path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/knuth/tex
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-% This program by D. E. Knuth is not copyrighted and can be used freely.
-% It was written on 18 Dec 1981 and revised on 24 May 1991.
-% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
- \def\titlepage{F} % include headline on the contents page
- \def\rheader{\mainfont\hfil \contentspagenumber}
- \vfill
- \centerline{\titlefont Fixed-Point Glue Setting}
- \vfill}
- \centerline{\hsize 6in\baselineskip9pt
- \vbox{\eightrm\baselineskip9pt\noindent
- The preparation of this report
- was supported in part by the National Science
- Foundation under grants IST-7921977 and MCS-7723728;
- by Office of Naval Research grant N00014-81-K-0330;
- and by the IBM Corporation. `\TeX' is a
- trademark of the American Mathematical Society.}}}
-@* Introduction.
-If \TeX\ is being implemented on a microcomputer that does 32-bit
-addition and subtraction, but with multiplication and division restricted to
-multipliers and divisors that are either powers of~2 or positive
-integers less than~$2^{15}$, it can still do the computations associated
-with the setting of glue in a suitable way. This program illustrates one
-solution to the problem.
-Another purpose of this program is to provide the first ``short'' example
-of the use of \.{WEB}.
-@ The program itself is written in standard \PASCAL. It begins with a
-normal program header, most of which will be filled in with other parts of this
-``web'' as we are ready to introduce them.
-@^program header@>
-@p program GLUE(@!input,@!output);
- type @<Types in the outer block@>@;
- var @<Globals in the outer block@>@;
- procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started}
- var @<Local variables for initialization@>@;
- begin @<Set initial values@>;
- end;
-@ Here are two macros for common programming idioms.
-@d incr(#) == #:=#+1 {increase a variable by unity}
-@d decr(#) == #:=#-1 {decrease a variable by unity}
-@* The problem and a solution.
-We are concerned here with the ``setting of glue'' that occurs when a
-\TeX\ box is being packaged. Let $x_1$, \dots,~$x_n$ be integers whose sum
-$s=x_1+\cdots+x_n$ is positive, and let $t$ be another positive integer.
-These $x_i$ represent scaled amounts of glue in units of sp (scaled
-points), where one sp is $2^{-16}$ of a printer's point. The other
-quantity $t$ represents the total by which the glue should stretch or
-shrink. Following the conventions of \TeX82, we will assume that the
-integers we deal with are less than $2^{31}$ in absolute value.
-After the glue has been set, the actual amounts of incremental glue space
-(in~sp) will be the integers $f(x_1)$, \dots,~$f(x_n)$, where $f$ is a
-function that we wish to compute. We want $f(x)$ to be nearly proportional
-to~$x$, and we also want the sum $f(x_1)+\cdots+f(x_n)$ to be nearly
-equal to~$t$. If we were using floating-point arithmetic, we would simply
-compute $f(x)\equiv(t/s)\cdot x$ and hope for the best; but the goal here
-is to compute a suitable~$f$ using only the fixed-point arithmetic operations
-of a typical ``16-bit microcomputer.''
-The solution adopted here is to determine integers $a$, $b$, $c$ such that
-$$f(x)=\bigl\lfloor 2^{-b}c\lfloor 2^{-a}x\rfloor\bigr\rfloor$$
-if $x$ is nonnegative. Thus, we take $x$ and shift it right by $a$~bits,
-then multiply by~$c$ (which is $2^{15}$ or less), and shift the product
-right by $b$~bits. The quantities $a$, $b$, and~$c$ are to be chosen
-so that this calculation doesn't cause overflow and so that $f(x_1)+\cdots
-+f(x_n)$ is reasonably close to~$t$.
-The following method is used to calculate $a$ and~$b$:
-Suppose $$y=\max_{1\le i\le n}\vert x_i\vert\,.$$
-Let $d$ and $e$ be the smallest integers such that $t<2^ds$ and $y<2^e$.
-Since $s$ and~$t$ are less than~$2^{31}$, we have $-30\le d\le31$ and
-$1\le e\le31$. An error message is given if $d+e\ge31$; in such a case
-some $x_m$ has $\vert x_m\vert\ge 2^{e-1}$ and we are trying to change
-$\vert x_m\vert$ to $\vert(t/s)x_m\vert\ge2^{d+e-2}\ge2^{30}$~sp, which
-\TeX\ does not permit. (Consider, for example, the ``worst case'' situation
-$x_1=2^{30}+1$, $x_2=-2^{30}$, $t=2^{31}-1$; surely we need not bother
-trying to accommodate such anomalous combinations of values.) On the other
-hand if $d+e\le31$, we set $a=e-16$ and $b=31-d-e$. Notice that this choice
-of~$a$ guarantees that $\lfloor2^{-a}\vert x_i\vert\rfloor<2^{16}$. We will
-choose~$c$ to be at most~$2^{15}$, so that the product will be less
-The computation of $c$ is the tricky part.
-@^hairy mathematics@>
-The ``ideal'' value for $c$ would be $\rho=2^{a+b}t/s$, since $f(x)$ should
-be approximately $(t/s)\cdot x$. Furthermore it is better to have $c$ slightly
-larger than~$\rho$, instead of slightly smaller, since the other operations
-in $f(x)$ have a downward bias. Therefore we shall compute $c=\lceil\rho\rceil$.
-Since $2^{a+b}t/s<2^{a+b+d}=2^{15}$, we have $c\le2^{15}$ as desired.
-We want to compute $c=\lceil\rho\rceil$ exactly in all cases. There is no
-difficulty if $s<2^{15}$, since $c$ can be computed directly using the
-formula $c=\bigl\lfloor(2^{a+b}t+s-1)/s\bigr\rfloor$; overflow will not
-occur since $2^{a+b}t<2^{15}s<2^{30}$.
-Otherwise let $s=s_12^l+s_2$, where $2^{14}\le s_1<2^{15}$ and $0\le s_2<2^l$.
-We will essentially carry out a long division. Let $t$ be ``normalized''
-so that $2^{30}\le2^ht<2^{31}$ for some~$h$. Then we form the quotient and
-remainder of $2^ht$ divided by~$s_1$,
-$$ 2^ht=qs_1+r_0, \qquad 0\le r_0<s_1.$$
-It follows that $2^{h+l}t-qs=2^lr_0-qs_2=r$, say. If $0\ge r>-s$ we have
-$q=\lceil2^{h+l}t/s\rceil$; otherwise we can replace $(q,r)$ by
-$(q\pm1,r\mp s)$ repeatedly until $r$ is in the correct range. It is not
-difficult to prove that $q$ needs to be increased at most once and decreased
-at most seven times, since $2^lr_0-qs_2<2^ls_1\le s$ and since
-$qs_2/s\le(2^ht/s_1)(s_2/2^ls_1)<2^{31}/s_1^2\le8$. Finally, we have
-$a+b-h-l=-1$ or~$-2$, since $2^{28+l}\le2^{14}s=2^{a+b+d-1}s\le2^{a+b}t<
-2^{a+b+d}s=2^{15}s<2^{30+l}$ and $2^{30}\le2^ht<2^{31}$. Hence
-$c=\lceil2^{a+b-h-l}q\rceil=\lceil{1\over2}q\rceil$ or~$\lceil{1\over4}q\rceil$.
-An error analysis shows that these values of $a$, $b$, and $c$ work
-satisfactorily, except in unusual cases where we wouldn't expect them to.
-@^error analysis@>
-When $x\ge0$ we have
-where $0\le\theta_0,\theta_1,\theta_2<1$. Now $0\le\theta_02^{-a-b}x
-<2^{e-a-b}=2^{d+e-15}$ and $0\le\theta_12^at/s<2^{a+d}=2^{d+e-16}$, and
-the other two terms are negligible. Therefore $f(x_1)+\cdots+f(x_n)$ differs
-from~$t$ by at most about $2^{d+e-15}n$. Since $2^{d+e}$ is larger than
-$(t/s)y$, which is the largest stretching or shrinking of glue after expansion,
-the error is at worst about $n/32000$ times as much as this, so it is quite
-reasonable. For example, even if fill glue is being used to stretch
-20 inches, the error will still be less than $1\over1600$ of an inch.
-@ To sum up: Given the positive integers $s$, $t$, and $y$ as above, we
-set $$a\gets\lfloor\lg y\rfloor-15,\qquad b\gets29-\lfloor\lg y\rfloor-
-\lfloor\lg t/s\rfloor,\qquad\hbox{and}\qquad c\gets\lceil2^{a+b}t/s\rceil.$$
-The implementation below shows how to do the job in \PASCAL\ without using
-large numbers.
-@ \TeX\ wants to have the glue-setting information in a 32-bit data type
-called |glue_ratio|. The \PASCAL\ implementation of \TeX82 has |glue_ratio
-=real|, but alternative definitions of |glue_ratio| are explicitly allowed.
-For our purposes we shall let |glue_ratio| be a record that is packed with
-three fields: The |a_part| will hold the positive integer |a+16|, the
-|b_part| will hold the nonnegative integer~|b|, and the |c_part| will hold
-the nonnegative integer~|c|. When the formulas above tell us to take
-|b>30|, we might as well set |c:=0| instead, because |f(x)| will be
-zero in all cases when |b>30|. Note that we have only about 25 bits of
-information in all, so it should fit in 32 bits with ease.
-@!glue_ratio=packed record
- @!a_part: 1..31; {the quantity |e=a+16| in our derivation}
- @!b_part: 0..30; {the quantity |b| in our derivation}
- @!c_part: 0..@'100000; {the quantity |c| in our derivation}
- end;
-@!scaled = integer; {this data type is used for quantities in sp units}
-@ The real problem is to define the procedures that \TeX\ needs to
-deal with such |glue_ratio| values:
-(a)~Given scaled numbers |s|, |t|, and~|y| as above, to compute the
-corresponding |glue_ratio|.
-(b)~Given a nonnegative scaled number~|x| and a |glue_ratio|~|g|, to
-compute the scaled number~|f(x)|.
-(c)~Given a |glue_ratio|~|g|, to print out a decimal equivalent of
-|g| for diagnostic purposes.
-The procedures below can be incorporated into \TeX82 via a change file
-without great difficulty. A few modifications will be needed, because
-\TeX's |glue_ratio| values can be negative in unusual cases---when the
-amount of stretchability or shrinkability is less than zero. Negative
-values in the |c_part| will handle such problems, if proper care is
-taken. The error message below should either become a warning message
-or a call to \TeX's |print_err| routine; in the latter case, an
-@^error message@>
-appropriate help message should be given, stating that glue cannot
-stretch to more than 18~feet long, but that it's OK to proceed with
-fingers crossed.
-@*Glue multiplication.
-The easiest procedure of the three just mentioned is the one that is
-needed most often, namely, the computation of~|f(x)|.
-\PASCAL\ doesn't have built-in binary shift commands or built-in exponentiation,
-although many computers do have this capability. Therefore our arithmetic
-routines use an array called `|two_to_the|', containing powers of~two.
-Divisions by powers of two are never done in the programs below when the
-dividend is negative, so the operations can safely be replaced by right
-shifts on machines for which this is most appropriate. (Contrary to popular
-opinion, the operation `|x div 2|' is not the same as shifting |x|
-right one binary place, on a machine with two's complement arithmetic,
-when |x| is a negative odd integer. But division
-{\it is\/} equivalent to shifting when |x| is nonnegative.)
-@!two_to_the: array[0..30] of integer; {$|two_to_the|[k]=2^k$}
-@ @<Local variables for init...@>=
-@!k:1..30; {an index for initializing |two_to_the|}
-@ @<Set init...@>=
-for k:=1 to 30 do two_to_the[k]:=two_to_the[k-1]+two_to_the[k-1];
-@ We will use the abbreviations |ga|, |gb|, and |gc| as convenient
-alternatives to \PASCAL's \&{with} statement. The glue-multiplication
-function |f|, which replaces several occurrences of the `|float|' macro
-in \TeX82, is now easy to state:
-@d ga==g.a_part
-@d gb==g.b_part
-@d gc==g.c_part
-@p function glue_mult(@!x:scaled;@!g:glue_ratio):integer;
- {returns |f(x)| as above, assuming that |x>=0|}
-begin if ga>16 then x:=x div two_to_the[ga-16] {right shift by |a| places}
-else x:=x*two_to_the[16-ga]; {left shift by |-a| places}
-glue_mult:=(x*gc) div two_to_the[gb]; {right shift by |b| places}
-end; {note that |b| may be as large as 30}
-@*Glue setting.
-The |glue_fix| procedure computes |a|, |b|, and |c| by the method
-explained above. \TeX\ does not normally compute the quantity~|y|, but
-it could be made to do so without great difficulty.
-This procedure replaces several occurrences of the `|unfloat|' macro in
-\TeX82. It would be written as a function that returns a |glue_ratio|,
-if \PASCAL\ would allow functions to produce records as values.
-@p procedure glue_fix(@!s,@!t,@!y:scaled; var@!g:glue_ratio);
-var @!a,@!b,@!c:integer; {components of the desired ratio}
-@!k,@!h:integer; {$30-\lfloor\lg s\rfloor$, $30-\lfloor\lg t\rfloor$}
-@!s0:integer; {original (unnormalized) value of |s|}
-@!q,@!r,@!s1:integer; {quotient, remainder, divisor}
-@!w:integer; {$2^l$, where $l=16-k$}
-begin @<Normalize |s|, |t|, and |y|, computing |a|, |k|, and |h|@>;
-if t<s then b:=15-a-k+h@+else b:=14-a-k+h;
-if (b<0) or (b>30) then
- begin if b<0 then write_ln('! Excessive glue.'); {error message}
-@^error message@>
- b:=0; c:=0; {make |f(x)| identically zero}
- end
-else begin if k>=16 then {easy case, $s_0<2^{15}$}
- c:=(t div two_to_the[h-a-b]+s0-1) div s0 {here |1<=h-a-b<=k-14<=16|}
- else @<Compute |c| by long division@>;
- end;
-ga:=a+16; gb:=b; gc:=c;
-@ @<Normalize |s|, |t|, and |y|, computing |a|, |k|, and |h|@>=
-begin a:=15; k:=0; h:=0; s0:=s;
-while y<@'10000000000 do {|y| is known to be positive}
- begin decr(a); y:=y+y;
- end;
-while s<@'10000000000 do {|s| is known to be positive}
- begin incr(k); s:=s+s;
- end;
-while t<@'10000000000 do {|t| is known to be positive}
- begin incr(h); t:=t+t;
- end;
-end {now $2^{30}\le t=2^ht_0<2^{31}$ and $2^{30}\le s=2^ks_0<2^{31}$,
- hence $d=k-h$ if $t/s<1$}
-@ @<Compute |c| by long division@>=
-begin w:=two_to_the[16-k];
-s1:=s0 div w;
-q:=t div s1;
-r:=((t mod s1)*w)-((s0 mod w)*q);
-if r>0 then
- begin incr(q); r:=r-s0;
- end
-else while r<=-s0 do
- begin decr(q); r:=r+s0;
- end;
-if a+b+k-h=15 then c:=(q+1) div 2 @+else c:=(q+3) div 4;
-@*Glue-set printing.
-The last of the three procedures we need is |print_gr|, which displays a
-|glue_ratio| in symbolic decimal form. Before constructing such a procedure,
-we shall consider some simpler routines, copying them from an early
-draft of the program \TeX82.
-@d unity==@'200000 {$2^{16}$, represents 1.0000}
-@!dig:array[0..15] of 0..9; {for storing digits}
-@ An array of digits is printed out by |print_digs|.
-@p procedure print_digs(@!k:integer); {prints |dig[k-1]| \dots |dig[0]|}
-begin while k>0 do
- begin decr(k); write(chr(ord('0')+dig[k]));
- end;
-@ A nonnegative integer is printed out by |print_int|.
-@p procedure print_int(@!n:integer); {prints an integer in decimal form}
-var @!k:0..12; {index to current digit; we assume that $0\le n<10^{12}$}
-begin k:=0;
-repeat dig[k]:=n mod 10; n:=n div 10; incr(k);
-until n=0;
-@ And here is a procedure to print a nonnegative |scaled| number.
-@p procedure print_scaled(s:scaled);
- {prints a scaled real, truncated to four digits}
-var k:0..3; {index to current digit of the fraction part}
-begin print_int(s div unity); {print the integer part}
-s:=((s mod unity)*10000) div unity;
-for k:=0 to 3 do
- begin dig[k]:=s mod 10; s:=s div 10;
- end;
-write('.'); print_digs(4);
-@ Now we're ready to print a |glue_ratio|. Since the effective multiplier
-is $2^{-a-b}c$, we will display the scaled integer $2^{16-a-b}c$, taking
-care to print something special if this quantity is terribly large.
-@p procedure print_gr(@!g:glue_ratio); {prints a glue multiplier}
-var @!j:-29..31; {the amount to shift |c|}
-begin j:=32-ga-gb;
-while j>15 do
- begin write('2x'); decr(j); {indicate multiples of 2 for BIG cases}
- end;
-if j<0 then print_scaled(gc div two_to_the[-j]) {shift right}
-else print_scaled(gc*two_to_the[j]); {shift left}
-@* The driver program.
-In order to test these routines, we will assume that the |input| file
-contains a sequence of test cases, where each test case consists of the
-integer numbers $t$, $x_1$, \dots,~$x_n$, 0. The final test case should
-be followed by an additional zero.
-@!x:array[1..1000] of scaled; {the $x_i$}
-@!t:scaled; {the desired total}
-@!m:integer; {the test case number}
-@ Each case will be processed by the following routine, which assumes
-that |t| has already been read.
-@p procedure test; {processes the next data set, given |t| and~|m|}
-var @!n: 0..1000; {the number of items}
-k:0..1000; {runs through the items}
-y:scaled; {$\max_{1\le i\le n}\vert x_i\vert$}
-@!g:glue_ratio; {the computed glue multiplier}
-@!s:scaled; {the sum $x_1+\cdots+x_n$}
-@!ts:scaled; {the sum $f(x_1)+\cdots+f(x_n)$}
-begin write_ln('Test data set number ',m:1,':');
-@<Read $x_1,\ldots,x_n$@>;
-@<Compute |s| and |y|@>;
-if s<=0 then write_ln('Invalid data (nonpositive sum); this set rejected.')
-else begin @<Compute |g| and print it@>;
- @<Print the values of $x_i$, $f(x_i)$, and the totals@>;
- end;
-@ @<Read $x_1,\ldots,x_n$@>=
-begin n:=0;
-repeat incr(n); read(x[n]);
-until x[n]=0;
-@ @<Compute |s| and |y|@>=
-begin s:=0; y:=0;
-for k:=1 to n do
- begin s:=s+x[k];
- if y<abs(x[k]) then y:=abs(x[k]);
- end;
-@ @<Compute |g| and print it@>=
-begin glue_fix(s,t,y,g); {set |g|, perhaps print an error message}
-write(' Glue ratio is '); print_gr(g);
-write_ln(' (',ga-16:1,',',gb:1,',',gc:1,')');
-@ @<Print the values of $x_i$, $f(x_i)$, and the totals@>=
-begin ts:=0;
-for k:=1 to n do
- begin write(x[k]:20);
- if x[k]>=0 then y:=glue_mult(x[k],g)
- else y:=-glue_mult(-x[k],g);
- write_ln(y:15);
- ts:=ts+y;
- end;
-write_ln(' Totals',s:13,ts:15,' (versus ',t:1,')');
-@ Here is the main program.
-@^main program@>
-@p begin initialize;
-while t>0 do
- begin test;
- incr(m); read(t);
- end;
-@*Index. Here are the section numbers where various identifiers are used in the
-program, and where various topics are discussed.
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