path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions
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3 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/generic-talk-15min-45min.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/generic-talk-15min-45min.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..520c52afb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/generic-talk-15min-45min.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+% This file is a solution template for:
+% - Giving a talk on some subject.
+% - The talk is between 15min and 45min long.
+% This is adapted from the example by Till Tantau <>
+% included as part of the beamer package in LaTeX
+% In principle, this file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+% the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2.
+% However, this file is supposed to be a template to be modified
+% for your own needs. For this reason, if you use this file as a
+% template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another
+% package/program, the author grants the extra permission to freely
+% copy and modify this file as you see fit and even to delete this
+% copyright notice.
+ [simpleslides]
+ [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Choose a style
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ style=BigNumber, % color=blue|red
+ % style=BottomSquares,
+ % style=Boxed,
+ % style=Ellipse,
+ % style=Embossed,
+ % style=Framed, % alternative=square|stripe
+ % style=FramedTitle,
+ % style=HorizontalStripes, % color=blue|green|red
+ % style=NarrowStripes, % color=blue|green|red
+ % style=RainbowStripe,
+ % style=Rounded,
+ % style=Shaded, % color=blue|green|bluered
+ % style=SideSquares,
+ % style=Split,
+ % style=Sunrise,
+ % style=Swoosh,
+ % style=ThickStripes,
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Choose a font
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ font=Bookman,
+ % font=Chancery,
+ % font=Gothic,
+ % font=Helevetica,
+ % font=LatinModern,
+ % font=LatinModernSans,
+ % font=Palatino,
+ % font=Schoolbook,
+ % font=Times,
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Choose a font size
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ size=17pt, % Default is 17pt
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Choose a color.
+ % Only a few styles support color
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ color=blue, % supported by:
+ % BigNumber, HorizontalStripes, NarrowStripes, Shaded
+ % color=red, % supported by:
+ % BigNumber, HorizontalStripes, NarrowStripes
+ % color=green, % supported by:
+ % HorizontalStripes, NarrowStripes, Shaded
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Choose a alternative.
+ % Only one style support alternative
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ alternative=square, % supported by:
+ % Framed
+ % alternative=stripe, % supported by:
+ % Framed
+ ]
+ [title={Presentation Title},
+ author={F.~Author, S.~Another},
+ date={Date / Occasion}]
+% In order to use sample images distributed with ConTeXt
+% Since this a solution template for a generic talk, very little can
+% be said about how it should be structured. However, the talk length
+% of between 15min and 45min and the theme suggest that you stick to
+% the following rules:
+% - Exactly two or three sections (other than the summary).
+% - At *most* three subsections per section.
+% - Talk about 30s to 2min per slide. So there should be between about
+% 15 and 30 slides, all told.
+\SlideTitle{Make Titles Informative}
+% - A title should summarize the slide in an understandable fashion
+% for anyone how does not follow everything on the slide itself.
+ \item Use bullets points when appropriate.
+ \item Use pictures when possible
+ \item Do not put too much information on one slide
+% You can include full slide pictures. There are some helper commands to
+% decorate the picture.
+% To include a full slide picute.
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ {A Dutch Cow} % Title of the slide
+% We can decorate the picture using circles, arrows, and focus. In order to
+% determine where to draw the decorations, it is helpful to draw a grid.
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ [highlight=yes,
+ grid=yes]
+ {A Dutch Cow with a grid} % Title of the slide
+% Sometimes you need a finer grip to fine tune the exact position
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ [highlight=yes,
+ grid=yes,
+ steps=5, % Each grid block is broken into these many parts.
+ subgrid=yes]
+ {A Dutch Cow with a fine grid} % Title of the slide
+% Now lets try to draw a circle around the cow's head
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ [highlight=yes,
+ grid=yes,
+ subgrid=yes,
+ alternative=circle,
+ color=orange,
+ x=1.4,
+ y=8.2,
+ xscale=1.5,
+ yscale=couple, % To ensure that we get a circle and not an ellipse
+ shadow=bottomleft]
+ {The head of a dutch cow} % Title of the slide
+% Now that we have found the correct location to place the circle, we can remove
+% the helper grid.
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ [highlight=yes,
+ grid=no,
+ subgrid=no,
+ alternative=circle,
+ color=orange,
+ x=1.4,
+ y=8.2,
+ xscale=1.5,
+ yscale=couple, % To ensure that we get a circle
+ shadow=bottomleft]
+ {The head of a dutch cow} % Title of the slide
+% We can also draw arrows.
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ [highlight=yes,
+ grid=no,
+ subgrid=no,
+ alternative=arrow,
+ color=orange,
+ x=0.4,
+ y=6.8,
+ direction=-90,
+ length=3cm,
+ shadow=topright] % The shadow direction gets rotated with the arrow
+ {The mouth of a dutch cow} % Title of the slide
+% We can also highlight specific parts of the picture
+ [horizontal]
+ [cow] % Name of the image
+ [highlight=yes,
+ grid=no,
+ subgrid=no,
+ alternative=focus,
+ color=orange,
+ x=1.4,
+ y=8.2,
+ xscale=1.5,
+ yscale=couple, % To ensure that we get a circle
+ opacity=0.5]
+ {The head of a dutch cow} % Title of the slide
+% You can also include a picture with some text along side it.
+ [vertical]
+ [mill] % Name of the image
+ {The windmills are an example of a green energy source.} % Slide title
+ \item The {\em first main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
+ \item The {\em second main message} of your talk in one or two lines.
+ \item Perhaps a {\em third message}, but not more than that.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/speaker_introduction-2min.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/speaker_introduction-2min.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98dc4131d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/speaker_introduction-2min.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+% This file is a solution template for:
+% - Introducing another speaker.
+% - Talk length is about 2min.
+% - Style is informal.
+% This is adapted from the example by Till Tantau <>
+% included as part of the beamer package in LaTeX
+% In principle, this file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+% the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2.
+% However, this file is supposed to be a template to be modified
+% for your own needs. For this reason, if you use this file as a
+% template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another
+% package/program, the author grants the extra permission to freely
+% copy and modify this file as you see fit and even to delete this
+% copyright notice.
+ [simpleslides]
+ [style=Boxed,
+ font=Bookman]
+\SlideTitle {Speaker's Name}
+ \item
+ Current affiliation of Speaker's Name
+ % Examples:
+ \startitemize
+ \item
+ Professor of mathematics, University of Wherever.
+ \item
+ Junior partner at company X.
+ \item
+ Speaker for organization/project X.
+ \stopitemize
+\SlideTitle {Speaker's Name}
+ \item Experience and achievements
+ % Optional. Use this if it is appropriate to slightly flatter the
+ % speaker, for example if the speaker has been invited.
+ % Using subitems, list things that make the speaker look
+ % interesting and competent.
+ % Examples:
+ \startitemize
+ \item
+ Academic degree, but only if appropriate
+ \item
+ Current and/or previous positions, possibly with dates
+ \item
+ Publications (possibly just number of publications)
+ \item
+ Awards, prizes
+ \stopitemize
+\SlideTitle {Speaker's Name}
+ \item Concerning today's talk
+ % Optional. Use this to point out specific experiences/knowledge
+ % of the speaker that are important for the talk and that do not
+ % follow from the above.
+ % Examples:
+ \startitemize
+ \item
+ Expert who has worked in the field/project for X month/years.
+ \item
+ Will present his/her/group's/company's research on the subject.
+ \item
+ Will summarize project report or current project status.
+ \stopitemize
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/style-template.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/style-template.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee84e37b794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/third/simple-slides/solutions/style-template.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% This file is a template to create your own style for use with the
+% simpleslides module. Modify the "dummy"-settings in it, save it under a
+% name simpleslides-s-YOURNAME.tex, and use it by choosing style=YOURNAME
+% in the \tex{usemodule} command.
+% Provide the name of your style here; replace "template" with your unique
+% name for your style.
+% Here, you set the layout for your style. You will probably have to fiddle
+% with the values until everything is exactly the way you want.
+\setuplayout [width=fit,
+ height=middle,
+ margin=0cm,
+ height=fit,
+ margindistance=0cm,
+ header=0cm,
+ footer=0cm,
+ topspace=1cm,
+ bottomspace=2cm,
+ backspace=1.5cm,
+ location=singlesided]
+% Some presentations need a different layout for "horizontal" and "vertical"
+% slides. If, e.g., you want a larger header for you horizontal slides (in
+% order to accomodate the titles of your slides), you would set this up like
+% so:
+\setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:horizontal][header=1.4cm]
+\setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:vertical] [header=0cm]
+\setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:title] [header=0cm]
+% The following command defines the position of the slidetitle layer; the
+% values x= and y= determine the distance from the top left edge.
+ [x=15mm]
+% Sometimes, your vertical arrangement is set up in a way that your picture
+% frames should not take up the full textheight and less than half of the
+% textwidth. You can set these values here; they will be used internally.
+\define\NormalHeight {\textheight}
+\define\NormalWidth {.5\textwidth}
+\define\PictureFrameHeight {\textheight}
+\define\PictureFrameWidth {.5\textwidth}
+% Now comes an important part: defining your color scheme. You will need at
+% least two colors: a backgroundcolor and a contrastcolor. The
+% simpleslides:itemize:color is used to typeset numbers and symbols of
+% itemizations; in many styles, the contrastcolor is used.
+\definecolor [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] [s=.95]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:contrastcolor] [s=.3]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:variantcolor] [s=.1]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:itemize:color] [simpleslides:contrastcolor]
+% Now comes the part which is of greatest importance to the visual appearance
+% of your presentation: defining the background of your slides. One
+% possibility is using \METAPOST\ to calculate it, using the colors you have
+% just defined. If you want to set up such a background, have a look at chapter
+% 6 of the Metafun manual, where many nifty tricks are explained. One thing
+% that is especially useful is the StartPage ... StopPage environment
+% (explained in chapter 6.4), which gives you access to many variables
+% pertaining to page dimensions. Since there are three different types of
+% slides (for the title page, for "horizontal" and for "vertical" slides), it
+% may make sense to define three different backgrounds, but that is entirely up
+% to you.
+StartPage ;
+fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ;
+draw Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ;
+StopPage ;
+% The actual setup of our backgrounds is done here: we define overlays for
+% different types of slides. You can now make use of the MPgraphics that you
+% just defined, but you could also put external images as the background to
+% your slides. By default, the following backgrounds are used:
+% title page: simpleslides:background:title
+% horizontal: simpleslides:background:horizontal and simpleslides:background:ornament
+% vertical: simpleslides:background:vertical and simpleslides:background:ornament
+ [simpleslides:background:ornament]
+ [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament}]
+ [simpleslides:background:title]
+ [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament}]
+% The setupTitle and setupSlideTitle define the look of your titles; lots of
+% setup commands are available to determine what they should look like.
+ [\c!headcolor={simpleslides:contrastcolor}]
+ [\c!color={simpleslides:contrastcolor},
+ \c!alternative=layer,
+ \c!align=\v!center,
+ \c!width=\textwidth,
+ \c!height=3cm,
+ \c!after=]
+% You're almost done! At long last, we define a symbol for the first level of
+% itemizations and make sure that itemizations use the right color.
+% And this should be enough!