path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/armenian/examples/latex/manual-e.tex
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+%% This is the `manual-e.tex' file (ArmTeX manual in English).
+%% This file is a part of the ArmTeX project [2014/04/09 v3.0-beta3]
+%% ArmTeX is a system for writing in Armenian with plain TeX and/or LaTeX(2e).
+%% Copyright 1997 - 2013:
+%% Serguei Dachian (,
+%% Arnak Dalalyan (,
+%% Vardan Akopian (
+%% ArmTeX may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX
+%% Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your
+%% option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% ArmTeX has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% For more details, installation instructions and the complete list of files
+%% see the provided `readme.txt' file.
+\expandafter\ifx\csname pdfglyphtounicode\endcsname\relax\else
+\title{\latArmTeX: a System for Writing in Armenian with \TeX\ and \LaTeX\\
+{\normalsize\artm (\ArmTeX$\,$` $\,${\aroff \TeX}-um ev {\aroff \LaTeX}-um
+Hayeren Lezvov Grelu Hamakarg)}}
+Sergue\"{\i} DACHIAN \thanks{{\tt}}\\
+Arnak DALALYAN \thanks{{\tt}}\\
+Vardan AKOPIAN \thanks{{\tt}}
+\date{June 1, 1999}
+\vglue -12cm
+\textsl{\textbf{WARNING!} This is the (almost unchanged) manual of the version
+ 2.0. It will be replaced by the manual of the version 3.0 before this beta
+ release becomes official. A (temporary) brief description of the new
+ features of \latArmTeX~3.0 can be found at the end of the ``readme.txt''
+ file.}
+\vglue 10.43cm
+\myindent \latArmTeX\ is a system for writing in Armenian with \TeX\ and
+\LaTeX. To use this system, you need to have a \TeX\ compiler (with plain
+\TeX\ and/or \LaTeXe\ formats) as well as the \MF\ program. The system can be
+used with a standard Latin keyboard (without any special support for Armenian
+letters). It can also be used with any keyboard which uses an encoding having
+Armenian letters in the second half (characters 128--255) of extended ASCII
+table. An example of such an encoding is the ArmSCII8 Armenian standard.
+\latArmTeX\ system is freeware. Feel free to give copies of it to your friends
+and relatives, and be sure to include all the files. If you have any questions
+and/or propositions, do not hesitate to contact us.
+\latArmTeX\ installation instructions can be found in the ``readme.txt'' file.
+To use the system, you need to know how to call it from your documents, how to
+select different Armenian fonts, and how to enter Armenian text from the
+keyboard. These operations are described in the following three sections.
+\section{How to enter Armenian letters and punctuation signs}
+\myindent If you do not have an Armenian keyboard, Armenian letters must be
+entered according to the following transliteration table.
+\halign{\strut\vrule width1pt#&&\artm\quad #\ \hfill&\artm
+#\quad\hfill&\vrule#&\quad\tt #\ \hfill&\vrule width1pt#\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+&G&g&&g&&X&x&&x&&Sh&sh&&sh &&C&c&&c&\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+&E&e&&e&&K&k&&k&&Ch&ch&&ch &&P'&p'&&p', ph&\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+&E'&e'&&e'&&Dz&dz&&dz &&J&j&&j&&&ev&&ev&\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+&U'&u'&&u'&&Gh&gh&&gh &&R'&r'&&r'&&O'&o'&&o'&\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+&T'&t'&&t', th&&J'&j'&&j'&&S&s&&s&&F&f&&f&\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+&G'&g'&&g'&&M&m&&m&&V&v&&v&&U&u&&u, ow&\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+As you can see from this table, some Armenian letters have two possible
+transliterations. For example, the letter {\artm <<th>>} can be obtained by
+entering either [~{\tt t'}~] or [~{\tt th}~]. To obtain a capital Armenian
+letter, the Latin letters in the corresponding transliteration (all, or only
+the first one) must be capitalized. For example, in order to obtain the letter
+{\artm <<TH>>}, you can enter [~{\tt T'}~], [~{\tt TH}~] or [~{\tt Th}~]. The
+exceptions are the letter {\artm <<ev>>}, which does not have a capital, and
+the letter {\artm <<u>>}, whose capital has two versions: by entering [~{\tt
+ U}~] or [~{\tt OW}~] you obtain {\artm <<U>>}, while by entering [~{\tt
+ Ow}~] you get {\artm <<Ow>>}.
+Let us note that the transliteration scheme used in \latArmTeX\ 1.0 was
+different from the one given in Table~\ref{t1}. More precisely:
+\item[--]the old transliterations [~{\tt z'}~] and [~{\tt zh}~] of the letter
+ {\artm <<g'>>} are now replaced by~[~{\tt g'}~],
+\item[--]the old transliteration [~{\tt ts}~] of the letter {\artm <<c'>>} is
+ now replaced by [~{\tt c'}~],
+\item[--]only the first of the old transliterations [~{\tt j'}~] and [~{\tt
+ ch'}~] of the letter {\artm <<j'>>} is included in the new version of
+ \latArmTeX.
+Because of these modifications, a slight (re)editing of your own documents
+written with \latArmTeX\ 1.0 can be necessary. We are sorry for this
+inconvenience. The choice (and the modification) of the transliteration scheme
+can seem surprising and/or unnecessary, but it is based on some objective
+reasons which will be discussed at the end of this section.
+Besides letters, the system possesses the following punctuation signs (and
+miscellaneous symbols):
+\item[\artm .]\quad Armenian dot ({\artm mijaket}), entered as [~{\tt .}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ,]\quad Armenian coma ({\artm storaket}), entered as [~{\tt ,}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm :]\quad Armenian full stop ({\artm verjaket}), entered as [~{\tt
+ :}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm `]\quad Armenian separation mark ({\artm but'}), entered as [~{\tt
+ `}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm |]\quad Armenian emphasis mark ({\artm shesht}), entered as
+ [~{\tt\mybar}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ?]\quad Armenian question mark ({\artm paruyg/harcakan
+ nshan}),\\ \null\quad entered as [~{\tt ?}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm !]\quad Armenian exclamation mark ({\artm erkaracman/bacakanchakan
+ nshan}),\\ \null\quad entered as [~{\tt !}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm -]\quad Armenian en-dash ({\artm miut'yan gc'ik}), entered as
+ [~{\tt -}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \|]\quad Armenian em-dash ({\artm anjatman gic'}), entered as
+ [~{\tt \mybs textanjgic}~]\\ \null\quad or [~{\tt \mybs\mybar}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm --]\quad Armenian hyphen ({\artm ent'amna/toghadardzi nshan}),
+ entered as [~{\tt -{\kern0.2em}-}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ']\quad Armenian apostrophe ({\artm apat'arc}), entered as [~{\tt
+ '}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ...]\quad Armenian ellipsis ({\artm kaxman keter)}, entered as
+ [~{\tt ...}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ....]\quad Armenian multi-dot ({\artm bazmaket}), entered as
+ [~{\tt ....}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm (]\quad left parenthesis, entered as [~{\tt (}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm )]\quad right parenthesis, entered as [~{\tt )}~]$\,$;
+\item[{\artm [}]\quad left bracket, entered as [~{\tt [}~]$\,$;
+\item[{\artm ]}]\quad right bracket, entered as [~{\tt ]}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \{]\quad left brace, entered as [~{\tt \mybs textbraceleft}~] or
+ [~{\tt \mybs\mylbrace}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \}]\quad right brace, entered as [~{\tt \mybs textbraceright}~] or
+ [~{\tt \mybs\myrbrace}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \!]\quad Latin exclamation mark, entered as [~{\tt \mybs
+ textexclam}~] or [~{\tt \mybs!}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ;]\quad semicolon, entered as [~{\tt ;}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ``]\quad English left quotation mark, entered as [~{\tt `{}`}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm '']\quad English right quotation mark, entered as [~{\tt '{}'}~]
+ or [~{\tt "}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \$]\quad dollar sign, entered as [~{\tt \mybs textdollar}~] or
+ [~{\tt \mybs\$}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \%]\quad percent sign, entered as [~{\tt \mybs textpercent}~] or
+ [~{\tt \mybs\%}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm *]\quad asterisk, entered as [~{\tt *}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm +]\quad plus sign, entered as [~{\tt +}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm /]\quad slash, entered as [~{\tt /}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm <]\quad Armenian left quotation mark, entered as [~{\tt <}~] or
+ [~{\tt <<}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm >]\quad Armenian right quotation mark, entered as [~{\tt >}~] or
+ [~{\tt >>}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm =]\quad equality sign, entered as [~{\tt =}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm @]\quad at sign, entered as [~{\tt @}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \?]\quad Latin question mark, entered as [~{\tt \mybs
+ textquestion}~] or [~{\tt \mybs?}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm ---]\quad Latin em-dash, entered as [~{\tt
+ -{\kern0.2em}-{\kern0.2em}-}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \#]\quad hash, entered as [~{\tt \mybs texthash}~] or [~{\tt
+ \mybs\#}~]$\,$;
+\item[\artm \&]\quad ampersand, entered as [~{\tt \mybs textand}~] or [~{\tt
+ \mybs\&}~]$\,$.
+As you have probably noticed, there are two different ways (with one of them
+of the form {\tt \mybs text...}) to enter some of the above symbols. The more
+secure way to enter such symbols are the {\tt \mybs text...}\ commands. The
+other commands producing the same symbols are, of course, more convenient, but
+may conflict with other \LaTeX\ packages, or even with future releases of
+\LaTeX. As we well see in Section~\ref{lload}, the user can even disable some
+of the latter commands.
+If you possess an Armenian keyboard --- which uses an encoding having Armenian
+letters in the second half (characters 128--255) of extended ASCII table ---
+you can also enter the Armenian letters and symbols present on the keyboard
+Note that, unfortunately, the hyphenation in Armenian text is not performed
+automatically. However, you can manually hyphenate any word, using \LaTeX's
+{\tt\mybs -} and \ArmTeX's {\tt\mybs armuh} (ARMenian Unconditional
+Hyphenation) commands. The last command does an unconditional hyphenation and
+must be used for the words having the vowel {\artm <<u'>>} in a ``secret
+syllable'' ({\artm gaghtnavank}) and when breaking the ligature {\artm
+ <<ev>>}. For example, you can enter [~{\tt si\mybs-ra\mybs-marg}~], [~{\tt
+ bu'\mybs armuh\ nuthyun}~] or [~{\tt Se\mybs armuh\ van}~].
+Finally remark, that in some very rare cases, the obtained result may differ
+from your expectations. For example, if the letter {\artm <<t>>} is
+immediately followed by the letter {\artm <<h>>}, then one would naturally use
+the transliteration~[~{\tt th}~]. However, the latter will be interpreted as
+the letter {\artm <<th>>}. To avoid such misinterpretations, instead of [~{\tt
+ th}~] one can enter [~{\tt t\mybs textbreaklig h}~] or [~{\tt t\mybs
+ *h}~]. Let us note, that the second principle used for the creation and
+perfection of our transliteration scheme (the first one, of course, being the
+phonetic correspondence with the Eastern Armenian) is the minimization of
+similar misinterpretations. For example, while typing this manual, we never
+encountered such cases (except, of course, the intentionally given
+examples). Below, we give the full list of such known misinterpretations.
+\item All the words containing the pair of letters {\artm <<e\*v>>}. For
+ example, the word {\artm <<tare\*verj>>} can be transliterated as [~{\tt
+ tare\mybs *verj}~].
+\item An apostrophe or an English right quotation mark following some
+ letters. For example, if you enter [~{\tt ``mat''}~], you will unexpectedly
+ obtain {\artm <<``mat''>>} instead of {\artm <<``mat">>}. Note that in this
+ case, besides using the command {\tt \mybs *}, you have also the following
+ solution: [~{\tt ``mat"}~].
+\item The following words and the words derived from them (including compound
+ words):
+\item[--]{\artm d\*zzal} [~{\tt d\mybs *zzal}~],
+\item[--]{\artm t\*haj'} [~{\tt t\mybs *haj'}~],
+\item[--]{\artm t\*has} [~{\tt t\mybs *has}~].
+If you encounter similar cases, do not hesitate to let us know about them, so
+we can complete the above list.
+\section{How to call \latArmTeX\ from your documents}
+\subsection{\LaTeX\ case}
+\myindent In order to use \latArmTeX\ in \LaTeX, first of all you must load
+the {\tt armtex} \LaTeX\ package by adding the command
+{\tt \mybs usepackage\mylbrace armtex\myrbrace}
+\noindent to the preamble of your document (between the commands {\tt \mybs
+ documentclass} and {\tt \mybs begin\mylbrace document\myrbrace}).
+The package accepts the following optional arguments: {\tt latin}, {\tt
+ notstar}, {\tt notbar}, {\tt notexclam}, {\tt notdots} and {\tt safe}. These
+arguments can be combined like, for example,
+{\tt \mybs usepackage[latin,notbar,notexclam]\mylbrace armtex\myrbrace}\qquad.
+Now, let us describe each of these arguments.
+If the argument {\tt latin} is not present, \latArmTeX\ will typeset in
+Armenian the main text of your document, as well as the table of contents,
+chapter and section names, and so on. However, if this is not the desired
+behavior, you can specify the argument {\tt latin} and use the font selection
+commands described in Section~\ref{lfonts} in order to typeset Armenian text.
+\latArmTeX\ redefines the standard \LaTeX\ commands {\tt \mybs*}, {\tt \mybs|}
+and {\tt \mybs!}, preserving their meaning in math mode. If you run into
+problems related to these redefinitions, you can disable each of them using
+the optional arguments {\tt notstar}, {\tt notbar} or {\tt notexclam}
+\LaTeX\ commands {\tt \mybs vdots} and {\tt \mybs ddots} use dots from the
+current font (in contrast to other commands producing dots in math
+mode). \latArmTeX\ corrects this strange behavior of \LaTeX\ by redefining
+these commands. If you run into problems related to these redefinitions, you
+can disable them using the argument {\tt notdots}.
+If you need to disable simultaneously the five above-mentioned redefinitions,
+you can use the argument {\tt safe}.
+Let us note that in the Armenian fonts used in \latArmTeX, the letters and
+symbols are positioned according to the {\tt OT6} encoding. If you use the
+{\tt armtex} \LaTeX\ package, the {\tt OT6} encoding is loaded
+automatically. In this case, you do not need (and, moreover, you must not)
+load the {\tt OT6} encoding ``manually'', that is, using {\tt fontenc}
+standard \LaTeX\ package.
+Finally, in order to use an Armenian keyboard, you must call the
+\LaTeX\ standard package {\tt inputenc}, specifying the name of the encoding
+produced by your keyboard as an argument (in lower case) like, for example,
+{\tt \mybs usepackage[armscii8]\mylbrace inputenc\myrbrace}\qquad.
+Unfortunately, only the {\tt ArmSCII8} encoding is provided with
+\latArmTeX~2.0. It is defined in the ``armscii8.def'' file, which can be used
+as a template for designing similar files for other encodings. In the case you
+do write and test such an encoding file, do not hesitate to send it to us, so
+we can include it in future releases of \latArmTeX.
+\subsection{Plain \TeX\ case}
+\myindent In order to use \latArmTeX\ in plain \TeX, first of all you must
+load the ``arm.tex'' file by putting the following command in the beginning of
+your document:
+{\tt \mybs input arm}\qquad.
+In order to use an Armenian keyboard, you must also load the ``kbdencod.tex''
+{\tt \mybs input kbdencod}\qquad.
+The ``kbdencod.tex'' file is designed for the {\tt ArmSCII8} encoding. It can
+be used as a template for designing similar files for other encodings. In the
+case you do write and test such an encoding file, do not hesitate to send it
+to us, so we can include it in future releases of \latArmTeX.
+\section{Font selection related commands}
+\subsection{\LaTeX\ case}
+\subsubsection{Orthogonal commands}
+\myindent \LaTeXe\ possesses a very flexible font selection system. A font is
+determined by five parameters (encoding, family, series, shape and size),
+which can be changed independently (in an orthogonal way). For example, the
+Computer Modern Roman (cmr) family is chosen by {\tt \mybs rmfamily} command,
+and italic shape by the {\tt \mybs itshape} command. So, for example, entering
+{\tt \mylbrace\mybs rmfamily\mybs itshape cat\myrbrace}
+\noindent will typeset the word ``cat'' in the italic shape of the cmr
+family. Let us also note, that each orthogonal command has an equivalent of
+the form {\tt \mybs text...}, which applies the corresponding change to the
+text given in the argument. For example, an equivalent way to write the
+previous example is
+{\tt \mybs textrm\mylbrace \mybs textit\mylbrace cat\myrbrace\myrbrace}\qquad.
+\latArmTeX\ provides two family of fonts: cmr and cmss. The first family
+contains the bold and medium series of the normal, italic and slanted
+shapes. The second one contains the bold and medium series of the normal and
+slanted shapes. These fonts can be selected using the orthogonal commands
+listed in Table~\ref{t2}.
+\halign{\vphantom{$\Big($}\vrule width1pt#&\tt\quad\mybs #\hfill\quad&\vrule #
+&\tt\quad\mybs #\hfill\quad&\vrule width1pt#\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\caption{Orthogonal commands}
+The font selection commands starting with {\tt\mybs arm} correspond to
+\LaTeX\ commands starting with {\tt\mybs text}. Note that the commands listed
+in Table~\ref{t2} are orthogonal with each other, but are not orthogonal with
+\LaTeX\ standard font selection commands. This is due to the fact that the
+commands from Table~\ref{t2}, if they are called when \LaTeX\ is not already
+in Armenian mode, first enter Armenian mode by performing a series of actions
+which (together with the command for leaving the Armenian mode) will be
+described in Section~\ref{zan}.
+Finally, let us note that for historical reasons, as well as for compatibility
+with \latArmTeX~1.0, the commands for selecting cmr and cmss families use {\tt
+ tm} and {\tt ss} ``roots'' respectively (instead of traditional {\tt rm} and
+{\tt sf}).
+\subsubsection{Non-orthogonal (old style) commands}
+\myindent Besides orthogonal commands described in the previous section,
+\LaTeX\ also possesses old style (inherited from plain TeX) non-orthogonal
+font selection commands {\tt \mybs rm}, {\tt \mybs sf}, {\tt \mybs tt}, {\tt
+ \mybs bf}, {\tt \mybs it}, {\tt \mybs sl} and {\tt \mybs sc} (some of which
+work also in math mode). \latArmTeX\ redefines these commands so, that if they
+are called when \LaTeX\ is in Armenian mode, they first leave the Armenian
+mode (see Section~\ref{zan} for more details).
+\halign{\vphantom{$\Big($}\vrule width1pt#&\tt\quad\mybs #\hfill\quad&\vrule #
+&\quad\artm #\hfill\quad&\vrule width1pt#\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\caption{Non-orthogonal commands}
+For selecting Armenian fonts, \latArmTeX\ provides its own non-orthogonal
+commands which are listed in Table~\ref{t3}. The commands marked with an
+asterisk work also in math mode.
+\subsubsection{Math mode commands}
+\myindent For selecting fonts in math mode, \LaTeXe\ provides equally (new
+style) commands like {\tt \mybs mathrm}, {\tt \mybs mathbf}, and so on. For
+example, in the formula~$\mathbf P(\xi=\eta)$, the bold letter ``P'' can be
+obtained by entering either [~{\tt \$\mylbrace\mybs bf~P\myrbrace(\mybs
+ xi=\mybs eta)\$}~] or [~{\tt \$\mybs mathbf\mylbrace P\myrbrace(\mybs
+ xi=\mybs eta)\$}~]:
+\halign{\vphantom{$\Big($}\vrule width1pt#&\tt\quad\mybs #\hfill\quad
+&\vrule width1pt#\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt depth 0pt}
+\caption{Math mode commands}
+For selecting Armenian fonts in math mode, \latArmTeX\ provides analogous
+commands which are listed in Table~\ref{t4}.
+Note that the commands from the last table correspond to the commands marked
+with an asterisk in Table~\ref{t3}.
+\subsubsection{Miscellaneous commands}
+\myindent As we have already mentioned in the previous sections, the commands
+for selecting Armenian fonts ``if they are called when \LaTeX\ is not already
+in Armenian mode, first enter Armenian mode''. Entering Armenian mode consists
+in selecting the normal Armenian font ({\tt \mybs artm}) and performing the
+commands {\tt \mybs armdate} and {\tt \mybs armhyph}. The last two commands
+adapt the commands {\tt \mybs today} and {\tt \mybs-} to Armenian language. To
+restore the original behavior of these commands, you can use the commands {\tt
+ \mybs armdateoff} and {\tt \mybs armhyphoff} respectively. And the command
+to leave the Armenian mode is {\tt \mybs aroff}, which selects the normal
+non-Armenian font and performs the commands {\tt \mybs armdateoff} and {\tt
+ \mybs armhyphoff}.
+\latArmTeX\ provides also the commands {\tt \mybs armnames} and {\tt \mybs
+ armnamesoff}, which respectively translate to Armenian and restore to the
+original state the words like ``Chapter'', ``Part'', ``Table'', and so on. In
+principle, there is no need to use these commands directly, but this can
+become necessary when using, for example, the {\tt babel} package.
+Finally, let us mention the commands {\tt \mybs latArmTeX} and {\tt \mybs
+ ArmTeX} which typeset the logos \latArmTeX\ and \ArmTeX\ respectively. These
+commands work irrespectively of whether \LaTeX\ is in Armenian mode or not,
+and are (in both cases) orthogonal to the corresponding font selection
+\subsection{Plain \TeX\ case}
+\myindent Plain \TeX\ does not possess the flexible font selection system of
+\LaTeXe. For this reason, among the above described commands, only the
+commands {\tt \mybs armdate}, {\tt \mybs armhyph}, {\tt \mybs armdateoff},
+{\tt \mybs armhyphoff}, {\tt \mybs aroff}, {\tt \mybs latArmTeX} and {\tt
+ \mybs ArmTeX}, as well as the commands listed in Table~\ref{t3}, are
+available when using \latArmTeX\ in plain \TeX.
+Another difference is that the commands {\tt \mybs rm}, {\tt \mybs sf}, {\tt
+ \mybs tt}, {\tt \mybs bf}, {\tt \mybs it}, {\tt \mybs sl} and {\tt \mybs sc}
+do not possess the feature to leave the Armenian mode. If you have to leave
+the Armenian mode, you can use the command {\tt \mybs aroff}. The latter, uses
+the value of {\tt \mybs arofffont} for selecting the normal non-Armenian
+font. The default value of {\tt \mybs arofffont} is {\tt\mybs rm}, but it can
+be changed by entering, for example, [~{\tt \mybs let\mybs arofffont=\mybs
+ bf}~].
+Finally, let us note that the commands {\tt \mybs latArmTeX} and {\tt \mybs
+ ArmTeX} work in a slightly different way than in \LaTeX. The first
+difference is that the command {\tt \mybs ArmTeX} (resp.\ {\tt \mybs
+ latArmTeX}) must be used only when \TeX\ is (resp.\ is not) in Armenian
+mode. Besides, in order for the command {\tt \mybs ArmTeX} to produce the
+desired result, it may be necessary to change the value of {\tt \mybs
+ arofffont}. For example, in order to typeset \armbf{<<\ArmTeX>>}, you must
+{\tt\mylbrace \mybs artmbf \mybs let\mybs arofffont=\mybs bf \mybs
+ ArmTeX\myrbrace}\qquad.
+\noindent{\LARGE\bfseries Appendix}
+\section{{\tt\bfseries OT6} character tables}
+\subsection{{\tt\bfseries artmr10} font}
+\def\mystrut{{\vrule height 18pt depth 9pt width 0pt}}
+\halign{\vrule##&\quad\mystrut $##$\quad
+&&\vrule##&\quad\hfill\mystrut{\trialfont ##}\hfill\quad\cr
+&'00&& && && &&\mychar{'003}&&\mychar
+&'02&& && && &&\mychar{'023}&&\mychar
+\font\trialfont=artmr10 scaled 1600
+\subsection{{\tt\bfseries arssr10} font}
+\font\trialfont=arssr10 scaled 1600
+\section{\latArmTeX\ version history}
+\myindent \textbf{\latArmTeX\ 1.0}\ (June 25, 1997). This is the first version
+of \latArmTeX. It consists essentially of Armenian fonts and provides a
+minimal set of simple commands for using them in plain \TeX.
+\noindent \textbf{\latArmTeX\ 2.0}\ (June 1, 1999). This version of
+\latArmTeX\ includes the following important changes from the previous one.
+\item[--]The transliteration scheme was improved (see Section~\ref{s2}).
+\item[--]The set of \latArmTeX\ commands was essentially extended and a
+ package for using the system with \LaTeXe\ was created.
+\item[--]Some minor bugs were corrected.
+\item[--]The Armenian manual and several example files for both \LaTeX\ and
+ plain \TeX\ were written.
+\item[--]Some unnecessary files were removed.