path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/junicode/source/Specimens.tex
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+%\fancyhead[CE]{\scshape\color{myRed} {\addfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}\thepage}\hspace{10pt}specimens}
+\subsection*{Old and Middle English}
+{\noindent\regular\addfontfeature{Language=English}Wē æthrynon mid ūrum ārum þā ȳðan þæs dēopan wǣles; wē
+ġesāwon ēac þā muntas ymbe þǣre sealtan sǣ strande, and wē mid
+āðēnedum hræġle and ġesundfullum windum þǣr ġewīcodon on þām
+ġemǣrum þǣre fæġerestan þēode. Þā ȳðan ġetācniað þisne dēopan
+cræft, and þā muntas ġetācniað ēac þā miċelnyssa þisses cræftes. (Regular)}\\
+\noindent{\semiwide\addfontfeature{Language=English} S{\scshape iþen} þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at Troye,\\
+Þe borȝ brittened and brent to brondez and askez,\\
+Þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wroȝt\\
+Watz tried for his tricherie, þe trewest on erthe:\\
+Hit watz Ennias þe athel, and his highe kynde,\\
+Þat siþen depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome\\
+Welneȝe of al þe wele in þe west iles. (SemiExpanded)}\\
+\noindent{\small\semiconditalic Apply the OpenType feature ss02 (Stylistic Set 2)
+for insular letter-forms.}\\[1ex]
+Her cynewulf benam sigebryht his rices \& westseaxna wiotan for
+un\-ryht\-um dędū buton hamtúnscire \& he hæfde þa oþ he ofslog
+þone aldormon þe hī lengest wunode \& hiene þa cynewulf on
+andred adræfde \& ħ þær wunade oþ þæt hine án swán ofstang
+æt pryfetesflodan \& he wręc þone aldormon cumbran \& se cynewulf
+oft miclum gefeohtum feaht uuiþ bretwalū.} (SemiCondensed)
+\subsection*{Old Irish}
+{\addfontfeature{Language=Irish}{\condmed{}Fect n-oen do Ailill {\char"204A} do Meidb íar n-dergud a rígleptha dóib i
+Cruachanráith Chonnacht, arrecaim comrad chind-cherchailli
+eturru. Fírbriathar, a ingen, bar Ailill, is maith ben ben
+dagfir. Maith omm, bar ind ingen. Cid diatá latsu ón. Is de atá lim,
+bar Ailill, ar it ferr-su indiu indá in lá thucus-sa thu.} (Condensed Medium)\\[1ex]
+\noindent{\small\semiconditalic For insular letter-forms, apply the OpenType feature ss02 (Stylistic Set 2),
+making sure the language is set to Irish.}\\[1ex]
+remut, ar Medb. Is maith nach cualammar {\char"204A} nach fetammar, ar Ailill,
+acht do bithsiu ar bantincur mnaa {\char"204A} bidba na crich ba nessom duit oc
+breith do slait {\char"204A} do chrech i fúatach úait. Ni samlaid bása, ar Medb,
+acht m'athair i n-ardrigi hErenn .i. Eocho Feidlech mac Find meic
+Findomain meic Findeoin meic Findguni meic Rogein Rúaid meic Rigéoin
+meic Blathachta meic Beothechta meic Enna Agnig meic Oengusa
+Turbig. Bátar aice se ingena d'ingenaib: Derbriu, Ethi {\char"204A} Éle, Clothru,
+Mugain, Medb, messi ba uasliu {\char"204A} ba urraitiu díb.} (Regular)\\[1ex]
+\noindent{{\small\semiconditalic For a (somewhat) uncial look, try combining ss02 with smcp
+(Small Caps), adding other variants as you see fit.}\\[1ex]
+remut, ar Medb. Is maith nach cualammar {\char"204A} nach fetammar, ar Ailill,
+acht do bithsiu ar bantincur mnaa {\char"204A} bidba na crich ba nessom duit oc
+breith do slait {\char"204A} do chrech i fúatach úait. Ni samlaid ba͏́sa, ar Medb,
+acht m'athair i n-ardrigi hErenn .i. Eocho Feidlech mac Find meic
+Findomain meic Findeoin meic Findguni meic Rogein Rúaid meic Rige͏́oin
+meic Blathachta meic Beothechta meic Enna Agnig meic Oengusa
+Turbig. Ba͏́tar aice se ingena d'ingenaib: Derbriu, Ethi {\char"204A} Éle, Clothru,
+Mugain, Medb, messi ba uasliu {\char"204A} ba urraitiu díb.} (Regular)\\[1ex]
+\subsection*{Old Icelandic}
+{\small\semiconditalic\addfontfeature{Language=English} For Nordic shapes of þ and ð in an
+English context, specify the appropriate language (e.g. Icelandic or Norwegian);
+or apply the OpenType ss01 (Stylistic Set 1) feature.}\\[1ex]
+{\icel\medium Um haustit sendi Mǫrðr Valgarðsson orð at Gunnarr myndi vera einn heimi, en
+lið alt myndi vera niðri í eyjum at lúka heyverkum. Riðu þeir Gizurr Hvíti ok
+Geirr Goði austr yfir ár, þegar þeir spurðu þat, ok austr yfir sanda til Hofs.
+Þá sendu þeir orð Starkaði undir Þríhyrningi; ok fundusk þeir þar allir er at
+Gunnari skyldu fara, ok réðu hversu at skyldi fara.} (SemiExpanded Medium)
+{\small\semiconditalic\addfontfeature{Language=English} Junicode has features
+for automated transliteration of Latin letters into various runic systems.}\\[1ex]
+{\wide ᚠᛁᛋᚳ ᚠᛚᚩᛞᚢ ᚪᚻᚩᚠ ᚩᚾ ᚠᛖᚱᚷᛖᚾᛒᛖᚱᛁᚷ ᚹᚪᚱᚦ ᚷᚪ᛬ᛇᚱᛁᚳ ᚷᚱᚩᚱᚾ ᚦᚨᚱ ᚻᛖ ᚩᚾ ᚷᚱᛖᚢᛏ ᚷᛁᛇᚹᚩᛗ
+ᚻᚱᚩᚾᚨᛇ ᛒᚪᚾ\\
+ᚱᚩᛗᚹᚪᛚᚢᛇ ᚪᚾᛞ ᚱᛖᚢᛗᚹᚪᛚᚢᛇ ᛏᚹᛟᚷᛖᚾ ᚷᛁᛒᚱᚩᚦᚫᚱ ᚪᚠᛟᛞᛞᚫ ᛞᛁᚫ ᚹᚣᛚᛁᚠ ᚩᚾ ᚱᚩᛗᚫ\linebreak[0]ᚳᚫᛇᛏᛁ᛬
+ᚩᚦᛚᚫ ᚢᚾᚾᛖᚷ} (Expanded)
+{\narrow\addfontfeature{Language=English} Ich ſag üch aber / minen fründen / Foͤꝛchtēd üch nit voꝛ denen die den
+lyb toͤdend / vnd darnach nichts habennd das ſy mer thuͤgind. Ich wil
+üch aber zeigē voꝛ welchem ir üch \cvd[4]{12}{foͤꝛchten} ſollend. Foͤꝛchtend üch voꝛ
+dem / der / nach dem er toͤdet hat / ouch macht hat zewerffen inn die
+hell: ja ich ſag üch / voꝛ dem ſelben \cvd[4]{12}{foͤꝛchtēd} üch. Koufft man nit
+fünff Sparen vm̄ zween pfennig} (Condensed)
+{\small\semiconditalic Junicode contains the most common Latin abbreviations,
+ making it suitable for diplomatic editions of Latin texts.}\\[1ex]
+{\addfontfeatures{Language=Latin,MyStyle=altogonek,MyStyle=contextualr}\light Adiuuanos dſ̄ ſalutariſ noſter \&
+ ꝓpt̄ głam nominiſ tui dnē liƀanoſ· \& ꝓpitiuſ eſto peccatiſ noſtriſ
+ ꝓpter nomen tuum· Ne forte dicant ingentib: ubi eſt dſ̄ eorum \&
+ innoteſcat innationib: corā oculiſ nr̄iſ· Poſuerunt moſticina
+ ſeruorū ruorū eſcaſ uolatilib: cęli carneſ ſcōꝝ tuoꝝ beſtiiſ tenice·
+ Facti ſumꝰ ob\kern+0.2ptꝓbrium uiciniſ nr̄iſ·} (Light)
+{\seminarrowlight jabai auk ƕas gasaiƕiþ þuk þana habandan kunþi in galiuge stada
+anakumbjandan, niu miþwissei is siukis wis\-an\-dins timrjada du
+galiugagudam gasaliþ matjan? fraqistniþ auk sa unmahteiga ana
+þeinamma witubnja broþar in þize Xristus gaswalt. swaþ~þan
+frawaurkjandans wiþra broþruns, slahandans ize gahugd siuka, du
+Xristau fra\-waur\-keiþ.} (SemiCondensed Light)\\
+{\noindent\small\semiconditalic Use ss19 to produce Gothic letters
+ automatically from transliterated text.}\\[1ex]
+{\addfontfeature{MyStyle=gothic}\bfseries jabai auk ƕas gasaiƕiþ þuk þana
+ habandan kunþi in ga\-liuge stada anakumbjandan, niu miþwissei is
+ siukis wis\-an\-dins timrjada du galiugagudam gasaliþ matjan?
+ jabai auk ƕas gasaiƕiþ þuk þana habandan kunþi in
+ ga\-liuge stada anakumbjandan, niu miþwissei is siukis
+ wis\-an\-dins timrjada du galiugagudam gasaliþ matjan?} (SemiExpanded Bold)
+ \subsection*{Sanskrit Transliteration}
+\noindent{\semicondmedium mānaṁ dvividhaṁ viṣayadvai vidyātśaktyaśaktitaḥ \\
+ arthakriyāyāṁ keśadirnārtho ’narthādhimokṣataḥ\\[1ex]
+sadr̥śāsadr̥śatvācca viṣayāviṣayatvataḥ \\
+ śabdasyānyanimittānāṁ bhāve dhīsadasattvataḥ} (SemiCondensed Medium)
+\subsection*{International Phonetic Alphabet}
+{\regular hwɑn θɑt ɑːprɪl wiθ is ʃuːrəs soːtə θə drʊxt ɔf mɑrʧ hɑθ peːrsəd toː
+θə roːte ɑnd bɑːðəd ɛvrɪ væɪn ɪn swɪʧ lɪkuːr ɔf hwɪʧ vɛrtɪu
+ɛnʤɛndrəd ɪs θə fluːr hwɑn zɛfɪrʊs eːk wɪθ hɪs sweːtə bræːθ}} (Regular)
+{\regular\grk βίβλος
+γενέσεως ἰησοῦ χριστοῦ υἱοῦ δαυὶδ
+υἱοῦ ἀβραάμ.
+ἐγέννησεν τὸν ἰσαάκ, ἰσαὰκ δὲ ἐγέννησεν
+τὸν ἰακώβ, ἰακὼβ δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν
+ἰούδαν καὶ τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτοῦ,
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν φάρες καὶ τὸν ζάρα
+ἐκ τῆς θαμάρ, φάρες δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν
+ἑσρώμ, ἑσρὼμ δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν ἀράμ,
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν ἀμιναδάβ, ἀμιναδὰβ
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν ναασσών, ναασσὼν δὲ
+ἐγέννησεν τὸν σαλμών,
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν βόες ἐκ τῆς ῥαχά} (Regular)\\
+\noindent\textit{\grk βίβλος
+γενέσεως ἰησοῦ χριστοῦ υἱοῦ δαυὶδ
+υἱοῦ ἀβραάμ.
+ἐγέννησεν τὸν ἰσαάκ, ἰσαὰκ δὲ ἐγέννησεν
+τὸν ἰακώβ, ἰακὼβ δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν
+ἰούδαν καὶ τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτοῦ,
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν φάρες καὶ τὸν ζάρα
+ἐκ τῆς θαμάρ, φάρες δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν
+ἑσρώμ, ἑσρὼμ δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν ἀράμ,
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν ἀμιναδάβ, ἀμιναδὰβ
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν ναασσών, ναασσὼν δὲ
+ἐγέννησεν τὸν σαλμών,
+δὲ ἐγέννησεν τὸν βόες ἐκ τῆς ῥαχά} (Italic)
+{\small\semiconditalic Lithuanian poses several typographical challenges. Make sure
+ Contextual Alternates (calt) is turned on; for i̇́, use i followed
+ by combining dot accent (\unic{U+0307}) and acute (\unic{U+0301}).}\\[1ex]
+{\wide\addfontfeature{Language=Lithuanian} Visa žemė turėjo vieną kalbą ir tuos pačius žodžius. Kai žmonės
+kėlėsi iš rytų, jie rado slėnį Šinaro krašte ir ten įsikūrė. Vieni
+kitiems sakė: Eime, pasidirbkime plytų ir jas išdekime. – Vietoj
+akmens jie naudojo plytas, o vietoj kalkių – bitumą. Eime, – jie
+sakė, – pasistatykime miestą ir bokštą su dangų siekiančia viršūne ir
+pasidarykime sau vardą, kad nebūtume išblaškyti po visą žemės veidą.} (Expanded)
+{\small\semiconditalic The default shape and position of ogonek in Junicode are suitable
+for modern Polish. For the medieval Latin e-caudata, consider using
+{\condmed\addfontfeature{Language=Polish} Mieszkańcy całej ziemi mieli jedną mowę, czyli jednakowe słowa. A
+gdy wędrowali ze wschodu, napotkali równinę w kraju Szinear i tam
+zamieszkali. I mówili jeden do drugiego: Chodźcie, wyrabiajmy cegłę
+i wypalmy ją w ogniu. A gdy już mieli cegłę zamiast kamieni i smołę
+zamiast zaprawy murarskiej, rzekli: Chodźcie, zbudujemy sobie miasto
+i wieżę, której wierzchołek będzie sięgał nieba, i w ten sposób
+uczynimy sobie znak, abyśmy się nie rozproszyli po całej ziemi.} (Condensed Medium)\pagebreak
+{\small\semiconditalic Junicode contains a number of fleurons (floral
+ ornaments) copied from a 1785 Caslon specimen book. Access
+ these via the OpenType feature \hyperlink{ornm}{ornm}. Fleurons have only one weight and
+ width, and they are the same in roman and italic.}
+\huge   \\
+ \\[0.7ex]
+ 