path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/cstex/opmac-u-en.tex
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+\input opmac
+\insertoutline{CONTENTS} \outlines{0} \hyperlinks{\Blue}{\Green}
+\tit OPmac -- macros for plain\TeX\fnotemark1
+\centerline{\it Petr Ol\v s\'ak, 2012, 2013, 2014}
+\fnotetext {This text is second revised version. The first version was
+ published in TUGboat 34:1, 2013, pp.~88--96}
+\notoc\nonum \sec Contents\par\maketoc
+\nonum \sec Introduction
+The OPmac package is simple additional macros to plain\TeX{}. It enables
+users to take advantage of basic \LaTeX{} functionality: the font size
+selection, automatic creation of table of contents and index, working with
+bibliography databases, tables, references including hyperlinks option,
+margins settings, etc.
+I have decided to publish my macros together with the new version of
+\csplain{}. I am using these macros long time for various purposes only in
+my own computer. Now, I have made them more clean and added the user and
+technical documentation and released them.
+The main reason is to give a set of macros which solves the common tasks to
+the plain\TeX{} users. The side effect is that the macros demonstrate
+that it is possible to do \TeX{} code simple and effective. Most of
+\LaTeX{} macro packages don't have this feature. All macros are in the single
+documented file "opmac.tex" with only 1700 lines. On the other hand the
+\LaTeX{} code which solves comparable tasks is placed in kernel and tens
+of \LaTeX{} packages with many tens of thousands lines in total.
+The main principles which I followed when creating this macro package, are:
+ * Simplicity is power.
+ * Macros are not universal, but are readable and understandable.
+ * User can easily redefine these macros as he/she wishes.
+Each part of the macro code is written in order to maximize readability for
+human who will want to read it, understand it and change it.
+OPmac package offers a markup language for authors of texts (like \LaTeX),
+i.e. the fixed set of tags to define the structure of the document. This
+markup is different from the \LaTeX{} markup. It may offer to write the
+source text of the document somewhat clearer and more attractive. The OPmac
+package, however, does not care for typographic of the document. The simple
+sober document is created if no additional macros are used. We assume that
+the author of additional macros is able to create a look of the document to
+suit specific requirement.
+OPmac has a small number of additional packages: "pdfuni", "opmac-xetex" and
+"opmac-bib" (see the end of \url{} page).
+Moreover, there exist many tens of little OPmac tricks comparable with
+\LaTeX{} packages
+mentioned on \url{} page.
+\sec Using OPmac
+OPmac is not compiled as a format. For using it in plain\TeX{}, you can simply
+"\input opmac" at the beginning of your document. The example of the simple
+document follows:
+\input opmac
+\typosize[11/13] % setting the basic font size and the baselineskip
+\margins/1 a4 (1,1,1,1)in % setting 1in margins for A4 paper
+Here is a text.
+You can use \TeX, pdf\TeX, Xe\TeX{} or lua\TeX{} with eplain or \csplain{}
+preloaded. The \csplain{} is recommended but it is not explicitly requested if you
+don't need to use Czech/Slovak specific features\fnote
+{Warnings: ``falling back to ASCII sorting''
+or ``CZ/SK outline-conversion is off'' may occur without \csplain{}.}.
+\sec Font sizes
+The commands for font size setting described here have local validity. It
+means that if you put them into group, the font sizes are selected locally.
+The command "\typosize[<fontsize>/<baselineskip>]" sets the font size of text and
+math fonts and baselineskip. If one of these two parameters is empty, the
+corresponding feature stays unchanged. The metric unit is supposed "pt" and
+this unit isn't written in parameters. You can change the unit by the
+command "\ptunit=<something-else>", for instance "\ptunit=1mm".
+\typosize[10/12] % default of plainTeX
+\typosize[11/12.5] % font 11pt, baseline 12.5pt
+\typosize[8/] % font 8pt, baseline unchanged
+The command
+sets the text and math fonts
+size and baselineskip as a multiple of the current fonts size and
+baselineskip. The factor is written in "scaled"-like way, it means that 1000
+means factor one. The empty parameter is equal to the parameter 1000,
+i.e. the value stays unchanged. Examples:
+\typoscale[800/800] % fonts and baselineskip re-size to 80 %
+\typoscale[\magstep2/] % fonts bigger 1,44times
+The sizes declared by these macros (for example in titles) are relative to
+the basic size selected for the font (this may be arbitrary size, not only
+The size of the current font can be changed by the command
+"\thefontsize[<font-size>]" or can be rescaled by
+"\thefontscale[<factor>]". These macros don't change math fonts sizes nor
+The "\resizefont", "\regfont" and "\resizeall" commands (documented in
+\csplain) can be used even if
+the used format is not \csplain. The best
+design size of the font for desired size is selected.
+For example "\typosize[18/]" selects the font "cmr17 at 18pt".
+The "\em" macro acts as "\it" if the current font is "\rm", acts as "\rm" if
+the current font is "\it", acts as "\bi" if the current font is "\bf" and
+acts as "\bf" if the current font is "\bi". The "\/" spaces are inserted
+automatically. Example:
+This is {\em important} text. % = This is {\it important\/} text.
+\it This is {\em important} text. % = This is\/ {\rm important} text.
+\bf This is {\em important} text. % = This is {\bi important\/} text.
+\bi This is {\em important} text. % = This is\/ {\bf important} text.
+\sec Parts of the document
+The document can be divided into chapters, sections and subsections and titled
+by "\tit" command. The parameters have to be separed by empty line (no
+braces are used):
+\tit Document title <empty line>
+\chap Chapter title <empty line>
+\sec Section title <empty line>
+\secc Subsection title <empty line>
+The chapters are numbered by one number, sections by two numbers
+(chapter.section) and subsections by three numbers. If there are no chapters
+then section have only one number and subsection two.
+The implicit design of the titles of chapter etc.\ are implemented in the
+macros "\printchap", "\printsec" and "\printsecc". User can simply change
+these macros if he/she needs another behavior.
+The first paragraph after the title of chapter, section and subsection is
+not indented but you can type "\let\firstnoindent=\relax" if you need all
+paragraphs indented.
+If a title is so long then it breaks to more lines. It is better to hint the
+breakpoints because \TeX{} does not interpret the meaning of the title.
+User can put the "\nl" (it means newline) macro to the breakpoints.
+The chapter, section or subsection isn't numbered if the "\nonum" precedes.
+And the chapter, section or subsection isn't delivered to the table of
+contents if "\notoc" precedes.
+\sec Another numbered objects
+Apart from chapters, sections and subsections, there are another
+automatically numbered objects: equations and captions for tables and
+If user write the "\eqmark" as the last element of the display mode then
+this equation is numbered. The format is one number in brackets. This number
+is reset in each section.
+If the "\eqalignno" is used, then user can put "\eqmark" to the last column
+before "\cr". For example:
+ a^2+b^2 &= c^2 \cr
+ c &= \sqrt{a^2+b^2} & \eqmark \cr}
+The next numbered object is caption which is tagged by "\caption/t" for
+tables and "\caption/f" for figures. Example:
+ age & value \crl\noalign{\smallskip}
+ 0--1 & unmeasured \cr
+ 1--6 & observable \cr
+ 6--12 & significant \cr
+ 12--20 & extremal \cr
+ 20--40 & normal \cr
+ 40--60 & various \cr
+ 60--$\infty$ & moderate}
+\caption/t The dependency of the computer-dependency on the age.
+This example produces:
+\hfil\table{rl}{age & value \crl\noalign{\smallskip}
+ 0--1 & unmeasured \cr
+ 1--6 & observable \cr
+ 6--12 & significant \cr
+ 12--20 & extremal \cr
+ 20--40 & normal \cr
+ 40--60 & various \cr
+ 60--$\infty$ & moderate}
+{ \leftskip=\parindent plus1fil
+ \rightskip=\parindent plus-1fil
+ \parfillskip=0pt plus2fil \noindent
+{\bf Table 2.3} The dependency of the com\-puter-dependency on the age.\par}
+The word ``Table'' followed by a number is added by the macro
+"\caption/t". The macro "\caption/f" creates the word figure.
+The caption text is centered. If it occupies more lines then the
+last line is centered.
+The added word (table, figure) depends on the actual number of the
+"\language" register. OPmac implements the mapping from "\language"
+numbers to the languages and the mapping from languages to the generated
+If you wish to make the table or figure as floating object, you need to use
+plain\TeX{} macros "\midinsert", "\topinsert" and "\endinsert".
+Each automatically numbered object can be referenced, if the
+"\label[<label>]" command precedes. The reference commands are
+"\ref[<label>]" and "\pgref[<label>]". Example:
+\label[beatle] \sec About Beatles
+\hfil\table{rl}{...} % the table
+\caption/t The dependency of the computer-dependency on the age.
+$$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \eqmark $$
+Now we can point to the section~\ref[beatle] on the page~\pgref[beatle]
+or write about the equation~\ref[pythagoras]. Finally there
+is an interesting Table~\ref[comp-dependence].
+If there are forward referenced objects then user have to run \TeX{} twice.
+During each pass, the working "*.ref" file (with refereces data) is created
+and this file is used (if it exists) at the begin of the document.
+\sec Lists
+The list of items is surrounded by "\begitems" and "\enditems" commands.
+The asterisk ("*") is active within this environment and it starts one item.
+The item style can be chosen by "\style" parameter written after "\begitems":
+\style o % small bullet
+\style O % big bullet (default)
+\style - % hyphen char
+\style n % numbered items 1., 2., 3., ...
+\style N % numbered items 1), 2), 3), ...
+\style i % numbered items (i), (ii), (iii), ...
+\style I % numbered items I, II, III, IV, ...
+\style a % items of type a), b), c), ...
+\style A % items of type A), B), C), ...
+\style x % small rectangle
+\style X % big rectangle
+Another style can be defined by the command "\sdef{item:<style>}{<text>}".
+Default item can be redefined by "\def\normalitem{<text>}".
+The list environments can be nested. Each new level of item is indented by
+next multiple of "\iindent" which is set to "\parindent" by default.
+The vertical space at begin and end of the environment is inserted by the
+macro "\iiskip".
+\sec Table of contents
+The "\maketoc" command prints the table of contents of all "\chap", "\sec"
+and "\secc" used in the document. These data are read from external "*.ref" file, so
+you have to run \TeX{} more than once (typically three times if the table of
+contents is at the beginning of the document).
+The name of the section with table of contents is not printed. The direct usage
+of "\chap" or "\sec" isn't recommended here because the table of contents
+is typically not referenced to itself. You can print the unnumbered and unreferenced
+title of the section by the code:
+\nonum\notoc\sec Table of Contents
+The title of chapters etc.\ are written into the external file and they are
+read from this file in a next run of \TeX. This technique can induce some
+problems when a somewhat complicated macro is used in the title. OPmac
+solves this problem by different way than \LaTeX. User can set the
+problematic macro as ``robust'' by "\addprotect\macro" declaration. The
+"\macro" itself cannot be redefined. The common macros used in OPmac which
+can be occur in the titles are declared by this way. For example:
+\addprotect~ \addprotect\TeX \addprotect\thefontsize \addprotect\em
+\sec Making the index
+The index can be included into document by "\makeindex" macro. No external
+program is needed, the alphabetical sorting are done inside \TeX{} at macro
+The "\ii" command (insert to index) declares the word separated by the space
+as the index item. This declaration is represented as invisible atom on the
+page connected to the next visible word. The page number of the page where
+this atom occurs is listed in the index entry. So you can type:
+The \ii resistor resistor is a passive electrical component ...
+You cannot double the word if you use the "\iid" instead "\ii":
+The \iid resistor is a passive electrical component ...
+Now we'll deal with the \iid resistor .
+Note that the dot or comma have to be separated by space when "\iid" is
+used. This space (before dot or comma) is removed by the macro in
+the current text.
+The multiple-words entries are commonly organized in the index by the format
+(for example):
+linear~dependency 11, 40--50
+--- independency 12, 42--53
+--- space 57, 76
+--- subspace 58
+To do this you have to declare the parts of the words by the "/" separator.
+{\bf Definition.}
+\ii linear/space,vector/space
+{\em Linear space} (or {\em vector space}) is a nonempty set of...
+The number of the parts of one index entry is unlimited. Note, that you can
+spare your typing by the comma in the "\ii" parameter. The previous example
+is equivalent to "\ii linear/space" "\ii vector/space".
+Maybe you need to propagate to the index the similar entry to the
+linear/space in the form space/linear. You can do this by the shorthand ",@"
+at the end of the "\ii" parameter. Example:
+\ii linear/space,vector/space,@
+is equivalent to:
+\ii linear/space,vector/space \ii space/linear,space/vector
+If you really need to insert the space into the index entry, write ``"~"''.
+The "\makeindex" creates the list of alphabetically sorted index entries
+without the title of the section and without creating more columns. OPmac
+provides another macros for more columns:
+\begmulti <number of columns>
+The columns will be balanced. The Index can be printed by the following
+\sec Index\par
+\begmulti 3 \makeindex \endmulti
+Only ``pure words'' can be propagated to the index by the "\ii" command. It
+means that there cannot be any macro, \TeX{} primitive, math selector etc.
+But there is another possibility to create such complex index entry. Use
+``pure equivalent'' in the "\ii" parameter and map this equivalent to the
+real word which is printed in the index by "\iis" command. Example:
+The \ii chiquadrat $\chi$-quadrat method is
+If the \ii relax "\relax" command is used then \TeX\ is relaxing.
+\iis chiquadrat {$\chi$-quadrat}
+\iis relax {{\tt \char`\\relax}}
+The "\iis <equivalent> {<text>}" creates one entry in the ``dictionary
+of the exceptions''. The sorting is done by the "<equivalent>" but the
+"<text>" is printed in the index entry list.
+The special sorting by the Czech or Slovak standard of alphabetical sorting
+is activated if \csplain{} is used and if "\language" register is set to the
+Czech or Slovak hyphenation patterns when "\makeindex" is in progress. The
+main difference from English sorting is that ``ch'' is treated as one
+character between h and i.
+\sec Colors
+The colors selection macros are working only if pdf\TeX-like engine is used.
+OPmac provides a small number of color selectors:
+{\localcolor\Blue "\Blue"},
+{\localcolor\Red "\Red"},
+{\localcolor\Brown "\Brown"},
+{\localcolor\Green "\Green"},
+{\localcolor\Yellow "\Yellow"},
+{\localcolor\Cyan "\Cyan"},
+{\localcolor\Magenta "\Magenta"},
+{\localcolor\Grey "\Grey"},
+{\localcolor\LightGrey "\LightGrey"} and
+"\Black". But user can define more
+such selectors by setting the CMYK components. For example
+\def\Orange{\setcmykcolor{0 0.5 1 0}}
+The selectors itself change the color of the text and of the lines with the
+thickness more than 1bp. If the "\linecolor" immediately precedes the color
+selector then the lines with thickness less or equal 1bp are colored. This
+is a second independent type of the color.
+The color selectors work globally on the one page. If the colored text is
+broken to the next page then the color is correctly set on the following
+page(s) after the second run of \TeX, because this event is implemented via
+external file. User can write "\localcolor" inside the group. This command
+saves the current color and restore it after the group is completed. It is
+supposed that the group corresponds to the boundary of a box which cannot break
+to more pages. If this is not true case then user can use "\longlocalcolor"
+instead "\localcolor". Example:
+\Red The text is red
+\hbox{\loacalcolor \Blue here is blue {\localcolor \Green and green}
+ restored blue \Brown and brown}
+now the text is red.
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#3}\leavevmode
+ {\localcolor\rlap{#1\strut \vrule width\wd0}#2\box0}%
+The more usable example follows. It defines a macro which creates the
+\coloron\Yellow\Brown{colored text on the}
+\coloron\Yellow\Brown{colored background}. Usage:
+The "\coloron" can be defined as follows:
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#3}\leavevmode
+ {\localcolor\rlap{#1\strut \vrule width\wd0}#2\box0}%
+\coloron\Yellow\Brown{The brown text on the yellow backround}
+{\bf The watermark} is grey text on the backrounf of the page. OPmac offers
+an example: the macro "\draft" which creates grey scaled and rotated text
+DRAFT on the background of every page.
+\sec Hyperlinks, outlines
+If the command "\hyperlins{<color-in>}{<color-out>}" is used at the beginning of
+the file, then the following objects are hyperlinked when PDF output is used:
+* numbers generated by "\ref" or "\pgref",
+* numbers of chapters, sections and subsections in the table of contents,
+* numbers or marks generated by "\cite" command (bibliography references),
+* texts printed by "\url" command.
+The last object is an external link and it is colored by
+"<color-out>". Others links are internal and they are colored by
+"<color-in>". Example:
+\hyperlinks \Blue \Green % internal links blue, URLs green.
+You can use another marking of active links: by frames which are visible in
+the PDF viewer but invisible when the document is printed. The way to do it
+is to define the macros "\pgborder", "\tocborder", "\citeborder",
+"\refborder" and "\urlborder" as the triple of RGB components of the used
+color. Example:
+\def\tocborder {1 0 0} % links in table of contents: red frame
+\def\pgborder {0 1 0} % links to pages: green frame
+\def\citeborder {0 0 1} % links to references: blue frame
+By default these macros are not defined. It means that no frames are created.
+There are ``low level'' commands to create the links. You can specify the
+destination of the internal link by "\dest[<type>:<label>]". The
+active text linked to the "\dest" can be created by
+"\link[<type>:<label>]{<color>}{<text>}". The "<type>" parameter is one of
+the "toc", "pg", "cite", "ref" or another special for your purpose.
+The "\url" macro prints its parameter in "\tt" font and creates a potential
+breakpoints in it (after slash or dot, for example). If "\hyperlinks"
+declaration is used then the parameter of "\url" is treated as an external URL link.
+An example: "\url{}" creates \url{}.
+The charecters {\tt\%}, "\", "#", "$", "{" and "}" have to be protected by
+backslash in the "\url" argument, the other special charecters "~", "_",
+"^", "&" can be written as single character. You can insert the "\|" command
+in the "\url" argument as a potential breakpoint.
+If the linked text have to be different than the URL, you can use
+"\ulink[<url>]{text}" macro. For example:
+\ulink[]{OPmac page}
+\ulink[]{OPmac page}.
+The PDF format provides ``outlines'' which are notes placed in the special frame of
+the PDF viewer. These notes can be managed as structured and hyperlinked
+table of contents of the document. The command "\outlines{<level>}" creates
+such outlines from data used for table of contents in the document. The
+"<level>" parameter gives the level of opened sub-outlines
+in the default view. The deeper levels can be open by mouse click on the
+triangle symbol after that.\looseness=-1
+The strings used in PDF outlines are converted if \csplain{} is used: the
+accents are stripped off because they can make problems in outlines. But
+user can use "\input pdfuni" in order to convert these strings to internal
+UNICODE representation.
+The command "\insertoutline{<text>}" inserts next entry into PDF outlines at
+the main level~0. This entry can be placed before table of contents (created
+by "\outlines") or after it.
+\sec Verbatim
+The display verbatim text have to be surrounded by the "\begtt" and
+"\endtt" couple.
+The inline verbatim have to be tagged (before and after)
+by a character which is declared by
+"\activettchar<char>". For example "\activettchar"{\tt\char`"}
+declares the
+{\tt\char`"} for inline verbatim markup.
+If the numerical register "\ttline" is set to the non-negative value then
+display verbatim will number the lines. The first line has the number
+"\ttline+1" and when the verbatim ends then the "\ttline" value is equal to the
+number of last line printed. Next "\begtt...\endtt" environment will follow
+the line numbering. OPmac sets "\ttline=-1" by default.
+The indentation of each line in display verbatim is controlled by
+"\ttindent" register. This register is set to the "\parindent" when
+"opmac.tex" is read. User have to change its value if the "\parindent" is
+changed after reading of "opmac.tex".
+The "\begtt" starts internal group in which the catcodes are changed. Then
+the "\tthook" macro is run. This macro is empty by default and user can
+control fine behavior by it. For example the cactodes can be reset here. If
+you need to define active character in the "\tthook", use "\adef" as in the
+following example:
+Each occurrence of the exclamation mark will be changed to
+the question mark and vice versa. Really? You can try it!
+The "\adef" command sets its parameter as active {\it after\/}
+the body of "\tthook" is read. So you can't worry about active
+There are tips for global "\tthook" definitions here:
+\def\tthook{\typosize[9/11]} % setting font size for verbatim
+\def\tthook{\ttline=0} % each listing will be numbered from one
+\def\tthook{\adef{ }{\char`\ }} % visualisation of spaces
+You can print verbatim listing from external files by "\verbinput" command.
+\verbinput (12-42) program.c % listing from program.c, only lines 12-42
+\verbinput (-60) program.c % print from begin to the line 60
+\verbinput (61-) program.c % from line 61 to the end
+\verbinput (-) program.c % whole file is printed
+\verbinput (70+10) program.c % from line 70, only 10 lines printed
+\verbinput (+10) program.c % from the last line read, print 10 lines
+\vebrinput (-5+7) program.c % from the last line read, skip 5, print 7
+\verbinput (+) program.c % from the last line read to the end
+The "\ttline" influences the line numbering by the same way as in
+"\begtt...\endtt" environment. If "\ttline=-1" then real line numbers are
+printed (this is default). If "\ttline"{\tt\char`\<-1} then no line
+numbers are printed.
+The "\verbinput" can be controlled by "\tthook", "\ttindent" just like
+in "\begtt...\endtt".
+\sec Tables
+The macro "\table{<declaration>}{<data>}" provides similar "<declaration>"
+as in \LaTeX: you can use letters "l", "r", "c", each letter declares
+one column (aligned to left, right, center respectively).
+These letters can be combined by the ``{\tt\char`\|}'' character
+(vertical line). Example
+\table{||lc|r||}{ \crl
+ Month & commodity & price \crli
+ \tskip.2em
+ January & notebook & \$ 700 \cr
+ February & skateboard & \$ 100 \cr
+ July & yacht & k\$ 170 \crl}
+generates the following result:
+\table{||lc|r||}{ \crl
+ Month & commodity & price \crli
+ \tskip.2em
+ January & notebook & \$ 700 \cr
+ February & skateboard & \$ 100 \cr
+ July & yacht & k\$ 170 \crl}
+The command "\cr" is generally known. Moreover OPmac defines following similar
+* "\crl" \dots\ the end of the row with a horizontal line after it.
+* "\crli" \dots\ like "\crl" but the horizontal line doesn't intersect the
+ vertical double lines.
+* "\crlli" \dots\ like "\crli" but horizontal line is doubled.
+The "\tskip<dimen>" command works like the "\noalign{\vskip<dimen>}"
+after "\cr*" commands but it doesn't interrupt the vertical lines.
+The configuration macros for "\table" are defined in the following listing
+with their default values:
+\def\tabiteml{\enspace} % left material in each column
+\def\tabitemr{\enspace} % right material in each column
+\def\tabstrut{\strut} % strut inserted in each line
+\def\vvkern{1pt} % space between double vertical line
+\def\hhkern{1pt} % space between double horizontal line
+If you do "\def\tabiteml{$\enspace}\def\tabitemr{\enspace$}" then
+the "\table" acts like \LaTeX's array environment.
+The "\frame{<text>}" makes a frame around "<text>". You can put the whole "\table"
+into "\frame" if you need double-ruled border of the table. Example:
+ \multispan3\vrule\hss\bf Title\hss \vrule\tabstrut \crl
+ \noalign{\kern\hhkern}\crli
+ first & second & third \crlli
+ seven & eight & nine \crli}}
+creates the following result:
+ \multispan3\vrule\hss\bf Title\hss \vrule\tabstrut \crl
+ \noalign{\kern\hhkern}\crli
+ first & second & third \crlli
+ seven & eight & nine \crli}}
+The "c", "l" and "r" are default <declaration> letters but you can define
+more such letters by "\def\tabdeclare<letter>{<left>##<right>}". For
+\def\tabdeclareP {\enskip\vtop{\hsize=\Pwidth \rightskip=0pt plus1fil
+ \baselineskip=1.2em\lineskiplimit=0pt\noindent##\tabstrutA}\hss\enskip}
+declares the letter P which means the tabular column with "\vtop"s. This is
+similar to \LaTeX's parbox.
+The rule width of tables (and implicit width of all "\vrule"s and "\hrule"s)
+can be set by the command "\rulewidth=<dimen>". The default value given
+by \TeX{} is 0.4pt.
+Many tips about tables can be seen on
+\sec Images
+The "\inspic <filename>.<extension><space>" inserts the picture stored in
+the graphics file with the name "<filename>.<extension>".
+You can set the picture width by "\picw=<dimen>" before first "\inspic" command
+which declares the width of the picture.
+The files can be in the PNG, JPG, JBIG2 or PDF format. The "\inspic" command
+works with pdf\TeX{}/Xe\TeX{} only.
+The "\picwidth" is an equivalent register to "\picw". Moreover there is an
+"\picheight" register which denotes the height of the picture. If both
+registers are set then the picture will be (probably) deformed.
+The file is searched in "\picdir". This macro is empty by default, this
+means that the file is searched in current directory.
+\sec PDF transformations
+All typesetting elements are transformed in pdf\TeX{} by linear
+transformation given by the current transformation matrix. The
+"\pdfsetmatrix {<a> <b> <c> <d>}" command makes the internal multiplication
+with the current matrix so linear transformations can be composed. The
+stack-oriented commands "\pdfsave" and "\pdfrestore" gives a possibility of
+storing and restoring the current transformation matrix and current point.
+The possition of current point have to be the same from \TeX{}'s point of
+view as from transformation point of view when "\pdfrestore" is processed.
+Due to this fact the "\pdfsave\rlap{<transformed text>}\pdfrestore"
+or something similar is recomeded.
+OPmac provides the macros
+These macros simply calls the
+properly "\pdfsetmatrix" primitive command.
+It is known that the comosition of transformations is not commutative. It
+means that the order is important. You have to read the tranformation
+matrices from right to left. Example:
+First: \pdfsave \pdfrotate{30}\pdfscale{-2}{2}\rlap{text1}\pdfrestore
+ % text1 is scaled two times and it is reflected about vertical axis
+ % and next it is rotated by 30 degrees left.
+second: \pdfsave \pdfscale{-2}{2}\pdfrotate{30}\rlap{text2}\pdfrestore
+ % text2 is rotated by 30 degrees left then it is scaled two times
+ % and reflected about vertical axis.
+third: \pdfsave \pdfrotate{-15.3}\pdfsetmatrix{2 0 1.5 2}\rlap{text3}%
+ \pdfrestore % first slanted, then rotated by 15.3 degrees right
+This gives the following result.
+First: \pdfsave \pdfrotate{30}\pdfscale{-2}{2}\rlap{text1}\pdfrestore
+second: \pdfsave \pdfscale{-2}{2}\pdfrotate{30}\rlap{text2}\pdfrestore
+third: \pdfsave \pdfrotate{-15.3}\pdfsetmatrix{2 0 1.5 2}\rlap{text3}\pdfrestore
+\sec Footnotes and marginal notes
+The plain\TeX{}'s macro "\footnote" is not redefined. But a new macro
+"\fnote{<text>}" is defined. The footnote mark is added automatically and it
+is numbered on each page from one\fnote
+{This behavior is changed if {\tt\char`\\runningfnotes} is used:
+the footnotes are numbered from one in whole document in such case.
+Alternatives are possible, see OPmac tricks or technical documentation.}.
+The "<text>" is scaled by
+"\typoscale[800]". The implicit visual aspect of the footnote mark is defined by
+"\def\thefnote{$^{\locfnum}$)}". User can redefine it, for example:
+ *\or**\or***\or$^{\dag}$\or
+ $^{\ddag}$\or$^{\dag\dag}$\fi}
+The "\fnote" macro is fully applicable only in ``normal outer'' paragraph.
+It doesn't work inside boxes (tables for example). If you are solving such
+case you can use "\fnotemark<number>" inside the box (only the footnote mark is
+generated). When the box is finished you can use "\fnotetext{<text>}". This
+macro puts the "<text>" to the footnote. The "<number>" after "\fnotemark"
+have to be "1" if only one such command is in the box. Second "\fnotemark"
+inside the same box have to have the parameter "2" etc.
+The same number of "\fnotetext"s have to be written
+after the box as the number of "\fnotemark"s inserted inside the box.
+The marginal note can be printed by the "\mnote{<text>}" macro. The <text>
+is placed to the right margin on the odd pages and it is placed to the left
+margin on the even pages. This is done after second \TeX{} run because the
+relevant information is stored in an external file. If you need to place the
+notes only to the fixed margin write "\fixmnotes\right" or
+The <text> is formatted as a little paragraph with the maximal width
+"\mnotesize" ragged left on the left margins or ragged right on the right
+margins. The first line of this little paragraph is at the same height as
+the invisible mark created by "\mnote" in the current paragraph. The
+exceptions are possible by "\mnoteskip" register. You can implement such
+exceptions to each "\mnote" manually in final printing in order to margin
+notes do not overlap. The positive value of "\mnoteskip" shifts the note up
+and negative value shifts it down. For example
+"\mnoteskip=2\baselineskip \mnote{<text>}" shifts this (and only this) note
+two lines up.
+\sec Bib\TeX ing
+The command "\cite[<label>]" or its variations of the type
+create the citations in the form [42] or [15,~19,~26].
+If "\shortcitations" is declared at the beginning of the document then continuous sequences of
+numbers are re-printed like this: \hbox{[3--5,~7,~9--11]}. If
+"\sortcitations" is declared then numbers generated by one "\cite" command
+are sorted upward.
+If "\nonumcitations" is used then the marks instead numbers are generated
+depending on the used bib\TeX{} style. For example the citations look like
+[Now08] when "alpha" style is used and like [Nowak, 2008] when "apalike"
+style is used.
+The "\rcite[<labels>]" creates the same list as "\cite[<labels>]" but without
+the outer brackets. Example: "[\rcite[tbn], pg.~13]" creates [4,~pg.13].
+The "\ecite[<label>]{<text>}" prints the "<text>" only, but the entry labeled
+"<label>" is decided as to be cited. If "\hyperlinks" is used then "<text>"
+is linked to the references list.
+You can define alternative formating of "\cite" command. Example:
+\def\cite[#1]{(\rcite[#1])} % \cite[<label>] creates (27)
+\def\cite[#1]{$^{\rcite[#1]}$} % \cite[<label>] creates^{27}
+The numbers printed by "\cite" correspond to the same numbers generated in
+the list of references. There are four possibilities to generate this
+references list:
+* Manually using "\bib[<label>]" commands.
+* Using bib\TeX{} and "\usebibtex{<bib-base>}{<bib-style>}" command.
+* Using pregenerated "*.bbl" file and "\usebbl/<type> <bbl-base>" command.
+* By "\usebib/<type> (<style>) <bbl-base>" command which reads "*.bib"
+ databases directly.
+These possibilities are documented here in detail:
+{\bf References created manually using "\bib[<label>]" command.}
+{\def\tthook{\catcode`/=0 \catcode`+=9 }
+\bib [tbn] P. Ol/v+s/'ak. {\it\TeX{}book naruby.} 468~s. Brno: Konvoj, 1997.
+\bib [tst] P. Ol/v+s/'ak. {\it Typografick/'y syst/'em \TeX.}
+ 269~s. Praha: CSTUG, 1995.
+If you are using "\nonumcitations" then you need to declare the "<marks>"
+used by "\cite" command. To do it you have to use long form of the "\bib"
+command which is in the format "\bib[<label>] = {<mark>}". The spaces around
+equal sign are mandatory. Example:
+{\def\tthook{\catcode`/=0 \catcode`+=9 }
+\bib [tbn] = {Olšák, 2001}
+ P. Ol/v+s/'ak. {\it\TeX{}book naruby.} 468~s. Brno: Konvoj, 2001.
+{\bf References using bib\TeX.}
+The command "\usebibtex{<bib-base>}{<bst-style>}"
+ creates the list of cited entries and entries indicated by
+After first \TeX{} run the "*.aux" file is created, so user have to run
+the bib\TeX{} by the command "bibtex <document>". After second \TeX{} run
+the bib\TeX's
+output is read and after third \TeX{} run all references are properly
+The "<bib-base>" is one or more "*.bib" database source files (separated by
+spaces and without extension) and the "<bst-style>" is the style used by
+bib\TeX. The common styles are "plain", "alpha", "apalike", "ieeetr",
+{\bf Using pregenerated "*.bbl" file by bib\TeX.}
+You can create the temporary file ("mybase.tex", for example)
+which looks like:
+\input opmac
+After first \TeX{} run the "mybase.aux" is generated. Then you can run
+"bibtex mybase" which generates the ".bbl" file with all entries from the
+"<bib-base>" "*.bib" file(s). Second \TeX{} run on the file "mybase.tex" generates
+the printed form of the list of all bib entries with labels. This is usable
+printed matter, you can place it to your notice board when you create
+your document. Finally you can insert to your real document one of the
+following commands:
+\usebbl/a mybase % print all entries from mybase.bbl (a=all)
+\usebbl/b mybase % print only \cited and \nocided entries
+ % sorted by mybase.bbl (b=bbl)
+\usebbl/c mybase % print only \cited and \nocited entries
+ % sorted by \cite-order (c=cite)
+Sometimes the pure \LaTeX{} command occurs (unfortunately)
+in the ".bib" database or bib\TeX{}
+style. User can define such commands in the "\bibtexhook" macro which is a
+hook started inside the group before ".bbl" file is read. Example:
+{\bf Direct reading of ".bib" files} is possible after "\input opmac-bib".
+This package uses the external package "librarian.tex" by Paul Isambert.
+The usage is similar to previous case:
+ % print only \cited and \nocited entries
+\usebib/c (<style>) <bib-base> % sorted by \cite-order (c=cite),
+\usebib/s (<style>) <bib-base> % sorted by style (s=style).
+The "<bib-base>" is one or more "*.bib" database source files (separated by
+spaces and without extension) and the "<style>" is the part of the filename
+"opmac-bib-<style>.tex" where the formatting of the references list is
+defined. Possible styles are "simple" or "iso690". The behavior of
+"opmac-bib.tex" and "opmac-bib-iso690.tex" is full documented in these files
+(after "\endpinput" command).
+{\bf Formatting of the references list} is controlled by the "\printb" macro.
+It is called at the begin of each entry. The default "\printb" macro prints
+the number of the entry in square brackets. If the "\nonumcitations" is set
+then no numbers are printed, only all lines (but no first one) are indented.
+The "\printb" macro can use the following values: "\the\bibnum" (the number
+of the entry) and "\the\bibmark" (the mark of the entry used when
+"\nonumcitations" is set). Examples:
+% The numbers are without square brackets:
+\def\printbib{\hangindent=\parindent \indent \llap{\the\bibnum. }}
+% Printing of <marks> when \nonumcitations is set:
+\def\printbib{\hangindent=\parindent \noindent [\the\bibmark]\quad}
+Next examples can be found on the
+\ulink[]{OPmac tricks WWW page}.
+\sec Typesetting math
+There are two files for math typesetting prepared in \csplain:
+* "ams-math.tex" loads the AMS math fonts visual compatible with Computer
+ modern.
+* "tx-math.tex" loads the TX fonts visual compatible with Times.
+OPmac reads the first file "ams-math.tex" by default. If you are using font
+files from \csplain{} ("ctimes.tex", "cbookman.tex", "cs-termes.tex" etc.)
+then the second math-file "tx-math.tex" is loaded.
+This section describes the features of the macros from "ams-math.tex" or
+"tx-math.tex". More documentation is written in these files themselves.
+Hundreds math symbols and operators like in AMS\TeX{} are accesible.
+For example "\alpha" $\alpha$, "\geq" $\geq$, "\sum" $\sum$,
+"\sphericalangle" $\sphericalangle$, "\bumpeq", $\bumpeq$. See AMS\TeX{}
+manual (or TX-fonts manual) for complete list of symbols.
+The following math alphabets are available:
+{\def\tthook{\catcode`\$=3 \catcode`/=0 \medmuskip=0mu}%
+\mit % mathematical variables $abc-xyz,ABC-XYZ$
+\it % text italics $/it abc-xyz,ABC-XYZ$
+\rm % text roman $/rm abc-xyz,ABC-XYZ$
+\cal % normal calligraphics $/cal ABC-XYZ$
+\script % script $/script ABC-XYZ$
+\frak % fracture $/frak abc-xyz,ABC-XYZ$
+\bbchar % double stroked letters $/bbchar ABC-XYZ$
+\bf % sans serif bold $/bf abc-xyz,ABC-XYZ$
+\bi % sans serif bold slanted $/bi abc-xyz,ABC-XYZ$
+The last two selectors "\bf" and "\bi" select the sans serif fonts regardless
+current text font family. The reason is that these shapes are used for
+vectors and matrices in Czech math typesetting.
+The math fonts are scaled by "\typosize" and "\typoscale" macros.
+Two math fonts collections are prepared: "\normalmath" for normal weight
+and "\boldmath" for bold. The first one is set by default.
+There is an example for math typesetting in titles:
+\def\title#1\par{\centerline{\typosize[17/]\bf\boldmath #1}}
+\title The title with math $\int_a^b f(x) {\rm d}x$ is here
+Variables are printed by special math italics when "ams-math.tex" is loaded
+and by text italics of the current text font when "tx-math.tex" is loaded.
+You can change this behavior by following commands:
+\itvariables % variables typeset by text italics.
+\mitvariables % mariables typeset by math italics.
+\sec Setting the margins
+OPmac declares paper formats a4, a4l (landscape~a4), a5, a5l, b5, letter and
+user can declare another own format by "\sdef":
+The "\margins" command declares margins of the document. This command have
+the following parameters:
+\margins/<pg> <fmt> (<left>,<right>,<top>,<bot>)<unit>
+ example:
+\margins/1 a4 (2.5,2.5,2,2)cm
+Parameters are:
+* <pg> \dots\ "1" or "2" specifies one-page or two-pages design.
+* <fmt> \dots\ paper format (a4, a4l, etc.).
+* <left>, <right>, <top>, <bot> \dots\ gives the amount of left, right,
+ top and bottom margins.
+* <unit> \dots\ unit used for values <left>, <right>, <top>, <bot>.
+Each of the parameters <left>, <right>, <top>, <bot> can be empty.
+If both <left> and <right> are nonempty then "\hsize" is set. Else "\hsize"
+is unchanged. If both <left> and <right> are empty then typesetting area is
+centered in the paper format. The analogical rule works when <top> or <bot>
+parameter is empty ("\vsize" instead "\hsize" is used). Examples:
+\margins/1 a4 (,,,)mm % \hsize, \vsize untouched,
+ % typesetting area centered
+\margins/1 a4 (,2,,)cm % right margin set to 2cm
+ % \hsize, \vsize untouched, vertically centered
+If "<pg>=1" then all pages have the same margins. If "<pg>=2" then the
+declared margins are true for odd pages. The margins at the even pages are
+mirrored in such case, it means that <left> is replaced by <right> and vice
+The command "\magscale[<factor>]" scales the whole typesetting area. The
+fixed point of such scaling is the so called the ``Knuth's point'': 1in
+below and 1in right of paper sides. Typesetting (breakpoints etc.) is
+unchanged. All units are relative after such scaling. Only paper formats
+dimensions stays unscaled. Example:
+\margins/2 a5 (22,17,19,21)mm
+\magscale[1414] \margins/1 a4 (,,,)mm
+The first line sets the "\hsize" and "\vsize" and margins for final
+printing at a5 format. The setting on the second line centers the scaled
+typesetting area to the true a4 paper while breaking points for paragraphs
+and pages are unchanged. It may be usable for
+review printing. After review is done, the second line can be commented out.
+\sec The last page
+The number of the last page (it may be different from number of pages) is
+stored in the "\lastpage" register after first \TeX{} run if the working "*.ref"
+file is open. This file isn't open for every documents; only for those
+where the forward references are printed or table of contents is created.
+If the "*.ref" file isn't open for your document and you need to use the "\lastpage"
+register then you have to write the command "\openref". This command opens
+the "*.ref" file immediatelly.
+There is an example for footlines in the format ``current page / last
+\footline={\hss \rm \thefontsize[10]\the\pageno/\the\lastpage \hss}
+\sec Summary
+\tit Title (terminated by a blank line)
+\chap Chapter Title (terminated by a blank line)
+\sec Section Title (terminated by a blank line)
+\secc Subsection Title (terminanted by a blank line)
+\maketoc % table of contents generation
+\ii item1,item2 % insertion the items to the index
+\makeindex % the index is generated
+\label [labname] % link target location
+\ref [labname] % link to the chapter, section, subsection, equation
+\pgref [labname] % link to the page of the chapter, section, ...
+\caption/t % a numbered table caption
+\caption/f % a numbered caption for the picture
+\eqmark % a numbered equation
+\begitems % start list of the items
+\enditems % end of list of the items
+\begtt % start verbatim text
+! % end verbatim text
+\activettchar X % initialization character X for in-text verbatim
+\verbinput % verbatim extract from the external file
+\begmulti num % start multicolumn text (num columns)
+\endmulti % end multicolumn text
+\cite [labnames] % refers to the item in the lits of references
+\rcite [labnames] % similar to \cite but [] are not printed.
+\sortcitations \shortcitations \nonumcitations % cite format
+\bib [labname] % an item in the list of references
+\usebibtex {bib-base}{bst-style} % use BibTeX for bibliography
+\genbbl {bib-base}{bst-style} % prepare the bbl file generation
+\usebbl/? bbl-base % use pre-generated bbl file, ? in {a,b,c}
+\usebib/? (style) bib-base % direct using of .bib file, ? in {s,c}
+\typosize [font-size/baselineskip] % size setting of typesetting
+\typoscale [factor-font/factor-baselineskip] % size scaling
+\thefontsize [size] \thefontscale [factor] % current font size
+\inspic file.ext % insert a picture, extensions: jpg, png, pdf
+\table {rule}{data} % simple macro for the tables like in LaTeX
+\fnote % footnote (local numbering on each page)
+\mnote % note in the margin (left or right by page number)
+\hyperlinks {color-in}{color-out} % PDF links activate as clickable
+\outlines {level} % PDF will have a table of contents in the left tab
+\magscale[factor] % resize typesetting, line/page breaking unchanged
+\margins/pg format (left, right, top, bottom)unit % margins setting