path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/onandon/onandon-110.tex
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-% language=uk
-% After watching \quotation {What Makes This Song Great 30: Alanis Morisette} by
-% Rick Beato, it's tempting to poder \quotation {What makes \TEX\ great}.
-\startcomponent onandon-110
-\environment onandon-environment
-\startchapter[title={Getting there, version 1.10}]
-When we decided to turn experiments with a \LUA\ extensions to \PDFTEX\ into
-developing \LUATEX\ as alternative engine we had, in addition to opening up some
-of \TEX's internals, some extensions in mind. Around version 1.00 most was
-already achieved and with version 1.10 we're pretty close to where we want to be.
-The question is, when are we ready? In order to answer that I will look at four
-\startitem objectives \stopitem
-\startitem functionality \stopitem
-\startitem performance \stopitem
-\startitem stability \stopitem
-The main {\em objective} was to open up \TEX\ in a way that permit extensions
-without the need to patch the engine. Although it might suit us, we don't want to
-change too much the internals, first of all because \TEX\ is \TEX, the documented
-program with a large legacy. \footnote {This is reflected in the keywords that
-exposed mechanisms use: they reflect internal variable names and constants and as
-a consequence there is inconsistency there.} Discussions about how to extend
-\TEX\ are not easy and seldom lead to an agreement so better is to provide a way
-to do what you like without bothering other users and|/|or interfering with macro
-packages. I think that this objective is met quite well now. Other objectives,
-like embedding basic graphic capabilities using \METAPOST\ have already been met
-long ago. There is more control over the backend and modern fonts can be dealt
-The {\em functionality} in terms of primitives has been extended but within
-reasonable bounds: we only added things that make coding a bit more natural but
-we realize that this is very subjective. So, here again we can say that we met
-our goals. A lot can be achieved via \LUA\ code and users and developers need to
-get accustomed to that if they want to move on with \LUATEX. We will not
-introduce features that get added to or are part of other engines.
-We wanted to keeping {\em performance} acceptable. The core \TEX\ engine is
-already pretty fast and it's often the implementation of macros (in macro
-packages) that creates a performance hit. Going \UTF\ has a price as do modern
-fonts. At the time of this writing processing the 270 page \LUATEX\ manual takes
-about 12 seconds (one run), which boils down to over 27 pages per second.
-\NC \BC runtime \BC overhead \NC \NR
-\BC \LUATEX \NC $12.0$ \NC $+0.6$ \NC \NR
-\BC \LUAJITTEX \NC $ 9.7$ \NC $+0.5$ \NC \NR
-Is this fast or slow? One can do tests with specific improvements (using new
-primitives) but in practice it's very hard to improve performance significantly.
-This is because a test with millions of calls that show a .05 second improvement
-disappears when one only has a few thousand calls. Many small improvements can
-add up, but less that one thinks, especially when macros are already quite
-optimal. Also this runtime includes time normally used for running additional
-programs (e.g.\ for getting bibliographies right).
-It must be said that performance is not completely under our control. For
-instance, we have patched the \LUAJIT\ hash function because it favours \URL's
-and therefore favours hashing the middle of the string which is bad for our use
-as we are more interested in the (often unique) start of strings. We also
-compress the format which speeds up loading but not on the native windows 64~bit
-binary. At the time this writing the extra overhead is 2~seconds due to some
-suboptimal gzip handling; the cross compiled 64~bit mingw binaries that I use
-don't suffer from this. When I was testing the 32~bit binaries on the machine of
-a colleague, I was surprised to measure the following differences on a complex
-document with hundreds of \XML\ files, many images and a lot of manipulations.
-\NC \BC 1.08 with \LUA\ 5.2 \BC 1.09 with \LUA\ 5.3 \NC \NR
-\BC \LUATEX \NC $21.5$ \NC $15.2$ \NC \NR
-\BC \LUAJITTEX \NC $10.7$ \NC $10.3$ \NC \NR
-Now, these are just rough numbers but they demonstrate that the gap between
-\LUATEX\ and \LUAJITTEX\ is becoming less which is good because at this moment it
-looks like \LUAJIT\ will not catch up with \LUA\ 5.3 so at some point we might
-drop it. It will be interesting to see what \LUA\ 5.4 will bring as it offers an
-\ alternative garbage collector. And imagine that the regular \LUA\ virtual
-machine gets more optimized.
-You also have to take into account that having a browser open in the background
-of a \TEX\ run has way more impact than a few tenths of a second in \LUATEX\
-performance. The same is true for memory usage: why bother about \LUATEX\ taking
-tens of megabytes for fonts while a few tabs in a browser can bump memory
-consumption to gigabytes of memory usage. Also, using a large \TEX\ tree (say the
-whole of \TEXLIVE) can have a bit of a performance hit! Or what about inefficient
-callbacks, using inefficient \LUA\ code of badly designed solutions? What we
-could gain here we loose there, so I think we can safely say that the current
-implementation of \LUATEX\ is as good as you can (and will) get. Why should we
-introduce obscure optimizations where on workstations \TEX\ is just one of the
-many processes? Why should we bother too much to speed up on servers that have
-start|-|up or job management overhead or are connected to relatively slow remote
-file system? Why squeeze out a few more milliseconds when badly written macros or
-styles can have an way more impact on performance? So, for now we're satisfied
-with performance. Just for the record, the ratio between \CONTEXT\ \MKII\
-running other engines and \LUATEX\ with \MKIV\ for the next snippet of code:
-\dorecurse{250}{\input tufte\par}
-is 2.8 seconds for \XETEX, 1.5 seconds for \LUATEX, 1.2 seconds for \LUAJITTEX,
-and 0.9 seconds for \PDFTEX. Of course this is not really a practical test but it
-demonstrates the baseline performance on just text. The 64 bit version of \PDFTEX\
-is actually quite a bit slower on my machine. Anyway, \LUATEX\ (1.09) with \MKIV\
-is doing okey here.
-That brings us to {\em stability}. In order to achieve that we will not introduce
-many more extensions. That way users get accustomed to what is there (read: there
-is no need to search for what else is possible). Also, it makes that existing
-functionality can become bug free because no new features can interfere. So, at
-some point we have to decide that this is it. If we can do what we want now,
-there are no strong arguments for more. in that perspective version 1.10 can be
-considered very close to what we want to achieve.
-Of course development will continue. For instance, the \PDF\ inclusion code will
-be replaced by more lightweight and independent code. Names of functions and
-symbolic constants might be normalized (as mentioned, currently they are often
-related to or derived from internals). More documentation will be added. We will
-quite probably keep up with \LUA\ versions. Also the \FFI\ interface will become
-more stable. And for sure bugs will be fixed. We might add a few more options to
-control behaviour of for instance of math rendering. Some tricky internals (like
-alignments) might get better attribute support if possible. But currently we
-think that most fundamental issues have been dealt with.