path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy
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9 files changed, 1305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/00readme.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/00readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..000ef26a9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/00readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+This directory contains materials for using TeX to typeset Greek
+text using Sylvio Levy's fonts. The following files are present:
+00readme.txt This file. MF code for alpha-based characters MF code for beta-based characters MF code for delta-based characters MF code for numerals MF code for epsilon-based characters MF code for phi-based characters MF code for gamma-based characters MF code for accents MF code for sigma compounds MF code for accents MF code for base Greek macros Parameter file for 8pt Bold Parameter file for 9pt Bold Parameter file for 10pt Bold Driver file for Greek font
+greekhist.tex History of Greek typesetting and info on
+ these fonts
+greekmacros.tex Macros to use Greek fonts.
+greekuse.tex Instructions on using the fonts.
+grinstall.tex Instructions on installing the fonts. MF code for punctuation Parameter file for 8pt "Roman" Parameter file for 9pt "Roman" Parameter file for 10pt "Roman"
+grtestfont.tex Testing TeX file for Greek (analagous to
+ testfont.tex) Parameter file for 10pt Typewriter MF code for eta-based characters MF code for iota-based characters MF code for theta-based characters MF code for kappa-based characters MF code for lambda-based characters MF code for ligatures Driver file for lower case Greek letters MF code for mu-based characters
+makeall. Shell script to make all fonts
+makefont. Shell script to generate a font. Mode definitions MF code for nu-based characters MF code for omicron-based characters MF code for pi-based characters MF code for chi-based characters MF code for rho-based characters MF code for sigma-based characters MF code for tau-based characters
+testfont. Shell script to test fonts.
+todo.txt List of improvements to be made to the fonts. MF code for upsilon-based characters. MF code for upper case characters MF code for omega-based characters MF code for xi-based characters MF code for psi-based characters MF code for zeta-based characters
+Copyright (C) 1987 Princeton University
+These fonts by Silvio Levy are partly based on Don Knuth's
+Computer Modern family of fonts. They are distributed WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY, express or implied. Please send comments,
+suggestions, etc. to
+These fonts make use of the 256-character capabilities of gf
+format. They cannot be converted to the obsolete PXL format which
+allows only 128 characters. If you are still using PXL format
+drivers, it is time to convert. If you are using a gf format
+driver with only 128 character capacity, you are missing
+something. See doc/install.tex.
+Metafont must have |max_in_open| increased (to 10) to compile
+these fonts as they stand. The appropriate change has been added
+to the change files on the UnixTeX distribution. If you're
+getting these fonts other than from the TeX distribution, and if
+you don't have access to Metafont source, you'll have to merge
+some files before you attempt compilation:
+ In src/, replace the line readfrom("gen_sigma") by the
+ contents of src/
+ In src/, replace each line by the contents of the
+ corresponding file; for instance, replace readfrom("a") by
+ the contents of src/
+ In, right after the line that says ``font_setup''
+ insert the lines
+ readfrom("gen_acc");
+ readfrom("gen_sigma");
+At HMC a couple of modifications have been made to the MF files:
+ The definition of readfrom has been changed so that no
+ directory information is present.
+ has been renamed and has been
+ renamed to prevent conflicts with CM files.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/greekhist.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/greekhist.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..044e29601e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/greekhist.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+\input greekmacros
+\font\man=logo10 at 10true pt % font used for special symbols (old version)
+ \def\MF{{\man META}\-{\man FONT}}%
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+\newskip\ttglue \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other
+ \catcode`\#=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\^=\other
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\outer\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=\z@
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}
+%\title Typesetting Greek \endtitle
+%\author Silvio Levy \endauthor
+%\affil Princeton University \endaffil
+%\address{Fine Hall, Washington Road, Princeton, NJ, 08544}
+%We discuss the design, creation and use of a family of Greek fonts for
+%\TeX. The fonts can be used for modern or classical
+%Greek, by themselves or in combination with the Computer Modern family
+%of fonts. A short historical introduction is followed by a discussion
+%of special topics, including the handling of accents and breathings,
+%hyphenation, and the two varieties of sigma.
+\font\twelverm=cmr10 at 12pt
+%formatting conventions for proceedings
+\font\namefont=cmcsc10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\twelvebd=cmbx10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\twelverm=cmr10 scaled \magstep1
+ \advancepageno
+ \vsize=45pc
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi}
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to\z@{\vskip-22.5\p@
+ \line{\vbox to8.5\p@{}\ifnum\count0=1
+ \else\ifodd\count0
+ \hfill\the\doctitle\ignorespaces
+ \else \the\authorname\hfill\fi\fi}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+\newtoks\doctitle \newtoks\authorname
+\doctitle={Typesetting Greek}
+\authorname={Silvio Levy}
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+\vskip 3pc
+\vskip 1pc
+Mathematics Department
+Princeton University
+Princeton, NJ, 08544
+\vskip 3pc
+\line{\hfill\twelvebd ABSTRACT\hfill}
+\vskip 3pc
+\leftskip 4pc \rightskip 4pc
+We discuss the design, creation and use of a family of Greek fonts for
+\TeX. The fonts can be used for modern or classical
+Greek, by themselves or in combination with the Computer Modern family
+of fonts. A short historical introduction is followed by a discussion
+of special topics, including the handling of accents and breathings,
+hyphenation, and the two varieties of sigma.
+\vskip 3pc
+\heading A Bit of History \endheading
+During the first four centuries after the introduction of the printing
+press in Europe, the printing of Greek was hampered by the relative
+inadequacy of existing types, at least in comparison with the quality
+and variety of the best roman fonts. This was partly a consequence
+of the antiquity of the language and its consequent evolution in both
+writing and pronunciation: not only did the letterforms change over time,
+but they came to be adorned with a multitude of diacritical marks, a
+legacy of zealous scribes and grammarians anxious to preserve the
+pristine state of the language that lent them their prestige.
+In the early days we find that the few printers that attempted to cut
+Greek type generally ignored all this complexity, either disregarding
+the diacritics or casting them separately and setting them
+above each line of text. Some texts were printed in
+lowercase only; others would make do with roman capitals like `A' and
+even some lowercase roman glyphs, like `v' for `$n$'. (See figures
+1--12 in [Brit.~Mus.~1927], an excellent historical survey.)
+In 1495 Aldus Manutius introduced cursive greeks.
+They became a resounding success, as they reproduced the florid
+and idiosyncratic handwriting of the day, full of abbreviations
+and ligatures. The inordinate number of ligatures is in fact the
+most striking feature of such fonts: for example, Fell's ``Great
+Primer Greek'' [Morison 1967, p.~102] has sorts for many
+four-letter words and prefixes.
+Although skilfully typeset books using cursive fonts are undeniably
+beautiful (see [Brit.~Mus.~1927], figure 29), the use of so many
+ligatures was a nightmare for compositor and reader alike, since
+in some cases the component letters are virtually unidentifiable.
+Gradually the fonts were scaled down in size, but the practice
+of imitating handwriting remained until the end of the eighteenth
+century, when Bodoni, G\"oschen and Didot paved the way back to a
+more sober course.
+Still problems remained. Porson's greek [Mosley 1960], first used
+in 1826 and destined to become the standard of the English-speaking
+world, continues the illogical tradition of mixing upright capitals
+with slanted minuscules; in particular the blending of Greek and roman
+text leads to poor results (figure 1). Didot's design was somewhat
+more felicitous, and became standard in Italy, France and Greece itself
+(figure 2), but the type is narrow and irregular, bearing, according
+to Scholderer [Brit.~Mus.~1927, p.~14], the `malign mark' of Bodoni's
+greeks (which were admittedly not a match for his inspired romans).
+\caption{\eightpoint Figure 1}
+\caption{\eightpoint Figure 2}
+(Incidentally, the different treatment of capitals established itself
+in mathematical typesetting. In English books, Greek capitals are the
+only math letters that are not slanted; in French and German books
+they conform with the rest. The Computer Modern Greek faces are
+based on Porson. They are, of course, meant for math; when used
+for text, as in [Wonneberger 1987], the results fall short of
+the perfection achievable with \TeX.)
+It was not until the beginning of this century that really
+well-designed Greek types became available, including Scholderer's
+`New Hellenic' type (figure 3), based on a pre-Aldine model,
+and the Monotype font shown in figure 4, a much improved version
+of Didot's design and perhaps the typeface most favored for
+high-quality printing in Greece during the last few decades.
+\caption{\eightpoint Figure 3}
+\caption{\eightpoint Figure 4}
+\heading Requirements \endheading
+My main motivation in designing a family of Greek fonts is the
+preparation of a Modern Greek--English dictionary. This in itself
+makes the design more exacting: the fonts should not only look good
+individually and in combination, but also blend well with Computer
+Modern fonts; there should be at least three main styles, different
+enough that no special effort to distinguish between them is required,
+even in small point size; and the typing should be as painless as
+possible on a standard (English) keyboard.
+This last condition is, of course, open to interpretation, but I
+define it to mean that each grapheme (letter, accent, etc.)~should
+require as few keystrokes as possible---generally one, but
+occasionally more, like accents in English.
+In esthetic terms there are a lot of details to work out, but the
+foundation has been laid. I follow loosely the type shown in figure 4,
+which shares several features with the Computer Modern roman:
+sharp contrast between thicks and thins, similar letter widths,
+and a wealth of texture and detail. (This is not surprising since
+the `modern' family of fonts goes back to Bodoni and Didot.)
+But it also has distinguishing features, which recapture some of the
+beauty of cursive writing: its strokes are more fluid, and there
+is no left-right symmetry (compare a roman `o' with a greek `$o$').
+Modern Greek has traditionally been typeset with the diacritic
+apparatus of ancient Greek, which is very rich: it contains two accents,
+the acute $'$ and the grave $`$, that can go over any vowel, plus one,
+the circumflex $~$, that can go over the vowels $ahiuw$; two so-called
+breathings $<>$, one of which goes over every vowel or diphthong
+in initial position; the diaeresis $"$, that can go over $i$ and $u$;
+and the iota subscript $|$, that can go under $ahw$. An accent
+plus a breathing, or an accent plus the dieresis, can coexist;
+furthermore any accent, breathing or accent-breathing combination
+can share a vowel with an iota subscript. Here, for example,
+are the 24 possible varieties of lowercase $a$:
+\hbox{$a 'a `a ~a <a <'a <`a <~a >a >'a >`a >~a
+a| 'a| `a| ~a| <a| <'a| <`a| <~a| >a| >'a| >`a| >~a|$}
+In the last several decades the tendency has been to get rid of these
+complications, and now the ``official'' system in use in Greece includes
+only one accent and the dieresis, without breathings or iota subscripts.
+Even though I work primarily with modern Greek, however, I thought
+it short-sighted not to include the whole apparatus, having in mind
+both classicists and those traditionalists who
+still prefer the three-accent system, as do some publishing houses.
+It was clear right away that these diacritics should be implemented as
+ligatures, not as \TeX\ accents, because in \TeX\ words that include
+accents cannot be hyphenated. This implied that 128 font
+positions were not enough. Fortunately \TeX\ and \MF\ are
+well equipped to handle 256-position fonts, though most device
+drivers are not (see the section `Other Problems').
+Following the one-keystroke-per-grapheme rule, then, one can conjure
+up the last alpha in the display above by typing |>~a|{\tt\char`\|},
+which accesses a four-character ligature. The remaining conventions
+for diacritics are: |'| and |`| for the acute and grave, respectively;
+|"| for the dieresis; and |<| for the rough breathing. (If you're
+wondering how to produce quotation marks, or $((e>isagwgik'a))$,
+it's by typing |((| and |))|.)
+\heading The Font Layout \endheading
+A further complication has to do with the letter sigma. According to
+Knuth [1980], the letter `s' is in a class by itself in terms of
+complexity of design; its Greek counterpart is similarly difficult, though
+for different reasons. A sigma in initial or medial position in the word
+is written $c$, but in final position it is written $s$. Since the
+alternation is entirely conditioned, it seemed a pity to require different
+characters in the \TeX\ file to represent the two varieties of sigma.
+The first solution I tried made no assumptions on the font. It
+consisted in making `s' an active character, which checked the next
+token and printed $c$ if it was a letter, $s$ otherwise. There were
+two drawbacks to this procedure: the letter `s' could not be used
+in control sequences, and the check was expensive. (It also didn't
+work when the next token was a control sequence that expanded to one
+or more letters.)
+A better idea is to save one position in the font for an
+invisible dummy character. All punctuation marks (and the space)
+are made active; they expand to the dummy end-of-word character,
+plus the punctuation character. An `s' by itself prints as $c$,
+while an `s' in ligature with the dummy---which is to say, at the end
+of a word---prints as $s$. All other letters yield themselves when
+in ligature with the dummy. This is still not ideal for two reasons:
+\TeX\ is always ``obeying spaces,'' and words separated by something
+other than punctuation or spaces (say |\par|) count as one. (But
+this might be the only practicable solution for the Hebrew alphabet,
+which has five chameleon letters.)
+The solution I chose avoids the drawbacks above, at the expense of
+several positions in the font. Namely, the font contains each of
+the possible combinations $sa$, $sb$, \dots, $sw$, which are
+automatically accessed as ligatures when the word contains `s'
+followed by a letter.
+\font\twelverm=cmr10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\twelvei=cmmi10 scaled \magstep1\skewchar\twelvei='177
+\font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep1\skewchar\twelvesy='60
+\font\twelvebf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\twelvett=cmtt10 scaled \magstep1\hyphenchar\twelvett=-1
+\font\twelvesl=cmsl10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\twelveit=cmti10 scaled \magstep1
+ \textfont0=\twelverm
+ \textfont1=\twelvei
+ \textfont2=\twelvesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\twelveit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\twelveit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\twelvesl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\twelvett}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=14.5pt
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height10.5pt depth4pt width0pt}%
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+\font\my=grreg10 scaled \magstep1
+\def\:{\char\count255\global\advance\count255 by 1}
+\hbox{\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill0\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill1\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill2\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill3\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill4\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill5\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill6\/\hfill}%
+\hbox to 40pt{\it\hfill7\/\hfill}}
+\vskip 4pt
+\def\^{\vrule height 10.5pt depth 4.5pt}
+\halign{\hbox to 0pt{\hskip -24pt {\rm\'{}\kern-.2em\it#}\hfill}&\^
+\hbox to 40pt{\my\hfill#\hfill\^}&
+&\hbox to 40pt{\my\hfill#\hfill\^}\cr
+With all the s\plus letter combinations and all the vowels with
+diacritics, it turns out that not even 256 characters are enough.
+Since I couldn't push the font size any further, I decided to
+eliminate some of the vowel\plus diacritic combinations. The obvious
+candidates were the combinations of breathings with grave accent,
+which can only occur in a restricted number of monosyllables, and
+thus can be typeset as accents, because no hyphenation is required
+anyway. So I made the characters |<| and |>| active. Depending on
+whether or not the next character is $`$, these active characters
+expand to an |\accent| or to a |\char|, the latter meant to form
+a ligature with what comes next. (Actually, things are not quite
+so simple. A breathing or accent over a capital vowel is
+traditionally written before the letter, so the |\accent| control
+sequence is only emitted if the following character is lowercase.)
+The complete layout of the fonts is shown on the next page. There
+are a few unfilled positions, two of which I'm saving for the digamma,
+whose design I haven't yet tackled.
+\heading Other Problems \endheading
+In order to write continuous text, I had to prepare a modern Greek
+hyphenation table, which I'm currently testing.
+The hyphenation of modern Greek follows closely that of ancient Greek,
+which is straightforward (that is, described by a fairly short set of
+rules) because Greek had originally a phonetic script---one letter
+for each phoneme and vice versa. This conservatism means that
+hyphenation does not necessarily occur between syllables, as in
+the word $stau-r'os$ `cross', now pronounced
+[sta\'{}vros]; but this apparently doesn't bother anyone.
+One difficulty, however, cannot be resolved by means of mechanical
+rules: the digraphs $mp$, $nt$ and $gk$ are sometimes pronounced as
+nasal\plus voiced stop, sometimes as voiced stop alone, depending on
+the word (also sometimes on the speaker). In the first case, the group
+can be split, but in the second, one should hyphenate before the group.
+This problem seems to be solvable only by trial and error.
+The last problem I want to discuss is that of device drivers.
+We have been using various |dvi|-to-PostScript drivers in Princeton,
+and I found that none of them would work with
+256-character fonts, even though both \TeX\ and PostScript are
+designed to handle such fonts. I was, however, able to adapt Nelson
+Beebe's excellent driver |dvialw| [Beebe 1987] after making only
+three changes, because the program is well written and well documented.
+I exhort all those who write |dvi| drivers to include 256-character
+fonts in their design, since they will certainly become more necessary
+as \TeX\ extends its reach around the world.
+\heading Bibliography \endheading
+Nelson H. F. Beebe, Public domain \TeX\ DVI driver family,
+{\it TUGboat}, {\bf 8}:1 (1987), 41--42.
+British Museum, {\it Greek Printing Types}, London, British Museum, 1927.
+Donald E. Knuth, The Letter S, {\it The Mathematical Intelligencer},
+{\bf 2} (1980), 114--122.
+Stanley Morison, {\it John Fell: the University Press and the `Fell'
+Types}, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1967.
+J. M. Mosley, Porson's Greek Types, {\it Penrose Annual}, {\bf 54} (1960),
+Reinhard Wonneberger, Typesetting `Normaltext', {\it TUGboat},
+{\bf 8}:1 (1987), 63--72.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/greekuse.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/greekuse.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39c6504c13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/greekuse.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+\input amstex
+\input greekmacros
+\def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\def\.#1{{\tt #1}}
+\def\disp#1{\line{\tt #1\hfil}}
+\def\angles#1{{$\langle$\rm #1$\rangle$}}
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials
+ \parskip 0pt \parindent 0pt
+ \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13
+ \tt \catcode`\?=0 \verbatimdefs \verbatimgobble}
+{\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }} %
+ \gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{}}
+\title Using Greek Fonts with \TeX\endtitle
+\author Silvio Levy \endauthor
+ Princeton University \\
+ Fine Hall, Washington Road\\
+ Princeton, NJ, 08544\\
+ (\.{levy\})
+\abovedisplayskip6pt plus3pt minus3pt
+\belowdisplayskip6pt plus3pt minus3pt
+\abovedisplayshortskip0pt plus3pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip4pt plus3pt minus4pt
+In this document I hope to show that typesetting Greek in \TeX\
+using the \.{gr} family of fonts can be as easy as typesetting
+English text, and leads to equally good results.
+This is meant to be a tutorial, not an exhaustive discussion;
+some \TeX nical remarks that should be useful after the reader
+has acquired some familiarity with the fonts are printed in fine
+The Alphabet
+In order to typeset Greek text, you need to go into ``Greek mode.''
+This is achieved by typing \.{\!begingreek} anywhere in your document;
+Greek mode will remain in effect until you type a matching \.{\!endgreek}.
+While in Greek mode, the letters `a' to `z' and `A' to `Z' come out
+as Greek letters, according to the following code:
+ {\hbox to 10pt{\hfil\strut$#$\hfil}&\hbox to 10pt{\hfil\strut\tt#\hfil}\cr
+ a&a\cr b&b\cr g&g\cr d&d\cr e&e\cr z&z\cr h&h\cr j&j\cr
+ i&i\cr k&k\cr l&l\cr m&m\cr n&n\cr x&x\cr o&o\cr p&p\cr
+ r&r\cr c&s\cr t&t\cr u&u\cr f&f\cr q&q\cr y&y\cr w&w\cr}}
+There is no digamma yet. The same character `s' will print as
+`$c$' or `$s$', depending on its position in a word.
+The system does this by accessing a ligature of `s' with any other
+letter that follows it. If, for some reason, you want to print
+an initial/medial sigma by itself (as in the table above), or
+at the end of a word, you should type `c'.
+Try to typeset some simple text now. Create a file
+containing the following lines:
+\input greekmacros % where \begingreek and other commands are defined
+This is English text.
+This is Greek text.
+When you \TeX\ this file, you get the following gibberish:
+This is English text.
+This is Greek text.
+If you say \.{\!greekdelims} near the top of your file,
+the character \.{\$} can be used
+in place of both \.{\!begingreek} and \.{\!endgreek}. The control
+sequence \.{\!math} takes on the former meaning of \.{\$}.
+Accents and Breathings
+To get an acute, grave or circumflex accent over a vowel,
+type \.{'}, \.{`} or \.{\~}, respectively, before the vowel.
+To get a rough or smooth breathing, type \.{<} or \.{>} before
+the vowel (or rho) and any accent that it may have. To get an iota
+subscript, type \.{|} {\it after\/} the vowel. A diaeresis is
+represented by \.{"}, and if accompanied by an accent it can come
+before or after the accent.
+For example, \hbox{\.{>en >arq\~h| >\~hn <o l'ogos}}
+gives \hbox{$>en >arq~h| >~hn <o l'ogos$}.
+Neat, ain't it?
+Accents and breathings, too, are typeset by means of ligatures: a
+vowel with a breathing, an accent and iota subscript, for example,
+is realized as a four-character ligature. The only exception is
+when a breathing is followed by a grave accent, in which case the
+breathing\plus accent combination is typeset as a \TeX\ \.{\!accent}
+over the vowel. This means that words containing such combinations
+cannot be hyphenated in (standard) \TeX; but this is not a problem
+because, with the exception of very rare cases of crasis, all such words
+are monosyllables.
+Here's the table of correspondences for punctuation:
+ {\hbox to 15pt{\hfil\strut$#$\hfil}&\hbox to 15pt{\hfil\strut\tt#\hfil}\cr
+ .&.\cr ,&,\cr ;&;\cr :&:\cr !&!\cr ?&?\cr ''&''\cr ((&((\cr ))&))\cr}}
+The last three entries represent the apostrophe and quotations marks.
+The other available non-letters are the ten digits, parentheses,
+brackets, hyphen, em- and en-dashes, slash, percent sign, asterisk,
+plus and equal signs. All of these are accessible in the same way as
+under plain \TeX. In a future release there will be tick marks for
+numbers (\math\hbox{$a$}'=1\math, \math{}_\prime\hbox{$a$}=1000\math).
+A hyphenation table for both modern and ancient Greek is currently
+being debugged. For now one can use plain \TeX\ with its (English)
+hyphenation table, which gives the right results about 90\% of the
+time (amazing, isn't it?). Be sure to proofread your text carefully,
+unless you've turned hyphenation off.
+In standard \TeX, only one hyphenation dictionary can be used in
+a job. Thus, even with a Greek hyphenation table, a file that
+combines Greek and English text is likely to be incorrectly
+hyphenated. Michael Ferguson's extension to \TeX\ handles multiple
+hyphenation tables, and hyphenates words containing \.{\!accent}s
+(cf.~the previous fine print paragraph).
+Interaction with other macros
+While in Greek mode you can do just about everything that you can
+outside: go into math mode, create boxes, alignments, and so on.
+The file \.{greekmacros.tex} sets things up so that in Greek mode
+the control sequences \.{\!tt} and \.{\!bf} switch to a
+typewriter and a bold Greek font, respectively: thus
+\.{\{\!tt s''>agap\~w\}} gives \hbox{$\tt s''>agap~w$}. (Try it.)
+On the other hand, there are no ``italic'' or slanted Greek fonts,
+so \.{\!it} and \.{\!sl} will give you the same fonts as outside
+Greek mode. The various constructions under
+\AmSTeX\ and \LaTeX\ for increasing or decreasing point sizes don't
+work yet; they will in a future release.
+The characters that form diacritics (\.{<}, \.{>},
+\.{'}, \.{`}, \.{\~}, \.{"} and \.{|}) are treated differently
+depending on whether or not you're in Greek mode. More exactly,
+under plain \TeX\ these characters (with the exception of
+\.{\~}) have a \.{\!catcode} of 12: they print as themselves,
+and they cannot appear in control words. But in Greek mode
+\.{'}, \.{`}, \.{\~}, \.{"} and \.{|} are ``letters'', that is,
+they have a \.{\!catcode} of 11, while \.{<} and \.{>} are
+active, with a \.{\!catcode} of 13. This may be important even
+for beginners because it means that \.{'}, for example, can be taken
+as part of a control word. Thus the sequence
+will cause an error message about an
+undefined control sequence \.{\!hfil'alfa}, instead of printing
+$\line{wm'ega\hfil 'alfa}$
+as you might expect. (I hope classicists will forgive this use
+of the modern Greek one-accent system.) The solution, of course,
+is to remember to add a blank after the \.{\!hfil}.
+A more subtle problem arises when you use Greek text in macro
+arguments, if the arguments are scanned while you're outside Greek
+mode. This is because \TeX\ assigns \.{\!catcode}s to tokens
+as it first reads them, so when the argument is plugged into
+the body of the macro the characters above have the wrong
+\.{\!catcode}. If the legendary Jonathan Horatio Quick were
+to write
+\!def\!hellenize\#1\{\!begingreek \#1\!endgreek\}
+\!hellenize\{d'uo >`h tre\~is,\}}}
+he would be unpleasantly surprised by the following output:
+\def\hellenize#1{\begingreek #1\endgreek}
+\hbox{\hellenize{d'uo >`h tre~is,}}
+which can be explained as follows: the \.{\~}, which should be
+a letter, is seen as an active character, and expands to a blank
+as in plain \TeX; while the breathing, which should be active,
+is not, and in particular it doesn't do the right thing when
+next to the grave accent. Solutions to this problem require a
+bit of wizardry, and will not be discussed here; see, for example,
+Reinhard Wonneberger's article in the October, 1986 issue of
+{\it TUGboat}, especially pages 179--180.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/grinstall.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/grinstall.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a5a1c2be52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/grinstall.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+\def\.#1{{\tt #1}}
+\def\disp#1{\line{\tt #1\hfil}}
+\def\angles#1{{$\langle$\rm #1$\rangle$}}
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials
+ \parskip 0pt \parindent 0pt
+ \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13
+ \tt \catcode`\?=0 \verbatimdefs \verbatimgobble}
+{\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }} %
+ \gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{}}
+(Note to non-UNIX sites: These instructions should be followed verbatim
+only on systems running UNIX. I've tried to make the instructions
+understandable to people without knowledge of UNIX, so that if you're
+familiar with your own operating system it should not be hard to
+figure out the right thing to do under it. If the separator between
+components of a file pathname is not `/', you should change the
+definition of \.{readfrom} in \.{}.
+See the \.{README} file for an important note concerning required
+METAFONT capabilities.)
+In order to make the fonts, you need an executable version of
+METAFONT, version 1.0 or newer, with the `plain' base preloaded
+(see p.~279 of {\it The METAFONTbook\/} if you're not familiar with this).
+You will also need the \.{} file, which is distributed
+with METAFONT, unless you have an executable METAFONT with that
+file already preloaded. The shell script (batch file) \.{makefont}
+assumes that \.{cmmf} is an executable METAFONT with \.{}
+preloaded; if you don't have that you can replace \.{cmmf} by
+\.{mf} in \.{makefont}. (Non-UNIX sites: you'll have to edit
+\.{makefont} anyway, as well as \.{testfont} and \.{makeall} below.
+In each case the comments inside the file should guide you in finding
+the right incantations under your operating system.)
+If METAFONT has never been used at your site before, you will
+also need to create a file \.{} and preload it together
+with \.{}. (See pp.~278--9 of {\it The METAFONTbook}.)
+This file
+should contain the characteristics of the different output
+devices that you will generate fonts for. The parameters
+for many output devices can be found on page 269 of the November
+1987 issue of TUGboat; and two more devices (the Apple laserwriter
+and Sun workstation) which are not in that table can be found
+in \.{} (in this distribution). The values in \.{}
+are experimental; if you feel like fiddling with them and think
+you can get better results, let me know. In any case, your
+\.{} should contain mode definitions for all output devices
+you intend to use the fonts with, and it should be preloaded
+together with \.{}, so that when you issue the command
+\.{mf} or \.{cmmf} all this information is already in memory.
+Next you should test one font by saying
+\disp{makefont grreg10 [\angles{modename}]}
+(where \angles{modename} stands for \.{alw} if you're generating
+for the laserwriter, for example; the default is
+\.{localmode}, which should be defined in \.{}).
+It will take a while to make the font, and when
+it's done you can look in \.{grreg10.log} to see if everything went
+smoothly. If everything is OK, move \.{grreg10.tfm}
+and \.{grreg10.NNNgf} to the system's \TeX\ font directory (often
+\.{/usr/lib/tex/fonts}) and do a test run:
+\disp{\% tex}
+\disp{**\!font\!test=grreg10 \!test ABC \!end}
+\disp{\angles{more blurbs; hopefully no error messages}}
+The text typed during this test should be very simple, as above:
+no accents, ligatures, etc. If you got a \.{texput.dvi} file without
+problems, you should try to print it, using your local dvi driver.
+Some dvi drivers cannot read font files of the form \.{*.NNNgf},
+only those of the form \.{*.NNNpk}; you can use the utility
+\.{gftopk}, which comes with the METAFONT distribution, to carry
+out the conversion. If your driver can only read \.{*.NNNpxl} fonts,
+it's time to get a new one.
+Another problem with some dvi drivers is that they don't
+take 256 character fonts, although they should, since 256 characters
+is part of standard \TeX. (The reason is, presumably, that Computer
+Modern fonts only have 128 characters, and programmers were counting
+on all other fonts being similarly restricted.) To test this
+aspect of your driver, create a dvi file with a character in the
+range 128-255:
+\disp{\% tex}
+\disp{**\!font\!test=grreg10 \!test 'a \!end}
+\disp{\angles{more blurbs}}
+When you try to print this, you may get an error message, or
+a core dump, or simply a blank page. If so, you will have to
+fix your driver or get a new one. Fixing your driver involves
+understanding fairly well the dvi format (carefully explained
+in {\it\TeX: The Program}), but should not be beyond anyone with
+a modicum of systems programming experience. Getting a driver
+that works is probably easier if you're well connected,
+electronically speaking. I recommend Nelson Beebe's family
+of drivers (page 41 of the April 1987 TUGboat). Here are
+some hints from Nelson Beebe for obtaining his drivers:
+> From BEEBE@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU Mon Dec 21 10:28:08 1987
+> From: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" <Beebe@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU>
+> Subject: Re: dvi drivers
+> X-Us-Mail: "Center for Scientific Computing, South Physics,
+> University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112"
+> X-Telephone: (801) 581-5254
+> Internet users may retrieve the DVI driver family via ANONYMOUS
+> FTP to SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU; get the via 00README.TXT in the login
+> directory for details. The files 00PCDOS.TXT, 00TOPS20.TXT and
+> 00VMSSETUP.TXT in the same directory describe TeX and DVI
+> directory layouts and system logical names on IBM PC DOS, TOPS-20
+> and VAX VMS. Compressed Unix tar files are available in several
+> directories.
+> VAX VMS BACKUP savesets (compressed and uncompressed) are
+> available via ANONYMOUS FTP to CTRSCI.UTAH.EDU; the file
+> 00README.TXT in the login directory has further details.
+> Australian ACSnet users may retrieve the DVI drivers from
+> LaTrobe University, Bundoora, Victoria; send mail to
+> "munnari!!ccmk"
+> for retrieval details.
+> European Bitnet users may contact $92@dhdurz1.bitnet
+> at the University of Heidelberg. Here is how:
+> With the command directed at LISTSERV at DHDURZ1.BITNET
+> you will receive a directory from the driver
+> subdirectory. To receive a file:
+> GET filename filetype
+> European DECNET users may retrieve the DVI drivers (and a
+> large collection of other TeX-related software) from the
+> University of Padova in Padova, Italy; send mail to
+> for retrieval details.
+> UK Janet users should contact (Aston
+> University). Here is the latest retrieval information from
+> TeXHaX #92 (03-Nov-87):
+> The DVI family of drivers software is now stored
+> under (and has been for some time) public.texdvi208.
+> I have been notified that version 2.10 is being
+> shipped and this will be made available under
+> public.texdv210. The index for version 2.08 is
+> aston.kirk::[public.texdvi208]000index.list
+> If you want to know the latest state of the
+> archive the file is
+> aston.kirk::[public]000aston.readme
+Once you've got the driver working, you can type
+\disp{testfont grreg10}
+for a full-blown test of the font \.{grreg10}. This creates
+a dvi file \.{grtestfont.dvi} and moves it to \.{grreg10.dvi}, which you
+should then print.
+Finally, you can say
+\disp{makeall [ \angles{modename} [ \angles{mag} ]]}
+for all modes and magnifications desired. Don't forget to move
+the \.{*.tfm} and \.{*.NNNgf} files thus obtained to their destination
+The last step is to TeX the user's manual page (\.{doc/readme.tex})
+and make it available to users.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/grtestfont.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/grtestfont.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82f5a9faaad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/grtestfont.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+% This file is still being written and changed frequently.
+% Eventually it is supposed to provide a testbed for font evaluation.
+\input greekmacros
+\newcount\m \newcount\n \newcount\p \newdimen\dim
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\def\hours{\n=\time \divide\n 60
+ \m=-\n \multiply\m 60 \advance\m \time
+ \twodigits\n\twodigits\m}
+\def\twodigits#1{\ifnum #1<10 0\fi \number#1}
+{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=\other
+\init switches to another font;@%
+\end or \bye finishes the run;@%
+\table prints the font layout in tabular format;@%
+\text prints a sample text, assuming TeX text font conventions;@%
+\sample combines \table and \text;@%
+\mixture mixes a background character with a series of others;@%
+\alternation interleaves a background character with a series;@%
+\alphabet prints all lowercase letters within a given background;@%
+\alphabets does one \alphabet for each lowercase background letter;@%
+\ALPHABET prints all uppercase letters within a given background;@%
+\ALPHABETs does one \ALPHABET for each uppercase background letter;@%
+\accents prints all lowercase vowels with accents and breathings;@%
+\series prints a series of letters withing a given background;@%
+\lowers prints a comprehensive test of lowercase;@%
+\uppers prints a comprehensive test of uppercase;@%
+\digits prints a comprehensive test of numerals;@%
+\math prints a comprehensive test of TeX math italic;@%
+\names prints a text that mixes upper and lower case;@%
+\punct prints a punctuation test;@%
+\bigtest combines many of the above routines;@%
+\help repeats this message;@%
+and you can use ordinary TeX commands (e.g., to \input a file).}}}
+\loop\char\n \ifnum \n<255 \advance\n 1 \repeat}
+\baselineskip=6pt \advance\baselineskip\ht0 \advance\baselineskip\dp0 }
+\def\setchar#1{{\escapechar-1\message{\string#1 character = }%
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials
+ \read-1 to\next
+ \expandafter\finsetchar\next\next#1}}
+ \ifnum #3=`\# \global\chardef#3=#2 \fi}
+ \setchar\starting \setchar\ending}
+\def\init{\message{@Name of the font to test = }
+ \read-1 to\fontname
+ \font\testfont=\fontname
+ \headline={\sevenrm Test of \fontname\unskip\ on \today\ at \hours\hfil
+ Page \folio}
+ \testfont \setbaselineskip
+ \ifdim\fontdimen6\testfont<10pt \rightskip=0pt plus 20pt
+ \else\rightskip=0pt plus 2em \fi
+ \spaceskip=\fontdimen2\testfont % space between words (\raggedright)
+ \xspaceskip=\fontdimen2\testfont \advance\xspaceskip by\fontdimen7\testfont
+ \message{Now type a test command (\string\help\space for help):}}
+\def\mixture{\promptthree \domix\mixpattern}
+\def\alternation{\promptthree \domix\altpattern}
+\def\domix#1{\par\chardef\0=\background \n=\starting
+ \until\ifnum\n=\ending\do\chardef\1=\n #1\par\n=\count\n \repeat}
+\def\alphabet{\setchar\background \dosseries{`a}{`w}}
+\def\ALPHABET{\setchar\background \doseries{`A}{`W}}
+\def\series{\promptthree \doseries\starting\ending}
+ \!\n=#1\until\ifnum\n=#2\do\char\n\!\n=\count\n \repeat\par}
+ \!\n=#1\until\ifnum\n=#2\do\char\n\!\n=\count\n \repeat s\par}
+\def\lowers{\docomprehensive hs{`a}{`w}}
+\def\uppers{\docomprehensive HO{`A}{`W}}
+\def\digits{\docomprehensive H0{`0}{`9}}
+ \until\ifnum\n=#4\do\line{\altr#1\hfil\altr#2}\n=\count\n\repeat}
+ \dim=.5\hsize \advance\dim-\wd0 \divide\dim\wd2 \multiply\dim\wd2
+ \xleaders\box2\hskip\dim\box0}
+ \do\chardef\background=\m{\dosseries{`a}{`w}}\m=\count\m \repeat}
+ \do\chardef\background=\m{\doseries{`A}{`W}}\m=\count\m \repeat}
+ \medskip\leaders\hrule height.4pt\vskip.4pt\medskip}
+\def\math{\message{(Sorry, that's not here yet.)}}
+\def\oct#1{\hbox{\tenrm\'{}\kern-.2em\tenit#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\hex#1{\hbox{\tenrm\H{}\tentt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+\def\setdigs#1"#2{\gdef\h{#2}% \h=hex prefix; \0\1=corresponding octal
+ \m=\n \divide\m by 64 \xdef\0{\the\m}%
+ \multiply\m by-64 \advance\m by\n \divide\m by 8 \xdef\1{\the\m}}
+\def\testrow{\setbox0=\hbox{\penalty 1\def\\{\char"\h}%
+ \\0\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7\\8\\9\\A\\B\\C\\D\\E\\F%
+ \global\p=\lastpenalty}} % \p=1 if none of the characters exist
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}
+ \multispan{19}\hrulefill&
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\lower 2.3pt\hbox{\hex{\h x}}}\smash{\box0}\cr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}}
+ \ifnum\n<256 \m=\n \divide\m 16 \chardef\next=\m
+ \expandafter\setdigs\meaning\next \testrow
+ \ifnum\p=1 \skippingtrue \fi\fi
+ \ifskipping \global\advance\n 16 \repeat
+ \ifnum\n=256 \let\next=\endchart\else\let\next=\morechart\fi
+ \next}
+ \chartline \oddline \m=\1 \advance\m 1 \xdef\1{\the\m}
+ \chartline \evenline}
+\def\chartstrut{\lower4.5pt\vbox to14pt{}}
+ \halign to\hsize\bgroup
+ \chartstrut##\tabskip0pt plus10pt&
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##\cr
+ \lower6.5pt\null
+ &&&\oct0&&\oct1&&\oct2&&\oct3&&\oct4&&\oct5&&\oct6&&\oct7&\evenline}
+ \raise11.5pt\null&&&\hex 8&&\hex 9&&\hex A&&\hex B&
+ &\hex C&&\hex D&&\hex E&&\hex F&\cr\egroup$$\par}
+ \ifdim\ht0>7.5pt\reposition
+ \else\ifdim\dp0>2.5pt\reposition\fi\fi
+ \box0\global\advance\n 1 }
+ \advance\dim 2pt \dp0=\dim}
+ \def\reposition{\setbox0=\hbox{$\vcenter{\kern2pt\box0\kern2pt}$}}}
+\def\accents{\longseries a\shortseries e\longseries h\mediumseries i
+\shortseries o\mediumseries u\longseries w \rseries}
+\def\longseries#1{#1 `#1 '#1 ~#1 #1| `#1| '#1| ~#1| <#1 <`#1 <'#1 <~#1 <#1|
+ <`#1| <'#1| <~#1| >#1 >`#1 >'#1 >~#1 >#1| >`#1| >'#1| >~#1| \par}
+\def\shortseries#1{#1 `#1 '#1 <#1 <`#1 <'#1 >#1 >`#1 >'#1 \par}
+\def\mediumseries#1{#1 `#1 '#1 ~#1 %
+ <#1 <`#1 <'#1 <~#1 >#1 >`#1 >'#1 >~#1 "#1 "`#1 "'#1 "~#1 \par}
+\def\rseries{r <r >r\par}
+\def\names{ >Afrod'ith Beatr'ikh Gi'wrgos Dhm'htrhs E>ugen'ia
+ Zw'h <Hrakl~hs Je'ofilos >Iw'anna K'wstas Louk~as
+ Mar'ia N'ikh Xanjo'ula O>id'ipous Pl'atwn Rox'anh S'ilbio
+ Thl'emaqos <Upat'ia F'ilippos Qar'a Yuq'h >Wrig'enhs\par}
+ \dopunct{<ELLAS}\par}}
+\def\dopunct#1{#1, #1: #1; ''#1'' #1? #1! ((#1)) (#1) [#1] #1* #1.\par}
+ \nobreak\hfil (From #1)\parfillskip=0pt\finalhyphendemerits=0 \par}}
+\ifdim\hsize\gt2\wd0 \ifdim 15pc\gt2\wd0 \hsize=15pc \else \hsize=2\wd0 \fi\fi
+T`h stigm`h to'uth ni'wjw p'oso bar'u ''nai t`o
+must'hrio t~hs xomol'oghshs. <Ws t'wra, kane`is
+d`en x'erei p~ws p'erasa t`a du`o qr'onia mou
+st`o <'Agion >'Oros. O<i f'iloi mou jarro~un p`ws
+p~hga n`a d~w buzantin`a kon'ismata >`h >ap`o
+mustikop'ajeia n`a z'hsw mi`a perasm'enh >epoq'h.
+Ka`i t'wra, n'a, ntr'epomai n`a mil'hsw.
+P~ws n`a t`o p~w? Jumo~umai <'ena >anoixi'atiko
+deilin'o, po`u kat'ebaina t`on Ta"'ugeto, mi`a xafnik`h
+j'uella m`e k'uklwse kont`a sto'us Pentaulo'us. T'oso
+fober`os >anemoc'ifounas, po`u >'epesa katag~hs gi`a n`a m`hn
+gkremist~w. O<i >astrap`es m'' >'exwsan <olo~uje ki >'ekleisa
+t`a m'atia m`hn tuflwj~w, ka`i kat'aqama, p'istoma, per'imena.
+<'Olo t`o pan'uyhlo boun`o >'etreme, ka`i du`o >'elata d'ipla mou
+tsak'isthkan >ap'' t`h m'esh ka`i br'onthxan q'amou.
+>'Eniwja t`o jei'afi to~u kerauno~u st`on >a'era, ka`i xafnik`a
+x'espase <h mp'ora, >'epesen <o >'anemos, ka`i qontr'es, jerm`es
+st'ales broq`h qt'uphsan t`a dentr`a ka`i t`o q~wma.
+T`o jum'ari, <h jro'umpa, t`o fask'omhlo, t`o flisko'uni,
+qtuphm'ena >ap'' t`o ner'o, t'inaxan t`is murwdi'es tous
+ki <'olh <h g~hs m'urise.
+\from{Kazantzakis' ``Symposium''}
+>All'' >ako'usontai, >e'anper e>~u dok~h|s l'egein. t'ode d'e sou
+>enen'ohsa <'ama l'egontos, ka`i pr`os >emaut`on skop~w; e>i
+<'oti m'alist'a me E>uj'ufrwn did'axeien, <ws o<i jeo`i <'apantes
+t`on toio~uton j'anaton <hgo~untai >'adikon e>~inai, t'i m~allon >eg`w
+mem'ajhka par'' E>uj'ufronos, t'i pot'' >est`in t`o <'osi'on te ka`i
+t`o >an'osion? jeomis`es m`en g`ar to~uto t`o >'ergon, <ws >'eoiken,
+e>'ih >'an; >all`a g`ar o>u to'utw| >ef'anh >'arti <wrism'ena t`o
+<'osion ka`i m'h; t`o g`ar jeomis`es >`on ka`i jeofil`es >ef'anh.
+<wste to'utou m`en >af'ihm'i se, >~w E>uj'ufron; e>i bo'ulei, p'antes
+a>ut`o <hge'isjwn jeo`i >'adikon ka`i p'antes miso'untwn. >all''
+>~ara to~uto n~un >epanorj'wmeja >en t~w| l'ogw|, <ws <`o m`en >`an
+p'antes o<i jeo`i mis~wsin, >an'osi'on >estin, <`o d'' >`an fil~wsin,
+<'osion; <`o d'' >`an o<i m`en fil~wsin, o<i d`e mis~wsin, o>ud'etera
+>`h amf'otera? >~ar'' o<'utw bo'ulei <hm~in <wr'isjai n~un per`i to~u
+<os'iou ka`i to~u >anos'iou?
+\from{Plato's ``Euthyphro''}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/makeall b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/makeall
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c12e1612418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/makeall
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# In this script "$@" stands for the set of arguments passed to the
+# script, as expanded by the UNIX shell; these arguments are passed,
+# without further expansion, to `makefont'. For examply, typing
+# makeall boo
+# to the UNIX shell has the same effect as typing
+# makefont grreg10 boo
+# makefont grreg8 boo
+# makefont grbld10 boo
+# makefont grtt10 boo
+makefont grreg10 "$@"
+makefont grreg8 "$@"
+makefont grbld10 "$@"
+makefont grtt10 "$@"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/makefont b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/makefont
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d071359689e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/makefont
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# In this script $# stands for the number of arguments, not including the
+# command name. $0 is the command name, $1 the first argument, and so
+# on. For instance, typing
+# makefont grreg10 alw 1
+# to the UNIX shell gives the same result as typing
+# cmmf '\mode:=alw;mag:=magstep(1);batchmode;input grreg10'
+case $# in
+0) echo $0 source [ mode [ mag ]];;
+1) cmmf '\mode:=localmode;batchmode;input '$1;;
+2) cmmf '\mode:='$2';batchmode;input '$1;;
+3) cmmf '\mode:='$2';mag:=magstep('$3');batchmode;input '$1;;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/testfont b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/testfont
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..470e6835344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/testfont
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# In this script $1 stands for the first argument passed to the
+# script. The three lines preceding EOF are passed as standard
+# input to the program called on the first line. For example,
+# typing
+# testfont foo
+# to the UNIX shell has the same effect as typing
+# tex grtestfont %this line is read by the shell
+# foo %these three lines are read by TeX
+# \bigtest
+# \end
+# mv grtestfont.dvi foo.dvi %this is again read by the shell
+# mv means move, or rename.
+tex grtestfont << EOF
+mv grtestfont.dvi $1.dvi
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/todo.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/todo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a6f40c34b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/levy/todo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+create digamma
+add kerning, especially between accents and capitals
+create more typefaces (italics?)
+complete hyphenation table
+create tick marks for numbers