path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/bookhands/sqrcaps/allsqrcaps.tex
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+% allsqrcaps.tex Test Square Capitals fonts
+\newcommand{\romannum}[1]{\romannumeral #1}
+\newcommand{\Romannum}[1]{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+\newcommand{\abc}{abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz}
+\newcommand{\punct}{.,;:!?`' \&{} () []}
+\newcommand{\dashes}{- -- ---}
+this is an example of the square capitals font. now is the time for all good
+men, and women, to come to the aid of the party while the quick brown fox
+jumps over the lazy dog.}
+This is an example of the Square Capitals font. Now is the time for all good
+men, and women, to come to the aid of the party while the quick brown fox
+jumps over the lazy dog.}
+\newcommand{\latin}{Te canit adcelebratque polus rex gazifer hymnis.
+ Trans zephyrique globum scandunt tua facta per axem.
+ Explicit secunda pars summe fratris thome de aquino ordinis fratrum
+ predicatorium, longissima, prolixissima, \& tediosissima scribent;
+ Deo gratias, Deo gratias, et iterumm Deo gratias. }
+\title{Try Square Capitals Fonts}
+\section{The character set}
+ This provides a short test of the characters in the Square Capitals fonts
+--- the \verb|sqrc| font family.
+The Square Capitals Huge normal font. \\ \par
+{\Huge \ABC\\ \abc\\ \punct{}\dashes\\ \figs\\ \par }
+The Square Capitals font in its normal size \\
+{\ABC{} \abc{} \figs} \\
+The bold normal font, the normal font, and the bold Computer Modern
+Roman, all in the normal size \\
+{\textbf{\abc{} \figs}} \\
+{\abc{} \figs} \\
+\textcmr{\textbf{\abc{} \figs}} \\
+The bold versions, in Huge and tiny sizes. \par
+\Huge \abc{} \figs \par
+\tiny \abc{} \figs \par
+The font in the tiny size \\ \par
+{\tiny \ABC{} \\ \abc\\ \figs\\ \par }
+ Some ligatures in the normal font \\
+{``the lazy dog --- but quick fox?''}
+\section{Example texts}
+ First some well known English phrases in an abcedarian sentence.
+ After this there are two Latin abecedarian sentences dating from about
+\Romannum{790}, and another sentence from roughly the same period.
+\textcmss{This is the end of the test file, with this sentence being typeset
+using the Computer Modern Sans font in the point size as specified for this