path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/hep-math-font/hep-math-font-documentation.tex
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+%% This is file `hep-math-font-documentation.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% hep-math-font-implementation.dtx (with options: `documentation')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2019-2020 by Jan Hajer
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+\ProvidesFile{hep-math-font-documentation.tex}[2021/09/01 v1.0 hep-math-Font documentation]
+\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
+\acronym{CM}{computer modern}
+\acronym{LM}{latin modern}
+\title{The \software{hep-math-font} package\thanks{This document corresponds to \software{hep-math-font}~\fileversion.}}
+\subtitle{Extended Greek and sans-serif math}
+\author{Jan Hajer \email{}}
+\newgeometry{vscale=.8, vmarginratio=3:4, includeheadfoot, left=11em, marginparwidth=4.6cm, marginparsep=3mm, right=7em}
+The \software{hep-math-font} package adjust the math fonts to be italic sans-serif if the document is sans-serif.
+Additionally Greek letters are redefined to be always italic and upright in math and text mode, respectively.
+Some math font macros are adjusted to give more consistently the naively expected results.
+The package is loaded using "\usepackage{hep-math-font}".
+If the document "\familydefault" font is switched to the sansserif "\sfdefault" font the math font is adjusted accordingly using fonts compatible to \LM and \CM.
+In order to be able to easily switch large chucks of math from serif to sans-serif documents the meaning of "\mathrm" and "\mathsf" is adjusted so that the first generates upright sans-serif math and the second serif math.
+This is is neither the literal meaning of the macros nor the best behaviour if a single large document is written in sans-serif.
+However, it simplifies working in an environment where one copies pieces of math between serif and sans-serif documents \eg publications \vs talks and funding applications.
+Using the \software{fixmath} \cite{fixmath} and \software{textalpha} \cite{textalpha} packages Greek letter are adjusted so that they are always italic and upright in math and text mode, respectively.
+Greek letters can be written by using their unicode characters.
+The "symbols"=\meta{family} sets the family of the symbol fonts.
+"symbols=ams" loads the two \hologo{AmS} fonts \cite{amsfonts} and the \software{bm} bold fonts.
+The default "symbols=true" replaces additionally the blackboard font with the \software{dsfont} \cite{dsfont}.
+"symbols=minion" switches the symbol fonts to the Adobe MinionPro companion font from the \software{MnSymbol} package \cite{MnSymbol}.
+"symbols=false" deactivates loading any additional symbol fonts, effectively restricting the package to only switch the math font according to the sans-serif property of the main text.
+The "\mathrm"\marg{math} macro and the "\text"\marg{text} macro from \software{amstext} \cite{amstext} are adjusted to produce upright Greek letters, \ie ($ \text A \text b \text \Gamma \text \delta \text{\textbf A} \text{\textbf b} \text{\textbf \Gamma} \text{\textbf \delta}$), by adjusting the code from the \software{alphabeta} \cite{alphabeta} package.
+Bold math, via "\mathbf" is improved with the \software{bm} package \cite{bm}, \ie ($ A b \Gamma \delta \mathbf A \mathbf b \mathbf \Gamma \mathbf \delta$).
+Macros switching to "bfseries" such as "\section"\marg{text} are ensured to also typeset math in bold.
+The math sans-serif alphabet is redefined to be italic sans-serif if the main text is serif and italic serif if the main text is sans-serif, \ie ($\mathsf A \mathsf b \mathsf \Gamma \mathsf \delta \mathbf{\mathsf A} \mathbf{\mathsf b} \mathbf{\mathsf \Gamma} \mathbf{\mathsf \delta}$).
+Ensuring that the distinction between these fonts is also kept if the \prefix{sans}{serif} option of the document is switched.
+The "\mathcal" font \ie ($\mathcal{ABCD}$) is accompanied by the "\mathscr" font \ie ($\mathscr{ABCD}$).
+The "\mathbb" font is improved by the \software{doublestroke} package \cite{dsfont} and adjusted depending on the \prefix{sans}{serif} option of the document \ie ($\mathbb{Ah1}$).
+The "\mathtt" macro switches to \LM typewriter font \ie ($\mathtt A \mathtt b \mathtt \Gamma \mathbf{\mathtt A} \mathbf{\mathtt b} \mathbf{\mathtt \Gamma}$).
+Finally, the "\mathfrak" font is also available \ie ($\mathfrak{AaBb12}$).
+Details about the font handling in \hologo{TeX} can be found in \ccite{fntguide}.
+\section{Math alphabet allocation} \label{sec:allocation}
+\fonttable{rm-\ifhepmathfont@serif lmr\else lmss\fi10}
+\fonttable{\ifhepmathfont@serif lm\else cmss\fi mi10}
+\fonttable{\ifhepmathfont@serif lm\else cmss\fi sy10}
+\fonttable{\ifhepmathfont@serif\else ss\fi msam10}
+\caption{AMS a}\vspace{2ex}
+\fonttable{\ifhepmathfont@serif\else ss\fi msbm10}
+\fonttable{\ifhepmathfont@serif\else ss\fi msbm10}
+\caption{AMS b}
+\caption{Euler fraktur}\vspace{2ex}
+\caption{Euler caligraphy}\vspace{2ex}
+\caption{Minion caligraphy}\vspace{2ex}
+\fonttable{ds\ifhepmathfont@serif rom\else ss\fi10}
+\caption{Basic math fonts}
+\fonttable{cm\ifhepmathfont@serif\else ss\fi ex10}
+\caption{Computer modern}
+\caption{Mn Symbol E 1}
+\caption{Mn Symbol E 2}\vspace{2ex}
+\caption{Mn Symbols F}
+\fontrange{0}{47}\fonttable{\ifhepmathfont@serif\else ss\fi esint10}
+\caption{Extended set of integrals}
+\caption{Math extension fonts}
+\caption{Mn Symbol A}
+\caption{Mn Symbol B}
+\caption{Mn Symbol C}
+\caption{Mn Symbol D}
+\caption{Minion symbol fonts}
+Of the 16 available math alphabets, \hologo{TeX} loads four by default
+\item{OT1} \label{it:math text} Text (latin, upper case greek, numerals, text symbols)
+\item{OML} \label{it:math italic} Math Italic (latin, greek, numerals, text symbols)
+\item{OMS} \label{it:math symbol} Symbol ("\mathcal", operators)
+\item{OMX} \label{it:math extension} Math Extension (big operators, delimiters)
+The text font \ref{it:math text}\strut\ of \CM is \textbf{cmr10} "\OT1/cmr/m/n/10", which is replaced by \LM to be \textbf{rm-lmr10} "\OT1/lmr/m/n/10", the "sansserif" option uses \textbf{rm-lmss10} "\OT1/lmss/m/n/10".
+The italic math font \ref{it:math italic} of \CM is \textbf{cmmi10} "\OML/cmm/m/it/"\allowbreak"10", and is replaced by \LM to be \textbf{lmmi10} "\OML/lmm/m/it/10", the "sansserif" options uses \textbf{cmssmi10} "\OML/cmssrm/m/it/10" from the \software{sansmathfonts} package \cite{sansmathfonts}.
+The symbol font \ref{it:math symbol}\strut\ of \CM is \textbf{cmsy10} "\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10", and is replaced by \LM to be \textbf{lmsy10} "\OMS/lmsy/m/n/10", the "sansserif" options uses \textbf{cmsssy10} "\OMS/cmsssy/m/n/10" from the \software{sansmathfonts} package \cite{sansmathfonts}.
+The extension font \ref{it:math extension}\strut\ of \CM is \textbf{cmex10} "\OMX/cmex/m/n/5", and is replaced by the \software{exscale} package \cite{exscale} to be \textbf{cmex10} "\OMX/cmex/m/n/10", the "sansserif" option loads \textbf{cmssex10} "\OMX/cmssex/m/n/10".
+The \software{amssymb} (\software{amsfonts}) packages \cite{amssymb} load two more symbol fonts
+\item{msam10} \label{it:math ams a} "\U/msa/m/n/10" AMS symbol font A (special math operators)
+\item{msbm10} \label{it:math ams b} "\U/msb/m/n/10" AMS symbol font B ("\mathbb", negated operators)
+The "sansserif" option replaces them with \textbf{ssmsam10} "\U/ssmsa/m/n/10" and \textbf{ssmsbm10} "\U/ssmsb/m/n/10" from the \software{sansmathfonts} package \cite{sansmathfonts}, respectively.
+The \software{bm} package \cite{bm} loads the bold version for the fonts \labelcref{it:math text,it:math italic,it:math symbol}.
+Other math alphabets are only loaded on demand, \eg "\mathsf" uses a sans-serif font and "\mathbf" without the \software{bm} package uses a bold font.
+The "\mathscr" macro uses the script font from the \software{mathrsfs} package \cite{mathrsfs}
+\item{rsfs10} "\U/rsfs/m/n/10" Math script font (capital letters)
+The "\mathbb" macro loads the double stroke font from the \software{dsfont} package \cite{dsfont}, this can be prevented with the "symbols=ams" option.
+\item{dsrom10} "\U/dsrom/m/n/10" Double stroke font
+The "\mathfrak" macro loads the fractur font from the \software{amssymb} package \cite{amssymb}
+\item{eufm10} "\U/euf/m/n/10" Math fraktur (Basic Latin)
+The \software{hep-math-font} package uses nine of the available 16 math alphabets.
+This number can be reduced by three using "\newcommand{\bmmax}{0}" from the \software{bm} package \cite{bm} and brought down to the default of four with the option "symbols=false".
+The "symbols=minion" options replaces the fonts \labelcref{it:math symbol,it:math extension,it:math ams a,it:math ams b} with corresponding fonts from the \software{MnSymbol} package \cite{MnSymbol}.
+Additionally, two more symbol alphabets are allocated, the \software{bm} package \cite{bm} loads one more font and now "\mathcal" triggers the use of one additional alphabet.
+Hence, the minion option uses three to four more math alphabets than a usual setup.
+%% End of file `hep-math-font-documentation.tex'.