path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/symbats3/symbats3.tex
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+ \bgroup\markoverwith{\textcolor{Red}{\rule[\ULdepth]{2pt}{\UL@height}}}\ULon}
+\setsansfont{Alegreya Sans}
+\newcommand{\vstrut}{\vrule height1.2em width0pt}
+\title{Symbats 3.0 font macros for \LaTeX}
+\author{Peter Flynn\\Silmaril Consultants\\\texttt{}}
+{S\smaller YMBATS} is a Neopagan dingbats typeface family that includes
+various religious, astrological and other symbols, plus support for
+Runic and Ogham script. The designer, Feòrag, has kindly released the
+fonts under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 (26 February 2007).
+This \LaTeX\ package (\textsf{symbats}) is released under the
+\LaTeX\ Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3c. This is a draft
+package and is not yet available for public test. Future (working)
+versions will be uploaded to the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network
+\subsubsection*{Current status}
+ \item Names for use as commands in \LaTeX\ have been specified for
+ all identified glyphs, but need further checking
+ \item Names for glyphs positioned for older versions of the fonts
+ have been prefixed `old' where this was identifiable;
+ \item Names for Runic are prefixed `RU' and names for Ogham are
+ prefixed `OG';
+ \item Names which otherwise appear to be duplicates have been
+ prefixed `dup'.
+\subsubsection*{Errors and omissions}
+The maintainer of this package is Peter Flynn
+\href{}{\nolinkurl{}}. Please
+notify any errors or omissions, especially corrections to the naming,
+to the maintainer.
+ \item[0.8] 2022-01-18 Baseline adjustment option added,
+ documentation updated
+ \item[0.7] 2022-01-11 Last duplicated names fixed, .sty file created
+ manually
+ \item[0.6] 2022-01-08 Names edited and normalised, out for checking
+ \item[0.5] 2022-01-06 Got feedback, edited names as suggested,
+ created Makefile
+ \item[0.4] 2022-01-04 Sent name list to Feòrag for checking
+ \item[0.3] 2022-01-03 Created CSV and \LaTeX\ files
+ \item[0.2] 2022-01-02 First pass at constructing names for the
+ glyphs
+ \item[0.1] 2021-12-20 Downloaded font, extracted list of glyph
+ codepoints
+\section{Symbats 3.0}
+Symbats is a Neopagan dingbats font which has been developed by Feòrag
+over a couple of decades, and recently re-released in an updated
+version announced in a Twitter
+on Winter Solstice Eve 2021.
+The font comes in three weights, and has many additions and
+redesigns. The files are distributed in OpenType format
+(\texttt{.otf}) from the author's
+\subsection{\LaTeX\ version}
+For the \LaTeX\ version, I have assigned control sequences
+(\LaTeX\ commands) to all the glyphs. They are listed in this document
+three times, in different orders for ease of reference:
+\item index order of Unicode codepoint;
+\item alphabetical order of \LaTeX\ name;
+\item alphabetical order of Unicode name.
+\subsection{Numeric character positions}\label{numpos}
+For historical reasons, some of the glyphs are in the code positions
+of ASCII printable characters (U+0021 to U+007E), where they were
+originally placed for ease of typing in pre-Unicode days.
+For compatibility with older versions, these glyphs are still in
+place, but in cases where there are now real Unicode codepoints for the
+exact characters by name, the glyph is duplicated at the new position
+and the glyph at the original location has its name prefixed with
+`\texttt{old}'. To the best of my understanding, the two glyphs are
+identical in each case.
+These duplications are noted in the following tables in the
+\textbf{Dupes} column with a clickable link to the other position
+(note that all these links go to the first listing, the index order of
+codepoint, not to the listing in which you clicked).
+For example, Earth (\oldearth) was originally at U+003C, but
+Unicode now defines an actual codepoint named `Earth' at U+2641, so
+the glyph is named in that location as \verb+\earth+ and the
+original at U+003C is named \verb+\oldearth+; but they are identical.
+In choosing the names, the methodology used was:
+\item If the glyph has an established name (Sun, Earth, Pentagram)
+ that name is used in all lowercase, eg \verb+\earth+;
+\item Glyphs with multiple variants (moon, new moon, waxing moon,
+ waning moon, etc) are named with the principal component first, eg
+ \verb+\moonnew+, \verb+\moonfull+, \verb+\moonwaningoutline+,
+ \verb+\moonwaningsolid+, etc.
+ These can best be compared in the Unicode name order listing in
+ \hyperref[unicodename]{\S\ref{unicodename}} starting on
+ p.\pageref{unicodename}.
+\item Variations in \textbf{pentagrams} include:
+ \begin{itemize}[nosep]
+ \item \textbf{rough} (sketched lines);
+ \item \textbf{inverted} (abbreviated to \texttt{inv} to save typing);
+ \item \textbf{interlaced} (lines pass in front and behind others);
+ \item handedness of the interlacing (\textbf{Right} \textit{vs}
+ \textbf{Left}) using capital \texttt{R} and \texttt{L};
+ \item \textbf{circled} (ring around) \textit{vs} \textbf{solid}
+ (reversed out).
+ \end{itemize}
+ For the first three (rough, inverted, and interlaced) there is no
+ explicit opposite in the name, so the complement of
+ \verb+\pentagramroughcircled+ is just \verb+\pentagramcircled+:
+ there is no `smooth' in the name.
+ Similarly, upright symbols are not
+ named as such, only the inverted versions get an `\texttt{inv}' in
+ their name.
+ Where there is an obvious complement, this is linked in the
+ \textbf{Compl} column in a similar manner to the \textbf{Dupes}
+ method described in \hyperref[numpos]{\S\ref{numpos}}.
+\item Variations in \textbf{sun} and \textbf{moon} include:
+ \begin{itemize}[nosep]
+ \item glyph in \textbf{outline} or \textbf{solid} (ie empty or filled);
+ \item sun — number of \textbf{spokes} [is this the correct term? rays?];
+ \item sun — \textbf{corona} (external ring);
+ \item sun — \textbf{hub} (centre ring);
+ \item moon — phase (new, first quarter, third quarter, full, waxing,
+ waning).
+ \end{itemize}
+ As with the pentagrams, the absence of an effect is signalled by
+ the absence of the term in the name.
+\item Ogham letter names are prefixed with `\texttt{OG}';
+\item Runic letter names are prefixed with `\texttt{RU}';
+\item For any existing glyph for which a formal Unicode codepoint now
+ exists, the name in the original location is prefixed by
+ `\texttt{old}' as described in \hyperref[numpos]{\S\ref{numpos}};
+\item A few names are not known, or not readily identifiable, or lost
+ to the mists of time. These have been guessed at, and I would
+ welcome suggestions.
+\item Download the fonts from the URI given in
+ \hyperref[intro]{\S\ref{intro} Introduction} and install them into
+ your computer according to your operating system's instructions
+ (see instructions at the end of this page).
+\item Install the package file \verb+symbats3.sty+ into your
+ Personal \TeX\ Folder (create it if it does not already exist), eg
+ {\small\begin{description}[nosep,leftmargin=1em,font=\sffamily]
+ \item[Linux] \texttt{~/texmf/tex/latex/symbats3}
+ \item[Mac OS\thinspace X]
+ \texttt{~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/symbats3}
+ \item[Windows] (Win95–XP) \verb+C:\texmf\tex\latex\symbats3+\\
+ (Win 7–11) \verb+Computer\System\Users\your~name\texmf+
+ \par\smallskip
+ \textbf{Note} MiK\TeX\ users \textsf{\smaller MUST} add their Personal
+ \TeX\ Folder to their MiK\TeX\ root when it is created; and
+ \textsf{\smaller MUST} refresh their Font
+ Name DataBase (FNDB) utility after installation: see the link
+ below. No action is required for other systems.
+ \end{description}}
+ See
+ \url{}
+ for more information about your
+ Personal \TeX\ Folder and about how to use it in MiK\TeX\ \parencite{fi}.
+\item Add the line \verb+\usepackage{symbats3}+ to the Preamble of
+ your \LaTeX\ document.
+ \end{enumerate}
+Note that the \textsf{symbats3} package \textsf{\smaller REQUIRES} the
+\textsf{fontspec} package for Unicode and OpenType fonts. The
+\textsf{symbats3} package \textsf{\smaller CANNOT} be used with the old
+\textsf{fontenc} and \textsf{inputenc} packages.
+There is only one option to this version of the package:
+\verb+[descenders]+, which lowers the height of the glyphs to align with
+the descenders of the surrounding text.
+By default, the glyphs print with their baseline aligned with the
+baseline of the surrounding text, eg
+\uline{\hbox{\sffamily\huge Baseline: \pentagram}}
+In many cases the glyph fits better if it is aligned instead with the
+bottom of the descenders (q, y, p, j, g) of the surrounding text, eg
+\uline{\hbox{\sffamily\huge Descenders (qypjg): \pentagram[-.5ex]}}
+The package option \verb+[descenders]+ will automatically calculate the
+depth of the descenders for the current font and lower the glyph to
+align with them, eg
+In addition, there is an optional argument to every glyph command to
+specify a different height or depth, eg
+will produce
+\uline{\hbox{\sffamily\huge Manual: \pentagraminvsolid[-.666ex]}}
+\section*{Note on required features}
+In this document, the keywords
+ {\sffamily {\smaller MUST}}, {\sffamily {\smaller MUST NOT}}, {\sffamily {\smaller REQUIRED}},
+ {\sffamily {\smaller SHALL}}, {\sffamily {\smaller SHALL NOT}}, {\sffamily {\smaller SHOULD}},
+ {\sffamily {\smaller SHOULD NOT}},
+ {\sffamily {\smaller RECOMMENDED}},
+ {\sffamily {\smaller MAY}}, and
+ {\sffamily {\smaller OPTIONAL}} have a specific
+ meaning when shown in {\sffamily {\smaller THIS TYPESTYLE}}, and
+ {\sffamily {\smaller MUST}} be interpreted as described in
+ RFC 2119 \parencite{rfc2119}.
+When shown in another typestyle, these words keep their conventional
+ contextual degree of meaning.\par
+\section*{Installing OpenType™ and TrueType™ fonts}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Linux:] Run the \textsf{Font Manager} app, click
+ \keys{\texttt{+}} and select the font files to install.
+ \item[Mac OS X] Run the \textsf{Font Book} app, click the
+ \textsf{Add} button in the Font Book toolbar, locate and select
+ a font, then click \textsf{Open}. Drag the font file to the Font
+ Book app icon in the Dock. Double-click the font file in the
+ Finder, then click \textsf{Install Font} in the dialog that
+ appears.
+ \item[Windows:] Run \textsf{Directory Explorer} (what used to be
+ called \textsf{My Computer}), right-click on
+ each font file where you downloaded it, and select \textsf{Install}.
+ \end{description}
+\section{Symbats3 in index order of Unicode codepoint}\label{codepoint}
+\section{Symbats3 in alphabetical order of \LaTeX\ name}\label{latexname}
+\section{Symbats3 in alphabetical order of Unicode name}\label{unicodename}