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+% language=uk
+\startcomponent hybrid-ebooks
+\environment hybrid-environment
+\startchapter[title={E-books: Old wine in new bottles}]
+\startsection [title={Introduction}]
+When Dave Walden asked me if \TEX\ (or \CONTEXT) can generate ebooks we exchanged
+a bit of mail on the topic. Although I had promised myself never to fall into the
+trap of making examples for the sake of proving something I decided to pick up an
+experiment that I had been doing with a manual in progress and look into the
+\HTML\ side of that story. After all, occasionally on the \CONTEXT\ list similar
+questions are asked, like \quotation {Can \CONTEXT\ produce \HTML ?}. \footnote
+{This text appeared in the \EUROTEX\ 2011 proceedings and TUGBoat 101. Thanks to
+Karl Berry for correcting it.}
+\startsection [title={Nothing new}]
+When you look at what nowadays is presented as an ebook document, there is not
+much new going on. Of course there are very advanced and interactive documents,
+using techniques only possible with recent hardware and programs, but the average
+ebook is pretty basic. This is no surprise. When you take a novel, apart from
+maybe a cover or an occasional special formatting of section titles, the
+typesetting of the content is pretty straightforward. In fact, given that
+formatters like \TEX\ have been around that can do such jobs without much
+intervention, it takes quite some effort to get that job done badly. It was a bit
+shocking to notice that on one of the first e-ink devices that became available
+the viewing was quite good, but the help document was just some word processor
+output turned into bad|-|looking \PDF. The availability of proper hardware does
+not automatically trigger proper usage.
+I can come up with several reasons why a novel published as an ebook does not
+look much more interesting and in many cases looks worse. First of all it has to
+be produced cheaply, because there is also a printed version and because the
+vendor of some devices also want to make money on it (or even lock you into their
+technology or shop). Then, it has to be rendered on various devices so the least
+sophisticated one sets the standard. As soon as it gets rendered, the resolution
+is much worse than what can be achieved in print, although nowadays I've seen
+publishers go for quick and dirty printing, especially for reprints.
+Over a decade ago, we did some experiments with touch screen computers. They had
+a miserable battery life, a slow processor and not much memory, but the
+resolution was the same as on the now fashionable devices. They were quite
+suitable for reading but even in environments where that made sense (for instance
+to replace carrying around huge manuals), such devices never took off. Nowadays
+we have wireless access and \USB\ sticks and memory cards to move files around,
+which helps a lot. And getting a quality comparable to what can be done today was
+no big deal, at least from the formatting point of view.
+In the \CONTEXT\ distribution you will find several presentation styles that can
+serve as bases for an ebook style. Also some of the \CONTEXT\ manuals come with
+two versions: one for printing and one for viewing on the screen. A nice example
+is the \METAFUN\ manual (see \in {figure} [fig:metafun]) where each page has a
+different look.
+ [here]
+ [fig:metafun]
+ {A page from the \METAFUN\ manual.}
+ {\externalfigure[ebook-metafun-2.png][width=\textwidth]}
+It must be said that the (currently only black and white) devices that use
+electronic ink have a perceived resolution that is higher than their
+specifications, due to the semi|-|analog way the \quote {ink} behaves. In a
+similar fashion clever anti|-|aliasing can do wonders on \LCD\ screens. On the
+other hand they are somewhat slow and a display refresh is not that convenient.
+Their liquid crystal counterparts are much faster but they can be tiresome to
+look at for a long time and reading a book on it sitting in the sun is a no|-|go.
+Eventually we will get there and I'm really looking forward to seeing the first
+device that will use a high resolution electrowetting \CMYK\ display. \footnote
+{} But no matter what device
+is used, formatting something for it is not the most complex task at hand.
+Just as with phones and portable audio devices, the market for tablets and
+ebook|-|only devices is evolving rapidly. While writing this, at work I have one
+ebook device and one tablet. The ebook device is sort of obsolete because the
+e-ink screen has deteriorated even without using it and it's just too slow to be
+used for reference manuals. The tablet is nice, but not that suitable for all
+circumstances: in the sun it is unreadable and at night the backlight is rather
+harsh. But, as I mentioned in the previous section, I expect this to change.
+If we look at the investment, one needs good arguments to buy hardware that is
+seldom used and after a few years is obsolete. Imagine that a family of four has
+to buy an ebook device for each member. Add to that the cost of the books and you
+quickly can end up with a larger budget than for books. Now, imagine that you
+want to share a book with a friend: will you give him or her the device? It might
+be that you need a few more devices then. Of course there is also some data
+management needed: how many copies of a file are allowed to be made and do we
+need special programs for that? And if no copy can be made, do we end up swapping
+devices? It is hard to predict how the situation will be in a few years from now,
+but I'm sure that not everyone can afford this rapid upgrading and redundant
+device approach.
+A friend of mine bought ebook devices for his children but they are back to paper
+books now because the devices were not kid|-|proof enough: you can sit on a book
+but not on an ebook reader.
+The more general devices (pads) have similar problems. I was surprised to see
+that an iPad is a single user device. One can hide some options behind passwords
+but I'm not sure if parents want children to read their mail, change preferences,
+install any application they like, etc. This makes pads not that family friendly
+and suggests that such a personal device has to be bought for each member. In
+which case it suddenly becomes a real expensive adventure. So, unless the prices
+drop drastically, pads are not a valid large scale alternative for books yet.
+It might sound like I'm not that willing to progress, but that's not true. For
+instance, I'm already an enthusiastic user of a media player infrastructure.
+\footnote {The software and hardware was developed by SlimDevices and currently
+is available as Logitech Squeezeserver. Incidentally I can use the iPad as an
+advanced remote control.} The software is public, pretty usable, and has no
+vendor lock|-|in. Now, it would make sense to get rid of traditional audio media
+then, but this is not true. I still buy \CD{}s if only because I then can rip
+them to a proper lossless audio format (\FLAC). The few \FLAC s that I bought via
+the Internet were from self|-|publishing performers. After the download I still
+got the \CD{}s which was nice because the booklets are among the nicest that I've
+ever seen.
+Of course it makes no sense to scan books for ebook devices so for that we depend
+on a publishing network. I expect that at some point there will be proper tools
+for managing your own electronic books and in most cases a simple file server
+will do. And the most open device with a proper screen will become my favourite.
+Also, I would not be surprised if ten years from now, many authors will publish
+themselves in open formats and hopefully users will be honest enough to pay for
+it. I'm not too optimistic about the latter, if only because I observe that
+younger family members fetch everything possible from the Internet and don't
+bother about rights, so we definitely need to educate them. To some extent
+publishers of content deserve this behaviour because more than I like I find
+myself in situations where I've paid some 20 euro for a \CD\ only to see that
+half a year later you can get it for half the price (sometimes it also happens
+with books).
+Given that eventually the abovementioned problems and disadvantages will be dealt
+with, we can assume that ebooks are here and will stay forever. So let's move on
+to the next section and discuss their look and feel.
+The nice thing about a paper book is that it is content and interface at the same
+time. It is clear where it starts and ends and going from one page to another is
+well standardized. Putting a bookmark in it is easy as you can fall back on any
+scrap of paper lying around. While reading you know how far you came and how much
+there is to come. Just as a desktop on a desktop computer does not resemble the
+average desktop, an ebook is not a book. It is a device that can render content
+in either a given or more free|-|form way.
+However, an electronic book needs an interface and this is also where at the
+moment it gets less interesting. Of course the Internet is a great place to
+wander around and a natural place to look for electronic content. But there are
+some arguments for buying them at a bookshop, one being that you see a lot of
+(potentially) new books, often organized in topics in one glance. It's a
+different way of selecting. I'm not arguing that the Internet is a worse place,
+but there is definitely a difference: more aggressive advertisements, unwanted
+profiling that can narrow what is presented to a few choices.
+Would I enter a bookshop if on the display tables there were stacks of (current)
+ebook devices showing the latest greatest books? I can imagine that at some point
+we will have ebook devices that have screens that run from edge to edge and then
+we get back some of the appeal of book designs. It is that kind of future devices
+that we need to keep in mind when we design electronic documents, especially when
+after some decades we want them to be as interesting as old books can be. Of
+course this is only true for documents that carry the look and feel of a certain
+time and place and many documents are thrown away. Most books have a short
+lifespan due to the quality of the paper and binding so we should not become too
+sentimental about the transition to another medium.
+Once you're in the process of reading a book not much interfacing is needed.
+Simple gestures or touching indicated areas on the page are best. For more
+complex documents the navigation could be part of the design and no screen real
+estate has to be wasted by the device itself. Recently I visited a
+school|-|related exhibition and I was puzzled by the fact that on an electronic
+schoolboard so much space was wasted on colorful nonsense. Taking some 20\% off
+each side of such a device brings down the effective resolution to 600 pixels so
+we end up with 10 pixels or less per character (shown at about 1 cm width). At
+the same exhibition there were a lot of compensation programs for dyslexia
+advertised, and there might be a relationship.
+So how important is the formatting? Do we prefer reflow on demand or is a more
+frozen design that suits the content and expresses the wish of the author more
+appropriate? In the first case \HTML\ is a logical choice, and in the second one
+\PDF\ makes sense. You design a nice \HTML\ document but at some point the reflow
+gets in the way. And yes, you can reflow a \PDF\ file but it's mostly a joke.
+Alternatively one can provide both which is rather trivial when the source code
+is encoded in a systematic way so that multiple output is a valid option. Again,
+this is not new and mostly a matter of a publisher's policy. It won't cost more
+to store in neutral formats and it has already been done cheaply for a long time.
+Somewhat interfering in this matter is digital rights management. While it is
+rather customary to buy a book and let friends or family read the same book, it
+can get complicated when content is bound to one (or a few) devices. Not much
+sharing there, and in the worst case, no way to move your books to a better
+device. Each year in the Netherlands we have a book fair and bookshops give away
+a book specially written for the occasion. This year the book was also available
+as an ebook, but only via a special code that came with the book. I decided to
+give it a try and ended up installing a broken application, i.e.\ I could not get
+it to load the book from the Internet, and believe me, I have a decent machine
+and the professional \PDF\ viewer software that was a prerequisite.
+\startsection[title={Using \TEX}]
+So, back to Dave's question: if \CONTEXT\ can generate ebooks in the \EPUB\
+format. Equally interesting is the question if \TEX\ can format an \EPUB\ file
+into a (say) \PDF\ file. As with much office software, an \EPUB\ file is nothing
+more than a zip file with a special suffix in which several resources are
+combined. The layout of the archive is prescribed. However, by demanding that the
+content itself is in \HTML\ and by providing a stylesheet to control the
+renderer, we don't automatically get properly tagged and organized content. When
+I first looked into \EPUB, I naively assumed that there was some well|-|defined
+structure in the content; turns out this is not the case.
+Let's start by answering the second question. Yes, \CONTEXT\ can be used to
+convert an \EPUB\ file into a \PDF\ file. The natural followup question is if it
+can be done automatically, and then some more nuance is needed: it depends. If
+you download the \EPUB\ for \quotation {A tale of two cities} from Charles
+Dickens from the Gutenberg Project website and look into a chapter you will see
+<h1 id="pgepubid00000">A TALE OF TWO CITIES</h1>
+<h2 id="pgepubid00001">A STORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION</h2>
+<h2>By Charles Dickens</h2>
+<h2 id="pgepubid00002">Contents</h2>
+What follows is a table of contents formatted using \HTML\ tables
+and after that
+<h2 id="pgepubid00004">I. The Period</h2>
+So, a level two header is used for the subtitle of the book as well as a regular
+chapter. I must admit that I had to go on the Internet to find this snippet as I
+wanted to check its location. On my disk I had a similar file from a year ago
+when I first looked into \EPUB. There I have:
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <title>I | A Tale of Two Cities</title>
+ ....
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div class="body">
+ <div class="chapter">
+ <h3 class="chapter-title">I</h3>
+ <h4 class="chapter-subtitle">The Period</h4>
+I also wanted to make sure if the interesting combination of third and fourth
+level head usage was still there but it seems that there are several variants
+available. It is not my intention to criticize the coding, after all it is valid
+\HTML\ and can be rendered as intended. Nevertheless, the first snippet
+definitely looks worse, as it uses breaks instead of \CSS\ spacing directives and
+the second wins on obscurity due to the abuse of the head element.
+These examples answer the question about formatting an arbitrary \EPUB\ file:
+\quotation {no}. We can of course map the tagging to \CONTEXT\ and get pretty
+good results but we do need to look at the coding.
+As such books are rather predictable it makes sense to code them in a more
+generic way. That way generic stylesheets can be used to render the book directly
+in a viewer and generic \CONTEXT\ styles can be used to format it differently,
+e.g.\ as \PDF.
+Of course, if I were asked to set up a workflow for formatting ebooks, that would
+be relatively easy. For instance the Gutenberg books are available as raw text
+and that can be parsed to some intermediate format or (with \MKIV) interpreted
+Making a style for a specific instance, like the Dickens book, is not that
+complex either. After all, the amount of encoding is rather minimal and special
+bits and pieces like a title page need special design anyway. The zipped file can
+be processed directly by \CONTEXT, but this is mostly just a convenience.
+As \EPUB\ is just a wrapper, the next question is if \CONTEXT\ can produce some
+kind of \HTML\ and the answer to that question is positive. Of course this only
+makes sense when the input is a \TEX\ source, and we have argued before that when
+multiple output is needed the user might consider a different starting point.
+After all, \CONTEXT\ can deal with \XML\ directly.
+The main advantage of coding in \TEX\ is that the source remains readable and for
+some documents it's certainly more convenient, like manuals about \TEX. In the
+reference manual \quote {\CONTEXT\ \LUA\ Documents} (\CLD) there are the
+following commands:
+ [export=yes]
+ [title=Context Lua Documents,
+ subtitle=preliminary version,
+ author=Hans Hagen]
+At the cost of at most 10\% extra runtime an \XML\ export is generated in
+addition to the regular \PDF\ file. Given that you have a structured \TEX\ source
+the exported file will have a decent structure as well and you can therefore
+transform the file into something else, for instance \HTML. But, as we already
+have a good|-|looking \PDF\ file, the only reason to have \HTML\ as well is for
+reflowing. Of course wrapping up the \HTML\ into an \EPUB\ structure is not that
+hard. We can probably even get away from wrapping because we have a single
+self|-|contained file.
+ {A page from the \CLD\ manual in \PDF.}
+ {\externalfigure[ebook-pdf.png][width=\textwidth]}
+The \type {\setupbackend} command used in the \CLD\ manual has a few
+more options:
+ [export=cld-mkiv-export.xml,
+ xhtml=cld-mkiv-export.xhtml,
+ css={cld-mkiv-export.css,mathml.css}]
+We explicitly name the export file and in addition specify a stylesheet and an
+alternative \XHTML\ file. If you can live without hyperlinks the \XML\ file
+combined with the cascading style sheet will do a decent job of controlling the
+In the \CLD\ manual chapters are coded like this:
+\startchapter[title=A bit of Lua]
+\startsection[title=The language]
+The \XML\ output of this
+<division detail='bodypart'>
+ <section detail='chapter' location='aut:3'>
+ <sectionnumber>1</sectionnumber>
+ <sectiontitle>A bit of Lua</sectiontitle>
+ <sectioncontent>
+ <section detail='section'>
+ <sectionnumber>1.1</sectionnumber>
+ <sectiontitle>The language</sectiontitle>
+ <sectioncontent>
+The \HTML\ version has some extra elements:
+<xhtml:a name="aut_3">
+ <section location="aut:3" detail="chapter">
+The table of contents and cross references have \type {xhtml:a} elements too but
+with the \type {href} attribute. It's interesting to search the web for ways to
+avoid this, but so far no standardized solution for mapping \XML\ elements onto
+hyperlinks has been agreed upon. In fact, getting the \CSS\ mapping done was not
+that much work but arriving at the conclusion that (in 2011) these links could
+only be done in a robust way using \HTML\ tags took more time. \footnote {In this
+example we see the reference \type {aut:3} turned into \type {aut_1}. This is
+done because some browsers like to interpret this colon as a url.} Apart from
+this the \CSS\ has enough on board to map the export onto something presentable.
+For instance:
+sectioncontent {
+ display: block ;
+ margin-top: 1em ;
+ margin-bottom: 1em ;
+section[detail=chapter], section[detail=title] {
+ margin-top: 3em ;
+ margin-bottom: 2em ;
+section[detail=chapter]>sectionnumber {
+ display: inline-block ;
+ margin-right: 1em ;
+ font-size: 3em ;
+ font-weight: bold ;
+As always, dealing with verbatim is somewhat special. The following code does the
+verbatimblock {
+ background-color: #9999FF ;
+ display: block ;
+ padding: 1em ;
+ margin-bottom: 1em ;
+ margin-top: 1em ;
+ font-family: "Lucida Console", "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace ;
+verbatimline {
+ display: block ;
+ white-space: pre-wrap ;
+verbatim {
+ white-space: pre-wrap ;
+ color: #666600 ;
+ font-family: "Lucida Console", "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace ;
+The spacing before the first and after the last one differs from the spacing
+between lines, so we need some extra directives:
+verbatimlines+verbatimlines {
+ display: block ;
+ margin-top: 1em ;
+This will format code like the following with a bluish background and inline
+verbatim with its complement:
+<verbatimblock detail='typing'>
+ <verbatimlines>
+ <verbatimline>function sum(a,b)</verbatimline>
+ <verbatimline> print(a, b, a + b)</verbatimline>
+ <verbatimline>end</verbatimline>
+ </verbatimlines>
+The hyperlinks need some attention. We need to make sure that only the links and
+not the anchors get special formatting. After some experimenting I arrived at
+a[href] {
+ text-decoration: none ;
+ color: inherit ;
+a[href]:hover {
+ color: #770000 ;
+ text-decoration: underline ;
+Tables are relatively easy to control. We have tabulate (nicer for text) and
+natural tables (similar to the \HTML\ model). Both get mapped into \HTML\ tables
+with \CSS\ directives. There is some detail available so we see things like this:
+tablecell[align=flushleft] {
+ display: table-cell ;
+ text-align: left ;
+ padding: .1em ;
+It is not hard to support more variants or detail in the export but that will
+probably only happen when I find a good reason (a project), have some personal
+need, or when a user asks for it. For instance images will need some special
+attention (conversion, etc.). Also, because we use \METAPOST\ all over the place
+that needs special care as well, but a regular (novel|-|like) ebook will not have
+such resources.
+ {A page from \CLD\ manual in \HTML.}
+ {\externalfigure[ebook-xhtml.png][width=\textwidth]}
+As an extra, a template file is generated that mentions all
+elements used, like this:
+section[detail=summary] {
+ display: block ;
+with the inline and display properties already filled in. That way I could see
+that I still had to add a couple of directives to the final \CSS\ file. It also
+became clear that in the \CLD\ manual some math is used that gets tagged as
+\MATHML, so that needs to be covered as well. \footnote {Some more advanced
+\MATHML\ output will be available when the matrix|-|related core commands have
+been upgraded to \MKIV\ and extended to suit today's needs.} Here we need to make
+some decisions as we export \UNICODE\ and need to consider support for less
+sophisticated fonts. On the other hand, the \WTHREEC\ consortium has published
+\CSS\ for this purpose so we can use these as a starting point. It might be that
+eventually more tuning will be delegated to the \XHTML\ variant. This is not much
+extra work as we have the (then intermediate) \XML\ tree available. Thinking of
+it, we could eventually end up with some kind of \CSS\ support in \CONTEXT\
+It will take some experimenting and feedback from users to get the export right,
+especially to provide a convenient way to produce so|-|called \EPUB\ files
+directly. There is already some support for this container format. If you have
+enabled \XHTML\ export, you can produce an \EPUB\ archive afterwards with:
+mtxrun --script epub yourfile
+For testing the results, open source programs like \type {calibre} are quite
+useful. It will probably take a while to figure out to what extent we need to
+support formats like \EPUB, if only because such formats are adapted on a regular
+\startsection[title=The future]
+It is hard to predict the future. I can imagine that given the user interface
+that has evolved over ages paper books will not disappear soon. Probably there
+will be a distinction between read|-|once and throw|-|away books and those that
+you carry with you your whole life as visible proof of that life. I can also
+imagine that (if only for environmental reasons) ebooks (hopefully with stable
+devices) will dominate. In that case traditional bookshops will disappear and
+with them the need for publishers that supply them. Self|-|publishing will then
+be most interesting for authors and maybe some of them (or their helpful friends)
+will be charmed by \TEX\ and tinkering with the layout using the macro language.
+I can also imagine that at some point new media (and I don't consider an ebook a
+new medium) will dominate. And how about science fiction becoming true:
+downloading stories and information directly into our brains.
+It reminds me of something I need to do some day soon: get rid of old journals
+that I planned to read but never will. I would love to keep them electronically
+but it is quite unlikely that they are available and if so, it's unlikely that I
+want to pay for them again. This is typically an area where I'd consider using an
+ebook device, even if it's suboptimal. On the other hand, I don't consider
+dropping my newspaper subscription yet as I don't see a replacement for the
+regular coffeestop at the table where it sits and where we discuss the latest
+The nice thing about an analogue camera is that the image carrier has been
+standardized and you can buy batteries everywhere. Compare this with their
+digital cousins: all have different batteries, there are all kinds of memory
+cards, and only recently has some standardization in lenses shown up. There is a
+wide range of resolutions and aspect ratios. Other examples of standardization
+are nuts and bolts used in cars, although it took some time for the metric system
+to catch on. Books have different dimensions but it's not hard to deal with that
+property. Where desktop hardware is rather uniform everything portable is
+different. For some brands you need a special toolkit with every new device.
+Batteries cannot be exchanged and there are quite some data carriers. On the
+other hand, we're dealing with software and if we want we can support data
+formats forever. The \MICROSOFT\ operating systems have demonstrated that
+programs written years ago can still run on updates. In addition \LINUX\
+demonstrates that users can take and keep control and create an independence from
+vendors. So, given that we can still read document sources and given that they
+are well structured, we can create history|-|proof solutions. I don't expect that
+the traditional publishers will play a big role in this if only because of their
+short term agendas and because changing ownerships works against long term views.
+And programs like \TEX\ have already demonstrated having a long life span,
+although it must be said that in today's rapid upgrade cycles it takes some
+courage to stay with it and its descendants. But downward compatibility is high
+on the agenda of its users and user groups which is good in the perspective of
+discussing stable ebooks.
+Let's finish with an observation. Books often make a nice (birthday) present and
+finding one that suits is part of the gift. Currently a visible book has some
+advantages: when unwrapped it can be looked at and passed around. It also can be
+a topic of discussion and it has a visible personal touch. I'm not so sure if
+vouchers for an ebook have the same properties. It probably feels a bit like
+giving synthetic flowers. I don't know what percentage of books is given as
+presents but this aspect cannot be neglected. Anyway, I wonder when I will buy my
+first ebook and for who. Before that happens I'll probably have generated lots of