path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts
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+MFB Oldstyle is in the public domain and may be used without restriction.
+* * * * *
+Creative Commons Legal Code
+CC0 1.0 Universal
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+The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/mfb-oldstyle/MFBOldStyle-CharacterMap.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/mfb-oldstyle/MFBOldStyle-CharacterMap.pdf
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index 00000000000..4b41781eab6
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+MFB Oldstyle font family
+Version 1.0
+August 5, 2024
+MFB Oldstyle is a serif font family designed for body text. This typeface was originally designed by Morris Fuller Benton and released by American Type Founders in 1909 as Century Oldstyle. The family contains three fonts: regular, italic and bold. (Currently, no bold italic font is provided.) Superior and inferior figures are available for all fonts in the family. Small capitals and old-style figures are available only for the regular font.
+The MFB Oldstyle fonts have been placed in the public domain using the CC Zero 1.0 waiver. See COPYING for details.
+For any questions, email Daniel Benjamin Miller <>.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/mfb-oldstyle/mfb-oldstyle-doc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/mfb-oldstyle/mfb-oldstyle-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..300acbaa5e4
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+% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
+\usepackage{fontspec}\setmainfont{MFB Oldstyle}
+\title{The \textit{MFB Oldstyle} Font Family\\\large Version 1.0}
+\date{August 5, 2024}
+\author{Daniel Benjamin Miller\thanks{}}
+\textit{MFB Oldstyle} is a serif font family designed for body text. This typeface design was originally created by Morris Fuller Benton and released by American Type Founders in 1909 as \textit{Century Oldstyle}.
+The font family currently includes regular, \textit{italic} and \textbf{bold} fonts; no bold italic is included (though one may be added in the future). All the fonts include superior and inferior figures, accessible both through OpenType features and the provided \texttt{mfb-oldstyle} \hologo{LaTeX} package. \textsc{Small capitals} and old-style figures ({\addfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}0123456789}) are currently provided for the regular font only. For a view of character coverage, see the included character map PDF.
+\section{Usage with OpenType-capable \hologo{TeX} engines}
+I recommend using the OpenType versions of \textit{MFB Oldstyle}, along with a modern \hologo{TeX} engine (such as \hologo{LuaTeX} or \hologo{XeTeX}). If you are using \hologo{LuaLaTeX} or \hologo{XeLaTeX}, use \texttt{fontspec} to select the font and the appropriate options, e.g., by adding \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{fontspec\}\textbackslash setmainfont\{MFB Oldstyle\}} to your preamble. For detailed options, see that package's documentation.
+\section{Usage with legacy \hologo{TeX} engines}
+If you wish to use the fonts with a legacy \hologo{TeX} engine, Type 1 fonts and the appropriate support files are provided. To set use the Type 1 version of \textit{MFB Oldstyle} in \hologo{LaTeX}, use the following command:
+By default, tabular lining figures (0123456789) are used. The package-level options \texttt{tabular} and \texttt{proportional} can be used to switch between tabular ({\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Tabular}0123456789}) and proportional ({\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Proportional}0123456789}) versions of lining figures. Old-style figures ({\addfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}0123456789}) can technically be set as the default using package option \texttt{oldstyle}, but, since old-style figures are only provided for the regular font, this will disable use of the italic and bold fonts by default. (For a more graceful fallback, try using a modern \hologo{TeX} engine). When using the legacy \hologo{LaTeX} package, superior figures can be accessed on a one-off basis using the text command \texttt{textsu}, and inferior figures can be accessed using the text command \texttt{textin}.
+The \textit{MFB Oldstyle} fonts have been placed in the public domain and can be used without restriction. For a detailed copyright waiver with explicit fallback provisions, see \texttt{COPYING}.
+\section{Source files and development}
+Source files for the \textit{MFB Oldstyle} fonts are available on GitHub.\footnote{\url{}} Suggestions for feature additions are welcome on GitHub (preferred) or via email.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/README
index 99873acf792..1a2c9e55dda 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/README
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/README
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
This package, initially based on txfonts, provides many fixes and enhancements to the txfonts package, splitting it into two separate packages---newtxtext and newtxmath, which may be run independently of one another. It provides scaling, improved metrics, and other options. In particular, newtxmath offers a libertine option which substitutes Linux Libertine (provided with TeXLive and MikTeX) italic and Greek letters for the default Times letters, providing a good match for the Libertine text font, which is heavier than Computer Modern but lighter than Times, and in my experience, looks very sharp and clear on the screen.
-Current version: 1.752 2024-07-05
+Current version: 1.753 2024-08-24
This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
for the details of that license.
+Changes in version 1.753
+Small changes to a metrics and/or side-bearings for math symbols
+-, +, \times, \div, <, >, \leq, \geq, =, \neq in order to match
+better. (Thanks, Henrik Schumacher.)
Changes in version 1.752
Small addition to newtxmath so that with option gelasio, the operator
fd is changed to ot1mingelasio.fd, whose fonts have XCharter Greek upper case.
@@ -14,7 +19,7 @@ Reworked the scaling calculations in newtx.sty to repair the handling of the sca
Changes in version 1.75
Added code to newtx.sty and newtxmath.sty to support gelasio small caps, additional
-figure in pdflatex and math. (Best to use gelasiomath.sty as the interface as it adds
+figures in pdflatex and math. (Best to use gelasiomath.sty as the interface as it adds
supporting code and calls newtx and thereby newtxmath in the proper order
and with matching scales.)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/newtxdoc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/newtxdoc.pdf
index 100c9256122..940b0aa515d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/newtxdoc.pdf
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/newtxdoc.pdf
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index 3a18e083003..45fcdf64187 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/newtxdoc.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/newtx/newtxdoc.tex
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
\usepackage[type1,sfdefault,scale=1]{sourcesanspro}% used by \mathsf, optional
%\usepackage[amsthm,largesc,theoremfont,trueslanted,scosf]{newtx}% Use newtxmath, not a unicode math package
-\usepackage[textscale=1,amsthm,theoremfont,newsu,scosf]{newtx}% Use newtxmath, not a unicode math package
+\usepackage[amsthm,theoremfont,newsu,scosf]{newtx}% Use newtxmath, not a unicode math package
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/bindings.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/bindings.tex
index 3ec4339fe6b..0b76006f24c 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/bindings.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/bindings.tex
@@ -643,6 +643,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{baserow}{simpleicon\{baserow\}}
@@ -2555,6 +2557,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{humhub}{simpleicon\{humhub\}}
@@ -3019,6 +3023,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{languagetool}{simpleicon\{languagetool\}}
@@ -3443,6 +3449,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{mingww64}{simpleicon\{mingww64\}}
@@ -3811,6 +3819,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{ollama}{simpleicon\{ollama\}}
@@ -5479,6 +5489,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{thanos}{simpleicon\{thanos\}}
@@ -6207,6 +6219,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{yii}{simpleicon\{yii\}}
@@ -6271,6 +6285,8 @@
+ \showcaseicon{zerotier}{simpleicon\{zerotier\}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.pdf
index 3bfe5ccfb72..fd5b9d03215 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.pdf
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.pdf
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.tex
index e3ada188127..20c851e3137 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/simpleicons/simpleicons.tex
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
Simple Icons (Font)\\%
Inesh Bose (\LaTeX{} package)%
-\date{13.2.0 -- \today}\maketitle
+\date{13.7.0 -- \today}\maketitle
This package provides \LaTeX{} support for the Simple Icons logos.
To use Simple Icons in your document, include the package with |\usepackage{simpleicons}|.