path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/oldstandard/oldstandard.tex
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+ title = {The arabluatex package},
+ titleaddon = {Arab\TeX\ for Lua\LaTeX},
+ author = {Alessi, Robert},
+ url = {},
+ version = {1.17}
+ title = {The Babel package},
+ titleaddon = {Multilingual support for Plain TeX or LaTeX},
+ author = {Bezos López, Javier and Braams, Johannes L.},
+ url = {},
+ version = {3.33}
+ title = {The OldStandard package},
+ titleaddon = {Old Standard: A Unicode Font for Classical and
+ Medieval Studies},
+ author = {Kryukov, Alexey},
+ editor = {Lečić, Nikola and Tennent, Bob},
+ editortype = {compiler},
+ url = {},
+ version = {2.3}
+\babeltags{grc = greek}
+\babelfont{tt}{CMU Typewriter Text}
+\hypersetup{unicode=true, linktocpage=true, colorlinks,
+ allcolors=cinnamon, pdfauthor={Robert Alessi}, pdftitle={Old
+ Standard}}
+\usepackage[breakable, skins, xparse, minted]{tcolorbox}
+\tcbset{colback=white, boxrule=.15mm, colframe=cinnamon, breakable}
+\newtcblisting{example}{minted options={linenos, numbersep=0mm,
+ fontsize=\smaller}}
+\newtcblisting{code}{minted options={linenos, numbersep=0mm,
+ fontsize=\smaller}, listing only}
+\title{\mdseries\tcbox[colframe=black, enhanced, tikznode, drop
+ lifted shadow, colback=white, boxrule=.25mm]%
+ {\textsc{Old Standard}\\
+ \Large
+ A Unicode Font for Classical and Medieval Studies\\
+ \large Based on Alexey Kryukov's original \emph{Old Standard}\\
+ \large v\pkgver -- \pkgdate}}
+\author{Robert Alessi \\
+\href{ package}%
+ This font is just the same as Alexey Kryukov's beautiful \emph{Old
+ Standard}. In comparison to the previous releases of \emph{Old
+ Standard}, it includes new letters and some corrections.
+Copyright \textcopyright\ 2006--2011, Alexey Kryukov
+(\href{}{}), without
+Reserved Font Names.
+Copyright \textcopyright\ 2019, Robert Alessi
+(\href{}{}), without
+Reserved Font Names.
+Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert
+\item email: \mailto[oldstandard package]{}
+\item website: \url{}
+\item development: \url{}
+\item comments, feature requests, bug reports:
+This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
+Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:
+\emph{Old Standard} is a remarkable creation of Alexey Kryukov,
+inspired by a typeface most commonly used in books printed in the late
+\textsc{xix}\textsuperscript{th} and early
+\textsc{xx}\textsuperscript{th} century. The source files, which can
+be found online,\footnote{See
+ \url{}} have been published
+under the terms of the OFL license (see above,
+\vref{sec:license}). However, at the time of writing, the latest
+update dates back to Aug.\ 12, 2013. To be more precise, all of the
+five \enquote*{commits} the writer was able to see were pushed on the
+very same day. Since then, two \enquote*{pull requests} dating back to
+2017 have remained unanswered. It is therefore to be feared that the
+project has been abandoned. To date, this release of \emph{Old
+ Standard} has been published by Nikola Lečić and Bob Tennent and is
+available on CTAN and {\TeX}Live with a style file.\footnote{See
+ \url{}}
+Being unable himself to contact the author, the writer, while in need
+to have new letters included in \emph{Old Standard} and some issues
+addressed, took the decision to make a new release \emph{Old Standard}.
+\paragraph{Important disclaimer}
+The writer is very far from being able to design glyphs \emph{ex
+ nihilo}. That aside, he has some limited knowledge in the use of
+FontForge, and, as a classicist, he is able to scrutinize how features
+operate and if they operate as expected.
+No documentation is associated with this release of \emph{Old
+ Standard} as every item of the original extensive documentation
+applies. The reader should refer to it.\icite{oldstandard}
+\section{Additions and corrections provided}
+This release of \emph{Old Standard} includes new letters and some
+\item Small capitals for Roman, Greek and Cyrillic letters, in all
+ three styles, Regular, Italic and Bold have been added. Small
+ capitals, which are missing from \emph{Old Standard}, were already
+ in use a century ago in fine books which used font faces very
+ similar to \emph{Old Standard}. Typical use cases of small capitals
+ were headers, current headings and in some books proper names.
+\item \emph{For the time being}, a bold italic shape has been
+ auto-generated. Of course, auto-generating shapes is not a
+ satisfactory solution. However, it is better than using the
+ font loader to emulate bold shapes. A real bold italic shape is
+ planned in the versions of \emph{Old Standard} to come.
+\item The letter G with caron above, that is: Ǧ (\verb|U+01E6|,
+ uppercase) and ǧ (\verb|U+01E7|, lowercase) has been added. It is
+ the only character missing from \emph{Old Standard} that is needed
+ in some of the accepted standards of romanization of classical
+ Arabic. See for references the current documentation of the
+ \textsf{arabluatex} package.\footnote{\icite{arabluatex}[cite], sect{.}
+ \enquote{Transliteration}.}
+\item Additionally, this release corrects the \verb|+ss06| feature
+ which is supposed to distinguish between regular and
+ \enquote*{curled} beta (β/ϐ) and to print \enquote*{curled} beta
+ (\verb|U+03D0|) in medial position. This feature worked in most
+ cases with the previous releases. However, it failed if the beta was
+ preceded by a vowel with an acute accent taken from the Greek
+ extended Unicode block.
+\emph{Old Standard} works with \TeX\ engines that directly support
+OpenType features such as \XeTeX\ and \LuaTeX.
+It is loaded with \pkg{fontspec} like so:---
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+ \setmainfont{Old Standard}
+\paragraph{Small capitals}
+Small capitals have been added for the following languages or
+transcription schemes: French, German, Italian, Spanish, unaccented
+Greek, basic Russian and Arabic \enquote*{DMG}.
+The following two examples demonstrate the use of small capitals:---
+\begin{tcblisting}{minted language=latex, title=Initials, minted
+ options={fontsize=\smaller, linenos, numbersep=0mm,
+ highlightlines={7}}}
+ \begin{center}
+ \end{center}
+ \lettrine[loversize=0.2]{M}{r.\ Sherlock Holmes}, who was usually
+ very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions
+ when he stayed up all night, was seated at the breakfast table. I
+ stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor
+ had left behind him the night before. It was a fine, thick piece of
+ wood, bulbous-headed, of the sort which is known as a
+ \enquote{Penang lawyer.} Just under the head was a broad silver
+ band, nearly an inch across. \enquote{To James Mortimer, M.R.C.S.,
+ from his friends of the C.C.H.,} was engraved upon it, with the
+ date \enquote{1884.} It was just such a stick as the old-fashioned
+ family practitioner used to carry—dignified, solid, and reassuring.
+\begin{tcblisting}{minted language=latex, title=Headings, minted
+ options={linenos, numbersep=0mm, fontsize=\smaller,
+ highlightlines={11}}}
+ \doublespacing
+ \begin{center}
+ \textlarger{PART SECOND}.
+ \rule{1in}{0.4pt}
+ I. THE VERB, \arb{al-fi`lu}.
+ A. \textsc{General View}.
+ 1. \emph{The Forms of the Triliteral Verb}.
+ \end{center}
+\paragraph{The letter \enquote*{ǧ}} It is used notably to print
+romanized Arabic. \emph{Old Standard} now features this letter in all
+of the three styles (Regular, Italic and Bold):---
+\begin{tcblisting}{minted language=latex, minted
+ options={fontsize=\smaller, linenos, numbersep=0mm,
+ highlightlines={3,6,9}}}
+ \begin{arab}[trans]
+ \begin{center}
+ \textbf{da^gA^gaTu \uc{'a}bI 'l-\uc{h}u_dayli 'l-\uc{`a}llAfi}
+ \end{center}
+ kAna \uc{'a}bU 'l-\uc{h}u_dayli 'ahd_A 'il_A \uc{m}uwaysiN
+ da^gA^gaTaN. wa-kAnat da^gA^gatu-hu 'llatI 'ahdA-hA dUna mA kAna
+ yuttaxa_du li-\uc{m}uwaysiN.
+ (\uc{al-^gA.hi.zu}, \aemph{\uc{k}itAbu 'l-\uc{b}u_halA'i})
+ \end{arab}
+\paragraph{\texttt{+ss06} OpenType feature} It is commonly believed
+that all Greek vowels with acute accent taken from the Greek Extended
+Unicode block \verb|1F00–1FFF| along with standalone acute accents
+were duplicated from the Greek and Coptic Unicode block. Affected
+characters from the Greek Extended Unicode block (\verb|0370–03FF|)
+follow: \textgrc{ά, έ, ή, ί, ό, ύ, ώ, Ά, Έ, Ή, Ί, Ό, Ύ, Ώ, ΐ, ΰ, ´,
+ ΅}. The counterparts of these letters in the Greek and Coptic
+Unicode block are vowels with \emph{tonoi}.
+However, strictly speaking, \emph{tonos} is not to be mistaken for
+\enquote*{acute}: that is for sure, as \emph{tonos} was introduced as
+a result of a reform to denote a tone, namely a stress on some vowels,
+and not a pitch, namely a rising and falling voice on accented vowels.
+Confusion began when the Greek government decreed that \emph{tonos}
+shall be the acute. From what the writer could see, many Greek fonts
+originally reflected the distinction between \emph{tonos} and acute.
+But nowadays, they simply mix them up. As a result of this confusion,
+in \emph{Old Standard}, vowels with acute were simply missing from the
+Greek Extended Block. All of them, including the standalone accents,
+have been restored. Furthermore, the rule that instructed to absorb
+vowels with acute into vowels with \emph{tonos} has been removed.
+Since assigning vowels with \emph{tonos} and vowels with acute to the
+same code points is clearly unacceptable even if the glyphs are
+identical, it is now possible in \emph{Old Standard} to input all
+accented vowels from the Greek Extended Unicode block exclusively and
+have the substitution rules applied at the same time, as shown by the
+example that follows:---
+\begin{tcblisting}{minted language=latex, minted
+ options={fontsize=\smaller, linenos, numbersep=0mm,
+ highlightlines={9-10}}}
+ \begin{grc}
+ \begin{center}
+ \end{center}
+ \textbf{1.} Ἄνθρακες θερινοὶ ἐν Κραννῶνι· ὗεν ἐν καύμασιν ὕδατι
+ λάβρῳ δι’ ὅλου καὶ ἐγίνετο μᾶλλον νότῳ, [καὶ] ὑπογίνονται μὲν ἐν
+ τῷ δέρματι ἰχῶρες· ἐγκαταλαμβανόμενοι δέ, θερμαίνονται, καὶ
+ κνησμὸν ἐμποιέουσιν· εἶτα φλυκταινίδες ὥσπερ πυρίκαυστοι
+ ἐπανίσταντο καὶ ὑπὸ τὸ δέρμα καίεσθαι ἐδόκεον.
+ \end{grc}
+\subsection{Using \emph{Old Standard} in multilingual
+ documents}
+\pkg{babel} provides a high level interface on top of \pkg{fontspec}
+to select fonts depending on the languages to be used.\icite[For more
+information, the reader should refer to][10,24]{babel} As an example,
+here is how \emph{Old Standard} has been loaded in the preamble of
+this document to be compiled with \LuaLaTeX:---
+ \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec}
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+ \usepackage[greek.ancient,english]{babel}
+ \babeltags{grc = greek}
+ \babelfont{rm}[BoldItalicFont={Old Standard Italic},
+ BoldItalicFeatures={RawFeature={+embolden=2}}]{Old Standard}
+ \babelfont[greek]{rm}[RawFeature={+ss05;+ss06},
+ BoldItalicFont={Old Standard Italic},
+ BoldItalicFeatures={RawFeature={+embolden=2}}]{Old Standard}
+Then, once \emph{Old Standard} has been loaded with \cs{babelfont}
+\item \cs{textgrc}\marg{Greek text} can be used for short insertions
+ of Greek text.
+\item \verb|\begin{grc}| ... \verb|\end{grc}| can be used for
+ inserting running paragraphs of Greek text.