which comes with the \musixtex\ distribution. Run it from a
-command window by typing \verb|flip -m| $<$filename$>$, and it will
-convert line endings from the \unix\ to MS-DOS convention.
-\subsection{Pre-installed \musixtex}
-Many versions of \TeX\ include \musixtex\ as a package. The included version is likely
-to be out of date and probably should not be used. When an archived version is
-downloaded and properly installed, it will supersede the pre-installed version.
-\section{Installing \musixtex}
-Installation of the \TeX~ and
-\musixtex~ software is very system dependent and will not be detailed here. The
-is Windows-centric but does include all the \musixtex\ files
-needed for any OS. For Windows installation, the distribution includes very detailed
-instructions in
-and a batch file {\tt instmus.bat} which greatly
-simplifies the installation process.
-Users of other OS's may refer to
-or to
-%DAS Out of date!
-%{\underline{Windows}}\ or
-{\underline{HOWTO file for \unix}} in the archive.
-Whatever your OS or installation method, there are really just a few
-fundamental tasks you must accomplish for a usable install:
- \item \musixtex\ comprises some \TeX\ source files (\verb|.tex|, \verb|.sty|),
-font files, and the executable \verb|musixflx|. The \TeX\ sources and font
-files must be placed in locations where \TeX\ can find them;
- \item \TeX\ must be advised of the locations of those files;
- \item If you are installing any postscript fonts, you'll have to add a map
-file somewhere in the \TeX\ file structure, and locate and modify a configuration
-file such as \verb|| to record the addition of the map file.
- \item \verb|musixflx| must be placed in a folder that is in your search path,
-so it can be executed from your working directory.
-\section{Running \musixtex}
-As first stated in Section~\ref{threepass}, to compile a score, you must run
-in sequence \verb|etex|, \verb|musixflx|,
-and \verb|etex| again. This will produce a \verb|.dvi| file. From this point
-forward, this file can be processed like the device-independent output file
-for any \TeX\ document. The most common approach and the only one to
-be discussed here is to next generate a postscript file. This is accomplished
-by running \verb|dvips|, which is included in every \TeX\ system. To view the
-postscript, most users run {\tt GSview} or {\tt ghostscript}, which must
-be separately downloaded and installed. Finally, you may produce a PDF file
-also using GSview, and view that with Acrobat Reader or {\tt GSview}.
-You also can view the \verb|.dvi| file directly using a DVI viewer such as Yap,
-but if you are using type K postscript slurs, DVI viewers will not display them.
-Rather than executing all the foregoing programs separately, most users will
-find it more convenient to use either a batch file or a shell. The distribution
-\verb|| includes various batch files for compiling and viewing
-\musixtex\ files in Windows. Their use is discussed in detail in
-\chapter{\musixtex\ examples}
-The file \verb|musixdoc.tex|, the source for this manual, contains many useful
-examples. In the manual, many examples are accompanied by a display of the code
-that produced them, while for a few only an image of the extract is included and you'll
-have to look in \verb|musixdoc.tex| to see the coding.
-Other useful examples cannot be embedded in the source, either because they are
-meant to be in \TeX, not \LaTeX, or because they are simply to large. For
-these the source files also are provided separately.
-When compiling or viewing any of the examples, you should keep in mind that
-most DVI previewers and laser printers have
-their origin one inch below and one inch to the right of the upper right corner
-of the paper, while the musical examples have their upper left
-corner just one centimeter to the right and below the top left corner of the page.
-Therefore, special parameters may have to be given to the DVI transcription
-programs unless special \keyindex{hoffset} and \keyindex{voffset} \TeX\
-commands have been included within the \TeX\ source.
-\section{Small examples}
-\item{\tt ossiaexa.tex}~: This is a stand-alone example of the use of ossia,
-provided by Olivier Vogel (section \ref{ossia} on page \pageref{ossia}).
-\item{\tt 8bitchar.tex}~: Using 8bit characters. Here, the European
-character set is used. See section \ref{8bit} on page \pageref{8bit} for other sets.
-\section{Full examples}
-The small examples above and the longer ones mentioned below are included in
-the folder
-\verb|MUSIXTEXdistribution\doc\musixtex\manualexa| of \verb||.
-Many others are available in
-{\underline{\texttt{}}} or
-{\underline{\texttt{musixexa-T112.tar.gz}}}. Some of them require the
-presence of \verb|musixcpt.tex| which makes examples created in
-Music\TeX\ compatible with \musixtex. Here we only mention a few of
-special interest.
-\subsection{Examples mentioned in the manual}
- \item{\tt avemaria.tex}~: the ``M\'editation'' (alias ``Ave Maria'') by
-Charles {\sc Gounod} for organ and violin or voice.\index{Gounod, C.@{\sc Gounod, C.}}
-To run this five-page example you'll also need \texttt{avemariax.tex}.
-It demonstrates the use of separated bar rules (section \ref{avemaria2})
-and the use of staves of different sizes (section \ref{avemaria}).
-Also, an additional instrument is created for lyrics. This was a common
-practice before the \texttt{musixlyr} package was created by Rainer Dunker.
- \item{\tt glorias.tex}~: a local melody for the French version of
-\ital{Gloria in excelsis Deo}, a three-page piece demonstrating the use of the hardlyrics
-commands (section \ref{glorias}). {\tt gloriab.tex} is the same piece, but with organ accompaniment.
-\subsection{Other examples, provided by the authors of \musixtex }
- \item{\tt traeumer.tex}~: the famous ``Tr\"aumerei'' by
-Robert {\sc Schumann}\index{Schumann, R.@{\sc Schumann, R.}} for piano, in genuine
-\musixtex\ but with some
-additions to perform ascending bitmapped \itxem{crescendos}.
-There are also S-shaped slurs between 2 staves.
- \item{\tt parnasum.tex}~: the first page of ``Doctor gradus ad
-Parnassum'' by Claude {\sc Debussy}\index{Debussy,
-C.@{\sc Debussy, C.}} for piano.
-It contains a rather complex example of a new command \verb+\Special+
-to create staff-jumping doubly beamed notes.
-\subsection{Additional documentation}
- \item{\tt sottieng}~: Notation mistakes, provided by Jean-Pierre Coulon.
-\section{Compiling musixdoc.tex}
-This manual is an excellent example of a primarily text document with embedded
-musical excerpts. For this reason it is a \LaTeX\ document and must be compiled
-with \verb|latex| rather than \verb|etex|. Those wishing to combine text and
-musical excerpts should carefully study how it is done here.
-Before compiling or recompiling \verb|musixdoc.tex|, you should remove all the auxilliary
-files {\tt musixdoc.[mx1\|\allowbreak mx2\|\allowbreak aux\|\allowbreak toc\|\allowbreak ind\|\allowbreak idx\|\allowbreak ilg\|\allowbreak out]}
-if they are present. Then the following command sequence will produce \verb||:
-latex musixdoc
-musixflx musixdoc
-latex musixdoc
-makeindex -l musixdoc
-latex musixdoc
-latex musixdoc
-dvips -e0 -t a4 -P pdf -G0 musixdoc
-The initial three steps \verb|latex|\allowbreak$\to$\allowbreak\verb|musixflx|\allowbreak$\to$\allowbreak\verb|latex| build up the basic appearance of the document including many musical examples.
-\verb|makeindex| produces the database for the index.
-After that, \verb|latex| must be run at least twice to complete cross referencing.
-Finally, \verb|dvips| converts the \verb|.dvi| file into \verb|.ps| (making PostScript type K slurs
-To produce \verb|musixdoc.pdf|, open \verb|| in \texttt{GSview}. Go to
-{\tt File\|Convert}, select \verb|pdfwrite| at 600 dpi resolution, and click
-If you use an older version of \LaTeX\ which doesn't automatically
-invoke $\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX, you will encounter the
-error ``{\tt !~No room for new \string\count}''.
-This is because \verb|musixdoc.tex| invokes \verb|musixtex.tex|, which together with \LaTeX\
-requires more storage registers than available in \TeX.
-You may be able get around this by using the command
-\verb|elatex| instead of \verb|latex|;
-however, it is strongly recommended to upgrade your \TeX\ system to a more recent
-version in which \verb|latex| automatically invokes $\varepsilon$\hbox{-}\nobreak\TeX.
-\parskip0pt plus 2pt
-% not fine, not clean, but works
-% !!! don't look at this !!!
- \protect\numberline\thechapter{Summary of denotations}}
-\centerline{\bigfont Pitches}
-% Pitches
- \zchar{14}{\llap`A}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\llap`B}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\llap`C}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\llap`D}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\llap`E}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\llap`F}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\llap`G}\sk
- \zchar{14}A\sk
- \zchar{14}B\sk
- \zchar{14}C\sk
- \zchar{14}D\sk
- \zchar{14}E\sk
- \zchar{14}F\sk
- \zchar{14}G\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'A}\zchar{14}H\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'B}\zchar{14}I\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'C}\zchar{14}J\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'D}\zchar{14}K\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'E}\zchar{14}L\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'F}\zchar{14}M\sk
- \zchar{-5}{\llap'G}\zchar{14}N\sk
- \zchar{14}a\sk
- \zchar{14}b\sk
- \zchar{14}c\sk
- \zchar{14}d\sk
- \zchar{14}e\sk\en
- \zchar{-8}a\sk
- \zchar{-8}b\sk
- \zchar{-8}c\sk
- \zchar{-8}d\sk
- \zchar{-8}e\sk
- \zchar{-8}f\sk
- \zchar{-8}g\sk
- \zchar{-8}h\zchar{-4}{\llap'a}\sk
- \zchar{-8}i\zchar{-4}{\llap'b}\sk
- \zchar{-8}j\zchar{-4}{\llap'c}\sk
- \zchar{-8}k\zchar{-4}{\llap'd}\sk
- \zchar{-8}l\zchar{-4}{\llap'e}\sk
- \zchar{-8}m\zchar{-4}{\llap'f}\sk
- \zchar{-8}n\zchar{-4}{\llap'g}\sk
- \zchar{-8}o\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}a}\sk
- \zchar{-8}p\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}b}\sk
- \zchar{-8}q\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}c}\sk
- \zchar{-8}r\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}d}\sk
- \zchar{-8}s\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}e}\sk
- \zchar{-8}t\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}f}\sk
- \zchar{-8}u\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'}g}\sk
- \zchar{-8}v\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'\kern-2pt'}a}\sk
- \zchar{-8}w\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'\kern-2pt'}b}\sk
- \zchar{-8}x\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'\kern-2pt'}c}\sk
- \zchar{-8}y\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'\kern-2pt'}d}\sk
- \zchar{-8}z\zchar{-4}{\llap{'\kern-2pt'\kern-2pt'}e}\sk\en
-\centerline{\bigfont Notes, Accidentals, Accents, Clefs and Rests}
-% Notes& Accidentals
- \zchar{-4}{Accidentals:}%
- \zchar9{\bs maxima}\maxima i\relax
- \zchar{12}{\bs longa}\longa i%
- \zchar9{\bs breve}\breve i%
- \zchar{12}{\bs wq}\wq i%
- \zchar{12}{\bs wqq}\wqq i%
- \zchar{12}{\bs wh}\wh i%
- \zchar{12}{\bs hu}\zchar{-4}>\hu{>f}%
- \zchar{12}{\bs hl}\loff{\zchar{-4}{\bs cdsh}}\cdsh l\hl l%
- \zchar{12}{\bs qu}\zchar{-4}\^\qu{^f}%
- \zchar{12}{\bs ql}\loff{\zchar{-4}{\bs csh}}\csh l\ql l%
- \zchar{12}{\bs cu}\zchar{-4}=\cu{=f}%
- \zchar{12}{\bs cl}\loff{\zchar{-4}{\bs cna}}\cna l\cl l%
- \zchar{12}{\bs ccu}\zchar{-4}\_\ccu{_f}%
- \zchar{12}{\bs ccl}\loff{\zchar{-4}{\bs cfl}}\cfl l\ccl l%
- \zchar{12}{\bs cccu}\zchar{-4}<\cccu{<f}%
- \zchar{12}{\bs cccl}\loff{\zchar{-4}{\bs cdfl}}\cdfl l\cccl l%
- \zchar{12}{\bs ccccu}\ccccu f%
- \zchar{12}{\bs ccccl}\ccccl l%
- \zchar{12}{\bs grcu}\grcu f%
- \zchar{12}{\bs grcl}\grcl l\en
-% various note heads
- \zchar{10}{\bs dqu$^{123}$}%
- \zchar{-3}{\eightrm 1 musixdia.tex~~2 musixper.tex~~3 musixgre.tex%
- ~~4 musixlit.tex~~5 musixext.tex}\dqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs yqu$^{123}$}\yqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs dcqu$^2$}\dcqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs dhqu$^2$}\dhqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs doqu$^2$}\doqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs xqu$^2$}\xqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs oxqu$^2$}\oxqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs roqu$^2$}\roqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs tgqu$^2$}\tgqu f%
- \zchar{10}{\bs kqu$^2$}\kqu f%
- \zchar{10}{\bs squ$^3$}\squ g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs lsqu$^3$}\lsqu j%
- \zchar{10}{\bs rsqu$^3$}\rsqu k%
- \zchar{10}{\bs cqu$^4$}\cqu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs cql$^4$}\cql k%
- \zchar{10}{\bs chu$^4$}\chu g%
- \zchar{10}{\bs chl$^4$}\chl k\en
-% Pointed Notes and Accents
- \zchar{-5}{\eightrm Accent on beam with prefix {\tt b} and beam reference
-number instead of the pitch}%
- \zchar{13}{\bs lpz}\lpz f\qu f%
- \zchar{13}{\bs upz}\upz l\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs lsf}\lsf f\qu f%
- \zchar{13}{\bs usf}\usf l\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs lst}\lst f\qu f%
- \zchar{13}{\bs ust}\ust l\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs lppz}\lppz f\qu f%
- \zchar{13}{\bs uppz}\uppz l\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs lsfz}\lsfz f\qu f%
- \zchar{13}{\bs usfz}\usfz l\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs lpzst}\lpzst f\qu f%
- \zchar{13}{\bs upzst}\upzst l\ql l%
- \zchar{16}{\bs downbow}\zchar9\downbow\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs upbow}\zchar9\upbow\ql l%
- \zchar{16}{\bs flageolett}\flageolett l\ql l%
- \zchar{13}{\bs whp}\whp i%
- \zchar{13}{\bs qupp}\qupp h\en
-% clefs
-%\setlines 11\relax
- \zchar{13}{\bs trebleclef}\zchar0\trebleclef\sk
- \zchar9{\bs altoclef}\zchar0\altoclef\sk
- \zchar{13}{\bs bassclef}\zchar0\bassclef\sk
- \zchar9{\bs smalltrebleclef}\zchar0\smalltrebleclef\sk
- \zchar{13}{\bs smallaltoclef}\zchar0\smallaltoclef\sk
- \zchar9{\bs smallbassclef}\zchar0\smallbassclef\sk
- \zchar{13}{\bs drumclef$^2$}\zchar0\drumclef\sk
- \zchar9{\bs gregorianCclef$^3$}\zchar0\gregorianCclef\sk
- \zchar{13}{\bs gregorianFclef$^3$}\zchar0\gregorianFclef\sk
- \zchar9{\bs oldGclef$^4$}\zchar0\oldGclef\sk\en
-% Rests
-\setlines 15\relax
- \zchar{13}{\bs qqs}\qqs
- \zchar{13}{\bs hs}\hs
- \zchar{13}{\bs qs}\qs
- \zchar{13}{\bs ds}\ds
- \zchar{13}{\bs qp}\qp
- \zchar{13}{\bs hpause}\hpause
- \zchar{13}{\bs hpausep}\hpausep
- \zchar{9}{\bs lifthpause}\roff{\lifthpause5}\sk
- \zchar{13}{\bs pause}\pause
- \zchar{13}{\bs pausep}\pausep
- \zchar{9}{\bs liftpause}\roff{\liftpause4}\sk
- \zchar{13}{\bs PAuse}\PAuse
- \zchar{13}{\bs PAUSe}\PAUSe
- \zchar{13}{\bs Hpause$^4$}\Hpause i{.8}\sk\en
-\centerline{\bigfont Other Symbols}
-% more Symbols
- \zchar{14}{\bs Trille}\zchar{-4}{\bs allabreve}\Trille n1%
- \zchar0\allabreve\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs trille}\zchar{-4}{\bs meterC}\trille n1\zchar0\meterC\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs shake}\zchar{-4}{\bs reverseC}\shake n\zchar0\reverseC\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs Shake}\zchar{-4}{\bs reverseallabreve}\Shake n%
- \zchar0\reverseallabreve\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs mordent}\mordent n\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs Mordent}\Mordent n\zchar{-4}{\bs meterplus}%
- \zchar0{\meterfrac{3\meterplus2\meterplus3}8}\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs turn}\turn n\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs backturn}\backturn n\zchar{-4}{\bs duevolte}\duevolte\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs Shakel}\Shakel n\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs Shakesw}\Shakesw n\zchar{-4}{\bs l[r]par}%
- \lpar f\rpar f{\stemlength4\qu f}%
- \zchar{14}{\bs Shakene}\Shakene n\sk
- \zchar{14}{\bs Shakenw}\Shakenw n\sk\en
-% again
-\NOtes\zchar9{\bs metron}\zchar{13}{\metron\qu{99}}\sk\en
-\NOtes\loffset2{\zchar{17}{\bs setvoltabox}}\en
-\NOtes\loff{\zchar{17}{\bs setvolta}}\en
-\notes\zchar{17}{\kern-\afterruleskip\bs coda}\coda n\en\bar
-\notes\zchar{17}{\kern-\afterruleskip\bs Coda}\Coda n\en
- \zchar{17}{\bs segno}\segno n\sk
- \zchar{17}{\kern-2\afterruleskip\bs Segno}\Segno\hsk
- \zchar{17}{\bs caesura}\sk\caesura
- \zchar{17}{\bs cbreath}\cbreath\sk
- \zchar{17}{\bs PED}\PED\sk
- \zchar{17}{\bs sPED}\sPED\sk
- \zchar{17}{\bs DEP}\DEP\sk
- \zchar{17}{\bs sDEP}\sDEP\sk\en
-% and again ...
- \zchar{17}{\bs fermataup}\fermataup l%
- \zchar{-8}{\bs fermatadown}\fermatadown f{\stemlength3\ql i}%
- \zchar{13}{\bs Fermataup}\Fermataup l%
- \zchar{-4}{\kern8pt\bs Fermatadown}\Fermatadown f\wh i%
- \loff{\zchar{17}{\bs arpeggio d5}}\arpeggio d5\sk
- \loff{\zchar{13}{\bs bracket}}\bracket e{10}\zq n\ql e\en
- \zchar{17}{\bs uptrio}\uptrio{11}16\ql l\ql n\bsk\bsk
- \zchar{-8}{\bs downtrio}\downtrio{-5}17\qu c\qu e\en
- \zchar{17}{\bs octfinup}\octfinup n{.8}%
- \zchar{-4}{\bs octfindown}\octfindown K{.8}\sk\hsk
- \zchar{17}{\bs slide$^5$}%
- \slide i58\slide i57\slide i56\slide i55\slide i54%
- \slide i53\slide i52\slide i51\slide i5{-1}%
- \slide i5{-2}\slide i5{-3}\slide i5{-4}\slide i5{-5}%
- \slide i5{-6}\slide i5{-7}\slide i5{-8}\sk\en
- \loffset2{\zchar{-4}{\bs leftrepeat}}%
- \boxitsep=2pt\zchar{17}{\bs boxit A}\zchar9{\boxit A}\en
- \loffset2{\zchar{-8}{\bs leftrightrepeat}}%
- \zchar{17}{\bs circleit B}\uptext{\circleit B}\en
- \loffset2{\zchar{-4}{\bs rightrepeat}}\en
-% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}%
-% \pagestyle{plain}
-% \let\item\@idxitem
-% \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
-% \begin{multicols}{2}[{\Huge\bfseries Index} ]
-% \par\bigskip}%
- \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}
- \chapter[Index]{}\vspace*{-3cm}
-% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}
- \pagestyle{plain}
- \let\item\@idxitem
- \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
- \begin{multicols}{3}[{\Huge\bfseries Index} ]
- \par\bigskip}%
- \printindex