path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base')
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/eplain.pdfbin670226 -> 0 bytes
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 16724 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/AUTHORS b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index b44969727ac..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Eplain was originally written mostly by Karl Berry. Some ideas were
-suggested by Paul Abrahams, who also wrote a few of the macros. Other
-macros are based on ones in The TeXbook.
-David Guichard and Adam Lewenberg improved the multicolumn macros.
-Stepan Kasal has contributed several patches.
-Oleg Katsitadze added the hyperlink capabilities to Eplain.
-Oren Patashnik has worked tirelessly on improving the BibTeX macros.
-Heiko Oberdiek wrote ifpdf.sty.
-Steven Smith wrote the commutative diagram macros.
-Philip Taylor wrote path.sty starting from an initial macro by Nelson Beebe.
-Nelson also collected the texnames.sty which Eplain incorporates.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/COPYING b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 3912109b5cd..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/ChangeLog b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b875392f07..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1750 +0,0 @@
-2005-09-20 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/eplain.texi, doc/hlink.texi: New documentation for hyperlinks.
- * doc/userdef.texi:
- Added references to implicit hyperlink subsections. Punctuation
- corrections by Karl Berry.
- * doc/progdef.texi (Page list and page range parsers): New section.
- * test/example.eps: New file (from PSfrag).
- * test/dvipdfm.tex, test/hlcite.tex, test/hlfoot.tex, test/hlidx.tex, test/hlink.tex, test/pdftex.tex, test/usepackage.tex:
- Updated to the changes.
- * NEWS: Updated for the upcoming release 3.0.
- * eplain.tex, xeplain.tex:
- Added color support for hyperlinks. Completely reworked hyperlink
- option setting (added \hl[dest]{type,opts}). Renamed `uri' link
- types to `url'.
-2005-09-19 Karl Berry <>
- * AUTHORS: alphabetize
-2005-09-15 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/userdef.texi (Environment for loading packages):
- Changed @emph{preamble} to @dfn{preamble}.
- * doc/intro.texi, doc/userdef.texi:
- Replaced a bunch of @w{foo bar} with foo@tie{}bar.
-2005-09-11 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * test/cite.tex, test/xampl.tex: Removed \mbox definitions.
-2005-09-07 Karl Berry <>
- * doc/invoke.texi: pxref in parens
-2005-09-07 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/invoke.texi:
- Added ifpdf.sty and path.sty to the list of incorporated files.
- Added reference to texi2dvi.
- * doc/userdef.texi (Citations): (Indexing): Added references to texi2dvi.
-2005-09-03 Karl Berry <>
- * doc/invoke.texi: missing punct
-2005-08-30 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/userdef.texi:
- Changed paths on CTAN hosts to actual links on
- (Packages known to work): Added reference to \begin{picture} and
- \end{picture}
- * doc/intro.texi:
- Changed La@TeX{} to @LaTeX{}. Updated mailing list addresses.
- * doc/arrow.texi: Changed La@TeX{} to @LaTeX{}.
- * doc/eplain.texi, doc/userdef.texi (Equation references):
- Added doc on referring to empty labels. (Loading LaTeX packages):
- New section.
- * test/usepackage.tex: New file.
- * eplain.tex, xeplain.tex: Added \@inmatherr needed by autopict.sty
-2005-08-29 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * eplain.tex, xeplain.tex: Added support for LaTeX packages.
-2005-08-25 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/progdef.texi (Category codes): Corrections to the new doc
- on \makeat{letter,other} (thanks to Karl Berry, as always).
- * doc/progdef.texi, doc/, doc/eplain.pdf (Category codes):
- Added doc on \makeatletter and \makeatother.
- * xeplain.tex: Added \makeatletter and \makeatother.
-2005-08-23 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/, doc/eplain.pdf, doc/progdef.texi (Auxiliary files):
- Added doc on optional arg to \testfileexistence. (User-defined
- environments): Removed spurious indentation.
-2005-08-21 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * README: Added description of util dir.
- * doc/, doc/eplain.pdf, doc/userdef.texi (Page
- references): Updated. (Modifying index entries): Updated.
- (Customizing indexing): Added docs on customizing see entries and
- on trimsee.
- * util/trimsee: Added --help and -v|--version options.
- * xeplain.tex, eplain.tex: Added italics correction to
- \indexsee[also] (thanks to Dan Luecking <>),
- downcased See.
-2005-08-20 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * Makefile: Added util and scripts.
- * util/idxuniq, util/trimsee: New file.
-2005-08-19 Karl Berry <>
- * btxmac.tex: simplify license to be like plain.tex
-2005-08-18 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/eplain.pdf, doc/, doc/eplain.texi, doc/userdef.texi (Equation references):
- Made into section. (Checking for pdfTeX...): New section (documents ifpdf.sty).
-2005-08-17 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * Makefile, doc/Makefile: Rearranged.
- * manifest, tarchive: Removed (Makefile now does the packaging).
- * MANIFESTO: Removed.
-2005-08-15 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * eplain.tex, xeplain.tex: Got rid of the homegrown \ifpdf.
- * xeplain.tex, AUTHORS, eplain.tex, manifest, merge:
- Added ifpdf.sty to Eplain.
- * ifpdf.sty: New file.
- * manifest: Removed intermediate doc/eplain.??s and multiple info
- files.
-2005-08-15 Oleg Katsitadze <>, Karl Berry <>
- * README: Updated; authorship info moved to AUTHORS.
-2005-08-15 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/Makefile (distclean): Do not delete eplain.pdf (it is now
- part of distro). (maintainer-clean): Delete eplain.pdf.
- * doc/eplain.kys, doc/eplain.pgs, doc/eplain.tps, doc/eplain.vrs:
- Removed.
- * AUTHORS: New file.
-2005-08-15 Karl Berry <>
- * doc/texinfo.tex: update from texinfo
-2005-08-15 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * manifest: Removed doc/*.t2p files (we don't use tex2page anymore).
- * doc/eplain.t2p, doc/btxdoc.t2p, doc/texinfo.t2p: Removed (we
- don't use tex2page anymore).
- * manifest: Include .mst file(s) from test/ in tarball.
- * test/dvipdfm.tex, test/hlcite.tex, test/hlfoot.tex, test/hlidx.mst, test/hlidx.tex, test/hlink.tex, test/pdftex.tex:
- New test files for hyperlinks.
- * btxmac.tex: Changes required to support hyperlinks in bibliography.
- * xeplain.tex: Added hyperlink support.
-2005-08-14 Karl Berry <>
- * doc/.cvsignore, doc/ clean
- * doc/Makefile: eplain only
- * doc/arrow.texi, doc/eplain.pdf, doc/eplain.texi, doc/gpl.texi, doc/index.texi, doc/install.texi, doc/intro.texi, doc/invoke.texi, doc/progdef.texi, doc/userdef.texi:
- make most of the manual public domain
-2005-08-14 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/userdef.texi (Indexing): dropped reference to
-2005-08-13 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/eplain.texi Removed pagesize specifications. (@menu):
- Corrected nodes, added detailed node listing for Indexing.
- * doc/userdef.texi (Indexing): Updated stale link to MakeIndex on
- (@menu): Changed tabs to spaces in Indexing
- node. (Indexing): changed references to MakeIndex from @xref to
- @url
- * doc/Makefile (../INSTALL): Adjusted sed command to the new
- output from makeinfo (old one resulted in empty ../INSTALL).
- * ChangeLog: Merged with doc/ChangeLog (old doc entries at the bottom).
- * doc/ChangeLog: Removed (merged with ChangeLog).
-2005-08-13 Karl Berry <>
- * doc/texinfo.tex: update from texinfo
- * doc/progdef.texi: typo
- * doc/.cvsignore, doc/eplain.cps, doc/eplain.fns, doc/, doc/, doc/, doc/, doc/texinfo.tex:
- omit intermediate files and delete old info files from repository
-2005-08-13 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * arrow.tex, xeplain.tex: Header update.
- * COPYING: Added GPL v.2 for arrow.tex
- * ChangeLog, MANIFESTO, Makefile, NEWS, PROJECTS, README, add-date, add-version, fix-checksum, merge, tarchive, test/allref.tex, test/boxes.tex, test/boxit.tex, test/catcode.tex, test/center.tex, test/cite.bib, test/cite.tex, test/citeall.tex, test/citealph.tex, test/citeapa.tex, test/citebegin.tex, test/citecust.tex, test/citenote.tex, test/citex.tex, test/colfootn.tex, test/colrule.tex, test/column.tex, test/column2.tex, test/column3.tex, test/commdiags.tex, test/contents.tex, test/displine.tex, test/double.tex, test/double2.tex, test/ecommdiag.tex, test/emergncy.tex, test/env.tex, test/eqdef.tex, test/eqref.tex, test/filexist.tex, test/flynn.tex, test/footnote.tex, test/frac.tex, test/gcol.tex, test/ian.tex, test/index.tex, test/jan.tex, test/justify.tex, test/knuth.bib, test/label.tex, test/latexcite.tex, test/liang.tex, test/list.tex, test/listing.tex, test/logo.tex, test/loop.tex, test/loopnext.tex, test/mag.tex, test/makecol.tex, test/margin.tex, test/matrix.tex, test/mdisplay.tex, test/names.tex, test/noarrow.tex, test/nobib.tex, test/nonouter.tex, test/optional.tex, test/outer.tex, test/page.tex, test/path.tex, test/pcol.tex, test/, test/rex.tex, test/rule.tex, test/sidx.tex, test/subdef.tex, test/tenenb.tex, test/tenenb2.tex, test/test.tex, test/time.tex, test/truemarg.tex, test/uscore.bib, test/uscore.tex, test/verb2.tex, test/verbatim.tex, test/vlach.tex, test/whitespc.tex, test/xampl.tex, test/xref.tex:
- Added "public domain" note.
- * test/nagflm.tex, test/, test/nhm.tex, test/tables.tex:
- Removed (non-public domain/outdated).
-2005-08-12 Karl Berry <>
- * xeplain.tex: header updates
-2005-08-12 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * Makefile (pdf): New target.
- (html): No need for eplain.html, use html instead.
- (info): Bug correction, there is no info dir.
- (btxdoc): New target.
- * 00Description: Removed.
-2005-08-12 Karl Berry <>
- * CVSROOT/checkoutlist, CVSROOT/commitinfo, CVSROOT/config, CVSROOT/cvswrappers, CVSROOT/editinfo, CVSROOT/loginfo, CVSROOT/modules, CVSROOT/notify, CVSROOT/rcsinfo, CVSROOT/taginfo, CVSROOT/verifymsg:
- remove dup CVSROOT
-2005-08-12 Stepan Kasal <>
- * xeplain.tex (^^L): Remove the redefinition.
- (\@setuplisting): Fix the def in the case that ^^L is not
- active.
- * xeplain.tex (\readcontentsfile): Do not open toc file for
- writing, to allow multiple contents
-2005-08-06 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * Imported sources into CVS on
- (
- * Version 2.8.4
-2004-08-31 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * xeplain.tex: \indexproofunbox: add \nointerlineskip
- * xeplain.tex: \@idxwrite: Add \allowhyphens when under
- \indexproofing, otherwise `infinitesimal' in
- \sidx{Infinitesimal}infinitesimal won't be hyphenated.
-2004-08-31 Stepan Kasal <>
- * xeplain.tex: \def\endcolumns{\singlecolumn} instead of \let...
- * xeplain.tex: \makecolumns. Correct calculation of
- items-per-column
-2004-07-26 Stepan Kasal <>, Karl Berry <>
- * Version 2.8.3
-2004-07-26 Stepan Kasal <>
- * xeplain.tex (\printitem): Add \nobreak before \vskip-\parskip and
- (implicit) \vskip\parskip, so that a page break cannot appear
- here, between the indexing \write at the start of the item.
- * Version 2.8.2
- * Updated texnames.sty, version 1.10
-2003-12-27 Stepan Kasal <>
- * xeplain.tex (\@column): Make sure there is enough space before
- we start columned output.
- (\@col@minlines, \@ejectpartialpenalty): New constants.
- (\@columnhsize): Removed.
- (\@setuplisting, \@endcolumns): Use \break instead of \eject,
- when we are sure TeX is in vertical mode.
-Tue Jul 15 xx:xx:xx 2003 Dorai Sitaram <dorai @>
- * \setpropertyglobal, from
- Oleg Katsitadze <geolsoft>
-Mon Jan 30 xx:xx:xx 2001 Dorai Sitaram <>
- * packaged for CTAN
-Sat Nov 11 20:00:00 2000 Dorai Sitaram <>
- * Version 2.8.1
- * \leftdisplays was not allowing pagebreaks
- inside \eqalignno. Bug reported by Ludger Hentschel
- <>. Fixed by
- Donald Arsenau <>.
- * doc/btxdoc.bib included alongside doc/btxdoc.tex
-Sat Sep 2 13:20:00 2000 Dorai Sitaram <>
- * Version 2.8
-Sun May 7 09:40:00 2000 Dorai Sitaram <>
- * Fixed problem where Eplain's redefinition of \iterate
- was causing nameclash of \next in a TeXdraw macro.
- Suggested by TeXdraw author Peter Kabal
- <>.
-Sat Apr 9 00:17:00 2000 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * xeplain.tex: Fixed problem introduced when double column uneven
- bug was `fixed'.
-Sun Apr 25 22:30:00 1999 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * doc/progdef.texi: Added a section on user-defined environments
- to progdef.texi and fixed a few typos in documentation. Suggested
- by Paul Abrahams.
-Thu May 14 11:30:00 1998 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * xeplain.tex: Changed \columnfill after suggestion of
- Helmut Jarausch <jarausch@IGPM.Rwth-Aachen.DE>.
-Wed Dec 5 09:10:00 1997 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * Version 2.7.
- * xeplain.tex: Added the control sequence \gutterbox as a hook
- to add arbitrary vertical material between columns in
- multi-column mode.
-Wed Mar 26 07:17:00 1997 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * xeplain.tex: Moved an \obeywhitespace to the end of the
- definition of \verbatim to remove spurious space.
- Suggested by Dorai Sitaram.
-Wed Jan 28 08:00:00 1997 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * xeplain.tex: Added \def\@emptymarkA{\@emptymarkB} so that
- \ifempty\undefined is false. Suggested by Stanislav Brabec.
-Sat Oct 5 18:11:00 1996 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * xeplain.tex: Changed a line in the definition of \@fineqdefn
- to remove a \noexpand which seemed to be causing a problem
- with \eqdef.
-Tue Sep 24 10:25:00 1996 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * xeplain.tex: Added some code to multiple columns so that
- when switching from multi- to single-columns the last line or
- so does not get lost. Let's hope it works; added a \newif.
-Wed Apr 1 10:11:00 1996 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * arrow.tex: changed \smash to \smash@@ (a synonym for plain's
- smash) so that arrow.tex works with amstex.
- * xeplain.tex: Put a test at the start so that eplain.tex is loaded
- only once.
- * xeplain.tex: changed -1in to -1truein in margin macros;
- Macros affected:
- \@finishtopmargin
- \@finishleftmargin
- \@computebottommargin
- \@computerightmargin
- \indexsetmargins.
- Also, initialize \paperheight to 11truein and \paperwidth to
- 8.5truein when \mag is not 1000.
- These changes forced a redefinition of \magnification in the event
- that \magnification is called AFTER eplain.tex is \input (in
- particular, when \magnification is used with an eplain .fmt).
- * xeplain.tex: changed {toc} to {#1} in the definition of
- \readcontentsfile to allow more general use.
- * merge: the merge script improperly replaced "xeplain" by "eplain"
- in too many places.
-Mon Nov 13 14:14:28 1995 Karl Berry <>
- * btxmac.tex: Update for Oren's new 0.99k.
-Tue Mar 14 11:36:55 1995 Karl Berry <>
- * xeplain.tex: Doc fix.
-Sat Apr 30 05:58:31 1994 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.6.
- * xeplain.tex (toc commands): Rewrite to allow general toc's.
- * xeplain.tex: Include indexing commands.
-Sun Apr 24 14:59:59 1994 Kathy Hargreaves (
- * xeplain.tex (\eqalignno): put \hfil back in (from plain) front of
- first \@align, so lhs will be right justified.
-Fri Apr 15 17:46:39 1994 Karl Berry (
- * merge: Split arrow into pre- and post-catcode changes.
- * xeplain.tex: Read both parts.
-Wed Mar 30 14:34:52 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex: Globally replace \dimen0 with \dimen@, why not.
-Wed Mar 30 13:19:59 1994 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.5.
- * xeplain.tex (\@makeverbatimdoubleescape): New macro from
- (\verbatimescapechar): Call it.
-Mon Mar 28 11:09:03 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@maybewarnref): Call \ref at the end.
-Tue Mar 22 10:48:01 1994 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.4.
-Tue Mar 15 12:01:57 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@maybewarnref): New macro.
- (\ref): Define to that initially.
- (\eplainref): Name the real definition this.
-Sat Mar 12 15:32:32 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@columnsplit): Omit doing the looping; it causes
- strange column splits on my index tests.
-Tue Mar 8 10:59:31 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@columns): Correct for one too many gutters.
-Sat Mar 5 15:16:47 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@numcolumns): Remove \newcount in favor of a \chardef.
- (\columnfill): New macro.
-Thu Mar 3 14:31:16 1994 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@oldandcode, \@plainnew{if,dimen}): New control
- sequences, so we can read arrow.tex conditionally a la bibtex.
- * xeplain.tex (\@oldatcatcode): Rename to \@eplainoldatcode, so
- btxmac and arrow's redefinitions don't affect us.
-Sat May 22 11:24:31 1993 Karl Berry (
- * (dist): Run gzip -9.
-Sun Apr 11 15:19:18 1993 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@eqdefn): \@definelabel after the \definexref.
- * xeplain.tex (\xrlabel): Append an `x' after the _.
-Mon Mar 15 08:42:49 1993 Karl Berry (
- * btxmac.tex (\@readbblfile): Let our default \end be \@gobble.
- * btxmac.tex (\@readbblfile): Don't define \begin and \end if
- \begin is already defined.
- * btxmac.tex (\@onecitation): Call \@printcitelabel.
- (\@printcitelabel): New macro.
-Mon Mar 1 06:26:46 1993 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.3.
-Tue Feb 23 16:52:49 1993 Karl Berry (
- * (dist): Copy info files to my local info directory.
-Sun Feb 21 11:07:38 1993 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\definexref, \ref, etc.): New macros.
- (\@eqdefn, \writeitemxref, \xrdef): Use \definexref.
- * xeplain.tex (\{set,get}property): New macros from generic.
- * xeplain.tex (\tokstostring): This is no longer defined.
-Sat Feb 20 08:07:12 1993 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\hook{append,prepend,action,actiononce,run}): New
- macros.
- * xeplain.tex (\expandifdefined): Remove.
- * Makefile (default): Change default to `eplain.tex'.
- * xeplain.tex (\toks@ii): New definition.
-Fri Feb 5 08:07:21 1993 Karl Berry (
- * Makefile (dist, eplain.tex): Pass version explicitly.
-Sun Jan 17 14:08:14 1993 Karl Berry (
- * Makefile (dist): Copy add-version.
-Sun Dec 27 17:00:59 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\csn, \ece): New macros.
-Fri Dec 18 10:11:33 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\expandifdefined): New macro.
-Sun Nov 22 12:03:13 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\ifempty, \@@ifempty): Restore from an old btxmac,
- as some people were using them.
-Wed Nov 18 11:15:16 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex: Doc fix.
-Thu Nov 12 17:52:24 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\if@leftdisplays): New conditional.
- (\{left,centered}displays): Set it and test it appropriately.
- * xeplain.tex (\displaysetup): Rename to \leftdisplaysetup.
- * xeplain.tex (\centereddisplays): Don't set \displaysetup to
- \relax, just go back to the \previouseverydisplay.
-Wed Nov 11 07:08:18 1992 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.2.
-Mon Nov 9 09:50:43 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\{,end}orderedlist): Synonyms for \{,end}numberedlist.
-Fri Nov 6 15:19:03 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\@removebox): Don't use \lastbox unless we're in
- horizontal mode.
- ( ): \let to `\ ', instead of \def.
-Mon Oct 19 09:10:56 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\boxit): Define to be \long.
-Fri Oct 9 10:19:05 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex (\everylist): New toks register.
- (\beginlist): Expand it.
-Thu Oct 8 17:42:33 1992 Karl Berry (
- * Makefile (topfiles): Add `NEWS'.
- * xeplain.tex (\footnoterulewidth): Define as 2in, not 2true in.
- Why did Knuth do this?
-Fri Oct 2 11:48:26 1992 Karl Berry (
- * xeplain.tex: doc fix.
-Sat Sep 19 17:32:44 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\xrlabel): set the catcode of _ to 8 before the
- definition, to protect ourselves. (From
-Tue Aug 25 12:06:50 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex: save and restore the catcode of @ as we do with
- btxmac.tex.
-Tue Aug 11 07:54:52 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\fmtversion): use `23 April 1964' style instead of
- Unix-y timestamp style.
-Sat Aug 8 12:04:29 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile (eplain.tex): depend on Makefile.
-Fri Aug 7 14:43:22 1992 Karl Berry (karl@Prometheus)
- * xeplain.tex (\displayhook): remove this \newtoks.
- (\leftdisplays): don't insert it into \everydisplay.
-Fri Jul 31 17:00:23 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile (topfiles): use *.sty, not just texnames.sty.
-Sat Jul 25 17:23:10 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * path.sty: new version (with Phil's blessing). Changes recorded
- in the file itself.
-Fri Jun 19 09:17:04 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\@lefteqalignnonoalign): use \parindent=0pt instead
- of \noindent to lose the indentation.
-Thu Jun 11 09:13:14 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * arrow.tex: new version from Steven, changes only the license.
-Fri May 29 08:46:35 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile (dist): include add-date.
- * merge: include path.sty.
- * xeplain.tex: leave marker.
- * Makefile (eplain.tex): depend on path.sty.
-Mon May 25 11:16:15 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\writenumberedtocentry): only expand the ``number''
- once, via \expandafter and \the\toks.
-Thu May 21 09:11:05 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\verbatim, \endverbatim): do not begin and end with
- \par.
-Sat May 16 11:26:19 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\makeblankbox): assign to \errhelp before the
- \errmessage.
-Sat May 9 06:42:57 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\writenumberedtocentry): \edef the extra number, so
- \the<register> gets expanded.
-Wed May 6 15:46:52 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile (realclean): separate from distclean, and remove INSTALL.
-Tue May 5 11:25:44 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile (install): install eplain.tex.
-Tue Apr 28 08:28:29 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile (distclean): new target.
-Sun Apr 19 08:18:22 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\expandonce): new macro from generic.
- * xeplain.tex (\@setuplisting): set \parskip = 0pt.
- * xeplain.tex (\@setuplisting): use `\listingfont' instead of \tt.
- (\listingfont): new macro.
-Thu Apr 9 09:27:25 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * Makefile: use $(MAKE) to do submakes.
-Tue Mar 31 14:10:45 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\boxit): use \ehrule and \evrule.
-Wed Mar 25 09:27:51 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Version 2.1.
- * xeplain.tex (^^I): don't do \tt while defining this, as we might
- not have any fonts yet.
-Sun Mar 15 06:58:33 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Makefile: general cleanup.
- * btxmac.tex: version 0.99j, from Oren.
-Thu Mar 5 13:53:06 1992 Karl Berry (karl at
- * Version 2.0.
- * New btxmac.tex from Oren.
- * doc/eplain.texinfo: replace GPL.
-Mon Feb 17 14:19:27 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * btxmac.tex (\newcommand): use \@getoptionalarg.
- (\@continuenewcommand): rewrite accordingly.
- (\@newcommandwithargs): delete.
- (\bibitem, \@bibitem): likewise.
- * btxmac.tex (\biblabelprint): use \p{re,ost}biblabelcontents
- instead of hardwiring the \hss.
- (\@readbblfile): in \@alphabibitem and \@numberedbibitem, define
- the appropriate one to \hss to do the justification.
- * btxmac.tex (\@readauxfile): improve comments.
- * btxmac.tex (\biblabelprint): \kern\biblabelextrahang, instead of
- \enspace.
- (\@readbblfile): change comment at \biblabelextrahang.
-Fri Feb 7 08:11:07 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Cross-references): bring the list of valid chars
- in references up-to-date.
-Wed Feb 5 12:05:09 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex: remove spurious spaces from ends of definitions.
- * xeplain.tex: marker for arrow.tex.
- * merge: include arrow.tex in eplain.tex.
- * arrow.tex: new file.
-Mon Jan 27 06:22:43 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (*printmarker): use \listmarkerspace instead of
- \enspace.
- * eplain.texinfo (List formatting): document this.
- * xeplain.tex (\linenumberedlisting, \printlistinglineno): new
- * eplain.texinfo (Verbatim listing): document them.
- * eplain.texinfo (Verbatim listing): document it.
- * xeplain.tex (\verbatim): new macro, mostly from
-, to do inline verbatim mode.
- * eplain.texinfo (Footnotes): say that the space above the rule
- and below the text is \skip\footins.
- * xeplain.tex (\center, \flush{left,right}): define with \gdef;
- remove the \globaldefs = 1.
- * eplain.texinfo (Logos): add some more.
- * xeplain.tex: include texnames.sty.
-Thu Jan 23 08:35:43 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\writenumberedtocentry): \sanitize the section
- number (arg#3), in case it happens to have weird control
- sequences in it (e.g., if it's an author's name instead of a
- number).
-Wed Jan 15 10:52:32 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Citations): document \bblfilebasename.
- * eplain.texinfo (Contents): document this.
- * xeplain.tex (\readtocfile, \opentocfile): use \tocfilebasename.
- (\tocfilebasename): defaults to \jobname.
-Fri Dec 27 11:07:41 1991 Karl Berry (karl at Prometheus)
- * btxmac.tex (\@getoptionalarg): set \@optionalnext to \relax
- before using it as the arg to \@futurenonspacelet.
-Sat Dec 7 07:23:14 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqnofontfam): remove this. What was I thinking of?
-Fri Dec 6 12:57:16 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqnofontfam): change from \mit to \rm.
- (\eqprint): enclose the font change in a group.
- * xeplain.tex (\displaysetup): subtract \leftskip from
- \displaywidth (on the umpteenth alternation here); also, don't
- \hskip by \displaywidth after advancing by the extra parameters.
- Instead, use a temporary. (Otherwise, we would \hskip by too much.)
-Mon Nov 18 06:57:33 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqprint): call \eqnofontfam first.
- (\eqnofontfam): define to be \mit.
- * xeplain.tex (\leftdisplays): decrease \hsize, so \noalign in
- \eqalignno doesn't produce an overfull box.
- (\eqalignno in \redefinealignmentdisplays): set \noalign to a new
- definition.
- (\@primitivenoalign): new synonym.
- (\@lefteqalignnonoalign): new macro.
- * btxmac.tex (\bibliography): do \nobreak before reading the bbl file.
-Mon Oct 28 10:01:39 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * btxmac.tex (\@readbblfile): correct test for \@itemnum being
- defined.
- * xeplain.tex (\@eateol): if there's text on the line with the
- justify command, do the right thing.
- * eplain.texinfo (Justification): document these changes.
- * xeplain.tex (\@finjustifyreturn): new macro to test for two
- ^^M's in justified environments. If we find this, insert
- \blanklineskipamount glue.
- (\beforejustify): set up ^^M to call this; set up \@eateol.
- (\flushleft, \flushright, \center): define \@eolaction instead of
- defining ^^M directly; ditto for \@eateol.
-Sun Oct 6 12:02:46 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * btxmac.tex (\@readbblfile): don't define \@itemnum if it's
- already defined.
-Fri Oct 4 14:34:58 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * btxmac.tex (\bblfilebasename): new macro, defaults to \jobname.
- (\bibliography, \@readbblfile): use it.
-Sat Sep 28 11:46:10 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\unorderedprintmarker): new macro.
- (\unorderedlist): set \printmarker to it.
- (\writeitemxref): new macro, the xref-defining part from \@finli.
- * xeplain.tex (\leftdisplays): don't save and restore \eqalign,
- since we don't change it in \@redefinealignmentdisplays.
-Fri Sep 27 09:45:17 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\displaysetup): no, take \leftskip into account
- after all. What's going on?
-Tue Sep 24 07:10:23 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\displaysetup): don't advance \displayindent by
- \leftskip, since TeX already does.
- * btxmac.tex (\nexttoken): rename to \@nexttoken.
-Fri Sep 20 10:45:23 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\displaysetup): don't subtract \leftskip when computing
- \displaywidth; TeX already does that.
- * xeplain.tex (\@finli): don't call \xrlabel on the arg to
- \definexref; advance \itemromannumeral.
-Thu Sep 19 16:12:14 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\xrefn): remove spurious braces from warning.
- * eplain.texinfo (Lists): document this.
- * xeplain.tex (\{print,}itemromannumeral): new macros.
- (\numberedmarker): use roman numerals for depth 3.
-Tue Sep 17 06:30:25 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\xrefn): remove calls to \tokstostring; \csname
- works just as well.
- * btxmac.tex (\@readauxfile): don't call \@setletters; only reset @.
- (\@tokstostring): remove.
- (\@cite...): remove calls to \@tokstostring
- * xeplain.tex (\@finli): define the item cross-reference label, as
- well as write it out; no, don't, the value might be a page number.
- * xeplain.tex (\xrlabel): remove assignments, so it becomes
- expandable. (This means control sequences are no longer allowed
- in labels.) Change callers.
-Mon Sep 16 15:17:09 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqdefn): don't call \eqconstruct if we're given an
- optional argument.
-Sun Sep 15 17:19:33 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Lists): document this.
- * xeplain.tex (\beginlist): set \itemnumber=1; remove from \...list.
- (\li): remove from the \...list macros and only
- define once; allow an optional arg as a cross-reference label.
- (\item{number,letter}out): rename to \print...; change caller.
- (\printmarker): new macro to output the actual item marker.
-Sat Sep 14 15:55:39 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * btxmac.tex (\@getoptionalarg): use \@futurenonspacelet.
- (\@futurenonspacelet): move from xeplain.tex.
- * eplain.texinfo (Macro arguments): document this.
-Mon Sep 9 10:25:51 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\@redefinealignmentdisplays): add another \hfil
- outside math mode to the template for \displaylines.
-Sun Sep 8 06:31:50 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqdef): call \eqconstruct here.
- (\eq@eqdefn): not here.
- * eplain.texinfo: document all this.
- * xeplain.tex (\beginlist): do the \abovelistskip first.
- * xeplain.tex (\{v,h}penalty): new macros.
- * xeplain.tex (\{above,below}listskipamount,
- \interitemskipamount): rename from ...skip.
- (\{above,below}listpenalty, \interitempenalty): new count
- registers.
- (\{above,below}listskip, \interitemskip): macros which skip by the
- register and include the \...penalty.
-Sat Sep 7 07:29:12 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\gtracingoff, \gloggingall): new macros.
- * eplain.texinfo (Diagnostics): document them.
-Fri Sep 6 13:40:11 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Diagnostics): new command \tracingoff.
- * xeplain.tex (\tracingoff): define it.
-Thu Sep 5 10:19:49 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Tables): replace reference to INRSTeX, which
- seems not to exist, with one to ruled.tex, available on ymir.
-Sun Sep 1 14:53:38 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex: change header comment.
-Thu Aug 29 16:01:43 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Formatting equation references): document
- \eqconstruct.
- * eplain.texinfo (Macro arguments): document \identity.
- * xeplain.tex (\identity): new definition.
- (\eqconstruct): new macro \let = \identity.
- (\@eqdefn): call \eqconstruct to produce the final cross-reference
- text.
- * eplain.texinfo (Index): rename to `Concept index'.
- * eplain.texinfo (Top): include version number.
-Sat Aug 24 07:09:23 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Makefile (dist): make a doc subdirectory in the distribution.
- (dos): don't distribute all the test files.
- * Makefile (install): install the info files.
- (infodir): new variable.
-Fri Aug 23 11:48:40 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqsubdefn): expand \@currenteqlabel before
- defining it.
- * xeplain.tex (\xrlabel): use 95 instead of `\_, so \edef doesn't
- break quite so badly.
-Thu Aug 22 14:42:45 1991 Karl Berry (karl at
- * xeplain.tex (\@eqdef): new command for both \eqdef and \eqsubdef
- to call.
- (\eqrefn): new command to do what \eqref does, except omits the
- call to \eqprint.
- (\eqref): call \eqrefn.
- (\eqdefn): allow an optional argument to specify the text of the
- label, instead of always using numbers.
- (\@currenteqlabel): defined by \eqdefn to be the last defined
- label.
- (\eqsubdefn): use \eqrefn of \@currenteqlabel to define the text
- for the subequation label.
- (\@eqdef): use \eqref to generate the printed material, instead of
- writing the numbers.
- * xeplain.tex (\xrlabel): remove grouping; use \count@ to save
- \escapechar instead. Also, use \temp instead of \tts.
- (\xrdef, \@eqdefn): remove grouping.
- * btxmac.tex (\cite): do \printcitestart before \@nocite.
- * merge: don't use /bin/date.
-Fri Aug 16 08:06:26 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo: fix node pointers.
-Wed Aug 14 14:53:10 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Makefile (etex.fmt): rm -f etex.aux before creating it.
- (merge): assume fix-checksum is in PATH.
-Mon Aug 12 19:42:07 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Formatting displays): remove the stuff about
- \generaldisplay, since that's gone.
- * xeplain.tex (\eqsubdefn): new macro to define subequations.
- (\eqsubdef): its companion.
- (\eqsubreftext): macro to produce the text of such a reference.
- (\@eqdefn): new subroutine for \eqsubdefn and \eqdefn.
- (\subeqnumber): new count register.
- * eplain.texinfo (Subequation references): new subsection to
- describe all this.
-Mon Aug 5 07:08:55 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eattoken): use a private control sequence for
- eating, to avoid conflicts.
- (\@eattoken): \let = \relax.
-Sat Jul 20 06:39:48 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Copying): replace with version 2 of the GPL.
- * eplain.texinfo (Local variables): remove this, since it's
- standard now.
-Mon Jul 8 05:46:57 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\leftdisplays): new implementation.
- * xeplain.tex (\eattoken): new macro.
- * eplain.texinfo (Macro arguments): document it.
-Sun Jun 23 11:13:42 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\ifundefined): new macro.
- * xeplain.tex (\blackbox): add \relax at the end.
- * xeplain.tex (\BibTeX): use \TeX.
- (\MF): use \rm instead of \tenrm.
- * merge: automatically figure out the date, and version, and loop
- on the checksum.
- * xeplain.tex (\fmtversion): don't include real version numbers,
- dates, or the checksum.
- * xeplain.tex (\environment): define \@groupname with \edef
- instead of \def.
-Sat Jun 22 08:23:05 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\@isolatedendenvironmenthelp): improve this message.
-Fri May 31 06:19:40 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo: do @finalout, to prevent overfull boxes.
-Sun May 19 07:01:12 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * citecust.tex: define the \scriptfont for \ttfam, so that
- undefined references work properly (found by
-Wed May 15 06:52:20 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\writetocentry): pass in an empty arg to
- \writenumberedtocentry, not \empty, so the \ifx works right
- (found by Paul).
-Wed May 8 17:04:32 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Makefile (dos): put texinfo.tex in the DOS distribution.
-Tue May 7 12:19:24 1991 Karl Berry (karl at
- * xeplain.tex (\xrefwarningfalse): forgot a \ in front of the \let
- (found by Paul).
-Mon May 6 11:01:07 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\AMS): new macro from \AMSTeX.
- (\AMSTeX): use it.
- (\AMSLaTeX): new macro.
- * eplain.texinfo (logos): document \AMSLaTeX.
- * xeplain.tex (\today): new macro.
- * eplain.texinfo (Time of day): document it.
-Fri Apr 26 08:29:08 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Makefile (dos): rename INSTALL, remove ORIG.
- * Version 1.9.
- * Makefile (clean): remove the .??O files that texi2dvi creates.
- (eplain.dvi): use texi2dvi.
- * Makefile (dist): create the file `INSTALL' after making the info
- files.
- * eplain.texinfo (Installation): bring up to date.
- * README: likewise.
- * btxmac.tex: final (for now) version.
-Mon Apr 22 09:53:53 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\@writeeqdef, \@writexrdef): we don't need a
- \percentchar at the end of the lines we write anymore, since
- btxmac.tex does \endlinechar = -1 before reading the aux file.
- * allref.tex: new test file to test all kinds of reference
- simultaneously.
-Mon Apr 15 09:15:51 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Installation): describe \noauxfile.
- * xeplain.tex (\singlecolumn): document (somewhat) better.
- * btxmac.tex: new version from Oren.
-Sun Apr 7 14:54:05 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\boxit, \boxitspace): new macros from the TeXbook.
- * eplain.texinfo (Boxes): document it.
- * xeplain.tex (\hidevrule): remove a spurious space.
- * xeplain.tex (\lbracechar, \rbracechar): new definitions.
- * eplain.texinfo (Category codes): document them.
-Fri Mar 29 17:13:46 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\makecolumns): set the \hsize inside each entry.
- (\currentcolumn): new register.
- * xeplain.tex (\hidehrule, \hidevrule): comment these; remove a
- group from \hidevrule.
-Tue Mar 26 12:20:35 1991 Karl Berry (karl at
- * xeplain.tex (\linenumber): \let = \@linenumber.
-Mon Mar 25 05:52:27 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\writenumberedtocentry): don't test #3 with an
- \ifx; define it in a control sequence first.
-Mon Mar 11 08:56:43 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Version 1.8.
- * xeplain.tex (\environment, \endenvironment): don't ignore spaces
- at the end.
- * xeplain.tex (\@undefinedmessage): don't define it if it's
- already defined.
- * xeplain.tex (\everyjob): expand the old \everyjob.
-Fri Mar 8 08:03:50 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\writenumberedtocentry): \ignorespaces after the
- \fi, not before (found by
-Tue Mar 5 08:33:16 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\makeblankbox): give an error message if \box0 is
- void.
- (\@makeblankboxhelp): new control sequence with help for the error
- message.
-Mon Mar 4 07:10:10 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * btxmac.tex (\linenumber): define this, and use it in the
- undefined citation message.
- * xeplain.tex: use \linenumber in the undefined messages.
- * xeplain.tex: change all \undefined's to \@undefined's.
-Sun Mar 3 07:43:11 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex: put the BibTeX definitions in a token register;
- expand it if \nobibtex is undefined.
-Fri Mar 1 16:00:38 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\@redefinealignmentdisplays): Make \displaylines
- redefine \eqprint, so the equation number still comes out on the
- right.
- * Makefile (etex.fmt): cp /dev/null onto etex.aux, don't just
- touch it.
- * xeplain.tex (\if@nobibtex): remove this; just test
- \ifx\nobibtex\@undefined instead.
- * btxmac.tex (\@innernewdimen): define this.
- (\if@notfirstcitation, \biblabelwidth, \biblabelextrahang,
- \@numparams): define using \@inner..., since we include all of
- btxmac.tex in an \if ... \fi construction in eplain.tex now.
-Wed Feb 27 08:02:24 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\@ddisplaytest): this time really remove the
- trailing spaces; I didn't test it properly before.
- * eplain.texinfo (Justification): remark that setting the
- linespacing values inside \center et al. is useless.
-Sat Feb 23 08:42:12 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.toc (\opentocfile): make the \@tocfileopenedtrue be
- \global (from Paul).
- * xeplain.tex (\fullmonthname): new macro.
- * eplain.texinfo (Time of day): document it.
-Fri Feb 22 15:11:14 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eqref.tex: say that the output of the \displaylines test should
- look bad.
- * xeplain.tex (\@displaytest, \@ldisplaytest): use \noexpand on
- the argument, to prevent obscure errors (that might never
- actually occur, I'm not sure).
- * xeplain.tex (\@ddisplaytest): remove trailing spaces and/or
- surrounding braces from the argument to \eqdef (from
- (\@removetrailingspaces): new macro.
-Sat Feb 2 09:25:30 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * fileexist.tex: new file to test the various possibilities.
- * btxmac.tex (\@testfileexistence): allow an optional argument
- specifying the root name of the file.
- (\@finishtestfileexistence): new macro.
- * merge: merge all of btxmac into eplain.tex.
- * xeplain.tex: rearrange slightly to accommodate this.
-Fri Jan 25 11:34:09 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Version 1.7 (released for ASI only).
- * Makefile (dist): automatically include btxdoc.tex and
- texinfo.tex in the distribution.
- * Makefile (etex.fmt): don't print all the stupid \font... lines.
- * contents.tex: make a subsection include \cos, to test the
- non-expansion.
- * xeplain.tex (\sanitize, \gobblemeaning): new macros from a
- TUGboat article by Ron Whitney.
- (\writenumberedtocentry, \writetocentry): do not expand the text
- of the heading.
- * eplain.texinfo (Contents): say that the title text is not
- expanded.
-Thu Jan 3 09:07:05 1991 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\beginlist): don't set \parskip = 0pt, in case
- \parindent is zero.
- (\printitem): do \vskip-\parskip, so we don't get extra space if
- \parskip is nonzero.
- * list.tex: test a multiple-paragraph list item with \parindent=0
- and \parskip nonzero.
-Mon Dec 17 12:57:41 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (` ' in \obeywhitespace): define to be `\ ' using
- \def instead of \let, to allow redefinition.
-Wed Dec 12 14:34:28 1990 Karl Berry (karl at aten)
- * Version 1.6.
- * eplain.texinfo (Formatting bibliographies): \biblabelextrahang
- and \parskip must be set inside \bblhook.
- * Makefile (etex.fmt): make sure etex.aux exists.
-Mon Dec 10 16:09:30 1990 Karl Berry (karl at aten)
- * eplain.texinfo (Formatting bibliographies): describe
- \biblabelextrahang and \bblsc.
- * xref.tex: don't unconditionally input eplain.tex.
- * xeplain.tex: don't set \@citewarningtrue after all; that makes
- it so we always warn about labels.
- * btxmac.tex (\@readauxfile): set \@citewarningtrue if there was
- an aux file, so that we get warned about undefined references
- when we make a format file.
- * xeplain.tex: remove misplaced comment.
-Sun Dec 9 07:52:52 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\blanklineskipamount, \@finishobeyedreturn): new
- definitions to generalize the handling of blank lines in
- \obeywhitespace.
- * eplain.texinfo (Obeying spaces): document this.
- * xeplain.tex (\obeywhitespace): use `\ ' instead of
- `\alwaysspace', and remove the latter.
- * eplain.texinfo (Obeying spaces): remove reference to \alwaysspace.
- * xeplain.tex: set \@citewarningtrue after reading the stuff from
- btxmac, so that we get undefined label messages when we use a
- format file.
-Sat Dec 1 07:44:52 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Installation): refer to `\fmtversion', not
- `\eplainversion'.
- * btxmac.tex (\@getoptionalarg): new macro.
- * xeplain.tex (\getoptionalarg): \let = to above.
- * eplain.texinfo (Macro arguments): document it.
- * xeplain.tex (\futurenonspacelet): new macro from the TeXbook.
- * eplain.texinfo: document it.
- * btxmac.tex (\@setletters): only check characters with codes
- below 128 if we are the old TeX.
- * xeplain.tex (\@ddisplaytest): omit extra braces around the call
- to \eqdef.
- (\eqdef, \eqdefn): ignore following spaces.
- * xeplain.tex (\@undefinedmessage): change wording slightly.
-Fri Nov 30 10:51:02 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Installation): describe \eplain.
- * eplain.texinfo (Citations): use @file instead of @t, and make
- editorial changes.
-Wed Nov 28 06:57:24 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Cross-references): escapes are catcode 0, not 1.
- Also, don't put a \ in the invalid example.
- * eplain.texinfo (Allocation macros): use `proclaim' in the
- example, not `innerproclaim'.
- * xeplain.tex (\alwaysspace): use \font instead of \the\font.
- * xeplain.tex (^^I): use \fontdimen2\font, instead of \tt, since
- \tt might not be a font selector.
- * Makefile (etex.fmt): remove etex.aux.
- * xeplain.tex (\displayhook): new token register expanded at
- \everydisplay time.
- * eplain.texinfo (displays): document this.
-Tue Nov 27 08:24:41 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqdef): make \eqno = \relax if we are inner.
- * eplain.texinfo (Equation references): \eqdefn doesn't produce
- anything.
- * eqref.tex: test \eqdef inside \displaylines.
- * xeplain.tex (\eplain): define to be `t'.
-Sun Nov 25 09:30:46 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\eqref, \xrefn): no, that's not enough. Use
- \if@citewarning here, so the \if's and \fi's match properly.
- * eplain.texinfo (Citations): document \xrefwarningtrue.
- (Cross-references): ditto.
- * xeplain.tex (\ifxrefwarning): define to be \if@citewarning, so
- changes to the latter are reflected in the former.
-Sat Nov 24 08:21:35 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex: say that we have two version numbers now in the
- header comment.
-Thu Nov 22 10:48:35 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Equation references): \eqdef can be used in an
- \eqalignno now, so \eqdefn is useful in even fewer sitations.
-Thu Nov 15 10:28:13 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Version 1.5.
- * merge: remove comments from xeplain.tex as well as btxmac.tex,
- and fix the checksum and filename in the final eplain.tex.
- * xeplain.tex (\if@fileexists, ...): \let = \relax, in case the
- file is being read twice.
- * Makefile (etex.fmt): new rule.
-Wed Nov 14 19:02:28 1990 Karl Berry (karl at aten)
- * eplain.texinfo (Iterations): fix syntax error in example (from
-Mon Nov 12 10:34:37 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * etex.tex: mention that plain should be loaded.
- * eplain.texinfo (Installation): mention etex.tex.
- * xeplain.tex (\ifnobibtex): set to true if \nobibtex is defined.
- * eplain.texinfo (Installation): describe this.
- * btxmac.tex: new version incorporating my changes from Oren.
- \@citewarning has to be defined in the non-bibtex specific part.
-Sat Nov 10 08:49:07 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xeplain.tex (\xrlabel): explain how _ works.
-Wed Oct 31 06:24:56 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * merge: make eplain.tex readonly after creating it.
-Tue Oct 30 07:52:07 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo: `eplain' changed to `Eplain' throughout; a few
- other typos corrected.
- * btxmac.tex (\@innerdef): new macro to give an inner definition
- to an outer control sequence.
- (\@innernewcount, \@innernewdimen, \@innernewif,
- \@innernewwrite): use it to define these macros.
- * xeplain.tex: make \innernewcount et al. synonyms for the above,
- and also make inner versions of all the other plain TeX macros.
- * eplain.texinfo (Allocation macros): new section to document this.
- * xeplain.tex: rename \@xrlabel to \xrlabel.
- * eplain.texinfo (Converting to characters): document \xrlabel.
-Sun Oct 28 08:35:20 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Cross-references): explain which characters are
- valid.
- * btxmac.tex (\@setletters): change all characters with category
- code 12 into category code 11, instead of writing a list.
- (Also change _.)
- (@setmoreletters): remove.
- * btxmac.tex (\@resetnumerals): also change the category codes of
- ', `, and ".
-Sat Oct 27 09:46:54 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.tex becomes xeplain.tex; a shell script `merge' puts
- definitions from btxmac.tex that are used in the rest of eplain
- into xeplain, creating eplain.tex. Also, a new conditional,
- \ifnobibtex, determines whether we read btxmac.tex or not.
- (Being able to not read btxmac suggested by Paul.)
-Sun Oct 21 14:03:31 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Cross-references): users should use
- \@setmoreletters, not redefine \@setletters.
-Wed Oct 17 07:14:26 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.tex (\eqdef): don't do \eqno if we're inner.
-Sat Oct 13 07:28:11 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.tex (\leftdisplayindent): new \dimen parameter
- (suggested by
- (\leftdisplays): use it.
- * eplain.texinfo (Displays): document it.
- * eplain.tex (\@ddisplaytest): new macro to find an \eqdef in a
- display.
- (displaysetup): call it.
-Fri Oct 12 06:27:52 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo: describe @menu entries.
- * eplain.tex (\topmargin, et al.): new macros.
- * eplain.texinfo (Margins): new section to document them.
-Thu Oct 11 06:30:54 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * xref.tex: forgot \xref in front of {label2}.
-Tue Oct 9 06:48:08 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.tex (\xrdef): use \@xrlabel, not \xrlabel.
-Tue Sep 25 17:55:32 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.tex (\TeX): new macro, adds \null to plain's definition.
-Fri Sep 14 13:54:01 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.tex (\writenumberedtocentry): expand the third parameter
- now, instead of at the time of the \write.
- * eplain.texinfo (Contents): document this.
-Thu Sep 13 08:09:25 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * eplain.texinfo (Citations, Formatting citations, Formatting
- bibliographies): emendations from Oren Patashnik
- <>.
- * eplain.tex (\footnoterule): new macro from plain TeX,
- generalized to arbitrary dimensions.
- (\vfootnote): advance \splittopskip by \interfootnoteskip, so that
- split footnotes have the right amount of space at the top.
- * footnote.tex: test the new dimension parameters.
- * eplain.texinfo (Footnotes): document all this.
-Fri Sep 7 06:38:49 1990 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Version 1.4.
-2005-08-13 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/ChangeLog, doc/Makefile: Added "public domain" note.
-2005-08-12 Karl Berry <>
- * doc/userdef.texi, doc/, doc/eplain.texi: wording
-2005-08-12 Oleg Katsitadze <>
- * doc/Makefile (doc): Added btxdoc prerequisite.
- (pdf): New target.
- (btxdoc): New target.
- (eplain.html): No need for it, html is good enough.
- (distclean): Brought up-to-date with the changes.
- * doc/userdef.texi (Contents): \readtocfile does not wipe out toc
- file any more, to allow multiple contents
-Sun Apr 25 22:30:00 1999 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * doc/progdef.texi: Added a section on user-defined environments
- to progdef.texi and fixed a few typos in documentation. Suggested
- by Paul Abrahams.
-Sun Dec 7 18:29:00 1997 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * doc/eplain.texi: Force line length of documentation to be 6.5 inches
- by adding a @changepagesizes command.
-Fri Dec 5 09:10:00 1997 Adam Lewenberg <>
- * doc/userdef.texi: Added \gutterbox explanation to multicolumn
- section.
-Sun Jun 2 09:30:00 1996 Adam Lewenberg (
- * doc/userdef.texi: added a missing word in section on path
- command.
-Mon Apr 8 12:00:00 1996 Adam Lewenberg (
- * doc/userdef.texi: changed dimensions in section on margins from in to
- true in.
-Thu Jul 28 15:41:40 1994 Karl Berry (
- * doc/userdef.texi: \{above,below}doublecolumnskip =>
- \{above,below}columnskip. From
-Sat Apr 30 17:51:52 1994 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.6.
- * doc/userdef.tex (Indexing): New section.
- (Contents): Describe new generic contents commands.
-Sun Apr 17 10:06:50 1994 Karl Berry (
- * doc/progdef.texi (Converting to characters): Remove spurious period.
- * doc/userdef.tex (Verbatim listing, Cross-references): Fix other typos.
- * doc/invoke.texi: Rewrite \nobibtex section.
- From
-Wed Mar 30 14:27:21 1994 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.5.
- * doc/userdef.texi (Verbatim listing): Document \makeverbatimescapechar.
-Tue Mar 22 10:48:01 1994 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.4.
-Thu Mar 3 17:47:55 1994 Karl Berry (
- * doc/invoke.texi (Invoking Eplain): Document \noarrow.
- * doc/userdef.texi (Formatting bibliographies): Index extra space
- between the items.
-Sun Apr 11 15:44:58 1993 Karl Berry (
- * doc/userdef.texi (Equation references): Document empty equation labels.
-Sun Apr 4 13:21:12 1993 Karl Berry (
- * doc/install.texi: Include information for emtex.
- * doc/Makefile (TEX): Be sure .. is in TEXINPUTS.
- * doc/Makefile (distclean): Remove empty .??s files.
-Mon Mar 1 06:26:51 1993 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.3.
-Fri Dec 18 10:14:25 1992 Karl Berry (
- * doc/progdef.texi: Document \expandifdefined.
-Thu Nov 12 17:53:07 1992 Karl Berry (
- * doc/userdef.texi (Formatting displays): \displaysetup is now
- \leftdisplaysetup.
-Wed Nov 11 07:08:12 1992 Karl Berry (
- * Version 2.2.
-Mon Nov 9 09:59:24 1992 Karl Berry (
- * doc/Makefile (dist): Make the Info and index files after inserting
- the new version number.
-Thu Oct 22 10:46:28 1992 Karl Berry (
- * update.el (make-backup-files): Set to nil.
-Tue Aug 18 15:55:15 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/Makefile (INSTALL): `Node: Installation' does not begin a line.
-Fri Jul 31 19:18:12 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/userdef.texi (Verbatim): \verbatim doesn't work in macro definitions.
-Fri Jul 17 09:55:10 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/userdef.texi (Tables): update info for ruled.tex (from
-Fri May 29 09:35:59 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/userdef.texi (Paths): new section.
-Thu May 21 09:08:18 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/userdef.texi (Verbatim listing): had the example wrong.
-Tue May 12 15:28:04 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/userdef.texi (Cross-references): had sense of valid xref
- catcodes inverted.
-Thu May 7 08:08:24 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/Makefile (dist): link the .texi files.
-Wed May 6 15:41:24 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/eplain.texi: add an `@paragraphindent'.
-Tue May 5 11:05:43 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/Makefile (install): use a loop to install the multiple info
- files.
- ( depend on *.texi.
- * doc/*.texi: split up eplain.texinfo.
-Tue Apr 28 08:23:30 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/Makefile (prefix, infodir, INSTALL_DATA): add definitions.
- (distclean): new target.
- (dist): put INSTALL in the distribution.
-Sun Apr 19 08:17:43 1992 Karl Berry (karl@hayley)
- * doc/eplain.texinfo (\expandonce): new subsection.
- (\futurenonspacelet): change to a subsection.
- (\ifundefined): might as well document this here, also.
- (Expansion): new section.
- * doc/eplain.texinfo (Verbatim listing): document \listingfont.
- * doc/Makefile (eplain.dvi): tex eplain.texinfo, not eplain.cps.
-Tue Mar 31 14:12:03 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * doc/eplain.texinfo (Boxes): document \boxit using \e[hv]rule.
-Wed Mar 25 09:22:29 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * Version 2.1.
- * doc/eplain.texinfo: add section on patents and copyrights.
-Sun Mar 15 08:22:56 1992 Karl Berry (karl at hayley)
- * doc/Makefile: new file.
-This file is public domain.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/INSTALL b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a514ae606b..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-The simplest way to install Eplain is simply to install the file
-`eplain.tex' in a directory where TeX will find it. What that
-directory is obviously depends on your operating system and TeX
-installation. I personally install `eplain.tex' in a directory
- If you want, you can also create a format (`.fmt') file for Eplain,
-which will eliminate the time spent reading the macro source file with
-`\input'. You do this by issuing a sequence of Unix commands something
-like this:
- prompt$ touch eplain.aux
- prompt$ initex
- This is TeX, ...
- **&plain eplain
- (eplain.tex)
- *\dump
- ... MESSAGES ...
-You must make sure that `eplain.aux' exists _before_ you run `initex';
-otherwise, warning messages about undefined labels will never be issued.
- You then have to install the resulting `eplain.fmt' in some system
-directory or set an environment variable to tell TeX how to find it. I
-install the format files in `/usr/local/lib/texmf/ini'; the environment
-variable for the Web2C port of TeX to Unix is `TEXFORMATS'.
- Some implementations of TeX (including Web2C) use the name by which
-TeX is invoked to determine what format to read. For them, you should
-make a link to the `virtex' program named `etex', and then install the
-format file with the name `etex.fmt'. This lets users invoke TeX as
-`etex' and get the format file read automatically, without having to
-say `&eplain'.
- For convenience, the file `etex.tex' in the distribution directory
-does `\input eplain' and then `\dump', so that if you replace `eplain'
-with `etex' in the example above, the format file will end up with the
-right name.
- The `install' target in the `Makefile' does all this properly for
-Unix systems and Web2C. You may have to change the pathnames.
- Under emtex, `' says that
- tex386 -i ^&plain eplain \dump
-produces a format file.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ff999f6a73..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Eplain. This file is public domain.
-VERSION = 3.0
-SOURCES = arrow.tex btxmac.tex ifpdf.sty path.sty texnames.sty xeplain.tex
-SUPPORT = add-date add-version AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING etex.tex fix-checksum \
-MANUALS = $(patsubst %,doc/%,Makefile *.texi btxdoc.bib btxdoc.tex texinfo.tex)
-TESTS = $(patsubst %,test/%,*.tex *.bib *.map *.mst *.eps)
-UTILS = util/idxuniq util/trimsee
-DIST_FILES = eplain.tex doc/ $(SOURCES) $(SUPPORT) $(MANUALS) \
-DIST_NAME = eplain-$(VERSION)
-.PHONY: default alldoc doc dvi pdf html info btxdoc dist
-.PHONY: clean mostlyclean distclean maintainer-clean
-default: eplain.tex
-eplain.tex: merge $(SOURCES)
- version=$(VERSION) ./merge
-etex.fmt: eplain.tex
- rm -f etex.aux
- cp /dev/null etex.aux
- initex \&plain etex | grep -v '^\\font'
- cd doc && make
- cd doc && make doc
- cd doc && make dvi
- cd doc && make pdf
- cd doc && make html
-info doc/
- cd doc && make info
- cd doc && make btxdoc
- cd doc && make ../INSTALL
-dist: $(DIST_FILES)
- @rm -rf $(DIST_NAME)
- @echo D $(DIST_NAME)
- @mkdir $(DIST_NAME)
- @for file in $(DIST_FILES); do \
- echo A $(DIST_NAME)/$$file; \
- cp --parents $$file $(DIST_NAME); \
- done
- @echo C $(DIST_NAME).tar.gz
- @tar -c $(TAR_FLAGS) $(DIST_NAME) | gzip $(GZIP_FLAGS) > $(DIST_NAME).tar.gz
- @rm -rf $(DIST_NAME)
-define clean-cmds
-rm -rf $(DIST_NAME) etex.aux etex.log
-define distclean-cmds
-rm -f etex.fmt $(DIST_NAME).tar.gz
-define maintainer-clean-cmds
-rm -f eplain.tex
-clean mostlyclean:
- $(clean-cmds)
- cd doc && make $@
- $(distclean-cmds)
- cd doc && make distclean
- $(maintainer-clean-cmds)
- cd doc && make maintainer-clean
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/NEWS b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b7f9364d7c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-This file records noteworthy changes. This file is public domain.
-3.0 (20 September 2005)
-* Eplain now hosted at Sarovar:
-* Support for hyperlinks!
-* Support for (a few) LaTeX packages, notably graphicx and color.
-* Incorporated ifpdf.sty into eplain.tex [2005-08-15].
-* Many improvements of double-column macros by Stepan Kasal.
-* ConTeXt compatibility; do not wipe out toc file unnecessarily to
- allow multiple contents. [2005-08-12].
-* Avoid pagebreak at the xref \write before a list item. [2004-07-26]
-* When under \indexproofing, allow hyphenation of indexed words and
- avoid shift of page body. [2004-08-31]
-* New documentation for the hyperlinks and the LaTeX package support,
- many improvements of the old docs.
-2.8 (2 September 2000)
-* Added a section on user-defined environments to progdef.texi and
- fixed a few typos in documentation. Suggested by Paul Abrahams
- [25 April 1999]
-* Added a fix to a buggy double-column macro that Adam Lewenberg
- introduced when attempting to fix the balancing macros.
- [9 April 2000]
-2.7 (14 January 1998)
-* Added the control sequence \gutterbox as a hook to add arbitrary
- vertical material between columns in multi-column mode. [5 December 1997]
-* Removed spurious space in \verbatim macro. [26 March 1997]
-* Added some code to the multiple columns section so that when
- switching from multi- to single-columns lines are not lost.
- [22 September 1996].
-* Changed \smash to \smash@@ in arrow.tex to allow arrow.tex to work with
- amstex. [2 March 1996].
-* Changed all dimension values in margin setting macros to 'true'; redefined
- \magnification so that this works.
-2.6 (2 May 1994)
-* Indexing support (in conjunction with MakeIndex).
-* Generalization of .toc files for lists of figures/tables, etc.
-* \commdiag and other arrow macros work again.
-* \eqalignno right-justifies the first column in \leftdisplays, as in
- non-leftdisplays.
-2.5 (31 March 1994)
-* Do not ignore first \ref command.
-* Make \verbatim (and the || feature) work again (thanks to Dorai Sitaram).
-2.4 (16 March 1994)
-* \catcode of @ properly restored (reported by
-* `| ' in \verbatim argument documented (also reported by adam).
-* | not hardwired as the \verbatim escape character (thanks to
-* Defining \noarrow before eplain.tex is read omits arrow macros
- (suggested by Rex Shudde <0024P@NAVPGS.BITNET> and
-* Double column macros revamped (thanks to so
- \singlecolumn can be invoked on the same page as \doublecolumns.
- 3- and 4-column typesetting also supported.
- Column ejects also supported (sort of).
-* \parskip set to zero before each footnote (but not for the footnote text).
-* \ref and \cite conflicts with amstex described in manual.
-2.3 (1 March 1993)
-* New macros for arbitrary cross-references.
-* \iterate is redefined to allow \else in loops.
-* texnames.sty uses \spacefactor1000 instead of an empty hbox to handle
- \TeX at the end of a sentence.
-* New macros for hooks and properties.
-* \centereddisplays and \leftdisplays can be repeated, and called in any
- order.
-* New macros \csn and \ece to do common expansion things.
-2.2 (11 November 1992)
-* New \toks register \everylist, expanded at the start of every list.
-* \footnoterulewidth defined as 2in, not 2true in, thus allowing the use
- of \mag after reading eplain.tex. The `2true in' was Knuth's, but I
- don't know why he did it.
-* \obeywhitespace works inside a \vbox.
-* \boxit is \long, and uses \ehrule and \evrule.
-* \writenumberedtocentry expands the chapter number, so `\the
- <register>' can be used.
-* \verbatim doesn't begin and end with \par, so it can be used in the
- middle of a paragraph.
-* \pathafterhook added to \path in path.sty, so macros can execute
- cleanup actions.
-* The \path command and friends are documented in the manual.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/PROJECTS b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/PROJECTS
deleted file mode 100644
index d24baf64c58..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/PROJECTS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-This file is public domain.
-How about list processing macros like those in ``Tex in Practice''?
-In TUGboat volume 11 number 3, Amy Hendrickson gives some modified
-routines for \newcount that do work inside groups. Perhaps they should
-be included.
-FABROADI@CUGSBVM.BITNET suggests that the verbatim macros be extended to
-allow things like:
- \verbatim{first line
- second line
- third line}
-to optionally have line numbers.
-Generalize toc files to other kinds of generated listings (e.g., figures).
-Define a spec for \ifempty and write a robust macro to implement it.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec64791292..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-(This file is public domain.)
-This file describes the Eplain (expanded or extended plain, take your
-pick) distribution. The current version number is at the beginning and
-end of eplain.tex, among other places.
-See INSTALL for installation and basic usage hints.
-eplain.tex is the macros. This file is generated (by the Unix shell
-script merge) from xeplain.tex, btxmac.tex, arrow.tex, and other files.
-Unless you are hacking the macros, you should have no need to regenerate
-the file; just use the one that's provided. If you do regenerate it,
-you will need a date program which understands the %B format (GNU date does).
-doc/eplain.texi and other .texi files in the doc directory describe the
-features currently provided. If you think of additional features that
-would be useful, or extensions to existing ones, see email below.
-doc/ is the Info file resulting from doc/eplain.texi and
-other .texi files in the doc directory, which GNU Emacs and GNU Info
-can read. You'll need makeinfo, from the GNU Texinfo distribution, to
-process it, if you happen to need to. Here is the line I added to the
-dir file, in the top-level Emacs info directory:
- * Eplain: (eplain). Expansions to plain TeX.
-See for more information about Texinfo.
-The files in the test subdirectory are of course for testing of various
-features, but also provide some examples of usage.
-The util subdirectory contains some useful scripts to help with "see"
-and "see also" index entries, and making index entries with
-You can get the current development sources for Eplain via CVS from
-Most of these macros, like most of the manual, are in the public domain.
-The exceptions are the commutative diagram macros (the file arrow.tex)
-and the documentation for them (the file doc/arrow.texi). Both of
-arrow.tex and doc/arrow.texi are under the GNU General Public
-License (see the file headers for details).
-Eplain was developed as part of the book TeX for the Impatient,
-published by Addison-Wesley in 1990. It is now freely available, from
-, with a free French translation.
-Eplain is currently maintained by Oleg Katsitadze.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/arrow.texi b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/arrow.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d4786cef3..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/arrow.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,781 +0,0 @@
-@c arrow.texi - documentation for Eplain's commutative diagrams.
-@c Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Steven Smith.
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual.
-@c This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-@c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-@c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-@c any later version.
-@c This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-@c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-@c GNU General Public License for more details.
-@c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-@c along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
-@c Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-@c 02110-1301, USA.
-@comment \input texinfo
-@comment setfilename
-@comment settitle Arrow Theoretic Diagrams
-@c Input arrow macros without altering texinfo's \catcodes.
-@c Use the arrow macros in an `@iftex @tex ... @end iftex' environment.
-@catcode`@$=3 @catcode`@%=14 @catcode`@&=4 @catcode`@#=6
-@catcode`@^=7 @catcode`@_=8
-@catcode`@"=@other @catcode`@<=@other @catcode`@>=@other
-\input arrow
-@catcode`@$=@other @catcode`@%=@other @catcode`@&=@other @catcode`@#=@other
-@catcode`@^=@active @catcode`@_=@active
-@catcode`@"=@active @catcode`@<=@active @catcode`@>=@active
-@end iftex
-@node Arrow theoretic diagrams
-@chapter Arrow theoretic diagrams
-This chapter describes definitions for producing commutative diagrams.
-Steven Smith wrote this documentation (and the macros).
-* Slanted lines and vectors::
-* Commutative diagrams::
-@end menu
-@node Slanted lines and vectors
-@section Slanted lines and vectors
-The macros @code{\drawline}
-@findex drawline
-and @code{\drawvector}
-@findex drawvector
-provide the capability found in @LaTeX{}'s
-@cindex @LaTeX{}
-@cindex picture mode
-picture mode to draw slanted lines and vectors of certain directions.
-Both of these macros take three arguments: two integer arguments to
-specify the direction of the line or vector, and one argument to specify
-its length. For example, @samp{\drawvector(-4,1)@{60pt@}} produces the
- \hbox{$\mathop{\hbox to60pt{\leftarrowfill\hskip-5pt\rightarrowfill}}
- \limits_{{\fam0 60\,pt}}$}}$$
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center (A vector in the 2d quadrant of length 60 pt appears here.)
-@end ifinfo
-@cindex lines
-@cindex vectors
-which lies in the 2d quadrant, has a slope of minus 1/4, and a width of
-60 pt.
-Note that if an @code{\hbox} is placed around @code{\drawline} or
-@code{\drawvector}, then the width of the @code{\hbox} will be the
-positive dimension specified in the third argument, except when a
-vertical line or vector is specified, e.g.,
-@code{\drawline(0,1)@{1in@}}, which has zero width. If the specified
-direction lies in the 1st or 2d quadrant (e.g., @code{(1,1)} or
-@code{(-2,3)}), then the @code{\hbox} will have positive height and zero
-depth. Conversely, if the specified direction lies in the 3d or 4th
-quadrant (e.g., @code{(-1,-1)} or @code{(2,-3)}), then the @code{\hbox}
-will have positive depth and zero height.
-There are a finite number of directions that can be specified. For
-@code{\drawline}, the absolute value of each integer defining the
-direction must be less than or equal to six, i.e., @code{(7,-1)} is
-incorrect, but @code{(6,-1)} is acceptable. For @code{\drawvector}, the
-absolute value of each integer must be less than or equal to four.
-Furthermore, the two integers cannot have common divisors; therefore, if
-a line with slope 2 is desired, say @code{(2,1)} instead of
-@code{(4,2)}. Also, specify @code{(1,0)} instead of, say, @code{(3,0)}
-for horizontal lines and likewise for vertical lines.
-Finally, these macros depend upon the @LaTeX{} font @code{line10}. If
-your site doesn't have this font, ask your system administrator to get
-it. Future enhancements will include macros to draw dotted lines and
-dotted vectors of various directions.
-@node Commutative diagrams
-@section Commutative diagrams
-@cindex commutative diagrams
-The primitive commands @code{\drawline} and @code{\drawvector} can be
-used to typeset arrow theoretic diagrams. This section describes (1)
-macros to facilitate typesetting arrows and morphisms, and (2) macros to
-facilitate the construction of commutative diagrams. All macros
-described in this section must be used in math mode.
-* Arrows and morphisms::
-* Construction of commutative diagrams::
-* Commutative diagram parameters::
-@end menu
-@node Arrows and morphisms
-@subsection Arrows and morphisms
-@cindex arrows
-@cindex morphisms
-The macros @code{\mapright} and @code{\mapleft} produce right and left
-@findex mapright
-@findex mapleft
-pointing arrows, respectively. Use superscript (@code{^}) to place a
-morphism above the arrow, e.g., @samp{\mapright^\alpha}; use subscript
-(@code{_}) to place a morphism below the arrow, e.g.,
-@samp{\mapright_@{\tilde l@}}. Superscripts and subscripts may be used
-simulataneously, e.g., @samp{\mapright^\pi_@{\rm epimor.@}}.
-Similarly, the macros @code{\mapup} and @code{\mapdown} produce up and
-@findex mapup
-@findex mapdown
-down pointing arrows, respectively. Use @code{\rt}
-@findex rt
-to place a morphism to the right of the arrow, e.g., @samp{\mapup\rt@{\rm
-id@}}; use @code{\lft}
-@findex lft
-to place a morphism to the left of the arrow, e.g., @samp{\mapup\lft\omega}.
-@code{\lft} and @code{\rt} may be used simultaneously, e.g.,
-@samp{\mapdown\lft\pi\rt@{\rm monomor.@}}.
-Slanted arrows are produced by the macro @code{\arrow}, which takes
-@findex arrow
-a direction argument (e.g., @samp{\arrow(3,-4)}). Use @code{\rt} and
-@code{\lft} to place morphisms to the right and left, respectively, of
-the arrow. A slanted line (no arrowhead) is produced with the macro
-@findex sline
-whose syntax is identical to that of @code{\arrow}.
-The length of these macros is predefined by the default @TeX{}
-dimensions @code{\harrowlength},
-@findex harrowlength
-for horizontal arrows (or lines),
-@findex varrowlength
-for vertical arrows (or lines), and
-@findex sarrowlength
-for slanted arrows (or lines). To change any of these dimensions, say,
-e.g., @samp{\harrowlength=40pt}. As with all other @TeX{} dimensions,
-the change may be as global or as local as you like. Furthermore, the
-placement of morphisms on the arrows is controlled by the dimensions
-@findex hmorphposn
-@findex vmorphposn
-and @code{\morphdist}.
-@findex morphdist
-The first two dimensions control the horizontal and vertical position of
-the morphism from its default position; the latter dimension controls
-the distance of the morphism from the arrow. If you have more than one
-morphism per arrow (i.e., a @code{^}/@code{_} or @code{\lft}/@code{\rt}
-construction), use the parameters
-@findex hmorphposnup
-@findex hmorphposndn
-@findex vmorphposnup
-@findex vmorphposndn
-@findex hmorphposnrt
-@findex hmorphposnlft
-@findex vmorphposnrt
-and @code{\vmorphposnlft}.
-@findex vmorphposnlft
-The default values of all these dimensions are provided in the section
-on parameters that follows below.
-There is a family of macros to produce horizontal lines, arrows, and
-adjoint arrows. The following macros produce horizontal maps and have
-the same syntax as @code{\mapright}:
-@table @code
-@item \mapright
-@findex mapright
-@code{$X\mapright Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\mapright Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (a right arrow).
-@end ifinfo
-@item \mapleft
-@findex mapleft
-@code{$X\mapleft Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\mapleft Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (a left arrow).
-@end ifinfo
-@item \hline
-@findex hline
-@code{$X\hline Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\hline Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (horizontal line)
-@end ifinfo
-@item \dothline
-@findex dothline
-(dotted horizontal line) {@bf Unimplemented.}
-@end ignore
-@item \bimapright
-@findex bimapright
-@code{$X\bimapright Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\bimapright Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (two right arrows).
-@end ifinfo
-@item \bimapleft
-@findex bimapleft
-@code{$X\bimapleft Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\bimapleft Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (two left arrows)
-@end ifinfo
-@item \adjmapright
-@findex adjmapright
-@code{$X\adjmapright Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\adjmapright Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (two adjoint arrows; left over right)
-@end ifinfo
-@item \adjmapleft
-@findex adjmapleft
-@code{$X\adjmapleft Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\adjmapleft Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (two adjoint arrows; right over left)
-@end ifinfo
-@item \bihline
-@findex bihline
-@code{$X\bihline Y$}
-$\equiv$ $\harrowlength=20ptX\bihline Y$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-= (two horizontal lines)
-@end ifinfo
-@end table
-There is also a family of macros to produce vertical lines, arrows, and
-adjoint arrows. The following macros produce vertical maps and have
-the same syntax as @code{\mapdown}:
-@table @code
-@item \mapdown
-@findex mapdown
-(a down arrow)
-@item \mapup
-@findex mapup
-(an up arrow)
-@item \vline
-@findex vline
-(vertical line)
-@item \dotvline
-@findex dotvline
-(dotted vertical line) {@bf Unimplemented.}
-@end ignore
-@item \bimapdown
-@findex bimapdown
-(two down arrows)
-@item \bimapup
-@findex bimapup
-(two up arrows)
-@item \adjmapdown
-@findex adjmapdown
-(two adjoint arrows; down then up)
-@item \adjmapup
-@findex adjmapup
-(two adjoint arrows; up then down)
-@item \bivline
-@findex bivline
-(two vertical lines)
-@end table
-Finally, there is a family of macros to produce slanted lines, arrows,
-and adjoint arrows. The following macros produce slanted maps and have
-the same syntax as @code{\arrow}:
-@table @code
-@item \arrow
-@findex arrow
-(a slanted arrow)
-@item \sline
-@findex sline
-(a slanted line)
-@item \biarrow
-@findex biarrow
-(two straight arrows)
-@item \adjarrow
-@findex adjarrow
-(two adjoint arrows)
-@item \bisline
-@findex bisline
-(two straight lines)
-@end table
-The width between double arrows is controlled by the parameter
-@findex channelwidth
-The parameters @code{\hchannel} and @code{\vchannel}, if nonzero,
-override @code{\channelwidth} by controlling the horizontal and vertical
-shifting from the first arrow to the second.
-There are no adornments on these arrows to distinguish inclusions from
-epimorphisms from monomorphisms. Many texts, such as Lang's book
-@cite{Algebra}, use as a tasteful alternative the symbol `inc' (in roman) next
-to an arrow to denote inclusion.
-@cindex Lang, Serge
-Future enhancements will include a mechanism to draw curved arrows
-found in, e.g., the Snake Lemma, by employing a version of the
-@code{\path} macros of Appendix D of @cite{The @TeX{}book}.
-@cindex Snake Lemma
-@node Construction of commutative diagrams
-@subsection Construction of commutative diagrams
-There are two approaches to the construction of commutative diagrams
-described here. The first approach, and the simplest, treats
-commutative diagrams like fancy matrices, as Knuth does in Exercise
-18.46 of @cite{The @TeX{}book}. This case is covered by the macro
-@findex commdiag
-which is an altered version of the Plain @TeX{} macro @code{\matrix}.
-@findex matrix
-An example suffices to demonstrate this macro. The following
-commutative diagram (illustrating the covering homotopy property; Bott
-and Tu, @cite{Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology})
-@cindex Bott, Raoul
-@cindex Tu, Loring W.
-@cindex covering homotopy property
-$$\commdiag{Y&\mapright^f&E\cr \mapdown&\arrow(3,2)\lft{f_t}&\mapdown\cr
-Y\times I&\mapright^{\bar f_t}&X}$$
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center (A commutative diagram appears here in the printed output.)
-@end ifinfo
-is produced with the code
-$$\commdiag@{Y&\mapright^f&E\cr \mapdown&\arrow(3,2)\lft@{f_t@}&\mapdown\cr
-Y\times I&\mapright^@{\bar f_t@}&X@}$$
-@end example
-Of course, the parameters may be changed to produce a different effect.
-The following commutative diagram (illustrating the universal mapping
-property; Warner, @cite{Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie
-@cindex Warner, Frank W.
-@cindex universal mapping property
-\commdiag{V\otimes W\cr \mapup\lft\phi&\arrow(3,-1)\rt{\tilde l}\cr
-V\times W&\mapright^l&U\cr}$$
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center (A commutative diagram appears here in the printed output.)
-@end ifinfo
-is produced with the code
-\commdiag@{V\otimes W\cr \mapup\lft\phi&\arrow(3,-1)\rt@{\tilde l@}\cr
-V\times W&\mapright^l&U\cr@}$$
-@end example
-A diagram containing isosceles triangles is achieved by placing the apex
-of the triangle in the center column, as shown in the example
-(illustrating all constant minimal realizations of a linear system;
-Brockett, @cite{Finite Dimensional Linear Systems})
-@cindex Brockett, Roger W.
-@cindex minimal realizations
-@cindex linear systems theory
-\commdiag{&R^m\cr &\arrow(-1,-1)\lft{\fam6 B}\quad \arrow(1,-1)\rt{\fam6 G}\cr
-R^n&\mapright^{\fam6 P}&R^n\cr
-\mapdown\lft{e^{{\fam6 A}t}}&&\mapdown\rt{e^{{\fam6 F}t}}\cr
-R^n&\mapright^{\fam6 P}&R^n\cr
-&\arrow(1,-1)\lft{\fam6 C}\quad \arrow(-1,-1)\rt{\fam6 H}\cr
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center (A commutative diagram appears here in the printed output.)
-@end ifinfo
-which is produced with the code
-\commdiag@{&R^m\cr &\arrow(-1,-1)\lft@{\bf B@}\quad \arrow(1,-1)\rt@{\bf G@}\cr
-R^n&\mapright^@{\bf P@}&R^n\cr
-\mapdown\lft@{e^@{@{\bf A@}t@}@}&&\mapdown\rt@{e^@{@{\bf F@}t@}@}\cr
-R^n&\mapright^@{\bf P@}&R^n\cr
-&\arrow(1,-1)\lft@{\bf C@}\quad \arrow(-1,-1)\rt@{\bf H@}\cr
-@end example
-Other commutative diagram examples appear in the file
-@code{commdiags.tex}, which is distributed with this package.
-In these examples the arrow lengths and line slopes were carefully
-chosen to blend with each other. In the first example, the default
-settings for the arrow lengths are used, but a direction for the arrow
-must be chosen. The ratio of the default horizontal and vertical arrow
-lengths is approximately the golden mean
-@cindex golden mean
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@end ifinfo
-@cindex golden mean
-the arrow direction closest to this mean is @code{(3,2)}. In the second
-example, a slope of
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@end ifinfo
-is desired and the default horizontal arrow length is 60 pt; therefore,
-choose a vertical arrow length of 20 pt. You may affect the interline
-glue settings of @code{\commdiag} by redefining the macro
-@findex commdiagbaselines
-(cf@. Exercise 18.46 of @cite{The @TeX{}book} and the section on
-parameters below.)
-The width, height, and depth of all morphisms are hidden so that the
-morphisms' size do not affect arrow positions. This can cause a large
-morphism at the top or bottom of a diagram to impinge upon the text
-surrounding the diagram. To overcome this problem, use @TeX{}'s
-@code{\noalign} primitive to insert a @code{\vskip} immediately above or
-below the offending line, e.g.,
-@samp{$$\commdiag@{\noalign@{\vskip6pt@}X&\mapright^\int&Y\cr ...@}}.
-The macro @code{\commdiag} is too simple to be used for more complicated
-diagrams, which may have intersecting or overlapping arrows. A second
-approach, borrowed from Francis Borceux's @cite{Diagram} macros for
-@LaTeX{}, treats the commutative diagram like a grid of identically
-shaped boxes. To compose the commutative diagram, first draw an equally
-spaced grid, e.g.,
-@cindex grid
-@cindex Borceux, Francis
-@cindex Diagram, macros for LaTeX
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center . . . . . .
-@center . . . . . .
-@center . . . . . .
-@center . . . . . .
-@end ifinfo
-on a piece of scratch paper. Then draw each element (vertices and
-arrows) of the commutative diagram on this grid, centered at each
-grid point. Finally, use the macro @code{\gridcommdiag}
-@findex gridcommdiag
-to implement your design as a @TeX{} alignment. For example, the cubic
-@cindex cube
-$$\harrowlength=48pt \varrowlength=48pt \sarrowlength=20pt
- \hbox to\wd0{\hss\hbox{$#2$}\hss}\llap{\unhbox0}}
-&\arrow(1,1)\lft a&&&&\arrow(1,1)\lft d\cr
-A&&\cross{\hmorphposn=12pt\mapright^c}{\vmorphposn=-12pt\mapdown\lft f}
-&&C&&\mapdown\rt h\cr\cr
-\mapdown\lft e&&F&&\cross{\hmorphposn=-12pt\mapright_j}
-{\vmorphposn=12pt\mapdown\rt g}&&H\cr
-&\arrow(1,1)\lft i&&&&\arrow(1,1)\rt l\cr
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center (A commutative diagram appears here.)
-@end ifinfo
-that appears in Francis Borceux's documentation can be implemented on
-a 7 by 7 grid, and is achieved with the code
-$$\harrowlength=48pt \varrowlength=48pt \sarrowlength=20pt
- \hbox to\wd0@{\hss\hbox@{$#2$@}\hss@}\llap@{\unhbox0@}@}
-&\arrow(1,1)\lft a&&&&\arrow(1,1)\lft d\cr
-A&&\cross@{\hmorphposn=12pt\mapright^c@}@{\vmorphposn=-12pt\mapdown\lft f@}
-&&C&&\mapdown\rt h\cr\cr
-\mapdown\lft e&&F&&\cross@{\hmorphposn=-12pt\mapright_j@}
-@{\vmorphposn=12pt\mapdown\rt g@}&&H\cr
-&\arrow(1,1)\lft i&&&&\arrow(1,1)\rt l\cr
-@end example
-The dimensions @code{\hgrid} and @code{\vgrid}
-@findex hgrid
-@findex vgrid
-control the horizontal and vertical spacing of the grid used by
-@code{\gridcommdiag}. The default setting for both of these dimensions
-is 15 pt. Note that in the example of the cube the arrow lengths must
-be adjusted so that the arrows overlap into neighboring boxes by the
-desired amount. Hence, the @code{\gridcommdiag} method, albeit more
-powerful, is less automatic than the simpler @code{\commdiag} method.
-Furthermore, the ad hoc macro @code{\cross} is introduced to allow the
-effect of overlapping arrows. Finally, note that the positions of four
-of the morphisms are adjusted by setting @code{\hmorphposn} and
-One is not restricted to a square grid. For example, the proof of
-Zassenhaus's Butterfly Lemma can be illustrated by the diagram (appearing
-in Lang's book @cite{Algebra})
-@cindex Zassenhaus, Hans
-@cindex Lang, Serge
-@cindex Butterfly Lemma
-$$\hgrid=16pt \vgrid=8pt \sarrowlength=32pt
- \hbox to\wd0{\hss\hbox{$#2$}\hss}\llap{\unhbox0}}
-\gridcommdiag{&&U&&&&V\cr &&\bullet&&&&\bullet\cr
-&&\l{u(U\cap V)}\bullet&&&&\bullet\r{(U\cap V)v}\cr
-&&\l{^{\textstyle u(U\cap v)}}\bullet&&\cross{=}{\sline(0,1)}&&
- \bullet\r{^{\textstyle(u\cap V)v}}\cr
-&&\bullet&&&&\bullet\cr &&u\cap V&&&&U\cap v\cr}$$
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-@center (A commutative diagram appears here.)
-@end ifinfo
-This diagram may be implemented on a 9 by 12 grid with an aspect ratio
-of 1/2, and is set with the code
-$$\hgrid=16pt \vgrid=8pt \sarrowlength=32pt
- \hbox to\wd0@{\hss\hbox@{$#2$@}\hss@}\llap@{\unhbox0@}@}
-\gridcommdiag@{&&U&&&&V\cr &&\bullet&&&&\bullet\cr
-&&\l@{u(U\cap V)@}\bullet&&&&\bullet\r@{(U\cap V)v@}\cr
-&&\l@{^@{\textstyle u(U\cap v)@}@}\bullet&&\cross@{=@}@{\sline(0,1)@}&&
- \bullet\r@{^@{\textstyle(u\cap V)v@}@}\cr
-&&\bullet&&&&\bullet\cr &&u\cap V&&&&U\cap v\cr@}$$
-@end example
-Again, the construction of this diagram requires careful choices for the
-arrow lengths and is facilitated by the introduction of the ad hoc
-macros @code{\cross}, @code{\r}, and @code{\l}. Note also that
-superscripts were used to adjust the position of the vertices
-$u(U\cap v)$ and $(u\cap V)v$.
-@end tex
-@end iftex
-u(U intersection v) and (u intersection V)v.
-@end ifinfo
-Many diagrams may be typeset with the predefined macros that appear
-here; however, ingenuity is often required to handle special cases.
-@node Commutative diagram parameters
-@subsection Commutative diagram parameters
-The following is a list describing the parameters used in the
-commutative diagram macros. These dimensions may be changed globally or
-@table @code
-@item \harrowlength
-@findex harrowlength
-(Default: 60 pt) The length of right or left arrows.
-@item \varrowlength
-@findex varrowlength
-(Default: 0.618@code{\harrowlength}) The length of up or down
-@item \sarrowlength
-@findex sarrowlength
-(Default: 60 pt) The horizontal length of slanted arrows.
-@item \hmorphposn
-@findex hmorphposn
-(Default: 0 pt) The horizontal position of the morphism with
-respect to its default position. There are also the dimensions
-@findex hmorphposnup
-@findex hmorphposndn
-@findex hmorphposnrt
-and @code{\hmorphposnlft}
-@findex hmorphposnlft
-for @code{^}/@code{_} or @code{\lft}/@code{\rt} constructions.
-@item \vmorphposn
-@findex vmorphposn
-(Default: 0 pt) The vertical position of the morphism with
-respect to its default position. There are also the dimensions
-@findex vmorphposnup
-@findex vmorphposndn
-@findex vmorphposnrt
-and @code{\vmorphposnlft}
-@findex vmorphposnlft
-for @code{^}/@code{_} or @code{\lft}/@code{\rt} constructions.
-@item \morphdist
-@findex morphdist
-(Default: 4 pt) The distance of morphisms from slanted lines
-or arrows.
-@item \channelwidth
-@findex channelwidth
-(Default: 3 pt) The distance between double lines or arrows.
-@item \hchannel, \vchannel
-@findex hchannel
-@findex vchannel
-(Defaults: 0 pt) Overrides @code{\channelwidth}. The
-horizontal and vertical shifts between double lines or arrows.
-@item \commdiagbaselines
-@findex commdiagbaselines
-(Default: @code{\baselineskip=15pt
-\lineskiplimit=3pt })
-The parameters used by @code{\commdiag} for setting interline glue.
-@item \hgrid
-@findex hgrid
-(Default: 15 pt) The horizontal spacing of the grid used by
-@item \vgrid
-@findex vgrid
-(Default: 15 pt) The vertical spacing of the grid used by
-@end table
-@comment bye
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/btxdoc.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/btxdoc.bib
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eaf3eddc56..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/btxdoc.bib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988, all rights reserved.
-@COMMENT(You may put a comment in a `comment' command,
- the way you would with SCRIBE.)
-Or you may dispense with the command and simply give the comment,
-as long as it's not within an entry.
-If you really want to put a comment inside an entry, simply
-make up a never-to-be-used field.
- {fake-database-key,
- never-to-be-used-field = "Even if this were a real entry,
- I could still have a comment inside an entry
- by making up a fake field"
- }
-@string (SCRIBE-NOTE = {Chapter twelve and appendices E8 through E10 deal
- with bibliographies})
-The next entry shows some of the syntactically legal things that
-those with the inclination may use.@
-MaNuAl (scribe,
- TITLE="Scribe Document Production System
- User Manual",
- ORGANIZATION = {Unilogic,}#" Ltd"# {.
- },
- ADDRESS = "Pittsburgh",
- ,YEAR=1984,
- note = scribe-note,
-) May the inclination not be with you.
- author = "Charles Louis Xavier Joseph de la Vall{\'e}e Poussin",
- note = "A strong form of the prime number theorem, 19th century" }
- title = "The Chicago Manual of Style",
- publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
- edition = "Thirteenth",
- year = 1982,
- pages = "400--401",
- key = "Chicago" }
- author = "Donald E. Knuth",
- title= "The {{\TeX}book}",
- publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
- year = 1984 }
- author = "Leslie Lamport",
- title = "{\LaTeX \rm:} {A} Document Preparation System",
- publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
- year = 1986 }
- author = "Oren Patashnik",
- title = "{{\BibTeX ing}}",
- note = "Documentation for general {\BibTeX} users",
- month = "8~" # feb,
- year = 1988 }
- author = "Oren Patashnik",
- title = "Designing {\BibTeX} Styles",
- note = "The part of \BibTeX's documentation
- that's not meant for general users",
- month = "8~" # feb,
- year = 1988 }
- author = "Strunk, Jr., William and E. B. White",
- title = "The Elements of Style",
- publisher = "Macmillan",
- edition = "Third",
- year = 1979 }
- title = "A Handbook for Scholars",
- author = "Mary-Claire van Leunen",
- publisher = "Knopf",
- year = 1979 }
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-% Copyright (C) 1988, all rights reserved.
-\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
- T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
-\title{B\kern-.05em{\large I}\kern-.025em{\large B}\kern-.08em\TeX ing}
-\author{Oren Patashnik}
-\date{February 8, 1988}
-[This document will be expanded when \BibTeX\ version 1.00 comes out.
-Please report typos, omissions, inaccuracies,
-and especially unclear explanations
-to me ({\tt patashnik@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU}).
-Suggestions for improvements are wanted and welcome.]
-This documentation, for \BibTeX\ version 0.99b,
-is meant for general \BibTeX\ users;
-bibliography-style designers should read this document
-and then read ``Designing \BibTeX\ Styles''~\cite{btxhak},
-which is meant for just them.
-This document has three parts:
-describes the differences between versions 0.98i and 0.99b
-of \BibTeX\ and between the corresponding versions of the standard styles;
-updates Appendix~B.2 of the \LaTeX\ book~\cite{latex};
-and Section~\ref{odds-and-ends}
-gives some general and specific tips
-that aren't documented elsewhere.
-It's assumed throughout that you're familiar with
-the relevant sections of the \LaTeX\ book.
-This documentation also serves as sample input to help
-\BibTeX\ implementors get it running.
-For most documents, this one included, you produce the reference list by:
-running \LaTeX\ on the document (to produce the {\tt aux} file(s)),
-then running \BibTeX\ (to produce the {\tt bbl} file),
-then \LaTeX\ twice more (first to find the information in the {\tt bbl} file
-and then to get the forward references correct).
-In very rare circumstances you may need an extra \BibTeX/\LaTeX\ run.
-\BibTeX\ version 0.99b should be used with \LaTeX\ version 2.09,
-for which the closed bibliography format is the default;
-to get the open format, use the optional document style {\tt openbib}
-(in an open format there's a line break between major blocks of a
-reference-list entry; in a closed format the blocks run together).]
-Note: \BibTeX\ 0.99b is not compatible with the old style files;
-nor is \BibTeX\ 0.98i compatible with the new ones
-(the new \BibTeX, however, is compatible with old database files).
-Note for implementors: \BibTeX\ provides logical-area names
-\hbox{\tt TEXINPUTS:} for bibliography-style files and
-\hbox{\tt TEXBIB:} for database files it can't otherwise find.
-This section describes the differences between
-\BibTeX\ versions 0.98i and 0.99b, and also between
-the corresponding standard styles.
-There were a lot of differences;
-there will be a lot fewer between 0.99 and 1.00.
-\subsection{New \BibTeX\ features}
-The following list explains \BibTeX's new features and how to use them.
-With the single command `\hbox{\verb|\nocite{*}|}'
-you can now include in the reference list
-every entry in the database files, without having to explicitly
-\verb|\cite| or \hbox{\verb|\nocite|} each entry.
-Giving this command, in essence,
-all the enties in the database, in database order,
-at the very spot in your document
-where you give the command.
-You can now have as a field value (or an {\tt @STRING} definition)
-the concatenation of several strings.
-For example if you've defined
- @STRING( WGA = " World Gnus Almanac" )
-then it's easy to produce nearly-identical
-{\tt title} fields for different entries:
- @BOOK(almanac-66,
- title = 1966 # WGA,
- . . .
- @BOOK(almanac-67,
- title = 1967 # WGA,
-and so on. Or, you could have a field like
- month = "1~" # jan,
-which would come out something like
-`\hbox{\verb|1~January|}' or `\hbox{\verb|1~Jan.|}' in the {\tt bbl} file,
-depending on how your bibliography style defines
-the {\tt jan} abbreviation.
-You may concatenate as many strings as you like
-(except that there's a limit to the overall length
-of the resulting field);
-just be sure to put the concatenation character `{\tt\#}'$\!$,
-surrounded by optional spaces or newlines,
-between each successive pair of strings.
-\BibTeX\ has a new cross-referencing feature,
-explained by an example.
-Suppose you say \hbox{\verb|\cite{no-gnats}|} in your document,
-and suppose you have these two entries in your database file:
- @INPROCEEDINGS(no-gnats,
- crossref = "gg-proceedings",
- author = "Rocky Gneisser",
- title = "No Gnats Are Taken for Granite",
- pages = "133-139")
- . . .
- @PROCEEDINGS(gg-proceedings,
- editor = "Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter",
- title = "The Gnats and Gnus 1988 Proceedings",
- booktitle = "The Gnats and Gnus 1988 Proceedings")
-Two things happen.
-First, the special \hbox{\tt crossref} field tells \BibTeX\
-that the \hbox{\tt no-gnats} entry should inherit
-any fields it's missing from
-the entry it cross references, \hbox{\tt gg-proceedings}.
-In this case it in inherits the two fields
-\hbox{\tt editor} and \hbox{\tt booktitle}.
-Note that, in the standard styles at least,
-the \hbox{\tt booktitle} field is irrelevant
-for the \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS} entry type.
-The \hbox{\tt booktitle} field appears here
-in the \hbox{\tt gg-proceedings} entry
-only so that the entries that cross reference it
-may inherit the field.
-No matter how many papers from this meeting exist in the database,
-this \hbox{\tt booktitle} field need only appear once.
-The second thing that happens:
-\BibTeX\ automatically puts the entry \hbox{\tt gg-proceedings}
-into the reference list if it's cross
-referenced by two or more entries that you
-\verb|\cite| or \hbox{\verb|\nocite|},
-even if you don't \verb|\cite| or \hbox{\verb|\nocite|}
-the \hbox{\tt gg-proceedings} entry itself.
-So \hbox{\tt gg-proceedings} will automatically appear
-on the reference list if one other entry
-besides \hbox{\tt no-gnats} cross references it.
-To guarantee that this scheme works, however,
-a cross-referenced entry must occur later in the database files
-than every entry that cross-references it.
-Thus, putting all cross-referenced entries at the end makes sense.
-(Moreover, you may not reliably nest cross references;
-that is, a cross-referenced entry may
-not itself reliably cross reference an entry.
-This is almost certainly not something you'd
-want to do, though.)
-One final note:
-This cross-referencing feature is completely unrelated
-to the old \BibTeX's cross referencing,
-which is still allowed.
-Thus, having a field like
- note = "Jones \cite{jones-proof} improves the result"
-is not affected by the new feature.
-\BibTeX\ now handles accented characters.
-For example if you have an entry with the two fields
- author = "Kurt G{\"o}del",
- year = 1931,
-and if you're using the \hbox{\tt alpha} bibliography style,
-then \BibTeX\ will construct the label
-\hbox{[G{\"o}d31]} for this entry, which is what you'd want.
-To get this feature to work you must place the entire accented
-character in braces;
-in this case either \hbox{\verb|{\"o}|}
-or \hbox{\verb|{\"{o}}|} will do.
-Furthermore these braces must not themselves be
-enclosed in braces (other than the ones that might delimit
-the entire field or the entire entry);
-and there must be a backslash
-as the very first character inside the braces.
-Thus neither \hbox{\verb|{G{\"{o}}del}|}
-nor \hbox{\verb|{G\"{o}del}|} will work for this example.
-This feature handles all the accented characters and
-all but the nonbackslashed foreign symbols found in Tables
-3.1 and~3.2 of the \LaTeX\ book.
-This feature behaves similarly for ``accents'' you might define;
-we'll see an example shortly.
-For the purposes of counting letters in labels,
-\BibTeX\ considers everything contained inside the braces
-as a single letter.
-\BibTeX\ also handles hyphenated names.
-For example if you have an entry with
- author = "Jean-Paul Sartre",
-and if you're using the \hbox{\tt abbrv} style,
-then the result is `J.-P. Sartre'$\!$.
-There's now an \hbox{\verb|@PREAMBLE|} command
-for the database files.
-This command's syntax is just like \hbox{\verb|@STRING|}'s,
-except that there is no name or equals-sign, just the string.
-Here's an example:
- @PREAMBLE{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
- # "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} " }
-(note the use of concatenation here, too).
-The standard styles output whatever information you give this command
-(\LaTeX\ macros most likely) directly to the {\tt bbl} file.
-We'll look at one possible use of this command,
-based on the \hbox{\verb|\noopsort|} command just defined.
-The issue here is sorting (alphabetizing).
-\BibTeX\ does a pretty good job,
-but occasionally weird circumstances conspire to confuse \BibTeX:
-Suppose that you have entries in your database for
-the two books in a two-volume set by the same author,
-and that you'd like volume~1 to appear
-just before volume~2 in your reference list.
-Further suppose that there's now a second edition of volume~1,
-which came out in 1973, say,
-but that there's still just one edition of volume~2,
-which came out in 1971.
-Since the {\tt plain} standard style
-sorts by author and then year,
-it will place volume~2 first
-(because its edition came out two years earlier)
-unless you help \BibTeX.
-You can do this by using the {\tt year} fields below
-for the two volumes:
- year = "{\noopsort{a}}1973"
- . . .
- year = "{\noopsort{b}}1971"
-According to the definition of \hbox{\verb|\noopsort|},
-\LaTeX\ will print nothing but the true year for these fields.
-But \BibTeX\ will be perfectly happy pretending that
-\hbox{\verb|\noopsort|} specifies some fancy accent
-that's supposed to adorn the `a' and the~`b';
-thus when \BibTeX\ sorts it will pretend that
-`a1973' and `b1971' are the real years,
-and since `a' comes before~`b'$\!$, it will place volume~1 before volume~2,
-just what you wanted.
-By the way, if this author has any other works included
-in your database, you'd probably want to use instead something like
-\hbox{\verb|{\noopsort{1968a}}1973|} and
-so that these two books would come out in a reasonable spot
-relative to the author's other works
-(this assumes that 1968 results in a reasonable spot,
-say because that's when the first edition of volume~1 appeared).
-There is a limit to the number of \hbox{\verb|@PREAMBLE|} commands
-you may use, but you'll never exceed this limit if
-you restrict yourself to one per database file;
-this is not a serious restriction,
-given the concatenation feature (item~\ref{concat}).
-\BibTeX's sorting algorithm is now stable.
-This means that if two entries have identical sort keys,
-those two entries will appear in citation order.
-(The bibliography styles construct these sort keys---%
-usually the author information followed by the year and the title.)
-\BibTeX\ no longer does case conversion for file names;
-this will make \BibTeX\ easier to install on Unix systems, for example.
-It's now easier to add code for processing a
-command-line {\tt aux}-file name.
-\subsection{Changes to the standard styles}
-This section describes changes to the standard styles
-({\tt plain}, {\tt unsrt}, {\tt alpha}, {\tt abbrv})
-that affect ordinary users.
-Changes that affect style designers appear in
-the document ``Designing \BibTeX\ Styles''~\cite{btxhak}.
-In general, sorting is now by ``author''$\!$, then year, then title---%
-the old versions didn't use the year field.
-(The {\tt alpha} style, however, sorts first by label,
-then ``author''$\!$, year, and title.)
-The quotes around author mean that some entry types
-might use something besides the author, like the editor or organization.
-Many unnecessary ties (\verb|~|) have been removed.
-\LaTeX\ thus will produce slightly fewer
-`\hbox{\tt Underfull} \verb|\hbox|' messages
-when it's formatting the reference list.
-Emphasizing (\hbox{\verb|{\em ...}|})
-has replaced italicizing (\hbox{\verb|{\it ...}|}).
-This will almost never result in a difference
-between the old output and the new.
-The {\tt alpha} style now uses a superscripted~`$^{+}$' instead of a~`*'
-to represent names omitted in constructing the label.
-If you really liked it the way it was, however,
-or if you want to omit the character entirely,
-you don't have to modify the style file---%
-you can override the~`$^{+}$' by
-redefining the \hbox{\verb|\etalchar|} command
-that the {\tt alpha} style writes onto the {\tt bbl} file
-(just preceding the \hbox{\verb|\thebibliography|} environment);
-use \LaTeX's \hbox{\verb|\renewcommand|} inside
-a database \hbox{\tt @PREAMBLE} command,
-described in the previous subsection's item~\ref{preamble}.
-The {\tt abbrv} style now uses `Mar.' and `Sept.'\
-for those months rather than `March' and `Sep.'
-The standard styles use \BibTeX's new cross-referencing feature
-by giving a \verb|\cite| of the cross-referenced entry and by
-omitting from the cross-referencing entry
-(most of the) information that appears
-in the cross-referenced entry.
-These styles do this when
-a titled thing (the cross-referencing entry)
-is part of a larger titled thing (the cross-referenced entry).
-There are five such situations:
-when (1)~an \hbox{\tt INPROCEEDINGS}
-(or \hbox{\tt CONFERENCE}, which is the same)
-cross references a \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS};
-when (2)~a {\tt BOOK}, (3)~an \hbox{\tt INBOOK},
-or (4)~an \hbox{\tt INCOLLECTION}
-cross references a {\tt BOOK}
-(in these cases, the cross-referencing entry is a single
-volume in a multi-volume work);
-and when (5)~an \hbox{\tt ARTICLE}
-cross references an \hbox{\tt ARTICLE}
-(in this case, the cross-referenced entry is really a journal,
-but there's no \hbox{\tt JOURNAL} entry type;
-this will result in warning messages about
-an empty \hbox{\tt author} and \hbox{\tt title} for the journal---%
-you should just ignore these warnings).
-The \hbox{\tt MASTERSTHESIS} and \hbox{\tt PHDTHESIS}
-entry types now take an optional {\tt type} field.
-For example you can get the standard styles to
-call your reference a `Ph.D.\ dissertation'
-instead of the default `PhD thesis' by including a
- type = "{Ph.D.} dissertation"
-in your database entry.
-Similarly, the \hbox{\tt INBOOK} and \hbox{\tt INCOLLECTION}
-entry types now take an optional {\tt type} field,
-allowing `section~1.2' instead of the default `chapter~1.2'$\!$.
-You get this by putting
- chapter = "1.2",
- type = "Section"
-in your database entry.
-The \hbox{\tt BOOKLET}, \hbox{\tt MASTERSTHESIS},
-and \hbox{\tt TECHREPORT} entry types now format
-their \hbox{\tt title} fields as if they were
-\hbox{\tt ARTICLE} \hbox{\tt title}s
-rather than \hbox{\tt BOOK} \hbox{\tt title}s.
-The \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS} and \hbox{\tt INPROCEEDINGS}
-entry types now use the \hbox{\tt address} field
-to tell where a conference was held,
-rather than to give the address
-of the publisher or organization.
-If you want to include the
-publisher's or organization's address,
-put it in the \hbox{\tt publisher}
-or \hbox{\tt organization} field.
-The \hbox{\tt BOOK}, \hbox{\tt INBOOK}, \hbox{\tt INCOLLECTION},
-and \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS} entry types now allow either
-\hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number} (but not both),
-rather than just \hbox{\tt volume}.
-The \hbox{\tt INCOLLECTION} entry type now allows
-a \hbox{\tt series} and an \hbox{\tt edition} field.
-The \hbox{\tt INPROCEEDINGS} and \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS}
-entry types now allow either a \hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number},
-and also a \hbox{\tt series} field.
-The \hbox{\tt UNPUBLISHED} entry type now outputs,
-in one block, the \hbox{\tt note} field
-followed by the date information.
-The \hbox{\tt MANUAL} entry type now prints out
-the \hbox{\tt organization} in the first block
-if the \hbox{\tt author} field is empty.
-The {\tt MISC} entry type now issues a warning
-if all the optional fields are empty
-(that is, if the entire entry is empty).
-\section{The Entries}
-This section is simply a corrected version of
-Appendix~B.2 of the \LaTeX\ book~\cite{latex},
-\copyright~1986, by Addison-Wesley.
-The basic scheme is the same, only a few details have changed.
-\subsection{Entry Types}
-When entering a reference in the database, the first thing to decide
-is what type of entry it is. No fixed classification scheme can be
-complete, but \BibTeX\ provides enough entry types to handle almost
-any reference reasonably well.
-References to different types of publications contain different
-information; a reference to a journal article might include the volume
-and number of the journal, which is usually not meaningful for a book.
-Therefore, database entries of different types have different fields.
-For each entry type, the fields are divided into three classes:
-Omitting the field will produce a warning message
-and, rarely, a badly formatted bibliography entry.
-If the required information is not meaningful,
-you are using the wrong entry type.
-However, if the required information is meaningful
-but, say, already included is some other field,
-simply ignore the warning.
-The field's information will be used if present,
-but can be omitted without causing any formatting problems.
-You should include the optional field if it will help the reader.
-The field is ignored.
-\BibTeX\ ignores any field that is not required or optional, so you can include
-any fields you want in a \hbox{\tt bib} file entry. It's a good idea
-to put all relevant information about
-a reference in its \hbox{\tt bib} file entry---even information that
-may never appear in the bibliography. For example, if you want to
-keep an abstract of a paper in a computer file, put it in an \hbox{\tt
-abstract} field in the paper's \hbox{\tt bib} file entry. The
-\hbox{\tt bib} file is likely to be as good a place as any for the
-abstract, and it is possible to design a bibliography style for
-printing selected abstracts.
-Note: Misspelling a field name will
-result in its being ignored,
-so watch out for typos
-(especially for optional fields,
-since \BibTeX\ won't warn you when those are missing).
-The following are the standard entry types, along with their required
-and optional fields, that are used by the standard bibliography styles.
-The fields within each class (required or optional)
-are listed in order of occurrence in the output,
-except that a few entry types may perturb the order slightly,
-depending on what fields are missing.
-These entry types are similar to those adapted by Brian Reid
-from the classification scheme of van~Leunen~\cite{van-leunen}
-for use in the {\em Scribe\/} system.
-The meanings of the individual fields are explained in the next section.
-Some nonstandard bibliography styles may ignore some optional fields
-in creating the reference.
-Remember that, when used in the \hbox{\tt bib}
-file, the entry-type name is preceded by an \hbox{\tt @} character.
-\item[article\hfill] An article from a journal or magazine.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt journal},
-\hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt volume}, \hbox{\tt number},
-\hbox{\tt pages}, \hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[book\hfill] A book with an explicit publisher.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author} or \hbox{\tt editor},
-\hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt publisher}, \hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number}, \hbox{\tt series},
-\hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt edition}, \hbox{\tt month},
-\hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[booklet\hfill] A work that is printed and bound,
-but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
-Required field: \hbox{\tt title}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt howpublished},
-\hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt year}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[conference\hfill] The same as {\tt INPROCEEDINGS},
-included for {\em Scribe\/} compatibility.
-\item[inbook\hfill] A part of a book,
-which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author} or \hbox{\tt editor}, \hbox{\tt title},
-\hbox{\tt chapter} and/or \hbox{\tt pages}, \hbox{\tt publisher},
-\hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number}, \hbox{\tt series},
-\hbox{\tt type}, \hbox{\tt address},
-\hbox{\tt edition}, \hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[incollection\hfill] A part of a book having its own title.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt booktitle},
-\hbox{\tt publisher}, \hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt editor}, \hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number},
-\hbox{\tt series}, \hbox{\tt type}, \hbox{\tt chapter}, \hbox{\tt pages},
-\hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt edition}, \hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[inproceedings\hfill] An article in a conference proceedings.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt booktitle},
-\hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt editor}, \hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number},
-\hbox{\tt series}, \hbox{\tt pages}, \hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt month},
-\hbox{\tt organization}, \hbox{\tt publisher}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[manual\hfill] Technical documentation. Required field: \hbox{\tt title}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt organization},
-\hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt edition}, \hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt year},
-\hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[mastersthesis\hfill] A Master's thesis.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt school},
-\hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt type}, \hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt month},
-\hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[misc\hfill] Use this type when nothing else fits.
-Required fields: none.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt howpublished},
-\hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt year}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[phdthesis\hfill] A PhD thesis.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt school},
-\hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt type}, \hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt month},
-\hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[proceedings\hfill] The proceedings of a conference.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt editor}, \hbox{\tt volume} or \hbox{\tt number},
-\hbox{\tt series}, \hbox{\tt address}, \hbox{\tt month},
-\hbox{\tt organization}, \hbox{\tt publisher}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[techreport\hfill] A report published by a school or other institution,
-usually numbered within a series.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author},
-\hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt institution}, \hbox{\tt year}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt type}, \hbox{\tt number}, \hbox{\tt address},
-\hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-\item[unpublished\hfill] A document having an author and title,
-but not formally published.
-Required fields: \hbox{\tt author}, \hbox{\tt title}, \hbox{\tt note}.
-Optional fields: \hbox{\tt month}, \hbox{\tt year}.
-In addition to the fields listed above, each entry type also has an
-optional \hbox{\tt key} field, used in some styles
-for alphabetizing, for cross referencing,
-or for forming a \hbox{\verb|\bibitem|} label.
-You should include a \hbox{\tt key} field for any entry whose
-``author'' information is missing;
-the ``author'' information is usually the \hbox{\tt author} field,
-but for some entry types it can be the \hbox{\tt editor}
-or even the \hbox{\tt organization} field
-(Section~\ref{odds-and-ends} describes this in more detail).
-Do not confuse the \hbox{\tt key} field with the key that appears in the
-\hbox{\verb|\cite|} command and at the beginning of the database entry;
-this field is named ``key'' only for compatibility with {\it Scribe}.
-Below is a description of all fields
-recognized by the standard bibliography styles.
-An entry can also contain other fields, which are ignored by those styles.
-Usually the address of the \hbox{\tt publisher} or other type
-of institution.
-For major publishing houses,
-van~Leunen recommends omitting the information entirely.
-For small publishers, on the other hand, you can help the
-reader by giving the complete address.
-An annotation.
-It is not used by the standard bibliography styles,
-but may be used by others that produce an annotated bibliography.
-The name(s) of the author(s),
-in the format described in the \LaTeX\ book.
-Title of a book, part of which is being cited.
-See the \LaTeX\ book for how to type titles.
-For book entries, use the \hbox{\tt title} field instead.
-A chapter (or section or whatever) number.
-The database key of the entry being cross referenced.
-The edition of a book---for example, ``Second''$\!$.
-This should be an ordinal, and
-should have the first letter capitalized, as shown here;
-the standard styles convert to lower case when necessary.
-Name(s) of editor(s), typed as indicated in the \LaTeX\ book.
-If there is also an \hbox{\tt author} field, then
-the \hbox{\tt editor} field gives the editor of the book or collection
-in which the reference appears.
-How something strange has been published.
-The first word should be capitalized.
-The sponsoring institution of a technical report.
-A journal name.
-Abbreviations are provided for many journals; see the {\it Local Guide}.
-Used for alphabetizing, cross referencing, and creating a label when
-the ``author'' information
-(described in Section~\ref{odds-and-ends}) is missing.
-This field should not be confused with the key that appears in the
-\hbox{\verb|\cite|} command and at the beginning of the database entry.
-The month in which the work was
-published or, for an unpublished work, in which it was written.
-You should use the standard three-letter abbreviation,
-as described in Appendix B.1.3 of the \LaTeX\ book.
-Any additional information that can help the reader.
-The first word should be capitalized.
-The number of a journal, magazine, technical report,
-or of a work in a series.
-An issue of a journal or magazine is usually
-identified by its volume and number;
-the organization that issues a
-technical report usually gives it a number;
-and sometimes books are given numbers in a named series.
-The organization that sponsors a conference or that publishes a \hbox{manual}.
-One or more page numbers or range of numbers,
-such as \hbox{\tt 42--111} or \hbox{\tt 7,41,73--97} or \hbox{\tt 43+}
-(the `{\tt +}' in this last example indicates pages following
-that don't form a simple range).
-To make it easier to maintain {\em Scribe\/}-compatible databases,
-the standard styles convert a single dash (as in \hbox{\tt 7-33})
-to the double dash used in \TeX\ to denote number ranges
-(as in \hbox{\tt 7--33}).
-The publisher's name.
-The name of the school where a thesis was written.
-The name of a series or set of books.
-When citing an entire book, the the \hbox{\tt title} field
-gives its title and an optional \hbox{\tt series} field gives the
-name of a series or multi-volume set
-in which the book is published.
-The work's title, typed as explained in the \LaTeX\ book.
-The type of a technical report---for example,
-``Research Note''$\!$.
-The volume of a journal or multivolume book.
-The year of publication or, for
-an unpublished work, the year it was written.
-Generally it should consist of four numerals, such as {\tt 1984},
-although the standard styles can handle any {\tt year} whose
-last four nonpunctuation characters are numerals,
-such as `\hbox{(about 1984)}'$\!$.
-\section{Helpful Hints}
-This section gives some random tips
-that aren't documented elsewhere,
-at least not in this detail.
-They are, roughly, in order
-of least esoteric to most.
-First, however, a brief spiel.
-I understand that there's often little choice in choosing
-a bibliography style---journal~$X$ says you must use style~$Y$
-and that's that.
-If you have a choice, however, I strongly recommend that you
-choose something like the {\tt plain} standard style.
-Such a style, van~Leunen~\cite{van-leunen} argues convincingly,
-encourages better writing than the alternatives---%
-more concrete, more vivid.
-{\em The Chicago Manual of Style\/}~\cite{chicago},
-on the other hand,
-espouse the author-date system,
-in which the citation might appear in the text as `(Jones, 1986)'$\!$.
-I argue that this system,
-besides cluttering up the
-text with information that may or may not be relevant,
-encourages the passive voice and vague writing.
-Furthermore the strongest arguments for
-using the author-date system---like ``it's the most practical''---%
-fall flat on their face with the advent
-of computer-typesetting technology.
-For instance the {\em Chicago Manual\/} contains,
-right in the middle of page~401, this anachronism:
-``The chief disadvantage of [a style like {\tt plain}] is that additions
-or deletions cannot be made after the manuscript is typed without changing
-numbers in both text references and list.''
-\LaTeX, obviously, sidesteps the disadvantage.
-Finally, the logical deficiencies of the author-date style
-are quite evident once you've written a program to implement it.
-For example, in a large bibliography,
-using the standard alphabetizing scheme,
-the entry for `(Aho et~al., 1983b)'
-might be half a page later than the one for `(Aho et~al., 1983a)'$\!$.
-Fixing this problem results in even worse ones.
-What a mess.
-(I have, unfortunately, programmed such a style,
-and if you're saddled with an unenlightened publisher
-or if you don't buy my propaganda,
-it's available from the Rochester style collection.)
-Ok, so the spiel wasn't very brief;
-but it made me feel better,
-and now my blood pressure is back to normal.
-Here are the tips for using \BibTeX\
-with the standard styles
-(although many of them hold for nonstandard styles, too).
-With \BibTeX's style-designing language
-you can program general database manipulations,
-in addition to bibliography styles.
-For example it's a fairly easy task for someone familiar with the language
-to produce a database-key/author index of all the entries in a database.
-Consult the {\em Local Guide\/} to see
-what tools are available on your system.
-The standard style's thirteen entry types
-do reasonably well at formatting most entries,
-but no scheme with just thirteen formats
-can do everything perfectly.
-Thus, you should feel free to be creative
-in how you use these entry types
-(but if you have to be too creative,
-there's a good chance you're using the wrong entry type).
-Don't take the field names too seriously.
-Sometimes, for instance, you might have to include
-the publisher's address along with the publisher's name
-in the \hbox{\tt publisher} field,
-rather than putting it in the \hbox{\tt address} field.
-Or sometimes, difficult entries work best when you
-make judicious use of the {\tt note} field.
-Don't take the warning messages too seriously.
-Sometimes, for instance, the year appears in the title,
-as in {\em The 1966 World Gnus Almanac}.
-In this case it's best to omit the {\tt year} field
-and to ignore \BibTeX's warning message.
-If you have too many names to list in an
-\hbox{\tt author} or \hbox{\tt editor} field,
-you can end the list with ``and others'';
-the standard styles appropriately append an ``et~al.''
-In general, if you want to keep \BibTeX\ from changing
-something to lower case, you enclose it in braces.
-You might not get the effect you want, however,
-if the very first character after the left brace is a backslash.
-The ``special characters'' item later in this section explains.
-For {\em Scribe\/} compatibility, the database files
-allow an \hbox{\tt @COMMENT} command; it's not really
-needed because \BibTeX\ allows in the database files
-any comment that's not within an entry.
-If you want to comment out an entry,
-simply remove the `{\tt @}' character preceding the entry type.
-The standard styles have journal abbreviations that are
-computer-science oriented;
-these are in the style files primarily for the example.
-If you have a different set of journal abbreviations,
-it's sensible to put them in \hbox{\tt @STRING} commands
-in their own database file and to list this database file
-as an argument to \LaTeX's \hbox{\verb|\bibliography|} command
-(but you should list this argument before the ones that
-specify real database entries).
-It's best to use the three-letter abbreviations for the month,
-rather than spelling out the month yourself.
-This lets the bibliography style be consistent.
-And if you want to include information for the day of the month,
-the {\tt month} field is usually the best place.
-For example
- month = jul # "~4,"
-will probably produce just what you want.
-If you're using the \hbox{\tt unsrt} style
-(references are listed in order of citation)
-along with the \hbox{\verb|\nocite{*}|} feature
-(all entries in the database are included),
-the placement of the \hbox{\verb|\nocite{*}|} command
-within your document file will determine the reference order.
-According to the rule given in Section~\ref{features}:
-If the command is placed at the beginning of the document,
-the entries will be listed in exactly the order
-they occur in the database;
-if it's placed at the end,
-the entries that you explicitly
-\hbox{\verb|\cite|} or \hbox{\verb|\nocite|}
-will occur in citation order,
-and the remaining database entries will be in database order.
-For theses, van Leunen recommends not giving
-the school's department after the name of the degree,
-since schools, not departments, issue degrees.
-If you really think that giving the department information
-will help the reader find the thesis,
-put that information in the \hbox{\tt address} field.
-The \hbox{\tt MASTERSTHESIS} and \hbox{\tt PHDTHESIS} entry types
-are so named for {\em Scribe\/} compatibility;
-\hbox{\tt MINORTHESIS} and \hbox{\tt MAJORTHESIS}
-probably would have been better names.
-Keep this in mind when trying to classify
-a non-U.S.\ thesis.
-Here's yet another suggestion for what to do when an author's
-name appears slightly differently in two publications.
-Suppose, for example, two journals articles use these fields.
- author = "Donald E. Knuth"
- . . .
- author = "D. E. Knuth"
-There are two possibilities.
-You could (1)~simply leave them as is,
-or (2)~assuming you know for sure that
-these authors are one and the same person,
-you could list both in the form that the author prefers
-(say, `Donald~E.\ Knuth').
-In the first case, the entries might be alphabetized incorrectly,
-and in the second, the slightly altered name might
-foul up somebody's electronic library search.
-But there's a third possibility, which is the one I prefer.
-You could convert the second journal's field to
- author = "D[onald] E. Knuth"
-This avoids the pitfalls of the previous two solutions,
-since \BibTeX\ alphabetizes this as if the brackets weren't there,
-and since the brackets clue the reader in that a full first name
-was missing from the original.
-Of course it introduces another pitfall---`D[onald]~E.\ Knuth' looks ugly---%
-but in this case I think the increase in accuracy outweighs
-the loss in aesthetics.
-\LaTeX's comment character `{\tt\%}' is not a comment character
-in the database files.
-Here's a more complete description of
-the ``author'' information referred to in previous sections.
-For most entry types the ``author'' information
-is simply the \hbox{\tt author} field.
-For the \hbox{\tt BOOK} and \hbox{\tt INBOOK} entry types
-it's the \hbox{\tt author} field, but if there's no author
-then it's the \hbox{\tt editor} field;
-for the \hbox{\tt MANUAL} entry type
-it's the \hbox{\tt author} field, but if there's no author
-then it's the \hbox{\tt organization} field;
-and for the \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS} entry type
-it's the \hbox{\tt editor} field, but if there's no editor
-then it's the \hbox{\tt organization} field.
-When creating a label,
-the \hbox{\tt alpha} style uses the ``author'' information described above,
-but with a slight change---%
-for the \hbox{\tt MANUAL} and \hbox{\tt PROCEEDINGS} entry types,
-the {\tt key} field takes precedence over the \hbox{\tt organization} field.
-Here's a situation where this is useful.
- organization = "The Association for Computing Machinery",
- key = "ACM"
-Without the {\tt key} field, the \hbox{\tt alpha} style
-would make a label from the first three letters of information
-in the \hbox{\tt organization} field;
-\hbox{\tt alpha} knows to strip off the `\hbox{\tt The }'$\!$,
-but it would still form a label like `\hbox{[Ass86]}'$\!$,
-which, however intriguing, is uninformative.
-Including the {\tt key} field, as above,
-would yield the better label `\hbox{[ACM86]}'$\!$.
-You won't always need the {\tt key} field to override the
-\hbox{\tt organization}, though:
- organization = "Unilogic, Ltd.",
-for instance, the \hbox{\tt alpha} style would
-form the perfectly reasonable label `\hbox{[Uni86]}'$\!$.
-Section~\ref{features} discusses accented characters.
-To \BibTeX, an accented character is really a special case
-of a ``special character''$\!$,
-which consists of everything from a left brace at the top-most level,
-immediately followed by a backslash,
-up through the matching right brace.
-For example in the field
- author = "\AA{ke} {Jos{\'{e}} {\'{E}douard} G{\"o}del"
-there are just two special characters,
-`\hbox{\verb|{\'{E}douard}|}' and `\hbox{\verb|{\"o}|}'
-(the same would be true if the pair of double quotes
-delimiting the field were braces instead).
-In general, \BibTeX\ will not do any processing
-of a \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ control sequence inside a special character,
-but it {\em will\/} process other characters.
-Thus a style that converts all titles to lower case
-would convert
- The {\TeX BOOK\NOOP} Experience
- The {\TeX book\NOOP} experience
-(the `{\tt The}' is still capitalized
-because it's the first word of the title).
-This special-character scheme is useful for handling accented characters,
-for getting \BibTeX's alphabetizing to do what you want,
-and, since \BibTeX\ counts an entire special character as just one letter,
-for stuffing extra characters inside labels.
-The file \hbox{\tt XAMPL.BIB} distributed with \BibTeX\
-gives examples of all three uses.
-This final item of the section describes \BibTeX's names
-(which appear in the \hbox{\tt author} or \hbox{\tt editor} field)
-in slightly more detail than what
-appears in Appendix~B of the \LaTeX\ book.
-In what follows, a ``name'' corresponds to a person.
-(Recall that you separate multiple names in a single field
-with the word ``and''$\!$, surrounded by spaces,
-and not enclosed in braces.
-This item concerns itself with the structure of a single name.)
-Each name consists of four parts: First, von, Last, and~Jr;
-each part consists of a (possibly empty) list of name-tokens.
-The Last part will be nonempty if any part is,
-so if there's just one token, it's always a Last token.
-Recall that Per Brinch~Hansen's name should be typed
- "Brinch Hansen, Per"
-The First part of his name has the single token ``Per'';
-the Last part has two tokens, ``Brinch'' and ``Hansen'';
-and the von and Jr parts are empty.
-If you had typed
- "Per Brinch Hansen"
-instead, \BibTeX\ would (erroneously) think ``Brinch'' were a First-part token,
-just as ``Paul'' is a First-part token in ``John~Paul Jones''$\!$,
-so this erroneous form would have two First tokens and one Last token.
-Here's another example:
- "Charles Louis Xavier Joseph de la Vall{\'e}e Poussin"
-This name has four tokens in the First part, two in the von, and
-two in the Last.
-Here \BibTeX\ knows where one part ends and the other begins because
-the tokens in the von part begin with lower-case letters.
-In general, it's a von token if the first letter at brace-level~0
-is in lower case.
-Since technically everything
-in a ``special character'' is at brace-level~0,
-you can trick \BibTeX\ into thinking that
-a token is or is not a von token by prepending a dummy
-special character whose first letter past the \TeX\ control sequence
-is in the desired case, upper or lower.
-To summarize, \BibTeX\ allows three possible forms for the name:
- "First von Last"
- "von Last, First"
- "von Last, Jr, First"
-You may almost always use the first form;
-you shouldn't if either there's a Jr part,
-or the Last part has multiple tokens but there's no von part.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/csindex.texi b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/csindex.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index f80b7058979..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/csindex.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-@c Public domain.
-@node Macro index
-@unnumbered Macro index
-@printindex fn
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/eplain.html b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/eplain.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 638a3492141..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/eplain.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6644 +0,0 @@
-<html lang="en">
-<title>Expanded Plain TeX</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
-<meta name="description" content="Expanded Plain TeX">
-<meta name="generator" content="makeinfo 4.8">
-<link title="Top" rel="top" href="#Top">
-<link href="" rel="generator-home" title="Texinfo Homepage">
-This manual documents the Eplain macros, version 3.0,
-September 2005. Eplain provides functionality for plain TeX that
-is intended to be useful regardless of how your document is actually
-Most of this manual is in the public domain, like most of the Eplain
-code. It was mostly written by Karl Berry, starting in 1989. Steven
-Smith wrote the documentation for the commutative diagram macros; this
-chapter is under the GNU General Public License. Oleg Katsitadze and
-Adam Lewenberg have made additions and corrections.-->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<style type="text/css"><!--
- pre.display { font-family:inherit }
- pre.format { font-family:inherit }
- pre.smalldisplay { font-family:inherit; font-size:smaller }
- pre.smallformat { font-family:inherit; font-size:smaller }
- pre.smallexample { font-size:smaller }
- pre.smalllisp { font-size:smaller }
- { font-variant:small-caps }
- span.roman { font-family:serif; font-weight:normal; }
- span.sansserif { font-family:sans-serif; font-weight:normal; }
-<h1 class="settitle">Expanded Plain TeX</h1>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Top"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#dir">(dir)</a>
-<h2 class="unnumbered">Eplain</h2>
-<p>This manual documents the Eplain macros, version 3.0,
-September 2005. Eplain provides functionality for plain TeX that
-is intended to be useful regardless of how your document is actually
- <p>Most of this manual is in the public domain, like most of the Eplain
-code. It was mostly written by Karl Berry, starting in 1989. Steven
-Smith wrote the documentation for the commutative diagram macros; this
-chapter is under the GNU General Public License. Oleg Katsitadze and
-Adam Lewenberg have made additions and corrections.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>: Eplain's purpose and philosophy.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Installation">Installation</a>: Installing Eplain.
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a>: Using Eplain from a TeX file.
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>: Macros to be used in a document.
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>: Producing documents with hyperlinks.
-<li><a accesskey="6" href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>: Macros for commutative diagrams.
-<li><a accesskey="7" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>: Macros to be used in writing other macros.
-<li><a accesskey="8" href="#Macro-index">Macro index</a>: Entries for TeX and Eplain control sequences.
-<li><a accesskey="9" href="#Concept-index">Concept index</a>: General index.
-<p>--- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-<p>User definitions
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a>: Tracing information.
-<li><a href="#Rules">Rules</a>: Changing the default rule dimensions.
-<li><a href="#Citations">Citations</a>: Using BibTeX and Eplain to make bibliographies.
-<li><a href="#Displays">Displays</a>: Changing the formatting of math displays.
-<li><a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a>: Producing the time of day.
-<li><a href="#Lists">Lists</a>: Producing numbered and unordered lists.
-<li><a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a>: Producing text just as it appears.
-<li><a href="#Contents">Contents</a>: Making a table of contents.
-<li><a href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>: Symbolically referring to pages or equations.
-<li><a href="#Page-references">Page references</a>: Symbolic references to page numbers.
-<li><a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>: Symbolic references to equation numbers.
-<li><a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>: Creating and typesetting indexes.
-<li><a href="#Justification">Justification</a>: Left- or right-justification, or centering.
-<li><a href="#Tables">Tables</a>: Producing ordered tables.
-<li><a href="#Margins">Margins</a>: Changing the margins directly.
-<li><a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a>: Getting output in two columns.
-<li><a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a>: Autonumbered footnotes; changing formatting.
-<li><a href="#Fractions">Fractions</a>: A better way to produce fractions in text.
-<li><a href="#Paths">Paths</a>: Allowing line breaks in pathnames.
-<li><a href="#Logos">Logos</a>: Various logos.
-<li><a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a>: Producing filled or open rectangles.
-<li><a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a>: Checking for pdfTeX in PDF mode.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a>: Changing the way citations are printed.
-<li><a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a>: Changing the way bibliographies are printed.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Formatting-displays">Formatting displays</a>: General formatting of displays.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a>: Changing how the lists look.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a>
-<li><a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a>
-<p>Equation references
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a>
-<li><a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a>
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a>: Specifying what to index.
-<li><a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a>: Printing the sorted output.
-<li><a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a>: Creating commands and specifying extra actions.
-<p>Indexing terms
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a>: Making index entries.
-<li><a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a>: Ranges, see/see also, page number typesetting.
-<li><a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a>: Noting index entries in the margins.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>
-<li><a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>
-<p>Implicit hyperlinks
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a>: url
-<li><a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a>: cite, bib
-<li><a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a>: li
-<li><a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a>: definexref, ref
-<li><a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a>: xrdef, xref
-<li><a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a>: eq
-<li><a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>: idx
-<li><a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a>: foot, footback
-<li><a href="#Contents-hyperlinks">Contents hyperlinks</a>
-<p>Index hyperlinks
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a>
-<li><a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a>
-<li><a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a>
-<li><a href="#Index-page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Index page list and page range parsers</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a>
-<p>Hyperlink drivers
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a>
-<p>Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm::
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<p>Setting hyperlink types and options
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a>
-<p>Turning hyperlinks on/off
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a>
-<li><a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a>
-<p>Arrow theoretic diagrams
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a>
-<li><a href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a>
-<p>Commutative diagrams
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a>
-<li><a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a>
-<li><a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a>
-<p>Programming definitions
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a>: Changing category codes.
-<li><a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a>: Non-outer versions of \newcount et al.
-<li><a href="#Iteration">Iteration</a>: Doing `for' loops in TeX.
-<li><a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a>: Reading and ignoring them.
-<li><a href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a>: Normalizing control sequences and spaces.
-<li><a href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>: Controlling expansion.
-<li><a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a>: Making whitespace count anywhere.
-<li><a href="#Writing-out-numbers">Writing out numbers</a>: Making `1' into `one'.
-<li><a href="#Mode_002dspecific-penalties">Mode-specific penalties</a>
-<li><a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a>: Testing for their existence.
-<li><a href="#User_002ddefined-environments">User-defined environments</a>: User-defined environments.
-<li><a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a>
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a href="#g_t_005ccsn-and-_005cece">\csn and \ece</a>
-<li><a href="#g_t_005cedefappend">\edefappend</a>
-<li><a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a>: Manipulating and executing named actions.
-<li><a href="#Properties">Properties</a>: Associating information with a csname.
-<li><a href="#g_t_005cexpandonce">\expandonce</a>
-<li><a href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a>
-<li><a href="#g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet">\futurenonspacelet</a>
- </ul>
-<!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Introduction"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Installation">Installation</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Top">Top</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">1 Introduction</h2>
-<p><a name="index-Eplain_002c-purpose-of-1"></a>
-<a name="index-xeplain_002etex-2"></a>The <dfn>Eplain</dfn> macro package expands on and extends the definitions in
-plain TeX. This manual describes the definitions that you, as either
-an author or a macro writer, might like to use. It doesn't discuss the
-implementation; see comments in the source code (<samp><span class="file">xeplain.tex</span></samp>) for
- <p>Eplain is not intended to provide &ldquo;generic&rdquo; typesetting capabilities, as
-do LaTeX (written by Leslie Lamport)
-<a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-3"></a><a name="index-Lamport_002c-Leslie-4"></a>or Texinfo
-<a name="index-Texinfo-5"></a>(written by Richard Stallman and others).
-<a name="index-Stallman_002c-Richard-6"></a><a name="index-rms-7"></a>Instead, it provides definitions that are intended to be useful
-regardless of the high-level commands that you use when you actually
-prepare your manuscript.
- <p>For example, Eplain does not have a command <code>\section</code>, which
-would format section headings in an &ldquo;appropriate&rdquo; way, such as
-LaTeX's <code>\section</code>. The philosophy of Eplain is
-that some people will always need or want to go beyond the macro
-designer's idea of &ldquo;appropriate&rdquo;. Such canned macros are
-fine&mdash;as long as you are willing to accept the resulting output. If
-you don't like the results, or if you are trying to match a different
-format, you are out of luck.
- <p>On the other hand, almost everyone would like capabilities such as
-cross-referencing by labels, so that you don't have to put actual page
-numbers in the manuscript. The author of Eplain
-<a name="index-Berry_002c-Karl-8"></a>is not aware of any generally available macro packages that (1)&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->do
-not force their typographic style on an author, and yet (2)&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->provide
-such capabilities.
- <p>Besides such generic macros as cross-referencing, Eplain
-contains another set of definitions: ones that change the conventions of
-plain TeX's output. For example, math displays in TeX are, by
-default, centered. If you want your displays to come out
-left-justified, you have to plow through <cite>The TeXbook</cite> to find
-some way to do it, and then adapt the code to your own needs. Eplain
-tries to take care of the messy details of such things, while still
-leaving the detailed appearance of the output up to you.
- <p>Finally, numerous definitions turned out to be useful as Eplain was
-developed. They are also documented in this manual, on the chance that
-people writing other macros will be able to use them.
- <p>You can send bug reports or suggestions to
-<a href=""></a>. The current version number of Eplain is
-defined as the macro <code>\fmtversion</code>
-<a name="index-version-number-9"></a><a name="index-fmtversion-10"></a>at the end of the source file <samp><span class="file">eplain.tex</span></samp>. When corresponding,
-please refer to it.
- <p>To get on this mailing list yourself, email
-<a href=""></a> with a message whose body contains
-a line
-<pre class="example"> subscribe <var>you@your.preferred.address</var>
- <!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Installation"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">2 Installation</h2>
-<p><a name="index-Eplain_002c-installing-11"></a> <a name="index-installation-12"></a>The simplest way to install Eplain is simply to install the file
-<samp><span class="file">eplain.tex</span></samp> in a directory where TeX will find it. What that
-directory is obviously depends on your operating system and TeX
-installation. I personally install <samp><span class="file">eplain.tex</span></samp> in
-a directory <samp><span class="file">/usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/plain</span></samp>.
- <p>If you want, you can also create a format (<samp><span class="file">.fmt</span></samp>)
-<a name="index-g_t_002efmt-_0040r_007bfile_007d-13"></a><a name="index-format-file-14"></a>file for Eplain, which will eliminate the time spent reading the macro
-source file with <code>\input</code>. You do this by issuing a sequence of
-Unix commands something like this:
-<pre class="example"> prompt$ touch eplain.aux
- prompt$ initex
- This is TeX, ...
- **&amp;plain eplain
- (eplain.tex)
- *\dump
- ... <var>messages</var> ...
- <p><a name="index-eplain_002eaux-15"></a><a name="index-undefined-labels_002c-warnings-about-16"></a>You must make sure that <samp><span class="file">eplain.aux</span></samp> exists <em>before</em> you
-run <samp><span class="file">initex</span></samp>; otherwise, warning messages about undefined labels
-will never be issued.
- <p>You then have to install the resulting <samp><span class="file">eplain.fmt</span></samp> in some system
-directory or set an environment variable to tell TeX how to find it.
-I install the format files in <samp><span class="file">/usr/local/lib/texmf/ini</span></samp>; the
-environment variable for the Web2C port of TeX to Unix is
- <p>Some implementations of TeX (including Web2C) use the name by which
-TeX is invoked to determine what format to read. For them, you
-should make a link to the <samp><span class="file">virtex</span></samp> program named <samp><span class="file">etex</span></samp>, and
-then install the format file with the name <samp><span class="file">etex.fmt</span></samp>. This lets
-users invoke TeX as <samp><span class="file">etex</span></samp> and get the format file read
-automatically, without having to say `<samp><span class="samp">&amp;eplain</span></samp>'.
- <p>For convenience, the file <samp><span class="file">etex.tex</span></samp> in the distribution directory
-does <code>\input eplain</code> and then <code>\dump</code>, so that if you replace
-`<samp><span class="samp">eplain</span></samp>' with `<samp><span class="samp">etex</span></samp>' in the example above, the format file
-will end up with the right name.
- <p>The <code>install</code> target in the <samp><span class="file">Makefile</span></samp> does all this properly
-for Unix systems and Web2C. You may have to change the pathnames.
- <p><a name="index-emtex_002c-installation-under-17"></a>Under emtex, `<samp><span class="samp"></span></samp>' says that
-<pre class="example"> tex386 -i ^&amp;plain eplain \dump
- <p class="noindent">produces a format file.
-<!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Invoking-Eplain"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Installation">Installation</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">3 Invoking Eplain</h2>
-<p><a name="index-Eplain_002c-invoking-18"></a>The simplest way to use Eplain is simply to put:
-<pre class="example"> \input eplain
- <p class="noindent">at the beginning of your input file. The macro file is small
-enough that reading it does not take an unbearably long time&mdash;at least on
-contemporary machines.
- <p>In addition, if a format (<samp><span class="file">.fmt</span></samp>)
-<a name="index-g_t_002efmt-_0040r_007bfile_007d-19"></a>file has been created for Eplain (see the previous section), you can
-eliminate the time spent reading the macro source file. You do this
-by responding <code>&amp;eplain</code> to TeX's `<samp><span class="samp">**</span></samp>' prompt. For
-<pre class="example"> initex
- This is TeX, ...
- **&amp;eplain myfile
- <p>Depending on the implementation of TeX which you are using, you might
-also be able to invoke TeX as <samp><span class="file">eplain</span></samp> and have the format file
-automatically read.
- <p>If you write something which you will be distributing to others, you
-won't know if the Eplain format will be loaded already. If it is, then
-doing <code>\input eplain</code> will waste time; if it isn't, then you must
-load it. To solve this, Eplain defines the control sequence
-<a name="index-eplain-20"></a>to be the letter <code>t</code> (a convention borrowed from Lisp; it doesn't
-actually matter what the definition is, only that the definition
-exists). Therefore, you can do the following:
-<pre class="example"> \ifx\eplain\undefined \input eplain \fi
- <p class="noindent">where <code>\undefined</code> must never acquire a definition.
- <p>Eplain consists of several source files:
- <dl>
-<dt><samp><span class="file">xeplain.tex</span></samp><dd>most of the macros;
- <br><dt><samp><span class="file">arrow.tex</span></samp><dd>commutative diagram macros (see <a href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>), written by
-Steven Smith;
- <br><dt><samp><span class="file">btxmac.tex</span></samp><dd>bibliography-related macros (see <a href="#Citations">Citations</a>);
- <br><dt><samp><span class="file">ifpdf.sty</span></samp><dd>sets the switch <code>\ifpdf</code>, which can be used to
-detect pdfTeX in PDF mode (see <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a>), written
-by Heiko Oberdiek;
- <br><dt><samp><span class="file">path.sty</span></samp><dd>macro for allowing line breaks at punctuation characters within long
-pathnames, electronic mail addresses, etc., (see <a href="#Paths">Paths</a>), written
-by Philip Taylor;
- <br><dt><samp><span class="file">texnames.sty</span></samp><dd>abbreviations for various TeX-related names (see <a href="#Logos">Logos</a>), edited
-by Nelson Beebe.
- </dl>
-<p class="noindent">The file <samp><span class="file">eplain.tex</span></samp> is all of these files merged
-together, with comments removed.
- <p>All of these files except <samp><span class="file">xeplain.tex</span></samp> can be input individually,
-if all you want are the definitions in that file.
- <p>Also, since the bibliography macros are fairly extensive, you might not
-want to load them, to conserve TeX's memory. Therefore, if the
-control sequence <code>\nobibtex</code>
-<a name="index-nobibtex-21"></a>is defined, then the bibliography definitions are skipped. You must set
-<code>\nobibtex</code> before <samp><span class="file">eplain.tex</span></samp> is read, naturally. For
-example, you could start your input file like this:
-<pre class="example"> \let\nobibtex = t
- \input eplain
- <p>By default, <code>\nobibtex</code> is undefined, and so the bibliography
-definitions <em>are</em> made.
- <p><a name="index-noarrow-22"></a>Likewise, define <code>\noarrow</code> if you don't want to include the
-commutative diagram macros from <samp><span class="file">arrow.tex</span></samp>, perhaps because you
-already have conflicting ones.
- <p>If you don't want to read or write an <samp><span class="file">aux</span></samp> file at all, for any
-kind of cross-referencing, define <code>\noauxfile</code>
-<a name="index-noauxfile-23"></a>before reading <samp><span class="file">eplain.tex</span></samp>. This also turns off all warnings
-about undefined labels.
- <p><a name="index-amsppt_002esty-24"></a><a name="index-AMS_0040TeX_007b_007d-conflicts-25"></a>Eplain conflicts with AMSTeX (to be precise, with <samp><span class="file">amsppt.sty</span></samp>):
-the macros <code>\cite</code> and <code>\ref</code> are defined by both.
- <p>If you want to use AMSTeX's <code>\cite</code>, the solution is to define
-<code>\nobibtex</code> before reading Eplain, as described above.
- <p>If you have <samp><span class="file">amsppt.sty</span></samp> loaded and use <code>\ref</code>, Eplain writes
-a warning on your terminal. If you want to use the AMSTeX
-<code>\ref</code>, do <code>\let\ref = \amsref</code> after reading Eplain.
-To avoid the warning, do <code>\let\ref = \eplainref</code> after reading
-Eplain and before using <code>\ref</code>.
- <p><a name="index-texi2dvi-26"></a><a name="index-bibtex-27"></a><a name="index-makeindex-28"></a>Sometimes you may need to run TeX more then once on your
-<samp><span class="file">.tex</span></samp> file in order to produce and typeset indexes, resolve
-undefined cross-references and/or citations. The shell script
-<samp><span class="command">texi2dvi</span></samp> from the Texinfo documentation system (see
-<a href=""></a>) can automate this process:
-it runs BibTeX, MakeIndex and TeX as many times as needed to
-complete the compilation process. You will need to set the
-<samp><span class="env">LATEX</span></samp> environment variable to `<samp><span class="samp">tex</span></samp>'. For example, in a
-Bourne-compatible shell, the following command will do all the work:
-<pre class="example"> prompt$ LATEX=tex texi2dvi file.tex
- <p><a name="index-pdftex-29"></a>(Despite the name, <samp><span class="command">texi2dvi</span></samp> can also produce
-<samp><span class="file">.pdf</span></samp> files; just set `<samp><span class="samp">LATEX=pdftex</span></samp>'.) See the output from
-the command <samp><span class="command">texi2dvi --help</span></samp> for invoking information and a
-full list of options.
-<!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="User-definitions"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">4 User definitions</h2>
-<p>This chapter describes definitions that are meant to be used directly
-in a document. When appropriate, ways to change the default
-formatting are described in subsections.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a>: Tracing information.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Rules">Rules</a>: Changing the default rule dimensions.
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Citations">Citations</a>: Using BibTeX and Eplain to make bibliographies.
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Displays">Displays</a>: Changing the formatting of math displays.
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a>: Producing the time of day.
-<li><a accesskey="6" href="#Lists">Lists</a>: Producing numbered and unordered lists.
-<li><a accesskey="7" href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a>: Producing text just as it appears.
-<li><a accesskey="8" href="#Contents">Contents</a>: Making a table of contents.
-<li><a accesskey="9" href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>: Symbolic references to equations, figures, etc.
-<li><a href="#Page-references">Page references</a>: Symbolic references to page numbers.
-<li><a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>: Symbolic references to equation numbers.
-<li><a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>: Creating and typesetting indexes.
-<li><a href="#Justification">Justification</a>: Ragged left, ragged right, centered.
-<li><a href="#Tables">Tables</a>: Producing ordered tables.
-<li><a href="#Margins">Margins</a>: Changing the margins directly.
-<li><a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a>: Getting output in two columns.
-<li><a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a>: Autonumbered footnotes; changing formatting.
-<li><a href="#Fractions">Fractions</a>: A better way to produce fractions in text.
-<li><a href="#Paths">Paths</a>: Allowing line breaks in pathnames.
-<li><a href="#Logos">Logos</a>: Various logos.
-<li><a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a>: Producing filled or open rectangles.
-<li><a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a>: Checking for pdfTeX in PDF mode.
-<li><a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a>: Support for LaTeX packages under plain TeX.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Diagnostics"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Rules">Rules</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.1 Diagnostics</h3>
-<p><a name="index-diagnostics-30"></a><a name="index-tracing-31"></a>Plain TeX provides the <code>\tracingall</code> command, to turn on the
-maximum amount of tracing possible in TeX. The (usually voluminous)
-output from <code>\tracingall</code> goes both on the terminal and into the
-transcript file.
-<a name="index-tracingall-32"></a>It is sometimes easier to have the output go only to the transcript
-file, so you can peruse it at your leisure and not obscure other output
-to the terminal. So, Eplain provides the command <code>\loggingall</code>.
-<a name="index-loggingall-33"></a>(For some reason, this command is available in Metafont, but not in
- <p>It is also sometimes useful to see the complete contents of boxes.
-<code>\tracingboxes</code> does this. (It doesn't affect whether or not the
-<a name="index-tracingboxes-34"></a>are shown on the terminal.)
- <p>You can turn off all tracing with <code>\tracingoff</code>.
-<a name="index-tracingoff-35"></a>
-You can also turn logging on and off globally, so you don't have to
-worry about whether or not you're inside a group at the time of command.
-These variants are named <code>\gloggingall</code>
-<a name="index-gloggingall-36"></a>and <code>\gtracingall</code>.
-<a name="index-gtracingall-37"></a>
-Finally, if you write your own help messages (see <code>\newhelp</code>
-<a name="index-help-messages-38"></a><a name="index-error-messages-39"></a>in <cite>The TeXbook</cite>), you want a convenient way to break lines in
-them. This is what TeX's <code>\newlinechar</code> parameter is for;
-<a name="index-newlinechar-40"></a>however, plain TeX doesn't set <code>\newlinechar</code>. Therefore,
-Eplain defines it to be the character <code>^^J</code>.
- <p>For example, one of Eplain's own error messages is defined as follows:
-<pre class="example"> \newhelp\envhelp{Perhaps you forgot to end the previous^^J%
- environment? I'm finishing off the current group,^^J%
- hoping that will fix it.}%
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Rules"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Citations">Citations</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.2 Rules</h3>
-<p>The default dimensions of rules are defined in chapter&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->21 of the
-<cite>The TeXbook</cite>. To sum up what is given there, the &ldquo;thickness&rdquo;
-of rules is
-<a name="index-rule-thickness-41"></a>0.4pt by default. Eplain defines three parameters that let you change
-this dimension: <code>\hruledefaultheight</code>, <code>\hruledefaultdepth</code>,
-<a name="index-hruledefaultheight-42"></a><a name="index-hruledefaultdepth-43"></a>and <code>\vruledefaultwidth</code>. By default, they are defined as
-<a name="index-vruledefaultwidth-44"></a><cite>The TeXbook</cite> describes.
- <p>But it would be wrong to redefine <code>\hrule</code> and <code>\vrule</code>. For
-one thing, some macros in plain TeX depend on the default dimensions
-being used; for another, rules are used quite heavily, and the
-performance impact of making it a macro can be noticeable. Therefore,
-to take advantage of the default rule parameters, you must use
-<a name="index-ehrule-45"></a>and <code>\evrule</code>.
-<a name="index-evrule-46"></a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Citations"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Displays">Displays</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Rules">Rules</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.3 Citations</h3>
-<p><a name="index-citations-47"></a><a name="index-bibliographies-48"></a>Bibliographies are part of almost every technical document. To handle
-them easily, you need two things: a program to do the tedious
-formatting, and a way to cite references by labels, rather than by
-numbers. The BibTeX program, written by Oren Patashnik, takes care
-<a name="index-Bib_0040TeX_007b_007d-49"></a><a name="index-Patashnik_002c-Oren-50"></a>of the first item; the citation commands in LaTeX, written to be used
-<a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-51"></a>with BibTeX, take care of the second. Therefore,
-Eplain adopts the use of BibTeX, and virtually the same interface as
- <p>The general idea is that you put citation commands in the text of your
-document, and commands saying where the bibliography data is. When you
-run TeX, these commands produce output on the file with the same root
-name as your document (by default) and the extension <samp><span class="file">.aux</span></samp>.
-<a name="index-g_t_002eaux-_0040r_007bfile_007d-52"></a><a name="index-jobname-53"></a>BibTeX reads this file. You should put the bibliography data in a
-file or files with the extension <samp><span class="file">.bib</span></samp>. BibTeX writes out a
-file with the same root
-<a name="index-g_t_002ebib-_0040r_007bfile_007d-54"></a>name as your document and extension <samp><span class="file">.bbl</span></samp>. Eplain reads this file
-<a name="index-g_t_002ebbl-_0040r_007bfile_007d-55"></a>the next time you run your document through TeX. (It takes
-multiple passes to get everything straight, because usually after seeing
-your bibliography typeset, you want to make changes in the <samp><span class="file">.bib</span></samp>
-file, which means you have to run BibTeX again, which means you have
-to run TeX again<small class="dots">...</small>) An annotated example of the whole process is
-given below.
- <p>If your document has more than one bibliography&mdash;for example, if it
-is a collection of papers&mdash;you can tell Eplain to use a different root
-name for the <samp><span class="file">.bbl</span></samp> file by defining the control sequence
-<a name="index-bblfilebasename-56"></a>The default definition is simply <code>\jobname</code>.
- <p>See the document <cite>BibTeXing</cite> (whose text is in the file
-<samp><span class="file">btxdoc.tex</span></samp>, which should be in the Eplain distribution you got)
-for information on how to write your <tt>.bib</tt> files. Both the
-BibTeX and the Eplain distributions contain several examples, also.
- <p>The <code>\cite</code>
-<a name="index-cite-57"></a>command produces a citation in the text of your document. The exact
-printed form the citation will take is under your control;
-see <a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a>. <code>\cite</code> takes one
-required argument, a comma-separated list of cross-reference labels
-(see <a href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>, for exactly what characters are allowed in
-such labels). Warning: spaces in this list are taken as part of the
-following label name, which is probably not what you expect.
-<a name="index-citations_002c-undefined-58"></a>The <code>\cite</code> command also produces a command
-in the <tt>.aux</tt> file that tells BibTeX to retrieve the given reference(s)
-from the <tt>.bib</tt> file. <code>\cite</code> also takes one optional argument,
-which you specify within square brackets, as in LaTeX. This text is
-simply typeset after the citations. (See the example below.)
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links for citations pointing to the relevant
-bibliography entries; see <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a>.
- <p>Another command, <code>\nocite</code>,
-<a name="index-nocite-59"></a>puts the given reference(s) into the bibliography, but produces nothing
-in the text.
- <p>The <code>\bibliography</code>
-<a name="index-bibliography-60"></a>command is next. It serves two purposes: producing the typeset
-bibliography, and telling BibTeX the root names of the <tt>.bib</tt>
-files. Therefore, the argument to <code>\bibliography</code> is a comma
-separated list of the <tt>.bib</tt> files (without the `<samp><span class="samp">.bib</span></samp>'). Again,
-spaces in this list are significant.
- <p>You tell BibTeX the particular style in which you want your
-bibliography typeset with one more command:
-<a name="index-bibliographystyle-61"></a>The argument to this is a single filename <var>style</var>, which tells
-BibTeX to look for a file <var>style</var><tt>.bst</tt>.
-<a name="index-g_t_002ebst-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-62"></a>See the document <cite>Designing BibTeX styles</cite> (whose text is in the
-<samp><span class="file">btxhak.tex</span></samp>) for information on how to write your own styles.
- <p>Eplain automatically reads the citations from the <tt>.aux</tt> file when
-your job starts.
- <p>If you don't want to see the messages about undefined citations, you
-can say <code>\xrefwarningfalse</code> before making any citations.
-<a name="index-xrefwarningfalse-63"></a>Eplain automatically does this if the <tt>.aux</tt> file does not exist.
-You can restore the default by saying <code>\xrefwarningtrue</code>.
- <p>Here is a TeX input file that illustrates the various commands.
-<pre class="example"> \input eplain % Reads the .aux file.
- Two citations to Knuthian works:
- \cite[note]{surreal,concrete-math}.
- \beginsection{References.}\par % Title for the bibliography.
- \bibliography{knuth} % Use knuth.bib for the labels.
- \bibliographystyle{plain} % Number the references.
- \end % End of the document.
- <p><a name="index-Knuth_002c-Donald-Ervin-64"></a><a name="index-Graham_002c-Ronald-L_002e-65"></a><a name="index-numbered-references-66"></a><a name="index-references_002c-numbered-67"></a>
-If we suppose that this file was named <samp><span class="file">citex.tex</span></samp> and that the
-bibliography data is in <samp><span class="file">knuth.bib</span></samp> (as the <code>\bibliography</code>
-command says), the following commands do what's required. (`<samp><span class="samp">$ </span></samp>'
-represents the shell prompt.)
-<pre class="example"> $ tex citex (produces undefined citation messages)
- $ bibtex citex (read knuth.bib and citex.aux, write citex.bbl)
- $ tex citex (read citex.bbl, still have undefined citations)
- $ tex citex (one more time, to resolve the references)
- <p><a name="index-texi2dvi-68"></a>(The <samp><span class="command">texi2dvi</span></samp> program can help you automate this
-process, see <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a>.)
- <p>The output looks something like (because we used the <tt>plain</tt>
-bibliography style):
- <blockquote>
-Two citations to Knuthian works: [2,1 note].
- <p><b>References</b>
- <p>[1] Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, and Oren Patashnik. <i>Concrete
-Mathematics</i>. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1989.
- <p>[2] Donald E. Knuth. <i>Surreal Numbers</i>. Addison-Wesley, Reading,
-Massachusetts, 1974.
- <p>See the BibTeX documentation for information on how to write the
-bibliography databases, and the bibliography styles that are available.
-(If you want your references printed with names, as in [Knu74], instead
-of numbered, the bibliography style is <code>alpha</code>.)
-<a name="index-alphanumeric-references-69"></a><a name="index-references_002c-alphanumeric-70"></a>
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a>: Changing the way citations are printed.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a>: Changing the way bibliographies are printed.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Formatting-citations"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Citations">Citations</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.3.1 Formatting citations</h4>
-<p><a name="index-citations_002c-formatting-71"></a>
-You may wish to change Eplain's formatting of citations; i.e., the
-result of your <code>\cite</code> commands. By default, the citation labels
-are printed one after another, separated by commas and enclosed in
-brackets, using the main text font. Some formats require other styles,
-such as superscripted labels. You can accomodate such formats by
-redefining the following macros.
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\printcitestart</code><br><dt><code>\printcitefinish</code><dd><a name="index-printcitestart-72"></a><a name="index-printcitefinish-73"></a>Eplain expands these macros at the begining and end of the list of
-citations for each <code>\cite</code> command. By default, they produce a
-`<samp><span class="samp">[</span></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">]</span></samp>', respectively.
- <br><dt><code>\printbetweencitations</code><dd><a name="index-printbetweencitations-74"></a>If a <code>\cite</code> command has multiple citations, as in
-<code>\cite{acp,texbook}</code>, Eplain expands this macro in between each
-pair of citations. By default, it produces a comma followed by a space.
- <br><dt><code>\printcitenote</code><dd><a name="index-printcitenote-75"></a>This macro takes one argument, which is the optional note to the
-<code>\cite</code> command. If the <code>\cite</code> command had no note, this
-macro isn't used. Otherwise, it should print the note. By default, the
-note is preceded with a comma and a space.
- <p>Here is an example, showing you could produce citations as
-superscripted labels, with the optional notes in parentheses.
-<pre class="example"> \def\printcitestart{\unskip $^\bgroup}
- \def\printbetweencitations{,}
- \def\printcitefinish{\egroup$}
- \def\printcitenote#1{\hbox{\sevenrm\space (#1)}}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Formatting-bibliographies"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Citations">Citations</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.3.2 Formatting bibliographies</h4>
-<p><a name="index-bibliography_002c-formatting-the-76"></a>
-You may wish to change Eplain's formatting of the bibliography,
-especially with respect to the fonts that are used. Therefore, Eplain
-provides the following control sequences:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\biblabelwidth</code><dd><a name="index-biblabelwidth-77"></a>This control sequence represents a <code>\dimen</code> register, and its value
-is the width of the widest label in the bibliography. Although it is
-unlikely you will ever want to redefine it, you might want
-to use it if you redefine <code>\biblabelprint</code>, below.
- <br><dt><code>\biblabelprint</code><dd><a name="index-biblabelprint-78"></a>This macro takes one argument, the label to print. By default, the
-label is put in a box of width <code>\biblabelwidth</code>, and is followed by
-an enspace. When you want to change the spacing around the labels, this
-is the right macro to redefine.
- <br><dt><code>\biblabelcontents</code><dd><a name="index-biblabelcontents-79"></a>This macro also takes one argument, the label to print. By default, the
-label is printed using the font <code>\bblrm</code> (below), and enclosed in
-brackets. When you want to change the appearance of the label, but not
-the spacing around it, this is the right macro to redefine.
- <br><dt><code>\bblrm</code><dd><a name="index-bblrm-80"></a><a name="index-bibliography-fonts-81"></a>The default font used for printing the bibliography.
- <br><dt><code>\bblem</code><dd><a name="index-bblem-82"></a>The font used for printing the titles and other &ldquo;emphasized&rdquo; material.
- <br><dt><code>\bblsc</code><dd><a name="index-bblsc-83"></a>In some styles, authors' names are printed in a caps-and-small-caps
-font. In those cases, this font is used.
- <br><dt><code>\bblnewblock</code><dd><a name="index-bblnewblock-84"></a>This is invoked between each of the parts of a bibliography entry. The
-default is to leave some extra space between the parts; you could
-redefine it to start each part on a new line (for example). A part is
-simply a main element of the entry; for example, the author is a part.
-(It was LaTeX that introduced the (misleading, as far as I am
-concerned) term `block' for this.)
- <br><dt><code>\biblabelextraspace</code><dd><a name="index-biblabelextraspace-85"></a>Bibliography entries are typeset with a hanging indentation of
-<code>\biblabelwidth</code> plus this. The default is <code>.5em</code>, where the
-em width is taken from the <code>\bblrm</code> font. If you want to change
-this, you should do it inside <code>\bblhook</code>.
- <br><dt><code>\bblhook</code><dd><a name="index-bblhook-86"></a><a name="index-bibliography-items_002c-extra-space-between-87"></a>This is expanded before reading the <tt>.bbl</tt> file. By
-default, it does nothing. You could, for example, define it to set the
-bibliography fonts, or produce the heading for the references. Two
-spacing parameters must be changed inside <code>\bblhook</code>:
-<code>\parskip</code>, which produces extra space between the items; and
-<code>\biblabelextraspace</code>, which is described above.
-(By the way, <code>\hookappend</code> won't work with <code>\bblhook</code>, despite
-the names. Just use <code>\def</code>.)
- </dl>
- <p>If you are really desperate, you can also hand-edit the <tt>.bbl</tt> file
-that BibTeX produces to do anything you wish.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Displays"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Citations">Citations</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.4 Displays</h3>
-<p><a name="index-displays_002c-left_002djustifying-88"></a><a name="index-mathematics-displays_002c-formatting-89"></a><a name="index-left_002djustification-of-displays-90"></a>
-By default, TeX centers displayed material. (Displayed material is
-just whatever you put between <code>$$</code>'s&mdash;it's not necessarily
-mathematics.) Many layouts would be better served if the displayed
-material was left-justified. Therefore, Eplain provides the command
-<a name="index-leftdisplays-91"></a>which indents displayed material by <code>\parindent</code> plus
-<code>\leftskip</code>, plus <code>\leftdisplayindent</code>.
-<a name="index-leftdisplayindent-92"></a>
-You can go back to centering displays with <code>\centereddisplays</code>.
-<a name="index-centereddisplays-93"></a>(It is usually poor typography to have both centered and left-justified
-displays in a single publication, though.)
- <p><code>\leftdisplays</code> also changes the plain TeX commands that deal
-with alignments inside math displays,
-<a name="index-displaylines-94"></a><code>\eqalignno</code>,
-<a name="index-eqalignno-95"></a>and <code>\leqalignno</code>,
-<a name="index-leqalignno-96"></a>to produce left-justified text. You can still override this formatting
-by inserting <code>\hfill</code> glue, as explained in <cite>The TeXbook</cite>.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Formatting-displays">Formatting displays</a>: General formatting of displays.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Formatting-displays"></a>
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Displays">Displays</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.4.1 Formatting displays</h4>
-<p>If you want some other kind of formatting, you can write a definition
-of your own, analogous to <code>\leftdisplays</code>. You need only make sure
-that <code>\leftdisplaysetup</code>
-<a name="index-leftdisplaysetup-97"></a>is called at the beginning of every display (presumably by invoking it
-in TeX's <code>\everydisplay</code> parameter), and to define
-<a name="index-generaldisplay-98"></a>
-<code>\leftdisplays</code> expands the old value of <code>\everydisplay</code>
-before calling <code>\leftdisplaysetup</code>, so that any changes you have made
-to it won't be lost. That old token list as available as the value of
-the token register <code>\previouseverydisplay</code>.
-<a name="index-previouseverydisplay-99"></a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Time-of-day"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Lists">Lists</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Displays">Displays</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.5 Time of day</h3>
-<p><a name="index-time-of-day-100"></a><a name="index-date-101"></a>
-TeX provides the day, month, and year as numeric quantities (unless
-your TeX implementation is woefully deficient). Eplain provides some
-control sequences to make them a little more friendly to humans.
- <p><code>\monthname</code>
-<a name="index-monthname-102"></a>produces the name of the current month, abbreviated to three letters.
- <p><code>\fullmonthname</code>
-<a name="index-fullmonthname-103"></a>produces the name of the current month, unabbreviated (in English).
- <p><code>\timestring</code>
-<a name="index-timestring-104"></a>produces the current time, as in `1:14 p.m.'
- <p><code>\timestamp</code>
-<a name="index-timestamp-105"></a>produces the current date and time, as in `23 Apr 64 1:14 p.m.'.
-(Except the spacing is slightly different.)
- <p><code>\today</code>
-<a name="index-today-106"></a>produces the current date, as in `23 April 1964'.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Lists"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.6 Lists</h3>
-<p><a name="index-lists-107"></a><a name="index-numbered-lists-108"></a><a name="index-ordered-list-109"></a><a name="index-unordered-lists-110"></a>
-Many documents require lists of items, either numbered or simply
-enumerated. Plain TeX defines one macro to help with creating lists,
-<code>\item</code>, but that is insufficient in many cases. Therefore,
-Eplain provides two pairs of commands:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\numberedlist ... \endnumberedlist</code><br><dt><code>\orderedlist ... \endorderedlist</code><dd><a name="index-numberedlist-111"></a><a name="index-endnumberedlist-112"></a><a name="index-orderedlist-113"></a><a name="index-endorderedlist-114"></a>These commands (they are synonyms) produce a list with the items
-numbered sequentially, starting from one. A nested <code>\numberedlist</code>
-labels the items with lowercase letters, starting with `a'. Another
-nested <code>\numberedlist</code> labels the items with roman numerals. Yet
-more deeply nested numbered lists label items with `<samp><span class="samp">*</span></samp>'.
- <br><dt><code>\unorderedlist ... \endunorderedlist</code><dd><a name="index-unorderedlist-115"></a><a name="index-endunorderedlist-116"></a>This produces a list with the items labelled with small black boxes
-(&ldquo;square bullets&rdquo;). A nested <code>\unorderedlist</code> labels items with
-em-dashes. Doubly (and deeper) nested unordered lists label items with
- </dl>
- <p>The two kinds of lists can be nested within each other, as well.
- <p>In both kinds of lists, you begin an item with <code>\li</code>.
-<a name="index-li-117"></a>An item may continue for several paragraphs. Each item starts a
- <p>You can give <code>\li</code> an optional argument, a cross-reference label.
-It's defined to be the &ldquo;marker&rdquo; for the current item. This is useful
-if the list items are numbered. You can produce the value of the label
-with <code>\xrefn</code>. See <a href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>.
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links for the markers produced by
-<code>\xrefn</code> pointing to the relevant list item; see <a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a>.
- <p>You can also say <code>\listcompact</code>
-<a name="index-listcompact-118"></a>right after <code>\numberedlist</code> or <code>\unorderedlist</code>. The items in
-the list will then not have any extra space between them
-(see <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a>). You might want to do this if the items in
-this particular list are short.
- <p>Here is an example:
-<pre class="example"> \numberedlist\listcompact
- \li The first item.
- \li The second item.
- The second paragraph of the second item.
- \endnumberedlist
- <ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a>: Changing how the lists look.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Formatting-lists"></a>
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Lists">Lists</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.6.1 Formatting lists</h4>
-<p><a name="index-lists_002c-formatting-119"></a>
-Several registers define the spacing associated with lists. It is
-likely that their default values won't suit your particular layout.
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\abovelistskipamount, \belowlistskipamount</code><dd><a name="index-abovelistskipamount-120"></a><a name="index-belowlistskipamount-121"></a>The vertical glue inserted before and after every list, respectively.
- <br><dt><code>\interitemskipamount</code><dd><a name="index-interitemskipamount-122"></a>The vertical glue inserted before each item except the first.
-<code>\listcompact</code> resets this to zero, as mentioned above.
- <br><dt><code>\listleftindent, \listrightindent</code><dd><a name="index-listleftindent-123"></a><a name="index-listrightindent-124"></a><code>\listrightindent</code> is the amount of space by which the list is
-indented on the right; i.e., it is added to <code>\rightskip</code>.
-<code>\listleftindent</code> is the amount of space, <em>relative to</em>
-<code>\parindent</code>, by which the list is indented on the left. Why treat
-the two parameters differently? Because (a)&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->it is more useful to
-make the list indentation depend on the paragraph indentation;
-(b)&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->footnotes aren't formatted right if <code>\parindent</code> is reset
-to zero.
- </dl>
- <p>The three vertical glues are inserted by macros, and preceded by
-penalties: <code>\abovelistskip</code>
-<a name="index-abovelistskip-125"></a>does <code>\vpenalty\abovelistpenalty</code>
-<a name="index-abovelistpenalty-126"></a>and then <code>\vskip\abovelistskip</code>. <code>\belowlistskip</code>
-<a name="index-belowlistskip-127"></a>and <code>\interitemskip</code>
-<a name="index-interitemskip-128"></a>are analogous.
- <p>In addition, the macro <code>\listmarkerspace</code>
-<a name="index-listmarkerspace-129"></a>is called to separate the item label from the item text. This is set to
-<code>\enspace</code> by default.
- <p>If you want to change the labels on the items, you can redefine these
-<a name="index-numberedmarker-130"></a>or <code>\unorderedmarker</code>.
-<a name="index-unorderedmarker-131"></a>The following registers might be useful if you do:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\numberedlistdepth, \unorderedlistdepth</code><dd><a name="index-numberedlistdepth-132"></a><a name="index-unorderedlistdepth-133"></a>These keep track of the depth of nesting of the two kinds of lists.
- <br><dt><code>\itemnumber, \itemletter</code><dd><a name="index-itemnumber-134"></a><a name="index-itemletter-135"></a>These keep track of the number of items that have been seen in the current
-numbered list. They are both integer registers. The difference is that
-<code>\itemnumber</code> starts at one, and <code>\itemletter</code> starts at 97,
-i.e., lowercase `a'.
- </dl>
- <p>You can also redefine the control sequences that are used internally,
-if you want to do something radically different: <code>\beginlist</code>
-<a name="index-beginlist-136"></a>is invoked to begin both kinds of lists; <code>\printitem</code>
-<a name="index-printitem-137"></a>is invoked to print the label (and space following the label) for each
-item; and <code>\endlist</code>
-<a name="index-endlist-138"></a>is invoked to end both kinds of
-<a name="index-item-labels_002c-changing-139"></a><a name="index-labels-on-items_002c-changing-140"></a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Verbatim-listing"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Contents">Contents</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Lists">Lists</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.7 Verbatim listing</h3>
-<p><a name="index-verbatim-listing-141"></a><a name="index-listing-files-142"></a><a name="index-files_002c-verbatim-listing-of-143"></a>It is sometimes useful to include a file verbatim in your document;
-for example, part of a computer program. The <code>\listing</code>
-<a name="index-listing-144"></a>command is given one argument, a filename, and produces the contents of
-that file in your document. <code>\listing</code> expands <code>\listingfont</code>
-to set the current font. The default value of <code>\listingfont</code>
-<a name="index-listingfont-145"></a>is <code>\tt</code>.
- <p>You can take arbitrary actions before reading the file by defining the macro
-<a name="index-setuplistinghook-146"></a>This is expanded just before the file is input.
- <p>If you want to have line numbers on the output, you can say
-<code>\let\setuplistinghook = \linenumberedlisting</code>.
-<a name="index-linenumberedlisting-147"></a>The line numbers are stored in the count register <code>\lineno</code> while
-the file is being read. You can redefine the macro
-<code>\printlistinglineno</code> to change how they are printed.
- <p>You can produce in-line verbatim text in your document with <code>\verbatim</code>.
-<a name="index-verbatim-148"></a>End the text with <code>|endverbatim</code>. If you need a `<samp><span class="samp">|</span></samp>' in the text,
-double it. If the first character of the verbatim text is a space, use
-<code>| </code>. (<code>| </code> will work elsewhere in the argument, too, but
-isn't necessary.)
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \verbatim| ||\#%&amp;!|endverbatim
- <p class="noindent">produces <code> |\#%&amp;!</code>.
- <p>Line breaks and spaces in the verbatim text are preserved.
- <p><a name="index-verbatimescapechar-149"></a><a name="index-escape-character_002c-changing-verbatim-150"></a>You can change the verbatim escape character from the default `<samp><span class="samp">|</span></samp>'
-with <code>\verbatimescapechar </code><var>char</var>; for example, this changes
-it to `<samp><span class="samp">@</span></samp>'.
-<pre class="example"> \verbatimescapechar \@
- <p class="noindent">The backslash is not necessary in some cases, but is in
-others, depending on the catcode of the character. The argument to
-<code>\verbatimescapechar</code> is used as <code>\catcode `</code><var>char</var>, so
-the exact rules follow that for <code>\catcode</code>.
- <p>Because <code>\verbatim</code> must change the category code of special
-characters, calling inside a macro definition of your own does not work
-properly. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\mymacro{\verbatim &amp;#%|endverbatim}% Doesn't work!
- <p>To accomplish this, you must change the category codes yourself before
-making the macro definition. Perhaps <code>\uncatcodespecials</code> will
-help you (see <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a>).
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Contents"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.8 Contents</h3>
-<p><a name="index-table-of-contents-151"></a><a name="index-contents-152"></a>
-Producing a table of contents that is both useful and aesthetic is one
-of the most difficult design problems in any work. Naturally, Eplain
-does not pretend to solve the design problem. Collecting the raw data
-for a table of contents, however, is much the same across documents.
-Eplain uses an auxiliary file with extension <samp><span class="file">.toc</span></samp>
-<a name="index-g_t_002etoc-_0040r_007bfile_007d-153"></a>(and the same root name as your document) to save the information.
- <p>To write an entry for the table of contents, you say
-<a name="index-writetocentry-154"></a>where <var>part</var> is the type of part this entry is, e.g.,
-`<samp><span class="samp">chapter</span></samp>', and <var>text</var> is the text of the title.
-<code>\writetocentry</code> puts an entry into the <tt>.toc</tt> file that looks
-<a name="index-toc_0040dots_007b_007dentry-155"></a>like <code>\toc</code><var>part</var><code>entry{</code><var>text</var><code>}{</code><var>page number</var><code>}</code>. The
-<var>text</var> is written unexpanded.
- <p><a name="index-writenumberedtocentry-156"></a>A related command, <code>\writenumberedtocentry</code>, takes one additional
-argument, the first token of which is expanded at the point of the
-<code>\writenumberedtocentry</code>, but the rest of the argument is not
-expanded. The usual application is when the parts of the document are
-numbered. On the other hand, the one-level expansion allows you to use
-the argument for other things as well (author's names in a proceedings,
-say), and not have accents or other control sequences expanded. The
-downside is that if you <em>want</em> full expansion of the third
-argument, you don't get it&mdash;you must expand it yourself, before you
-call <code>\writenumberedtocentry</code>.
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \writenumberedtocentry{chapter}{A $\sin$ wave}{\the\chapno}
- \writetocentry{section}{A section title}
- <p class="noindent">Supposing <code>\the\chapno</code> expanded to `<samp><span class="samp">3</span></samp>' and that the
-<code>\write</code>'s occurred on pages eight and nine, respectively, the
-above writes the following to the <tt>.toc</tt> file:
-<pre class="example"> \tocchapterentry{A $\sin$ wave}{3}{8}
- \tocsectionentry{A section title}{9}
- <p><a name="index-readtocfile-157"></a>You read the <tt>.toc</tt> file with the command <code>\readtocfile</code>.
-Naturally, whatever <code>\toc... entry</code> commands that were written
-to the file must be defined when <code>\readtocfile</code> is invoked. Eplain
-has minimal definitions for <code>\tocchapterentry</code>,
-<code>\tocsectionentry</code>, and <code>\tocsubsectionentry</code>, just to prevent
-undefined control sequence errors in common cases. They aren't suitable
-for anything but preliminary proofs.
- <p>Each of <code>\writetocentry</code> and <code>\writenumberedtocentry</code> opens
-the <tt>.toc</tt> file for writing, thereby deleting the information from the
-previous run. You should therefore arrange that <code>\readtocfile</code> be
-called <em>before</em> the first call to a <code>\writetoc...</code> macro.
-<code>\readtocfile</code> does not itself delete the information
-from the <tt>.toc</tt> file, so that you can call it several times,
-e.g., to create both a short
-<a name="index-table-of-contents_002c-short-158"></a>and normal table of contents. (To produce this in particular, define
-<code>\tocsectionentry</code> to produce nothing while you are reading
-<tt>.toc</tt> file for a short table of contents (see <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a>).)
- <p>On the other hand, if you don't want to rewrite the <tt>.toc</tt> file at
-all, perhaps because you are only running TeX on part of your
-manuscript, you can set <code>\rewritetocfilefalse</code>.
-<a name="index-ifrewritetocfile-159"></a><a name="index-rewritetocfile-_0040r_007b_0028conditional_0029_007d-160"></a>
-By default, the <samp><span class="file">.toc</span></samp> file has the root <code>\jobname</code>. If your
-document has more than one contents&mdash;for example, if it is a collection
-of papers, some of which have their own contents&mdash;you can tell Eplain
-to use a different root name by defining the control sequence
-<a name="index-tocfilebasename-161"></a>
-<a name="index-list-of-figures-162"></a><a name="index-list-of-tables-163"></a><a name="index-definecontentsfile-164"></a>In addition to the usual table of contents, you may want to have a list
-of figures, list of tables, or other such contents-like list. You can do
-this with <code>\definecontentsfile{</code><var>abbrev</var><code>}</code>. All of the
-above commands are actually a special case that Eplain predefines with
-<pre class="example"> \definecontentsfile{toc}
- <p class="noindent">The <var>abbrev</var> is used both for the file extension and in
-the control sequence names.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Cross-references"></a>
-<a name="Cross_002dreferences"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Page-references">Page references</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Contents">Contents</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.9 Cross-references</h3>
-<p><a name="index-cross_002dreferences-165"></a>It is often useful to refer the reader to other parts of your document;
-but putting literal page, section, equation, or whatever numbers in the
-text is certainly a bad thing.
- <p>Eplain therefore provides commands for symbolic cross-references. It
-uses an auxiliary file with extension <tt>.aux</tt>
-<a name="index-g_t_002eaux-_0040r_007bfile_007d-166"></a>(and the same root name as your document) to keep track of the
-information. Therefore, it takes two passes to get the cross-references
-right&mdash;one to write them out, and one to read them in. Eplain
-automatically reads the <tt>.aux</tt> file at the first reference; after
-reading it, Eplain reopens it for writing.
- <p>You can control whether or not Eplain warns you about undefined
-labels. See <a href="#Citations">Citations</a>.
- <p><a name="index-labels_002c-characters-valid-in-167"></a>Labels in Eplain's cross-reference commands can use characters of
-category code eleven (letter), twelve (other), ten (space), three (math
-shift), four (alignment tab), seven (superscript), or eight (subscript).
-For example, `<samp><span class="samp">(a1 $&amp;^_</span></samp>' is a valid label (assuming the category
-codes of plain TeX), but `<samp><span class="samp">%#\{</span></samp>' has no valid characters.
- <p>You can also do symbolic cross-references for bibliographic citations
-and list items. See <a href="#Citations">Citations</a>, and <a href="#Lists">Lists</a>.
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links for the cross-references;
-see <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a>.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Defining-generic-references"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.9.1 Defining generic references</h4>
-<p><a name="index-defining-general-references-168"></a><a name="index-references_002c-defining-general-169"></a><a name="index-cross_002dreferences_002c-defining-general-170"></a>
-<a name="index-definexref-171"></a>Eplain provides the command <code>\definexref</code> for general
-cross-references. It takes three arguments: the name of the label (see
-section above for valid label names), the value of the label (which can
-be anything), and the &ldquo;class&rdquo; of the reference&mdash;whether it's a
-section, or theorem, or what. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \definexref{sec-intro}{3.1}{section}
- <p class="noindent">Of course, the label value is usually generated by another
-macro using TeX count registers or some such.
- <p><code>\definexref</code> doesn't actually define <var>label</var>; instead, it
-writes out the definition to the <tt>.aux</tt> file, where Eplain will read
-it on the next TeX run.
- <p>The <var>class</var> argument is used by the <code>\ref</code> and <code>\refs</code>
-commands. See the next section.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Using-generic-references"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.9.2 Using generic references</h4>
-<p><a name="index-defining-general-references-172"></a><a name="index-references_002c-defining-general-173"></a><a name="index-cross_002dreferences_002c-defining-general-174"></a>
-To retrieve the value of the label defined via <code>\definexref</code> (see
-the previous section), Eplain provides the following macros:
-<a name="index-refn-175"></a>
-<dl><dt><code>\refn{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-xrefn-176"></a><br><dt><code>\xrefn{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><code>\refn</code> and <code>\xrefn</code> (they are synonyms) produce the bare
-definition of <var>label</var>. If <var>label</var> isn't defined, issue a
-warning, and produce <var>label</var> itself instead, in typewriter. (The
-warning isn't given if <code>\xrefwarningfalse</code>.)
-<a name="index-xrefwarning-_0040r_007bconditional_007d-177"></a>
-<a name="index-ref-178"></a><br><dt><code>\ref{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd>Given the class <var>c</var> for <var>label</var> (see the description of
-<code>\definexref</code> in the previous section), expand the control sequence
-<code>\</code><var>c</var><code> word</code> (if it's defined) followed by a tie. Then call
-<code>\refn</code> on <var>label</var>. (Example below.)
- <p><a name="index-refs-179"></a><br><dt><code>\refs{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd>Like <code>\ref</code>, but append the letter `<samp><span class="samp">s</span></samp>' to the
- </dl>
- <p>The purpose of the <code>\...word</code> macro is to produce the word
-`Section' or `Figure' or whatever that usually precedes the actual
-reference number.
- <p>Here is an example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\sectionword{Section}
- \definexref{sec-intro}{3.1}{section}
- \definexref{sec-next}{3.2}{section}
- See \refs{sec-intro} and \refn{sec-next} ...
- <p class="noindent">This produces `See Sections 3.1 and 3.2 <small class="dots">...</small>'
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Page-references"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.10 Page references</h3>
-<p>Eplain provides two commands for handling references to page numbers,
-one for definition and one for use.
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\xrdef{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-xrdef-180"></a>Define <var>label</var> to be the current page number. This produces no
-printed output, and ignores following spaces.
- <br><dt><code>\xref{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-xref-181"></a>Produce the text `p.&nbsp;<!-- /@w --><var>pageno</var>', which is the usual form for
-cross-references. The <var>pageno</var> is actually <var>label</var>'s
-definition; if <var>label</var> isn't defined, the text of the label itself
-is printed. The `p.&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->' prefix is defined by <code>\xrefpageword</code>.
-<a name="index-xrefpageword-182"></a>Its default definition is <code>p.\thinspace</code>.
- </dl>
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links for the page references; see <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Equation-references"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Page-references">Page references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.11 Equation references</h3>
-<p><a name="index-equations_002c-references-to-183"></a><a name="index-equations_002c-numbering-184"></a>Instead of referring to pages, it's most useful if equation labels
-refer to equation numbers. Therefore, Eplain reserves a <code>\count</code>
-register, <code>\eqnumber</code>,
-<a name="index-eqnumber-185"></a>for the current equation number, and increments it at each
-numbered equation.
- <p>Here are the commands to define equation labels and then refer to them:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\eqdef{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-eqdef-186"></a>This defines <var>label</var> to be the current value of <code>\eqnumber</code>,
-and, if the current context is not inner, then produces a <code>\eqno</code>
-command. (The condition makes it possible to use <code>\eqdef</code> in an
-<code>\eqalignno</code> construction, for example.) The text of the equation
-number is produced using <code>\eqprint</code>. See <a href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a>.
- <p><a name="index-empty-equation-labels-187"></a><a name="index-labels_002c-empty-equation-188"></a><a name="index-equations_002c-giving-numbers-to-all-189"></a>If <var>label</var> is empty, you still get an equation number (although
-naturally you can't reliably refer to it). This is useful if you want
-to put numbers on all equations in your document, and you don't want to
-think up unique labels.
- <p><a name="index-empty-equation-labels_002c-referring-to-190"></a><a name="index-labels_002c-empty-equation_002c-referring-to-191"></a>To refer to the last equation with the empty label, you just use the
-empty label in one of the equation reference macros (see below). This
-can be handy when you want to refer to an equation shortly after its
-definition, say, in the sentence following the displayed equation, and
-do not intend to refer to the equation later. But use this trick with
-extreme caution: if later you change the text and insert another
-empty definition between the original definition and the reference,
-the reference will start to refer to the new empty-labeled equation.
- <br><dt><code>\eqdefn{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-eqdefn-192"></a>This is like <code>\eqdef</code>, except it always omits the <code>\eqno</code>
-command. It can therefore be used in places where <code>\eqdef</code> can't;
-for example, in a non-displayed equation. The text of the equation
-number is not produced, so you can also use it in the (admittedly
-unusual) circumstance when you want to define an equation label but not
-print that label.
- <br><dt><code>\eqref{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-eqref-193"></a>This produces a formatted reference to <var>label</var>. If <var>label</var> is
-undefined (perhaps because it is a forward reference), it just produces
-the text of the label itself. Otherwise, it calls <code>\eqprint</code>.
- <br><dt><code>\eqrefn{</code><var>label</var><code>}</code><dd><a name="index-eqrefn-194"></a>This produces the cross-reference text for <var>label</var>. That is, it
-is like <code>\eqref</code>, except it doesn't call <code>\eqprint</code>.
- </dl>
- <p><a name="index-equation-labels_002c-characters-valid-in-195"></a>Equation labels can contain the same characters that are valid in
-general cross-references.
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links for the equation references;
-see <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a>.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Formatting-equation-references"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.11.1 Formatting equation references</h4>
-<p><a name="index-equation-numbers_002c-formatting-of-196"></a>Both defining an equation label and referring to it should usually
-produce output. This output is produced with the <code>\eqprint</code> macro,
-which takes one argument, the equation number being defined or referred
-to. By default, this just produces `<samp><span class="samp">(</span><var>number</var><span class="samp">)</span></samp>', where
-<var>number</var> is the equation number. To produce the equation number in
-a different font, or with different surrounding symbols, or whatever,
-you can redefine <code>\eqprint</code>.
-<a name="index-eqprint-197"></a>For example, the following definition would print all equation numbers
-in italics. (The extra braces define a group, to keep the font change
-from affecting surrounding text.)
-<pre class="example"> \def\eqprint#1{{\it (#1)}}
- <p>In addition to changing the formatting of equation numbers, you might
-to add more structure to the equation number; for example, you might
-want to include the chapter number, to get equation numbers like
-`(1.2)'. To achieve this, you redefine <code>\eqconstruct</code>.
-<a name="index-eqconstruct-198"></a>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\eqconstruct#1{\the\chapternumber.#1}
- <p class="noindent">(If you are keeping the chapter number in a count register named
-<code>\chapternumber</code>, naturally.)
- <p>The reason for having both <code>\eqconstruct</code> and <code>\eqprint</code> may
-not be immediately apparent. The difference is that <code>\eqconstruct</code>
-affects the text that cross-reference label is defined to be, while
-<code>\eqprint</code> affects only what is typeset on the page. The example
-just below might help.
- <p>Usually, you want equation labels to refer to equation numbers. But
-sometimes you might want a more complicated text. For example, you
-might have an equation `(1)', and then have a variation several pages
-later which you want to refer to as `(1*)'.
- <p>Therefore, Eplain allows you to give an optional argument (i.e.,
-arbitrary text in square brackets) before the cross-reference label to
-\eqdef. Then, when you refer to the equation, that text is produced.
-Here's how to get the example just mentioned:
-<pre class="example"> $$...\eqdef{a-eq}$$
- ...
- $$...\eqdef[\eqrefn{a-eq}*]{a-eq-var}$$
- In \eqref{a-eq-var}, we expand on \eqref{a-eq}, ...
- <p>We use <code>\eqrefn</code> in the cross-reference text, not
-<code>\eqref</code>, so that <code>\eqprint</code> is called only once.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Subequation-references"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.11.2 Subequation references</h4>
-<p><a name="index-equations_002c-groups-of-199"></a><a name="index-subequations_002c-referring-to-200"></a>Eplain also provides for one level of substructure for equations. That
-is, you might want to define a related group of equations with numbers
-like `2.1' and `2.2', and then be able to refer to the group as a whole:
-&ldquo;<small class="dots">...</small> in the system of equations (2)<small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo;.
- <p>The commands to do this are <code>\eqsubdef</code> and
-<a name="index-eqsubdef-201"></a><code>\eqsubdefn</code>.
-<a name="index-eqsubdefn-202"></a>They take one <var>label</var> argument like their counterparts above,
-and generally behave in the same way. The difference is in how they
-construct the equation number: instead of using just <code>\eqnumber</code>,
-they also use another counter, <code>\subeqnumber</code>.
-<a name="index-subeqnumber-203"></a>This counter is advanced by one at every <code>\eqsubdef</code> or
-<code>\eqsubdefn</code>, and reset to zero at every <code>\eqdef</code> or
- <p>You use <code>\eqref</code> to refer to subequations as well as main
- <p>To put the two together to construct the text that the label will
-produce, they use a macro <code>\eqsubreftext</code>.
-<a name="index-eqsubreftext-204"></a>This macros takes two arguments, the &ldquo;main&rdquo; equation number (which,
-because the equation label can be defined as arbitrary text, as
-described in the previous section, might be anything at all) and the
-&ldquo;sub&rdquo; equation number (which is always just a number). Eplain's
-default definition just puts a period between them:
-<pre class="example"> \def\eqsubreftext#1#2{#1.#2}%
- <p class="noindent">You can redefine <code>\eqsubreftext</code> to print however you
-like. For example, this definition makes the labels print as `2a',
-`2b', and so on.
-<pre class="example"> \newcount\subref
- \def\eqsubreftext#1#2{%
- \subref = #2 % The space stops a &lt;number&gt;.
- \advance\subref by 96 % `a' is character code 97.
- #1\char\subref
- }
- <p class="noindent">Sadly, we must define a new count register, <code>\subref</code>,
-instead of using the scratch count register <code>\count255</code>, because
-`<samp><span class="samp">#1</span></samp>' might include other macro calls which use <code>\count255</code>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Indexing"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Justification">Justification</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.12 Indexing</h3>
-<p><a name="index-indexing-205"></a><a name="index-sorting-an-index-206"></a>
-Eplain provides support for generating raw material for an index, and
-for typesetting a sorted index. A separate program must do the actual
-collection and sorting of terms, because TeX itself has no support
-for sorting.
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links pointing from the index to the index
-terms; see <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>.
- <p><a name="index-URL-for-MakeIndex-207"></a><a name="index-makeindex-208"></a>Eplain's indexing commands were designed to work with the program
-MakeIndex, available from CTAN hosts in
-<samp><span class="file">tex-archive/indexing/makeindex</span></samp>; MakeIndex is also commonly
-included in prepackaged TeX distributions. It is beyond the scope of
-this manual to explain how to run MakeIndex, and all of its many
-options. See <a href=""></a>
- <p>The basic strategy for indexing works like this:
- <ol type=1 start=1>
- <p><a name="index-g_t_002eidx-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-209"></a><li>For a document <samp><span class="file">foo.tex</span></samp>, Eplain's indexing commands (e.g.,
-<code>\idx</code>; see the section `Indexing terms' below) write the raw index
-material to <samp><span class="file">foo.idx</span></samp>.
- <p><a name="index-g_t_002eind-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-210"></a><li>MakeIndex reads <samp><span class="file">foo.idx</span></samp>, collects and sorts the index, and
-writes the result to <samp><span class="file">foo.ind</span></samp>.
- <li>Eplain reads and typesets <samp><span class="file">foo.ind</span></samp> on a subsequent run of
-TeX. See the section `Typesetting an index' below.
- </ol>
- <p><a name="index-texi2dvi-211"></a>The <samp><span class="command">texi2dvi</span></samp> program can help you automate this
-process, see <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a>.
- <p><a name="index-multiple-indexes-212"></a><a name="index-indexes_002c-multiple-213"></a><a name="index-defineindex-214"></a>If your document needs more than one index, each must have its own
-file. Therefore, Eplain provides the command <code>\defineindex</code>, which
-takes an argument that is a single letter, which replaces `<samp><span class="samp">i</span></samp>' in
-the filenames and in the indexing command names described below. For
-<pre class="example"> \defineindex{m}
- <p class="noindent">defines the command <code>\mdx</code> to write to the file
-<samp><span class="file">foo.mdx</span></samp>. Eplain simply does <code>\defineindex{i}</code> to define
-the default commands.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a>: Specifying what to index.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a>: Printing the sorted output.
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a>: Creating commands and specifying extra actions.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Indexing-terms"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.12.1 Indexing terms</h4>
-<p><a name="index-indexing-terms-215"></a><a name="index-silent-indexing-216"></a>
-Indexing commands in Eplain come in pairs: one command that only
-writes the index entry to the `<samp><span class="samp">.idx</span></samp>' file (see above section), and
-one that also typesets the term being indexed. The former always starts
-with `<samp><span class="samp">s</span></samp>' (for &ldquo;silent&rdquo;). In either case, the name always includes
-`<samp><var>I</var><span class="samp">dx</span></samp>', where <var>I</var> is the index letter, also described
-above. Eplain defines the index `<samp><span class="samp">i</span></samp>' itself, so that's what we'll
-use in the names below.
- <p><a name="index-subterm-in-indexing-217"></a>The silent form of the commands take a subterm as a trailing optional
-argument. For example, <code>\sidx{truth}[definition of]</code> on page 75
-makes an index entry that will eventually be typeset (by default) as
-<pre class="display"> truth
- definition of, 75
- <p><a name="index-trailing-spaces-and-indexing-commands-218"></a><a name="index-spaces_002c-trailing-and-indexing-commands-219"></a><a name="index-indexing-and-trailing-spaces-220"></a>Also, the silent commands ignore trailing spaces. The non-silent ones do not.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a>: Making index entries.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a>: Ranges, see/see also, page number typesetting.
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a>: Noting index entries in the margins.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Indexing-commands"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Indexing commands</h5>
-<p><a name="index-indexing-commands-221"></a>Here are the commands.
- <ul>
-<li><a name="index-sidx-222"></a><a name="index-idx-223"></a><code>\sidx{</code><var>term</var><code>}[</code><var>subterm</var><code>]</code> makes an index entry for
-<var>term</var>, optionally with subterm <var>subterm</var>.
-<code>\idx{</code><var>term</var><code>}</code> also produces <var>term</var> as output. Example:
- <pre class="example"> \sidx{truth}[beauty of]
- The beauty of truth is \idx{death}.
- </pre>
- <p>Subterms at the second and further levels can also be
-specified in <var>subterm</var>, using the
-<code>\idxsubentryseparator</code> character to separate
-them. This character is by default `<samp><span class="samp">!</span></samp>'.
- <li><a name="index-sidxname-224"></a><a name="index-idxnameseparator-225"></a><a name="index-idxname-226"></a><code>\sidxname{</code><var>First M.</var><code>}{</code><var>von Last</var><code>}[</code><var>subterm</var><code>]</code>
-makes an index
-entry for `<samp><var>von Last</var><span class="samp">, </span><var>First M.</var></samp>'. You can change the
-`<samp><span class="samp">, </span></samp>' by redefining <code>\idxnameseparator</code>.
-<code>\idxname{</code><var>First M.</var><code>}{</code><var>von Last</var><code>}</code> also produces <var>First M. von
-Last</var> as output. (These commands are useful special cases of <code>\idx</code>
-and <code>\sidx</code>.) Example:
- <pre class="example"> \sidxname{Richard}{Stark}
- \idxname{Donald}{Westlake} has written many kinds of novels, under
- almost as many names.
- </pre>
- <li><a name="index-sidxmarked-227"></a><a name="index-idxmarked-228"></a><code>\sidxmarked\</code><var>cs</var><code>{</code><var>term</var><code>}[</code><var>subterm</var><code>]</code> makes an index
-entry for <var>term</var><code>[</code><var>subterm</var><code>]</code>, but <var>term</var> will be put
-in the index as <code>\</code><var>cs</var><code>{term}</code>, but still sorted as just
-<var>term</var>. <code>\idxmarked\</code><var>cs</var><code>{</code><var>term</var><code>}</code> also typesets
-<code>\</code><var>cs</var><code>{term}</code>. This provides for the usual ways of changing
-the typesetting of index entries. Example:
- <pre class="example"> \def\article#1{``#1''}
- \sidxmarked\article{Miss Elsa and Aunt Sophie}
- Peter Drucker's \idxmarked\article{The Polanyis} is a remarkable
- essay about a remarkable family.
- </pre>
- <li><a name="index-idxsubmarked-229"></a><a name="index-sidxsubmarked-230"></a><code>\sidxsubmarked{</code><var>term</var><code>}\</code><var>cs</var><code>{subterm}</code> makes an index
-entry for <var>term</var>, <var>subterm</var> as usual, but also puts <var>subterm</var> in
-the index as <code>\</code><var>cs</var><code>{term}</code>.
-<code>\idxsubmarked{</code><var>term</var><code>}\</code><var>cs</var><code>{subterm}</code> also typesets
-<var>term</var><code> \</code><var>cs</var><code>{subterm}</code>, in the unlikely event that your
-syntax is convoluted enough to make this useful. Example:
- <pre class="example"> \def\title#1{{\sl #1}}
- \sidxsubmarked{Anderson, Laurie}\title{Strange Angels}
- The \idxsubmarked{Anderson}\title{Carmen} is a strange twist.
- </pre>
- </ul>
- <p><a name="index-index-entry-general-sorting-231"></a><a name="index-sorting-of-index-entries-232"></a>The commands above rely on MakeIndex's feature for separating sorting of
-an index entry's from its typesetting. You can use this directly by
-specifying an index entry as <var>sort</var><code>@</code><var>typeset</var>. For
-<pre class="example"> \sidx{Ap-weight@$A_\pi$-weight}
- <p class="noindent">will sort as <code>Ap-weight</code>, but print with the proper math.
-The <code>@</code> here is MakeIndex's default character for this purpose.
-See <a href=""></a>. To make an index
-entry with an <code>@</code> in it, you have to escape it with a backslash;
-Eplain provides no macros for doing this.
- <p><a name="index-afterindexterm-_0040r_007bhook_007d-233"></a><a name="index-whatsits-made-by-index-entries-234"></a>After any index command, Eplain runs
-<code>\hookaction{afterindexterm}</code>. Because the index commands always
-add a whatsit item to the current list, you may wish to preserve a
-penalty or space past the new item. For example, given a conditional
-<code>\if@aftersctnhead</code> set true when you're at a section heading, you
-could do:
-<pre class="example"> \hookaction{afterindexterm}{\if@aftersctnhead \nobreak \fi}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Modifying-index-entries"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Modifying index entries</h5>
-<p><a name="index-modifying-index-entries_0027-page-numbers-235"></a><a name="index-index-entries_0027-page-numbers_002c-modifying-236"></a>
-All the index commands described in the previous section take an initial
-optional argument before the index term, which modify the index entry's
-meaning in various ways. You can specify only one of the following in
-any given command, except that <code>begin</code> and <code>end</code> can be
-specified together with <code>pagemarkup=</code><var>cs</var> (separate them with
-a comma without a following space, like this:
- <p>These work via MakeIndex's &ldquo;encapsulation&rdquo; feature. See <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a>, if you're not using the default characters for the
-MakeIndex operators. The other optional argument (specifying a subterm)
-is independent of these.
- <p>Here are the possibilities:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>begin</code><dt><code>end</code><dd><a name="index-begin-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-237"></a><a name="index-end-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-238"></a><a name="index-index-entries-and-ranges-239"></a><a name="index-ranges-and-index-entry-240"></a>These mark an index entry as the beginning or end of a range. The index
-entries must match exactly for MakeIndex to recognize them.
- <pre class="example"> \sidx[begin]{future}[Cohen, Leonard]
- ...
- \sidx[end]{future}[Cohen, Leonard]
- </pre>
- <p class="noindent">will typeset as something like
- <pre class="display"> future,
- Cohen, Leonard, 65&ndash;94
- </pre>
- <br><dt><code>see</code><dd><a name="index-see-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-241"></a><a name="index-see_002c-and-index-entries-242"></a><a name="index-cross_002dreferencing-index-entries-243"></a><a name="index-index-entries_002c-and-cross_002dreferencing-244"></a>This marks an index entry as pointing to another; the real index term is
-an additional (non-optional) argument to the command. Thus you can
-anticipate a term readers may wish to look up, yet which you have
-decided not to index. Example:
- <pre class="example"> \sidx[see]{analysis}[archetypal]{archetypal criticism}
- </pre>
- <p class="noindent">becomes
- <pre class="display"> analysis,
- archetypal, <i>see</i> archetypal criticism
- </pre>
- <br><dt><code>seealso</code><dd><a name="index-seealso-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-245"></a>Similar to <code>see</code> (the previous item), but also allows for normal
-index entries of the referencing term. Example:
- <pre class="example"> \sidx[seealso]{archetypal criticism}[elements of]{dichotomies}
- </pre>
- <p class="noindent">becomes
- <pre class="display"> archetypal criticism,
- elements of, 75, 97, 114, <i>see also</i> dichotomies
- </pre>
- <p>(Aside for the academically curious: The archetypally critical book I
-took these dichotomous examples from is Laurence Berman's <cite>The
-Musical Image</cite>, which I happened to co-design and typeset.)
- <br><dt><code>pagemarkup=</code><var>cs</var><dd>This puts <code>\</code><var>cs</var> before the page number in the typeset index,
-thus allowing you to underline definitive entries, italicize examples,
-and the like. You do <em>not</em> precede the control sequence <var>cs</var>
-with a backslash. (That just leads to expansive difficulties.) Naturally
-it is up to you to define the control sequences you want to use. Example:
- <pre class="example"> \def\defn#1{{\sl #1}}
- \sidx[pagemarkeup=defn]{indexing}
- </pre>
- <p class="noindent">becomes something like
- <pre class="example"> indexing, <code>\defn{75}</code>
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Proofing-index-terms"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Proofing index terms</h5>
-<p><a name="index-proofing-index-terms-246"></a><a name="index-index-terms_002c-proofing-247"></a><a name="index-margins_002c-index-terms-in-248"></a>
-As you are reading through a manuscript, it is helpful to see what terms
-have been indexed, so you can add others, catch miscellaneous errors,
-etc. (Speaking from bitter experience, I can say it is extremely
-error-prone to leave all indexing to the end of the writing, since it
-involves adding many TeX commands to the source files.)
- <p><a name="index-indexproofterm-249"></a><a name="index-indexprooffont-250"></a><a name="index-cmtt8-251"></a>So Eplain puts index terms in the margin of each page, if you
-set <code>\indexproofingtrue</code>. It is <code>false</code> by default. The terms
-are typeset by the macro <code>\indexproofterm</code>, which takes a single
-argument, the term to be typeset. Eplain's definition of
-<code>\indexproofterm</code> just puts it into an <code>\hbox</code>, first doing
-<code>\indexprooffont</code>, which Eplain defines to select the font
-<code>cmtt8</code>. With this definition long terms run off the page, but
-since this is just for proofreading anyway, it seems acceptable.
- <p><a name="index-pageno-252"></a><a name="index-insidemargin-253"></a><a name="index-hoffset-254"></a><a name="index-outsidemargin-255"></a><a name="index-indexsetmargins-256"></a>On the other hand, we certainly don't want the index term to run into
-the text of the page, so Eplain uses the right-hand side of the page
-rather than the left-hand page (assuming a language read left to right
-here). So <code>\ifodd\pageno</code>, Eplain kerns by <code>\outsidemargin</code>,
-otherwise by <code>\insidemargin</code>. If those macros are undefined,
-<code>\indexsetmargins</code> defines them to be one inch plus <code>\hoffset</code>.
- <p><a name="index-g_t_0040_0040indexproof-_0040r_007binsertion-class_007d-257"></a><a name="index-indexproofunbox-258"></a><a name="index-makeheadline-259"></a><a name="index-output-routine-and-index-proofing-260"></a>To get the proofing index entries on the proper page, Eplain defines a new
-insertion class <code>\@indexproof</code>. To unbox any index proofing
-material, Eplain redefines <code>\makeheadline</code> to call
-<code>\indexproofunbox</code> before the original <code>\makeheadline</code>. Thus,
-if you have your own output routine, that redefines or doesn't use
-<code>\makeheadline</code>, it's up to you to call <code>\indexproofunbox</code> at
-the appropriate time.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Typesetting-an-index"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.12.2 Typesetting an index</h4>
-<p><a name="index-typesetting-an-index-261"></a><a name="index-index-typesetting-262"></a><a name="index-readindexfile-263"></a>
-The command <code>\readindexfile{i}</code> reads and typesets the
-<samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file that MakeIndex outputs (from the <samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file which
-the indexing commands in the previous sections write). Eplain defines a
-number of commands that support the default MakeIndex output.
- <p><a name="index-indexfilebasename-264"></a><a name="index-jobname-265"></a>More precisely, <code>\readindexfile</code> reads
-<code>\indexfilebasename.</code><var>index-letter</var><code>nd</code>, where the
-<var>index-letter</var> is the argument. <code>\indexfilebasename</code> is
-<code>\jobname</code> by default, but if you have different indexes in
-different parts of a book, you may wish to change it, just as with
-bibliographies (see <a href="#Citations">Citations</a>).
- <p><a name="index-begin_0040_007btheindex_0040_007d-266"></a><a name="index-end_0040_007btheindex_0040_007d-267"></a>MakeIndex was designed to work with LaTeX; therefore, by default the
-<samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file starts with <code>\begin{theindex}</code> and ends with
-<code>\end{theindex}</code>. If no <code>\begin</code> has been defined, Eplain
-defines one to ignore its argument and set up for typesetting the index
-(see below), and also defines a <code>\end</code> to ignore its argument. (In
-a group, naturally, since there is a primitive <code>\end</code>).
- <p><a name="index-parindent-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-268"></a><a name="index-index-fonts-269"></a><a name="index-indexfonts-270"></a><a name="index-double-columns-in-indexes-271"></a>Eplain calls <code>\indexfonts</code>, sets <code>\parindent = 0pt</code>, and does
-<code>\doublecolumns</code> (see <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a>) at the
-<code>\begin{theindex}</code>. <code>\indexfonts</code> does nothing by default;
-it's just there for you to override. (Indexes are usually typeset in
-smaller type than the main text.)
- <p><a name="index-beginindex-_0040r_007bhook_007d-272"></a>It ends the setup with <code>\hookrun{beginindex}</code>, so you can
-override anything you like in that hook (see <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a>). For example:
-<pre class="example"> \hookaction{beginindex}{\triplecolumns}
- <p><a name="index-item-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-273"></a><a name="index-subitem-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-274"></a><a name="index-subsubitem-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-275"></a><a name="index-index-entry-formatting-276"></a><a name="index-formatting-index-entries-277"></a><a name="index-space-above-index-entries-278"></a><a name="index-continued-index-entries-279"></a><a name="index-index-entry-continuations-280"></a>MakeIndex turns each main index entry into an <code>\item</code>, subentries
-into <code>\subitem</code>, and subsubentries into <code>\subsubitem</code>. By
-default, the first line of main entries are not indented, and subentries
-are indented 1em per level. Main entries are preceded by a <code>\vskip</code>
-of <code>\aboveitemskipamount</code>, <code>0pt plus2pt</code> by default. Page
-breaks are encouraged before main entries (<code>\penalty -100</code>), but
-prohibited afterwards&mdash;Eplain has no provision for &ldquo;continued&rdquo;
-index entries.
- <p>All levels do the following:
- <p><a name="index-hangindent-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-281"></a><a name="index-raggedright-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-282"></a><a name="index-hyphenpenalty-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-283"></a>
-<pre class="example"> \hangindent = 1em
- \raggedright
- \hyphenpenalty = 10000
- <p><a name="index-indexitem-_0040r_007bhook_007d-284"></a>Each entry ends with <code>\hookrun{indexitem}</code>, so you can change any
-of this. For example, to increase the allowable rag:
-<pre class="example"> \hookaction{indexitem}{\advance\rightskip by 2em}
- <p><a name="index-indexspace-285"></a><a name="index-index-groupings-286"></a>Finally, MakeIndex outputs <code>\indexspace</code> between each group of
-entries in the <samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file. Eplain makes this equivalent to
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Customizing-indexing"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.12.3 Customizing indexing</h4>
-<p><a name="index-customizing-indexing-287"></a>
-<a name="index-afterindexterm-288"></a><a name="index-commas-after-index-terms-289"></a><a name="index-after-index-terms-290"></a>By default, MakeIndex outputs `<samp><span class="samp">, </span></samp>' after each term in the index. To
-change this, you can add the following to your MakeIndex style
-(<samp><span class="file">.ist</span></samp>) file:
-<pre class="example"> delim_0 "\\afterindexterm "
- delim_1 "\\afterindexterm "
- delim_2 "\\afterindexterm "
- <p class="noindent">Eplain makes <code>\afterindexterm</code> equivalent to
- <p>You can also change the keywords Eplain recognizes (see <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a>):
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\idxrangebeginword</code><dd><a name="index-idxrangebeginword-291"></a>`begin'
- <br><dt><code>\idxrangeendword</code><dd><a name="index-idxrangeendword-292"></a>`end'
- <br><dt><code>\idxseecmdword</code><dd><a name="index-idxseecmdword-293"></a>`see'
- <br><dt><code>\idxseealsocmdword</code><dd><a name="index-idxseealsocmdword-294"></a>`seealso'
- </dl>
- <p>You can also change the magic characters Eplain puts into the
-<samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file, in case you've changed them in the <code>.ist</code> file:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\idxsubentryseparator</code><dd><a name="index-idxsubentryseparator-295"></a>`<samp><span class="samp">!</span></samp>'
- <br><dt><code>\idxencapoperator</code><dd><a name="index-idxencapoperator-296"></a>`<samp><span class="samp">|</span></samp>'
- <br><dt><code>\idxbeginrangemark</code><dd><a name="index-idxbeginrangemark-297"></a>`<samp><span class="samp">(</span></samp>'
- <br><dt><code>\idxendrangemark</code><dd><a name="index-idxendrangemark-298"></a>`<samp><span class="samp">)</span></samp>'
- </dl>
- <p>There is no macro for the <code>actual</code> (`<samp><span class="samp">@</span></samp>' by default)
-character, because it's impossible to make it expand properly.
- <p><a name="index-idxpagenum-299"></a><a name="index-see-also-index-entries-and-sorting-300"></a>You can change the (imaginary) page number that &ldquo;see also&rdquo;
-entries sort as by redefining <code>\idxmaxpagenum</code>. This is 99999 by
-default, which is one digit too many for old versions of MakeIndex.
- <p><a name="index-indexseeword-301"></a><a name="index-indexseealsowords-302"></a><a name="index-seevariant-303"></a><a name="index-indexsee-304"></a><a name="index-indexseealso-305"></a>The words output by Eplain for &ldquo;see&rdquo; and &ldquo;see also&rdquo; index entries
-are defined by <code>\indexseeword</code> and <code>\indexseealsowords</code>
-respectively. You can change the typeface used for these words by
-redefining <code>\seevariant</code>. And finally, the macros
-<code>\indexsee</code> and <code>\indexseealso</code> actually produce the &ldquo;see
-<small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo; entries, so you can redefine them if you want something
-entirely different. If you do redefine them, make them take two
-parameters, the term being referenced and the <code>\idxmaxpagenum</code>
-(the latter should normally be ignored). See the example below.
- <p><a name="index-see-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-306"></a><a name="index-see_002c-and-index-entries-307"></a><a name="index-cross_002dreferencing-index-entries-308"></a><a name="index-index-entries_002c-and-cross_002dreferencing-309"></a><a name="index-commas-in-cross_002dreferencing-index-entries-310"></a>Unfortunately, it is impossible to reliably control the commas
-produced by MakeIndex in front of &ldquo;see <small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo; entries in the
-<samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file, either at MakeIndex level or at Eplain level.
-However, the
-<a name="index-sed-311"></a><samp><span class="command">sed</span></samp> script named <samp><span class="command">trimsee</span></samp>
-<a name="index-trimsee-312"></a>distributed with Eplain in the <samp><span class="file">test</span></samp> directory can be used to
-filter out these commas from the output of MakeIndex. For example,
-suppose you want the following style for your &ldquo;see <small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo; entries:
-<pre class="display"> analysis,
- archetypal (<i>see</i> archetypal criticism)
- archetypal criticism,
- elements of, 75, 97, 114 (<i>see also</i> dichotomies)
- <p class="noindent">You would need to redefine these macros in your TeX
-<pre class="example"> \def\indexsee#1#2{({\seevariant \indexseeword\/ }#1)}
- \def\indexseealso#1#2{({\seevariant \indexseealsowords\/ }#1)}
- <p class="noindent">and then filter out the commas in front of the &ldquo;see <small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo;
-entries by running the following command to produce the <samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp>
-file (assuming the name of the <samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file is <samp><span class="file">myfile.idx</span></samp>
-and the <samp><span class="file">trimsee</span></samp> script is placed in the current directory):
-<pre class="example"> prompt$ cat myfile.idx | makeindex | ./trimsee &gt; myfile.ind
- <p>By default, <samp><span class="file">trimsee</span></samp> uses default page list separators and
-default &ldquo;see <small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo; command names. If you set up MakeIndex to use
-different page list separator or change the names of <code>\indexsee</code>
-and <code>\indexseealso</code> commands, it is possible to adjust the
-<samp><span class="file">trimsee</span></samp> script through its command line options, which are the
- <dl>
-<dt><samp><span class="option">-i </span><var>is</var></samp><dd>Use <var>is</var> as a regular expression matching separator before &ldquo;see
-<small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo; commands in the input (default: `<samp><span class="samp">, \+</span></samp>').
- <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-o </span><var>os</var></samp><dd>Use <var>os</var> as a separator to replace <var>is</var> before &ldquo;see <small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo;
-commands (default: `<samp> </samp>').
- <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-s </span><var>see</var></samp><dd>Use <var>see</var> as a regular expression matching &ldquo;see <small class="dots">...</small>&rdquo;
-commands (default: `<samp><span class="samp">\\indexsee</span></samp>').
- <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-h</span></samp><dt><samp><span class="option">--help</span></samp><dd>Print a usage message.
- <br><dt><samp><span class="option">-v</span></samp><dt><samp><span class="option">--version</span></samp><dd>Print version.
- <p><samp><span class="file">trimsee</span></samp> reads input from the standard input, and directs its
-output to the standard output.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Justification"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Tables">Tables</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Indexing">Indexing</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.13 Justification</h3>
-<p><a name="index-centering-313"></a><a name="index-left_002djustification-314"></a><a name="index-right_002djustification-315"></a><a name="index-justification-316"></a>Eplain defines three commands to conveniently justify multiple
-lines of text: <code>\flushright</code>, <code>\flushleft</code>, and
-<a name="index-flushright-317"></a><a name="index-flushleft-318"></a><a name="index-center-319"></a>
-They all work in the same way; let's take <code>\center</code> as the
-example. To start centering lines, you say <code>\center</code> inside a
-group; to stop, you end the group. Between the two commands, each
-end-of-line in the input file also starts a new line in the output file.
- <p>The entire block of text is broken into paragraphs at blank lines,
-so all the TeX paragraph-shaping parameters apply in the usual way.
-This is convenient, but it implies something else that isn't so
-convenient: changes to any linespacing parameters, such as
-<code>\baselineskip</code>, will have <em>no effect</em> on the paragraph in
-which they are changed. TeX does not handle linespacing changes
-within a paragraph (because it doesn't know where the line breaks are
-until the end of the paragraph).
- <p>The space between paragraphs is by default one blank line's worth.
-You can adjust this space by assigning to <code>\blanklineskipamount</code>;
-<a name="index-blanklineskipamount-_0040r_007bin-justified-text_007d-320"></a>this (vertical) glue is inserted after each blank line.
- <p>Here is an example:
-<pre class="example"> {\center First line.
- Second line, with a blank line before.
- }
- <p>This produces:
-<div align="center">First line.</div>
-<div align="center"></div>
-<div align="center">Second line, with a blank line before.</div>
- <p>You may wish to use the justification macros inside of your own
-macros. Just be sure to put them in a group. For example, here is how
-a title macro might be defined:
-<pre class="example"> \def\title{\begingroup\titlefont\center}
- \def\endtitle{\endgroup}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Tables"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Margins">Margins</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Justification">Justification</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.14 Tables</h3>
-<p><a name="index-tables-321"></a><a name="index-alignments-322"></a>Eplain provides a single command, <code>\makecolumns</code>,
-<a name="index-makecolumns-323"></a>to make generating one particular kind of table easier. More ambitious
-macro packages might be helpful to you for more difficult applications.
-The files <samp><span class="file">ruled.tex</span></samp> and <samp><span class="file">TXSruled.tex</span></samp>, available from
-`<samp><span class="samp"></span></samp>' in <samp><span class="file">texis/tables</span></samp>, is the only one I
-know of.
- <p>Many tables are homogenous, i.e., all the entries are semantically the
-same. The arrangement into columns is to save space on the page, not
-to encode different meanings. In this kind of the table, it is useful to
-have the column breaks chosen automatically, so that you can add or
-delete entries without worrying about the column breaks.
- <p><code>\makecolumns</code> takes two arguments: the number of entries in the
-table, and the number of columns to break them into. As you can see
-from the example below, the first argument is delimited by a slash, and
-the second by a colon and a space (or end-of-line). The entries for the
-table then follow, one per line (not including the line with the
-<code>\makecolumns</code> command itself).
- <p><code>\parindent</code> defines the space to the left of the
-table. <code>\hsize</code> defines the width of the table.
-So you can adjust the position of the table on the page by assignments
-to these parameters, probably inside a group.
- <p>You can also control the penalty at a page break before the
-<code>\makecolumns</code> by setting the parameter
-<a name="index-abovecolumnspenalty-324"></a>Usually, the table is preceded by some explanatory text. You wouldn't
-want a page break to occur after the text and before the table, so
-Eplain sets it to <code>10000</code>. But if the table produced by
-<code>\makecolumns</code> is standing on its own, <code>\abovecolumnspenalty</code>
-should be decreased.
- <p>If you happen to give <code>\makecolumns</code> a smaller number of entries
-than you really have, some text beyond the (intended) end of the table
-will be incorporated into the table, probably producing an error
-message, or at least some strange looking entries. And if you give
-<code>\makecolumns</code> a larger number of entries than you really have,
-some of the entries will be typeset as straight text, probably also
-looking somewhat out of place.
- <p>Here is an example:
-<pre class="example"> % Arrange 6 entries into 2 columns:
- \makecolumns 6/2: % This line doesn't have an entry.
- one
- two
- three
- four
- five
- six
- Text after the table.
- <p>This produces `one', `two', and `three' in the first column, and
-`four', `five', and `six' in the second.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Margins"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Tables">Tables</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.15 Margins</h3>
-<p><a name="index-margins_002c-changing-325"></a>TeX's primitives describe the type area in terms of an offset from
-the upper left corner, and the width and height of the type. Some
-people prefer to think in terms of the <dfn>margins</dfn> at the top, bottom,
-left, and right of the page, and most composition systems other than
-TeX conceive of the page laid out in this way. Therefore, Eplain
-provides commands to directly assign and increment the margins.
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\topmargin = </code><var>dimen</var><dt><code>\bottommargin = </code><var>dimen</var><dt><code>\leftmargin = </code><var>dimen</var><br><dt><code>\rightmargin = </code><var>dimen</var><dd><a name="index-topmargin-326"></a><a name="index-bottommargin-327"></a><a name="index-leftmargin-328"></a><a name="index-rightmargin-329"></a>These commands set the specified margin to the <var>dimen</var> given.
-The <code>=</code> and the spaces around it are optional. The control
-sequences here are not TeX registers, despite appearances;
-therefore, commands like <code>\showthe\topmargin</code> will not do what you
- <dt><code>\advancetopmargin by </code><var>dimen</var><dt><code>\advancebottommargin by </code><var>dimen</var><dt><code>\advanceleftmargin by </code><var>dimen</var><br><dt><code>\advancerightmargin by </code><var>dimen</var><dd><a name="index-advancetopmargin-330"></a><a name="index-advancebottommargin-331"></a><a name="index-advanceleftmargin-332"></a><a name="index-advancerightmargin-333"></a>These commands change the specified margin by the <var>dimen</var> given.
- <p>Regardless of whether you use the assignment or the advance commands,
-Eplain always changes the type area in response, not the other margins.
-For example, when TeX starts, the left and right margins are both one
-inch. If you then say <code>\leftmargin = 2in</code>, the right margin will
-remain at one inch, and the width of the lines (i.e., <code>\hsize</code>)
-<a name="index-hsize-334"></a>will decrease by one inch.
- <p>When you use any of these commands, Eplain computes the old value of
-the particular margin, by how much you want to change it, and then
-resets the values of TeX's primitive parameters to correspond.
-Unfortunately, Eplain cannot compute the right or bottom margin without
-help: you must tell it the full width and height of the final output
-page. It defines two new parameters for this:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\paperheight</code><dd><a name="index-paperheight-335"></a>The height of the output page; default is 11truein.
- <br><dt><code>\paperwidth</code><dd><a name="index-paperwidth-336"></a>The width of the output page; default is 8.5truein.
- <p>If your output page has different dimensions than this, you must
-reassign to these parameters, as in
-<pre class="example"> \paperheight = 11truein
- \paperwidth = 17truein
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Multiple-columns"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Margins">Margins</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.16 Multiple columns</h3>
-<p><a name="index-double-column-output-337"></a><a name="index-triple-column-output-338"></a><a name="index-quadruple-column-output-339"></a><a name="index-multiple-column-output-340"></a>Eplain provides for double, triple, and quadruple column output: say
-<a name="index-doublecolumns-341"></a><code>\triplecolumns</code>,
-<a name="index-triplecolumns-342"></a>or <code>\quadcolumns</code>,
-<a name="index-quadcolumns-343"></a>and from that point on, the manuscript will be
-set in columns. To go back to one column, say
-<a name="index-singlecolumn-344"></a>
-<a name="index-column-balancing-with-_0040code_007b_005csinglecolumn_007d-345"></a><a name="index-balancing-of-columns-with-_0040code_007b_005csinglecolumn_007d-346"></a>You may need to invoke <code>\singlecolumn</code> to balance the columns
-on the last page of output.
- <p><a name="index-columnfill-347"></a><a name="index-column-eject-348"></a><a name="index-eject-in-multicolumns-349"></a><a name="index-pagetotal-350"></a>To do a &ldquo;column eject&rdquo;, i.e., move to the top of the next column, do
-<code>\columnfill</code>. This does not actually force an eject, however: it
-merely inserts a kern of size <code>\@normalvsize</code> minus
-<code>\pagetotal</code> (<code>\@normalvsize</code> being the usual height of the
-page; to implement multicolumns, Eplain multiplies <code>\vsize</code> itself
-by the number of columns). In most circumstances, a column break will be
-forced after this kern (during the column splitting operation when the
-whole page is output), as desired.
- <p><a name="index-gutter-351"></a>The columns are separated by the value of the dimen parameter
-<code>\gutter</code>. Default value is two picas.
-<a name="index-gutterbox-352"></a>If you want to add vertical material between the columns, use
-<code>\gutterbox</code>. For example, to put a vertical line between columns,
-<code>\gutterbox</code> as
-<pre class="example"> \def\gutterbox{\vbox to \dimen0{\vfil\hbox{\vrule height\dimen0}\vfil}}%
- <p>The dimension counter
-contains the height of the column.
- <p>All the <code>\...columns</code> macros insert the value of the glue parameter
-<a name="index-abovecolumnskip-353"></a>before the multicolumn text, and the value of the glue parameter
-<a name="index-belowcolumnskip-354"></a>after it. The default value for both of these parameters is
-<code>\bigskipamount</code>, i.e., one linespace in plain TeX.
- <p>The macros take into account only the insertion classes
-<a name="index-insertion-classes-355"></a>defined by plain TeX; namely, footnotes and <code>\topinsert</code>s. If
-you have additional insertion classes, you will need to change
-the implementation.
- <p>Also, Eplain makes insertions the full page width. There is no
-provision for column-width insertions.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Footnotes"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Fractions">Fractions</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.17 Footnotes</h3>
-<p><a name="index-footnotes_002c-numbered-356"></a>The most common reference mark for footnotes is a raised number,
-incremented on each footnote. The <code>\numberedfootnote</code>
-<a name="index-numberedfootnote-357"></a>macro provides this. It takes one argument, the footnote text.
- <p>If your document uses only numbered footnotes, you could make typing
-<code>\numberedfootnote</code> more convenient with a command such as:
-<pre class="example"> \let\footnote = \numberedfootnote
- <p>After doing this, you can type your footnotes as
-<code>\footnote{</code><var>footnote text</var><code>}</code>, instead of as
-<code>\numberedfootnote{</code><var>footnote text</var><code>}</code>.
- <p>Eplain keeps the current footnote number in the count register
-<code>\footnotenumber</code>. So, to reset the footnote number to zero,
-as you might want to do at, for example, the beginning of a chapter, you
-could say <code>\footnotenumber=0</code>.
- <p>Plain TeX separates the footnote marker from the footnote text by
-an en space (it uses the <code>\textindent</code> macro). In Eplain, you can
-change this space by setting the dimension register
-<a name="index-footnotemarkseparation-358"></a>The default is still an en.
- <p>You can produce a space between footenotes by setting the glue
-register <code>\interfootnoteskip</code>.
-<a name="index-interfootnoteskip-359"></a>The default is zero.
- <p><code>\parskip</code> is also set to zero by default before the beginning of
-each footnote (but not for the text of the footnote).
- <p>You can also control footnote formatting in a more general way:
-Eplain expands the token register <code>\everyfootnote</code>
-<a name="index-everyfootnote-360"></a>before a footnote is typeset, but after the default values for all the
-parameters have been established. For example, if you want your
-footnotes to be printed in seven-point type, indented by one inch, you
-could say:
-<pre class="example"> \everyfootnote = {\sevenrm \leftskip = 1in}
- <p>By default, an <code>\hrule</code> is typeset above each group of footnotes
-on a page. You can control the dimensions of this rule by setting
-the dimension registers <code>\footnoterulewidth</code>
-<a name="index-footnoterulewidth-361"></a>and <code>\footnoteruleheight</code>.
-<a name="index-footnoteruleheight-362"></a>The space between the rule and the first footnote on the page is
-determined by the dimension register <code>\belowfootnoterulespace</code>.
-<a name="index-belowfootnoterulespace-363"></a>If you don't want any rule at all, set <code>\footenoteruleheight=0pt</code>,
-and, most likely, <code>\belowfootnoterulespace=0pt</code>. The defaults for
-these parameters typeset the rule in the same way as plain TeX: the
-rule is 0.4 points high, 2 true inches wide, with 2.6 points below it.
- <p>The space above the rule and below the text on the page is controlled
-by the glue register <code>\skip\footins</code>. The default is a plain TeX
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links for the footnote marks; see <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Fractions"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Paths">Paths</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.18 Fractions</h3>
-<p><a name="index-fractions-364"></a>Exercise 11.6 of <cite>The TeXbook</cite> describes a macro <code>\frac</code>
-<a name="index-frac-365"></a>for setting fractions, but <code>\frac</code> never made it into plain TeX.
-So Eplain includes it.
- <p><code>\frac</code> typesets the numerator and denominator in
-<code>\scriptfont0</code>, slightly raised and lowered. The numerator and
-denominator are separated by a slash. The denominator must be enclosed
-in braces if it's more than one token long, but the numerator need not
-be. (This is a consequence of <code>\frac</code> taking delimited arguments;
-see page&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->203 of <cite>The TeXbook</cite> for an explanation of
-delimited macro arguments.)
- <p>For example, <code>\frac 23/{64}</code> turns `23/64' into
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Paths"></a>
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-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.19 Paths</h3>
-<p><a name="index-pathnames_002c-breaking-366"></a><a name="index-filenames_002c-breaking-367"></a><a name="index-electronic-mail-addresses_002c-breaking-368"></a>
-When you typeset long pathnames, electronic mail addresses, or other
-such &ldquo;computer&rdquo; names, you would like TeX to break lines at
-punctuation characters within the name, rather than trying to find
-hyphenation points within the words. For example, it would be better to
-break the email address <code></code> at the
-`<samp><span class="samp">@</span></samp>' or a `<samp><span class="samp">.</span></samp>', rather than at the hyphenation points in
-`<samp><span class="samp">letters</span></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">alpha</span></samp>'.
- <p><a name="index-path-369"></a>If you use the <code>\path</code> macro to typeset the names, TeX will find
-these good breakpoints. The argument to <code>\path</code> is delimited by
-any character other other than `<samp><span class="samp">\</span></samp>' which does not appear in the
-name itself.
-`<samp><span class="samp">|</span></samp>' is often a good choice, as in:
-<pre class="example"> \path||
- <p><a name="index-discretionaries-370"></a>You can control the exact set of characters at which breakpoints will be
-allowed by calling <code>\discretionaries</code>. This takes the same sort of
-delimited argument; any character in the argument will henceforth be a valid
-breakpoint within <code>\path</code>. The default set is essentially all the
-punctuation characters:
-<pre class="example"> \discretionaries |~!@$%^&amp;*()_+`-=#{}[]:";'&lt;&gt;,.?\/|
- <p><a name="index-specialpathdelimiters-_0040r_007b_0028conditional_0029_007d-371"></a>If for some reason you absolutely must use <code>\</code> as the delimiter
-character for <code>\path</code>, you can set
-<code>\specialpathdelimiterstrue</code>. (Other delimiter characters can
-still be used.) TeX then processes the <code>\path</code> argument
-about four times more slowly.
- <p><a name="index-URL-for-_0040file_007bpath_002esty_007d-372"></a>The <code>\path</code> macro comes from <samp><span class="file">path.sty</span></samp>, written by Nelson
-Beebe and Philip Taylor and available at
-<a href=""></a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Logos"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Boxes">Boxes</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Paths">Paths</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.20 Logos</h3>
-<p><a name="index-logos-373"></a><a name="index-names_002c-of-_0040TeX_007b_007d-variants-374"></a>
-Eplain redefines the <code>\TeX</code>
-<a name="index-TeX-375"></a>macro of plain TeX to end with <code>\null</code>, so that the proper
-spacing is produced when <code>\TeX</code> is used at the end of a sentence.
-The other <small class="dots">...</small>TeX macros listed here do this, also.
- <p>Eplain defines
-<a name="index-AMS_0040TeX_007b_007d-376"></a><a name="index-AMSTeX-377"></a><code>\BibTeX</code>
-<a name="index-Bib_0040TeX_007b_007d-378"></a><a name="index-BibTeX-379"></a><code>\AMSLaTeX</code>,
-<a name="index-AMS_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-380"></a><a name="index-AMSLaTeX-381"></a><code>\LAMSTeX</code>,
-<a name="index-LAMS_0040TeX_007b_007d-382"></a><a name="index-LAMSTeX-383"></a><code>\LaTeX</code>
-<a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-384"></a><a name="index-LaTeX-385"></a><code>\MF</code>,
-<a name="index-Metafont-386"></a><a name="index-MF-387"></a>and <code>\SLiTeX</code>
-<a name="index-SLi_0040TeX_007b_007d-388"></a><a name="index-SLiTeX-389"></a>to produce their respective logos. (Sorry, the logos are not shown
-here.) Some spelling variants of these are also supported.
- <p><a name="index-URL-for-_0040file_007btexnames_002esty_007d-390"></a>All these macros come from <samp><span class="file">texnames.sty</span></samp>, compiled by Nelson
-Beebe and available at
-<a href=""></a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Boxes"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Logos">Logos</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.21 Boxes</h3>
-<p><a name="index-black-boxes-391"></a><a name="index-rectangles-392"></a>The solid rectangle that Eplain uses as a marker in unordered lists
-(see <a href="#Lists">Lists</a>) is available by itself: just say <code>\blackbox</code>.
-<a name="index-blackbox-393"></a>
-You can create black boxes of arbitrary size with <code>\hrule</code> or
- <p><a name="index-open-boxes-394"></a><a name="index-boxes_002c-open-395"></a>You can also get unfilled rectangles with <code>\makeblankbox</code>.
-<a name="index-makeblankbox-396"></a>This takes two explicit arguments: the height and depth of the rules that
-define the top and bottom of the rectangle. (The two arguments are
-added to get the width of the left and right borders, so that the
-thickness of the border is the same on all four sides.) It also uses,
-as implicit arguments, the dimensions of <code>\box0</code> to define the
-dimensions of the rectangle it produces. (The contents of <code>\box0</code>
-are ignored.)
- <p>Here is an example. This small raised open box is suitable for
-putting next to numbers in, e.g., a table of contents.
-<pre class="example"> \def\openbox{%
- \ht0 = 1.75pt \dp0 = 1.75pt \wd0 = 3.5pt
- \raise 2.75pt \makeblankbox{.2pt}{.2pt}
- }
- <p>Finally, you can put a box around arbitrary text with <code>\boxit</code>.
-<a name="index-boxit-397"></a>This takes one argument, which must itself be a (TeX) box, and puts a
-printed box around it, separated by <code>\boxitspace</code>
-<a name="index-boxitspace-398"></a>white space (3 points by default) on all four sides. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \boxit{\hbox{This text is boxed.}}
- <p>The reason that the argument must be a box is that when the text is
-more than one line long, TeX cannot figure out the line length for
-itself. Eplain does set <code>\parindent</code> to zero inside <code>\boxit</code>,
-since it is very unlikely you would want indentation there. (If you do,
-you can always reset it yourself.)
- <p><code>\boxit</code> uses <code>\ehrule</code> and <code>\evrule</code> so that you can
-easily adjust the thicknesses of the box rules. See <a href="#Rules">Rules</a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Checking-for-PDF-output"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Boxes">Boxes</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.22 Checking for PDF output</h3>
-<p><a name="index-URL-for-pdf_0040TeX_007b_007d-399"></a><a name="index-PDF-output-400"></a><a name="index-pdftex-401"></a><a name="index-g_t_002epdf-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-402"></a>pdfTeX is a TeX variant that can output both <samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp> and
-<samp><span class="file">.pdf</span></samp> (Adobe's Portable Document Format) files (see
-<a href=""></a>). You might
-sometimes want to know whether the target format is <samp><span class="file">.pdf</span></samp> or
-<samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp>. The <code>\ifpdf</code>
-<a name="index-ifpdf-403"></a>switch can be used to detect pdfTeX in PDF mode:
-<pre class="example"> \ifpdf
- This text is produced when pdfTeX is in PDF mode.
- \else
- This text is produced when pdfTeX is in DVI mode,
- or when some program other than pdfTeX is used.
- \fi
- <p>Keep in mind that <code>\ifpdf</code> is set based on the value of the
-<a name="index-pdfoutput-404"></a>primitive of pdfTeX at the time Eplain is loaded. If you change
-the value of <code>\pdfoutput</code> after you load Eplain, <code>\ifpdf</code>
-will not reflect the change.
- <p><a name="index-URL-for-_0040file_007bifpdf_002esty_007d-405"></a><a name="index-Oberdiek_002c-Heiko-406"></a>Eplain defines <code>\ifpdf</code> by incorporating Heiko Oberdiek's
-<samp><span class="file">ifpdf.sty</span></samp>, which is available at
-<a href=""></a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Loading-LaTeX-packages"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">4.23 Loading LaTeX packages</h3>
-<p><a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-packages-407"></a><a name="index-packages_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-408"></a><a name="index-g_t_002esty-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-409"></a><a name="index-g_t_002ecls-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-410"></a>Eplain provides a limited support for loading LaTeX packages
-(<samp><span class="file">.sty</span></samp> files&mdash;not <samp><span class="file">.cls</span></samp>). This will mostly work for
-packages which were designed with plain TeX compatibility in mind,
-which means that most LaTeX packages cannot be loaded. The
-packages which are known to work are listed below (see <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a>). If you discover a working package which is not in
-the list, please report it to the Eplain mailing list
-(see <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a>).
- <p><a name="index-graphics-collection_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-411"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-graphics-collection-412"></a><a name="index-miniltx_002etex-413"></a><a name="index-Carlisle_002c-David-414"></a><a name="index-Rahtz_002c-Sebastian-415"></a>To set up a pseudo-LaTeX environment for the packages, Eplain uses
-<samp><span class="file">miniltx.tex</span></samp>
-(<a href=""></a>)
-from the LaTeX graphics collection, written by David Carlisle and
-Sebastian Rahtz (the collection is available at
-<a href=""></a>).
-Eplain extends <samp><span class="file">miniltx.tex</span></samp> to provide some additional features,
-e.g., support for package options.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#The-_005cusepackage-command">The \usepackage command</a>: Command to load packages.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Environment-for-loading-packages">Environment for loading packages</a>: Environment for the \usepackage commands.
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a>: Supported packages.
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">Packages known not to work</a>: Packages known not to work with Eplain.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="The-%5cusepackage-command"></a>
-<a name="The-_005cusepackage-command"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Environment-for-loading-packages">Environment for loading packages</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.23.1 The <code>\usepackage</code> command</h4>
-<p><a name="index-usepackage-416"></a><code>\usepackage</code> loads a LaTeX package. Its syntax is similar to
-that of LaTeX's <code>\usepackage</code> command:
-<pre class="example"> \usepackage[<var>options</var>]{<var>packages</var>}[<var>version</var>]
- <p class="noindent">where <var>options</var> is a comma-separated list of package
-options, <var>packages</var> is a comma-separated list of packages to load
-(without the <samp><span class="file">.sty</span></samp> suffix), and <var>version</var> is a package
-version number given as a date in the format `<samp><span class="samp">YYYY/MM/DD</span></samp>'. If an
-older version of the package is found, a warning is issued. If
-several packages are loaded within a single <code>\usepackage</code>
-command, the <var>options</var> will be applied to each of the packages.
-As usual, parameters in square brackets are optional and can be
-omitted (together with the square brackets).
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \usepackage[foo,bar]{pack1,pack2}[2005/08/29]
- <p class="noindent">will load packages `<samp><span class="samp">pack1</span></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">pack2</span></samp>', each with
-the options `<samp><span class="samp">foo</span></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">bar</span></samp>', and will check that each of the
-packages are dated 2005/08/29 or newer.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Environment-for-loading-packages"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#The-_005cusepackage-command">The \usepackage command</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.23.2 Environment for loading packages</h4>
-<p><a name="index-beginpackages-417"></a><a name="index-endpackages-418"></a>Some packages request that certain commands are executed after all
-packages have been loaded. In LaTeX, this means that the commands
-are executed at the beginning of the document, after the so-called
-<dfn>preamble</dfn>. Neither plain TeX nor Eplain have any kind of
-preamble; therefore, Eplain requires that all packages be loaded inside
-a <code>\beginpackages...\endpackages</code> block, for example:
-<pre class="example"> \beginpackages
- \usepackage[foo,bar]{pack1}
- \usepackage{pack2}
- \endpackages
- <p class="noindent">This requirement enables Eplain to execute the &ldquo;delayed&rdquo;
-commands at the end of the <code>\beginpackages...\endpackages</code> block.
- <p>For the same reason, it is advisable to specify only one such block
-per document, just like there is only one preamble in LaTeX.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Packages-known-to-work"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">Packages known not to work</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Environment-for-loading-packages">Environment for loading packages</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.23.3 Packages known to work</h4>
-<p><a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-packages-419"></a><a name="index-packages_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-420"></a>The following table lists packages that had been tested and are known
-to work with Eplain, and locations where you can find manuals for
-these packages. Some of the short descriptions of the packages were
-taken from the documentation for those packages.
- <dl>
-<dt>autopict (`<samp><span class="samp">2001/06/04 v1.1j Picture mode autoload file</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-autopict_002esty-421"></a><a href=""></a>
- <p><a name="index-picture-mode-422"></a><a name="index-begin_0040_007bpicture_0040_007d-423"></a><a name="index-end_0040_007bpicture_0040_007d-424"></a>This is the LaTeX &ldquo;picture mode&rdquo;, started by
-<code>\begin{picture}</code> and ended by <code>\end{picture}</code> (in
-LaTeX, this package is not explicitly loaded since it is part of
-the LaTeX kernel). It provides commands to draw simple figures
-inside your document without resorting to any external tools.
- <br><dt>color (`<samp><span class="samp">1999/02/16 v1.0i Standard LaTeX Color (DPC)</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-color_002esty-425"></a><dt>graphics (`<samp><span class="samp">2001/07/07 v1.0n Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-graphics_002esty-426"></a><dt>graphicx (`<samp><span class="samp">1999/02/16 v1.0f Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-graphicx_002esty-427"></a><a href=""></a>
- <p><a name="index-graphics-collection_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-428"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-graphics-collection-429"></a><a name="index-color-430"></a><a name="index-rotation-431"></a><a name="index-scaling-432"></a>These packages are from the LaTeX graphics collection. They
-provide commands for changing text/page colors, text rotation and
-scaling, and much more.
- <br><dt>psfrag (`<samp><span class="samp">1998/04/11 v3.04 PSfrag (MCG)</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-psfrag_002esty-433"></a><a href=""></a>
- <p><a name="index-Encapsulated-PostScript-434"></a><a name="index-EPS-435"></a><a name="index-g_t_002eeps-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-436"></a>PSfrag allows the user to precisely overlay Encapsulated PostScript
-(EPS) files with arbitrary (La)TeX constructions. In order to
-accomplish this, the user places a simple text &ldquo;tag&rdquo; in the graphics
-file, as a &ldquo;position marker&rdquo; of sorts. Then, using simple
-(La)TeX commands, the user instructs PSfrag to remove that tag from
-the figure, and replace it with a properly sized, aligned, and rotated
-(La)TeX equation.
- <br><dt>url (`<samp><span class="samp">2005/06/27 ver 3.2 Verb mode for urls, etc.</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-url_002esty-437"></a><a href=""></a>
- <p><a name="index-pathnames_002c-breaking-438"></a><a name="index-filenames_002c-breaking-439"></a><a name="index-electronic-mail-addresses_002c-breaking-440"></a>This package provides a form of <code>\verbatim</code> that allows
-line breaks at certain characters or combinations of characters,
-accepts reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to
-another command. It is intended for email addresses, hypertext links,
-directories/paths, etc., which normally have no spaces.
- <p>Eplain can create hypertext links with the <code>\url</code> command;
-see <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a>.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Packages-known-not-to-work"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">4.23.4 Packages known not to work</h4>
-<p><a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-packages-441"></a><a name="index-packages_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-442"></a>The following packages are known not to work with Eplain:
- <dl>
-<dt>pict2e (`<samp><span class="samp">2005/07/15 v0.2r Improved picture commands (HjG,RN)</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-pict2e_002esty-443"></a><a href=""></a>
- <br><dt>xcolor (`<samp><span class="samp">2005/06/06 v2.03 LaTeX color extensions (UK)</span></samp>')<dd><a name="index-xcolor_002esty-444"></a><a href=""></a>
-<!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#User-definitions">User definitions</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">5 Hyperlinks</h2>
-<p><a name="index-links_002c-hypertext-445"></a><a name="index-hypertext-links-446"></a>This chapter describes the support which Eplain provides for hypertext
-links (<dfn>hyperlinks</dfn> for short). Hyperlinks can be created
-implicitly by the cross-reference, indexing and other macros in
-Eplain. Macros for constructing explicit hyperlinks are also
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>
-<li><a accesskey="6" href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Introduction-to-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>
-<h3 class="section">5.1 Introduction to hyperlinks</h3>
-<p><a name="index-hyperlink-drivers-447"></a><a name="index-drivers_002c-hyperlink-448"></a>The original TeX engine has no built-in support for hyperlinks.
-Many of the present-day file formats with hyperlinking capabilities
-did not even exist at the time TeX was written. However, TeX's
-<a name="index-special-449"></a><code>\special</code> primitive can be used to instruct TeX to write
-special directives into its <samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp> output file. These directives
-are not interpreted by TeX in any way; they are intended for programs
-which process the <samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp> files produced by TeX, be it printing
-or converting to other formats, such as
-<a name="index-g_t_002eps-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-450"></a><a name="index-g_t_002epdf-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-451"></a><samp><span class="file">.ps</span></samp> or <samp><span class="file">.pdf</span></samp>.
- <p>Another approach is to extend the original TeX engine with the
-ability to generate one of the hyperlinking formats; TeX's set of
-primitives can be extended to include hyperlink commands. This is the
-approach used by the pdfTeX engine, which is capable of producing
-<samp><span class="file">.pdf</span></samp> files directly from the TeX source, skipping the
-<samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp> generation and processing step.
- <p>It turns out that the sets of commands for different formats are mostly
-not interchangeable, as each of the file formats has its own quirks and
-capabilities. And this is where Eplain <dfn>hyperlink drivers</dfn> come
-into play.
- <p>In order for Eplain to generate proper commands, Eplain has to know
-two things: which engine or <samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp> processor you are using, and
-the set of commands it understands.
- <p>The knowledge about the commands that the various processors
-understand is programmed into Eplain's hyperlink drivers. Eplain
-provides two drivers, <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code>, named after
-the programs which process the hyperlink commands,
-<a name="index-pdftex-452"></a>pdfTeX and
-<a name="index-dvipdfm-453"></a>dvipdfm. Therefore, Eplain can only produce hyperlink commands for one
-of these two programs&mdash;except that the extended <code>dvipdfmx</code> program
-can be used as well as the original <code>dvipdfm</code>, since they are
- <p>To tell Eplain which <samp><span class="file">.dvi</span></samp> processor or extended TeX engine you
-are using, use the command
-<a name="index-enablehyperlinks-454"></a><code>\enablehyperlinks</code>.
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \enablehyperlinks
- <p class="noindent">instructs Eplain to attempt to automatically detect which
-driver to use, as follows: if it detects pdfTeX in PDF mode, it
-loads the <code>pdftex</code> driver. If it does not detect pdfTeX in
-PDF mode, the <code>dvipdfm</code> driver is loaded. The detection is based
-on the
-<a name="index-ifpdf-455"></a><code>\ifpdf</code> switch (see <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a>).
- <p>If necessary, you can explicitly specify the driver name:
-<pre class="example"> \enablehyperlinks[pdftex]
- <p class="noindent">will start producing hyperlinks under the assumption that
-you are using pdfTeX.
- <p>Eplain does not produce any hyperlinks until you explicitly enable
-them with <code>\enablehyperlinks</code>. For one thing, this keeps Eplain
-backward-compatible with previous releases without hyperlink support.
-For another, you may be using a program other than pdfTeX or
-<code>dvipdfm</code>, which does not understand their hyperlink commands.
-<h4 class="subheading">Concepts and Terminology</h4>
-<p>In general, hyperlinks work as follows. You mark some place in your
-document as a hyperlink destination, associating a <dfn>hyperlink
-label</dfn> with that destination. Next, somewhere within your document,
-you create a hyperlink, using a label to identify the destination you
-want this link to point to. A hyperlink is a region in the document
-(which can take many forms, for example, text or a picture); when a
-user clicks on that region, they will be taken to a place in the
-document marked by the corresponding destination. The following two
-sections (<a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>, and <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>)
-describe the macros you can use to define destinations and create
-links pointing to those destinations.
- <p>In the rest of this chapter, we will often need to refer to links and
-destinations jointly, in which case we will use the term
-<dfn>hyperlinks</dfn>. We will use the terms <dfn>links</dfn> and
-<dfn>destinations</dfn> in cases when we need to refer specifically to
-links or destinations.
- <p><a name="index-link-type-456"></a><a name="index-destination-type-457"></a><a name="index-type_002c-link-and-destination-458"></a>Hyperlink drivers provide several kinds of links and destinations. We
-will refer to them as <dfn>link types</dfn> and <dfn>destination types</dfn>.
- <p>For example, one of the destination types that the <code>pdftex</code>
-driver provides is the `<samp><span class="samp">xyz</span></samp>' type; when the user follows a link
-pointing to an `<samp><span class="samp">xyz</span></samp>' destination, the exact location marked by
-that destination is displayed. Another destination type provided by
-the <code>pdftex</code> driver is the `<samp><span class="samp">fit</span></samp>' type; when the user follows
-a link pointing to a `<samp><span class="samp">fit</span></samp>' destination, the page containing that
-destination is zoomed to fit into the window in which the document is
- <p>Similarly, drivers support various link types. For example, with the
-<code>pdftex</code> driver, the usual link type used to refer to
-destinations in the current document is called `<samp><span class="samp">name</span></samp>'. You can
-also create a link pointing to another local document (by using the
-`<samp><span class="samp">filename</span></samp>' link type) or to a URL (by using the `<samp><span class="samp">url</span></samp>' link
- <p><a name="index-link-options-459"></a><a name="index-destination-options-460"></a><a name="index-options_002c-link-and-destination-461"></a>In addition, each hyperlink driver supports a number of destination and
-link <dfn>options</dfn>. By setting these options you can customize
-hyperlink parameters (e.g., the thickness of the border drawn around a
-hyperlink) or pass information to hyperlinks (for example, file name of
-a document, for a link pointing to a destination in another document).
- <p>See <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>, for the description of hyperlink types and
-options supported by the drivers. See <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>, for the information on how to set hyperlink options.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Explicit-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>
-<h3 class="section">5.2 Explicit hyperlinks</h3>
-<p><a name="index-explicit-hyperlinks-462"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-explicit-463"></a><a name="index-hldest-464"></a>Explicit hyperlinks are created by you, in the source of your
-document. The simplest command is <code>\hldest</code>, which marks the
-current position in your document as a destination:
-<pre class="example"> \hldest{<var>type</var>}{<var>options</var>}{<var>label</var>}
- <p class="noindent">Here <var>type</var> is one of the destination types supported by
-the hyperlink driver (see <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>), <var>options</var> is a
-comma-separated list of option assignments, and <var>label</var> is the
-hyperlink label to associate with this destination. This label will
-identify the destination when creating links pointing to this
-destination. For example, with the <code>pdftex</code> driver, the command
-<pre class="example"> \hldest{xyz}{zoom=2000}{index}
- <p class="noindent">creates a destination of type `<samp><span class="samp">xyz</span></samp>' (&ldquo;the current
-position&rdquo;), sets the magnification ratio for this destination to be
-200%, and associates the label <code>index</code> with the destination.
- <p><a name="index-hlstart-465"></a><a name="index-hlend-466"></a>Another command, <code>\hlstart</code>, paired with <code>\hlend</code>, turns all
-intervening material into a link:
-<pre class="example"> \hlstart{<var>type</var>}{<var>options</var>}{<var>label</var>} ... \hlend
- <p class="noindent">Here <var>type</var>, <var>options</var> and <var>label</var> have the same
-meaning as for <code>\hldest</code>. Continuing the previous example,
-<pre class="example"> \hlstart{name}{bstyle=U,bwidth=2}{index} Index\hlend
- <p class="noindent">typesets the word `Index' as a link with underline border of
-width&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->2&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->PostScript points, pointing to the named destination
-<code>index</code> defined in the previous example. (The other options, like
-highlight mode and border color, are determined by the defaults,
-see <a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a>).
- <p>Both <code>\hldest</code> and <code>\hlstart</code> ignore following spaces.
- <p>Both <code>\hldest</code> and <code>\hlstart</code> expand the first token of
-<var>options</var> once, so you can save a list of options in a macro and
-pass it for the <var>options</var>. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\linkopts{bstyle=U,bwidth=2}
- \hlstart{name}{\linkopts}{index}Index\hlend
- <p class="noindent">is functionally equivalent to the previous example.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Implicit-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>
-<h3 class="section">5.3 Implicit hyperlinks</h3>
-<p><a name="index-implicit-hyperlinks-467"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-implicit-468"></a><dfn>Implicit hyperlinks</dfn> are hyperlinks created implicitly by various
-Eplain macros, such as the macros for citations, cross-references,
-indexing, etc.
- <p><a name="index-link-group-469"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-470"></a><a name="index-group_002c-link-471"></a><a name="index-destination-group-472"></a><a name="index-destgroup-473"></a><a name="index-group_002c-destination-474"></a>All such macros are divided into <dfn>link groups</dfn> and
-<dfn>destination groups</dfn> (or <dfn>linkgroups</dfn> and <dfn>destgroups</dfn> for
-short) so that parameters can be set individually for each group. For
-example, all equation macros which define a destination are assigned
-to the `eq' destgroup; equation macros which create a link are
-assigned to the `eq' linkgroup. By setting parameters for the `eq'
-linkgroup (destgroup), you can uniformly customize all links
-(destinations) related to equation references, without interfering
-with settings for the other groups.
- <p>See <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>, for information on how to
-set parameters for a group.
- <p>Here is the list of the linkgroups:
-<pre class="display"> cite, ref, xref, eq, idx, foot, footback, url.
- <p>And here are the destgroups:
-<pre class="display"> bib, li, definexref, xrdef, eq, idx, foot, footback.
- <p>The following subsections describe each of the linkgroups and destgroups
-and the hyperlink support provided.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a>: url
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a>: cite, bib
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a>: li
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a>: definexref, ref
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a>: xrdef, xref
-<li><a accesskey="6" href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a>: eq
-<li><a accesskey="7" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>: idx
-<li><a accesskey="8" href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a>: foot, footback
-<li><a accesskey="9" href="#Contents-hyperlinks">Contents hyperlinks</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="URL-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.1 URL hyperlinks: url</h4>
-<p><a name="index-URL-hyperlink-475"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-URL-476"></a><a name="index-group-_0060url_0027-477"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060url_0027-478"></a>The `url' linkgroup covers the
-<a name="index-url-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-479"></a><code>\url</code> command from the LaTeX package
-<a name="index-url_002esty-480"></a><samp><span class="file">url</span></samp> (see <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a>), as well as any new
-<code>\url</code>-like commands you define. The type for this linkgroup is
-set to `<samp><span class="samp">url</span></samp>' by the drivers which support this link type.
-`<samp><span class="samp">url</span></samp>' links use the parameter to the <code>\url</code> command as the URL
-to point to.
- <p>You may be using the <code>\url</code> command to typeset something other than
-a URL, e.g., a path, for which you do not want a link to be created; in
-that case, you can disable the `url' linkgroup with the command
-<code>\hloff[url]</code> (see <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a>).
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Citation-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.2 Citation hyperlinks: cite, bib</h4>
-<p><a name="index-citations_002c-hyperlinks-481"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-citations-482"></a><a name="index-group-_0060cite_0027-483"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060cite_0027-484"></a><a name="index-cite-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-485"></a>The `cite' linkgroup includes only the <code>\cite</code> command
-(see <a href="#Citations">Citations</a>). <code>\cite</code> turns each of the references in the
-list into a link pointing to the respective bibliography entry
-produced by the <code>\bibliography</code> command.
- <p><a name="index-bibliography_002c-hyperlinks-486"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-bibliography-487"></a><a name="index-group-_0060bib_0027-488"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060bib_0027-489"></a><a name="index-bibliography-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-490"></a>The `bib' destgroup includes the macros related to the
-<code>\bibliography</code> command (see <a href="#Citations">Citations</a>). <code>\bibliography</code>
-inputs a <samp><span class="file">.bbl</span></samp> file, which contains a list of bibliography
-entries. For each of the entries, a destination is defined.
- <p>Both commands use the citation label as the hyperlink label.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="List-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.3 List hyperlinks: li</h4>
-<p><a name="index-lists_002c-hyperlinks-491"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-lists-492"></a><a name="index-li-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-493"></a><a name="index-group-_0060li_0027-494"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060li_0027-495"></a>The `li' destgroup consists of the <code>\li</code> command (see <a href="#Lists">Lists</a>),
-which defines a destination if you supply the optional argument
-(cross-reference label). This label is also used as the hyperlink
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Cross-reference-hyperlinks"></a>
-<a name="Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.4 Cross-reference hyperlinks: definexref, ref</h4>
-<p><a name="index-definexref-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-496"></a><a name="index-cross_002dreferences_002c-hyperlinks-497"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-cross_002dreferences-498"></a><a name="index-group-_0060definexref_0027-499"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060definexref_0027-500"></a>The `definexref' destgroup is for the <code>\definexref</code> command
-(see <a href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a>). <code>\definexref</code> defines a
-destination using the cross-reference label (the first argument) as the
-hyperlink label.
- <p><a name="index-group-_0060ref_0027-501"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060ref_0027-502"></a>The `ref' linkgroup includes <code>\refn</code> and <code>\xrefn</code> (they are
-synonyms), <code>\ref</code>, and <code>\refs</code> (see <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a>).
- <p><a name="index-refn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-503"></a><a name="index-xrefn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-504"></a><code>\refn</code> turns the cross-reference it produces into a link, using
-the cross-reference label as the hyperlink label. If an optional
-argument is present, it is tied by
-<a name="index-reftie-505"></a><code>\reftie</code> to the reference and become part of the link.
- <p><a name="index-ref-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-506"></a><code>\ref</code> works similarly to <code>\refn</code>. It takes an optional
-argument, which is treated the same way as the optional argument to
-<code>\refn</code>. In addition, <code>\ref</code> can produce a &ldquo;class word&rdquo;.
-Both the optional argument and the class word become part of the link,
-when present. The cross-reference is tied by
-<a name="index-reftie-507"></a><code>\reftie</code> to the preceding word. The optional argument is
-separated from the class word by
-<a name="index-refspace-508"></a><code>\refspace</code>.
- <p><a name="index-refs-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-509"></a>Unlike <code>\ref</code>, <code>\refs</code> does not take an optional argument and
-does not make the class word part of the link, which is appropriate for
-its intended use.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Page-reference-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.5 Page reference hyperlinks: xrdef, xref</h4>
-<p><a name="index-xrdef-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-510"></a><a name="index-page-reference-hyperlink-511"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-page-references-512"></a><a name="index-group-_0060xrdef_0027-513"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060xrdef_0027-514"></a>The `xrdef' destgroup is for <code>\xrdef</code> (see <a href="#Page-references">Page references</a>).
-<code>\xrdef</code> defines a destination using cross-reference label as the
-hyperlink label.
- <p><a name="index-xref-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-515"></a><a name="index-refspace-516"></a><a name="index-xrefpageword-517"></a><a name="index-group-_0060xref_0027-518"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060xref_0027-519"></a>The `xref' linkgroup includes the <code>\xref</code> command (see <a href="#Page-references">Page references</a>). <code>\xref</code> turns its optional argument (followed by
-<code>\refspace</code>), <code>\xrefpageword</code> and the cross-reference (page
-number) into a link, using the cross-reference label as the hyperlink
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Equation-reference-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.6 Equation reference hyperlinks: eq</h4>
-<p><a name="index-eqdef-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-520"></a><a name="index-eqdefn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-521"></a><a name="index-eqsubdef-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-522"></a><a name="index-eqsubdefn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-523"></a><a name="index-equations_002c-hyperlinks-524"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-equations-525"></a><a name="index-group-_0060eq_0027-526"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060eq_0027-527"></a>All commands that define equation labels are part of the `eq' destgroup.
-These are <code>\eqdef</code>, <code>\eqdefn</code>, <code>\eqsubdef</code> and
-<code>\eqsubdefn</code> (see <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>). All these commands use
-the equation label as the hyperlink label. However, if the equation
-label is empty, they make up a (hopefully) unique hyperlink label for
-the destination. This label will be used for the link when you refer to
-this empty-labeled equation with one of the equation reference macros.
- <p><a name="index-phantomeqlabel-528"></a><a name="index-phantomeqnumber-529"></a>The command <code>\phantomeqlabel</code> is called to generate hyperlink
-labels for the empty-labeled equations. By default, it produces the
-labels in the format `<samp><span class="samp">PHEQ</span><var>number</var></samp>', where <var>number</var> comes
-from the count register <code>\phantomeqnumber</code>; this count register is
-incremented at every empty-labeled equation definition.
- <p><a name="index-eqref-530"></a><a name="index-eqrefn-531"></a><a name="index-reftie-532"></a><a name="index-group-_0060eq_0027-533"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060eq_0027-534"></a>The commands <code>\eqref</code> and <code>\eqrefn</code> (see <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a>) form the `eq' linkgroup. These commands take an optional
-argument, which, when present, is tied with <code>\reftie</code> to the
-equation reference and becomes part of the link. The equation label is
-used for the hyperlink label; if the label is empty, the link is for the
-label generated for the last empty-labeled equation.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Index-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.7 Index hyperlinks: idx</h4>
-<p><a name="index-idx-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-535"></a><a name="index-idxname-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-536"></a><a name="index-idxmarked-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-537"></a><a name="index-idxsubmarked-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-538"></a><a name="index-index-hyperlink-539"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-index-540"></a><a name="index-group-_0060idx_0027-541"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060idx_0027-542"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060idx_0027-543"></a>All indexing commands (<code>\idx</code>, <code>\idxname</code>, <code>\idxmarked</code>,
-<code>\idxsubmarked</code> and their silent equivalents, see <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a>) form the `idx' destgroup. The `idx' linkgroup consists of
-the macros which are used to typeset the index when you say
-<a name="index-readindexfile-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-544"></a><code>\readindexfile{</code><var>index-letter</var><code>}</code> (see <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a>).
- <p><a name="index-makeindex-545"></a>To create the links in index entries, Eplain uses MakeIndex's
-&ldquo;encapsulation&rdquo; feature. When you use an indexing macro to mark an
-index term, Eplain writes out a line to the
-<a name="index-g_t_002eidx-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-546"></a><samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file of the following general form:
-<pre class="example"> \indexentry{<var>entry</var>|<var>pagemarkup</var>}{<var>pageno</var>}
- <p class="noindent">where <var>entry</var> is the index entry (converted into the
-internal format that MakeIndex understands), <var>cs</var> is the markup
-command you specified with the <code>pagemarkup=</code><var>cs</var> optional
-argument to the indexing commands (see <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a>),
-and <var>pageno</var> is the page number on which the term appeared. When
-processing the <samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file, MakeIndex makes the page number an
-argument to the page markup command (&ldquo;encapsulates&rdquo; the page
-number), so the page number in the
-<a name="index-g_t_002eind-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-547"></a><samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file appears as <code>\</code><var>cs</var><code>{</code><var>pageno</var><code>}</code>. Eplain
-internally replaces the <var>cs</var> command name with its own command,
-which, in addition to calling the original <code>\</code><var>cs</var>
-encapsulator, turns the page number into a link.
- <p>Eplain provides two approaches to linking page numbers in the index to
-locations of index terms in the text.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a>
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Index-page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Index page list and page range parsers</a>
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Exact-destinations-for-index-terms"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Exact destinations for index terms</h5>
-<p>In this approach, each command that marks an index term defines a unique
-destination and passes its label on to the <samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file as part of
-the <code>\indexentry</code> command. The <code>\indexentry</code> line that Eplain
-writes to the <samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file becomes
-<pre class="example"> \indexentry{<var>entry</var>|hlidx{<var>label</var>}{<var>cs</var>}}{<var>pageno}</var>
- <p><a name="index-hlidx-548"></a>where <code>\hlidx</code> is the command that is defined by Eplain
-to take three arguments: a hyperlink label (<var>label</var>), a name of
-page number encapsulator (<var>cs</var>) and a page number (<var>pageno</var>).
-In the <samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file that MakeIndex will generate, the page number
-will now appear as
-<pre class="example"> \hlidx{<var>label</var>}{<var>cs</var>}{<var>pageno</var>}
- <p class="noindent">The result of this command is
-<code>\</code><var>cs</var><code>{</code><var>pageno</var><code>}</code>, wrapped up into a link pointing to
-<var>label</var> destination.
- <p>The hyperlink labels for the index terms are generated by the
-<a name="index-hlidxlabel-549"></a><code>\hlidxlabel</code> command, by default in the format
-`<samp><span class="samp">IDX</span><var>number</var></samp>', where <var>number</var> is the value of the count
-<a name="index-hlidxlabelnumber-550"></a><code>\hlidxlabelnumber</code>. This count register is incremented at each
-index term.
- <p><a name="index-exact-index-hyperlinks-551"></a><a name="index-index_002c-exact-hyperlinks-552"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-index_002c-exact-553"></a>The advantage of this approach, as compared to the second approach
-described below, is that links in the index point to exact locations of
-the indexed terms on the page. The disadvantage of this approach is
-that MakeIndex will regard <em>all</em> index entries as distinct, because
-each one contains a (unique) hyperlink label. This disadvantage can be
-partially overcome by the script
-<a name="index-idxuniq-554"></a><a name="index-filtering-index-entries-with-hyperlinks-555"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-filtering-index-entries-556"></a><samp><span class="file">idxuniq</span></samp> distributed with Eplain in the <samp><span class="file">util</span></samp> directory.
-This script filters out <code>\indexentry</code> lines differing only in the
-hyperlink label but identical otherwise. You should process the
-<samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> with this script before passing it on to MakeIndex. For
-<pre class="example"> prompt$ ./idxuniq file.idx | makeindex &gt; file.ind
- <p class="noindent">Still, this solution is not ideal, as the page-range formation
-ability of MakeIndex will not work, and there will be problems of
-apparently identical index entries clashing (e.g., when a range-end
-entry appears on the same page as another entry with the same
-definition; <samp><span class="file">idxuniq</span></samp> will not filter out the second entry).
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Page-destinations-for-index-terms"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Page destinations for index terms</h5>
-<p>In the second approach, Eplain does not write out any destination labels
-for the index terms. Instead, Eplain writes out a wrapper for page
-number encapsulator which can parse the page number and generate a link
-pointing to the <em>page</em> on which the term appeared. On top of each
-page containing an index term, Eplain defines a destination with label
-produced by
-<a name="index-hlidxpagelabel-557"></a><code>\hlidxpagelabel</code>. The <code>\hlidxpagelabel</code> command takes a
-single argument (page number <var>number</var>) and by default produces the
-label in the format `<samp><span class="samp">IDXPG</span><var>number</var></samp>'.
- <p>With this approach, the <code>\indexentry</code> line which Eplain writes to
-the <code>.idx</code> file looks like this:
-<pre class="example"> \indexentry{<var>entry</var>|hlidxpage{<var>cs</var>}}{<var>pageno}</var>
- <p><a name="index-hlidxpage-558"></a>where <code>\hlidxpage</code> is the command that is defined by Eplain
-to take two arguments: a name of page number encapsulator (<var>cs</var>)
-and a page number (<var>pageno</var>). In the <samp><span class="file">.ind</span></samp> file that
-MakeIndex will generate, the page number will appear as
-<pre class="example"> \hlidxpage{<var>cs</var>}{<var>pageno</var>}
- <p>The advantage of this approach is that all features of MakeIndex are
-intact. The drawback is that links in the index do not point to exact
-locations of indexed terms on a page, but to the top of a page on
-which the term appears.
- <p><a name="index-index_002c-parsing-page-numbers-559"></a><a name="index-page-range_002c-parsing-560"></a><a name="index-page-list_002c-parsing-561"></a><a name="index-parsing-page-numbers-562"></a>Another disadvantage is that this approach depends on the page range and
-page list separators which MakeIndex was configured to output.
-<code>\hlidxpage</code> must be able to parse the first page number in a page
-range like `<samp><span class="samp">1--4</span></samp>'. In addition, page list parsing is needed
-because MakeIndex combines two consecutive page numbers in one call to
-the page number encapsulator, so <code>\hlidxpage</code> can be passed, e.g.,
-`<samp><span class="samp">1, 2</span></samp>' for the <var>pageno</var>. In this last case, <code>\hlidxpage</code>
-splits the two page numbers, applies <code>\</code><var>cs</var> to each of them,
-and makes each of the page numbers a link to the appropriate page. Note
-that this will alter typesetting slightly, because now the page list
-separator (a comma followed by a space, by default) is not typeset using
-the page number encapsulator (<code>\</code><var>cs</var>).
- <p>Eplain's defaults for the page list and page number delimiters are the
-same as those in MakeIndex, a comma followed by a space (`<samp><span class="samp">, </span></samp>') and
-two dashes (`<samp><span class="samp">--</span></samp>'), respectively. If you customize MakeIndex to use
-different delimiters, you must not forget to let Eplain know about them
-with the commands
-<pre class="example"> \setidxpagelistdelimiter{<var>list-delim</var>}
- \setidxpagerangedelimiter{<var>page-delim</var>}
- <p class="noindent">(see <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a>).
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Choosing-destination-placement"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Index-page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Index page list and page range parsers</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Choosing destination placement</h5>
-<p><a name="index-index_002c-placement-of-destinations-563"></a><a name="index-index_002c-destination-placement-564"></a><a name="index-index_002c-selecting-destination-placement-565"></a><a name="index-index_002c-choosing-destination-placement-566"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-index-destination-placement-567"></a>The approach that Eplain should use for the index terms can be
-selected in the
-<a name="index-enablehyperlinks-568"></a><code>\enablehyperlinks</code> command. The optional argument it accepts is
-a comma-separated list of options. The
-<a name="index-idxexact-569"></a><code>idxexact</code> option selects the first approach,
-<a name="index-idxpage-570"></a><code>idxpage</code> the second, and
-<a name="index-idxnone-571"></a><code>idxnone</code> disables hyperlink support for the index terms
-altogether, in case you want to stop Eplain from writing its link
-wrappers into the <samp><span class="file">.idx</span></samp> file. The default is <code>idxpage</code>.
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \enablehyperlinks[idxexact]
- <p class="noindent">selects the first approach (&ldquo;exact index links&rdquo;).
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Index-page-list-and-page-range-parsers"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Index page list and page range parsers</h5>
-<p>The macros that Eplain uses to parse page lists and page ranges,
-<code>\idxparselist</code> and <code>\idxparserange</code>, can sometimes be useful
-when defining page number encapsulators. See <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a>, for the description of these commands and an example of their
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Index-page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Index page list and page range parsers</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</h5>
-<p><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-see-and-see-also-index-entries-572"></a><a name="index-index_002c-hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries-573"></a><a name="index-see-also-index-entries-and-hyperlinks-574"></a><a name="index-see_002c-and-index-entries_002c-hyperlinks-575"></a>There is no automatic support for hyperlinks with &ldquo;see&rdquo; and &ldquo;see
-also&rdquo; index entries, as there is not enough information to trace the
-parameters of
-<a name="index-indexsee-576"></a><code>\indexsee</code> and
-<a name="index-indexseealso-577"></a><code>\indexseealso</code> to corresponding index entries. But if desired,
-this can be implemented with <code>\hldest</code> and <code>\hlstart</code>
-(see <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>); for example:
-<pre class="example"> \sidx{semantic theory of truth@%
- \leavevmode\hldest{}{}{idx:theo truth}semantic theory of truth}
- ...
- \sidx[seealso]{truth}[definition of]%
- {\hlstart{}{}{idx:theo truth}semantic theory of truth\hlend}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Footnote-hyperlinks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Contents-hyperlinks">Contents hyperlinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.8 Footnote hyperlinks: foot, footback</h4>
-<p><a name="index-footnotes_002c-hyperlinks-578"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-footnotes-579"></a><a name="index-group-_0060foot_0027-580"></a><a name="index-group-_0060footback_0027-581"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060foot_0027-582"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060footback_0027-583"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060foot_0027-584"></a><a name="index-destgroup-_0060footback_0027-585"></a>The `foot' link and destination groups include the
-<a name="index-numberedfootnote-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-586"></a><code>\numberedfootnote</code> and
-<a name="index-footnote-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-587"></a><code>\footnote</code> macros (see <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a>). The `footback' groups
-include the same macros, but control parameters for links and
-destinations created inside the footnote to point back to the footnote
-mark within the text body.
- <p>The macros use hyperlink labels generated by
-<a name="index-hlfootlabel-588"></a><code>\hlfootlabel</code> and
-<a name="index-hlfootbacklabel-589"></a><code>\hlfootbacklabel</code>. The default formats for the labels are
-`<samp><span class="samp">FOOT</span><var>number</var></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">FOOTB</span><var>number</var></samp>', respectively,
-where <var>number</var> is the value of the count register
-<a name="index-hlfootlabelnumber-590"></a><code>\hlfootlabelnumber</code>. This register is incremented at every
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Contents-hyperlinks"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.3.9 Contents hyperlinks</h4>
-<p><a name="index-table-of-contents_002c-hyperlinks-591"></a><a name="index-contents_002c-hyperlinks-592"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-table-of-contents-593"></a>There is currently no special support for hyperlinks in the table of
-contents (see <a href="#Contents">Contents</a>), but implementing them with the
-<code>\hldest</code> and <code>\hlstart ... \hlend</code> commands
-(see <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a>) should be possible.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Hyperlink-drivers"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>
-<h3 class="section">5.4 Hyperlink drivers</h3>
-<p>This section describes the hyperlink drivers: the types of hyperlinks
-they support, and the options they accept. During the first reading,
-you may only want to skim through this section.
- <p>Some of the descriptions below come from <cite>Portable Document Format
-Reference Manual Version&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->1.3</cite>, March&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->11, 1999.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Options-supported-by-all-drivers"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.4.1 Options supported by all drivers</h4>
-<p><a name="index-hyperlink-options_002c-common-594"></a>This subsection describes the destination and link options which are
-supported by all hyperlink drivers.
-<h5 class="subsubheading">Destination options supported by all drivers</h5>
-<p><a name="index-destination-options_002c-common-595"></a><a name="index-options_002c-destination_002c-common-596"></a>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>raise</code><dd><a name="index-raise-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-597"></a><a name="index-raising-hyperlink-destinations-598"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-raising-599"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-raising-600"></a>Specifies how much to raise destinations above the baseline. When set
-to zero or empty, destinations are placed at the baseline.
- <p>It is usually convenient to set this option to some variable parameter,
-so that the height to which destinations are raised is automatically
-adjusted according to the current context. For example, setting it to
-<a name="index-normalbaselineskip-601"></a><code>\normalbaselineskip</code> (or some fraction of it, like
-<code>1.7\normalbaselineskip</code>) makes the setting appropriate for
-different point sizes, in case your document uses more than one.
- <p>The default setting is <code>\normalbaselineskip</code>. Initially, the
-destgroups do not define this option, so they fall back on the default,
-except for the `eq' destgroup, for which this option is set to
-<a name="index-mathematics-displays_002c-hyperlinks-602"></a><a name="index-displayed-math-and-hyperlinks-603"></a><a name="index-large-operators-and-hyperlinks-604"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-large-operators-605"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-large-operators-606"></a>to accommodate the usual cases of large operators in displayed math.
- <p>Example: <code>\hldestopts[eq]{raise=2.5\normalbaselineskip}</code>
-<h5 class="subsubheading">Link options supported by all drivers</h5>
-<p><a name="index-link-options_002c-common-607"></a><a name="index-options_002c-link_002c-common-608"></a>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>colormodel</code><dt><code>color</code><dd><a name="index-colormodel-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-609"></a><a name="index-color-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-610"></a><a name="index-color_002c-hyperlinks-611"></a>These two options define the color to be used for rendering the link
-text. The colors are used only when a <code>\color</code> command is defined,
-e.g., by loading the LaTeX `color' package (see <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a>). The <code>\color</code> command is called as
-<code>\color[</code><var>colormodel</var><code>]{</code><var>color</var><code>}</code>, where <var>colormodel</var>
-and <var>color</var> are the definitions of the <code>colormodel</code> and
-<code>color</code> options, respectively. However, if <var>colormodel</var> is
-empty, the optional argument to <code>\color</code> is omitted; and if
-<var>color</var> is empty, the <code>\color</code> command is omitted altogether.
-The default setting is <var>colormodel</var><code>=cmyk</code> and
- <p>When specifying colors with several components delimited by commas
-(e.g., RGB and CMYK colors in the LaTeX `color' package), it is not
-possible to specify the components directly in the option list of
-<code>\hlopts</code>, because comma is the option list delimiter. With the
-`color' package, it is possible to specify such colors by defining a
-custom color with <code>\definecolor</code> and using the new color name with
-an empty <var>colormodel</var> (see examples below).
- <p>Examples:
- <pre class="example"> \hlopts{colormodel=,color=blue}% predefined color
- \definecolor{mycolor}{rgb}{.3,.8,.95}
- \hlopts{colormodel=,color=mycolor}% custom color
- \hlopts{colormodel=gray,color=.4}
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.4.2 Hyperlink drivers <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-hyperlink-driver-612"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-hyperlink-driver-613"></a><a name="index-driver-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-614"></a><a name="index-driver-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-615"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-driver-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-616"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-driver-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-617"></a>This subsection describes link and destination types and options
-supported by the <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code> drivers. Many of the
-hyperlink types and options are common to both drivers, so we describe
-them together.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Destination types for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></h5>
-<p><a name="index-destination-types_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-618"></a><a name="index-destination-types_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-619"></a><a name="index-types_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-620"></a><a name="index-types_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-621"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-destination-types-622"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-destination-types-623"></a>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>xyz</code><dd><a name="index-xyz-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-624"></a>&ldquo;Current position&rdquo;. The option
-<a name="index-zoom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-625"></a><code>zoom</code> specifies magnification to use (zero or empty means leave
-magnification unchanged, which is the default). This is the default
- <p>For <code>dvipdfm</code>: the options
-<a name="index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-626"></a><code>left</code> and
-<a name="index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-627"></a><code>top</code> specify position coordinates to use (empty options mean
-current position coordinate, which is the default).
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{xyz}{zoom=2000}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fit</code><dd><a name="index-fit-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-628"></a>Fit the page to the window.
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{fit}{}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fith</code><dd><a name="index-fith-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-629"></a>Fit the width of the page to the window.
- <p>For <code>dvipdfm</code>: the
-<a name="index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-630"></a><code>top</code> option specifies vertical position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{fith}{}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fitv</code><dd><a name="index-fitv-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-631"></a>Fit the height of the page to the window.
- <p>For <code>dvipdfm</code>: The option
-<a name="index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-632"></a><code>left</code> specifies horizontal position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{fitv}{}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fitb</code><dd><a name="index-fitb-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-633"></a>Fit the page's bounding box to the window.
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{fitb}{}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fitbh</code><dd><a name="index-fitbh-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-634"></a>Fit the width of the page's bounding box to the window.
- <p>For <code>dvipdfm</code>: the option
-<a name="index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-635"></a><code>top</code> specifies vertical position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{fitbh}{}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fitbv</code><dd><a name="index-fitbv-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-636"></a>Fit the height of the page's bounding box to the window.
- <p>For <code>dvipdfm</code>: the option
-<a name="index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-637"></a><code>left</code> specifies horizontal position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{fitbv}{}{dest123}</code>
- <br><dt><code>fitr</code><dd><a name="index-fitr-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-638"></a>For <code>pdftex</code>: fit the rectangle specified by the options
-<a name="index-width-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-639"></a><code>width</code>,
-<a name="index-height-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-640"></a><code>height</code> and
-<a name="index-depth-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-641"></a><code>depth</code> (as a TeX rule specification) in the window. For
-dimensions set to empty, the corresponding value of the parent box is
-used (these are the defaults).
- <p>For <code>dvipdfm</code>: fit the rectangle specified by the options
-<a name="index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-642"></a><code>left</code>,
-<a name="index-bottom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-643"></a><code>bottom</code>,
-<a name="index-right-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-644"></a><code>right</code> and
-<a name="index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-645"></a><code>top</code> (in
-<a name="index-PostScript-point-646"></a>PostScript points, 72&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->points per inch) in the window. For
-dimensions set to empty, current position coordinate is substituted
-(these are the defaults).
- <p>Example for <code>pdftex</code>:
- <pre class="example"> \hldest{fitr}{width=\hsize,height=.5\vsize,depth=0pt}{dest123}
- </pre>
- <p>Example for <code>dvipdfm</code>:
- <pre class="example"> \hldest{fitr}{left=72,bottom=72,right=720,top=360}{dest123}
- </pre>
- <br><dt><code>raw</code><dd><a name="index-raw-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-647"></a>The destination specification (in the form of a pdfTeX command or a
-dvipdfm <code>\special</code>) is taken from the command sequence
-<code>\</code><var>cs</var>, where <var>cs</var> is the value of the
-<a name="index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-648"></a><code>cmd</code> option. In the definition of <code>\</code><var>cs</var>, use
-<a name="index-g_t_0040_0040hllabel-649"></a><code>\@hllabel</code> to refer to the hyperlink label. This option is
-intended to be used with destgroups (see <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>), as it does not make sense to use it in a direct call to
-<a name="index-hldest-650"></a><code>\hldest</code>&mdash;you can just call the raw command.
- <p>Example for <code>pdftex</code>:
- <pre class="example"> \makeatletter
- \def\mydest{\pdfdest name{\@hllabel} xyz}
- \hldesttype{raw}
- \hldestopts{cmd=mydest}
- \resetatcatcode
- </pre>
- <p>Example for <code>dvipdfm</code>:
- <pre class="example"> \makeatletter
- \def\mydest{\special{pdf: dest (\@hllabel)
- [@thispage /XYZ @xpos @ypos 0]}}
- \hldesttype{raw}
- \hldestopts{cmd=mydest}
- \resetatcatcode
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Destination options for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></h5>
-<p><a name="index-destination-options_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-651"></a><a name="index-destination-options_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-652"></a><a name="index-options_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-653"></a><a name="index-options_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-654"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-destination-options-655"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-destination-options-656"></a>With respect to the destination options, the <code>pdftex</code> and
-<code>dvipdfm</code> differ in the way the fit rectangle is specified
-(relative coordinates for <code>pdftex</code>, absolute coordinates for
-<h5 class="subsubheading">Common destination options</h5>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>cmd</code><dd><a name="index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-657"></a>Name of the macro (without the leading `<samp><span class="samp">\</span></samp>') containing a
-pdfTeX command or a dvipdfm <code>\special</code> for the <code>raw</code>
- <p>For an example of usage, see <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>, description of the <code>raw</code> destination.
- <br><dt><code>zoom</code><dd><a name="index-zoom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-658"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-magnification-659"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-magnification-660"></a><a name="index-magnification_002c-hyperlink-destination-661"></a><a name="index-zooming_002c-hyperlink-destination-662"></a>Magnification ratio times 1000 (like TeX's scale factor).
-Zero or empty means leave magnification unchanged, which is the
- <p>Example: <code>\hldest{xyz}{zoom=2000}{dest123}</code>
-<h5 class="subsubheading"><code>pdftex</code>-specific destination options</h5>
-<p>The dimension options below must be specified as a TeX rule
-specification. When set to empty, the corresponding value
-of the parent box is used (this is the default for all dimension
- <dl>
-<dt><code>depth</code><dd><a name="index-depth-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-663"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-664"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-665"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-666"></a>Depth of the fit rectangle for the <code>fitr</code> destination.
- <br><dt><code>height</code><dd><a name="index-height-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-667"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-668"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-669"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-670"></a>Height of the fit rectangle for the <code>fitr</code> destination.
- <br><dt><code>width</code><dd><a name="index-width-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-671"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-672"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-673"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-674"></a>Width of the fit rectangle for the <code>fitr</code> destination.
- <p>Example:
- <pre class="example"> \hldest{fitr}{width=\hsize,height=.5\vsize,depth=0pt}{dest123}
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<h5 class="subsubheading"><code>dvipdfm</code>-specific destination options</h5>
-<p>The dimension options below must be specified in
-<a name="index-PostScript-point-675"></a>PostScript points (72&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->points per inch), as a number without the
-`<samp><span class="samp">bp</span></samp>' unit name. When set to empty, the current position
-coordinate is used (this is the default for all dimension options).
- <dl>
-<dt><code>bottom</code><dd><a name="index-bottom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-676"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-677"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-678"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-679"></a>Bottom position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
- <br><dt><code>left</code><dd><a name="index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-680"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-681"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-682"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-683"></a>Left position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
- <br><dt><code>right</code><dd><a name="index-right-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-684"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-685"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-686"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-687"></a>Right position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
- <br><dt><code>top</code><dd><a name="index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-688"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-dimensions-689"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-690"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-691"></a>Top position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
- <p>Example:
- <pre class="example"> \hldest{fitr}{left=72,bottom=72,right=720,top=360}{dest123}
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Link types for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></h5>
-<p><a name="index-link-types_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-692"></a><a name="index-link-types_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-693"></a><a name="index-types_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-694"></a><a name="index-types_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-695"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-link-types-696"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-link-types-697"></a>Link types are the same for the <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code>
-drivers, except that the <code>pdftex</code> driver provides one additional
-link type <code>num</code> (link to a numbered destination). dvipdfm does not
-support numbered destinations, therefore it does not have this link
-type. Note that all destinations created by Eplain hyperlink macros are
-named destinations; to define a numbered destination, you have to use
-low-level pdfTeX commands.
-<h5 class="subsubheading">Common link types</h5>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>name</code><dd><a name="index-name-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-698"></a><a name="index-named-destination-699"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-named-700"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-named-701"></a>Go to a &ldquo;named destination&rdquo;. The label is the destination name.
-All destinations created with <code>\hldest</code> are named destinations.
-This is the default type.
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{name}{}{dest123}Link to dest123\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>page</code><dd><a name="index-page-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-702"></a><a name="index-page-destination-703"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-page-704"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-page-705"></a>Go to a page. The label is the page number (counting from&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->1).
-Page fitting is specified by the
-<a name="index-pagefit-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-706"></a><code>pagefit</code> option.
- <p>Example:
- <pre class="example"> \hlstart{page}{pagefit=/FitH 600}{123}Link to page~123\hlend
- </pre>
- <br><dt><code>filename</code><dd><a name="index-filename-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-707"></a><a name="index-file_002c-hyperlink-to-708"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-in-another-file-709"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-to-another-file-710"></a>Go to a named destination in another file. The label is the
-destination name. The file name is specified by the
-<a name="index-file-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-711"></a><code>file</code> option. Page fitting is specified by the
-<a name="index-pagefit-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-712"></a><code>pagefit</code> option. The
-<a name="index-newwin-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-713"></a><code>newwin</code> option specifies whether the destination document is
-opened in the same window or in a new window.
- <p>Example:
- <pre class="example"> \hlstart{filename}{file=book.pdf,newwin=1}{dest123}
- Link to dest123 in file `book.pdf'\hlend
- </pre>
- <br><dt><code>filepage</code><dd><a name="index-filepage-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-714"></a><a name="index-file_002c-hyperlink-to-715"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-in-another-file-716"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-to-another-file-717"></a>Go to a page in another file. The label is the page number (counting
-from&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->1). The file name is specified by the
-<a name="index-file-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-718"></a><code>file</code> option. Page fitting is specified by the
-<a name="index-pagefit-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-719"></a><code>pagefit</code> option. The
-<a name="index-newwin-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-720"></a><code>newwin</code> option specifies whether the destination document is
-opened in the same window or in a new window.
- <p>Example:
- <pre class="example"> \hlstart{filepage}{file=book.pdf,newwin=,%
- pagefit=/FitR 50 100 300 500}{1}
- Link to page~1 in file `book.pdf'\hlend
- </pre>
- <br><dt><code>url</code><dd><a name="index-url-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-721"></a><a name="index-URL-hyperlink-722"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-URL-723"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-URL-724"></a>Go to a URL. The label is the URL.
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{url}{}{}Eplain home\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>raw</code><dd><a name="index-raw-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-725"></a>The link specification (in the form of a pdfTeX command or a dvipdfm
-<code>\special</code> primitive) is taken from the command sequence
-<code>\</code><var>cs</var>, where <var>cs</var> is the value of the
-<a name="index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-726"></a><code>cmd</code> option. This option is intended to be used with linkgroups
-(see <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>), as it does not make sense
-to use it in a direct call to
-<a name="index-hlstart-727"></a><code>\hlstart</code>&mdash;you can just call the raw command.
- <p>Example for <code>pdftex</code>:
- <pre class="example"> % Redirect all \url links to the first page
- \def\mycmd{\pdfstartlink goto page 1 {/Fit}}
- \hltype[url]{raw}
- \hlopts[url]{cmd=mycmd}
- </pre>
- <p>Example for <code>dvipdfm</code>:
- <pre class="example"> % Redirect all \url links to the first page
- \def\mycmd{\special{pdf: beginann &lt;&lt;/Type/Annot /Subtype/Link
- /Dest[0 /Fit]&gt;&gt;}}
- \hltype[url]{raw}
- \hlopts[url]{cmd=mycmd}
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<h5 class="subsubheading"><code>pdftex</code>-specific link types</h5>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>num</code><dd><a name="index-num-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-728"></a><a name="index-numbered-destination-729"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-numbered-730"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-destination_002c-numbered-731"></a>Go to a &ldquo;numbered destination&rdquo;. The label is the destination
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{num}{}{123}Link to 123\hlend</code>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>
-<h5 class="subsubsection"> Link options for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></h5>
-<p><a name="index-link-options_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-732"></a><a name="index-link-options_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-733"></a><a name="index-options_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-734"></a><a name="index-options_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-735"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-link-options-736"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-link-options-737"></a>Link options are mostly the same for the <code>pdftex</code> and
-<code>dvipdfm</code> drivers. The <code>pdftex</code> driver has additional
-options to specify link dimensions.
-<h5 class="subsubheading">Common link options</h5>
- <dl>
-<dt><code>bcolor</code><dd><a name="index-bcolor-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-738"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-border-color-739"></a><a name="index-border-color_002c-hyperlink-740"></a><a name="index-color_002c-hyperlink-border-741"></a>Border color. An array of three numbers in the range 0 to 1,
-representing a color in DeviceRGB.
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{name}{bcolor=.1 .5 1}{dest123}Link\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>bdash</code><dd><a name="index-bdash-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-742"></a><a name="index-dashed-hyperlink-border-743"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-border-style-744"></a><a name="index-border-style_002c-hyperlink-745"></a>Array of numbers representing on and off stroke lengths for drawing
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{name}{bstyle=D,bdash=2 4}{dest123}Link\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>bstyle</code><dd><a name="index-bstyle-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-746"></a><a name="index-solid-hyperlink-border-747"></a><a name="index-dashed-hyperlink-border-748"></a><a name="index-beveled-hyperlink-border-749"></a><a name="index-inset-hyperlink-border-750"></a><a name="index-underline-hyperlink-border-751"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-border-style-752"></a><a name="index-style_002c-hyperlink-border-753"></a><a name="index-border-style_002c-hyperlink-754"></a>Link border style:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>S</code><dd>The border is drawn as a solid line.
- <br><dt><code>D</code><dd>The border is drawn with a dashed line (the dash pattern is specified
-by the
-<a name="index-bdash-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-755"></a><code>bdash</code> option).
- <br><dt><code>B</code><dd>The border is drawn in a beveled style.
- <br><dt><code>I</code><dd>The border is drawn in an inset style.
- <br><dt><code>U</code><dd>The border is drawn as a line on the bottom of the link rectangle.
- <p>The default is `<samp><span class="samp">S</span></samp>'.
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{name}{bstyle=D,bdash=2 4}{dest123}Link\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>bwidth</code><dd><a name="index-bwidth-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-756"></a><a name="index-width_002c-hyperlink-border-757"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-border-width-758"></a><a name="index-border-width_002c-hyperlink-759"></a>Border width in
-<a name="index-PostScript-point-760"></a>PostScript points (72&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->points per inch). The default is&nbsp;<!-- /@w -->1.
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{name}{bwidth=2}{dest123}Link\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>cmd</code><dd><a name="index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-761"></a>Name of the macro (without the leading `<samp><span class="samp">\</span></samp>') containing a
-pdfTeX command or a dvipdfm <code>\special</code> for the <code>raw</code> link.
- <p>For an example of usage, see <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-description of the <code>raw</code> link.
- <br><dt><code>file</code><dd><a name="index-file-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-762"></a>File name for the <code>filename</code> and <code>filepage</code> link types.
- <p>For an example of usage, see <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-description of the <code>filename</code> and <code>filepage</code> links.
- <br><dt><code>hlight</code><dd><a name="index-hlight-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-763"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-highlight-mode-764"></a><a name="index-highlight-modes_002c-hyperlink-765"></a>Link border highlight modes:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>I</code><dd>The rectangle specified by the bounding box of the link is inverted.
- <br><dt><code>N</code><dd>No highlighting is done.
- <br><dt><code>O</code><dd>The border of the link is inverted.
- <br><dt><code>P</code><dd>The region underneath the bounding box of the link is drawn inset into
-the page.
- <p>The default is `<samp><span class="samp">I</span></samp>'.
- <p>Example: <code>\hlstart{name}{bstyle=S,hlight=O}{dest123}Link\hlend</code>
- <br><dt><code>newwin</code><dd><a name="index-newwin-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-766"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-opening-in-a-new-window-767"></a><a name="index-new-window_002c-opening-hyperlink-in-768"></a>For the <code>filename</code> and <code>filepage</code> links, specifies whether the destination document is
-opened in the same window or in a new window. The settings are:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>0</code><dd>Open in the same window.
-<br><dt><span class="roman">non-</span><code>0</code><dd>Open in a new window.
-<br><dt><span class="roman">empty</span><dd>Behavior according to the viewer settings.
- <p>The default is empty.
- <p>For an example of usage, see <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-description of the <code>filename</code> and <code>filepage</code> links.
- <br><dt><code>pagefit</code><dd><a name="index-pagefit-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-769"></a>For the <code>page</code> and <code>filepage links</code>, specifies how the page
-must be fitted to the window. <code>pagefit</code> specification is written
-to the PDF file as is, so it must conform to the PDF standard.
- <p>For an example of usage, see <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-description of the <code>page</code> and <code>filepage</code> links.
-<h5 class="subsubheading"><code>pdftex</code>-specific link options</h5>
-<p>The dimension options below must be specified as a TeX rule
-specification. When set to empty, the corresponding value
-of the parent box is used (this is the default for all dimension
- <dl>
-<dt><code>depth</code><dd><a name="index-depth-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-770"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-dimensions-771"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-772"></a>Depth of the link.
- <br><dt><code>height</code><dd><a name="index-height-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-773"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-dimensions-774"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-775"></a>Height of the link.
- <br><dt><code>width</code><dd><a name="index-width-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-776"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-dimensions-777"></a><a name="index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-778"></a>Width of the link.
- <p>Example:
- <pre class="example"> \hlstart{name}{width=5in,height=20pc,depth=0pt}{dest123}
- Link\hlend
- </pre>
- </dl>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Hyperlink-driver-nolinks"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.4.3 Hyperlink driver <code>nolinks</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bnolinks_007d_002c-hyperlink-driver-779"></a><a name="index-driver-_0040code_007bnolinks_007d-780"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-driver-_0040code_007bnolinks_007d-781"></a><a name="index-omitting-hyperlinks-782"></a><a name="index-disabling-hyperlinks-783"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-disabling-784"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-disabling-785"></a><a name="index-spacing_002c-preserving-with-hyperlinks-786"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-preserving-spacing-787"></a><a name="index-page_002dbreaking_002c-preserving-with-hyperlinks-788"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-preserving-page_002dbreaking-789"></a>Select this driver to suppress all hyperlinks in your document.
- <p>Selecting this driver is quite different from not selecting any driver
-at all, or from selecting some driver and then turning hyperlinks off
-for the entire document with
-<a name="index-hloff-790"></a><code>\hloff</code> and
-<a name="index-hldestoff-791"></a><code>\hldestoff</code> (see <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>).
- <p>The purpose of <code>\hldestoff</code> and <code>\hloff</code> is to mark (parts) of
-your document where hyperlinks should never appear. (Imagine you want
-to prevent a cross-referencing macro from generating a link at a certain
-spot in your document.)
- <p>If instead you have prepared a document with hyperlinks and just want to
-compile a version without them, it is better to select the driver
-<code>nolinks</code>. This ensures that spacing and page-breaking are the
-same as what you were getting with hyperlinks enabled.
- <p>The reason for this is that hyperlinks are produced by the
-<code>\special</code> primitives or low-level hyperlink commands. Each such
-command is placed inside a
-<a name="index-whatsits_002c-made-by-hyperlinks-792"></a><dfn>whatsit</dfn> (an internal TeX object), which may introduce
-legitimate breakpoints at places where none would exist without the
-whatsits. The macros <code>\hldestoff</code> and <code>\hloff</code> disable the
-hyperlink macros completely, so that no whatsits are produced.
- <p>In contrast, the <code>nolinks</code> driver does not completely disable
-hyperlink macros. Instead, it defines them to merely write to the log
-file (what gets written is unimportant). This also produces
-whatsits, thus imitating the whatsits from the hyperlink commands.
-(This trick was borrowed from the
-<a name="index-color_002esty-793"></a><a name="index-graphics-collection_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-794"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-graphics-collection-795"></a>LaTeX `color' package.)
- <p>Another reason for using <code>nolinks</code> is that in horizontal mode
-<code>\hldest</code> places destinations inside boxes of zero width, height,
-and depth. When you say <code>\hldestoff</code>, <code>\hldest</code> will omit
-both destination definitions and these boxes. The missing boxes can
-again cause the typesetting to be inconsistent with that with
-destinations enabled. Here again, the <code>nolinks</code> driver helps by
-defining <code>\hldest</code> to produce the empty boxes.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>
-<h3 class="section">5.5 Setting hyperlink types and options</h3>
-<p><a name="index-default-hyperlink-type-796"></a><a name="index-default-hyperlink-options-797"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-default-type-798"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-default-options-799"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-default-type-800"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-default-options-801"></a>You can define default types for links and destinations, which will be
-used when you do not specify a type in
-<a name="index-hlstart-802"></a><code>\hlstart</code> or
-<a name="index-hldest-803"></a><code>\hldest</code>. Similarly, you can define default values for the
-options; the default value for an option is used when you do not set the
-option in the argument to <code>\hlstart</code> or <code>\hldest</code>.
- <p><a name="index-group_002c-type-hyperlink-804"></a><a name="index-group_002c-options-hyperlink-805"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-group-type-806"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-group-options-807"></a><a name="index-link_002c-group-type-808"></a><a name="index-link_002c-group-options-809"></a><a name="index-linkgroup_002c-type-810"></a><a name="index-linkgroup_002c-options-811"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-group-type-812"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-group-options-813"></a><a name="index-destgroup_002c-type-814"></a><a name="index-destgroup_002c-options-815"></a>The parameters for implicit links and destinations can be customized by
-setting the &ldquo;group&rdquo; types and options. When not set, the defaults are
- <p>All these settings are local to the current (TeX) group, so if
-you want to set an option temporarily, you can do so inside a
-<code>\begingroup...\endgroup</code> block; when the group ends, the
-previous settings are restored.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Setting-default-types-and-options"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.5.1 Setting default types and options</h4>
-<p><a name="index-hltype-816"></a><a name="index-hldesttype-817"></a>The default types for links and destinations can be set with the
-following commands:
-<pre class="example"> \hltype{<var>type</var>}
- \hldesttype{<var>type</var>}
- <p class="noindent">where <var>type</var> is one of the
-link/destination types supported by the selected hyperlink driver
-(see <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers">Hyperlink drivers</a>).
- <p><a name="index-hlopts-818"></a><a name="index-hldestopts-819"></a>Default values for the options can be set with the following commands:
-<pre class="example"> \hlopts{<var>options</var>}
- \hldestopts{<var>options</var>}
- <p class="noindent">where <var>options</var> is a comma-separated list of option
-assignments in the format `<samp><var>option</var><span class="samp">=</span><var>value</var></samp>'. Again, what options
-are allowed depends on the selected hyperlink driver.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Setting-group-types"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.5.2 Setting group types</h4>
-<p><a name="index-hltype-820"></a><a name="index-hldesttype-821"></a><a name="index-group_002c-type-hyperlink-822"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-group-type-823"></a><a name="index-link_002c-group-type-824"></a><a name="index-linkgroup_002c-type-825"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-group-type-826"></a><a name="index-destgroup_002c-type-827"></a>When called with an optional argument, as in
-<pre class="example"> \hltype[<var>groups</var>]{<var>type</var>}
- \hldesttype[<var>groups</var>]{<var>type</var>}
- <p class="noindent">where <var>groups</var> is a comma-separated list of groups,
-<code>\hltype</code> and <code>\hldesttype</code> set the type for each group from
-<var>groups</var> to <var>type</var>. The default type is used for all groups
-with an empty type (this is the initial setting for all groups, except
-that the type for the `url' linkgroup is set to `<samp><span class="samp">url</span></samp>' by the
-drivers which support this link type).
- <p><a name="index-group-_0060_0027-_0028empty_0029-828"></a><a name="index-default-hyperlink-type-829"></a><a name="index-default-hyperlink-options-830"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-default-type-831"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-default-options-832"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-default-type-833"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-default-options-834"></a>There are two special &ldquo;groups&rdquo; which can be used inside the
-<var>groups</var> list. An empty group sets the default type. This allows
-to set the default type and group types in one command, for example:
-<pre class="example"> \hltype[eq,]{<var>type</var>}
- <p class="noindent">sets the link type for the `eq' linkgroup and the
-default link type to <var>type</var>.
- <p><a name="index-group-_0060_002a_0027-835"></a><a name="index-groups_002c-specifying-all-836"></a><a name="index-all-groups_002c-specifying-837"></a>Another special group is a star (`<samp><span class="samp">*</span></samp>') group, which signifies all
-defined groups. For example, the command
-<pre class="example"> \hldesttype[*,]{<var>type</var>}
- <p class="noindent">sets the destination type to <var>type</var> for each group,
-as well as the default destination type.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Setting-group-options"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.5.3 Setting group options</h4>
-<p><a name="index-group_002c-options-hyperlink-838"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-group-options-839"></a><a name="index-link_002c-group-options-840"></a><a name="index-linkgroup_002c-options-841"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-group-options-842"></a><a name="index-destgroup_002c-options-843"></a>Option values for each group are stored as a list of option
-assignments. This list does not have to contain every supported
-option. Values for options missing from this list are taken from the
-default option values.
- <p><a name="index-hlopts-844"></a><a name="index-hldestopts-845"></a>To manipulate the list of option values for the groups, you use the
-<code>\hlopts</code> and <code>\hldestopts</code> commands with an optional
-<pre class="example"> \hlopts[<var>groups</var>]{<var>options</var>}
- \hldestopts[<var>groups</var>]{<var>options</var>}
- \hlopts![<var>groups</var>]{<var>options</var>}
- \hldestopts![<var>groups</var>]{<var>options</var>}
- <p class="noindent">where <var>groups</var> is a comma-separated list of groups and
-<var>options</var> is a comma-separated list of option assignments. The
-two special &ldquo;groups&rdquo;, the empty group and the star (`<samp><span class="samp">*</span></samp>')
-group, have the same meaning as for <code>\hltype</code> and
-<a name="index-group_002c-preserving-option-list-846"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-group_002c-preserving-option-list-847"></a><a name="index-option-list_002c-preserving-for-group-848"></a>When used without the exclamation mark, <code>\hlopts</code> and
-<code>\hldestopts</code> preserve the current list of options for the groups,
-and only update the options listed in <var>options</var>. If you add the
-exclamation mark, the current list of options for each group in
-<var>groups</var> is discarded and the new list is set to <var>options</var>.
- <p>The &ldquo;overriding&rdquo; nature of the `<samp><span class="samp">!</span></samp>' is appropriate when you give
-a complete specification of the options for a group, e.g., at the
-beginning of your document. On the other hand, when you want to
-adjust some option(s) and leave others intact, you should use the
-macros without the `<samp><span class="samp">!</span></samp>'.
- <p><a name="index-raise-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-849"></a><a name="index-mathematics-displays_002c-hyperlinks-850"></a><a name="index-displayed-math-and-hyperlinks-851"></a><a name="index-large-operators-and-hyperlinks-852"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-large-operators-853"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-large-operators-854"></a><a name="index-raising-hyperlink-destinations-855"></a>For example, with displayed mathematical formulas, you often need to
-adjust the `<samp><span class="samp">raise</span></samp>' option for the
-<a name="index-group-_0060eq_0027-856"></a><a name="index-linkgroup-_0060eq_0027-857"></a>`eq' destgroup, because the formulas often contain large parentheses and
-brackets. But when doing so, you want to leave the other settings
-unchanged. To achieve this, call <code>\hldestopts</code> without the
-`<samp><span class="samp">!</span></samp>', for example:
-<pre class="example"> $$\hldestopts[eq]{raise=2.5\normalbaselineskip}
- ...
- $$
- <p class="noindent">The display commands (`<samp><span class="samp">$$</span></samp>') implicitly put the entire
-formula inside a (TeX) group (<code>\begingroup...\endgroup</code>), so
-you do not need to isolate the setting of the `<samp><span class="samp">raise</span></samp>' option&mdash;it
-will be restored after the closing `<samp><span class="samp">$$</span></samp>'.
- <p><a name="index-option-list_002c-group-858"></a><a name="index-group-option-list-859"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-group-option-list-860"></a>Initially, Eplain sets the option lists for almost all groups to empty,
-so that the groups fall back on the default values for all options. The
-one exception to this rule is the `eq' destgroup, whose initial option
-list contains one setting:
-<pre class="example"> raise=1.7\normalbaselineskip
- <p class="noindent">This setting usually accommodates the large operators, which often
-appear in displayed math.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Turning-hyperlinks-on%2foff"></a>
-<a name="Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>
-<h3 class="section">5.6 Turning hyperlinks on/off</h3>
-<p><a name="index-omitting-hyperlinks-861"></a><a name="index-disabling-hyperlinks-862"></a><a name="index-hyperlinks_002c-disabling-863"></a><a name="index-destinations_002c-disabling-864"></a>Links and/or destinations can be turned on or off globally by disabling
-the low-level commands, or for each group individually.
- <p>All these settings are local to the current (TeX) group, so if you
-want to enable or disable links/destinations temporarily, you can do so
-inside a <code>\begingroup...\endgroup</code> block; when the group ends, the
-previous settings are restored.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Turning-low-level-commands-on%2foff"></a>
-<a name="Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.6.1 Turning low-level commands on/off</h4>
-<p><a name="index-hldeston-865"></a><a name="index-hldestoff-866"></a><a name="index-hlon-867"></a><a name="index-hloff-868"></a>The low-level commands <code>\hlstart</code>, <code>\hlend</code> and
-<code>\hldest</code> can be turned on/off with the following commands:
-<pre class="example"> \hldeston
- \hldestoff
- \hlon
- \hloff
- <p class="noindent">See <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a>, for the implications of using
-these commands to disable hyperlinks for the entire document.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Turning-hyperlinks-on%2foff-for-a-group"></a>
-<a name="Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">5.6.2 Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</h4>
-<p><a name="index-group_002c-disabling-hyperlinks-869"></a><a name="index-hyperlink-group_002c-disabling-hyperlinks-870"></a>If you want to disable links/destinations produced by certain groups,
-you can give a list of the groups as an optional argument to these
-<pre class="example"> \hldeston[<var>groups</var>]
- \hldestoff[<var>groups</var>]
- \hlon[<var>groups</var>]
- \hloff[<var>groups</var>]
- <p class="noindent">where <var>groups</var> is the list of linkgroups/destgroups. This
-list can contain two special groups. The empty group switches the
-low-level commands (see <a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a>), and the
-star (`<samp><span class="samp">*</span></samp>') group operates on all defined groups.
- <p>Note that turning off the low-level commands disables all hyperlinks
-globally, including groups which have them enabled. Turning off certain
-linkgroups/destgroups records the fact that the macros in the group
-should not produce links/destinations. To illustrate the distinction,
-assume that all links are on; after the following sequence of commands:
-<pre class="example"> \hloff
- \hloff[eq]
- \hlon
- <p class="noindent">all links are on except for the `eq' linkgroup.
-<!-- arrow.texi - documentation for Eplain's commutative diagrams. -->
-<!-- Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Steven Smith. -->
-<!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. -->
-<!-- This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -->
-<!-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -->
-<!-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -->
-<!-- any later version. -->
-<!-- This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -->
-<!-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -->
-<!-- GNU General Public License for more details. -->
-<!-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -->
-<!-- along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software -->
-<!-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA -->
-<!-- 02110-1301, USA. -->
-<!-- \input texinfo -->
-<!-- setfilename -->
-<!-- settitle Arrow Theoretic Diagrams -->
-<!-- Input arrow macros without altering texinfo's \catcodes. -->
-<!-- Use the arrow macros in an `@iftex @tex ... @end iftex' environment. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Arrow-theoretic-diagrams"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">6 Arrow theoretic diagrams</h2>
-<p>This chapter describes definitions for producing commutative diagrams.
- <p>Steven Smith wrote this documentation (and the macros).
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Slanted-lines-and-vectors"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>
-<h3 class="section">6.1 Slanted lines and vectors</h3>
-<p>The macros <code>\drawline</code>
-<a name="index-drawline-871"></a>and <code>\drawvector</code>
-<a name="index-drawvector-872"></a>provide the capability found in LaTeX's
-<a name="index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-873"></a><a name="index-picture-mode-874"></a>picture mode to draw slanted lines and vectors of certain directions.
-Both of these macros take three arguments: two integer arguments to
-specify the direction of the line or vector, and one argument to specify
-its length. For example, `<samp><span class="samp">\drawvector(-4,1){60pt}</span></samp>' produces the
-<a name="index-lines-875"></a><a name="index-vectors-876"></a>which lies in the 2d quadrant, has a slope of minus 1/4, and a width of
-60 pt.
- <p>Note that if an <code>\hbox</code> is placed around <code>\drawline</code> or
-<code>\drawvector</code>, then the width of the <code>\hbox</code> will be the
-positive dimension specified in the third argument, except when a
-vertical line or vector is specified, e.g.,
-<code>\drawline(0,1){1in}</code>, which has zero width. If the specified
-direction lies in the 1st or 2d quadrant (e.g., <code>(1,1)</code> or
-<code>(-2,3)</code>), then the <code>\hbox</code> will have positive height and zero
-depth. Conversely, if the specified direction lies in the 3d or 4th
-quadrant (e.g., <code>(-1,-1)</code> or <code>(2,-3)</code>), then the <code>\hbox</code>
-will have positive depth and zero height.
- <p>There are a finite number of directions that can be specified. For
-<code>\drawline</code>, the absolute value of each integer defining the
-direction must be less than or equal to six, i.e., <code>(7,-1)</code> is
-incorrect, but <code>(6,-1)</code> is acceptable. For <code>\drawvector</code>, the
-absolute value of each integer must be less than or equal to four.
-Furthermore, the two integers cannot have common divisors; therefore, if
-a line with slope 2 is desired, say <code>(2,1)</code> instead of
-<code>(4,2)</code>. Also, specify <code>(1,0)</code> instead of, say, <code>(3,0)</code>
-for horizontal lines and likewise for vertical lines.
- <p>Finally, these macros depend upon the LaTeX font <code>line10</code>. If
-your site doesn't have this font, ask your system administrator to get
-it. Future enhancements will include macros to draw dotted lines and
-dotted vectors of various directions.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Commutative-diagrams"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>
-<h3 class="section">6.2 Commutative diagrams</h3>
-<p><a name="index-commutative-diagrams-877"></a>
-The primitive commands <code>\drawline</code> and <code>\drawvector</code> can be
-used to typeset arrow theoretic diagrams. This section describes (1)
-macros to facilitate typesetting arrows and morphisms, and (2) macros to
-facilitate the construction of commutative diagrams. All macros
-described in this section must be used in math mode.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a>
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Arrows-and-morphisms"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">6.2.1 Arrows and morphisms</h4>
-<p><a name="index-arrows-878"></a><a name="index-morphisms-879"></a>
-The macros <code>\mapright</code> and <code>\mapleft</code> produce right and left
-<a name="index-mapright-880"></a><a name="index-mapleft-881"></a>pointing arrows, respectively. Use superscript (<code>^</code>) to place a
-morphism above the arrow, e.g., `<samp><span class="samp">\mapright^\alpha</span></samp>'; use subscript
-(<code>_</code>) to place a morphism below the arrow, e.g.,
-`<samp><span class="samp">\mapright_{\tilde l}</span></samp>'. Superscripts and subscripts may be used
-simulataneously, e.g., `<samp><span class="samp">\mapright^\pi_{\rm epimor.}</span></samp>'.
- <p>Similarly, the macros <code>\mapup</code> and <code>\mapdown</code> produce up and
-<a name="index-mapup-882"></a><a name="index-mapdown-883"></a>down pointing arrows, respectively. Use <code>\rt</code>
-<a name="index-rt-884"></a>to place a morphism to the right of the arrow, e.g., `<samp><span class="samp">\mapup\rt{\rm
-id}</span></samp>'; use <code>\lft</code>
-<a name="index-lft-885"></a>to place a morphism to the left of the arrow, e.g., `<samp><span class="samp">\mapup\lft\omega</span></samp>'.
-<code>\lft</code> and <code>\rt</code> may be used simultaneously, e.g.,
-`<samp><span class="samp">\mapdown\lft\pi\rt{\rm monomor.}</span></samp>'.
- <p>Slanted arrows are produced by the macro <code>\arrow</code>, which takes
-<a name="index-arrow-886"></a>a direction argument (e.g., `<samp><span class="samp">\arrow(3,-4)</span></samp>'). Use <code>\rt</code> and
-<code>\lft</code> to place morphisms to the right and left, respectively, of
-the arrow. A slanted line (no arrowhead) is produced with the macro
-<a name="index-sline-887"></a>whose syntax is identical to that of <code>\arrow</code>.
- <p>The length of these macros is predefined by the default TeX
-dimensions <code>\harrowlength</code>,
-<a name="index-harrowlength-888"></a>for horizontal arrows (or lines),
-<a name="index-varrowlength-889"></a>for vertical arrows (or lines), and
-<a name="index-sarrowlength-890"></a>for slanted arrows (or lines). To change any of these dimensions, say,
-e.g., `<samp><span class="samp">\harrowlength=40pt</span></samp>'. As with all other TeX dimensions,
-the change may be as global or as local as you like. Furthermore, the
-placement of morphisms on the arrows is controlled by the dimensions
-<a name="index-hmorphposn-891"></a><code>\vmorphposn</code>,
-<a name="index-vmorphposn-892"></a>and <code>\morphdist</code>.
-<a name="index-morphdist-893"></a>The first two dimensions control the horizontal and vertical position of
-the morphism from its default position; the latter dimension controls
-the distance of the morphism from the arrow. If you have more than one
-morphism per arrow (i.e., a <code>^</code>/<code>_</code> or <code>\lft</code>/<code>\rt</code>
-construction), use the parameters
-<a name="index-hmorphposnup-894"></a><code>\hmorphposndn</code>,
-<a name="index-hmorphposndn-895"></a><code>\vmorphposnup</code>,
-<a name="index-vmorphposnup-896"></a><code>\vmorphposndn</code>,
-<a name="index-vmorphposndn-897"></a><code>\hmorphposnrt</code>,
-<a name="index-hmorphposnrt-898"></a><code>\hmorphposnlft</code>,
-<a name="index-hmorphposnlft-899"></a><code>\vmorphposnrt</code>,
-<a name="index-vmorphposnrt-900"></a>and <code>\vmorphposnlft</code>.
-<a name="index-vmorphposnlft-901"></a>The default values of all these dimensions are provided in the section
-on parameters that follows below.
- <p>There is a family of macros to produce horizontal lines, arrows, and
-adjoint arrows. The following macros produce horizontal maps and have
-the same syntax as <code>\mapright</code>:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\mapright</code><dd><a name="index-mapright-902"></a><code>$X\mapright Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\mapleft</code><dd><a name="index-mapleft-903"></a><code>$X\mapleft Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\hline</code><dd><a name="index-hline-904"></a><code>$X\hline Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\bimapright</code><dd><a name="index-bimapright-905"></a><code>$X\bimapright Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\bimapleft</code><dd><a name="index-bimapleft-906"></a><code>$X\bimapleft Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\adjmapright</code><dd><a name="index-adjmapright-907"></a><code>$X\adjmapright Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\adjmapleft</code><dd><a name="index-adjmapleft-908"></a><code>$X\adjmapleft Y$</code>
- <br><dt><code>\bihline</code><dd><a name="index-bihline-909"></a><code>$X\bihline Y$</code>
- <p>There is also a family of macros to produce vertical lines, arrows, and
-adjoint arrows. The following macros produce vertical maps and have
-the same syntax as <code>\mapdown</code>:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\mapdown</code><dd><a name="index-mapdown-910"></a>(a down arrow)
- <br><dt><code>\mapup</code><dd><a name="index-mapup-911"></a>(an up arrow)
- <br><dt><code>\vline</code><dd><a name="index-vline-912"></a>(vertical line)
- <br><dt><code>\bimapdown</code><dd><a name="index-bimapdown-913"></a>(two down arrows)
- <br><dt><code>\bimapup</code><dd><a name="index-bimapup-914"></a>(two up arrows)
- <br><dt><code>\adjmapdown</code><dd><a name="index-adjmapdown-915"></a>(two adjoint arrows; down then up)
- <br><dt><code>\adjmapup</code><dd><a name="index-adjmapup-916"></a>(two adjoint arrows; up then down)
- <br><dt><code>\bivline</code><dd><a name="index-bivline-917"></a>(two vertical lines)
- <p>Finally, there is a family of macros to produce slanted lines, arrows,
-and adjoint arrows. The following macros produce slanted maps and have
-the same syntax as <code>\arrow</code>:
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\arrow</code><dd><a name="index-arrow-918"></a>(a slanted arrow)
- <br><dt><code>\sline</code><dd><a name="index-sline-919"></a>(a slanted line)
- <br><dt><code>\biarrow</code><dd><a name="index-biarrow-920"></a>(two straight arrows)
- <br><dt><code>\adjarrow</code><dd><a name="index-adjarrow-921"></a>(two adjoint arrows)
- <br><dt><code>\bisline</code><dd><a name="index-bisline-922"></a>(two straight lines)
- </dl>
- <p>The width between double arrows is controlled by the parameter
-<a name="index-channelwidth-923"></a>The parameters <code>\hchannel</code> and <code>\vchannel</code>, if nonzero,
-override <code>\channelwidth</code> by controlling the horizontal and vertical
-shifting from the first arrow to the second.
- <p>There are no adornments on these arrows to distinguish inclusions from
-epimorphisms from monomorphisms. Many texts, such as Lang's book
-<cite>Algebra</cite>, use as a tasteful alternative the symbol `inc' (in roman) next
-to an arrow to denote inclusion.
-<a name="index-Lang_002c-Serge-924"></a>
-Future enhancements will include a mechanism to draw curved arrows
-found in, e.g., the Snake Lemma, by employing a version of the
-<code>\path</code> macros of Appendix D of <cite>The TeXbook</cite>.
-<a name="index-Snake-Lemma-925"></a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Construction-of-commutative-diagrams"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">6.2.2 Construction of commutative diagrams</h4>
-<p>There are two approaches to the construction of commutative diagrams
-described here. The first approach, and the simplest, treats
-commutative diagrams like fancy matrices, as Knuth does in Exercise
-18.46 of <cite>The TeXbook</cite>. This case is covered by the macro
-<a name="index-commdiag-926"></a>which is an altered version of the Plain TeX macro <code>\matrix</code>.
-<a name="index-matrix-927"></a>An example suffices to demonstrate this macro. The following
-commutative diagram (illustrating the covering homotopy property; Bott
-and Tu, <cite>Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology</cite>)
-<a name="index-Bott_002c-Raoul-928"></a><a name="index-Tu_002c-Loring-W_002e-929"></a><a name="index-covering-homotopy-property-930"></a>is produced with the code
-<pre class="example"> $$\commdiag{Y&amp;\mapright^f&amp;E\cr \mapdown&amp;\arrow(3,2)\lft{f_t}&amp;\mapdown\cr
- Y\times I&amp;\mapright^{\bar f_t}&amp;X}$$
- <p>Of course, the parameters may be changed to produce a different effect.
-The following commutative diagram (illustrating the universal mapping
-property; Warner, <cite>Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie
-<a name="index-Warner_002c-Frank-W_002e-931"></a><a name="index-universal-mapping-property-932"></a>is produced with the code
-<pre class="example"> $$\varrowlength=20pt
- \commdiag{V\otimes W\cr \mapup\lft\phi&amp;\arrow(3,-1)\rt{\tilde l}\cr
- V\times W&amp;\mapright^l&amp;U\cr}$$
- <p>A diagram containing isosceles triangles is achieved by placing the apex
-of the triangle in the center column, as shown in the example
-(illustrating all constant minimal realizations of a linear system;
-Brockett, <cite>Finite Dimensional Linear Systems</cite>)
-<a name="index-Brockett_002c-Roger-W_002e-933"></a><a name="index-minimal-realizations-934"></a><a name="index-linear-systems-theory-935"></a>which is produced with the code
-<pre class="example"> $$\sarrowlength=.42\harrowlength
- \commdiag{&amp;R^m\cr &amp;\arrow(-1,-1)\lft{\bf B}\quad \arrow(1,-1)\rt{\bf G}\cr
- R^n&amp;\mapright^{\bf P}&amp;R^n\cr
- \mapdown\lft{e^{{\bf A}t}}&amp;&amp;\mapdown\rt{e^{{\bf F}t}}\cr
- R^n&amp;\mapright^{\bf P}&amp;R^n\cr
- &amp;\arrow(1,-1)\lft{\bf C}\quad \arrow(-1,-1)\rt{\bf H}\cr
- &amp;R^q\cr}$$
- <p>Other commutative diagram examples appear in the file
-<code>commdiags.tex</code>, which is distributed with this package.
- <p>In these examples the arrow lengths and line slopes were carefully
-chosen to blend with each other. In the first example, the default
-settings for the arrow lengths are used, but a direction for the arrow
-must be chosen. The ratio of the default horizontal and vertical arrow
-lengths is approximately the golden mean
-<a name="index-golden-mean-936"></a><a name="index-golden-mean-937"></a>the arrow direction closest to this mean is <code>(3,2)</code>. In the second
-example, a slope of
-is desired and the default horizontal arrow length is 60 pt; therefore,
-choose a vertical arrow length of 20 pt. You may affect the interline
-glue settings of <code>\commdiag</code> by redefining the macro
-<a name="index-commdiagbaselines-938"></a>(cf. Exercise 18.46 of <cite>The TeXbook</cite> and the section on
-parameters below.)
- <p>The width, height, and depth of all morphisms are hidden so that the
-morphisms' size do not affect arrow positions. This can cause a large
-morphism at the top or bottom of a diagram to impinge upon the text
-surrounding the diagram. To overcome this problem, use TeX's
-<code>\noalign</code> primitive to insert a <code>\vskip</code> immediately above or
-below the offending line, e.g.,
-`<samp><span class="samp">$$\commdiag{\noalign{\vskip6pt}X&amp;\mapright^\int&amp;Y\cr ...}</span></samp>'.
- <p>The macro <code>\commdiag</code> is too simple to be used for more complicated
-diagrams, which may have intersecting or overlapping arrows. A second
-approach, borrowed from Francis Borceux's <cite>Diagram</cite> macros for
-LaTeX, treats the commutative diagram like a grid of identically
-shaped boxes. To compose the commutative diagram, first draw an equally
-spaced grid, e.g.,
-<a name="index-grid-939"></a><a name="index-Borceux_002c-Francis-940"></a><a name="index-Diagram_002c-macros-for-LaTeX-941"></a>on a piece of scratch paper. Then draw each element (vertices and
-arrows) of the commutative diagram on this grid, centered at each
-grid point. Finally, use the macro <code>\gridcommdiag</code>
-<a name="index-gridcommdiag-942"></a>to implement your design as a TeX alignment. For example, the cubic
-<a name="index-cube-943"></a>that appears in Francis Borceux's documentation can be implemented on
-a 7 by 7 grid, and is achieved with the code
-<pre class="example"> $$\harrowlength=48pt \varrowlength=48pt \sarrowlength=20pt
- \def\cross#1#2{\setbox0=\hbox{$#1$}%
- \hbox to\wd0{\hss\hbox{$#2$}\hss}\llap{\unhbox0}}
- \gridcommdiag{&amp;&amp;B&amp;&amp;\mapright^b&amp;&amp;D\cr
- &amp;\arrow(1,1)\lft a&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\arrow(1,1)\lft d\cr
- A&amp;&amp;\cross{\hmorphposn=12pt\mapright^c}{\vmorphposn=-12pt\mapdown\lft f}
- &amp;&amp;C&amp;&amp;\mapdown\rt h\cr\cr
- \mapdown\lft e&amp;&amp;F&amp;&amp;\cross{\hmorphposn=-12pt\mapright_j}
- {\vmorphposn=12pt\mapdown\rt g}&amp;&amp;H\cr
- &amp;\arrow(1,1)\lft i&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\arrow(1,1)\rt l\cr
- E&amp;&amp;\mapright_k&amp;&amp;G\cr}$$
- <p>The dimensions <code>\hgrid</code> and <code>\vgrid</code>
-<a name="index-hgrid-944"></a><a name="index-vgrid-945"></a>control the horizontal and vertical spacing of the grid used by
-<code>\gridcommdiag</code>. The default setting for both of these dimensions
-is 15 pt. Note that in the example of the cube the arrow lengths must
-be adjusted so that the arrows overlap into neighboring boxes by the
-desired amount. Hence, the <code>\gridcommdiag</code> method, albeit more
-powerful, is less automatic than the simpler <code>\commdiag</code> method.
-Furthermore, the ad hoc macro <code>\cross</code> is introduced to allow the
-effect of overlapping arrows. Finally, note that the positions of four
-of the morphisms are adjusted by setting <code>\hmorphposn</code> and
- <p>One is not restricted to a square grid. For example, the proof of
-Zassenhaus's Butterfly Lemma can be illustrated by the diagram (appearing
-in Lang's book <cite>Algebra</cite>)
-<a name="index-Zassenhaus_002c-Hans-946"></a><a name="index-Lang_002c-Serge-947"></a><a name="index-Butterfly-Lemma-948"></a>This diagram may be implemented on a 9 by 12 grid with an aspect ratio
-of 1/2, and is set with the code
-<pre class="example"> $$\hgrid=16pt \vgrid=8pt \sarrowlength=32pt
- \def\cross#1#2{\setbox0=\hbox{$#1$}%
- \hbox to\wd0{\hss\hbox{$#2$}\hss}\llap{\unhbox0}}
- \def\l#1{\llap{$#1$\hskip.5em}}
- \def\r#1{\rlap{\hskip.5em$#1$}}
- \gridcommdiag{&amp;&amp;U&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;V\cr &amp;&amp;\bullet&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\bullet\cr
- &amp;&amp;\sarrowlength=16pt\sline(0,1)&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\sarrowlength=16pt\sline(0,1)\cr
- &amp;&amp;\l{u(U\cap V)}\bullet&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\bullet\r{(U\cap V)v}\cr
- &amp;&amp;&amp;\sline(2,-1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,1)\cr
- &amp;&amp;\cross{=}{\sline(0,1)}&amp;&amp;\bullet&amp;&amp;\cross{=}{\sline(0,1)}\cr\cr
- &amp;&amp;\l{^{\textstyle u(U\cap v)}}\bullet&amp;&amp;\cross{=}{\sline(0,1)}&amp;&amp;
- \bullet\r{^{\textstyle(u\cap V)v}}\cr
- &amp;\sline(2,1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,-1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,-1)\cr
- \l{u}\bullet&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\bullet&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\bullet\r{v}\cr
- &amp;\sline(2,-1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,-1)&amp;&amp;\sline(2,1)\cr
- &amp;&amp;\bullet&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;\bullet\cr &amp;&amp;u\cap V&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;U\cap v\cr}$$
- <p>Again, the construction of this diagram requires careful choices for the
-arrow lengths and is facilitated by the introduction of the ad hoc
-macros <code>\cross</code>, <code>\r</code>, and <code>\l</code>. Note also that
-superscripts were used to adjust the position of the vertices
-Many diagrams may be typeset with the predefined macros that appear
-here; however, ingenuity is often required to handle special cases.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Commutative-diagram-parameters"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">6.2.3 Commutative diagram parameters</h4>
-<p>The following is a list describing the parameters used in the
-commutative diagram macros. These dimensions may be changed globally or
- <dl>
-<dt><code>\harrowlength</code><dd><a name="index-harrowlength-949"></a>(Default: 60 pt) The length of right or left arrows.
- <br><dt><code>\varrowlength</code><dd><a name="index-varrowlength-950"></a>(Default: 0.618<code>\harrowlength</code>) The length of up or down
- <br><dt><code>\sarrowlength</code><dd><a name="index-sarrowlength-951"></a>(Default: 60 pt) The horizontal length of slanted arrows.
- <br><dt><code>\hmorphposn</code><dd><a name="index-hmorphposn-952"></a>(Default: 0 pt) The horizontal position of the morphism with
-respect to its default position. There are also the dimensions
-<a name="index-hmorphposnup-953"></a><code>\hmorphposndn</code>,
-<a name="index-hmorphposndn-954"></a><code>\hmorphposnrt</code>,
-<a name="index-hmorphposnrt-955"></a>and <code>\hmorphposnlft</code>
-<a name="index-hmorphposnlft-956"></a>for <code>^</code>/<code>_</code> or <code>\lft</code>/<code>\rt</code> constructions.
- <br><dt><code>\vmorphposn</code><dd><a name="index-vmorphposn-957"></a>(Default: 0 pt) The vertical position of the morphism with
-respect to its default position. There are also the dimensions
-<a name="index-vmorphposnup-958"></a><code>\vmorphposndn</code>,
-<a name="index-vmorphposndn-959"></a><code>\vmorphposnrt</code>,
-<a name="index-vmorphposnrt-960"></a>and <code>\vmorphposnlft</code>
-<a name="index-vmorphposnlft-961"></a>for <code>^</code>/<code>_</code> or <code>\lft</code>/<code>\rt</code> constructions.
- <br><dt><code>\morphdist</code><dd><a name="index-morphdist-962"></a>(Default: 4 pt) The distance of morphisms from slanted lines
-or arrows.
- <br><dt><code>\channelwidth</code><dd><a name="index-channelwidth-963"></a>(Default: 3 pt) The distance between double lines or arrows.
- <br><dt><code>\hchannel, \vchannel</code><dd><a name="index-hchannel-964"></a><a name="index-vchannel-965"></a>(Defaults: 0 pt) Overrides <code>\channelwidth</code>. The
-horizontal and vertical shifts between double lines or arrows.
- <br><dt><code>\commdiagbaselines</code><dd><a name="index-commdiagbaselines-966"></a>(Default: <code>\baselineskip=15pt
-\lineskiplimit=3pt </code>)
-The parameters used by <code>\commdiag</code> for setting interline glue.
- <br><dt><code>\hgrid</code><dd><a name="index-hgrid-967"></a>(Default: 15 pt) The horizontal spacing of the grid used by
- <br><dt><code>\vgrid</code><dd><a name="index-vgrid-968"></a>(Default: 15 pt) The vertical spacing of the grid used by
- </dl>
-<!-- bye -->
-<!-- This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Programming-definitions"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Macro-index">Macro index</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="chapter">7 Programming definitions</h2>
-<p>The definitions in this section are only likely to be useful when you
-are writing nontrivial macros, not when writing a document.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a>: Changing category codes.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a>: Non-outer versions of \newcount et al.
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Iteration">Iteration</a>: Doing `for' loops in TeX.
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a>: Reading and ignoring them.
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a>: Normalizing control sequences and spaces.
-<li><a accesskey="6" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>: Controlling expansion.
-<li><a accesskey="7" href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a>: Making whitespace count anywhere.
-<li><a accesskey="8" href="#Writing-out-numbers">Writing out numbers</a>: Making `1' into `one'.
-<li><a accesskey="9" href="#Mode_002dspecific-penalties">Mode-specific penalties</a>
-<li><a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a>: Testing for their existence.
-<li><a href="#User_002ddefined-environments">User-defined environments</a>: User-defined environments.
-<li><a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Category-codes"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.1 Category codes</h3>
-<p><a name="index-category-codes-969"></a>
-Plain TeX defines <code>\active</code> (as the number 13) for use in
-changing category codes. Although the author of <cite>The TeXbook</cite>
-<a name="index-Knuth_002c-Donald-Ervin-970"></a>has &ldquo;intentionally kept the category codes numeric&rdquo;, two other
-categories are commonly used: letters (category code 11) and others
-(12). Therefore, Eplain defines <code>\letter</code> and
-<a name="index-letter-971"></a><a name="index-other-972"></a>
-Sometimes it is cleaner to make a character active without actually
-<a name="index-active-characters-973"></a>writing a <code>\catcode</code> command. The <code>\makeactive</code> command takes
-<a name="index-catcode-974"></a><a name="index-makeactive-975"></a>a character as an argument to make active (and ignores following
-spaces). For example, here are two commands which both make <kbd>\</kbd>
-<a name="index-backslash-character-976"></a>
-<pre class="example"> \makeactive`\\ \makeactive92
- <p><a name="index-user_002dinaccessible-macros-977"></a><a name="index-inaccessible-macros-978"></a>Sometimes you might want to temporarily change the category code of
-the `@' character to <code>\letter</code>, so that you can use or define
-macros which are normally inaccessible to the user. For such
-situations, Eplain provides the <code>\makeatletter</code>
-<a name="index-makeatletter-979"></a>command. It sets the category code of `@' to <code>\letter</code> (11) and
-<a name="index-resetatcatcode-980"></a>to restore the category code to whatever it was before the call to
-<code>\makeatletter</code>. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \makeatletter
- \def\@hidden@macro{This macro cannot normally be
- called / redefined by the user}
- \resetatcatcode
- <p class="noindent">There is also <code>\makeatother</code>
-<a name="index-makeatother-981"></a>which works similarly but sets the category code of `@' to
-<code>\other</code> (12).
- <p>Usually, when you give a definition to an active character, you have
-to do so inside a group where you temporarily make the character active,
-and then give it a global definition (cf. the definition of
-<code>\obeyspaces</code> in <cite>The TeXbook</cite>).
-<a name="index-definitions_002c-global-982"></a>This is inconvenient if you are writing a long macro, or if the
-character already has a global definition you do not wish to transcend.
-Eplain provides <code>\letreturn</code>, which defines the usual end-of-line
-<a name="index-letreturn-983"></a><a name="index-return-character-984"></a>character to be the argument. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\mymacro{... \letreturn\myreturn ... }
- \mymacro hello
- there
- <p class="noindent">The end-of-line between `<samp><span class="samp">hello</span></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">there</span></samp>' causes
-<code>\myreturn</code> to be expanded.
- <p><cite>The TeXbook</cite> describes <code>\uncatcodespecials</code>,
-<a name="index-uncatcodespecials-985"></a>which makes all characters which are normally &ldquo;special&rdquo; into &ldquo;other&rdquo;
-characters, but the definition never made it into plain TeX.
-Eplain therefore defines it.
- <p>Finally, <code>\percentchar</code>
-<a name="index-percentchar-986"></a>expands into a literal `%' character. This is useful when you
-<code>\write</code> TeX output to a file, and want to avoid spurious
-spaces. For example, Eplain writes a <code>\percentchar</code> after the
-definition of cross-references. The macros <code>\lbracechar</code>
-<a name="index-lbracechar-987"></a>and <code>\rbracechar</code>
-<a name="index-rbracechar-988"></a>expand similarly.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Allocation-macros"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Iteration">Iteration</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.2 Allocation macros</h3>
-<p><a name="index-allocation-macros-989"></a><a name="index-register-allocation-990"></a>
-Plain TeX provides macros that allocate registers of each primitive
-type in TeX, to prevent different sets of macros from using the same
-register for two different things. The macros are all named starting
-with `<samp><span class="samp">new</span></samp>',
-<a name="index-new_0040dots_007b_007d-991"></a>e.g., <code>\newcount</code> allocates a new &ldquo;count&rdquo;
-(integer) register. Such allocations are usually needed only at the top
-level of some macro definition file; therefore, plain TeX makes the
-allocation registers <code>\outer</code>,
-<a name="index-outer-992"></a>to help find errors. (The error this helps to find is a missing right
-brace in some macro definition.)
- <p>Sometimes, however, it is useful to allocate a register as part of
-some macro. An outer control sequence cannot be used as part of a macro
-definition (or in a few other contexts: the parameter text of a
-definition, an argument to a definition, the preamble of an alignment,
-or in conditional text that is being skipped). Therefore, Eplain
-defines &ldquo;inner&rdquo; versions of all the allocation macros, named with the
-prefix `<samp><span class="samp">inner</span></samp>':
-<a name="index-innernewbox-993"></a><code>\innernewcount</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewcount-994"></a><code>\innernewdimen</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewdimen-995"></a><code>\innernewfam</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewfam-996"></a><code>\innernewhelp</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewhelp-997"></a><code>\innernewif</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewif-998"></a><code>\innernewinsert</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewinsert-999"></a><code>\innernewlanguage</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewlanguage-1000"></a><code>\innernewread</code>,<br>
-<a name="index-innernewread-1001"></a><code>\innernewskip</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewskip-1002"></a><code>\innernewtoks</code>,
-<a name="index-innernewtoks-1003"></a><code>\innernewwrite</code>.
-<a name="index-innernewwrite-1004"></a>
-You can also define non-outer versions of other macros in the same way
-that Eplain defines the above. The basic macro is called
-<a name="index-innerdef-1005"></a>
-<pre class="example"> \innerdef <var>\innername</var> {<var>outername</var>}
- <p>The first argument (<var>\innername</var>) to <code>\innerdef</code> is the
-control sequence that you want to define. Any previous definition of
-<var>\innername</var> is replaced. The second argument
-(<var>outername</var>) is the <em>characters</em> in the name of the outer
-control sequence. (You can't use the actual control sequence name,
-since it's outer!)
- <p>If the outer control sequence is named <var>\cs</var>, and you want to
-define <code>inner</code><var>cs</var> as the inner one, you can use
-<a name="index-innerinnerdef-1006"></a>which is just an abbreviation for a call to <code>\innerdef</code>. For
-example, these two calls are equivalent:
-<pre class="example"> \innerdef\innerproclaim{proclaim}
- \innerinnerdef{proclaim}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Iteration"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.3 Iteration</h3>
-<p><a name="index-iteration-1007"></a><a name="index-for-loops-1008"></a>
-You can iterate through a comma-separated list of items with
-<a name="index-for-1009"></a>Here is an example:
-<pre class="example"> \for\name:=karl,kathy\do{%
- \message{\name}%
- }%
- <p>This writes `<samp><span class="samp">karl</span></samp>' and `<samp><span class="samp">kathy</span></samp>' to the terminal. Spaces
-before or after the commas in the list, or after the <code>:=</code>, are
-<em>not</em> ignored.
- <p><code>\for</code> expands the iterated values fully (with <code>\edef</code>), so
-this is equivalent to the above:
-<pre class="example"> \def\namelist{karl,kathy}%
- \for\name:=\namelist\do ...
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Macro-arguments"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Iteration">Iteration</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.4 Macro arguments</h3>
-<p><a name="index-arguments_002c-ignoring-1010"></a><a name="index-ignoring-arguments-1011"></a><a name="index-gobbling-arguments-1012"></a>It is occasionally useful to redefine a macro that takes arguments to
-do nothing. Eplain defines <code>\gobble</code>,
-<a name="index-gobble-1013"></a><code>\gobbletwo</code>,
-<a name="index-gobbletwo-1014"></a>and <code>\gobblethree</code> to swallow one, two, and three arguments,
- <p>For example, if you want to produce a &ldquo;short&rdquo; table of
-<a name="index-table-of-contents_002c-short-1015"></a>contents&mdash;one that includes only chapters, say&mdash;the easiest thing to
-do is read the entire <code>.toc</code> file (see <a href="#Contents">Contents</a>), and just
-ignore the commands that produce section or subsection entries. To be
-<pre class="example"> \let\tocchapterentry = \shorttocchapter
- \let\tocsectionentry = \gobbletwo
- \let\tocsubsectionentry = \gobbletwo
- \readtocfile
- <p class="noindent">(Of course, this assumes you only have chapters, sections, and
-subsections in your document.)
- <p>In addition, Eplain defines <code>\eattoken</code>
-<a name="index-eattoken-1016"></a>to swallow the single following token, using <code>\let</code>. Thus,
-<code>\gobble</code> followed by `<samp><span class="samp">{...}</span></samp>' ignores the entire
-brace-enclosed text. <code>\eattoken</code> followed by the same ignores only
-the opening left brace.
- <p>Eplain defines a macro <code>\identity</code>
-<a name="index-identity-1017"></a>which takes one argument and expands to that argument. This may be
-useful if you want to provide a function for the user to redefine, but
-don't need to do anything by default. (For example, the default
-definition of <code>\eqconstruct</code> (see <a href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a>) is <code>\identity</code>.)
- <p>You may also want to read an optional argument. The established
-convention is that optional arguments are put in square brackets, so
-that is the syntax Eplain recognizes. Eplain ignores space tokens
-before an optional argument, via <code>\futurenonspacelet</code>.
- <p>You test for an optional argument by using <code>\@getoptionalarg</code>.
-<!-- this confuses texinfo.tex: findex @@getoptionalarg -->
-It takes one argument, a control sequence to expand after reading the
-argument, if present. If an optional argument is present, the control
-sequence <code>\@optionalarg</code> expands to it; otherwise,
-<code>\@optionalarg</code> is <code>\empty</code>. You must therefore have the
-category code of <kbd>@</kbd> set to 11 (letter). Here is an example:
-<pre class="example"> \catcode`@=\letter
- \def\cmd{\@getoptionalarg\finishcmd}
- \def\finishcmd{%
- \ifx\@optionalarg\empty
- % <span class="roman">No optional argument present.</span>
- \else
- % <span class="roman">One was present.</span>
- \fi
- }
- <p>If an optional argument contains another optional argument, the inner
-one will need to be enclosed in braces, so TeX does not mistake the
-end of the first for the end of the second.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Converting-to-characters"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.5 Converting to characters</h3>
-<p><a name="index-characters_002c-converting-to-1018"></a>Eplain defines <code>\xrlabel</code>
-<a name="index-xrlabel-1019"></a>to produce control sequence names for cross-reference labels, et al.
-This macro expands to its argument with an `<samp><span class="samp">_</span></samp>' appended. (It does
-this because the usual use of <code>\xrlabel</code> is to generate a control
-sequence name, and we naturally want to avoid conflicts between control
-sequence names.)
- <p>Because <code>\xrlabel</code> is fully expandable, to make a control
-sequence name out of the result you need only do
-<pre class="example"> <code>\csname \xrlabel{</code><var>label</var><code>}\endcsname</code>
- <p class="noindent">The <code>\csname</code> primitive makes a control sequence name out
-of any sequence of character tokens, regardless of category code.
-Labels can therefore include any characters except for `<samp><span class="samp">\</span></samp>',
-`<samp><span class="samp">{</span></samp>', `<samp><span class="samp">}</span></samp>', and `<samp><span class="samp">#</span></samp>', all of which are used in macro
-definitions themselves.
- <p><a name="index-sanitize-1020"></a><code>\sanitize</code> takes a control sequence as an argument and converts
-the expansion of the control sequence into a list of character tokens.
-This is the behavior you want when writing information like chapter
-titles to an output file. For example, here is part of the definition
-of <code>\writenumberedtocentry</code>; <code>#2</code> is the title that the user
-has given.
-<pre class="example"> ...
- \def\temp{#2}%
- ...
- \write\tocfile{%
- ...
- \sanitize\temp
- ...
- }%
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Expansion"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.6 Expansion</h3>
-<p>This section describes some miscellanous macros for expansion, etc.
-<ul class="menu">
-<li><a accesskey="1" href="#g_t_005ccsn-and-_005cece">\csn and \ece</a>: Abbreviations for \csname expansions.
-<li><a accesskey="2" href="#g_t_005cedefappend">\edefappend</a>
-<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Hooks">Hooks</a>: Manipulating and executing named actions.
-<li><a accesskey="4" href="#Properties">Properties</a>: Associating information with a csname.
-<li><a accesskey="5" href="#g_t_005cexpandonce">\expandonce</a>
-<li><a accesskey="6" href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a>
-<li><a accesskey="7" href="#g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet">\futurenonspacelet</a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="%5ccsn-and-%5cece"></a>
-<a name="g_t_005ccsn-and-_005cece"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#g_t_005cedefappend">\edefappend</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.1 <code>\csn</code> and <code>\ece</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-csn-1021"></a><code>\csn</code>{<var>name</var>} simply abbreviates <code>\csname</code> <var>name</var>
-<code>\endcsname</code>, thus saving some typing. The extra level of expansion
-does take some time, though, so I don't recommend it for an inner loop.
- <p><a name="index-ece-1022"></a><code>\ece</code>{<var>token</var>}{<var>name</var>} abbreviates
-<pre class="example"> \expandafter <var>token</var> \csname <var>name</var> \endcsname
- <p class="noindent">For example,
-<pre class="example"> \def\fontabbrevdef#1#2{\ece\def{@#1font}{#2}}
- \fontabbrevdef{normal}{ptmr}
- <p class="noindent">defines a control sequence <code>\@normalfont</code> to expand to
-<div class="node">
-<a name="%5cedefappend"></a>
-<a name="g_t_005cedefappend"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Hooks">Hooks</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#g_t_005ccsn-and-_005cece">\csn and \ece</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.2 <code>\edefappend</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-edefappend-1023"></a><code>\edefappend</code> is a way of adding on to an existing definition. It
-takes two arguments: the first is the control sequence name, the second
-the new tokens to append to the definition. The second argument is
-fully expanded (in the <code>\edef</code> that redefines the control sequence).
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\foo{abc}
- \def\bar{xyz}
- \edefappend\foo{\bar karl}
- <p class="noindent">results in <code>\foo</code> being defined as `<samp><span class="samp">abcxyzkarl</span></samp>'.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Hooks"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Properties">Properties</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#g_t_005cedefappend">\edefappend</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.3 Hooks</h4>
-<p><a name="index-hooks-1024"></a>A <dfn>hook</dfn> is simply a name for a group of actions which is executed
-in certain places&mdash;presumably when it is most useful to allow
-customization or modification. TeX already provides many builtin
-hooks; for example, the <code>\every ...</code> token lists are all
-examples of hooks.
- <p>Eplain provides several macros for adding actions to hooks. They all
-take two arguments: the name of the hook and the new actions.
-<a name="index-hookaction-1025"></a>
-<dl><dt><code>hookaction </code><var>name</var> <var>actions</var><dd><a name="index-hookappend-1026"></a><dt><code>hookappend </code><var>name</var> <var>actions</var><dd><a name="index-hookprepend-1027"></a><br><dt><code>hookprepend </code><var>name</var> <var>actions</var><dd>Each of these adds <var>actions</var> to the hook <var>name</var>. (Any
-previously-defined actions are retained.) <var>name</var> is not a control
-sequence, but rather the characters of the name.
- <p><a name="index-hookactiononce-1028"></a><br><dt><code>hookactiononce </code><var>name</var><code> \</code><var>cs</var><dd><code>\hookactiononce</code> adds <var>cs</var> to <var>name</var>, like the macros
-above, but first it adds
- <pre class="example"> \global\let <var>\cs</var> \relax
- </pre>
- <p class="noindent">to the definition of <var>\cs</var>. (This implies <var>\cs</var> must
-be a true expandable macro, not a control sequence <code>\let</code> to a
-primitive or some other such thing.) Thus, <var>\cs</var> is expanded the
-next time the hook <var>name</var> is run, but it will disappear after that.
- <p>The <code>\global</code> is useful because <code>\hookactiononce</code> is most
-useful when the grouping structure of the TeX code could be anything.
-Neither this nor the other hook macros do global assignments to the hook
-variable itself, so TeX's usual grouping rules apply.
- <p><a name="index-hookrun-1029"></a>The companion macro to defining hook actions is <code>\hookrun</code>, for
-running them. This takes a single argument, the name of the hook. If
-no actions for the hook are defined, no error ensues.
- <p>Here is a skeleton of general <code>\begin</code> and <code>\end</code> macros that
-run hooks, and a couple of calls to define actions. The use of
-<code>\hookprepend</code> for the begin action and <code>\hookappend</code> for the
-end action ensures that the actions are executed in proper sequence with
-other actions (as long as the other actions use <code>\hookprepend</code> and
-<code>\hookappend</code> also).
-<pre class="example"> \def\begin#1{ ... \hookrun{begin} ... }
- \def\end#1{ ... \hookrun{end} ... }
- \hookprepend{begin}\start_underline
- \hookappend{end}\finish_underline
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Properties"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#g_t_005cexpandonce">\expandonce</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Hooks">Hooks</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.4 Properties</h4>
-<p><a name="index-properties-1030"></a><a name="index-atom-1031"></a>A <dfn>property</dfn> is a name/value pair associated with another symbol,
-traditionally called an <dfn>atom</dfn>. Both atom and property names are
-control sequence names.
- <p>Eplain provides two macros for dealing with property lists:
-<code>\setproperty</code> and <code>\getproperty</code>.
-<a name="index-setproperty-1032"></a>
-<dl><dt><code>\setproperty </code><var>atom</var> <var>propname</var> <var>value</var><dd><code>\setproperty</code> defines the property <var>property</var> on the atom
-<var>atom</var> to be <var>value</var>. <var>atom</var> and <var>propname</var> can be
-anything acceptable to <code>\csname</code>. <var>value</var> can be anything.
- <p><a name="index-getproperty-1033"></a><br><dt><code>\getproperty </code><var>atom</var> <var>propname</var><dd><code>\getproperty</code> expands to the value stored for <var>propname</var> on
-<var>atom</var>. If <var>propname</var> is undefined, it expands to nothing
-(i.e., <code>\empty</code>).
- </dl>
- <p>The idea of properties originated in Lisp (I believe). There, the
-implementation truly does associate properties with atoms. In TeX,
-where we have no builtin support for properties, the association is only
- <p>The following example typesets `<samp><span class="samp">xyz</span></samp>'.
-<pre class="example"> \setproperty{a}{pr}{xyz}
- \getproperty{a}{pr}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="%5cexpandonce"></a>
-<a name="g_t_005cexpandonce"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Properties">Properties</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.5 <code>\expandonce</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-expansion_002c-one_002dlevel-1034"></a><a name="index-expandonce-1035"></a><code>\expandonce</code> is defined as <code>\expandafter\noexpand</code>. Thus,
-<code>\expandonce </code><var>token</var> expands <var>token</var> once, instead of to
-TeX primitives. This is most useful in an <code>\edef</code>.
- <p>For example, the following defines <code>\temp</code> to be <code>\foo</code>, not
-`<samp><span class="samp">abc</span></samp>'.
-<pre class="example"> \def\foo{abc}
- \def\bar{\foo}
- \edef\temp{\expandonce\bar}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="%5cifundefined"></a>
-<a name="g_t_005cifundefined"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet">\futurenonspacelet</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#g_t_005cexpandonce">\expandonce</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.6 <code>\ifundefined</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-ifundefined-1036"></a><code>\ifundefined{</code><var>cs</var><code>} </code><var>t</var><code> \else </code><var>f</var><code> \fi</code> expands the
-<var>t</var> text if the control sequence <code>\</code><var>cs</var> is undefined or
-has been <code>\let</code> to <code>\relax</code>, and the <var>f</var> text otherwise.
- <p><a name="index-skipping-tokens-1037"></a><a name="index-undefined-control-sequence_002c-checking-for-1038"></a>Since <code>\ifundefined</code> is not a primitive conditional, it cannot be
-used in places where TeX might skip tokens &ldquo;at high speed&rdquo;, e.g.,
-within another conditional&mdash;TeX can't match up the <code>\if</code>'s and
- <p>This macro was taken directly from <cite>The TeXbook</cite>, page 308.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="%5cfuturenonspacelet"></a>
-<a name="g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>
-<h4 class="subsection">7.6.7 <code>\futurenonspacelet</code></h4>
-<p><a name="index-lookahead-without-spaces-1039"></a><a name="index-spaces_002c-ignoring-1040"></a><a name="index-futurenonspacelet-1041"></a>The <code>\futurelet</code> primitive allows you to look at the next token
-from the input. Sometimes, though, you want to look ahead ignoring any
-spaces. This is what <code>\futurenonspacelet</code> does. It is otherwise
-the same as <code>\futurelet</code>: you give it two control sequences as
-arguments, and it assigns the next nonspace token to the first, and then
-expands the second. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \futurenonspacelet\temp\finishup
- \def\finishup{\ifx\temp ...}
- <div class="node">
-<a name="Obeying-spaces"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Writing-out-numbers">Writing out numbers</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Expansion">Expansion</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.7 Obeying spaces</h3>
-<p><a name="index-whitespace-1042"></a><a name="index-spaces_002c-obeying-1043"></a><a name="index-newlines_002c-obeying-1044"></a><a name="index-obeywhitespace-1045"></a>
-<code>\obeywhitespace</code> makes both end-of-lines and space characters in
-the input be respected in the output. Unlike plain TeX's
-<code>\obeyspaces</code>, even spaces at the beginnings of lines turn into
-blank space.
- <p>By default, the size of the space that is produced by a space
-character is the natural space of the current font, i.e.,
-what <code>\ </code> produces.
- <p>Ordinarily, a blank line in the input produces as much blank vertical
-space as a line of text would occupy. You can adjust this by assigning
-to the parameter <code>\blanklineskipamount</code>:
-<a name="index-blanklineskipamount-_0040r_007bin-obeyed-text_007d-1046"></a>if you set this negative, the space produced by a blank line will be
-smaller; if positive, larger.
- <p>Tabs are not affected by this routine. In particular, if tabs occur
-at the beginning of a line, they will disappear. (If you are trying to
-make TeX do the &ldquo;right thing&rdquo; with tabs, don't. Use a utility
-program like <i>expand</i> instead.)
-<a name="index-tabs-1047"></a>
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Writing-out-numbers"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Mode_002dspecific-penalties">Mode-specific penalties</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.8 Writing out numbers</h3>
-<p><a name="index-numbers_002c-written-form-of-1048"></a> <code>\numbername</code>
-<a name="index-numbername-1049"></a>produces the written-out form of its argument, i.e., `zero' through
-`ten' for the numbers 0&ndash;10, and numerals for all others.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Mode-specific-penalties"></a>
-<a name="Mode_002dspecific-penalties"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Writing-out-numbers">Writing out numbers</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.9 Mode-specific penalties</h3>
-<p>TeX's built-in <code>\penalty</code> command simply appends to the
-current list, no matter what kind of list it is. You might intend a
-particular penalty to always be a &ldquo;vertical&rdquo; penalty, however, i.e.,
-appended to a vertical list. Therefore, Eplain provides
-<a name="index-vpenalty-1050"></a>and <code>\hpenalty</code>
-which first leave the other mode and then do <code>\penalty</code>.
- <p>More precisely, <code>\vpenalty</code> inserts <code>\par</code> if the current
-mode is horizontal, and <code>\hpenalty</code> inserts <code>\leavevmode</code> if
-the current mode is vertical. (Thus, <code>\vpenalty</code> cannot be used in
-math mode.)
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Auxiliary-files"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#User_002ddefined-environments">User-defined environments</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Mode_002dspecific-penalties">Mode-specific penalties</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.10 Auxiliary files</h3>
-<p><a name="index-axuiliary-files_002c-existence-of-1051"></a>It is common to write some information out to a file to be used on a
-subsequent run. But when it is time to read the file again, you only
-want to do so if the file actually exists. <code>\testfileexistence</code>
-<a name="index-testfileexistence-1052"></a>is given an argument which is appended to <code>\jobname</code>,
-<a name="index-jobname-1053"></a>and sets the conditional <code>\iffileexists</code>
-<a name="index-iffileexists-1054"></a><a name="index-fileexists-_0040r_007b_0028conditional_0029_007d-1055"></a>appropriately. For example:
-<pre class="example"> \testfileexistence{toc}%
- \iffileexists
- \input \jobname.toc
- \fi
- <p><code>\testfileexistence</code> takes an optional parameter; when
-given, it will override <code>\jobname</code> for the root part of the file
-name. For example, if you want to test for the file
-<samp><span class="file">answers.aux</span></samp>, you can do this with the following:
-<pre class="example"> \testfileexistence[answers]{aux}%
- \iffileexists
- \input answers.aux
- \fi
- <div class="node">
-<a name="User-defined-environments"></a>
-<a name="User_002ddefined-environments"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.11 User-defined environments</h3>
-<p><a name="index-environments_002c-user_002ddefined-1056"></a>Plain TeX does not provide &ldquo;named&rdquo; block structures, only the anonymous
-<code>\begingroup</code> and <code>\endgroup</code> pair. The disadvantage of this
-is that when there are several such groups and one is mismatched, it can
-be difficult to find the error. Eplain provides a named block structure
-so that if you forget an <code>\environment</code> or an
-<code>\endenvironment</code>, you will (probably) get an error message about
- <p>For example:
-<pre class="example"> \def\itpar{
- \environment{@italicpar}
- \it\par
- }
- \def\enditpar{
- \par
- \endenvironment{@italicpar}%
- }
- <p class="noindent">which could then be used to set italicized paragraphs:
-<pre class="example"> \itpar
- If I reprehend anything in this world, it is the use of my oracular
- tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs!
- \enditpar
- <p>The above sort of environment allows nesting. But environments
-shouldn't always be allowed to nest. Put the control sequence
-<code>\checkenv</code> at the beginning of a macro that is going to define an
-environment that should not be nested.
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Page-list-and-page-range-parsers"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#User_002ddefined-environments">User-defined environments</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>
-<h3 class="section">7.12 Page list and page range parsers</h3>
-<p><a name="index-idxparselist-1057"></a><a name="index-idxparserange-1058"></a><a name="index-idxpagei-1059"></a><a name="index-idxpageii-1060"></a>The macros which Eplain uses to parse the page lists and ranges in the
-index, <code>\idxparselist</code> and <code>\idxparserange</code> (see <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a>), are sometimes useful when defining page
-number encapsulators. They take one argument, text to parse. When a
-page list (range) is not present, they set <code>\idxpagei</code> to be
-<code>\empty</code>; when a list (range) is detected, they set
-<code>\idxpagei</code> and <code>\idxpageii</code> to the first and the second page
-numbers, respectively.
- <p><a name="index-setidxpagelistdelimiter-1061"></a><a name="index-setidxpagerangedelimiter-1062"></a>Eplain's defaults for the page list and page range delimiters are the
-same as those in MakeIndex, a comma followed by a space (`<samp><span class="samp">, </span></samp>') and
-two dashes (`<samp><span class="samp">--</span></samp>'), respectively. If you customize MakeIndex to use
-different delimiters, you must not forget to let Eplain know about them
-with the commands
-<pre class="example"> \setidxpagelistdelimiter{<var>list-delim</var>}
- \setidxpagerangedelimiter{<var>page-delim</var>}
- <p class="noindent">These commands save the <var>list-delim</var> and
-<var>page-delim</var> delimiters in
-<a name="index-idxpagelistdelimiter-1063"></a><a name="index-idxpagerangedelimiter-1064"></a><code>\idxpagelistdelimiter</code> and <code>\idxpagerangedelimiter</code>,
- <p><a name="index-underlining-page-numbers-in-index-1065"></a><a name="index-index_002c-underlining-page-numbers-1066"></a><a name="index-ituline-1067"></a>For example, you may want to define a page number markup command which
-italicizes and properly underlines page ranges by underlining only the
-page numbers and not the delimiter:
- <p><a name="index-idxpagerangedelimiter-1068"></a>
-<pre class="example"> \def\ituline#1{%
- {\it
- \idxparserange{#1}%
- \ifx\idxpagei\empty
- % The argument is a single page number.
- \underbar{#1}%
- \else
- % The argument is a page range.
- \underbar{\idxpagei}\idxpagerangedelimiter\underbar{\idxpageii}%
- \fi}%
- }
- <p class="noindent">Note that the <code>\ituline</code> macro is not aware of page
-lists. This is not needed if you use hyperlinks in the index, because
-<code>\hlidx</code> and <code>\hlidxpage</code> will break up the page lists before
-calling the user's page encapsulator (see <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a>), so <code>\ituline</code> will never see the lists. If, however, you
-need to design a macro which also takes care of the lists, you can
-extend <code>\ituline</code> with an additional call to <code>\idxparselist</code>.
-<!-- Public domain. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Macro-index"></a>
-Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Concept-index">Concept index</a>,
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Programming-definitions">Programming definitions</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="unnumbered">Macro index</h2>
-<ul class="index-fn" compact>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eaux-_0040r_007bfile_007d-166"><code>.aux </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eaux-_0040r_007bfile_007d-52"><code>.aux </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002ebbl-_0040r_007bfile_007d-55"><code>.bbl </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002ebib-_0040r_007bfile_007d-54"><code>.bib </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002ebst-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-62"><code>.bst </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002ecls-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-410"><code>.cls </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eeps-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-436"><code>.eps </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002efmt-_0040r_007bfile_007d-19"><code>.fmt </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002efmt-_0040r_007bfile_007d-13"><code>.fmt </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eidx-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-546"><code>.idx </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eidx-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-209"><code>.idx </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eind-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-547"><code>.ind </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eind-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-210"><code>.ind </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002epdf-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-451"><code>.pdf </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002epdf-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-402"><code>.pdf </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002eps-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-450"><code>.ps </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002esty-_0040r_007bfiles_007d-409"><code>.sty </code><span class="roman">files</span></a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_002etoc-_0040r_007bfile_007d-153"><code>.toc </code><span class="roman">file</span></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040_0040hllabel-649"><code>@hllabel</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040_0040indexproof-_0040r_007binsertion-class_007d-257"><code>@indexproof </code><span class="roman">insertion class</span></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-abovecolumnskip-353"><code>abovecolumnskip</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-abovecolumnspenalty-324"><code>abovecolumnspenalty</code></a>: <a href="#Tables">Tables</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-abovelistpenalty-126"><code>abovelistpenalty</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-abovelistskip-125"><code>abovelistskip</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-abovelistskipamount-120"><code>abovelistskipamount</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-adjarrow-921"><code>adjarrow</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-adjmapdown-915"><code>adjmapdown</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-adjmapleft-908"><code>adjmapleft</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-adjmapright-907"><code>adjmapright</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-adjmapup-916"><code>adjmapup</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-advancebottommargin-331"><code>advancebottommargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-advanceleftmargin-332"><code>advanceleftmargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-advancerightmargin-333"><code>advancerightmargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-advancetopmargin-330"><code>advancetopmargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-afterindexterm-288"><code>afterindexterm</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-afterindexterm-_0040r_007bhook_007d-233"><code>afterindexterm </code><span class="roman">hook</span></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-AMSLaTeX-381"><code>AMSLaTeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-amsppt_002esty-24"><code>amsppt.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-AMSTeX-377"><code>AMSTeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-arrow-886"><code>arrow</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-autopict_002esty-421"><code>autopict.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bblem-82"><code>bblem</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bblfilebasename-56"><code>bblfilebasename</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bblhook-86"><code>bblhook</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bblnewblock-84"><code>bblnewblock</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bblrm-80"><code>bblrm</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bblsc-83"><code>bblsc</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bcolor-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-738"><code>bcolor </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bdash-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-742"><code>bdash </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-begin-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-237"><code>begin </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-beginindex-_0040r_007bhook_007d-272"><code>beginindex </code><span class="roman">hook</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-beginlist-136"><code>beginlist</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-beginpackages-417"><code>beginpackages</code></a>: <a href="#Environment-for-loading-packages">Environment for loading packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-begin_0040_007bpicture_0040_007d-423"><code>begin{picture}</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-begin_0040_007btheindex_0040_007d-266"><code>begin{theindex}</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-belowcolumnskip-354"><code>belowcolumnskip</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-belowfootnoterulespace-363"><code>belowfootnoterulespace</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-belowlistskip-127"><code>belowlistskip</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-belowlistskipamount-121"><code>belowlistskipamount</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-biarrow-920"><code>biarrow</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-biblabelcontents-79"><code>biblabelcontents</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-biblabelextraspace-85"><code>biblabelextraspace</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-biblabelprint-78"><code>biblabelprint</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-biblabelwidth-77"><code>biblabelwidth</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliography-60"><code>bibliography</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliography-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-490"><code>bibliography </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliographystyle-61"><code>bibliographystyle</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-BibTeX-379"><code>BibTeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibtex-27"><code>bibtex</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bihline-909"><code>bihline</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bimapdown-913"><code>bimapdown</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bimapleft-906"><code>bimapleft</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bimapright-905"><code>bimapright</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bimapup-914"><code>bimapup</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bisline-922"><code>bisline</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bivline-917"><code>bivline</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-blackbox-393"><code>blackbox</code></a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-blanklineskipamount-_0040r_007bin-justified-text_007d-320"><code>blanklineskipamount </code><span class="roman">in justified text</span></a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-blanklineskipamount-_0040r_007bin-obeyed-text_007d-1046"><code>blanklineskipamount </code><span class="roman">in obeyed text</span></a>: <a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bottom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-676"><code>bottom </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bottom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-643"><code>bottom </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bottommargin-327"><code>bottommargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-boxit-397"><code>boxit</code></a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-boxitspace-398"><code>boxitspace</code></a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bstyle-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-746"><code>bstyle </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bwidth-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-756"><code>bwidth </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-catcode-974"><code>catcode</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-center-319"><code>center</code></a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-centereddisplays-93"><code>centereddisplays</code></a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-channelwidth-963"><code>channelwidth</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-channelwidth-923"><code>channelwidth</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cite-57"><code>cite</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cite-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-485"><code>cite </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-657"><code>cmd </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-648"><code>cmd </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-761"><code>cmd </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cmd-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-726"><code>cmd </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cmtt8-251"><code>cmtt8</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-color-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-610"><code>color </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-color_002esty-793"><code>color.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-color_002esty-425"><code>color.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-colormodel-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-609"><code>colormodel </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-columnfill-347"><code>columnfill</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-commdiag-926"><code>commdiag</code></a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-commdiagbaselines-966"><code>commdiagbaselines</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-commdiagbaselines-938"><code>commdiagbaselines</code></a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-csn-1021"><code>csn</code></a>: <a href="#g_t_005ccsn-and-_005cece">\csn and \ece</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-definecontentsfile-164"><code>definecontentsfile</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-defineindex-214"><code>defineindex</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-definexref-171"><code>definexref</code></a>: <a href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-definexref-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-496"><code>definexref </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-depth-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-663"><code>depth </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-depth-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-641"><code>depth </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-depth-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-770"><code>depth </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-discretionaries-370"><code>discretionaries</code></a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-displaylines-94"><code>displaylines</code></a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-doublecolumns-341"><code>doublecolumns</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-drawline-871"><code>drawline</code></a>: <a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-drawvector-872"><code>drawvector</code></a>: <a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-dvipdfm-453"><code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eattoken-1016"><code>eattoken</code></a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ece-1022"><code>ece</code></a>: <a href="#g_t_005ccsn-and-_005cece">\csn and \ece</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-edefappend-1023"><code>edefappend</code></a>: <a href="#g_t_005cedefappend">\edefappend</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ehrule-45"><code>ehrule</code></a>: <a href="#Rules">Rules</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-enablehyperlinks-568"><code>enablehyperlinks</code></a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-enablehyperlinks-454"><code>enablehyperlinks</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-end-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-238"><code>end </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-endlist-138"><code>endlist</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-endnumberedlist-112"><code>endnumberedlist</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-endorderedlist-114"><code>endorderedlist</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-endpackages-418"><code>endpackages</code></a>: <a href="#Environment-for-loading-packages">Environment for loading packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-endunorderedlist-116"><code>endunorderedlist</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-end_0040_007bpicture_0040_007d-424"><code>end{picture}</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-end_0040_007btheindex_0040_007d-267"><code>end{theindex}</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eplain-20"><code>eplain</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eplain_002eaux-15"><code>eplain.aux</code></a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqalignno-95"><code>eqalignno</code></a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqconstruct-198"><code>eqconstruct</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqdef-186"><code>eqdef</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqdef-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-520"><code>eqdef </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqdefn-192"><code>eqdefn</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqdefn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-521"><code>eqdefn </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqnumber-185"><code>eqnumber</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqprint-197"><code>eqprint</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqref-530"><code>eqref</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqref-193"><code>eqref</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqrefn-531"><code>eqrefn</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqrefn-194"><code>eqrefn</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqsubdef-201"><code>eqsubdef</code></a>: <a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqsubdef-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-522"><code>eqsubdef </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqsubdefn-202"><code>eqsubdefn</code></a>: <a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqsubdefn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-523"><code>eqsubdefn </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eqsubreftext-204"><code>eqsubreftext</code></a>: <a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-everyfootnote-360"><code>everyfootnote</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-evrule-46"><code>evrule</code></a>: <a href="#Rules">Rules</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-expandonce-1035"><code>expandonce</code></a>: <a href="#g_t_005cexpandonce">\expandonce</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-file-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-762"><code>file </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-file-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-711"><code>file </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fileexists-_0040r_007b_0028conditional_0029_007d-1055"><code>fileexists </code><span class="roman">(conditional)</span></a>: <a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-filename-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-707"><code>filename </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-filepage-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-714"><code>filepage </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fit-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-628"><code>fit </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fitb-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-633"><code>fitb </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fitbh-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-634"><code>fitbh </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fitbv-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-636"><code>fitbv </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fith-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-629"><code>fith </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fitr-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-638"><code>fitr </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fitv-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-631"><code>fitv </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-flushleft-318"><code>flushleft</code></a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-flushright-317"><code>flushright</code></a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fmtversion-10"><code>fmtversion</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-footnote-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-587"><code>footnote </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-footnotemarkseparation-358"><code>footnotemarkseparation</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-footnoteruleheight-362"><code>footnoteruleheight</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-footnoterulewidth-361"><code>footnoterulewidth</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-for-1009"><code>for</code></a>: <a href="#Iteration">Iteration</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-frac-365"><code>frac</code></a>: <a href="#Fractions">Fractions</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fullmonthname-103"><code>fullmonthname</code></a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-futurenonspacelet-1041"><code>futurenonspacelet</code></a>: <a href="#g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet">\futurenonspacelet</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-generaldisplay-98"><code>generaldisplay</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-displays">Formatting displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-getproperty-1033"><code>getproperty</code></a>: <a href="#Properties">Properties</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gloggingall-36"><code>gloggingall</code></a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gobble-1013"><code>gobble</code></a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gobbletwo-1014"><code>gobbletwo</code></a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-graphics_002esty-426"><code>graphics.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-graphicx_002esty-427"><code>graphicx.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gridcommdiag-942"><code>gridcommdiag</code></a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gtracingall-37"><code>gtracingall</code></a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gutter-351"><code>gutter</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gutterbox-352"><code>gutterbox</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hangindent-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-281"><code>hangindent </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-harrowlength-949"><code>harrowlength</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-harrowlength-888"><code>harrowlength</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hchannel-964"><code>hchannel</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-height-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-667"><code>height </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-height-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-640"><code>height </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-height-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-773"><code>height </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hgrid-967"><code>hgrid</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hgrid-944"><code>hgrid</code></a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldest-803"><code>hldest</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldest-650"><code>hldest</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldest-464"><code>hldest</code></a>: <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldestoff-866"><code>hldestoff</code></a>: <a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldestoff-791"><code>hldestoff</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldeston-865"><code>hldeston</code></a>: <a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldestopts-845"><code>hldestopts</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldestopts-819"><code>hldestopts</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldesttype-821"><code>hldesttype</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hldesttype-817"><code>hldesttype</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlend-466"><code>hlend</code></a>: <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlfootbacklabel-589"><code>hlfootbacklabel</code></a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlfootlabel-588"><code>hlfootlabel</code></a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlfootlabelnumber-590"><code>hlfootlabelnumber</code></a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlidx-548"><code>hlidx</code></a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlidxlabel-549"><code>hlidxlabel</code></a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlidxlabelnumber-550"><code>hlidxlabelnumber</code></a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlidxpage-558"><code>hlidxpage</code></a>: <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlidxpagelabel-557"><code>hlidxpagelabel</code></a>: <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlight-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-763"><code>hlight </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hline-904"><code>hline</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hloff-868"><code>hloff</code></a>: <a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hloff-790"><code>hloff</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlon-867"><code>hlon</code></a>: <a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">Turning low-level commands on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlopts-844"><code>hlopts</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlopts-818"><code>hlopts</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlstart-802"><code>hlstart</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlstart-727"><code>hlstart</code></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hlstart-465"><code>hlstart</code></a>: <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hltype-820"><code>hltype</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hltype-816"><code>hltype</code></a>: <a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">Setting default types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposn-952"><code>hmorphposn</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposn-891"><code>hmorphposn</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposndn-954"><code>hmorphposndn</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposndn-895"><code>hmorphposndn</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposnlft-956"><code>hmorphposnlft</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposnlft-899"><code>hmorphposnlft</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposnrt-955"><code>hmorphposnrt</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposnrt-898"><code>hmorphposnrt</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposnup-953"><code>hmorphposnup</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hmorphposnup-894"><code>hmorphposnup</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hoffset-254"><code>hoffset</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hookaction-1025"><code>hookaction</code></a>: <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hookactiononce-1028"><code>hookactiononce</code></a>: <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hookappend-1026"><code>hookappend</code></a>: <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hookprepend-1027"><code>hookprepend</code></a>: <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hookrun-1029"><code>hookrun</code></a>: <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hruledefaultdepth-43"><code>hruledefaultdepth</code></a>: <a href="#Rules">Rules</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hruledefaultheight-42"><code>hruledefaultheight</code></a>: <a href="#Rules">Rules</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hsize-334"><code>hsize</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyphenpenalty-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-283"><code>hyphenpenalty </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-identity-1017"><code>identity</code></a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idx-223"><code>idx</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idx-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-535"><code>idx </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxbeginrangemark-297"><code>idxbeginrangemark</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxencapoperator-296"><code>idxencapoperator</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxendrangemark-298"><code>idxendrangemark</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxexact-569"><code>idxexact</code></a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxmarked-228"><code>idxmarked</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxmarked-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-537"><code>idxmarked </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxname-226"><code>idxname</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxname-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-536"><code>idxname </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxnameseparator-225"><code>idxnameseparator</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxnone-571"><code>idxnone</code></a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxpage-570"><code>idxpage</code></a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxpagei-1059"><code>idxpagei</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxpageii-1060"><code>idxpageii</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxpagelistdelimiter-1063"><code>idxpagelistdelimiter</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxpagenum-299"><code>idxpagenum</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxpagerangedelimiter-1064"><code>idxpagerangedelimiter</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxparselist-1057"><code>idxparselist</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxparserange-1058"><code>idxparserange</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxrangebeginword-291"><code>idxrangebeginword</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxrangeendword-292"><code>idxrangeendword</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxseealsocmdword-294"><code>idxseealsocmdword</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxseecmdword-293"><code>idxseecmdword</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxsubentryseparator-295"><code>idxsubentryseparator</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxsubmarked-229"><code>idxsubmarked</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxsubmarked-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-538"><code>idxsubmarked </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-idxuniq-554"><code>idxuniq</code></a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-iffileexists-1054"><code>iffileexists</code></a>: <a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ifpdf-455"><code>ifpdf</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ifpdf-403"><code>ifpdf</code></a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ifrewritetocfile-159"><code>ifrewritetocfile</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ifundefined-1036"><code>ifundefined</code></a>: <a href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexfilebasename-264"><code>indexfilebasename</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexfonts-270"><code>indexfonts</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexitem-_0040r_007bhook_007d-284"><code>indexitem </code><span class="roman">hook</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexprooffont-250"><code>indexprooffont</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexproofterm-249"><code>indexproofterm</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexproofunbox-258"><code>indexproofunbox</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexsee-576"><code>indexsee</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexsee-304"><code>indexsee</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexseealso-577"><code>indexseealso</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexseealso-305"><code>indexseealso</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexseealsowords-302"><code>indexseealsowords</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexseeword-301"><code>indexseeword</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexsetmargins-256"><code>indexsetmargins</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexspace-285"><code>indexspace</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innerdef-1005"><code>innerdef</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innerinnerdef-1006"><code>innerinnerdef</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewbox-993"><code>innernewbox</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewcount-994"><code>innernewcount</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewdimen-995"><code>innernewdimen</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewfam-996"><code>innernewfam</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewhelp-997"><code>innernewhelp</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewif-998"><code>innernewif</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewinsert-999"><code>innernewinsert</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewlanguage-1000"><code>innernewlanguage</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewread-1001"><code>innernewread</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewskip-1002"><code>innernewskip</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewtoks-1003"><code>innernewtoks</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-innernewwrite-1004"><code>innernewwrite</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-insidemargin-253"><code>insidemargin</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-interfootnoteskip-359"><code>interfootnoteskip</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-interitemskip-128"><code>interitemskip</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-interitemskipamount-122"><code>interitemskipamount</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-item-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-273"><code>item </code><span class="roman">in indexes</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-itemletter-135"><code>itemletter</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-itemnumber-134"><code>itemnumber</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ituline-1067"><code>ituline</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-jobname-1053"><code>jobname</code></a>: <a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-jobname-265"><code>jobname</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-jobname-53"><code>jobname</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-LAMSTeX-383"><code>LAMSTeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-LaTeX-385"><code>LaTeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lbracechar-987"><code>lbracechar</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-680"><code>left </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-left-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-626"><code>left </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-leftdisplayindent-92"><code>leftdisplayindent</code></a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-leftdisplays-91"><code>leftdisplays</code></a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-leftdisplaysetup-97"><code>leftdisplaysetup</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-displays">Formatting displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-leftmargin-328"><code>leftmargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-leqalignno-96"><code>leqalignno</code></a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-letreturn-983"><code>letreturn</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-letter-971"><code>letter</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lft-885"><code>lft</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-li-117"><code>li</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-li-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-493"><code>li </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linenumberedlisting-147"><code>linenumberedlisting</code></a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listcompact-118"><code>listcompact</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listing-144"><code>listing</code></a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listingfont-145"><code>listingfont</code></a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listleftindent-123"><code>listleftindent</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listmarkerspace-129"><code>listmarkerspace</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listrightindent-124"><code>listrightindent</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-loggingall-33"><code>loggingall</code></a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeactive-975"><code>makeactive</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeatletter-979"><code>makeatletter</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeatother-981"><code>makeatother</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeblankbox-396"><code>makeblankbox</code></a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makecolumns-323"><code>makecolumns</code></a>: <a href="#Tables">Tables</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeheadline-259"><code>makeheadline</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeindex-545"><code>makeindex</code></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeindex-208"><code>makeindex</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-makeindex-28"><code>makeindex</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mapdown-883"><code>mapdown</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mapleft-881"><code>mapleft</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mapright-880"><code>mapright</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mapup-882"><code>mapup</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-matrix-927"><code>matrix</code></a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-MF-387"><code>MF</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-miniltx_002etex-413"><code>miniltx.tex</code></a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-monthname-102"><code>monthname</code></a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-morphdist-962"><code>morphdist</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-morphdist-893"><code>morphdist</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-name-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-698"><code>name </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-new_0040dots_007b_007d-991"><code>new...</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-newwin-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-766"><code>newwin </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-newwin-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-713"><code>newwin </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-noarrow-22"><code>noarrow</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-noauxfile-23"><code>noauxfile</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-nobibtex-21"><code>nobibtex</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-nocite-59"><code>nocite</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-normalbaselineskip-601"><code>normalbaselineskip</code></a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-num-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-728"><code>num </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numberedfootnote-357"><code>numberedfootnote</code></a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numberedfootnote-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-586"><code>numberedfootnote </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numberedlist-111"><code>numberedlist</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numberedlistdepth-132"><code>numberedlistdepth</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numberedmarker-130"><code>numberedmarker</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numbername-1049"><code>numbername</code></a>: <a href="#Writing-out-numbers">Writing out numbers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-obeywhitespace-1045"><code>obeywhitespace</code></a>: <a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-orderedlist-113"><code>orderedlist</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-other-972"><code>other</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-outer-992"><code>outer</code></a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-outsidemargin-255"><code>outsidemargin</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-page-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-702"><code>page </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pagefit-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-769"><code>pagefit </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pagefit-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-706"><code>pagefit </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pageno-252"><code>pageno</code></a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pagetotal-350"><code>pagetotal</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-paperheight-335"><code>paperheight</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-paperwidth-336"><code>paperwidth</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-parindent-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-268"><code>parindent </code><span class="roman">in indexes</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-path-369"><code>path</code></a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pdfoutput-404"><code>pdfoutput</code></a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pdftex-452"><code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pdftex-401"><code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pdftex-29"><code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-percentchar-986"><code>percentchar</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-phantomeqlabel-528"><code>phantomeqlabel</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-phantomeqnumber-529"><code>phantomeqnumber</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pict2e_002esty-443"><code>pict2e.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">Packages known not to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-previouseverydisplay-99"><code>previouseverydisplay</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-displays">Formatting displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-printbetweencitations-74"><code>printbetweencitations</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-printcitefinish-73"><code>printcitefinish</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-printcitenote-75"><code>printcitenote</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-printcitestart-72"><code>printcitestart</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-printitem-137"><code>printitem</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-psfrag_002esty-433"><code>psfrag.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-quadcolumns-343"><code>quadcolumns</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raggedright-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-282"><code>raggedright </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raise-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-849"><code>raise </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raise-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-597"><code>raise </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raw-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-647"><code>raw </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raw-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-725"><code>raw </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rbracechar-988"><code>rbracechar</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-readindexfile-263"><code>readindexfile</code></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-readindexfile-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-544"><code>readindexfile </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-readtocfile-157"><code>readtocfile</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ref-178"><code>ref</code></a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ref-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-506"><code>ref </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-refn-175"><code>refn</code></a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-refn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-503"><code>refn </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-refs-179"><code>refs</code></a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-refs-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-509"><code>refs </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-refspace-516"><code>refspace</code></a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-refspace-508"><code>refspace</code></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-reftie-532"><code>reftie</code></a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-reftie-505"><code>reftie</code></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-resetatcatcode-980"><code>resetatcatcode</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rewritetocfile-_0040r_007b_0028conditional_0029_007d-160"><code>rewritetocfile </code><span class="roman">(conditional)</span></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-right-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-684"><code>right </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-right-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-644"><code>right </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rightmargin-329"><code>rightmargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rt-884"><code>rt</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sanitize-1020"><code>sanitize</code></a>: <a href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sarrowlength-951"><code>sarrowlength</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sarrowlength-890"><code>sarrowlength</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sed-311"><code>sed</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-306"><code>see </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-241"><code>see </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-seealso-_0040r_007bfor-index-entries_007d-245"><code>seealso </code><span class="roman">for index entries</span></a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-seevariant-303"><code>seevariant</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-setidxpagelistdelimiter-1061"><code>setidxpagelistdelimiter</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-setidxpagerangedelimiter-1062"><code>setidxpagerangedelimiter</code></a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-setproperty-1032"><code>setproperty</code></a>: <a href="#Properties">Properties</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-setuplistinghook-146"><code>setuplistinghook</code></a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sidx-222"><code>sidx</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sidxmarked-227"><code>sidxmarked</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sidxname-224"><code>sidxname</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sidxsubmarked-230"><code>sidxsubmarked</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-singlecolumn-344"><code>singlecolumn</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sline-887"><code>sline</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-SLiTeX-389"><code>SLiTeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-special-449"><code>special</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-specialpathdelimiters-_0040r_007b_0028conditional_0029_007d-371"><code>specialpathdelimiters </code><span class="roman">(conditional)</span></a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-subeqnumber-203"><code>subeqnumber</code></a>: <a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-subitem-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-274"><code>subitem </code><span class="roman">in indexes</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-subsubitem-_0040r_007bin-indexes_007d-275"><code>subsubitem </code><span class="roman">in indexes</span></a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-testfileexistence-1052"><code>testfileexistence</code></a>: <a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-TeX-375"><code>TeX</code></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-texi2dvi-211"><code>texi2dvi</code></a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-texi2dvi-68"><code>texi2dvi</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-texi2dvi-26"><code>texi2dvi</code></a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-timestamp-105"><code>timestamp</code></a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-timestring-104"><code>timestring</code></a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-toc_0040dots_007b_007dentry-155"><code>toc...entry</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tocfilebasename-161"><code>tocfilebasename</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-today-106"><code>today</code></a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-688"><code>top </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-top-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-627"><code>top </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-topmargin-326"><code>topmargin</code></a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tracingall-32"><code>tracingall</code></a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tracingboxes-34"><code>tracingboxes</code></a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tracingoff-35"><code>tracingoff</code></a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-trimsee-312"><code>trimsee</code></a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-triplecolumns-342"><code>triplecolumns</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-uncatcodespecials-985"><code>uncatcodespecials</code></a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-unorderedlist-115"><code>unorderedlist</code></a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-unorderedlistdepth-133"><code>unorderedlistdepth</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-unorderedmarker-131"><code>unorderedmarker</code></a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-url-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-type_0029_007d-721"><code>url </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink type)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-url-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-479"><code>url </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-url_002esty-480"><code>url.sty</code></a>: <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-url_002esty-437"><code>url.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-usepackage-416"><code>usepackage</code></a>: <a href="#The-_005cusepackage-command">The \usepackage command</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-varrowlength-950"><code>varrowlength</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-varrowlength-889"><code>varrowlength</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vchannel-965"><code>vchannel</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-verbatim-148"><code>verbatim</code></a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-verbatimescapechar-149"><code>verbatimescapechar</code></a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vgrid-968"><code>vgrid</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vgrid-945"><code>vgrid</code></a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vline-912"><code>vline</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposn-957"><code>vmorphposn</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposn-892"><code>vmorphposn</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposndn-959"><code>vmorphposndn</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposndn-897"><code>vmorphposndn</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposnlft-961"><code>vmorphposnlft</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposnlft-901"><code>vmorphposnlft</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposnrt-960"><code>vmorphposnrt</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposnrt-900"><code>vmorphposnrt</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposnup-958"><code>vmorphposnup</code></a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">Commutative diagram parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vmorphposnup-896"><code>vmorphposnup</code></a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vpenalty-1050"><code>vpenalty</code></a>: <a href="#Mode_002dspecific-penalties">Mode-specific penalties</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vruledefaultwidth-44"><code>vruledefaultwidth</code></a>: <a href="#Rules">Rules</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-width-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-671"><code>width </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-width-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-639"><code>width </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-width-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlink-option_0029_007d-776"><code>width </code><span class="roman">(hyperlink option)</span></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-writenumberedtocentry-156"><code>writenumberedtocentry</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-writetocentry-154"><code>writetocentry</code></a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xcolor_002esty-444"><code>xcolor.sty</code></a>: <a href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">Packages known not to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xeplain_002etex-2"><code>xeplain.tex</code></a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrdef-180"><code>xrdef</code></a>: <a href="#Page-references">Page references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrdef-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-510"><code>xrdef </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xref-181"><code>xref</code></a>: <a href="#Page-references">Page references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xref-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-515"><code>xref </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrefn-176"><code>xrefn</code></a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrefn-_0040r_007b_0028hyperlinks_0029_007d-504"><code>xrefn </code><span class="roman">(hyperlinks)</span></a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrefpageword-517"><code>xrefpageword</code></a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrefpageword-182"><code>xrefpageword</code></a>: <a href="#Page-references">Page references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrefwarning-_0040r_007bconditional_007d-177"><code>xrefwarning </code><span class="roman">conditional</span></a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrefwarningfalse-63"><code>xrefwarningfalse</code></a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xrlabel-1019"><code>xrlabel</code></a>: <a href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-xyz-_0040r_007b_0028destination-type_0029_007d-624"><code>xyz </code><span class="roman">(destination type)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-zoom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-658"><code>zoom </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-zoom-_0040r_007b_0028destination-option_0029_007d-625"><code>zoom </code><span class="roman">(destination option)</span></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-</ul><!-- Public domain. -->
-<!-- makeinfo complains about bad links if we make them implicit. Strange. -->
-<div class="node">
-<a name="Concept-index"></a>
-Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Macro-index">Macro index</a>,
-Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a>
-<h2 class="unnumbered">Concept index</h2>
-<ul class="index-cp" compact>
-<li><a href="#index-active-characters-973">active characters</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-after-index-terms-290">after index terms</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-alignments-322">alignments</a>: <a href="#Tables">Tables</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-all-groups_002c-specifying-837">all groups, specifying</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-allocation-macros-989">allocation macros</a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-alphanumeric-references-69">alphanumeric references</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-AMS_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-380">AMSLaTeX</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-AMS_0040TeX_007b_007d-376">AMSTeX</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-AMS_0040TeX_007b_007d-conflicts-25">AMSTeX conflicts</a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-arguments_002c-ignoring-1010">arguments, ignoring</a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-arrows-878">arrows</a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-atom-1031">atom</a>: <a href="#Properties">Properties</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-axuiliary-files_002c-existence-of-1051">axuiliary files, existence of</a>: <a href="#Auxiliary-files">Auxiliary files</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-backslash-character-976">backslash character</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-balancing-of-columns-with-_0040code_007b_005csinglecolumn_007d-346">balancing of columns with <code>\singlecolumn</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Berry_002c-Karl-8">Berry, Karl</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-beveled-hyperlink-border-749">beveled hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliographies-48">bibliographies</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliography-fonts-81">bibliography fonts</a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliography-items_002c-extra-space-between-87">bibliography items, extra space between</a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliography_002c-formatting-the-76">bibliography, formatting the</a>: <a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">Formatting bibliographies</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-bibliography_002c-hyperlinks-486">bibliography, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Bib_0040TeX_007b_007d-378">BibTeX</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Bib_0040TeX_007b_007d-49">BibTeX</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-black-boxes-391">black boxes</a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Borceux_002c-Francis-940">Borceux, Francis</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-border-color_002c-hyperlink-740">border color, hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-border-style_002c-hyperlink-745">border style, hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-border-width_002c-hyperlink-759">border width, hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Bott_002c-Raoul-928">Bott, Raoul</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-boxes_002c-open-395">boxes, open</a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Brockett_002c-Roger-W_002e-933">Brockett, Roger W.</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Butterfly-Lemma-948">Butterfly Lemma</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Carlisle_002c-David-414">Carlisle, David</a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-category-codes-969">category codes</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-centering-313">centering</a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-characters_002c-converting-to-1018">characters, converting to</a>: <a href="#Converting-to-characters">Converting to characters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-citations-47">citations</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-citations_002c-formatting-71">citations, formatting</a>: <a href="#Formatting-citations">Formatting citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-citations_002c-hyperlinks-481">citations, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-citations_002c-undefined-58">citations, undefined</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-color-430">color</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-color_002c-hyperlink-border-741">color, hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-color_002c-hyperlinks-611">color, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-column-balancing-with-_0040code_007b_005csinglecolumn_007d-345">column balancing with <code>\singlecolumn</code></a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-column-eject-348">column eject</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-commas-after-index-terms-289">commas after index terms</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-commas-in-cross_002dreferencing-index-entries-310">commas in cross-referencing index entries</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-commutative-diagrams-877">commutative diagrams</a>: <a href="#Commutative-diagrams">Commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-contents-152">contents</a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-contents_002c-hyperlinks-592">contents, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Contents-hyperlinks">Contents hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-continued-index-entries-279">continued index entries</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-covering-homotopy-property-930">covering homotopy property</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cross_002dreferences-165">cross-references</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cross_002dreferences_002c-defining-general-174">cross-references, defining general</a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cross_002dreferences_002c-defining-general-170">cross-references, defining general</a>: <a href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cross_002dreferences_002c-hyperlinks-497">cross-references, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cross_002dreferencing-index-entries-308">cross-referencing index entries</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cross_002dreferencing-index-entries-243">cross-referencing index entries</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-cube-943">cube</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-customizing-indexing-287">customizing indexing</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-dashed-hyperlink-border-743">dashed hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-date-101">date</a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-default-hyperlink-options-830">default hyperlink options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-default-hyperlink-options-797">default hyperlink options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-default-hyperlink-type-829">default hyperlink type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-default-hyperlink-type-796">default hyperlink type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-defining-general-references-172">defining general references</a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-defining-general-references-168">defining general references</a>: <a href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-definitions_002c-global-982">definitions, global</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-473">destgroup</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060bib_0027-489">destgroup `bib'</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060definexref_0027-500">destgroup `definexref'</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060eq_0027-527">destgroup `eq'</a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060foot_0027-584">destgroup `foot'</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060footback_0027-585">destgroup `footback'</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060idx_0027-543">destgroup `idx'</a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060li_0027-495">destgroup `li'</a>: <a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup-_0060xrdef_0027-514">destgroup `xrdef'</a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup_002c-options-843">destgroup, options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup_002c-options-815">destgroup, options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup_002c-type-827">destgroup, type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destgroup_002c-type-814">destgroup, type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-group-472">destination group</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-options-460">destination options</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-options_002c-common-595">destination options, common</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-options_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-652">destination options, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-options_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-651">destination options, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-type-457">destination type</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-types_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-619">destination types, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destination-types_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-618">destination types, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-default-options-834">destinations, default options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-default-options-801">destinations, default options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-default-type-833">destinations, default type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-default-type-800">destinations, default type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-dimensions-664">destinations, dimensions</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-disabling-864">destinations, disabling</a>: <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-disabling-785">destinations, disabling</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-group-options-842">destinations, group options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-group-options-813">destinations, group options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-group-type-826">destinations, group type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-group-type-812">destinations, group type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-in-another-file-709">destinations, in another file</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-large-operators-854">destinations, large operators</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-large-operators-606">destinations, large operators</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-magnification-659">destinations, magnification</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-named-700">destinations, named</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-numbered-730">destinations, numbered</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-page-704">destinations, page</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-raising-600">destinations, raising</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-destinations_002c-URL-723">destinations, URL</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-diagnostics-30">diagnostics</a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Diagram_002c-macros-for-LaTeX-941">Diagram, macros for LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-772">dimensions, hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-dimensions_002c-hyperlink-destination-666">dimensions, hyperlink destination</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-disabling-hyperlinks-862">disabling hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-disabling-hyperlinks-783">disabling hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-displayed-math-and-hyperlinks-851">displayed math and hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-displayed-math-and-hyperlinks-603">displayed math and hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-displays_002c-left_002djustifying-88">displays, left-justifying</a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-double-column-output-337">double column output</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-double-columns-in-indexes-271">double columns in indexes</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-driver-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-615">driver <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-driver-_0040code_007bnolinks_007d-780">driver <code>nolinks</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-driver-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-614">driver <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-drivers_002c-hyperlink-448">drivers, hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-destination-options-656"><code>dvipdfm</code>, destination options</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-destination-types-623"><code>dvipdfm</code>, destination types</a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-hyperlink-driver-613"><code>dvipdfm</code>, hyperlink driver</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-link-options-737"><code>dvipdfm</code>, link options</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d_002c-link-types-697"><code>dvipdfm</code>, link types</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-eject-in-multicolumns-349">eject in multicolumns</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-electronic-mail-addresses_002c-breaking-440">electronic mail addresses, breaking</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-electronic-mail-addresses_002c-breaking-368">electronic mail addresses, breaking</a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-empty-equation-labels-187">empty equation labels</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-empty-equation-labels_002c-referring-to-190">empty equation labels, referring to</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-emtex_002c-installation-under-17">emtex, installation under</a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Encapsulated-PostScript-434">Encapsulated PostScript</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-environments_002c-user_002ddefined-1056">environments, user-defined</a>: <a href="#User_002ddefined-environments">User-defined environments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Eplain_002c-installing-11">Eplain, installing</a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Eplain_002c-invoking-18">Eplain, invoking</a>: <a href="#Invoking-Eplain">Invoking Eplain</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Eplain_002c-purpose-of-1">Eplain, purpose of</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-EPS-435">EPS</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equation-labels_002c-characters-valid-in-195">equation labels, characters valid in</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equation-numbers_002c-formatting-of-196">equation numbers, formatting of</a>: <a href="#Formatting-equation-references">Formatting equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equations_002c-giving-numbers-to-all-189">equations, giving numbers to all</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equations_002c-groups-of-199">equations, groups of</a>: <a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equations_002c-hyperlinks-524">equations, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equations_002c-numbering-184">equations, numbering</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-equations_002c-references-to-183">equations, references to</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-error-messages-39">error messages</a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-escape-character_002c-changing-verbatim-150">escape character, changing verbatim</a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-exact-index-hyperlinks-551">exact index hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-expansion_002c-one_002dlevel-1034">expansion, one-level</a>: <a href="#g_t_005cexpandonce">\expandonce</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-explicit-hyperlinks-462">explicit hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-file_002c-hyperlink-to-708">file, hyperlink to</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-filenames_002c-breaking-439">filenames, breaking</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-filenames_002c-breaking-367">filenames, breaking</a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-files_002c-verbatim-listing-of-143">files, verbatim listing of</a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-filtering-index-entries-with-hyperlinks-555">filtering index entries with hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-footnotes_002c-hyperlinks-578">footnotes, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-footnotes_002c-numbered-356">footnotes, numbered</a>: <a href="#Footnotes">Footnotes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-for-loops-1008">for loops</a>: <a href="#Iteration">Iteration</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-format-file-14">format file</a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-formatting-index-entries-277">formatting index entries</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-fractions-364">fractions</a>: <a href="#Fractions">Fractions</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-gobbling-arguments-1012">gobbling arguments</a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-golden-mean-936">golden mean</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Graham_002c-Ronald-L_002e-65">Graham, Ronald L.</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-graphics-collection_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-794">graphics collection, LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-graphics-collection_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-428">graphics collection, LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-graphics-collection_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-411">graphics collection, LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-grid-939">grid</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060_0027-_0028empty_0029-828">group `' (empty)</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060_002a_0027-835">group `*'</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060bib_0027-488">group `bib'</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060cite_0027-483">group `cite'</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060definexref_0027-499">group `definexref'</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060eq_0027-856">group `eq'</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060eq_0027-526">group `eq'</a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060foot_0027-580">group `foot'</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060footback_0027-581">group `footback'</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060idx_0027-541">group `idx'</a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060li_0027-494">group `li'</a>: <a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060ref_0027-501">group `ref'</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060url_0027-477">group `url'</a>: <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060xrdef_0027-513">group `xrdef'</a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-_0060xref_0027-518">group `xref'</a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group-option-list-859">group option list</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-destination-474">group, destination</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-disabling-hyperlinks-869">group, disabling hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-link-471">group, link</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-options-hyperlink-838">group, options hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-options-hyperlink-805">group, options hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-preserving-option-list-846">group, preserving option list</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-type-hyperlink-822">group, type hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-group_002c-type-hyperlink-804">group, type hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-groups_002c-specifying-all-836">groups, specifying all</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-help-messages-38">help messages</a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-highlight-modes_002c-hyperlink-765">highlight modes, hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hooks-1024">hooks</a>: <a href="#Hooks">Hooks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-border-color-739">hyperlink border color</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-destination_002c-dimensions-665">hyperlink destination, dimensions</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-destination_002c-magnification-660">hyperlink destination, magnification</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-destination_002c-named-701">hyperlink destination, named</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-destination_002c-numbered-731">hyperlink destination, numbered</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-destination_002c-page-705">hyperlink destination, page</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-destination_002c-raising-599">hyperlink destination, raising</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-dimensions-771">hyperlink dimensions</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-driver-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-617">hyperlink driver <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-driver-_0040code_007bnolinks_007d-781">hyperlink driver <code>nolinks</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-driver-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-616">hyperlink driver <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-drivers-447">hyperlink drivers</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-group_002c-disabling-hyperlinks-870">hyperlink group, disabling hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-group_002c-preserving-option-list-847">hyperlink group, preserving option list</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlink-options_002c-common-594">hyperlink options, common</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-bibliography-487">hyperlinks, bibliography</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-border-style-744">hyperlinks, border style</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-border-width-758">hyperlinks, border width</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-citations-482">hyperlinks, citations</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-cross_002dreferences-498">hyperlinks, cross-references</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-default-options-832">hyperlinks, default options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-default-options-799">hyperlinks, default options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-default-type-831">hyperlinks, default type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-default-type-798">hyperlinks, default type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-disabling-863">hyperlinks, disabling</a>: <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-disabling-784">hyperlinks, disabling</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-equations-525">hyperlinks, equations</a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-explicit-463">hyperlinks, explicit</a>: <a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">Explicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-filtering-index-entries-556">hyperlinks, filtering index entries</a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-footnotes-579">hyperlinks, footnotes</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-group-option-list-860">hyperlinks, group option list</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-group-options-839">hyperlinks, group options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-group-options-807">hyperlinks, group options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-group-type-823">hyperlinks, group type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-group-type-806">hyperlinks, group type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-highlight-mode-764">hyperlinks, highlight mode</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-implicit-468">hyperlinks, implicit</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-index-540">hyperlinks, index</a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-index-destination-placement-567">hyperlinks, index destination placement</a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-index_002c-exact-553">hyperlinks, index, exact</a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-large-operators-853">hyperlinks, large operators</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-large-operators-605">hyperlinks, large operators</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-lists-492">hyperlinks, lists</a>: <a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-opening-in-a-new-window-767">hyperlinks, opening in a new window</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-page-references-512">hyperlinks, page references</a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-preserving-page_002dbreaking-789">hyperlinks, preserving page-breaking</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-preserving-spacing-787">hyperlinks, preserving spacing</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-see-and-see-also-index-entries-572">hyperlinks, see and see also index entries</a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-table-of-contents-593">hyperlinks, table of contents</a>: <a href="#Contents-hyperlinks">Contents hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-to-another-file-710">hyperlinks, to another file</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-URL-724">hyperlinks, URL</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hyperlinks_002c-URL-476">hyperlinks, URL</a>: <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-hypertext-links-446">hypertext links</a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ignoring-arguments-1011">ignoring arguments</a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-implicit-hyperlinks-467">implicit hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-inaccessible-macros-978">inaccessible macros</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entries-and-ranges-239">index entries and ranges</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entries_0027-page-numbers_002c-modifying-236">index entries' page numbers, modifying</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entries_002c-and-cross_002dreferencing-309">index entries, and cross-referencing</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entries_002c-and-cross_002dreferencing-244">index entries, and cross-referencing</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entry-continuations-280">index entry continuations</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entry-formatting-276">index entry formatting</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-entry-general-sorting-231">index entry general sorting</a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-fonts-269">index fonts</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-groupings-286">index groupings</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-hyperlink-539">index hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-terms_002c-proofing-247">index terms, proofing</a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index-typesetting-262">index typesetting</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-choosing-destination-placement-566">index, choosing destination placement</a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-destination-placement-564">index, destination placement</a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-exact-hyperlinks-552">index, exact hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms">Exact destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries-573">index, hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-parsing-page-numbers-559">index, parsing page numbers</a>: <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-placement-of-destinations-563">index, placement of destinations</a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-selecting-destination-placement-565">index, selecting destination placement</a>: <a href="#Choosing-destination-placement">Choosing destination placement</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-index_002c-underlining-page-numbers-1066">index, underlining page numbers</a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexes_002c-multiple-213">indexes, multiple</a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexing-205">indexing</a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexing-and-trailing-spaces-220">indexing and trailing spaces</a>: <a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexing-commands-221">indexing commands</a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-indexing-terms-215">indexing terms</a>: <a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-insertion-classes-355">insertion classes</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-inset-hyperlink-border-750">inset hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-installation-12">installation</a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-item-labels_002c-changing-139">item labels, changing</a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-iteration-1007">iteration</a>: <a href="#Iteration">Iteration</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-justification-316">justification</a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Knuth_002c-Donald-Ervin-970">Knuth, Donald Ervin</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Knuth_002c-Donald-Ervin-64">Knuth, Donald Ervin</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-labels-on-items_002c-changing-140">labels on items, changing</a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-labels_002c-characters-valid-in-167">labels, characters valid in</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreferences">Cross-references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-labels_002c-empty-equation-188">labels, empty equation</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-labels_002c-empty-equation_002c-referring-to-191">labels, empty equation, referring to</a>: <a href="#Equation-references">Equation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Lamport_002c-Leslie-4">Lamport, Leslie</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-LAMS_0040TeX_007b_007d-382">LAMSTeX</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Lang_002c-Serge-947">Lang, Serge</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Lang_002c-Serge-924">Lang, Serge</a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-large-operators-and-hyperlinks-852">large operators and hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-large-operators-and-hyperlinks-604">large operators and hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-873">LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-384">LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-51">LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-3">LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-graphics-collection-795">LaTeX graphics collection</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-graphics-collection-429">LaTeX graphics collection</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-graphics-collection-412">LaTeX graphics collection</a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-packages-441">LaTeX packages</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">Packages known not to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-packages-419">LaTeX packages</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-packages-407">LaTeX packages</a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-left_002djustification-314">left-justification</a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-left_002djustification-of-displays-90">left-justification of displays</a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linear-systems-theory-935">linear systems theory</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lines-875">lines</a>: <a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-group-469">link group</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-options-459">link options</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-options_002c-common-607">link options, common</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-options_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-733">link options, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-options_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-732">link options, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-type-456">link type</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-types_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-693">link types, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link-types_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-692">link types, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link_002c-group-options-840">link, group options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link_002c-group-options-809">link, group options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link_002c-group-type-824">link, group type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-link_002c-group-type-808">link, group type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-470">linkgroup</a>: <a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">Implicit hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060cite_0027-484">linkgroup `cite'</a>: <a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">Citation hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060eq_0027-857">linkgroup `eq'</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060eq_0027-534">linkgroup `eq'</a>: <a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">Equation reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060foot_0027-582">linkgroup `foot'</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060footback_0027-583">linkgroup `footback'</a>: <a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">Footnote hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060idx_0027-542">linkgroup `idx'</a>: <a href="#Index-hyperlinks">Index hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060ref_0027-502">linkgroup `ref'</a>: <a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">Cross-reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060url_0027-478">linkgroup `url'</a>: <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup-_0060xref_0027-519">linkgroup `xref'</a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup_002c-options-841">linkgroup, options</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup_002c-options-811">linkgroup, options</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup_002c-type-825">linkgroup, type</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-types">Setting group types</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-linkgroup_002c-type-810">linkgroup, type</a>: <a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">Setting hyperlink types and options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-links_002c-hypertext-445">links, hypertext</a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-list-of-figures-162">list of figures</a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-list-of-tables-163">list of tables</a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-listing-files-142">listing files</a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lists-107">lists</a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lists_002c-formatting-119">lists, formatting</a>: <a href="#Formatting-lists">Formatting lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lists_002c-hyperlinks-491">lists, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#List-hyperlinks">List hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-logos-373">logos</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-lookahead-without-spaces-1039">lookahead without spaces</a>: <a href="#g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet">\futurenonspacelet</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-magnification_002c-hyperlink-destination-661">magnification, hyperlink destination</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-margins_002c-changing-325">margins, changing</a>: <a href="#Margins">Margins</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-margins_002c-index-terms-in-248">margins, index terms in</a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mathematics-displays_002c-formatting-89">mathematics displays, formatting</a>: <a href="#Displays">Displays</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mathematics-displays_002c-hyperlinks-850">mathematics displays, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-mathematics-displays_002c-hyperlinks-602">mathematics displays, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Metafont-386">Metafont</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-minimal-realizations-934">minimal realizations</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-modifying-index-entries_0027-page-numbers-235">modifying index entries' page numbers</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-morphisms-879">morphisms</a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-multiple-column-output-340">multiple column output</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-multiple-indexes-212">multiple indexes</a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-named-destination-699">named destination</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-names_002c-of-_0040TeX_007b_007d-variants-374">names, of TeX variants</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-new-window_002c-opening-hyperlink-in-768">new window, opening hyperlink in</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-newlinechar-40">newlinechar</a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-newlines_002c-obeying-1044">newlines, obeying</a>: <a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bnolinks_007d_002c-hyperlink-driver-779"><code>nolinks</code>, hyperlink driver</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numbered-destination-729">numbered destination</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numbered-lists-108">numbered lists</a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numbered-references-66">numbered references</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-numbers_002c-written-form-of-1048">numbers, written form of</a>: <a href="#Writing-out-numbers">Writing out numbers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Oberdiek_002c-Heiko-406">Oberdiek, Heiko</a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-omitting-hyperlinks-861">omitting hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">Turning hyperlinks on/off</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-omitting-hyperlinks-782">omitting hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-open-boxes-394">open boxes</a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-option-list_002c-group-858">option list, group</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-option-list_002c-preserving-for-group-848">option list, preserving for group</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-destination_002c-common-596">options, destination, common</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-654">options, destination, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-653">options, destination, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-link-and-destination-461">options, link and destination</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-link_002c-common-608">options, link, common</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-735">options, link, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-options_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-734">options, link, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ordered-list-109">ordered list</a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-output-routine-and-index-proofing-260">output routine and index proofing</a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-packages_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-442">packages, LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">Packages known not to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-packages_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-420">packages, LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-packages_002c-_0040LaTeX_007b_007d-408">packages, LaTeX</a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-page-destination-703">page destination</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-page-list_002c-parsing-561">page list, parsing</a>: <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-page-range_002c-parsing-560">page range, parsing</a>: <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-page-reference-hyperlink-511">page reference hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">Page reference hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-page_002dbreaking_002c-preserving-with-hyperlinks-788">page-breaking, preserving with hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-parsing-page-numbers-562">parsing page numbers</a>: <a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms">Page destinations for index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Patashnik_002c-Oren-50">Patashnik, Oren</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pathnames_002c-breaking-438">pathnames, breaking</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-pathnames_002c-breaking-366">pathnames, breaking</a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-PDF-output-400">PDF output</a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-destination-options-655"><code>pdftex</code>, destination options</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-destination-types-622"><code>pdftex</code>, destination types</a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-hyperlink-driver-612"><code>pdftex</code>, hyperlink driver</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-link-options-736"><code>pdftex</code>, link options</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-g_t_0040code_007bpdftex_007d_002c-link-types-696"><code>pdftex</code>, link types</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-picture-mode-874">picture mode</a>: <a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-picture-mode-422">picture mode</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-PostScript-point-760">PostScript point</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-PostScript-point-675">PostScript point</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-PostScript-point-646">PostScript point</a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-proofing-index-terms-246">proofing index terms</a>: <a href="#Proofing-index-terms">Proofing index terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-properties-1030">properties</a>: <a href="#Properties">Properties</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-quadruple-column-output-339">quadruple column output</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Rahtz_002c-Sebastian-415">Rahtz, Sebastian</a>: <a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">Loading LaTeX packages</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raising-hyperlink-destinations-855">raising hyperlink destinations</a>: <a href="#Setting-group-options">Setting group options</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-raising-hyperlink-destinations-598">raising hyperlink destinations</a>: <a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">Options supported by all drivers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-ranges-and-index-entry-240">ranges and index entry</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rectangles-392">rectangles</a>: <a href="#Boxes">Boxes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-references_002c-alphanumeric-70">references, alphanumeric</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-references_002c-defining-general-173">references, defining general</a>: <a href="#Using-generic-references">Using generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-references_002c-defining-general-169">references, defining general</a>: <a href="#Defining-generic-references">Defining generic references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-references_002c-numbered-67">references, numbered</a>: <a href="#Citations">Citations</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-register-allocation-990">register allocation</a>: <a href="#Allocation-macros">Allocation macros</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-return-character-984">return character</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-right_002djustification-315">right-justification</a>: <a href="#Justification">Justification</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rms-7">rms</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rotation-431">rotation</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-rule-thickness-41">rule thickness</a>: <a href="#Rules">Rules</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-scaling-432">scaling</a>: <a href="#Packages-known-to-work">Packages known to work</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see-also-index-entries-and-hyperlinks-574">see also index entries and hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see-also-index-entries-and-sorting-300">see also index entries and sorting</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see_002c-and-index-entries-307">see, and index entries</a>: <a href="#Customizing-indexing">Customizing indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see_002c-and-index-entries-242">see, and index entries</a>: <a href="#Modifying-index-entries">Modifying index entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-see_002c-and-index-entries_002c-hyperlinks-575">see, and index entries, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries">Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-silent-indexing-216">silent indexing</a>: <a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-skipping-tokens-1037">skipping tokens</a>: <a href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-SLi_0040TeX_007b_007d-388">SLiTeX</a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Snake-Lemma-925">Snake Lemma</a>: <a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">Arrows and morphisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-solid-hyperlink-border-747">solid hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sorting-an-index-206">sorting an index</a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-sorting-of-index-entries-232">sorting of index entries</a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-space-above-index-entries-278">space above index entries</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-spaces_002c-ignoring-1040">spaces, ignoring</a>: <a href="#g_t_005cfuturenonspacelet">\futurenonspacelet</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-spaces_002c-obeying-1043">spaces, obeying</a>: <a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-spaces_002c-trailing-and-indexing-commands-219">spaces, trailing and indexing commands</a>: <a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-spacing_002c-preserving-with-hyperlinks-786">spacing, preserving with hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Stallman_002c-Richard-6">Stallman, Richard</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-style_002c-hyperlink-border-753">style, hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-subequations_002c-referring-to-200">subequations, referring to</a>: <a href="#Subequation-references">Subequation references</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-subterm-in-indexing-217">subterm in indexing</a>: <a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-table-of-contents-151">table of contents</a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-table-of-contents_002c-hyperlinks-591">table of contents, hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Contents-hyperlinks">Contents hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-table-of-contents_002c-short-1015">table of contents, short</a>: <a href="#Macro-arguments">Macro arguments</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-table-of-contents_002c-short-158">table of contents, short</a>: <a href="#Contents">Contents</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tables-321">tables</a>: <a href="#Tables">Tables</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tabs-1047">tabs</a>: <a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Texinfo-5">Texinfo</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-time-of-day-100">time of day</a>: <a href="#Time-of-day">Time of day</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-tracing-31">tracing</a>: <a href="#Diagnostics">Diagnostics</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-trailing-spaces-and-indexing-commands-218">trailing spaces and indexing commands</a>: <a href="#Indexing-terms">Indexing terms</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-triple-column-output-338">triple column output</a>: <a href="#Multiple-columns">Multiple columns</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Tu_002c-Loring-W_002e-929">Tu, Loring W.</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-type_002c-link-and-destination-458">type, link and destination</a>: <a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">Introduction to hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-types_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-621">types, destination, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-types_002c-destination_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-620">types, destination, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-types_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bdvipdfm_007d-695">types, link, <code>dvipdfm</code></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-types_002c-link_002c-_0040code_007bpdftex_007d-694">types, link, <code>pdftex</code></a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-typesetting-an-index-261">typesetting an index</a>: <a href="#Typesetting-an-index">Typesetting an index</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-undefined-control-sequence_002c-checking-for-1038">undefined control sequence, checking for</a>: <a href="#g_t_005cifundefined">\ifundefined</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-undefined-labels_002c-warnings-about-16">undefined labels, warnings about</a>: <a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-underline-hyperlink-border-751">underline hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-underlining-page-numbers-in-index-1065">underlining page numbers in index</a>: <a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">Page list and page range parsers</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-universal-mapping-property-932">universal mapping property</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-unordered-lists-110">unordered lists</a>: <a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-for-_0040file_007bifpdf_002esty_007d-405">URL for <samp><span class="file">ifpdf.sty</span></samp></a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-for-MakeIndex-207">URL for MakeIndex</a>: <a href="#Indexing">Indexing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-for-_0040file_007bpath_002esty_007d-372">URL for <samp><span class="file">path.sty</span></samp></a>: <a href="#Paths">Paths</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-for-pdf_0040TeX_007b_007d-399">URL for pdfTeX</a>: <a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">Checking for PDF output</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-for-_0040file_007btexnames_002esty_007d-390">URL for <samp><span class="file">texnames.sty</span></samp></a>: <a href="#Logos">Logos</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-hyperlink-722">URL hyperlink</a>: <a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-URL-hyperlink-475">URL hyperlink</a>: <a href="#URL-hyperlinks">URL hyperlinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-user_002dinaccessible-macros-977">user-inaccessible macros</a>: <a href="#Category-codes">Category codes</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-vectors-876">vectors</a>: <a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">Slanted lines and vectors</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-verbatim-listing-141">verbatim listing</a>: <a href="#Verbatim-listing">Verbatim listing</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-version-number-9">version number</a>: <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Warner_002c-Frank-W_002e-931">Warner, Frank W.</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-whatsits-made-by-index-entries-234">whatsits made by index entries</a>: <a href="#Indexing-commands">Indexing commands</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-whatsits_002c-made-by-hyperlinks-792">whatsits, made by hyperlinks</a>: <a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">Hyperlink driver nolinks</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-whitespace-1042">whitespace</a>: <a href="#Obeying-spaces">Obeying spaces</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-width_002c-hyperlink-border-757">width, hyperlink border</a>: <a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-Zassenhaus_002c-Hans-946">Zassenhaus, Hans</a>: <a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">Construction of commutative diagrams</a></li>
-<li><a href="#index-zooming_002c-hyperlink-destination-662">zooming, hyperlink destination</a>: <a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm</a></li>
- </ul>
-<div class="contents">
-<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
-<li><a name="toc_Top" href="#Top">Eplain</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Introduction" href="#Introduction">1 Introduction</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Installation" href="#Installation">2 Installation</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Invoking-Eplain" href="#Invoking-Eplain">3 Invoking Eplain</a>
-<li><a name="toc_User-definitions" href="#User-definitions">4 User definitions</a>
-<li><a href="#Diagnostics">4.1 Diagnostics</a>
-<li><a href="#Rules">4.2 Rules</a>
-<li><a href="#Citations">4.3 Citations</a>
-<li><a href="#Formatting-citations">4.3.1 Formatting citations</a>
-<li><a href="#Formatting-bibliographies">4.3.2 Formatting bibliographies</a>
-<li><a href="#Displays">4.4 Displays</a>
-<li><a href="#Formatting-displays">4.4.1 Formatting displays</a>
-<li><a href="#Time-of-day">4.5 Time of day</a>
-<li><a href="#Lists">4.6 Lists</a>
-<li><a href="#Formatting-lists">4.6.1 Formatting lists</a>
-<li><a href="#Verbatim-listing">4.7 Verbatim listing</a>
-<li><a href="#Contents">4.8 Contents</a>
-<li><a href="#Cross_002dreferences">4.9 Cross-references</a>
-<li><a href="#Defining-generic-references">4.9.1 Defining generic references</a>
-<li><a href="#Using-generic-references">4.9.2 Using generic references</a>
-<li><a href="#Page-references">4.10 Page references</a>
-<li><a href="#Equation-references">4.11 Equation references</a>
-<li><a href="#Formatting-equation-references">4.11.1 Formatting equation references</a>
-<li><a href="#Subequation-references">4.11.2 Subequation references</a>
-<li><a href="#Indexing">4.12 Indexing</a>
-<li><a href="#Indexing-terms">4.12.1 Indexing terms</a>
-<li><a href="#Indexing-commands"> Indexing commands</a>
-<li><a href="#Modifying-index-entries"> Modifying index entries</a>
-<li><a href="#Proofing-index-terms"> Proofing index terms</a>
-<li><a href="#Typesetting-an-index">4.12.2 Typesetting an index</a>
-<li><a href="#Customizing-indexing">4.12.3 Customizing indexing</a>
-<li><a href="#Justification">4.13 Justification</a>
-<li><a href="#Tables">4.14 Tables</a>
-<li><a href="#Margins">4.15 Margins</a>
-<li><a href="#Multiple-columns">4.16 Multiple columns</a>
-<li><a href="#Footnotes">4.17 Footnotes</a>
-<li><a href="#Fractions">4.18 Fractions</a>
-<li><a href="#Paths">4.19 Paths</a>
-<li><a href="#Logos">4.20 Logos</a>
-<li><a href="#Boxes">4.21 Boxes</a>
-<li><a href="#Checking-for-PDF-output">4.22 Checking for PDF output</a>
-<li><a href="#Loading-LaTeX-packages">4.23 Loading LaTeX packages</a>
-<li><a href="#The-_005cusepackage-command">4.23.1 The <code>\usepackage</code> command</a>
-<li><a href="#Environment-for-loading-packages">4.23.2 Environment for loading packages</a>
-<li><a href="#Packages-known-to-work">4.23.3 Packages known to work</a>
-<li><a href="#Packages-known-not-to-work">4.23.4 Packages known not to work</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Hyperlinks" href="#Hyperlinks">5 Hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Introduction-to-hyperlinks">5.1 Introduction to hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Explicit-hyperlinks">5.2 Explicit hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Implicit-hyperlinks">5.3 Implicit hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#URL-hyperlinks">5.3.1 URL hyperlinks: url</a>
-<li><a href="#Citation-hyperlinks">5.3.2 Citation hyperlinks: cite, bib</a>
-<li><a href="#List-hyperlinks">5.3.3 List hyperlinks: li</a>
-<li><a href="#Cross_002dreference-hyperlinks">5.3.4 Cross-reference hyperlinks: definexref, ref</a>
-<li><a href="#Page-reference-hyperlinks">5.3.5 Page reference hyperlinks: xrdef, xref</a>
-<li><a href="#Equation-reference-hyperlinks">5.3.6 Equation reference hyperlinks: eq</a>
-<li><a href="#Index-hyperlinks">5.3.7 Index hyperlinks: idx</a>
-<li><a href="#Exact-destinations-for-index-terms"> Exact destinations for index terms</a>
-<li><a href="#Page-destinations-for-index-terms"> Page destinations for index terms</a>
-<li><a href="#Choosing-destination-placement"> Choosing destination placement</a>
-<li><a href="#Index-page-list-and-page-range-parsers"> Index page list and page range parsers</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlinks-in-see-and-see-also-entries"> Hyperlinks in see and see also entries</a>
-<li><a href="#Footnote-hyperlinks">5.3.8 Footnote hyperlinks: foot, footback</a>
-<li><a href="#Contents-hyperlinks">5.3.9 Contents hyperlinks</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlink-drivers">5.4 Hyperlink drivers</a>
-<li><a href="#Options-supported-by-all-drivers">5.4.1 Options supported by all drivers</a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlink-drivers-pdftex-and-dvipdfm">5.4.2 Hyperlink drivers <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Destination-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"> Destination types for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Destination-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"> Destination options for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Link-types-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"> Link types for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Link-options-for-pdftex-and-dvipdfm"> Link options for <code>pdftex</code> and <code>dvipdfm</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Hyperlink-driver-nolinks">5.4.3 Hyperlink driver <code>nolinks</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-hyperlink-types-and-options">5.5 Setting hyperlink types and options</a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-default-types-and-options">5.5.1 Setting default types and options</a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-group-types">5.5.2 Setting group types</a>
-<li><a href="#Setting-group-options">5.5.3 Setting group options</a>
-<li><a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff">5.6 Turning hyperlinks on/off</a>
-<li><a href="#Turning-low_002dlevel-commands-on_002foff">5.6.1 Turning low-level commands on/off</a>
-<li><a href="#Turning-hyperlinks-on_002foff-for-a-group">5.6.2 Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Arrow-theoretic-diagrams" href="#Arrow-theoretic-diagrams">6 Arrow theoretic diagrams</a>
-<li><a href="#Slanted-lines-and-vectors">6.1 Slanted lines and vectors</a>
-<li><a href="#Commutative-diagrams">6.2 Commutative diagrams</a>
-<li><a href="#Arrows-and-morphisms">6.2.1 Arrows and morphisms</a>
-<li><a href="#Construction-of-commutative-diagrams">6.2.2 Construction of commutative diagrams</a>
-<li><a href="#Commutative-diagram-parameters">6.2.3 Commutative diagram parameters</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Programming-definitions" href="#Programming-definitions">7 Programming definitions</a>
-<li><a href="#Category-codes">7.1 Category codes</a>
-<li><a href="#Allocation-macros">7.2 Allocation macros</a>
-<li><a href="#Iteration">7.3 Iteration</a>
-<li><a href="#Macro-arguments">7.4 Macro arguments</a>
-<li><a href="#Converting-to-characters">7.5 Converting to characters</a>
-<li><a href="#Expansion">7.6 Expansion</a>
-<li><a href="#_005ccsn-and-_005cece">7.6.1 <code>\csn</code> and <code>\ece</code></a>
-<li><a href="#_005cedefappend">7.6.2 <code>\edefappend</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Hooks">7.6.3 Hooks</a>
-<li><a href="#Properties">7.6.4 Properties</a>
-<li><a href="#_005cexpandonce">7.6.5 <code>\expandonce</code></a>
-<li><a href="#_005cifundefined">7.6.6 <code>\ifundefined</code></a>
-<li><a href="#_005cfuturenonspacelet">7.6.7 <code>\futurenonspacelet</code></a>
-<li><a href="#Obeying-spaces">7.7 Obeying spaces</a>
-<li><a href="#Writing-out-numbers">7.8 Writing out numbers</a>
-<li><a href="#Mode_002dspecific-penalties">7.9 Mode-specific penalties</a>
-<li><a href="#Auxiliary-files">7.10 Auxiliary files</a>
-<li><a href="#User_002ddefined-environments">7.11 User-defined environments</a>
-<li><a href="#Page-list-and-page-range-parsers">7.12 Page list and page range parsers</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Macro-index" href="#Macro-index">Macro index</a>
-<li><a name="toc_Concept-index" href="#Concept-index">Concept index</a>
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Binary files differ
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-\input texinfo
-@settitle Expanded Plain @TeX{}
-@set UPDATED September 2005
-@set VERSION 3.0
-This manual documents the Eplain macros, version @value{VERSION},
-@value{UPDATED}. Eplain provides functionality for plain @TeX{} that
-is intended to be useful regardless of how your document is actually
-Most of this manual is in the public domain, like most of the Eplain
-code. It was mostly written by Karl Berry, starting in 1989. Steven
-Smith wrote the documentation for the commutative diagram macros; this
-chapter is under the GNU General Public License. Oleg Katsitadze and
-Adam Lewenberg have made additions and corrections.
-@end copying
-@dircategory Texinfo documentation system
-* Eplain: (eplain). Expanding on plain Tex.
-@end direntry
-@title Expanded Plain @TeX{}
-@subtitle @value{UPDATED}
-@subtitle @value{VERSION}
-@author Karl Berry
-@author Steven Smith
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-@end titlepage
-@headings double
-@c We use the program index for file extensions. (We want them to come out
-@c in typewriter, but saying `@cindex @t{.aux} file', say, doesn't work.)
-@synindex pg fn
-@node Top
-@top Eplain
-@end ifnottex
-* Introduction:: Eplain's purpose and philosophy.
-* Installation:: Installing Eplain.
-* Invoking Eplain:: Using Eplain from a TeX file.
-* User definitions:: Macros to be used in a document.
-* Hyperlinks:: Producing documents with hyperlinks.
-* Arrow theoretic diagrams:: Macros for commutative diagrams.
-* Programming definitions:: Macros to be used in writing other macros.
-* Macro index:: Entries for TeX and Eplain control sequences.
-* Concept index:: General index.
- --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-User definitions
-* Diagnostics:: Tracing information.
-* Rules:: Changing the default rule dimensions.
-* Citations:: Using BibTeX and Eplain to make bibliographies.
-* Displays:: Changing the formatting of math displays.
-* Time of day:: Producing the time of day.
-* Lists:: Producing numbered and unordered lists.
-* Verbatim listing:: Producing text just as it appears.
-* Contents:: Making a table of contents.
-* Cross-references:: Symbolically referring to pages or equations.
-* Page references:: Symbolic references to page numbers.
-* Equation references:: Symbolic references to equation numbers.
-* Indexing:: Creating and typesetting indexes.
-* Justification:: Left- or right-justification, or centering.
-* Tables:: Producing ordered tables.
-* Margins:: Changing the margins directly.
-* Multiple columns:: Getting output in two columns.
-* Footnotes:: Autonumbered footnotes; changing formatting.
-* Fractions:: A better way to produce fractions in text.
-* Paths:: Allowing line breaks in pathnames.
-* Logos:: Various logos.
-* Boxes:: Producing filled or open rectangles.
-* Checking for PDF output:: Checking for pdfTeX in PDF mode.
-* Formatting citations:: Changing the way citations are printed.
-* Formatting bibliographies:: Changing the way bibliographies are printed.
-* Formatting displays:: General formatting of displays.
-* Formatting lists:: Changing how the lists look.
-* Defining generic references::
-* Using generic references::
-Equation references
-* Formatting equation references::
-* Subequation references::
-* Indexing terms:: Specifying what to index.
-* Typesetting an index:: Printing the sorted output.
-* Customizing indexing:: Creating commands and specifying extra actions.
-Indexing terms
-* Indexing commands:: Making index entries.
-* Modifying index entries:: Ranges, see/see also, page number typesetting.
-* Proofing index terms:: Noting index entries in the margins.
-* Introduction to hyperlinks::
-* Explicit hyperlinks::
-* Implicit hyperlinks::
-* Hyperlink drivers::
-* Setting hyperlink types and options::
-* Turning hyperlinks on/off::
-Implicit hyperlinks
-* URL hyperlinks:: url
-* Citation hyperlinks:: cite, bib
-* List hyperlinks:: li
-* Cross-reference hyperlinks:: definexref, ref
-* Page reference hyperlinks:: xrdef, xref
-* Equation reference hyperlinks:: eq
-* Index hyperlinks:: idx
-* Footnote hyperlinks:: foot, footback
-* Contents hyperlinks::
-Index hyperlinks
-* Exact destinations for index terms::
-* Page destinations for index terms::
-* Choosing destination placement::
-* Index page list and page range parsers::
-* Hyperlinks in see and see also entries::
-Hyperlink drivers
-* Options supported by all drivers::
-* Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Hyperlink driver nolinks::
-Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-Setting hyperlink types and options
-* Setting default types and options::
-* Setting group types::
-* Setting group options::
-Turning hyperlinks on/off
-* Turning low-level commands on/off::
-* Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group::
-Arrow theoretic diagrams
-* Slanted lines and vectors::
-* Commutative diagrams::
-Commutative diagrams
-* Arrows and morphisms::
-* Construction of commutative diagrams::
-* Commutative diagram parameters::
-Programming definitions
-* Category codes:: Changing category codes.
-* Allocation macros:: Non-outer versions of \newcount et al.
-* Iteration:: Doing `for' loops in TeX.
-* Macro arguments:: Reading and ignoring them.
-* Converting to characters:: Normalizing control sequences and spaces.
-* Expansion:: Controlling expansion.
-* Obeying spaces:: Making whitespace count anywhere.
-* Writing out numbers:: Making `1' into `one'.
-* Mode-specific penalties::
-* Auxiliary files:: Testing for their existence.
-* User-defined environments:: User-defined environments.
-* Page list and page range parsers::
-* \csn and \ece::
-* \edefappend::
-* Hooks:: Manipulating and executing named actions.
-* Properties:: Associating information with a csname.
-* \expandonce::
-* \ifundefined::
-* \futurenonspacelet::
-@end menu
-@include intro.texi
-@include install.texi
-@include invoke.texi
-@include userdef.texi
-@include hlink.texi
-@include arrow.texi
-@include progdef.texi
-@include csindex.texi
-@include index.texi
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/hlink.texi b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/hlink.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 083bfa99fac..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/hlink.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1860 +0,0 @@
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain.
-@node Hyperlinks
-@chapter Hyperlinks
-@cindex links, hypertext
-@cindex hypertext links
-This chapter describes the support which Eplain provides for hypertext
-links (@dfn{hyperlinks} for short). Hyperlinks can be created
-implicitly by the cross-reference, indexing and other macros in
-Eplain. Macros for constructing explicit hyperlinks are also
-* Introduction to hyperlinks::
-* Explicit hyperlinks::
-* Implicit hyperlinks::
-* Hyperlink drivers::
-* Setting hyperlink types and options::
-* Turning hyperlinks on/off::
-@end menu
-@node Introduction to hyperlinks
-@section Introduction to hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlink drivers
-@cindex drivers, hyperlink
-The original @TeX{} engine has no built-in support for hyperlinks.
-Many of the present-day file formats with hyperlinking capabilities
-did not even exist at the time @TeX{} was written. However, @TeX{}'s
-@findex special
-@code{\special} primitive can be used to instruct @TeX{} to write
-special directives into its @file{.dvi} output file. These directives
-are not interpreted by @TeX{} in any way; they are intended for programs
-which process the @file{.dvi} files produced by @TeX{}, be it printing
-or converting to other formats, such as
-@pindex .ps @r{files}
-@pindex .pdf @r{files}
-@file{.ps} or @file{.pdf}.
-Another approach is to extend the original @TeX{} engine with the
-ability to generate one of the hyperlinking formats; @TeX{}'s set of
-primitives can be extended to include hyperlink commands. This is the
-approach used by the pdf@TeX{} engine, which is capable of producing
-@file{.pdf} files directly from the @TeX{} source, skipping the
-@file{.dvi} generation and processing step.
-It turns out that the sets of commands for different formats are mostly
-not interchangeable, as each of the file formats has its own quirks and
-capabilities. And this is where Eplain @dfn{hyperlink drivers} come
-into play.
-In order for Eplain to generate proper commands, Eplain has to know
-two things: which engine or @file{.dvi} processor you are using, and
-the set of commands it understands.
-The knowledge about the commands that the various processors
-understand is programmed into Eplain's hyperlink drivers. Eplain
-provides two drivers, @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}, named after
-the programs which process the hyperlink commands,
-@pindex pdftex
-pdf@TeX{} and
-@pindex dvipdfm
-dvipdfm. Therefore, Eplain can only produce hyperlink commands for one
-of these two programs---except that the extended @code{dvipdfmx} program
-can be used as well as the original @code{dvipdfm}, since they are
-To tell Eplain which @file{.dvi} processor or extended @TeX{} engine you
-are using, use the command
-@findex enablehyperlinks
-For example:
-@end example
-@noindent instructs Eplain to attempt to automatically detect which
-driver to use, as follows: if it detects pdf@TeX{} in PDF mode, it
-loads the @code{pdftex} driver. If it does not detect pdf@TeX{} in
-PDF mode, the @code{dvipdfm} driver is loaded. The detection is based
-on the
-@findex ifpdf
-@code{\ifpdf} switch (@pxref{Checking for PDF output}).
-If necessary, you can explicitly specify the driver name:
-@end example
-@noindent will start producing hyperlinks under the assumption that
-you are using pdf@TeX{}.
-Eplain does not produce any hyperlinks until you explicitly enable
-them with @code{\enablehyperlinks}. For one thing, this keeps Eplain
-backward-compatible with previous releases without hyperlink support.
-For another, you may be using a program other than pdf@TeX{} or
-@code{dvipdfm}, which does not understand their hyperlink commands.
-@subheading Concepts and Terminology
-In general, hyperlinks work as follows. You mark some place in your
-document as a hyperlink destination, associating a @dfn{hyperlink
-label} with that destination. Next, somewhere within your document,
-you create a hyperlink, using a label to identify the destination you
-want this link to point to. A hyperlink is a region in the document
-(which can take many forms, for example, text or a picture); when a
-user clicks on that region, they will be taken to a place in the
-document marked by the corresponding destination. The following two
-sections (@ref{Explicit hyperlinks}, and @ref{Implicit hyperlinks})
-describe the macros you can use to define destinations and create
-links pointing to those destinations.
-In the rest of this chapter, we will often need to refer to links and
-destinations jointly, in which case we will use the term
-@dfn{hyperlinks}. We will use the terms @dfn{links} and
-@dfn{destinations} in cases when we need to refer specifically to
-links or destinations.
-@cindex link type
-@cindex destination type
-@cindex type, link and destination
-Hyperlink drivers provide several kinds of links and destinations. We
-will refer to them as @dfn{link types} and @dfn{destination types}.
-For example, one of the destination types that the @code{pdftex}
-driver provides is the @samp{xyz} type; when the user follows a link
-pointing to an @samp{xyz} destination, the exact location marked by
-that destination is displayed. Another destination type provided by
-the @code{pdftex} driver is the @samp{fit} type; when the user follows
-a link pointing to a @samp{fit} destination, the page containing that
-destination is zoomed to fit into the window in which the document is
-Similarly, drivers support various link types. For example, with the
-@code{pdftex} driver, the usual link type used to refer to
-destinations in the current document is called @samp{name}. You can
-also create a link pointing to another local document (by using the
-@samp{filename} link type) or to a URL (by using the @samp{url} link
-@cindex link options
-@cindex destination options
-@cindex options, link and destination
-In addition, each hyperlink driver supports a number of destination and
-link @dfn{options}. By setting these options you can customize
-hyperlink parameters (e.g., the thickness of the border drawn around a
-hyperlink) or pass information to hyperlinks (for example, file name of
-a document, for a link pointing to a destination in another document).
-@xref{Hyperlink drivers}, for the description of hyperlink types and
-options supported by the drivers. @xref{Setting hyperlink types and
-options}, for the information on how to set hyperlink options.
-@node Explicit hyperlinks
-@section Explicit hyperlinks
-@cindex explicit hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, explicit
-@findex hldest
-Explicit hyperlinks are created by you, in the source of your
-document. The simplest command is @code{\hldest}, which marks the
-current position in your document as a destination:
-@end example
-@noindent Here @var{type} is one of the destination types supported by
-the hyperlink driver (@pxref{Hyperlink drivers}), @var{options} is a
-comma-separated list of option assignments, and @var{label} is the
-hyperlink label to associate with this destination. This label will
-identify the destination when creating links pointing to this
-destination. For example, with the @code{pdftex} driver, the command
-@end example
-@noindent creates a destination of type @samp{xyz} (``the current
-position''), sets the magnification ratio for this destination to be
-200%, and associates the label @code{index} with the destination.
-@findex hlstart
-@findex hlend
-Another command, @code{\hlstart}, paired with @code{\hlend}, turns all
-intervening material into a link:
-\hlstart@{@var{type}@}@{@var{options}@}@{@var{label}@} @dots{} \hlend
-@end example
-@noindent Here @var{type}, @var{options} and @var{label} have the same
-meaning as for @code{\hldest}. Continuing the previous example,
-\hlstart@{name@}@{bstyle=U,bwidth=2@}@{index@} Index\hlend
-@end example
-@noindent typesets the word `Index' as a link with underline border of
-width@tie{}2@tie{}PostScript points, pointing to the named destination
-@code{index} defined in the previous example. (The other options, like
-highlight mode and border color, are determined by the defaults,
-@pxref{Setting default types and options}).
-Both @code{\hldest} and @code{\hlstart} ignore following spaces.
-Both @code{\hldest} and @code{\hlstart} expand the first token of
-@var{options} once, so you can save a list of options in a macro and
-pass it for the @var{options}. For example:
-@end example
-@noindent is functionally equivalent to the previous example.
-@node Implicit hyperlinks
-@section Implicit hyperlinks
-@cindex implicit hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, implicit
-@dfn{Implicit hyperlinks} are hyperlinks created implicitly by various
-Eplain macros, such as the macros for citations, cross-references,
-indexing, etc.
-@cindex link group
-@cindex linkgroup
-@cindex group, link
-@cindex destination group
-@cindex destgroup
-@cindex group, destination
-All such macros are divided into @dfn{link groups} and
-@dfn{destination groups} (or @dfn{linkgroups} and @dfn{destgroups} for
-short) so that parameters can be set individually for each group. For
-example, all equation macros which define a destination are assigned
-to the `eq' destgroup; equation macros which create a link are
-assigned to the `eq' linkgroup. By setting parameters for the `eq'
-linkgroup (destgroup), you can uniformly customize all links
-(destinations) related to equation references, without interfering
-with settings for the other groups.
-@xref{Setting hyperlink types and options}, for information on how to
-set parameters for a group.
-Here is the list of the linkgroups:
-cite, ref, xref, eq, idx, foot, footback, url.
-@end display
-And here are the destgroups:
-bib, li, definexref, xrdef, eq, idx, foot, footback.
-@end display
-The following subsections describe each of the linkgroups and destgroups
-and the hyperlink support provided.
-* URL hyperlinks:: url
-* Citation hyperlinks:: cite, bib
-* List hyperlinks:: li
-* Cross-reference hyperlinks:: definexref, ref
-* Page reference hyperlinks:: xrdef, xref
-* Equation reference hyperlinks:: eq
-* Index hyperlinks:: idx
-* Footnote hyperlinks:: foot, footback
-* Contents hyperlinks::
-@end menu
-@node URL hyperlinks
-@subsection URL hyperlinks: url
-@cindex URL hyperlink
-@cindex hyperlinks, URL
-@cindex group `url'
-@cindex linkgroup `url'
-The `url' linkgroup covers the
-@findex url @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@code{\url} command from the @LaTeX{} package
-@pindex url.sty
-@file{url} (@pxref{Packages known to work}), as well as any new
-@code{\url}-like commands you define. The type for this linkgroup is
-set to @samp{url} by the drivers which support this link type.
-@samp{url} links use the parameter to the @code{\url} command as the URL
-to point to.
-You may be using the @code{\url} command to typeset something other than
-a URL, e.g., a path, for which you do not want a link to be created; in
-that case, you can disable the `url' linkgroup with the command
-@code{\hloff[url]} (@pxref{Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group}).
-@node Citation hyperlinks
-@subsection Citation hyperlinks: cite, bib
-@cindex citations, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, citations
-@cindex group `cite'
-@cindex linkgroup `cite'
-@findex cite @r{(hyperlinks)}
-The `cite' linkgroup includes only the @code{\cite} command
-(@pxref{Citations}). @code{\cite} turns each of the references in the
-list into a link pointing to the respective bibliography entry
-produced by the @code{\bibliography} command.
-@cindex bibliography, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, bibliography
-@cindex group `bib'
-@cindex destgroup `bib'
-@findex bibliography @r{(hyperlinks)}
-The `bib' destgroup includes the macros related to the
-@code{\bibliography} command (@pxref{Citations}). @code{\bibliography}
-inputs a @file{.bbl} file, which contains a list of bibliography
-entries. For each of the entries, a destination is defined.
-Both commands use the citation label as the hyperlink label.
-@node List hyperlinks
-@subsection List hyperlinks: li
-@cindex lists, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, lists
-@findex li @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@cindex group `li'
-@cindex destgroup `li'
-The `li' destgroup consists of the @code{\li} command (@pxref{Lists}),
-which defines a destination if you supply the optional argument
-(cross-reference label). This label is also used as the hyperlink
-@node Cross-reference hyperlinks
-@subsection Cross-reference hyperlinks: definexref, ref
-@findex definexref @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@cindex cross-references, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, cross-references
-@cindex group `definexref'
-@cindex destgroup `definexref'
-The `definexref' destgroup is for the @code{\definexref} command
-(@pxref{Defining generic references}). @code{\definexref} defines a
-destination using the cross-reference label (the first argument) as the
-hyperlink label.
-@cindex group `ref'
-@cindex linkgroup `ref'
-The `ref' linkgroup includes @code{\refn} and @code{\xrefn} (they are
-synonyms), @code{\ref}, and @code{\refs} (@pxref{Using generic
-@findex refn @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex xrefn @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@code{\refn} turns the cross-reference it produces into a link, using
-the cross-reference label as the hyperlink label. If an optional
-argument is present, it is tied by
-@findex reftie
-@code{\reftie} to the reference and become part of the link.
-@findex ref @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@code{\ref} works similarly to @code{\refn}. It takes an optional
-argument, which is treated the same way as the optional argument to
-@code{\refn}. In addition, @code{\ref} can produce a ``class word''.
-Both the optional argument and the class word become part of the link,
-when present. The cross-reference is tied by
-@findex reftie
-@code{\reftie} to the preceding word. The optional argument is
-separated from the class word by
-@findex refspace
-@findex refs @r{(hyperlinks)}
-Unlike @code{\ref}, @code{\refs} does not take an optional argument and
-does not make the class word part of the link, which is appropriate for
-its intended use.
-@node Page reference hyperlinks
-@subsection Page reference hyperlinks: xrdef, xref
-@findex xrdef @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@cindex page reference hyperlink
-@cindex hyperlinks, page references
-@cindex group `xrdef'
-@cindex destgroup `xrdef'
-The `xrdef' destgroup is for @code{\xrdef} (@pxref{Page references}).
-@code{\xrdef} defines a destination using cross-reference label as the
-hyperlink label.
-@findex xref @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex refspace
-@findex xrefpageword
-@cindex group `xref'
-@cindex linkgroup `xref'
-The `xref' linkgroup includes the @code{\xref} command (@pxref{Page
-references}). @code{\xref} turns its optional argument (followed by
-@code{\refspace}), @code{\xrefpageword} and the cross-reference (page
-number) into a link, using the cross-reference label as the hyperlink
-@node Equation reference hyperlinks
-@subsection Equation reference hyperlinks: eq
-@findex eqdef @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex eqdefn @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex eqsubdef @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex eqsubdefn @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@cindex equations, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, equations
-@cindex group `eq'
-@cindex destgroup `eq'
-All commands that define equation labels are part of the `eq' destgroup.
-These are @code{\eqdef}, @code{\eqdefn}, @code{\eqsubdef} and
-@code{\eqsubdefn} (@pxref{Equation references}). All these commands use
-the equation label as the hyperlink label. However, if the equation
-label is empty, they make up a (hopefully) unique hyperlink label for
-the destination. This label will be used for the link when you refer to
-this empty-labeled equation with one of the equation reference macros.
-@findex phantomeqlabel
-@findex phantomeqnumber
-The command @code{\phantomeqlabel} is called to generate hyperlink
-labels for the empty-labeled equations. By default, it produces the
-labels in the format @samp{PHEQ@var{number}}, where @var{number} comes
-from the count register @code{\phantomeqnumber}; this count register is
-incremented at every empty-labeled equation definition.
-@findex eqref
-@findex eqrefn
-@findex reftie
-@cindex group `eq'
-@cindex linkgroup `eq'
-The commands @code{\eqref} and @code{\eqrefn} (@pxref{Equation
-references}) form the `eq' linkgroup. These commands take an optional
-argument, which, when present, is tied with @code{\reftie} to the
-equation reference and becomes part of the link. The equation label is
-used for the hyperlink label; if the label is empty, the link is for the
-label generated for the last empty-labeled equation.
-@node Index hyperlinks
-@subsection Index hyperlinks: idx
-@findex idx @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex idxname @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex idxmarked @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@findex idxsubmarked @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@cindex index hyperlink
-@cindex hyperlinks, index
-@cindex group `idx'
-@cindex linkgroup `idx'
-@cindex destgroup `idx'
-All indexing commands (@code{\idx}, @code{\idxname}, @code{\idxmarked},
-@code{\idxsubmarked} and their silent equivalents, @pxref{Indexing
-commands}) form the `idx' destgroup. The `idx' linkgroup consists of
-the macros which are used to typeset the index when you say
-@findex readindexfile @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@code{\readindexfile@{@var{index-letter}@}} (@pxref{Typesetting an
-@pindex makeindex
-To create the links in index entries, Eplain uses MakeIndex's
-``encapsulation'' feature. When you use an indexing macro to mark an
-index term, Eplain writes out a line to the
-@pindex .idx @r{files}
-@file{.idx} file of the following general form:
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{entry} is the index entry (converted into the
-internal format that MakeIndex understands), @var{cs} is the markup
-command you specified with the @code{pagemarkup=@var{cs}} optional
-argument to the indexing commands (@pxref{Modifying index entries}),
-and @var{pageno} is the page number on which the term appeared. When
-processing the @file{.idx} file, MakeIndex makes the page number an
-argument to the page markup command (``encapsulates'' the page
-number), so the page number in the
-@pindex .ind @r{files}
-@file{.ind} file appears as @code{\@var{cs}@{@var{pageno}@}}. Eplain
-internally replaces the @var{cs} command name with its own command,
-which, in addition to calling the original @code{\@var{cs}}
-encapsulator, turns the page number into a link.
-Eplain provides two approaches to linking page numbers in the index to
-locations of index terms in the text.
-* Exact destinations for index terms::
-* Page destinations for index terms::
-* Choosing destination placement::
-* Index page list and page range parsers::
-* Hyperlinks in see and see also entries::
-@end menu
-@node Exact destinations for index terms
-@subsubsection Exact destinations for index terms
-In this approach, each command that marks an index term defines a unique
-destination and passes its label on to the @file{.idx} file as part of
-the @code{\indexentry} command. The @code{\indexentry} line that Eplain
-writes to the @file{.idx} file becomes
-@end example
-@findex hlidx
-@noindent where @code{\hlidx} is the command that is defined by Eplain
-to take three arguments: a hyperlink label (@var{label}), a name of
-page number encapsulator (@var{cs}) and a page number (@var{pageno}).
-In the @file{.ind} file that MakeIndex will generate, the page number
-will now appear as
-@end example
-@noindent The result of this command is
-@code{\@var{cs}@{@var{pageno}@}}, wrapped up into a link pointing to
-@var{label} destination.
-The hyperlink labels for the index terms are generated by the
-@findex hlidxlabel
-@code{\hlidxlabel} command, by default in the format
-@samp{IDX@var{number}}, where @var{number} is the value of the count
-@findex hlidxlabelnumber
-@code{\hlidxlabelnumber}. This count register is incremented at each
-index term.
-@cindex exact index hyperlinks
-@cindex index, exact hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, index, exact
-The advantage of this approach, as compared to the second approach
-described below, is that links in the index point to exact locations of
-the indexed terms on the page. The disadvantage of this approach is
-that MakeIndex will regard @emph{all} index entries as distinct, because
-each one contains a (unique) hyperlink label. This disadvantage can be
-partially overcome by the script
-@pindex idxuniq
-@cindex filtering index entries with hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, filtering index entries
-@file{idxuniq} distributed with Eplain in the @file{util} directory.
-This script filters out @code{\indexentry} lines differing only in the
-hyperlink label but identical otherwise. You should process the
-@file{.idx} with this script before passing it on to MakeIndex. For
-prompt$ ./idxuniq file.idx | makeindex > file.ind
-@end example
-@noindent Still, this solution is not ideal, as the page-range formation
-ability of MakeIndex will not work, and there will be problems of
-apparently identical index entries clashing (e.g., when a range-end
-entry appears on the same page as another entry with the same
-definition; @file{idxuniq} will not filter out the second entry).
-@node Page destinations for index terms
-@subsubsection Page destinations for index terms
-In the second approach, Eplain does not write out any destination labels
-for the index terms. Instead, Eplain writes out a wrapper for page
-number encapsulator which can parse the page number and generate a link
-pointing to the @emph{page} on which the term appeared. On top of each
-page containing an index term, Eplain defines a destination with label
-produced by
-@findex hlidxpagelabel
-@code{\hlidxpagelabel}. The @code{\hlidxpagelabel} command takes a
-single argument (page number @var{number}) and by default produces the
-label in the format @samp{IDXPG@var{number}}.
-With this approach, the @code{\indexentry} line which Eplain writes to
-the @code{.idx} file looks like this:
-@end example
-@findex hlidxpage
-@noindent where @code{\hlidxpage} is the command that is defined by Eplain
-to take two arguments: a name of page number encapsulator (@var{cs})
-and a page number (@var{pageno}). In the @file{.ind} file that
-MakeIndex will generate, the page number will appear as
-@end example
-The advantage of this approach is that all features of MakeIndex are
-intact. The drawback is that links in the index do not point to exact
-locations of indexed terms on a page, but to the top of a page on
-which the term appears.
-@cindex index, parsing page numbers
-@cindex page range, parsing
-@cindex page list, parsing
-@cindex parsing page numbers
-Another disadvantage is that this approach depends on the page range and
-page list separators which MakeIndex was configured to output.
-@code{\hlidxpage} must be able to parse the first page number in a page
-range like @samp{1--4}. In addition, page list parsing is needed
-because MakeIndex combines two consecutive page numbers in one call to
-the page number encapsulator, so @code{\hlidxpage} can be passed, e.g.,
-@samp{1, 2} for the @var{pageno}. In this last case, @code{\hlidxpage}
-splits the two page numbers, applies @code{\@var{cs}} to each of them,
-and makes each of the page numbers a link to the appropriate page. Note
-that this will alter typesetting slightly, because now the page list
-separator (a comma followed by a space, by default) is not typeset using
-the page number encapsulator (@code{\@var{cs}}).
-Eplain's defaults for the page list and page number delimiters are the
-same as those in MakeIndex, a comma followed by a space (@samp{, }) and
-two dashes (@samp{--}), respectively. If you customize MakeIndex to use
-different delimiters, you must not forget to let Eplain know about them
-with the commands
-@end example
-@noindent (@pxref{Page list and page range parsers}).
-@node Choosing destination placement
-@subsubsection Choosing destination placement
-@cindex index, placement of destinations
-@cindex index, destination placement
-@cindex index, selecting destination placement
-@cindex index, choosing destination placement
-@cindex hyperlinks, index destination placement
-The approach that Eplain should use for the index terms can be
-selected in the
-@findex enablehyperlinks
-@code{\enablehyperlinks} command. The optional argument it accepts is
-a comma-separated list of options. The
-@findex idxexact
-@code{idxexact} option selects the first approach,
-@findex idxpage
-@code{idxpage} the second, and
-@findex idxnone
-@code{idxnone} disables hyperlink support for the index terms
-altogether, in case you want to stop Eplain from writing its link
-wrappers into the @file{.idx} file. The default is @code{idxpage}.
-For example:
-@end example
-@noindent selects the first approach (``exact index links'').
-@node Index page list and page range parsers
-@subsubsection Index page list and page range parsers
-The macros that Eplain uses to parse page lists and page ranges,
-@code{\idxparselist} and @code{\idxparserange}, can sometimes be useful
-when defining page number encapsulators. @xref{Page list and page range
-parsers}, for the description of these commands and an example of their
-@node Hyperlinks in see and see also entries
-@subsubsection Hyperlinks in see and see also entries
-@cindex hyperlinks, see and see also index entries
-@cindex index, hyperlinks in see and see also entries
-@cindex see also index entries and hyperlinks
-@cindex see, and index entries, hyperlinks
-There is no automatic support for hyperlinks with ``see'' and ``see
-also'' index entries, as there is not enough information to trace the
-parameters of
-@findex indexsee
-@code{\indexsee} and
-@findex indexseealso
-@code{\indexseealso} to corresponding index entries. But if desired,
-this can be implemented with @code{\hldest} and @code{\hlstart}
-(@pxref{Explicit hyperlinks}); for example:
-\sidx@{semantic theory of truth@@%
- \leavevmode\hldest@{@}@{@}@{idx:theo truth@}semantic theory of truth@}
-\sidx[seealso]@{truth@}[definition of]%
- @{\hlstart@{@}@{@}@{idx:theo truth@}semantic theory of truth\hlend@}
-@end example
-@node Footnote hyperlinks
-@subsection Footnote hyperlinks: foot, footback
-@cindex footnotes, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, footnotes
-@cindex group `foot'
-@cindex group `footback'
-@cindex linkgroup `foot'
-@cindex linkgroup `footback'
-@cindex destgroup `foot'
-@cindex destgroup `footback'
-The `foot' link and destination groups include the
-@findex numberedfootnote @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@code{\numberedfootnote} and
-@findex footnote @r{(hyperlinks)}
-@code{\footnote} macros (@pxref{Footnotes}). The `footback' groups
-include the same macros, but control parameters for links and
-destinations created inside the footnote to point back to the footnote
-mark within the text body.
-The macros use hyperlink labels generated by
-@findex hlfootlabel
-@code{\hlfootlabel} and
-@findex hlfootbacklabel
-@code{\hlfootbacklabel}. The default formats for the labels are
-@samp{FOOT@var{number}} and @samp{FOOTB@var{number}}, respectively,
-where @var{number} is the value of the count register
-@findex hlfootlabelnumber
-@code{\hlfootlabelnumber}. This register is incremented at every
-@node Contents hyperlinks
-@subsection Contents hyperlinks
-@cindex table of contents, hyperlinks
-@cindex contents, hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, table of contents
-There is currently no special support for hyperlinks in the table of
-contents (@pxref{Contents}), but implementing them with the
-@code{\hldest} and @code{\hlstart @dots{} \hlend} commands
-(@pxref{Explicit hyperlinks}) should be possible.
-@node Hyperlink drivers
-@section Hyperlink drivers
-This section describes the hyperlink drivers: the types of hyperlinks
-they support, and the options they accept. During the first reading,
-you may only want to skim through this section.
-Some of the descriptions below come from @cite{Portable Document Format
-Reference Manual Version@tie{}1.3}, March@tie{}11, 1999.
-* Options supported by all drivers::
-* Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Hyperlink driver nolinks::
-@end menu
-@node Options supported by all drivers
-@subsection Options supported by all drivers
-@cindex hyperlink options, common
-This subsection describes the destination and link options which are
-supported by all hyperlink drivers.
-@subsubheading Destination options supported by all drivers
-@cindex destination options, common
-@cindex options, destination, common
-@table @code
-@item raise
-@findex raise @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex raising hyperlink destinations
-@cindex hyperlink destination, raising
-@cindex destinations, raising
-Specifies how much to raise destinations above the baseline. When set
-to zero or empty, destinations are placed at the baseline.
-It is usually convenient to set this option to some variable parameter,
-so that the height to which destinations are raised is automatically
-adjusted according to the current context. For example, setting it to
-@findex normalbaselineskip
-@code{\normalbaselineskip} (or some fraction of it, like
-@code{1.7\normalbaselineskip}) makes the setting appropriate for
-different point sizes, in case your document uses more than one.
-The default setting is @code{\normalbaselineskip}. Initially, the
-destgroups do not define this option, so they fall back on the default,
-except for the `eq' destgroup, for which this option is set to
-@cindex mathematics displays, hyperlinks
-@cindex displayed math and hyperlinks
-@cindex large operators and hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, large operators
-@cindex destinations, large operators
-to accommodate the usual cases of large operators in displayed math.
-Example: @code{\hldestopts[eq]@{raise=2.5\normalbaselineskip@}}
-@end table
-@subsubheading Link options supported by all drivers
-@cindex link options, common
-@cindex options, link, common
-@table @code
-@item colormodel
-@itemx color
-@findex colormodel @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@findex color @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex color, hyperlinks
-These two options define the color to be used for rendering the link
-text. The colors are used only when a @code{\color} command is defined,
-e.g., by loading the @LaTeX{} `color' package (@pxref{Packages known to
-work}). The @code{\color} command is called as
-@code{\color[@var{colormodel}]@{@var{color}@}}, where @var{colormodel}
-and @var{color} are the definitions of the @code{colormodel} and
-@code{color} options, respectively. However, if @var{colormodel} is
-empty, the optional argument to @code{\color} is omitted; and if
-@var{color} is empty, the @code{\color} command is omitted altogether.
-The default setting is @code{@var{colormodel}=cmyk} and
-When specifying colors with several components delimited by commas
-(e.g., RGB and CMYK colors in the @LaTeX{} `color' package), it is not
-possible to specify the components directly in the option list of
-@code{\hlopts}, because comma is the option list delimiter. With the
-`color' package, it is possible to specify such colors by defining a
-custom color with @code{\definecolor} and using the new color name with
-an empty @var{colormodel} (see examples below).
-\hlopts@{colormodel=,color=blue@}% predefined color
-\hlopts@{colormodel=,color=mycolor@}% custom color
-@end example
-@end table
-@node Hyperlink drivers pdftex and dvipdfm
-@subsection Hyperlink drivers @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex @code{pdftex}, hyperlink driver
-@cindex @code{dvipdfm}, hyperlink driver
-@cindex driver @code{pdftex}
-@cindex driver @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex hyperlink driver @code{pdftex}
-@cindex hyperlink driver @code{dvipdfm}
-This subsection describes link and destination types and options
-supported by the @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm} drivers. Many of the
-hyperlink types and options are common to both drivers, so we describe
-them together.
-* Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-* Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm::
-@end menu
-@node Destination types for pdftex and dvipdfm
-@subsubsection Destination types for @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex destination types, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex destination types, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex types, destination, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex types, destination, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex @code{pdftex}, destination types
-@cindex @code{dvipdfm}, destination types
-@table @code
-@item xyz
-@findex xyz @r{(destination type)}
-``Current position''. The option
-@findex zoom @r{(destination option)}
-@code{zoom} specifies magnification to use (zero or empty means leave
-magnification unchanged, which is the default). This is the default
-For @code{dvipdfm}: the options
-@findex left @r{(destination option)}
-@code{left} and
-@findex top @r{(destination option)}
-@code{top} specify position coordinates to use (empty options mean
-current position coordinate, which is the default).
-Example: @code{\hldest@{xyz@}@{zoom=2000@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fit
-@findex fit @r{(destination type)}
-Fit the page to the window.
-Example: @code{\hldest@{fit@}@{@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fith
-@findex fith @r{(destination type)}
-Fit the width of the page to the window.
-For @code{dvipdfm}: the
-@findex top @r{(destination option)}
-@code{top} option specifies vertical position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
-Example: @code{\hldest@{fith@}@{@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fitv
-@findex fitv @r{(destination type)}
-Fit the height of the page to the window.
-For @code{dvipdfm}: The option
-@findex left @r{(destination option)}
-@code{left} specifies horizontal position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
-Example: @code{\hldest@{fitv@}@{@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fitb
-@findex fitb @r{(destination type)}
-Fit the page's bounding box to the window.
-Example: @code{\hldest@{fitb@}@{@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fitbh
-@findex fitbh @r{(destination type)}
-Fit the width of the page's bounding box to the window.
-For @code{dvipdfm}: the option
-@findex top @r{(destination option)}
-@code{top} specifies vertical position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
-Example: @code{\hldest@{fitbh@}@{@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fitbv
-@findex fitbv @r{(destination type)}
-Fit the height of the page's bounding box to the window.
-For @code{dvipdfm}: the option
-@findex left @r{(destination option)}
-@code{left} specifies horizontal position (default is empty, meaning
-current position).
-Example: @code{\hldest@{fitbv@}@{@}@{dest123@}}
-@item fitr
-@findex fitr @r{(destination type)}
-For @code{pdftex}: fit the rectangle specified by the options
-@findex width @r{(destination option)}
-@findex height @r{(destination option)}
-@code{height} and
-@findex depth @r{(destination option)}
-@code{depth} (as a @TeX{} rule specification) in the window. For
-dimensions set to empty, the corresponding value of the parent box is
-used (these are the defaults).
-For @code{dvipdfm}: fit the rectangle specified by the options
-@findex left @r{(destination option)}
-@findex bottom @r{(destination option)}
-@findex right @r{(destination option)}
-@code{right} and
-@findex top @r{(destination option)}
-@code{top} (in
-@cindex PostScript point
-PostScript points, 72@tie{}points per inch) in the window. For
-dimensions set to empty, current position coordinate is substituted
-(these are the defaults).
-Example for @code{pdftex}:
-@end example
-Example for @code{dvipdfm}:
-@end example
-@item raw
-@findex raw @r{(destination type)}
-The destination specification (in the form of a pdf@TeX{} command or a
-dvipdfm @code{\special}) is taken from the command sequence
-@code{\@var{cs}}, where @var{cs} is the value of the
-@findex cmd @r{(destination option)}
-@code{cmd} option. In the definition of @code{\@var{cs}}, use
-@findex @@hllabel
-@code{\@@hllabel} to refer to the hyperlink label. This option is
-intended to be used with destgroups (@pxref{Setting hyperlink types and
-options}), as it does not make sense to use it in a direct call to
-@findex hldest
-@code{\hldest}---you can just call the raw command.
-Example for @code{pdftex}:
-\def\mydest@{\pdfdest name@{\@@hllabel@} xyz@}
-@end example
-Example for @code{dvipdfm}:
-\def\mydest@{\special@{pdf: dest (\@@hllabel)
- [@@thispage /XYZ @@xpos @@ypos 0]@}@}
-@end example
-@end table
-@node Destination options for pdftex and dvipdfm
-@subsubsection Destination options for @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex destination options, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex destination options, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex options, destination, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex options, destination, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex @code{pdftex}, destination options
-@cindex @code{dvipdfm}, destination options
-With respect to the destination options, the @code{pdftex} and
-@code{dvipdfm} differ in the way the fit rectangle is specified
-(relative coordinates for @code{pdftex}, absolute coordinates for
-@subsubheading Common destination options
-@table @code
-@item cmd
-@findex cmd @r{(destination option)}
-Name of the macro (without the leading @samp{\}) containing a
-pdf@TeX{} command or a dvipdfm @code{\special} for the @code{raw}
-For an example of usage, @pxref{Destination types for pdftex and
-dvipdfm}, description of the @code{raw} destination.
-@item zoom
-@findex zoom @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, magnification
-@cindex hyperlink destination, magnification
-@cindex magnification, hyperlink destination
-@cindex zooming, hyperlink destination
-Magnification ratio times 1000 (like @TeX{}'s scale factor).
-Zero or empty means leave magnification unchanged, which is the
-Example: @code{\hldest@{xyz@}@{zoom=2000@}@{dest123@}}
-@end table
-@subsubheading @code{pdftex}-specific destination options
-The dimension options below must be specified as a @TeX{} rule
-specification. When set to empty, the corresponding value
-of the parent box is used (this is the default for all dimension
-@table @code
-@item depth
-@findex depth @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Depth of the fit rectangle for the @code{fitr} destination.
-@item height
-@findex height @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Height of the fit rectangle for the @code{fitr} destination.
-@item width
-@findex width @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Width of the fit rectangle for the @code{fitr} destination.
-@end example
-@end table
-@subsubheading @code{dvipdfm}-specific destination options
-The dimension options below must be specified in
-@cindex PostScript point
-PostScript points (72@tie{}points per inch), as a number without the
-@samp{bp} unit name. When set to empty, the current position
-coordinate is used (this is the default for all dimension options).
-@table @code
-@item bottom
-@findex bottom @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Bottom position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
-@item left
-@findex left @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Left position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
-@item right
-@findex right @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Right position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
-@item top
-@findex top @r{(destination option)}
-@cindex destinations, dimensions
-@cindex hyperlink destination, dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink destination
-Top position coordinate of a box specification for the various
-destination types.
-@end example
-@end table
-@node Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm
-@subsubsection Link types for @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex link types, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex link types, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex types, link, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex types, link, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex @code{pdftex}, link types
-@cindex @code{dvipdfm}, link types
-Link types are the same for the @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}
-drivers, except that the @code{pdftex} driver provides one additional
-link type @code{num} (link to a numbered destination). dvipdfm does not
-support numbered destinations, therefore it does not have this link
-type. Note that all destinations created by Eplain hyperlink macros are
-named destinations; to define a numbered destination, you have to use
-low-level pdf@TeX{} commands.
-@subsubheading Common link types
-@table @code
-@item name
-@findex name @r{(hyperlink type)}
-@cindex named destination
-@cindex destinations, named
-@cindex hyperlink destination, named
-Go to a ``named destination''. The label is the destination name.
-All destinations created with @code{\hldest} are named destinations.
-This is the default type.
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{name@}@{@}@{dest123@}Link to dest123\hlend}
-@item page
-@findex page @r{(hyperlink type)}
-@cindex page destination
-@cindex destinations, page
-@cindex hyperlink destination, page
-Go to a page. The label is the page number (counting from@tie{}1).
-Page fitting is specified by the
-@findex pagefit @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{pagefit} option.
-\hlstart@{page@}@{pagefit=/FitH 600@}@{123@}Link to page~123\hlend
-@end example
-@item filename
-@findex filename @r{(hyperlink type)}
-@cindex file, hyperlink to
-@cindex destinations, in another file
-@cindex hyperlinks, to another file
-Go to a named destination in another file. The label is the
-destination name. The file name is specified by the
-@findex file @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{file} option. Page fitting is specified by the
-@findex pagefit @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{pagefit} option. The
-@findex newwin @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{newwin} option specifies whether the destination document is
-opened in the same window or in a new window.
- Link to dest123 in file `book.pdf'\hlend
-@end example
-@item filepage
-@findex filepage @r{(hyperlink type)}
-@cindex file, hyperlink to
-@cindex destinations, in another file
-@cindex hyperlinks, to another file
-Go to a page in another file. The label is the page number (counting
-from@tie{}1). The file name is specified by the
-@findex file @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{file} option. Page fitting is specified by the
-@findex pagefit @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{pagefit} option. The
-@findex newwin @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{newwin} option specifies whether the destination document is
-opened in the same window or in a new window.
- pagefit=/FitR 50 100 300 500@}@{1@}
- Link to page~1 in file `book.pdf'\hlend
-@end example
-@item url
-@findex url @r{(hyperlink type)}
-@cindex URL hyperlink
-@cindex destinations, URL
-@cindex hyperlinks, URL
-Go to a URL. The label is the URL.
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{url@}@{@}@{}Eplain home\hlend}
-@item raw
-@findex raw @r{(hyperlink type)}
-The link specification (in the form of a pdf@TeX{} command or a dvipdfm
-@code{\special} primitive) is taken from the command sequence
-@code{\@var{cs}}, where @var{cs} is the value of the
-@findex cmd @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{cmd} option. This option is intended to be used with linkgroups
-(@pxref{Setting hyperlink types and options}), as it does not make sense
-to use it in a direct call to
-@findex hlstart
-@code{\hlstart}---you can just call the raw command.
-Example for @code{pdftex}:
-% Redirect all \url links to the first page
-\def\mycmd@{\pdfstartlink goto page 1 @{/Fit@}@}
-@end example
-Example for @code{dvipdfm}:
-% Redirect all \url links to the first page
-\def\mycmd@{\special@{pdf: beginann <</Type/Annot /Subtype/Link
- /Dest[0 /Fit]>>@}@}
-@end example
-@end table
-@subsubheading @code{pdftex}-specific link types
-@table @code
-@item num
-@findex num @r{(hyperlink type)}
-@cindex numbered destination
-@cindex destinations, numbered
-@cindex hyperlink destination, numbered
-Go to a ``numbered destination''. The label is the destination
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{num@}@{@}@{123@}Link to 123\hlend}
-@end table
-@node Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm
-@subsubsection Link options for @code{pdftex} and @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex link options, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex link options, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex options, link, @code{pdftex}
-@cindex options, link, @code{dvipdfm}
-@cindex @code{pdftex}, link options
-@cindex @code{dvipdfm}, link options
-Link options are mostly the same for the @code{pdftex} and
-@code{dvipdfm} drivers. The @code{pdftex} driver has additional
-options to specify link dimensions.
-@subsubheading Common link options
-@table @code
-@item bcolor
-@findex bcolor @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex hyperlink border color
-@cindex border color, hyperlink
-@cindex color, hyperlink border
-Border color. An array of three numbers in the range 0 to 1,
-representing a color in DeviceRGB@.
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{name@}@{bcolor=.1 .5 1@}@{dest123@}Link\hlend}
-@item bdash
-@findex bdash @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex dashed hyperlink border
-@cindex hyperlinks, border style
-@cindex border style, hyperlink
-Array of numbers representing on and off stroke lengths for drawing
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{name@}@{bstyle=D,bdash=2 4@}@{dest123@}Link\hlend}
-@item bstyle
-@findex bstyle @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex solid hyperlink border
-@cindex dashed hyperlink border
-@cindex beveled hyperlink border
-@cindex inset hyperlink border
-@cindex underline hyperlink border
-@cindex hyperlinks, border style
-@cindex style, hyperlink border
-@cindex border style, hyperlink
-Link border style:
-@table @code
-@item S
-The border is drawn as a solid line.
-@item D
-The border is drawn with a dashed line (the dash pattern is specified
-by the
-@findex bdash @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@code{bdash} option).
-@item B
-The border is drawn in a beveled style.
-@item I
-The border is drawn in an inset style.
-@item U
-The border is drawn as a line on the bottom of the link rectangle.
-@end table
-The default is @samp{S}.
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{name@}@{bstyle=D,bdash=2 4@}@{dest123@}Link\hlend}
-@item bwidth
-@findex bwidth @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex width, hyperlink border
-@cindex hyperlinks, border width
-@cindex border width, hyperlink
-Border width in
-@cindex PostScript point
-PostScript points (72@tie{}points per inch). The default is@tie{}1.
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{name@}@{bwidth=2@}@{dest123@}Link\hlend}
-@item cmd
-@findex cmd @r{(hyperlink option)}
-Name of the macro (without the leading @samp{\}) containing a
-pdf@TeX{} command or a dvipdfm @code{\special} for the @code{raw} link.
-For an example of usage, @pxref{Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm},
-description of the @code{raw} link.
-@item file
-@findex file @r{(hyperlink option)}
-File name for the @code{filename} and @code{filepage} link types.
-For an example of usage, @pxref{Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm},
-description of the @code{filename} and @code{filepage} links.
-@item hlight
-@findex hlight @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex hyperlinks, highlight mode
-@cindex highlight modes, hyperlink
-Link border highlight modes:
-@table @code
-@item I
-The rectangle specified by the bounding box of the link is inverted.
-@item N
-No highlighting is done.
-@item O
-The border of the link is inverted.
-@item P
-The region underneath the bounding box of the link is drawn inset into
-the page.
-@end table
-The default is @samp{I}.
-Example: @code{\hlstart@{name@}@{bstyle=S,hlight=O@}@{dest123@}Link\hlend}
-@item newwin
-@findex newwin @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex hyperlinks, opening in a new window
-@cindex new window, opening hyperlink in
-For the @code{filename} and @code{filepage} links, specifies whether the destination document is
-opened in the same window or in a new window. The settings are:
-@table @code
-@item 0
-Open in the same window.
-@item @r{non-}0
-Open in a new window.
-@item @r{empty}
-Behavior according to the viewer settings.
-@end table
-The default is empty.
-For an example of usage, @pxref{Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm},
-description of the @code{filename} and @code{filepage} links.
-@item pagefit
-@findex pagefit @r{(hyperlink option)}
-For the @code{page} and @code{filepage links}, specifies how the page
-must be fitted to the window. @code{pagefit} specification is written
-to the PDF file as is, so it must conform to the PDF standard.
-For an example of usage, @pxref{Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm},
-description of the @code{page} and @code{filepage} links.
-@end table
-@subsubheading @code{pdftex}-specific link options
-The dimension options below must be specified as a @TeX{} rule
-specification. When set to empty, the corresponding value
-of the parent box is used (this is the default for all dimension
-@table @code
-@item depth
-@findex depth @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex hyperlink dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink
-Depth of the link.
-@item height
-@findex height @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex hyperlink dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink
-Height of the link.
-@item width
-@findex width @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex hyperlink dimensions
-@cindex dimensions, hyperlink
-Width of the link.
- Link\hlend
-@end example
-@end table
-@node Hyperlink driver nolinks
-@subsection Hyperlink driver @code{nolinks}
-@cindex @code{nolinks}, hyperlink driver
-@cindex driver @code{nolinks}
-@cindex hyperlink driver @code{nolinks}
-@cindex omitting hyperlinks
-@cindex disabling hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, disabling
-@cindex destinations, disabling
-@cindex spacing, preserving with hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, preserving spacing
-@cindex page-breaking, preserving with hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, preserving page-breaking
-Select this driver to suppress all hyperlinks in your document.
-Selecting this driver is quite different from not selecting any driver
-at all, or from selecting some driver and then turning hyperlinks off
-for the entire document with
-@findex hloff
-@code{\hloff} and
-@findex hldestoff
-@code{\hldestoff} (@pxref{Turning hyperlinks on/off}).
-The purpose of @code{\hldestoff} and @code{\hloff} is to mark (parts) of
-your document where hyperlinks should never appear. (Imagine you want
-to prevent a cross-referencing macro from generating a link at a certain
-spot in your document.)
-If instead you have prepared a document with hyperlinks and just want to
-compile a version without them, it is better to select the driver
-@code{nolinks}. This ensures that spacing and page-breaking are the
-same as what you were getting with hyperlinks enabled.
-The reason for this is that hyperlinks are produced by the
-@code{\special} primitives or low-level hyperlink commands. Each such
-command is placed inside a
-@cindex whatsits, made by hyperlinks
-@dfn{whatsit} (an internal @TeX{} object), which may introduce
-legitimate breakpoints at places where none would exist without the
-whatsits. The macros @code{\hldestoff} and @code{\hloff} disable the
-hyperlink macros completely, so that no whatsits are produced.
-In contrast, the @code{nolinks} driver does not completely disable
-hyperlink macros. Instead, it defines them to merely write to the log
-file (what gets written is unimportant). This also produces
-whatsits, thus imitating the whatsits from the hyperlink commands.
-(This trick was borrowed from the
-@pindex color.sty
-@cindex graphics collection, @LaTeX{}
-@cindex @LaTeX{} graphics collection
-@LaTeX{} `color' package.)
-Another reason for using @code{nolinks} is that in horizontal mode
-@code{\hldest} places destinations inside boxes of zero width, height,
-and depth. When you say @code{\hldestoff}, @code{\hldest} will omit
-both destination definitions and these boxes. The missing boxes can
-again cause the typesetting to be inconsistent with that with
-destinations enabled. Here again, the @code{nolinks} driver helps by
-defining @code{\hldest} to produce the empty boxes.
-@node Setting hyperlink types and options
-@section Setting hyperlink types and options
-@cindex default hyperlink type
-@cindex default hyperlink options
-@cindex hyperlinks, default type
-@cindex hyperlinks, default options
-@cindex destinations, default type
-@cindex destinations, default options
-You can define default types for links and destinations, which will be
-used when you do not specify a type in
-@findex hlstart
-@code{\hlstart} or
-@findex hldest
-@code{\hldest}. Similarly, you can define default values for the
-options; the default value for an option is used when you do not set the
-option in the argument to @code{\hlstart} or @code{\hldest}.
-@cindex group, type hyperlink
-@cindex group, options hyperlink
-@cindex hyperlinks, group type
-@cindex hyperlinks, group options
-@cindex link, group type
-@cindex link, group options
-@cindex linkgroup, type
-@cindex linkgroup, options
-@cindex destinations, group type
-@cindex destinations, group options
-@cindex destgroup, type
-@cindex destgroup, options
-The parameters for implicit links and destinations can be customized by
-setting the ``group'' types and options. When not set, the defaults are
-All these settings are local to the current (@TeX{}) group, so if
-you want to set an option temporarily, you can do so inside a
-@code{\begingroup@dots{}\endgroup} block; when the group ends, the
-previous settings are restored.
-* Setting default types and options::
-* Setting group types::
-* Setting group options::
-@end menu
-@node Setting default types and options
-@subsection Setting default types and options
-@findex hltype
-@findex hldesttype
-The default types for links and destinations can be set with the
-following commands:
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{type} is one of the
-link/destination types supported by the selected hyperlink driver
-(@pxref{Hyperlink drivers}).
-@findex hlopts
-@findex hldestopts
-Default values for the options can be set with the following commands:
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{options} is a comma-separated list of option
-assignments in the format @samp{@var{option}=@var{value}}. Again, what options
-are allowed depends on the selected hyperlink driver.
-@node Setting group types
-@subsection Setting group types
-@findex hltype
-@findex hldesttype
-@cindex group, type hyperlink
-@cindex hyperlinks, group type
-@cindex link, group type
-@cindex linkgroup, type
-@cindex destinations, group type
-@cindex destgroup, type
-When called with an optional argument, as in
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{groups} is a comma-separated list of groups,
-@code{\hltype} and @code{\hldesttype} set the type for each group from
-@var{groups} to @var{type}. The default type is used for all groups
-with an empty type (this is the initial setting for all groups, except
-that the type for the `url' linkgroup is set to @samp{url} by the
-drivers which support this link type).
-@cindex group `' (empty)
-@cindex default hyperlink type
-@cindex default hyperlink options
-@cindex hyperlinks, default type
-@cindex hyperlinks, default options
-@cindex destinations, default type
-@cindex destinations, default options
-There are two special ``groups'' which can be used inside the
-@var{groups} list. An empty group sets the default type. This allows
-to set the default type and group types in one command, for example:
-@end example
-@noindent sets the link type for the `eq' linkgroup and the
-default link type to @var{type}.
-@cindex group `*'
-@cindex groups, specifying all
-@cindex all groups, specifying
-Another special group is a star (@samp{*}) group, which signifies all
-defined groups. For example, the command
-@end example
-@noindent sets the destination type to @var{type} for each group,
-as well as the default destination type.
-@node Setting group options
-@subsection Setting group options
-@cindex group, options hyperlink
-@cindex hyperlinks, group options
-@cindex link, group options
-@cindex linkgroup, options
-@cindex destinations, group options
-@cindex destgroup, options
-Option values for each group are stored as a list of option
-assignments. This list does not have to contain every supported
-option. Values for options missing from this list are taken from the
-default option values.
-@findex hlopts
-@findex hldestopts
-To manipulate the list of option values for the groups, you use the
-@code{\hlopts} and @code{\hldestopts} commands with an optional
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{groups} is a comma-separated list of groups and
-@var{options} is a comma-separated list of option assignments. The
-two special ``groups'', the empty group and the star (@samp{*})
-group, have the same meaning as for @code{\hltype} and
-@cindex group, preserving option list
-@cindex hyperlink group, preserving option list
-@cindex option list, preserving for group
-When used without the exclamation mark, @code{\hlopts} and
-@code{\hldestopts} preserve the current list of options for the groups,
-and only update the options listed in @var{options}. If you add the
-exclamation mark, the current list of options for each group in
-@var{groups} is discarded and the new list is set to @var{options}.
-The ``overriding'' nature of the @samp{!} is appropriate when you give
-a complete specification of the options for a group, e.g., at the
-beginning of your document. On the other hand, when you want to
-adjust some option(s) and leave others intact, you should use the
-macros without the @samp{!}.
-@findex raise @r{(hyperlink option)}
-@cindex mathematics displays, hyperlinks
-@cindex displayed math and hyperlinks
-@cindex large operators and hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, large operators
-@cindex destinations, large operators
-@cindex raising hyperlink destinations
-For example, with displayed mathematical formulas, you often need to
-adjust the @samp{raise} option for the
-@cindex group `eq'
-@cindex linkgroup `eq'
-`eq' destgroup, because the formulas often contain large parentheses and
-brackets. But when doing so, you want to leave the other settings
-unchanged. To achieve this, call @code{\hldestopts} without the
-@samp{!}, for example:
-@end example
-@noindent The display commands (@samp{$$}) implicitly put the entire
-formula inside a (@TeX{}) group (@code{\begingroup@dots{}\endgroup}), so
-you do not need to isolate the setting of the @samp{raise} option---it
-will be restored after the closing @samp{$$}.
-@cindex option list, group
-@cindex group option list
-@cindex hyperlinks, group option list
-Initially, Eplain sets the option lists for almost all groups to empty,
-so that the groups fall back on the default values for all options. The
-one exception to this rule is the `eq' destgroup, whose initial option
-list contains one setting:
-@end example
-@noindent This setting usually accommodates the large operators, which often
-appear in displayed math.
-@node Turning hyperlinks on/off
-@section Turning hyperlinks on/off
-@cindex omitting hyperlinks
-@cindex disabling hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlinks, disabling
-@cindex destinations, disabling
-Links and/or destinations can be turned on or off globally by disabling
-the low-level commands, or for each group individually.
-All these settings are local to the current (@TeX{}) group, so if you
-want to enable or disable links/destinations temporarily, you can do so
-inside a @code{\begingroup@dots{}\endgroup} block; when the group ends, the
-previous settings are restored.
-* Turning low-level commands on/off::
-* Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group::
-@end menu
-@node Turning low-level commands on/off
-@subsection Turning low-level commands on/off
-@findex hldeston
-@findex hldestoff
-@findex hlon
-@findex hloff
-The low-level commands @code{\hlstart}, @code{\hlend} and
-@code{\hldest} can be turned on/off with the following commands:
-@end example
-@noindent @xref{Hyperlink driver nolinks}, for the implications of using
-these commands to disable hyperlinks for the entire document.
-@node Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group
-@subsection Turning hyperlinks on/off for a group
-@cindex group, disabling hyperlinks
-@cindex hyperlink group, disabling hyperlinks
-If you want to disable links/destinations produced by certain groups,
-you can give a list of the groups as an optional argument to these
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{groups} is the list of linkgroups/destgroups. This
-list can contain two special groups. The empty group switches the
-low-level commands (@pxref{Turning low-level commands on/off}), and the
-star (@samp{*}) group operates on all defined groups.
-Note that turning off the low-level commands disables all hyperlinks
-globally, including groups which have them enabled. Turning off certain
-linkgroups/destgroups records the fact that the macros in the group
-should not produce links/destinations. To illustrate the distinction,
-assume that all links are on; after the following sequence of commands:
-@end example
-@noindent all links are on except for the `eq' linkgroup.
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/index.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@c Public domain.
-@c makeinfo complains about bad links if we make them implicit. Strange.
-@node Concept index, , Macro index, Top
-@unnumbered Concept index
-@printindex cp
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain.
-@node Installation
-@chapter Installation
-@cindex Eplain, installing
-@ @cindex installation
-The simplest way to install Eplain is simply to install the file
-@file{eplain.tex} in a directory where @TeX{} will find it. What that
-directory is obviously depends on your operating system and @TeX{}
-installation. I personally install @file{eplain.tex} in
-a directory @file{/usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/plain}.
-If you want, you can also create a format (@file{.fmt})
-@pindex .fmt @r{file}
-@cindex format file
-file for Eplain, which will eliminate the time spent reading the macro
-source file with @code{\input}. You do this by issuing a sequence of
-Unix commands something like this:
-prompt$ touch eplain.aux
-prompt$ initex
-This is TeX, ...
-**&plain eplain
-... @var{messages} ...
-@end example
-@pindex eplain.aux
-@cindex undefined labels, warnings about
-@noindent You must make sure that @file{eplain.aux} exists @emph{before} you
-run @file{initex}; otherwise, warning messages about undefined labels
-will never be issued.
-You then have to install the resulting @file{eplain.fmt} in some system
-directory or set an environment variable to tell @TeX{} how to find it.
-I install the format files in @file{/usr/local/lib/texmf/ini}; the
-environment variable for the Web2C port of @TeX{} to Unix is
-Some implementations of @TeX{} (including Web2C) use the name by which
-@TeX{} is invoked to determine what format to read. For them, you
-should make a link to the @file{virtex} program named @file{etex}, and
-then install the format file with the name @file{etex.fmt}. This lets
-users invoke @TeX{} as @file{etex} and get the format file read
-automatically, without having to say @samp{&eplain}.
-For convenience, the file @file{etex.tex} in the distribution directory
-does @code{\input eplain} and then @code{\dump}, so that if you replace
-@samp{eplain} with @samp{etex} in the example above, the format file
-will end up with the right name.
-The @code{install} target in the @file{Makefile} does all this properly
-for Unix systems and Web2C. You may have to change the pathnames.
-@cindex emtex, installation under
-Under emtex, @samp{} says that
-tex386 -i ^&plain eplain \dump
-@end example
-@noindent produces a format file.
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain.
-@node Introduction
-@chapter Introduction
-@cindex Eplain, purpose of
-@pindex xeplain.tex
-The @dfn{Eplain} macro package expands on and extends the definitions in
-plain @TeX{}. This manual describes the definitions that you, as either
-an author or a macro writer, might like to use. It doesn't discuss the
-implementation; see comments in the source code (@file{xeplain.tex}) for
-Eplain is not intended to provide ``generic'' typesetting capabilities, as
-do @LaTeX{} (written by Leslie Lamport)
-@cindex @LaTeX{}
-@cindex Lamport, Leslie
-or Texinfo
-@cindex Texinfo
-(written by Richard Stallman and others).
-@cindex Stallman, Richard
-@cindex rms
-Instead, it provides definitions that are intended to be useful
-regardless of the high-level commands that you use when you actually
-prepare your manuscript.
-For example, Eplain does not have a command @code{\section}, which
-would format section headings in an ``appropriate'' way, such as
-@LaTeX{}'s @code{\section}. The philosophy of Eplain is
-that some people will always need or want to go beyond the macro
-designer's idea of ``appropriate''. Such canned macros are
-fine---as long as you are willing to accept the resulting output. If
-you don't like the results, or if you are trying to match a different
-format, you are out of luck.
-On the other hand, almost everyone would like capabilities such as
-cross-referencing by labels, so that you don't have to put actual page
-numbers in the manuscript. The author of Eplain
-@cindex Berry, Karl
-is not aware of any generally available macro packages that (1)@tie{}do
-not force their typographic style on an author, and yet (2)@tie{}provide
-such capabilities.
-Besides such generic macros as cross-referencing, Eplain
-contains another set of definitions: ones that change the conventions of
-plain @TeX{}'s output. For example, math displays in @TeX{} are, by
-default, centered. If you want your displays to come out
-left-justified, you have to plow through @cite{The @TeX{}book} to find
-some way to do it, and then adapt the code to your own needs. Eplain
-tries to take care of the messy details of such things, while still
-leaving the detailed appearance of the output up to you.
-Finally, numerous definitions turned out to be useful as Eplain was
-developed. They are also documented in this manual, on the chance that
-people writing other macros will be able to use them.
-You can send bug reports or suggestions to
-@email{}. The current version number of Eplain is
-defined as the macro @code{\fmtversion}
-@cindex version number
-@findex fmtversion
-at the end of the source file @file{eplain.tex}. When corresponding,
-please refer to it.
-To get on this mailing list yourself, email
-@email{} with a message whose body contains
-a line
-subscribe @var{you@@your.preferred.address}
-@end example
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain.
-@node Invoking Eplain
-@chapter Invoking Eplain
-@cindex Eplain, invoking
-The simplest way to use Eplain is simply to put:
-\input eplain
-@end example
-@noindent at the beginning of your input file. The macro file is small
-enough that reading it does not take an unbearably long time---at least on
-contemporary machines.
-In addition, if a format (@file{.fmt})
-@pindex .fmt @r{file}
-file has been created for Eplain (see the previous section), you can
-eliminate the time spent reading the macro source file. You do this
-by responding @code{&eplain} to @TeX{}'s @samp{**} prompt. For
-This is TeX, ...
-**&eplain myfile
-@end example
-Depending on the implementation of @TeX{} which you are using, you might
-also be able to invoke @TeX{} as @file{eplain} and have the format file
-automatically read.
-If you write something which you will be distributing to others, you
-won't know if the Eplain format will be loaded already. If it is, then
-doing @code{\input eplain} will waste time; if it isn't, then you must
-load it. To solve this, Eplain defines the control sequence
-@findex eplain
-to be the letter @code{t} (a convention borrowed from Lisp; it doesn't
-actually matter what the definition is, only that the definition
-exists). Therefore, you can do the following:
-\ifx\eplain\undefined \input eplain \fi
-@end example
-@noindent where @code{\undefined} must never acquire a definition.
-Eplain consists of several source files:
-@table @file
-@item xeplain.tex
-most of the macros;
-@item arrow.tex
-commutative diagram macros (@pxref{Arrow theoretic diagrams}), written by
-Steven Smith;
-@item btxmac.tex
-bibliography-related macros (@pxref{Citations});
-@item ifpdf.sty
-sets the switch @code{\ifpdf}, which can be used to
-detect pdf@TeX{} in PDF mode (@pxref{Checking for PDF output}), written
-by Heiko Oberdiek;
-@item path.sty
-macro for allowing line breaks at punctuation characters within long
-pathnames, electronic mail addresses, etc., (@pxref{Paths}), written
-by Philip Taylor;
-@item texnames.sty
-abbreviations for various @TeX{}-related names (@pxref{Logos}), edited
-by Nelson Beebe.
-@end table
-@noindent The file @file{eplain.tex} is all of these files merged
-together, with comments removed.
-All of these files except @file{xeplain.tex} can be input individually,
-if all you want are the definitions in that file.
-Also, since the bibliography macros are fairly extensive, you might not
-want to load them, to conserve @TeX{}'s memory. Therefore, if the
-control sequence @code{\nobibtex}
-@findex nobibtex
-is defined, then the bibliography definitions are skipped. You must set
-@code{\nobibtex} before @file{eplain.tex} is read, naturally. For
-example, you could start your input file like this:
-\let\nobibtex = t
-\input eplain
-@end example
-By default, @code{\nobibtex} is undefined, and so the bibliography
-definitions @emph{are} made.
-@findex noarrow
-Likewise, define @code{\noarrow} if you don't want to include the
-commutative diagram macros from @file{arrow.tex}, perhaps because you
-already have conflicting ones.
-If you don't want to read or write an @file{aux} file at all, for any
-kind of cross-referencing, define @code{\noauxfile}
-@findex noauxfile
-before reading @file{eplain.tex}. This also turns off all warnings
-about undefined labels.
-@pindex amsppt.sty
-@cindex AMS@TeX{} conflicts
-Eplain conflicts with AMS@TeX{} (to be precise, with @file{amsppt.sty}):
-the macros @code{\cite} and @code{\ref} are defined by both.
-If you want to use AMS@TeX{}'s @code{\cite}, the solution is to define
-@code{\nobibtex} before reading Eplain, as described above.
-If you have @file{amsppt.sty} loaded and use @code{\ref}, Eplain writes
-a warning on your terminal. If you want to use the AMS@TeX{}
-@code{\ref}, do @code{\let\ref = \amsref} after reading Eplain.
-To avoid the warning, do @code{\let\ref = \eplainref} after reading
-Eplain and before using @code{\ref}.
-@pindex texi2dvi
-@pindex bibtex
-@pindex makeindex
-Sometimes you may need to run @TeX{} more then once on your
-@file{.tex} file in order to produce and typeset indexes, resolve
-undefined cross-references and/or citations. The shell script
-@command{texi2dvi} from the Texinfo documentation system (see
-@url{}) can automate this process:
-it runs Bib@TeX{}, MakeIndex and @TeX{} as many times as needed to
-complete the compilation process. You will need to set the
-@env{LATEX} environment variable to @samp{tex}. For example, in a
-Bourne-compatible shell, the following command will do all the work:
-prompt$ LATEX=tex texi2dvi file.tex
-@end example
-@pindex pdftex
-@noindent (Despite the name, @command{texi2dvi} can also produce
-@file{.pdf} files; just set @samp{LATEX=pdftex}.) See the output from
-the command @command{texi2dvi --help} for invoking information and a
-full list of options.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain.
-@node Programming definitions
-@chapter Programming definitions
-The definitions in this section are only likely to be useful when you
-are writing nontrivial macros, not when writing a document.
-* Category codes:: Changing category codes.
-* Allocation macros:: Non-outer versions of \newcount et al.
-* Iteration:: Doing `for' loops in TeX.
-* Macro arguments:: Reading and ignoring them.
-* Converting to characters:: Normalizing control sequences and spaces.
-* Expansion:: Controlling expansion.
-* Obeying spaces:: Making whitespace count anywhere.
-* Writing out numbers:: Making `1' into `one'.
-* Mode-specific penalties::
-* Auxiliary files:: Testing for their existence.
-* User-defined environments:: User-defined environments.
-* Page list and page range parsers::
-@end menu
-@node Category codes
-@section Category codes
-@cindex category codes
-Plain @TeX{} defines @code{\active} (as the number 13) for use in
-changing category codes. Although the author of @cite{The @TeX{}book}
-@cindex Knuth, Donald Ervin
-has ``intentionally kept the category codes numeric'', two other
-categories are commonly used: letters (category code 11) and others
-(12). Therefore, Eplain defines @code{\letter} and
-@findex letter
-@findex other
-Sometimes it is cleaner to make a character active without actually
-@cindex active characters
-writing a @code{\catcode} command. The @code{\makeactive} command takes
-@findex catcode
-@findex makeactive
-a character as an argument to make active (and ignores following
-spaces). For example, here are two commands which both make @kbd{\}
-@cindex backslash character
-\makeactive`\\ \makeactive92
-@end example
-@cindex user-inaccessible macros
-@cindex inaccessible macros
-Sometimes you might want to temporarily change the category code of
-the `@@' character to @code{\letter}, so that you can use or define
-macros which are normally inaccessible to the user. For such
-situations, Eplain provides the @code{\makeatletter}
-@findex makeatletter
-command. It sets the category code of `@@' to @code{\letter} (11) and
-@findex resetatcatcode
-to restore the category code to whatever it was before the call to
-@code{\makeatletter}. For example:
-\def\@@hidden@@macro@{This macro cannot normally be
- called / redefined by the user@}
-@end example
-@noindent There is also @code{\makeatother}
-@findex makeatother
-which works similarly but sets the category code of `@@' to
-@code{\other} (12).
-Usually, when you give a definition to an active character, you have
-to do so inside a group where you temporarily make the character active,
-and then give it a global definition (cf.@: the definition of
-@code{\obeyspaces} in @cite{The @TeX{}book}).
-@cindex definitions, global
-This is inconvenient if you are writing a long macro, or if the
-character already has a global definition you do not wish to transcend.
-Eplain provides @code{\letreturn}, which defines the usual end-of-line
-@findex letreturn
-@cindex return character
-character to be the argument. For example:
-\def\mymacro@{@dots{} \letreturn\myreturn @dots{} @}
-\mymacro hello
-@end example
-@noindent The end-of-line between @samp{hello} and @samp{there} causes
-@code{\myreturn} to be expanded.
-@cite{The @TeX{}book} describes @code{\uncatcodespecials},
-@findex uncatcodespecials
-which makes all characters which are normally ``special'' into ``other''
-characters, but the definition never made it into plain @TeX{}.
-Eplain therefore defines it.
-Finally, @code{\percentchar}
-@findex percentchar
-expands into a literal `%' character. This is useful when you
-@code{\write} @TeX{} output to a file, and want to avoid spurious
-spaces. For example, Eplain writes a @code{\percentchar} after the
-definition of cross-references. The macros @code{\lbracechar}
-@findex lbracechar
-and @code{\rbracechar}
-@findex rbracechar
-expand similarly.
-@node Allocation macros
-@section Allocation macros
-@cindex allocation macros
-@cindex register allocation
-Plain @TeX{} provides macros that allocate registers of each primitive
-type in @TeX{}, to prevent different sets of macros from using the same
-register for two different things. The macros are all named starting
-with @samp{new},
-@findex new@dots{}
-e.g., @code{\newcount} allocates a new ``count''
-(integer) register. Such allocations are usually needed only at the top
-level of some macro definition file; therefore, plain @TeX{} makes the
-allocation registers @code{\outer},
-@findex outer
-to help find errors. (The error this helps to find is a missing right
-brace in some macro definition.)
-Sometimes, however, it is useful to allocate a register as part of
-some macro. An outer control sequence cannot be used as part of a macro
-definition (or in a few other contexts: the parameter text of a
-definition, an argument to a definition, the preamble of an alignment,
-or in conditional text that is being skipped). Therefore, Eplain
-defines ``inner'' versions of all the allocation macros, named with the
-prefix @samp{inner}:
-@findex innernewbox
-@findex innernewcount
-@findex innernewdimen
-@findex innernewfam
-@findex innernewhelp
-@findex innernewif
-@findex innernewinsert
-@findex innernewlanguage
-@findex innernewread
-@findex innernewskip
-@findex innernewtoks
-@findex innernewwrite
-You can also define non-outer versions of other macros in the same way
-that Eplain defines the above. The basic macro is called
-@findex innerdef
-\innerdef @var{\innername} @{@var{outername}@}
-@end example
-The first argument (@var{\innername}) to @code{\innerdef} is the
-control sequence that you want to define. Any previous definition of
-@var{\innername} is replaced. The second argument
-(@var{outername}) is the @emph{characters} in the name of the outer
-control sequence. (You can't use the actual control sequence name,
-since it's outer!)
-If the outer control sequence is named @var{\cs}, and you want to
-define @code{inner@var{cs}} as the inner one, you can use
-@findex innerinnerdef
-which is just an abbreviation for a call to @code{\innerdef}. For
-example, these two calls are equivalent:
-@end example
-@node Iteration
-@section Iteration
-@cindex iteration
-@cindex for loops
-You can iterate through a comma-separated list of items with
-@findex for
-Here is an example:
- \message@{\name@}%
-@end example
-This writes @samp{karl} and @samp{kathy} to the terminal. Spaces
-before or after the commas in the list, or after the @code{:=}, are
-@emph{not} ignored.
-@code{\for} expands the iterated values fully (with @code{\edef}), so
-this is equivalent to the above:
-\for\name:=\namelist\do @dots{}
-@end example
-@node Macro arguments
-@section Macro arguments
-@cindex arguments, ignoring
-@cindex ignoring arguments
-@cindex gobbling arguments
-It is occasionally useful to redefine a macro that takes arguments to
-do nothing. Eplain defines @code{\gobble},
-@findex gobble
-@findex gobbletwo
-and @code{\gobblethree} to swallow one, two, and three arguments,
-For example, if you want to produce a ``short'' table of
-@cindex table of contents, short
-contents---one that includes only chapters, say---the easiest thing to
-do is read the entire @code{.toc} file (@pxref{Contents}), and just
-ignore the commands that produce section or subsection entries. To be
-\let\tocchapterentry = \shorttocchapter
-\let\tocsectionentry = \gobbletwo
-\let\tocsubsectionentry = \gobbletwo
-@end example
-@noindent (Of course, this assumes you only have chapters, sections, and
-subsections in your document.)
-In addition, Eplain defines @code{\eattoken}
-@findex eattoken
-to swallow the single following token, using @code{\let}. Thus,
-@code{\gobble} followed by @samp{@{@dots{}@}} ignores the entire
-brace-enclosed text. @code{\eattoken} followed by the same ignores only
-the opening left brace.
-Eplain defines a macro @code{\identity}
-@findex identity
-which takes one argument and expands to that argument. This may be
-useful if you want to provide a function for the user to redefine, but
-don't need to do anything by default. (For example, the default
-definition of @code{\eqconstruct} (@pxref{Formatting equation
-references}) is @code{\identity}.)
-You may also want to read an optional argument. The established
-convention is that optional arguments are put in square brackets, so
-that is the syntax Eplain recognizes. Eplain ignores space tokens
-before an optional argument, via @code{\futurenonspacelet}.
-You test for an optional argument by using @code{\@@getoptionalarg}.
-@c this confuses texinfo.tex: findex @@getoptionalarg
-It takes one argument, a control sequence to expand after reading the
-argument, if present. If an optional argument is present, the control
-sequence @code{\@@optionalarg} expands to it; otherwise,
-@code{\@@optionalarg} is @code{\empty}. You must therefore have the
-category code of @kbd{@@} set to 11 (letter). Here is an example:
- \ifx\@@optionalarg\empty
- % @r{No optional argument present.}
- \else
- % @r{One was present.}
- \fi
-@end example
-If an optional argument contains another optional argument, the inner
-one will need to be enclosed in braces, so @TeX{} does not mistake the
-end of the first for the end of the second.
-@node Converting to characters
-@section Converting to characters
-@cindex characters, converting to
-Eplain defines @code{\xrlabel}
-@findex xrlabel
-to produce control sequence names for cross-reference labels, et al.
-This macro expands to its argument with an @samp{_} appended. (It does
-this because the usual use of @code{\xrlabel} is to generate a control
-sequence name, and we naturally want to avoid conflicts between control
-sequence names.)
-Because @code{\xrlabel} is fully expandable, to make a control
-sequence name out of the result you need only do
-@code{\csname \xrlabel@{@var{label}@}\endcsname}
-@end example
-@noindent The @code{\csname} primitive makes a control sequence name out
-of any sequence of character tokens, regardless of category code.
-Labels can therefore include any characters except for @samp{\},
-@samp{@{}, @samp{@}}, and @samp{#}, all of which are used in macro
-definitions themselves.
-@findex sanitize
-@code{\sanitize} takes a control sequence as an argument and converts
-the expansion of the control sequence into a list of character tokens.
-This is the behavior you want when writing information like chapter
-titles to an output file. For example, here is part of the definition
-of @code{\writenumberedtocentry}; @code{#2} is the title that the user
-has given.
- \write\tocfile@{%
- @dots{}
- \sanitize\temp
- @dots{}
- @}%
-@end example
-@node Expansion
-@section Expansion
-This section describes some miscellanous macros for expansion, etc.
-* \csn and \ece:: Abbreviations for \csname expansions.
-* \edefappend::
-* Hooks:: Manipulating and executing named actions.
-* Properties:: Associating information with a csname.
-* \expandonce::
-* \ifundefined::
-* \futurenonspacelet::
-@end menu
-@node \csn and \ece
-@subsection @code{\csn} and @code{\ece}
-@findex csn
-@code{\csn}@{@var{name}@} simply abbreviates @code{\csname} @var{name}
-@code{\endcsname}, thus saving some typing. The extra level of expansion
-does take some time, though, so I don't recommend it for an inner loop.
-@findex ece
-@code{\ece}@{@var{token}@}@{@var{name}@} abbreviates
-\expandafter @var{token} \csname @var{name} \endcsname
-@end example
-@noindent For example,
-@end example
-@noindent defines a control sequence @code{\@@normalfont} to expand to
-@node \edefappend
-@subsection @code{\edefappend}
-@findex edefappend
-@code{\edefappend} is a way of adding on to an existing definition. It
-takes two arguments: the first is the control sequence name, the second
-the new tokens to append to the definition. The second argument is
-fully expanded (in the @code{\edef} that redefines the control sequence).
-For example:
-\edefappend\foo@{\bar karl@}
-@end example
-@noindent results in @code{\foo} being defined as @samp{abcxyzkarl}.
-@node Hooks
-@subsection Hooks
-@cindex hooks
-A @dfn{hook} is simply a name for a group of actions which is executed
-in certain places---presumably when it is most useful to allow
-customization or modification. @TeX{} already provides many builtin
-hooks; for example, the @code{\every @dots{}} token lists are all
-examples of hooks.
-Eplain provides several macros for adding actions to hooks. They all
-take two arguments: the name of the hook and the new actions.
-@table @code
-@findex hookaction
-@itemx hookaction @var{name} @var{actions}
-@findex hookappend
-@itemx hookappend @var{name} @var{actions}
-@findex hookprepend
-@item hookprepend @var{name} @var{actions}
-Each of these adds @var{actions} to the hook @var{name}. (Any
-previously-defined actions are retained.) @var{name} is not a control
-sequence, but rather the characters of the name.
-@findex hookactiononce
-@item hookactiononce @var{name} @code{\@var{cs}}
-@code{\hookactiononce} adds @var{cs} to @var{name}, like the macros
-above, but first it adds
-\global\let @var{\cs} \relax
-@end example
-@noindent to the definition of @var{\cs}. (This implies @var{\cs} must
-be a true expandable macro, not a control sequence @code{\let} to a
-primitive or some other such thing.) Thus, @var{\cs} is expanded the
-next time the hook @var{name} is run, but it will disappear after that.
-The @code{\global} is useful because @code{\hookactiononce} is most
-useful when the grouping structure of the @TeX{} code could be anything.
-Neither this nor the other hook macros do global assignments to the hook
-variable itself, so @TeX{}'s usual grouping rules apply.
-@end table
-@findex hookrun
-The companion macro to defining hook actions is @code{\hookrun}, for
-running them. This takes a single argument, the name of the hook. If
-no actions for the hook are defined, no error ensues.
-Here is a skeleton of general @code{\begin} and @code{\end} macros that
-run hooks, and a couple of calls to define actions. The use of
-@code{\hookprepend} for the begin action and @code{\hookappend} for the
-end action ensures that the actions are executed in proper sequence with
-other actions (as long as the other actions use @code{\hookprepend} and
-@code{\hookappend} also).
-\def\begin#1@{ @dots{} \hookrun@{begin@} @dots{} @}
-\def\end#1@{ @dots{} \hookrun@{end@} @dots{} @}
-@end example
-@node Properties
-@subsection Properties
-@cindex properties
-@cindex atom
-A @dfn{property} is a name/value pair associated with another symbol,
-traditionally called an @dfn{atom}. Both atom and property names are
-control sequence names.
-Eplain provides two macros for dealing with property lists:
-@code{\setproperty} and @code{\getproperty}.
-@table @code
-@findex setproperty
-@item \setproperty @var{atom} @var{propname} @var{value}
-@code{\setproperty} defines the property @var{property} on the atom
-@var{atom} to be @var{value}. @var{atom} and @var{propname} can be
-anything acceptable to @code{\csname}. @var{value} can be anything.
-@findex getproperty
-@item \getproperty @var{atom} @var{propname}
-@code{\getproperty} expands to the value stored for @var{propname} on
-@var{atom}. If @var{propname} is undefined, it expands to nothing
-(i.e., @code{\empty}).
-@end table
-The idea of properties originated in Lisp (I believe). There, the
-implementation truly does associate properties with atoms. In @TeX{},
-where we have no builtin support for properties, the association is only
-The following example typesets @samp{xyz}.
-@end example
-@node \expandonce
-@subsection @code{\expandonce}
-@cindex expansion, one-level
-@findex expandonce
-@code{\expandonce} is defined as @code{\expandafter\noexpand}. Thus,
-@code{\expandonce @var{token}} expands @var{token} once, instead of to
-@TeX{} primitives. This is most useful in an @code{\edef}.
-For example, the following defines @code{\temp} to be @code{\foo}, not
-@end example
-@node \ifundefined
-@subsection @code{\ifundefined}
-@findex ifundefined
-@code{\ifundefined@{@var{cs}@} @var{t} \else @var{f} \fi} expands the
-@var{t} text if the control sequence @code{\@var{cs}} is undefined or
-has been @code{\let} to @code{\relax}, and the @var{f} text otherwise.
-@cindex skipping tokens
-@cindex undefined control sequence, checking for
-Since @code{\ifundefined} is not a primitive conditional, it cannot be
-used in places where @TeX{} might skip tokens ``at high speed'', e.g.,
-within another conditional---@TeX{} can't match up the @code{\if}'s and
-This macro was taken directly from @cite{The @TeX{}book}, page 308.
-@node \futurenonspacelet
-@subsection @code{\futurenonspacelet}
-@cindex lookahead without spaces
-@cindex spaces, ignoring
-@findex futurenonspacelet
-The @code{\futurelet} primitive allows you to look at the next token
-from the input. Sometimes, though, you want to look ahead ignoring any
-spaces. This is what @code{\futurenonspacelet} does. It is otherwise
-the same as @code{\futurelet}: you give it two control sequences as
-arguments, and it assigns the next nonspace token to the first, and then
-expands the second. For example:
-\def\finishup@{\ifx\temp @dots{}@}
-@end example
-@node Obeying spaces
-@section Obeying spaces
-@cindex whitespace
-@cindex spaces, obeying
-@cindex newlines, obeying
-@findex obeywhitespace
-@code{\obeywhitespace} makes both end-of-lines and space characters in
-the input be respected in the output. Unlike plain @TeX{}'s
-@code{\obeyspaces}, even spaces at the beginnings of lines turn into
-blank space.
-By default, the size of the space that is produced by a space
-character is the natural space of the current font, i.e.,
-what @code{\ } produces.
-Ordinarily, a blank line in the input produces as much blank vertical
-space as a line of text would occupy. You can adjust this by assigning
-to the parameter @code{\blanklineskipamount}:
-@findex blanklineskipamount @r{in obeyed text}
-if you set this negative, the space produced by a blank line will be
-smaller; if positive, larger.
-Tabs are not affected by this routine. In particular, if tabs occur
-at the beginning of a line, they will disappear. (If you are trying to
-make @TeX{} do the ``right thing'' with tabs, don't. Use a utility
-program like @i{expand} instead.)
-@cindex tabs
-@node Writing out numbers
-@section Writing out numbers
-@cindex numbers, written form of
- @code{\numbername}
-@findex numbername
-produces the written-out form of its argument, i.e., `zero' through
-`ten' for the numbers 0--10, and numerals for all others.
-@node Mode-specific penalties
-@section Mode-specific penalties
-@TeX{}'s built-in @code{\penalty} command simply appends to the
-current list, no matter what kind of list it is. You might intend a
-particular penalty to always be a ``vertical'' penalty, however, i.e.,
-appended to a vertical list. Therefore, Eplain provides
-@findex vpenalty
-and @code{\hpenalty}
-which first leave the other mode and then do @code{\penalty}.
-More precisely, @code{\vpenalty} inserts @code{\par} if the current
-mode is horizontal, and @code{\hpenalty} inserts @code{\leavevmode} if
-the current mode is vertical. (Thus, @code{\vpenalty} cannot be used in
-math mode.)
-@node Auxiliary files
-@section Auxiliary files
-@cindex axuiliary files, existence of
-It is common to write some information out to a file to be used on a
-subsequent run. But when it is time to read the file again, you only
-want to do so if the file actually exists. @code{\testfileexistence}
-@findex testfileexistence
-is given an argument which is appended to @code{\jobname},
-@findex jobname
-and sets the conditional @code{\iffileexists}
-@findex iffileexists
-@findex fileexists @r{(conditional)}
-appropriately. For example:
- \input \jobname.toc
-@end example
-@code{\testfileexistence} takes an optional parameter; when
-given, it will override @code{\jobname} for the root part of the file
-name. For example, if you want to test for the file
-@file{answers.aux}, you can do this with the following:
- \input answers.aux
-@end example
-@node User-defined environments
-@section User-defined environments
-@cindex environments, user-defined
-Plain @TeX{} does not provide ``named'' block structures, only the anonymous
-@code{\begingroup} and @code{\endgroup} pair. The disadvantage of this
-is that when there are several such groups and one is mismatched, it can
-be difficult to find the error. Eplain provides a named block structure
-so that if you forget an @code{\environment} or an
-@code{\endenvironment}, you will (probably) get an error message about
-For example:
- \environment@{@@italicpar@}
- \it\par
- \par
- \endenvironment@{@@italicpar@}%
-@end example
-@noindent which could then be used to set italicized paragraphs:
-If I reprehend anything in this world, it is the use of my oracular
-tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs!
-@end example
-The above sort of environment allows nesting. But environments
-shouldn't always be allowed to nest. Put the control sequence
-@code{\checkenv} at the beginning of a macro that is going to define an
-environment that should not be nested.
-@node Page list and page range parsers
-@section Page list and page range parsers
-@findex idxparselist
-@findex idxparserange
-@findex idxpagei
-@findex idxpageii
-The macros which Eplain uses to parse the page lists and ranges in the
-index, @code{\idxparselist} and @code{\idxparserange} (@pxref{Page
-destinations for index terms}), are sometimes useful when defining page
-number encapsulators. They take one argument, text to parse. When a
-page list (range) is not present, they set @code{\idxpagei} to be
-@code{\empty}; when a list (range) is detected, they set
-@code{\idxpagei} and @code{\idxpageii} to the first and the second page
-numbers, respectively.
-@findex setidxpagelistdelimiter
-@findex setidxpagerangedelimiter
-Eplain's defaults for the page list and page range delimiters are the
-same as those in MakeIndex, a comma followed by a space (@samp{, }) and
-two dashes (@samp{--}), respectively. If you customize MakeIndex to use
-different delimiters, you must not forget to let Eplain know about them
-with the commands
-@end example
-@noindent These commands save the @var{list-delim} and
-@var{page-delim} delimiters in
-@findex idxpagelistdelimiter
-@findex idxpagerangedelimiter
-@code{\idxpagelistdelimiter} and @code{\idxpagerangedelimiter},
-@cindex underlining page numbers in index
-@cindex index, underlining page numbers
-@findex ituline
-For example, you may want to define a page number markup command which
-italicizes and properly underlines page ranges by underlining only the
-page numbers and not the delimiter:
-@findex idxpagerangedelimiter
- @{\it
- \idxparserange@{#1@}%
- \ifx\idxpagei\empty
- % The argument is a single page number.
- \underbar@{#1@}%
- \else
- % The argument is a page range.
- \underbar@{\idxpagei@}\idxpagerangedelimiter\underbar@{\idxpageii@}%
- \fi@}%
-@end example
-@noindent Note that the @code{\ituline} macro is not aware of page
-lists. This is not needed if you use hyperlinks in the index, because
-@code{\hlidx} and @code{\hlidxpage} will break up the page lists before
-calling the user's page encapsulator (@pxref{Page destinations for index
-terms}), so @code{\ituline} will never see the lists. If, however, you
-need to design a macro which also takes care of the lists, you can
-extend @code{\ituline} with an additional call to @code{\idxparselist}.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/userdef.texi b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/userdef.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc5fcc4497..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/eplain/base/userdef.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2538 +0,0 @@
-@c This is part of the Eplain manual. Public domain.
-@node User definitions
-@chapter User definitions
-This chapter describes definitions that are meant to be used directly
-in a document. When appropriate, ways to change the default
-formatting are described in subsections.
-* Diagnostics:: Tracing information.
-* Rules:: Changing the default rule dimensions.
-* Citations:: Using BibTeX and Eplain to make bibliographies.
-* Displays:: Changing the formatting of math displays.
-* Time of day:: Producing the time of day.
-* Lists:: Producing numbered and unordered lists.
-* Verbatim listing:: Producing text just as it appears.
-* Contents:: Making a table of contents.
-* Cross-references:: Symbolic references to equations, figures, etc.
-* Page references:: Symbolic references to page numbers.
-* Equation references:: Symbolic references to equation numbers.
-* Indexing:: Creating and typesetting indexes.
-* Justification:: Ragged left, ragged right, centered.
-* Tables:: Producing ordered tables.
-* Margins:: Changing the margins directly.
-* Multiple columns:: Getting output in two columns.
-* Footnotes:: Autonumbered footnotes; changing formatting.
-* Fractions:: A better way to produce fractions in text.
-* Paths:: Allowing line breaks in pathnames.
-* Logos:: Various logos.
-* Boxes:: Producing filled or open rectangles.
-* Checking for PDF output:: Checking for pdfTeX in PDF mode.
-* Loading LaTeX packages:: Support for LaTeX packages under plain TeX.
-@end menu
-@node Diagnostics
-@section Diagnostics
-@cindex diagnostics
-@cindex tracing
-Plain @TeX{} provides the @code{\tracingall} command, to turn on the
-maximum amount of tracing possible in @TeX{}. The (usually voluminous)
-output from @code{\tracingall} goes both on the terminal and into the
-transcript file.
-@findex tracingall
-It is sometimes easier to have the output go only to the transcript
-file, so you can peruse it at your leisure and not obscure other output
-to the terminal. So, Eplain provides the command @code{\loggingall}.
-@findex loggingall
-(For some reason, this command is available in Metafont, but not in
-It is also sometimes useful to see the complete contents of boxes.
-@code{\tracingboxes} does this. (It doesn't affect whether or not the
-@findex tracingboxes
-are shown on the terminal.)
-You can turn off all tracing with @code{\tracingoff}.
-@findex tracingoff
-You can also turn logging on and off globally, so you don't have to
-worry about whether or not you're inside a group at the time of command.
-These variants are named @code{\gloggingall}
-@findex gloggingall
-and @code{\gtracingall}.
-@findex gtracingall
-Finally, if you write your own help messages (see @code{\newhelp}
-@cindex help messages
-@cindex error messages
-in @cite{The @TeX{}book}), you want a convenient way to break lines in
-them. This is what @TeX{}'s @code{\newlinechar} parameter is for;
-@cindex newlinechar
-however, plain @TeX{} doesn't set @code{\newlinechar}. Therefore,
-Eplain defines it to be the character @code{^^J}.
-For example, one of Eplain's own error messages is defined as follows:
-\newhelp\envhelp@{Perhaps you forgot to end the previous^^J%
- environment? I'm finishing off the current group,^^J%
- hoping that will fix it.@}%
-@end example
-@node Rules
-@section Rules
-The default dimensions of rules are defined in chapter@tie{}21 of the
-@cite{The @TeX{}book}. To sum up what is given there, the ``thickness''
-of rules is
-@cindex rule thickness
-0.4pt by default. Eplain defines three parameters that let you change
-this dimension: @code{\hruledefaultheight}, @code{\hruledefaultdepth},
-@findex hruledefaultheight
-@findex hruledefaultdepth
-and @code{\vruledefaultwidth}. By default, they are defined as
-@findex vruledefaultwidth
-@cite{The @TeX{}book} describes.
-But it would be wrong to redefine @code{\hrule} and @code{\vrule}. For
-one thing, some macros in plain @TeX{} depend on the default dimensions
-being used; for another, rules are used quite heavily, and the
-performance impact of making it a macro can be noticeable. Therefore,
-to take advantage of the default rule parameters, you must use
-@findex ehrule
-and @code{\evrule}.
-@findex evrule
-@node Citations
-@section Citations
-@cindex citations
-@cindex bibliographies
-Bibliographies are part of almost every technical document. To handle
-them easily, you need two things: a program to do the tedious
-formatting, and a way to cite references by labels, rather than by
-numbers. The Bib@TeX{} program, written by Oren Patashnik, takes care
-@cindex Bib@TeX{}
-@cindex Patashnik, Oren
-of the first item; the citation commands in @LaTeX{}, written to be used
-@cindex @LaTeX{}
-with Bib@TeX{}, take care of the second. Therefore,
-Eplain adopts the use of Bib@TeX{}, and virtually the same interface as
-The general idea is that you put citation commands in the text of your
-document, and commands saying where the bibliography data is. When you
-run @TeX{}, these commands produce output on the file with the same root
-name as your document (by default) and the extension @file{.aux}.
-@pindex .aux @r{file}
-@findex jobname
-Bib@TeX{} reads this file. You should put the bibliography data in a
-file or files with the extension @file{.bib}. Bib@TeX{} writes out a
-file with the same root
-@pindex .bib @r{file}
-name as your document and extension @file{.bbl}. Eplain reads this file
-@pindex .bbl @r{file}
-the next time you run your document through @TeX{}. (It takes
-multiple passes to get everything straight, because usually after seeing
-your bibliography typeset, you want to make changes in the @file{.bib}
-file, which means you have to run Bib@TeX{} again, which means you have
-to run @TeX{} again@dots{}) An annotated example of the whole process is
-given below.
-If your document has more than one bibliography---for example, if it
-is a collection of papers---you can tell Eplain to use a different root
-name for the @file{.bbl} file by defining the control sequence
-@findex bblfilebasename
-The default definition is simply @code{\jobname}.
-See the document @cite{Bib@TeX{}ing} (whose text is in the file
-@file{btxdoc.tex}, which should be in the Eplain distribution you got)
-for information on how to write your @t{.bib} files. Both the
-Bib@TeX{} and the Eplain distributions contain several examples, also.
-The @code{\cite}
-@findex cite
-command produces a citation in the text of your document. The exact
-printed form the citation will take is under your control;
-@pxref{Formatting citations}. @code{\cite} takes one
-required argument, a comma-separated list of cross-reference labels
-(@pxref{Cross-references}, for exactly what characters are allowed in
-such labels). Warning: spaces in this list are taken as part of the
-following label name, which is probably not what you expect.
-@cindex citations, undefined
-The @code{\cite} command also produces a command
-in the @t{.aux} file that tells Bib@TeX{} to retrieve the given reference(s)
-from the @t{.bib} file. @code{\cite} also takes one optional argument,
-which you specify within square brackets, as in @LaTeX{}. This text is
-simply typeset after the citations. (See the example below.)
-Eplain can create hypertext links for citations pointing to the relevant
-bibliography entries; @pxref{Citation hyperlinks}.
-Another command, @code{\nocite},
-@findex nocite
-puts the given reference(s) into the bibliography, but produces nothing
-in the text.
-The @code{\bibliography}
-@findex bibliography
-command is next. It serves two purposes: producing the typeset
-bibliography, and telling Bib@TeX{} the root names of the @t{.bib}
-files. Therefore, the argument to @code{\bibliography} is a comma
-separated list of the @t{.bib} files (without the @samp{.bib}). Again,
-spaces in this list are significant.
-You tell Bib@TeX{} the particular style in which you want your
-bibliography typeset with one more command:
-@findex bibliographystyle
-The argument to this is a single filename @var{style}, which tells
-Bib@TeX{} to look for a file @var{style}@t{.bst}.
-@pindex .bst @r{files}
-See the document @cite{Designing Bib@TeX{} styles} (whose text is in the
-@file{btxhak.tex}) for information on how to write your own styles.
-Eplain automatically reads the citations from the @t{.aux} file when
-your job starts.
-If you don't want to see the messages about undefined citations, you
-can say @code{\xrefwarningfalse} before making any citations.
-@findex xrefwarningfalse
-Eplain automatically does this if the @t{.aux} file does not exist.
-You can restore the default by saying @code{\xrefwarningtrue}.
-Here is a @TeX{} input file that illustrates the various commands.
-\input eplain % Reads the .aux file.
-Two citations to Knuthian works:
- \cite[note]@{surreal,concrete-math@}.
-\beginsection@{References.@}\par % Title for the bibliography.
-\bibliography@{knuth@} % Use knuth.bib for the labels.
-\bibliographystyle@{plain@} % Number the references.
-\end % End of the document.
-@end example
-@cindex Knuth, Donald Ervin
-@cindex Graham, Ronald L.
-@cindex numbered references
-@cindex references, numbered
-If we suppose that this file was named @file{citex.tex} and that the
-bibliography data is in @file{knuth.bib} (as the @code{\bibliography}
-command says), the following commands do what's required. (@samp{$ }
-represents the shell prompt.)
-$ tex citex (produces undefined citation messages)
-$ bibtex citex (read knuth.bib and citex.aux, write citex.bbl)
-$ tex citex (read citex.bbl, still have undefined citations)
-$ tex citex (one more time, to resolve the references)
-@end example
-@pindex texi2dvi
-@noindent (The @command{texi2dvi} program can help you automate this
-process, @pxref{Invoking Eplain}.)
-The output looks something like (because we used the @t{plain}
-bibliography style):
-Two citations to Knuthian works: [2,1 note].
-@end tex
-[1] Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, and Oren Patashnik. @i{Concrete
-Mathematics}. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1989.
-[2] Donald E. Knuth. @i{Surreal Numbers}. Addison-Wesley, Reading,
-Massachusetts, 1974.
-@end quotation
-See the Bib@TeX{} documentation for information on how to write the
-bibliography databases, and the bibliography styles that are available.
-(If you want your references printed with names, as in [Knu74], instead
-of numbered, the bibliography style is @code{alpha}.)
-@cindex alphanumeric references
-@cindex references, alphanumeric
-* Formatting citations:: Changing the way citations are printed.
-* Formatting bibliographies:: Changing the way bibliographies are printed.
-@end menu
-@node Formatting citations
-@subsection Formatting citations
-@cindex citations, formatting
-You may wish to change Eplain's formatting of citations; i.e., the
-result of your @code{\cite} commands. By default, the citation labels
-are printed one after another, separated by commas and enclosed in
-brackets, using the main text font. Some formats require other styles,
-such as superscripted labels. You can accomodate such formats by
-redefining the following macros.
-@table @code
-@itemx \printcitestart
-@item \printcitefinish
-@findex printcitestart
-@findex printcitefinish
-Eplain expands these macros at the begining and end of the list of
-citations for each @code{\cite} command. By default, they produce a
-@samp{[} and @samp{]}, respectively.
-@item \printbetweencitations
-@findex printbetweencitations
-If a @code{\cite} command has multiple citations, as in
-@code{\cite@{acp,texbook@}}, Eplain expands this macro in between each
-pair of citations. By default, it produces a comma followed by a space.
-@item \printcitenote
-@findex printcitenote
-This macro takes one argument, which is the optional note to the
-@code{\cite} command. If the @code{\cite} command had no note, this
-macro isn't used. Otherwise, it should print the note. By default, the
-note is preceded with a comma and a space.
-@end table
-Here is an example, showing you could produce citations as
-superscripted labels, with the optional notes in parentheses.
-\def\printcitestart@{\unskip $^\bgroup@}
-\def\printcitenote#1@{\hbox@{\sevenrm\space (#1)@}@}
-@end example
-@node Formatting bibliographies
-@subsection Formatting bibliographies
-@cindex bibliography, formatting the
-You may wish to change Eplain's formatting of the bibliography,
-especially with respect to the fonts that are used. Therefore, Eplain
-provides the following control sequences:
-@table @code
-@item \biblabelwidth
-@findex biblabelwidth
-This control sequence represents a @code{\dimen} register, and its value
-is the width of the widest label in the bibliography. Although it is
-unlikely you will ever want to redefine it, you might want
-to use it if you redefine @code{\biblabelprint}, below.
-@item \biblabelprint
-@findex biblabelprint
-This macro takes one argument, the label to print. By default, the
-label is put in a box of width @code{\biblabelwidth}, and is followed by
-an enspace. When you want to change the spacing around the labels, this
-is the right macro to redefine.
-@item \biblabelcontents
-@findex biblabelcontents
-This macro also takes one argument, the label to print. By default, the
-label is printed using the font @code{\bblrm} (below), and enclosed in
-brackets. When you want to change the appearance of the label, but not
-the spacing around it, this is the right macro to redefine.
-@item \bblrm
-@findex bblrm
-@cindex bibliography fonts
-The default font used for printing the bibliography.
-@item \bblem
-@findex bblem
-The font used for printing the titles and other ``emphasized'' material.
-@item \bblsc
-@findex bblsc
-In some styles, authors' names are printed in a caps-and-small-caps
-font. In those cases, this font is used.
-@item \bblnewblock
-@findex bblnewblock
-This is invoked between each of the parts of a bibliography entry. The
-default is to leave some extra space between the parts; you could
-redefine it to start each part on a new line (for example). A part is
-simply a main element of the entry; for example, the author is a part.
-(It was @LaTeX{} that introduced the (misleading, as far as I am
-concerned) term `block' for this.)
-@item \biblabelextraspace
-@findex biblabelextraspace
-Bibliography entries are typeset with a hanging indentation of
-@code{\biblabelwidth} plus this. The default is @code{.5em}, where the
-em width is taken from the @code{\bblrm} font. If you want to change
-this, you should do it inside @code{\bblhook}.
-@item \bblhook
-@findex bblhook
-@cindex bibliography items, extra space between
-This is expanded before reading the @t{.bbl} file. By
-default, it does nothing. You could, for example, define it to set the
-bibliography fonts, or produce the heading for the references. Two
-spacing parameters must be changed inside @code{\bblhook}:
-@code{\parskip}, which produces extra space between the items; and
-@code{\biblabelextraspace}, which is described above.
-(By the way, @code{\hookappend} won't work with @code{\bblhook}, despite
-the names. Just use @code{\def}.)
-@end table
-If you are really desperate, you can also hand-edit the @t{.bbl} file
-that Bib@TeX{} produces to do anything you wish.
-@node Displays
-@section Displays
-@cindex displays, left-justifying
-@cindex mathematics displays, formatting
-@cindex left-justification of displays
-By default, @TeX{} centers displayed material. (Displayed material is
-just whatever you put between @code{$$}'s---it's not necessarily
-mathematics.) Many layouts would be better served if the displayed
-material was left-justified. Therefore, Eplain provides the command
-@findex leftdisplays
-which indents displayed material by @code{\parindent} plus
-@code{\leftskip}, plus @code{\leftdisplayindent}.
-@findex leftdisplayindent
-You can go back to centering displays with @code{\centereddisplays}.
-@findex centereddisplays
-(It is usually poor typography to have both centered and left-justified
-displays in a single publication, though.)
-@code{\leftdisplays} also changes the plain @TeX{} commands that deal
-with alignments inside math displays,
-@findex displaylines
-@findex eqalignno
-and @code{\leqalignno},
-@findex leqalignno
-to produce left-justified text. You can still override this formatting
-by inserting @code{\hfill} glue, as explained in @cite{The @TeX{}book}.
-* Formatting displays:: General formatting of displays.
-@end menu
-@node Formatting displays
-@subsection Formatting displays
-If you want some other kind of formatting, you can write a definition
-of your own, analogous to @code{\leftdisplays}. You need only make sure
-that @code{\leftdisplaysetup}
-@findex leftdisplaysetup
-is called at the beginning of every display (presumably by invoking it
-in @TeX{}'s @code{\everydisplay} parameter), and to define
-@findex generaldisplay
-@code{\leftdisplays} expands the old value of @code{\everydisplay}
-before calling @code{\leftdisplaysetup}, so that any changes you have made
-to it won't be lost. That old token list as available as the value of
-the token register @code{\previouseverydisplay}.
-@findex previouseverydisplay
-@node Time of day
-@section Time of day
-@cindex time of day
-@cindex date
-@TeX{} provides the day, month, and year as numeric quantities (unless
-your @TeX{} implementation is woefully deficient). Eplain provides some
-control sequences to make them a little more friendly to humans.
-@findex monthname
-produces the name of the current month, abbreviated to three letters.
-@findex fullmonthname
-produces the name of the current month, unabbreviated (in English).
-@findex timestring
-produces the current time, as in `1:14 p.m.'
-@findex timestamp
-produces the current date and time, as in `23 Apr 64 1:14 p.m.'.
-(Except the spacing is slightly different.)
-@findex today
-produces the current date, as in `23 April 1964'.
-@node Lists
-@section Lists
-@cindex lists
-@cindex numbered lists
-@cindex ordered list
-@cindex unordered lists
-Many documents require lists of items, either numbered or simply
-enumerated. Plain @TeX{} defines one macro to help with creating lists,
-@code{\item}, but that is insufficient in many cases. Therefore,
-Eplain provides two pairs of commands:
-@table @code
-@itemx \numberedlist @dots{} \endnumberedlist
-@item \orderedlist @dots{} \endorderedlist
-@findex numberedlist
-@findex endnumberedlist
-@findex orderedlist
-@findex endorderedlist
-These commands (they are synonyms) produce a list with the items
-numbered sequentially, starting from one. A nested @code{\numberedlist}
-labels the items with lowercase letters, starting with `a'. Another
-nested @code{\numberedlist} labels the items with roman numerals. Yet
-more deeply nested numbered lists label items with @samp{*}.
-@item \unorderedlist @dots{} \endunorderedlist
-@findex unorderedlist
-@findex endunorderedlist
-This produces a list with the items labelled with small black boxes
-(``square bullets''). A nested @code{\unorderedlist} labels items with
-em-dashes. Doubly (and deeper) nested unordered lists label items with
-@end table
-The two kinds of lists can be nested within each other, as well.
-In both kinds of lists, you begin an item with @code{\li}.
-@findex li
-An item may continue for several paragraphs. Each item starts a
-You can give @code{\li} an optional argument, a cross-reference label.
-It's defined to be the ``marker'' for the current item. This is useful
-if the list items are numbered. You can produce the value of the label
-with @code{\xrefn}. @xref{Cross-references}.
-Eplain can create hypertext links for the markers produced by
-@code{\xrefn} pointing to the relevant list item; @pxref{List
-You can also say @code{\listcompact}
-@findex listcompact
-right after @code{\numberedlist} or @code{\unorderedlist}. The items in
-the list will then not have any extra space between them
-(@pxref{Formatting lists}). You might want to do this if the items in
-this particular list are short.
-Here is an example:
-\li The first item.
-\li The second item.
-The second paragraph of the second item.
-@end example
-* Formatting lists:: Changing how the lists look.
-@end menu
-@node Formatting lists
-@subsection Formatting lists
-@cindex lists, formatting
-Several registers define the spacing associated with lists. It is
-likely that their default values won't suit your particular layout.
-@table @code
-@item \abovelistskipamount, \belowlistskipamount
-@findex abovelistskipamount
-@findex belowlistskipamount
-The vertical glue inserted before and after every list, respectively.
-@item \interitemskipamount
-@findex interitemskipamount
-The vertical glue inserted before each item except the first.
-@code{\listcompact} resets this to zero, as mentioned above.
-@item \listleftindent, \listrightindent
-@findex listleftindent
-@findex listrightindent
-@code{\listrightindent} is the amount of space by which the list is
-indented on the right; i.e., it is added to @code{\rightskip}.
-@code{\listleftindent} is the amount of space, @emph{relative to}
-@code{\parindent}, by which the list is indented on the left. Why treat
-the two parameters differently? Because (a)@tie{}it is more useful to
-make the list indentation depend on the paragraph indentation;
-(b)@tie{}footnotes aren't formatted right if @code{\parindent} is reset
-to zero.
-@end table
-The three vertical glues are inserted by macros, and preceded by
-penalties: @code{\abovelistskip}
-@findex abovelistskip
-does @code{\vpenalty\abovelistpenalty}
-@findex abovelistpenalty
-and then @code{\vskip\abovelistskip}. @code{\belowlistskip}
-@findex belowlistskip
-and @code{\interitemskip}
-@findex interitemskip
-are analogous.
-In addition, the macro @code{\listmarkerspace}
-@findex listmarkerspace
-is called to separate the item label from the item text. This is set to
-@code{\enspace} by default.
-If you want to change the labels on the items, you can redefine these
-@findex numberedmarker
-or @code{\unorderedmarker}.
-@findex unorderedmarker
-The following registers might be useful if you do:
-@table @code
-@item \numberedlistdepth, \unorderedlistdepth
-@findex numberedlistdepth
-@findex unorderedlistdepth
-These keep track of the depth of nesting of the two kinds of lists.
-@item \itemnumber, \itemletter
-@findex itemnumber
-@findex itemletter
-These keep track of the number of items that have been seen in the current
-numbered list. They are both integer registers. The difference is that
-@code{\itemnumber} starts at one, and @code{\itemletter} starts at 97,
-i.e., lowercase `a'.
-@end table
-You can also redefine the control sequences that are used internally,
-if you want to do something radically different: @code{\beginlist}
-@findex beginlist
-is invoked to begin both kinds of lists; @code{\printitem}
-@findex printitem
-is invoked to print the label (and space following the label) for each
-item; and @code{\endlist}
-@findex endlist
-is invoked to end both kinds of
-@cindex item labels, changing
-@cindex labels on items, changing
-@node Verbatim listing
-@section Verbatim listing
-@cindex verbatim listing
-@cindex listing files
-@cindex files, verbatim listing of
-It is sometimes useful to include a file verbatim in your document;
-for example, part of a computer program. The @code{\listing}
-@findex listing
-command is given one argument, a filename, and produces the contents of
-that file in your document. @code{\listing} expands @code{\listingfont}
-to set the current font. The default value of @code{\listingfont}
-@findex listingfont
-is @code{\tt}.
-You can take arbitrary actions before reading the file by defining the macro
-@findex setuplistinghook
-This is expanded just before the file is input.
-If you want to have line numbers on the output, you can say
-@code{\let\setuplistinghook = \linenumberedlisting}.
-@findex linenumberedlisting
-The line numbers are stored in the count register @code{\lineno} while
-the file is being read. You can redefine the macro
-@code{\printlistinglineno} to change how they are printed.
-You can produce in-line verbatim text in your document with @code{\verbatim}.
-@findex verbatim
-End the text with @code{|endverbatim}. If you need a @samp{|} in the text,
-double it. If the first character of the verbatim text is a space, use
-@code{| }. (@code{| } will work elsewhere in the argument, too, but
-isn't necessary.)
-For example:
-\verbatim| ||\#%&!|endverbatim
-@end example
-@noindent produces @code{ |\#%&!}.
-Line breaks and spaces in the verbatim text are preserved.
-@findex verbatimescapechar
-@cindex escape character, changing verbatim
-You can change the verbatim escape character from the default @samp{|}
-with @code{\verbatimescapechar @var{char}}; for example, this changes
-it to @samp{@@}.
-\verbatimescapechar \@@
-@end example
-@noindent The backslash is not necessary in some cases, but is in
-others, depending on the catcode of the character. The argument to
-@code{\verbatimescapechar} is used as @code{\catcode `@var{char}}, so
-the exact rules follow that for @code{\catcode}.
-Because @code{\verbatim} must change the category code of special
-characters, calling inside a macro definition of your own does not work
-properly. For example:
-\def\mymacro@{\verbatim &#%|endverbatim@}% Doesn't work!
-@end example
-To accomplish this, you must change the category codes yourself before
-making the macro definition. Perhaps @code{\uncatcodespecials} will
-help you (@pxref{Category codes}).
-@node Contents
-@section Contents
-@cindex table of contents
-@cindex contents
-Producing a table of contents that is both useful and aesthetic is one
-of the most difficult design problems in any work. Naturally, Eplain
-does not pretend to solve the design problem. Collecting the raw data
-for a table of contents, however, is much the same across documents.
-Eplain uses an auxiliary file with extension @file{.toc}
-@pindex .toc @r{file}
-(and the same root name as your document) to save the information.
-To write an entry for the table of contents, you say
-@findex writetocentry
-where @var{part} is the type of part this entry is, e.g.,
-@samp{chapter}, and @var{text} is the text of the title.
-@code{\writetocentry} puts an entry into the @t{.toc} file that looks
-@findex toc@dots{}entry
-like @code{\toc@var{part}entry@{@var{text}@}@{@var{page number}@}}. The
-@var{text} is written unexpanded.
-@findex writenumberedtocentry
-A related command, @code{\writenumberedtocentry}, takes one additional
-argument, the first token of which is expanded at the point of the
-@code{\writenumberedtocentry}, but the rest of the argument is not
-expanded. The usual application is when the parts of the document are
-numbered. On the other hand, the one-level expansion allows you to use
-the argument for other things as well (author's names in a proceedings,
-say), and not have accents or other control sequences expanded. The
-downside is that if you @emph{want} full expansion of the third
-argument, you don't get it---you must expand it yourself, before you
-call @code{\writenumberedtocentry}.
-For example:
-\writenumberedtocentry@{chapter@}@{A $\sin$ wave@}@{\the\chapno@}
-\writetocentry@{section@}@{A section title@}
-@end example
-@noindent Supposing @code{\the\chapno} expanded to @samp{3} and that the
-@code{\write}'s occurred on pages eight and nine, respectively, the
-above writes the following to the @t{.toc} file:
-\tocchapterentry@{A $\sin$ wave@}@{3@}@{8@}
-\tocsectionentry@{A section title@}@{9@}
-@end example
-@findex readtocfile
-You read the @t{.toc} file with the command @code{\readtocfile}.
-Naturally, whatever @code{\toc@dots{} entry} commands that were written
-to the file must be defined when @code{\readtocfile} is invoked. Eplain
-has minimal definitions for @code{\tocchapterentry},
-@code{\tocsectionentry}, and @code{\tocsubsectionentry}, just to prevent
-undefined control sequence errors in common cases. They aren't suitable
-for anything but preliminary proofs.
-Each of @code{\writetocentry} and @code{\writenumberedtocentry} opens
-the @t{.toc} file for writing, thereby deleting the information from the
-previous run. You should therefore arrange that @code{\readtocfile} be
-called @emph{before} the first call to a @code{\writetoc@dots{}} macro.
-@code{\readtocfile} does not itself delete the information
-from the @t{.toc} file, so that you can call it several times,
-e.g., to create both a short
-@cindex table of contents, short
-and normal table of contents. (To produce this in particular, define
-@code{\tocsectionentry} to produce nothing while you are reading
-@t{.toc} file for a short table of contents (@pxref{Macro arguments}).)
-On the other hand, if you don't want to rewrite the @t{.toc} file at
-all, perhaps because you are only running @TeX{} on part of your
-manuscript, you can set @code{\rewritetocfilefalse}.
-@findex ifrewritetocfile
-@findex rewritetocfile @r{(conditional)}
-By default, the @file{.toc} file has the root @code{\jobname}. If your
-document has more than one contents---for example, if it is a collection
-of papers, some of which have their own contents---you can tell Eplain
-to use a different root name by defining the control sequence
-@findex tocfilebasename
-@cindex list of figures
-@cindex list of tables
-@findex definecontentsfile
-In addition to the usual table of contents, you may want to have a list
-of figures, list of tables, or other such contents-like list. You can do
-this with @code{\definecontentsfile@{@var{abbrev}@}}. All of the
-above commands are actually a special case that Eplain predefines with
-@end example
-@noindent The @var{abbrev} is used both for the file extension and in
-the control sequence names.
-@node Cross-references
-@section Cross-references
-@cindex cross-references
-It is often useful to refer the reader to other parts of your document;
-but putting literal page, section, equation, or whatever numbers in the
-text is certainly a bad thing.
-Eplain therefore provides commands for symbolic cross-references. It
-uses an auxiliary file with extension @t{.aux}
-@pindex .aux @r{file}
-(and the same root name as your document) to keep track of the
-information. Therefore, it takes two passes to get the cross-references
-right---one to write them out, and one to read them in. Eplain
-automatically reads the @t{.aux} file at the first reference; after
-reading it, Eplain reopens it for writing.
-You can control whether or not Eplain warns you about undefined
-labels. @xref{Citations}.
-@cindex labels, characters valid in
-Labels in Eplain's cross-reference commands can use characters of
-category code eleven (letter), twelve (other), ten (space), three (math
-shift), four (alignment tab), seven (superscript), or eight (subscript).
-For example, @samp{(a1 $&^_} is a valid label (assuming the category
-codes of plain @TeX{}), but @samp{%#\@{} has no valid characters.
-You can also do symbolic cross-references for bibliographic citations
-and list items. @xref{Citations}, and @ref{Lists}.
-Eplain can create hypertext links for the cross-references;
-@pxref{Cross-reference hyperlinks}.
-* Defining generic references::
-* Using generic references::
-@end menu
-@node Defining generic references
-@subsection Defining generic references
-@cindex defining general references
-@cindex references, defining general
-@cindex cross-references, defining general
-@findex definexref
-Eplain provides the command @code{\definexref} for general
-cross-references. It takes three arguments: the name of the label (see
-section above for valid label names), the value of the label (which can
-be anything), and the ``class'' of the reference---whether it's a
-section, or theorem, or what. For example:
-@end example
-@noindent Of course, the label value is usually generated by another
-macro using @TeX{} count registers or some such.
-@code{\definexref} doesn't actually define @var{label}; instead, it
-writes out the definition to the @t{.aux} file, where Eplain will read
-it on the next @TeX{} run.
-The @var{class} argument is used by the @code{\ref} and @code{\refs}
-commands. See the next section.
-@node Using generic references
-@subsection Using generic references
-@cindex defining general references
-@cindex references, defining general
-@cindex cross-references, defining general
-To retrieve the value of the label defined via @code{\definexref} (see
-the previous section), Eplain provides the following macros:
-@table @code
-@findex refn
-@itemx \refn@{@var{label}@}
-@findex xrefn
-@item \xrefn@{@var{label}@}
-@code{\refn} and @code{\xrefn} (they are synonyms) produce the bare
-definition of @var{label}. If @var{label} isn't defined, issue a
-warning, and produce @var{label} itself instead, in typewriter. (The
-warning isn't given if @code{\xrefwarningfalse}.)
-@findex xrefwarning @r{conditional}
-@findex ref
-@item \ref@{@var{label}@}
-Given the class @var{c} for @var{label} (see the description of
-@code{\definexref} in the previous section), expand the control sequence
-@code{\@var{c} word} (if it's defined) followed by a tie. Then call
-@code{\refn} on @var{label}. (Example below.)
-@findex refs
-@item \refs@{@var{label}@}
-Like @code{\ref}, but append the letter @samp{s} to the
-@end table
-The purpose of the @code{\@dots{}word} macro is to produce the word
-`Section' or `Figure' or whatever that usually precedes the actual
-reference number.
-Here is an example:
-See \refs@{sec-intro@} and \refn@{sec-next@} @dots{}
-@end example
-@noindent This produces `See Sections 3.1 and 3.2 @dots{}'
-@node Page references
-@section Page references
-Eplain provides two commands for handling references to page numbers,
-one for definition and one for use.
-@table @code
-@item \xrdef@{@var{label}@}
-@findex xrdef
-Define @var{label} to be the current page number. This produces no
-printed output, and ignores following spaces.
-@item \xref@{@var{label}@}
-@findex xref
-Produce the text `p.@tie{}@var{pageno}', which is the usual form for
-cross-references. The @var{pageno} is actually @var{label}'s
-definition; if @var{label} isn't defined, the text of the label itself
-is printed. The `p.@tie{}' prefix is defined by @code{\xrefpageword}.
-@findex xrefpageword
-Its default definition is @code{p.\thinspace}.
-@end table
-Eplain can create hypertext links for the page references; @pxref{Page
-reference hyperlinks}.
-@node Equation references
-@section Equation references
-@cindex equations, references to
-@cindex equations, numbering
-Instead of referring to pages, it's most useful if equation labels
-refer to equation numbers. Therefore, Eplain reserves a @code{\count}
-register, @code{\eqnumber},
-@findex eqnumber
-for the current equation number, and increments it at each
-numbered equation.
-Here are the commands to define equation labels and then refer to them:
-@table @code
-@item \eqdef@{@var{label}@}
-@findex eqdef
-This defines @var{label} to be the current value of @code{\eqnumber},
-and, if the current context is not inner, then produces a @code{\eqno}
-command. (The condition makes it possible to use @code{\eqdef} in an
-@code{\eqalignno} construction, for example.) The text of the equation
-number is produced using @code{\eqprint}. @xref{Formatting equation
-@cindex empty equation labels
-@cindex labels, empty equation
-@cindex equations, giving numbers to all
-If @var{label} is empty, you still get an equation number (although
-naturally you can't reliably refer to it). This is useful if you want
-to put numbers on all equations in your document, and you don't want to
-think up unique labels.
-@cindex empty equation labels, referring to
-@cindex labels, empty equation, referring to
-To refer to the last equation with the empty label, you just use the
-empty label in one of the equation reference macros (see below). This
-can be handy when you want to refer to an equation shortly after its
-definition, say, in the sentence following the displayed equation, and
-do not intend to refer to the equation later. But use this trick with
-extreme caution: if later you change the text and insert another
-empty definition between the original definition and the reference,
-the reference will start to refer to the new empty-labeled equation.
-@item \eqdefn@{@var{label}@}
-@findex eqdefn
-This is like @code{\eqdef}, except it always omits the @code{\eqno}
-command. It can therefore be used in places where @code{\eqdef} can't;
-for example, in a non-displayed equation. The text of the equation
-number is not produced, so you can also use it in the (admittedly
-unusual) circumstance when you want to define an equation label but not
-print that label.
-@item \eqref@{@var{label}@}
-@findex eqref
-This produces a formatted reference to @var{label}. If @var{label} is
-undefined (perhaps because it is a forward reference), it just produces
-the text of the label itself. Otherwise, it calls @code{\eqprint}.
-@item \eqrefn@{@var{label}@}
-@findex eqrefn
-This produces the cross-reference text for @var{label}. That is, it
-is like @code{\eqref}, except it doesn't call @code{\eqprint}.
-@end table
-@cindex equation labels, characters valid in
-Equation labels can contain the same characters that are valid in
-general cross-references.
-Eplain can create hypertext links for the equation references;
-@pxref{Equation reference hyperlinks}.
-* Formatting equation references::
-* Subequation references::
-@end menu
-@node Formatting equation references
-@subsection Formatting equation references
-@cindex equation numbers, formatting of
-Both defining an equation label and referring to it should usually
-produce output. This output is produced with the @code{\eqprint} macro,
-which takes one argument, the equation number being defined or referred
-to. By default, this just produces @samp{(@var{number})}, where
-@var{number} is the equation number. To produce the equation number in
-a different font, or with different surrounding symbols, or whatever,
-you can redefine @code{\eqprint}.
-@findex eqprint
-For example, the following definition would print all equation numbers
-in italics. (The extra braces define a group, to keep the font change
-from affecting surrounding text.)
-\def\eqprint#1@{@{\it (#1)@}@}
-@end example
-In addition to changing the formatting of equation numbers, you might
-to add more structure to the equation number; for example, you might
-want to include the chapter number, to get equation numbers like
-`(1.2)'. To achieve this, you redefine @code{\eqconstruct}.
-@findex eqconstruct
-For example:
-@end example
-(If you are keeping the chapter number in a count register named
-@code{\chapternumber}, naturally.)
-The reason for having both @code{\eqconstruct} and @code{\eqprint} may
-not be immediately apparent. The difference is that @code{\eqconstruct}
-affects the text that cross-reference label is defined to be, while
-@code{\eqprint} affects only what is typeset on the page. The example
-just below might help.
-Usually, you want equation labels to refer to equation numbers. But
-sometimes you might want a more complicated text. For example, you
-might have an equation `(1)', and then have a variation several pages
-later which you want to refer to as `(1*)'.
-Therefore, Eplain allows you to give an optional argument (i.e.,
-arbitrary text in square brackets) before the cross-reference label to
-\eqdef. Then, when you refer to the equation, that text is produced.
-Here's how to get the example just mentioned:
-In \eqref@{a-eq-var@}, we expand on \eqref@{a-eq@}, @dots{}
-@end example
-We use @code{\eqrefn} in the cross-reference text, not
-@code{\eqref}, so that @code{\eqprint} is called only once.
-@node Subequation references
-@subsection Subequation references
-@cindex equations, groups of
-@cindex subequations, referring to
-Eplain also provides for one level of substructure for equations. That
-is, you might want to define a related group of equations with numbers
-like `2.1' and `2.2', and then be able to refer to the group as a whole:
-``@dots{} in the system of equations (2)@dots{}''.
-The commands to do this are @code{\eqsubdef} and
-@findex eqsubdef
-@findex eqsubdefn
-They take one @var{label} argument like their counterparts above,
-and generally behave in the same way. The difference is in how they
-construct the equation number: instead of using just @code{\eqnumber},
-they also use another counter, @code{\subeqnumber}.
-@findex subeqnumber
-This counter is advanced by one at every @code{\eqsubdef} or
-@code{\eqsubdefn}, and reset to zero at every @code{\eqdef} or
-You use @code{\eqref} to refer to subequations as well as main
-To put the two together to construct the text that the label will
-produce, they use a macro @code{\eqsubreftext}.
-@findex eqsubreftext
-This macros takes two arguments, the ``main'' equation number (which,
-because the equation label can be defined as arbitrary text, as
-described in the previous section, might be anything at all) and the
-``sub'' equation number (which is always just a number). Eplain's
-default definition just puts a period between them:
-@end example
-@noindent You can redefine @code{\eqsubreftext} to print however you
-like. For example, this definition makes the labels print as `2a',
-`2b', and so on.
- \subref = #2 % The space stops a <number>.
- \advance\subref by 96 % `a' is character code 97.
- #1\char\subref
-@end example
-@noindent Sadly, we must define a new count register, @code{\subref},
-instead of using the scratch count register @code{\count255}, because
-@samp{#1} might include other macro calls which use @code{\count255}.
-@node Indexing
-@section Indexing
-@cindex indexing
-@cindex sorting an index
-Eplain provides support for generating raw material for an index, and
-for typesetting a sorted index. A separate program must do the actual
-collection and sorting of terms, because @TeX{} itself has no support
-for sorting.
-Eplain can create hypertext links pointing from the index to the index
-terms; @pxref{Index hyperlinks}.
-@cindex URL for MakeIndex
-@pindex makeindex
-Eplain's indexing commands were designed to work with the program
-MakeIndex, available from CTAN hosts in
-@file{tex-archive/indexing/makeindex}; MakeIndex is also commonly
-included in prepackaged @TeX{} distributions. It is beyond the scope of
-this manual to explain how to run MakeIndex, and all of its many
-options. See @url{}
-The basic strategy for indexing works like this:
-@pindex .idx @r{files}
-@item For a document @file{foo.tex}, Eplain's indexing commands (e.g.,
-@code{\idx}; see the section `Indexing terms' below) write the raw index
-material to @file{foo.idx}.
-@pindex .ind @r{files}
-@item MakeIndex reads @file{foo.idx}, collects and sorts the index, and
-writes the result to @file{foo.ind}.
-@item Eplain reads and typesets @file{foo.ind} on a subsequent run of
-@TeX{}. See the section `Typesetting an index' below.
-@end enumerate
-@pindex texi2dvi
-@noindent The @command{texi2dvi} program can help you automate this
-process, @pxref{Invoking Eplain}.
-@cindex multiple indexes
-@cindex indexes, multiple
-@findex defineindex
-If your document needs more than one index, each must have its own
-file. Therefore, Eplain provides the command @code{\defineindex}, which
-takes an argument that is a single letter, which replaces @samp{i} in
-the filenames and in the indexing command names described below. For
-@end example
-@noindent defines the command @code{\mdx} to write to the file
-@file{foo.mdx}. Eplain simply does @code{\defineindex@{i@}} to define
-the default commands.
-* Indexing terms:: Specifying what to index.
-* Typesetting an index:: Printing the sorted output.
-* Customizing indexing:: Creating commands and specifying extra actions.
-@end menu
-@node Indexing terms
-@subsection Indexing terms
-@cindex indexing terms
-@cindex silent indexing
-Indexing commands in Eplain come in pairs: one command that only
-writes the index entry to the @samp{.idx} file (see above section), and
-one that also typesets the term being indexed. The former always starts
-with @samp{s} (for ``silent''). In either case, the name always includes
-@samp{@var{I}dx}, where @var{I} is the index letter, also described
-above. Eplain defines the index @samp{i} itself, so that's what we'll
-use in the names below.
-@cindex subterm in indexing
-The silent form of the commands take a subterm as a trailing optional
-argument. For example, @code{\sidx@{truth@}[definition of]} on page 75
-makes an index entry that will eventually be typeset (by default) as
- definition of, 75
-@end display
-@cindex trailing spaces and indexing commands
-@cindex spaces, trailing and indexing commands
-@cindex indexing and trailing spaces
-Also, the silent commands ignore trailing spaces. The non-silent ones do not.
-* Indexing commands:: Making index entries.
-* Modifying index entries:: Ranges, see/see also, page number typesetting.
-* Proofing index terms:: Noting index entries in the margins.
-@end menu
-@node Indexing commands
-@subsubsection Indexing commands
-@cindex indexing commands
-Here are the commands.
-@itemize @bullet
-@findex sidx
-@findex idx
-@code{\sidx@{@var{term}@}[@var{subterm}]} makes an index entry for
-@var{term}, optionally with subterm @var{subterm}.
-@code{\idx@{@var{term}@}} also produces @var{term} as output. Example:
-\sidx@{truth@}[beauty of]
-The beauty of truth is \idx@{death@}.
-@end example
-Subterms at the second and further levels can also be
-specified in @var{subterm}, using the
-@code{\idxsubentryseparator} character to separate
-them. This character is by default @samp{!}.
-@findex sidxname
-@findex idxnameseparator
-@findex idxname
-@code{\sidxname@{@var{First M.}@}@{@var{von Last}@}[@var{subterm}]}
-makes an index
-entry for @samp{@var{von Last}, @var{First M.}}. You can change the
-@samp{, } by redefining @code{\idxnameseparator}.
-@code{\idxname@{@var{First M.}@}@{@var{von Last}@}} also produces @var{First M. von
-Last} as output. (These commands are useful special cases of @code{\idx}
-and @code{\sidx}.) Example:
-\idxname@{Donald@}@{Westlake@} has written many kinds of novels, under
-almost as many names.
-@end example
-@findex sidxmarked
-@findex idxmarked
-@code{\sidxmarked\@var{cs}@{@var{term}@}[@var{subterm}]} makes an index
-entry for @code{@var{term}[@var{subterm}]}, but @var{term} will be put
-in the index as @code{\@var{cs}@{term@}}, but still sorted as just
-@var{term}. @code{\idxmarked\@var{cs}@{@var{term}@}} also typesets
-@code{\@var{cs}@{term@}}. This provides for the usual ways of changing
-the typesetting of index entries. Example:
-\sidxmarked\article@{Miss Elsa and Aunt Sophie@}
-Peter Drucker's \idxmarked\article@{The Polanyis@} is a remarkable
-essay about a remarkable family.
-@end example
-@findex idxsubmarked
-@findex sidxsubmarked
-@code{\sidxsubmarked@{@var{term}@}\@var{cs}@{subterm@}} makes an index
-entry for @var{term}, @var{subterm} as usual, but also puts @var{subterm} in
-the index as @code{\@var{cs}@{term@}}.
-@code{\idxsubmarked@{@var{term}@}\@var{cs}@{subterm@}} also typesets
-@code{@var{term} \@var{cs}@{subterm@}}, in the unlikely event that your
-syntax is convoluted enough to make this useful. Example:
-\def\title#1@{@{\sl #1@}@}
-\sidxsubmarked@{Anderson, Laurie@}\title@{Strange Angels@}
-The \idxsubmarked@{Anderson@}\title@{Carmen@} is a strange twist.
-@end example
-@end itemize
-@cindex index entry general sorting
-@cindex sorting of index entries
-The commands above rely on MakeIndex's feature for separating sorting of
-an index entry's from its typesetting. You can use this directly by
-specifying an index entry as @code{@var{sort}@@@var{typeset}}. For
-@end example
-@noindent will sort as @code{Ap-weight}, but print with the proper math.
-The @code{@@} here is MakeIndex's default character for this purpose.
-See @url{}. To make an index
-entry with an @code{@@} in it, you have to escape it with a backslash;
-Eplain provides no macros for doing this.
-@findex afterindexterm @r{hook}
-@cindex whatsits made by index entries
-After any index command, Eplain runs
-@code{\hookaction@{afterindexterm@}}. Because the index commands always
-add a whatsit item to the current list, you may wish to preserve a
-penalty or space past the new item. For example, given a conditional
-@code{\if@@aftersctnhead} set true when you're at a section heading, you
-could do:
-\hookaction@{afterindexterm@}@{\if@@aftersctnhead \nobreak \fi@}
-@end example
-@node Modifying index entries
-@subsubsection Modifying index entries
-@cindex modifying index entries' page numbers
-@cindex index entries' page numbers, modifying
-All the index commands described in the previous section take an initial
-optional argument before the index term, which modify the index entry's
-meaning in various ways. You can specify only one of the following in
-any given command, except that @code{begin} and @code{end} can be
-specified together with @code{pagemarkup=@var{cs}} (separate them with
-a comma without a following space, like this:
-These work via MakeIndex's ``encapsulation'' feature. @xref{Customizing
-indexing}, if you're not using the default characters for the
-MakeIndex operators. The other optional argument (specifying a subterm)
-is independent of these.
-Here are the possibilities:
-@table @code
-@item begin
-@itemx end
-@findex begin @r{for index entries}
-@findex end @r{for index entries}
-@cindex index entries and ranges
-@cindex ranges and index entry
-These mark an index entry as the beginning or end of a range. The index
-entries must match exactly for MakeIndex to recognize them.
-\sidx[begin]@{future@}[Cohen, Leonard]
-\sidx[end]@{future@}[Cohen, Leonard]
-@end example
-@noindent will typeset as something like
- Cohen, Leonard, 65--94
-@end display
-@item see
-@findex see @r{for index entries}
-@cindex see, and index entries
-@cindex cross-referencing index entries
-@cindex index entries, and cross-referencing
-This marks an index entry as pointing to another; the real index term is
-an additional (non-optional) argument to the command. Thus you can
-anticipate a term readers may wish to look up, yet which you have
-decided not to index. Example:
-\sidx[see]@{analysis@}[archetypal]@{archetypal criticism@}
-@end example
-@noindent becomes
- archetypal, @i{see} archetypal criticism
-@end display
-@item seealso
-@findex seealso @r{for index entries}
-Similar to @code{see} (the previous item), but also allows for normal
-index entries of the referencing term. Example:
-\sidx[seealso]@{archetypal criticism@}[elements of]@{dichotomies@}
-@end example
-@noindent becomes
-archetypal criticism,
- elements of, 75, 97, 114, @i{see also} dichotomies
-@end display
-(Aside for the academically curious: The archetypally critical book I
-took these dichotomous examples from is Laurence Berman's @cite{The
-Musical Image}, which I happened to co-design and typeset.)
-@item pagemarkup=@var{cs}
-This puts @code{\@var{cs}} before the page number in the typeset index,
-thus allowing you to underline definitive entries, italicize examples,
-and the like. You do @emph{not} precede the control sequence @var{cs}
-with a backslash. (That just leads to expansive difficulties.) Naturally
-it is up to you to define the control sequences you want to use. Example:
-\def\defn#1@{@{\sl #1@}@}
-@end example
-@noindent becomes something like
-indexing, @code{\defn@{75@}}
-@end example
-@end table
-@node Proofing index terms
-@subsubsection Proofing index terms
-@cindex proofing index terms
-@cindex index terms, proofing
-@cindex margins, index terms in
-As you are reading through a manuscript, it is helpful to see what terms
-have been indexed, so you can add others, catch miscellaneous errors,
-etc. (Speaking from bitter experience, I can say it is extremely
-error-prone to leave all indexing to the end of the writing, since it
-involves adding many @TeX{} commands to the source files.)
-@findex indexproofterm
-@findex indexprooffont
-@pindex cmtt8
-So Eplain puts index terms in the margin of each page, if you
-set @code{\indexproofingtrue}. It is @code{false} by default. The terms
-are typeset by the macro @code{\indexproofterm}, which takes a single
-argument, the term to be typeset. Eplain's definition of
-@code{\indexproofterm} just puts it into an @code{\hbox}, first doing
-@code{\indexprooffont}, which Eplain defines to select the font
-@code{cmtt8}. With this definition long terms run off the page, but
-since this is just for proofreading anyway, it seems acceptable.
-@findex pageno
-@findex insidemargin
-@findex hoffset
-@findex outsidemargin
-@findex indexsetmargins
-On the other hand, we certainly don't want the index term to run into
-the text of the page, so Eplain uses the right-hand side of the page
-rather than the left-hand page (assuming a language read left to right
-here). So @code{\ifodd\pageno}, Eplain kerns by @code{\outsidemargin},
-otherwise by @code{\insidemargin}. If those macros are undefined,
-@code{\indexsetmargins} defines them to be one inch plus @code{\hoffset}.
-@findex @@indexproof @r{insertion class}
-@findex indexproofunbox
-@findex makeheadline
-@cindex output routine and index proofing
-To get the proofing index entries on the proper page, Eplain defines a new
-insertion class @code{\@@indexproof}. To unbox any index proofing
-material, Eplain redefines @code{\makeheadline} to call
-@code{\indexproofunbox} before the original @code{\makeheadline}. Thus,
-if you have your own output routine, that redefines or doesn't use
-@code{\makeheadline}, it's up to you to call @code{\indexproofunbox} at
-the appropriate time.
-@node Typesetting an index
-@subsection Typesetting an index
-@cindex typesetting an index
-@cindex index typesetting
-@findex readindexfile
-The command @code{\readindexfile@{i@}} reads and typesets the
-@file{.ind} file that MakeIndex outputs (from the @file{.idx} file which
-the indexing commands in the previous sections write). Eplain defines a
-number of commands that support the default MakeIndex output.
-@findex indexfilebasename
-@findex jobname
-More precisely, @code{\readindexfile} reads
-@code{\indexfilebasename.@var{index-letter}nd}, where the
-@var{index-letter} is the argument. @code{\indexfilebasename} is
-@code{\jobname} by default, but if you have different indexes in
-different parts of a book, you may wish to change it, just as with
-bibliographies (@pxref{Citations}).
-@findex begin@{theindex@}
-@findex end@{theindex@}
-MakeIndex was designed to work with @LaTeX{}; therefore, by default the
-@file{.ind} file starts with @code{\begin@{theindex@}} and ends with
-@code{\end@{theindex@}}. If no @code{\begin} has been defined, Eplain
-defines one to ignore its argument and set up for typesetting the index
-(see below), and also defines a @code{\end} to ignore its argument. (In
-a group, naturally, since there is a primitive @code{\end}).
-@findex parindent @r{in indexes}
-@cindex index fonts
-@findex indexfonts
-@cindex double columns in indexes
-Eplain calls @code{\indexfonts}, sets @code{\parindent = 0pt}, and does
-@code{\doublecolumns} (@pxref{Multiple columns}) at the
-@code{\begin@{theindex@}}. @code{\indexfonts} does nothing by default;
-it's just there for you to override. (Indexes are usually typeset in
-smaller type than the main text.)
-@findex beginindex @r{hook}
-It ends the setup with @code{\hookrun@{beginindex@}}, so you can
-override anything you like in that hook (@pxref{Hooks}). For example:
-@end example
-@findex item @r{in indexes}
-@findex subitem @r{in indexes}
-@findex subsubitem @r{in indexes}
-@cindex index entry formatting
-@cindex formatting index entries
-@cindex space above index entries
-@cindex continued index entries
-@cindex index entry continuations
-MakeIndex turns each main index entry into an @code{\item}, subentries
-into @code{\subitem}, and subsubentries into @code{\subsubitem}. By
-default, the first line of main entries are not indented, and subentries
-are indented 1em per level. Main entries are preceded by a @code{\vskip}
-of @code{\aboveitemskipamount}, @code{0pt plus2pt} by default. Page
-breaks are encouraged before main entries (@code{\penalty -100}), but
-prohibited afterwards---Eplain has no provision for ``continued''
-index entries.
-All levels do the following:
-@findex hangindent @r{for index entries}
-@findex raggedright @r{for index entries}
-@findex hyphenpenalty @r{for index entries}
-\hangindent = 1em
-\hyphenpenalty = 10000
-@end example
-@findex indexitem @r{hook}
-Each entry ends with @code{\hookrun@{indexitem@}}, so you can change any
-of this. For example, to increase the allowable rag:
-\hookaction@{indexitem@}@{\advance\rightskip by 2em@}
-@end example
-@findex indexspace
-@cindex index groupings
-Finally, MakeIndex outputs @code{\indexspace} between each group of
-entries in the @file{.ind} file. Eplain makes this equivalent to
-@node Customizing indexing
-@subsection Customizing indexing
-@cindex customizing indexing
-@findex afterindexterm
-@cindex commas after index terms
-@cindex after index terms
-By default, MakeIndex outputs @samp{, } after each term in the index. To
-change this, you can add the following to your MakeIndex style
-(@file{.ist}) file:
-delim_0 "\\afterindexterm "
-delim_1 "\\afterindexterm "
-delim_2 "\\afterindexterm "
-@end example
-@noindent Eplain makes @code{\afterindexterm} equivalent to
-You can also change the keywords Eplain recognizes (@pxref{Modifying
-index entries}):
-@table @code
-@item \idxrangebeginword
-@findex idxrangebeginword
-@item \idxrangeendword
-@findex idxrangeendword
-@item \idxseecmdword
-@findex idxseecmdword
-@item \idxseealsocmdword
-@findex idxseealsocmdword
-@end table
-You can also change the magic characters Eplain puts into the
-@file{.idx} file, in case you've changed them in the @code{.ist} file:
-@table @code
-@item \idxsubentryseparator
-@findex idxsubentryseparator
-@item \idxencapoperator
-@findex idxencapoperator
-@item \idxbeginrangemark
-@findex idxbeginrangemark
-@item \idxendrangemark
-@findex idxendrangemark
-@end table
-There is no macro for the @code{actual} (@samp{@@} by default)
-character, because it's impossible to make it expand properly.
-@findex idxpagenum
-@cindex see also index entries and sorting
-You can change the (imaginary) page number that ``see also''
-entries sort as by redefining @code{\idxmaxpagenum}. This is 99999 by
-default, which is one digit too many for old versions of MakeIndex.
-@findex indexseeword
-@findex indexseealsowords
-@findex seevariant
-@findex indexsee
-@findex indexseealso
-The words output by Eplain for ``see'' and ``see also'' index entries
-are defined by @code{\indexseeword} and @code{\indexseealsowords}
-respectively. You can change the typeface used for these words by
-redefining @code{\seevariant}. And finally, the macros
-@code{\indexsee} and @code{\indexseealso} actually produce the ``see
-@dots{}'' entries, so you can redefine them if you want something
-entirely different. If you do redefine them, make them take two
-parameters, the term being referenced and the @code{\idxmaxpagenum}
-(the latter should normally be ignored). See the example below.
-@findex see @r{for index entries}
-@cindex see, and index entries
-@cindex cross-referencing index entries
-@cindex index entries, and cross-referencing
-@cindex commas in cross-referencing index entries
-Unfortunately, it is impossible to reliably control the commas
-produced by MakeIndex in front of ``see @dots{}'' entries in the
-@file{.ind} file, either at MakeIndex level or at Eplain level.
-However, the
-@pindex sed
-@command{sed} script named @command{trimsee}
-@pindex trimsee
-distributed with Eplain in the @file{test} directory can be used to
-filter out these commas from the output of MakeIndex. For example,
-suppose you want the following style for your ``see @dots{}'' entries:
- archetypal (@i{see} archetypal criticism)
-archetypal criticism,
- elements of, 75, 97, 114 (@i{see also} dichotomies)
-@end display
-@noindent You would need to redefine these macros in your @TeX{}
-\def\indexsee#1#2@{(@{\seevariant \indexseeword\/ @}#1)@}
-\def\indexseealso#1#2@{(@{\seevariant \indexseealsowords\/ @}#1)@}
-@end example
-@noindent and then filter out the commas in front of the ``see @dots{}''
-entries by running the following command to produce the @file{.ind}
-file (assuming the name of the @file{.idx} file is @file{myfile.idx}
-and the @file{trimsee} script is placed in the current directory):
-prompt$ cat myfile.idx | makeindex | ./trimsee > myfile.ind
-@end example
-By default, @file{trimsee} uses default page list separators and
-default ``see @dots{}'' command names. If you set up MakeIndex to use
-different page list separator or change the names of @code{\indexsee}
-and @code{\indexseealso} commands, it is possible to adjust the
-@file{trimsee} script through its command line options, which are the
-@table @option
-@item -i @var{is}
-Use @var{is} as a regular expression matching separator before ``see
-@dots{}'' commands in the input (default: @samp{, \+}).
-@item -o @var{os}
-Use @var{os} as a separator to replace @var{is} before ``see @dots{}''
-commands (default: @samp{ }).
-@item -s @var{see}
-Use @var{see} as a regular expression matching ``see @dots{}''
-commands (default: @samp{\\indexsee}).
-@item -h
-@itemx --help
-Print a usage message.
-@item -v
-@itemx --version
-Print version.
-@end table
-@file{trimsee} reads input from the standard input, and directs its
-output to the standard output.
-@node Justification
-@section Justification
-@cindex centering
-@cindex left-justification
-@cindex right-justification
-@cindex justification
-Eplain defines three commands to conveniently justify multiple
-lines of text: @code{\flushright}, @code{\flushleft}, and
-@findex flushright
-@findex flushleft
-@findex center
-They all work in the same way; let's take @code{\center} as the
-example. To start centering lines, you say @code{\center} inside a
-group; to stop, you end the group. Between the two commands, each
-end-of-line in the input file also starts a new line in the output file.
-The entire block of text is broken into paragraphs at blank lines,
-so all the @TeX{} paragraph-shaping parameters apply in the usual way.
-This is convenient, but it implies something else that isn't so
-convenient: changes to any linespacing parameters, such as
-@code{\baselineskip}, will have @emph{no effect} on the paragraph in
-which they are changed. @TeX{} does not handle linespacing changes
-within a paragraph (because it doesn't know where the line breaks are
-until the end of the paragraph).
-The space between paragraphs is by default one blank line's worth.
-You can adjust this space by assigning to @code{\blanklineskipamount};
-@findex blanklineskipamount @r{in justified text}
-this (vertical) glue is inserted after each blank line.
-Here is an example:
-@{\center First line.
- Second line, with a blank line before.
-@end example
-This produces:
-@center First line.
-@center Second line, with a blank line before.
-You may wish to use the justification macros inside of your own
-macros. Just be sure to put them in a group. For example, here is how
-a title macro might be defined:
-@end example
-@node Tables
-@section Tables
-@cindex tables
-@cindex alignments
-Eplain provides a single command, @code{\makecolumns},
-@findex makecolumns
-to make generating one particular kind of table easier. More ambitious
-macro packages might be helpful to you for more difficult applications.
-The files @file{ruled.tex} and @file{TXSruled.tex}, available from
-@samp{} in @file{texis/tables}, is the only one I
-know of.
-Many tables are homogenous, i.e., all the entries are semantically the
-same. The arrangement into columns is to save space on the page, not
-to encode different meanings. In this kind of the table, it is useful to
-have the column breaks chosen automatically, so that you can add or
-delete entries without worrying about the column breaks.
-@code{\makecolumns} takes two arguments: the number of entries in the
-table, and the number of columns to break them into. As you can see
-from the example below, the first argument is delimited by a slash, and
-the second by a colon and a space (or end-of-line). The entries for the
-table then follow, one per line (not including the line with the
-@code{\makecolumns} command itself).
-@code{\parindent} defines the space to the left of the
-table. @code{\hsize} defines the width of the table.
-So you can adjust the position of the table on the page by assignments
-to these parameters, probably inside a group.
-You can also control the penalty at a page break before the
-@code{\makecolumns} by setting the parameter
-@findex abovecolumnspenalty
-Usually, the table is preceded by some explanatory text. You wouldn't
-want a page break to occur after the text and before the table, so
-Eplain sets it to @code{10000}. But if the table produced by
-@code{\makecolumns} is standing on its own, @code{\abovecolumnspenalty}
-should be decreased.
-If you happen to give @code{\makecolumns} a smaller number of entries
-than you really have, some text beyond the (intended) end of the table
-will be incorporated into the table, probably producing an error
-message, or at least some strange looking entries. And if you give
-@code{\makecolumns} a larger number of entries than you really have,
-some of the entries will be typeset as straight text, probably also
-looking somewhat out of place.
-Here is an example:
-% Arrange 6 entries into 2 columns:
-\makecolumns 6/2: % This line doesn't have an entry.
-Text after the table.
-@end example
-This produces `one', `two', and `three' in the first column, and
-`four', `five', and `six' in the second.
-@node Margins
-@section Margins
-@cindex margins, changing
-@TeX{}'s primitives describe the type area in terms of an offset from
-the upper left corner, and the width and height of the type. Some
-people prefer to think in terms of the @dfn{margins} at the top, bottom,
-left, and right of the page, and most composition systems other than
-@TeX{} conceive of the page laid out in this way. Therefore, Eplain
-provides commands to directly assign and increment the margins.
-@table @code
-@itemx \topmargin = @var{dimen}
-@itemx \bottommargin = @var{dimen}
-@itemx \leftmargin = @var{dimen}
-@item \rightmargin = @var{dimen}
-@findex topmargin
-@findex bottommargin
-@findex leftmargin
-@findex rightmargin
-These commands set the specified margin to the @var{dimen} given.
-The @code{=} and the spaces around it are optional. The control
-sequences here are not @TeX{} registers, despite appearances;
-therefore, commands like @code{\showthe\topmargin} will not do what you
-@itemx \advancetopmargin by @var{dimen}
-@itemx \advancebottommargin by @var{dimen}
-@itemx \advanceleftmargin by @var{dimen}
-@item \advancerightmargin by @var{dimen}
-@findex advancetopmargin
-@findex advancebottommargin
-@findex advanceleftmargin
-@findex advancerightmargin
-These commands change the specified margin by the @var{dimen} given.
-@end table
-Regardless of whether you use the assignment or the advance commands,
-Eplain always changes the type area in response, not the other margins.
-For example, when @TeX{} starts, the left and right margins are both one
-inch. If you then say @code{\leftmargin = 2in}, the right margin will
-remain at one inch, and the width of the lines (i.e., @code{\hsize})
-@findex hsize
-will decrease by one inch.
-When you use any of these commands, Eplain computes the old value of
-the particular margin, by how much you want to change it, and then
-resets the values of @TeX{}'s primitive parameters to correspond.
-Unfortunately, Eplain cannot compute the right or bottom margin without
-help: you must tell it the full width and height of the final output
-page. It defines two new parameters for this:
-@table @code
-@item \paperheight
-@findex paperheight
-The height of the output page; default is 11truein.
-@item \paperwidth
-@findex paperwidth
-The width of the output page; default is 8.5truein.
-@end table
-If your output page has different dimensions than this, you must
-reassign to these parameters, as in
-\paperheight = 11truein
-\paperwidth = 17truein
-@end example
-@node Multiple columns
-@section Multiple columns
-@cindex double column output
-@cindex triple column output
-@cindex quadruple column output
-@cindex multiple column output
-Eplain provides for double, triple, and quadruple column output: say
-@findex doublecolumns
-@findex triplecolumns
-or @code{\quadcolumns},
-@findex quadcolumns
-and from that point on, the manuscript will be
-set in columns. To go back to one column, say
-@findex singlecolumn
-@cindex column balancing with @code{\singlecolumn}
-@cindex balancing of columns with @code{\singlecolumn}
-You may need to invoke @code{\singlecolumn} to balance the columns
-on the last page of output.
-@findex columnfill
-@cindex column eject
-@cindex eject in multicolumns
-@findex pagetotal
-To do a ``column eject'', i.e., move to the top of the next column, do
-@code{\columnfill}. This does not actually force an eject, however: it
-merely inserts a kern of size @code{\@@normalvsize} minus
-@code{\pagetotal} (@code{\@@normalvsize} being the usual height of the
-page; to implement multicolumns, Eplain multiplies @code{\vsize} itself
-by the number of columns). In most circumstances, a column break will be
-forced after this kern (during the column splitting operation when the
-whole page is output), as desired.
-@findex gutter
-The columns are separated by the value of the dimen parameter
-@code{\gutter}. Default value is two picas.
-@findex gutterbox
-If you want to add vertical material between the columns, use
-@code{\gutterbox}. For example, to put a vertical line between columns,
-@code{\gutterbox} as
-\def\gutterbox@{\vbox to \dimen0@{\vfil\hbox@{\vrule height\dimen0@}\vfil@}@}%
-@end example
-The dimension counter
-contains the height of the column.
-All the @code{\@dots{}columns} macros insert the value of the glue parameter
-@findex abovecolumnskip
-before the multicolumn text, and the value of the glue parameter
-@findex belowcolumnskip
-after it. The default value for both of these parameters is
-@code{\bigskipamount}, i.e., one linespace in plain @TeX{}.
-The macros take into account only the insertion classes
-@cindex insertion classes
-defined by plain @TeX{}; namely, footnotes and @code{\topinsert}s. If
-you have additional insertion classes, you will need to change
-the implementation.
-Also, Eplain makes insertions the full page width. There is no
-provision for column-width insertions.
-@node Footnotes
-@section Footnotes
-@cindex footnotes, numbered
-The most common reference mark for footnotes is a raised number,
-incremented on each footnote. The @code{\numberedfootnote}
-@findex numberedfootnote
-macro provides this. It takes one argument, the footnote text.
-If your document uses only numbered footnotes, you could make typing
-@code{\numberedfootnote} more convenient with a command such as:
-\let\footnote = \numberedfootnote
-@end example
-After doing this, you can type your footnotes as
-@code{\footnote@{@var{footnote text}@}}, instead of as
-@code{\numberedfootnote@{@var{footnote text}@}}.
-Eplain keeps the current footnote number in the count register
-@code{\footnotenumber}. So, to reset the footnote number to zero,
-as you might want to do at, for example, the beginning of a chapter, you
-could say @code{\footnotenumber=0}.
-Plain @TeX{} separates the footnote marker from the footnote text by
-an en space (it uses the @code{\textindent} macro). In Eplain, you can
-change this space by setting the dimension register
-@findex footnotemarkseparation
-The default is still an en.
-You can produce a space between footenotes by setting the glue
-register @code{\interfootnoteskip}.
-@findex interfootnoteskip
-The default is zero.
-@code{\parskip} is also set to zero by default before the beginning of
-each footnote (but not for the text of the footnote).
-You can also control footnote formatting in a more general way:
-Eplain expands the token register @code{\everyfootnote}
-@findex everyfootnote
-before a footnote is typeset, but after the default values for all the
-parameters have been established. For example, if you want your
-footnotes to be printed in seven-point type, indented by one inch, you
-could say:
-\everyfootnote = @{\sevenrm \leftskip = 1in@}
-@end example
-By default, an @code{\hrule} is typeset above each group of footnotes
-on a page. You can control the dimensions of this rule by setting
-the dimension registers @code{\footnoterulewidth}
-@findex footnoterulewidth
-and @code{\footnoteruleheight}.
-@findex footnoteruleheight
-The space between the rule and the first footnote on the page is
-determined by the dimension register @code{\belowfootnoterulespace}.
-@findex belowfootnoterulespace
-If you don't want any rule at all, set @code{\footenoteruleheight=0pt},
-and, most likely, @code{\belowfootnoterulespace=0pt}. The defaults for
-these parameters typeset the rule in the same way as plain @TeX{}: the
-rule is 0.4 points high, 2 true inches wide, with 2.6 points below it.
-The space above the rule and below the text on the page is controlled
-by the glue register @code{\skip\footins}. The default is a plain @TeX{}
-Eplain can create hypertext links for the footnote marks; @pxref{Footnote
-@node Fractions
-@section Fractions
-@cindex fractions
-Exercise 11.6 of @cite{The @TeX{}book} describes a macro @code{\frac}
-@findex frac
-for setting fractions, but @code{\frac} never made it into plain @TeX{}.
-So Eplain includes it.
-@code{\frac} typesets the numerator and denominator in
-@code{\scriptfont0}, slightly raised and lowered. The numerator and
-denominator are separated by a slash. The denominator must be enclosed
-in braces if it's more than one token long, but the numerator need not
-be. (This is a consequence of @code{\frac} taking delimited arguments;
-see page@tie{}203 of @cite{The @TeX{}book} for an explanation of
-delimited macro arguments.)
-For example, @code{\frac 23/@{64@}} turns `23/64' into
- \kern-.1em \raise .5ex \hbox{\the\scriptfont0 23}@comment
- \kern-.1em $/$@comment
- \kern-.15em \lower .25ex \hbox{\the\scriptfont0 64}@comment
-@end tex
-23/64 (you can't see the difference in the Info file)@comment
-@end ifinfo
-@node Paths
-@section Paths
-@cindex pathnames, breaking
-@cindex filenames, breaking
-@cindex electronic mail addresses, breaking
-When you typeset long pathnames, electronic mail addresses, or other
-such ``computer'' names, you would like @TeX{} to break lines at
-punctuation characters within the name, rather than trying to find
-hyphenation points within the words. For example, it would be better to
-break the email address @code{} at the
-@samp{@@} or a @samp{.}, rather than at the hyphenation points in
-@samp{letters} and @samp{alpha}.
-@findex path
-If you use the @code{\path} macro to typeset the names, @TeX{} will find
-these good breakpoints. The argument to @code{\path} is delimited by
-any character other other than @samp{\} which does not appear in the
-name itself.
-@samp{|} is often a good choice, as in:
-@end example
-@findex discretionaries
-You can control the exact set of characters at which breakpoints will be
-allowed by calling @code{\discretionaries}. This takes the same sort of
-delimited argument; any character in the argument will henceforth be a valid
-breakpoint within @code{\path}. The default set is essentially all the
-punctuation characters:
-\discretionaries |~!@@$%^&*()_+`-=#@{@}[]:";'<>,.?\/|
-@end example
-@findex specialpathdelimiters @r{(conditional)}
-If for some reason you absolutely must use @code{\} as the delimiter
-character for @code{\path}, you can set
-@code{\specialpathdelimiterstrue}. (Other delimiter characters can
-still be used.) @TeX{} then processes the @code{\path} argument
-about four times more slowly.
-@cindex URL for @file{path.sty}
-The @code{\path} macro comes from @file{path.sty}, written by Nelson
-Beebe and Philip Taylor and available at
-@node Logos
-@section Logos
-@cindex logos
-@cindex names, of @TeX{} variants
-Eplain redefines the @code{\TeX}
-@findex TeX
-macro of plain @TeX{} to end with @code{\null}, so that the proper
-spacing is produced when @code{\TeX} is used at the end of a sentence.
-The other @dots{}@TeX{} macros listed here do this, also.
-Eplain defines
-@cindex AMS@TeX{}
-@findex AMSTeX
-@cindex Bib@TeX{}
-@findex BibTeX
-@cindex AMS@LaTeX{}
-@findex AMSLaTeX
-@cindex LAMS@TeX{}
-@findex LAMSTeX
-@cindex @LaTeX{}
-@findex LaTeX
-@cindex Metafont
-@findex MF
-and @code{\SLiTeX}
-@cindex SLi@TeX{}
-@findex SLiTeX
-to produce their respective logos. (Sorry, the logos are not shown
-here.) Some spelling variants of these are also supported.
-@cindex URL for @file{texnames.sty}
-All these macros come from @file{texnames.sty}, compiled by Nelson
-Beebe and available at
-@node Boxes
-@section Boxes
-@cindex black boxes
-@cindex rectangles
-The solid rectangle that Eplain uses as a marker in unordered lists
-(@pxref{Lists}) is available by itself: just say @code{\blackbox}.
-@findex blackbox
-You can create black boxes of arbitrary size with @code{\hrule} or
-@cindex open boxes
-@cindex boxes, open
-You can also get unfilled rectangles with @code{\makeblankbox}.
-@findex makeblankbox
-This takes two explicit arguments: the height and depth of the rules that
-define the top and bottom of the rectangle. (The two arguments are
-added to get the width of the left and right borders, so that the
-thickness of the border is the same on all four sides.) It also uses,
-as implicit arguments, the dimensions of @code{\box0} to define the
-dimensions of the rectangle it produces. (The contents of @code{\box0}
-are ignored.)
-Here is an example. This small raised open box is suitable for
-putting next to numbers in, e.g., a table of contents.
- \ht0 = 1.75pt \dp0 = 1.75pt \wd0 = 3.5pt
- \raise 2.75pt \makeblankbox@{.2pt@}@{.2pt@}
-@end example
-Finally, you can put a box around arbitrary text with @code{\boxit}.
-@findex boxit
-This takes one argument, which must itself be a (@TeX{}) box, and puts a
-printed box around it, separated by @code{\boxitspace}
-@findex boxitspace
-white space (3 points by default) on all four sides. For example:
-\boxit@{\hbox@{This text is boxed.@}@}
-@end example
-The reason that the argument must be a box is that when the text is
-more than one line long, @TeX{} cannot figure out the line length for
-itself. Eplain does set @code{\parindent} to zero inside @code{\boxit},
-since it is very unlikely you would want indentation there. (If you do,
-you can always reset it yourself.)
-@code{\boxit} uses @code{\ehrule} and @code{\evrule} so that you can
-easily adjust the thicknesses of the box rules. @xref{Rules}.
-@node Checking for PDF output
-@section Checking for PDF output
-@cindex URL for pdf@TeX{}
-@cindex PDF output
-@pindex pdftex
-@pindex .pdf @r{files}
-pdf@TeX{} is a @TeX{} variant that can output both @file{.dvi} and
-@file{.pdf} (Adobe's Portable Document Format) files (see
-@url{}). You might
-sometimes want to know whether the target format is @file{.pdf} or
-@file{.dvi}. The @code{\ifpdf}
-@findex ifpdf
-switch can be used to detect pdf@TeX{} in PDF mode:
- This text is produced when pdfTeX is in PDF mode.
- This text is produced when pdfTeX is in DVI mode,
- or when some program other than pdfTeX is used.
-@end example
-Keep in mind that @code{\ifpdf} is set based on the value of the
-@findex pdfoutput
-primitive of pdf@TeX{} at the time Eplain is loaded. If you change
-the value of @code{\pdfoutput} after you load Eplain, @code{\ifpdf}
-will not reflect the change.
-@cindex URL for @file{ifpdf.sty}
-@cindex Oberdiek, Heiko
-Eplain defines @code{\ifpdf} by incorporating Heiko Oberdiek's
-@file{ifpdf.sty}, which is available at
-@node Loading LaTeX packages
-@section Loading @LaTeX{} packages
-@cindex @LaTeX{} packages
-@cindex packages, @LaTeX{}
-@pindex .sty @r{files}
-@pindex .cls @r{files}
-Eplain provides a limited support for loading @LaTeX{} packages
-(@file{.sty} files---not @file{.cls}). This will mostly work for
-packages which were designed with plain @TeX{} compatibility in mind,
-which means that most @LaTeX{} packages cannot be loaded. The
-packages which are known to work are listed below (@pxref{Packages
-known to work}). If you discover a working package which is not in
-the list, please report it to the Eplain mailing list
-@cindex graphics collection, @LaTeX{}
-@cindex @LaTeX{} graphics collection
-@pindex miniltx.tex
-@cindex Carlisle, David
-@cindex Rahtz, Sebastian
-To set up a pseudo-@LaTeX{} environment for the packages, Eplain uses
-from the @LaTeX{} graphics collection, written by David Carlisle and
-Sebastian Rahtz (the collection is available at
-Eplain extends @file{miniltx.tex} to provide some additional features,
-e.g., support for package options.
-* The \usepackage command:: Command to load packages.
-* Environment for loading packages:: Environment for the \usepackage commands.
-* Packages known to work:: Supported packages.
-* Packages known not to work:: Packages known not to work with Eplain.
-@end menu
-@node The \usepackage command
-@subsection The @code{\usepackage} command
-@findex usepackage
-@code{\usepackage} loads a @LaTeX{} package. Its syntax is similar to
-that of @LaTeX{}'s @code{\usepackage} command:
-@end example
-@noindent where @var{options} is a comma-separated list of package
-options, @var{packages} is a comma-separated list of packages to load
-(without the @file{.sty} suffix), and @var{version} is a package
-version number given as a date in the format @samp{YYYY/MM/DD}. If an
-older version of the package is found, a warning is issued. If
-several packages are loaded within a single @code{\usepackage}
-command, the @var{options} will be applied to each of the packages.
-As usual, parameters in square brackets are optional and can be
-omitted (together with the square brackets).
-For example:
-@end example
-@noindent will load packages @samp{pack1} and @samp{pack2}, each with
-the options @samp{foo} and @samp{bar}, and will check that each of the
-packages are dated 2005/08/29 or newer.
-@node Environment for loading packages
-@subsection Environment for loading packages
-@findex beginpackages
-@findex endpackages
-Some packages request that certain commands are executed after all
-packages have been loaded. In @LaTeX{}, this means that the commands
-are executed at the beginning of the document, after the so-called
-@dfn{preamble}. Neither plain @TeX{} nor Eplain have any kind of
-preamble; therefore, Eplain requires that all packages be loaded inside
-a @code{\beginpackages...\endpackages} block, for example:
- \usepackage[foo,bar]@{pack1@}
- \usepackage@{pack2@}
-@end example
-@noindent This requirement enables Eplain to execute the ``delayed''
-commands at the end of the @code{\beginpackages...\endpackages} block.
-For the same reason, it is advisable to specify only one such block
-per document, just like there is only one preamble in @LaTeX{}.
-@node Packages known to work
-@subsection Packages known to work
-@cindex @LaTeX{} packages
-@cindex packages, @LaTeX{}
-The following table lists packages that had been tested and are known
-to work with Eplain, and locations where you can find manuals for
-these packages. Some of the short descriptions of the packages were
-taken from the documentation for those packages.
-@table @asis
-@item autopict (@samp{2001/06/04 v1.1j Picture mode autoload file})
-@pindex autopict.sty
-@cindex picture mode
-@findex begin@{picture@}
-@findex end@{picture@}
-This is the @LaTeX{} ``picture mode'', started by
-@code{\begin@{picture@}} and ended by @code{\end@{picture@}} (in
-@LaTeX{}, this package is not explicitly loaded since it is part of
-the @LaTeX{} kernel). It provides commands to draw simple figures
-inside your document without resorting to any external tools.
-@item color (@samp{1999/02/16 v1.0i Standard LaTeX Color (DPC)})
-@pindex color.sty
-@itemx graphics (@samp{2001/07/07 v1.0n Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)})
-@pindex graphics.sty
-@itemx graphicx (@samp{1999/02/16 v1.0f Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)})
-@pindex graphicx.sty
-@cindex graphics collection, @LaTeX{}
-@cindex @LaTeX{} graphics collection
-@cindex color
-@cindex rotation
-@cindex scaling
-These packages are from the @LaTeX{} graphics collection. They
-provide commands for changing text/page colors, text rotation and
-scaling, and much more.
-@item psfrag (@samp{1998/04/11 v3.04 PSfrag (MCG)})
-@pindex psfrag.sty
-@cindex Encapsulated PostScript
-@cindex EPS
-@pindex .eps @r{files}
-PSfrag allows the user to precisely overlay Encapsulated PostScript
-(EPS) files with arbitrary (La)@TeX{} constructions. In order to
-accomplish this, the user places a simple text ``tag'' in the graphics
-file, as a ``position marker'' of sorts. Then, using simple
-(La)@TeX{} commands, the user instructs PSfrag to remove that tag from
-the figure, and replace it with a properly sized, aligned, and rotated
-(La)@TeX{} equation.
-@item url (@samp{2005/06/27 ver 3.2 Verb mode for urls, etc.})
-@pindex url.sty
-@cindex pathnames, breaking
-@cindex filenames, breaking
-@cindex electronic mail addresses, breaking
-This package provides a form of @code{\verbatim} that allows
-line breaks at certain characters or combinations of characters,
-accepts reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to
-another command. It is intended for email addresses, hypertext links,
-directories/paths, etc., which normally have no spaces.
-Eplain can create hypertext links with the @code{\url} command;
-@pxref{URL hyperlinks}.
-@end table
-@node Packages known not to work
-@subsection Packages known not to work
-@cindex @LaTeX{} packages
-@cindex packages, @LaTeX{}
-The following packages are known not to work with Eplain:
-@table @asis
-@item pict2e (@samp{2005/07/15 v0.2r Improved picture commands (HjG,RN)})
-@pindex pict2e.sty
-@item xcolor (@samp{2005/06/06 v2.03 LaTeX color extensions (UK)})
-@pindex xcolor.sty
-@end table