path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/etex/base
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-<head><title>e-TeX reference site</title>
-<H1>The e-T<sub><big>E</big></sub>X Reference Site</H1>
-Welcome to the <a href="#etex-orthography">e-TeX<sup>1</sup></a>
-reference site: e-TeX V1.1 (the first production release) is now available for
-general access; please read the document describing the
-<a href="legal.html">legal status of e-TeX</a> before proceeding further.
-A brief description of the functionality provided by e-TeX may be found in the
-on-line <a href="etex_ref.html#NewFeatures">Reference Manual</a>.
-The following resources are intended to be of use to e-TeX implementors, but
-may be of interest to anyone considering using e-TeX; they be accessed directly
-from the hyperlinks on this page, via
-<a href="">ftp</a>
-(<code></code>), or via NFS using the pseudo-URL:
-<li><a href="etex_ref.html">
- The e-TeX reference manual</a>, abridged version
- (<code>etex_ref.html</code>)
-<li><a href="">
- The master e-TeX change file</a>
- (<code></code>)
-<li><a href="etex_gen.tex">
- Instructions for building e-TeX</a>
- (<code>etex_gen.tex</code>)
-<li><a href="webmerge.tex">WebMerge</a>,
- Peter Breitenlohner's program for merging changefiles
- (<code>webmerge.tex</code>)
-<li><a href="">MetaFont source</a>,
- needed for TeX--XeT logo
- (<code></code>)
-<li><a href="">A zip file</a>,
- containing all of the above
- (<code></code>)
-The e-TeX team recommend that e-TeX be configured such that the command by
-which it is invoked be the same as the default name for the format to be used.
-Since it is expected that most sites will choose to install e-TeX so that it
-can be invoked with the command "etex", we provide a source file which can be
-used to build the "etex" format (an analogous "elatex" source file will be
-provided in due course, ideally in collaboration with the
-<a href="">LaTeX3 team</a>).
-A few adjunct source files, required or optionally used by the "etex" source
-file, are also supplied:
-<li><a href="src/etex.src">
- The "etex" format source</a>
- (<code>etex.src</code>)
-<li><a href="src/beta/etex.src">Beta-test "etex" format source</a>,
- allows for single-read O/S's
- (<code>etex.src</code>)
-<li><a href="src/etex_src.html">
- The manual for the "etex" format source</a>
- (<code>etex_src.html</code>)
-<li><a href="src/etexdefs.lib">e-TeX library file</a>
- containing symbolic names for e-TeX's constants
- (<code>etexdefs.lib</code>)
-<li><a href="src/examples/language.def">
- Example language definition file</a>
- (<code>language.def</code>)
-<li><a href="">A zip file</a>,
- containing all of the above
- (<code></code>)
-A reference implementation, developed by
-<a href="">Christian Spieler</a>
-for VAX/VMS and AXP/VMS, is also provided, to which
-<a href="">J&ouml;rg Knappen</a>
-has recently contributed a modified "weave" changefile and a RUNOFF file
-containing the source for a VMS HELP library for e-TeX:
-<li><a href="vms/">
- DCL procedure for creating VMS e-TeX</a>
- (<code></code>)
-<li><a href="vms/makeetex.tex">TeX steering file</a>,
- produces VMS e-TeX changefile from component changefiles
- (<code>makeetex.tex</code>)
-<li><a href="vms/">
- Christian Spieler's change file for VMS TeX</a>
- (<code></code>)
-<li><a href="vms/etex_vms.ech">
- Christian Spieler's ancilliary change file for VMS e-TeX</a>
- (<code>etex_vms.ech</code>)
-<li><a href="vms/etex_cli.cld">
- The internal CLD file used by VMS e-TeX</a>
- (<code>etex_cli.cld</code>)
-<li><a href="vms/">
- J&ouml;rg Knappen's modified "weave" changefile</a>
- (<code></code>)
-<li><a href="vms/etex.rnh">
- J&ouml;rg Knappen's RUNOFF source file for VMS HELP on e-TeX</a>
- (<code>etex.rnh</code>)
-<li><a href="">
- A zip file containing all of the above</a>
- (<code></code>)
-A further reference implementation (PubliC e-TeX, a.k.a. "pubtex" and "dos-tp")
-by <a href="">Peter Breitenlohner</a>
-for MS/DOS is also available:
-<li><a href="">
- the README file</a>
- (<code>README</code>)
-<li><a href="">
- the directory root</a>
- (<code></code>)
-An e-TeX implementation must be validated by performing the
-<a href="">e-TRIP</a> test
-(the e-TeX equivalent of Knuth's <a href="knuth/tripman.tex">TRIP</a> test).
-The components of the e-TRIP suite are as follows:
-<li><a href="trip/etripman.tex">Manual for the e-TRIP test</a>
- <code>(etripman.tex)</code>
-<li><a href="trip/etrip.tex">Source file for the e-TRIP test</a>
- <code>(etrip.tex)</code>
-<li><a href="trip/">Property-list file for the e-TRIP font</a>
- <code>(</code>
-<li><a href="trip/etripin.log">
- Log file for the e-TRIP test format-creation run</a>
- <code>(etripin.log)</code>
-<li><a href="trip/etrip.log">Log file for the e-TRIP test</a>
- <code>(etrip.log)</code>
-<li><a href="trip/etrip.fot">
- "Photo" (terminal log) file for the e-TRIP test</a>
- <code>(etrip.fot)</code>
-<li><a href="">A ZIP file</a>,
- containing all of the above
- <code>(<code></code>)</code>
-Finally we provide the definitive (Knuthian) TeX and Trip files:
-<li><a href="knuth/tripman.tex">Manual for the TRIP test</a>
- <code>(tripman.tex)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/trip.tex">Source file for the TRIP test</a>
- <code>(trip.tex)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/">Property-list file for the TRIP font</a>
- <code>(</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/tripin.log">
- Log file for the TRIP test format-creation run</a>
- <code>(tripin.log)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/trip.log">Log file for the TRIP test</a>
- <code>(trip.log)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/trip.fot">
- "Photo" (terminal log) file for the TRIP test</a>
- <code>(trip.fot)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/trip.typ">DVItype output for the TRIP test</a>
- <code>(trip.typ)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/tripos.tex">I/O file from the TRIP test</a>
- <code>(tripos.tex)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/tex.web">Source of TeX-the-program</a>
- <code>(tex.web)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/texbook.tex">Source of <em>The TeXbook</em></a>
- <code>(texbook.tex)</code>
-<li><a href="knuth/glue.web">Fixed-point arithmetic for TeX</a>
- <code>(glue.web)</code>
-<li><a href="">A zip file</a>,
- containing all of the above
- <code>(</code>
-Any problems encountered when using e-TeX which cannot be replicated
-when using a TRIP-validated implementation of TeX should be reported to
-<a href="">the e-TeX team</a>,
-and accompanied by sufficient information to enable the scenario
-to be reproduced at another site; the exact version and implementation
-of e-TeX should of course be specified.
-<h4><a name="etex-orthography">[1]</a>
- The orthography of e-T<sub><big>E</big></sub>X
-The e-TeX team request that wherever e-TeX is referred to in text, it be
-represented by the use of its (e-)TeX logo (<code>$\varepsilon$-\TeX</code>),
-by the nearest HTML equivalent
-(<code>e-T&lt;sub&gt;&lt;big&gt;E&lt;/big&gt;&lt;/sub&gt;X</code>), or if
-all else fails, by the simple ASCII string "e-TeX". However, bearing in mind
-the current
-ISO standard for CD-ROMs</a>
-(which precludes the use of a hyphen in filenames), and (b)&nbsp;the problems
-of moving files between case-sensitive (e.g.&nbsp;Unix) and case-insensitive
-(e.g.&nbsp;VMS, MS/DOS) operating systems, it is strongly recommended that
-wherever "e-TeX" occurs in the context of a filename, logical name, DCL symbol
-or analogous construct it be spelled (a)&nbsp;without the hyphen, and
-(b)&nbsp;entirely in lower case. It is further recommended that the component
-"etex" of such a name be separated from any subsequent component(s) by an
-underscore, unless this would (in the case of a filename) cause it
-to exceed the MS/DOS limit of 8+3 characters in which case the
-underscore should be omitted. Similar considerations may also
-be taken into account when constructing logical names, DCL symbols, etc,
-although the upper bound will then be system-dependent.
-Please notify any errors in this document to
-<a href="">its creator</a>;<br>
-Last updated: 7-JUL-1997 17:23:32 /PT.<br>
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