path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/fontname/Typefaces.html
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+<title>Filenames for TeX fonts</title>
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+<div class="node">
+Node:&nbsp;<a name="Typefaces">Typefaces</a>,
+Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="Weights.html#Weights">Weights</a>,
+Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="Suppliers.html#Suppliers">Suppliers</a>,
+Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="Filenames-for-fonts.html#Filenames%20for%20fonts">Filenames for fonts</a>
+<h3 class="section">Typefaces</h3>
+<p>For our purposes, a <dfn>typeface</dfn> is a collection of related fonts.
+ <p>We sometimes use the same typeface abbreviation for fonts with different
+supplier names, where we know (usually by inspection) that the fonts
+truly are the same. This helps conserve abbreviations.
+ <p>Notes on specific typefaces:
+ <dl>
+ <dd><dt><code>gm</code>
+ <dd>To explain a common confusion: <code>ad</code> is Adobe Garamond (with a
+<code>FontName</code> of <code>AGaramond</code>). This is quite different from the
+<code>Garamond</code> typeface distributed by Adobe, which is actually ITC
+Garamond. (Garamond No. 3 (<code>f3</code>), Simoncini Garamond
+(<code>ig</code>), and Stempel Garamond (<code>eg</code>) are still other
+variations on the Garamond theme.)
+ <br><dt><code>lh</code>
+ <dd><dt><code>ls</code>
+ <dd><dt><code>lx</code>
+ <dd><dt><code>r1</code>
+ <dd>These abbreviations for Lucida typeface subfamilies, et al., solve a
+problem with names getting too long, or help conserve variant
+abbreviations. See <a href="Variants.html#Variants">Variants</a>. Ideally, they would not exist.
+ <br><dt><code>ns</code>
+ <dd><dt><code>nt</code>
+ <dd><dt><code>tm</code>
+ <dd>Suppliers offer as many variations on the Times New Roman design as they
+do Garamond. Adobe has <code>Times</code>, <code>TimesNewRoman</code>, and
+<code>TimesNewRomanPS</code>. Although this last has been used by other
+foundries (e.g., Monotype) for a Times variation exactly compatible with
+Adobe's <code>Times</code>, Adobe itself also offers it, so we must have
+abbreviations for all three.
+ <br><dt><code>pi</code>
+ <dd>For pi fonts. Since names of pi fonts are rather arbitrary, it is
+not useful to try to assign typeface abbreviations to all of
+them. Instead, we use the supplier letter, <code>pi</code>, an
+arbitarily-assigned three-digit number, a weight and (if necessary) a
+variant. For example, <code>mpi001r</code>. Pi font <code>001</code> for one
+supplier has nothing to do with pi font <code>001</code> for another.
+ <p>Here is the table, from the file <code></code>. It is organized
+alphabetically by abbreviation. Each line consists of an abbreviation
+and directory name, possibly followed by PostScript <code>FontName</code>s
+and/or a comment in roman. The <code>FontName</code> may be preceded by a
+letter <var>s</var> and a <code>:</code>, as in <code>b:Dutch</code>. In that case, the
+<var>s</var> is a supplier abbreviation, and we've used that abbreviation for
+the given <code>FontName</code> from that supplier.
+<pre class="example">
+ a1 arial Arial
+ a2 amasis Amasis
+ a3 adlib AdLib
+ a4 altgoth2 AlternateGothicNo2
+ a5 allegro Allegro
+ a6 amelia Amelia
+ a7 amertext AmericanText
+ a8 aurora Aurora
+ a9 adsans Adsans b:Humanist970BT
+ aa aachen Aachen
+ ab aboeckli ArnoldBoecklin
+ ac acaslon ACaslon Adobe Caslon
+ ad agaramon AGaramond Adobe Garamond
+ ae andalemo AndaleMono
+ ag avantgar AvantGarde m:MAvantGardeGothicPS u:URWGothicL
+ ah ashleysc AshleyScript
+ ai abadi Abadi
+ aj ajenson AJenson
+ ak arkona Arkona
+ al albertus Albertus b:Flareserif821BT
+ am amercana Americana b:Americana
+ an anna Anna
+ ao atqolive AntiqueOlive b:Incised901BT
+ ap apollo Apollo
+ aq antiqua Antiqua u:URWAntiqua m:BookAntiqua
+ ar arcadia Arcadia
+ as aldus Aldus
+ at atypewri AmericanTypewriter
+ au auriol Auriol b:Freeform721
+ av avenir Avenir
+ ax alexa Alexa
+ az azdzgrot AkzidenzGrotesk b:Gothic725BT
+ b0 blackoak Blackoak
+ b1 blado Blado
+ b2 binnyos BinnyOldStyle
+ b3 braggado Braggadocio
+ b4 bison Bison b:Brush738BT
+ b5 binghams BinghamScript b:Freehand591BT
+ b6 block Block b:Gothic821
+ b7 bernhard Bernhard BernhardModern
+ b8 blippo Blippo
+ b9 bremen Bremen
+ ba barmeno Barmeno
+ bb bembo Bembo b:Aldine401BT
+ bc banco Banco
+ bd bodoni Bodoni
+ be bell Bell
+ bf biffo Biffo
+ bg benguiat Benguiat
+ bh bauhaus Bauhaus
+ bi birch Birch
+ bj birka Birka
+ bk bookman Bookman m:MBookmanPS u:URWBookmanL
+ bl belwe Belwe
+ bm bulmer Bulmer
+ bn bernard Bernard
+ bo balloon Balloon
+ bp bodocamp BodoniCampanile b:Modern735
+ br berling Berling b:Revival565BT
+ bs bakersig BakerSignet
+ bt boton Boton
+ bu brush BrushScript
+ bv baskervi Baskerville
+ bw broadway Broadway
+ by berkeley Berkeley
+ bz balzano Balzano
+ c0 carolina Carolina
+ c1 calisto Calisto
+ c2 casln224 CaslonTwoTwentyFour
+ c3 caslon3 CaslonThree
+ c4 chicago Chicago
+ c5 casln540 CaslonFiveForty
+ c6 clarion Clarion
+ c7 compacta Compacta
+ c8 calvert Calvert
+ c9 codex Codex b:Calligraphic421BT
+ ca caslon Caslon
+ cb cooper Cooper
+ cc cascade Cascade b:Freehand471BT
+ cd clarendo Clarendon
+ ce centenni Centennial
+ cf clearfac Clearface
+ cg charlema Charlemagne
+ ch charter Charter
+ ci candida Candida
+ ck caslonbe CaslonBookBE
+ cl cloister Cloister
+ cm cm Computer Modern
+ cn century Century
+ co cochin Cochin
+ cp copperpl Copperplate
+ cq cheq Cheq
+ cr courier Courier m:MCourierPS m:CourierTwelveMT u:NumbusMonL
+ cs cntursbk CenturySchoolbook
+ ct cheltenh Cheltenham
+ cu centuros CenturyOldStyle
+ cv clairvx Clairvaux
+ cw cottonwd Cottonwood
+ cx caxton Caxton
+ cy city City b:SquareSlabserif711BT
+ cz choc Choc b:Staccato555BT
+ d0 davida DavidaBold
+ dc domcasl Dom DomCasual DomDiagonal
+ dd ducberry DucDeBerry
+ de dellarob DellaRobbia
+ di diotima Diotima b:Calligraphic810BT
+ dj delta Delta
+ dk diskus Diskus
+ dl dolores Dolores
+ dm delima Delima
+ do didot DidotLH
+ dr doric Doric
+ ds dorchesc DorchesterScript
+ dt dante Dante
+ dy academy Academy
+ e0 embassy Embassy
+ e1 empire Empire
+ e2 metatwo Meta2
+ ea electra Electra b:Transitional521BT
+ eb baskerbe BaskervilleBE
+ ec applecha e:AppleChancery
+ ee egyptian Egyptian EgyptianExtended
+ ef egyptien EgyptienneF
+ eg stgaramo StempelGaramond b:OriginalGaramondBT
+ eh engsft Engschrift
+ ei esprit Esprit
+ ek eckmann Eckmann b:Freeform710
+ el ellingtn Ellington
+ en engraver Engravers
+ eo amerigo Amerigo b:AmerigoBT
+ er eras Eras
+ es eurostil Eurostile b:Square721BT k:Minima
+ et ehrhardt Ehrhardt
+ eu euler Euler
+ ex exclsior Excelsior
+ f0 flemishs FlemishScript
+ f1 fournier Fournier
+ f2 facade Facade
+ f3 festival Festival
+ f4 footligh Footlight
+ f5 french FrenchScript
+ fa formata Formata
+ fe forte Forte
+ ff fairfld Fairfield b:Transitional551BT
+ fg frankgth FranklinGothic
+ fi figaro Figaro
+ fl flora Flora
+ fn fenice Fenice
+ fo folio Folio
+ fq frizquad FrizQuadrata
+ fr frutiger Frutiger b:Humanist777BT
+ fs falstaff Falstaff
+ ft fettefrk FetteFraktur Fraktur
+ fu futura Futura
+ fx felixttl FelixTitling
+ fy flyer Flyer
+ g0 gando Gando
+ g1 gothic13 GothicThirteen
+ g2 giddyup Giddyup
+ g3 garamon3 GaramondThree b:AmericanGaramondBT Garamond No. 3
+ g4 gymodern GoudyModern
+ g5 gycatalg GoudyCatalogue
+ g6 gorilla GorillaITC
+ g9 ugaramon GaramondRetrospective
+ ga gillsana GillSana
+ gb gothicbb GothicBBB
+ ge geneva e:Geneva
+ gg garthgra GarthGraphic
+ gh galahad Galahad
+ gi georgia Georgia
+ gj granjon Granjon b:ElegantGaramondBT
+ gl galliard Galliard
+ gm garamond Garamond
+ go gyoldsty GoudyOldStyle
+ gp glypha Glypha
+ gq grotesq Grotesque u:URWGrotesk
+ gr gloucest Gloucester
+ gs gillsans GillSans m:GillAltOneMT b:Humanist521BT
+ gt goudytxt GoudyText
+ gu guardi Guardi
+ gv giovanni Giovanni
+ gy goudy Goudy
+ gz gazette GazetteLH
+ h0 handelgo HandelGothic
+ ha hadriano Hadriano
+ hb hobo Hobo Tramp
+ hc herculnm Herculanum
+ hd headline Headline
+ hg hiroshig Hiroshige
+ hh highland Highlander
+ hi hvinsera HelveticaInserat b:Swiss921BT
+ hm charme Charme
+ hn hvneue HelveticaNeue
+ ho horleyos HorleyOldStyle
+ hr hvround HelveticaRounded
+ hs hnseati Hanseatic B:Swiss924BT
+ ht hoeflert e:HoeflerText
+ hv helvetic Helvetica u:NimbusSans u:NumbusSanL b:Swiss721BT b:Monospace821BT b:Swiss911BT d:Sans Newton n:SonoranSansSerif
+ hw schadow Schadow
+ hx huxleyvr HuxleyVertical
+ i0 commscr CommercialScript
+ i1 impress Impress
+ i2 impuls Impuls
+ i3 imperial Imperial
+ ia insignia Insignia
+ ib ibycus Ibycus
+ ic impact Impact
+ id isadora Isadora
+ if inflex Inflex
+ ig scgaramo SimonciniGaramond b:ItalianGaramond
+ ii imprint Imprint
+ il caecilia Caecilia
+ im imago Imago
+ in industri Industria
+ io ionic Ionic b:News701BT
+ ip impressm Impressum
+ is italnos ItalianOldStyle
+ it italia Italia
+ iw ironwood Ironwood
+ iy iowanold IowanOldStyle
+ iz isabella Isabella
+ jf jeffersn Jefferson b:Freehand575BT
+ jn janson Janson
+ jo joanna Joanna
+ jp juniper Juniper
+ kb kabel Kabel
+ kg bankgoth BankGothic
+ kl klang Klang
+ kn kino Kino
+ ko bookmano BookmanOldStyle
+ kp kepler Kepler
+ kr korinna Korinna
+ ks kuenstsc KuenstlerScript
+ ku kaufmann Kaufmann
+ kw kolo Kolo
+ kx kigali Kigali
+ l1 liberty Liberty
+ l2 libra Libra
+ l3 lucia Lucia
+ l4 lucian Lucian
+ l5 baltica Baltica
+ l6 literatu Literaturnaya
+ l7 luxiseri LuxiSerif
+ l8 luxisans LuxiSans
+ l9 luximono LuxiMono
+ lb lubaling LubalinGraph
+ lc lucida Lucida
+ le legacy Legacy
+ lf life Life
+ lg lettrgth LetterGothic ISILGothic
+ lh lubright LucidaBright
+ li latin Latin
+ ll linolett LinoLetter
+ ln lino Lino
+ lo lithos Lithos
+ ls lucsans LucidaSans
+ lt lutetia Lutetia
+ lw leawood Leawood
+ lx lucidfax LucidaFax
+ ly lydian Lydian
+ m0 monospac Monospace
+ m1 monolisc MonolineScript
+ m2 metro Metro b:Geometric415BT
+ m3 mirarae Mirarae
+ m4 mrearl MisterEarl
+ m5 murrayhl MurrayHill
+ m6 mittlsft Mittelschrift
+ m7 matura Matura
+ m8 monotyos MonotypeOldStyle
+ ma mandate Mandate b:Freehand521BT
+ mc monaco e:Monaco
+ md meridien Meridien
+ me mercursc MercuriusScript
+ mg marigold Marigold
+ mh machine Machine
+ mi medici Medici
+ mj mojo Mojo
+ ml melior Melior b:ZapfElliptical711BT
+ mn minion Minion
+ mo modern Modern b:Modern20BT
+ mp memphis Memphis b:GeometricSlab703BT
+ mq mesquite Mesquite
+ mr madrone Madrone
+ ms mistral Mistral b:Staccato222BT
+ mt minister Minister
+ mv malvern Malvern
+ mx maximus Maximus
+ my myriad Myriad
+ mz amazone Amazone
+ n0 normande Normande
+ n1 binner Binner not really a family
+ n7 news706 News706
+ na newaster NewAster
+ nb nbaskerv NewBaskerville
+ nc ncntrsbk NewCenturySchlbk u:CenturySchL
+ nd ncaledon NewCaledonia
+ nf nofret Nofret
+ ng newsgth NewsGothic
+ ni nimrod Nimrod
+ nk neograph Neographik
+ nl neuland Neuland b:Informal011BT
+ nm nimbus Nimbus
+ nn nclarend NewClarendon
+ no notredam NotreDame
+ np nsplanti NewsPlantin
+ nr nberolin NewBerolina
+ ns timesnps TimesNewRomanPS
+ nt timesnew TimesNewRoman m:TimesNR n:SonoranSerif
+ nu nuptial Nuptial
+ nv novarese Novarese
+ nw neueunzi NeueHammerUnziale
+ nx nyx Nyx
+ nz neuzeits NeuzeitS b:Geometric706BT
+ o0 oldreadf OldDreadfulNo7
+ o1 oranda Oranda
+ o2 orbitb OrbitB
+ o3 colonna Colonna
+ o4 oceansan OceanSans
+ o5 comic Comic
+ o7 oldsty7 OldStyleSeven
+ o8 officina Officina
+ oa ocra OCR-A
+ ob ocrb OCR-B
+ oc concorde Concorde
+ oe oldengli OldEnglish b:English157
+ of oxford Oxford
+ oi ondine Ondine Mermaid b:FormalScript421BT
+ oj oldclaud OldClaude
+ ol colmcill Colmcille
+ om omnia Omnia
+ on corona Corona
+ op optima Optima d:Optimum b:ZapfHumanist601BT Omega
+ oq ouch Ouch
+ or orator Orator
+ os oldstyle OldStyle
+ ot coronet Coronet b:Ribbon131BT
+ ov octavian Octavian
+ ox onyx Onyx
+ oy olympian Olympian l:OlympicLH
+ oz ozhandcr OzHandicraft
+ p0 poplar Poplar
+ p1 palacesc PalaceScript
+ p2 pepita Pepita
+ p3 palette Palette b:Brush445BT
+ p4 pioneer PioneerITC
+ p5 piranesi Piranesi
+ p6 blueprin Blueprint
+ p7 petersbu Petersburg
+ pa parkave ParkAvenue
+ pb ptbarnum PtBarnum
+ pc poetica PoeticaChancery s:Scriptoria
+ pd placard Placard
+ pe prestige PrestigeElite
+ pf profile Profile Profil b:Decorated035BT
+ pg peignot Peignot b:Exotic350BT
+ ph photina Photina
+ pi pi pi fonts--see text and <code>*.map</code> files
+ pj pompeija Pompeijana
+ pl palatino Palatino d:Palton b:ZapfCalligraphic801BT u:URWPalladioL Palmspring k:Palindrome
+ pm postmed PostMediaeval
+ pn plantin Plantin b:Aldine721BT
+ po ponderos Ponderosa
+ pp perpetua Perpetua b:Lapidary333BT
+ pq postatqa PostAntiqua
+ pr popplres PopplResidenz
+ ps parisian Parisian
+ pt present Present
+ pu popplaud PopplLaudatio
+ pw perrywoo Perrywood
+ px popplpfx PopplPontifex
+ py playbill Playbill
+ pz poliphil Poliphilus
+ qr quorum Quorum
+ qs bellevue Bellevue
+ qt boulevar Boulevard
+ r0 romana Romana
+ r1 rotis RotisSemiSerif
+ r2 cantoria Cantoria
+ r3 rotis RotisSemiSans
+ r4 rotis RotisSansSerif
+ ra raleigh Raleigh
+ rc romic Romic
+ rm carmina Carmina
+ rn rotation Rotation
+ ro rotis RotisSerif
+ rp reporter Reporter
+ rq russelsq RussellSquare
+ rr raphael Raphael
+ rs arrus Arrus
+ rt carta Carta
+ ru runic Runic
+ rv revue Revue
+ rw rockwell Rockwell Slate b:GeometricSlab712BT
+ rc rustican Rusticana
+ ry ryumin Ryumin
+ rz ruzicka RuzickaFreehandLH
+ s0 sanmarco SanMarco
+ s1 scotchro ScotchRoman
+ s2 script Script
+ s3 seagull Seagull
+ s4 shotgun Shotgun ShotgunBlanks
+ s5 snell Snell
+ s6 stuyvesa Stuyvesant
+ s7 sassoon Sassoon
+ s8 stonesan StoneSans
+ sa scala Scala
+ sb sabon Sabon b:ClassicalGaramondBT
+ sc slimbach Slimbach
+ se shelley Shelley
+ sf serifa Serifa
+ sg serifgth SerifGothic
+ sh shannon Shannon
+ si stoneinf StoneInformal
+ sk skia e:Skia
+ sl stencil Stencil
+ sm spectrum Spectrum
+ sn spartan Spartan
+ so sonata Sonata
+ sp serpenti Serpentine
+ sr snellrnd SnellRoundhand
+ ss stschnei StempelSchneidler
+ st stone StoneSerif
+ sv souvenir Souvenir
+ sw swing Swing
+ sx syntax Syntax
+ sy symbol Symbol m:MSymbolPS u:StandardSymL
+ t0 tango Tango
+ t1 thunderb Thunderbird
+ t2 typo TypoUpright
+ tb bebodoni BodoniBE BBodoni Berthold Bodoni
+ te timeseur TimesEuropa
+ tf tiffany Tiffany
+ tg tradegth TradeGothic
+ th tahoma Tahoma
+ ti techphon TechPhonetic
+ tj trajan Trajan
+ tk tekton Tekton
+ tl castella Castellar
+ tm times Times u:NimbusRoman u:NimbusRomNo9L b:Dutch801BT
+ to torino Torino b:Industrial736BT
+ tp tempo Tempo
+ tr trebuche Trebuchet
+ tv trumpmed TrumpMediaeval b:Kuenstler480BT
+ tw twentyc TwentiethCentury
+ ty typewrit Typewriter
+ u0 columbus Columbus
+ ub babodoni BauerBodoni
+ ud studio Studio
+ ug bengugth BenguiatGothic
+ uh cushing Cushing
+ ul universa Universal
+ um umbra Umbra
+ un univers Univers b:ZurichBT
+ ur centaur Centaur b:Venetian301BT
+ ut utopia Utopia
+ uw usherwoo Usherwood
+ uy universi University
+ v0 vineta Vineta
+ va activa Activa
+ vc vectora Vectora
+ vd vandijck VanDijck
+ ve veraseri VeraSerif
+ vg visigoth Visigoth
+ vi victoria Victoria
+ vj veljovic Veljovic
+ vm veramono VeraSansMono
+ vn verdana Verdana
+ vl versaill Versailles
+ vr vagrnd VAGRounded
+ vs verasans VeraSans
+ vv viva Viva
+ w0 weddingt WeddingT
+ w1 wiesbswi WiesbadenSwing
+ wb walbaum Walbaum
+ wc snowcap SnowCap
+ wd weideman Weidemann
+ wg wlklgth WilhelmKlingsporGotisch
+ wh wendy Wendy
+ wi wingding Wingdings
+ wk wilke Wilke
+ wn windsor Windsor
+ wr wittenbe WitternbergerFrakt
+ ws weiss Weiss
+ wt watertit WatersTitling
+ ww willow Willow
+ xc eccentri Eccentric
+ xp exponto ExPonto
+ yg centuryg CenturyGothic
+ yh strayhor Strayhorn
+ ym stymie Stymie
+ ys goudysan GoudySans
+ za zantiqua ZAntiqua
+ zc zapfchan ZapfChancery m:ZapfChanceryPS u:URWChanceryL
+ zd zapfding ZapfDingbats m:ZapfDingbatsPS u:Dingbats
+ zg neuzeitg NeuzeitGrotesk
+ zp ziptydo ZiptyDo
+ zt zeitgeis Zeitgeist
+ __ agbook AGBookStencil
+ __ agbookrn AGBookRounded
+ __ agoldfac AGOldFace
+ __ agschlbk AGSchoolbook
+ __ aja Aja
+ __ albertin AlbertinaMT
+ __ amigo Amigo
+ __ andreas Andreas
+ __ ariadne Ariadne
+ __ banshee Banshee
+ __ beesknee Beesknees
+ __ bellcent BellCentenial
+ __ berlgrot BerlinerGrotesk
+ __ bermuda BermudaLP
+ __ berthold BertholdScript
+ __ bickham BickhamScript
+ __ blueisla BlueIsland
+ __ bodoniof BodoniOldFaceBE
+ __ bossanov BossaNovaMVB
+ __ briemaka BriemAkademi
+ __ briemscr BriemScript
+ __ buffalog BuffaloGalMT
+ __ caflisch CaflischScript
+ __ caliban Caliban
+ __ catull Catull
+ __ celestia CelestiaAntiqua
+ __ cerigo Cerigo
+ __ chaparra Chaparral
+ __ christia Christiana
+ __ colossal Colossalis
+ __ comenius ComeniusAntiqua
+ __ concorde ConcordeNova
+ __ congabra CongaBrava
+ __ copal Copal
+ __ coriande Coriander
+ __ cosmos Cosmos
+ __ cremona Cremona
+ __ critter Critter
+ __ cronos Cronos
+ __ ctmercur CTMercurius
+ __ curlz CurlzMT
+ __ cutout Cutout
+ __ delphin Delphin
+ __ elgreco ElGreco
+ __ else ElseNPL
+ __ emmascri Emmascript
+ __ flood Flood
+ __ florens FlorensLP
+ __ fusaka Fusaka
+ __ gallia MonotypeGallia
+ __ garamobe GaramondBE
+ __ gillfaci GillFaciaMT
+ __ gillflor GillFloriatedCapsMT
+ __ graphite Graphite
+ __ greymant GreymantleMVB
+ __ hardwood HardwoodLP
+ __ immi505 Immi505
+ __ jimbo Jimbo
+ __ khaki Khaki
+ __ kidprint KidprintMT
+ __ kinesis Kinesis
+ __ kochantq KochAntiqua
+ __ legault Legault
+ __ lightlin LightlineGothicMT
+ __ lotype LoType
+ __ magnesiu MagnesiumMVB
+ __ magnolia MagnoliaMVB
+ __ mahsuri MahsuriSansMT
+ __ manito ManitoLP
+ __ mendoza MendozaRoman
+ __ mezz Mezz
+ __ micr MICR
+ __ monalisa MonaLisa
+ __ motterco MotterCorpus
+ __ mythos Mythos
+ __ nueva Nueva
+ __ oceansan OceanSans
+ __ origami Origami
+ __ ozwald Ozwald
+ __ pastonch PastonchiMT
+ __ pelican Pelican
+ __ penumbra Penumbra
+ __ pepperwo Pepperwood
+ __ poetica Poetica
+ __ pompeia Pompeia
+ __ popplexq PopplExquisit
+ __ postino Postino
+ __ quake Quake
+ __ rad Rad
+ __ reliq Reliq
+ __ rosewood Rosewood
+ __ rulngscr RulingScript
+ __ russlobl RusselOblique
+ __ sanvito Sanvito
+ __ sassafra Sassafras
+ __ serlio SerlioLH
+ __ sho Sho
+ __ shuriken Shuriken
+ __ smaragd Smaragd
+ __ spring SpringLP
+ __ spumoni SpumoniLP
+ __ studz Studz
+ __ tiepolo Tiepolo
+ __ toolbox Toolbox
+ __ verve Verve
+ __ volutasc VolutaScript
+ __ zebrawoo Zebrawood
+ __ shouyi Shouyi for mnm
+ </pre>
+ </body></html>